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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Starman(minor) by Stone Gargliczer
This power was created as a variant on Iczer's Darkman power.
The character can cause localized light to intensify in his vicinity>

Bright Aura: The character radiates blinding light, as if he were a star or solar being. In reality, his skin reflects and amplifies light, spewing forth blinding light. In areas of clear sky, he gains +20% to prowl and is harder to hit, as opponents are partially blinded (-4 penalty).
2.Protections: The character's shield of light renders him immune to damage from darkness and shadow based powers.
3.Shine: The character can double the strength of light sources, reducing darkness and shadow. All individuals in range suffer -10% to Prowl in these circumstances.
4.Senses: The character cannot be blinded and can see 75 feet even in blinding light.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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As I have said before, hopefully this is not a repeat of an earlier post. I lose track of which powers have been posted.

Stampede(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can generate electrostatic energy around his hands and feet for a variety of effects.

1.Thunderclap: by clapping his hands or stomping, the character generates a loud, eerie thunderclap that will frighten (01-80% chance of panicking) animals, making them want to run away, as well as startle people (roll save vs. Horror Factor).
2.Electroshock: The electrostatic energy adds to the damage and intensity of the character's punches and kicks.
Range: Touch
Damage: +2d6 burn damage to barehanded or barefoot strikes
Knockback Effect: Shock of electrostatic will throw those hit 1d6 feet, +2 feet per level
Shock: Those attacked must also save vs. stun (14 or better, PE bonus applies, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12) or be stunned for 2d4 melees. those saving will still lose one attack and be -2 to combat moves for 1d4 melee rounds.
3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to Electrical Attacks (half damage)
+2 save vs. Electrical Shock
4.Stunts: By touching a person's chest, the character can restart a person's heart. As the target is near death, no save is possible or necessary. If attempting to stop a person's heart in this manner, the target may save as per the shock ability but is +4 to do so.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Starman(minor) by Stone Gargliczer
This power was created as a variant on Iczer's Darkman power.
The character can cause localized light to intensify in his vicinity>

Bright Aura: The character radiates blinding light, as if he were a star or solar being. In reality, his skin reflects and amplifies light, spewing forth blinding light. In areas of clear sky, he gains +20% to prowl and is harder to hit, as opponents are partially blinded (-4 penalty).
2.Protections: The character's shield of light renders him immune to damage from darkness and shadow based powers.
3.Shine: The character can double the strength of light sources, reducing darkness and shadow. All individuals in range suffer -10% to Prowl in these circumstances.
4.Senses: The character cannot be blinded and can see 75 feet even in blinding light.

This is an interesting power, and I have a character named Incandescence, and want her to have all minor powers, but I might tweak it, depending on the other powers she ends up with...if I mod it I'll post it to see how you like it.

As you like it. Since this was a direct polar opposite conversion of the Darkman power, I am sure there are places where it could be tweaked to make it better.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Stairway To Heaven(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Fly? Nah, I'll take the stairs."

The hero can materialize levitating plates rising at an angle, similar to a staircase. He is able to generate a set of stairs rising 100 feet per level. This can be regulated for shorter distances as desired by the superbeing. Stairs are two feet wide and a foot across. They are 6 inches in height apart as they rise.
Basically, this power could be useful in rescuing people from burning buildings or climbing up to an aerial fortress.

Duration: Stairs stay present for one hour per level or until canceled or disrupted by a stair being destroyed. Stairs form at a rate equal to the character's ME in stairs per melee round until reaching the maximum height.

SDC per step: 30 points per stair. The stairs disintigrate if a step is destroyed starting at the top at the same rate they are created and travel is not possible past a step that is destroyed. Destroying a step below the character's location will cause the stairs below to disintegrate first along with the highest steps. This will cause him to fall as the stairs collapse.
Note that stairs remain in the same position regardless of weather conditions and do not get blown by wind or shoved with anything less than the character's PS at Supernatural power level. Thiis makes them very much inmmobile once in place.

Weight Allowance: The stairs can hold the equivalent weight allowance of the character's PS but at Supernatural level (for example, a character with a PS of 10 could generate a set of stairs able to hold a total weight of 5000 pounds). The superbeing can climb the stairs at his normal movement rate, though moving at more than half speed increases the chance of slipping and falling.

Limitations: Once the staircase is created, it occupies the same location until the time expires or it is canceled or destroyed; it is stationary and cannot be moved or made to turn in a different direction nor bend to change direction. Anyone can use the stairs once it is created, but no railings are provided and the stairs are generally not up to normal safety codes. Also, the stairs do not necessarily leead anywhere, just stopping once the maximum distance has been reached, though they can be made to connect with buildings and ledges. Stairs always generate upwards, starting at the bottom and rising from the ground or whatever surface the hero is standing on, anchoring itself to that location, so if it is on the top of a plane, it will move with the vehicle.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Headless(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

A limited form of intangibility which affects only the hero's head, this creepy power allows the superbeing to make his head intangible, thus avoiding concussions and head trauma, as well as alloing them to escape being hanged or held by their neck by an opponent. It also allows them to pass their head through a wall to look at things.

Range: Self
Duration: Concentration (loses one attack to make head intangible and then one attack per melee to maintain) for 2d4 melees. Requires 10 minutes to recover between uses of the power.
Limitations: The hero can be affected by magic, psionics and phased energy attacks.
Defense Applications: The hero can use this power to dodgewith no bonuses if needing to avoid a blow by turning their head intangible suddenly. Acts as AR of 18 vs. Energy attacks to the head. Provides -4 penalty to opponents trying to hit the character. Called physical shots to the head while it is intangible are of course ineffective. +10% to Escape Artist skill

Harmless(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an energy field which pushes everyone within range out of phase, making them incapable of physical actions against him or anyone else, as all pushed out of phase are at different phase variances (Yes, I know, too much Star Trek :-P ).

Range: 20 foot per level radius, or a specific target within 60 feet, +20 feet per level.
Duration: Concentration; uses one melee attack/action to maintain, for up to 2d4 melees, after which it takes the power 10 minutes to return. After the effect expires, people return to normal within 1d4 melees.
Saving Throw: Those affected can save vs. the effect (12 or better, ME bonus applies). If making a save, they are unaffected and can attack as normal.
Limitations: Only affects organic beings, so robots and some aliens are not affected.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Stairway To Heaven(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Fly? Nah, I'll take the stairs."

The superbeing can climb the stairs at his normal movement rate, though moving at more than half speed increases the chance of sleeping and falling.


A bit of a typo you have there SG.

*runs up the stair case, fails my PP roll and instantly falls asleep*
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Stairway To Heaven(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Fly? Nah, I'll take the stairs."

The superbeing can climb the stairs at his normal movement rate, though moving at more than half speed increases the chance of sleeping and falling.


A bit of a typo you have there SG.

*runs up the stair case, fails my PP roll and instantly falls asleep*

It just proves I am human and prone to mistakes now and again. If all you are criticizing is the typos, it is all good. The typo has been fixed.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Stairway To Heaven(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Fly? Nah, I'll take the stairs."

The superbeing can climb the stairs at his normal movement rate, though moving at more than half speed increases the chance of sleeping and falling.


A bit of a typo you have there SG.

*runs up the stair case, fails my PP roll and instantly falls asleep*

It just proves I am human and prone to mistakes now and again. If all you are criticizing is the typos, it is all good. The typo has been fixed.

nah, just found it very funny. :D
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Rope Climb(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

1.String Manipulation: a form of fabric manipulation, the superbeing can manipulate rope, yarn and string to behave as if it were a living thing, but only to a degree. He can only manipulate a single length of rope at a time, but can manipulate his ME number in strings simultaneously.
Range: Rope and heavier cord by touch, yarn within 10 feet; affects 100 feet of rope, yarn or string per level. If manipulating multiple strings, total length cannot exceed this maximum.
Duration: Can control rope for 2d4 melees. Must wait 10 minutes betwwen uses of this power.

2.Knots: The superbeing can cause rope and string to entangle and tie themselves in knots so as to bind an opponent. Thus he can toss a rope and cause it to tie itself around a target (+4 to strike to do so) or cause a person's shoelaces to tie together, etc.
Bonuses: +4 to strike when throwing or whipping with rope, +4 to Entangle, +5% to sewing skill and the espionage skill Knots(advanced) if you use it in your game.
+10% to Escape Artist when escaping ropes and snares.

3.Standing Rope: The character can cause rope to stiffen and become capable of being climbed even though not attached to anything.
Attacks: Uses one attack/action to raise rope.
Duration: See above under String Manipulation; requires concentration to maintain (loses 1 attack per melee round)
Weight Tolerance: The rope can hold a person climbing it equal to the creator's weight+ his ME in pounds, +1 pound per level.
Limits: Spuperbeing must be touching the rope.
Bonuses: +10% to climb rope, climbing skill when using ropes and rappel skill.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Stairway To Heaven(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Fly? Nah, I'll take the stairs."

The superbeing can climb the stairs at his normal movement rate, though moving at more than half speed increases the chance of sleeping and falling.


A bit of a typo you have there SG.

*runs up the stair case, fails my PP roll and instantly falls asleep*

It just proves I am human and prone to mistakes now and again. If all you are criticizing is the typos, it is all good. The typo has been fixed.

nah, just found it very funny. :D

It was, kinda. :D
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Another one I hopefully have not posted before.

Rorschacht(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character is able to read patterns in random splotches and formations, seeing order where most see chaos.

+10% to Criminal Science/Forensics, Cryptography, Tracking, Surveillance and Divination skills, +5% to other skills requiring visual acuity
+4 to save vs. Illusions and disorientation
+2 save vs. Insanity, psionics and mind control
+4 to Perception, with perfect color vision
+1d4 to ME
+1d6 to IQ
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Another one I hopefully have not posted before.

Rorschacht(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character is able to read patrterns in random splotches and formations, seeing order where most see chaos.

+10% to Criminal Science/Forensics, Cryptography, Tracking, Surveillance and Divination skills, +5% to other skills requiring visual acuity
+4 to save vs. Illusions and disorientation
+2 save vs. Insanity, psionics and mind control
+4 to Perception
+1d4 to ME
+1d6 to IQ

You might want to ad in 'perfect color vision'. I'm color defisent so I know there are some spots I can't see. Not saying its perfect 20/20 vision.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Stone Gargoyle
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Another one I hopefully have not posted before.

Rorschacht(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character is able to read patrterns in random splotches and formations, seeing order where most see chaos.

+10% to Criminal Science/Forensics, Cryptography, Tracking, Surveillance and Divination skills, +5% to other skills requiring visual acuity
+4 to save vs. Illusions and disorientation
+2 save vs. Insanity, psionics and mind control
+4 to Perception
+1d4 to ME
+1d6 to IQ

You might want to ad in 'perfect color vision'. I'm color defisent so I know there are some spots I can't see. Not saying its perfect 20/20 vision.

Good idea. Consider it done.
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Had a goofy idea while at work, so here goes.

APS: Other People [major] by Roscoe Del'Tane

"Who, me? I'm...crap, who am I today?"

This power, simply put, allows the character to transform himself into different people (3 at level one, plus one more per each level, plus his "standard" body) with a thought. Each new 'body', is unique, literally a different person, so the DNA, fingerprints, etc are all different. There is no limit to how long they can stay transformed, but all biological processes will be carried out (so if Bob the Demolitions expert turns into a chick and gets pregnant, his alternate will remain pregnant until he delivers the child).

Note that this makes for an excellent way to fool pursuers, simply duck into a crowd/stairway and transform into somebody else. Unfortunately, while they can change their looks, they do not gain any of the skills that the new person would otherwise have, and until the character hits 5th level, their clothes don't change. At fifth level, each new body can keep the clothes they had on last time, allowing for even better instant disguises (clothes only, no tools or any other items beyond a wallet, checkbook and keys).

Each body shares the same amount of H.P. and S.D.C., but gross bodily harm done to one doesn't transfer over to the others. So if Bob the Demo expert screws up and blows off an ear and a hand, his other bodies would be temporarily weakened, but not crippled. Likewise if he's shot or stabbed, handy to keep from bleeding to death.

While transformed, the character also looses all powers and accompanying bonuses that they bestow; they are in effect, a non-powered civilian, better remember that before you go shooting your mouth off at a biker bar.

Character heals twice as fast as a normal human (minimum of scarring), and gains a +3 to save vs. psionic attacks. Double base H.P., gains an extra die of H.P. per level, and also has an additional 10 S.D.C. at creation.

(Sorry for not posting in so long, been having to cover another guys shifts as well as my own for past month or so, that's pretty much eaten up all of my free time, as well as bestowing a perpetual mental fugue upon me. We finally got a replacement, so I should have more time to develop strange ideas again.)
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Strangely enough, I think I have seen a power like that other people one before.

Now to plug my own stuff: Coming Soon: Vogue!
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Ultra Claws(Major) by Twisted Gargoyle
This power was originally called MegaClaws until I learned Mr. Twist already had one by that name. I borrowed his penetration ability from that power and used it in this one, also.

The character possesses incredible claws with unique features.

Range: Claws are 6-9 inches in length
Damage: 1d6 per finger(5d6 per hand), plus one point per level, +PS bonus
Bonuses: +2 to strike with claws, plus 1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15

Grabbing/Digging In: Claw strength is Supernatural for the purpose of piercing vehicles and hanging on.

Armor Piercing: Reduce AR of target by three, -1 at levels 3,7,10 and 14

Limits: Cannot be used to parry
-15% to skills requiring the use of the hands

Special Feature: In addition to the abilities listed above, the claws possess a special ability which should be rolled when this power is selected.

01-25% Fires energy attack (select type from force bolts, electricity, fire or laser beams)
Range: 120 feet per level
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6, +1d6 at levels 2,4,6,8,10, 12 and 14

26-50% Venom tipped
Attacks: can oly poison blades twice per melee round and requires 2 attacks/actions
Damage: Varies with type of poison
Saving Throw: varies with type of poison
(I am not listing information about poisons here as it would be lengthy and such information is readily available in various Palladium resource books)

51-75% Retractable: Blades fold in like pocket knife blades
Attacks: Uses one action to pop claws

76-00% More Damage: Claws are twice the length and size (twice the penalty to skills applies).
Damage: 2d6 per finger (10d6 per hand), +2 points damage per level
Character can also use the claws to parry at a bonus of +1, +1 at levels 2,4,6,8,10, 12 and 14
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Vogue(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can strike a disarming pose to thwart opponents.

1.Glamour Shock: Similar to Mental Stun, the hero radiates a beauty that attacks the balance and motor mechanism of the target's brain. Victims are dizzy and lightheaded.
Range: 10 feet, line of sight. Requires an opponent to be looking at the hero, but even so, the target is at +2 to dodge the gaze.
Damage: Special. Victims lose 1 attack per melee round, have no initiative, and are -3 to strike, parry and dodge, -6 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and skills and speed are reduced by 40%.
Duration: Victims suffer penalties for 2 melee rounds
Attacks per melee: Counts as three melee attacks/actions. Each attack can only be directed at one target at a time (roll to strike, d20), not an entire crowd at once.
Saving Throw: Targets actually hit by the gaze can save vs. the effects with a save rolled above the roll to strike unmodified, or 12(ME bonus applies), whichever is higher. Those saving will still be affected as one hit by the Awe Factor aspect of the power (see below).

2.Extraordinary Physical Beauty: Same as the minor ability.
Bonuses: Increase PB to 20 +2d4; see attribute bonuses to Impress and Charm. +10% to Investigation/Research, Interrogation, palming and pick pocket skills.

3.Awe Factor: When the hero uses the Glamour Shock ability, those witnessing the attack must save vs. Awe Factor. A successful saving throw means that the person is not awestruck and attacks/reacts without hesitation or penalty. This must be made only if the Glamour Shock strike is successful. The Awe Factor is equal to the strike roll made by the hero when using the power, or 12, whichever is higher.
Bonuses: Character is himself +2 to save vs. Awe Factor
Penalties: A failed saving throw means awestruck individuals lose initiative and one attack for the melee round of the Glamour Shock attack.
Saving Throw: The number rolled for the Glamour Shock strike unmodified, or 12 (ME bonus applies), whichever is higher.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Scarce (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'm gone like Donkey Kong."

1.Unnoticed: Opponents suffer a -4 penalty to Perception to spot the character. In addition, the character is +20% to prowl, and those trying to Track him suffer a -20% penalty to do so. +20% to any camoflage skills.

2.Born to Boogie: The character gains a +4 to initiative when announcing his retreat as his next planned action. Acrobatic moves to escape are done at +20%.

3.Other Bonuses:
+5% to pick pocket and palming skills.
+2 to ranged attacks from a concealed position
Can survive at -10 hit points for 2d4 minutes before dying for the purpose of escaping to a secure location to die; in addition, the body harmlessly vaporizes, leaving no trace upon expiration.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Metal Detector(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can sense metals and ore within 100 feet, +10 feet per level, and estimate what kind it is.

Range: 100 feet, +10 feet per level; twice that if within one mile of a ley line
Duration: Permanent and constant

Estimate type of metal: The hero can register the consistency and chemical makeup of ores and metals with a base skill of 45%, +5% per level of experience. This applies onlynto solid metals of an ounce or more.
Note that as everything contains some trace metals of some kind, the character can use this ability as a form of crude radar within the range of the power. Thus he can see in the dark and know the location of objects and people.
Interpret Shapes with a base skill of 30% +5% per level
Interpret Distance with a base skill of 40% +4% per level
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, ! to strike, +1 to parry and dodge
Half penalties when blinded or in darkness.

Limitations: Large metals in the form of walls will block this power and keep it from sensing anything beyond.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Mental Growth(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can enter states of extreme intelligence for short periods of time.
1.Mental Enhancement: The character can boost his IQ by the number of his ME and MA scores, adding them together to gain a huge skill percentage bonus temporarily.
Duration: ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round per level. Must wait 10 minutes between uses of this power. Can only use it their ME number of times per day.
2.New Skills: The superbeing can learn a new skill each level. Skills must be selected as secondary skills and no educational bonus applies to skills learned this way.
3.Other Bonuses: +1d4 IQ, MA and ME
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Memoirization(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This pseudopsionic ability allows the character to take notes on things by mentally transmitting them into written form.

1.Automatic Writing: The superbeing can cause words he thinks of to be transferred into written form, onto stationery or into a book which he has prepared ahead of time for that purpose.
Range: 1 mile per level. Cannot send further than that.
Number of words: ME X10 per transmission
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to transmit message, which will appear in the superbeing's handwriting.
Note that this can be used to transcribe notes during battle or send messages. To send a message to an unprepared paper, one the superbeing has not readied, the hero must take an additional action to target it and it must be within his line of sight. Must roll 14 or better on a d20 to hit.

2.Other Bonuses: +20% to writing (journalistic quality), +1d4 ME
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Matter Expulsion: Paint Balls(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can shoot balls of gel from his hands resembling paint.

Range: Can shoot paint balls 100 feet, +50 feet per level
Damage: One paint ball does 1 point of damage (pinching) and spatters over a five foot radius. Paint cannot be washed out; it must dissolve. 5 balls shot at once cause 1d4 damage, 10 cause 1d6 +2 damage.
The gel is toxic and a single shot will do 1d6 damage to the eyes if they are hit in a called shot, and if swallowed will act as a low grade poison (Save at 12 or better, PE bonus applies) if swallowed, causing the opponent to take 1d6 damage per round to hit points (can save against it each melee until it dissolves). If hit in the eyes, the opponent is blinded, suffering penalties for such: loses initiative, two attacks and is -10 to all combat moves.
Duration: Instant; paint gel remains for 3 minutes per level
Number Fired: Can shoot one from each finger (volleys of 5 per hand). Maximum generated per hour equal to the hero's PE, +5 per level.

Color: Varies from red, blue or yellow to flourescent colors. The hero must select a color when gaining the power. Once selected, it does not change until a new color is gained. New colors available at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. The color is produced by the gel's interaction with light.

Flammability: Fire attacks hitting the gel are intensified, doing double damage to the target. The superbeing himself takes an additional 25% damage from fire attacks directed at him. Note that it is not possible for the hero to ignite his own paint balls without severe injury, as gel on his hands will ignite and set him ablaze.

Other Bonuses: +1d4 PE, +1 to strike with paint balls
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I like the paintballs power. Coupled with something like chemical secretion or the like it could be terribly wicked. And it's another power that doesn't shake the planet every time you use it.

Might want to include penaltys for getting it in the eyes, or a way for the paint to leave a trail or the like.

But good solid base power.

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:I like the paintballs power. Coupled with something like chemical secretion or the like it could be terribly wicked. And it's another power that doesn't shake the planet every time you use it.

Might want to include penaltys for getting it in the eyes, or a way for the paint to leave a trail or the like.

But good solid base power.

I modified the power to give penalties for getting it in the eyes or if it is ingested. I guess I forgot about that aspect of paint.
As for leaving a trail, the paint gets all over whatever it hits but dissolves, so no lasting trail would be left.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Vogue(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can strike a disarming pose to thwart opponents.

Magic Girls the world over now love you for giving justification to their introduction poses... 'Shock and Awe' indeed!:D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Vogue(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can strike a disarming pose to thwart opponents.

Magic Girls the world over now love you for giving justification to their introduction poses... 'Shock and Awe' indeed!:D

It was actually inspired by the movie "Zoolander". If you have seen it you will understand. :-P
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Vogue(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can strike a disarming pose to thwart opponents.

Magic Girls the world over now love you for giving justification to their introduction poses... 'Shock and Awe' indeed!:D

It was actually inspired by the movie "Zoolander". If you have seen it you will understand. :-P

'Presentation is Everything' in fashion and in pose, no?

"Style over Substance'--'It's Not Enough to Kill Someone if You Don't Kill Them RIGHT."-What I Learned from Cyberpunk.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Reputation(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is adapted from the Splicers Pariah OCC ability from the Rifter.
The superbeing has a reputation which chills the blood. Known for their exploits, their devotion to their cause gives opponents pause.

1.Horror Factor: 10, +1 at levels 3,5,7,10 and 15, +1 for every 3 points of MA over 17. Ineffective against robots.
+8 save vs. Reputation powers of others of higher level, and unaffected by the power if of a lower level than theirs.
2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to MA
+20% to Streetwise
+20% to Trust/Intimidate
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Shedding the Flesh(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing grows and heals by shedding damaged flesh. This occurs as part of its growth cycle and can aid in the superbeing's survival.

1.Shedding Flesh: Every 24 hours, the superbeing sheds his skin, healing 2d6 damage in the process (Hair is shed every 6 hours, so the hero never needs to have it cut). When this shedding occurs, the hero can also elect to abandon injured extremities (hands, feet, nose, ears, eyes, etc.) and replace them, regenerating a lost partr within 2d4 melees, healing all damage to the extremity. Injuries to the head and torso, however, cannot be healed in this way, nor can poisoning, disease, hypothermia or severe burns. It also does not regenerate parts that are severed or blown off by outside means.
Body parts discarded by the character are able to be identified as coming from him if DNA testing is done. The discarded parts decompose at the normal rate for a corpse.

2.Fetal Survival: Upon reaching death, the superbeing rolls a second save vs. coma/death. If successful, he initiates the formation of a fetal sac and spends the next 24 hours forming a body by which he can be reborn. The unborn child cannibalizes its old body for the chance to live again. It finally emerges weighing 4d6 pounds and the size of an infant. All attributes start at this point at 1, increasing by one point per day even as his body agas at a rate of one year per day until reaching his former age and attributes. SDC is regained at a rate of 2% per day. If attacked and killed prior to reaching maturity, the hero will be unable to use this power to save himself. He can only survive in this manner a number of times equal to half his PE score.

3.Other Bonuses: +1d4X10 SDC
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Skin Suit(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let me slip into someone more comfortable."
The hero's skin is completely removeable and, when the skin is removed, all of his internal organs and muscles remain held together by an energy containment field/aura. This allows him to slip on the skins of others that he has prepared for that purpose.

1.Living Armor: The hero's own skin remains alive, providing the her a Natural AR of 10+1d4, and heals all damage at twice normal rate when damaged. This accellerated healing does not apply to the hero's whole body, just the skin. SDC of the skin is 1d4X10.

2.Getting Under Others' Skin: The hero can skin dead bodies (Skill level 40% +5% per level, plus gains +10% to Skin and Prepare Animal Hides and sewing skills, and +5% to any medical skills). By placing it on his body, he can cause it to seal around him and appear to be his own skin, though looking like the dead person it was ttaken from. Other people's skin will only provide a Natural AR of 8 and will not heal damage. SDC for the skin is the same as above for his own.
By this method he can cut off dead people's faces and use them as masks also.
Duration: Borrowed skin only lasts 1d4 hours.
Limits: Skin must be from a fresh corpse less than 12 hours old. The character cannot use living skin, as something about a person's living aura prevents this.
Number: The hero can only adapt his ME number is skins per day. After that, worn skins will appear obviously to be dead and decaying flesh.

3.Limitations and Penalties: The hero can only be outside his own skin for his PE number in hours. When without skin, the character is -4 to save vs, airborne toxins and disease, takes double damage from fire and cold attacks, and fatigues at twice the normal rate.

4.Other Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
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Unread post by Iczer » looks like i have to start playing catch up there Stone Gargoyle.

Bond [Minor] By Iczer
'You guys should just stick around until I get back'

The character can cause to items to attract each other and form a physical attraction that can be broken only by time or excessive force.
The character touches a target and then attaches him to a nearby object, a wall, the floor it matters not. The object designated, extrudes tendrils to tie the target. Effectively this works like an attempt at grappling with the following distinctions.
1) Once the grapple has been started, the character can let go while the nearest surface maintains it.
2) the target is only really held in place, and at best is immobilised by one or two limbs, and only where they attach to the target
3) the target can escape by making an escape artist check (at -5% per level of the character).
4) The target can also attempt to escape by opposing strengths. the grappling surface has an extraordinary PS of 3 per level, plus the AR of the materiel in question.
5) the target can also escape by simply trying to smash and tear the bonds that hold him. he must destry an equivilent SDC equal to that of a 5x5 section of the material in question.
6) If the target of this power is a living being, it wears off after 3d4 melee rounds. otherwise (see below) the bonding is a permanent, physical change that can be undone at will by the character.
Other applications: The character can bond items to a target willingly (even himself). Bonding a sword to his arm, or gun to his hand makes the item undroppable. Likewise bonding materials to himself can give him some unweildy but primitive body armour. Bonding can be used to add 20% to climb checks. It can be also used as a form of welding, forcing two objects to bond together. likewise it can be used to jam the workings of an object with easy to discern parts, permanently wedging a door shut for instance.

Explosive tumors: [Minor]
'hey..Doc fantastic, if you are really a doctor, could you look at this for me?'

The character can form unsightly, bulbous tumours across his body at will. The character can form 3D4x10 lumps upon his body that lend him an AR of 10 and a bonus SDC of 30 (recovers at a rate of 1 per 15 minutes). The tumors also drop the character's PB to 1d4+2
These tumours can be made to detach and explode like little cherry bombs.
1) Range: special. they can be 'shot' up to 40 feet but with woefull accuracy. Alternatively, they can be ripped free and thrown as far as a person could toss a softball.
2) Damage: 1d4 as a hard lump of tumor, or 1d4+1 per level to 5 feet as a bomb. it does not have to explode
3) actions: it takes one action to launch a tumour. ripping one free and throwing it also counts as a single action. causing one or more tumours to remote detonate (within 120 feet +20 feet per level)
4) bonuses to strike. -2 as a shot tumor (but can be done when hands are tied). otherwise as any thrown object.
5) Other effects: The character can detonate a tumor upon impact when struck. this inflicts normal damage to the target and 1d4+1 to the character. this sort of spoilsport tactics may be considered unheroic.

Translate armour: [Minor]
'Yeah..having body armour is great, but this takes the cake'
The character can transform natural or worn body armour into a protective shield.
When activated, natural body armour vanishes and the character becomes coated with an invisible protective force field with an identical AR. as a force field, the character deflects some attacks before they strike rather than striking and being deflected. Thusly the force field provides an SDC boost equal to the characters PE plus his ME (the force field does not drop when this SDC is gone. SDC recovers by resting the field for an hour) and diverts away unpleasant stimuli (character is immune to chemical agents, such as acids...they don't react with the force field) likewise energy attacks are reduced in strength by one half.
Worn armour requires 1 melee round to transform into a force field, and requires one action per rouand to maintain. The force field has a natural AR equal to it's normal AR, and it's entire SDC is converted into force field SDC. Gadgets and fancy attachments such as weapons and sensory gear, are not accessable when converted into force field, and if the force field is broken down it stops protecting the character, and reforms as physical body armour (with 1d4 SDC remaining and -4 AR) Force field SDC recovers at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes while active, but if the armour solidifies then the damage is permanent.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Bioweave limb. [Minor]
'The Earth Mother doesn't like strangers coming around here..'

The character can cuase nearby (20 feet) plant life to animate and form a limb made from plant matter. This limb, roughly 10 feet long (Plus 2 per level) can resemble a monstrous arm, twisted tentacle or any other type of appendage necessary. The limb can be created within 15 feet of the character, usually springing from the ground, from the densest clump of plant matter, or from any nearby tree, and has the following properties.
AR 8 (12 if formed mainly from woody trees)
SDC 30 (doubled if made from woody trees)
HP 1 per level
PS: 13 extraordanary. this improves by 1 per level, and woody trees add +4 PS
PP: equal to the character's ME
Combat bonuses: +2 to strike and parry (no autoparry) plus any PP bonus the limb may have. Inflicts 2d4 in a strike or squeeze (plus any PS bonus it may have) In addition, the limb may grapple, disarm, trip and body flip/throw even if the character is untrained in such manoevres.
Actions: It takes one action to create a limb, plus one action to direct it to perform an action of it's own. It can maintain a simple act of force on its own however (holding a prisoner, holding up a falling tree) without draining any additional actions.
Limbs last for hours (1d4) before ceasing to be controlable, but retain their shape when sculpted. may be used to reshape gardens or trees.

Urban decay [Minor]
'You know this used to be such a nice neighbourhood'

The character can send out waves of energy that twist and crumble artificial matter, effectively wreaking havok on any urban surface.
Range: 30 feet plus 10 feet per level. the character can modulate range by 5 foot increments.
Damage: All artificial structures (virtually any unliving thing within range that is not made from a natural substance such as wood or unworked stone) drops in SDC equal to the character's ME in % plus 2% per level. Once affected in this way the target's become immune to further damage. In addition, all available targets drop by 1d4+2 AR. effectively the entire area becomes watsed with cracks, rips, tears and bends. Items suffer reduced efficiency. load bearing structures lose 20% of their load capacity (only in the affected area of course) weapons become warped inflicting -2 to strike (only -1 for melee weapons. they are simpler). vehicles and equipment in the area suffer a 20% operational capacity (vehicles are harder to drive etc).
Actions: This power requires 3 actions to use, and at any rate can not be used more than oncer per melee round.

Wound channelling [Minor]
'You know what they say >grunt< No pain >gasp< no gain.'

The character can harm himself even as he harms others. when he inflicts damage on another in melee combat, he may temporarilly create a two way junction between himself and the target and channel in extra damage. If the target takes so mauch as a single point of damage, the character May choose to inflict an extra 1d4 per level. if the target makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count) he takes half of this extra damage. at any rate, the character takes one quarter himself.
[Jonesy strikes a Police officer with his claws inflicting 12 damage. being a 4th level mutant he opens a channel to inflict an extra 4d4 damage (9 is rolled.) if the cop makes his save he takes the 12, plus 5. if not he takes the lot (21) at any rate, Jonesy takes 2]
Other bonuses: +1D4+1 PE Plus 6D6 SDC +1 to save vs pain.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Assault [Major]
'Time to bring down the rain'

The character can create missiles of force field, lasting long enough to strike a target, or pepper an area with needles, hammers or balls of force.
1) Ranged attack.
Range: 120 feet
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per level of experience.
Attacks: counts as a single attack.
Bonus to strike: +3 with aimed, +1 with wild
Special: by halving the rolled damage, the attack can be done as a focused barrage of needles rather than Force. the needles pierce armour effectively (-2 AR) and have a larger spread (3 feet wide) making them harder to dodge (-2)

2) Rain of force
The character targets a rain of force from above that descends upon a target like a torrent of hammers. this attack strike s an area 30 feet across from up to 50 feet in the air. everyone in the area may make a dodge roll (16+. targets with shelter need only a 12+) to avoid this deadly rain.
Range: the area of effect may be up to 50 feet away
Damage: 6d6 +2 per level
Attacks: the rain of force counts as 3 actions.

3) Torrent:
The character unleasheshes a torrent of force, not so much to injure, but to stun, knockdown or impede a target
Range: 60 feet
Damage: 2d6 but see below.
Bonus to strike: +4
Special: this type of attack carries with it the ability to shove a target. allowing him to perform the following:
Knockdown: The target rolls a d20 and adds his PP attribute. the character rolls a d20 and adds the damage he scored with this attack (+2 per level) if the character wins, the traget has been flipped over by the blow and knocked down (loses initiative and one attack)
Knockback: as above, but the target rolls D20 and adds his PS attribute instead. The target is thrown backwards 1d4 feet plus an extra foot for each point by which the character exceeded the target.
Disarm: as per regular disarm manoevre, only ranged.
Stunning blow: As above, only the target adds his PE instead. if he fails, he loses initiaitive and 2 attacks for the melee round.

Virulent cloud: [Minor]
'Choke on this'

The character unleashes a cloud around himself for 30 feet +5 feet per level in all directions. everyone in this cloud suffers from slight visual impairment (-1 to strike, parry and dodge) and suffers from its harsh smell and taste (-2 initiative. the character is immune to the smell aspect at any rate).
The cloud also hampers the body's ability to fight off illness and infection. everyone within the radius of the cloud suffers a -4 to all saving throws involving poison, disease, magic, or any other saving throw that is augmented by the PE attribute) once a target leaves this cloud, he may make a svaing throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). if successful, the effect ends. otherwise he remains vulnerable for anothjer 1D4 melee rounds.
The character can choose to lock this cloud onto an area (duration is 1d4+1 melee rounds) or can have it project from himself (requires one action per round to maintain). at any rate it requires 2 melee actions to create the cloud.

Contagious stain: [Minor]
'wassamatter buddy. you look a little green around the gills'

The character can, with a touch, alter a person's bichemistry to react violently with his immune system, rendering him shudderingly ill.
The target may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). if he fails, his body changes colour (pick one at time of power creation) and he becomes violently ill (character becomes stunned for the rest of the melee round with a 45-PE % chance of vomiting. he loses one attack per melee, and -3 to all combat skills, -25% to all other skills and halve spd for another 1d4melee rounds.)
Furthermore, anyone the target touches must also make the same saving throw or pass the illness onward. (and anyone they touch etc..)
The character is immune to his own contagious stain, and can reverse it by touch on a target.
The character can make a total of 2 contagious stains per melee round, each one requiring 2 actions.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Adept Mutation: [Minor]
'I wonder what may help me out now?'

The character may acquire and shed mutations at will. this minor shapeshifting allows for a modest but broad arsenal of effects.
as an action, the character may choose a mutation (see heroes unlimited, under the mutant section). he keeps this mutation as long as he desires. at any point he may select another, and swap out the old for the new. any SDC gained in this way is temporary, and the same mutation chosen a second time does not repair it if it is lost (recovers after 24 hours)
In addition, every time the character changes, he may heal 2d4 HP or SDC (up to a maximum of 12 times per day). each change is an action.
This power does not mitigate any preexisting mutations he already has.
Other bonuses: +2 PE +4D6 SDC

Morphic Body [Major]
'You know...i like it when I can cut loose'

The character's body molds and folds at will, allowing him to maximise his fighting and athletic performance.
The character gains +10 PS +5 PP +20 Spd and +1 attack per melee. and a natural AR of 14. He also gains +15% to any physical skill
The catch: to use any of these bonuses at all, he must instantly and reflexively morph his body to match the expectations of the new abilities.
any use of the extra strength involves creating shortlived but powerfull muscle mass. Heightened PP will often involve lengthened or more flexible limbs, and enhanced speed will involve modifying the stance to become a more adept runner. the AR is usually a combination of spontaneous armour growths and parting when in contact with a blow.
These changes last for the duration of the change only and take no actions to perform, but any use of heightened attributes is immeadiately obvious (and probably disturbing)
Other bonuses:
Heals at 4 times normal rate. +1D4x10+20 SDC +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact

Gathering: [Major]
'Give me a moment...I have something i have to do first'

The character can gather energy inside himself to unleash at a moment's notice. each action spent gathering energy involves the character concentrating on the process (is -2 to automatic combat actions and cannot move). each action gathers 1 charge. if the character expends all his actions gathering charges for a full round, he gains an additional 2 charges.
At will the character can expend charges to enhance his effectiveness in combat. he begins with 3 of the following tricks, and gains an additional trick at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14
* Aim: each charge expended on an action adds +1 to strike with an aimed ranged attack.
* Swiftness: expend 3 chrages to gain an extra melee action
* Power: expend one charge to add 1d6 damage to an attack. (applies to powers and melee combat. does not affect ranged weapons.
* Absorb Blow: each charge reduces the damage by an attack by 1d6 per charge expended
* Indomitable will: each charge allows you to re roll a saving throw vs magic or psionics
* Speed: each charge expended adds 5 to your spd attribute for one minute
* Leaping: each charge adds 10 feet to your leaping distance for a single leap.
* armour defeating blows: each charge expended allwos you to bypass 4 points of AR (can be spent after a strike)
* Recovery: expend a charge to ignore initiative or action penalties for a single action (if tripped for instance, he may get up without losing an initiative or an action, or may act while otherwise stunned)
* Deathblow: by expending 8 charges the character can halve any inflicted damage but apply it directly to HP.
* Auto dodge: by expending 3 charges the character can dodge one blow (even one he did not previously know about) at +4
* May expend a charge as an action to gain 10 temporary SDC (lasts 5 minutes per level). while he has this extra SDC he also has an AR of 14.

at 4th level, the character can gain charges by taking damage. every time the character, or a friend, takes any damage, the character gains one charge.
At 6th level, if the character actually knocks someone out, he may attempt to drain some life force as an action. This requires an action to perform, but acquires charges equal to half the target's level (half again if a bystander on non super powered character) The target takes 2d6 damage from this. If the character kills another, he may spend an action gathering the energy of a victims passing, abosrbing one charge per level (half for bystanders)
at 8th level the character may just draw the energy from a target as an action. any target within 60 feet must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonus applies) or take 3d6 damage and the character gains as many charges as their level.

The character can 'hold' as many charges as his IQ score, plus 2 per level. every minute 1d4 charges will bleed away (he can hold it only for so long)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Crumble [Major]
"ready to tear this place apart? I Know I am'

The character generates vibrations at a touch that cause brittle items to bend warp and split upon touch.
1) armour defeating strikes: when striking solid stone, wood or metal (or any other inflexible substance, including targets with a natural AR) the character inflicts full normal damage +2 per level.
2) bone strikes: if a struck target has bones the character inflicts +2 damage per level with his unarmed strikes. in addition, every time the target takes any damage from this character, he must make a saving throw (12+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer from fractures and broken bones (roll on the minor injury chart. if the result reveals a break or fracture to a bone, then apply it, otherwise add 1d6 damage) this damage can be applied to wrestling holds as well.
3) Crumble: any rigid item can be beset by natural crumbling forces by the application of this power. By touching an object (must be brittle and inflexible. stone counts, as does most metal and wood. rope and rubber do not) and expending1 action he can inflict 2d6 damage. If the character retains continuous contact (no moving or dodging) and he performs this stunt again he inflicts 3D6. every time he performs this action without taking a break, he adds 1D6 damage to the damage dealt, continuing outwards until 20D6 (which he can continue to inflict). the damage initially spreads over a 10x10 foot section of the object, but every but every 10 damage inflicted, does 1d6 damage out to another 10 feet. (Size-Mik has been at this three times now and is about to make attempt number 4. He inflicts 5d6 damage this time which comes to 18 damage to the 10x10 area his is touching, and 1d6 out to another 10 feet in all directions (so in essence a 30 foot spread) eventually, he can destroy virtually anything.
4) counter vibrations: The character can vibrate imperceptibly, allowing him to resist vibrationary attacks (half damage from vibratory and sonic attacks). he can strike characters that are vibrating to become intangible. in addition he can make himself invisible to seizmographic detection, and to motion sensors or simply flood them with information (oh my god chief! ground sensors detect a giant mass!)
5) +2D4x10 SDC

Totem: [Minor]
'By the Tiger I will avenge thee!'

The character can alter his genetic code to become more like a beast.
Mechanically the character's body transforms into a beast like creature of the charactre's choosing. select an animal mutant (refer to mutant animals section of HU2 or to After the bomb).
The character essentially gains:
hands, Biped, speech: Full
Looks: None. The character resembles a humanoid version of his chosen animal.
Bonuses: the character gains all that animals attribute bonuses and natural abilities
The character also gains 5 Bio-E per level at the moment of transformation, that he may spend on that animals chosen powers (but not psionics or size level), and gains 30 SDC. the bio-E is chashed in every time the character transforms back into his human form, and may be respent when he changes back.

>>personal emergency, I'll post the rest later<<
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Iczer looks like i have to start playing catch up there Stone Gargoyle.

Now you know how I feel sometimes after one of your posting sessions. I have to post over the course of several days, however, and it is a bit difficult sometimes as I have to weed out the too "adult oriented" material in the process.
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Mephisto wrote:I'm waiting for both Iczer and Stone Gargoyle to start posting links, so I can have all of my powers in one place *yes I want my cake and to eat it too*

Believe me, if I could get a site up to post powers, it wold be great for me too. As it is, I can't even keep this stuff on computer because I have to borrow my roommate's computer to get online as it is.
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Reptilian Regeneration: [Minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Ah man, I loved that arm. Meh, it will grow back soon enough, toss me another beer man."

While this power doesn't allow the character to heal any faster, it does boost their regenerative abilities to allow them to re-grow limbs and resist blood loss.

1) Limbic re-growth: When character looses a limb/body part, it re-grows. Hands/Feet take one week plus 1d10 days (lots of little bones to re-grow).
Arms/Legs take 2 weeks plus 3d4 days.
Eyes and other Facial Extremities: 4 days plus 4d8 hours. Other organs and body parts cannot be regenerated, and if you had surgery to fix a problem with an extremity and it re-grows, if it’s genetic you will have that problem again.

2) Prevent Blood Loss: Characters arteries and veins (the major ones at least) are valved, so as to prevent unnecessary blood loss when amputation or injury occurs. Blood loss (if using those rules) mostly stops after one melee round, will still ooze blood every now and then, but not enough to cause a problem.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Coming Soon: Carbon Copy(minor) and Pathfinder(minor), plus any others I see fit to post. It has been too nice a day to spend on the computer or I would have posted them already. I am only posting now since I am at the library printing out Iczer's recently posted powers. :-P
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I like the Ultra Claws power. I really wish I had taken more time to finish the one I created. It seemed to have potential, but I'm guessing I got lazy.

Here's one that just popped into my head. I'm going to try and edit it later on. What got me thinking about it was creating a character that everyone on earth would hate. He'd be attractive, successful, intelligent, kind, generous(there is a big difference between kind and generous), and pretty much everything most people wish they could be. When I started figuring out what kind of powers would be needed, I went with; Karmic Power(good bonuses for a good guy), Physical Perfection, Extraordinary Intelligence(using an area of expertise as business/finance and law), Superhuman Strength, and Healing Factor.

So while thinking of this character, I focused on Physical Perfection as a power. I then realized that it could conceivably be expanded in small ways to become a major power without being overpowering in the bonuses it gives to attributes and other things while containing a wide array of abilities that might make someone seem physically perfect.

Well pardon the long intro but here's what I've got;

Physical Perfection(major)
"I don't like bragging but I've got it pretty good."

The character with this power is the apex of their species. In pretty much every way they are better than just about every other member of their race. They are stronger, faster, more resilient, better looking, and even smarter. What's even more amazing than their apparent perfection is the inability to lose that perfection through inactivity. The power constantly makes sure the character is physically fit.

Depending on onset, those with this power might have a tendency to be arrogant. If you are better than everyone around you it's difficult to not be overconfident. Players can disregard this mindset or keep it in mind for roleplaying purposes.

1. Enhanced Physical Attribute Minimums:
P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., and Spd. all have increased minimums. If the player rolls under these minimums, increase the attribute to the minimum. If they rolled above, leave it as it. To clarify in advance, these minimums are applied to the attributes before the rest of character creation. This means someone rolling a 12 for P.P. would increase it to 18 before powers, skills, and/or other bonuses are added in.

The minimum for P.S. and Spd. is 20. P.P., P.E., and P.B. have minimums of 18.

2. Bonus Attributes Points:
When the character is completed, they get bonus points that are randomly rolled. These points can be applied to any of the physical attributes, though no more than 4 points can be put in any one attribute. At every 4th level of experience the attributes improve once again.

Bonus Points: 1D8+2 to start. The character gains 1D8 points at levels 4, 8, and 12.

Optional: Either in addition to the bonus points, or instead of them, the GM can allow the player another option. This option gives the character maximum points for any normally randomly rolled bonuses to physical attributes gained through skills, powers, or other things. So, for example, if the character took a skill that gave a +1D6 bonus to Spd. then the character automatically gets the maximum of +6 to Spd. without having to roll. This also applies to SDC and HP bonuses.

3. Attributes Past 30:
Normally the bonuses associated with certain attributes stop at 30 and are replaced by something else. With this power, those bonuses continue until 40. Along with those extended bonuses, the character still gains the other bonuses associated with high attributes. The bonuses continue at the same rate as what's in the HU2 main book. This extended bonus applies to all attributes.

This means a character with a 38 P.P. not only gets the +2 to initiative that comes with 38 P.P., but their strike, parry, and dodge bonus is +12!

4. Physical perfection:
Whatever the character's P.B. turns out to be, their bodies are physically almost perfect. There is very little body fat, no hair loss as they age, no predisposition towards certain disease, etc... They are also in perfect health and more resistant to diseases and sickness.

Bonuses: +3 to save vs diseases of all kinds. Also immune to flus, the common cold, and other very minor ailments. They are also highly resistant to toxins and poisons, getting a bonus of

5. Incredible Strength:
No matter what the final total in P.S., it is increased to Extraordinary. The muscles are just more dense and generally tougher than other humans.

Along with the enhanced strength for lifting/carrying, the character gets an additional die of damage with punches and kicks. This extra die is of the same type as already being used for the strike. This means a punch does 2D4 instead of 1D4, and a roundhouse kick does 4D6.

6. Incredible Endurance:
The character tires at 1/3 the normal rate, allowing themselves to endure longer periods of physical exertion than others.

Due to increased lung efficiency and volume, the character can hold their breath for 10+2D4 minutes.

The character needs less rest than a normal person to have a good night's sleep. All the character needs is 2 hours of sleep to be considered fully rested for a day. They can also go four days without any sleep at all before they start feeling the effects of sleep deprivation.

7. Incredible Agility:
The character has perfect balance, able to walk a tightrope with ease. When attempting to keep their balance on precarious surfaces, the character has an 83+1% per level of experience chance to keep their balance.

If the character ever has a possibility of getting knocked down, like being hit by large amounts of force, then reduce the chance by 20% due to the character's ability to move just right to help stay standing.

The character also never suffers from being a klutz. In other words they never stub their toe, accidentally run into corners, drop things, and other actions along the same lines.

8. Incredible Speed:
While the character's speed is already greater than most others, there's an even bigger gap created by this power. The character can, for short periods of time, gain a tremendous burst to their running or swimming speed. During this period of time the character can run/swim their Spd. attribute in miles per hour! Unfortunately due to the intense focus required to begin and maintain this speed, the character can take no action other than running during this time.

Duration: 2D6 minutes +2 minutes per level of experience. After this period has ended, the character can not begin another sprint for two hours. They suffer no other ill effects beyond their Spd. attribute returning to normal.

9. Heightened Regeneration:
Because of the incredible physical condition of the character they also benefit from increased regeneration. Double the normal healing rate, whether from professional treatment or at home treatment. This doubling of the healing rate does not apply to any other powers the character may possess or healing methods used on them.

It actually took me three days to write this. I didn't have very much time other than work and sleep, so I've been writing a little every day. I might do a bit of editing later, if I have the time.
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MrTwist wrote:I like the Ultra Claws power. I really wish I had taken more time to finish the one I created. It seemed to have potential, but I'm guessing I got lazy.

I am glad you like it. As I said, the addition of the Penetration value stuff was good on yours, but it seems to not be in line with many of the megas already in the PU books. Mine was created in keeping with that model and so I wasn't sure if everything would mesh properly. I will try to keep things coming.
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Animal Personification Field(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
With a form of reality manipulation, the superbeing has an energy field which alters animals in range, making them behave in a more humanlike fashion. This alters their behavior and changes their physiology temporarily.

1.Animal Modification Field: The superbeing emits an aura which causes animals to temporarily mutate. Four-legged animals gain Partial Biped ability, while animals already possessing this ability gain Full Bipedal movement. The gain Partial Hands if having front feet like hooves or flippers or wings, and Full Hands if having paws or Partial Hands already. Their mental abilities increase to match those of the superbeing and they gain Full Speech, talking in a manner the hero chooses (so he could make a rat talk like a gangster or make a catr talk with a British accent).
Range: 100 feet per level radius (affects all animals in range)
Duration: Affects animals while they are in range of the superbeing, +1d4 melee rounds after. The field is constantly in effect around the hero.
Limitation: This field has no effect on normal humans, though Feral characters will lose their abilities unless making their saving throw.
Saving Throw: Animals and Feral characters may save vs. the effect, needing 14 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at levels 4,8 and 12

2.Drawbacks: The hero is crazy, thinking that animals are talking to him even when they are out of the range of his power, suffering -2 to combat actions and -5% to skill performance due to the distraction. Animals the hero changes are not necessarily inclined to help him, either, and are under no expectation to do so.

3.Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs. psionics and mind control
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Carbon Copy (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can make a nonliving duplicate of himself out of an equivalent mass of stone or other nonliving substance. The duplicate will look for all intents and purposes like the character, at first glance at any rate. The duplicate, upon inspection, will reveal itself to be what it is, but at a distance will fool onlookers.

1.Decoy: The superbeing transmutes matter to resemble flesh and, with a sculpting skill the equivalent of 70% +4% per level, molds it to resemble himself (molding it to look like others must be done with the sculpting skill at its normal percentage, this increased ability due only to the character's familiarity with his own face and body). This is done by touch and requires a full melee of contact to be successful. If the skill roll fails, though, it will not fool anyone.
Power uses per day: Equal to half the character's ME number
Duration: 24 hours, after which the substance turns to sludge.
Perception: Onlookers more than 2 feet away must roll a 16 or better to realize the successfdully sculpted duplicate is not the individual who created it (or who it is made to resemble). Closer inspection without touching the body requires a 12 or better to see past the facade. Touching the "body" will make its true nature obvious.

2.Limitations: Genetic analysis will prove the mass to not even be human. Unless this method is used, the body will appear to be a corpse, though touching it will make one think it is fossilized, even if the onlooker no longer believes it to be the superbeing who created it (or the one it is sculpted to resemble). Body heat and other signs of life cannot be duplicated, nor can the decoy be made to move by means of this power. The power cannot be used to alter living things or previously living things, only inert matter, though bodies which have fossilized into rock and dirt made of decomposed organic matter can be used, just not plants or dead animals or things made from the same.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+5% to Medical skills, +10% to art skills
+1d4 ME
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Paralysis(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

By grappling and holding an opponent, the hero can scramble the messages from their brain, making them incapable of sending messages to their muscles, effectively paralyzing them for a short time.
Range: Touch; must be maintained for 2 attacks/actions
Duration: 2d4 melees after paralysis is achieved. Affected opponent loses all attacks/actions and is unable to move their limbs.
Limitations: Cannot be made to limit nerve impulses to vital organs so as to kill or injure someone.
Saving Throw: Victims may save vs. the effect (14 or better, PE bonus applies). If saving, they will still feel numb and be -4 to all combat rolls for the duration of the power.
Bonuses: +2 to grapple/strike to secure a hold for the initiation of the power
+2 ME
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Pathfinder(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"We're not lost. I know exactly where we are."

The superbeing has an instinctual sense of where he is at all times that translates into data in his brain.

1.Global Positioning: The hero can always give the coordinates where he is, latitude and longitude, when calling in a rescue helicopter or requesting a mission extraction. He will always know which trail to take to get where he needs to with an equivalent Land Navigation skill of 90%.

2.Navigation and Tracking: The hero gains skill bonuses when moving in the forest. +10% to Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Tracking Animals and Detect Concealment

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Suffers no combat penalties in heavily wooded areas due to low visibility
+1d4 PE
+1d6 IQ
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Animal Personification Field(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
With a form of reality manipulation, the superbeing has an energy field which alters animals in range, making them behave in a more humanlike fashion. This alters their behavior and changes their physiology temporarily.

1.Animal Modification Field: The superbeing emits an aura which causes animals to temporarily mutate. Four-legged animals gain Partial Biped ability, while animals already possessing this ability gain Full Bipedal movement. The gain Partial Hands if having front feet like hooves or flippers or wings, and Full Hands if having paws or Partial Hands already. Their mental abilities increase to match those of the superbeing and they gain Full Speech, talking in a manner the hero chooses (so he could make a rat talk like a gangster or make a catr talk with a British accent).
Range: 100 feet per level radius (affects all animals in range)
Duration: Affects animals while they are in range of the superbeing, +1d4 melee rounds after. The field is constantly in effect around the hero.
Limitation: This field has no effect on normal humans, though Feral characters will lose their abilities unless making their saving throw.
Saving Throw: Animals and Feral characters may save vs. the effect, needing 14 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at levels 4,8 and 12

2.Drawbacks: The hero is crazy, thinking that animals are talking to him even when they are out of the range of his power, suffering -2 to combat actions and -5% to skill performance due to the distraction. Animals the hero changes are not necessarily inclined to help him, either, and are under no expectation to do so.

3.Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs. psionics and mind control

That's similar to an idea I had called Uplift Animal. Still haven't around to writing it, but the gist of it was bringing animals up to human-level intelligence.
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MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Animal Personification Field(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
With a form of reality manipulation, the superbeing has an energy field which alters animals in range, making them behave in a more humanlike fashion. This alters their behavior and changes their physiology temporarily.

1.Animal Modification Field: The superbeing emits an aura which causes animals to temporarily mutate. Four-legged animals gain Partial Biped ability, while animals already possessing this ability gain Full Bipedal movement. The gain Partial Hands if having front feet like hooves or flippers or wings, and Full Hands if having paws or Partial Hands already. Their mental abilities increase to match those of the superbeing and they gain Full Speech, talking in a manner the hero chooses (so he could make a rat talk like a gangster or make a catr talk with a British accent).
Range: 100 feet per level radius (affects all animals in range)
Duration: Affects animals while they are in range of the superbeing, +1d4 melee rounds after. The field is constantly in effect around the hero.
Limitation: This field has no effect on normal humans, though Feral characters will lose their abilities unless making their saving throw.
Saving Throw: Animals and Feral characters may save vs. the effect, needing 14 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at levels 4,8 and 12

2.Drawbacks: The hero is crazy, thinking that animals are talking to him even when they are out of the range of his power, suffering -2 to combat actions and -5% to skill performance due to the distraction. Animals the hero changes are not necessarily inclined to help him, either, and are under no expectation to do so.

3.Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs. psionics and mind control

That's similar to an idea I had called Uplift Animal. Still haven't around to writing it, but the gist of it was bringing animals up to human-level intelligence.

The idea of this was one I have been playing around with: What if a childlike look one the world translated into a reality manipulation power later. Another one is one I will be posting soon: Imaginary Friend(minor).
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Genetic Transcription(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The mutant with this power is a biohazard. His body is infectious at a genetic level, behaving very much like a virus.

1.DNA Transcription: The mutant infects everyone he touches as his genetic material attempts to rewrite the genetic code of others it comes into contact with.
Range: Touch. Cellular residue left on surfaces can infect others as well if come in contact wiith before it expires (Fingerprinting powder and other chemicals will kill the residue and prevent infection).
Duration: Instant viral transfer occurs when the mutant makes skiin to skin contact. Cellular residue remains infectious and active for 1d4 minutes following the mutant's touch. The infection continues in stages after that (see below).
Attacks: Touching an object or person uses one melee attack/action.

2.Stages of Infection:
Stage One: As the virus passes into a person, it requires 1d4 hours to settle. During this time, the infected individual can make a saving throw once per hour against disease (14 or better, PE bonus applies) and will run a low level fever.
Stage Two: After the initial onset of the infection, the DNA attempts to rewrite that of its host. This period lasts 2d4 hours, during which time the genetic material begins replacing the host's genetic structure. There is an 80% chance that the host and DNA are not compatible. If not compatible, the new blood and genetic material will react with the host's old gentic structure in a toxic fashion. The host whose DNA is being altered must then save vs. biological toxins (16 or better, PE bonus applies) each hour of this process or suffer 2d6 damage directly to Hit Points resulting from toxic shock each hour. The recipient of the new DNA will be extremely ill in any case, suffering -2 to initiative, losing one attack per melee and at a penalty to combat rolls of -2, as well as -15% to skill performance. If failing the save vs. toxins, the penalty to combat rolls is -4 and the skill penalty -20%.
Stage Three: After the DNA has been rewritten, some of the skin and body will remain the same as before and have to be shed, costing the victim another 2d6 Hit Points and 2d6 SDC. If the infected individual survives, he will find that his fingerprints, retinal scans, tissue analysis and blood tests will be a match for the mutant who infected him.
GM note: It is possible to use this for an NPC and make him unaware that this power is in effect. alternatively, this can be used by a villain for such things as framing someone else for his crimes or creating a healthy subject to harvest replacement organs from.

3.Genetic Redundancy: The mutant's body constantly refreshes its own genetic structure. This acts in the same way as the longevity minor super ability:
The mutant ages at a fraction of the normal rate, compared to most humans. Two years for every ten. This means a character who is 100 years old has the appearance and physical body of a human in his late 20's, early 30's; by the age 200, he or she looks to be 40ish. Life expectancy is 300 years and dies a good looking corpse.
Bonuses: +1 PE, +3 save vs. disease, +5 save vs. coma/death, +1d4 PB

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Mutant is immune to viral infections
+2 save vs. poisons/toxins
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Imaginary Friend(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am never alone as long as George is with me."
The hero is crazy, seeing and hearing some unseen presence which seems to aid him from time to time.

1.Invisible Friend: The hero imagines an idealized individual and lends it his energy. Some subconscious part of his mind thus occupies a part of his spirit body and seperates from is body. In game terms, this is an extension of the superbeing in which he projects his pseudopsionic abilities. This body will be able to be sensed by psychics and those with the ability to See the Invisible.
Attributes: The being has no actual attributes, as he does not actually exist and is a projection of the hero's mind.
Personality: The being will read psionically as an individual with whatever personality and alignment the hero assigns to it when it is created.
Special Abilities: The imaginary friend will act to protect the hero as part of his natural defense mechanism, though the hero will perceive it as the friend helping him. This equates to the hero gaining a +4 to Autododge (the friend saves his from harm by pushing him out of the way, though might be perceived as taking the damage in the hero's place), +2 to initiative (the friend alerts him to trouble), +2 to Perception (the friend looks over his shoulder), and +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact (the friend cushions the hero's fall, again might be perceived as taking the damage by the hero). The invisible friend is also seen as helping with projects, lending the hero a skill bonus of 5% to all skills not requiring physical action (Technical, medical, science and other knowledge skills primarily, though this does add 2% to Tacking also).
Range: The invisible friend remains within a 20 foot radius of the hero at all times, being an extension of his aura.
Appearance: It appears however the hero desires, the form having no effect on its abilities.

2.Drawbacks: The hero believes the imaginary friend to be real. Area attacks and damage taken when aiding the hero (see above) will be perceived as harming the imaginary friend, who can take SDC damage equal to the hero's PPE before being thought to be dying (Damage will not actually subtract from PPE, but this is a good way of keeping track of perceived damage to the imaginary friend). Also, if the hero takes more han 25% of his SDC in damage, he will believe his imaginary friend must be hurt worse. A save vs. Insanity (14 or better, ME bonus applies) must be rolled to prevent him from becoming outraged and thus becoming violent (Bonuses while Outraged: +1 to strike, +2 to damage). If he believes his invisible friend has died, he loses any bonuses it provided and becomes depressed (-2 to initiative, -1 attack and -1 to all combat action) until "meeting" a new Imaginary Friend within 2d4 melee rounds.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2 save vs. psionics and mind control
+10% to skills requiring creativity (especially Art skills)
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Imaginary Friend(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am never alone as long as George is with me."
The hero is crazy, seeing and hearing some unseen presence which seems to aid him from time to time.

1.Invisible Friend: The hero imagines an idealized individual and lends it his energy. Some subconscious part of his thus occupies a part of his spirit body and seperates from is body. In game terms, this is an extension of the superbeing in which he projects his pseudopsionic abilities. This body will be able to be sensed by psychics and those with the ability to See the Invisible.
Attributes: The being has no actual attributes, as he does not actually exist and is a projection of the hero's mind.
Personality: The being will read psionically as an individual with whatever personality and alignment the hero assigns to it when it is created.
Special Abilities: The imaginary friend will act to protect the hero as part of his natural defense mechanism, though the hero will perceive it as the friend helping him. This equates tothe her gaining a +4 to Autododge (the friend saves his from harm by pushing him out of the way, though might be perceived as taking the damage in the hero's place), +2 to initiative (the friend alerts him to trouble), +2 to Perception (the friend looks over his shoulder), and +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact (the hero cushions the hero's fall, again might be perceived as taking the damage by the hero). The invisible friend is also seen as helping with projects, lending the hero a skill bonus of 5% to all skills not requiring physical action (Technical, medical, science and other knowledge skills primarily, though this does add 2% to Tacking also).
Range: The invisible friend remains within a 20 foot radius of the hero at all times, being an extension of his aura.
Appearance: It appears however the hero desires, the form having no effect on its abilities.

2.Drawbacks: The hero believes the imaginary friend to be real. Area attacks and damage taken when aiding the hero (see above) will be perceived as harming the imaginary friend, who can take SDC damage equal to the hero's PPE before being thought to be dying (Damage will not actually subtract from PPE, but this is a good way of keeping track of perceived damage to the imaginary friend). Also, if the hero takes more han 25% of his SDC in damage, he will believe his imaginary friend must be hurt worse. A save vs. Insanity (14 or better, ME bonus applies) must be rolled to prevent him from becoming outraged and thus becoming violent (Bonuses while Outraged: +1 to strike, +2 to damage). If he believes his invisible friend has died, he loses any bonuses it provided and becomes depressed (-2 to initiative, -1 attack and -1 to all combat action) until "meeting" a new Imaginary Friend within 2d4 melee rounds.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2 save vs. psionics and mind control
+10% to skills requiring creativity (especially Art skills)

lmao, nice
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