For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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Unread post by Kythis »

Anime Oh Ya!

Hey how about playing some Ghost In the Shell "the original" they do have an editted version your son could watch if you think it's to graphic for him. Then again how about some Fist of the North Star or Vampire D 1 & 2. In the late evening play some Besserk. During the day the kids would probably love watching some Record of Lodos series 1 & 2.
Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Kythis wrote:Anime Oh Ya!

Hey how about playing some Ghost In the Shell "the original" they do have an editted version your son could watch if you think it's to graphic for him. Then again how about some Fist of the North Star or Vampire D 1 & 2. In the late evening play some Besserk. During the day the kids would probably love watching some Record of Lodos series 1 & 2.

..Since Ghost in the Shell is licensed to another company, I don't think it would be appropriate.

..But Yeah, I think that would be a good bonus to the list of events, having Robotech playing all weekend. I think the meeting room upstairs would probably be the best spot for it, somewhat isolated and a bit more comfy than out in the warehouse.

..What would you use to show it though? Is there a projection screen TV available? I can rig my video camera up to feed signalr from a VCR to my computer, so if there were an LCD projector a rig could be set up to show it on a big screen; Otherwise just a projector system would be a must.

..I'm sure people would watch on a TV, but it would limit the experience and how many could enjoy it.

..Oh yeah, you can get a servicable Surround Sound system for less tha $50 bucks these days. If I get to make it up there, I could bring mine for the setup. Takes standard RCA sound input, and has an adaptor to feed from a standard headphone jack.

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Unread post by palladiumjunkie »

EPIC wrote:you should only need to worry about it if you are charging admission to see the movies. otherwise anytime you invited a friend over the FBI would show up at your door ... "Hey you in there! You better be watching that movie by yourself!"

Ah... but I think where it gets fuzzy then is the fact that Palladium is charging admission to the open house where the movies would be shown. So in a way they could be considered charging admission, especially if it was advertised that it was one of the open house's features.

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Unread post by Xar »

palladiumjunkie wrote:
EPIC wrote:you should only need to worry about it if you are charging admission to see the movies. otherwise anytime you invited a friend over the FBI would show up at your door ... "Hey you in there! You better be watching that movie by yourself!"

Ah... but I think where it gets fuzzy then is the fact that Palladium is charging admission to the open house where the movies would be shown. So in a way they could be considered charging admission, especially if it was advertised that it was one of the open house's features.


There's also a distinction between private and public display. Showing it to some friends is private, even if there's several. Showing it to a group is public. We had a campus ministry in college have to pay for some kind of license to have movie nights...

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Unread post by Reddenedone »

Countless adventures would suffer if we didn't have overactive imaginations.

I think it would be nice to have movies playing. But I also know that I'd probably never get around to watching because I'll be all geeked and having sensory overload. But still.... it's a darned good idea. Especially with Robotech showings.
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Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

i think Robotech would be Great, i've always loved that show *g* and Record of Lodos Wars would be cool too. anyone seen the movie Appleseed yet? another great movie idea.
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Unread post by Kythis »



Do you already plan on playing all of the ones we've already stated but still need more anime suggestion.

Here's some that have not been suggested.

WOLF (The one where mankind desended from wolves.)
AKURA (The ever classic.)
Samuri Shampoo
Cowboy Beebop
Ninja Scroll (Editted Version)
Escowfloane (I know I spelled it wrong but you know what I mean.)
Angle Cop series
Demon City or Wicked City (The one that's not a Hentai.)
Samuri X

My most desired said or unsaid.

Record of Lodoss Wars (Both series but I prefer series 2.)
Besserk (The whole series.)
Ghost in the Shell (Movie and the whole Stand Alone Complex series.)
Fist of the North Star
Vampire Hunter D (1 & 2 though I prefer 2 over 1.)
Ninja Scroll
Samuri Shampoo
La Blue Girl Goes to Dallas "Just Kidding"
Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

As long as they're played in an area that is easy to avoid for everybody not partaking, ie, somewhere it won't be seen or heard by others, I'm all for it. I know there are a lot of fans of such things around here.

Me personally though, I dislike most anime, and would be very distracted and annoyed if it were in some place I couldn't escape it, like on the walls of the main warehouse where we shop and game. I might stick my head in to watch some of the Robotech stuff, since it is a Palladium license, but other than that I avoid it like the plague.

Perhaps the upstairs room, when not in use for Kev's big games or for panels, would make a good spot? Its got lots of comfy seating, doesn't interfere with other areas, and centrally located.
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Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

Might I also suggest that the original Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada would be something people might be interested in seeing? I have complete collections of the restored SC and Mosp, so I can bring them if people want to see them (assuming Kevin, Alex or someone else at Palladium doesn't already have them).
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Unread post by Xar »

J. Lionheart wrote:As long as they're played in an area that is easy to avoid for everybody not partaking, ie, somewhere it won't be seen or heard by others, I'm all for it. I know there are a lot of fans of such things around here.

Me personally though, I dislike most anime, and would be very distracted and annoyed if it were in some place I couldn't escape it, like on the walls of the main warehouse where we shop and game. I might stick my head in to watch some of the Robotech stuff, since it is a Palladium license, but other than that I avoid it like the plague.

Perhaps the upstairs room, when not in use for Kev's big games or for panels, would make a good spot? Its got lots of comfy seating, doesn't interfere with other areas, and centrally located.

I agree, more power to folk who want to watch a show while we're there, but I find TV and music (unless its instrumental) to be distracting when I'm gaming.

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Unread post by Kythis »

Xar wrote:
J. Lionheart wrote:As long as they're played in an area that is easy to avoid for everybody not partaking, ie, somewhere it won't be seen or heard by others, I'm all for it. I know there are a lot of fans of such things around here.

Me personally though, I dislike most anime, and would be very distracted and annoyed if it were in some place I couldn't escape it, like on the walls of the main warehouse where we shop and game. I might stick my head in to watch some of the Robotech stuff, since it is a Palladium license, but other than that I avoid it like the plague.

Perhaps the upstairs room, when not in use for Kev's big games or for panels, would make a good spot? Its got lots of comfy seating, doesn't interfere with other areas, and centrally located.

I agree, more power to folk who want to watch a show while we're there, but I find TV and music (unless its instrumental) to be distracting when I'm gaming.

I completely agree. Every and all gaming groups I've ever had have declared video entertainment to be the official anti-gaming device.
Your Fellow PFRPGM "D"

{Let them come, let them come in hoards, army hoards of the hundreds, NO thousands! They shal know my might and bow before the ever capable Felthric. For I have shaven my dogs buttucks an taught him to fart while walking backwards and as such their doom is evident. (The last recorded words of the first Ludicris Mage to enter the Land of the Damned.)}
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