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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

APS TOON is interesting. I dont see myself using it in a campaign as an NPC or PC, but others might.

I posted that mainly in response to a question regarding cartoon physics and the fact you can incorporate it into a game. Others I have created, APS: Asbestos and APS: Bubble Gum actually have practical applications. From going through the posts, I have noticed a lot of sillier powers tend to get frowned on, especially from the infamous Mr. Twist, who I appreciate greatly for the invention of APS: Alcohol and APS: Hot Butter. The latter inspired me to create APS: Cheese, but that one has applications in the subabilities one might have to sacrifice minor power slots to use or a GM would have to cut out the subabilities that get excessive. Making oneself into a cheese wheel for travel is a bit silly.

I would be greatly distressed if Iczer has indeed left the forum and hope this thread is truly not dead.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
APS TOON is interesting. I dont see myself using it in a campaign as an NPC or PC, but others might.

I posted that mainly in response to a question regarding cartoon physics and the fact you can incorporate it into a game. Others I have created, APS: Asbestos and APS: Bubble Gum actually have practical applications. From going through the posts, I have noticed a lot of sillier powers tend to get frowned on, especially from the infamous Mr. Twist, who I appreciate greatly for the invention of APS: Alcohol and APS: Hot Butter. The latter inspired me to create APS: Cheese, but that one has applications in the subabilities one might have to sacrifice minor power slots to use or a GM would have to cut out the subabilities that get excessive. Making oneself into a cheese wheel for travel is a bit silly.

I would be greatly distressed if Iczer has indeed left the forum and hope this thread is truly not dead.

I frown on anything I didn't come up with. :)

I've been away from the boards a lot lately. I've found other distractions that prevent me from contributing like I used to do. My gaming group broke up a while ago so the inspiration I used to get while playing stopped coming to me. Hopefully a new one will be forming soon, so I'm going to try coming up with more ideas.

And, I didn't realize I was infamous. The people I know come up with more... colorful things to call me.
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Unread post by ZEN »

Infamous eh Mr Twist?
Cool, I'd stick that on your name tag if I were you.
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Unread post by Iczer »

wow....last I checked I'm still here.

Guess I need to inject some more powers.

Ento-evolution, Do-Over, Psycheshield, Regressive rage, Morph terrain, and timecastle should be up in a day or so.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

One of the biggest problems with coming up with power ideas is just the sheer volume of powers available on this thread, and that's not including the various sites.

Since different authors have wildly different mindsets when it comes to naming and describing powers, even using a search isn't exactly going to work very well when checking to see if someone came up with something similar or identical.

I did have a couple ideas. One of them is going to be called Power Shuffle. Basically it takes all of the powers available within a certain range and randomly redistributes them between everyone in that range. Not sure if it would be best for the redistribution only to be among those who actually contributed powers to the pool, or if even a normal person within range might get a power.

The other idea is Inhabit. It will allow someone to discorporate and inhabit an object. They basically 'ride' the object for as long as the duration allows. There'd be size limitations and such, but as level increases those limits will be modified.

If anyone has done something similar, let me know so I can move on to something else.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

AJ Pickett wrote:Infamous eh Mr Twist?
Cool, I'd stick that on your name tag if I were you.

The powers he comes up with are so entertaining. So if he cannot be famous, he might as well be infamous!
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


I frown on anything I didn't come up with. :)

I've been away from the boards a lot lately. I've found other distractions that prevent me from contributing like I used to do. My gaming group broke up a while ago so the inspiration I used to get while playing stopped coming to me. Hopefully a new one will be forming soon, so I'm going to try coming up with more ideas.

And, I didn't realize I was infamous. The people I know come up with more... colorful things to call me.[/quote]

Well, you have inspired me in ways you have no clue of, I suppose.
Holding a group together is difficult and I have been having trouble with my own as of late due to player personality conflicts.
I hope they don't callyou anything too nasty, and if so,I hope you make them regret it or live upto it, as the case may be.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

wow....last I checked I'm still here.

Well, you couldn't prove it by me by the fact I posted something over a week ago and got no feedback. I thought perhaps there was some falling out over similarities of powers with ones you have posted and those in the recently published PU3.
I realize noone knows me and that is a problem, but I have sampled powers created by you for the length of my time as a GM. Many are quite useful,although sometimes a bit confusing to the players as to how yo use them exactly.

Guess I need to inject some more powers.

The overabundance now keeps me quite busy, but is nice to know you haven't stopped.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

One of the biggest problems with coming up with power ideas is just the sheer volume of powers available on this thread, and that's not including the various sites.

Yes, you should see my big binder of optional powers. I originally found the powers you have posted in the past on another site, which I believe was created byAJ Pickett. I was not aware of this forum until recently, which is why I was dismayed at the prospect of it going the way of the dino-rhino.

Since different authors have wildly different mindsets when it comes to naming and describing powers, even using a search isn't exactly going to work very well when checking to see if someone came up with something similar or identical.

I have found that to be the case, which is why I sometimes have to rename them when filing them or make sure to note that one power has this bonus over another when deciding which is more appropriate or usefulto a given character.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Alter Physical Structure: Asbestos (Major)
By Stone Gargoyle with thanks to Adam, a minor player 8)

1.Fire Resistance: In cottony asbestos form or hard form, the character is flame retardant, taking no damage from fire, magical or otherwise.

2. Malleable: In cottony form, the character can wrap around a target to smother flames, but this also has negative qualities(see below). An unwilling target can easily break through the character, so it is not advised that this ability be used to try to restrain people. Strength is halved in this form. +10% to Escape artist skill.

3. Hardened: In hard form,the character gains a Natural Armor Rating of 10, though this does tend to flake, losing 1 SDC point per melee round. In this form, his strength becomes Extraordinary. +1d4*10+20 SDC in this form.

4. Irritant Cloud: The character generates a cloud of irritating particles for a 10 foot radius/area. All in range must roll 16 or better(PE bonuses apply) to save vs. toxins and save vs.choking(these are seperate rolls). A failed roll vs. toxins means the victim becomes sick and has a 30% chance of long-term effects, including cancer. A failed roll vs.choking means he has -2 to initiative and -1 vs.all combat actions whilein the area affected. In either case, the victim automatically gets the irritant in his eyes making him -3 to Perception checks, and the victim will cough heavily and itch.

5. Vulnerabilities: In soft form, the character takes twice damage from physicalattacks and projectiles, has half normal weight and strength and can easily be ripped in half.

6. Other Bonuses:
+2 to PE
Cannot be killed as Asbestos,but all the pieces must be gathered back together within a 10 foot area before he can return to human form.

Alter Physical Structure: Bubble Gum(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Chew on THIS!"

1. Abilities in Hard Form: While in hard form, the character has a Natural Armor Rating of 10. Any hit that does 30 ormorepoints of damage will pound the character into soft form.

2. Abilities in Soft Form: The character's body is like soft putty and can bend and twist in all directions. Even without an absurd amount of stretching(see below) he can stretch his limbs three times longer and stretch thin to fit through narrow openings.
Blunt attacks do no damage. Bullets do half damage, as do bladed weapons. Falls dono damage.
Chemical alteration due to cold does double damage; normaldamage from fire, energy, explosions(though he can reform if blown apart), gases and electricity.
If cut in half, the character can smoosh back together. Whilein this form, strength is reduced by half.

3. Stretching: When in soft form, the character can force himself to stretch, albeit painfully, or survive being stretched his SDC number in feet. Anything beyonf three times his normal length willreduce his PE and PS by one point per foot.

4. Adhesion: When in soft form, the character is sticky and can only be disarmed at a penalty of -4. He is able to climb walls at half his normal speed or stick himself to the bottom of vehicles to hitch a ride.

5. Sugar: The character is hyperactive, lending him a +2 to all combat rolls and doubling his speed while as Gum.

6. Sticky Globs: Same as Minor Super Ability in PU3

7. Bubble: The character can inflate himself to form a bubble which will pop if going beyond his PE feet in radius.
Duration: 4 melee rounds if not popped before then.
Special attack: The character can blow up around an opponent, surrounding them inside himself.
Bubble Tolerance: The bubble can withstand 15 pointsof damage, + 5 per levelof experience, before popping, at which point the character's Sticky Globs can trap an opponent. The rest of the character will gather and reform within 2d6 melees.

8. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+60 SDC as Bubble Gum
PS is Extraordinary in hard form
Recovers SDC three times normal as gum
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Well, you couldn't prove it by me by the fact I posted something over a week ago and got no feedback. I thought perhaps there was some falling out over similarities of powers with ones you have posted and those in the recently published PU3.
I realize noone knows me and that is a problem, but I have sampled powers created by you for the length of my time as a GM. Many are quite useful,although sometimes a bit confusing to the players as to how yo use them exactly.

Ouch. I posted a few powers a week or so ago and got no feedback. It's kind of par for the course though, so don't take it personally.

I'll reiterate, i do have a problem with PU3, but no actualy basis for a complaint, so I've just resolved to stay quiet and grumpy.

The powers I post are confusing, mostly becuase i make them up completely on the fly, and thus don't have the benefit of editing. My apologies to the board as a whole for that little error. (it's not a good enough excuse for my lack of spellchecking though XP ) That said, it's hardly without precedent within the greater Palladium books frame work (exactly what can one do with shapeshifting, for instance and how many explanations are thier for NCA again?)

To make amends, I shall endeavour, however caustic I may need to be, to critique all entries in this thread from this point forward.

Soon I'll bee too annoying, and people will want me to stop posting.

Bwa ha ha ha .........

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I was pretty active with the critiques and discussions on other posted powers. But then it got really popular and it became hard to read and consider every submission, especially when the posts contained more than a couple powers. It became a lot of work trying to keep track of my own ideas, especially when I started to branch out and consider new power categories, along with reading and discussing others' ideas.

Also, like I said previously, my group broke up so my inspiration source went away. Hopefully I'll be more active now, especially when I remember how helpful it was when other people commented on my powers. Unfortunately, I don't have very much time to spend here anymore.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I posted a few powers a week or so ago and got no feedback. It's kind of par for the course though, so don't take it personally.

I didn't take it personally; I just wondered where everybody was.

I'll reiterate, i do have a problem with PU3, but no actualy basis for a complaint, so I've just resolved to stay quiet and grumpy.

I will stay quiet on that as well. No sense pouring salt in wounds, as it were.

The powers I post are confusing, mostly becuase i make them up completely on the fly, and thus don't have the benefit of editing.

I think I like the insanity factor about the powers you post, though.

To make amends, I shall endeavour, however caustic I may need to be, to critique all entries in this thread from this point forward.

Um, okay.

Soon I'll bee too annoying, and people will want me to stop posting.

Bring it.

it became hard to read and consider every submission, especially when the posts contained more than a couple powers.

I will endeavor to make my posts so that I give people time for comment.

It became a lot of work trying to keep track of my own ideas, especially when I started to branch out and consider new power categories, along with reading and discussing others' ideas.

Yeah, I can see that.

Hopefully I'll be more active now, especially when I remember how helpful it was when other people commented on my powers.

Well, we can do what we can do. I would appreciate feedback if possible.

Unfortunately, I don't have very much time to spend here anymore.

That seems to be an issue. :( You will be missed should you depart these places, as it were.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:Fade [Minor] By Iczer
'missed..ohh....missed again...missed me some more..hey that almost hurt... oops dropped my gun'

The character can, upon impact, turn briefly into disparate smoke and gas, only to reform an instant later. unable to trigger this consciously, the character instead can use this to his advantage. he gains an auto dodge of +8 (and only +8), usable under any circumstances, even from suprise attacks. essentially, for a brief moment of contact, the character is not solid enough to be harmed by the blow. while misty and untouchable, the character cannot hold more than 5 lbs of weight, and so will be constantly dropping objects. in his misty state, he takes half damage from energy (which still hurts him) and full damage vs magic. Moreso, if in a situation where he cannot also move (say being crushed by a giant weight) the character reforms as best as he can but horribly squished. in such a circumstances (if there is no space for the character to flow into within 1 foot per level) then the character takes full damage plus makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or take an additional 25%.
The character can use the +8 as a roll with punch/fall or impact as well, but will take half damage on a fail, and none on a success.


I can see this power working equally well if you made the person shift to sand rather than smoke also. I would not want the players abusing it and I suppose they would have to be reminded of its defensive purposes.
But I like it. :-D
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Hitchhiker: [Minor] By Iczer
'Wheee guys...just look at me!!'

The character has the ability to mimic the kinetic energy of another target within 60 feet, becoming attached to it by the bonds of this power. as the target moves, so to may the character, at identical speeds. this allows him to float after a speeding car, pursue a sonic flyer, or hitch a ride with a passing helicopter. the character gains no protection with this power, and cannot accellerate unless the target does, and must decellerate as the target does (but the character may choose to decellerate as he lets this power play out) Targets must mass at least 10% of the character for him to get a lock on it.
Targets that wish to shake the character may make evasive actions in order to force the target to let go. pilots of vehicles may make an appropriate skill check with a penalty of the character's PP and a further 10% for dangerous driving (plus any modifiers for other conditions). people tagged by this power may make opposed PP checks (d20, add PP attribute. highest wins). if either of these measures succeed, the character must roll under half his PP on a d20 or else be shaken loose. A character shaken loose loses speed rapidly and comes to stop after30 seconds. if he is not at safe footing by then, he is in for some hurt.


In my old comic book art submission/creation days I had envisioned a character able to do this, giving the appearance of being able to fly and travel in an opponent's jetstream. I am glad to see you came up with stats for it. I had some ******** about destratified atoms as the physics of it, but yours comes across as some sort of subparticle molecular tractor beam power. Does that make sense?
Anyhoo, I appreciatate it.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:Here's a couple more for you. I tried posting it once, but got logged off somehow and lost the post. I spent over an hour working it out and writing it, so I am kind of ticked it was all for nothing.

Project Dream Self(major):
This power allows a sleeping person to create an idealized self out of a substance that is kind of like ectoplasm. It does look like a real, living person though. The dream self takes on a personality trait of the super, usually one somewhat buried. For example, a shy timid person made create a bold, outgoing dream self. This is chosen once and stays constant. Yes, though rare, the dream and real selves can have different alignments.

Bonuses to Dream Self only:
+1d6 MA(minimum 16)
+1d6 PS(min 18)
+1d6 PP(min 16)
+1d6 PE(min 16)
+1d6 PB(min 18)
+1d6 SPD(min 16)
All attribute bonuses are rolled when the char is created(or this power taken) and stay constant.
+1 attack
+2 strike, parry, dodge
+3 roll with p,f,i
+3 save vs psionics
+3 save vs poison
+100 SDC added to main char's total. This is a separate total.
Does not need to breathe.
Can be any height and weight normal for the super being's race. Chosen once and stays constant.
PS is considered superhuman. Optional:For purposes of whether or not something can be damaged, PS may be considered supernatural, like for affecting Invulnerable chars. For lifting, carrying, and damage it is still superhuman.

Powers Unique to Dream Self:
1. Flight. The dream self can fly at 40 mph. Max altitude is 10,000ft.
2. Weapon. The being has a weapon that reflects the personality trait it personifies. Generally a melee weapon.
Damage:3d6 no matter what form it takes. +1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Bonus to Strike: +1
Note: If the original char possesses a ranged damage attack of some sort, then a ranged weapon can be created instead. Use the range and damage of the original power, along with it's strike bonus(if any). The only difference is now modern WP bonuses apply. If the dream and whatever weapon it creates are separated or more than 1d4 melee rounds, the weapon disappears. No matter what, the being is immune to it's own weapon.

Bonuses to original self only:
+4 save vs psionics due to two minds in one head.
Wake fall asleep at will and wake up after a preset time span. Never needs an alarm clock. Senses when it is the right time to summon the dream being back to within 1d4 melee rounds. In dire circumstances, there might not be enough time to dissipate the being before it is destroyed.

Penalties if Dream Self is killed:
The dream takes 1d4 weeks before it is available to be recreated. Until then, any and all powers that were used by the dream being during that current time it existed are lost until it is recreated. The ability to use those powers are severed. Also, the original char loses 2 attacks and is -3 to combat related actions. Also, reduce skll performance by -20%. A piece of the character has been destroyed. It takes time for the mind to recover. Also, the trait that being personified will become very dulled for the duration.

The dream being may not know what it is, but it does sense the connection to it's creator. It will attempt to shield/protect/shelter it from harm if need be. It can also sense when the original is hurt and will atempt to rush to it's aid. It always knows where the sleeping form is.
Each(the dream and the real) char has it's own set of memories. To each other, the other's life seems like a barely remembered dream. If the main char possesses Total Recall or Heightened Sense of Recal, then he/she remembers everything experienced by the dream self.
While the dream form is active, the main char is almost impossible to wake up. Loud noise and jostling do not work. If the main char takes 30 SDC, they will 'snap' out of sleep.
Skills and combat bonuses the original possesses are shared by the dream self(modified by it's own bonuses).
The dream self will dissipate if targeted by Negate Super Powers.
The dream can go an infinite amount of distance from the main character.

Might need some tweaking. What do you think?

Going through old posts, this one caught my eye.
I created a character named Somniac years ago with this power because the character was envisioned as a narcoleptic who projected himself out of his body to try to live a normal life.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Father_of_5 wrote:That was one that I believe he was working on making into a new power category. I drafted up a few different versions myself, but never completed 'em. Not sure how much the original author did on this one. I am curious to see how it ended up.

I revised it into a category. Unfortunately, I never did much editing. Here's what I ended up with;

The Dreaming Hero

The new movie at the theater didn't impress Ron very much. He was raised on comic books, and this newest attempt to translate the dreams and aspirations of many readers seemed so lackluster to him. Hollywood always destroyed the image, made it into something it wasn't. They never did justice to the world bound in colored images and even more colorful writing. His dreams always made heroes out to be something out of legends; men and women with the strength and determination to bring light to the darkness of human existance.
These thoughts, and more like it, ran through Ron's mind at he drove home from the movie. Outwardly, his face showed no emotion. Inwardly, his mind was a knot of rage. His childhood dreams were scarred by this latest attempt to put those dreams into a visual medium. The stoplight turned red as he came close, requiring him to keep his mind on the road ahead of him enough to apply pressure to the brakes. The car came to a stop as he slammed his open palm into the steering wheel in anger. Why do they always turn the golden past into a gray future?
His night was like any other. An office job that ground his self-esteem to so much tossed out coffee grinds, a love life that has it's only sparkling moments in the smiles the girl behind the movie rental counter gives him, and the promise of an empty home with a refrigerator filled with condiments awaiting his newest purchase of fast food. At least the misery was consistant.
Campy and old-fashioned as it was(even though old-fashioned meant the 70's), he watched the same super hero movie once again. The hero always acted in such a fashion that seemed so fake in real life, but they are a Hero nontheless. A bag of microwave popcorn cooled in his lap as his eyelids became lead weights and he slowly fell into that world where he finally escaped this life and became someone who took charge. Not only someone who took charge, but a world in which he became the kind of person he always wanted to be...

The Dreaming Hero is a singular individual. Where most heroes find their calling in life and work towards this potential dream, the dreaming hero is one who has great potential. Unfortunately, due to any number of circumstances, this potential is never achieved. In some rare cases, the one who wants to be the hero never does, but the dreams of the person take shape. They create an idealized persona that finally manifests into the physical world. In some small way, they finally become the person they dream about. In this way, the Dreaming Hero takes form. The phenomena is so rare that even those with extensive knowledge of the various types of super beings most likely don't realize they exist. These beings are actual flesh and blood, not some form of ectoplasm. Something about these dreamer taps into the power of the realm of dreams to create the hero persona. What baffles those who have dealt with this hero type is the fact that even on the very first manifestation, the hero comes into being with full memories of a past life. Usually these histories are rather on the fantastic or surreal side, but never check out when compared to real records and history

To make a character with this as a power category, two characters need to be rolled up. One character is the dreaming person, and the other is the actual Hero. Attributes for the base person should be rolled as normal, and then the Dreaming Hero is a second character, based upon the template dreamer. You may ask why some of the abilities and notes for the Dream Hero seem to not make sense. The reason behind this is that the Dream Hero, and their abilities, are extensions of the dream world. They don't follow normal rules, and instead follow their own rules. For all intents and purposes, these abilities are functionally identical to what they mimic. In actual form, they are very different. So, a magic spell cast by a Dream Hero works exactly like the spell description, including whether or not something is affected by it. In actuality, it is just an approximation of what the dreamer believes magic should look like.
The same applies to skill differences between the two. While the dreamer may not possess Gymnastics and the hero does, most of the time the dreamer has seen multiple examples. An actual gymnast viewing the hero using Gymnastics would be confused as to how the hero actually does what he does. Functionally, they are identical. Visually, they just look different. For this reason, the hero cannot teach any skill not possessed by the dreamer. The real world knowledge just isn't there.

Requirements: No attributes are integral to this character. Because of the type of character, anything is acceptable as a template.

Bonuses: The Dreaming Hero's dream persona is always an idealized form. M.E., and M.A. are increased by 1D4(minimum 14). P.P., P.E., and SPD are increased by 1D6(minimum 16). P.B. is increased by 1D6+3(minimum 18). P.S. is increased by 2D6(minimum 22). These bonuses only apply to the Dream Hero. IQ is actually the same for both the dreamer and the hero.

Step One: Determine attributes and skills.
To determine the base attributes, roll up both characters as normal. Note the bonuses for the Dream Hero listed above. Generally, most of the attributes of the dreamer are average for humans. The Hero tends to have higher than average attributes, hence the bonuses.
Everything else (HP, skills for the dreamer) is determined normally. SDC for the dreamer is a base of 15. The Hero has a 30 SDC base. To determine skills, use the normal tables to figure out what the dreamer has. The Dream Hero has the same skills, but they can be traded out. The tradeouts can be done, one for one, between the original skills and physical skills or WP. So, the Dream Hero could trade three skills possessed by the dreamer in exchange for two physical skills and a WP.

Step Two: Determine the nature of the Dreamer and the Hero
The dreamer can be chosen or rolled randomly. This is not a full list of possible dreamers, but only some ideas. Each description is kept a bit vague so the player can fill in the details of the dreamer type.

The Dreamer
1% - 14% The Criminal - This person became a criminal at some critical junction in life. They had a choice as to whether or not to go down the path that would lead them to glory and the adulation of the public. They turned down the road the road of the unlawful, and now regret their choice in life. This person actually may be sitting in prison, dreaming up a way to make amends for what they had done in the past.
15% - 35% Lack of Ambition - This person just never got around to realizing their potential. Maybe they could've become great psychics, supreme mages, or have some untapped genetic potential for super powers. These people never had the drive to become great, but they have dreamt of it.

36% - 49% Fate Breaker - This type of person was pretty much fated to become some great hero. But, destiny can be overcome due to choices. This person took a different path in life, and now it's too late. They live their life as any other person, though they still remember that point in time when they could have become great.

50% - 62% The Failure - This person is a lot like the Fate Breaker. At some point, they began the first steps down the road to becoming a hero. Unfortunately, some great failure caused them to stop. Now they have become just a normal person, but with extreme low self-esteem. They just don't feel worthy of the challenges they face in life. In their dreams, they know they could've succeeded if only they had another chance.

63% - 79% The Businessperson - As a child, becoming a hero was the dream of this person. As they got older, they became more enmeshed in mainstream society. The pursuit of money became their driving goal. Now, they are too busy to realize the untapped potential they have. Work is their life. Sometimes, at night when the day's work is over, they remember those childhood dreams.

80% - 100% The True Dreamer - This person is in love with the idea of super heroes. Comic books are the drug of choice for this person. They go to conventions, have tons of t-shirts, and rare collectibles are sought for with gusto. They have always wished they could become an icon to the people, like that person in that comic. They've even developed this fantasy persona of how they would be if they had these powers. In their dreams, they become this person, dreaming of fighting crime and being idolized.

The Hero
1% - 16% The Idol - This persona wants to be on tv. And radio. And in comics. And the news. And immortalized with action figures. Everything they do has to be big, public, and reported. As they head to a crime scene, they call reporters just to make sure there is proper coverage. This really has nothing to do with their effectiveness. Even though they are glory hounds, they still are heroes.

17% - 29% The Shadow - This hero doesn't desire the limelight. While trying to work within the letter of the law, they still realize crime needs to be stopped. Sometimes, rules must be broken for the greater good of everyone. This hero, whether or not part of a hero group, works out of sight. They feel like the media ruins everything it touches, and the reporters should leave the hero work to the heroes.

30% - 47% The Vigilante - Criminals are the unwanted product of human existance. And they are the ones who hand out justice like... well, whatever analogy you feel like putting here. The law is broken, and criminals need to be stopped. This persona has no problem fighting dirty to stop the criminals. They will use the tactics of evil to fight evil. They are still heroes, and will not harm innocent people.

48% - 69% The True Hero - This persona doesn't avoid, or hope for the limelight. In their eyes, criminals need to be stopped. They work within the law, but certain circumstances may not allow that. They are not as violent as the vigilante, not as spiteful as the shadow, and not as interested in the limelight as the Idol. They are just heroes, fighting to defend people's lives.

70% - 86% The Socialite - While this hero fights for good, the pursuit of the pleasures of life are foremost. They will fight crime like anyone else, but when the media and police show up they are off somewhere else partying. Morality and such really don't bother them, although they don't want to hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it. If part of a hero group, this type of persona is late to meetings, tactical discussions, and sometimes to the start of battle. They are too busy living life to it's fullest. Unlike the Idol, who loves the camera for the sake of the camera, this persona is usually on camera only to hit on the reporter. This hero is usually in tabloids, linked to some celebrity, or some scandal. They just want to have fun.
87% - 100% The Bruiser - This persona is interested in fighting crime and helping people in general. But, underlying that drive is the burning desire to prove their strength and superiority. They will follow the law, depending on their alignment, but their methods can sometimes go overboard. They hate being beat, especially in combat, and will always go the extra mile to defeat an opponent. The desire to prove themselves doesn't always have to revolve around strength. Those who pride themselves on their mental capabilities can be aggressive, always proving to others just how smart they really are.

Step Three: Determine Powers and Abilities
Special Abilities:
These powers and abilities only apply to the Dream Hero Persona. These are strange abilities that seem to go along with the fact that the Hero is a manifestation of a dream. Choose or roll for 1D4 abilities.

1. - The Hero's strength is increased by one level, with a maximum of Superhuman. So, if they have no powers which increase strength, regular becomes Extraordinary, Extraordinary becomes Superhuman. Superhuman or better stays the same.

2. - The Hero can hover or fly at a low speed. The maximum flight speed if limited to 50mph. The max altitude is 1000ft. This can be increased through super powers.

3. - The Hero has a signature weapon that materializes whenever they do. Treat this as a weapon of it's type with a +2 to damage. Also, this weapon has a dream-like sense of balance. In the hands of the hero, this weapon also has a +1 to strike and parry. If anyone else tries to use the weapon, they are at a -1 to strike and parry. If they have a W.P. in the weapon, it seems more alien and gives them a -2 to strike and parry. The damage bonus is consistant. The only reason why the weapon actually gives worse penalties to someone with the WP is because they are so used to wielding swords a certain way, and the extreme difference in balance cause quite a few problems. After one melee, someone with the appropriate WP will adapt to using the weapon, gaining the same bonuses as the hero. The weapon itself disappears after one full minute out of the character's hands. This is limited to melee weapons, but can include shields if so desired.
An optional change to this ability is that instead of a weapon, the hero has some kind of vehicle. This is always something small and without attack capabilities. The range of vehicle types is limited to small automobiles and motorcycles to low-flying flying disks.

4. - The Dream Hero is more resilient than their normal counterpart. They gain +50 SDC and +2D6 HP.

5 - Two senses are more acute, effectively being double the normal sensitivity for a human.

6 - Something about the Hero inspires Awe in others. Maybe they glow, or just seem to be perfect. They have an Awe Factor of 12.

7 - The Dream hero just seems to be able to take on massive amounts of pain without noticing it. Reduce any penalties due to massive damage or pain by half.

8 - Due to some bizarre physiology, the Dream Hero does not need to breathe. They can still be affected by gases that get into their system somehow, but they don't need to breathe.

9 - The Hero is stronger than normal. Add +10 to PS.

10 - Due to the fact the Hero is used to some strange things, they are immune to fear. They assume even the scariest or weirdest thing is just supposed to be there, and go with it.

Determining Powers
Roll on this chart to determine what powers the Hero has(only the Dream Persona). If Psionics are rolled, the Hero is treated as a Latent for purposes of saves. Also note that the magic spels that can be gained by the Hero aren't 'true' magic spells in any sense. Other magic users will realize it's just gibberish, or possibly some alien form of spellcasting. The spells the hero gains are approximations of what they believe are spells. The Hero is the only one who has powers.

1%-8% - 1 major and 4 minors
9%-15% - 7 minors(no major powers)
16%-21% - 1 major, 1 minor, and 1D4 from all Psionic categories except Super. Choose 2 Super Psionics. ISP is 2D4x10+ME.
22%-29% - 2 minors(no major powers) and 1D6 powers chosen from any psionic category except Super. Choose 1d6 Super Psionics. ISP is 2D4x10+ME.
30%-38% - Detemine Psionic Abilities as a Latent Psionic(including ISP and increase in Psionic Abiliies by level)
39%-46% - Choose 2 Psionics from each category, except Super. Choose 2 spells from each level, 1-4. ISP is 1D6x10+ME. PPE is 1D6x10.
47%-55% - 1 major and 2d6 spells from levels 1-4. PPE is 1D6x10.
56%-63% - 1 major, 1D4 Psionics from any category except Super, 1 Super Psionic, and 1 spell from each level 1-4. ISP is 1D6x10+ME. PPE is 1D6x10.
64%-71% - 5 minors and 1 Super Psionic. ISP is 1D4x10+ME.
72&-80% - 2 majors and 1 minor
81%-89% - 2 majors and 2 minors
90%-93% - 3 majors(no minor powers)
94%-100% - 2 majors and choose 2 Super Psionics. ISP is 1D6x10+ME.

Relationship Between The Two
When the dreamer falls asleep, the dream hero pops into existance about 1D6 minutes later. The dream hero reappears in the last spot they were before they disappeared last time. When the dreamer wakes up, the dream hero disappears entirely. The dream hero is aware of an impending sense of dread when the dreamer is about to wake up, giving them a warning of 2D6 minutes. If the dreamer is woken up violently or suddenly, the dream hero feels no warning and disappears. In either case, a dream hero that is 5th level or higher can actually exert some control over when the dreamer wakes up. When they feel the warning, they can hold the dreamer in a sleep state for an extra 2 minutes per level. This extreme expression of willpower costs the dream hero, if they are in combat, initiative, two melee attacks, and half of all combat bonuses. This applies to all melee rounds. During this time, skill percentage is reduced by 20% to reflect how much concentration is being used. This can be done if the dreamer is being woken up suddenly; in this case the dreamer just stays asleep.
If the dreamer is hurt while they are sleeping, the dream hero is aware of this. They will know the location of the dreamer and feel an overpowering urge that they need to be there. Generally they will drop what they are doing and head to help the dreamer. Depending on whether or not the two actually are aware of the connection between them, the dream hero may realize what is going on before they arrive at the dreamer's location. For those dream heroes that are aware of the dreamer, and the connection, they will know the dreamer is in serious danger.

Step Four: Rounding Out the Character and Notes
Alignment is determined normally for both characters. Sometimes there are minor, or even drastic, differences in alignment between the two. The dreamer's alignment is what they feel is the right way to act, but the hero's alignment reflects what the dreamer subconsciously believes how a hero should behave.
All other optional parts are determined as normal. The only difference is the hero doesn't have any money. They can start a bank account later if they choose, but every time they reappear they always have the same equipment. Generally, this means one weapon of choice (modern or melee), clothing or a costume, and some basic equipment based on what type of hero they are (1D6 items). As an example, a Shadow type may have binoculars, a pistol, a couple extra clips, and a camera. For purposes of equipment that require power sources or ammunition, assume it comes into being fully loaded. If the power or ammo is used up, then more must be found. Since the hero remembers the condition of their equipment when they disappear, damaged equipment comes back damaged. If something is destroyed, it will not return for 1D4 days. Anything dropped or left behind will cease to exist when the hero disappears. The hero can't 'bring' equipment with them when they go back to the world of dreams. Anything extra that they are carrying when they disappear falls to the ground.
Physically, both the dreamer and the dream hero look very similar, at least in facial features. People who see pictures of both would think they could be cousins. Other than the facial features, determine everything else about the two separately when it comes to physical description. On the average, the dream hero is usually around 2D4 inches taller than the dreamer.
The relationship between the dream hero and the dreamer is different with each person. Some know about each other, others have only one of the two possessing knowledge of the other, and in a few cases neither the dreamer nor the dream hero realize the connection between the two. The dreamer and the dream hero do not share memory; instead they 'dream' about the other person. So, the dreamer may know only bits and pieces of what the dream hero did, and vice versa.
Unless the dream hero spends time to set up a bank account and get money, they are totally broke. When they are first created, choose 3D6 x $1000 to determine what equipment they have. This equipment, as noted above, really doesn't exist. It is a solid manifestation of dream. Electronic items come into existance with full battery power, and weapons come with full ammo. Each time they reappear, they again have full ammo or power. The only thing about them that is remembered is damage that they have taken.
The dreamer also has 3D6 x $1000 to represent life savings, and starts with 3D6 x $100 worth of equipment they have purchased above and beyond common household items. They also have a small vehicle and place to live.

Optional Rules for the Dreaming Hero
If you don't feel like using the power table above because of the inclusion of possible spells, then just use the power table for Experiments in the Heroes Unlimited core rule book. As another option, you can use the Latent Psychic to determine powers, including ISP. You can use the Wizard as another option, but there are a few problems. First off, the spells will be considered magical for all intents and purposes, but they can't be taught to others. They are just dream approximations, and sound like complete gibberish. On the reverse, you can't learn spells from normal sources either. Instead, you determine initial spells as normal and gain three spells at every experience level, chosen from spell levels equal or less than your level of experience.
As an option, the Dream Hero can be summoned while the base person is daydreaming. For this to happen, the normal person must be in a situation where they have the opportunity to daydream(not distracted by lots of noise, pain, or other stimuli that would keep them alert). It can even happen while the normal person is driving to work and going about their normal job, as long as it's mundane enough(office jobs with lots of repetitive work are perfect). The normal person suffers a -20% penalty to all skill roles while daydreaming. There is no need to mention combat penalties, because combat will snap them out of the daydream and cause the Dream Hero to disappear. The Dream Hero itself suffers some penalties, because it's not "fully there". They suffer a -10% penalty to all skill roles, and a -2 to all combat actions. They also lose two attacks per melee.
Another option is The Nightmare. The Nightmare is the dark, evil version of the Dream Hero. Usually this type will occur when the dreamer has deep desires to do evil things, but not the courage to do them. The Nightmare is no different from the Dream Hero except for the alignment differences. Just create a Dreaming Hero as normal, but twist the Dreamer and Hero definitions into something dark and evil. The same goes for the special abilities; just make their manifestation look evil in nature.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I think it could easily become a catetegory, or the very least a power with options as to sub-abilities. The character I had created could project a dream self with all psionic powers, as the powers all came from his mind which was only active psychically when he was asleep, based on the whole brainwave shift when one enters sleep. It might be interesting to create a variant power written up as my character was. If you have any ideas, let me know, otherwise I might try writing it up myself.
The Nightbane books have a whole set of rules for dealing with entering the Dreamstream which I adapted in my campaign somewhat to allow characters a brief stint into a Sandman-like Dreaming. It is a totally untapped area as far as Heroes Unlimited, however.
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Ento evolution: [Minor] By Iczer
'I thought you goons said he had a dainty pair of wings. You didn't mention he had body armour as well'

The character posesses the ability to obtain the traits of certain insects, one at a time, gaining access to more traits as he advances in level.
at each level of experience, he gains access to a new mutation, expanding his repetoire. He may only manifest one mutation at once, and changing from one to another requires 2 actions of concentration.
* Winged flight: the character can putter around on dainty wings at 30 Mph. in flight he enjoys +2 to dodge. Taken a second time, the wings allow flight at 60 Mph and adds another +2 to initiative while in the air.
* Body armour: the character grows chitin plates over his body providing him with an AR of 12 (natural) and an sdc boost (temporary) of 4d6. taken a second time, the AR becomes 14 and the SDC boost increases by +10
* Wall crawling: while not true adhesion, the character gains the climb skill at +30%. One climb check allows him to move a number of feet equal to his PS plus his Spd. all penalties normally associated with climbing are halved
* Natural weapons: From bull ant mandibles, to nasty claws, the character can inflict 2d6 damage with natural weapons, as well as parry other wepons with his bare arms. Taken a second time, and these weapons enjoy increased accuracy, +2 to strike parry and damage with his natural weapons
* Enhanced reflexes: The character's body twists to give him lightning quick reflexes. add +4 to PP adn SPD while this mutation is active and the character can leap and up to his PP in feet with a standing start (twice as far with at least 20 feet of run). Taken a second time, he gains +2 initiative and an extra attack per melee round
* insect eyes: While going 'bug eyed' the character gains polarised vision, as well as clear UV vision. his wide angle of sight grants him near immunity to sneak attacks, as well as +2 to initiative
* insect strength: Gains +6 to PS and 10 (temporary) SDC. Taken twice it grants another 4PS and treats it as Extraordinary. Taken a third time he also gains +25 SDC (Temporary)
* Venom: Character gains a small weapon, be it stinger or bite. inflicting 1d6 damage is pretty trvial, but it comes with a lethal venom which inflicts 2d6 damage unless a save vs poison is made. Taken twice, the venom is especially lethal inflicting 4d6 damage. taken a third time and it reduces a person's save vs poison by 4.

Do-Over [Minor] By Iczer
'I swear boss,he's just that naturally lucky'

The character can simply undo the last few seconds of his life and do them over again. 4 times per day per level, the character can change the result of a single roll, as long as the action being undone was swift, and that he survives the repercussions. He may only undo active actions (like a dodge) but not passive ones (like a saving throw). He may also reroll damage. If he is knocked out or waits too long to undo any action, then he is too late and will have to live with the consequences.
Note that he may undo normal actions as well as long as he is swift about it and is aware of the repercussions instantly. (and is not stunned by them.)

Psycheshield [Minor] By Iczer
'as long as my will holds out I will never surrender to you lord Bastille!!'

The character can absorb wounds and injury much more stoicly through force of will and personality. By reducing his MA or ME by 1, he may ignore up to 10 SDC points of damage. MA may not drop below 10 in this manner, and ME not below 3. The wounds remain, of course, he is just hanging on by sheer superhuman willpower.
Points to remember:
* He is still bleeding and needs those wounds attended to.
* sundry effects such as broken bones and poison still affect him (though penalties are not incured while he is expending will...allowing the character to sprint on two broken legs if need be. he will feel that in the morning)
* Lastly, as his will returns, at a rate of one lost attribute point per hour, he he must trade back 5 points of damage. [Lunar lass expended 6 ME points in the battle with the Antigen league. An hour later, while in having coffee, she gains back one ME point, but this drops her remaining 12 HP down to 7. In two more hours her force of will will not be sufficient and she will slide into negatives.]
All is not lost though, If a doctor or paramedic is available and on hand, the character can make a save vs coma to reduce the damage down to 1 point.

Batts: More to come
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by ZEN »

-By Mr Twist and AJ Pickett-

The Dream Avatar is really two individuals, a larger than life costumed super being and a seemingly unremarkable individual who does not appear to possess any sort of super power, aside from a vivid, somewhat obsessive and emotional imagination.
While this normal person goes about their business, they are fighting a constant battle with drowsiness and their vivid, wandering imagination, day by day there seems to be a struggle going on between the real world and the dream world that this person has created. At various times during the day and night they sleep, and it is only while they sleep that the nature of their extraordinary super ability becomes obvious. From out of the mind of this slumbering joe average springs the very essence of the comic book super being, woven from ectoplasmic substance, equiped with a personality of it's own, the Dream Avatar is the imagination and will of the dreamer made real.
Unlike any other power category, the major weakness of the Dream Avatar is also the source of all of it's power. While the dreamer sleeps, the Avatar goes forth to battle crime and save the world, but the dreamer has no choice, no free will, and as soon as they fall asleep, they experience the strange, vague, somewhat nightmarish second hand perspective of what appears to be the real world, but with a bizarre twist. What's worse is that this happens again and again, a repeating theme that they are powerless to prevent.. the only repreave they have from the world of the Dream Avatar is when they do everything they can to stay awake. The character may be well aware of the nature of his super powers however, and lead a relatively normal, balanced existance as two seperate individuals.

Note: To make a character with this as a power category, two characters need to be rolled up. One character is the dreaming person, and the other is the actual Dream Avatar. Attributes for the Real Person should be rolled as normal, and then the Dream Avatar is a second character, projected from the subconcious mind of the Real Person when they dream.

Powers of the Dream Avatar
Requirements: No attribute requirements.
Minimums: These bonuses only apply to the Dream Hero.
Special Avatar Abilities

These powers and abilities only apply to the Avatar Form. When the person sleeps, the Avatar is born for a limited time.

Base Attribute Bonuses:

M.E. and M.A. are increased by 1D4 (minimum 14), P.P., P.E., and Spd. are increased by 1D6 (minimum 16), P.B. is increased by 1D6+3 (minimum eighteen) and P.S. is increased by 2D6 (minimum 22).

Basic Dream Avatar Features:

Damage done to the Avatar's clothing or costume is regenerated just like a wound to it's body.
The Dreaming Character's Dream Avatar is always an idealized form.
The Dream Avatar has Hit Points equal to the Dreaming Character.
The Dream Self always reappears in the last spot it was before it dissipated the last time. If it was destroyed last time summoned, then it reappears next to the Dreaming Character.
If the Dream Avatar and the weapon it creates are separated or more than 1D4 melee rounds, the weapon dissappears.
The Avatar is immune to attacks made on it with it's own weapon, they simply do no damage at all.

Special Avatar Features:
To determine how many special powers the Avatar possesses, roll 1D4. Choose, or roll 1D10, to determine specific abilities. Reroll any copied abilities..
1. - Mighty Strength:

The Hero's strength is increased by one level, with a maximum of Superhuman. Regular strength becomes Extraordinary, Extraordinary becomes Superhuman. If the character already has Superhuman strength, select another Special Avatar Feature.

2. Flight:

The Hero can hover or fly at a low speed. The maximum flight speed if limited to 50mph. The max altitude is 1000ft. This can be increased through super powers.

3. Summon Weapon:

The Avatar has a signature melee weapon that materializes whenever the Avatar does. The weapon reflects the personal style of the Dreamer and the Avatar, it is also a part of the Avatar and though it can be temporarily destroyed, it always reappears when the Avatar does.
Damage: 2D6 no matter what form it takes. +1D6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Bonus to Strike: +1 at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15.
Bonus to Parry: +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Bonus to Damage: +2 (in addition to any other bonuses)

4. Mighty Endurance:

The Avatar is more resilient than their normal waking hours counterpart. They gain +50 S.D.C., +2D6 Hit Points and +2 P.E., they also gradually regenerate at a rate of 1D4 S.D.C and 1 Hit Point per hour.

5. Inhuman Awareness:

Choose one type of Heightened Sense power.

6. Awesome Presence:

Something about the Avatar inspires awe in others. Maybe they glow, or just seem to be perfect.
They have an Awe/Horror Factor of 12 (+1 at levels 5, 10 and 15).

7. Damage Resistance:

The Avatar just seems to be able to take a few serious wounds and shrug them off without noticing it. Reduce any penalties due to massive damage or pain by half and ignore the first few points of damage in the first attack of any combat round, this starts as only 2 points, but increased by +1 each new level of experience.

8. Inhuman Metabolism:

Due to some bizarre physiology, the Dream Hero does not need to breathe. They can still be affected by gases that get into their system somehow, but they don't need to breathe, drink or eat, all of their needs are provided by their Dreaming alter ego.

9. Powerful Build:

The Dream Avatar has a stronger, more powerfully built form, with denser 'muscle' tissue and greater body mass, Add +10 to Physical Strength and +1d4x10 S.D.C..

10. Fearless:

Due to the fact that the Dream Avatar is a product of the dreamer's imagination and has a completely unique worldview, they are immune to mental shock, fear and more resistant to mental attacks or insanity. Add +4 to save vs Psi attacks and Insanity.

Determining Powers

Roll on the following table to determine what powers the Dream Avatar has.

Note About Psychic Powers:

If Psionics are rolled, the Sleeping character is also treated as a Latent Psychic for purposes of saving throws vs Psionics, even though they normally don't have any psychic abilities they can use while they are awake.

Note About Magic Abilities:

The magic spells that can be gained by the Dream Avatar are real magic spell-like abilities , but they don't work to the same rules that other magic users utilise. Other magic users will realize any 'spell casting' the Dream Avatar is doing is all just a load of gibberish, or possibly some alien form of spellcasting that makes no sense and is impossible to mimic with any chance of success. The spells the Dream Avatar gains are what the Dreaming character imagines real spells are like.


01-08 - 1 major and 4 minor super powers.
09-15 - 7 minor super powers (no major powers).
16-21 - 1 major and 1 minor super power, plus 1D4 lesser psychic powers. I.S.P. is 2D4x10 +M.E..
22-29 - 2 minor super powers, 1D6 lesser psychic powers and 1D4 Super Psychic powers. I.S.P. is 2D4x10 +M.E..
30-38 - Detemine Psionic Abilities as a Latent Psionic(including ISP and increase in Psionic Abiliies by level)
39-46 - Choose 2 Psionics from each category, except Super. Choose 2 spells from each level, 1-4. ISP is 1D6x10+ME. PPE is 1D6x10.
47-55 - 1 major and 2d6 spells from levels 1-4. PPE is 1D6x10.
56-63 - 1 major, 1D4 Psionics from any category except Super, 1 Super Psionic, and 1 spell from each level 1-4. ISP is 1D6x10+ME. PPE is 1D6x10.
64-71 - 5 minors and 1 Super Psionic. ISP is 1D4x10+ME.
72-80 - 2 majors and 1 minor
81-89 - 2 majors and 2 minors
90-93 - 3 majors(no minor powers)
94-100 - 2 majors and choose 2 Super Psionics. ISP is 1D6x10+ME.

Bonuses to the Dreaming Character.

+4 save vs psionics due to two minds in one head.
Can wake up or fall asleep at will and can manage to wake up after sleeping for a specific length of time (never needs an alarm clock).

Penalties if the Dream Avatar is killed:

The Dream Avatar takes 1D4 days before it is available to be recreated. Until then, any and all powers that were used by the Dream Avatar are lost until it is recreated. Also, the Dreaming Character loses 2 attacks per melee round, is -3 to all combat related rolls and skill performance is reduced by -20%.

Notes on the Dreamer's relationship with the Avatar.

* The Dream Avatar may not know what it is, but it does sense the connection to it's creator. It will attempt to protect the Dreaming Character from harm if need be. It can also sense when the Dreamer is hurt and will always attempt to rush to it's creator's aid. It always knows where the Dreamer is and nothing can permanently seperate the two (if this ever happens in your game, just say the Avatar winks out of existance and reappears next to the Dreamer.. it can not exist independantly).
* Each character (Dreamer and Avatar) has it's own set of memories. To each other, the other's life seems like a barely remembered dream. If the Dreaming Character possesses Total Recall or Heightened Sense of Recall as part of the Avatar's super powers, then the Dreamer will be able to remember everything experienced by the Dream Avatar.
* While the Dream Avatar is active, the Dreaming Character is almost impossible to wake up. Loud noise and jostling do not work. If the Dreaming Character takes any more than 5 points of damage, however, they will wake up and the Avatar (where ever it is) will vanish.
* Skills and combat bonuses the Dreaming Character possesses are shared by the Dream Avatar (modified by it's own bonuses).
* The Dream Avatar will dissipate if targeted by Negate Super Powers.
* The Dream Avatar can go an infinite amount of distance from the Dreaming Character, but can not exist independantly in another Dimension or another area which blocks it's connection with the Dreamer. Anything that blocks Psyhic Powers will also interfere with the link between Avatar and Dreamer.
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You guys put a lot of work into that. Cool.

* The Dream Avatar can go an infinite amount of distance from the Dreaming Character, but can not exist independantly in another Dimension or another area which blocks it's connection with the Dreamer. Anything that blocks Psyhic Powers will also interfere with the link between Avatar and Dreamer.

I think that definitely links it as being a psychic phenomena. I will copy this as money permits- too much to write out since I am at a public access computer right now.
Definitely awesome.[/list]
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Iczer wrote:Ento evolution: [Minor] By Iczer
'I thought you goons said he had a dainty pair of wings. You didn't mention he had body armour as well'

The character posesses the ability to obtain the traits of certain insects, one at a time, gaining access to more traits as he advances in level.
at each level of experience, he gains access to a new mutation, expanding his repetoire. He may only manifest one mutation at once, and changing from one to another requires 2 actions of concentration.
* Winged flight: the character can putter around on dainty wings at 30 Mph. in flight he enjoys +2 to dodge. Taken a second time, the wings allow flight at 60 Mph and adds another +2 to initiative while in the air.
* Body armour: the character grows chitin plates over his body providing him with an AR of 12 (natural) and an sdc boost (temporary) of 4d6. taken a second time, the AR becomes 14 and the SDC boost increases by +10
* Wall crawling: while not true adhesion, the character gains the climb skill at +30%. One climb check allows him to move a number of feet equal to his PS plus his Spd. all penalties normally associated with climbing are halved
* Natural weapons: From bull ant mandibles, to nasty claws, the character can inflict 2d6 damage with natural weapons, as well as parry other wepons with his bare arms. Taken a second time, and these weapons enjoy increased accuracy, +2 to strike parry and damage with his natural weapons
* Enhanced reflexes: The character's body twists to give him lightning quick reflexes. add +4 to PP adn SPD while this mutation is active and the character can leap and up to his PP in feet with a standing start (twice as far with at least 20 feet of run). Taken a second time, he gains +2 initiative and an extra attack per melee round
* insect eyes: While going 'bug eyed' the character gains polarised vision, as well as clear UV vision. his wide angle of sight grants him near immunity to sneak attacks, as well as +2 to initiative
* insect strength: Gains +6 to PS and 10 (temporary) SDC. Taken twice it grants another 4PS and treats it as Extraordinary. Taken a third time he also gains +25 SDC (Temporary)
* Venom: Character gains a small weapon, be it stinger or bite. inflicting 1d6 damage is pretty trvial, but it comes with a lethal venom which inflicts 2d6 damage unless a save vs poison is made. Taken twice, the venom is especially lethal inflicting 4d6 damage. taken a third time and it reduces a person's save vs poison by 4.

Do-Over [Minor] By Iczer
'I swear boss,he's just that naturally lucky'

The character can simply undo the last few seconds of his life and do them over again. 4 times per day per level, the character can change the result of a single roll, as long as the action being undone was swift, and that he survives the repercussions. He may only undo active actions (like a dodge) but not passive ones (like a saving throw). He may also reroll damage. If he is knocked out or waits too long to undo any action, then he is too late and will have to live with the consequences.
Note that he may undo normal actions as well as long as he is swift about it and is aware of the repercussions instantly. (and is not stunned by them.)

Psycheshield [Minor] By Iczer
'as long as my will holds out I will never surrender to you lord Bastille!!'

The character can absorb wounds and injury much more stoicly through force of will and personality. By reducing his MA or ME by 1, he may ignore up to 10 SDC points of damage. MA may not drop below 10 in this manner, and ME not below 3. The wounds remain, of course, he is just hanging on by sheer superhuman willpower.
Points to remember:
* He is still bleeding and needs those wounds attended to.
* sundry effects such as broken bones and poison still affect him (though penalties are not incured while he is expending will...allowing the character to sprint on two broken legs if need be. he will feel that in the morning)
* Lastly, as his will returns, at a rate of one lost attribute point per hour, he he must trade back 5 points of damage. [Lunar lass expended 6 ME points in the battle with the Antigen league. An hour later, while in having coffee, she gains back one ME point, but this drops her remaining 12 HP down to 7. In two more hours her force of will will not be sufficient and she will slide into negatives.]
All is not lost though, If a doctor or paramedic is available and on hand, the character can make a save vs coma to reduce the damage down to 1 point.

Batts: More to come

I like the do-over minor ability. I have one in my major house powers called "reset button" whereby a character does a quantum parallel reality teleport back to a preset point and can start a chain of events over to fix what went wrong. There is a voluntasry option or involuntary, but the involuntary is usually only for immortal characters to keep reliving events until they get them right. Perhaps I should post it soon.
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Iczer wrote:Snowman: [Minor] By Iczer
'Hmmm -2 Degrees Huh? I better put my shirt back on'

The character is at home in reduced temperatures, feeling enervated and boosted by subzero temperatures.
The character takes no damage from cold. Even better, where he would normally suffer damage from extreme cold, he instead heals damage, recovering 2 SDC or 3 HP for every 5 points of cold damage. (Alternatively, every saveing throw required Vs cold to avoid frostbite heals the same)
In conditions of extreme cold, (35 or below, 0 degree Centergrade) the character is in fact healthier and happier, gaining 30 SDC, +2 to PS, PP and PE, and feeling upbeat (+10% to all skills).
In cold, but not freezing temperatures (35-60F or 1-15C) the character retains his good mood (+5% to skills) but only 10 extra SDC.
In addition, the character has a +15% to keep balance on snow and ice. He also can walk ontop of snow, as if his weight were only 30% of normal.

Downhill racer: [Minor]

The character revels in excessive, uncontrolled speed, and his reflexes and agility are altered to match. Despite it's name, this applies to all forms of uncontrolled speed.
1) Survive crash: when the character takes damage from a fall or crash, he simply absorbs half of it. this only applies when the character is not in control of his actions. If he flies into a wall under his own power he is out of luck. If he flies into a wall on a machine or other conveyance (or via the glide power) then it functions normally. Note, the character can still roll with punch/fall/impact to reduce this further.
2) Enhanced reflexes: at speed the character's reflexes increase. for every 10MPH the character is travelling, he gains +2% to any applicable piloting skills. an 80MPH bobsled gives him +16%. a jet moving at 500MPH grants +100% (to a maximum skill of 98%). this does not help if the character cannot pilot the craft, though it does help towards any balance checks made (such as while skiing). At speeds over 50 MPH the character enjoys +2 to dodge.
This power only kicks in when the character is not directly propelling himself. Powered movement such as many of the flight powers, as well as the ground speed enhancing powers do not enable this. Power such as glide and sliding represent unpowered movement and do work. As always, refer to the GM for what will and what will not fly.

Skater: [Minor] By Iczer
'Excuse me, Olympiad coming through'

The character has the ability to project a sheet of ice ahead of him and to skate across it. The sheet of ice is roughly 3 feet wide and projects about 3 feet ahead of the character. The ice rests across the ground, and typically breaks up after 5 minutes, less in summer heat, more in winter.
While on the ice, the character has no problems with balance as far as his own ice sheet is concerned. The ice sheet can rise or fall up to 4 feet +1 foot per level, smothing out any obstacles of lesser height, and can be used to create barricades of that height (duration is doubled for 1 foot in height, and doubled again per foot. Barricades typically have 30 SDC per foot of height for a 10x10 foot section.
The ice sheet moves across water as if it were solid ground, forming temporary bridges. it also moves over snow as easilly.
The character can 'skate' on this ice sheath at 3 times his normal speed, and has a +2 to dodge when doing so. By forming ramps, he can leap horizontal gaps up to his normal spd attribute plus twice the height of his ramp.
When skating down hill, the character can double his overall speed again (6 times!!!) but will have difficulty steering or manoevering.


More comments on past powers. I like the first one and it is like something I had been trying to work up called Frigid. I will be copying this in the future if yiou don't mind.
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The snow man would be awesome coupled with Sub Zero major power and APS ice.... that'd be a trifecta.

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Regressive rage [Minor] By Iczer
'You are making me stern. you won't like it when I'm stern'

The character can enter a voluntary rage by which he suffers from a hideous transformation in return for heightened strength and ferocity.
1) The change. The change takes one melee round to take effect, during which time the character is effectively stunned (no attacks, can barely move, no skill use. may dodge and parry at -4)
2) Effects of transformation: +10 SDC +2 PS +1 PE -2 IQ -1 ME -1MA -1 PB per level. Strength becomes Extraordinary. In addition, the character gains 3 mutations during this time (roll on random mutation table. changes are rolled once and applied everytime the regresive rage is invoked). character also enjoys +1 attack per melee +2 damage and +1 to strike (but -1 to parry and dodge) Skill use while transformed is at -10% (hard to concentrate) or -25% if it involves any level of thought. Character also gains 3d6 inches of height and 4d4x10 pounds of weight.
3) Variable change: the character is msotly in control of his transformations. he may choose to merely partially transform. a partially transfomed can ignore one or more mutations, only gains half as much hieght and weight and no skill penalties (and also, no extra attack, damage and strike/parry bonuses). a partially transformed character is immune to the duration restriction listed below. To be considered partially transformed, the character must invoke less than half his normal level bonuses from this power.
4) Duration: an enraged and fully transformed character stays that way for as long as he is fighting or feels the need to be aggressive. after this point he rapidly drops his guard, and loses one level's worth of changes every melee round untill fully human again, at which point he becomes fatigued for 3d6+10 minutes (-2 to all combat actions, half attacks and speed, -20% to skill use)

Morph terrain [Major] By Iczer
'I swear, Battling Landwalker is a pain. One minute swamps, the next jungle. It's hell on my new boots I'm telling you'

A character with Morph terrain has the power to alter the makeup of his natural surroundings, aggressively and rapidly changing them to suit his needs.
1) Alter Geomorphology: The character can raise or lower the surrounding terrian within a 30 foot area (+5 feet per level) The character can raise or lower the surrounding terrain by 10 feet +5 per level. He may create sculpted pits, hills and even walls of earth. by expending 2 actions to do so. Offensively he may shoot a stone spike upwards from the earth, inflicting 4d6 damage with +2 to strike. dodging this attack is at -2 from the suddenness. additionally, the character may simply use a rapidly rising earth mound to simply toss characters aside. characters must dodge or be hurled 2 feet high and 4 feet wide per level (will lose an action and initiative as well). Opening a pit on some one forces them to dodge (-2) or tumble down the hole. The character can use this to create bridges as well, forcing rock to jut out over a chasm up to 30 feet +5 feet per level.
2) Plant growth: The character can cause rapid plant growth in an area 30 feet across (+5 feet per level). Lichen, mould, fungii are the first to arrive, and grass, weeds and brambles come next. The growth need not be suitable for the terrain and can grow as high as 2 feet per level, but unsuitable growth will die off without the character's attendance. Complex, woody plants like trees and many types of crops will not grow spontaneously, but if transplanted they will perform a year's growth every week. and grow in shapes to the character's liking. With a month of effort, the character can even transmute the nature of plant life in his area, turning oaks into pines, and a conniferous forest into jungle. The character can also kill plantlife nearly instantly, inflicting 2d4x10 damage to tree's and plants in his area. this is selective, and can be used to cull weeds but not crops, plant aliens, but not grass.
3) transmute earth: The nature of earth becomes the character's playgroiund as well. Earth can be made into rock, and vice versa. even the type of rock may be manipulated. the character can transmute 20 lbs of earth or rock per level every melee. Against creatures made of stone, he may inflict 1d4x10 damage by expending 2 actions.
4) Hydrate/dehydrate: by concentrating, the character can alter the localised humidity. within 30 feet +5 feet per level he can increase the local water content by 5% per minute. He can force a spring into exisitence, dehumidify a steamy jungle cove even create a shield vs rain. he can melt snow, or force it to form from precipitate and can create light showers. all of these tasks require many minutes to take effect, and unless supported by local weather conditions, will require his presence to remain, sapping 5% from all skill use and -1 attack per melee to maintain...BUT may continue in his sleep (requires 20% more food and water per day and2 hours extra sleep per night). [GM's must be reasonable in this though. a geyser formed in the desert is possible and sustaibnable on it's own from underground water tables. Cool summer rain is less likely in the desert though]

timecastle [Major] By Iczer
'I'll save us, we just got to be prepared to shift'

The character can craete a bubble of vaiable time, in which he can take others for rest or to obtain tactical advantage
1) Pause time bubble: The character creates a bubble of paused time. this bubble can be as small as the character, or up to 30 feet across (+5 feet per level) inside the bubble, time moves at it's normal rate. outside, time is paused. The bubble can be maintained for up to 6 hours, plus 2 hours per level.
2) Timeskip bubble: The character can create a bubble of time that sucks all components into the future. all those inside the bubble will be moved up to 6 hours (+2 per leve;) into the future. Heavy objects bolted down will not move (so a chuck of the terrain will not dissapear) but anything or anybody not bolted down is fair game. The character is aware of events (vaguely) that transpire in normal time, and so can choose to end the time skip early.
3) Null time bubble: Combining the best aspects of both of the above bubbles, the character creates a time bubble that simply removes himself and others from time itself. Time passes normally inside and outside the bubble but those inside are effectively removed from all time and ergo cannot be affected by outside forces. This allows him to kick back in his own private sanctum without being bothered by the outside world. With concentration, the character can peer into the real world to examine what is going on but only for a few minutes at a time, and even then images are hazy and indistinct. null time lasts for up to 6 hours (+2 per level) but may be ended prematurrely.
4) Bubble statistics: all bubbles are 30 feet across +5 feet per level. If used inside a room or enclosed area it will conform to that room's borders.
anyone within range enters the bubble, though the bubble expands and morphs shape to wrap around items and targets that would otherwise be half in and half out.
The creation of the bubble takes 3 actions to perform, but may be done defensively (in which case, make opposed initiative rolls)
anyone who see's the bubble form, may attempt to dodge if it is feasable that they could leave the affected area. a dodge roll of 16 + is required.
5) Other immunities: the character is pretty much resistant to time. he may not be aged against his will, or be subjected to time travel, and cannot be affected by time manipulating powers (such as slow motion control)


more to come
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Thanks for posting that AJ. I liked that version better than the one I have stored on my computer.

Iczer, stop having good ideas. Hopefully I can get some time this week to share a few of my own.
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I like Morph Terrain and Timecastle. Good work Iczer.
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MrTwist wrote:Thanks for posting that AJ. I liked that version better than the one I have stored on my computer.

Iczer, stop having good ideas. Hopefully I can get some time this week to share a few of my own.

Quit whining, Twist. Nobody likes that. :lol:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Thanks for posting that AJ. I liked that version better than the one I have stored on my computer.

Iczer, stop having good ideas. Hopefully I can get some time this week to share a few of my own.

Quit whining, Twist. Nobody likes that. :lol:

Hey, they say you should do what you are good at. I'm pretty good at whining sometimes.

Power Shuffle(major)

"This isn't a fair fight, but I might be able to fix that."

Power Shuffle is a great equalizer when it comes to unfair fights amongst the super powered crowd. What the power does is randomly redistribute super powers among people. A 'power pool' is created using all the super powers of people within range, and then each power is randomly redistributed among the targets. When the redistribution occurs, there is no difference between major or minor powers. Unofrtunately, this ability also doesn't differentiate between friend or foe. In some cases, this could mean bad news.

Range: 200ft radius around the user at level one. An additional 25ft are added to the base range at every additional level. Also, after fourth level the user can adjust the radius in 20ft increments, with the minimum being 40ft.
Duration: 2 melee rounds per level of experience. The power continues even if someone affected leaves the area of effect.
Activation: 2 attacks per melee are required to use the power. This power can only be activated once every 2 minutes(8 melee rounds).

1. Shuffling with Supers only

This option limits the redestribution of powers to only those people who have donated powers to the power pool. It is an even distribution, so a super with only one power may end up with more.

2. Shuffling with Everyone

This option creates a power pool, but distributes the powers among every valid target within the area of effect. This means even the average joe could end up with a power or two. In cases where there are more targets than powers available, the people who donated powers to the pool get a power before anyone else.


The exact method of redistribution is left up to the GM/players. One decent option is for the GM to take pieces of paper and write down all the powers available, then put them into a hat/dice bag/whatever. The players and the GM roll percentile dice to determine the order in which the powers are picked out of the container. The powers are then picked in succession until there are none left.

Psionics, magically bestowed super powers, and natural abilities are not affected by this power.

Racial super powers(except for racial heightened senses or enhanced attributes) are affected by this power.

Technologically granted abilities are unaffected by this power only if it's the device itself that has the power and the person just manipulates it.

This power is not added to the power pool and redistributed.

No matter what level the original user had a specific power at, it becomes level one when redistributed. The only exceptions are if someone gets one of their own powers back randomly. In that case, it stays at the level it was.

Well, that one could probably use a bit of cleaning up.

Next: Telekisneezes.
Last edited by MrTwist on Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Silly power here.



"Ah.. Ah... Ah... (someone else goes 'Choo!')'

This strange little power causes someone to sneeze at range. There is a specific method of activating this power. The user starts a sneeze, then chooses a target. If the target fails the save, they finish the sneeze. It is quite a dastardly little ability, though there is a drawback to using it. When the user activates the power, someone is going to sneeze. If the target makes their save, then someone else within range finishes the sneeze(and gets all the penalties). The target is exempt after making the save, but the user is not.

Range: 50ft.
Duration: The sneeze only lasts a moment, but it's a pretty powerful sneeze.
Penalties: These penalties only apply to the target's next melee action.
-15% to skill performance.
-2 to dodge, parry, and strike.
Concentration becomes difficult for a moment, potentially disrupting certain actions(sustained psionic abilities, casting a spell, sustained super power usage, etc...).
Save: The target can save against this power by rolling a 16 or higher, P.E. bonuses included.

There is a 10% chance, per sneeze, that the person sneezes will shoot out snot(or whatever passes for that in their biology).
Even beings who normally would be immune to biologically caused sneezes(like robots, mineral aliens, Great Old Ones) are not immune to this power. They will sneeze just like everyone else.
This ability should only be limited to being used twice per melee, unless the GM thinks it won't be abused.
Last edited by MrTwist on Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Thanks for posting that AJ. I liked that version better than the one I have stored on my computer.

Iczer, stop having good ideas. Hopefully I can get some time this week to share a few of my own.

Quit whining, Twist. Nobody likes that. :lol:

Hey, they say you should do what you are good at. I'm pretty good at whining sometimes.

Power Shuffle(major)

"This isn't a fair fight, but I might be able to fix that."

Power Shuffle is a great equalizer when it comes to unfair fights amongst the super powered crowd. What the power does is randomly redistribute super powers among people. A 'power pool' is created using all the super powers of people within range, and then each power is randomly redistributed among the targets. When the redistribution occurs, there is no difference between major or minor powers. Unofrtunately, this ability also doesn't differentiate between friend or foe. In some cases, this could mean bad news.

Range: 200ft radius around the user at level one. An additional 25ft are added to the base range at every additional level. Also, after fourth level the user can adjust the radius in 20ft increments, with the minimum being 40ft.
Duration: 2 melee rounds per level of experience. The power continues even if someone affected leaves the area of effect.
Activation: 2 attacks per melee are required to use the power. This power can only be activated once every 2 minutes(8 melee rounds).

1. Shuffling with Supers only

This option limits the redestribution of powers to only those people who have donated powers to the power pool. It is an even distribution, so a super with only one power may end up with more.

2. Shuffling with Everyone

This option creates a power pool, but distributes the powers among every valid target within the area of effect. This means even the average joe could end up with a power or two. In cases where there are more targets than powers available, the people who donated powers to the pool get a power before anyone else.


The exact method of redistribution is left up to the GM/players. One decent option is for the GM to take pieces of paper and write down all the powers available, then put them into a hat/dice bag/whatever. The players and the GM roll percentile dice to determine the order in which the powers are picked out of the container. The powers are then picked in succession until there are none left.
Psionics, magically bestowed super powers, and natural abilities are not affected by this power.
Racial super powers(except for racial heightened senses or enhanced attributes) are affected by this power.
Technologically granted abilities are unaffected by this power only if it's the device itself that has the power and the person just manipulates it.

Well, that one could probably use a bit of cleaning up.

Next: Telekisneezes.

Hey, I like it, though. Surprise the players... :-D
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Osmium wrote:On creating abilities, is there a template you follow where you choose sometinhg from column A and something from column B or do you just write stuff doen and rewrite until you have a power???? I know that in another superhero RPG there were rules to help you develop new powers...[/img]

There really isn't any template. Basically you should use the canon powers already presented in the various books as a guideline for writing yours and determining power balance.

And Stone Gargoyle, I thought it would be a nifty power to pull out on those hero groups with powers picked to make them unbeatable. I will edit the power though, and add a few notes.
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This kind of gotmentioned in another thread and I am officially posting it here.

Hyperspeed(Major)by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can regulate the electromagnetic energy field around himself to achieve greater speed.

1. High Speed Attacks:
Punches do 2d6 dmg(counts as one attack) +1d6 if vibrating punch,with superfast punches doing 4d6(counts as 2 attacks) +1d6 if vibrating punch
Kicksdo 3d6 dmg(counts as one attack) +1d6 if vibrating),with superfast kicks doing 6d6(counts as 2 attacks)+1d6 if virbrating
Can accellerate thrown weapons to increase range by 50% and an additional dice of damage
Can add damage to bladed atacks by 1d6 by vibrating the blade
2.Lightning Reflexes: Bonuses added into total below.
3.Running Speed:320mph+30mph per leve of experience
4.Blur:The character vibrates so fast in motion that he appears a complete blur and connot be photographed.
5.Leap:30 ft high, 50 ft. across with running start.
6.ElectricalDefense:While this power ison,any attempting to tough the character will take1d6 electricaldamage.
7.Vibrate Through Substances:Whether running or standing still, the character can vibrate his molecules so fast as to pass through solid objects.
+2 attacks per round
+4 initiative
+3 pull punch
+3 disarm
+5 dodge, +3 automatic dodge
+1d4X10 SDC
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Osmium wrote:On creating abilities, is there a template you follow where you choose sometinhg from column A and something from column B or do you just write stuff doen and rewrite until you have a power???? I know that in another superhero RPG there were rules to help you develop new powers...[/img]

aww gee. I have a system. if the points score too low, it's a minor, and if it's too high it's a major. If it's too high or waay too low it's a re write

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MrTwist wrote:Silly power here.



"Ah.. Ah... Ah... (someone else goes 'Choo!')'

This strange little power causes someone to sneeze at range. There is a specific method of activating this power. The user starts a sneeze, then chooses a target. If the target fails the save, they finish the sneeze. It is quite a dastardly little ability, though there is a drawback to using it. When the user activates the power, someone is going to sneeze. If the target makes their save, then someone else within range finishes the sneeze(and gets all the penalties). The target is exempt after making the save, but the user is not.

Range: 50ft.
Duration: The sneeze only lasts a moment, but it's a pretty powerful sneeze.
Penalties: These penalties only apply to the target's next melee action.
-15% to skill performance.
-2 to dodge, parry, and strike.
Concentration becomes difficult for a moment, potentially disrupting certain actions(sustained psionic abilities, casting a spell, sustained super power usage, etc...).
Save: The target can save against this power by rolling a 16 or higher, P.E. bonuses included.

There is a 10% chance, per sneeze, that the person sneezes will shoot out snot(or whatever passes for that in their biology).
Even beings who normally would be immune to biologically caused sneezes(like robots, mineral aliens, Great Old Ones) are not immune to this power. They will sneeze just like everyone else.
This ability should only be limited to being used twice per melee, unless the GM thinks it won't be abused.

I would definitelylimit its use myself... :shock:
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Iczer wrote:
Osmium wrote:On creating abilities, is there a template you follow where you choose sometinhg from column A and something from column B or do you just write stuff doen and rewrite until you have a power???? I know that in another superhero RPG there were rules to help you develop new powers...[/img]

aww gee. I have a system. if the points score too low, it's a minor, and if it's too high it's a major. If it's too high or waay too low it's a re write


maybe you could post your guidelines for the rest of us, hmmm?
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Reset Button(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Do it until you get it right."
The character possessing this power travels to a parallel universe to prevent a certain event from happening. There are two types(player must decide which the character has upon creating character):

1.Willing: The character goes back and relives the event out of the desire to see a better outcome. If the outcome is not better, he can choose to just leave it be.
Return to the Scene: The character returns to a point in the past with full health and knowledge of what will/could happen. Treat as Clairvoyance skill at 58%+2% per level.
2.Unwilling: The power is triggered by the character's survival mechanism and he teleports involuntarily upon saving vs. coma/death with minimal SDC and Hit Points. The character repeats events over and over until he gets it done, aging as normal.
+2 vs. psionics and mind control, +4 vs. possession
Immune to the effects of temporal distortion.
The character ages normally and goes back to the event he relives older than when he first lived it. Unless the character posses immortality, he could die trying to rewrite the past. Not only that, the character is stuck in the new timeline once he is there unless pulled back to right event again. Only one event can be set at a time.
Time machines and teleport powers of others do not work on this character, limiting further temporal travel.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Pinhole Vision(Minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has sealed eye sockets covered in bone and flesh, able to see only through a series of tiny pinholes in the plates covering his eyes. This gives him perfect 20/20 vision as well as some other abilities.
The character cannot be blinded by bright lights and can see normally even in intense light. They are impervious to irritants which normally get in the eyes and are more difficult to hypnotize.

+2 vs. optical illusions
+4 vs. hypnotism involving visual elements
+4 to Perception, but suffers a -4 penalty to Perception checks in dimly lit areas.
Generally protected agains attacks to the eyes in general.
Horror Factor of 8 without concealment

Extensions(Minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character's hair is actually a series of fiber-optic filaments capable of patching into communication switchboards and phone lines.
Range: Touch; hair must plug into switchboard or wiring system.

1.Telephone communication: The character can eavesdrop on phonelines and listen into conversations, as well as send and receive messages as long as they are not scrambled.
Range: Can communicate on phone lines up to 100 miles with little difficulty, theoretically thousands of miles if the connection is there.
Duration: Constant while plugged in.
2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to communication skills(+20% to Telephone Networks)
+2 save vs. psionics
Hair Natural AR of 10
+30 SDC
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Alter Physical Structure: Ink(Major)by Stone Gargoyle

This is the startling yet puzzling ability to turn into writing fluid(player's choice as to color), as well as to manipulate and control ink.

1.Limited Invulnerability
The character has a flat 500 SDC in ink form and no hit poits, as he reverts back to human form when SDC is expended.
Physical attacks and projectiles do no damage, passing right through the character. Gases do no damage, either. Fire and energy ttacks do full damage, however. Explosions wilol blow him apart and he takes half damage. He can repair 2d6 of this per melee by absorbing ink from other sources and will reform if blown apart in 5d6 melees.

2.Manipulate Shape
As a fluid being, the character can puddle himself flat to pass under doors or hide and pour himself through narrow places, down drains, etc. If black ink, he gets a +20% bonus to prowl(+10% if not black)

3.Partial Reformation Attack
The character can reform just his head to talk or look around(vision 1/4 distance as ink) or a limb to punch and kick for normal attack damage.
+4 initiative due to natural camoflage.

Whether solid or liquid, the character can use part of his inky substance to leave messages or write an entire book(costs 1 SDC point per 10 pages), writing as fast as he can think, writing an entire book in one melee round. Alternately, he can absorb the ink from pages to erase messages and books.

5.Library Merge
As a power stunt, the character can split himself into letters and words, hiding in books(up to 5000 pages maximum). Said books will have moving illustrations and even changing words as the character "talks to readers. It takes the character's ME in hours to perform this and his ME in days to undo it.

6.Living Mural
As another stunt, the character can draw himself onto walls(automatically gets the minor super ability of Adhesion to do so and Prowls effectively at +40% this way). The character enjoys a +20% to the artist skill for this purpose. The image can be anything the character desires, but it takes up one entire wall of a room(10 square foot area). The image can move and change as the character wishes, but he must make a drawing skill check every time he does so. This takes one melee action.

7.Load Pens
Yet another stunt is to put himself into pens(2 SDC per pen) to hide or ship himself to places. Time involved is the same as for Library Merge.

8.Other Abilities and Bonuses
PS is extraordinary in ink form
+2d4 ME
+2 PS, PP and PE
Horror Factor of 12
Character radiates no heat in ink form and is thus invisible to infared and heat sensors
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Father_of_5 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Ink(Major)by Stone Gargoyle

This is the startling yet puzzling ability to turn into writing fluid(player's choice as to color), as well as to manipulate and control ink.

1.Limited Invulnerability
The character has a flat 500 SDC in ink form and no hit poits, as he reverts back to human form when SDC is expended.
Physical attacks and projectiles do no damage, passing right through the character. Gases do no damage, either. Fire and energy ttacks do full damage, however. Explosions wilol blow him apart and he takes half damage. He can repair 2d6 of this per melee by absorbing ink from other sources and will reform if blown apart in 5d6 melees.

2.Manipulate Shape
As a fluid being, the character can puddle himself flat to pass under doors or hide and pour himself through narrow places, down drains, etc. If black ink, he gets a +20% bonus to prowl(+10% if not black)

3.Partial Reformation Attack
The character can reform just his head to talk or look around(vision 1/4 distance as ink) or a limb to punch and kick for normal attack damage.
+4 initiative due to natural camoflage.

Whether solid or liquid, the character can use part of his inky substance to leave messages or write an entire book(costs 1 SDC point per 10 pages), writing as fast as he can think, writing an entire book in one melee round. Alternately, he can absorb the ink from pages to erase messages and books.

5.Library Merge
As a power stunt, the character can split himself into letters and words, hiding in books(up to 5000 pages maximum). Said books will have moving illustrations and even changing words as the character "talks to readers. It takes the character's ME in hours to perform this and his ME in days to undo it.

6.Living Mural
As another stunt, the character can draw himself onto walls(automatically gets the minor super ability of Adhesion to do so and Prowls effectively at +40% this way). The character enjoys a +20% to the artist skill for this purpose. The image can be anything the character desires, but it takes up one entire wall of a room(10 square foot area). The image can move and change as the character wishes, but he must make a drawing skill check every time he does so. This takes one melee action.

7.Load Pens
Yet another stunt is to put himself into pens(2 SDC per pen) to hide or ship himself to places. Time involved is the same as for Library Merge.

8.Other Abilities and Bonuses
PS is extraordinary in ink form
+2d4 ME
+2 PS, PP and PE
Horror Factor of 12
Character radiates no heat in ink form and is thus invisible to infared and heat sensors

I like this power. But I do have some issues/questions.

How do you justify 500 SDC? APS: Liquid only adds 30 SDC. You get 500 SDC using the water behemoth ability only after growing to 5 times normal size. 500 SDC seems really, really high!

Sub-abilities 5 and 7 (Library Merge & Load Pens) take hours/days per point of ME? So, it takes longer for a person with an ME of 16 than a person with an ME of 4? That seems backwards to me. And why does it take hours to load a pen? I would think spending a couple points of SDC to refill a pen isn't that big of a deal. I'm also having trouble visualizing an average sized person placing himself into crates of writing pens.

Why the difference in prowl bonus for black ink? Does the ink character leave an ink trail?

Can the character heal himself by absorbing the ink off of a newspaper or a book, for example? There was a line about absorbing ink, but it was vague.

No blinding attack? This is perfect for a blinding attack.

Just a few points of constructive criticism. Nice power and with a couple improvements and clarification, it could be a great power.

I wrote this based on a comics character I created when I was 13 years old. It by all means needs improvement. Black ink might hide better than say red ink, but I don't know. The 30 SDC bonus probably would work rather than making it a flat number, which was just used to simplify the numbers for pages of books he can merge with. The times for the merging stunts are probably way off, I admit and was actually thinking of revising.
The character can basically do a reversal of writing to absorb lost mass but he leaves no trail because he is in control of any molecules which would otherwise be left behind, reabsorbing them as he goes.
I like the blinding attack idea. If you want to rewrite it with your modifications, I will be happy to share credit with you.
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Alter Physical Structure: Ink(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
Revisions with thanks to Father_of_5

This is the startling yet puzzling ability to turn into writing fluid(player's choice as to color), as well as to manipulate and control ink.

1.Limited Invulnerability
Physical attacks and projectiles do no damage, passing right through the character. Gases do no damage, either. Fire and energy attacks do full damage, however. Explosions will blow him apart and he takes one third damage. He can repair 2d6 of this per melee by absorbing ink from other sources,such as books, newspapers, maps, etc., and will reform if blown apart in 5d6 melees. Gains no other healing bonuses like other APS powers do.

2.Manipulate Shape
As a fluid being, the character can puddle himself flat to pass under doors or hide and pour himself through narrow places, down drains, etc. As ink, he gets a +20% bonus to prowl skill.

3.Adhere to walls: The character can walk up walls due to his nature, even clinging to ceilings, but at half his normal movement rate, with amount carries no more than 10 pounds per PS.

Whether solid or liquid, the character can use part of his inky substance to leave messages or write an entire book(costs 1 SDC point per 10 pages), writing as fast as he can think, writing an entire book in one melee round. Alternately, he can absorb the ink from pages to erase messages and books. He can reabsorb any ink he produces.

5.Stunts and Special Maneuvers:
Partial Reformation Attack
The character can reform just his head to talk or look around(as normal vision is 1/4 distance as dark fluid unless he does so) or a limb to punch and kick for normal attack damage.
+4 initiative due to natural camoflage.

Library Merge
As a power stunt, the character can split himself into letters and words, hiding in books(1 SDC equals 10 pages). Said books will have moving illustrations and even changing words as the character "talks to readers(must make appropriatewriting and drawing skill checks to do so. It takes the character 4d6 minutes to perform this and 2d6 minutes to undo it.

Living Mural
As another stunt, the character can draw himself onto walls(Prowls at +40% this way). It takes him only 1 action to jump onto the wall and 1 action to draw himself into something. The image can be anything the character desires, but it takes up one entire wall of a room(10 square foot area). The image can move and change as the character wishes, but he must make a drawing skill check every time he does so. This takes one melee action to change the picture.

Load Pens
Yet another stunt is to put himself into pens(2 SDC per pen) to hide or ship himself to places. Time involved 2d6 minutes to load and unload himself into pens.

6.Ink Bolt: The character can fire off part of himself, costing 2 SDC per bolt, doing 2d4 dmg(+1 point per level). Range is 30 feet plus 10 feet per level. As a called shot(-3) or on a natural 17-20,the character can choose to make this a blinding attack. The target would then suffer -10 to strike, parry or dodge. This would last 5 minutes per level of the character or until washed off with paint thinner.

7.Other Abilities and Bonuses
+50 SDC
PS is extraordinary in ink form
Weight is 7 times normal in ink form
Horror Factor of 12
Character radiates no heat in ink form and is thus invisible to infared and heat sensors
Automatically gets Art:Drawing and Writing(journalistic) at +20%
The character leaves no trail unless moving fast and not having time to reabsorb ink that he naturally produces

Hopefully this makes more sense.
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Leaf Wings(Major)by Stone Gargoyle

The character has large wings resembling palm leaves.

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). Half damage is taken from light and water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings cannot be hidden or pulled back, as this would severely impair his mobility.
The character can fly at a speed of 120mph, +20mph per level.
Maximum Altitude:10,000 feet
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +1 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a knockout or stun on a natural 17-20.
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 30.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +4 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Good job working to refresh this topic Stone.

Here's some thoughts, since I have a small bit of time.

Leaf Wings. Good idea. It's a variation on Mega Wings. It would be cool if there was an option for the wings like in Mega Wing; the wings aren't normally manifest. You can summon them. In Mega Wings there was a penalty for taking this option.

Maybe add an option where someone can summon the wings from a wooded area, though the penalty would be greatly lessened when compared to Mega Wings.

This also brings up another idea. Why not add some kind of combat effect? Maybe a subpower where the user could flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves.
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

MrTwist wrote:This also brings up another idea. Why not add some kind of combat effect? Maybe a subpower where the user could flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves.

not to intrude StoneG.

whilrwind attack
the cahracter can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4? per 15 seconds (melee)
ranges:15 ft radius 25+3 ft per level(?)

something like that?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:Good job working to refresh this topic Stone.

Here's some thoughts, since I have a small bit of time.

Leaf Wings. Good idea. It's a variation on Mega Wings. It would be cool if there was an option for the wings like in Mega Wing; the wings aren't normally manifest. You can summon them. In Mega Wings there was a penalty for taking this option.

Maybe add an option where someone can summon the wings from a wooded area, though the penalty would be greatly lessened when compared to Mega Wings.

This also brings up another idea. Why not add some kind of combat effect? Maybe a subpower where the user could flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves.

I think as a comic book artist, not as a gamer sometimes. The leaf wings thing came about because I could not draw bug wings at the time and my wings looked like leaves, palm leaves. They are thought of as one big leaf per wing, but someone could certainly vary them if they wanted to. The wings were on a buglike character when created and he was huge enough they did not drag the ground. Some allowance for size could be made. I suppose they might make for a sort of camoflage in the woods, but the character never went on those type adventures. I shared them because they are unlike anything I have seen as far as wings. They might be removeable, but that would limit the going without food aspect and they would not regenerate, being dead leaves.
I like them as is, but please feel free to toy with them.
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wolfsgrin wrote:
MrTwist wrote:This also brings up another idea. Why not add some kind of combat effect? Maybe a subpower where the user could flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves.

not to intrude StoneG.

whilrwind attack
the cahracter can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4? per 15 seconds (melee)
ranges:15 ft radius 25+3 ft per level(?)

something like that?

I was just thinking of adding something like that this morning. You must be psychic, Wolfsgrin. It would have to be learned as a stunt, though.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Painful Powers Major by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Feel the power of the FireLor- AIEE! I'm burning!"

With this power, the wielder can force his opponents to hurt themselves when they use their powers.

1. Bio-Force Feedback.
Range: Line of sight
Duration: Costs one attack to use, and can be maintained indefinitely, as long as one attack is expended per melee round. As many attempts can be made as they have attacks for.

When the character uses this power, their opponent must make a save vs psionic attack with no bonuses except ones granted by M.E. If they fail, each time they activate a power they take 2D6 damage plus another 2D6 at the beginning of each turn. Damage is done regardless of any invulnerabilites they might or might not have, as it's their own body essentially acting against them. Each time they take 10 points worth of damage, they must also make a save vs pain, with no bonuses save for P.E., or that activated power (and any subsets of it if its APS or the like) are temporarily burnt out for one half hour per level of experience they have, and one hour per level of their attacker.

example: Blue Light (level 4) fails his save vs. psionics, and then tries to use his EE:Light powers, and takes 12 damage, and fails his pain save as well. Since Doctor DRB is level 8, he would lose of his activated power for 10 hours, almost a half day.

The attacker hours go first, during this time, the victims powers are actually having to rebuild the pathways they flow through. After that time has passed, they start to work through the victims time. They do regain their power, but in increments of one level per half hour. So blue light would be completely without EE:light for the first 8 hours, and then at the 8 and a half mark, he would have it at level one.

Activated powers are those that must be stated they are going into effect before they can be used, not things like Longevity or Healing Factor, physical attributes aren't affected either, so strong men can still bash away to their hearts content.

Bonuses: The character cannot suffer this attack himself, gains +2 versus psionic attacks himself, and gets 2D10 extra hit points to start with. At 5th level and 10th, the character can use this power on 1 extra person, provided they are all within sight of the user.

Penalties: Automatically gets the first three penalities, roll 1D8 twice to gain more from the list at creation. Reroll if you get a dupe, or double the effects of one of the others.

* User cannot have any directly aggressive powers, EE, APS, the like.
* Each 10 points of damage inflicted on the opponent inflicts 1 point direct to the users hit points. This damage takes twice as long to heal.
* Has to know roughly what type of power they person has before they can have Painful Powers inflicted upon them, ie FLight, Growth, APS Plasma, etc.

1. Horrific countenance. Cut P.B. in half, or if that would drop it below 6, gain Horror Factor of 10 whenever this power is used.
2. He only gains skills at half the usual rate, and hit points every third level.
3. Choose one type of non-impact type damage for vulnerability. They take an additional 50% damage from that, and lose one attack and -1 on all combat rolls for 6 melee rounds (non cumulative) after being hit with it.
4. While this power is in effect, he is -1 on all combat rolls, cannot score a critical attack period, and suffers a -15% on all skills.
5. Incontinence every time the character uses this power, successful or not, he may accidentally befoul himself, and it just gets worse with time. Base chance is 20%, with and additional 3% each level.
6. Toureetes! Whenever this power is in use, the character swears like a drunken sailor, and at the top of his voice.
7. Backfiring power! Every timee this power is used, the character takes the same damage as the victim! And it lasts for 6 melees, and cannot bevoluntarilyy shut off.
8. Alignmentt reversal! Whenever the character uses this power, successful or not, he has a base 10% + 1 for every even level, of switching alignment while this power is active.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

"Artillery is the King of the Battlefield, Infantry is the Queen; and everybody knows what the King does to the Queen."- Stuart, from
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Thanks! Its amazing what pops into your head at around 2 in the morning. I got the idea after watching a movie about a cool quartet who had a flaming man, and wondered "what would happen if it hurt him to do that?" and thus, Painful Power was born!

I've got some more, but i need some time to flesh them out and try and balance them a bit. I got a nifty idea for a matter expulsion with a twist, but haven't got it fully thought out yet.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

"Artillery is the King of the Battlefield, Infantry is the Queen; and everybody knows what the King does to the Queen."- Stuart, from
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Matter Expulsion: Filth Major by Roscoe Del’Tane
"Yes, sir, that's right. It's the Filthmonger. Yes, he's flinging poo at us sir. Please say we can use lethal force sir."

This gross power allows the character to fire a near infinite amount of biological byproduct from his hands. Perfect for those mutant monkeys and those with a juvenile sense of humor.

1. Filth Armour. The character can use this power to encase himself in a slimy casing of doo-doo. This doesn't give him any real Natural A.R. or even any appreciable S.D.C. bonus, but some nice other perks are bestowed. All impact type attacks (not falls) that inflict less than 15 (+1 per additional level) do only 1 point of damage. The character also has a Horror factor of 10 +1 per even level due to the smell, sight, and just plain creepy image of a person covered in sewage. Even if an opponent saves vs. the HF, they are all -3 in hand to hand attacks do to the unwillingness to touch such a gross person. The armour flakes off when not wanted, and leaves no identifiable trace, same if it rubs off on another person.
Duration: 30 minutes, plus 5 per additional level. The character can make 3 armours per day, per level.

2. Filth ball. The character fires a glob of feces from his hand
Range: 150 feet max, does not increase.
Damage: NA/A for the wet stuff, 1 point S.D.C. only for hardened.
Rate of fire: One shot, one attack, up to a max of twice his P.E. plus 5 per level per hour, this is your poo-pool. So a P.E. of 10 at level one, would be 25 shots.
Duration: Permanent, lasts until it degrades, takes 3-4 days for it to dry.
Note: A) As all the attacks (2-4) are fired from the hands, gloves cause it to backfire on the user, and takes several minutes to clean up.
B)The wet shots don’t do any damage, but will stick on most things they hit. Great for blocking camera lenses or marking your trail.

3. Filth Fire-hose Blast. The ME version of SEE super shot.
Range: 35 feet, plus 5 per additional level of experience, max of 70 feet.
Damage: 2D6 from impact, plus roll on the knockdown table. The victim is blasted backwards the length of the blast, and looses the rest of their attacks due to getting to their feet in the slippery stuff and retching in horror. Victims cannot move faster that a S.P.D. of 15, or have a 50% chance of falling again
Rate of Fire: Counts as 3 attacks, and uses five normal shots from the poo-pool. Can only be used once per minute safely, any more than that and the user suffers 5 points of damage direct to hit points.
Duration: Same as #2 (Pun not intended)

4. Filth Slick. A very wet and loose blast, used to cover floors.
Range: Can be fired up to 50 feet away max, does not increase. Covers a 20x20 area, plus 2x2 for every additional level
Damage: Does no damage, except for those who loose control driving through it.
Rate of Fire: Once every five minutes, counts as all of the characters attacks, and counts as ten shots from the poo-pool. Those passing through the slick can’t move faster than a speed of 5, or run an 85% chance of falling per foot. Even after passing through the slick, you need to travel slowly, as the nasty stuff stick to the bottom of your shoes, for 3 melee rounds (one if traveling directly on very sandy/ or gritty materials). Unfortunately, using this power drains the user severely, he looses half of his attacks, suffers -3 to combat rolls, and -25% to all skills. Fortunately this passes in a few minutes, 1D6+4.

5. Inflict the Runs. Just what it says.
Range: Line of sight
Damage: None, just the feeling of drinking several bottles of ex-lax. They need to go now, each time the victim is hit, must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison, or soil themselves.
Rate of fire: once per hour, takes all of the characters attacks for 3 melee rounds.
Duration: One hour per level of experience, double of willing to temporarily loose 5 Hit points.

6. Bonuses and notes
Never has digestion troubles.
Never feels squeamish due to disgusting sights.
+3 to save vs. horror factor
If any of the product gets into an opponents open wound (requires a called shot at -3) does 3D4 damage direct to hit points, and the victim make 2 successful saves vs. lethal poison out of 3, or develops an infection in their bloodstream. Very nasty, reduce H.P. and S.D.C. by half (lasts for length of sickness, cannot heal until better), only one attack per melee, -50% on all skills, and run a dangerously high fever. This persists for 1D4 weeks with professional care in a hospital, add an extra week if otherwise.
These attacks can be used to blind opponents, requires a called shot to the eyes, victim is blind for 5 minutes, or until they wash their eyes out.
Attacks 3 & 4 require the use of both hands free, can’t be holding a gun or hostage and use these.

I know, i know, very gross, but come on! Where else but the net could you find somebody with this kind of super power? Anyways, i figured that this board needed a just plain gross-out and immature type of power, and this fits it to a T. I just really hope that no one actually uses this power on their player without warning them first! :lol: Just imagine the face on the prim and proper boyscout type character. "We have to fight a man who's power is what now?"

Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

"Artillery is the King of the Battlefield, Infantry is the Queen; and everybody knows what the King does to the Queen."- Stuart, from
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Woodsy Wings(Major)by Twisted Wolfgrinning Gargoyle :D

The character has large wings resembling tree branches.

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). Half damage is taken from light and water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings can be hidden or pulled back, but this will impair his mobility. Penalties for doing so are as follows: -1 initiative; -1 to strike, parry and dodge; loses 1 attack per round; speed reduced by 10%
The character can fly at a speed of 120mph, +20mph per level.
Maximum Altitude: 10,000 feet
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +2 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a knockout or stun on a natural 17-20.
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 40.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Create and Hurl Acorns:
The character can create and hurl acorns, throwing three in a single attack. Generates 3 per wing at level 1, plus an additional 3 at levels 3,6,9,12,and 15
Damage:1d4 per acorn
Bonus to Strike:+3 aimed, +1 wild
Duration: Instant; creates 3 acorns in 3d6 melee rounds
Attacks: Throwing 1-3 acorns uses 1 melee attack/action

6.Stunts and Special maneuvers:
Note:Only one stunt be done per day or there is risk of losing so many leaves the character will be unable to fly.

Whirlwind Attack:
the character can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4+1 per level per 15 seconds (melee)
Range:25+5 ft radius per level around character

Dropping Leaves:
the character can flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves. Anyone under 200 pounds passing through the pile of leaves must reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping (01-40%chance). Characters over 200 pounds need not worry, however.

7.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +4 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Double damage from fire and plasma attacks
Natural camoflage provides +20% to prowl in wooded areas

One of my player, Ammon, suggested that this might even be a subcategory in which we could have various types of wings and attacks based on different types of trees.

Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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