Amalgaverse: Mysterious ships of the Gorushan Empire

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very interesting design! I like it!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice art work! Very Vorlon like in it's coloration pattern.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Cool! Keep up the good work!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Go for it Phalanx! Let's see what you can do with a name!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool vessel! I think it fits nicely!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice work Phalanx!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Pretty nice ship! Very nasty!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Another design. Attack ships on fire, off the shore of orion

Unread post by DhAkael »

The Gorushan "Blood-Spear" is one of the most commonly seen raider vessels. Somewhere between a corvette and heavy fighter-bomber, the Blood-Spear is a threat to anything except a capital ship.
The main body & command pod resemble a metal & plastic tadpole, with the wingpods being located 2/3rds. of the way down the "tail" spaced evenly in a radially symetrical pattern. The EMP projector is a short stubby fin pointing forwards from the "chin" of the command module, with the plasma cannons on either side of the nose. Painted a soild, dark red colour, the Blood-Spear is intimidating to even the most hardend of spacers.

Gorushan "Blood Spear" Attack Ship
Model Type: Makal Brhakan (Blood Spear)
Class: Heavy fighter/Corvette.
Crew: 4; Pilot, navigator, 2 gunners.
M.D.C. By Location:
Torpedo/Mine Launchers (3; end of wings)- 200 each
Wings (3)- 150 each
Ion Turbo-Thrusters (3; around central shaft)- 150 each
E.M.P. Projector (1; under nose)- 90
Plasma pulse Cannons (2)- 200 each
Central Shaft/Main Body- 1500
Command Pod/Life Boat-700
Variable Shields (6 facings)- 400 per side
Flying: Inatmo; Mach2, Mach 4.3 with ion jets. Exatmo; Mach 10, Mach 15 with ion jets.
FTL: Grav-Drive capable of 4.5 LY. per hour.
Range: The life-support system allows the crew to function for up to 3 months. The supplementary ion thrusters have enough fuel for 2.8 million km. of burn.
Statistical Data:
Height: 6m Width: 6.25m command pod, 4.6m main shaft, 9m wing radius. Length: 35.1m (8m @ bridge). Weight: 546 metric tonnes, plus 91 tonnes of cargo.
Cargo: 3x3x3m bay, with 100 tonne capacity.
Drive Type(s): Gravitic Impeller, with Ion boosters.
Power System: Anti-matter with 30yr. life span.
Market Cost: Unknown. If one were to be captured intact, and sold, it could net approximately 250 million Tri-galactic credits easily!
Weapon Systems
1) Torpedo & Mine Launcher Pods (3): The Blood Spear is armed with 3 heavy ordinance pods, each having an energy torpedo launcher, and a mine ejector.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: between 1 to 4 thousand km depending on torpedo type. Mines have a 500m proximity fuse.
Mega-Damage: by torpedo type. Mines use LRM stats.
R.O.F.: one at a time or in volleys of 2-3. Both systems may volley, but separately.
Payload: 12 torps per pod (36 total), and 20 mines per pod (60 total).
Notes: see Pg.169 of "Rifts: Manhunter" for torpedoes.

2) EMP Wave Projector: This weapon is used to cripple ships without destroying the hull or, more importantly, the cargo.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Range: 2km Inatmo, 8km in space with a 45degree arc effecting all ships in that area.
Mega-Damage: 2D6X10 to shields only. Unhardened electronics have a 75% chance of being damaged, while EMP shielded systems have a 15% chance.
R.O.F.: once per minute (4rnds.). The EMP gun drains a massive amount of power per shot.
Payload: effectively unlimited.

3) Plasma Pulse Cannons (2): A pair of heavy plasma cannons are mounted on the front of the Blood Spear. These weapons are primarily used for dog-fighting. Each gun can angle its fire 60 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: 2.4km Inatmo, 24km in space
Mega-Damage: 4D6X10+10 per single blast, 1D4X100+100 per dual burst.
R.O.F.: 4 bursts per gun, per round (may link-fire).
Payload: effectively unlimited.
Other Systems
1) Military Grade Sensors; see Pg.153 of "Rifts: Phase World" for details.

2) Passive Stealth; the Blood Spear is designed to be undetectable by active sensors beyond 2km (-75% to enemy sensor rolls). Guided missiles are also -4 to hit.

3) Tractor Beam; a tractor beam is built into the Blood Spears' aft to tow crippled "prize" ships back to base. 1,000 tonnes max. towing mass.

4) Detachable Lifeboat; the command pod can detach in an emergency, becoming a lifeboat. Speed is limited to Mach 3, and interstellar travel is a mere 0.25 (1/4) L.Y. per hour. Obviously, no weapons can be used.

5) Targeting Computer; as with most military vessels ,a target acquisition computer is standard issue. +2 to strike with guns and missiles, plus W.P. & lock-on bonuses.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Yeah, it might work for the TGE raider. I'm working on a TGE Battleship if anyone is interested. (Something smaller than their Dreadnought.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Jack Daniels »

el magico -- darklorddc wrote:Gorushan Dreadnaught
In addition, energy readings from the vessel indicates that it has a massive version of the shield generator that protects the buzzship.

M.D.C. by location
Super Tachyon Accelerators (2) - 5,000 each
Tachyon Accelerators (6) - 1,000 each
Matter Disruption Torpedo Launchers (10) - 800 each
Neutron Cannons (20) - 200 each
*Main Thrusters (4) - 2,250 each
Fighter Launch Ports (4) - 3,500 each
Docking Bay - 5,000
**Main Body - 40,000

So are the energy readings off or did the shield get omitted?
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Phalanx wrote:Yeah... it really doesn't fit the style DL had in mind, IMO. It would be perfect, though, as a raider vessel produced - perhaps - by the TGE to outfit their mercenaries and privateers.
Hey..never said it was specificaly for DL's universe :D
And for the record.. the blood-spear is the ONLY vessel that anyone has seen in my campiagn that is solely built by Gorushan's.
IMCU, the Gor's tend to steal their heavier vessels (think slightly more sane "Reavers"). That's not to say ,like in DL's set-up, that they don't have MUCH bigger ships of their own design. ;)

Those that have met a Gorushan cap-ship, tend not to live long enough to launch their 'code-omega' beacon. :demon:
Last edited by DhAkael on Mon May 01, 2006 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Misfit KotLD wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Hey..never said it was specificaly for DL's universe :D

But that is where you posted it. :P
Semantics and nit picking will get one nowheres.. save it for University english profs.
...Or a law school :D
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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