Who has V.I.P tickets?

For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

I hope to be able to get one. Though honestly I hope to not need one :D
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

I'm a WALKING V.I.P. ticket.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Have to clear room on the VISA first...
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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<--- Has his.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Spectre informed me that he has his.
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Unread post by Rali »

Got my VIP ticket today, #009
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Unread post by Spectre »

I have ordered mine, it has not come in the mail yet. I ordered the thing the day after they were listed.
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Unread post by Brian Manning »

I've got a charming personality...I'm sure I can talk my way into the VIP night.
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My tickets showed up today. Now to make sure I keep them safe all the way until May!
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Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

Ordered mine the day they went on sale. Should be an interesting Friday night. :D
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Unread post by Spectre »

Woo Hoo! I got mine on Saturday. #003.

Who has 001 and 002?
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Spectre wrote:Woo Hoo! I got mine on Saturday. #003.

Who has 001 and 002?

Probably Citizen Lazlo :-P I had number 3 for both VIP and regular tickets last year, and he had numbers 1 and 2. He also was the only person from the general public to beat me on Megaverse United prints as well! I suspect him in all purchase wars :-P
Jeremiah Lionheart (Evan Cooney)
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

Citizen Lazlo wrote:Not this time, the good Citizen had to get his transmission fixed so I had to wait a few days.

But never fear, I shall win the next war!!!!


I'll get you Citizen... you and your little dog too! Bwah ha ha!
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Unread post by erc1971 »

I purchased 2 - 1 for me, and one for my friend who is attending as well.

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Unread post by NMI »

Jaguar Wong wrote:I've got a charming personality...I'm sure I can talk my way into the VIP night.
I will be doing the same! :D
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Unread post by NMI »

gmask1 wrote:Got mine in the mail yesterday... darn it, I was starting to worry that I'd forgotten to order. I remember seeing the tickets, but did I order...

Anyhow, I have VIP ticker #002, and weekend ticket #004. Now I have to find somewhere to keep them for 6 months... :)
I can hold them for you!
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Unread post by Reelman »

Mine are ordered and on the way! Is it May yet?
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Unread post by Nightshade37 »

My VIP ticket arrived already as well, but I didn't look to see what number it was.
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

how many are left?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Reelman »

I have #37 and #38 for me and the wife. Hand delivered by Wayne Smith! :D
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Unread post by verdilak »

We have number 46 and 47... so only 3 more if the total is in fact 50 (thank the gods that the total wasnt 45 heh)
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Due to an unexpected finacial windfall in the form of 10 hours of overtime, I have ordered a VIP ticket two minutes ago.. lets hope they are not sold out.

I'll be the tall blond guy that Kid Galactus is beating to death with a printers proof of Triax 2. Please put the video camera down and help me.
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Unread post by Subjugator »

I can't go to VIP Friday. I didn't get my tickets in time and now I'm broke.

Yeah...right. I'm freakin' THERE!

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

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Unread post by NMI »

Citizen Lazlo wrote:
Subjugator wrote:I can't go to VIP Friday. I didn't get my tickets in time and now I'm broke.

Yeah...right. I'm freakin' THERE!


But are you joining the Chunky White Guy Caucus?

:D :P
Could you guys allow a Chunky Hispanic Guy as an Honorary Member?
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Citizen Lazlo wrote:
Subjugator wrote:I can't go to VIP Friday. I didn't get my tickets in time and now I'm broke.

Yeah...right. I'm freakin' THERE!


But are you joining the Chunky White Guy Caucus?

:D :P

Man, I'm a founding member...what are you talking about.

Shoot, I'm so white, some parts of my body actually reject melanin!

Last edited by Subjugator on Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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Unread post by Xar »

The Deific NMI wrote:
Citizen Lazlo wrote:
Subjugator wrote:I can't go to VIP Friday. I didn't get my tickets in time and now I'm broke.

Yeah...right. I'm freakin' THERE!


But are you joining the Chunky White Guy Caucus?

:D :P
Could you guys allow a Chunky Hispanic Guy as an Honorary Member?

Sure. It's a big tent, man. It has to be. :D

I'm also quite chunky and white.

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Unread post by Subjugator »

The Deific NMI wrote:
Citizen Lazlo wrote:
Subjugator wrote:I can't go to VIP Friday. I didn't get my tickets in time and now I'm broke.

Yeah...right. I'm freakin' THERE!


But are you joining the Chunky White Guy Caucus?

:D :P
Could you guys allow a Chunky Hispanic Guy as an Honorary Member?

Oh dude, you're MORE than welcome!

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

stupid eating right and staying active! I wish I was chunky then I'd have friends.... :|
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Unread post by Reddenedone »

No VIP for us, but we are going Sunday... and we are both chunky and quite white. My whiteness has graduated to 'sunreflecting'.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

I just received ticket #53 in the mail, and a hand-written note lettered in what appears to be human blood reminding me of what kid Galactus plans on doing to me for all those times I bugged him about Triax 2.

btw Kid Galactus, if you are reading this, have triax 2 ready by april, I want a signed copy.
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

I got my #48 VIP today! :lol: Hoody-hoo! I am really excited about the Open House and meeting all the authors (and the online people!) and playing lots of fun games. I read lots of posts about last year's event and it sounded like a truly awesome time for everyone.

Now all I gotta do is find out how to GM an event at the Open House...
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Unread post by NMI »

Spinachcat wrote:I got my #48 VIP today! :lol: Hoody-hoo! I am really excited about the Open House and meeting all the authors (and the online people!) and playing lots of fun games. I read lots of posts about last year's event and it sounded like a truly awesome time for everyone.

Now all I gotta do is find out how to GM an event at the Open House...
As time gets closer, Wayne will start accepting GM events and then will put out a spreadsheet of the schedule.
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