Palladium Books - Remembering Kathy Simmons - April 04, 2024

A Hero’s Journey ~ 1952-2024


There is so much I could say about Kathy Simmons, yet I struggled with her passing and those words until this morning. Here goes ...


J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit shows us that life is a journey. One that takes us out of our comfort zone and carries us on the winds of adventure and to heights we may have never imagined possible for ourselves.


During life’s journey we meet the most unusual and amazing people. Many of whom become friends and partners, mentors and lovers. People who teach us things about the world and about ourselves. People who share our values and help to instill us with courage, strength, and love we may not have realized we possess. I have been privileged to know many such astonishing souls who have taken me on unexpected journeys.


Kathy Simmons, however, is among the greatest heroes in my life’s journeys. She radiated love and joy and sincerity. She brought love and laughter wherever she went and everyone who met her was better for the experience. If you are reading this, odds are good that you’re one of those people.


You might not have known it from her smiling face, kind eyes, soft voice, and welcoming manner, but Kathy was a warrior born – tough as nails, smart, capable, and heroic. She faced and vanquished many a fierce adversary with uncommon valor and superhuman strength. And did so without a word of complaint.


The first time I walked into her backyard I thought I had been teleported to paradise. A domain of towering trees gently swaying in a warm summer breeze against a brilliant blue sky. A cascade of colorful flowers and ferns hung from elevated flower beds, trees, and flower baskets. Among them playful, painted signs and electric palm trees that helped make the patio area all the more inviting and exotic.


All who entered were greeted by the sounds of laughter from friends already present and a symphony of animal sounds. There was an abundance of food and drinks, and an empty chair waiting for me at the patio table with her friends.


Butterflies danced among the flowers and dodged incoming hummingbirds. A steady stream of multi-colored avians came and joined the festivities because there was food for them as well. Yellow finches, brilliant red cardinals, swooping blue jays, downy and red-headed woodpeckers, bands of sparrows and wrens, cheerful chickadees, bold nuthatches, joined by a pair of brave little chipmunks and a procession of friendly squirrels that came right up to your feet, came and went while robins and other songbirds serenaded us. I kid you not, it was like a scene from a Disney movie – Sleeping Beauty to be exact – and Kathy was the kind and lovely princess.


All of it a reflection of Kathy’s magnificent soul.


This was the beginning of my unexpected and wondrous journey with Kathy Simmons. We would share many glorious adventures together and triumph over many challenges. She told me I was her rock. Her knight in shining armor. But to paraphrase a line from one of her favorite movies, “she rescued me right back.”


That lovely journey came to an abrupt end on March 24, 2024, when her big, generous heart stopped and mine broke in half. In a way, it was a blessing. Her body and mind had begun to fail her and Kathy’s heart attack enabled her to slip the tightening grasp of Alzheimer’s disease while she was still her joyful self.


Our Sweet Kathy is missed by everyone who knew her, but please remember her with fondness and a smile.


Kathy loved Palladium Books and YOU, our fans, which is why I want to share this one last story with you.


During Palladium’s first Open House (2006) we were dealing with the Crisis of Treachery and our fate was uncertain. One of you – I’m so sorry, I forget who – bought a copy of my Save Palladium Books art print, matted and framed it, and covertly had fans in attendance sign it over the course of the weekend. A couple hundred signatures, maybe more(!) fill every inch of the print and the matte around it. It was presented to me on the last day of the event by a throng of cheering gamers. Friends all. We were all deeply moved by this generous gift – Kathy, so much so, that she implored me to let her hang it in a place of honor in her office at our home in paradise. It hangs there still.


Though her life’s journey with us has ended and she is deeply missed, our beautiful Kathy remains alive and vibrant in our hearts. She will be loved and remembered always by me, her daughter Tina, and countless others. My condolences to everyone who loved her. My thanks and love to the legion of friends, family, and fans who have already reached out to me. Your kind words and concern for me and Tina touch my heart and bring us a moment of joy knowing so many loved her as much as we did. Thank you, my friends. Goodbye, My Love.


– Kevin Siembieda, Kathy’s life partner, best friend, love

How You Can Help



Hello readers,


Many of you have expressed a sincere desire to send cards, food, and flowers or do something for Kevin and the family to help them get through this time of sorrow. Kevin appreciates your kind intentions but says none of that is necessary.


However, many of you have reached out to me personally, so I know you still want to do something — I suggest the following:




Cards, letters, and non-perishable items (please no flowers or plants) may be sent in care of Palladium Books to 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185-7606.


Gift cards are great for Kevin right now, for those of you who wish to feed him. His neighbors currently have him in good supply of home cooked meals, but gift cards for Kroger (grocery store), Applebee’s (restaurant), or Red Lobster (restaurant) will be of good use to Kevin before long.




In lieu of flowers, please honor Kathy by making a donation in her name to either of the following charities.


1. Feral Kitty Trappers TNR was a huge help and comfort to Kathy as she loved all animals and cared for a colony of feral cats at her home with Kevin for 15+ years, with many of the people working there becoming her friends. Kevin vouches that these people are saints, kind and helpful to people and cats.


Feral Kitty Trappers TNR – based in South Lyon, Michigan, helps feral cat caretakers with Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Kittens are trapped and taken to an accredited TNR facility where cats receive a wellness check, spay/neuter, a rabies vaccine, and ear tipped. Then returned back to their trapping location. This is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization run by volunteers and funded by donations. All funds are used for cats.


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 248-756-1508




2. Alzheimer’s Disease Research – nuff said. Fund matching program till April 22, 2024.






Many of you have asked about a public memorial service for Kathy. Kevin plans to do one in the near future, but right now the grief is too fresh for the family. We will keep you posted by email once arrangements are made in the next month or two.




I want to sincerely thank all of you for your support at this time. We’ve been inundated with your condolences, prayers, thoughts, and personal remembrances of Kathy. This has buoyed our spirits.


Kevin is doing well, all things considered, but processing shock and grief is tough. There are also many arrangements to be made regarding Kathy’s affairs, which is time consuming. This isn’t my first rodeo, and I can tell you Kevin Siembieda is going to be just fine. So please don’t worry. With Kathy’s Alzheimer’s, we knew this day would come sooner than later and were already putting plans into place. Those plans are now in action. Palladium Books will be just fine, even if we are all a little sad right now.


Every ending brings a new beginning, and the cycle of life continues in its wonder.


– Sean Owen Roberson, Kevin’s friend

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