If this is todays military technology...

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If this is todays military technology...

Unread post by kevinslkt »

..being showcased on "Futureweapons" aired by the discovery channel then Goldenage tech must be ridiculous. A working rapid fire grenade launcher/machine gun! The new "Osprey" helicopter/plane! Both not yet commisioned. Ya think military scientists are skimming through RPG game titles for ideas? Hope there working on the "Ticonderoga" :lol:
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Re: If this is todays military technology...

Unread post by Chaos »

kevinslkt wrote:..being showcased on "Futureweapons" aired by the discovery channel then Goldenage tech must be ridiculous. A working rapid fire grenade launcher/machine gun! The new "Osprey" helicopter/plane! Both not yet commisioned. Ya think military scientists are skimming through RPG game titles for ideas? Hope there working on the "Ticonderoga" :lol:

Of course they are avid collectors of Palladium Books and in particular Siembeida's work, it is from their efforts here at Palladium that the Government Think Tanks exist! Military leaders have been known to carry their titles into briefing rooms flip through and slam down the title for all to see exclaiming to researchers "I want 200 of those yesterday!" at which point teh great military thinkers look up and say sir taht book was published in 98 we've had them since early '99 :D
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Re: If this is todays military technology...

Unread post by Warwolf »

kevinslkt wrote:The new "Osprey" helicopter/plane! Both not yet commisioned.

Actually, the Osprey has been around for decades. They can just never seem to get the kinks worked out. :lol:
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Re: If this is todays military technology...

Unread post by Greyaxe »

kevinslkt wrote:..being showcased on "Futureweapons" aired by the discovery channel then Goldenage tech must be ridiculous. A working rapid fire grenade launcher/machine gun! The new "Osprey" helicopter/plane! Both not yet commisioned. Ya think military scientists are skimming through RPG game titles for ideas? Hope there working on the "Ticonderoga" :lol:

The grenade alunches is a natural progression form SDC to megadamage. Armor to protect against such weapons will come later. That is the natural order of things,,, someone builds ab etter weapon someone else devises a way to defend against it.
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Re: If this is todays military technology...

Unread post by kevinslkt »

Warwolf wrote:
kevinslkt wrote:The new "Osprey" helicopter/plane! Both not yet commisioned.

Actually, the Osprey has been around for decades. They can just never seem to get the kinks worked out. :lol:

Guess they finally worked em out. Its waiting to be formally commisioned and mass-produced.

Golden Age- "Ospreys" equipped with rotary lasers, missile lauchers, stealth tech, able to drop Light weight Abrams Hovertanks or Armored troops in a matter of minutes.
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Unread post by Colt47 »

Yup, just find a way to micro size the nuclear power plant of a battle ship and we can have railguns on fighter planes. Now that would be something.
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

Wangfucius wrote:they've had full auto shotguns for a while.
the SPASI 15 is a select fire (burst or sa)
nasty, but thats gotta be some kinda recoil
plus effective killing range vs. weight would not be good either
but door-to-door in an urban environment?
slap one of those together with a grenade launcher, and you're cooking with gas!

I'm sorry but you have some very bad information. the Franchi SPAS-12 and SPAS-15 are selective fire in that they can be used as either Pump- Action or Semi- automatic. they are not fully automatic weapons no matter how close the SPAS-15 looks to an assault rifle.
See Chris Franchi for more on that.

There are several real selective fire shotguns out there dating back to the 1960's.

The Remington 7188 was a modification of the Remington 1100 semi-automatic shotgun. It fired 12 gauge shells at 420 rounds per minute. Although extremely effective when it worked ( as SEAL's on both sides of several ambushes attest) it was unreliable and had a limited payload.

The Atchisson Assault Shotgun never made it past prototype stage.

The JSSAP RHINO program included


the H&K CAWS

Privately you had:

The Smith & Wesson AS-2 was capable of firing Bursts and the AS-3 model was Fully-Automatic.

The Pancor Jackhammer was another Shotgun that never made it past the prototype stage.

The Daiwoo USAS-12 was available in a selective fire model.


when the Saiga-12 shotgun came out there was a now defunct company making selective fire versions using AK-47 fire control parts.

the MPS AA-12 was based on thew Atchisson AA-12 but has been redesigned into a new model of firearm.

The Tromix Micro-8 shotgun is available in a selective fire Law Enforcement/ Military version.

According to my friendly Full Auto instructor, Mark Cook, Fully automatic shotguns are a waist of good ammo. You can fire a semiautomatic shotgun as fast as most Fully automatic shotguns and get better accuracy.
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

wolfe wrote:
According to my friendly Full Auto instructor, Mark Cook,

Mark Cook director of the A R&P club who hold MG shoots every now and then?

the very same. you can find his quote on automatic shotguns in the twelfth post. From my own use of a pump action shotgun, it's been my experiance that aimed fire from a shotgun can be used very quickly at suprisingly long range. By that i mean that I can fire off 8 aimed shots in less than 8 seconds and hit every target. I have seen a man fire off slugs at that rate and hit a plate 6 times out of 6 at 100 yards.
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Unread post by asajosh »

One word: MetalStorm (yes, the way they use it its one word).
Now add depleted uranium rounds... :D

oooh, top o the page :lol:
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Carl Gleba wrote:My original line of thinking goes along with asajosh...

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Unread post by asajosh »

Im thinking a post rifts variant of that million round a minute cannon used on an adult dragon (DU rounds) or a nest of vampires (silver bullets of course).
Also small arms and rifles with a much greater ammo capacity.
The only draw back I can see is mass production of the ammo itself. Pretty much need a large scale manufaturer/distributor to make it feasable.

Wolfe, you sure its two words? I coulda swore... :oops:
Be at peace, my people. All shall be looked up.
Carl Gleba wrote:My original line of thinking goes along with asajosh...

Jesterzzn wrote:So just remember that its just the internet, and none of our opinions matter anyway, and you'll do fine. :)
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

duck-foot wrote:metal storm is a waist of technology. seriously the days of mass combat like that at stalingrad are over. when are we ever going to need that weapon? unless some extraterestial invades. i dont see a need for it. especially when an mg works just fine.

I agree with that statement. it does nothing that a good Claymore Mine wouldn't solve. As for a Machinegun, they are generally smaller overall, more accurate, and much easier to keep fireing. Way back durring the first world war there were machineguns that were kept fireing for literally days at a time. How you may ask... the MG's were water cooled and supplied with enough liquids and ammo to keep them going nonstop. it might have helped that the gunners were good enough to play taps on enemy sniperplate over the next hill.
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Unread post by AlexM »

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