your top 5 coolest horror movies (and why)

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classic horror

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Frankenstein(with Boris Karloff.of course) , Dracula(the Spanish-language version made at the same time on the same sets,but with different actors) , John Carpenter's The Thing, Hellraiser , and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein(with Robert Deniro as the monster
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Jason vrs Freddy- it was funny
touch of evil- it was cool
psycho- its a classic
Alean- its horror in space
Evil dead 3- it was awsome
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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1. Exorcist III.
It was funny, scary, and thought provoking, sometimes all at once.
William Peter Blatty is a genius.

2. Blair Witch Project
It's possibly the only horror movie to stick 100% to its budget.
They didn't have one, so they didn't use one.
No crappy special effects, no impressive but unrealistic CGI... nothing but the watcher's imagination, which is always the best way to scare me.
I wasn't scared in the theater, but I was scared the rest of the night, as I lay awake thinking about all the things that might have been going on in that film.
Also, the way it was made was genius.

3. Night of the Living Dead
Because it 100% rocks.

4. Dawn of the Dead (the original)
Because it rocks as much as NotLD, but in a different way.

5. Ravenous
One of the more original horror movies I've seen.
And it's got an awesome soundtrack. :-D
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Mephisto wrote:
Roanoke Croatoan wrote:3) Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday - The thinking part of my brain denies it but this still feels like one of the most violent movies ever. Love the twist on the usual story.

I have to agree, that is the best Jason movie ever, some of the scenes were especially brutal.

Creighton Duke was the best part of that movie.

Well, him, the Necronomicon, and the Crate from Creepshow.

Although the Jason-burgers were good too.

And, of course, the opening sequence.
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Unread post by mumah »

1. Shaun of the Dead; sure it's a funny flick, but it's got some serious zombie action.

2. Dead Alive; same as above, and an early Peter Jackson film.

3. Dawn of the Dead (remake); don't tell me you peed a little watching that.

4. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre; gritty, grimy and frighteningly creepy.

5. Jaws; far and away the best of Spielberg, and just damned scary. No hint of supernatural, and that's the beauty of it.
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sithbunny wrote: House of 1000 Corpses: Fishboy, anyone? :lol:

Fishboy who?
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Here's my list!

---no particular order---

- THE THING: There's just something about the intersection of FANTASTIC horror music by Ennio Morricone and the dark direction of John Carpenter and the mystery surrounding Antarctica (google "Antarctic Mystery" if you want some source material for BTS; also try "Antarctic Anomaly").

- PREDATOR: A special operations team in a rainforest hunted by an alien? And Arnie with complemantary cigar... Good fun. And a great companion piece with wonderful soundtrack by Silvestri is PREDATOR 2.

- POLTERGEIST: Spielberg + Horror = SUPERNATURAL FUN. Will anyone ever look at clowns and NFL jerseys the same way again!?

- BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (1992): Wonderfully filmed, lush adaptation of the classic; the seductive side of the story lends a Rice weight to it, but the unmistakable horror is there in a myriad of dark hues... + there is an adventurous aspect to it at the end and there's nothing like a chase in the falling snow at orange sunset.

- TREMORS: This one was so well done that I wanted to run a game based on it. Wonderful characterization and off-beat setting. It was fun, yet horrific at times. Almost "light-hearted Lovecraftian," --if there can be such a thing. As far as the sequels go, stock plenty of beer (if you are of age) and hang out with good friends. Heck, that goes for any movie on any list. :)
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sithbunny wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Fishboy who?

If you've never seen the movie...

Oh, I've seen it.

I was referencing the knock-knock jokes from the DVD extras. :-D
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Unread post by runebeo »

1) In the mouth of madness

2) Blade

3) hellraiser

4) Starship Troopers (not a horror movie but those bugs were scary).

5) Demon Knight
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ash_wednesday wrote:3) John Carptner's Vampires- They are as close to Palladuim vampires as I ever seen.

If you liked the movie, or even if you didn't, I recommend the book it was based on:


It is one of, if not THE, best vampire novels ever.
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sithbunny wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Fishboy who?

Tiny f****d a stump! :lol: :lol:

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Unread post by Reagren Wright »

No particular order just my all time favorites.

American Werewolf in London. This is the greatest monster transformation
sequence of all time. No CGI just Rick Baker at his best.

The Others. The best ghost story I have ever seen. Again no CGI no
killer ghosts sneaking around trying to kill you. It has the old classic feel
of a ghost story.

Jaws. The movie to this day still has me scaried of the water and I'm a
lifeguard (don't try to understand it).

The Shinning (1980). I've never liked what Kubrick was doing for the most
part. But those twin girls are just creepy and the scene with the old lady in
the hotel room (yuck!). And I do like Jack's surcoming to his crazyness.

Creepers. This is an Italian film made by the legendary Dario Argento
about a girl who can control insects. This movie is not for those who
are afraid of bugs that's for sure.

The Omen (1976). The boy was just creepy looking and the sound track
is great. I can't remember if if this one or Damien: Omen 2 when the
guy is playing ice hockey and falls under the ice and is slowly being
dragged under it. They see him but can't break the ice. I think of that
scene every time I see anyone walking on ice.

Creepshow. Episode #5. They Creep Up On You. I hate cockroaches!

I Spit on Your Grave. The bathroom scene (nuff said).

Misery. Before Saw and Hostel the breaking of his ankles was one of
the most gruesome images that stayed with me.

And finally Hellraiser. The first horror movie I was allowed to see
without my parents. Believe it or not I went with my female cousins and
it scared the hell out of them. Now that was worth going to the movie
just by itself.

And for a bonus I like to suggest Penny Dreadful, one of the 8 Films to
Die For from 2006. This was one of the most uniquely written and plotted
horror films I've seen in a long time. Two/thirds of the movie is all shot
from inside a car in the woods. Just brilliant.
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Reagren Wright wrote:Creepers. This is an Italian film made by the legendary Dario Argento
about a girl who can control insects. This movie is not for those who
are afraid of bugs that's for sure.

Yeah, I remember that one.

That's where I first saw Jennifer Connelly.
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Unread post by lather »

Reagren Wright wrote:Two/thirds of the movie is all shot
from inside a car in the woods. Just brilliant.
Totally unrelated though somewhat painful flashback to an old movie with a really long back of the car scene.

Unread post by Lenwen »

I know of some older ones but honestly these would put the fear in your shorts on a cold lonly night .

ONE: Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre .
: It just looks like some one caught it on video litterally as it happened ...

Two : The Entity . Based on True events . Even when they moved the women into the college to watch her day and night 24 hours a day she was STILL being attacked by some ... Thing unseen an then when they used Liquid Nitrogen to try to measure the scale of the entity an it was litterally Bigger then the womans life size house they built INSIDE the Gym that stuck with me even to this day ....

THREE: Exorsist: William Peter Blatty is pure Genious . Yes its based on alleged Events that happened in Philly Yes it was a boy it happened to an yes it is STILL scary as all get up ....

FOUR: Hell Raiser - Cynobites as Demons an each one created differently .. thier only reason for being cause pain . Period.

FIVE: Friday the 13th .. Living on a Native American Reservation Growing up ... sorrounded by Forrest for miles an miles an miles .. watchin it at the tender age of 7 then mom saying go outside an play like a normal kid was like a death sentance to me :? DID U SEE HIM WHEN HE THREW THAT DAMN ARROW INTO THAT WOMANS FACE !!!
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Unread post by DiceCollector »

HI All My Favs are 1 John Carptners "Vampires"....Great Vamp action. 2 From Dusk till Dawn....You never know when you will find religion. 3 Deliverance....I will NOT get in a canoe to save my life, WOW Hillbillys 4 Candyman....Just plain creepy 5 Predator....You cant see him, hear him then POOF your DEAD!!
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Unread post by Xar »

I'm not a fan of gore, but I like suspense. So I like movies like Rear Window and Night Must Fall and Wait Until Dark.

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Re: your top 5 coolest horror movies (and why)

Unread post by runebeo »

The Mist was OK I liked the ending, it got people talking. Sure glad he only had 4 bullets and not 5 or the ending wouldn't been so funny. Still he gave up being Punisher :?:
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Re: your top 5 coolest horror movies (and why)

Unread post by Beatmeclever »

In no particular order:
1. John Carpenter’s “The Thing” – All the questioning of “Who has it in them?” “Where did you disappear to?” And, “Who can I trust now?” This movie just rocks! And it has led me to really enjoy setting adventures (in any game) in the Antarctic.
2. Dawn of the Dead (remake) – FAST ZOMBIES!!!!! The greatest thing EVER! There is no escaping fast zombies, you can't just run past them, you can't fall down. Their only weakness is their lack of smarts (and some recent movies even give them that). OH! And the zombie baby!! YEAH!!! :twisted:
3. 28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later – More fast zombies, but more than that, a good story for the creation of zombies and the fight against them. I love the use of weird viruses, bacteria, and genetic modification for the origin of zombie-like effects in modern horror. In the past everyone was afraid of nuclear radiation or some strange radiation from space; but now our great fear is the pharmaceutical companies.
4. The Grudge (Ju-On) – The original Japanese, Ju-On, is better, but either is greater than any other ghost/haunted house movie out there. The movements of the spirit (that popping, jerky action), that actress does that herself – no CGI. That and, as was mentioned above all the new Japanese stuff is very original. They seem to have a hand on the need for a modern, technological mythology. :))
5. 30 Days of Night – If vampires were real, this is exactly how they would be. It’s like sharks, on land, and they look like humans – there is no humanity left in these beasts, no sense of honor or romance, just simple, raw, primal, brutal hunger. My wife couldn’t sleep for two days and I am forbidden from letting her know I have this movie in the house. :shock:
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Re: your top 5 coolest horror movies (and why)

Unread post by Tearstone »

I havent seen 30 Days of Night, I want to though so bad.

John Carpenter's Vampires? I wore two copies of that movie out

AVP: Requiem - Hospital scene IS gross, but awesome.

Alien & Aliens

Scanners & Firestarter & Lawnmower Man, for the psychic freaks in all of us

DOOM ... if you could see. I think some of the spec ops members were all cute and fuzzy themselves ...

When it comes to DAwn of the Dead, that doesn't scare me. No.. it just grosses me out.

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