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Generate projectile [Minor] By Iczer
'I'm never out of arrows'

The character can spontaneously and smoothly generate small, shaped items made of energy for use in combat. These items fade into obscurity scant seconds after created, but last long enough to cause harm.
Duration: 1-2 seconds
Range: Projectiles are created in the character's hand, and have normal range for a projectile, +10% per level.
Damage: Normal damage for the projectile, +2 per level (Or +1D6 every 2 Levels). This damage is considered energy, and is of a type chosen by the character when this power is selected (Fire, Cold, Sonic etc)
Attacks: Creating and hurling (or firing) the projectile is a single action
Bonus tro strike: +1 on top of normal strike bonuses. Note that the character also recieves a single ranged WP skill (ancient only) with this power.
Effect: The projectile appears in the character's hand, or in it's sling or even knocked in a held bow.

Alter Powers [Major] By Iczer
'Lavaquake huh? Not anymore you aren't'

The character can transmute others as to alter thier innate powers.
1) Targeting others: The target of this power must be within 70 feet (+15 feet per level). No roll to strike is necessary, but the target must save 16+ (all relevant bonuses from PE apply to this). If the target fails, then he suffers from the effect.
2) The effect: at first level, the character alters 2 minor or 1 major power of the target. that power(s) is rerolled, and the result is applied to the target. The target is not made aware of what exactly his new powers are, and has no idea how to turn them on or off without experimenting (Not really feasable in combat, and the duration is too short out of combat). Similiar powers may behave in a similiar fashion (EE: Light turning to EE: Fire may work the same way for instance).
At 3rd level, and every odd numbered level thereafter, the character can alter a single additional minor power (using the formula 2 minors = 1 major).
The target does not change attribute levels or SDC, he niether gains nor loses attributes or SDC in the change, but extreme levels of attributes may drop to human levels if unsupported by the new powers set (a superhuman PS of 50 may drop to normal PS of 30 if superhuman strenght were exchanged for bend light)
3) Duration The powers are altered for 2d4 minutes +1 minute per level.
4) Actions: It requires 2 actions to attempt to jimmy with another's powers.
5) Caveat: as with negate superabilities as well as other 'metapowers' natural or inborn powers are not affected by this ability.
6) Other bonuses:
+1D4x10 SDC

Body enhancement [Minor] By Iczer
'Crouching monkey Kick!'

The character has the ability to temporarilly alter his attributes, heightening them at the risk of future pain.
Ability points: the character has 6 points of reserve attributes, Plus 2 per level (starting at second level). these points can be use dto enhance a single physical attribute (PS, PP, PE, Spd) for one melee round.
At the end of that melee round, the character makes a save Vs pain (18+) or suffer horrible misfortune.
The first time this roll fails, the character becomes pained. -2 to all combat actions, -10% to all skills and -1 attack per melee for 20 minutes.
The second time this fails in a 24 hour period, the character is pained (as above) and injured (2d6 HP damage)
The third time this roll fails in a 24 hour period and every time after that, he suffers pain, injury and rolls on the the temporary damage chart (See HU2 Page 19: optional minor injury table)

The character gains a bonus to his saving throw of +1 for every 2 points he does not allocate from his pool. If he uses this power for only one action, he gains a +4. For every time he activates this power without a 1 round rest period between uses, he suffers a cumunilitve -1.
Activating this power is requires a single action.

Devolution touch: [Major] By Iczer
'I'm about to make a onkey out of you'

The character's touch carries with it the capability to transform the flesh of others, making them lesser and cruder versions of themselves.
To use this power, the character must expend 2 actions and touch his subject (may not be combined with a strike). the target may save (16+ PE bonuses apply).
If the target fails to save, then he begins a transformation that eaves him less of a man (or woman).
Every melee round after the touch, the target loses 2 IQ, 2 ME, 2 MA. His PS and PE remains unchanged, but his PP drops by 1 each round as well, and his PB drops by 3 per round. These changes continue until these affected attributes drop to half their level or 8, whichever is lower. at this point, the character has devolved into a primitive, beast like form. In this state, skill use, aside from physical skills, are reduced by half their normal rating. the character's hands speech and biped become partial (Refer to mutant animals section for the effects of partial hands, biped and speech).
In addition, the character is likely to fly off the handle for no real reason when frustrated or confused.
Duration: when the character has finished the transformation, he makes another saving throw. if he succeeds, the transformation reverses immeadiately, and attributes return at the same rate at which they were lost. hands, biped and speech return when the character has fully recovered. If the saving throw fails, the character is stuck in his primitive state for 1d4x10 minutes +5 minutes per level.


[Becuase you know you want it]
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Superhuman skill [Minor] By Iczer
'Hmm..of course i can fix it'

The character has evolved a specialty in a single skill, his or her brain wired specifically for the use of that skill, as if born with a hyper enhanced talent. a single skill of choice gains a +40% bonus. In addition, all other skills from the same grouping (Rogue, physical etc) gain a +10% one time bonus.

Combat skills work a little differently though. If a combat skill is selected (such as a WP or a HTH skill) Instead, treat it as at a higher level of proficiency. (HTH Basic is considered 6 levels higher, Expert 5 levels higher, M/Arts or assasin 4 levels higher. Individual WP's are considered 6 levels higher).

Cocoon [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh that thing? That's where i sleep'

The character can create a cocoon out of a combination of extruded matter and a type of organic resin. The character can spin a cocoon in 3d6 minutes, essentially creating a shell of AR 14, SDC 2d4x10 +20 per character level.
The cocoon is semi permanent, lasting 6 hours per level, but can be refreshed by resting inside it for 3 hours.
Upon command the cocoon opens and as much as 2 living beings may be placed inside. While inside, those resting will experience heightened regeneration. each hour of rest inside a cocoon counts as 2 hours of sleep. In addition, the character inside heals 2d6 SDC/HP per hour while resting inside.
The cocoon is tough and durable, able to withstand 700 feet under water or in outerspace without harming the individual inside, and recycles oxygen for 6 days per level.
The character creating the cocoon however enjoys much greater benefits.
While inside, the character heals at a rate of 3d6 per hour plus any bonus from his PE attribute. Lost limbs grow back after 48 hours in the cocoon, and the cocoon will even support the character's life if reduced to little more than a torso and head. Once inside, the character flushes all toxins out of his system within 24 hours, and all diseases are arrested within 48.

Unalterable: [Minor] By Iczer
'Nope...didn't affect me then either. you are free to keep trying though.'

The character's very molecules refuse to be changed, asserting and resetting themselves whenever a nasty alteration takes place.
Effectively the character is immune to powers that alter him or his shape. He may not have his powers toyed with (Cannot have his powers drained or negated, but can be mimicked) and his body cannot be altered (immune to petrification and unwanted shapechanging).
The character remains vulnerable to poison, disease and damage, he cannot be modified however.


[Insert snappy quote here]
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Recursive Loop [Major] By Iczer
'have you seen groundhog day'

The character has the ability to set up a loop in time that plays itself out and then resets.
1) Reset Time: The character can create a time loop, that plays out and then resets at it's end.
Duration: A time loop plays for 1 minute per level. During this time, any actions carried out by the character or are undone at its end, but only the character will remember events that occured in that time.
Actions: resetting time requires the character spend an action to define the time loop's start point. after the time loop completes itself, time resets to the beginning (the character is still down the action).
Notes: Resetting time is fairly exhausting though. after resetting time, the character cannot repeat the experience again for an hour. Victims caught in the experience may make a ME based saving throw (16+) to experience a kind of 'deja vu'
2) Groundhogging: The character can create a much more powerful version of reset time. By concentrating for 1d4x10 minutes the character can affect an area up to 5 miles +2 miles per level across. in that area, time replays over and over. Time continues for 6 hours +2 hours per level before replaying itself. Time replays itself 3 times +1 per level, during which time the character has no access to Reset time. While he concentrates the character can designate up to 2 people per level that can experience the time loop with him, reliving and remembering past itterations of time.
3)Heightened sense of time: As the minor power

Trapdoor: [Minor] By Iczer
'Sucks to be me. heh heh'

The character can create a dimensional or spatial trap that hangs in place awaiting individuals to trigger it.
Area: The 'Trap' sits on a solid surface, and measures 5 feet on a side +1 foot per level. The trap is triggered when someone touches it. The area inside is a cube 8 foot on a side +1 foot per level.
Duration: a Trapdoor lies dormant for 10 minutes per level. after being triggered, it lasts for 1 melee round per level (during which time it can hold as many targets as can fit).
Effect: when any target touches the trapped area, they are immeadtaely grappled and start to be sucked into the trap door. A Character may make a dodge (18+) to avoid it, but any failre means the target is grappled fast. Grappled targets must make an opposed strength checks (roll a d20 and add PS.) The Trap door has a PS equal to 40 +5 per level. If the target succeeds he is still held, but not in the trap. a second roll is needed to free oneself. The trap has 3 actions per round to try and pull targets into itself. Targets sucked into the trapdoor remain for the traps duration. There is air enough inside the trapdoor, and the duration is small enough that there is no risk of suffocation.
Actions: It takes 2 actions to set up a trap zone.
Other notes: Time is meaningless in the trap zone. targets are aware of the passage of time, but wounds do not bleed, timers do not run down etc. a grenade thrown into a trap zone after a target will not go off until it is ejected at the end of the round.
The trap zone can hold other objects or exclude them at will. a trap zone underwater can suck in it's volume of water, or ignore it. likewise, if the character is watching his trapzone, he can exclude allies from falling in.
The character can only have one trap zone active at a time.
The character can use his trap zone as a temporary shelter. while inside, he can exit at will, and can observe events going on outside while inside.

Volley: [Minor] By Iczer
'He shoots he scores!'

The character can create short lived bolts of force that fire off in bursts rather than singly.
Range: 100 feet +10 feet per level
Damage: 1d4, plus 1 per level.
Bonus to strike: +4 with an aimed shot. +1 with bursts.
Attacks: 1 attack. Burst fire and heavy burst fire take additional actions.
Special effects Burst fire: The strength of this power lies not in it's damage, but its frequency. the character can create many 'force bolts' at once. The character can fire off bursts like an automatic firearm (refer to firearm combat). a single shot or short burst requires only a single action (x2 damage) a long burst for 2 actions (x3 damage) or a full burst for 3 actions (x5 damage). he may also spray and strife.
Flechette attack: by narrowing the force bolts, he creates sharp, armour peircing bolts rather than heavy slugs. damage inflicted is halved, but up to 6 points of AR can be ignored from a target.
Climbing spikes: force bolts are short lived, but can be made to last a few seconds longer with a little concentration. by firing them into a wall, a character can create a ladder of sorts, used to climb walls and other obstacles. the character can cover a height of 20 feet +10 feet per level with climable spike, which last as long as the character concentrates (-1 attack, -1 to all combat moves, halve speed and skill bonuses)

Born again: [Major] By Iczer.
'Bet you weren't expecting to see me so soon heh?'
The character has akind of super regenerative effect that occurs at regular, predictable intervals. After 10 hours of rest and sleep the character undergoes a massive regenerative boost, healing 60% of his SDC total and 30% of his HP total in an instant. When this occurs, the character is also purged of all toxins, diseases and poisons, and resets his age as well. At first level, this power takes effect once per week (though the character chooses when). this time limit drops by 1 day every second level (starting at 2) until he is down to once per day. (at level 12).
The character does not heal any faster than normal, and has no other real regenerative properties between these times, and so is at normal risk of injury and death bewteen these times. Often the character will have to recover normally until his 'time limit' expires and he simply recovers. additionally, the recovery is never 100% complete, and vast injuries may persist for many days.
[Rod The Immortal, a 7th level Mutant with 43 HP and 120 SDC, has been slammed into a coma (-17 HP) and it looks really grim. His recovery day comes around soon though, where he recovers 20% of his HP (12.9) and 60% of his SDC (72). In this time, his age resets to what it was 4 days ago (his last regeneration) all poisons are purged from his body and his missing leg reappears. as his HP are still below zero, he has to wait another 4 days before he recovers again].
Other bonuses: can survive up to 150% of his PE below zero in a coma like state.
+10% to recover from Coma/death
+4 PB

Acid Blood: [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh..did that hurt? consider it payback'

The character's blood is highly caustic, causing horrible burns to others and reducing the effectiveness of many weapons.
1) Caustic blood: The character's blood sprays after his skin is broken. cutting or peircing weapons take 6d6 damage on contact with the character (presuming the skin gets broken). in addition there is a small chance (10%, +5% per level) that the weilder of any weapons will take a little of the bloodsplatter (3d6 damage). anyone who is likely to get splattered by the character's blood takes this damage. The character can deliberately bleed himself to cause damage to others, but takes 1 HP damage every time he sheds blood for this purpose (damage is 6d6 to inorganic objects, 3d6 to living or organic things)
2) Immunity to acid: the character is impervious to acids (at the GM's option, he may take double damage from bases and alkalais though)
3) Damage resistance: weapons that peirce the body inflict 30% less damage, as their substance is eatenaway leven as it works itself in. the character takes half damage from electricity
4) Spit acid: Once per minute, the character can spit acidic bile from his mouth. this attack has a range of 20 feet with +1 to strike. flesh and blood targets take 4d6 damage from the acid (half for those with natural AR's) while inorganics take 1d4x10+10 damage ( minus its AR)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Hopefully this hasn't been done before.

"You sure I said what you thought I said?"

This is a rather simple power. The character possesses the ability to say multiple things at once, to multiple people. They can even go as far to say completely different things to each individual person that is affected by this power.
The character chooses a base speech that is heard by everyone not affected by this power, including various listening or transmitting devices. If the character is being recorded, these are the words recorded. Then the character chooses what to say to specific people affected by the power.
All of the different things said are done at the same time, in the speech.

Range: Can only affect those within range of the speaker's voice. Any means of amplifying the voice, except super-powered versions, will not carry the power.
Amount Affected: Two people + 1 per level of experience beyond level one. This is above and beyond the base spoken words. So at level one, the character can say one thing to everyone not affected along with two different things to two different people.

It probably has some very devious uses in the hands of a bad guy, but I thought it would be kind of cool for a leader-type hero.
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Unread post by abtex »

Do we want to see what strange.. no I mean new and wonderful powers that Iczer, the great power creator can come up with based on the Winter Olympics?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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is that a challenge? Now I actually have to watch the damn stuff. Isn't it bad enough that it's dominated TV as it is? :-D

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Steeler49er wrote:Doublespeak
I like. It's a better version (and much clearer) than the similar power in Abberant.

Thanks. Too bad someone, albeit in another system, came up with the concept first.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I had an interesting idea for a power. Still trying to figure it out. Got some rough draft ideas though.

Shapechange Animal(major)

This power doesn't allow the user to shapechange into an animal, but allows them to modify animals. I'm thinking maybe growth, shrinking, control of animals, turning an animal into a swarm of miniature versions of itself, and even changing one animal into another for a limited time.

That might be too many subpowers though. I think it would be cool to ride a giant ferret or turn a deer into a swarm to tiny deers to attack a foe. Sound like an interesting idea?
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Whiz Kid wrote:
MrTwist wrote:I had an interesting idea for a power. Still trying to figure it out. Got some rough draft ideas though.

Shapechange Animal(major)

This power doesn't allow the user to shapechange into an animal, but allows them to modify animals. I'm thinking maybe growth, shrinking, control of animals, turning an animal into a swarm of miniature versions of itself, and even changing one animal into another for a limited time.

That might be too many subpowers though. I think it would be cool to ride a giant ferret or turn a deer into a swarm to tiny deers to attack a foe. Sound like an interesting idea?

I think it sounds great. It's not going to be overly powerful unless people have access to, say, a cage full of tigers, which won't be too common. On the other hand, turning that alley cat into a tiger so you can make your escape or have a fighting partner wouldn't be nearly as powerful as some of the other common things the game has fostered.

There'd be other uses, like turning a fat dog into a lean big cat. Growing a ferret into something the size of a warhorse could be rather interesting.

I don't have Monster & Animals right now. I think I'm gonna wait until I can get a copy before I try to flesh out this power. It will be much easier when I have animal stats handy to base giant versions on.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by Iczer »

MrTwist wrote:I had an interesting idea for a power. Still trying to figure it out. Got some rough draft ideas though.

Shapechange Animal(major)

This power doesn't allow the user to shapechange into an animal, but allows them to modify animals. I'm thinking maybe growth, shrinking, control of animals, turning an animal into a swarm of miniature versions of itself, and even changing one animal into another for a limited time.

That might be too many subpowers though. I think it would be cool to ride a giant ferret or turn a deer into a swarm to tiny deers to attack a foe. Sound like an interesting idea?

How about....

Animal Alteration [Major] By Mr Twist.
'Attack my furry minions...Attack!!'

The character can alter the attributes of animals in bizzaire and unnusual ways.
Alter Animal Size: The character can alter an animal to be larger or smaller than it's normal form. Increasing an animals size allows it to double it's mass or halve it. The character can apply this effect over and over until he gets a target to an optimal size or reaches their maximum and minimum Masses (Minimum 6 ounces, Maximum 1000lbs +100lbs per level)
Each doubling of an animals size increases it's SDC by 50%, and it's PS and PE by 2. in addition, damage from natural weapons also increase by +1 dice size (D4 to D6, 2D6 to 2D8) for each doubling.
Each halving of an animal's size reduces it's SDC by 20 % and lowers PS and PE by 2 each. an animal at half it's normal size gains a +15% to prowl
Range: one animal within 5 feet per level.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Number affected: up to 2 animals may be affected at the same time, Plus one per level.
Attacks: Growing or shrinking an animal counts as 2 attacks.
Maximum mass: The character is unable to affect any creature greater than 3000lbs (1500KG).
Note: if the GM feels it is called for, an animal may make a saving throw Vs 14 to resist an undesired size change.
Option: If the GM is willing to incorporate aspects of the mutant animal section, he may instead allow each action to cause an animal to increase or decrease by a size level.
Swarm form: The character can turn an animal into a swarm of smaller creatures. The animal breaks down into 4 lb (2KG) creatures, each a miniature version of the original. As a swarm, the animals share senses and co-operate as a pack would (even if not originally a pack creature). the animals statistic change as follows.
SDC: SDC is divided among all creatures in the swarm. a 200lb gorilla with 80 SDC becomes 50 4lb mini gorillas, each with 2 SDC (round up). Each member of the swarm has 2 HP.
Attacks: A swarm attacks by moving over a foe and slamming, biting or goring as appropriate. Every 25 critters in a swarm inflicts 1d6 damage plus 1/4 of any damage bonus. the swarm makes a strike roll to hit a foe, but this cannot be parried, only dodged or protected by armour. the swarm can split up and attack seperate foes, or converge on a single foe and pile it on.
Speed: A swarm has only half the normal speed of the original creature.
Damage: a swarm can only take enough damage in a single blow to kill a single member of a swarm, the rest of the damage is lost. Area attacks may kill every swarm member if they are not careful though. at the GM's discretion, some attacks (like shotgun blasts and flamethrowers) may be able to kill more than one at a time. Swarms can dodge with the same ability as the original.
Recombining: at duration's end, all swarm members must recombine. if the animal cannot pull together more than 10% of it's original mass (SDC) it can no longer reform. the individual creatures either die or live out their lives as tiny critters.
Duration: 5 minutes +2 minutes per level
Range: 5 feet per level
Attacks: splitting a creature is a single attack.
Number affected: only one creature may be split at a time.
Number of creatures: only one creature may be split at a time.
Enhance/diminish: the character can enhance an animals capabilities. Refereing to the mutant animals section, the character can grant 10 Bio E worth of alterations to an existing animal. These changes last only 1 minute per level. These changes can be used to augment an existing mutant animal (or to rob him of mutant abilities). as usual, any unwanted change warrants a saving throw (14+)
Loyal minion: The character can expend 4 actions to turn a living animal into a loyal minion. a loyal minion gains full hands, full biped, partial speech and no looks and takes 2 size level steps towards SL 10. the resulting creature has only basic Intellect (IQ 7) but is loyal to the creator. these changes last 1 hour per level.
Animal Influence: the character has a rapport with most animals. he is instantly able to assume a leadership role towards them, acting as pack alpha, so to speak. his general commands may be carried out, but this does not enable any meaningful conversation. The character's natural rapport adds +10% to horsemanship and +10% to any 'animal' type skill taken.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Snowman: [Minor] By Iczer
'Hmmm -2 Degrees Huh? I better put my shirt back on'

The character is at home in reduced temperatures, feeling enervated and boosted by subzero temperatures.
The character takes no damage from cold. Even better, where he would normally suffer damage from extreme cold, he instead heals damage, recovering 2 SDC or 3 HP for every 5 points of cold damage. (Alternatively, every saveing throw required Vs cold to avoid frostbite heals the same)
In conditions of extreme cold, (35 or below, 0 degree Centergrade) the character is in fact healthier and happier, gaining 30 SDC, +2 to PS, PP and PE, and feeling upbeat (+10% to all skills).
In cold, but not freezing temperatures (35-60F or 1-15C) the character retains his good mood (+5% to skills) but only 10 extra SDC.
In addition, the character has a +15% to keep balance on snow and ice. He also can walk ontop of snow, as if his weight were only 30% of normal.

Downhill racer: [Minor]

The character revels in excessive, uncontrolled speed, and his reflexes and agility are altered to match. Despite it's name, this applies to all forms of uncontrolled speed.
1) Survive crash: when the character takes damage from a fall or crash, he simply absorbs half of it. this only applies when the character is not in control of his actions. If he flies into a wall under his own power he is out of luck. If he flies into a wall on a machine or other conveyance (or via the glide power) then it functions normally. Note, the character can still roll with punch/fall/impact to reduce this further.
2) Enhanced reflexes: at speed the character's reflexes increase. for every 10MPH the character is travelling, he gains +2% to any applicable piloting skills. an 80MPH bobsled gives him +16%. a jet moving at 500MPH grants +100% (to a maximum skill of 98%). this does not help if the character cannot pilot the craft, though it does help towards any balance checks made (such as while skiing). At speeds over 50 MPH the character enjoys +2 to dodge.
This power only kicks in when the character is not directly propelling himself. Powered movement such as many of the flight powers, as well as the ground speed enhancing powers do not enable this. Power such as glide and sliding represent unpowered movement and do work. As always, refer to the GM for what will and what will not fly.

Skater: [Minor] By Iczer
'Excuse me, Olympiad coming through'

The character has the ability to project a sheet of ice ahead of him and to skate across it. The sheet of ice is roughly 3 feet wide and projects about 3 feet ahead of the character. The ice rests across the ground, and typically breaks up after 5 minutes, less in summer heat, more in winter.
While on the ice, the character has no problems with balance as far as his own ice sheet is concerned. The ice sheet can rise or fall up to 4 feet +1 foot per level, smothing out any obstacles of lesser height, and can be used to create barricades of that height (duration is doubled for 1 foot in height, and doubled again per foot. Barricades typically have 30 SDC per foot of height for a 10x10 foot section.
The ice sheet moves across water as if it were solid ground, forming temporary bridges. it also moves over snow as easilly.
The character can 'skate' on this ice sheath at 3 times his normal speed, and has a +2 to dodge when doing so. By forming ramps, he can leap horizontal gaps up to his normal spd attribute plus twice the height of his ramp.
When skating down hill, the character can double his overall speed again (6 times!!!) but will have difficulty steering or manoevering.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

Sweet. Skater is my favorite from the list. It rocks! Keep up the good work.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Spit At Extraordinary Speed(minor)


While it may seem like a silly power at first, it can be quite deadly. The character has the ability to spit out objects from their mouth with incredible force and accuracy. In addition to being able to spit out foreign objects, the character can secrete a thicker version of their own saliva that can hit with the force of a small caliber bullet.
The heavier the object, the more damage and less range they have. As a side effect of the power, or maybe the cause of the power, the character's lungs also can a larger amount of air. The volume of the lungs doesn't really change, but the lungs can compress the air to store more.

1. Spit Saliva
Range: 200 ft, plus 30ft per level.
Damage: 2D6 at level one. An additional 1D6 is added at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Bonus to Strike: +3 on an aimed shot.

2. Spit Objects
Range: The heavier the object, the less distance it goes. All ranges increase by 20ft per level. Nothing over 1lb can be spit.
Under 3 Ounces: 150ft.
3-7 Ounces: 100ft.
7-12 Ounces: 70ft.
12-16 Ounces: 40ft.
Damage: The heavier it is, the more damage it does. All damages increase by +2 per level.
Under 3: 1D4
3-7: 1D6
7-12: 2D6
12-16: 3D6
Bonus to Strike:
Under 3: +4
3-7: +3
7-12: +2
12-16: +1

3. Increased Lung Capacity
The character can store and hold their breath for twice as long as normal. At levels 5, 10, and 15 this is again doubled. This means at level 5 the character can hold four times as much air, at level ten eight times as much air, and at level 15 they can store 16 times as much air as normal.
The increases in air storage means an equivalent longer time the character can hold their breath. This air isn't automatically used when inhaled, so the character can share breathing air with others in certain cases. This can be handy in rescuing people underwater or trapped in smoke filled buildings.

This just popped into my head while waiting in line at the video store. Don't know why.
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more coming soon. I promise

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Body of Chaos [Major] By Iczer
‘Let us dance monkey boy’

The character’s body is a mass of conflicting energies that whirl around under his skin. A mutant’s mutant (even if not a mutant per se) his body continually adjusts and alters under no specific direction.
Limited shape changing: every half hour, the character’s body undergoes a metamorphosis, causing the character to roll on the random mutation chart. After half an hour, these mutations vanish, to be replaced by another. In combat, the character makes the change every melee round instead, as heightened stress takes its toll.
Enhanced healing and toughness: the constantly rolling tissues in his body toughens his skin and closes old wounds. Every half hour, the character heals 4d6 damage. In combat, when the body undergoes greater stress and change, it heals 1d6 every round. He also has 40 extra SDC
Selectable mutation: as an action, once per round, the character can choose a particular advantageous mutation to assume. The character has a 45% chance (+ME attribute) +2% per level of acquiring that mutation. The acquired mutation remains for 5 minutes per level.
Immunity: The character’s constantly changing body means that he is virtually immune to being manipulated metabolically by others. He is immune to diseases, and cannot be altered against his will.
Savage weaponry: The character has an enhanced physiology, and enjoys a +4 bonus to PE and PS. In addition, he adds 1d4+1 to his bare, unarmed blows in combat from the miscellaneous natural weapons that form and then disappear.
Stabilisation: The character can choose to settle this mutation down. The character has a 45% chance (+ME attribute) +2% per level of being able to settle this mutation down, a process that requires 15 minutes of meditation. Effectively this negates the power for 2 hours per level. If the character sleeps, or is knocked unconscious in that time, the duration ends. Furthermore, in times of stress (including combat) he must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses count) or the duration also ends.

Organic Circuitry. [Minor] By Iczer
‘Yeah..but can your X-Gamestation do THIS?’

The character can produce organic circuitry inside his own body, and use himself as a processor, or enhance other electrical items.
Internal use: the character’s body can be used as a storage medium. By placing his hand on a communications port of another storage medium, he may copy files into his own body. He has a storage capacity equal to the sum of his mental attributes in Gigabytes, plus 5 per level.
Implant: The character can expel this organic web of circuitry, which winds it’s way into an electronic device and takes root. The electronic device gains the following traits:
· The device experiences a 10% increase in capability, +2% per level.
· The device needs 10% less power, it draws it from it’s own metabolic
· If the device is a computer of any sort, its memory increases by the amount stated in Internal use. It’s processing speed increases by 50%.
· The device gains a kind of healing ability, and becomes self maintaining. Essentially healing 1 SDC per day (only heals the delicate internals, not any hard outer shell). In the case of computers, computer viruses are automatically detected and removed, and optimisation occurs on a regular basis.
Drawbacks: Electronic items enhanced through this power require about 30 seconds of contact a week by this character, or else the organic circuitry begins to die (leaving rotting flesh inside the device). While not a debilitating limitation, it does hamper the ability to market this power.

Psionic consumption: [Major] By Iczer
‘Keep pouring it on buddy, I got a big appetite’

The character can actually consume psychic power, using it as nourishment.
Immunity to psionics: The character is immune to psychic powers as well as to pseudo psychic effects (such as mental stun and possession)
Consume ISP: Whenever the character is targeted with a psychic power, he absorbs the ISP in the attempt, usually ending the effect there and then. Consumption takes 1 action to perform, and is a reflexive action used when he detects a power being used on him. The ISP used in the attempt goes into his pool for later (see below). The character can, by expending 2 actions, drain an effect away when he is not the target. This is not reflexive, but it’s use cancels the power being used, and absorbs half the ISP used to perform it. (For example, the character could negate a use of psychosomatic illness on a teammate, or tear down a telekinetic force field.)
ISP Pool: The character has a pool of ISP, which is used to fuel his body. The pool has an upper limit of 30 points +10 points per level. There is no negative effect associated with overfilling or being empty. The pool empties at 1 point every 10 minutes. The character can transfer ISP from this pool into his SDC (Healing 2 SDC per point channelled, or 4 HP per point), or into his physical body (20 ISP gives the character +4 to all physical abilities, plus an extra attack per melee for 2 melee rounds per level)
Pseudo-Psychic powers: The pseudo psychic powers found in HU2, PU1 and to some extent PU2.5, can be cancelled and consumed as normal, though major powers yield 10 ISP, while minors yield 5, and the extra effort involved requires an extra action to consume.

PsychoCanabalism [Major] By Iczer

The character can drain mental attributes from others to grant himself boosted vitality and strength. To drain another, the character needs to grab their head, which requires either than the opponent be helpless, or unaware, or that the character makes a grab for the subjects head (strike roll at –2) and maintain the grapple for at least one additional action.
The Drain: Targets hit with a drain attack make an immediate save (14+ ME bonuses count). On a successful save the character is somewhat dazed (lose one attack and –2 to combat actions for the remainder of the melee round). On a fail, the target loses 1d4 points off a mental attribute of his choice, and he is dazed as stated above. In addition, anyone who loses any mental attributes suffers a –10% to all skill use. No target may drop below half his relevant attribute, but any ‘rollover’ gets drained from a mental attribute of the character’s choice.
The Gain: The character instantly channels the lost attribute points into himself. IQ becomes PS, ME becomes PE and MA becomes PP. In addition, the act of draining heals 6d6 SDC to the character. The character gains some fragmented memories of the target. Any skills the two have in common gain a +5%, and the character gains a kind of Lore: Target at 20% +2% per level. This skill can be used to draw out data regarding the subject.
The duration: The attributes normalise after 10 minutes per level for both parties. Targets that fail their save see their dazed and stunned conditions restored after this time.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Touch Fate [Major] By Iczer
‘Don’t worry, A taxi will be waiting…I’ve ensured it’

The character can mess about with fate by making small changes now, that escalate into larger changes later. A misplaced nail could cause a traffic accident a week later, that causes a truck to crash into a bar, closing the bar for a day thus preventing the heroes daughter from visiting that bar on that evening. The changes can become convoluted, and has a knock on effect that is beyond the character’s control. The player decides on the outcome and the change to be made and hopes for the best.
Outcome: the character decides on an outcome when he uses this power.
Minor: Target loses an important but not essential piece of equipment. (Car keys, documents, etc.)
Moderate: Target is at a certain place at a certain time. (Taxi is waiting for you, Girlfriend visits you at work). This can also be used to steer individuals away from a place. (Girlfriend never visits you on a day you are cheating on her, The Tax auditor never gets around to making a phone call to you about your finances)
Major: Target takes 2d6 +1d6 damage per level, or loses or misplaces something of great importance, or succumbs to a condition requiring a saving throw from 12-14, or otherwise is put at moderate but not necessarily life threatening risk.
Critical: Cause a disaster to occur, with damages equal to a major result to many people, or cause extreme damage to a target (either 6d6 +4 per level or risks a save with a result between 16-18).

Time: the character selects the time frame for the event to occur by
Minor: within the next month at a specific time, or within the next week at a general time.
Moderate: within the next week at a specific time, or within the next 48 hours at a general time.
Major: a specific time in the next 48 hours, or ay time in the next six hours.
Critical: any specific time within the next hour (including right now)

The chance of success for the character is equal to 70% +5% per level with the following alterations.
Moderate: -10%.
Major: –20%
Critical: -30%.
Effect to happen in the next minute –40%
Effect is ongoing: (IE continues it's effect) -10%
Effect is triggered by an event that occurs within the timeframe –10%

[Example. The Loser wants to see a traffic Jam on the local highway in about 20 days time (his birthday) but he wants no one hurt. As a third level mutant, he has a 85% chance normally. The effect is major, and the time is minor, and the result is ongoing (it will take several hours to unjam traffic) this results in a –20%. He has 65% chance of success. He discards a peanut butter jar on the same bridge and waits. He has no control over the sequence of events, but they are guided by minor changes to probability by the character. If he succeeds in his roll, the jar of peanut butter will indirectly be the cause of a traffic Jam on that date.]

Notes: any effect can be cancelled by the character at any time. Because the vagrancies of fate are uncertain, he cannot know if he succeeded or not until the time specified has come and gone. If The Loser had failed his roll in the above example, he would not know he failed until after the desired date. Targets get no saving throw against this power, but defend normally against it’s effect, though typically it comes from surprise (-4 to dodge)

Enhance objects [Major] By Iczer
‘Yeah…your phone looks cool and all, but it really doesn’t have all the feature of my vacuum cleaner. Oh excuse me… it’s ringing’

The character can Increase and enhance objects by touch, making them more efficient, more versatile, and even more smart, depending on need and creativity.
Investment points: The character has a type of ‘enhancement pool’ a number of points he can impart to other objects to enhance their capabilities. This Pool begins at 8 points +2 points.
Typical enhancements: Note that none of these changes are invisible. As the character invests his points, the item shrivels and changes to accommodate.
· Smarts: The item or device gains the ability to process information. The device does not become sentient, only smart enough to process data. It also gains no special ability to impart this data to others without points directed elsewhere. 1 point gives it the processing power of a microwave oven or digital watch. 4 gives it the processing power of a mobile phone. 8 gives it the processing capacity of a modern, home computer. And so on.
· Awareness: The device has sensory capabilities that allow it to gather information about itself and the world around it. 1 in awareness gives it the ability to use one normal sense, but it is considered impaired in that category. For human capability in that sense add another 1. for heightened senses in that category add a further 1. For a sense that humans don’t possess, simply apply 3. if the device has points allotted to communication, it can automatically converse with a single being.
· Communication: The device is given some sort of ability to relay information. Without the addition of smarts (see above) it can only relate what it is doing and what it can perceive. 1 in communication creates a display which must be read. 2 allows simple graphics and simple sound. 5 gives it the audio and visual capabilities of a modern games machine. For an extra 2 points, this information can relay via radio or telephone.
· Power: the device has the capability to produce more effort. A 1 in power can signify a 5% increase in power and performance, or can simply increase its mass by 5%. If added to a weapon, every 3 points of added power adds +1D6 to its base damage. For 4 points, the motive force of the device alters as well. An automobile may now be solar powered, while a gun could be made a laser, converting bullets into coherent beams.
· Agility: The device can operate on it’s own. Typically this is used to make a weapon more accurate adding +1 to strike and parry for every 3 points imbued into the device, or a vehicle more responsive, giving +10% to pilot checks for every 3 points invested. It can be used to program specific responses into the device as well, creating weapons that unjam themselves, and lights that come on with a clap. A pre programmed command requires 2 points to be invested. Complex commands require some sort of smarts and awareness. If a device does something, it has a relevant skill equal to 25% +5% per point invested +2% per level.
· Durability: a device enhanced with durability adds 5% to its SDC per point invested. Alternatively points may be spent to improve the item’s AR, 3 points for a +1 increase. This can be applied to body armour. It can also be applied to normal clothes as well. 2 points turns an ordinary suit of clothing into body armour with AR 9 and 20 SDC +5 per level. Points of durability may be used instead to increase its resistance to pressure and stress by 20% per point. 2 points into a beam that could support 5000lbs now supports 7000lbs. A metal pole that requires 20 supernatural strength to tear up now requires 28. And so on. Instead, fuel efficiency can be increased by 20% per point invested. In the case of weapons this can increase their ammunition supply.
· Cool: the device simply becomes better looking. Mechanically speaking, the device gains a charm/impress score based off its looks equal to 30% +10% per point invested. This can also be made to make one device look like a similar specimen (such as making a dodge look like a Porsche) for 2 points. Any addition of ‘cool’ cleans the device up, but specific flaws (rusty springs, discolorations, a squeak when the door opens) can be negated for 1 point per flaw.
· Velocity: The device operates faster. Vehicles gain 10% more speed per point invested in velocity. Machines that perform tasks rather than move perform those tasks 15% faster per point invested.
Investing an object: Invested objects must be touched for 15 seconds per investment point to be transferred. Any object can have points invested into it, as long as it is not already alive. (Trees and plants are the exception, but require an additional investment point). Investments remain until either reabsorbed or dispelled. Reabsorption requires 15 seconds per point and requires constant touch throughout to achieve, with points going back into his pool. Dispelling simply ‘uninvests’ the object up to 5 miles away per level, but the points recover into the pool at a rate of 1 every 2 hours. When an object has points invested into it, the character can decide for whom it will function. If someone handles it and are not designated as a potential user, then either it fails to function if it can, or otherwise bleeds away it's points.

[Green Jenny, a horticulturalist and a mutant, is 4th level and so possesses 16 investment points. Her favourite Oak tree on her farm is being primed as a home computer, it requires 1 point to invest a tree, and she sinks a further eight to make it as smart as a home computer. She invests the next three points into communication giving it the display capabilities equal to a decent monitor and speakers. She also sinks 3 points into awareness, so it can read digital media. Overall, the tree ‘grows a monitor like aperture, as well as speakers and a receptacle for placing CD’s.]

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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That last ability gives me a strange idea. Combine Objects(major). I'll try to flesh it out over the next couple days. Basically it would be a power that lets you combine aspects of one device into another. Similar to your ability, but much funnier.

Like combining a sword and a mobile phone for a weapon that rings and has caller ID. Or a pistol and a flashlight. The physical shape of the two objects melds for a limited time(and can't be dissassembled) to combine the abilities of both to a certain degree.

Or this could be one of those pipe dream powers that I think about and then get distracted by other stuff.
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MrTwist wrote:That last ability gives me a strange idea. Combine Objects(major). I'll try to flesh it out over the next couple days. Basically it would be a power that lets you combine aspects of one device into another. Similar to your ability, but much funnier.

Like combining a sword and a mobile phone for a weapon that rings and has caller ID. Or a pistol and a flashlight. The physical shape of the two objects melds for a limited time(and can't be dissassembled) to combine the abilities of both to a certain degree.

Or this could be one of those pipe dream powers that I think about and then get distracted by other stuff.

Sounds good. I would like to see what you come up with. I posted this in august last year.

Object Fusion
The character has the ability to fuse two objects together to form new and varied equipment. This power, while Taxing, makes the character a provider of unique items.
Optimise: The character takes two similar objects and meshes them by physically pushing them together. Formed from these remains are a single object (and some leftover pieces) with the combined capacity of both. Fusing 2 handguns is most likely to produce a double barrelled version. Fusing two automobiles will produce a high speed, heavily armoured version. The new creation has abilities equal to the sum of its parts, minus any redundant pieces. The only drawback to this are that mass is conserved and that power and energy requirements are also conserved (so the dual automobile now needs twice as much fuel). This ability can also be used as a method of assembly, fusing essential components together to create a single device in a fraction of normal assembly time.
Distribution: The character can mesh two items together to create 2 items. One the pinnacle of engineering, the other a cheap piece of trash. The Pinnacle of engineering has the best attributes of both items, while the other has the worst. Each item looks a lot like a fusion of technologies, resembling both parent items but matching neither. Essentially, the better of the two gets the best of 2 properties, while all other features are simply averaged. An additional property may be selected at levels 3,6,9 and 12. (Example. Mixer combines his shotgun with a friends Revolver. Being 3rd level, his new creations are a Revolver sized shotgun (better size, better damage) with 8 round capacity (ammo feed). Of course this power also produces a shotgun sized weapon that fires .38 rounds with a six round capacity. Range for both weapons (un unselected feature) is the average of both.)
Levelling: The character can also take a large group of items and mesh all their qualities so that all are average. By taking a dozen or so miscellaneous handguns, the character can create a dozen handguns with identical (average) abilities (range, size, ammo capacity, damage)
Merging: The character can simply combine two objects to make a new item. Merging a clock radio with a shotgun would make a shotgun radio. Merging a microwave with a refrigerator would produce a refrigerator with an in built microwave.
Materiel merge: The character can also swap construction materials around as well. A character with a ceramic knife and a Samurai sword, can create a ceramic samurai sword and a metal knife. Other properties are compensated for in this power, so the samurai sword will inflict the same damage. And switching the materiel properties of a powersuit with concrete could be both interesting and potentially debilitating.
Other bonuses: Obviously, when used for repairs and rebuilds, this power adds +10% to electronic and mechanical skills, as well as to carpentry and general repair and maintenance
Notes: Obviously this power has a little GM intervention required. If the player meshes a Porsche with a Train the GM may have to step in to deliver a final verdict. Also there are practical limits to the ability, and the GM may make mass rulings if need be to prevent an player from meshing his car with a goliath class spacecraft.. He must be able to touch both (or all) items at once, and with the exception of levelling, he can only affect 2 items at once (with a third at 5th level, and a fourth at 9th level) The process takes a minute, requiring constant contact, so is inadvisable in combat. No new abilities are created when the power is used. Combining a torch with a sword will not produce an energy weapon. Items that are merged stay merged until the Player, or someone else with the same power reverses the process. Merging a microwave oven with a sword could make either a sword too heavy to hold or a microwave oven with a blade that can hold items about an inch thick. Objects once combined meshed merged or whatever, cannot be merged again.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I like it, but I was thinking of focusing just on the first part.
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>shrug< run with it man.

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Protean Armour [Minor] By Iczer
'Nothing up my sleeve..presto...armour plating.'

The character posesses a type of organic armour just below the surface of his skin, that obeys his commands.
1) Natural AR of 10 and +2 to PE
2) Grow armour: By concentrating and spending an action, the character causes the armour to emerge from beneath his flesh and form harder, ridgid plates on his body. this grants him an AR of 15 but halves his PB score. retracting the armour takes 1 full melee.
3) Shape armour: By concentrating on his armour, which must already be on the surface, he can cause it to change form providing the following benefits. it takes an action to sacrifice any AR and another to reverse the changes.
* By sacrificing 2 AR, he can fortify his fists and joints, creating hardened points of impact and adding +4 to bare hand to hand blows
* By sacrificing 1AR he can make his armour smooth, allowing sharp weapons to slide off. cutting and slashing damage is reduced by 2 per level
* By sacrificing 2 AR the character can use his natural armour to augment his strength, raising his PS to extraordinary
* BY sacrificing half his Spd and -4 PP he may form superheavy armour, which has an AR of 18 and halves the damage of blunt impacts
* By sacraficing 4 AR he may form wings which can be used to glide at 12 MPH plus 1MPH per PE. gliding in this manner is clumsy.
* By sacrificing 1 AR the character may form horns and spines that add 2d4 to body blocks and tackles, and inflict 2d4 damage per action when being grappled.
Other bonuses: +6D6 SDC

Second soul: [Minor] By Iczer
'This guy?..he's my little buddy'

The character can create a semisentient energy creature, that wraps itself around the character acting as a set of eyes and ears. the creature is merely an extension of the characters will. The 'second soul' resembles a glowing cloud, snake or swarm of critters which may extend up to 10 feet from the character +2 feet per level and provides the following benefits
* The energy form has 30 SDC, but is only barely solid. itcan only be harmed by psychic, magic or energy attacks (energy attacks do 1/4 damage)
* The energy form attempts to disrupt incoming attacks adding +2 to save vs magic and psionics. it also absorbs energy damage, reducing it by 1/3rd
* The energy form can see the invisible, and keeps a constant lookout for the character, preventing him from suprise attacks. if necessary, the second soul has a perception of +4
* The energy form provides the same amount of light as a living room flourescent light. in addition, the second soul can light small fires, and make one additional attack per melee. the second soul inflicts 1D4+1 damage. it has a bonus of +2 to strike, parry and dodge plus a bonus equal to the characters MA if read as a PP score. likewise it inflicts bonus extra damage as if the character's ME score was it's PS. this damage is energy based. as a limb the second soul can lift as many pounds as the character's ME

Chemical attack: [Major] By Iczer
'my combat strategy has always been spray and pray'

The character can create a gel like fluid charged with various chemical properties that can be sprayed at will towards targets.
1) Range: 40 feet +20 feet per level
2) Damage: 1d6 plus 1d6 per level
3) Attacks: each use of chemical attack counts as 1, 2 or 3 actions.
4) Bonuses to strike: +2 with an aimed, called shot. +0 wild.
Using more than one action with this attack makes it a power hose type attack. such a spray inflicts an extra +1 damage per level and makes it -4 to dodge,as the spray can be redirected. 3 actions makes it a full spray. a full spray has the same -4 to dodge and +1 damage per level, but also affects all targets within 10 feet left or right of the target.
Continuing - most chemical attacks inflict half normal damage on the next round. no matter how many times a target has been hit with this attack, he suffers this extra damage only once, at the start of the new round of initiative.
Force - The spewed chemicals hit hard and pack a lot of comparative mass. anyone hit must make a save vs balance at +15% or be knocked prone by the blast
Coat - The character may coat himself with a layer of his own gel like substance. he is immune to harm from it, but gains 20 SDC and the chamicals inflict +2 damage per level on contact with other people. a chemical coat takes a full melee to create and lasts 5 minutes per level.
Chemicals available:
The character initially has one chemical attack available, but gains more options as he advancves through levels. he gains an additional chemical attack at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.
* Fire: the character generates a napalm like gel.
* Cold: the gel made by this character is supercooled upon creation
* Acid: the gel is acidic when created
* Kinetic: the gell has a type of organic rubber in it's compond. it doen't do continuing damage, but opponents have only +10% to save vs knockdown, and the gel coating adds +5 SDC per level
* Energised: the gel comes out ionically charged doing electrical damage
* Oxidising: the highly oxidised gel rapidly eats away at vulnerable metals. instead of taking damage, lose 5% of thier SDC per round for 1 round per level (never more than half). rock loses 1 % per round for 1 round per level and never drops below 80% SDC. wood loses 2 % per round for 1 round per level, but can drop to 10% SDC flesh is unharmed.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Cold Soul [Major] By Iczer
'That chill you feel..that's my icy hand of doom about to punch your lights out. any questions?'

The character projects waves of cold from his body, creating zones of cold and discomfort for others.
1) Cold body: when this power is active, the character turns a deep dark blue, while his eyes glow white.anyone within 30 feet feels the chill as the air drops to 10 degrees F (-12C) minus 5 degrees per level after the first (-2.7Degrees C). the character's skin is much colder, inflicting 2d4 damage on a touch.
2) Defences: while active, the character is immune to any amount of cold. the cold aura saps heat as well making him resistant to fire, heat and plasma (Half damage). gas attacks, and other chemical attacks, freeze within a few feet of the character. lastly, energy attacks, with the exception of light and electricity, are -6 to hit the character, thier energy dissipating
3) Offences: the character has several offensive advantages. He can, as an attack, amplify the cold in an area affected by his aura of cold (30 feet). such a target takes 2d4 damage +1d4 per level. if he takes more damage in one of these attacks than his PE then he must save vs 14 or become frostbitten. This cold snap attack usually takes people by suprise at least at first. if a target is aware of this type of attack he may attempt to dodge, but needs an 18 or better to do so. The character can also fire a ray of cold, by supercooling the air around him and then propelling it outwards he can stike opponents up to 100 feet away plus 20 feet per level, with a +3 to strike, inflicting 2d6 +1d6 per level. In any instances these attacks do double damage to characters whose metabolism revolve around flame (APS fire, plasma, fire elementals,flaming deamons, thermal world aliens etc) this is in addition to any cold vulnerabilities they may posess.
4) Other abilities:
+1d4x10 SDC
Natural AR of 10
Is not vulnerable to fire and/or heat

Brute [Major] By Iczer
'Oh looky you didn't know I had this in me'

The character can metamorphosise himself to become a stronger and more powerful, if less congeniel form. this transformation takes but a single action, and grants the following benefits.
* AR 12 from bony plates and thickened skin
* +10 PS which becomes extraordinary (or superhuman if already extraordinary )
* +6 PE
* +10 PS
* +4 PP
* +60 SDC
* +1 attack per melee
* +2 to roll with punch
* +1 to strike/parry and dodge
* Natural climb skill of 30% or +10%.
* Natural prowl and swim scores of 65% or +15%
* Natural wilderness survival skill of 70% or +10%
* -1D4+4 PB and MA

bodyform arsenal [Minor] By iczer

The character has an array of alternate shapes to be used at will, an array that grows and swells with each new level of advancement
1) Friendly shape. The character's friendly shape is has mutated skin and often hair and eyes as well (Roll once on skin mutation table, and once more if desired on the mutant eyes and hair tables) this shape has +4 PB and +2 MA and serves as a disguise
2) Arsenal: once per melee, the character can adopt a mutation from his arsenal. at first level he has three mutations, rolled randomly from the mutant section of HU2 or from any appropriate mutation table available. each mutation gained lasts for 2 minutes per level, and can be used no more than once per hour Each level grants the character another mutation to add to his arsenal. growing or ditching a mutation does not count as an action. as long as no more than one mutation isadded every round, the character can stack as many of them at once.
The first time the character acquires a mutation in any given day, he also heals 2d6 HP or SDC.
The PB and MA bonuses are inverted 9-4 PB and -2 MA) when he adopts his firts mutation. they return when he reverts to normal and adopts his 'friendly' shape.

(Face it, i split my posts to pad my post count)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I noticed that this thread is a little over 2 years old.
And it all started with this message.
Many thanks to the many power posters for their work.

VR Dragon wrote:On Posted: 29 Mar 2004 12:18 Post subject: NEW POWERS!

Okay recall reading around here someplace about people asking for powers to be made. So I figured I could give it a try. So if those of you who want to wait for something official to come along in anther book or some such, then lets lay a foundation for them. So if you would all be so kind as to post what you would like to see added to the line up just post it. Please also any info you could provide about what the ability should have.

I am glad for PU and PU2, now with some creative work we might just get the PU 3.

I look forward to your ideas.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

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taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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anyone have a masterlist they would be willing to send to me?
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Unread post by znbrtn »

that's a very nice set of powers, iczer. you're still the greatest.
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Dorlar wrote:anyone have a masterlist they would be willing to send to me?

Do you have any idea how long it would take to make one including every power posted here? Quite a bit.
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Supervision: Currents(minor)
"Oddly enough, yes. I can see which way the wind blows."

This is one of the stranger vision modifiying powers. A person with this power can see the motion of fluids along with their normal vision(or along with other vision enhancing powers). This means they can see the current motion of things like liquids, gases, and plasmas.

While currents in fluids are present rather ubiquitously in most environments, the information received doesn't obscure normal vision. The easiest example of this power is that the character can 'see' wind. They know the direction it's blowing and it's general speed(within 10%). Not only that, they can see how it's motion changes when it encounters objects. This person would be great at checking experimental aircraft designs for how aerodynamic they are.

As another example, using gases, this person has an excellent idea of the speed of expansion in gases. They could probably stay away from the effects of most gaseous toxins because they can see the direction of expansion and it's general speed. These are just some general examples, but there are many more ways in which this power can be applied.

Since the character can see changes in motion in all fluids, they are less likely to be surprised. Someone silently sneaking up on the character is still disturbing the fluid medium through which they are passing, so there is a chance of detecting the attack before it happens.


+15% to Aircraft Mechanics(only in regards to redesigning, or rebuilding, for purposes of aerodynamics)

+15% to Automotive Mechanics(only in regards to redesigning, or rebuilding, for purposes of aerodynamics)

Has a 10% chance of detecting a sneak attack because they can see the disturbance in the air/water

Has a 30% chance of detecting secret entrances/exits because they can see the anomalous changes in current of fluids

Can estimate the speed of both fluids and objects moving through fluids within 10% of actual speed

+2 to dodge(or at GM's discretion, gains an auto-dodge) only against direct attacks involving fluids

I know it's as verbose as many of my contributions have become. My normal group of players are always seeking clarifications, so when I design a power I have their voices in my head asking 'what if'.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Oh, yeah. I'm still working on that 'Combine Objects' power. I made some progress, but I had to stop working on it. Changes at work have caused me to reduce the amount of time I have here at the boards working on powers. I can skim threads and maybe make some 'spur of the moment' posts(like the one just above), but I really can't spend much time formulating something workable.

I will post what I have done so far, though;

Combine Objects(major)

"Like my new Swiss Army shotgun?"

This strange power warps matter in such a way that two separate objects can be melded into one. The character grabs any two objects and pushes them together to start the process. It doesn't take long for the objects to realign into a new composite form that incorporates the functions of the objects.
After the process is complete, anyone can use the new object to it's fullest ability. And while it is not a permanent combination, there is no limitations on the character with this power needing to be present for it to function. The advantage to having the person who made the new object being present is that at any time they can pick up the object and reset it's duration back to the start.
The newly created object will immediately revert back to it's original two objects if it is dissassembled at any point.

Range: Touch only. The character needs to be holding on to both objects and able to push them together.
Time Needed To Change: One melee round per 3lbs of objects to be combined. During this time the objects are busy being remolded into their new form and are unuseable. This can be speeded up so it only takes one melee round no matter how much the objects weigh, but for a reduced time.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience. At any point in time during this duration, the character can hold on to the object and concentrate for one melee round. This will reset the duraction. If the process is speeded up, it only lasts one minute per level of experience and can't be reset.

It's not quite finished, but it is a decent start.
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Disintegrator [Major] By Iczer
'......[No quote..just an ungodly droning]......'

The character's body humms to life with the corsucating power of disintegration. His body turns bright red, orange or yellow and he emits ligght in all directions, as molecules of air disintegrate in violent explosions around him. this power is crude and unsubtle, but it gets the job done.
1) Disintegration: as per the minor power, only it can be performed once per melee. if the minor power is already posessed, or is gained in the future, it gains a +2 to strike and double normal range.
2) Disintegrating flesh: When the character transforms, he becomes like a torent of energy. He takes half damage from fire, heat, plasma, particle beams and light (lasers). Small projectiles no longer harm him either, disintegrating upon contact, though he is vulnerable to any resultant explosions from, say, hurled grenades. Any weapon that strikes him loses 2d4 SDC per level of the character, which may spell the end of many. any matter he makes contact with takes 6d6 damage (plus any PS bonus if combined with a HTH strike). this attack ignores the targets AR, infact there is a 10% chance (+5% per level) that each strike weakens the AR on that spot (-1). While 'charged up' in this form the character needs no food or water and need not breathe. the character can choose to tone down the damage to as little as none, or restrict the transformation to only a limb.
3) Travel: when charged up, the character can levitate and hover clumsilly, avoiding contact with the ground. Speed while levitating is double his normal SPD attribute.
4) Effects on flesh. the character still inflicts normal damage to living targets, and has the ability to corrode a target's natural AR as well. Every time the character inflicts disintegration damage on a living target however, he risks deadly levels of feedback. the character must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses count) every time he makes lethal contact with a living being or suffer the following effects.
* Stunned. the character turns back to normal flesh and blood, and this power shuts down for 2d4 rounds. the character has half attacks, combat bonuses and Spd in that time.
* Loses 10% of his current HP
If the character has toned himself down to half damage or less when he strikes a living target then he has a +2 to his saving throw.
5) Limitations: Disintegration fails vs Force fields. The nature of forcefields is that they are not composed of matter at all and thus the character's disintegration simply fails.
In addition, the character is both loud and bright, stealth is next to impossible.
6) Other abilities: The character is immune to all forms of disintegration, even when not 'charged up'. He takes half damage from particle beams even when in flesh and blood form.
His disintegration state is made of highly charged energised molecules held together by the character's will. he is lighter (About 2/3rds normal weight and has faster reflexes (+3PP)
+20 SDC

Health Kick [Major] By Iczer
'Spas, sauna's, treadmills, dieting...who needs it'

The character can dramatically boost his natural state of health and fitness to superhuman levels, and even further with short bursts per day.
1) Altered attributes: +10 PE +45 SDC. The character fatigues at 1/4 normal rate and recovers from poisons in half the usual time. he heals an extra 5 HP/SDC per day of rest or 10 if recieving professional medical treatment.
2) Altered body: the character has no health problems, from asthma to diabetes to polio or even chicken pox. he is immune to disease and resistant to aging (Ages at 80% normal rate). +1D4+1 PB. furthermore, the character can cancel this power to revert to a more down to earth state. such a state will include any health conditions suffered before acquiring this power, but obviously such things are forced into remission by this power, and do not worsen while the power is 'on'.
3) Health Burst: the character is capable of instantly healing 3D6 HP or SDC 3 times daily. in addition, he can eneter a state of hyperhealth. this 'health kick' grants the following temporary benefits.
* +30 SDC (Damage comes off this before the character's normal SDC)
* Double HP. (These HP drop at a rate of 1 per minute until gone)
* Immune to poison. In fact,aside from magic, the character succeeds at any PE based save until this health kick wears off.
* Strength becomes superhuman
* +6 to roll with punch/fall/impact
* AR of 8
* activating a health kick removes all fatigue and any stunned condition.
4) Duration: a health kick lasts 10 minutes +5 minutes per level. It can be performed only once per day, but there are no side effects when it ends. at 6th level, and again at 9th the character can initiate another health kick per day, but these cost the character 2 PE for the second and another 2 for the third activation. PE recovers at a rate of 2 per day.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Cloak Objects [Minor? help me out guys] By Iczer
'OMG! He's got a gun...where was he hiding that thing?'

The character has the ability to charge solid, innaimate matter with a kind of light bending energy, allowing him to visually mask an objects existance or make it appear somewhat different.
1) Basic effects. the character touches a solid, non living item for one melee round, as he generates the energy to imbue into the touched object. After that, as long as the object retains this charge, it can either appear transperant or have it's appearance drastically altered. 100lbs plus 50lbs per level may be charged in this fashion. objects that exceed this mass, with few rare exceptions, are only mildly effected. the changes can be seen but do not provide any real benefits.
2) Transperancy: an object rendered transperent is invisible to normal sight. used on held weapons the character can walk around with them on his person without drawing undue attention. Likewise with body armour, even power armour or vehicles if they fall within the appropriate mass range. Invisible weapons have a +2 to strike the first time they are used.
3) Disguise: an item charged to be disguised becomes holigraphically painted to resemble something else. The character could wear full body armour but appear to be dressed in a tuxedo. likewise a door could be made to appear as iron, or even as a section of wall. as with any illusion, other senses may reveal the disguise.
4) Duration: items retain their charge for 30 minutes +10 minutes per level. constant contact with the character extends the duration to indefinate. The charge dissipates with force, losing 1 effective minute of duration for every SDC dealt, even if it's AR is not breached. 'Invisible' weapons become visible very quickly, losing minutes with each successful strike, every successful parry and every parried blow. (In these instances, consider any held weapon to have maximum duration until struck. given a full melee of contact the character could renew the duration back to 'indefinite'
5) Other tricks:
Window: By focussing on a wall with this power, the character can turn a section transperant. Duration is a mere 3 minutes plus 1 per level, as the charge dissipates quickly throughought the wall.
Mirror: The character can use the disguise ability to reflect as much light as possible. Not only does this act as a mirror normally would, it can be used on the character's own clothing as limited protection vs Lasers (Natural AR VS lasers becomes 17. any actual damage inflicted becomes halved)
Disguise: if a full body mask or even helmet is charged, then the character can overlay a fake 'face'. maintain a complex, ever shifting hologram requires that the character be in total contact and that he expends one action per melee maintaining the concentration.
Television: The character can turn any flat surface into a display of his own.the character must be in constant contact with the surface, though by charging a wire, cord or string that runs to the chargeed surface the character has an effective remote. Screen resolution is as good as any high quality television, but (20+ME %) better quality. the images come straight from the character's mind though, he gains no ability to recieve any signals to create images from.
Changing an image: if the character merely taps a charged object, he may change it's appearance within the normal parameters of this power. as a prank, he could charge a team mate's clothing and then tap them later in the day to make the clothes invisible. Great for childrens parties and press statements.
Other talents.
+10% to art
+10% to disguise
+15% to prowl by disguising and camoflaguing his outfit.

Earth Lock [Major] By Iczer
'I'll move when I'm good and ready'

The character can plant his feet on the ground and enter an umovable state, where he has a symbiotic attachment to the very ground he stands on.
When the character plants himself, which requires 2 actions to perform,he gains the following abilities.
* Gains an AR equal to the material under his feet
* Is holding onto the ground with a Supernatural PS equal to his PE, Plus the AR of the ground Plus 5 per level. this is the required force to move him from that spot, not a supernatural PS attribute. any attacks that would move him against his will that cannot best this strength simply fail.
* Can transfer damage into the earth. The charactercan transfer damage into the ground below him. up to 3/4 of kinetic damage and 50% of all energy damage may be simply transfred into the earth instead of him. If he takes more damage in a sinlgle blow than his 'gripping strength' he must make a PE based saving throw (14) or lose his grip (the erath has broken up around his feet.
* While pinned, his strength becomes extraordinary. He cannot Kick or move from his spot though. he gains +1 to strike with melee weapons or hand to hand attacks, but -6 to dodge and autododge.
Other abilities: The character enjoys +30 SDC while attached to the earth.
The character can flex the earth he is bonded with to create a kind of shockwave or tunnel. The shockwave takes 3 actions to perform, during which time he parries at -4. The shockwave craetes a wave of earth 4 feet high out in all directions to 30 feet +10 feet per level. everyone in the area must save vs knockdown (-20%) or be kocked down and to the outer edge of the effect (amd also take 4d6 damage +1d6 per level.) the shockwave moves all items, shoving them aside as if posessing half the character's gripping strength. This damage is also reflected to the same area downwards for about three feet. if done inside an office buiilding it may rip a hole stright down before it can hurt anyone.
The tunnell effect works the same way, taking three actions to perform. when it goes off, the character sinks into the earth, compressing it as he goes and tunelling down 20 feet per level, or until an open area presents itself. after a use of this ability, the character is unable to go down any further, as he has compressed the ground beneath him too much.
Boith the tunnel and the shockwave break the character's grip with the ground.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Magnetic Bolt [Minor] By Iczer
'time for a little zap, crackle and pop'

The character can unleashe a directed puilse of electromagnetic energy with enough force to crack stone and splinter wood, but with more interesting and devestating effects on metal and machinery.
Range: 120 feet +10 feet per level
Duration: Instantaneous
Attacks: each blast counts as a single attack
Damage: special. 1d6 +1d6 per level of experience but see below
Bonus to strike +1 with a wild shot, +3 with an aimed shot.
Special effects: magnetic pulse blasts are far more harfull when directed against metal objects and machinery than against people. The damage increases by 3d6 against these targets. furthermore, the character has a further +6 to strike them. in addition penalties for making called shots against metal or metalic objects are halved (such as shooting a gun out of someone's hand).
Sensitive electronics struck by this blast have a 10% chance of becoming scrambled +3% per level.
If a target has a handy source of ferrous material nearby, at least massing half his body weight, the beam is likely to veer off course. such targets are -10 to strike and only suffer half damage.

Triggered speed [Minor] By Iczer
'Nobody touches Sarah Jane!!! >THUD THUD THUD<'

The character can use small bursts of adrenaline to quicken his response times in exchange for future fatigue. In combat, If he strikes a foe, he has has a 70% chance of unleashing a second attack immeadiately. this chance rises by 2% per level. aftwerwards there is a 50% chance for a third attack, and then 15% chance for a 4th. These attacks are not extra attacks, they come off his normal number of attacks, essentially allowing him to channel his aggression into more rapid bursts of power. Missing, or being parried ends his reign of attacks. In addition, he may choose not to make extra attacks, leaving them for later in the round where he may use them tactically. He may not borrow attacks from later rounds. The character gains the following other bonuses.
+2 to initiative
+1d6 to Spd
+1 attack per melee

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by abtex »

Iczer wrote:Cloak Objects [Minor? help me out guys] By Iczer
'OMG! He's got a gun...where was he hiding that thing?'


He? How many times have you seen a female spy or like has pulled a weapon from somewhere in an outfit that there was no way, no how that it could have been hidden in it. This is a must have power.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Control Cheese(minor)

"Behold, the power of cheese!"

The person with this power has great control over all forms of cheese. This is in reference to the food item only. They can shape cheese, transmute it, and even make it move in a limited fashion.

1. Transmute Cheese:
This, simply, is the ability to turn any kind of cheese into any other kind of cheese. A simple slice of american cheese can become a slice of mozzerella, or even brie. The possibilities are limited only by the character's exposure to cheese. The new piece of cheese is a typical piece of it's type, and is also cleaned of any toxins that may have been present in the original piece.

Range: Touch, or 1 foot away.
Duration: Permanent.
Max Weight Affected: 1lb of cheese per level of experience, per use. Requires one melee action per use.
Limitations: The character can target any kind of cheese for transmutation, but can only transmute it into a variety they have personally tasted.
The character can't transmute cheese into a cheese with other ingredients(such as pepperjack cheese), at least until 6th level.
At 6th level, the character can transmute cheese into another cheese with extra ingredients(such as a cheese with horseradish in it). They must have actually tasted this cheese before, as per the limitations.

2. Shape Cheese:
The character can modify the shape of cheese. This can allow them to make simulacrums of other objects(though color stays normal), or sculpt intricate designs. This doesn't give the cheese any extra stability, so parts of a piece could fall off or whatever.

Range: Touch, or 5 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent, unless changed again.
Max Weight: 1lb per level of experience. Shaping cheese takes one action per use.

3. Move Cheese:
This isn't some strange telekinesis, but a variation on Shape Cheese. By changing the dimensions of the cheese, the character can make it seem to move. In reality, they are just continuously modifying the shape. This continuous shaping of the cheese can help in stability because it's constantly being modified to retain a shape.

Range, duration, and max weight are the same as 2. Shape Cheese.
Actions required for movement: Continued movement of a specific cheese target uses up one action every melee round it's in motion.
Max targets: 1 per level of experience. This means the character can move more pieces of cheese as they increase levels, but the total weight can't exceed the max weight allowed.
Speed Of Cheese: Cheese can only move with a SPD of 3, +2 at every odd numbered level of experience.


The character is lactose tolerant, and suffers no kind of health problems from ingestion of cheese(clogged arteries, cholesterol, etc...)

The character can also eat cheese of any sort, even made from alien creatures. They are not affected by anything in the cheese that would normally harm someone of their physiology. This actually includes eating radioactive cheese; as soon as they put it in their mouth it doesn't affect them.

+20% to Art, but only when sculpting cheese.

+20 to Cooking, but only when cheese is an ingredient in a dish.

Can recognize the exact type of cheese sensed using any of their senses, with a 90% degree of certainty.

Obviously, it's a silly power. Just one of those things I thought would be cool. And I think I just wanted to say 'cheese target' in a sentence and it actually make sense.
Last edited by MrTwist on Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I forgot to add in the Speed of Cheese. Fixed.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Fat burning [Major] By Iczer
'Who're you calling tubby?'

The character finds himself with a superhuman but finite supply of raw energy that unfortunately leaves him with a smmewhat socially distinguishing side effect:
1) Fat reserves: the character is overweight by all technical definitions. His body mass is heightened by 50lbs plus 20 lbs per level. while socially less appealing, the character is accustomed to this extra mass, which does not hamper his agility or speed.
2) Burning reserves: The character has the ability to access these reserves for extra kicks of speed and endurance when necessary Buring off 5 lbs grants the character the following for 1 minute.
* +2PP
* +10 Spd
* +1 action per melee
* +4 PS
* +4 PE
* +6 initiative.
the character extends the duration by another melee at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
3) Burn like there is no tomorrow: When the character has depleted his fat reserves, he has the option to start burning muscle mass instead. this harrowing process grants the listed abilities above, but costs the character 1D6 HP as well as 2D6 SDC. when burning fat or muscle, the character gives off extra heat, like he has become feverish, a distinction that does not escape those who can detect heat sources. Burning off 20% or more of a character's HP can results in losing 2 PB as well as 1 PE point. (the character acquires a hungry, wasted look). this process repeats itself at 40%, 60% and 80% (At 100% HP loss the character has other problems as well as the dropped attributes)
4) Recovery: presuming a normal lifestyle, the character reacquires his extra weight at a rate of 4lbs every 15 minutes. binge eating can double this recovery rate. HP and SDC lost recover as normal, though diminished attributes recover at a rate of 1 point per daywith rest and care.
5) Other bonuses: the character has adapted to carrying the extra mass around with him, leading to the following alterations.
* +2PS
* +20 SDC (+5 per level)
* +2 PE
* Character is immune to heart disease and obesity related traumas, and is not skills penalised for this extra weight.

Kinetic transferance: [Minor] By Iczer
'So..where am I going to strike you from next ?'

The character can control the output of his kinetic energy as to alter it's makeup fo a brief period, twisting the effects of solid, kinetic blows and other activities.
1) Transfer blow: the character can transfer the weight and power of a blow, either with his bare hands or a weapon through the air, striking at a range. H ecan direct his melee attacks to opponents up to 40 feet away, plus 10 feet per level. these blows become visible as they pass through the air. transfered blows inflict normal damage and are -2 to parry (But +2 to dodge)
2) Transmit blow: the character can use a medium aside from air to act as a channell for his blows. By striking the earth, or a nearby wall, the force of the blow runs across it towards a target before leaping out at him. as with transfer blow this functions at 40 feet plus 10 per level, but the medium absorbs some of the damage either halving it, or reducing it by it's AR, whichever is more. Transferring through a medium can be parried or dodged as normal, but if the target is touching the medium in question he suffers a -4 to his defence. A blow may be transmitted through a person's body armour, even through power armour, and may be made with surgical precision a wall could be struck for instance, targetting damage to the mortar leaving the bricks intact. Natural armour protects normally.
3) Alter blow dynamics: the character can choose to alter the type of blow inflicted. a sword could be made to inflict blunt or crushing damage with the same ease that a bare handed blow can be made into a slashing style attack.
4) Blow defence: when struck with kientic damage, the character can attempt to alter it's parameters in order to protect himself. by transferring the energy at the point of impact, the character can direct damage through hsi own body and into the ground he is touching. this reduces the damage by an amount equal to the AR of the ground itself. In the same manner, he may turn sharp, peircing blows into soft, dispersed crushing wounds, halving the damage from bullets and blades (is halved after the ground absorbs any damage). in any case the character requires concentration to perform these feats, subtracting one attack per melee to do so
5) Will over body: the character may use his ME as PS when calculating damage inflicted with bare handed attacks. Read the character's ME as PS to discover the amount of damage bonus. add +1 at every even level.

Unweildy mind: [Minor] By Iczer
'No no no..those colours, they are not random at all'

The character's mind is a chaotic whirl of thoughts and ideas that come and go in a swirl of disorder.
1) Impenatrable mind: the character's mind is unable to be read. the thoughts do not transmit as well. In addition the character has a +8 to save vs psionics and mind affecting magic.
2) See pattern: the character posesses an autistic type ability (without actually being autistic) to discover patterns lying in apparent chaos. This ability requires heavy intervention by the GM but includes the following abilities:
* Can see order disguised as chaos. Like a rigged lottery, or loaded dice. in the same way he can tell when someone is acting (or lying) by the way they behave
* Can almost instantly decypher codes and ciphers, taking a mere 1d4 melees to translate any code that eventually translates into a language they can read.
* Can unscramble anything that has been scrambled, depending on the level of complexity. will notice any additions to an artist's painting, and ignores worn camoflague
3) Unpredictable: the character can function dangerously and unpredictably if he so chooses. in this manner he thwarts powers that rely on order and strcture (including Karmic power) and cannot be 'read' by others (thwarts attempts to read body language, or to psychoanalyse. also is unreadable to Natural combat ability) He gains +1 to strike and damage and is -2 to be struck when behaving chaotically, but cannot follow instructions or plans. Lastly, the character triggers anyone's danger or sixth senses when he is in this mode, and has a -4 to MA while is mind is disordered.

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I like that last power Iczer. I think expanding it into a major power would be pretty cool. I can't really think of a good power title, but something like 'Chaotic Presence" might work.

Their combat style would screw with Natural Combat Ability(the HU2 version, since I think the original one was a modified HTH) and maybe Karmic Power. Karmic Power is iffy since it relies on 'good' and 'bad' in regards to alignment. If the power can screw with that, I'm sure there are other bonuses an Unwieldly Mind could benefit from.

Detect Ambush used against the character with this power might get a penalty. They just don't think along normal lines and may even surprise people who aren't easily surprised. While the person using Detect Ambush is scanning all the normal avenues of attack, and many of the not-so-normal, the person with this power would choose a method nobody but a second grader on LSD would consider. For some reason, the grenade with "Pick Me Up" from Mom and Dad Save The World comes to mind. As stupid as it may sound, it would work once and maybe twice.

In hand-to-hand combat, this person might have an advantage. Since the person is basing their actions on whim due to chaos, trained opponents might not know how to counter.

Just some ideas.
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YAY feedback!


(I'm not needy right now. Honest....)
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Iczer wrote:YAY feedback!


(I'm not needy right now. Honest....)

I used to be pretty good with feedback. Then I discovered Sound Off. If there was a way to track such things, you'd probably see a marked reduction of posts on the HU forum consistent with an increase on Sound Off.

Around the same time, my long time group broke up. Since we weren't playing HU2 anymore, my desire to be involved grew to be less. When I used to provide feedback quite often and post new powers with only a bit less frequency, now I tend to post a new idea every once in awhile and just skim the posts.

Then again, my job takes up quite a bit of my time. Not just my job, but also many other aspects(read: bills) of my life are taking priority. Not really pertinent to the topic, but ah well.
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funny. My fiance left me, giving much more time to be on these boards.


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Iczer wrote:funny. My fiance left me, giving much more time to be on these boards.




Sorry to hear about that.
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Empower Tracer(minor)

This power allows the user to 'tag' items and track them at a distance. As they progress in levels, they are able to 'tag' more items and track them at a bigger distance.

Range: 2 miles at level one, plus an additional mile at levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15.
Duration: A temporary tagged tracer lasts for one day. The special tracer can always be traced, until the character changes their special tracer.
Amount of Tracers: At level one, the character can designate one special tagged item. At every even numbered level the character cast designate a temporary tagged item.
Weight Restriction: The special tagged item can be up to 100lbs in weight. A temporary item can be no heavier than 3lbs per level of experience. Even living things can be tagged as a tracer.
Chance of Tracking: An attempt at tracking can be made at any time, though failing a roll means one minute must pass before another attempt can be made.
General Direction: 80% +2% per level of experience. This just tells any of the four main cardinal directions, along with up or down. You can't tell how far away, just kind of where.
Specific Direction: 68% +3% per level of experience. A successful roll with this allows you to know in exactly what direction your tracer is. You don't know how far away though.
Direction & Distance: 60% +2% per level of experience. This allows you to know exactly how far and in what direction the tracer is. With a decent map of an area you can pinpoint where the tracer is as long as you know where you are on the map.
Combine With Powers: 50 +3% per level of experience. This is special, discussed below.

Notes: This power can be combined with other powers. If the person using this power has powers like Teleport or Gateway, they can use this power to target their tracers. With teleport, a successful roll on Combine With Powers allows them to teleport to where their tracer is with no chance of messing up. Using this power with Gateway allows the character to create a gateway to their tagged tracer.

I'm sure something similar has been done. Just popped into my head.
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Ironclad wrote:Right.. that's the sympathy over...

Back to creating the powers you (cracks whip)

As you command:

Bend reality [Major Duh] By Iczer
'wow....I didn't know i could do that'

The character has a finite potential to do virtually anything within limits. Within those limits, the character posesses a kind of omnipotence, even if it is a badly neutered one.
1) Extent of power: the character can mimick the use of any major or minor power with the following caveats:
* It must already exist as an ability or sub ability. The character cannot simply declare that everyone of evil alignment is a cow and have it be so.
* No power lasts longer in duration than a single action. the after effects have a regular duration, but any use of a given power ends when the action does.
* All powers deplete the character's physical resources. (See below)
2) Physical resources: the act of chanelling such raw and loosely fettered power takes a toll on both the mind and the body. The character has a number of 'reality checks' Based on his ME+PE x10 and gains 3d6 extra per level. The character recovers these 'reality checks' at a rate of 1 point per minute. When a character runs low (down to his last 10% of reality checks) he becomes fatigued losing half his attacks, and half his sopeed, skill bonuses and combat bonuses. he remains fatigued until he can rest for at least half an hour.

Energy tendrils [Minor] By Iczer
' you need a hand?'

The character can create a small energy structure, about the size of a grapefruit, that is nothing but a mass of tendrils. he may initially create it in his hand, forming a glove out of it, but at later levels may send it out to run 'errands'
Bonuses: When wearing the tendril glove, the charactre has +15% to all tasks requiring intense hand/eye coordination including picking locks, delicate electronics or even surgery> as a weapon, the tendrils as a group can inflict 3d4 damage, though it is not designed to parry weapons (it has HP equal to the users ME)
at 3rd level it may be sent on errands. the character can detach it and send it up to 50 feet away. though blind, it has an enhanced sense of touch, and it relays this touch sense to the character over the controlling distance. if it is within Line of sight to the character it can be directed in combat, but on its own it inflicts a mere 1d4 damage, has no combat bonuses excpet +10 to dodge and a SPD of 12, and each action it takes counts as an action by the character. the character can dismiss it at any time. but if destroyed it takes a full 5 minutes to reconstitute.

Transplant damage [Major] By Iczer
'Oh yes...I love your ass. give it to me. No, I'm serious'

This disturbing ability allows the character to heal and repair damage to himself by grafting the flesh of others directly onto himself
1) Rending strike: The character can perform a rending type strike on a person. this strike inflicts 2d4 damage, plus his PS bonus and takes two actions. The target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose a chunk of flesh to this attack. worse, any successful rending strike bleeds horribly until medical treatment is sought.
2) regeneration: If the character has just performed a rending strike, he may, as an action, transfer the flesh to his body. he heals an amount of damage equal to half of the damage of his rending strike, but his flesh is obviously a frankenstein type transplant. The character keeps track of how much flesh is actually borrowed. after the first use of this ability, the character's PB drops by 1d4. when he is more than 25% borrowed, he halves his PB. after 50% has been transferred, his PB is a mere 1d4+1. the character can adopt any flesh to meet his own. if he loses an eye, or goes blind, he may pluck out the eyes of any creature to replace them. replacing a broken limb, organ or other body part takes a whole melee to perform.
3) Borrow body parts: the character can also borrow other body parts to enhance his own performance. He can splice on the limbs of another creature to adopt their PS, and any natural weapons, or their Spd in the case of grafted legs. replacing limbs for enhancement takes one minute and a helpless donor. the donor may be up to three days dead and still provide usuable flesh for the task. at 4th level, the character can add additional limbs or extra flesh. He can add up to 30 SDC +5SDC per level to his body, and add up to one pair of extra limbs (functions as either flight winged, or the multiple limbs power).
4) Duration: borrowed bodyparts degrade over time, and drop off after 6 hours, plus 3 hours per level. SDC gained by this power cannot be healed conventionally (but may be healed by the regeneration aspect of this power). extra limbs drop off at the end of the duration and will need to be replaced. if the character's limbs have been substituted or replaced, the new limbs morph into his old limbs at the end of the duration.
Likewise, the character continues to heal damage sustained and then healed with regeneration, slwly turning his borrowed flesh into a fair facsimile of his own (with his PB recovering as normal)
5) other benefits: thr character ca take any transplanted organ. attemts to use surgery on this character enjoys a +20%, and recovery from surgery is halved.
+2 PE and +10% to save vs Coma/death.

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Ironclad wrote:
I do have a couple of questions though...

OK. Fire away

Rending Strike
I assume the rending character generates some form of anti-coagulant to keep the blood flowing, as such would there be a continual haemorrhaging of SDC or HP due to blood loss?

Nope. The GM should adjudicate the bloodloss as his campaign decrees. grim and gritty GM's could be bleeding 1 or more HP per melee per wound, while less vindictive GM's can just leave it at one per minute. The actual grafted flesh knits to the character asn becomes part of him, so the new flesh is fine.

How do you see the rending ability working against regenerative healing abilities? Can they heal away the blood loss side effect?

They heal as per normal, albeit severe. Once again I leave it to the GM to decide how effective the various healing factors are.

Edit - Oh Yes, what do you think of a character or npc (evil of course) using this power on the recently dead to bulk up with SDC before a fight?

What do I think? I think Villains will use it to become more formidable. This makes them villains above and beyond any other acts they may or may not have performed. On the recently dead, the issue is a little muddy (refer elsewhere for the whole 'necromancy argument).

That said using the ability at all is morally low by any standards. the BEST uses for it means you have to acquire and desecrate the already dead. the worst uses, well.......
As the recently dead are , almost by definition, out of SDC and HP though. I'd rule a normal human sized corpse has no more than 10 or so SDC to lend, though could be used still to harvest usable organs (presuming they still work)
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AJ Pickett wrote:Gads thats hideous.. nice work Iczer.
How would the grafting of flesh from alien or supernatural beings effect the character?
And do you think the Rending effect (plus other sub-powers) would get harder to resist (higher saving throw required) as the character raises in level?

Hey, You're still alive :)

Alien creatures: no change, but they may include new limbs.

Supernatural creatures, the character adapts foreign flesh to become his, so if a GM considered it possible, then it would not add any extra bonuses (though the character could wear the skin of a fire proof creature). This power does not transfer any supernatural ability.

I'm not a fan of increasing the saving throw. especially as there is no corresponding ability to resist. Notably, you do actually have to perform a rend attack. an attack with a claw, powerchanelling, or a hand held weapon does not actually pull chunks of flesh out and cannot be used for regeneration.

The original build actually had a sub ability to reattach body parts onto other creatures, but as this had the potential to allw the character to create an army, it started to venture too high on the point scale, even for a major power.


(4 Posts to go)
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Ok first of all woo hoo! One thousand Posts

and what better way to celebrate than by posting on this thread

Predator [Minor] By Iczer
'Sporting? why not....I could use the exercise'

The character's instincts are honed to that of predatory beasts, developing a low cunning that augments his own mental faculties.
1) predator sense: The character recognises predators and prey. For the use of this power, a predator is any being or creature that dominates other creatures for their own benefit or pleasure. The character senses most active hunting carniores as predators. by the same token, the character recognises a local pimp as a predator by nature. The character senses their predatory nature. For the purposes of this power, 'Prey' refers to any creature that is routinely subject to a predator. Gazelles and domestic cows will sense as prey, as will a battered spouse or hostages.
The character does not recieve any other information other than 'predator' or 'prey' but may be able to deduce a subjects actual reasons for falling into those categories from other clues. Also of note is that many people are neither predators or prey. This power simply recognises people who fall into those extremes.
2) Aggression: as a predator, the character is typically aggressive and volitile. He will have a tendancy to erupt or overreact in many circumstances. In combat this provides +2 initiative, +1 to strike and +2 to damage
3) Other bonuses: the character is very physically orientated, gaining +20SDC and +2 PS

Lesser Physical structure: [Minor] By Iczer
'Flame on? oh man that sounds so retarded'

The character can alter the outer levels of his skin into another element, gaining abillities similiar, though lesser than experienced in an altered physical structure.
1) Attributes of transformation: Altering the skin and aura provides the following benefits
* +20 SDC. This SDC and the SDC provided by the altered form (If any) Regenerate sat a rate of 1 every 5 minutes, or 12 an hour.
* +1d4 PE
* Makes the character's strength extraordinary
* Acts as natural AR 11
2) Specific elements: Each elemental type provides bonuses unique to itself. when this power is taken, the character chooses one of the following altered states he may use
* Stone: Gains an extra +2 AR and 40 extra SDC. PS and PE rise by 2
* Metal: Gains +3 AR and an extra 30 SDC. PS rises by 3
* Smoke/mist/vapour: the character gains +6 to spd and +2 to PP as well as a ntural prowl of 65% +5% per level
* Wood/plant: Gains +1 AR +4 PE and +20 SDC
* Fire: Flaming outer skin means that anyone touching the character takes 2d4 damage. This 2d4 damage is added to hand to hand attacks, and of course the character is immune to fire
* Water: the character's liquid skin allows the character to breathe underwater and swim at his normal Spd attribute. he also gains +3 PP
* Ice: The character's icy body offers +20 SDC and renders the character immune to cold

(Note as a major power, the character can transform into any of the above substances, even within the same type of substance. When keeping track of variant SDC scores, always keep track of each type seperately. the first time on any given 24 hour period that the charcter uses an element skin he gains the reccommended bonus. EG If bruno turns his skin to steel he gains 20 SDC for the power, plus 30 for the metal form. If he were to take 25 damage, his metal forms would have 25 SDC remaining. Turning to copper would not help him in this instance (it's the same 'element') but turning to wood would cause him to lose those 25 remaining SDC, to be replaced with 40 from wood. if he were to turn into cold iron a round later he would lose his wood shape SDC, but regain the 25 his metal shapes have.
The SDC of each skin 'type' regenerates seperately.)

Plate [Minor] By Iczer
'I like to be dressed for the occasion'

The character can use small, nearby objects to fly to him and form a suit of armour. This power likes to attract metal over other substances, but will use whatever is available. All metal items within 30 feet of the character will lose 1d4 damage per level of the character as it forms the armour.
The armour has an artificial AR of 14 and 45 SDC. It is tailored exactly and precisely to the character to posess the maximum comfort and mobility, even flexing for the character.
every level of experience over the first, increases the armour's SDC by 20, while the AR increases by 1 at levels,3,5,7,9,11 and 13 (where it hits AR 20)
The armour is also designed to provide the best protection it can manage, flexing and stiffening to deflect blows. every round, and when the armour is created, the character specifies a type of damage hat it resists particularilly well. this may be an energy type (Fire, electricity, light etc) or a type of impact (Crashes and falls, blunt weapons, unarmed attacks, bullets, slashing etcetera). this type of damage when recieved inflicts half damage. This change can be made as often as once per melee on the character's action, but does not take any actions to perform.
Creating armour takes 2 actions. dispelling it causes it to simply fall off, the power no longer holding it together.
The character, if necessary can use stone, leather or wood as base materials if no other exist (if no metal is within 30 feet) the damage inflicted to items in the vicinity is increased by 50% and the resultant armour has -2 AR and 20% less SDC.

Bio Lumanessence [Minor] By Iczer
'See...angelic halo, sexy wings I must be an angel :D '

The character can cause living things to shed light.
By targetting himself with this, he may emit a light that illuminates up to a 60 foot area as bright as day, or as little as enough to make out in the dark. the colour is optional. The character can be creayive, causing the colours to change and swirl, and create crude images or shapes, including neon style tattoos.
The character can target an individual by touch. the target then attains the same effects as listed above, though they are under control of the character and only when touching the target. The character can also make plants luminesse. if a target does not wish to be illuminated in that way, he may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count) to shake it off. shaking it off is requires an action, otherwise it fades in 3d4 minutes
The character can target a general area. The character causes all living things in a 45degree arc out to 50 feet to begin to luminesse. this includes individuals who are invisible or otherwise hidden. the character can be selective about this, simply saying 'mutants glow red, humans white' or 'only insects' or 'invisible people in the area only' People in the area do not get a save to resist, but if they know the effect is coming they may attempt to dodge out of the area (needing a 16). otherwise, those affected can make a save as listed above to 'shake it out'

Energy arm: [Minor] By Iczer
'Let's shake on it'

The character can spontaneously grow a limb made from energy from his own body. this is an extra limb composed of solid energy (type determined by the character when it is designed). The character is resistant to the type of energy the limb is made of (half damage) and it inflicts 1d4 damage on a strike. The limb has the character's PP and strike bonuses, and a PS equal to the Character's ME +1 per level. If the character chooses, the limb can be charged to inflict an extra 2d4 damage when it hits and discharges some of it's energy.
The character also gian an additional Attack per melee with the grown limb

Mimic animal [Major] By Iczer
'Oh goody..he brought a tiger'

The character can mimic the abilities of nearby animals. by identifying an animal within 60 feet, and by expending an action, the character gains
* The animals PS, PP, PE and Spd attributes (May use his own if higher)
* Any and all natural skills the animal may posess
* any and all natural powers posessed by the animal not reliant on extreme physiology changes. (IE it can gain a canines' sense of smell, or a birds sight, but not a bite attack or winged flight)
The character also heals HP and SDC equal to the animal's PE attribute. this can be done once per day per level of the character.
The character also acquires the animal's fighting abilities if any of them are better than his, and gains an additional attack per melee.
These abilities last only while the targetted animal is within range (60 feet) but do not fade for 1d4 melees after it does leave.
Other bonuses: the character has +10% to wilderness survival, as well as any skill when used on or against an animal
+40 SDC
+2 PE

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Preacher wrote:OK with the recent debate on GM's who restrict Invulnerability this one came to mind. It allows a player to make a tough guy that is more along the lines of the big rock like orange guy than the big green bulky guy. This power is tough but can be hurt with a good roll by the GM for an NPC.

Massive Damage Capacity

*Major Power*
This power adds massive amounts of sdc to the character who has it. While not as incredibly damage resistant as Invulnerability it does provide toughness, healing and a good A.R. This power is for those who want a major tough guy but can still be hurt and is not immune to most damage. This is a power that might be allowed in games where their GM might not want the often times unbalancing power of Invulnerability.

For AR Roll on the table.
1-25%= A.R.12
100%= A.R.16
S.D.C. Provided. Roll + 1D4x100+100 sdc. “Yes Character MUST Roll.”
Hit Point Bonuses: +3D6x10+15 per level.
Built in Healing factor allows the character to heal 1D6 sdc and 1D6 Hit Point per minute.
Other Bonuses: + 2D6 to PE attribute and +1D6 to ME.
I have to say, I do like this. This allows a person to make a brick character as opposed to a tank.
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Abraxis wrote:Hey Iczer, was wondering if you can do me a favor....seeing how it looks like you like creating powers, can you create a somewhat easy one for me? It's a healing power that's for an "Earth Guardian" type character. I want it to be a major power and some way incorporate something to do with nature/earth. I even have a name for it: Gaia's Healing Touch. I'd do it myself but with the lack of time I have, i really can't (hell, I actually really don't have the time to be on here right now!) and you seem to be able to rattle new powers off without a second thought! Thanks in advance if you can do this for me!

I'm pretty sure all you need is aps plant, aps wood or control plants alonmg with either diving healing or that lesser healing power.

That said, never let it be said that I shy away from a challenge:

Gaia's healing touch [Major] By Abraxcer
"Thanks in advance if you can do this for me"

The character has a kind of symbiotic connection with living things, allowing him to transfers the excess life energy from one source to another
1) Vital essence: The character is much more abundantly healthy than others. Under normal circumstances, the character has +20 SDC and an extra 3d6 HP as well as +1D4 PE. When in a rural environment, even a park as long as it measures more than 3600 square feet, the character gains the following:
* +1D4 PS
* Doubled HP
* +1d4x10+10 SDC
* Heals at a rate of 1 SDC or HP per 10 minutes
* Fatigues at half rate.
2) Transference: The character can also borrow life energy from the ground and loan it to others. the character can borrow life energy from open soil and living plants within 20 feet per level. any given 10 square feet of open ground can yeild 1 SDC or HP, at a rate of 1 point per level per melee (So a first level character can draw power from his 20 foot radius, or roughly 125 square feet, taking up to 12 sdc/HP from the earth and either using it to heal himself or another person he has touched, transferring ths 60 points at a rate of 1 per melee round. a 6th level character affects a radius of 120 feet (758 square feet, yeilding 75 HP at a rate of 6 per melee)
The earth itself considers this 'excess' energy, given off by biological processes, and using it causes no harm to the land or wildlife. it is not possible to overdrain the land's resources in this fashion. Each area of land heals at 10% per week
Note that land that is parched, dry or simply barren may provide 1/4 to 1/10th normal healing.
3) Reversal: the character can also feed the land by transferring his own HP or the HP of others into the earth. BY simply ewilling it for himself, or by forcing another to shed his blood (and his HP) into the earth, the character can enact a living transfer. each HP vitalaises a 10 foot section of ground, making it more fertile and productive. a rock quarry can be made verdant and green in hours, as can a trash dump or a farm, depending on the HP on offer. Small plants spring up instantly (grass, weeds, shoots) full fledged plants spring up overnight (flowers, herbs, wheats etc). of course the seeds must be there to germinate, but they will germinate and grow. these HP stored in the ground can be borowed back later, but drain away at a rate of 10% per week as the ground absorbs it. (If I spill 30 HP into my local park, I can only borrow 27 points of it next week)
4) Natures wisdom: the character can treat more severe conditions other than HP and SDC loss. BY merging a willing victim into a tree or other large plant mass, the target enters a topor that persists until he is cured, or is released by the character. The person dwells within the tree, and maintains a constant exchange of energy with the local ground. The target Heals at 10 times normal rate, regrows lost limbs and damaged organs at arate of 1 per week and can completely regrow a whole new body in 3 months.
5) herbal remedies: the character can enhance normal herbs by transfering minute amounts (no damage) into them. Individual effects will vary from herb to herb, but anyone partaking of them feels their usual effect strengthened by 1 per level of the character, and feels free of discomfort and ill effects (cancels mild conditions such as chills, fever, flu or cold, negates rashes and headaches etc).


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It was the best I could whip up in short notice

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Why thank you. Here at Iczer Inc Corp Pty Ltd we always appreciate return customers.


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AJ Pickett wrote:Invulnerability Field By AJ Pickett
"I was literally hanging on by a single strand of hair!"
The character can project a field of energy which completely protects a held object from physical harm. The maximum weight of the object can not exceed 500 pounds (226 kg) per level of the character, and the maximum size limitation is that the object can not extend further than 20 feet (6 m) from the character's point of contact with the object.
The object must be held or touched by the character, though this can be done through fabric (such as a pair of gloves) it can be blocked by thicker material or by breaking the character's grip on the object.
The effect takes one melee action to activate, so it can be used in place of a dodge (it is not like an automatic parry attempt).
The field can be maintained for up to one minute per P.E. point of the character before fatigue sets in.
Only non-living materials may be effected by the field.


finally, my character can drive like he's playing burnout revenge!
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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