What's in your Open House goodie bag?

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Unread post by NMI »

Oh yeah! Doh!

Two toys I got from the Open House...


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Where to start? lol

1. 2 pieces of art("Ape Going Crazy" from Lone Star & Psi Stalker) and 1 print (glitter boy) from S. Johnson.
2. 2 prints [X-Men and Death (from Sandman)] and comics from the couple at the very front...too lazy to go look up their names and I'm still tired!
3. Machinations of Doom
4. D-Bees of NA
5. Systems Failure
6. Vanguard
7. Black Vault
8. Firetown and the Tolkeen Crisis
9. Rifts Index 2
10. Phase World Sourcebook
11. Anvil Galaxy
12. Three Galaxies
13. Megaversal Builder
14. Rifts Canada
15. Deceptions Web novel
16. Rifts Adventure Guide
17. 6 packs of Xiticik minis
18. 2 dog Boy Packs
19. ~$8 worth of the loose covers
20. "Juiced" button
21. Minion War tee
22. the new Golf shirt for PB
23. Two Dragon Tees from Mr. Z.
24. Rifts stamps

I think tha'ts it. :D

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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

1. Machinations of Doom
2. D-Bees of North America
3. Sourcebook 1 (Ultimate)
4. Some Franzetta art.
5. The skull of Jason Richards
6. The Best of the Rifter.
7. RUE
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

I picked up:

-Machinations of Doom,
-Scott Johnson original 1/4 page of the "Amulet of Thoth" (PF Old Ones 2E)
-Kent Burles original full page Wolfen, dual wielding in snow
-Manning Brothers original 1/2 page Animator O.C.C. image (Rifter 26)
-New PB polo-style shirt.

I wanted so much more, but my funding didn't come through on time. The money work has owed me since January got deposited in my account on Monday, May 7th - the day after I got home :-(
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

This year I picked up the following:
Rifter 37
Rifter 38
D-Bees of North America
Machinations of Doom x 2
Ramon Perez Original of the Crazy old witch who eats kids from RIFTS Canada
Ramon Perez Original of the Octo-man gunslinger from one of the SoT books
Original Manning Brothers pic of the Reconciler from Rifter #36 (I asked them to bring it)
Apollo print of a girl posing on an Ulti-Max (I asked him to bring it too)
Comfort love print of the Jean Grey Phoenix
Adam Withers Wonder Woman print (for my friend Beth)
Special T-shirt from Ramon Perez (sweet ginger pony nipple kitten shirt)
"Why is RIFTS so awesome?" shirt
We are all Jason Richards Shirt

and the highlight of my purchases...

a Chuck Walton character sketch of Gabriel Prescott Davenport (my character who is now in MADHAVEN) which is possibly the most beautiful character sketch I have ever seen.

I think I made out pretty well.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

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Unread post by Subjugator »

I haven't been able to go over all of my stuff yet, but so far it's looking like:

1. Original art of the guy smoking a cigar and blowing smoke rings.
2. Promise of Power original art (showing the Glitter Boy, Juicer, et al)
3. Original art of the Psi-Slinger
4. Original art of K'Zaa
5. Original art of the Knights from Madhaven
6. Original art of the guy mocking the 'Borg from the Rifter story about the swamp
7. Original art of the three Cyber Knights from the Rifter story about the swamp
8. A bunch of sketches of me as a Crazy...all of which are freaking BEAUTIFUL! (THANKS GUYS!)
9. A color drawing of a Cyber Knight from Mark Dudley
10. Two copies of Machinations of Doom
11. A new copy of D-Bees of North America
12. A print from Johnny Z that he gave me (which was totally freaking cool of him!)
13. Kev's badge (autographed!) from the Open House
14. A few covers - one signed by Erick Wujcik (!)
16. Some Rifts CCG cards.
17. A Rifts CCG poster.
18. A copy of Sector 57
19. Original art by Kev advertising A+ Plus and A+ Plus number 5
20. The sketchbook that John Zeleznik used to develop the 'Throne Room' scene in the end sheets of R:UE
21. *TWO* BEAUTIFUL dice bags from Reddenedone (I wish I'd spoken with her more)
22. An 'honorable mention' certificate for my costume at the Open House. Next year I'll place in the top three...I'll work on my costume throughout this year. :P
23. A ton of treasured pictures and memories!

There's more, and I'll post it later.

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Re: I don't have it with me, so these are estimates

Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

Subjugator wrote:I don't have the stack of loot with me, but these are the estimates (some things that are listed specifically are known to be owned):

1. About 20 random Palladium books
2. A signed and sealed case of Rifts: Ultimate Edition (not the gold limited edition but the regular one)
3. Two printer's proofs of Rifts: Ultimate Edition (limited edition, but un-numbered - one signed by Kevin as being such)
4. The original artwork for the cover of Robotech: Southern Cross
5. Some Recon artwork
6. An Akira original animation cel
7. A number of Robotech original animation cels
8. A number of quasi-random original animation cels
9. A ton of Vince Martin and Kevin Siembieda original art
10. The original art for the Mark V APC in the original Rifts Main Book
11. About five shirts (various)
12. Some Scott Johnson original art - several pieces (including the gargoyle borg piece from Warlords of Russia)
13. Several prints from various sources (Scott Johnson, Kevin Siembieda, etc).
14. At least one of each book cover that was for sale.
15. A Heroes of the Megaverse print that was donated to a silent auction.
16. An animation cel that was donated to a silent auction.
17. #1 of 50 of the Arzno maps.
18. I *think* #1 of 50 of the Maps of Dyval and Hades - my bid was sixty bucks but I had to leave before the auction was done.
19. A (*beautiful*) large painting of a dragon - done by Kevin Siembieda
20. A set of the small glasses.
21. The set of misfit toys from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
22. One other piece of art that I won't mention until the deal is done. It's a DOOZIE though.

That's all I can remember right now. There is almost certainly more, but I can't remember it all offhand.


besides afew books, shirts, and the last 2 sets of stamps they had, we put in a bid for the red jacket with the Rifts logo on the back. heather(Stardust) saw that and fell in love. and thanks to Subbie i was able to get that for her since he was a True gentlemen and took off his bid for her. thank you again my friend for that act of kindness, she'll love yeah forever now :lol:
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Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

I actually think she's going to take your suggestion Subbie and put the jacket into a shadowbox and hang it on the wall in our living room *g*
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Re: I don't have it with me, so these are estimates

Unread post by Subjugator »

Eryk Stormbright wrote:besides afew books, shirts, and the last 2 sets of stamps they had, we put in a bid for the red jacket with the Rifts logo on the back. heather(Stardust) saw that and fell in love. and thanks to Subbie i was able to get that for her since he was a True gentlemen and took off his bid for her. thank you again my friend for that act of kindness, she'll love yeah forever now :lol:


Did you just call me a...





*puffs up and stands at full height*

I sir, am a *CRAZY!* I am *NO* gentleman!


At first it was killing me to give up the coat, and then I saw how much she really loved it, and I knew I'd made the right decision. I'm glad she loves it and is so happy with it. I ask for only one thing, if it's not too much...

Can I get a picture of the shadowbox?

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Unread post by Maryann »

Come to think of it I have a couple of different Palladium jackets I might be willing to part with, including one of the shinney red ones... hummm maybe I need to look in the closet...
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Maryann wrote:Come to think of it I have a couple of different Palladium jackets I might be willing to part with, including one of the shinney red ones... hummm maybe I need to look in the closet...

I'll give ya sixty bux for it!

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Unread post by Maryann »

Subjugator wrote:
Maryann wrote:Come to think of it I have a couple of different Palladium jackets I might be willing to part with, including one of the shinney red ones... hummm maybe I need to look in the closet...

I'll give ya sixty bux for it!


Wait till I get home tonight and I'll post a couple of pic's of the jackets that I have, I also have a black jacket w/dog boys on the back and a long floor length cape that I'd be willing to get rid of. I have my Palladium 20th anniversary jacket too but that has my name embroidered on it and you'd look funny being called Maryann :)
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Maryann wrote:Wait till I get home tonight and I'll post a couple of pic's of the jackets that I have, I also have a black jacket w/dog boys on the back and a long floor length cape that I'd be willing to get rid of. I have my Palladium 20th anniversary jacket too but that has my name embroidered on it and you'd look funny being called Maryann :)

How much for the full set? I don't plan to wear 'em...I plan to have 'em framed or put into a shadowbox.

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Unread post by Maryann »

Subjugator wrote:
Maryann wrote:Wait till I get home tonight and I'll post a couple of pic's of the jackets that I have, I also have a black jacket w/dog boys on the back and a long floor length cape that I'd be willing to get rid of. I have my Palladium 20th anniversary jacket too but that has my name embroidered on it and you'd look funny being called Maryann :)

How much for the full set? I don't plan to wear 'em...I plan to have 'em framed or put into a shadowbox.


Let me look see what I have. I know I have a white sweat shirt with the ley line walker in color and a red robotech sweatshirt too :) I'll look through this stuff tonight and pm you with pics of the stuff.
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Re: I don't have it with me, so these are estimates

Unread post by Grand Paladin »

Eryk Stormbright wrote:besides afew books, shirts, and the last 2 sets of stamps they had, we put in a bid for the red jacket with the Rifts logo on the back. heather(Stardust) saw that and fell in love. and thanks to Subbie i was able to get that for her since he was a True gentlemen and took off his bid for her. thank you again my friend for that act of kindness, she'll love yeah forever now :lol:

That was the jacket that I brought with me and donated to the OH Silent Auction. I told Kevin that I never wore it, and saved it from the trash on 3 separate occasions when my wife was spring cleaning.

I'm glad that it found a good home
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Unread post by Brian Manning »

Is that where she got the jacket from? I was going to ask, but I never had a chance. It's an awesome jacket!
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Re: I don't have it with me, so these are estimates

Unread post by Eryk Stormbright »

Subjugator wrote:
Eryk Stormbright wrote:besides afew books, shirts, and the last 2 sets of stamps they had, we put in a bid for the red jacket with the Rifts logo on the back. heather(Stardust) saw that and fell in love. and thanks to Subbie i was able to get that for her since he was a True gentlemen and took off his bid for her. thank you again my friend for that act of kindness, she'll love yeah forever now :lol:


Did you just call me a...





*puffs up and stands at full height*

I sir, am a *CRAZY!* I am *NO* gentleman!


At first it was killing me to give up the coat, and then I saw how much she really loved it, and I knew I'd made the right decision. I'm glad she loves it and is so happy with it. I ask for only one thing, if it's not too much...

Can I get a picture of the shadowbox?


no prob Subbie, i'll make sure you get pix when we have it up and on the wall :-D
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Grand Paladin wrote:That was the jacket that I brought with me and donated to the OH Silent Auction. I told Kevin that I never wore it, and saved it from the trash on 3 separate occasions when my wife was spring cleaning.

I'm glad that it found a good home

You better believe it. She was practically beaming the rest of the weekend. I think her exact words when she found out Subbie had outbid her was, "I'm gonna kill em', I'm gonna find him and kill em'!" :lol:

That was awesome of you to donate it GP, and awesome to take your bid off Sub. She even got it signed by Kevin before she left. :)
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Unread post by Maryann »

The post I promised Subbie with the promo stuff I'm willing to part with is up on the classified section...

Go take a look ...
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Percy Ferkelberger

Unread post by Percy Ferkelberger »

Well, I got me a advance copy of Vagabond Uprising,
a copy of Dee-Bees of North America
one copy Machinations of doom
one copy Free Quebec
one copy RUE,

All signed and doodled in.
Percy Ferkelberger

Unread post by Percy Ferkelberger »

Ninjabunny wrote:Vagbound Uprising?

yeah, the new super book from Ferkalium books!
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Mine had:

Machinations of doom
Dee bees of north Americana
A metric ton of hot subbie lovin
Free quebec
a copy of rifter 9.5
2 "we are all Jason richards" shirts
a copy of RUE.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

I bought 23 books, all rifts based out of North America.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Feney wrote:Ack! ...Where were all these Poster's and Promo items and what not that everyone keeps mentioning? Cells, Original Kev artwork? Was that the stuff behind the register, where all the T-Shirts were? Or were the cell's and rare items and what-not all from the silent auctions?

..just curious


There was a big section on the other side of the register where a ton of artwork was. I also had my Keith Parkinson painting and my Kevin Long painting up for sale up there as well.

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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Unread post by Greyaxe »

Feney wrote:Ack! ...Where were all these Poster's and Promo items and what not that everyone keeps mentioning? Cells, Original Kev artwork? Was that the stuff behind the register, where all the T-Shirts were? Or were the cell's and rare items and what-not all from the silent auctions?

..just curious


Both, mostly behind the register.
Sureshot wrote:Listen you young whippersnappers in my day we had to walk for 15 no 30 miles to the nearest game barefoot both ways. We had real books not PDFS and we carried them on carts we pulled ourselves that we built by hand. We had Thaco and we were happy. If we needed dice we carved ours out of wood. Petrified wood just because we could.
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