Rifts® The Animated... Trailer?

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Apollo Okamura
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Rifts® The Animated... Trailer?

Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Hey all,
This is a bit of a double post, but I didn't want anyone to miss it.
If you're interested in seeing a 2D animated Rifts short, let me know what you'd like to see! Premise, drawing style, characters, something really gritty, or humourous? Would you want to see me animate those Rifts Chibis many of you have seen me draw before? Maybe a clip of young Erin Tarn, anime-style? Have your say! Here's your chance to see Rifts in action!!!
Any ideas of what Palladium might do with some animation are also welcome. Do you guys want something interactive, like an animated "From the desk off..." murmurs section, or web enhancements, like an intro or banners, or would you prefer a stand-alone cartoon clip?
If there's enough interest, I'll be talking to Kevin and take you guys up on it, animated by yours truly! Yup, I'm that crazy!! :lol:
This is a ONE-TIME thing (unless some big studio decides to do something), so let me know if its a project Palladium and myself should go for.

For more details, check out some of my comments in this thread:

Also, if any of the freelancers (artists particularly, but writers welcome too) would be interested in helping me out with project, drop me a line. At the moment, I don't know what will be needed, but it'll be good to know ahead of time who might be available.

Questions, comments, ideas... Let 'em FLY!

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Steeler49er wrote:Just start small...

That's exactly what I intend to do. I'm looking at something TV commercial length, at the most 1-2 minutes, 3 at best. Obviously, given the nature of animation, and the fact that I'd be mostly working on my own, on my free time, would make this project one that would easily take months to complete. I'm not making any promises either, and particular projects, like working on the Robotech books, for example, may hamper my animation time.
Although, with my love for the Rifts setting and my background in traditional animation, this would very much be a labour of love for me. Think of it as personal thanks from Palladium and myself to all the fans for making Rifts what it is!

At this point right now, I'm just trying to gauge interest. Early next year I'll be litterally sitting with Kevin and talking details, and whether or not to go ahead with the project. Keep in mind too, this won't be a pay-per-view kind of thing, so Palladium won't be making any money from this either. If you guys want it bad enough, I'll do it; but, now's the time to let us know!

A note about music/sound: Since this will essentially be published material, any music or sound effects, would have to either be public domain stuff or entirely original material, and I can tell you now, I'm no composer. Any sound guys out there?
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Oh, and just to add in... I'll be "shooting" at 12 frames a second, which would essentially make a 30-90 second clip 360-1080 frames. Thats a whole LOT of pictures!! Most television cartoon are also shot at this speed, while feature animation, like Disney, shoots at 24 frames a second! Hard to imagine, 720 frames of animation for every 30 seconds!
So yeah, it'll take me a little while. :wink:
Thank goodness I'm doing it digitally!! :-P
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Um...YES. I would love this. I would go more gritty, kinda like the animatrix, but more anime style. I would love to see this.
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Unread post by Kagashi »

Anime style?....Yes.
3D?.....hell no. I hate 3D, it looks too....fake. When something that is not real but is trying to "look real" comes around, it generally ends up sucking. I wish modern animators would use the freaking right side of the brain more often...

What ever you do dude, make this animation story driven rather than full of nothing but action and effects. Which was better? Star Wars 4-6...or 1-3? Point made.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Kagashi wrote:3D?.....hell no. I hate 3D, it looks too....fake. When something that is not real but is trying to "look real" comes around, it generally ends up sucking. I wish modern animators would use the freaking right side of the brain more often...

One of the problems with 3D animation in the industry is that many CG modellers aren’t necessarily proficient animators. Not to mention, too much reliance on software to do the actual animation. That's why many times, 3D characters tend to look really stiff.
Also, you’re totally right about the “real” factor... if you compare say, A Bug’s Life, to Antz, the characters of Bug’s Life almost feel like cartoon ants, they fit the context they're being used for really well. Antz, quasi-realistic leaning, on the other hand, just makes them look kinda’ creepy, and not in an anty sorta’ way.
I'm oversimplifying a bit, but I'm sure you get the general idea.
Steeler49er wrote:I'll take anything....Even animated Giffs at this stage... Do you know any cheap animation programs?

I may just start off with an animated Gif, just to get my feet wet (and wet some appetites), not to mention use it as something to physically preview what I might be able to do.

As far as cheap animation programs... the cheapest GOOD programs that I know cost about $99US, and both are considered LIGHT versions. One is by DigiCel Inc, called FlipBook, and the other is called Toon Boom Express, by Toon Boom Animation Inc. Both have been used by actual industry professionals, although I prefer Toon Boom myself. In fact, I may be helping to teach this software at the college level sometime in the future (wish me luck). Both have demos available, so feel free to mess around with them.

Oh... I just thought of something... what about my anime-style chibi characters, done all gritty? :lol:
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Ummm... wow... too many possibilities for me to make a suggestion....

I'm picturing something with CS troops moving through a ruined city and engaged in a fire-fight with something... though, that is only a vague "immediately jumps to mind" kind of thing.

I'm going to have to think about this.

Though, gritty is good.

~ Josh
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Unread post by Dead Boy »

Ok, Apollo, ya got me all excited about this project! I can hardly wait to see the final product... I'm guessing some time late next year, if it gets off the ground that is.

As for ideas, I'm thinking you'll be wanting it to be action based (duh! :P) but simple enough so the project doesn't break your fingers. How about this, a simple 2 on 2 focused around the scenario on the cover of Siege on Tolkeen #4 where we see the Cyber Knight and CS Juicer squaring off. Give each an appropriate buddy for diversity's sake and have at it.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Unread post by Kagashi »

Apollo Okamura wrote:
Kagashi wrote:3D?.....hell no. I hate 3D, it looks too....fake. When something that is not real but is trying to "look real" comes around, it generally ends up sucking. I wish modern animators would use the freaking right side of the brain more often...

One of the problems with 3D animation in the industry is that many CG modellers aren’t necessarily proficient animators. Not to mention, too much reliance on software to do the actual animation. That's why many times, 3D characters tend to look really stiff.
Also, you’re totally right about the “real” factor... if you compare say, A Bug’s Life, to Antz, the characters of Bug’s Life almost feel like cartoon ants, they fit the context they're being used for really well. Antz, quasi-realistic leaning, on the other hand, just makes them look kinda’ creepy, and not in an anty sorta’ way.
I'm oversimplifying a bit, but I'm sure you get the general idea.

Heck yeah, i got the idea, and honestly, im glad you apperently do to :) Antz and Bugs Life are a PERFECT example. If you can produce Pixar style quallity, Id be fine with 3D. Obviously, a SAMAS cant look like Buzz Lightyear, but I think you get the idea.

You got my support on this one!
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Unread post by BookWyrm »

Animated clip: Yes.
2D for principle characters, some scenery & background: Yes
3D for mechs, power armor, complex D-Bee creatures (like dragons & Xiticix): Yes
Anime influence?: Yes, but tread lightly. Some influences are better than others.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

BookWyrm wrote:3D for mechs, power armor, complex D-Bee creatures (like dragons & Xiticix): Yes

Sorry, can't do 3D, I just don't have the budget or the resources for it, which means, all mechs and such will be animated the old-fasioned way.
That also means, any ideas about seeing mass armies fighting too... not going to happen. :(
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Unread post by CyCo »

Stick with the 2D stuff then.

What about taking a scene out of one of the Rift books and giving it some animation? Not talking about fully animated.

What about say, the LLW in the RMB, colour plate. Make the leyline crackle around him, make his cloak billow in the breaze, make him breath and look about.

A bit more complicated, say the scene in the calender, double page spread, of the CS Forces walking through the ruins. A quite theme of martial music, with the sounds of battle in the distance. The clouds of dust swirl behind the bots/troops, and the smoke of the not so distant battle scud past in the background.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

I'd like to see the CS in action.
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The Galactus Kid wrote:Um...YES. I would love this. I would go more gritty, kinda like the animatrix, but more anime style. I would love to see this.

Yeah same here Apollo. I say stay with the classic Rifts icons to start. Maybe something like a movie trailer with shots of various Rifts stuff like a SAMAS screaming across the screan, a Ley Liner walking down a ley line and such.

Sounds cool Apollo.

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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

CyCo wrote:What about taking a scene out of one of the Rift books and giving it some animation? Not talking about fully animated.

keynup wrote:I think a cool way to start would be take some of the classic Rifts pictures and give them brief animations.

Actually, I was planning on going the whole nine-yards, so to speak: model sheets, story boards, backgrounds and full-on character animation!
Heck, I'd love to be able to get sound effects, a music score and maybe vocals in it too, if I knew anyone to help in that department.
Putting together an animated sequence using pre-made illustrations would be much easier, with very limited animation. Not really my thing though.
Would you guys prefer this over an actual cartoon sequence?
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

So far only 14 people want to see this thing?
Bah, that’s barely banner worthy...

Hmm, how’s this... If I can get at least twice as many names on this thread by New Year’s, I’ll not only start working on a sample animated Rifts banner of the infamous Glittery Boy, but I’ll also post the production shots and notes on my site as I’m working on it!!!

C’mon guys, let’s hear you say “I want to see Rifts Animated!!”
And keep those ideas pourin' in!

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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

I want to see it.

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Unread post by CyCo »

Apollo Okamura wrote:
CyCo wrote:What about taking a scene out of one of the Rift books and giving it some animation? Not talking about fully animated.

keynup wrote:I think a cool way to start would be take some of the classic Rifts pictures and give them brief animations.

Actually, I was planning on going the whole nine-yards, so to speak: model sheets, story boards, backgrounds and full-on character animation!
Heck, I'd love to be able to get sound effects, a music score and maybe vocals in it too, if I knew anyone to help in that department.
Putting together an animated sequence using pre-made illustrations would be much easier, with very limited animation. Not really my thing though.
Would you guys prefer this over an actual cartoon sequence?

If you want to go the full hog, then go for it! I think that the idea I had for the scene in the calender would still fir the bill if you want to animate it completely.
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Unread post by CyCo »

Haz-matt wrote:Didn't some one get an C&D letter about this same thing a bunch of years ago? I happen to know they did but I guess since you are already tied in with them you can get away with it. It was a pretty cool little animation at the time.

Yeah they did, but I don't think they were taking the same path as Apollo is. From memory, they just did it for fun, and put it up on the net to share around. Which is where they became undone. What Apollo is doing is making an animated 'sampler' for Pall to have a look at, and hopefully giving him the go ahead to make something abit longer.
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Haz-matt wrote:Didn't some one get an C&D letter about this same thing a bunch of years ago? I happen to know they did but I guess since you are already tied in with them you can get away with it. It was a pretty cool little animation at the time.

Can't say I've heard anything about that, although I suppose I could see that happening. Back when I studied animation in college, we’d use several famous characters from Disney to Looney Toons to study from, but when it came to working on our own “feature” projects we’d have to use our own characters. Even though animation is just a series of drawings, it still falls under the category of being a movie. My guess is although many would consider using published characters “fan art”, the characters are derivative works, and publishers might be concerned about people thinking that film, for better or worse, was official material, especially when it’s being shown to a larger audience. Not to mention infringing on copyright material.

CyCo wrote:Yeah they did, but I don't think they were taking the same path as Apollo is. From memory, they just did it for fun, and put it up on the net to share around. Which is where they became undone. What Apollo is doing is making an animated 'sampler' for Pall to have a look at, and hopefully giving him the go ahead to make something abit longer.


Rest assured, I’m going through all the proper channels for this and contracts and such will be signed. For what it’s worth, when it's done, this will be considered “official” material, with logos and all.

Some of you might be wondering then why I’m making such an appeal to the fans for a show of interest. The reason is, it’s a lot of work for both me and Kevin, just to draw up the paperwork, not to mention the months of work I’d be devoting to the project, and several stages of approval. That’s not even taking to account anyone that might come forward and offer to help with the project as well (who would also have to sign contracts). As I posted above, there’s not likely for any money to be had for something like this, and Palladium is a business, after all. Even though this is something I’d very much like to do, even as a “fan service,” both Kevin and I need to know that it would be worth the effort, so to speak. I guess in some ways this thread is a bit of a petition for us to do it. The reality is, it may turn out that working on something like this may be more trouble than it’s worth. In which case, a banner ad may be all I do.

Yup, all this for just a 1-3 min animated clip! :shock:

Let me put it another way... I may be helping to teach animation next fall, so I WILL be working on some kind of animation this summer, and I'd really like it to be based on Rifts. You guys can help make that happen! Course, I could just do a cartoon featuring the dragon from my website instead... :wink:
Hey, let me hear what you want!!

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Apollo Okamura wrote:Hey, let me hear what you want!!


Juicers that look like Peter Steele/Danzig. That would be so Metal.
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Unread post by Esckey »

What about sound? You going to set it to music? or all silent?
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Esckey wrote:What about sound? You going to set it to music? or all silent?

That depends... anyone out there can offer to do some music for me, as in an original composition? I would actually have to have music/sound effects/vocals after the story boards but before starting the actual animation so I can synch my drawings to the sound.
It is possible to add music after the fact, but you don't get that nice synch-up. The banner would of course be silent.
Unless I can get someone to help in the sound department, the actual film may end up being a silent. :(
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Unread post by Traska »

Okay, I came in late. Sue me. (No, wait! Get those Splugorth lawyers back! Back I say!)

My ideal for Rifts:

First, no anime. I have to admit, I'm tired of all animated shows being anime these days. I mean, GI Joe in anime? Guh. (Obviously, I'm not doing this so I have no real say, but hey, you wanted feedback).

Second, 2D is the way to go. 3D isn't where it needs to be yet, and too often it comes out looking like action figures fighting it out (Roughnecks, anyone?)

Third, CS more or less has to be involved. Personally, I'd use the War on Tolkeen as a backdrop, but again that's me.

Fourth (and maybe most importantly): Relax. Don't try to show too much at once (I hate 30-- er, 22 minute cartoons that spend 15 of those minutes talkign about things happening outside of that pilot episode. Exposiution much?) Basically do what you're comfortable with. As long as it looks decent, we don't care if it's silent and subtitled. (Okay, we do. But we'll forgive you anyway. =D)
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Completely biased and selfish idea forthcoming:

Why not do it as a preview of Rifts Delta Blues?

CS Troops making their way through a mangrove swamp only to be attacked unexpectedly by an Ukt Water Serpent (breaking through the mangrove "floor."


CS Troops on patrol near Baton Rouge on a patrol boat, talking about their tour being over soon, and then the Natchez attack.

Or one of a hundred other possibilities.

Apollo, if you are interested in more of this (selfish and biased) route that I have laid out, PM me.


~ Josh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

argos wrote:what are these things and when will I learn more. GIMEE GIMME GIMME!!!

For the time being, both can be found in Spirit West.

Ukt Water Serpents are a creature of magic, not unlike dragons.

The Natchez are a Native American Tribe of the Deep South.

~ Josh
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argos wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
argos wrote:what are these things and when will I learn more. GIMEE GIMME GIMME!!!

For the time being, both can be found in Spirit West.

Ukt Water Serpents are a creature of magic, not unlike dragons.

The Natchez are a Native American Tribe of the Deep South.

~ Josh

Ahh, i do not have spirot west as of yet. I thought we were getting a delta blues preview. Im dying for that and dark woods to come out.

Delta Blues preview?

I doubt that I would ever just spit out names.

I mean, what kind of tease would I be if I mentioned the name of monsters like the Shamende Mo-Steeque without context?

That would make me a horrible, rotten, tease, wouldn't it?

And we don't want that.


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Unread post by Ravenwing »

do one of the NGR Erin Tarn Anime, that pic in the Rifter rocked. :D
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Tyciol wrote:Tell me where this Erin Tarn NGR anime can be found... which Rifter?

Rifter #35

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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Hey all,
Thought I’d come in with a little update:
Well, we didn’t quite get 28 names like I was hoping, but since there was pretty good response to the Glitter Boy Redesign thread , I’m going to go ahead with a sample animated Glitter Boy banner (most likely 240 x 60 pixels).
We’ll see how it goes is after that, but hopefully the banner will turn some heads, and get everyone real enthused about seeing more Rifts animation! :-D

Check out my site in about two weeks, hopefully I’ll have something started (and posted) by then!!
*crosses fingers*

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Unread post by Hendell »

If you are still in need of names, you can add mine to the list of those awaiting something animated from Rifts, I will toss in my chips on the Cyberknight VS Juicer as well, that picture has always implied more than two men standing around in a staring contest.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Sorry for the delay...
Getting my website up and running has taken me a bit longer than I hoped. The good news is I have started on some storyboards and sketches for the animated banner. I should have some of it (as rough as it is) posted up by Monday the 26th. Weee! :-D

As for the Rifts Animated project, Kevin and I haven't had the chance to sit and chat about the details. Chances are, work on it will most likely start after Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, since I'll probably be chained to my desk working on that book first. :lol:

Last edited by Apollo Okamura on Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Sorry guys, I lost my storyboards for the Glitter Boy banner, so I can't post them for you.
On the other hand, I posted a rough animation of the banner instead! :D
Check it in the Animation section of my site!

Let me know what you think so far!

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Unread post by Blight »

just watched the rough glitter boy clip... :fool: :ok: I loved it can't wait to see the finished product!
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Apollo! That looks awesome and to think that's just the rough draft! I like how the ground shakes and you pan up. At first I thought the gun was a bit small, but overall love it! :ok:

Now I want ten more of those by the end of the year and one has to be a Minion War banner!

Last edited by Carl Gleba on Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Only two replies? Guys, you're killin' me here! :?
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Apollo Okamura wrote:Sorry guys, I lost my storyboards for the Glitter Boy banner, so I can't post them for you.
On the other hand, I posted a rough animation of the banner instead! :D
Check it in the Animation section of my site!

Let me know what you think so far!


Think it looks good so far.

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Unread post by CyCo »

Looking good, given that it's just a rough. How long did that take you?
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

I like it alot.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

CyCo wrote:Looking good, given that it's just a rough. How long did that take you?

Given that I've somehow lost all my preliminary work, and had some technical issues, it ended up taking me the weekend to do.
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Unread post by Apollo Okamura »

Hey all,

I come with good news and bad news...

I posted this topic on the boards to gauge what the level of interest there would be for a Rifts animated project. While the feedback was really positive from those that replied; unfortunately, it just hasn’t been able to generate enough interest to start a project as huge as this would be.

To put it in perspective: After posting that I had started work on an animated Glitter Boy banner, I probably only got an 10 extra hits on my website (some of which I’m sure was me). Not many people even noticed the Rifts Animated thread, and I only got a total of 3 offers to help work on the project.
Because this would most-likely be a non-paying endeavour (for both Palladium and those involved), there would have to be a much higher level of interest before starting a project such as this, to really make it worthwhile. After all, both Kevin and myself would hate to see all the work put behind it go to waste (as much as we'd love to see the finished product).

Mind you, the Open House is still coming up, if Kevin and I get totally mobbed about the Rifts animated project, who knows...

So where’s the good news?

I WILL be completing the Glitter Boy banner.
Also, I still want to do some animation, and it’s very likely that I’ll do more mini Rifts-related banner animations in the months ahead, just for the fun of it.
In fact, I’ve already agreed to do an animated banner for Carl Gleba’s Minion Wars.
And, if the Delta Blues gang wants to see me do a banner for them, give me a shout guys!

Hey, I just had a thought... If I do enough of these mini banners, I could eventually splice them together, throw in some music and I’d end up with a Rifts action-sequence compilation!
Yay, all’s not lost! :D

Anyway... For those interested, I’ve posted some more rough animation from the Glitter Boy banner on my site.

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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Apollo Okamura wrote:In fact, I’ve already agreed to do an animated banner for Carl Gleba’s Minion Wars.

Woo hoo!!! :D :D
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Unread post by NMI »

Just took a look @ your animations of the Glitterboy on your website and all I have to say is:

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Unread post by sHaka »

That's awesome! :ok:
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