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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Iczer wrote:Crush [Major] By Iczer
'Now feel my power'

The character can create a force field type effect in order to grip, squeeze and shove opponents.
1) Force construct: The character creates the field of force up to 50 feet away +5 feet per level, if necessary making a strike roll to hit (+4). Targets may dodge this if they notice it coming, but the force itself erupts out of nowhere, and is only semi vissible, leading to a -2 to dodge. as a construct of force, it has an SDC equal to the sum of the character's PE and ME +5 per level. It's grip is also tenacious, and for purposes of maintaining or holding a target (not for actual crushing damage) the Force has a supernatural PS equal to the character's ME attribute +2 per level.
Striking a living, breathing target requires an action to perform (which may be dodged as usual, or parried by equivilant PS). Once an opponent is grabbed, he is held in place and may perform any of the manoevres listed below (2-4)
2) Crush: the simplest manoevre. a victim of crushing takes 2D6 damage, plus 2 per level. after the first squeeze, every subsequent squeeze inflicts an extra D6 damage. eventually any item may be crushed beyond repair. Note that the force construct is only able to grapple objects about 10 feet across. a motorcycle could be ripped in two (eventually) but a shool bus whould only have half of it crushed. Unresisting objects and inanimate objects may be crushed on the first round for it's base damage.
3) move: The character can, as part of his action, move an object in a direction of his choosing, moving him up to his ME in feet (or half that upwards) if the target has some way of resisting this movement, even traction on the ground, he may halve this distance. obviously this is a good reason to move them a few feet high first.
4) Shove: Once a target is gripped he may be shoved violently. The target is flung as many feet as the force construct's virtual PS. this relinquishes the character's hold on the target, but the target takes 2d6 from the fall (plus another 2d6 if he runs into a solid object) and he loses an attack from the throw.
5) halt movement: if a target is a moving object, this power may be used as a solid object with it's standard SDC. If the target does not destroy the force construct with the impact, then it stops moving. otherwise it's speed is reduced by 5 Miles per hour for every point of virtual PS the power has. This may be used as a parry against ranged attacks (not bullets) and may be used as a parry against long range attacks (such as jump kicks). each parry used in this manner requires an action to perform.
6) disarm: The power can be used more expediently against items held by another. use the normal strike bonus as a disarm attempt, but the subsequent parry is at -2, and the held item takes 1d6+2 damage in the process.
7) defences: a person held by this power has a few options to save him. Firstly his friends could come to the rescue. if the attacker performs any action other than using this power (such as a dodge) then the power stops functioning. likewise if the attacker is tripped, grappled, stunned or knocked backwards this power stops working.
Secondly, he can attack. if he posesses a ranged weapon (or ranged power) he may make a wild shot at -6 to attempt to hit a given target. targets must be valid though (if the attacker uses the move manoever to turn the target 180 degrees then he can't be targetted anymore). Likewise powers that don't need physical action to perform work as normal (though being crushed on a action by action basis does wreck concentration).
The character can also atack his bonds by flexing his muscles. this inflicts 1d4 damage plus his PS attribute. damage is reduced by 3/4 though due to his restricted movement. outsiders may attack the bonds as well though large attacks and area effect attacks hurt the target as well as the bonds. the bonds themselves are immune to energy damage.
The target may also try to escape his bonds. This is an opposed strength check. targets with normal PS fail automatically. extraordinary PS suffers a -10 to the check, and superhuman PS suffers a -5. The target may instead attempt an opposed PP vs the attackers ME check though he will suffer a -5 in the attempt due to the precsie nature of the grip.
Targets that can transform into malleable structures can escape with ease (takes 2 actions if still solid, otherwise takes a single action)
Targets over 400lbs can only be moved half normal distances (or have their speeds halved by #5). every 400 additional lbs sees these distances or speeds halved again. (so a small car and it's 2 passengers, 1200lbs, will have 1/8th normal effect.)
Objects with an AR (including people) of 14 or better take one half damage from crushing. objects with AR's of 18 or better take one quarter.


All I have to say about this one, Iczer, is "Ouch!" :lol:
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Cactus Skin(minor)by Stone Gargoyle

The character looks like a normal human except for having green skin covered in long white needles six inches long.(-2PB).
1.Dense Skin: Add +4d6X2 to SDC.
2.Attack Damage Bonus:+1d4 to HtH damage.
3.Defensive: Cannot be grabbed on skin without attackers taking 2d6 damage per attack/grab.
4.Other Bonuses
+2 PS, which is considered Extraordinary.
+2 PE, +2 Save vs. Toxins and Poisons(immune to plant toxins).
Regenerates damage at twice normal rate.

Cognize Weapon Quality(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The character has the ability to improve weapons to make them function perfectly and even beyond normal limits.

1.Rwecognize Weapon Quality: The character instantly knows the quality of any weapon, any damage, wear and tear, customization, etc., at the skill level of 70%+2% per level.
The character is capable of functioning as a Field Armorer at a skill level of 80%+2% per level, plus gets the Basic Mechanics skill, as it relates to weapons, automatically at 60%+2% per level.

2.Limited Reality Manipulation: Change Weapon Quality: Upon sucessful skill rolls(see above), the character is able to make any weapon a perfect version of itself, repairing any damage. This increases the weapon's range by 10%
Duration: This effect only lasts while the character is touching the weapon, which reverts to normal when holstered or dropped. Maximum duration of effect for a given weapon is 20 minutes per level per 24 hours, after which it will revert to normal whether being held or not.
Attacks: Changing Weapon Quality uses 1 melee attack/action.

3. Upgrading Weapon Quality: Twice per day, the character can use his ability to double the range bonus of the weapon and gain a +2 to the weapon when altering it.
Duration: 2 minutes per level per 24 hours per weapon.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to alter a weapon in this way.
Other: The character can se this to temporarily alter the type of rounds the weapon will take.

3.Limitations: Applies mainly to handguns and rifles.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses: +10% to Mechanical Engineer, Locksmith and any repair skills.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Dance Combat(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"Crank it up. I'm gonna crack some skulls."
The character knows how to fight better using rhythms in music.

1.Dance: The character has a natural sense of rhythm, automatically gaining the Dance skill at +20% and enjoys +10% to Sense of Balance rolls. While dancing, the character enjoys the following:
+4 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
+2 to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact.
+4 to initiative +2 to Save vs. Horror Factor
Gains one additional attack

2.Limited Echo-Location: The character develops a form of Combat Radar while dancing.
Range: 10 feet per level
Additionally, the character suffers no penalties from being blinded and cannot be surprised. +2 to Perception checks.

3.Weapon Proficiency: The character gains one weapon profiency of choice which he/she can only use when dancing.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to Sonic Attacks(half damage).

Domino Effect(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing has an effect on kinetic energy, amplifying the impact on an object or person. Anytime this chareacter manages to knck down an opponent, there is a 70% chance it will trigger a Domino Effect, essentially an automatic second attack at +2 bonus beyond the bonuses applied from the previous strike. This si successive and cumulative, so if a second Domino Effect is triggered, the bonus goes up to +4, and so on.
Damage: All damage equals that of the original strike.
Limits: Must be targets within range, stops when Domino Effect is not triggered. Applies only to physical attacks.
Bonuses: Additional attack per round.
+2 to Strike.
Knockdown on Natural 18, 19 or 20.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Explosive Strikes(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"My punches have more bang for the buck."
The character's skin contains a combustible element which is detonated upon impact.

1.Explosive Strikes: The superbeing's punches and kicks explode on contact to inflict considerable damage with each impact.
Range: Touch
Damage: 6d6 +2 per level. PS damage bonuses do not apply.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks: Each use counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Bonuses: Same as character's usual bonuses to strike and disarm.

2.Explosive Defense: Anyone striking the character directly with a weapon or punch takes 4d6 damage themselves. The character only takes half damage from their attack, as tghe force of it is deflected. Anyone else in 10 feet takes 1d6 damage.

3.Explosive Leaps: The character's leaping distance is doubled due to the explosive impact propelling the leap.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6 to ground/floor at the impact point.
Attacks: Counts as 1 melee attack/action.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses
Resistant to explosions and shrapnel(half damage).
Falls and high speed impacts also do half damage.
+10% to save vs. Coma/Death
+10 SDC
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Footloose(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The character can use his hands and feet as projectile weapons by blasting them off.

1.Explosive Joints: The character can ignite gases in his wrists and akles to blow off his fists and feet, propelling them at opponents. The gas is similar to arthritis and will causue the character pain, making them -1 to srike with their fists and feet.
Punching someone will pop gases in the knuckles, inflicting an additional +1d6 damage ,+1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Pain in the joints and hips reduces movement by one third.

2.Flying Fists and Feet: The character can shoot off apendages to hit someone at a distance.
Range: 60 feet +5 feet per level
Damage: +1d6 to puches and kicks, +1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Attacks: Blowing off appendage and firing counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Limits: Unless the character also has Anatomical Independence, he has to retrieve the hand or foot(speed seriously reduced in the case of a foot). Once reattached, the character must wait until it heals or suffer 2d6 damage when firing it again.
Reattachment: The character must locate and reattach the appendage within 2d4 melees to have it heal as part of the power. Otherwise it will need to be surgically reattached. The appendage will heal back on within 2d6 melees if reattached in time.
Note: Firing the appandage causes no actual MDC loss unless not reattached or damaged because it is fired before reattaching fully.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses
Resistant to Explosions(half damage)
Heals 4 times normal rate.
+3d4 SDC and +1d6 Hit Points.
Note: The character can also fire off fingers for twice the range, but these do a mere 1d4 damage and are harder to relocate.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Forced Hunger(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"Man, am I hungry..."
The character has the ability to inflict extreme hunger in those around him.

1.Absorb Nutrients: The character absorbs food in a type of vampiric osmosis.
Range: 10 feet per level
Duration: Always on
Effect: The character never has to eat, absorbing nutrients through some sort of bio-electrical transference field.
Saving Throw: A victim caught in this field must save vs. disease(14 or better, PE bonus applies) or else suffer from the effects of starvation(below).

2.Starvation: Victims within range begin suffering symptoms of lack of nutrition and malnourishment(if they fail their saving throw).
Duration: While within the field, plus 1d4 hours following.
Damage: Victims suffer loss of 1 SDC point per 10 minutes.
Penalties: Targets within the transfer field suffer -2 to all combat actions, -1d6 to PS, -1d6 to PE, -1 to PP, and find that they are unable to eat anything without becoming nauseated. In addition, the victim must save vs. poison(14 or better, PE bonus applies) any time he eats anything. Afteer 10 minutes within the field, these penalties are doubled and there is a 01-30% chance the person will faint and pass out. Even though they get sick eating, the character will try to eat time and again, making the difficulty to save vs. poison +1 harder each time.
Possible Insanities: There is a 10% chance the victim of the power will develop an aversion to food.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses
+1d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC
Resistant to the effects of hunger and starvation.
Note: Incapable of eating normally and will starve if denied contact with organic life forms over prolonged period.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Skinflint(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"If you punch me, you will be sorry."
The character's skin contains a combustible element that ignites from friction or impact.

1.Create Fire: The character can produce a small burst of flame by snapping his fingers, just enough to light a cigarette or set a small fire. By filling his mouth with gasoline and spitting, however, he can spit flames like a flamethrower for 5d6 damage for a range of up to 6 feet.

2.Immunity to Flame Attacks: The character's skin is ignited by contact with flame. This does not harm the character, merely set him ablaze.

3.Defensive Attributes: All punches, kicks, melee strikes and bullets ignite the skin. In the case of punches and melee weapons, the eruptive fire does 3d4 damage per 10 points of damage the character takes.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses
+1d4X10 SDC
+1d6 PE
Resistance to energy attacks(half damage)

5.Limitations: Friction ignites the character, so running barefoot will ignite combustible substances,(such as dry grass, puddles of gasoline, etc.), shaking items might ignite them(30% chance), and sex is impossible with anyone not impervious to flame attacks.
the character must wear flame retardant clothing or risk having his clothes burn up when getting dressed and undressed, and when bumping into things, getting hit, etc. The defensive attributes only apply to his bare skin, so the character would have to wear skimpy clothing to get the full use of this power.
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Unread post by blade76 »

Stone gargoyle, could you create a major version to cognize weapon such as allow it to alter itself to develop weapon powers, just a suggestion.
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Second skin: [Minor] By Iczer
'Hmmm tight squeezze *Rrrrriiiiippp*. ah, much better'

The character can shed his skin to reveal a fresh one underneath. he can do this up to 3 times per day per level. each time he sheds his skin he gains the following bonuses.
* heal 3d6 HP or SDC
* add +20% to escape artist checks
* add +6 to escape a hold or pin
* automatically escape handcuffs, or slip free of a single hold (only applies to single limb holds or locks) This includes automaticall avoiding any attempt to throw the character (they just come away with a handfull of skin)
* cleans oneself (the equivilent of a long bath and a good scrub)

Proxy [Minor] By Iczer
'this is not me, this is my representitive'

The character can create a duplicate of himself made from hard light. this duplicate has the following attributes
SDC 3 per level
HP not applicable
IQ/ME/MA/PP/PB equal to the character
PS: 1 plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: inflicts 1 point in hand to hand and is probably too weak to lift a weapon
PE: not applicable, is a creature of light.
Spd: three times that of the character
Special resistances: only semi solid, spun from light and air. it cannot be harmed by conventional means. any kinetic attack that would destroy it simply causese it to wink out for one melee round while it reforms. It will take damage only from light/lasers, high wind, explosive force and vacuum.
Creation: creating the proxy takes one melee. Proxy's lose 1 sdc every hour and can be dispelled at will. the character can make a total of 1 proxy at levels 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
Bonuses: The character can see, hear and direct speech through the proxy at any time. likewise powers of a purely mental nature may also pass through. Light based powers and effects may also be transferred but at half strength. Coordinating the actions of the character and his proxy reduces skill performance by 5% and reduces the actions per round by one for each proxy in existence .(though the character can choose to release concentration without dispelling it, he simply loses connection until he reestablishes it.
Distance: The proxy may be created within one mile of the character per level of experience, as long as the character knows the location (is familiar).

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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edit: double post. sorry
Last edited by Iczer on Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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blade76 wrote:Stone gargoyle, could you create a major version to cognize weapon such as allow it to alter itself to develop weapon powers, just a suggestion.

There are major category adaptations that can be made to any of these. With Footloose, for instance, you could throw in regeneration of the parts and make it a major. I write them as minors and then they can be tweaked into majors as one sees fit, so long as it is not done too crazily. :D
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Iczer wrote:
Proxy [Minor] By Iczer
'this is not me, this is my representitive'

The character can create a duplicate of himself made from hard light. this duplicate has the following attributes
SDC 3 per level
HP not applicable
IQ/ME/MA/PP/PB equal to the character
PS: 1 plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: inflicts 1 point in hand to hand and is probably too weak to lift a weapon
PE: not applicable, is a creature of light.
Spd: three times that of the character
Special resistances: only semi solid, spun from light and air. it cannot be harmed by conventional means. any kinetic attack that would destroy it simply causese it to wink out for one melee round while it reforms. It will take damage only from light/lasers, high wind, explosive force and vacuum.
Creation: creating the proxy takes one melee. Proxy's lose 1 sdc every hour and can be dispelled at will. the character can make a total of 1 proxy at levels 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
Bonuses: The character can see, hear and direct speech through the proxy at any time. likewise powers of a purely mental nature may also pass through. Light based powers and effects may also be transferred but at half strength. Coordinating the actions of the character and his proxy reduces skill performance by 5% and reduces the actions per round by one for each proxy in existence .(though the character can choose to release concentration without dispelling it, he simply loses connection until he reestablishes it.
Distance: The proxy may be created within one mile of the character per level of experience, as long as the character knows the location (is familiar).


Sorry, Iczer, but don't you already have powers almost identical to this already posted? I see that there are some differences, but I just found it curious.
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Geeno wrote:Needle Expulsion - Minor
Didn't hit you? Where's all that blood coming from then?
by Geeno

The character can emit a high speed stream of incredibly thin needles.
These needles fly through skin and organs effortlessly, but do no damage to bone or armor. The needle attack is almost silent, sounding like a whisper quiet swishing sound and is almost entirely invisible due to the thinness of the needles.

This attack is considered a stabbing attack.

Note: This attack does NO damage to armor of any kind, the needles are too weak. However flesh or characters without any natural A.R. are pierced easily, creating hundreds of invisible, seeping holes in whoever is hit. The nature of the wound is that most people wont even realize that they have been hit at first. Impact is barely felt, but a cold sharp pain begins to spread out from the wound.

The needles disappear after 30 seconds.

Range: 10 ft
Damage: 2D6. A roll of 14 or higher on a strike roll means that a vital organ was damaged. Roll an extra 1D4 that goes straight to HP. Damaged organs result in a -4 to strike, parry & dodge as well as seeing their speed reduced by 2 points. Add -1 to these minuses each hour that the character does not get medical attention. Minuses are cumulative per each hit.

Nice.... But being an FF fan the 1st thing I though of was a the attack from the cactus monster. Maybe this power would go well for someone with the above cactus skin or a mutant Porcupine. :)
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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I should think the needles would have some penetration value vs. armor.

Anyhow, upward and onward...

Create Explosive Objects: Gelatin Pods(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
The character's body produces pods filled with explosive energy that can be mentally dedtonated at will. These are taken from the character's structure and cost SDC points to generate.

Number: Can create one per day, plus 1 at every odd level.
Range of Influence: Objects must be within line of sight to detonate, with a max distance of 40 feet, plus 10 feet per level.
Maximum SDC expenditure: Character's PEX10 from character's SDC. Cannot exceed one third of the character's SDC for all pods used.
Damage: 1d4 damage per 1 SDC point spent.
Blast Radius: 20 feet
SDC recovery: Recovers lost SDC spent on explosive pods at a rate of one point per minute as long as he is in the range of the power from where the pod exploded. Otherwise SDc will be recovered through normal healing.

Other Bonuses: +2d4X10 SDC and +1d4 PE
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Love Bolts(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
The character has the ability to manifest an energy bow capable of shooting bolts of love at a target.
Range: 400 feet +10 feet per level.
Duration: All effects are permanent until rejected or snapped out of it when a second roll vs. Insanity is made.
Damage: 1d4, plus 1d4 at levels 4, 8 and 12
Bonus: +3(aimed) to hit
Saving Throw: Save vs. Insanity(16 or better, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12)
1.Energy Quiver: This provides unlimited number of energy bolts
SDC of Quiver: 20
Natural AR: 10
2.Energy Bolts: The superbeing can assign the effect of the bolt before firing it. All bolts create desire for the prefered gender match of the target and related effects.
-Amorousness: provides +2 to combat rolls in defense of or to impress love interest, but target is -2 to combat rolls when the person they "love" is not present.
-Infatuation: causes -15% to skill rolls and -1 to combat rolls due to having to constantly think of their "love"
-Lust: causes the victim to attack the obect of their desire(+2 to combat rolls, all other rolls done with a -4 penalty) with the intention of removing their clothes and performing acts upon them. Note that rejection does not stop this type of effect, only slapping them.
3.Other Abilities and Bonuses
Cannot be affected by this power
+2 vs. Insanity and Mind Control
automatically gets WP Archery and Targeting
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Proxy [Minor] By Iczer
'this is not me, this is my representitive'

The character can create a duplicate of himself made from hard light. this duplicate has the following attributes
SDC 3 per level
HP not applicable
IQ/ME/MA/PP/PB equal to the character
PS: 1 plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: inflicts 1 point in hand to hand and is probably too weak to lift a weapon
PE: not applicable, is a creature of light.
Spd: three times that of the character
Special resistances: only semi solid, spun from light and air. it cannot be harmed by conventional means. any kinetic attack that would destroy it simply causese it to wink out for one melee round while it reforms. It will take damage only from light/lasers, high wind, explosive force and vacuum.
Creation: creating the proxy takes one melee. Proxy's lose 1 sdc every hour and can be dispelled at will. the character can make a total of 1 proxy at levels 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
Bonuses: The character can see, hear and direct speech through the proxy at any time. likewise powers of a purely mental nature may also pass through. Light based powers and effects may also be transferred but at half strength. Coordinating the actions of the character and his proxy reduces skill performance by 5% and reduces the actions per round by one for each proxy in existence .(though the character can choose to release concentration without dispelling it, he simply loses connection until he reestablishes it.
Distance: The proxy may be created within one mile of the character per level of experience, as long as the character knows the location (is familiar).


Sorry, Iczer, but don't you already have powers almost identical to this already posted? I see that there are some differences, but I just found it curious.

yeah I do. I'd love to say this wasn't a gaff on my behalf but....well I'm slipping in my old age.

Reviewing: I prefer this version. it's a little cleaner and compact.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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I like the Razor Whips power. Good job, Geeno.
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Unread post by taalismn »

anybody done anything like Matter Explusion: Latex or Gum?(I know the printed power ME: Plastic)
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Cool Alter Physical Structure: Magic Geeno i like it
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Magnetic Might [Major] By Iczer
'You don't get it do you pup...I am the master here'

The character has a type of magnetic control that is effectively rangeless, but nonetheless allows him to manipulate metals in a variety of ways
1) magnetic field: the character can generate a field of magnetic energy that affects and interferes with electronics and magnetic media. this field, which radiates out to 30 feet (can be controlled by the user) causes unsheilded electrical devices to go haywire (20% chance of malfunction, roll once pre minute) and erases all unsheilded magnetic media. The field itself dsupts electrical attacks as well. all electrical attacks that pass through this field are reduced in potency by 50% (half damage)
2) Magnetic strength: while his PS attribute remains unchanged, the character treats it as supernatural strentgh when handling metals. when punching metal objects he inflicts damage with this improved strength, and when lifting meatl objects his weight capacity is fgured using supernatural strength
3) magnetic resilience: likewise, the character is highly resistant to attacks by metallic items. He posesses an AR of 18 when being attacked by metal items, and suffers only 1/10th normal damage
4) magnetic mobility: The character can, by grasping local magnetic fields, fling himself through the air. he is able to leap 25 feet across or 15 feet high per point of PS, and can fall any distance without harm. he may magnatise himself, to facilitate climbing metal structures
5) other abilities: +1d4x10 SDC

Poise: [major] By iczer
'Gentlemen, i come here not to fight, but to present you with my master's final ultimatum. I trust that the terms will be acceptable'

The character has unnatural grace and charm, and posesses fluid and controlled movements.
1) Attribute bonuses: +1d4+ PB +1d6+1 MA +2 PP +2d4 spd.
2) heightened sense of balance: enjoys a sense of balance of 70% +4% per level, and a +8 in rolls to maintain her balance. this sense of balance passes across to other skills, adding +20% to dance +15% to climb and +10% to acrobatics and gymnastics. in addition, penalties to balance checks are halved.
3) combat bonuses: autododge +4. has a +4 to parry/dodge trips, sweeps or throws (simply remains on his or her feet) half damage from falls and a +4 to roll with punch/fall or impact
4) unbreakable calm: effectively immune to horrorfactor and intimidation. +4 to save aainst empathy and mind altering affects

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Inflaming touch [Minor] By Iczer
'I don't know why buster fell down Boss. the little guy just socked him the jaw. I mean, what sort of damage can a little guy do anyway?'

The character has a kind of field that surrounds his body, that discharges on touch. It transmits incorrect information to the target's brain, fooling it into believeing it is much more wounded that it is. Essentially this is a kind of specialised mind control, a type of cross between biomanipulation and illusion.
Any target struc by this character in melee combat must make a saving throw Vs psionics when struck. The effect feels twice as bad as it really is, essentially feeling like double the normal damage has occured. the illusionary extra damage is recorded seperately. even invulnerable characters or heavilly armoured charactes feel the pain of this character's touch, suffering normal damage if otherwise immune or protected by armour.
The illusionary damage fades after 6 minutes per level of the character. a character 'killed' by illusionary damage merely passes out from the shock.

superior meditation [Minor] By iczer
'one must prepare on the inside, before the outside may be ready'

The character can enter a deep mind over body meditation, a kind of biofeedback loop that provides a number of benefits
1) Time: a character can meditate for up to 8 days per level. during this time, he needs no sleep, no food or water. after this time is up, he start to suffer deprivation at 1/4 the normal rate. the character is able to acknowledge what is going on around him while he meditates. while meditating the character uses one 10th the normal oxygen of a sleeping man.
2) enhanced healing. after the first hour of meditation, the character begins an accellerated rate of healing. he heals one day's worth of healing every 3 hoursof meditation. in addition, while meditating, all poisons and diseases halt in their tracks, and the character may make a save to purge diseases and poisons once every three hours. while in meditation, the character controls his bleeding, though it will resume as normal when the meditation ceases (or not if the wound has healed)
3) advanced mental endurance. while editation, the character has +6 to save vs psionics and mind affecting super powers or magic. In addition, he is effectively invisible to psionic and magical senses in this state.
4) meditative fighting trance: the character can meditate while awake, and can use it to fight. in a meditative trance, the character is reduced to one action pr round, but has an automatic dodge or parry attempt vs every incoming attack. (uses normal parry and dodge bonuses +3) in this meditative trance, he can defend normally against unseen or invisible foes, and may strike out at them without penalty. it takes one melee round of concentration to enter this meditative trance
5) other bonuses +2d4 to ME. needs only meditate 3 hours a night to replace normal sleep. ages at 1/3rd normal rate

Focus [Minor] By Iczer
'You forget Huang We, I still have my lotus fist attack'

The character can generate a small backlog of mental strength, to be unleashed after a while to meet certain ends.
1) Focus: The character can attempt to gain his focus once per round. he must concentrate and roll under his ME attribute with percentile dice. he enjoys a +5% to this base chance every level. attempting to gain focus requires an action.
2) employing focus: the character may expend his inner energy, and lose his focus to have any one of the following effects. it is important to note that the character's fist (or foot or..well whatever) glows with an inner light when the focus is expended.
* Hammering blow: add +2 damage per level to a single melee attack. this can be expended after it has hit
* Precise blow: add +1 to strike per level. this may be expended afte an attack has already missed.
* Armour defeating strike: Melee attack travels through a solid object, effectively inoring worn or natural armour. may be expended after the blow has struck armour
* Destructive blow: non living object crumples under the assault. damage against an innanimate object is multiplied by 4, putting a hole the size of the striking limb in the object
* Great leaping: the character leaps 20 feet per point of PS (adds to normal leaping)
* Disspate blow: The character divides incoming damage from one attack by his level+1 (so a 3rd level character could divide the damage of a shotgun blast by 4)
* Resist influence: the character may add +4 to save vs psionics or magic. he may ad this after he has already attempted to save.
* Rebirth: the character heals 2 HP per level. note this only heals HP, not SDC.
* fire from within: the charater adds 2d4 to the damage of a single blow. this damage may be from fire, or another form of enery, or may simply be slashing or cutting.

Adaptive [major] By iczer
'that hurt buddy....once!'

The character has an adaptive, morphic quality that takes reflexive and defensive changes to absorb and mitigate further damage. after recieving damage from any sort in combat, the character gains one minor power to defend from that source. there are several limitations on this ability.
1) no attribute gain: the character dos not gain any attribute bonus from the gained minor power, nor any SDC or HP bonus.
2) only one power at a time: the character only has access to one minor power at a time. to gain a new one he must drop the old one.
3) only one new power per round: while the character does not have to use any actions to change, he can only do so once per round, in response to damage taken. new powers last for one minute per level

at fifth level, the caracter can gain powers that are not strictl defensive in nature, and can gain them from circumstances out side of combat. (may develop gliding membranes if falling, may develop ex PS to resist being crushed, etc). 25% chance of invoking this effect outside of combat at level 5, plus 5% each level after 5.

Other bonuses: +1d4x10 SDC. Heals at 3 times normal rate

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I like adaptive.
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Geeno wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Magic - Major
Oh, how quant. You've learned a little spell or two. Now, let me show you what Magic REALLY is.
By Geeno

This power transforms the character into a being of pure P.P.E.. The transformed character is intangible, but unable to physically effect his environment and is almost entirely invisible, appearing as a wispy, colorful ghostlike entity, very much like a hazy Aurora Borealis.
This transformation provides a number of powerful abilities and penalties.

1. Partial Invulnerability & Invisibility
The character is intangible and cannot be harmed by any kinetic attacks while transformed. Punches, kicks, bullets, melee weapons, ramming cars, etc will all pass harmlessly through the character.
Energy Attacks also pass through the character without harming him.
Due to the wispy nature of the transformed being he is very difficult to hit. All opponants get a -5 to strike to hit the transformed character.
-The character can pass through physical object or beings with ease.
-Magic and Psionic attacks all do full damage but do damage to the characters P.P.E. instead of S.D.C. or H.P.. Psionic or Magic attacks that require eye contact will not work though.
-When transformed the characters H.P. and S.D.C. or combined and added to the characters P.P.E. score. If the character losses all his P.P.E he/she is destroyed.

2. Magic Sight
While transformed, the character no longer sees normally.
He/she sees only a bluish, black void in all directions, broken only by cloudy pockets of P.P.E.. He/she cannot actually perceive the physical world at all.
This means he cannot see computer screens, license plates (or cars for that matter), signs, buildings, walls or anything physically based that contains no P.P.E. They simply do not exist to the character.

He/she can ONLY see objects or beings that have at least one point of P.P.E., but can only then see the P.P.E. not the object or person itself.

P.P.E. appears as colorful, iridescent clouds of swirling patterns which gives the character a constant Aura sight as per the sensitive Psi Power except it takes no I.S.P. and is always on when transformed.

Objects or beings containing no P.P.E. are invisible to the transformed character.
Characters who can mask there P.P.E. from the transformed character are also invisible to him/her.

Since the character cannot actually see the person containing the P.P.E. he/she is unable to recognize objects or beings physically (details, colors, facial features, etc). However, the transformed character CAN recognize the P.P.E. signature of a being, class of beings, object or class of objects on a successful roll of 45% + 5% per level. The character must transform and see the person physically then transform and see their P.P.E. signature in order to use this skill later.

Magic Sight will give clear sight of Ley Lines and Nexus points, and the character can intuitively sense conjunctions and the shifting of magical energies.

Magic sight also provides the character with the following information.
-Amount of P.P.E. in the object or being.
-The presence of an enchantment on an object or being (55% = 5% per level to figure out the nature of the enchantment)
-The presence of any magic used in the last 24 hours in an area, on an object or on a being (55% = 5% per level to figure out the nature of the magic).
-The alignment and powers of a Magic Weapon or Object( 35% + 4% per level, a separate roll is required for each piece of information.
-Ghosts, demons and all supernatural creatures can be seen in full detail, in their true form even if they are invisible to others.
-The character can tell when a magic ability or spell is about to be activated.

3. P.P.E. Manipulation
While transformed the character can manipulate the P.P.E in objects, beings or active spells and enchantments for a variety of effects.

-P.P.E Burn
This is an attack that quickly and violently burns 6D6 points of P.P.E in an object or being. This burn disorients and nauseates the victim (-4 to strike parry and dodge for 1D4 melees) and causes 2D6 damage.
This attack cannot be dodged but a saving throw (15 or higher) can be made. Mages or supernatural beings need only roll a 10 or higher to save.
Range: Line of Sight
Attacks per melee: 2

-P.P.E. Syphon and funnell
The transformed charater can pull P.P.E from an object, area or being into him/herself, thus draining the victim and refiling his/her own reserves.
He can pull up to 6D6 + 1D6 per level of experience (can vary in increments of 1D6).
The character can never have more P.P.E. then there transformed limit.
He/she can also grant the same amount into an object, area, or being.
Damage: none
Range: 20 ft.
Saving Throw: 15+ for normals, 10+ for Mages and supernatural beings.
Attacks per melee:1

-Spell twisting
The character can take control of a cast spell, enchantment or magic ability.
By rolling over a Mage's spell strength (character gets a + 3 bonus to do so) he can take over a spell that is being cast, or an enchantment that has been cast. This functions like a parry and costs an attack, unless it is an enchantment already in place in which it is twisted on the characters turn.
If it is a magic ability from a weapon, object or supernatural being then the transformed character need only roll over 12 on a 20 sided dice.
Once the spell or effect has been succefully twisted the character can choose to either:
-Destroy the spell and syphon off the P.P.E to himself or another (this is 5D6 for magic powers that do not cost P.P.E. to cast)
-Increase the damage and duration by 50%.
-Decrease the damage and duration by 50%
-Turn the spell back onto its caster or another victim of the characters choosing.
Range: 100ft + 10 ft per level of experience.
Attacks Per melee: 1

-P.P.E. Freeze
The character can freeze the P.P.E. in a being or object, preventing any magical abilities from being used or triggered. This can be used to render Mages unable to use spells, supernatural beings unable to use magic abilities, magic weapons from triggering powers or anything magical from activating a magical ability.
Damage: None
Duration: As long as character concentrates on Target.
Attacks per melee: Uses all the characters attacks while he puts his full focus into freezing the magic in a being or object.
Saving Throw: 18+ for normals, 15+ for mages & supernatural beings.

The character burns 6D6 of hi/her own P.P.E. and channels that into a target to grant them the following magical abilities.
- + 5 to PS and PP.
- + 25 to SDC and + 10 to HP.
- Gains the ability of Sense Magic as per the Wizard ability.
- Saves vs. magic as if they where a supernatural being.
Bonuses are cumulative.
Damage: none
Saving throw: 15+ for normals, 10 + for Mages & Supernatural
beings. No save is required if it is voluntary.
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience.
Attacks per melee: 2

4. Penalties
-The character is a shining beacon to any being that can sense magic or supernatural beings.
-Magic Weapons do double damage to the character.
-Mages can still try and siphon P.P.E. from the character.
- The character radiates an eerie aura granting him/her a Horror Factor of 10. Even if he is trying to hide, anyone within 10 feet will have a creepy feeling that something strange is nearby.

5. Bonuses
2D6 x 10 to P.P.E.
+ 2 to M.E.
+ 4 to I.Q.
+ 5 to save vs. All magic.

I am glad someone else did this so iot saves me the trouble. :-P
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Unread post by taalismn »

Agreed...the Manipulate PPE abilities are very useful when facing crossover adventures (into or from other Palladium settings).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by NMI »

Geeno wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Magic - Major
Oh, how quant. You've learned a little spell or two. Now, let me show you what Magic REALLY is.
By Geeno

This power transforms the character into a being of pure P.P.E.. The transformed character is intangible, but unable to physically effect his environment and is almost entirely invisible, appearing as a wispy, colorful ghostlike entity, very much like a hazy Aurora Borealis.
This transformation provides a number of powerful abilities and penalties.

1. Partial Invulnerability & Invisibility
The character is intangible and cannot be harmed by any kinetic attacks while transformed. Punches, kicks, bullets, melee weapons, ramming cars, etc will all pass harmlessly through the character.
Energy Attacks also pass through the character without harming him.
Due to the wispy nature of the transformed being he is very difficult to hit. All opponants get a -5 to strike to hit the transformed character.
-The character can pass through physical object or beings with ease.
-Magic and Psionic attacks all do full damage but do damage to the characters P.P.E. instead of S.D.C. or H.P.. Psionic or Magic attacks that require eye contact will not work though.
-When transformed the characters H.P. and S.D.C. or combined and added to the characters P.P.E. score. If the character losses all his P.P.E he/she is destroyed.

2. Magic Sight
While transformed, the character no longer sees normally.
He/she sees only a bluish, black void in all directions, broken only by cloudy pockets of P.P.E.. He/she cannot actually perceive the physical world at all.
This means he cannot see computer screens, license plates (or cars for that matter), signs, buildings, walls or anything physically based that contains no P.P.E. They simply do not exist to the character.

He/she can ONLY see objects or beings that have at least one point of P.P.E., but can only then see the P.P.E. not the object or person itself.

P.P.E. appears as colorful, iridescent clouds of swirling patterns which gives the character a constant Aura sight as per the sensitive Psi Power except it takes no I.S.P. and is always on when transformed.

Objects or beings containing no P.P.E. are invisible to the transformed character.
Characters who can mask there P.P.E. from the transformed character are also invisible to him/her.

Since the character cannot actually see the person containing the P.P.E. he/she is unable to recognize objects or beings physically (details, colors, facial features, etc). However, the transformed character CAN recognize the P.P.E. signature of a being, class of beings, object or class of objects on a successful roll of 45% + 5% per level. The character must transform and see the person physically then transform and see their P.P.E. signature in order to use this skill later.

Magic Sight will give clear sight of Ley Lines and Nexus points, and the character can intuitively sense conjunctions and the shifting of magical energies.

Magic sight also provides the character with the following information.
-Amount of P.P.E. in the object or being.
-The presence of an enchantment on an object or being (55% = 5% per level to figure out the nature of the enchantment)
-The presence of any magic used in the last 24 hours in an area, on an object or on a being (55% = 5% per level to figure out the nature of the magic).
-The alignment and powers of a Magic Weapon or Object( 35% + 4% per level, a separate roll is required for each piece of information.
-Ghosts, demons and all supernatural creatures can be seen in full detail, in their true form even if they are invisible to others.
-The character can tell when a magic ability or spell is about to be activated.

3. P.P.E. Manipulation
While transformed the character can manipulate the P.P.E in objects, beings or active spells and enchantments for a variety of effects.

-P.P.E Burn
This is an attack that quickly and violently burns 6D6 points of P.P.E in an object or being. This burn disorients and nauseates the victim (-4 to strike parry and dodge for 1D4 melees) and causes 2D6 damage.
This attack cannot be dodged but a saving throw (15 or higher) can be made. Mages or supernatural beings need only roll a 10 or higher to save.
Range: Line of Sight
Attacks per melee: 2

-P.P.E. Syphon and funnell
The transformed charater can pull P.P.E from an object, area or being into him/herself, thus draining the victim and refiling his/her own reserves.
He can pull up to 6D6 + 1D6 per level of experience (can vary in increments of 1D6).
The character can never have more P.P.E. then there transformed limit.
He/she can also grant the same amount into an object, area, or being.
Damage: none
Range: 20 ft.
Saving Throw: 15+ for normals, 10+ for Mages and supernatural beings.
Attacks per melee:1

-Spell twisting
The character can take control of a cast spell, enchantment or magic ability.
By rolling over a Mage's spell strength (character gets a + 3 bonus to do so) he can take over a spell that is being cast, or an enchantment that has been cast. This functions like a parry and costs an attack, unless it is an enchantment already in place in which it is twisted on the characters turn.
If it is a magic ability from a weapon, object or supernatural being then the transformed character need only roll over 12 on a 20 sided dice.
Once the spell or effect has been succefully twisted the character can choose to either:
-Destroy the spell and syphon off the P.P.E to himself or another (this is 5D6 for magic powers that do not cost P.P.E. to cast)
-Increase the damage and duration by 50%.
-Decrease the damage and duration by 50%
-Turn the spell back onto its caster or another victim of the characters choosing.
Range: 100ft + 10 ft per level of experience.
Attacks Per melee: 1

-P.P.E. Freeze
The character can freeze the P.P.E. in a being or object, preventing any magical abilities from being used or triggered. This can be used to render Mages unable to use spells, supernatural beings unable to use magic abilities, magic weapons from triggering powers or anything magical from activating a magical ability.
Damage: None
Duration: As long as character concentrates on Target.
Attacks per melee: Uses all the characters attacks while he puts his full focus into freezing the magic in a being or object.
Saving Throw: 18+ for normals, 15+ for mages & supernatural beings.

The character burns 6D6 of hi/her own P.P.E. and channels that into a target to grant them the following magical abilities.
- + 5 to PS and PP.
- + 25 to SDC and + 10 to HP.
- Gains the ability of Sense Magic as per the Wizard ability.
- Saves vs. magic as if they where a supernatural being.
Bonuses are cumulative.
Damage: none
Saving throw: 15+ for normals, 10 + for Mages & Supernatural
beings. No save is required if it is voluntary.
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience.
Attacks per melee: 2

4. Penalties
-The character is a shining beacon to any being that can sense magic or supernatural beings.
-Magic Weapons do double damage to the character.
-Mages can still try and siphon P.P.E. from the character.
- The character radiates an eerie aura granting him/her a Horror Factor of 10. Even if he is trying to hide, anyone within 10 feet will have a creepy feeling that something strange is nearby.

5. Bonuses
2D6 x 10 to P.P.E.
+ 2 to M.E.
+ 4 to I.Q.
+ 5 to save vs. All magic.
If the character cant affect the phsyical world in his magic form, why would he need to empower himself with PS, SDC or HP? I wouldnt allow the SDC or HP increase as that would allow his PPE increase which would allow him to increase his SDC/HP which would allow him to increase his PPE which would allow him to... you get the idea.
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The Deific NMI wrote:If the character cant affect the phsyical world in his magic form, why would he need to empower himself with PS, SDC or HP? I wouldnt allow the SDC or HP increase as that would allow his PPE increase which would allow him to increase his SDC/HP which would allow him to increase his PPE which would allow him to... you get the idea.

I agree that these powers are beyond the limits of what they should be. I would have to power them down considerably, especially the Unity power he just posted. But it gives me something to play with at least. Perhaps if we could help edit them to more playable limits, though I am not sure that is where Geeno is intending to go with this...*sigh*
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The point of SDC is that damage does not go directly to HP unless you get a critical called shot to the head or other vital area.
My games try to be on the conservative side. There is no point nor challenge to being ultra-powerful. I do not keep people from taking powerful abilities, but i do make them work for them.
My point as to your powers is that they give too many bonuses, Geeno, and are not limited enough for playability.
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Piercing blows: [Minor] By Iczer
'Damn. when that dude hits, he hits HARD'

The character's bare handed blows do enhanced damage from speed, precision and an unconsiously created field that surrounds his striking surfaces.
at first level, the character adjusts his critical range by one (usually meaning he scores a critical on a 19-20 rather than just a 20). this number is reduced again by one at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
at second level, the character adds +2 damage with any bare handed blows he makes, with an additional +2 damage at levels 4,6,8,12 and 14.
at third level he gains an extra attack per melee round.
at 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th levels, his blows become armour piercing, reducing the AR of any surface he strikes by 2 (-4 at 8th level and -6 at 12th)

Mad science [Major] By Iczer
'Welcome to my lab. don't mind the time oven....these are the cookies I'm baking next week'

The character has an affinity for weird junk science, often the crazier the better, granting him the following bonuses
+10% to all mechanical and electrical skills known, as well as providing the equivilent knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering.
+5% to all science skills.
+2D4 IQ
When assessing penalties to mechanical and electrical skill rolls, the character recieves only half normal penalties for complicated, foreign or alien/exotic equipment. In addition, he gains a bonus equal to 1/10th the normal penalty.
When building and repairing equipment, the character takes half the normal time to do so.
The character can jury rig odd and innapropriate materials to his creations, needing only 1/5th the normal cost to build his innovations.
The character can operate with minimal tools, making do with his local surroundings. halve any penalties for operating without appropriate tools

Catfall: [Minor] By Iczer
'Introducing Cat man, now with 30% more bounce!'

The character has a kind of internal gyroscope and kinesthetic feedback system that compensates for the perils of gravity. He gains the following bonuses.
* Falls are considered to be 20 feet shorter per level.
* +8 to roll with punch/fall/impact. if successful, the character takes 1/4 damage rather than 1/2
* Immune to being tripped, hurled to the ground or knocked over. the character just rolls and regains his feet instantly
* leaps his PS OR PP in feet. this is in addition to other forms of jumping.
* +15% or +3 to balance checks.
* +10% to acrobatics, gymnastics, climbing and prowl.
* + 1d4 to PP

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Molecular phase [Major] By Iczer
'Intangible? i think not'

The character can consiously pass through objects and matter, exciting and energising it as he passes through, usually with dangerous results.
1) pass through solid matter. the character can push through or even leap through a solid barrier. He can basically plunge through any solid object less than his Spd (minus the object's AR) attribute in feet thick. objects thicker than this will snap him back out the way he came. Once he is through the object, he is solid again. The barrier he passes through is superagitated on the passage though and takes 4d6 +1 d6 per level in damage from heat and ionisation. Reduce the damage taken by heavy solid objects by the object's AR. This is not intangibility, the character remains solid and is vulnerable as he usually is at all times.
2) Phase accelleration attack: By plunging his arm or hand into a person, he can bypass natural (not artificial) armour. at any rate, he inflicts an extra 2d6 damage from heat and ionisation of the target's body, as the hand passes through him. if the character can grab the target, he may instantly attempt to pass through him, literally climbing through them and diving out the other side. this inflicts the damage listed above and bypasses all armours. Targets immune to heat are unnaffected.
3) Phase defence: as a dodge, the character can attempt to phase when an attack strikes him. Roll a dodge with this power, adding only +4. if successful, the attack passes through him, and the attacker (or their weapon) takes the normal attack damage instead.
4) Resistances: The character takes half damage from heat and electricity

Absorb Water: [Major] By Iczer
' suck...oh wait...I suck'

The character can control water to such a degree that it literally crawls and flies towards him, where he can store it for future use.
1) Absorb water: the character can cause open water sources, even air moisture, to move towards him. the character can absorb one gallon per round as an action from up to 50 feet away, or 10 gallons per level for a whole melee round. The character can absorb 100 gallons per level.
2) release water as vapour: releasing stored water as vapour creates a fog cloud some 50 feet across. Visibility is reduced to 8 feet in the fog cloud. the fog cloud persists until nature washes it away. anyone fighting in the fog cloud suffers a -3 to strike/parry and dodge in melee combat. opponents over 8 feet away are virtually invisible. a fog cloud requires 20 gallons of water.
3) release water as flood: the character can release stored water as a flood. releasing a whole lot of water as a flood causes everyone in the character's vicinity (within 30 feet) to make a balance cheeck or be knocked down by the wave of water. a flood like this requires 100 gallons. characters with extraordinary strength, or weighing over 400 lbs have a bonus (+4/+20%) to maintain balance
4) release water as spray: the character can use his stores as a firehose, projecting 20 gallons per action. turning this firehose on a person will cause them to make a balance check or fall over. The spray can reach up to 50 feet across and 30 feet high. as with above, the exceptionally strong or heavy enjoy a resistance to this knockdown.
5) water bolts. By releasing short blasts of water (2 gallons) the character can inflict 3d4 damage to a target within 50 feet . +3 to strike with water bolts.
6) Dehydration attack: by expending 3 actions, the character can attempt to extract moisture from a living being. The target must Save vs this attack (16 or better. PE bonuses apply) or lose 4d6 HP from water loss and sudden dehydration. this attack has a range of 50 feet. characters made of water take 1d4x10 SDC damage instead. Ice characters take the damage from their SDC.

Satellite view [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh my..I can see my house from here'

The character can project his senses to roughly a mile above him per level of experience. at this advanced range he has only his normal ability to make out details, but automatically knows the following.
* Which way is north.
* where he is in the field of view (usually the centre of the view)
* common, familiar landmarks (his local Denny's, the statue of Liberty, His father's house etc).
while using sattelite vision, he is effectively blind around himself. any other enhanced senses, such as telescopic vision, enhances this power.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:Piercing blows: [Minor] By Iczer
'Damn. when that dude hits, he hits HARD'

The character's bare handed blows do enhanced damage from speed, precision and an unconsiously created field that surrounds his striking surfaces.
at first level, the character adjusts his critical range by one (usually meaning he scores a critical on a 19-20 rather than just a 20). this number is reduced again by one at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
at second level, the character adds +2 damage with any bare handed blows he makes, with an additional +2 damage at levels 4,6,8,12 and 14.
at third level he gains an extra attack per melee round.
at 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th levels, his blows become armour piercing, reducing the AR of any surface he strikes by 2 (-4 at 8th level and -6 at 12th)

Mad science [Major] By Iczer
'Welcome to my lab. don't mind the time oven....these are the cookies I'm baking next week'

The character has an affinity for weird junk science, often the crazier the better, granting him the following bonuses
+10% to all mechanical and electrical skills known, as well as providing the equivilent knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering.
+5% to all science skills.
+2D4 IQ
When assessing penalties to mechanical and electrical skill rolls, the character recieves only half normal penalties for complicated, foreign or alien/exotic equipment. In addition, he gains a bonus equal to 1/10th the normal penalty.
When building and repairing equipment, the character takes half the normal time to do so.
The character can jury rig odd and innapropriate materials to his creations, needing only 1/5th the normal cost to build his innovations.
The character can operate with minimal tools, making do with his local surroundings. halve any penalties for operating without appropriate tools

Catfall: [Minor] By Iczer
'Introducing Cat man, now with 30% more bounce!'

The character has a kind of internal gyroscope and kinesthetic feedback system that compensates for the perils of gravity. He gains the following bonuses.
* Falls are considered to be 20 feet shorter per level.
* +8 to roll with punch/fall/impact. if successful, the character takes 1/4 damage rather than 1/2
* Immune to being tripped, hurled to the ground or knocked over. the character just rolls and regains his feet instantly
* leaps his PS OR PP in feet. this is in addition to other forms of jumping.
* +15% or +3 to balance checks.
* +10% to acrobatics, gymnastics, climbing and prowl.
* + 1d4 to PP

Love Mad science & Catfall but Piercing blows looks like it should be a major IMO but still great
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Forensic senses: [Major] By Iczer
'Hmmm...killed no doubt by asingle blow to the temple with a solid flat item. looks accidental on the surface, but tiny bruises on the other side of the head indicate she was slammed by another person...maybe....6 feet 2 inches tall, 210 lbs. with a wedding ring'

The character's mind gathers thousands of pieces of analytical data just by examining a crimescene. His mind is a textbook that records details and makes assessments on individuals and objects, allowing him to narrow down suspects at a very rapid rate.
* Wounds: when examining a person's wounds, (subject does not have to be dead for this) the character can determine the weapon used, the strength of the blow (the subjects' PS attribute) and the angle of attack. with this he can accurately assess the target's physical characteristics (height, weight, mass, PS) and the weapon used (range of attack, make and model of the weapon)
* Bloodsplatter: from the positioning and spray of blood, the character can pretty much re-enact an assault within minutes of arriving. he notices and can guess objects that may have been caused a void, and can make educated guesses on weapons used. Can track a person by dripping blood at 45% +5% per level. roll every 200 feet.
* discarded objects: (includes shell casings and spent rounds). can determine how long ago a gun was fired from it's heat, can determine the angle of a shooter from the positioning of the spent rounds. can make an educated guess at the closest and most likely place to discard a weapon.
* people: can sense the presence of foreighn objects on a person (dust, dirt, gunpowder residue, transfer etc) on another person when he meets them (can guess where they have been in the last 2d4 hours with 70% accuracy) can sense when a person matches a likely suspect to a profile he has already generated.
* places: can find miniscule or tiny items such as hair, fibres, transfer and blood even in low light or obstructed conditions. can make normal determinations about a suspect by his footprints (weight, size, height, and Spd attribute)
chance of success: 35% +5% per level. roll the instant information is available. a failed roll will mean 5 minutes of normal investigation will be required for a reroll.
Other bonuses: +1D4 IQ. +4 to perception (if used). +20% to criminal science and forensics. +20% to track humanoids or animals.

Sandcrawler [Major] By Iczer
'Hot? it's only 130 degrees.'

The character's body is adapted for desert travel, making the most hostile terrain a walk in the park.
Can smell water up to a half mile away per level.
+1D4x10 SDC +4 PE
Immune to great heat (no penalties up to 200 degrees F) and resistant to fire and heat damage (1/2 damage)
resistant to desert cold (down to 40 F) but not to cold/ice attacks
Needs no additional water in high temperatures, in fact needs 1/3rd water for a normal human being. can ignore hunger for 1 day per level.
Immune to the effects of glare.
can move at normal speeds over sand and rocky terrain. (+15% to climb rocky surfaces)
Heals at 4 times normal rate when exposed to great heat
has +20% to wilderness survival in a desert environment.
Can dive into sand: this bizzare ability allows the character to move at double his normal Spd when diving into desert sand and skimming across it's surface. he can only go 1-10 feet deep (deeper in a dune) and unless he constantly comes up for air (which he will have to) he will be blind for the trip. he may maintain this speed for one hour per PE point before needing rest.

Discorporate matter [Major] By Iczer
'Whoa...where did my bike go?'

The character can cause matter to fly apart and yet remain bonded, effectively disintegrating an object, temporarilly, dispersing it over several hundred feet.
1) mass and weight restrictions: 100lbs per level may be discorporated. objects over this weight cannot be affected.
2) Range: touch. objects are dispersed over a 300 foot radius per level
3) duration: 1 week per level. sooner at the characters whim.
4) reformation: if the item reforms naturally, it appears in its original location. the item pulls itself together, so it will not reform inside another object, rather it will reform as close as possible. If reformed by the character, it will reform at any location of the character's choosing within the range given above (within 300 feet per level of it's starting location) this can be used to sneak objects and weapons past security
5) attacks: it takes one action to discorporate an object, but 2 to reform to reform an object.
6) defensive discorporation: by making a dodge action (at +4 only) the character may attempt to discorporate a target';s weapon, by letting it strike him. failing this causes the weapon to discorporate after damage is dealt.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Geeno wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The point of SDC is that damage does not go directly to HP unless you get a critical called shot to the head or other vital area.
My games try to be on the conservative side. There is no point nor challenge to being ultra-powerful. I do not keep people from taking powerful abilities, but i do make them work for them.
My point as to your powers is that they give too many bonuses, Geeno, and are not limited enough for playability.

Yeah, I don't play my games with SDC in that roll. SDC in my games is more about damage that is blunt (punches, kicks, etc) somthing you could brush off farely easy.

Take a simple 1D6 knife though. A strike roll that lands is assumed to hit the trunk of the body. If that strike is a stabbing attack, there is a very high chance that a vital organ will be struck. That's most likely going to kill you in a matter of time if you don't get medical attention. A knife...1D6 of damage. Having to get stabbed 10...20 times before HP is touched just seems ridiculous to me. In my house anyways.

I think you are also making the incorect assumption that in my games I encourage my players to be super powerfull. In my campign the PC;s must be VERY careful regardless of any SUPER powers they may have considering that one mag from an Uzi can toast em in a second.
Also my PC's and I are VERY theme oriented when it comes to picking powers. No munchkins allowed. Story over system anyday.

As for the powers I posted not being limited enough, can you expound please?

The fact that you play in a different way than most does not excuse the fact that your subabilities lists go on extensively. SDC is meant to help characters survive, so if you do not have it I feelsorry for any brave street crusaders who go out there with a t-shirt and tights.
Compare to the books and see where they have that many subabilities to a power. Try to keep them similar to the book version limits and you will be fine.
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Whatever. Geeno, do what you want, man, but just don't expect everyone to agree with you or take you seriously.
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Iczer wrote:Piercing blows: [Minor] By Iczer
'Damn. when that dude hits, he hits HARD'
Mad science [Major] By Iczer
'Welcome to my lab. don't mind the time oven....these are the cookies I'm baking next week'
Catfall: [Minor] By Iczer
'Introducing Cat man, now with 30% more bounce!'

I like these. Mad Science is right up the ally when concerning a Heros game. While the other two come in handy in low powered games.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Iczer wrote:Piercing blows: [Minor] By Iczer
'Damn. when that dude hits, he hits HARD'
Mad science [Major] By Iczer
'Welcome to my lab. don't mind the time oven....these are the cookies I'm baking next week'
Catfall: [Minor] By Iczer
'Introducing Cat man, now with 30% more bounce!'

I like these. Mad Science is right up the ally when concerning a Heros game. While the other two come in handy in low powered games.

Low powered?!?! damn. I'm going to have to beef up some of my entries.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Geeno wrote:Thank you, I will.

I would still be interested in hearing your well thought out critiques If you feel so inclined.

I can't help but think you are a little put off. PLease don't think I am not interested in your conversation.

I am really not trying to seem judgemental, but it just comes naturally after years of playing with people who ran games in a bassackwards fashion who rubbed me the wrong way over time. I would have a difficult time in your game, to say the least. There are a growing number of people on these boards I am sure I could not tolerate in a game setting. That is not to say that you all might not get along well together.
That said, I will try to be more objective in my critiques.
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Geeno wrote:I esspecialy like Discorperate Matter. Very usefull power.

I will deffinetly be using that one in my game if no one objects. Iczer, you are the s**t.

...and another one.

Meld - Major Power
"Why don't I have any doors in my house?...Um good here just take this Rolex I conveniently had in my pocket and don't ask any more questions."

This power grants the character with the ability to not only absorb matter into his/her body, but also to meld his body into larger bodies of matter.
This can be used to hide objects within the characters body, travel along through the walls of a building, avoid collision and fall damage, absorb weapons and bullets, escape bonds, find a hiding place almost anywhere and many other usefull applications.

When any matter is absorbed into the character, its molecules are actually transformed and reconfigured into the charecters body strenghtening all the living tissue in the body proportionatly to the mass absorbed.

When the character melds into larger bodis of matter, his/her molecules are transformed into the same structure as the matter, thus allowing the character to completely become a part of it while still maintaing his conciousness.

1. Absorb Matter
The character can absorb up to 3/4 of his/her own original unmodified weight of non living matter into his/her body, + 5lbs per level of experience.
Each pound of matter adds 5 SDC to the character as well as the extra weight of the object.
In order to retain the matter and the SDC bonus, the character must give up 1 melee attack due to the concentration it requires to do so. If the character stops concentrating, any items will fall out in the next melee.
Reduce the absorbed SDC first when calculating damage and subtract it from the absorbed matter first.
Any piece of matter that losses all it's SDC is destroyed.
The player may choose which individual pieces if matter lose their SDC first.
Expelled objects that have lost a portion of thier SDC will be more fragile, but look undamaged and complex items with many moving parts have a 75% (- 5% per level of experience) of losing functionality once expelled.
Electronic devices that are absorbed will have their power supplies completely drained and will need to be repowered after they are expelled.
If a piece of matter is expeled before it's SDC is used then the character will lose the SDC it provided.
Bullets, Melee Weapons (Non Energy types), Arrows, and any Attacks delivered from Non living matter can be absorbed on a successful roll over the attackers Strike (Character gets +4 to do so and does not lose an attack) hich fuses the item with the character, adding its SDC untill released. This can also be done for attacks from robots, APS powered characters and power armour, fusing it within the character untill the character chooses to release it.
Add the estimated SDC of a captured limb to the characters pool though, and if that SDC is used up then the limb is lost and the attacker released.
Sleeping or being knocked out cancels all the above effects and ejects any matter absorbed in the body along with its accompanied SDC bonus.
Another application of this ability is that the character can store several sets of clothing within his/her body and change them over one melee round by melding them into and out of hs/her body.
Your average set of clothing (shoes and all) counts as 1 pound of matter.

2. Meld into Larger Matter
The character can only meld himself and up to 50 pounds of matter into an object that weighs at least 100 pounds more then the character. Include any extra weight which the charater might have gained by absorbing matter into his/her body when accounting for this effect.
While Melded into an object the character is undetectable in every way except for Magic, Psionics or possibly through a lingering scent or heat signiture at the entry point of the meld power (fades completely after 15 minutes).
The character can travel through large portions of Matter at 1/4 his/her natural speed.
While melded into matter the charecter cannot speak, perform any actions, use any other powers, perform any skills or do anything except travel and unmeld from the matter.
The character must be within a foot of the edge of an object in order to see or hear what is going on outside of the object.
Falling characters can meld into anything they might hit but will be stunned for 1D6 melee rounds after if the fall was over 100 feet (+ 50 feet per level of experience).
Being thrown into an object can be avoided by melding into the point of impact if the character can roll under his/her PP on a 20 sided die (20 allways fails no matter what).

3. Drag
At level 6 the character can drag up to 200 pounds (+25 per level of experience after level 6) of matter (living and non) into a large portion of matter along with the charcter.
Anybody or anything that is melded like this cannot travel through the matter and will stay melded at the spot he entered as long as the character stays within 5 feet (+ 1 foot per level of experience after level 6) of the person or thing dragged in. If the character leaves the radius
at any time, the person or object will unmeld at the point it entered at the start of the next melee round.

I could see this power being toned down by making it the merging of other masses. They already have one allowing you to merge things into your own body. This power seems to combine several into one.
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I apologize,as I thing I misreadone of the subabilities to think you could merge masses outside you together. Generally powers are oriented to affect oneself or one's environment, not both. It is a power focus thing. One simply does not generally have both orientations.
And yes, I do see where it could be easily abused. You stated in there that the person can merge with most anything with no real limits on types of things he can merge with.
Making things more powerful may seem like more fun for you, but it makes it more difficult to manage when you are trying to create opposing encounters for the character with the power. I do not condone power gaming nor "joyriding" characters where they pretty much are unstoppable. This is why many oppose the power crunch and creating unbalanced characters. This has been addressed in many of the other topic threads.
I actually like the type of power it is and can see where it might be useful.

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Iczer wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Iczer wrote:Piercing blows: [Minor] By Iczer
'Damn. when that dude hits, he hits HARD'
Mad science [Major] By Iczer
'Welcome to my lab. don't mind the time oven....these are the cookies I'm baking next week'
Catfall: [Minor] By Iczer
'Introducing Cat man, now with 30% more bounce!'

I like these. Mad Science is right up the ally when concerning a Heros game. While the other two come in handy in low powered games.

Low powered?!?! damn. I'm going to have to beef up some of my entries.


Not everyone wants to play the superman hero munchkin type char, some of us like to have chars that are still hero grade but without the bast things to bits powers.

OK OK , maybe I should ofsaid lower powered games.
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Machine Mind {minor} by Roscoe Del’Tane

“What’s on my mind? Oh, about 20 Gigs of smut for one…”

The character has a mind that is specifically geared for storing data, so much so that it’s even better than some computers! Every level they can store the equivalent of half their combined I.Q. and M.E. in gigabytes. They can store any type of information, video, music, text, etc. It takes about an hour to store each gig, during which time they lose half of all their combat attacks and bonuses, and suffer a -15% penalty to skills (as it takes a fair amount of concentration, but they can stop anytime they want).

The character can, at anytime recite verbatim anything they have memorized, exactly as they heard it. Similarly, they can mentally access any technical info they memorized, like blueprints, schematics, etc.

If the character voluntarily and permanently sacrifices 8 points from any of their three mental attributes (can take from more than one attribute [or rolls 2 random insanities]) the character sprouts an organic data port somewhere on their body, which will allow them to download information directly onto a computer. This process only works one way, no using it to upload info into their brain.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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The Deific NMI wrote:Play nice people.

Sorry, I try to be good. :-P
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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Machine Mind {minor} by Roscoe Del’Tane

“What’s on my mind? Oh, about 20 Gigs of smut for one…”


Sounds like the perfect companion to Mechano-Link
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Sounds like the perfect companion to Mechano-Link

Thanks! I wanted to make a power that was useful, but in a non-combat way. I read through most of this gigantic post, and most of them seemed to be variations of ‘Smash This’, or ‘Fry That’.

It does make for a good combo doesn’t it? I hadn’t really thought of that, I was thinking more along the lines of someone using it with Cloaking or Intangibility for spy stuff and espionage.

It could also be one of those powers that’s almost totally useless, unless used in the right place at the right time. Like clock control or Bookworm or sleeplessness.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Disrupt force field: [Major] By Iczer
'Damn..i bet you thought you were safe there huh'

The character can play with and distort force fields created by others, turning them to his own ends as well as negating them for his allies. a force field, for all intents of this power, includes any power with the word 'force' in it's name, or the words force field in its description including force aura, create force constructs and even totem energy aura. It is also effective against fields of force constructed by technology, magic and psionics.
1) Force disruption ray: the character can projects a ray of energy from his hands or eyes that causes force fields to erode. He inflicts 1d4x10 damage to any force field he strikes, plus another 1D6 per level. the beam has a rnage of 75 feet plus 10 feet per level, and the character has a +3 to strike with an aimed shot. the beam feels warm to the touch, but can only disrupt fields of force. each use of the ray counts as a single action.
2) Resist force attacks: the character has an innate resistance to attacks made by force fields, being impervious to them. Purely kinetic attacks work just fine against the character as do energy assaults, but the character is immune to bolts of force and various uses of telekinesis and levitation, as well as dirceted force blasts. He is not immune to vibration and sonic damage, nor explosive damage but he is mildly resistant, taking 1/2 normal damage from these.
3) Penetrate field: the character can briefly pass a limb or other striking surface through a force field, allowing him to strike and harm others protected by such a field. the field bends around him rather than letting him through, so it remains intact. Note that the character does not pass through a force field with this power, rather he simply can strike objects immeadiately behind a force field. a force field projected at a distance is still effective.
4) Pass force fields: The character can attempt to pass through force fields, simply ploughing straight through through force of will. He expends 2 actions to walk through such a field (which closes behind him) plus an additional action for every 100 SDC posessed by the field.

Melt matter [Major] By Iczer
'My 600 year old Katata!! what have you done?!'

The character can alter matter to make it softer and more pliable. The character merely gestures in the object's direction and expends three actions to initiate the melt.
Over the course of the next few seconds, the item in question suffers a breakdown in it's molecular structure.
Area affected: one object less than 6 feet across plus 1 foot per level. larger objects will be partially melted in an area equal to the area affected.
Effect: the object loses 1D4 AR, plus an additional 1D4 AR at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. AR drops at a rate of 1 when the power is activated, plus one at the beginning of every melee round. Every melee round it loses 5% of it's tensile strength for every AR point it loses (columns can support 5% less mass). if an item is reduced to 0 AR, then it melts into a pudding type goo (unlikely at lower levels)
Effects of objects: the details on specific objects vary depending on the target. weapons that become softened will lose their shape very quickly, especially if being used. as a rule of thumb, weapons that rely on a cutting surface reduce their damage by 1 for every AR point lost, and by another one every time it strikes a surface. when an object has its AR halved, it damages itself as much as anything else. objects that lose more than half thier AR may collapse and puddle under their own weight. drop the effective SDC of an object by 5% per melee round as it loses SDC.
Duration: melted objects lose the requisite AR at one per round. after that, the materiels harden back, in their new shape after 2d6 melee rounds.
Rescuing: The character can flash melt an object as a defensive measure (takes an action but hardens seconds after impact). This flash response requires an action as well as a roll with punch/fall or impact (depends on circumstance. usually 14 or so with a fall or car crash, but must beat an opponent's strike roll in the case of an actual assalt). this special use of the power has a bopnus of +2 only (plus another 1 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15) effectively reducing damage to 1/4. The character is able to use this on behlaf of himself or another within 60 feet.

Shield of eyes [Major] By Iczer
'One cannot escape the fury of...the beholder!!!'

The character can spontaneously generate eyes, both on his person, and as remote sensory organs.
1) Generate eye: the character can generate 1d6 eyes as an action, up to a maximum of 12 eyes (+4 per level). These eyes appear on his flesh in a location of his choice, or as free floating orbs that relay information to him. he may generate eyes to compensate for lost ones, or for any temporary blindness (created eyes are not subjected to any existing blindness penalties). all created eyes share any visual powers posessed by the character. Floating eyes appear within 5 feet of the character and remain withiun 5 feet of him at all times, though may independantly rotate and change position at will.
2) Bonuses: When the character has 6 or more extra eyes around him, he posesses an all around field of view that grants him immunity to suprise attacks (can see them coming) as well as an auto dodge (no bonus) and +3 to initiative (as well as perception checks, if used). any use of prowl or tailing is reduced by 20% against this character.
3) eye statistics: free floating eyeballs have an SDC equal to the character's ME attribute plus one per level. they have an auto dodge of +6 each. they float at a speed equal to the character's normal speed, and may float up to 5 feet away in any direction (including up). the average eyeball is the size of a baseball. if destroyed, an eyeball may be regenerated every hour
4) eye shield: the character may form his eyes into a shield that blocks incoming attacks. The character may devote up to half his free floating eyes to the task of shielding. he has an autoparry, even against ranged attacks of +6 (+1 per extra eyeball) though the damage is inflicted directly to the combined SDC of the eyeballs. if damage exceeds the SDC of all the eyeballs, then all excess is taken by the character. damage done to eyeballs is divided as the character wishes.
5) eyeball ram: one to four eyeballs may be directed as an attack. the damage is 2d4 plus 2 per eyeball in the volley. the character has +4 to strike (+1 per extra eyeball) but each eyeball is destroyed in the assault if they are forced beyond 5 feet from the character
6) other bonuses: character has excellent vision normally and through his eyes, as well as 30 feet of nightvision. his 'eyes' are always alert, even if the character is asleep (though it may take a few rounds for the character's body to react to stimulis if already asleep or unconscious.) Can 'remember' everything his eyes see while he was asleep or unconscious.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Ursurp Morals [major] By Iczer
'You really ought not to do this.....'

The character has the ability to alter a person's mind, forcing them to view their actions in a different perspective. This pseudo psychic power can create temporary allies, and powerful followers.
1) twist moral code: by application of this power, the character can twist another's mind to match his own. by expending 3 attacks, the character may cause another target within 50 feet to undergo an extraordanary, although hidden metamorphosis. (Saving throw 16+ ME bonuses apply to avoid this power)
Firstly, the target slides 1d4 steps towards the character's alignment
secondly, the target feels a kind of euphoria while he serves under the new alignment's strictures, and discomfort and disquiet whil serving under his old alignment.
Thirdly, the target becomes disinclined to impede the character, or interfere with his plans.
Effectively, when the target acts in his new alignment, he gains +10% to all skill usage, gains +1 to all combat manoevres and +2 to initiative. When acting according to his own alignment, he reverses those bonuses and loses one attack per melee (he is plagued with doubt and cannot concentrate). when acting in self interest, and not following his alignment one way or the other he feels normal. In addition, he must make a Saving throw Vs this power (16+ ME bonuses count) to actively or passively impede the character. he may save once per melee round, and during this time, he may take any other actions he chooses. Making a save only allows a melee round of actions before a new save must be made. It does not end this power's effects.
The target remains affected for 1d4 hours plus 30 minutes per level.
2) all in accord: when working with like minded members of the same alignment, the character can unite them with purpose. up to 3 allies, plus one per level, will feel bolstered by the character's presence, gaining +2 to saves vs mind altering effects, and +10% to skill use. this lasts only while in the character's immediate vicinity and the bonuses vanish as soon as the target works at odds with the character.
3) Other bonuses: +1D4 to ME and MA. The character is willfull, and generally charismatic.

Insensitive [Minor] By Iczer
' would think that would hurt'

The character is hardened and innured vs pain and discomfort.
He gains the following bonuses:
* +4 to PE
* +3d6 HP
* +25 SDC
* Immune to pain, and nausea. He simply ignores them (though he is dimly aware of wounds and understands he may be sick. Likewise, substances like pepper spray do not affect him)
* Operates at full capacity even while horribly wounded, injured, starving and ill. Note that despite being immune tot he pain of a broken leg, he cannot work the broken limb with any great efficiency. Likewise, bright light may still blind him, it just won't hurt as much.
* can still move and function until he is dead. remains awake even when below zero HP and can wander around for a bit. can still be knocked unconscious but there is a flat chance (50% plus character's PE score) that any knockout blow simply fails to do so. Likewise pain attacks and stunning blows simply don't affect him.
* still posesses a normal sense of touch.

Calcium rend [Major] By Iczer
'That was your tibia. let's go for the jaw next'

The character has the ability to affect a person's very bones with this power
1) collapse: By commanding a person's skeletal structure to fold, the character simply holds a person still or pushes them flat to the ground. By guesturing at a person and expending 2 attacks, the character can force a target within 60 feet (+10 feet per level) to be wracked with pain as his skeleton stops obeying him.
The victim may make a saving throw (15+ PE bonuses apply) to resist this power. If he succeeds he will feel a mild discomfort and will take 2d4 damage from the initial pressure. If he fails the saving throw, then he is held with a vice like grip (his bones are being adjusted by the character). such a character is held in place, and, with his limbs being wrenched, may collapse (20% chance, greater if he was running or moving rapdily when assaulted). A held target may, once per round (including the round he was grabbed in) may make a attempt to escape. This escape is a test of endurance between the character and the target. both roll a d20 and add their PE attribute. the character adds +1 per level. The target may add his PS attribute instead, but this act of force inflicts 1d4 damage plus his own PS bonus to himself. Every round, the character ,ust expend an action to keep a hold on the target, but may inflict 2d4 more damage every round. after a minute, and after every minute, the target must save vs pain or black out (14+ PE bonuses apply)
2) Rend: The character can injure people by simply willing it. an invisible wave crosses the distance between character and target that rattles his bones. This inflicts 1d6 per level of the character, out to a target within 60 feet. He enjoys +4 to strike, but the target suffers a -6 to dodge the virtually invisible assault.
3) Break: The character can attempt to shatter bones on a target. He expends all his actions for the round and targets an opponent within 60 feet. the target makes a Saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or suffers 3d6 damage and breaks a randomly determined bone (roll on the moderate injury chart)
4) Notes: characters with unbreakable bones take no damage from this power (but may still be subject to pain). The character's own bones heal at 10 times normal rate, can suffer 5 times normal damage before breaking and he is immune to his own power (or variations on it)

Molecular acid shield [Minor]
'Did those bullets just vaporise?'

The character suspends a field of reactove molecules around him, which react to violent force by means of aggressive disintegration.
essentially, when high speed attacks threaten to puncture this field, the moecules react by eating away the incoming force. Solid items penetrating this layer, that sits from 1-4 inches from the character's body, take 4d6 damage, plus 1d6 per level of experience. Items that are dissolved by this field are too fragile to hurt the character seriously (inflicting 1 point of damage per dice of damage instead) and is likely to have been destroyed.
The molecular acid does not affect living flesh and blood, but will inflict it's normal damage to those transformed into inoganic or nonliving substances. (GM's call really on what counts, but when in doubt, inflict half damage instead. particularilly to people transformed into wood, or covered in chitin)
The character adds 3d6 to all unarmed, bare body blows when striking inanimate objects.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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edit [Triple post?!??!]

Last edited by Iczer on Mon May 07, 2007 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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snipped. Multipost [What again?!?]
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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As I said, the melding power was misread and I apologize. I will read through the others and give my feedback in a well-prepared manner.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Okay, reviewing the powers, I would say that Unity would have to roll vs.Insanity or get a God Complex right off the bat. And you are not clear about how the power points progress, but I assume they accumulate as long as you absorb more unraveled energy. I would make someone limited to how much they can absorb at one time, though. Also, there should be risk of insanity when they do the omniscience thing.
In APS Magic, I would not have them with a bonus to save vs. magic but quite the opposite. And any mage might absorb their energy or they might risk "falling" into a ley line and being drained. The limitations and penalties increased, I see no problem with this power.

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