Your Favorite Core-Book OCC

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Your Favorite Core-Book OCC

Unread post by Aaryq »

Hey folks. It's been nearly a year since I've played PFRPG 2nd ed. After living a life full of rifts, it's time to come back to my favorite setting (YAY WE FINALLY HAVE A PFRPG GM!) and roll up a PFRPG Character. So trying to remove the rift-head mentality, I want to know what your favorite OCC is and why. And also, if you want to give me races to compliment your OCC, that's cool too.

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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

I'm a fan of Palladins and Rangers, mostly. Palladins because I'm a bit of a meat-head and like being able to really just lash out in combat, and Rangers when I desire a little more flexibility, such as that provided by longbow skills combined with some outdoor survival stuff.

If I'm playing a caster, I very much like Earth Warlocks (best dungeon crawlers there are!), but will use a Diabolist in a heart-beat if nobody else is. A group without a diabolist is as good as dead.

For race, I'm a definite proponent of Wolfen - I play them whenever possible.
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Unread post by bathawk »

hey all Rifts player here

my Palladium core book should be arriving iin the mail from ebay during the next week, but was curious about the discussion

"Summoners" any real difference from a Rifts Shifter?

and Diabolist...sounds evil (diabolic) but the comment above "dead without one" are they really that major?
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Unread post by Starmage21 »

Summoners rock!
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Unread post by Aaryq »

Gosh. I REALLY wish I had my PFRPG books here. I've always overlooked summoners and diabolists. With them getting such rave reviews, I may have to re-read that when I get it back.
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Unread post by Janus »

Preference is Human Ranger or Human Soldier. They both offer the least in OCC benefits allowing me to truly create an exceptional character without having to rely on OCC "gifts". Actually I do like the plain janedness.
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Unread post by burgler81 »

I've always loved playing summoners and Diabolists. They are really great characters if used right.
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bathawk wrote:and Diabolist...sounds evil (diabolic) but the comment above "dead without one" are they really that major?

Diabolists are not inherently evil - they can be any alignment (A diabolist is one who studies demonology, whereas diabolic means "demon-like").

Diabolists are the only class in PF with a full mastery and understanding of wards and mystic symbology - both things that show up frequently in high power dungeons and pits of doom. If your party doesn't have somebody versed in these things, they may misinterpret them, or not even notice them at all. At best, they'll be stuck staring and wondering what will happen. With a diabolist, they'll be able to tell what the symbols mean, if it's a trap, if it's active, etc. Diabolists also are big time researchers, and tend to have lots of lore, language, and literacy skills. Those are very valuable in an RP-intense game, hence I will generally refuse to go to field without one. Players in games that focus mostly on combat, and don't have a lot of story or plot to them, generally don't care about diabolists much.

The main weakness of a diabolist is prep-time. Diabolists are extremely weak in melee combat if caught off guard or unprepared, and without their ward arsenal. Their hand to hand skills are very limited, and they tend not to have much combat training. An unprepared diabolist is fodder for pretty much anybody, including peasants, children with sticks, and malignant bunny rabbits. Give a diabolist time to prepare, however, and that doesn't matter. You'll never get close enough to him that hand to hand matters ::grins::
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Unread post by Library Ogre »

I guess my favorite is the Druid, though I tend to play characters more than classes.
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Unread post by Goliath Strongarm »

J. Lionheart wrote:The main weakness of a diabolist is prep-time. Diabolists are extremely weak in melee combat if caught off guard or unprepared, and without their ward arsenal. Their hand to hand skills are very limited, and they tend not to have much combat training. An unprepared diabolist is fodder for pretty much anybody, including peasants, children with sticks, and malignant bunny rabbits. Give a diabolist time to prepare, however, and that doesn't matter. You'll never get close enough to him that hand to hand matters ::grins::

With HtH: basic, and the WPs the occ already gets, its not that combat weak. Studded leather armour is also plenty enough. However, other than the fact that they're not 'trained in its use', there's no serious disadvantage to putting a diabolist in platemail. Seriously. Think about it. A diabolist doesn't have to wave their arms around, or worry about PPE costs getting shot sky-high for being in metal armour. The only time it would matter is when they activate wards, or force activate wards. But, they have plenty of PPE for this not to be an issue.

And as for a diabolist 'caught unprepared without their ward arsenal', it's no different than catching the mercenary without his armour and weapons. Sure, a diabolist doesn't have quite as much SDC, but whipty doo. Besides, a good diabolist (and by good, I don't mean alignment) should NEVER be caught without at least a handful of wards. I mean, seriously. Several of my old characters used to even take baths with a small set of prepared wards (painted onto a sheet of parchment, then the sheet marked with a rune in silver, becoming indestructible).

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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

I am aware of the capacity for turning a diabolist in to a competent fighter, or a mercenary in to a wuss, but I like to assume a certain amount of role-playing when it comes to skill selection.

Sure, a diabolist could have Hand to Hand: Expert, Body Building, Athletics, and be decked out with W.P.'s, with paired swords always at his side, but that would be silly. Most diabolists aren't likely to have more than the one W.P. given automatically, will probably have only HtH Basic, if anything, and will probably have a pen more readily available than a weapon.

A Merc on the other hand has a minimum of HtH: Expert (probably martial arts), starts with physical skills and W.P.'s, and would logically pick up skills like Boxing and/or Wrestling, unavailable to a diabolist, which can turn a person in to a very effective fighter totally unarmed. Merc's also have triple the base S.D.C. of a diabolist, and where a single stab with a knife could well leave a diabolist bleeding to death (in to H.P. damage), a Merc can usually take at least a couple sword strokes before finding themselves in a similar situation.

I know the popular theory is to claim the 2E turned everybody in to a tank. That's not true. What 2E did was make it POSSIBLE for anybody to take certain tank-like skills, at the expense of what they normally would have. For a diabolist to follow the course of study required to become even remotely comparable to a basic man-at-arms in a fight, he has to give up half of what makes a diabolist worth having in the first place - the massive scholar/technical skill background.

In other words, I have thought about this stuff.
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Unread post by Marcethus »

My favorite classes are the Long Bowman, especially after I have been watching the LoTR series. Also very fond of Assassins.

Race depends on the game and GM allowances but preferance for longbowman is elf, human or wolfen, assassin preference is human, changeling or Vorloc from LOD1

Unread post by Natalya »

Never had opportunity to play it (sucks being a GM at times), but I think the Diabolist looks neat. Especially once someone pointed out the suggestion of a book full of pre-done runes. Tear out, glue on, and activate.

Hmmm......I wonder if an alchemist could be convinced to make Post-it notes for holding premade runes... :D
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Well hmmm, let me think (scratches his head and looks at handle to left of post) I think I prefer Rangers above all else. But if it is requested that I play magic, the Psi-Mystic is my thing. (Can't just go with one type of mystic force, have to mix it up a bit!)

In looking at my fifty plus characters that are used as both PC's and NPC's as the need arises it turns out that I have a propensity for creating humans and elves. But I also like Changelings and the chaos races (especially orcs). Strange though, not a canine in sight! (Note to self: Create Wolfen Warlock. I like the way that sounds!) 8)
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Elvin Wizard or Wolfen Ranger.
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Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Diabolist is my favourite, not cos its the best or favourite to play, just because it is the most different from anything I would have expected to see in the game, warriors, knights, thiefs, wizards etc are all taken as read but a diabolist - u have to read the description before you have any clue as to what they can do. And, they deliver! 8-)

I like magic classes above all else to play, more versatility.

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Unread post by Scrud »

What no Peasents and Vaga bonds, especially goblin peasent

but heres some of my favorite combos

-Colye assassin
-Wolfen knight
-Human Diabolist
-Changling Summoner
-Dwarf Ranger
-Elf Long bowmen
-Minator Merc Warrior

-All time favorite character was a Troll Blood Shaman(Rifter 2) nothing like habbitually cutting yourself(when you have 40 racial S.D.C.) to inflict grusome magic on others
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Unread post by Reddenedone »

The Warlock, don't care which kind. It was the picture that lured me, and the rpg goodness that kept me.
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Unread post by RockJock »

Warrior Monks are always a favorite. There is just something about being a bald kung fu using guy that is fun. The Ranger is definitely my standard goto class for PF. If the group needs magic, then Fire, or Earth Warlocks are my favorites.
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Unread post by verdilak »

Diabolists are my favorite by and far. So much versitality. My favorite is to get the minor psionic and be a Diabolist....

But other than a Diabolist, I would prolly roll to get a random class, thats how much I love playing Diabolist. I'll play any but won't choose to play anything but a Diabolist.
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Ogre Wizard.

the one you least expect.
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Usually GM but did have a lot of fun playing a Priest of Light in an online game.

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Unread post by Lukterran »

Favorites in this order:

Summoner: (Human or Lizard Mage)--- Awesome powers, and great roleplaying oppunities. Not an easy class to play however, depending on your GM.

Wizard: (Human or Gnome)--- They are a great class that is fun and has alot of oppunity for growth as levels increase; more so over other fighter or magic classes.

Assassin: (Changling or Troll)--- They are the most hardcore combat class their is, period. Kick the crap out of all of others. Go with Changling if trying to be a sneaky assassin, or Troll when making a walkup and smash your door and and kill you assassin.

Longbowman or Rangers are excellent: (Elf or Wolfen)

Lastly the Warrior Monk is a great class that is well balanced
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Unread post by UR Leader Hobbes »

Adam of the Old Kingdom wrote:Ogre Wizard.

the one you least expect.

He so should hang out with my Troll Paladin.

Unread post by Guest »

I'm going to have to go with the Druid. I don't really play druids myself, however, of the main book classes, it has the best potential for an actual class that's A) not similar or essentially the same as an existing class (compare the Soldier and Mercenary Warrior, or Knight and Palladin, or Priest of Light and Priest of Dark, among others) and B) has what I consider the best abilities in terms of what they gain as they level up (sure, the priests, practitioners of magic, and psychics all generally get some new spells or psionics as they gain levels, and ALL the classes gain the standard hit points, skill percentages, and hand to hand abilities (as well as improved special abilities for some classes) that is common in most Palladium games, BUT the Druid is really the only main book class that gains new abilities (roughly equally divided between skills and spell-like powers) as they go up in level.
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UR Leader Hobbes wrote:
Adam of the Old Kingdom wrote:Ogre Wizard.

the one you least expect.

He so should hang out with my Troll Paladin.

he used to hang out with an Ogre Palladin and an Endroth Palladin.
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Unread post by Guest »

You know, this just cries out for a Troll Wizard guarding a bridge with a staff screaming out "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"
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Re: Your Favorite Core-Book OCC

Unread post by JTwig »

Aaryq wrote:Hey folks. It's been nearly a year since I've played PFRPG 2nd ed. After living a life full of rifts, it's time to come back to my favorite setting (YAY WE FINALLY HAVE A PFRPG GM!) and roll up a PFRPG Character. So trying to remove the rift-head mentality, I want to know what your favorite OCC is and why. And also, if you want to give me races to compliment your OCC, that's cool too.


Have to say my favorite O.C.C. would have to be the Longbow men. The few times I've played PFRPG I've always been human, but would love to play a wolfen longbow men.
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Unread post by pblackcrow »

#1 is of course a wizard human or elven. (Mostly in solos) Let's face it, 1 wizards working alone can do more then with a group.
#2 is actually, believe it or not, a squire. But only when Micheal is playing a knight and Lewis is GM. We work together the best of all the players and get the most accomplished. The squire is the most underestimated characters.
#3 is a noble. Though I think he should be better educated than what they have listed. Also a mostly solo character.
#4 is an elven longbowman. I play them when the GM says "It's going to be a non magical military campaign."
#5 is a priest. For quests without a mage.
#6 is a knight. For serious role playing games.
and #7 is a summoner. Say what you want about them, they can blend in to any society. Wear armor, claim to be a warrior, and when in privet do magic.
Last edited by pblackcrow on Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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i would say the long bowman, either human or elf. long bowmen are lethal in ranged combat, they can turn most villains into porcupines in a melee or two, and they have sniper as well as the precise shot OCC ability which means they can overcome most Armor Ratings easily. i usually select hth expert or martial arts, which means that if someone comes too close for the bow to be an effective weapon, then i whip out the knives :)

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Unread post by Kelorin »

Elven Palladin, Ranger, or Wizard.
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Longbowman (human)
Merc Soldier (Wolven or Orc)
Mind Mage (human)

Villager (with Rune Weapon, Rune Armor, magic ring (brings you back to life automaticlly), and the Paulper Crown (never get rich, but becomes a powerful person on the battlefield or courts)


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human warrior monk
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

my favorat main book occ is the wizard, I just a magical sort of dude.

After that, my favorat is the Juggler/Knife Thrower OCC in High Seas.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I would have to say Summoner, definatly. Just something so cool about how it's all handled.

Diabolist is a close second. then, Mind Mage :)
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wizard (naturally)
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Unread post by Jefram_denkar »

Dances with Chicken Feathers

Cobbler Goblin Priest of Thoth.

Exallent character to play.

(Mind you he is multi classed into both Warlock (Air/Earth), and Rifts Shifter as well now)

He has been around for a while.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

rcmalamutes wrote:oh - afterthought comment, question -

From reading through this thread it seems that many folks - in terms of race - use "Monsters" (like the Lizard Mage)

It seems that PF is set up nicely for this, if the GM allows it and uses it right in a role play type setting (racism / prejudice / etc.)

How many of you have 1) used these "monsters" as allowed races and 2) how does it work out? Does game balance work out okay????

This was posted a while ago, but it didn't look like anyone answered the question. (Kinda rude, if you ask me.) So here you go. I allow any player to play any race, provided they can give me a good explanation for why that race would be involved in the campaign. I don't even particularly care if they mix up the races a lot. (For example, I've had lots of Orcs, Goblins and Lizard Mages working with humans, elves and dwarves.) I just make sure the players understand that their going to be faced with a lot of racism, until such time as they've proven they're trust worthy.
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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

First character was an female Elven Longbowman. But I've always wanted to recreate the 'Flesh Eater' visual from Confrontation (do a search for Rackham Miniatures). The image of a fully plate armored Wolfen just sounds mean. Although, I am a big fan of Wizards of any type. I started to re-read the Diabolist the other day, very interesting ideas there too. A 'Ward Warrior' could be interesting.
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Unread post by runebeo »

I love Mind mage followed closely by Summoners. Mind Mage is more powerful than a wizard and his abilities can be used with each actions while wizard spells take time and actions up. If mind mage is up against a wizard just keep using bio-manipulate mute power till the doesn't save, and if you use blind most offensive spells need sight to target. The Summoner can sit back and let his minions go to work. Everyone thinks of demons as main minions while our group uses angels which are more powerful than most greater demons and the sea-horse one can even resurrect people and if they break the summoners control your not going to worry about unleashing supernatural evil on the world.
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Unread post by NovenTheHero »

Elf or Human Noble
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Nice to summoners. :ok:
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

NovenTheHero wrote:Elf or Human Noble

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Mercenary fighter.
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