TSAW 3.0 ... The REF and Third Robotech War.

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Comment: Even the great thinkers and writers in history messed up sometimes.
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Unread post by batlchip »

*Zara takes a sip of soda.*If you think the Regis scouts were bad you should've seen the Regent's scouts.You could get away with zapping one of the Regis scouts but if you kill one of the regent's you better be ready for a nasty fight.The Regent hive brain's had a nasty habit of sending inorganics to investigate the loss of scouts.
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren rolls her eyes just a little bit.::

"The only time Scouts ever really had any advantage over anything was with the armored models in large numbers. That was also nearly their downfall, in being sent out alone more, since they were armed and able to shoot back instead of having to fly into swiping range under fire."

::She shakes her head just a bit then, considering, glancing over towards the bespectacled man.::

"Oh, perhaps. But even as complex as it can get, it's only complex internally. When it turns to the outside, it still isn't 'intelligent' even for its complexity. And in groups alone, still extremely dependent in their case, upon orders from off-site, over the hivelink."

::She peers just a little at the other statement, and the slight pause in the middle.::

"Indeed. She needed a way to think outside of the old 'standard', because the old standards simply didn't work well enough. Especially for the second war. When faced with opponents familiar with hive brain tactics from remembering the old drill right out of the hive, suddenly it becomes far too predictable. Whenever I was out on a strike mission with my girls to support resistance efforts, it was easy enough to second-guess what a hive brain was likely to do next. Scouts and their tactics were the most glaring example of that."

::She pauses just a moment, cocking her head and making a silly face.::

"Of course, it didn't help the grand cause when trying to make more unpredictable commanders wandered over into making them look and feel local enough to start defecting in the first place, since that made hive-brain tactics even more generally useless for being out-predicted."

"Still, I won't totally discredit everything done. In extreme large numbers with boosters, they really were a terror. When there were thousands and thousands of them. Or when you were outnumbered in the field 5 to 1 or more."
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man looks at the bespectacled man and smiles knowingly and then continues to record the data from the various speakers.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

"I get questioned a lot about Scouts and Armored Scouts having an 'electrocution' ability, based on eyewitness accounts of Scouts prying apart mecha and seeming to fry their systems with some sort of electrical discharge...
The Regis HAD experimented with a 'taser' system that would fry unprotected electronics, but the system was only a partial success...the power surge tended to jolt the pilot too and degrade the protoculture nutrient fast, so she discontinued the experiments....Odds are more likely waht the eyewitnesses saw was energetic Protoculture-fed power conduits sparking out and reacting with the monomolecular blade material of the Scouts' claws...Proto-Circuitry has a LOT of power going through it..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by taalismn »

"Yeah, that always bugged us...Where were we supposed to draw the linme between happy, efficient, slaves, and rebellious impoverished ones? Some of the Thinkers just wanted to unleash humans against humans, as long as they didn't use Protoculture weapons to do it, others wanted to take the heat off some sectors by letting the humans have access to protoculture weaponry, which would make the real hardcases that much easier to identify and eliminate, regardless of whose side they were on....
I'm glad I was with neither group involved in population pacification...I was just a test pilot drone....but I knew enough that basing strategy on who had Protoculture was just plain dumb....I got close enough to being kakked on occasion by what I later learned were ASC-era- modded Stinger and Strela SAMs to know there were some nasty non'culture weapons out there...Of course, I later learned that the Russian -EBSIS mafia had been moving Strelas worldwide since the Global Civil War..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren snorts very very softly at some of the comments being made, shaking her head. She peers first at Taalismn.::

"A test pilot drone, huh? Sounds like the life. Before I left I got stuck trying to deal with sympathizers. Part of why I left, in fact. Some of the crap I saw in that department was downright disgusting. Trying to gain favor by hauling in elderly people and orphaned kids. Because as you say, a lot of people really did think the collective was that stupid."

::She glances around a bit then.::

"Most of the stories are probably from the earliest stages of the first occupation. The hive-brains really didn't understand the local tech in the early early stages. But those stages ended quickly. Lot of people got killed thinking they were clever and smart for not using protoculture. That kept going on well into the second occupation, too. Because people had too much out of date information. I tried to warn whichever groups I ran into about that, when I was out trying to deal with the situation directly."

::She peers idly at the man in the back of the room, then, and at Fury.::

"Honor among thieves. Only in a wartime situation... With the war over, the police departments are back out and watching for black market activity again, more than ever. Some of us who work standard patrol and mechanized SWAT don't like drugs or dangerous equipment on our streets."

::She smiles very softly then, glancing over towards Vahan and the others, and sipping her own soda. Though she pauses to give Fury a disgusted look as he lights his cigar.::
Last edited by AuroraKet on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by batlchip »

*RDF guy and Zara look at each other and laugh.Zara takes a sip of her soda then pops a stick of gum in her mouth.*I'm not surprised that the black market is still around.The RDF tried to stamp them out and they failed.I think that as long as earthlings exist there will be a black market.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man continue to record the data being expressed by the different speakers. He notes the latest members of the class in his notebook containing many names and checkmarks. He also takes time to pull several packages containing food stuffs. He then chows down on something that has the vague smell of a freshly cooked hamburger. And then he washes it down with a foil package containing liquid. He continues to take notes with one hand while he eats with the other.:::

"Please forgive me, but someone had some food and reminded me that I do need to eat once in a while." :::Looking back at the bespectacled man and smiling.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man records the information from the latest speaker.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren nods just a little at the latest thoughts, considering them.::

"Yes, I can imagine. It was hard not to wind up dealing with those one would rather not deal with, for the occupation, it was more reliable than some of the more... interesting alternatives. My crew had some luck in counter-springing some of the sympathizer traps, but..."

::She just peers at the muttering bespectacled man, rolling her eyes, before nodding to Vahan.::

"Plenty of groups like that, in plenty of places. Working for and answering right to the occupation forces. And that's exactly what they were doing. Dump them off and let the hive sort them out. Greed and more greed. My girls and I hunted down any groups we heard about doing it, to be honest."

::She glances back at the ex-wiseguy.::

"I can understand them not resisting, but not resisting doesn't exactly explicitly include 'directly working for the enemy' either. I tried to not be excessively bad to anyone I figured had a gun to the head for it. The ones who were willing to be bloodthirsty about gathering up as many as they could, for enemy payoff, were the ones I was unhappy with."

::She shrugs, sipping her soda again, and glancing around a bit more.::

"Once in a blue moon, with word of a sympathizer town around somewhere, it was fun to trick the ones working right for the occupation force, by showing up in my old Invid Command Battloid. Given the intelligence of some of the ones working right for the enemy, they didn't always distinguish a who, just that it was an occupation enforcement mecha, so assumed it to be their reward. Made it a heck of a surprise when I neutralized them and released their prisoners. Only worked a couple times, though."

"But no, not everyone was equipped to be charging into battle. I'll agree completely on that point."
Last edited by AuroraKet on Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man continues taking notes. He mumbles::: "People like what you're talking about have their own take on things. The saying which best describs their beliefs is Greed is their creed!" :::His concentration on his note taking never wavers.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man notes the last speakers comments in his notebook.::: "isn't that the way most of humankind reacts when someone has more power than his surrounding fellows. It seems to happen the most after a great power falls, then civilazation picks up and reestablishes itself in those sort of places. But the net result is that more people die at this later date."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by AdmTolval »

The only criminal organizations we knew were Invid symp and ex-E.B.S.I.S. and we dealt with them with the business end of a Gallant. We had hit so many black market camps, depots, and groups on the North American west coast that it crippled their operations for the rest of the occupation.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man continues to reocrd the information that comes from yet another speaker.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

"After Reflex Point I discovered that the most vocal and vehement anti-Invid weren't ex-POWs or REF personnel...though they were far from friendly...but the very sympathizers and 'quietly supportive' collaborators...I guess that once they realized their patrons were gone, people would start looking at them next to take out their anger..So how better to prove your rediscovered died-in-the-wool humanity than to turn in the befuddled Stage Four that was late for the boat because it was pinned down by Alpha fire?
And the symps were just as creative about offing Invid as they were Resistance....with the stipulation that teh first move was to silence the Invid...After all, if the 'alien witch' blurted out anything about 'hero's' stash of protoculture before the flames incinerated her, 'hero' was likely going into the flames next...

Oddly enough the best friend I had in those days was Father Berillo, a half-blind double amputee Catholic priest who emerged from one of the nastier camps..>He had every reason to hate an Invid in the shape of a man, but the Father never raised the issue of what happened to him in relation to me...I think he saw it all as one big test of his faith and will..and maybe he was hoping to convert me, though he never said as much...But when the local town militia that had previously hunted down returning soldiers came sniffing around looking for an Invid, Father Berillo gave them seven degrees of flaming hot condemnation for tearing up his home chasing rumor, sent them backing for fear of their souls, and got me in touch with an REF team that wasn't going to shoot first and vivisect later....I couldn't figure it at the time, but since being like this for a while, I'm starting to understand the whole mercurial nature of humanity... a liitle.."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by taalismn »

"Oh yeah...and certainly, as the war wore on, the Regis got the whole hang of alternate technologies...Radio-controlled systems, boobytraps, pirate radio...Besides testing new mecha adaptations(including, I might add, that mortar scout variant), I had a lot of practice testing new ELINT gear to local frequencies...The Tinkers would go out with some human device they'd found, and we're try to figure out how to find it in field conditions...Took us a few tries to figure outa microwave oven wasn;t some sort of communications component...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by batlchip »

*Zara looks around and shakes her head.*I don't care about doing what you can to survive to me a traitor is a traitor.They are only good for one thing.Target pratice.When I joined you micronains I did not know what that word was.Now I do and it's a word that still sickens me.To betray your own kind just to further your self is disgusting.*She takes a sip of her soda.*While I'll admit to dealing with the black market.I only dealt with those that me and my Squadron mates found to be honorable.I will also agree that not every one could defend themselves but killing others so that you could profit from their deaths is criminal.
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Unread post by taalismn »

"The Masters certainly did that with my species....We would have shared if they'd asked politely..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren listens quietly and nods just a little bit, considering.::

"Definitely, a lot went to those simply wanting personal power. I've seen plenty of it, and had to deal with it sometimes."

::She shrugs slightly, then glances down to the front at Taal and his companion, cringing and nodding.::

"Yes, I do seem to recall quite a bit of that going on as well. I consider myself to have been very fortunate, since I was already into my current job. Having official authority from one of the most significant local governments in the area made the sympathizers and collaborators a lot less willing to to be overt about it. Especially not with a decent number of Sulogi in and around Rio. It seems to have been one of the most significant 'in' spots to slip into society in more numbers. I still had a couple close scrapes though. Mostly fake police calls. And I had more trouble with a real call once than I did with those." ::She laughs just a little.:: "Tried to be the puppy police, and got swarmed by teacup chihuahuas." ::She shakes her head slightly then.:: "When the Rio government started expanding to include more of the Brazil area, on its way towards trying to stabilize the area, the local militia groups certainly popped up more to be dealt with. Having multiple Alphas helped with that. And the government stayed in touch with the REF to advise them what was going on there, enough to make sure that my squad wasn't shot at."

::She glances towards Zara then, shrugging slightly.::

"Yes, it is disgusting if furthering your own personal goals is the reason. Outside of that, well... I can't really throw stones, since some would be quick to point out that in turning to protect Earth from unjustified military actions, I had to stand up and turn the guns on my own people. Killing others to profit from their deaths is the worst magnitude of criminal action."

::She glances forward towards Taal then::

"Yes, we would have. But thinking along that line, so might Earth have, had we asked politely. Their military wasn't exactly in a condition to be much of a threat. The situation was simply mishandled. I keep wondering if offering protection from the next big threat down the line in exchange for the flowers, would have avoided most of the whole thing. But I'm an optimist, and hindsight is 20/20."

::She peers over at the bespectacled man, shrugging slightly.::

"Oh, the Rio police department had to 'deal' with black market operators of all stripe. We still do sometimes. By raiding them and confiscating everything they had to sell, upon their arrest." ::She offers a more nasty smile, just a little bit.:: "Gave the department quite the equipment windfall, really. They never knew when we'd come knocking."
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Unread post by batlchip »

*RDF guy takes a sip of soda while chewing gum.*If I recall working with the black market for info is not a crime.I'd be carefull of who you call old.Some of us might be a little touchy about our age.*He glances at Zara and Seren.*While I'll agree the scout and armored scout were a pain.It was mostly when you were a rookie or in a group of rookies that caused trouble.Your best bet of survival was staying out of sight, shut down and still.There's some other tricks but I won't go into them.
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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

I found the Zents to be Rather Poor Fighters against the Invid. The Surviving Mecha of the Grand-fleet were to Clumsy and Huge to be effective aginst the Swam-flights of Invid.
the EVER-RARE FPA was the only Decent unit against the Swarm. and even so, she was to heavly dependent on the Missile-swaming to remove the targets....
I've watched recon Video from Early on the Invid Invasion of a single FPA taking on wave after Wave of Scouts.... Sadly they eventually Pulled her from her Armor and Tore her to Pieces.... but i'm sure the Hivemind felt the Individual deaths fo the 100+ Invid she slaughtred.
even Intelligence the Zent had from their Eariler Campainge against the Invid was unaccurate, as this wasnt the Same Invid they fought before, all Diffrent Mecha ect. Many fo them were as suprised as my Southren cross Alies as to what we were facing so soon after the Masters Demise.

As for Blackmarket contacts. the best HBC/Proto packs you could get were from the Blackmarket, amny had "Invid-symapthizers" that had acess to Limited stores of Proto Packs. One contact I had was a Cola Van driver who would trade Proto for Ammo and Meds.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man pulls a beaten REF handbook from an inside coat pocket and flips to the section the bespectacled man is reading. Then he replaces the manual back in his pocket. He then records the information the other speakers have shared during the past few minutes. He hears the comment made by the bespectacled man about him being the oldest person present, and he says very quietly,::: "I believe you were in the class ahead of me. I am a member of the pyrdonian class. Weren't you an Arcalian? I thought I remember you wearing green for your graduating ceremonies?"

:::He smiles at the bespectacled man and says,::: "love those jelly babies too! Seems too be something our race either loves or hates."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by batlchip »

*Zara turns beet red and stands up*What do ya' mean poor fighters?If it wasn't for your Minmay trick and Breetai's help.We would've laid wast to your planet.Ask the Invy how much of a poor fighter we Zentraedi are.Why even your famous R--*RDF guy slams his hand down on his desk.*Zara cool it.*She sits down*If I recall the ASC didn't do very well against the Invid.In fact they couldn't stop the masters either.We've been fighting the invy far longer then you humans have and I'm sure the two who are here will support me in this,When I say that we zents are very good at fighting.If you disagree then I suggest you ask the many who died fighting against us.*Turns to look at Seren*Puppy police what's that?
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man looks quickly at the sound of the bang from male zentraedi pilot hitting the table. Continues taking notes even during such distractions.:::

OOC I couldn't remember your characters name Batlchip.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren listens quietly to everyone else, cocking her head slightly at Wolfe, then rolling her eyes at Zara.::

"As one of the three or so of my kind here, I'll point out from looking back on the conflicts with the Zentraedi and fighting the conflict with Earth from both sides, that it's two separate issues. I won't call the Zentraedi 'bad' in combat, in their element. I agree about any single Zent unit being less than adequate with a large scale swarm after them. Because the Zentraedi and the Overmind fight in some aspects on the same exact level, which is to push thousands and thousands of troops and mecha into the field. When the Zentraedi were out in shiploads with thousands of battlepods and fighter pods, yeah, that pretty damned ugly. But in One vs. Many, the Expedition and the prior defense force did have an advantage in their superior equipment, especially with the Veritechs. They just weren't able to produce enough of the superior equipment to take full advantage. They're also the least efficient in terms of producing pilots, because as with all things related to the humans, its a matter of their own free will. Which is also what attracted the defectors, for not wanting to be a slave to the Imperative, the Hive, or whatever else. Our people did not get 'Minmei'ed in the least. That's purely a Zentraedi thing. Just that once we started thinking for ourselves after the last transmutation, the defectors looked at the local culture, bothered to look at what happened prior to the occupation, and looked at what our supposedly 'evolved' Regis and relatives were doing, and realized they were doing no better to Earth than what was done to Optera." ::She rolls her eyes.:: "The Zentraedi did indeed, from all I've seen, really get 'Minmei'ed nice and hard, though. Was pretty funny to think about. The humans should have tried transmitting hard core porn instead of just kissing though. Probably would have caused heart attacks and suicides in the grand fleet."

::She shakes her head and makes a soft noise, then.::

"And in regard to the latter question, well, Rio de Janeiro doesn't exactly have enough funding for the police department to run mechanized SWAT totally separately. Or Animal Control. As such, the assigned officers also have to take normal calls, and be the local SPCA. Handling mistreated, half-wild dogs is the worst. That one incident I mentioned was my own fault, though. There's a reason we're supposed to wear CVR on dog calls, and I was in a hurry and didn't wear mine. Got bit multiple times, scratched a few more, because it was 9 to 1. Even with five pound dogs, that's not good odds. Took quite a while to heal up all the bites and scratches. Not sure if the lawn required cleanup to get the green stink off, either. I know I was bleeding from some of the bites."

::She shivers then, finishing her soda and eating a potato chip.::
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man continues to record notes. He makes sure to take accurate notes from the latest speaker.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

"Ah yes...the Minmei attack...What we could have done with that in our time..But by the time we learned of her, she was past her prime as an idol, and the need to mezmerize an entire Grand Fleet was well over....
Just as well, though...I don't think Stage Fours singing pop-tunes would have worked as effectively(looks apologetically to the Enforcer)...no offense...General Edwards tried it, and what he got was a tactical nuclear critique...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man just simles a wide humor filled smile at the bespectacled man. He pulls a watch out of yet another pocket and holds up a fob watch very simliar to the one the bespectacled man is holding in his own hand. He speaks to the bespectacled man quietly,::: "All you have to do is just open it. What it contains can be revealed at the appropriate time."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by batlchip »

*Zara shakes her head and sighs.*I'm just trying to say that we have been fighting since the Masters made us.Untill we met the micronains we did not know anything else.I seem to recall that we could've crushed the RDF at any time.Khyron himself proved that he could do that and if it hadn't been for Breetai and Azonia he would've done so.*She gets up and walks out the door.*I'll be back record for me please.*RDF guy nods his head.Then looks at the class.*Don't know why ya'll want to insult her.She's here fighting for earth just like the rest of you.*Shrugs*Anyway I read in reports that scouts would trash anything that looked like it was threat even buildings full of civilians.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man record the latest speakers information.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by AdmTolval »

I actually had a full-sized Zentraedi in my group during the occupation. He was a fighter pod pilot though he never could keep a fighter pod for too long before being shot down. We had found an old stash of Battle Pods at one point and modified a bunch of them with more armor for him to use. He's a good officer but it was hell trying to keep food around to feed him.
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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

Unlike Humans and Zents, Scouts (and most non-evolved Invid) never got Bored doing guard duty.
We were Transporting Food/Supplies to an Allied encampment. Our Land Scout found an ambush set up by The Invid, 8 Shock-Troopers were Burried completly under ground. he spotted a small part of one of the Canons above the ground. after 3 Days of Waiting for what they were looking for we Planted Explosives and brought the Canyon pass they were Guarding down on them. it put a small detour in out route, but it was easier then dealing with them. We Later found out the Invid have Burried them selves there 2 months before. and Just waited. Thinking about it, They are most likely Still Burried there, unless they ran out of Life-support of Food.
But there is some Advantage to never being Bored, no Distraction, Little Free Will. You'll Never Find these guys Slacking off on Guard Duty.

There was talk by the UEG High Command of using Minmie Records agianst the Masters during the Second War. but the attack seamed to fail, and the Bioroids just kept comming... I Guess you only get Lucky with crappy Music once...
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Unread post by taalismn »

Dracurian wrote::

OOC:- I had a whimsy & had to do it, Aramanthus! :D
besides it amused me. :D

Better than what I almost did to him in another thread... :D :demon: :clown:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:. We Later found out the Invid have Burried them selves there 2 months before. and Just waited. Thinking about it, They are most likely Still Burried there, unless they ran out of Life-support of Food.
But there is some Advantage to never being Bored, no Distraction, Little Free Will. You'll Never Find these guys Slacking off on Guard Duty.


"Probably are"(makes note to go digging around....If there are any still living buried scouts, there's a chance of having additional hired help...if not, then salvagable mecha...)
"As for the Bioroids? They tend to have far more discriminating tastes in music...still weird, but more discriminating...Had the misfortune of being trapped post-Reflex Point in a mountain pass cabin with an ex-Green pilot...All he did was listen to Phillip Glass and Mannehiem Steamroller for five days....Still can;t get 'Tubular Bells' off my mind..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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We found the best weapon for use agianst the Bioroids were weapons them selves... a 50mm Shot to the faceplate usually worked wonders.
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Unread post by taalismn »

"Please...as much as I hate the Masters, the idea of Goth Muses makes me nauseous...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Usually when I wasnt getting Barked at with Orders, I was keeping some Clasical Music playing. Metallica, REO speed wagon, Rush.... playing in my Eye-Pod.
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren frowns very softly and sighs, looking to the RDF Guy.::

"I didn't mean it personally. Mostly in relation to average foot soldiers and battle pod pilots. Breetai only acted after evaluating it. I could say a lot more about that, and the overall effect of him as a major pivot point especially after contact with Earth, but this is the wrong class for analyzing the history of Robotech Wars. Suffice it to say that there will never be another quite like him, and galaxy is far poorer for it." ::She frowns and nods then.:: "And yes, Scouts generally were told that anything that moved was a threat."

::She glances at Cammy and nods.:: "Their mecha were designed for mass assaults. That's the strategy the Invid were used to, from fighting Zentraedi so long, as well. Given enough time, the Regis would have fielded a lot more of the command Battloids. At the time, though, what was available was considered 'good enough', so sent out. But yes, Scouts really were sheep to the slaughter, by and large."

::She laughs just a little towards Tolval.:: "Trying to keep food around, trying to keep him out of enemy sight... I can almost imagine the logistics of it. Sounds interesting to watch, for certain. For various reasons, full sized ones make me a little nervous unless I have at least a Cyclone somewhere available. I know there were malcontents still in South America, in random tiny groups, that shot at the Invid patrols once in a while. Trouble is, they'd also shoot at anyone else as well."

"And no..." ::glance to Wolfe:: "They never did. Never were smart enough to. After all, sitting in a hole for months was their place in furthering the Invid. The fact that it kept them out of the hive-brain's attention list by and large was a secondary matter." ::She snickers softly.::

::She listens to the band conversations and shivers just a little.::

"I've heard some of those groups. Some of that is simply horrible noise. But then, I' mostly listen to a lot of older country and western, Sheryl Crow, and a slight bit from the older 'hair band' era. And I don't even like a whole lot of the last." ::She peers over at taal then.:: "A Stage 4 trying to sing won't last a moment before someone does -something- to shut off the horrible noise." ::She glances to #:: "No offense, of course."
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I would picture a 4th singing alot like Zoidberg Preforming a Musical....
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man catch the fob watch easily and just smiles broadly.::: "I have a friend who is a "Doctor", we both graduated from the same class. This watch hasn't actually ever been very good at keeping time. And this one hasn't actually done its job it was designed for because I've never needed it for that." :::During the non-descript man's conversation his hands continue to take notes on the various speakers.:::

OOC: No worries from me over what your character said! :ok:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man catch the fob watch easily and just smiles broadly.::: "I have a friend who is a "Doctor", we both graduated from the same class. This watch hasn't actually ever been very good at keeping time. And this one hasn't actually done its job it was designed for because I've never needed it for that." :::During the non-descript man's conversation his hands continue to take notes on the various speakers.:::

OOC: No worries from me over what your character said! :ok:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:I would picture a 4th singing alot like Zoidberg Preforming a Musical....

"Interstingly enough, they can sing 'Tiny Bubbles' VERY well....And as long as they're in a nutrient shower, their voices ain't that bad for anything else..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by batlchip »

*Zara walks back in class humming seek and destroy.*So have we started on the trooper yet?*RDF guy* nope.I heard that there was some masters still on earth after the Invid came.I don't have any reports on what happened to them however.My guess is that knowing how the Invy really hate them they were probley wiped out.*Zara takes another soda and opens it.*I know that several of my sister aces survived the Invy waves.Don't forget both types of troopers were basicly the same as the scouts.No independent thoughts.

ooc:The Strike Force and the Invid Invasion mention the hidding Masters as well as a large group of Zentraedi females.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Dracurian wrote:"But speaking of Stage 4 singing, they had developed a unique method of 'throat-singing' able to sing in several different voices at once. Anyone who has been spoken to by an Enforcer should have noticed the multi-layering of their voices. Very harmonic"


"You've evidentally heard her(gestures to the Enforcer next to him) sing for Protoculture in New Portland..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by taalismn »

batlchip wrote:*Zara walks back in class humming seek and destroy.*So have we started on the trooper yet?*RDF guy* nope.I heard that there was some masters still on earth after the Invid came.I don't have any reports on what happened to them however.My guess is that knowing how the Invy really hate them they were probley wiped out.*Zara takes another soda and opens it.*I know that several of my sister aces survived the Invy waves.Don't forget both types of troopers were basicly the same as the scouts.No independent thoughts.

ooc:The Strike Force and the Invid Invasion mention the hidding Masters as well as a large group of Zentraedi females.

"Nah...The Regis tried, and I'll admit there were some pretty grim accounts from that time....some of us higher evolveds like Princess Sera saw the hypocrisy of that...But I figure enough Zentraedi and Tirolians ditched pure-Protoculture-powered systems to stop attracting attention...and even with the traces of Protoculture in their systems, a steady diet of Earth foods helped mask it...or at least bury the 'scent' in the background radiation of all the plants and animals that took up trace amounts of PC that got blasted into the ecosystem every time a ship or mecha got destroyed during the previous two wars..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren rolls her eyes a little, towards the bespectacled man.::

"Regardless of the harmonics, not exactly great for singing. At least not to most local tastes."

::She nods towards Zara and the RDF guy, smiling since Zara came back in.:: "There were quite a few Zentraedi to survive, in one form or another, in some places. even Manaus had a few. Though it mostly was in southeast Asia. A few come out of the woods of the old control zone, as far out as Rio, though. Always entertaining to talk to, whenever the department got called to check on them."

::She then nods just a little towards Taal, considering.:: "Hypocrisy? Hmm. Depends on how you look at it. Any remaining Robotech Masters would have almost certainly been a clear and present threat to the local population. I'd evaluate them as being as dangerous as the occupation forces, to the locals. And in far more devious and underhandedly subtle ways."

::She glances over and hmms towards the Spherian then.:: "An easier time adapting? Maybe. For me, as one of those 'few', the Cyclone was pretty easy, the Alpha took a bit longer to learn. As for some of the other things, I never realized how nice it was to having a living computer that understood what I was saying and thinking, until I ran headlong into a computer with an outdated version of Windows. And I had to use that one in the line of work, to fill out incident reports for the police department. They've finally gotten upgraded by now, but it seemed to take a good grasp of gibberish to understand what its problem often was."

::She shrugs then, peering down towards the bespectacled man again, and frowning just a little bit. She starts idly pondering a firing solution on him, with her mind just open enough for someone listening close over the hivelink to hear it.::
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Unread post by batlchip »

*RDF guy screws up his face in disgust.*I hate rabbits.*Zara smirks and looks at the bespectacled man.*I don't think you should do that killing a peace officer is bad ju-ju.*She looks at Seren and winks.*I'm surprised that you Invy didn't just wipe the area out.You must of heard some rumors about them.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The non-descript man just smiles at the bespectacled mans comments and continues to take notes.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Dracurian wrote:
AuroraKet wrote:....::She shrugs then, peering down towards the bespectacled man again, and frowning just a little bit. She starts idly pondering a firing solution on him, with her mind just open enough for someone listening close over the hivelink to hear it.::

::Bespectacled-man smirks & sends back an idle thought through the hive-mind concerning Col. Fury's moonshine in her cyclone's conventional feul tank, & the explosive properties of cobalt grenades being rolled under her seat, & for some reason, the image of a giant pink rabbit with pokadotted bowtie & a bright yellow bowler hat.::


"This is why I never play poker or 'Battleship' with fellow Invid..." :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by AuroraKet »

::Seren makes an idle face, and keeps peering at the bespectacled man, her thoughts through the hive-link less general now:: (*Careful... I'm Mechanized SWAT, remember? I"m used to people trying to kill me. If I'm called in for normal job, its already at that point and beyond. And get rid of the rabbits.*) ::She offers a smile in the general direction of Taal then.:: (*Well, Monopoly is more fun anyway, hearing all your opponents' idle ponderings on how nice it'll be when they take boardwalk and sit hotels on it, and start processing suckers.*)

::She glances over towards Zara and raises her eyebrows just slightly, smiling and speaking out loud then.:: "Well, not my area or department, even when I was working for them. If I had to take a guess, if any of the occupation commanders did hear about them, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to set up a war between the resistance and the Masters instead. That way it could be fought without having to waste their own personnel and equipment."
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