Choose your top 10 picks for THE essential Rifts library...

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Unread post by Nightmaster »

buy the Rifts Main Book, NGR, Federation of Magic, Atlantis, New West, Spirit West, Vampire Knigdoms, Canada and Japan books. That would make the basic for worldbooks to start.

After that buy the Underseas, England, Africa, Russia and South America 1 and 2. That is for advanced play.

Finally buy the entire Siege on Tolkeen series, China 1 and 2 and Australia. Anything besides that is your choice.

For sourcebooks, get the Sourcebook 1 (the old one), Sourcebook 2 and 3.

Only after all that buys the Rifts Ultimate Edition, Book of Magic, Bionic Sourcebook, Rifts Game Master Guide and the dimension books.

I made that order so that you can see all the things in the books again before seeing the changes made by KS in the game.
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Whoa.. you had a flood and didn't pack up the game books? Wow... *Blinks and looks alarmingly at the shelves* That'd SUUUUUCK.

Hurm In order I'd pruchase if I had to buy again

1: RUE ((Updated and expanded, you don't need the base book any more and it's out of print now anyway. Not to mention it's a hard back and you can find the RUE Cheep online. Just TODAY i got a box, had the RUE and the 96 Silver Limited edition. I paid $26 for both of them. Including shipping, so.. $10 a peice for both hard backs.

2: Aftermath: Gives expanded information on the WORLD and makes it so you don't have to have every single world book.

3: Coalition War Campaign: Loads more info on the CS, the military OOCs the robots. Good stuff.

4: Free Quebec: Part personal fave. Part really cool stuff. Their armor happens to be my fave, the glitter boy leigons, the Violator Sam. Just loads of good stuff here.

5: NGR: "THE" Book for Europe. Lots of equipment, setting stuff.

6: Conversion book 1: Gives you lots of monsters and DBees to use, out side of the "human" Stuff previously listed.

7: Lone Star: Another personal Fave. I love all the stuff on the mutant animals and personally could run a game based around Lone star for YEARS with out running out of stuff to use. But that's.. just my love for that book. Others may have personal preferance to fit into this slot.

8: Atlantis: Just so many "Bad guys" And stuff to throw at your group. More than "For" your group. They're one of the "MAJOR" Villians. I'd toss on Splynn in here as... it really isn't it's own book. It's the left over pages from Atlantis as a whole.

9: Book of Magic, OR GM Guide. Depending on your group's preference. My groups... have never dove deep into the magic stuff. Some groups are the EXACT OPPISITE. So... if you have a lot of magic users, the book of magic. If you have alot of Mercs or the like, the GM Guide.

10: YOUR Personal location fave. Everyone has one. I'm an NA guy at heart. (( My lone star is above)) But some people might just LOVE to do an England game. If so.. Pick the England book. Some might love the Japan, or China settings. (( I personally thought they sucked but I'mn ot a huge Asian themed lover. Nothing aginst them. just not my cuppa tea.)) Which ever section of the world YOU like most you should get the book for.

If you're like me this might be where you put New West. Or Canada. I personally didn't put in "Source book 1" like many did due to it's small size for return. If you can only pick 10, you need to get the most bang for your buck.

For me, these would be my top 10 and the order in which I'd get them. I personally loved Juicer Upraisings too but... you don't "NEED" it to play. It just gives you more possibilities and a fun adventure.
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1. RUE
2. Federation of Magic REVISED
3. Coalition War Campaign
4. Psyscape
5. Atlantis
6. Free Quebec
7. Triax and the NGR
8. Aftermath
9. Book of Magic
10. Game Masters Guide

here are my next five.

11. Conversion book revised
12. Dark Conversions
13. Africa
14. Splynn
15. Warlords of Russia
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by Kagashi »

Id keep it to the "core" books first:

1) Rifts Ultimate Edition (and RUESB1 when it comes out)
2) Book of Magic (spells spells spells)
3) Game Masters Guide (body armor and small arms!)
4) Conversion Book 1 Revised (for RCCs)
5) Dark Conversions (for monstrous antagonists)

This will give you almost everything you need as far as rules and most source material (Just not good stats on Power Armor, Bots, vechicals or most OCCs). Then decide where you want to focus your game for the historical background and the items missed by the core books (most likely North America):

6) Merc Town/Merc Ops/Naruni Wave 2 (shouldda been one book...)
7) Mercenaries
8) Coalition War Campaign
9) Free Quebec/Canada
10) Federation of Magic Revised

Notable Adventure plots:
11) Seige of Tolkeen 1-6 (especially 1 for the updated SB1 demons)
12) Juicer Uprising
13) Rifts Adventure Guide
I want to see from Palladium:
Updated Aug 2015
-Rifts: Dark Woods/Deep South, Space 110 PA, Scandinavia
-Mechanoids: Space (MDC)
-Robotech: Errata for Marines timeline, Masters Deluxe with SC and UEEF gear, Spaceships
-Updated Errata for post-2006 printings of Rifts books
-Searchable, quality PDFs/E-pubs of current Rifts titles
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Well to start I'd just pick a area you want to play in. North America has the most books, but if you want a Russia campaign then you'll need a lot less. For example:
1. RUE
2. Warlords of Russia
3. Mystic Russia
4. Triax and the NGR
5. Mindwerks

I've done fine using the original RMB, CWC, CS Navy, Lone Star, New West, Mercs (the original) and a bit of Psyscape and Spirit West for my game centered in Lone Star. If I had to rebuild my collection I would go with those (replace RMB with RUE) and add Merc Ops and MercTown.

From there I'd add books such as Arzno, Dinosaur Swamp, Canada, Quebec, Atlantis and Splynn.
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The Galactus Kid
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Revenant wrote:7.NGR-covers europe. 'Nuff said.


Europe is not nearly as fleshed out as it needs to be. With Triax 2, The Sovietski sourcebook, and the other titles I'm working on, Europe will become a seriously AWESOME place to play.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Everyone is telling you about valueable rifts books, heres somthing else you might want to pick up:

Rifter #2 techno wizard extravaganza
Rifter #4 archie meta plot/ power armor
Rifter #14 black market power armor/robots
Rifter #21 ppe channeling
Rifter #30 Optional skill and combat rules
Rifter #35 hot babes and disturbingly pale men.
Rifter #36 madhaven official material that is extremly valueable to any salvage game.
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

thanks for the plug.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Choose your top 10 picks for THE essential Rifts library

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spacemoose wrote:Over the years I've collected about $1,000 worth of Rifts books.

I live in the rainiest city in the United States (Hilo, HI). A few years ago we had a really bad flood that ripped several houses off their foundations. My house was fine, but 100% of my rifts books were ruined beyond repair.

Because of this, I haven't played rifts much until recently. But, I'm finally ready to start re-building my library. What, in your opinion, are THE essential rifts materials to start with? Is that rifts "ultimate edition" worth it? :?

Many thanks on your thoughts. 8)

Ah, a fellow islander on the boards!

Rift UE is ok. If you lost your original then I would say get it. After that the best 9 to have (in my opinion) would be

2. Source book 1
3. Atlantis
4. Mercernaries
5. Merc Op.
6. Under Seas
7. New West
8. Coalition War Campaign
9. Conversion book 1
Toc Rat: The Col. wants us to install what in his tank?!
Col.'s Driver: A cigarette lighter so he can plug in his cellphone charger.
Toc Rat: :frust:

RainOfSteel wrote:
An excellent insight that hits the nail on the head with a rune-hammer.

Winter wrote:One of the best thought out answers on this forum I have read for a while :ok:

Unread post by londonbaz »

The Galactus Kid wrote:
Revenant wrote:7.NGR-covers europe. 'Nuff said.


Europe is not nearly as fleshed out as it needs to be. With Triax 2, The Sovietski sourcebook, and the other titles I'm working on, Europe will become a seriously AWESOME place to play.

Now that I cannot wait for... if you ever need any help on the Brit side of things, or the Godling haven of New Danzig, just yell ;)

As for my top ten if setting the game in North America...

1) Rifts Ultimate
2) Conversions 1
3) GM Guide
4) Big Book of Magic
5) Coalition War
6) New West
7) Federation of Magic Revised
8) Source Book 1
9) Quebec
10) Atlantis

Pick up the Colaition War series and as well and its all good.
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Unread post by Larsen »

I would get:
rmb- always needed
australia -you can use as source material if you like america a lot Vampire kingdoms - vampires nuff said
Lone star - has the bug killer and new dog boy stuff and helps flesh out the area
new west- for maps and that area and lots of stuff on horses and guns Canada -cold weather rules as well as new areas and the centaurs
bionic conversions- one stop shopping for borgs and the injured
fed of magic & book of magic - needed for the little warlok in everyone
CWC- Good military occs don't like playin the CS just change the name of the army (NG, tolkien if playing b4 all that ).
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Revenant wrote:No argument. However, I limited my recommendations based on books already released. Given Palladiums increasingly unreliable schedule, I don't see any reason to tell this guy to wait. God knows I'm looking foreward to the expansion of europe as much as anyone(mindwerks is an all time favorite), but the restoration of a collection must begin ASAP

Ah. Thanks for the clarification.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Killer Cyborg
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

1. RUE
2. Rifts
3. SB1
4. Vampire Kingdoms
5. Mercenaries
7. BoM
8. CB1
9. Dark Conversions
10. Atlantis

Coalition War Campaign is also a must. Depending on what you plan of running, you could likely swap out one of the other books for this one.

Also, the Xiticix Invasion book is a must, if you plan on using Xiticix.

Come to think of it, the Rifts Adventure Guide is also essential.
Swap out the main Rifts book for the RAG. Hate to do it, but between RUE and RAG, the main book isn't as necessary.
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Killer Cyborg wrote:1. RUE
2. Rifts
3. SB1
4. Vampire Kingdoms
5. Mercenaries
7. BoM
8. CB1
9. Dark Conversions
10. Atlantis

KC I would have pegged you for a japn and new west kinda guy, or at least a jucier uprising type.

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Unread post by AdmTolval »

1. Rifts Ultimate Edition
2. Rifts GM Book
3. Rifts Book of Magic
4. Sourcebook 1 (get the revised when it comes out)
5. Conversion Book 1 (not the revised edition unless you are going to get Dark Conversions also)
6. Mercenaries
7. Mechanoids
8. Triax and the NGR
9. Sourcebook 2
10. Atlantis
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

rat_bastard wrote:KC I would have pegged you for a japn and new west kinda guy, or at least a jucier uprising type.


Juicer Uprising was fairly tolerable.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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hes just telling you that as during the attack he is preparing his power punch.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Good job boys! An act of dog got him out! but we dragged him back in!
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Unread post by Chuck McDaniel »

Mine would be:

1: Rifts RUE
2: Vampire Kingdoms
3: Atlantis
4: Canada
5: CWC
6: Lonestar
7: GM Guide
8: Adventure Guide
9: federation of Magic ( Revised )
10: Rifter # 35 ( scantily clad women WOOHOO!!!!! )

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Unread post by RainOfSteel »

Hmm, interesting. This isn't quite the same as the normal top ten favorite Rifts books list.

I slanted this list in favor of North America.
  1. Rifts Main Book
  2. Rifts Ultimate Edition
  3. Sourcebook 1
  4. WB1: Vampire Kingdoms
  5. WB2: Atlantis
  6. Rifts: Mercenaries
  7. Rifts: MercTown
  8. WB10: Juicer Uprising
  9. Rifts: Aftermath *
  10. WB11: Coalition War Campaign *
Other useful books:
  1. Game Master's Guide
  2. Book of Magic
  3. Coversion Book 1: Revised

* I actually don't consider these to be good books at all (I largely disagree with their contents), but if you're going to run a straight Rifts game, you'll need them.
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Unread post by RainOfSteel »

Revenant wrote:[...] Given Palladiums increasingly unreliable schedule [...]


I think their release-promises vs. release-times are getting better than they have been in the past.


Post #3100
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Revenant wrote:Really? I fail to see any improvement. I'm not talking rifters here, mind you. Things like Revised Sourcebook one, BTS, etc. What makes you think they are getting better?

The last several Worldbooks (starting with Dino Swamp) and Merc books I thought were on time, give or take a week or so? If they were off schedule I don't think it was much.

Of course, given Palladium's current state of affairs, any and all books published are a blessing.
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Unread post by RainOfSteel »

Revenant wrote:Really? I fail to see any improvement. I'm not talking rifters here, mind you. Things like Revised Sourcebook one, BTS, etc. What makes you think they are getting better?

Stuff that is stated to come out is coming out. (Arzno, Madhaven.)

As opposed to not coming out at all.

We'll see if they manage to stick to that over the next year or so.

They have an impressive list of stuff slated for 2007. (Palladium Books® Press Release Nov-2006)

<crosses his fingers />
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