levels above 15?

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Chuck McDaniel
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Unread post by Chuck McDaniel »

That's a darn good question, and I would like to know the answer to also.

I just looked in the Game Masters Guide and Adventure Guide and didn't see anything on it.

Might be in a Rifter. Really don't know but would also like to find out.

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Unread post by Kryzbyn »

In most OCC's it usually says at 1st you get this, at second you get this, then at some point it says every level thereafter you get this...pretty much eliminating a level cap. You'd just have to detrmine an in-house xp scale for above 15.

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Unread post by Spark »

This is bit of a reiteration of what's said, but. The way the experience tables are set up are in a pattern, so if it doesn't go past say 15th level, you still know the pattern and can use that to determine what it gain at following levels.

The things I find funny is that usually by the time you reach level 15 you know most if now all there is to know about the OCC and the abilities/spells/technics there is. So in short if you get to level 15 you could move to a new OCC, the only draw back to this approach is that you no longer gain any pluses to things, so what ever the stats were when you changed you're left with them only that high.
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

U.S.Advanced Recon wrote:I would like to see the samuri hand to hand at lvl 20.

:shock: :eek: Oooooo! Deadly! :shock: :eek:
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

U.S.Advanced Recon wrote:I would like to see the samuri hand to hand at lvl 20.



It would likely make Miyamoto Musashi look like a fat kid with a plastic light saber.

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

And the man could still kill quite effectively with that plastic light saber.
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

darkmax wrote:What is the big deal about the samurai art of killing that fascinate you guys so much?! In actual fact their art of the sword is so.... what's the word.... crude. :-D

They get a Deathblow that can be used, at will, at higher levels.

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Unread post by Crazy Lou »

Our old group had the rules that once you hit lvl 16, then since you can't realistically get much better, you can start banking all exp toward either another class, or toward anything else your char could realistically want or get. That would include new skills (1200 exp for base skill, lvl 1, no class bonus, and doesn't increase - ie a hobby you really aren't serious about and have virtually no expertise on, and another 1200 to add class bonuses, and another 1200 for each level you want it, up to your char's 16), bank exp to get rid of/ temper the penalties of insanities (generally exp required was determined by the severity of the insanity, etc, and it didn't count for crazies of course), or gain new powers like if you were a Sohei Warrior Monk in Japan you could bank toward more mystical martial arts powers for example (abt 10000 exp for body hardening, 50000 for zenjoiki, and 20000 for each stealth power), or just weird little quirks to add flavor to the char, like a ninja crazy being able to sleep doing a handstand and with his eyes open (exp was 1000-5000, but sometimes as much as 10000 depending on the complexity and applicability of such things).

Since getting really cool stuff takes so much exp, it wasn't at all overbalancing, and made it so that you continued to feel your character developing, and a sense of accomplishment when you finally get what you've been banking all your exp for for the last 10-20 nights.

Of course, anything too powerful or unfair wasn't allowed (ie: extra melee actions per round, straight combat bonuses, or supernatural werewolf invulnerability for your Demon Queller with every mystical martial art, etc, etc, etc.)
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