New Achilles Heel

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14. Achilles Heel: Body of poison (Japanese Myth made famous by anime)
The character’s body is poisonous to the touch. Although it has the up side of making the character immune to poisons it has major down side any skin to skin contact or contact with the characters bodily fluids has a large chance of poisoning and killing the individual. Anyone touching the character’s flesh or body fluids must save VS poison of 17 if the save is successful the victim is sick and groggy for 1D4 minutes, they suffer ½ attacks per melee round,-8 to initiative, -6 to strike, parry and dodge -50% on all skill requiring meticulous actions or deep concentration, but those who fail the save take 1D6X10 HP of damage if the live they take 5D6 more damage every minute for the next 3D6 minutes (15-540 more damage)and suffer all the effects of saving for 24 hours, those how are fully poisoned (fail save) who live throw the effects are +4 to save the next time.Although most advantage out way the flaw, this flaw will over time drive down ones alignment (gm desecration) and cause insanities roll save once per year or anytime the character kills someone close to them.
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15. Achilles Heel: Backlash
The heel must be tided to and APS, CEF. ME or energy expulsion type power
When ever the character use a ranged super power he is hit with a backlash of energy, the character takes 10% of the damage he did to the opponent the only time this does happen is if the roll a natural 20 how ever if he rolls a natural 1 he takes double the damage he would have done. The backlash is caused by an unknown force or flaw with in the character and most likely will cause the character to only use the ranged power as a last ditch effort.

16. Achilles Heel: Healing curse (Egyptian myth)
Other then the characters own natural healing abilities and other attempted healing will cause damage to him, like spells, psionics, super abilities even deific healing, the amount the healing would have done is converted to damage, even medical help like pain killers and surgery will not help (but wont truly hinder) and the body will reject and type of bionic or organic alterations.
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Achilles Heel: Driven
If the character does not do something "heroic" once a month (if not more often), then the character will enter into a deep depression and all skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc. are reduced by 25%

If they are unable to do something "heroic" for two months, then they will become excessively whiny, depressed, un-motivated (and possibly suicidal). All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 50%.

It the character is unable to do something "heroic" for a year, they will kill themselves as being unworthy. This will be seen by those who know the character as a permanent respite from the dead character since they had to listen to the whining, the *****, the self pity party moaning of the character for an entire year.

Achilles Heel: Insecure
If the character fails critical roll/attack/mission, the character will be wracked by feelings of intense insecurity and begin to act like a whiny self-centered baby. All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 25%.

If the character fails to "atone" for their failure by making a dramatic comeback (success at a critical roll, attack or mission) within four months, they will drop even deeper into the "I'm worthless and should be killed" mindset. All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 50% of their original values.

If the character fails two critical rolls/attacks/missions in a row OR fails to atone via dramatic comeback with one year will kill themselves.

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slade the sniper wrote:Achilles Heel: Driven
If the character does not do something "heroic" once a month (if not more often), then the character will enter into a deep depression and all skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc. are reduced by 25%

If they are unable to do something "heroic" for two months, then they will become excessively whiny, depressed, un-motivated (and possibly suicidal). All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 50%.

It the character is unable to do something "heroic" for a year, they will kill themselves as being unworthy. This will be seen by those who know the character as a permanent respite from the dead character since they had to listen to the whining, the *****, the self pity party moaning of the character for an entire year.

Achilles Heel: Insecure
If the character fails critical roll/attack/mission, the character will be wracked by feelings of intense insecurity and begin to act like a whiny self-centered baby. All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 25%.

If the character fails to "atone" for their failure by making a dramatic comeback (success at a critical roll, attack or mission) within four months, they will drop even deeper into the "I'm worthless and should be killed" mindset. All skills, abilities, SDC/HP, damage, etc are reduced by 50% of their original values.

If the character fails two critical rolls/attacks/missions in a row OR fails to atone via dramatic comeback with one year will kill themselves.


nice STS but I would change Driven's time from months to weeks
and I don't think an Insecure hero should kill them selves after a year maybe lose power 100% of weeks on end but not die

Just my thoughts
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Looking at it, I can see your point...feel free to mod them as you wish, but I didn't want to make the Driven guy THAT whacked out, but then I did make the Insecure flaw kill himself after a few months.

Eh, I guess I really don't have any knowledge of how human beings are supposed to act...I will go with your mods in my games.

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slade the sniper wrote:Looking at it, I can see your point...feel free to mod them as you wish, but I didn't want to make the Driven guy THAT whacked out, but then I did make the Insecure flaw kill himself after a few months.

Eh, I guess I really don't have any knowledge of how human beings are supposed to act...I will go with your mods in my games.

so your not Human :D :lol: no the flaws are almost harder to write then powers just keep at it. your doing fine also thats why i steal mine from Myths :demon:
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Achilles Heel: Free Spirit
Some people are psychologically different, this is especially true of those who gain their powers from divine, infernal and spiritual sources (specifically Shamans).

Freedom, for the purposes of this post is defined as :
The capacity to exercise choice; free will

When a Free Spirit loses thier freedom (or feels they have lost it such as a dead end job, being imprisoned, etc)...they will slowly begin a psychological descent to a feral state.

For up to a month, the character will suffer a moderate penalty -5% to all skills as they try to "adjust" to the feeling of confinement and the subsequent anger that accompanies it.

For the next month, the character will begin slipping in alignment towards evil as their minds begin to come up with any method available to escape. This month, they will also suffer a -10% penalty on all skills and abilities as well as a -2 to all attributes but for escape attempts only, they will gain a +10% to all skills and abilities and a +1 to all physical attributes.

This process will continue for months until approximately ten months have passed by which time they will have devolved mentally to that of a caged animal, hiding and wary of everything in it's cage, the alignment of the character is now diabolic (if a wolf will chew it's leg off to escape a trap after a day or two, think what level a wolf shaman will go to if caged for two months) although upon regaining their freedom, it will revert back to it's original alignment, although they will have some remaining mental issues.

Likewise they will physically be wasted, losing up to 50% of their mass from lack of eating (even if food was available) and depression.

Please note that although the example is given for physical imprisonment, the same effects will occur if the character "feels" that their freedom has been curtailed, such as having a day job, having excessive self imposed commitments, or anything that the "character" feels limits their freedom.

Due to the difficulty that Free Spirits experience with living a regimented life or one that fits into a schedule as is often the case in Western Industrialized society or a Communisit society, others will often have a very poor opinion of them, seeing them as shiftless or not willing to engage in difficult work.

For this reason Free Spirits will often have other issues, but the primary cause of their difficulties is their inherently Free Spirit.

Any feedback on this one? Seems a bit...lacking.

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nice sts
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18. Achilles Heel: Esper
The character is a esper, the power is a kin to magic’s or psionics but takes a total different form, the character transforms from there normal physical appearance and stature, this chance can be heroic or demonic in nature, ether way the character has an Awe/horror factor of 8 (12 during the transformation), the transformation takes 15 seconds (one melee) the character can not stop the transformation and cannot interact with the world around them, the character can also not be harmed during the transformation, now the flaw part the character has no powers and only average stats in their human form, and the character can only maintain the Esper form for 15 minutes + 1 minute per level of experience per 24 hours in that form the character has all their powers and enhanced attributes. The character rolls attributes as normal for the esper form but has only 10 in the human form and is truly normal.
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Esper is really nice. I have an optional power category I have been working on called Representative where one of the options is to have the power transform the hero suddenly and unexpectedly and it is magical in nature, as the hero is the representative of a greater force. I will post it in the New Powers section soon, but this Espers flaw is kinda similar.
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Re: New Achilles Heel

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duck-foot wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:how does this look

1.Weak Spot:

2. Hair of Samson:

so how do they look


i liked them
you only like two I'm crushed :D
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:for the up coming Armageddon Unlimited. myth flaw number 4 (Japanese myth's)

Achilles heel: Supernatural magnet
The character attracts all supernatural creatures of the opposing alignments within a radius, Ghosts, Devils, Dyvals, Dragons, Godling’s, most immortals etc. These creatures will have an overwhelming urge to seek out this character and possibly destroy it, or just cause a great amount of problems for the character (being harassed by a selfish ghost etc).
The supernatural creature can sense the Mega hero within a range of 5 miles + 1 mile every time the Mega goes up a level however this range is doubled when the Hero is fighting for extended periods of time or if his life is threatened (less then 50% HP)

Opposing alignments means good attracts both selfish and evil, selfish attracts both good and evil and evil good and selfish.

But these supernatural opponents don't do any extra or special damage to him?

I figured always being able to find him, could track him for miles and if he's hurt it being like blood in the water would be more then efficient, but I could see the supernaturals doing more damage but it kinda depends on how strong they make them in the new book.... I'd go with +2D6 on all damage roll by supernatural if you wish to do so.. thats for your input Mephisto

ok after getting hades the supernatural creatures do double damage
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19. Achilles heel: Mega Migraines
Migraine is a neurological disorder. Usually migraine causes episodes of severe or moderate headache (which is often one-sided and pulsating) lasting between several hours to three days, accompanied by gastrointestinal upsets, such as nausea and vomiting, and a heightened sensitivity to bright lights (photophobia) and noise (photophobia). Approximately one third of people who experience migraine get a preceding aura.[4] The word migraine is French in origin and comes from the Greek hemicranias, as does the Old English term megrim. Literally, hemicranias means "half (the) head".

The character suffers from migraines when ever his powers are active, powers like invulnerability that are always on mean the character always suffers from them.
Rol1 % every day to see what level they will active at that day.
1-50 %: Not to bad -2% on all skills and -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, dodge and reduced speed by 10%.
51-70 %: Starting to get bad -5% on all skills and -2 initiative, -2 strike, parry, dodge and reduced speed by 20%.
71-80 %: Disabling -10% on all skills and -5 initiative, -2 actions, -4 strike, parry, dodge and reduced speed by 40%.
81-90 %: Immobilizing -20% on all skills and -8 initiative, - 4 actions or ½ tale the lower, -7 strike, parry, dodge and reduced speed by 80%.
91-100 %: Catatonic -40% on all skills and no initiative, only 1 action every 2 melee rounds, -10 strike, parry, dodge and reduced speed by 95%.

All penalties are doubled when the character is exposed to loud noises and/or bright lights.
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My Wife (Doctor Jade Washu) can testify that this Achilles Heel is a definite show stopper for an adventurous lifestyle.

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slade the sniper wrote:My Wife (Doctor Jade Washu) can testify that this Achilles Heel is a definite show stopper for an adventurous lifestyle.

I know it hits lots of people, and I like to make my cheracters vary human and down to earth
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duck-foot wrote:why is this topic not stickied?
thanks for the vote ducky
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20. Achilles heel: Wheel of the seasons
By some unforeseen force the characters mind set and abilities are tided to the four seasons.
Spring time of growth and rebirth- all wilderness skills, medical skills, healing powers (does not included the characters own ability to heal) and non-combat parts of APS and control forces powers are 25% stronger, but all combat bonuses are reduced by 2 points and combat powers (eq. strength damages but not lift, or energy expulsions) are reduced by 20%
Summer the time of war: character is +2 on all combat rolls and +25% on combat powers, however his judgment is off tries to charm or impresses are him done at a 20% bonus and also the character is easily provoked in to combat or angered in to a rage save vs a 16 (use ME bonus), all none combat super abilities are reduce by 15% (does not included the characters own ability to heal), all skill requiring concentration are at – 30%,

Fall the end of seasons and slowing of the year, the character starts to feel tired all combat bonuses are reduced by 5 points, - all wilderness skills, medical skills, healing powers (this does included the characters own ability to heal) and non-combat parts of APS and control forces powers are 10% stronger, but combat powers (eq. strength damages but not lift, or energy expulsions) are reduced by 30%,
Winter time of world recovery, all combat bonuses are reduced by 10 points or by half use the lower and combat powers (eq. strength damages but not lift, or energy expulsions) are reduced by 80%, all other non healing powers are reduce by 20%, all cold based powers and all healing powers are at a 50% bonus. Stills taken concentration are at +15% bonuses.
Last edited by dragon_blaze_99 on Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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thanks reading a great book on Native american myth and it kinda came to me that and I little life other then work, getting ready for my wedding and HU so i think a lot :D
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Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Prince Cherico wrote:Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers
thats to mean even for me :demon: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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duck-foot wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers

wow. thats evil there man, real evil. beyond evil. infact your so far from evil that evil is a dot to you.

its...its insidious

Is that a new alignment beyond diabolic? If so, what are the qualifiers? :-P
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duck-foot wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers

wow. thats evil there man, real evil. beyond evil. infact your so far from evil that evil is a dot to you.

its...its insidious

if your going to have a mega flaw you might as well have one
that really hurts
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Prince Cherico wrote:if your going to have a mega flaw you might as well have one
that really hurts

Must be 'kicked' in the nards to use your powers?

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Daniel Stoker wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:if your going to have a mega flaw you might as well have one
that really hurts

Must be 'kicked' in the nards to use your powers?

Daniel Stoker

doesnt Bob Sagat already have that flaw?
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Daniel Stoker wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:if your going to have a mega flaw you might as well have one
that really hurts

Must be 'kicked' in the nards to use your powers?

Daniel Stoker

21. Achilles heel: Strength of Pain (Babylonian Myth)

The character must take physical damage or fail a saving throw vs pain, fear or psionics to activate, this super human abilities, the damage taken must be equal to 20% of this SDC or 5% of his HP (if the attack does damage direct to HP), until that level of pain is reached the character is normal in every way shape and form.
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22. Achilles heel: The power word
The character has a power word that changes him into his superhuman form and has no powers in his normal form, also the character has a word that changes him back, if this word is spoken the character must save vs a 15 (use me bonus) if he fails the save he is forced back into the human form and cannot change back for 1D4 melee rounds ( I hope he carries a gun or does change to much in super form or he could be embarrassed)
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The twisted red string

The charater has an enemy who he hates with every
fiber of his being and his enemy hates him right back
the two must roll a control roll to advoid going into a mindless
rage, this would be fine except they keep meeting each other
over and over again.
The enemy is the charaters shadow and is tied to his life force
so as long as the charater lives his enemy can not die.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Tourettes (sp?): The character, for the life of himself, cannot stop swearing with everyother sentence. Rather embarassing in social situations. Not applicable if the character sings or writes his intentions, but does effect sign language :ok: .

Excessive Methane Production: Character has gas, lots of it. Every hour they have a 10% +1% per level chance of letting loose with a flatulent blast that would put a howitzer to shame. If the character has one 'incident', there is also the chance (roll 1d20, 18 or better and they suffer the following penalty) that they will continue to 'emit' once a melee for 3d6 minutes.

Sickopath :demon: : For Good aligned charcters only. The characters powers were bestowed upon them by a Being aligned with the Netherworld/Death in some way. Once a month, they must perform a cold-blooded, and extremely protracted (3 hours minemum) murder or lose one level off of their experiance, and be wracked with intense pain for 6 hours (cannot perform any skills, is last in combat, has no bonuses, and only one melee action). Results are cumulative, so going too long will result in peramanantly looseing the powers, though missed moths can be made up with a doubel murder. Character can build up a 'safty net' by performing an extra murder, but it only grants a 15 day reprieve.

The Streak :D : Charactes powers only manifest when they are in the nude. ANY clothing (aside from gloves, masks, and boots), even a scarf or a belt will result in their powers being locked away. Tends to wear loose, easily removed clothes when they have to. Strangely enough, while performing 'super deeds' the character is unrecognizable, even to their spouse or family, so long as their face is hidden ( even by one of those Robin or Lone ranger masks).

Death Vision :shock: : Character sees how people are destined to die. If somebody is going to be shot, the bullet hole will be evident on their body, death by burning, ther body will bear the mark of the flame, etcetera. Every level beyond one, the chracter must make a straight save vs. insanity roll. If they win, they stay sane; if they fial, they go bonkers with homicidal rage. Oh, and the worst bit is that if they do tell people how they will die, something even worse will happen to the victem (or their fmaily).

Somnambulist: The character walks, talks, and commits crimes in his sleep. This could be the ultimate boy-scout doo gooder type of guy, but at night his repressed side comes out to play. 'Evil" version can use the charactes paowers at two levels higher than normal. Protracted battle (more than 5 minutes) or a successful psycic attack will 'snap' the person back to wakefullness immediatly.

Honest Abe: Character must tell the whole truth about whatever is asked of them. No matter how hard they try, the longest they can hold out is 2 melee rounds before bursting out and spilling the beans. Note that the character has to answer every question that they hear (even if its not directed at the), even if its just with a short "No" or "Yes".

Animal Attractant: No matter where the character goes, he always has a horde (2d4x10 minumum, usually four times that or more) of animals following everything he does. The animals run the gauntlet from dogs to alley cats, to birds to rodents, and most of them are in poor health, and just STARE at the character all. day. long. No matter where he goes, even into outer space, SOME critter will find him and observe him. Obviously, this would make the character rather easy to spot, as the crittesr never get more than 200 feet away from the Attractant.
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Gobbldygook: Character has to make a save vs. insanity roll once an hour with no bonuses. If he makes it, he can communicate normally; if he fails, all attempts at communication are rendered unitelligible (even telepathic speech).

Captain Chunky: Characters powers are fueled by food, and they have an overlarge stomach, and are capable of comsuming up to twice their bodyweight in one sitting. They cannot access their powers unless they have consumed at least twice the normal daily coloric intake, and even then only have an hourse worth of abilites. They have to continue eating in order to remain 'powered up', but their body doesn't burn off the extra calories so they just get bigger and bigger...
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Mephisto wrote:Can one just drink beer to achieve Captain Chunky status?

Heck Yeah! Calories are the base requirement, you could eat deep fried lard if you needed to, or pretty much anything that is food. Two things though, 1) What goes in must come out, and 2) Beware the health risks of eating such massive amounts of food (can you say heart attack?), even with regenerative abilities.

duck-foot wrote:captian chunky. :lol:

how about a very offensive odor

Could work, especially if the character is simply so darn massive that food gets lost in their fat rolls and extra chins...

"So that's where the smell was coming from. I can't remember the last time I had cheese...or was this meat?"

I mean, come one who wants to be rescued by a dude who looks like Fat Albert and smells like a compost heap?
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Skinned face: Just as the title says, the characters face looks as though its been skinned...reduce to P.B. to 1d4+1 or a +2 to Horror Factor. In addtition the 'face' is much more sensitive to the touch, all damage done to the head inflicts an extra 3 points (even if their supposed to be invulnerable or damage resitant), and causes a -3 to intiative and -1 Attack per Melee till the end of the next melee due to the fierce, shooting pain. If you really want to be evil, they could be constantly oozing blood, pus, or slime off of their face, having flies lay eggs on it while their asleep, etc. etc.

Edible Hero: Character is made out of some type of edible substance (taffy, gummy candy, beef jerky, etc.); even if their are supposed to be invulnerable or have extra durability, opponents can take a bite out of them with relative ease (costs two attacks, and at -3 to strike) doing either double damage or damage directto hit-points (choose at creation).

Achiles Heel: Character literally has a spot on their body that is incredibly vulnerable, any attacks directed at it will punch through any natural armor or resistances they have direct to hit points for double damage. Damage inflicted in this manner takes three times as long to heal, and will over-ride any regenerative or healing abilities they have (cannot be healed by any potions, magic or psychic abilities). If they are injured there with a critical hit, they will scar something fierce, leaving the area hideously disfigured, if at a joint it will impare movement.

Sensitive stomach: Any blows to the stomach will cause the character to vomit spectacularly (projectile all the way) for the next two melee rounds, unable to even defend themself until they have voided their stomach. In addition, they are unable to eat anything even remotely spicy, or drink anything stronger than weak tea or they will trigger the above response. As a matter of fact, even smelling spicy of foul smells will likely cause this (roll a save vs. non-lethal poison at -3) for as long as they can smell then offending odor.

That's all I've got for now, post some more later.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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23. Achilles heel: External Respiratory for shemorgorth
The character requires a device to breathe it give it the same abilities/bonuses as Bionic lungs and a gas mask but it is in a bag or strapped to the side. it light SDC: 10 to 20 and an are of 10, so falling on it wont destroy it but a well aimed shot could, als it is a small item requiring a called shot at -3 to hit it, if damage it makes the characters breathing hard, a 1-1 ratio so if 1/4 of the SDC is gone the characters air is reduce by 1/4 increasing fatigue rates 1/4 and costing 1/4 actions and combat bonuses. If the character’s device is reduced to zero other artificial means can be used to keep the character alive but only for 12 hours well a new replacement is built, after the 12 hours the character rolled a save vs coma death every hour at -5% each hour.
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Tenche syndrom
the charater attracts psycotic people who stalk him or her relentlessly
said charaters find ways into the charaters life fight with rivials
and generally make his life heck the charater starts with 1d4 stalkers
and gains a new one every second level
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Withered Limb: Character looks like that creeeepy groundskeeper from Scary Movie 2, one arm or leg (players choice) is shrunken and twisted. An arm means loosing one melee atack per round, as well as having half the P.S. and P.P. for that arm, a withered leg means half speed and weight tolerance, and both of them give a -2 penalty to P.B. when in plain sight (can be covered by gloves and long sleeves/boots and long pants). Attacks directed at the limb will cause an additional 50% damage, which ignores any armour or resistance the character would normally posses.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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duck-foot wrote:withered limb. ouch
You think that one was bad? How about

Lightning Rod: Character is an electrical attractant, any open sources of electricity are irresistably drawn towards them. This means that he is targeted by lightning, is always shocked by static electricity, and those with EE:Electricity gain a +5 to strike (in addition, any electrical attack that passes within 10 feet of the Rod, has a 95% chance of swerving away from its original target and striking them). Any attack that strikes them in this fasion causes double damage (but never enough to take them below 5 H.P.), causes loss of initiative for the next two melee rounds, as well as halving the Rod's attacks, and inflicting a -3 penalty towards all combat rolls. During the 2 melee loss of initiative, any other defensive or immunity the Rod would normally posses is essentially nullified and worthless.

or maybe Baneful Presence: Character has an aura similar to those of the undead, it inhibits the healing process, and gives the unlucky person a Horror Factor of 9. Anyone within 20 feet of the character afflicted heal at half the normal rate, and anybody touching the characters skin takes 1d8 damage direct to hitpoints. Animals within 15 feet of the character go berserk, and attempt to kill the Baneful One.

Ooh! How about Parasitic Powers: Characters abilities are of limited duration, lasting only a few minutes before needing another 'charge'. The problem is, the charaacter has to cannabalize their own S.D.C. and hitpoints in order to charge their abilites. 1d4 S.D.C. or 1 hitpoint will allow the character access to their powers for 5 minutes per level before they shut down again (so you better hope that flier remembers the time limit if he doens't want to become road pizza). 'Charging' their powers only takes one melee round, and other than the time limit and damage inflicted, doesn't hamper the character other than that.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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wow these keep getting better I glade i stated this now, more to come
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Just because I felt like being a right evil man, Hemopheliac: If the character has an open wound, it will not clot, and may require medical attention for it to heal properly. GM's call on the price for medication and treatment.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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24. Achilles heel: unhealable damage
The character can not recover HP or SDC from damage done by one type of object or attacks (like Iron or EE: Ice) the would heals over normally and does not continue to bleed but the damage is permanent the hp and sdc are lost and can not be recovered in anyway (maybe by a gods healing) the characters totals are lowered so if a character who has 100 SDC takes 25 damage from his flaw source will now only have 75 SDC when all healed up after the battle.
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Representative: The hero gets his powers from a sponsoring organization or entity capable of stripping the powers should the character do anything against their wishes, and he is constantly having to live up to their expectations.

Two-Face: The superbeing has two seperate and distinct personalities who vie for control to the point that every melee round requires he flip a coin to see where his motivations lie.

Imaginary: The superbeing has powers only because he is playing, and the chastisement of an authority figure or other unpleasant stimulus will snap him out of hero mode until he is in the mood to play at being a hero again.
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25. Achilles heel: Mutation Growth
The character is a mutant regardless of OCC, the character has 4+1d4 mutant traits, these traits are in addition to any flaw the character normally has from their OCC, so experiments still have their flaw and mutants have the additional D4 still.

26. Achilles heel: Power Storm
The characters powers are somewhat chaotic in nature and are quite un-stable
Every melee the GM rolls to see how the characters powers are affected.
1: normal
2-5: 50% weaker,
6-15: 25% weaker
16-30: 10% weaker
31-50: 5% weaker
51-70: 5% stronger but character is -1 strike, parry and dodge
71-85: 10% stronger but character is -2 strike, parry and dodge pull punch is halved
86-95: 25% stronger but character is -1 action, -2 strike, parry and dodge and can not pull punch.
96-99: 50% stronger but character is -2 action, -4 strike, parry and dodge and can not pull punch.
100: normal

27. Achilles heel: Weather Controlled (like an extreme version of Seasonal Affective Disorder)
The weather controls the characters powers, on sunny bright days the characters powers are normal, but on over cast days the powers are 20% weaker, on drizzly days 40% weaker, and on hard rainy/showing day the powers are 60% weaker, +5% weaker every day after the 3rd day of bad weather. SAD therapy light will help for 4 hour for every 2 hours under the light but it not 100% the penalties are halved only,
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duck-foot wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:24. Achilles heel: unhealable damage
The character can not recover HP or SDC from damage done by one type of object or attacks (like Iron or EE: Ice) the would heals over normally and does not continue to bleed but the damage is permanent the hp and sdc are lost and can not be recovered in anyway (maybe by a gods healing) the characters totals are lowered so if a character who has 100 SDC takes 25 damage from his flaw source will now only have 75 SDC when all healed up after the battle.

thats really evil dude. really evil 8-)
thank you :twisted:
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thanks Mephisto and to show my evil genus

28. Achilles heel: Media Flirt
The character love the attention of the media and news teams and must save vs a 19 (use ME bonus) to stop from showing off if the character starts showing of a new save must be made vs a 15 every melee round when the second save is failed the character is stuck with a case of Murphy’s Law (whatever can go wrong will go wrong) all of a sudden the characters skill % are halved, and all combat rolls are done with natural rolls only no bonuses at all, also thing go wrong (this is for more of a plot tool) things like dropping important disk with evidence on it or extra problems like the kid who wanders in to the street during the gun fight and so on.
29. Achilles heel: Dark Soul
The character has a unusual flaw in that when he goes to sleep or is knocked unconscious this body metamorphs into another super being of opposite alignment and with different powers, this villain the goes about committing crimes, the new being is totally different then the original hero with different but somewhat similar powers and different look and finger prints, the other from will try to make it back to were the hero fell a sleep or was ko so the does not know, to make things stranger the Hero will view this other self as his nemesis and will work had to capture this evil scum, this is not just an insanity that can be cured but another persons soul and some of their physical essence with in the same body.
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30. Achilles heel: Techno-Curse
The character has a large problem with technology it not that the character dislike it, it’s that technology dislike him, the character is -70% on all skills to do with technology and can not take modern WP or even use modern weapons, the jam up or just will not work for the character, on top of that High tech weapons like lasers, rail guns and energy weapons do double damage (this includes TW weapons) but old flint lock rifles, ancient melee weapons and guns older then 1890 will only do normal damage. Also automatic doors will not register that the character is there, buttons must be pressed 1D4+2 time to activate, subway doors and elevator doors seem to keep trying to shut if the character is in them and other little thing like that, also disks and CD/DVD will some times erase when touched by the character 20% chance.
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Magical Antithesis: Magic plays havoc with this characters immune system and bodily functions. Magical attacks do one extra die of damage, unless it has a multiplyer, then raise the die by one side (so 1d4x10 would become 1d6x10), and also costs this character one melee attack. Damage taken from magical attacks take twice as long to heal, and often leave lingering scars or discolourations.

Coming closer than one hundred feet to a layline gives the charcter a major headache, and makes them slightly nausues. Coming within 150 of a minor ley-nexus causes sharp shooting pains in the chest (could be mistaken for a heart-attack) that inflicts 1 H.P. per minute that they are within range, and eliminates all bonuses, and halves melee actions/attacks. Coming within 200 feet of a major nexus will reduce the character to a near catatonic state, inflicting 1d4 H.P. per melee round, inflicting a -3 penalty to all rolls and saves, leaves the character with only one action per melee (no attacks, they are too weak, can only parry, and try and crawl away), and cuts all attributes by half until they leave the area of influence. On the plus side, the character can feel mages and those with large amounts of P.P.E. and I.S.P.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Dark Soul is going to make me think tweice about the meaning of good and evil. Great work!
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Dark Soul is going to make me think tweice about the meaning of good and evil. Great work!

I work on a simple premise the characters flaws are as much as part of the character as there skills and powers, it should be a much fun to run a characters flaws as his powers and they should make you think and have to work around the flaw and should not be easily over looked but make an impact on the characters day to day life, not all the time but 60%+ of the time, a super hero who is truly unflawed and perfect would be vary, vary boring, that’s why I make Flaws and not powers …… that and you have the power thing well covered. :D
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31. Achilles heel: Aura of conflict
The character radiates an area of prejudice and hate around them the range is only 60’, all character of evil alignment’s are -4 to save, this will cause argument and yelling matches, if the character becomes enraged or angry himself it will start to affect people even quicker and after 1D10+10 minutes in one area full blown fights will start boiling over in to riots, saves are 10 the first 1 minute the character is in the area and goes up 1 every 2 minutes, if the character becomes enraged the save amount goes up by +3, so if he is enraged after 8 minutes the save would be a 17 not the normal 14, the character can not control this ability and it makes normal life hell (even villains need down time and having the minions trying to kill each other or him is a pain) is also murder and family dinner.
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Dark Soul is going to make me think tweice about the meaning of good and evil. Great work!

I work on a simple premise the characters flaws are as much as part of the character as there skills and powers, it should be a much fun to run a characters flaws as his powers and they should make you think and have to work around the flaw and should not be easily over looked but make an impact on the characters day to day life, not all the time but 60%+ of the time, a super hero who is truly unflawed and perfect would be vary, vary boring, that’s why I make Flaws and not powers …… that and you have the power thing well covered. :D

You really should pester(PM) Mr. Deific NMI about getting this stickied. This thread is growing by leaps and bounds.
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32. Achilles heel: Heart of Stone
The character has no emotions, does not feel anger, regret, happiness, love or any other emotion, people will feel a little unnerved around the character he has a 8 Horror factor. Also the character does not feel surges of adrenaline to push them to save people doing what ever is the most logical, not what most people would do e.g. Will save an adult with a batter chance of survival, then the young child with the lower chance of surviving.
32. Achilles heel: Adrenaline junky
An adrenaline junkie is somebody who appears addicted to adrenaline. Adrenaline in this case comes from an endogenous source (i.e. the adrenal gland) and does not imply the use of exogenous adrenaline (e.g. injection).
The term came into use in 1993. Originally, it was used to describe argumentative people who deliberately (consciously or unconsciously) find excuses to explode in order to get an adrenaline fix. This mode of receiving a fix is deemed just as addictive as a recreational drug (such as heroin, hence the term "junkie"), but perhaps more harmful as it negatively involves other people.
The character will throw him self in to dangerous situations with out thinking, and time the character fails a save Vs. Horror or Awe Factor the character leaps into action with out hesitation or cause to think. He will use all actions for combat attacks and will not use attacks requiring the use of multiple actions (i.e.: the super blast from super energy expulsion ect.) he will also not dodge attacks but will use auto parries for some defense. In every day life the character will be into Any number of extreme sports or dangerous activities could be associated with the phenomenon, such as streetluge, dirt bike riding, skateboarding, skydiving or rock climbing. Some prefer more aggressive activities, such as picking fights. Less physical pursuits would include gambling, stock market trading, or even shoplifting.
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thanks Nimmy
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