Palladium Books® Weekly Update – October 17, 2024

Weekly Update


Videos, Chats, Surprise Packages – Palladium Books® Weekly Update – October 17, 2024

A lot of fun and entertainment is happening for Halloween and the upcoming holidays, and it starts now.

Palladium Books’ fan favorite, annual Christmas Surprise Package extravaganza launched last weekend and orders are pouring in. It’s the best deal in gaming. A great way to get Palladium’s games, sourcebooks, miniatures, poker decks, and other products at a steep discount and get autographs too (if you want them). The Surprise Packages are our way of saying thank you and showing our love and appreciation to all our fans. The offer runs through Christmas Eve, so you have plenty of time. But order soon, especially if you’ve never gotten one before, because you may want to order several over the next few months. See more details below or click on the link to the store. Halloween Horror Sale offers all kinds of horror RPGs and sourcebooks as PDF books from Palladium and many other companies. Palladium’s Halloween Sale may be over (Is it really? Use the Surprise Package to get all the spooky books you want!) but the DriveThruRPG Halloween Sale has only just begun. And it’s not just haunting Palladium PDF titles on sale, but those of Chaosium, Pinnacle, and dozens of other RPG companies. Thousands of titles to get your scare on. Check it out.

Halloween Horror chat Friday night, October 18. I (Kevin Siembieda) will be part of a live, Legion of Myth chat providing pointers for How to Run a Halloween Horror One-Shot adventure Friday night, October 18, at 7:00 PM Eastern. Join the fun.

The official history of Palladium Books – The first of many video chats recounting the history of Palladium Books with me, the founder, Kevin Siembieda, and JM DeFoggi has been well received. A new one will be uploaded next week. We plan to post one every other week and already have 18 or 20 such chats done. Most are 30-60 minutes long and cover everything from The Mechanoid Invasion® and Valley of the Pharaohs to Rifts® and beyond. And it all takes place on Palladium’s very own YouTube channel. Spread the word. I hope you enjoy it.

Palladium Books® YouTube Channel – We are happy to see so many of you excited about the Palladium Books® YouTube Channel. The Official History of Palladium Books chats are just the beginning. Watch for more fun in the months ahead and please offer suggestions about things you’d like to see.

Sean Owen Roberson and Kevin Siembieda’s recent chat about RPG wilderness travel and adventures with Legion of Myth was fun and covered a lot of ground. (Pun intended. Sorry.) We understand it will be broken out into two video segments and at least one, if not both, are now available for your viewing enjoyment. Sean and I hope to do a role-playing chat with LOM once a month so watch for ‘em. The next one should be about Magic, Psionics, and Supernatural Powers.

The Glitterbois further history of Palladium Books with me also continues to much fanfare. We recently taped the history of Rifts® which I thought was pretty epic. And there is more to come! It amazes me how different interviewers bring out different memories and information. So yes, the podcasts reveal different details than Palladium’s video chats. Of course, there’s some overlap, but there’s also a wealth of information and entertainment in each.

- Please support the BRIC crowdfunder to save lives. This is a very special charity for me and Sean. Even a $5 or $10 contribution is appreciated and helps to protect and save the lives of children and families. See complete details below or click here.

- What’s hot at Palladium this week – With this being Surprise Package season we’re seeing everything selling, with an emphasis on Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, After the Bomb®, Palladium Fantasy®, Ninjas & Superspies, and Dead Reign®. With the beloved Christmas Surprise Package now available and EVERY Palladium product being part of it, the holiday madness begins. Spread the word and don’t miss out on this spectacular opportunity. This 26 year fan fave tradition only comes around once a year.

- See the Starbreaker Kickstarter for an expansive and fun space opera setting for Savage World rules (and adaptable to Phase World and the Three Galaxies or Aliens Unlimited).

Xmas Grab Bags are back!

Christmas Surprise Package – Now Shipping

Huge savings, surprises, and autographs (if you request them) that thrill the purchaser. This is the 26th year we are offering this fan favorite Christmas season bargain because we love doing it as much as you love getting them.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It is a way for you to get physical books (and autographs if you want them) at PDF prices! $100+ worth of Palladium products for only $60 (plus shipping)! That can nab you four or more items when these days one core rule book can cost you that alone.

These Christmas Surprise Packages are our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books, because we pick from your Wish List and may surprise you with stuff you are not expecting. Extra items may include other RPGs, sourcebooks, issues of the Rifter®, novels, miniatures, prints, art books, greeting cards, T-shirts, negatives, and other items. Some books may be slightly damaged (scuffs, scratches, dings, a bent or crunched corner, etc.) so we can send you more.

No other RPG company on the planet has an offer like this. Truly the best deal in gaming to get unique and special holiday gifts for the gamers in your life, or for yourself.

Christmas Surprise Packages are not just for Christmas. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Winter Solstice, or you are looking for that special gift for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or any special occasion that falls between now and the end of the year, a Surprise Package may be the ideal way to go. You get a ton of stuff on the cheap, you can get a bunch of autographs (if you want ‘em), and you look like you spent a fortune.

This is also a great way to try that game setting you’ve wondered about – Splicers®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy®, Nightbane®, Beyond the Supernatural, Rifts®, RECON, After the Bomb®, etc. – or to get something for your favorite Game Master. Or perhaps, to get your player group to consider a new game or setting.

Your “Wish List” is vital – the Palladium Surprise Packages are designed to simulate the joy and surprise of the Christmas Season of Giving. To do this, you submit a list of 12-15 Palladium products (or more) FOR EACH Surprise Package you order. This list of 12-15 items for EACH Grab Bag is critical, because you will not know which items we will select to send you. That makes it just like a Christmas gift because it’s a surprise. Plus, Surrogate Santa Kevin, who personally hand-picks every item for every Grab Bag, may toss in something extra like a limited edition print, or a negative or similar collector’s item, or an issue of The Rifter®, or something else he thinks you’ll enjoy.

Autographed books. For those of you who want them (which are most people), available members of the Palladium staff, and any freelancers we can lasso at the time, are happy to autograph each and every book in your Surprise Package. This is the only way many fans across the country and overseas can ever get signed books.

Send us your brief comments. There is a special form and format to fill out for Christmas Surprise Packages, including a place where you can offer your brief comments, suggestions, greetings and salutations.

First-timers are always nervous until they see the great value in their first Surprise Package. A typical Grab Bag has $100+ worth of product. Yes, often more, for only $60 plus shipping. Many people order 2-3. Some order 4-6, and some maniacs order even more! It makes sense, because it is a great way to fill holes in your own collection, treat yourself, get autographs, try new games and settings, rebuild your collection, replace worn out books, and get your gaming pals gifts. Only from – happy holidays. PLEASE spread the word about this great offer. Note: Search online for Palladium Surprise Package box opening videos to get an idea of what you can expect to receive. I know the Legion of Myth, among others, has such videos.

To those of you outside the USA, the X-Mas Surprise Package is a way to get books and circumvent the damn high cost of shipping from the United States, since you are getting $110 (often more) worth of product and only paying $60 plus shipping. Shipping via Priority Mail International (required for packages weighing more than four pounds) to most locations in Europe, Canada and many other countries is around $70-80 US dollars. HOWEVER, because the cost of the product is so low, that’s the equivalent of paying retail for the products and only $20-$40 for shipping. A very good deal. Plus you get autographs if you want them! X-Mas Surprise Packages are the way to go for those of you outside the USA. Please take advantage of it to get all those products you’ve wished you could get except the shipping was too prohibitive. We feel your pain. Game on!

Please spread the word. The Christmas Surprise Package is only publicized by word of mouth, on Palladium's website, and social media, so please tell everyone you know. Buy one for every gamer you know. They make astonishing gifts for every occasion. Only from – happy holidays.

GiveSendGo Fundraising for BRIC needs our help

Some of you have supported this good cause before. It is a charity close to the heart of me and Sean, and every dollar goes direct to the people who need it, which makes a HUGE difference in saving lives in the Congo. Even a small donation is greatly appreciated, so please give if you can. Thank you so very much for your past financial support of RIGHT’s efforts to feed and protect the people rescued and sustained by the lifesaving BRIC project.

Through your donations, BRIC has been able to install an armored security gate, build enclosure walls, construct a building for offices and classrooms, and an enlarge a stage where students perform the creative, self-help exercises learned through BRIC seminars, as well as music and dance performances that inform and uplift the community. Most recently, they have built a small structure with a toilet and shower, as well as installed basic electricity to the compound. All of this is in addition to rescuing and rehabilitating those once forced into service as child soldiers and worse by rogue warlords and bandits.

These life sustaining improvements could not happen without your prayers and financial assistance since 2022, but our crusade to save and improve the lives of the people in the region is far from complete.

Feuding rebel warlords dangerously close to the homes of the people of Goma continue to control many roads, disrupt and block food supply lines, and harass the people. This has forced many citizens of Goma to turn to BRIC for help. Without that help, they must resort to foraging for food in the rebel-filled forest where they risk their lives or capture. Children left alone while parents forage for food are at great risk of being kidnapped and trafficked. BRIC allows fathers and mothers to drop their children at the enclosure. At this safe haven the children are fed with limited supplies of food, given school lessons, and provided other help as needed.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. People are displaced, starving, and homeless. Making safe havens like BRIC necessary for survival. Please join me (Kevin Siembieda) and Sean Owen Roberson by helping in any way you can. Your donations, small or large, will save lives. Thank you.

A Kickstarter we recommend –

Starbreaker Role-Playing – Space Opera Setting & Adventure Book for use with Savage Worlds

Palladium’s Sean Owen Roberson has worked with both of the main creators and both of us are fired up about this rapidly growing, new tabletop game company. We like their imagination, concepts, artwork, and products.

Are you looking for epic space opera and galactic intrigue? Then you will want to look at the Starbreaker: SAINTs and Synners Kickstarter from Star Anvil Studios. Designed for use with the Savage Worlds rules, with approval of Pinnacle the publisher of Savage Words under their official Ace Licensing program.

Adventure starts at the edge of known space in a galaxy rife with danger, corruption, and crime lords. You don’t know who you can trust and there is always someone looking for hired guns like you and your crew. The question is, are you working for the good guys (SAINTs) or one of the many criminal syndicates (Synnners).

As SAINTs, you may find yourself on a mission of mercy or working undercover to take down one of the space-spanning Syndicates. You may fight for justice and free trade, or you might be a cosmic Robinhood who steals from criminal Syndicates and gives to the poor – after lining your own pockets to fund such noble operations. Whatever the case, you are up against powerful, self-serving scum who prey upon those who can’t fight back.

What’s that? You’re tired of playing the good guys? That’s just fine, because you can choose to play as a Synner out to make a big score or even to build your own criminal empire from the ground up.

Which will you be? Savior and SAINT or Synner and destroyer?

To be either, you need to back this dynamic, science fiction setting and adventure sourcebook. Complete with monsters, aliens, vehicles, gear, new edges and rules for Savage Worlds, great art and more! Please spread the word to other Savage Worlds gamers and sf fans who love settings with backstabbing space empires and noble underdogs.

Click here to see more and to back it today!


Yin-Sloth Jungles cover


Yin-Sloth Jungles, 2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded!

The Yin-Sloth Jungles™ is a savage and unexplored wilderness filled with exotic people, strange creatures, ancient ruins, dark gods, and ancient secrets waiting to be unearthed.

- 15 O.C.C.s, all updated and expanded, making them seem brand new: Beastmaster, Holy Crusader, Jungle Fighter, Man-Catcher, the unique Tezcat and Pygmy Shamans, Spy, Undead Hunter, and Witch Hunter, among others.

- 18 Jungle People and monsters updated and expanded to feel like new, plus a few additions.

- New and expanded Shaman Chant magic.

- New and unique Pygmy Shaman Chant magic.

- New and expanded history of the Yin-Sloth Jungles.

- Expanded and clarified weapons, jungle armor, poisons, & more.

- The Orcish Empire and a few notable cities.

- Filled with great artwork by Peterson (ROG) and Mike Mumah.

- Written by Kevin Siembieda, John Klinkel, and Patrick Nowak.

- 160 pages – $24.99 retail – Cat. No. 459 – available now.

- COMING SOON! Yin-Sloth Expeditions setting and adventure book.

Now on DriveThruRPG!

NEW! Yin-Sloth Jungles, 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded PDF on

Yin-Sloth Jungles, 2nd Edition is now available as a PDF book on – and so is the original 1st Edition book. Get one or both to compare or have in your PDF reference library.

300+ RPG products on DriveThru – a dozen unique world settings – one game system – endless possibilities. No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

In addition to PDF titles for entire game lines like Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, After the Bomb®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Dead Reign® (zombies), Nightbane® (Urban Fantasy), Rifts Chaos Earth®, Systems Failure™, Splicers®, RECON®, The Rifter® #1-85, and others, there are Game Master and player aids, character generators, paper minis, map packs, and FREE Previews of books like Creature Feature™, Dead Reign, Coalition Manhunters, Titan Robotics™, Rifts Bestiary Volume One, World Books, Dimension Books, and more to give you a glimpse of what’s in the book. Enjoy endless adventures across the Megaverse®.

Palladium Collectibles – at Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store

I am adding new collectibles of all kinds to my Ebay store in time for the holiday season. Some are Palladium negatives, rare and out of print books, original Palladium artwork, prints, posters, as well as other collectible toys, action figures, Nightmare Before Christmas items, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, books, and other good stuff – including Erick Wujcik’s rare and sought after Amberzine #12-15. Check in every week or so to see what’s new. All items come from Kevin Siembieda’s personal collection.

One-of-a-kind Palladium Books negatives (special and rare collectibles). Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and conventions, and are catching on as rare collectibles, unique in and of themselves. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed.

  • Each negative is truly unique, attractive, and fun to have.

  • Own a piece of Palladium Books and RPG history you will treasure.

  • Each was used to print the very book you may have in your collection (1981-2004).

  • Each is signed in silver ink by Kevin Siembieda and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

  • Each negative is a one-of-a-kind work of art (on rare occasions, two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made).

  • Looks great matted or framed! Fits an 8x10 inch matt opening. Each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches.

  • Prices vary depending on the title, the art, and quality of the negative. Note: Many have scratches, or blemishes, and/or an opaque medium on the negative. Still, they look great and are a piece of RPG history. We recommend you carefully examine the photographs of each item to avoid disappointment. The negatives of many books are sold out or were never available.


Odds and Ends

Many projects are moving forward or in their final stage of production. Of course, our new policy of not announcing a product until it is ready to go to print, prohibits me from disclosing any more details at this time, but you’ll be very happy in the months ahead.

One of those projects, of course, is Yin-Sloth Expeditions. Another is TMNT & Other Strangeness RPG Redux as we get ever closer to sending everything into manufacturing. But there is so much more. We’ve also been exploring a number of new avenues that should please and surprise people. All good stuff.

We are thrilled so many of you are enjoying and excited about Palladium Books’ YouTube channel and the series of talks with me and JM Defoggi about the History of Palladium Books. Our initial focus is on specific game lines and events in loose chronological order, but we expect we will eventually branch out into talking with other creators and other topics like Tales of the Defilers, game design, writing, running games, and so on. We are supplementing these subjects with chats on other websites such as the Glitterbois and Legion of Myth, both of which have recent chats with me or me and Sean.

You can join me, Max, and a special panel of guests live on Legion of Myth this Friday night to discuss How to Run a Halloween Horror One-Shot, October 18. It starts at 7:00 PM Eastern. I expect it will be fun and informative.

Palladium’s Christmas Surprise Packages are off to a good start. The first Surprise Package offer 26 years ago was supposed to be a one-time promotion, but people loved it so much they pleaded for us to do it again the following year. So we did. When we realized It brought you so much joy, we did it again, and again, until it became a beloved tradition. Truth is we love doing them as much as you enjoy getting them.

Christmas is my favorite holiday, with Halloween a close second. We love to make gamers around the world happy with the Surprise Packages. Each one is truly our gift to you, prepared with love and care. Our way of saying thank you for your support, you are appreciated and special to us. Doing them brings us joy and makes the warmth and good cheer of the holiday season very real and magical.

Enjoy and spread the word about Surprise Packages to gamers of all ages everywhere. Get them as gifts for others, as a treat for yourself, or as a way for you and your players to try a new setting and escape into worlds of wonder and heroic adventure, even if it’s only for a little while.

Happy holidays from all of us at Palladium Books. And in my mind, the holiday season starts with the spooky wonderment of Halloween through Christmas and into the New Year.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Game Designer, and Friend

Palladium Books is located at 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. For questions, please use our Help Desk (, or call us, Monday thru Friday, 9AM to 6PM, at 734-721-2900.

© Copyright 2024 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.| Site -Developed by Rex Barkdoll

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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