Pre 2007 Open House Activities

For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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Unread post by NMI »

I know I will be there atleast as early as Thursday, maybe sooner.
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

I will be there on Thursday, maybe sooner.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

The Galactus Kid wrote:I will be there on Thursday, maybe sooner.

I'll be there on Thursday as well. :)
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If we're early where and what will be planned?

Unread post by Kythis »

I'll gladly show up early as long as something is planned. Say meeting up at the hotel most of the people going to the open house are going to stay at and running games days before the open house even starts. Running games in one of our rooms. Sounds cool with me and I'm more than willing to run a game for use if no one else will. It would have to be Palladium Fantasy as that's what I prefer, or if there's a bigger calling I'll run After the Bomd and my friend will run Rifts(If I can convince him, that is.) pre-approved PCs or pregens only. Keep me updated because I'll have to kind of know in advance as we'll be coming in from Virginia.

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Unread post by Nightshade37 »

I live in the metro area, so I'm uhh...always here. I'd be up for doing stuff earlier in the week.
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Unread post by Kythis »

Nightshade37 wrote:I live in the metro area, so I'm uhh...always here. I'd be up for doing stuff earlier in the week.

How early in the week are we talking about. I think a week to 3 days prior would be prefect. I bought the Sat-Sun tickets for the Open House. If you are going on Friday me and my friend would have to be there on Monday or Tuesday (Based on road fatigue) for the 3 day pregame minimum I mentioned. So what does eveyone think? Is a week way too early, 3 days prior way too short, 3 days prior too early or 1 week prior too short? What's the best hotel to hold this pregaming event at? How many people are going to be definite shows for this thing? Who's willing to run games, in what settings and for how many players? How long should each pregaming days game session run or how long are all of us willing to game til(Those staying in the pregaming hotel could easily game til the point of complete exhaustion if they so chose AND ME AND MY FRIEND ARE THOSE KIND OF PEOPLE.)? NOW FOR THE BIGGEST QUESTION OF ALL CAN WE GET PALLADIUM'S FRONT WEBPAGE TO ANNOUCE OUR PREGAMING EVENT AND LOCATION? How cool would that be!

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Unread post by Subjugator »

Ignore this.
Last edited by Subjugator on Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Subjugator »

If I can afford it, I'll be out there on Monday of that week. If I can't, I'll be out there Wednesday. Zach and Apoc are supposed to be with me, so maybe we could all get together for some gaming and fun.

Maybe...MAYBE...we could take Kev out to dinner if he's not too slammed by getting the Open House set up (or some other work emergency).

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Unread post by NMI »

Subjugator wrote:If I can afford it, I'll be out there on Monday of that week. If I can't, I'll be out there Wednesday. Zach and Apoc are supposed to be with me, so maybe we could all get together for some gaming and fun.

Maybe...MAYBE...we could take Kev out to dinner if he's not too slammed by getting the Open House set up (or some other work emergency).

You know, there are more people then just Kev that work there @ PB! Maybe Wayne, Alex, Julius, Hank and Kathy would like to eat to! :D
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Unread post by Subjugator »

The Deific NMI wrote:
Subjugator wrote:If I can afford it, I'll be out there on Monday of that week. If I can't, I'll be out there Wednesday. Zach and Apoc are supposed to be with me, so maybe we could all get together for some gaming and fun.

Maybe...MAYBE...we could take Kev out to dinner if he's not too slammed by getting the Open House set up (or some other work emergency).

You know, there are more people then just Kev that work there @ PB! Maybe Wayne, Alex, Julius, Hank and Kathy would like to eat to! :D

I tried that during GenCon and he wouldn't let me!

Honestly, I'd like to take 'em all out to dinner to a really nice place. I offered to do that too and was told no. :)

Anyway, I say we take 'em all out for dinner if they're up for it. They're all fantastic!

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Unread post by Kythis »

The Deific NMI wrote:
Subjugator wrote:If I can afford it, I'll be out there on Monday of that week. If I can't, I'll be out there Wednesday. Zach and Apoc are supposed to be with me, so maybe we could all get together for some gaming and fun.

Maybe...MAYBE...we could take Kev out to dinner if he's not too slammed by getting the Open House set up (or some other work emergency).

You know, there are more people then just Kev that work there @ PB! Maybe Wayne, Alex, Julius, Hank and Kathy would like to eat to! :D

I'm going to take the whole 2 weeks off, the week prior and the week after the Open House though I will most likely leave right after Sunday. So as of right now me and my friend should be out there by Tuesday night. If there is a good calling of people showing up by monday we will show up then as well. A good calling being around 8 and Up.

On the other note I wouldn't mine going to dinner with Kevin and the whole staff. Footing the bill would be another issue. If I bring enough casholla with me I'll definitely get the first round. FIRST ROUND OF TEQUILLA THAT IS! JOSE LETS PARTY!

If we do go out with any one from PB it'll probably have to be on Wednesday night as they'll have to be well rested for the 3 days of the Open House.

Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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Re: My .02 + a couple of fifties.

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Narcoleptic.Monk wrote:I'd be willing to throw in to show appreciation for the years (with a large gap) of entertainment. From the sounds of it, the chance of buying dinner for the staff is low, but that doesn't change my willingness to pitch in :) .

However, I'm hoping for a midnight showing of Spider-man3 so that the weekend could have another strong note in the symphony of a fantastic vacation! :ok:

I would be totally be down with seeing Spider-Man 3 on Thrusday, of course if I not running/playing in a game. As far as I know I'm the only one that mentioned they would be running if need be.

Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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Unread post by Ravenwing »

If anyones a 40K Fan They can take on my as of yet undefeated Darkangels army. All 4000 Tourny legal points worth. :lol:

But I'd be up for maybe a couple games of rifts, or some Fantasy(Never played Paladiums fantasy though). Any other games we wanna play? D&D, WoD, CoCT or some SLA . Maybe bring some laptops and do a quick WoW guild Raid. Or even some Shadowrun :-D

Oh and I should be hitting town wedsday afternoon, or evening.
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Re: Pull!

Unread post by Kythis »


As a fair warning, I cheer and clap. Not long cheers with pom-poms, but a "whoa!", "yes!" and other in-ter-jections (yes a SHR reference) have been known to escape my lips.

With said warning, a cursory search of moviefone in the 48180 zip code found a couple of moviehouses that have 10-something showings which means they may flex to a midnight showing.

I also just received my Detroit Area Entertainment Coupon book. I figure at least two meals a day for four days will pay for it... and I tend to eat more often than that. Unfortunatly, the discounted movie tickets cannot be used within the first 12 day after a new release; bummer.[/quote]

We'll probably sit a couple seats and just pretend we don't know you. I say only a couple of seats because if it gets really good we'll probably be cheering along.
Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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Re: Pull!

Unread post by Subjugator »

Narcoleptic.Monk wrote:[I also just received my Detroit Area Entertainment Coupon book.


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Re: Pull!

Unread post by Subjugator »

Narcoleptic.Monk wrote:My rough plan was to go halvies with folk out there since I usually cannot polish off the "get one free" part of the deal and gamers are (usually) notoriously short on dough from choosing books & ramen over Sizzler. There are some coupons in there I know I won't use so the book will be available to be pulled from as needed.

What a freakin' thoughtful and nice thing. :)

I'm going to get one too.

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Unread post by Kythis »

I have 3 questions for everyone. You can answer both with your best guesstimation or if someone wants theuy can do some forum research and name counting to give us some factual figures.

1. How many people does everyone think there will be at the Open House, Saturday and Sunday that is?

2. How many people does everyone think there is going to be in the available area/Ramada Hotel for pre Open House games, Wednesday and on or earlier?

3. How many games does everyone think will be ran in the available area/Ramada Hotel for pre Open House gaming, Wednesday and on or earlier?
Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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