Open House Costumes and Props

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Open House Costumes and Props

Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

So, with Palladium holding their 'Costume Contest', is anyone looking to be there in a notable Palladium outfit? Also, I've heard about Braden's (I think it is him) making a full size NE-75H, anyone else looking to do something similar?
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

I shall be there with a full blown costume from PF, of a distinctly Palladium Books nature. I shant give it away now, though those who know me won't have too hard a time guessing at least part of it :-)
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

J. Lionheart wrote:I shall be there with a full blown costume from PF, of a distinctly Palladium Books nature. I shant give it away now, though those who know me won't have too hard a time guessing at least part of it :-)

Your avatar and signature likely give away at least a part of it.


~ Josh
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Your avatar and signature likely give away at least a part of it.

Shhh! :quiet:

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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

Well, I'm not sure if I should spoil it, but I think I will. After a talk with Wayne Smith, on how he wanted to see someone do a Splugorth Slaver with Barge and Blind Warrior Women (and mainly for the BWW actually), I began to think this over. I brought it up to my wife, who could be a full time seamstress in her part time (she cranks out little crafts). We can't figure a way to do a Slaver outfit, but she has latched onto the interest of the Blind Warrior Woman. If things fall into place, Wayne may have his wish.

And for those of you wondering, my wife does have the figure for it. See so for yourself (just don't bug her about it)

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Re: Open House Costumes and Props

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

ApocalypseZero wrote:Also, I've heard about Braden's (I think it is him) making a full size NE-75H,...

Since I am now writing another Phase World manuscript, as well as several other things, this little project has to get shelved for a while.

Sorry guys.

Maybe I can bring the poster so you can still see just how big this stupid gun is...

You still might see my Free World Council coat tho...
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Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

I'll be comming with, I hope, a TW Fire staff, a draining blade, and the one of the tw rifles. I was tempted to make the tw sawblade shooter or staff but i would never get it across the border. Depending on supplies and time I'll also try and whip up a scepter of command. If I manage to get everything there I'll put them up for auction if that idea gets off the ground.
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the TSA

Unread post by Jeffrey W. »

The TSA's going to have a great time with the x-ray of your checked baggage.

I hope they don't accidentally damage any of your props when they open your bags to have a closer look.

(Maybe you should tell the security screeners in advance when you hand over your bags)

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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

I know from experience about the air ports. Anything that looks like a weapon I call ahead and find out if I can get a security person to be waiting there for me to basically prove that they're just props, that I'm not trying to hide anything. It requires showing up early but they're pretty good about it. Especially during the spring when all the cons go on.
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Unread post by verdilak »

I'm thinking seriously about a Diabolist (my favorite OCC) who is heavily warded and maybe a few other surprises *grin*
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Vision2700 wrote:Is this confirmed, or just a bunch of us Gearing up and heading out?

Wayne Smith wrote:“Palladium Character” Costume Contest. It’s official, the Open House will have a costume contest for fun and glory on Saturday (late afternoon or early evening).

All costumes should be Palladium characters. The winner, second place, third place and runner up will get something cool for their creativity (haven’t figured out prizes yet). So dress up Saturday as your favorite Palladium Character from any of Palladium’s game lines from Palladium Fantasy to Rifts®. This should be awesome. Rumor has it one person is coming as a Wolfen and another as a Coalition Dead Boy. Get those imaginations burning and fingers working to make a costume.

If you want more info, this comes from the February update at the top of the page. :)
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

I have an idea for a costume (besides my 100+ "hello my name is Jason Richards" name tags :P ) But I'm not sure how well it will be received.
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..Just keep in mind that there will be kids there; it's a family atmosphere.

..I've got a few ideas up my sleeve, and if all goes well, I may be bringing some stuff for sale or at least auction.

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

MADMANMIKE wrote:..Just keep in mind that there will be kids there; it's a family atmosphere.

..I've got a few ideas up my sleeve, and if all goes well, I may be bringing some stuff for sale or at least auction.

-Mike >8]

Even without kids, I'm not going to let my wife around all your hooligans with a "precise" replicated BWW outfit on. In fact, we.....I won't spoil anything, but I covered the angles so that it will be representative of the art as well as 'in good taste' in case of kidies or easily offended attendees.
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Unread post by Reddenedone »

I wanted to show up as a fat warlock, but we'll be attending Sunday, so I get out of sewing 8-) .
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Unread post by Jason Richards »

Why do I suspect that I'll end up with a pic of rat_bastard on my website after the Open House? :roll:

AZ, I wish my wife were as good a sport as yours. It would be fun to get her to dress up, but she won't be making the trip, and I WOULD NEVER TRUST ANY OF YOU PEOPLE ANYWAY!

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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

Jason Richards wrote:Why do I suspect that I'll end up with a pic of rat_bastard on my website after the Open House? :roll:

AZ, I wish my wife were as good a sport as yours. It would be fun to get her to dress up, but she won't be making the trip, and I WOULD NEVER TRUST ANY OF YOU PEOPLE ANYWAY!


I never said I trust, and I'll be we'll be up there with Subjugator, so I'll be armed. :D

Actually, I could recreate the scene from Mafia! with a cattle prod. So, if you see a pile of unconscous bodies, it's just me.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

hippie_mama wrote:You have my word, i'll keep my hands off the hot ladies. least i'll try. :?

Hippie mamma, you sigged me... and you threatened to grope women at the open house... I think I love you :wink:
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Akira Von Mainframe wrote:This kinda struck me while going to a friends church service. Seems like played out but going as a moogle?

..Alright, I give up, what's a moogle?

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Unread post by Necrite »

MADMANMIKE: A moogle is one of the bat-winged, one-antennaed white teddy bears from the Final Fantasy series.

hippie_mama and rat_bastard: Your recursive sigging makes my brain hurt. How did she sig his comment about her sigging him before he posted it? Don't make me read stuff like that when I'm so badly sleep deprived!
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Unread post by Nxla666 »

Autumns Fire wrote:There's going to be a costume contest?!



Try your birthday suit. 8-)

I'm sure you'll get some votes and attract a crowd. :lol:
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Unread post by Necrite »

Oh, I guess that works... See, on the other forums I use, the sig becomes part of the message, and changing it doesn't affect previously made posts. I probably could have figured that out on my own, but I was VERY tired at the time.

Still, it was amusing to see the quote in your sig line immediately before the quoted post.
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..That's alright, maybe you should come as something copyrighted by Palladium...

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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Akira Von Mainframe wrote:
MADMANMIKE wrote:..That's alright, maybe you should come as something copyrighted by Palladium...


Ahh the good old copyrights. :-(

..I don't think we're on the same page..

..It seems to me the whole point of a costume contest at the Palladium Open House is to dress up as our favorite Palladium Characters, Races, etc...

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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..My costume is mostly done. I have to say though, the Deadboy Armor is going to take alot longer than I have, and much more money as well.

..But next year look out. We're going to work out the process and be set up for multiple suits...

-Mike >8]
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Re: costumes

Unread post by Reelman »

bob the desolate one wrote:my costume is a portly gm :D

Lots of competition in that category! :D
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Unread post by Warwolf »

With the time and money I have available, I've been thinking of coming as a Loup Garou... in human form. :P

For those of you who know me, tell me it doesn't fit. :lol:
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull mine off, but I got some overtime in, and I think I was able to get all the stuff I need. I found a package deal that included most of the accessories I was missing for a relatively cheap price, so things should work out.

My last challenge will be getting it all there and back. I have around 60 pounds are armor and weaponry, some of which is quite large ::grins:: I have a big suitcase I think I can fit it all in, I'll have to check with Northwest Airlines about their rules and fees for oversize/overweight luggage :-D
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Unread post by Nxla666 »

J. Lionheart wrote:I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull mine off, but I got some overtime in, and I think I was able to get all the stuff I need. I found a package deal that included most of the accessories I was missing for a relatively cheap price, so things should work out.

My last challenge will be getting it all there and back. I have around 60 pounds are armor and weaponry, some of which is quite large ::grins:: I have a big suitcase I think I can fit it all in, I'll have to check with Northwest Airlines about their rules and fees for oversize/overweight luggage :-D

What about airport security? :lol:
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Nxla666 wrote:What about airport security? :lol:

I work for the TSA - we're the last of my concerns ::grins::

I know the rules and regulations pretty well - no problem bringing this stuff in as checked baggage. Coming to the checkpoint though... hehe, well, that would be a Bad Thing (TM).
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Warwolf wrote:With the time and money I have available, I've been thinking of coming as a Loup Garou... in human form. :P

For those of you who know me, tell me it doesn't fit. :lol:

..Come to think of it, you do somewhat resemble the leader of the werewolves from Underworld...

-Mike >8]
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Come in costume if you can, but don't sweat it

Unread post by Kevin »

Hey, come in costume if you can, but don't sweat if if you can't.

I know of at least two people who "hope" to come in Dead Boy costumes (sweet), I've heard rumors of a Glitter Girl, Ley Line Walker, Crazy, a Wolfen, and sundry other characters. Hey, wheres the D-Bees, mutant animals and superheroes? Or giant robots for that matter. :)

Sorry we didn't do more in prep for this to encourage costumes, but things continue to be crazy hectic and busy at Palladium. We're doing better, but the fight for our life is still on and stealing away our time for more fun things.

Any way, the ideas is to have fun. Although we do plan to judge costumes on Saturday evening and pay out some nifty prizes.

The Open House is coming up waaaaaay to fast, but boy, am I excited. It's gonna be great!

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Unread post by Greyaxe »

Ill be showing up as a d-bee from a parallel earth where the year is 2007 and there has been no cataclysm. I think it will be a very convincing costume. :lol:
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Unread post by Nxla666 »

Umm, we're gamers, that means we are all some kind of mutant or freak doesnt it? :lol:
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Re: Come in costume if you can, but don't sweat it

Unread post by J. Lionheart »

Kevin wrote:I know of at least two people who "hope" to come in Dead Boy costumes (sweet), I've heard rumors of a Glitter Girl, Ley Line Walker, Crazy, a Wolfen, and sundry other characters. Hey, wheres the D-Bees, mutant animals and superheroes? Or giant robots for that matter. :)

I'll confirm the rumor of the Wolfen!

I'll be showing up fully armed and armored as a member of the Wolfen heavy infantry. I already have all the stuff either in my possession, or in transit, with tracking numbers and confirmations in my eager hands. Here's hoping it looks as cool as I think it will.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Warwolf wrote:With the time and money I have available, I've been thinking of coming as a Loup Garou... in human form. :P

For those of you who know me, tell me it doesn't fit. :lol:

..Come to think of it, you do somewhat resemble the leader of the werewolves from Underworld...

I guess I'll take that as a compliment. :?

And to think, my last girlfriend thought I looked like Ethan Hawk. :lol:
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

I was going to go as Percy Ferkelberger, but I decided against it.

Which is just as well because Percy can be Abrasive.
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

rat_bastard wrote:I was going to go as Percy Ferkelberger, but I decided against it.

Which is just as well because Percy can be Abrasive.

:shock: :lol:
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

rat_bastard wrote:I was going to go as Percy Ferkelberger, but I decided against it.

Which is just as well because Percy can be Abrasive.

That's what swords are for!

To modify your previous "stab them clean" idea...

Jeremiah Lionheart (Evan Cooney)
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..Oy, now to figure out how to pack this stuff...

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

ApocalypseZero wrote:Well, I'm not sure if I should spoil it, but I think I will. After a talk with Wayne Smith, on how he wanted to see someone do a Splugorth Slaver with Barge and Blind Warrior Women (and mainly for the BWW actually), I began to think this over. I brought it up to my wife, who could be a full time seamstress in her part time (she cranks out little crafts). We can't figure a way to do a Slaver outfit, but she has latched onto the interest of the Blind Warrior Woman. If things fall into place, Wayne may have his wish.

And for those of you wondering, my wife does have the figure for it. See so for yourself (just don't bug her about it)

Wife's MySpace Link

This is "Lady K?????????" :shock:

Have I told you lately how lucky you are to have a wife who both goes to cons with you and oozes hotness?????

So how did the costuming go?
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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

She won Best Sci-Fi category (of course, someone left her off of the thread elsewhere).
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Reddenedone wrote:I wanted to show up as a fat warlock, but we'll be attending Sunday, so I get out of sewing 8-) .

Thank you VERY VERY much for the BEAUTIFUL dice bags!

I just got home and will be posting pics later, but THANK YOU!

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Unread post by Reddenedone »

Subjugator wrote:
Reddenedone wrote:I wanted to show up as a fat warlock, but we'll be attending Sunday, so I get out of sewing 8-) .

Thank you VERY VERY much for the BEAUTIFUL dice bags!

I just got home and will be posting pics later, but THANK YOU!


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Unread post by NMI »

Reddenedone wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Reddenedone wrote:I wanted to show up as a fat warlock, but we'll be attending Sunday, so I get out of sewing 8-) .

Thank you VERY VERY much for the BEAUTIFUL dice bags!

I just got home and will be posting pics later, but THANK YOU!


Again, I also thank you for the wonderful dice bag you made for me. It was a pleasure meeting you and your husband.
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Unread post by Reddenedone »

The Deific NMI wrote:
Reddenedone wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Reddenedone wrote:I wanted to show up as a fat warlock, but we'll be attending Sunday, so I get out of sewing 8-) .

Thank you VERY VERY much for the BEAUTIFUL dice bags!

I just got home and will be posting pics later, but THANK YOU!


Again, I also thank you for the wonderful dice bag you made for me. It was a pleasure meeting you and your husband.

It was nice meeting you as well. We also chatted with Subbie, the Bros. Manning, Hippie_mama, and Santa Kev a little (cuz he's a very busy man.)

We didn't stay very long, because of all the days to feel extremely bloated and tired and out of breath... my darling facehugger chose Sunday to make me feel exhausted. But I did have a lovely time while we were there.
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