relic hunters

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relic hunters

Unread post by shiiv-a »

now .. for any of you that watch TV .. and observe the 'Relic Hunter' series .. outfight copying of said name is outlawed .. understandable .. and IF i get the OCC figured out i will actually post it

but for this OCC .. i was thinking about some of the older languages that MOST wouldn't be able to read .. without magical or psionic means .. or most couldn't be bothered to .. from my limited collection of books ... i seem to have figured out about ... 40+ languages ...

sure some are just vocally spoken .. but others will require a Literacy skill ...

now for this actual OCC .. there will be at least teams of 2 people .. maybe three .. one basically to find the traps and stabilize them .. aka .. make sure to NOT get killed or trapped by them .. and the other to do the deciphering.

now THAT part is the tricky part. too easy to power up the research assistant to be the main hunter type .. BUT .. would it be plausible to think that some of the older ancient pre-rift languages [egyptian hyroglyphics and those from .. say Mayan and incan and possibly one or two others .. wouldn't THEY be grouped together and totally restricted for the researcher part of the relic hunter? ..

such as .. at 5th 10th and 15th levels .. they get a free language program .. the ability to read write or even speak the ancient languages? .. ... hmm ...

oops .. methinks i have placed the cart before the horse .. and its not even born yet ... sorry .. i started to ramble .. apologies to all
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

Well ... first draft is complete .. its not fully finished .. BUT i figured that people with intelligence would be interested in looking at this and let me know what could be altered slightly to make the possible OCC more current and book legal for the die hards out there ... this may just end up being an NPC class only.

So look - comment .. but sadly .. i don't think its properly balanced enough or worded correctly for the actual Rifts company name ...

enjoy hearing comments about it
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

Treasure Seekers OCC

These men and women have devoted themselves, either by choice when 6 years old, or by the family pushing them into it also at 6 years old. they've been imerssed in the various languages and Literature classes frm sun up till sun down. They have limited exercises that take place to keep the body healthy and semi agile, but most times, they cant be bothered to ever be physically active to the degree of every other person they may come across.
As a result of this intensive lifestyle, they have developed superior minds and a knack for languages. Picking them up at a special rate so the starting character usually has a bonus of at least 6 languages and the liturature skills to match. Thus the desire to seek out these 'lost treasures' or to prove a 'legend true or false' is what drives these people on.
Their massive Intellectual training has kept them studying, thus the physical body has been set to the side. They start off as PC's at the age of 30+1D4 years of age.

Treasure Seeker Special Skills and Bonuses ::
1) Affinity to languages.
A one time bonus of TWO language/Literature for every 5 points of IQ (10 = 4, 15 = 6, 20 = 8, 25 = 10 and 30 = 12 bonus skill points).
This applies to any and all possible known HUMAN languages on the earth. They may understand theverbal and written languages of non-humans .. but will be incapable of speaking some of them. this skill comes in handy for those that need to travel in 'possible hostile' areas.

2) Find Obscure Legends
A special skill that works in conjunction with Research, Lore-Pre Rifts and Ancient Languages. Base chance is 50 +4% level.

3) Shard ID
Much like the Espionage skill Intelligence. This ability allows the character to be able to ID a fragment or shard of something larger with a faily strong degree of correctness. This will allow the character to see the date and purpose of an item, if its a part of a major find or not, AND if its even in the right location. [aka - its the start of a lure to trap people] Base chance to properly ID any artifact is 66 +3% level.


Attribute Requirements ::
Minimum IQ is 18. NO bonus die is allowed IF you have to raised the IQ to the minimum.
ALL physical stats are 3D6-4 (PS, PP, PE and PB are the physical stats )

Alignment Limitations ::
Any alignment is possible. MOST are of a non evil alignment, but there are a few people that have decided that the treasures they find hold power ... and they covet the power.

OCC Skills :: the following skills all have a 30% bonus.
Math Basic
Literacy (2 starting languages)
Language (2 starting languages)
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
Radio Basic
History Pre-Rifts

O.C.C. Related Skills :: Choice of 8 skills
Communication - Any (+10)
Cowboy - Lore - American Indian (+5)
Domestic - Any
Electrical - Basic only
Espionage - Any, but does NOT include Intelligence, Interrogation, Sniper, Undercover Ops
Horsemanship - General only
Mechanical - Basic and Locksmith only
Medical - First Aid and Holistic Healing (this counts as 2 skills)
Military - Find Contraband, Trap/Mine Detection only
Physical - None (see secondary list for Hand to Hand infor)
Pilot - Any- BUT Jets, Military types and Robot and Power Armours.
Pilot Related - Any
Rogue - Any, but Computor Hacking, ID Undercover Agent, and Seduction.
Scientist - Any (+10)
Technical - Any, Mythology (+5)
W.P. - Ancient - Any but Pole Arm, Modern - Any but Military types
Wilderness - Any (+10)

Secondary Skills ::
The character gets to pick 10 secondary skills from the above list, excluding any marked "None" at level one and one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus %'s that are in the above 'related' skills.
Varies - 10 secondary skills IF no form of hand to hand is taken. Basic will cost 2 skills, Expert will cost 4, standard Martial Arts OR Assassin will cost 6 skills each. IF they decide to take up either Tai'Chi Chaun or Moo Gi Gong as a part of their actual training. They will NOT recieve ANY secondary skills. (Please see the N&S for details)
Standard Equipment ::
see rogue scholar and rogue scientist for examples of equipment
Notable Additional Equipement ::
an ancient vehicle that barely runs or a single horse to carry their equipment.
Money ::
starting amount - 2d6x100 for personal items .. and 3d6x1000 in tradable goods
Cybernetics ::
Preferably none, as it will interfere with their own natural talents to act on information when its found.

-= GAH .. sorry for all the typos .. i ran out of time ... =-
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Unread post by Sinder Sleeping »

Indiana Jones. He needs a Dog though, and a crumpled hat.
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Unread post by Avenger »

You know I think you could expend it to something of a... well, there must be a bajillion languages in the world of rifts, more than juts the old human ones. I bet they would be able to pick up some obscure ones a lot easier and commuicate nonverbally well.

Unread post by TypoZ »

Awsome cretaion. Thihnk I will run one in the next campain I will play in.

Unread post by TypoZ »

The Sovereign wrote:How many languages do you really need? I mean, you get English, Dragonese and maybe Spanish/Euro/Russian and that pretty much covers it, doesn't it? When's the last time you used Gobbley or Techno-Can?

Thoes are the most common languages. but our history is filled with many defrint langages and dialects. This chari will be best in a game based for Role playing and not one for hack in slash. They whould not live long in a fight. but will help when you come apoun the aztac temple in the middle of iowa.

And I use techno-can all the time. Same with gobaly.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

they already had soemthing like this? .. well .. so much for originality then

... dang ....
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Unread post by dakota »

shiiv-a wrote:they already had soemthing like this? .. well .. so much for originality then

... dang ....

like there isn't duplicity in Rifts already...

And this one is more challenging than the Treasure hunter to play because they aren't spell chuckers. So they'd have to rely on skill instead of magic.

Nice job, Shiivy :ok:
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Unread post by DhAkael »

The Sovereign wrote:How many languages do you really need? I mean, you get English, Dragonese and maybe Spanish/Euro/Russian and that pretty much covers it, doesn't it? When's the last time you used Gobbley or Techno-Can?

On a humorous note, my friend plays a Juicer who has "Language: Troll", which doesn't seem to exist anywhere I can find. I suggested that he should say his character made it up and travels the world, forcibly convincing the 100 odd Trolls on Rifts Earth to start speaking it.

Demogogian, Latin, Sanscrit, Cuniform (text)... do I need to go on?
Beelive me; especialy for magic..dead languages are a MUST.
Plus let us not forget regional dialects :D
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Unread post by abtex »

gadrin wrote:Megaverse Builder p48, Tolkeen Artifact Hunter OCC


Rifter #13, Arcane Archeologist OCC

Dinosaur Swamp p55, Legacy Scout OCC

But the one you came up with works as well.
Good posting, shiiv-a .
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

The Sovereign wrote:How many languages do you really need? I mean, you get English, Dragonese and maybe Spanish/Euro/Russian and that pretty much covers it, doesn't it? When's the last time you used Gobbley or Techno-Can?


Nearly every gaming session of Rifts that I have ever ran or played in.

Techno-Can? Alot if it is a tech oriented campaign.

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Unread post by shiiv-a »

thanks for the opinions ... somethings will be taken into thinking over

the MAIN reason i made this class .. is i only have a limited supply of books. so .. books and rifter mags that others may have to draw from and say 'look at *mentions an OCC* means absolutely squat to me ... sorry .. but its true.

looking the OCC over .. chances are it will most likely be mostly found int HU or NB or PF ... and maybe ONE school or family has passed on the legacy to other youngesters that seem interested .. in Rifts. ... thus the reason they would have a high degree of information that they've gathered ..

the age thing is a factor .. i think tha if a female decides to have a child ... the learning may be tallied at an additional 5 years per child on top of the starting age.

its NOT a real penalty .. BUT it is actually correct if you think about it .. once a baby's born .. you spend the first 5 years looking after it to the point that it can stay with a sitter or someone like that ...

the reason for it being of 'human only' stock [a topic mentioned OVER IM to me ] .. *glares at individual* .. seems he believes that true atlanteans are humans ... our views differ .. i say they are not .. and are D-Bee's to the Rifts earth .. *shrug*
anyways ... the 'human only' standard has been an edict from the oldest teacher they can recall after the world went mad. they had demons to deal with walking the earth ... aliens .. other beings .. so yeah .. human's were the desired stock to draw from.

the No Psionics - i think that may have some people baffled .. but i had to balance out the intellect trained from childhood with lack of special talents of psionics that too many have and have abused .. *mutters sixth sense and telemechanics for a start* .. and those that have been trained to do more 'exciting' things when they were younger.

after all ... who would really want to start a first level char at the age of 30+ .. if you're a human ..? .. most of your life is gone.
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Unread post by shadrak »

Well, gadrin noted a few OCC's similar to this one...

If you want one that is almost exactly like it, try Dino Swamp-

the OCC is legacy scout.
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Unread post by shadrak »

after all ... who would really want to start a first level char at the age of 30+ .. if you're a human ..? .. most of your life is gone.

How old are you?
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

awww ... isn't he a sweetie? ... i just helped him with a few questions .. and he's giving advice to others now ... *blushes*

anyways .. like i said .. we were discussing THIS class .. not some off the wall comment about MY age. i suppose it should be an NPC class after all. Not a lot of people seem to think it would fly on its own in the rifts genre
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Unread post by shadrak »

Hey now, I just think that 30 isn't that old.
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Unread post by shadrak »

Hey, if that car is in good condition, its a nice car.

Anyway, I wish I knew everyones ages on here, because what I would say to a 12 year old discovering Rifts is far different from what I would say to a 30 year old.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

well .. lets see .. *Thinks*

the beatles were in .. penolpe pitstop flew a bunch of baddies .. color tvwas a luxery few had .. *struggles to think back that far*

anyways .. i dont think of that .. i just think of it this way .. I got a kid who's between 20 - 25 ... so you think aobut that ..

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Unread post by shadrak »


Well, you are the one who said 30 was old.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »


.. never said that I was old ...
REAL GAMERS are NEVER old. we bring a new and interesting light to the games and make the other players step up to a line of credability {?} *shrugs*

anyways .. thats besides the point. GAMERS don't age like the rest of the world. they stay young in the mind, which is the best way to be.

its the CHARACTER i was speaking of .... *offers reading glasses*

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Unread post by shadrak »

Well, if you say so.

A person (or personality) is the same age, whether they are in a game or in the real world. Besides, life expectancies in Rifts earth are dramatically extended, so the 30 yr old in Rifts has another 60-90 years left in them (if they don't die of unnatural causes), where as the grim reaper is already shadowing the 30 year old of reality.

Anyway, in Rifts it doesn't matter...there are virtually no penalties for being old, and the penalties that do exist don't take effect until the character is elderly. For all intents and purposes, the 20 year old character and 30 year old character are the same.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

About life half over at the age of 30. What is the average life expectancy for a Rifts Earth Human? In particular I'm thinking the ones who don't live in the big cities.

For most of human history the age of 30 was definitely well into middle age.
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Unread post by shadrak »

Physically speaking, humans of Rifts earth have a life expectancy 30-50 years longer than current in civilized areas and about normal in less civilized areas. Practically speaking? I couldn't tell you. We don't have statistic on how many adventurers die at 21 when their idiot players do something stupid ;)
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Unread post by shadrak »

DBees aren't worth it. Heck, humans aren't worth it, and that's real humans, not game humans, lol
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Unread post by shadrak »

No punishment, just consequences that logically follow certain actions.

Logically, characters do things that should kill their characters quite often. Logically, their characters die quite often.
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Unread post by shadrak »

I give them a nut to crack, and they consistantly bite it with their teeth. I let them crack their teeth. They should have used a hammer or nutcracker, anyway.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

examples of this OCC in populer culture are Danial Jackson from Stargate SG1, Lora Croft tomb radier, and Dr. Jones from Radier of the Lost Ark.

I for one like this OCC, it reflects the adveture spirit that should be in games.
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Unread post by shadrak »

Try Dino has the legacy seeker....exactly what you are talking about.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »


well .. i guess i should have stated I DONT HAVE MANY BOOKS

so, spouting off 'try the *name* class in *book* .. isn't a big help.
but it does show me one thing.
change and/or originality is still frowned on
the limited booksI have don't contain anything like i ws thinking of ... but at least my ideas are good enough to design an occ for a given idea and know that it WONT be over powered. RCC's and or PCC's are a totally different thing tho .. those tend to be heavy on protection and/or abilities that are NOT in the books anywhere
so THOSE ones will NOT be shown for the casual observer - but thanks everyone for your input .. i will be making some changes to the OCC as it is.
maybe one day IF i feel generous, i may share another for the comments. my satisfaction is met this day, but the comments of one or two and how it dragged this off subject was a tad offensive.

KUDO's to those that kept it real and on track ..
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Unread post by shadrak »

the reason many of us feel that the number of OCC's should be kept to a minimum is the problem you have identified...each book has a variety of OCCs, many of them duplicate, which requires referencing a number of books (that is, if you buy all of them).

Now, if you don't have the book, by all means, create an OCC for yourself. That's how it should work anyway, not a huge number of very specialized and very limited OCCs in a number of books.

That being said, Dino Swamp is really good, you should get it.
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Unread post by Marcethus »

Shiiv I think it's a cool OCC it and it's not in any of the limited books I have for rifts :ok:
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