[Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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[Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

Unread post by Juankis »

Trying to get this moving again before it stagnates, lets start throwing things aroudn just to kee the disscusion alive.

The Plains of Free Cattle extend on a large area encompassing many states of the former North American Republic. Which areas exactly? I'm not sure as never been good at geography, and don't know much about those regions. Also the PFC's territory has a wide range of different climates and time zones.
Those factors would affect the different "tribes" and their outlooks on things like traditions, migratory habits, crimes anjd tabues, among other things.
As many posters/players are not American Nationals we should not take for granted that any possible readers would know all or some of the above information, and we should expand on it as much as possible whitout letting it become tedious; maybe a paragraph or three to give the basic feel of the land, any notorious features or inhabitants, and a list of "tribes" common in those areas.

Maybe I've gone too verbose and I'm making myself hard to understand, so I'll stop on this for now. Any one wants to expnad on this? or sould I try to make my ideas clearer?
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Re: [Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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Mephisto wrote:
Juankis wrote:Trying to get this moving again before it stagnates, lets start throwing things aroudn just to kee the disscusion alive.

The Plains of Free Cattle extend on a large area encompassing many states of the former North American Republic. Which areas exactly? I'm not sure as never been good at geography, and don't know much about those regions. Also the PFC's territory has a wide range of different climates and time zones.
Those factors would affect the different "tribes" and their outlooks on things like traditions, migratory habits, crimes anjd tabues, among other things.
As many posters/players are not American Nationals we should not take for granted that any possible readers would know all or some of the above information, and we should expand on it as much as possible whitout letting it become tedious; maybe a paragraph or three to give the basic feel of the land, any notorious features or inhabitants, and a list of "tribes" common in those areas.

Maybe I've gone too verbose and I'm making myself hard to understand, so I'll stop on this for now. Any one wants to expnad on this? or sould I try to make my ideas clearer?

I'm working on an outline for 28 specified Herds of Free Cattle that would have specified migratory and landmarked territories (Musk Glands are not a Vestigial Disadvantage for nothing) that would also involve antogination with both the Prarie Dog Emporium and the Empire of Humanity, plus non-aligned entities like Free Communities and include smaller herds that don't have representation in the leadership of the Plains of Free Cattle. As for geography I'm trying to develop a map but it's difficult to do on a computer and make it coherent, and doing it as text is but tedious to read and write. And by the way I'm Canadian, and there is no chance of the Plains of Free Cattle being in Canada (too much better money, land and agriculture in the USA) so I won't ever pull them north of the 49th Parallel.
What about the Native American affiliated Wolf Packs (ATB2, page 94)?
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

how far west does free cattle extend?

i have a Chimera you guys could use if it extends as far as Wyoming. (i bet you could fit in anyway, even if it doesn't)
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Re: [Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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Mephisto wrote:They would be explained under either "Known Allies" or "Known Enemies" for each herd depending on past history. I don't have the Plains of Free Cattle being one ubiqitious organization, so the very fractured nature means that how one Herd reacts to one group may be different than another Herd.
What, no generally savage hordes of "injuns" to kill and eat the peace-loving "cow"-boys of the Free Plains? :lol:
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Unread post by Juankis »

I see the wolf tibes divided in 2 camps, those willing to eat intelligent mutants, and those against it.
Any way they would fit in perfectly in the list of declared enemies of the whole Free Plains, regardless of tribal preferences, along with the Empire of Humanity, New Kennel and The Road Hogs.
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Unread post by acreRake »

glitterboy2098 wrote:i have a Chimera you guys could use if it extends as far as Wyoming. (i bet you could fit in anyway, even if it doesn't)
I think we should put the book together like the old ATB books, part of that is section for "new" animals (all/most of which we can just copy from here on the boards, right?) including new Chimeras and stuff. (Can't go wrong with giant bugs in my book)

Also someone mentioned coming up with a new psionic/psionics for a "shaman" character (similar to what was done in MDU). Is that a good idea?

Also, Meph, i've done some more thinking about the Prairie Dogs... Just how much do we want to talk about them?

BTW, i'd love to do artwork for this thing.
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Unread post by Fubarius »

Thanks for keeping it moving, I didn't want this to turn into a one man show (had it happen with other on-line projects).

A few tidbits I had bouncing around in my brain...

On the idea of good 'injuns' and bad 'injuns', most of the wolf native american based tribes would fall under 'good', but have some coyote, fox, and other canine tribes that act as the 'bad' ones, doing all of the marauding, raiding, looting, and occasionally eating. Have a percentage of the population unable to tell the differance between the two. Or even have it a common practice for your run of the mill bandits to dress up like native tribes to cause confusion and pass the blame onto someone else.

I think your 'cow'boy characters will be more like heros guarding and leading the migrating wagon trains of ordinary folk. Much like the historical cowboy led and protected herds of cattle to market, except for no butchering at the end ;)

As for the wagon trains themselves, I picture a mix of non-mutant animal pulled wagons, pieced together cars and trucks (imagin an old pickup truck with a wagon like canvas cover on the back), and hybrids of the two, like the vehicle in the opening credits of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.

An idea for native american psionics, how about group psionics? Basically psionics that only work if enough people with the ability work together (usually with some fancy ceremony to aid in everyone being in the same mindset).

And one thing we should really work on is a full size north american map, so we can make sure we're all talking about the same areas. I have some plans for a seperate book for the Midwest (more specifically Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois), so I'd like to request that those areas be not considered part of the Free Plains (well, maybe parts of western MN could be part of it, but I need the eastern half).
David Johnson
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the Chimera i made was my Jackalope.

i had made it when i first got the ATB2 book, part of an idea i had for a rifter article. never panned out though.

the idea was that Douglas, Wyoming had ordered a large number of Antlered rabbit chimera's before the bomb, as tourist attractions. and that afterwards, the mutants wound up in control of the town. they turned it into a armed freehold, fortifying the town and arming themselves against the roaming bands of the plains. which of course, turned the place into a popular trading post. the Jacklopes and the other Douglasites would hire themselves out as mercenaries, escorting caravans, fighting in border skirmishes, ect. (jackalopes being considered "the fighting rodent" in the tall tales,and being a bit more agressive than most rabbits)

in the context of this fanbook, Douglas would be be a free cattle ally of sorts, with some of the warbands hiring themselves out as "ringers" for freecattle operations, experianced combat troops.
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Re: [Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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Mephisto wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Mephisto wrote:They would be explained under either "Known Allies" or "Known Enemies" for each herd depending on past history. I don't have the Plains of Free Cattle being one ubiqitious organization, so the very fractured nature means that how one Herd reacts to one group may be different than another Herd.
What, no generally savage hordes of "injuns" to kill and eat the peace-loving "cow"-boys of the Free Plains? :lol:

It's a bit harder to kill and eat your victims when they are larger, smarter, better armed and meaner than you are :)
O.o Smarter, huh? I guess you missed that +4 bonus to I.Q. that Wolves get and the corresponding lack of I.Q. bonuses for most cattle (Wow؟, Holsteins manage to get a whole +3...of course since wolves spend 5 BIO-E for their Extra I.Q. over the Holsteins' 10 BIO-E...). Larger and better armed, in general, sure, however strategy and tactics (which wolves are notorious for among the animal kingdom) can counter that. Then again, having "mystical powers" helps. Last but not least, 'meaner,' now there's a quality that's not automatically quantifiable, which means the claim isn't supportable. Of course, if the Cape Buffalo was a representative species in North America, you might have a point. (Which gives me an idea for a new purebreed...)

Re: [Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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Mephisto wrote:Do you think in order to placate the wolves, that the Free Cattle may employ "slave stock" so to speak, of say deer to give to them? They may also sacrifice weak and old species members to maintain the integrity of the Herd. This was something I was going to play with in Mutants of the Serengeti, but seems as applicable for the Free Cattle. I'm guessing I meant "most numerous" as the main reason the wolves wouldn't immediately lord over the Plains of Free Cattle (hence why they are "free") but it might be something similar to a business relationship to keep all of the species viable.
That's possible, after all, ATB2 mentions that the wolves go on a "vision quest" in which they cover hundreds or thousands of miles. I can't really see that if they're constantly at war with the Free Cattle. On the other hand, with Weschek's known hatred of humans and the wolves alliance with humans, there may quite well be some direct conflict between them.

Re: [Fanbook] The Plains of Free Cattle

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Mephisto wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Do you think in order to placate the wolves, that the Free Cattle may employ "slave stock" so to speak, of say deer to give to them? They may also sacrifice weak and old species members to maintain the integrity of the Herd. This was something I was going to play with in Mutants of the Serengeti, but seems as applicable for the Free Cattle. I'm guessing I meant "most numerous" as the main reason the wolves wouldn't immediately lord over the Plains of Free Cattle (hence why they are "free") but it might be something similar to a business relationship to keep all of the species viable.
That's possible, after all, ATB2 mentions that the wolves go on a "vision quest" in which they cover hundreds or thousands of miles. I can't really see that if they're constantly at war with the Free Cattle. On the other hand, with Weschek's known hatred of humans and the wolves alliance with humans, there may quite well be some direct conflict between them.

So I guess that will go to my old answer "it will vary Herd to Herd" but by your account, the herd captained by Weschek will likely be antagonists of the wolf tribes nearby.
Uh, "herd captained by Weschek"? He's the "spiritual leader of the Free Cattle."
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Unread post by acreRake »

Wait, so what exactly has been established in the original books?

'Cause i thought the "Free Cattle":
1 Looked to Weschek as a leader
2 Disdained the use of ANY animals, intelligent or not (including transportation... which someone brought up earlier i think... Free Cattle riding on things... i thought that was right out...)
3 It's not just "cows"

Please correct me if i'm wrong, i don't have the books i need at the moment...
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

acreRake wrote:Wait, so what exactly has been established in the original books?

'Cause i thought the "Free Cattle":
1 Looked to Weschek as a leader

as a spiritual leader. i see it kinda like the pope. catholics everywhere regard the pope as their spirtual leader, but live under different nations and governments in a variety of cultures.

so all the different herds of 'free cattle' look to weschek, and maybe a few others, as a leader of men, but follow their own specific heard leaders.

2 Disdained the use of ANY animals, intelligent or not (including transportation... which someone brought up earlier i think... Free Cattle riding on things... i thought that was right out...)

either they are on foot, or they have a strict "you pull it" policy. a cattle family might load their stuff into a wagon, and hitch temselves to the wagon to pull it. asking other intellegent animals, or 'enslaving' unintellegent ones to do it is just something they won't allow.

3 It's not just "cows"

but is probably made up of mostly communal animals. animals with an instinct to form groups. especially herd instinct. cattle, bison, deer, ect. rabbits and other semi-communal herbivores would be welcome. solitary animals would be welcome, but probably not well received. and carnivores of all types are likely to be mistrusted, no matter how polite and well behaved.
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