Zombie Games

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Zombie Games

Unread post by Yendor »

Ok, insert favorite movie here (I won't name names so as to avoid trouble and copyright laws, suffice to say, two of them were filmed in Pennsylvania).

Got a few players who want me to run a Zombie game (you know the kind, zombie outbreak, they're survivors, etc.)

One of the players found himself in an abandoned house, smashed his first zombie (well, smacked it about the head with a tire iron, then pulped the head when it fell). How do you handle what a house contains? I've got some ideas, but can't mention them (he frequents the boards) :)
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Unread post by Yendor »

(nod nod) Yeah, so far, I'm winging what the players find. All within reason though. Unless they loot some gun nuts stash (no offense to the gun enthusasists out there), they'll be lucky to find a firearm (yeah, U.S. city/area, but still, not *everyone* I know owns a gun).

Of course, now I have to research where the military depots are in Pennsylvania (chuckles)
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Unread post by Yendor »

(laughs) Imps...I could just imagine. As for gun stores, yeah, we have more than our fair share, but you can't chuck a stone and hit one (if you do, the reply is quite deadly and accurate :> ). On a whole, we have more than our fair share of hunters, marksmen, etc., but, depending on where you go, you'll also find many a person without one (and it raises interesting questions to ask your neighbors "How many firearms do you have and what kind?")
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Unread post by Sentinel »

I wouldn't say it's out of line to have 1D4 guns in any random house, just to give players an even break.
Of those at least two will be rifles or shotguns, and revolvers are still more common than auto-pistols.
Certainly none of them will be Uzis or Tommy Guns, or military quality firearms.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by Yendor »

(nod nod) That sound reasonable Sentinel, thanks. I'll run with that. Probably a 50/50 shot per house. Of course, if he was in England, that'd drop to 10% (but that's a topic for another day)
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Unread post by Sentinel »

Virginia is a fairly gun-liberal state, which of course means you don't have to work too hard to find some.
I know more people who don't own guns than those that do (I support gun ownership, but I don't actually own one myself), but then, I also know enough people to outfit several people out of their personal arsenals.
Interarms used to have a showroom here in Alexandria (although I don't know if they are still in town or not), and gun stores are fairly easy to find.
I'd average my local area at two guns per house/apartment, with about 50-100 rounds of ammo per gun.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by Sentinel »

I know three people who purchased anniversary verions of the Browning Machine Gun in .22 . It looks just like the classic Browning MG, only smaller. It could be legally made fully automatic (it was tripod mounted), although the laws on that may have changed since 1985.
So, with great effort, you might find one of those. :lol:
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by Yendor »

Well, right now the players are in a broad range of Stage One to Stage Three outbreaks, which are as follows (borrowed from the site, not my creation):

Stage 1: Initial outbreak - “Characterized by a few isolated incidents, typically the hospitals are the first alerted to the danger but if not assessed quickly medical personel aid the spread of the infection.”

Stage 2: Explosive spread - “Once sufficient numbers of citizens have been infected (especially those in recognizable uniforms of authority figures) the spread becomes exponential.”

Stage 3: Civil Disorder / Rioting - “Despite efforts by the established authority panic on the part of the citizenry is a standard consequence. At this stage escape from an urban center is near to impossible. The chaos accelerates the infection rates.”

The players are in Stage 2 and Stage 3 outbreak. Meaning they can probably turn the tide in the area, if they find an arsenal and plunk away, but at the very least, finding supplies/survival is going well so far.
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Unread post by Rali »

kathyacker wrote:okay this might be a dumb question, but ive been out of the loop for a very long time.
are there zombie stats in bts 2?

im wanting to get a copy but ive been very busy as of late...thanks...

The only stats I've seen for zombies in BtS was in the first edition under a spell called create zombie or something similar.

No zombie stats were made available in the main BtS 2ed book, so you'll probably have to wait for either the magic book or the monster book (when ever they eventually come out...)

I drew up stats for the "walking dead" I used in a zombie game I was running. You can find them posted in my BtSAdventures Blog [click here...]
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