beyond arcanum and tome grotesque

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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beyond arcanum and tome grotesque

Unread post by tmk2323 »

Are these two books still getting printed and released?
I still want to buy them but with Palladium's trouble.....
When checking online they are still on bock order, if I were to order them how long would it take to get them (if I still can)?
And if not would I get my money back????
Please someone let me know.
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Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2000 2:01 am

Unread post by Marcantony »

I dont think your card gets charged until the item actually ships, so you wouldnt lose any money.

If you want to order anything else like one of the special bundles every little bit would help at this point.

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