Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

You know the SACman would be a good one to hook up to another GB with some black boxes or some drones for extended range. The SACman would fire off it's missiles and hand off control to the next specialist GB. Somesort of fire control GB to direct indirect fire.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Wangfucius wrote:different ammo, a silencer,
Why a silencer? The different ammo could solve that issue. IRL they are experimenting with different shaped aircraft to reduce the sound of the sonic boom.
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Unread post by taalismn »

The Celestial
The Glitterboy known as the Celestial is noted for the patterns of raised stars and facted gem-like emblems on its chromed surface....and for its apparent ability to call fire from above with worshipful gestures...Several times the armor has been seen to approach massed enemy forces, solemnly clasp its hands together in prayer, then watch as a beam of intense light has speared out of the sky, vaporizing most, if not all, of the enemy forces...Usually, the armor is gone by the time the mayhem dies down, but sometimes it waits around to finish off the panicked survivors...

It is unknown what the nature of the attack is...Some claim the Celestial is using clever and powerful magic, or an indirect weapons attack(such as a flying weapons platform), and that it's all clever staging...Others claim the pilot has patron god at his beck and call, or perhaps an old command link to one of the ancient killer satellite weapons in orbit....Further confusing the issue are reports of the Celestial obliterating a horde of vampires in this manner(suggesting either a magic or a focused solar weapon), while other accounts refute the 'monster-killer magic beam."
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That was another awesome GB taalismn! I'd love to see these all stated out. hmmm.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:That was another awesome GB taalismn! I'd love to see these all stated out. hmmm.

Ain't got time...unfortunately, 'Chronos', my time-travelling Glitterboy, hit a spacial-temporal anomaly and is in the shop...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL Good one! I suppose its larger on the inside than on the outside.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:LOL Good one! I suppose its larger on the inside than on the outside.

Nope...that's one of the Glitterboys assigned to Britain....BBC-D-R-WHU
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

"Hammer" & "Anvil"
"Hammer" & "Anvil" are a pair of Glitter "Boys" who have aledgedly traveled together since the comming of the Rifts. The pair were origionally part of a US Military unit that was beseaged by Brodkil in the months after the great cataclism. Their pilots were known for their oposing temperments. "Hammer" was known to go on the offencive whenever possible while "Anvil" would prefer to attack from a dug in position. they quickly worked out tactics that alowed "Hammer' to drive targets to "Anvil". The Suits disapeared durring the dark ages of man. Only to turn up again durring the Federation Of Magic's seige od Chi-Town. After the seige broke and the CS took the fight to the federation, the suits vanished again.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a cool set of GBs Rockwolk!

Taalismn I just about fell off my chair when I read your response! I have to try and come up with some!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

and in one of the unwritten rules of Karma the "Hammer" always finds the "Anvil" whenever they get separated.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Rockwolf66 wrote:and in one of the unwritten rules of Karma the "Hammer" always finds the "Anvil" whenever they get separated.

Hmmm...suggests a high level spell(or curse) at work...something like "Linkage'?(need a better name for it...'Karmic Companion'?)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Rockwolf66 »

I'm not sure what you would call it.

I do know i have a "Hammer" Story in the works.

A CS Special forces LT. Finds "Hammer" and she has been told that it will lead to great bloodshed.
"Having met a few brits over here i wonder about them. The Military ones I met through my dad as a kid seem to be the most ruthless men on the planet..." -Steve Hobbs
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Unread post by taalismn »

The Cubist
This Glitterboy, if it really is one, has appeared on several occasions throughout the world, in regions of great struggle and turmoil...
The Cubist gets its name from the fact that it almost always appears at first as a silver metal cube, 4 ft to a side, that is either found in the middle of a wilderness or in a shipload of supplies of one of the belligerents....sometimes it is even picked up and brought into an enemy camp....It appears to have no opennings, no seams, and appears solid...but if strung with an energy weapon or attack, the cube unfolds instantly into a battle-ready Glitterboy that proceeds to lay waste to its attacker/abuser, and anything else in its way, shooting its way out of the encampment(often detouring to take out the most important-looking part of the camp...like the CO's tent, vehicle garage, powerplant, etc..) before retreating into the wilderness...
Some believe Cubist to not be a Glitterboy at all, but some sort of alien lifeform masquerading as one...or a pre-Rifts nanotech Artificial Intelligence that mimicks a Glitterboy...nobody knows for certain...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a good one that could have ties to the RCC one in the dimensional area of the forum.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Got some ideas on that, but I'm debating if I want to tie those sorts of capabilities to a race I've got in mind without spoiling their basic concept......
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'd love to see specs on that race! :D Not that I"d play it. But it would be fun to have to play on players.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

(based on C.N. Constantin’s “Action Golem’ in Rifter #21)
This is arguably the smallest Glitterboy ever constructed, standing at a mere twelve inches, though some would debate if it really IS a Glitterboy technically, but rather an automaton of some sort, but the rumor that the construct is invested with the life spark of a living being would swing it back in the sentiments of many to being a ‘proper’ Glitterboy.
The story behind Wind-Up is that it is the result of a brotherly bond. Two brothers grew up in the Magic Zone, one, the older of the two, inherited the family’s gift of magic and rose to become a powerful sorceror, while the youngest had NO talent for magic and seemed doomed for a life of mundanity amongst the magic-user community. However, the two brothers were very close, despite the favor showered upon the eldest. When the younger brother sought out training from a local retired Heritage Glitterboy pilot, and in time acquired the old man’s approval and his famed power armor, the older brother was first to cheer on his sibling’s choice of a heroic profession and the proof of his determination to do great things. In fact, the older brother, trapped within the strictures of the family discipline of magic, envied the younger brother his freedom and the adventurous nature of the GB warriors. Knowing this, the younger sib kept in touch, sending his brother vivid accounts of his adventures as a Glitterboy warrior, sharing his incredible experiences with his mage-elder.
Years later, however, the younger brother would fall, cut to pieces by a magic-using foe(ironically one of the family’s arch-rivals)...The news of his beloved sibling’s death hit the older brother particularly hard...Though grown powerful as a mage, the oldest could do little to seek redress from his brother’s killers....For all his power and skill, the mage was terminally illl from an illness even his magicks could not cure. If he wanted revenge, he would have to seek another way, other than direct confrontation.
Because he and his brother were the remaining heirs of the family fortunes, and neither had any children, the ailing mage drew heavily on the family estate, called in all his old favors, and engaged the services of several other mages, including a Ludicrous Mage and a Techno-Wizard. After a month-long seclusion, battling his illness, the mage died, after the summer solstice. His rivals rejoiced in the protracted suffering and passing of their enemy.
A few weeks later, an orc minion of the arch-rival mage brought back some varied loot from hitting up local villages for tribute. Among the trophies was a number of pewter statuettes, including a small, incredibly-detailed model of a Glitterboy armor. The tribute was duly put into a back room of the arch-mage’s fortified manison to be sorted and sold later.
Less than a week later, the arch-mage and his accomplices were found dead in their beds, either shot at close range or their throats slit. Only an insomniac housekeeper saw the assassin...a foot-tall miniature Glitterboy with a vibroblade in one hand and a silenced heavy pistol slung over its back. The tiny figure escaped into the night.
Ever since, reports have surfaced of a tiny Glitterboy being involved in various paramilitary actions across North America...It would apparently be a very true model of a Glitterboy, judging from the experience of one bandit who tried vaporizing the homicidal toy with his laser pistol, only to discover its chromed armor deflected the blast. The tiny titan earned the name Wind-Up from one skeptical mage who, told that he had been targetted by the HO-scaled power armor, derisively scoffed at the threat of a ‘wind-up assassin’...he was almost immediately shot dead through the eye with a silenced ramjet round....
Those familiar with magic and its workings believe that the late mage poured his life’s energy into the creation of his posthumous revenge for himself and his brother, sacrificing himself to bring the terror-toy alive, and transferring a part of his life essence into it. Those who knew the late mage suspect that even now the mage’s spirit is reveling in the freedom of his new form, going out into the world and having the sort of adventures denied him as a mage, and continuing, in unique fashion, his brother’s career as a Glitterboy pilot.
Wind-Up stands about 12 inches tall, has 36 MDC, a cladding of laser-reflective chrome(lasers do HALF damage), IQ 12, P.S. of 12, P.P. 18, Speed of 18(some stats boosted), is impervious to poisons and fatigue, doesn’t need to breath, and is considered a Lesser Supernatural Being. The armor has 3 attacks per melee, can Climb at 60%, Prowl at 80%, and has W.P. Handguns, Energy Pistol, and Knife. Alignment is considered to be Anarchist.
Wind-Up possesses a PPE reserve of 35 points, and a limited spell-casting ability(at 8th level profficiency); Impervious to Energy, Globe of Silence, Shadow Meld, and Escape.
Wind-Up also possesses the special ability of Restoration(regenerates from zero MDC in one week). It also possesses a modified ‘breath weapon’.....It can fire mini laser bolts from its forearm(these have a 159 ft range, do 1d6 MD, and are +1 to strike).
Wind-up carries a modified 9mm Mini-Uzi(with 20 rd magazine)slung over its back, with a snap-on silencer(reduces range to 250 ft, but reduces the noise to a mere muffled coughing) slung on its back...though it has also been seen toting a Wellington Industries MP-10 Caseless Pistol from time to time. Wind-Up has been known to use Ramjet, silver, and explosive loads for its shoulder gun. It also carries a Naruni silver-plated Ripper Vibro-dagger(1d6+1 MD). It also has a mini-grappler and line device in one forearm(25 ft range, but the cord can only hold 7 lbs).
Scant other details of the particulars of Wind-Up exist.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is one cool design! The story is cool as heck and makes you think about how the elder brother could have felt for his younger brother's death.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Thanks.....small heavy metal statuettes make great bludgeons too.... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is very true. Although I don't have many small statues around here! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:That is very true. Although I don't have many small statues around here! :D

If any of them start moving...run...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by taalismn »

The Chessmen
(based on an idea by MrMom)

The two Glitterbopys known as the Chessmen, and also variously as 'ebony and Ivory', 'Kane and Abel', and 'Hatfield and McCoy', are two legendary Glitterboys that seem bound by a common thread of karmic fate....Though otherwise much-patched up original model Glitterboy armors with a few small difefrences(15% more overall armor for instance), a grayish-black tinge to one's armor and a sligtly gold-yellow tinge to the other, both armors are linled by a curse; they stand in eternal opposition to each other. No matter who pilots the armors or where they go, the other armor is sure to appear withing a week, by some happenstance, and every battle one takes part in, there's a 20% chance the other armor will appear within 3d6 melees, usually on the other side, and immediately start attack the other GLitterboy...In fact, even if BOTH armors are in the same group or serving with the same side, the pilots must make a Save versus Psionic Attack or find themselvesfiring on the other GLitterboy, which will prompt an immediate response, even if only in self-defense. The pilots may make an additional attempt top save (-2) to wrest control back from the rising feelings of anger and rage they find themselves feeling, and break offf combat, but any such reprieve is likely to be a short one....the curse will eventually bring the two armors back together.
Another aspect of the curse seems to be that some circumstance will always prevent the armors from totally destroying each other...something will occur that will allow one to escape, or the tides of battle will separate the two and prevent either from landing the killing blow.
Needless to say, the Chessmen have had numerous pilots over the centuries, most of whom have ditched the armors once they learned of the curse(though in several cases, they've left to continue and settle the grudge with the other's pilot by more conventional means), Numerous attempts have been made to exorcise the curse, and evenm to simply bury the armors as too dangerous to keep active(but, again, somehow, the two keep falling into hands of eager, and typically unknowing, new pilots). Some mages have wondered if the only way to finally lay the curse to rest is to get the two armors in circumstances that prevent any other interference with the fight and let two willing pilots have it out until both armors are destroyed.
THe exact origins of the Chessmen are unknown, but the most popular tale/theory is that both GBs originally belonged to the same NEMA unit, pre-Rifts, and that the two original pilots had a falling out with each other over a woman on the eve of the Coming of the Rifts...Mustered to duty whith their personal differences still festering, the stress and strain of nonstop battling demonic forces at the world's end finally got to them and they, fully armored up, turned on each other...and the surging magical currents of Rifts Earth forever 'froze' the two combatants' feud in the metal of their suits....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That was an especially good one! Very sad in the tale of two former comrades in arms who cursed themselves and the very armors they were wearing in their final conflict. :-(
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

MrMom gave me the basic concept of opposed Glitterboys, and I ran with it...Finding a plot workable mechanism was the difficult part...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by T-Willard »

Found at Chi-Town, there is one Glitter Boy, heavily damaged, with the NEMA logo still intact on it, as well as the rank ID of Major on it and the old NorAm Armored Cavalry Regiment of 11 ACR sigil on one forearm.

While those not in the know of CS history may find it startling that this armor is prominently displayed in the CS History Museum, this armor is a link to the past, and "proves" that the Prosek Family should lead the CS.

Vid Screens show this armor taking part in battles against monstrous creatures, shows fires burning in ancient cities, but one monitor continually shows a single image.

A CNN News report still, of a strong featured man, his body covered in sweat, facing the camera with piercing eyes. The man is identified on the bottom of the screen as "Speaker of the House Louis Prosek (T-IL)" at the Battle of Chicagoland.

That's right. The ancestor of the Prosek Family was a Technocrat representative for the state of Illinios, who had retired from the military to enter a career in politics. During the Cataclysm he set aside his political rank, returning to his old rank of Major and joining back up with the military, fighting within the very Glitter Boy sitting within the roped off area.

The Glitter Boy has had it's reactor removed, as well as the magnetic accelleration coils removed from the weapon, making it a showpiece. It's the actual glitter boy that Major Prosek used.

The GB contains an abundant amount of PPE, from fighting within the "Blue Zones", as well as the fact that Major Prosek was once hit by an erupting "Blue Line" as it blasted through a city.

Twice the Federation of Magic has tried to steal/blow up this suit, desiring to destroy or steal this link to the CS's past.
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Unread post by tundro »

ApocalypseZero wrote:Another option, but could get messy. 1000 Rounds of Boom Gun ammo to enchant, and then load so that you can choose which round fires. Possible, but I'd think the Ammo Drum would need re-worked. Which, would fit perfectly for the Insect idea, making the Carapace a new Ammo Drum.

After that, you would have to look up Arrowheads for specific Round Enchantments. Of course, does there need to be Paralsyis: Lesser (or other spell) after a 3D6x10 M.D. hit? Might sound good, but be a little redundant. Now, a Boom Gun shooting Magic Net Rounds so close in targets can capture and secure. Interesting.....I think New Lazlo has a new tool.

Kind of like Outlaw Star caster rounds?
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is an interesting story about the one which links the Prosek's to the past. I've never actually considered their legitimacy to where they sit at this time. Maybe you have filled in a piece of Rifts history.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Excellent, T-Willard!
Great concept; humble, down-to-Earth, but intriguing and well-in-keeping with the Glitterboy concept of ancient lines of techno-champions....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Hellfighter is a legendary suit of NEMA-era FR-EX 220 Fire & Rescue Enhanced Body Armor---the suit of choice of the Northern Eagle Military Alliance’s heroic Fire & Rescue ‘Roscoe’ corps. The story holds that that this particular suit was the first FR-EX 220 handed out to a municipal, rather than a military or FEMA, fire department...specifically the reconstituted Manhattan Engine Companies of the New York City Fire Department. The incredible new fire-fighting armor served with distinction in the NYCFD, and an urban legend quickly grew that whoever wore the armor never came to grief in the line of duty, and never lost a life on a call...
The armor, and everyone associated with it, were tragically lost when the Coming of the Rifts swept over the Big Apple in 2098, but supposedly the armor was unearthed far beneath Mad Haven centuries later by the mutant denizens of the ruined city. The NEMA-era armor, since the mutants could not or would not wear any sort of power armor, was passed from tribe to tribe, regarded with curiosity by the mechanically-minded or with something akin to worship by those who associated it with their city’s distant past, and the heroic reputation of those who wore it. How the suit eventually made it to the surface and out of the city is also unknown; it may have been stolen, accidentally sold, or perhaps moved magically by a sense of greater destiny...those who have come in contact with it often suspect the latter. A more detailed tale that is often associated with the armor is that the suit was found in the ruins of a mutant warren by one of the few successful treasure-hunting expeditions into Mad Haven...successful in that somebody survived. The man who first donned the ancient firefighting suit was the only survivor of his team, managing to retain his sanity and walk out of the city.
Since then, ‘Hellfighter’ has appeared in several communities across North America, almost always appearing at scenes of disaster,typically fires, to render assistance. The suit appears to have been somehow ‘endowed’ magically while buried under the magically-saturated ruins. The armor has acquired some truly impressive magical properties, and also seems to act like a rune weapon, with a predilection for firefighting. Several communities in North America (including Lazlo and Ishpemig) have put out fliers offering a reward for the armor and/or a large bonus to the current wearer of the armor to sign up with their municipal fire departments.

*It only allows beings of Good alignment and/or selfless attitude to don it.

*Wearing the ancient armor fills the wearer with a sense of supreme confidence, courage, and also great responsibility. The wearer will be IMMUNE to Horror Factor. However, if the wearer sees or knows innocent people are in danger, they must make a save versus Psionic Attack(no bonuses against this), once per melee, to stop themselves from rushing to the scene to render assistance. It will only relinquish its grip/attack on the wearer’s conscience once the crisis is over.

*Hellfighter is completely IMMUNE to fire damage....house fire? Don’t make me laugh! Plasma torch? Ew, that tickles! Magic fire? Hey, look at the pretty colors! In fact, magic fire actually REPAIRS Hellfighter(see below)! The wearer of Hellfighter need never fear fire while in this suit!

*Supernatural Strength---When in a hot situation(and by hot, we mean fire...a large blaze within 100 ft), Hellfighter’s enhanced PS becomes Supernatural Physical Strength! Out of range or after the fire has gone out, PS reverts to its normal levels.

*Enhanced Senses---In addition to its normal complement of thermo-optical sensors and other standard gear, the Hellfighter can now See Auras without cost, up to 100 ft away.

*Spell Casting---The wearer can cast the following spells, four times each per 24 hours(additional castings will require expenditure of PPE):
-Levitation(5 PPE)----Can loft self and up to 320 lbs for 18 minutes; maximum altitude of 180 ft.
-Extinguish Flames(8 PPE)---120 ft area, up to 180 ft away, and lasting 12 minutes.
-Part Flames(8 PPE)---120 ft long path, 3-12 ft wide, lasting about 18 minutes.
-Fire Sponge(50 PPE)---Affects a 300 ft diameter area, and duration of other properties lasts 6 minutes
-Water Blast (20 PPE)---Can create a stream of water from the hand/forearm, lasting about 6 melees, moving at a rate of 50 gallons per melee, range of about 100 ft. Used as a weapon, it does 2d6 SDC at 50 ft or less, 60% chance of knocking human-sized beings off their feet at ranges of 50 ft or less, does 3d6x10 HP to vampires.
-Heal Burns(15 PPE)---Can heal burns(2d6 SDC and 2d6 HP) per touch or gesture.

*The armor is complete with firefighting axe---indeed, should the wearer drop the axe, the tool will magically fly back to the firefighter’s hand, no matter the distance.

*Thermal Recharge System---Heat is just another form of energy, right? Then why not use it? That’s the premise of the Thermal Recharge System, which uses a combination of room temperature superconductors and heatsinks to wick heat off the surface of the Hellfighter’s armor, and convert it into usable PPE power, held in special ‘crystal batteries’. In general, the hotter and more energetic the flame, the more power that can be quickly generated, so the bigger the fire, the more efficient the Hellfighter can be in fighting it!
In general, the following guidelines apply.
Relative Temperature of Combustion:
400-600 degrees(paper, wood kindling) Recharges at 1 PPE per 30 minutes of exposure
1,000 degrees(typical house fire)Recharges at 1 PPE charge per 10 minutes of exposure
(jet fuel)Recharges at 1 PPE per minute of exposure
(Plasma/Megadamage Fire )Recharges at 1d4 PPE per 15 seconds(1 melee) of exposure

*Thermal Regeneration---If exposed to magic flames, Hellfighter actually repairs itself at a rate equal to the damage done by the magic flame/heat...This can be quite impressive if the damaged suit is dropped in a pool of lava, to have its surface armor seemingly melt and run, only to reform, stronger than ever!
Note that the armor will only regenerate up to its maximum MDC; any left over MD will be absorbed as PPE at a conversion rate of 1 MD=10 PPE

Rumors persist that ‘Hellfighter’ was but one of several suits found in the ruins of a firefighting post, and that several more of the suits found with it are similarly ‘endowed’. This is partially true....the Mad Haven mutants have found them but have squirreled them away in their tunnels...all except three, one of which they have given to the Knights of the Rose, and the other two which were lost to a dimensional rift while being moved to another warren.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Sweet suit! Its an appropriate day to post this too! Very cool Taalismn!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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(Note this particular 'legendary' Glitter boy exists on the premise of Rifter 27's Chaos Earth:Britain background by Alex Tulloch)

Records of USA-G10 unit 94T3-K33-PR can be found deep within ARCHIE's databanks under the files of unit deployment backups, though while any would be interested in the location of an over 300 year old suit of power armor remains to be seen.

94T3 was a suit dispatched to Britain to be used in a pilot test and research programme, originally slated to be included in the DI9's psionic modification research, the special forces executive rerouted the armor to the military base being constructed at the Aberdeen Arcology, together with its support crew so basic diagnostic and repair analysis could be enacted. Also a deal had been worked out so that the assigned pilot and copilot could train some British pilots in the operation of the suits as for the near future it seemed likely that Britain would be relying on USA created machines to provide robot support in military engagements, at least until their agreement with Triax (who had only just started to build their plant in scotland) could be finalised.

When the Rifts erupted 94T3 was still at the Aberdeen Arcology, used mainly for drills with the handful of Pilots trained in its use, within days, the city was besieged by hordes of frightened civilians desperate to escape the madness outside. The Arcology however could not support the vast tides of hungry people for any length of time and refused them entry. 94T3 was placed at the main gateway, and thus gained it's unofficial (and infamous) name - Gatekeeper.

On December 31 2098, the starving mob tries to charge the gates of the Arcology,GB Pilot 2nd Lt John Campbell, one of the few British power armored pilots, is ordered to repulse entry and does so by opening fire into the mass mob. The first time 94T3 fires in anger, it's target is scared and desperate folk hoping for relief. The Boom gun kills over 300 before the crowd retreats in panic. From that moment on, throughout Scotland , the Glitterboy is not seen as a hero of the people, but a callous and spiteful bringer of pain and misery.

As the winter continues, Gatekeeper remains on station to deter any other forced intrusion of the complex and unfortunately the Attack of the 31st is not the last attempt made on the Arcology. Aberdeen's theorists estimate that Gatekeeper's boom gun is responsible for the deaths of over 1000 british non-combatant civilians, before it has to deal with a single supernatural menace or hostile Alien lifeform, before the last crowds give up and leave, or die from exposure to the bitter winter.

For the next few years 94T3 is the lynchpin of Aberdeen Arcology's defense, patrolling the surrounding area and defending its offsite wind farms from aggressors and spiteful refugees. Even at this stage, Lt Campbell and the other pilots note a strange and alarming trait in some of its systems. The suit seems to automatically arm itself and target any human individual whom it comes into contact with, whether the pilot considers them a threat or not. The sensors seem to become more acute and pick up and seem to scrutinise even the most innocuous of movements when 'it' encounters someoneunknown. As one of the pilots remarked (during a regular therapy session) "It just seems jumpy, y'know, like it wants to start something", although repeated (at the various pilots requests) analysis showed the systems to be working optimally.

When the Arcology falls, it is unclear exactly what happens to the Glitter boy suit, although the sound of its Boom gun can be heard for days in the nearby areas. Salvagers and scavangers, combing the area days and weeks later find no trace of the armour, but many human bodies, partially exploded from short-range flechette impacts are discovered around the site. The appearance of Fomorri in the area curtails further exploration.

Over the intervening two and a half centuries, as the Fomorri increase and the Clans begin their resistance, the Gatekeeper has reappeared infrequently in Scotland, not infrequently enough as far as the clans are concerned. Gatekeeper seems to appear to attempt to thwart the aims of the resistance fighters. Sometimes randomly, more often by ambush, the Gatekeeper exacts its toll on the free humans who oppose the Fomorian invaders. Most often it will appear at an objective that the clans have secretly decided on, and simply deny it to them. Without heavy support, there is often very little the clans can do about it although it is never camouflaged and appears simply to be waiting for those brave and foolhardy enough to challenge it. It never attacks Fomorri, though it has defended itself when attacked by them and shows no quarter, Its malice appears to be directed at humans primarily although it doesn't appear to be aligned with anybody. The one advantage being that as soon as it makes its first attack, then all other people in the area are aware of it, Standard clan doctrine is to retreat when the sonic boom is heard as almost all of the small resistance fighter units cannot hope to match it for range, power or endurance.

Appearance: A battered and obviously old USA-G10 Chromium Guardsman suit, its lower body heavily Splattered with mud and its claw like hands crusted with dry blood which puffs off as it moves. It has never been known to use its loudspeaker but has been known to communicate with simple gestures or sign language. Its reactions appear blindingly fast, almost on par with some juicers. As for weaponry, it mounts the standard Boom gun, although more recently (over the last 2-3 decades) it has also had a giant twisted scythe mounted on its back, whose blade is midnight black and stave may well be made from corrupted millenium wood. It is thought that this may have been a reward from some dark power, or perhaps a trophy from one of the giant formorians. Some have said that if you look at the body, rather than seeing yourself reflected, you see only your skeleton. The Pilot (if indeed there is one...) is unknown, as is the one responsible for providing ammunition and maintaining its power supply (both of which should have run out centuries ago...)
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Unread post by taalismn »

Two EXCELLENT additions to the 'Boomer' Hall of Legends... :D
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Aramanthus wrote:Sweet suit! Its an appropriate day to post this too! Very cool Taalismn!

Thanks...The NEMA 'Roscoes' IMHO epitomize the civilian workaday heroes in the fire departments...I couldn't see their armors being anything other than symbols of heroism, and had more of them survived the Coming of the Rifts, they might have become as much icons of perseverence as the Glitterboys/Chromium Guardsmen...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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How about a GB with a giant Plasma cannon instead of a rail gun?
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Kryzbyn »

Friend of mine ran with the legendary GB story...
He drew it up all purdy..looked like a mix between a GB, and Grey Knight terminator armor from 40k.
The suit had been around since just before the cataclysm, and used vs all manner of being in the time since. it had been blessed by priests, runed-up by mages, and modified by a few fixers over it's life time.
It's name was Uziel, and where there wasn't a writ, or rune etched it was a very glossy black.
I'm gonna try to find the pic...it was awesome :P

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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by MrMom »

How about a GB called Dragonkiller. The GB always seems to score a critial hit against dragons when they are in there natural form.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Juankis wrote:Here is an idea for a possible Rifter article I'm thinking, but I want to see first if something like this has been covered before.

Glitter Boys have a rich and colorful history in the Rifts Earth, with some suit having served humanity for over 300 years, supposedly they have hundreds of related legends, yet they are mostly all the same.
I believe that over the years, more than one particular suit, would have risen above and beyond all others, with distinguishing heraldry and modifications performed by the stream of heroes who owned in turn each of the suits of power armor.
I plan on writing the article on around 4-6 unique suits of GB power armor, with some related story/legends associated with the suit, any distinguishing features and quirks the armor may have developed over the centuries, add an awe/horror factor to such legendary suits, as well as possible adventure ideas/hooks.

So, any opinions?, comments? threats? etc.

I absolutly love this idea .. I've played it out before in campagns .. 2 suits (GB's) were handed down in a family of mine for 280+ years they were KNOWN threw out N.A. an when they entered battles it was not just the payload of the Boom Gun they brought with them but the fact that they were some of THEE ORIGINAL GB's out there an that they are Legends .. Them out on the field of battle alone with out doing a single thing would bring massive amounts of moral for thier sides as well as even turning the tides of war with thier own allies they built up threw the years .. Not Merc leaders persay but very close to it .. enough so that they had a relativly huge amount of people with which they could draw from in times they needed some allies ..
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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Of course, in magic-saturated Rifts Earth, anything that's been around that long can likely acquire more than simple rheotorical or reputation magic.... :D
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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How about a GB called Captain Blood. It could be painted blood red and it gets bounses to its reflexs and speed.
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Jesterzzn »

If anyone is interested I still have rules and some fluff I wrote about this very subject. It's probably about fifteen years old, so it might not mesh with the current timeline, but if you want to look it over drop me a PM.
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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Jesterzzn wrote:If anyone is interested I still have rules and some fluff I wrote about this very subject. It's probably about fifteen years old, so it might not mesh with the current timeline, but if you want to look it over drop me a PM.

Oh heck...I'm game for any additional material...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Same here! I'm always interested in others material! I'll PM him for that info!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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Jesterzzn wrote:If anyone is interested I still have rules and some fluff I wrote about this very subject. It's probably about fifteen years old, so it might not mesh with the current timeline, but if you want to look it over drop me a PM.

Actually I am wondering if you'd completed the 'Psychic Connection Charts' mentioned in the article..kinda like to have those too...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

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taalismn wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:If anyone is interested I still have rules and some fluff I wrote about this very subject. It's probably about fifteen years old, so it might not mesh with the current timeline, but if you want to look it over drop me a PM.

Actually I am wondering if you'd completed the 'Psychic Connection Charts' mentioned in the article..kinda like to have those too...
Yes, I had them almost complete. My brother emailed me this morning and said he had them on an old backup. He's going to send them tonight, and I'll PM those that inquired.
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Sounds very interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing them :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by taalismn »

Jesterzzn wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:If anyone is interested I still have rules and some fluff I wrote about this very subject. It's probably about fifteen years old, so it might not mesh with the current timeline, but if you want to look it over drop me a PM.

Actually I am wondering if you'd completed the 'Psychic Connection Charts' mentioned in the article..kinda like to have those too...
Yes, I had them almost complete. My brother emailed me this morning and said he had them on an old backup. He's going to send them tonight, and I'll PM those that inquired.

Excellent...always back up your old stuff...you never know when it might come in handy... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Aramanthus »

A Glitterboy turned into a "Rune statue? That sound extremely nasty! Can it still fire it's boom gun? What other differences does it have? The ones you notice that is.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL! That is a nasty sounding GB! And the weapons it's equiped with make it sound pretty reasonable.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by taalismn »

Ouch...that's armoring up extreme.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Unread post by Captain Shiva »

The Black Death: I have been kicking this idea around for a while; I hope no one else has posted a similar concept. This is not one of the shiny Glitter Boys; as the name implies, this has a sort of black chrome nonreflective finish that not only takes half damage from lasers, but provides stealth capability as well. All forms of electronic targeting and detection suffer 25% penalty or -5 to a d20 roll as applicable. The basic frame of the suit is a copy of the Triax Glitter Boy, but with the usual CS skull motif. The forearms each carry a FIWS, with the additional feature of two additional minimissile launchers mounted on the arm plates. A Napalm P flamethrower has been added to the left shoulder by the pilot, who was, up until recently, a PSI-Tech serving in PSI-Battalion. His loyalty was the reason he was entrusted with this experimental suit of power armor, but in misplaced patriotic zeal. He added unauthorized PSI-implants to further increase his power. They worked, but they caused him to go rogue and steal the suit. He felt that it was his mission to cleanse the earth of nonhuman intelligent life, which he felt included CS mutant animals and other psychics. He is wanted by the CS, and other major powers for acts of terrorism too numerous to list here. ARCHIE-3 has taken a special interest in him, providing him with clandestine assistance in hope of acquiring the suit later for possible duplication. ARCHIE-3 is probably capable of recreating the unique alloy of which it is composed, which was found in a perviously unexplored section of the Lone Star complex.
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