New to BTS, question...

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Unread post by Reelman »

I use Dark Conversions for alot of stuff in my BTS games.
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Josh Sinsapaugh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

He is asking for advice on creating his own monsters, not what books he should look in.


Anyways, good advice for this kind of thing is to do as much research on Forteana, anomalous encounters, and supernatural lore (including perhaps UFOlogy) as possible.

You noted yourself that you already have such research material. Well, time to take what you already have and use it as a base for further research. Luckily, you have the Internet and possibly a Public Library at your disposal for this kind of thing.

And although it seems like a lot of work, research helps... it helps a lot.

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Chuck McDaniel
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Unread post by Chuck McDaniel »

What kinda zombies?

Just mindless undead or a more sinister type that can think and act on it's own?

Also who created them, an ancient god, necromancer, or cult serving an alien intelligence looking for a foot hold into our world?

For mindless zombies I would go for low mental attributes and speed, but average to high physical attributes. Maybe 50 sdc and no hp seeing how they aren't alive any more. This would be your animated type zombie with no will power or free will.

For the "thinking" type I would go with average to above average mental attributes and average physical attributes although I would keep the speed attribute a little below average to average at most. With 50-60 sdc and 3d6 hp as how it maybe granted some sort of quasi living state, by it's creator(s) as away of controlling it (sorta you do as I say and I'll bring you back as a king type promise).

Also let the latter keep some, if not most, of the skills it had in life. This will help keep it cunning and maybe even make the players think it's something other than a zombie. A deranged psycopath?

Hope I helped here.

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