New Achilles Heel

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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:O.K this one is a little out there but I think it would be great fun.

85. Achilles Heel: Jacked-In
The character is a normal person who controls his hero identity via a first person shooter or 3/4 view fighting game. He views thing as if it is a video game and my not know that he is transformed into the hero and it is not a game! In addition, if someone else gets control of the game the Hi jacks the characters physical body. The player my save Vs mind control every 10 minutes to try to break free. The Hi jacked character can not control his transformation and some could find out the ID of said hero when they transform him back.

I like this one, but would play it as the person being in a sleeping state and dreaming they are playing the game. It could also be done to where the kid thinks he is in a video game simulator but it actually controls a body suit or android/artificial body, but then that would not realy be super powers, would it?
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Prince Cherico wrote:Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers

ok Prince I know you posted this back a bit but i need so verification.

is this Virginity as in body only or chastity as in mind, body, spirit and thought. Just asking because if its chastity we have to make a new evil alignment for you :D

thanks Dragon_blaze

just the body even im not that evil
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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I am that evil. :D

Achilles Heel: Chastity: The hero's thoughts must be pure of sexual thoughts. If the hero's mind wanders to sex, the hero's powers are cut in half(half duration, range, damage, etc.). Worse, when a member of the hero's sexual preference is present, all the hero's combat moves are -1 penalty. Actually having sex will strip him/her of his/her powers forever.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am that evil. :D

Achilles Heel: Chastity: The hero's thoughts must be pure of sexual thoughts. If his mind wanders to sex, the hero's powers are cut in half(half duration, range, damage, etc.). Worse, when a female is present, all his combat moves are -1 penalty. Actually having sex will strip him of his powers forever.
shouldn't that read when a member of the characters sexual present,....... not to nit pick looks good!!
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Mephisto wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am that evil. :D

Achilles Heel: Chastity: The hero's thoughts must be pure of sexual thoughts. If his mind wanders to sex, the hero's powers are cut in half(half duration, range, damage, etc.). Worse, when a female is present, all his combat moves are -1 penalty. Actually having sex will strip him of his powers forever.
shouldn't that read when a member of the characters sexual present,....... not to nit pick looks good!!

Was that supposed to read "member of the characters sexual preference" there SG?
yes! :D mybad
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Go Go Inslavement

The charater has the unfortunate luck to be magically inslaved
by some random person if their unlucky then its probally a child
the charater is compelled to follow their masters every comand no
matter how innane.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am that evil. :D

Achilles Heel: Chastity: The hero's thoughts must be pure of sexual thoughts. If his mind wanders to sex, the hero's powers are cut in half(half duration, range, damage, etc.). Worse, when a female is present, all his combat moves are -1 penalty. Actually having sex will strip him of his powers forever.
shouldn't that read when a member of the characters sexual present,....... not to nit pick looks good!!

Yes, it should. I guess I was assuming it is most likely going to be a guy thing, but it works for either gender. I fixed it.
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86. Achilles Heel: Fear
In every combat situation, the hero must save vs. his own fear (horror factor) of 10 or the highest HF +2, the character wish to be a hero but has this controlling over powering fear.

87. Achilles Heel: Water wipeout
The characters powers are only available when he is dry. If the character gets wet, his powers start to malfunction. For every 10% of the body covered the powers earthier decrease but the same percentage or have the same percentage chance to back lash against him. If the character has 60% of his body is socked then the gm could do a 50% back lash and 10% weaker.
and coming soon
88. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Dog
89. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Cat
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Water wipeout is cool. 8)
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water wipeout is cool. 8)

will just getting wet turning off your powers seemed boring to me so i spiced it up a little :D
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Has anyone done this one yet?

Achilles Heel: Masochism.

In order to access his powers, the super being must inflict physical harm upon himself, the resultant pain serving to jump-start his extraordinary abilities. Worse, as he grows in experience, the character becomes inured to the pain and requires ever greater stimulus: the amount of damage necessary to activate his powers is 1D6 x the character's experience level. The damage can be from several wounds, but the total amount of injury must be inflicted within fifteen seconds to be effective.

The pain activates all abilities simultaneously, for one minute. After this time, the super being must harm himself again to remain empowered. Injury incurred during combat or through accidents will serve to sustain the character's powers if a sufficient amount is inflicted.

Note that the character does not have access to his powers when asleep (the amount of pain needed to keep them switched on would certainly wake him), so he will not benefit from the effects of a Healing Factor, Immunity to Disease/Poison or any other protective or regenerative ability. In this state, he is as vulnerable as any normal human being.
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not sure if anyone has done this one yet
weakness:deadly ultraviolet radiation
you are allergic to ultraviolet radiation(you loose 2d4 sdc per round of exposer to said radiation)
again not sure if this has been done before,if it hasn't let me know what you think of it.
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abe wrote:not sure if anyone has done this one yet
weakness:deadly ultraviolet radiation
you are allergic to ultraviolet radiation(you loose 2d4 sdc per round of exposer to said radiation)
again not sure if this has been done before,if it hasn't let me know what you think of it.

That one is good, but the damage is too high. He would die just looking out the window. :eek:
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That one is good, but the damage is too high. He would die just looking out the window.

ok how about this for damage 1d2 per hour of exposer(maybe if you don't think this is about right,PLEASE let me know what you think it should be)
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abe wrote:
That one is good, but the damage is too high. He would die just looking out the window.

ok how about this for damage 1d2 per hour of exposer(maybe if you don't think this is about right,PLEASE let me know what you think it should be)

2d4 per 10 minutes, maybe? I dunno, per round is like 8d4 per minute.
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2d4 per 10 minutes, maybe?

yeh, that sound better
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88. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Dog
still to come

89. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Cat
still to come

90. Achilles Heel: Combat inept
the character is vary slow at picking up on combat skills, WP’s and Hand to hands skills only go up at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15 (maxing out a level 5) the character does not see his as a disadvantage but as a reason to use his super abilities more.

91. Achilles Heel: Featherweight
The character looks normal but his weight is only 25% of normal for his height. This low weight does not affect his physical strength or SDC but increases the chance of being knocked down or thrown, on all rolls or 15 the character is Knocked down losing 1 action and initiative, if the attacker has a KO/KD/Stun when the effects are double and tripled if the have critical body flip throw.
A 6’ 185 lbs man would weigh just 46 lbs
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Hey, Blaze! I was wondering when you would get back to posting more of these.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hey, Blaze! I was wondering when you would get back to posting more of these.
sorry it took so long 11 hole days :lol:

92. Achilles Heel: Unstable powers
Every time the character is reduce to zero or less HP, all the characters powers are lost for 1D4 hours, but do not return the way the left all of the characters powers are re-rolled. The number and types of powers do not change so if the PC has 1 Major 3 minor the still do the powers are totally re rolled.

93. Achilles Heel: Fade out
Ever melee round there is a chance that the character will fade out of existence. Each round the gm rolls percentage on 1-15 the character will fade out with in 1D4 seconds and the fade out last for 1D4 minutes. When fade the character cannot effect or affected by the physical world. He can see what is going on around and can hear but it’s distorted like listening through a long tube he can also be heard but only if yelling and only be those with super human hearing.
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Achilles Heel: Against the laws of nature: The hero's powers fly flat in the face of the gods, mocking them insolently, though the gods are powerless to strip the powers, what with free will being what it is. That does't mean they don't test the hero at every turn, blessing the hero's foes at times to raise their experience level to be more of a match for the hero's or have ill fate stop him at every turn, such as a tree falling to let the bad guy get away. The hero has a -20% to save vs. com/death and all penalties inflicted by damage and powers used against him are doubled.

Achilles Heel: Temporal Outlaw: The hero's powers break the laws of time, being a result of forced evolution or increased growth due to temporal advancement. The hero thereby has a 30% chance of rewriting history each time the powers are used, with a 10% chance of temporal erasure altogether. So he might return home after adventuring to find that he never married his wife of ten years or that the government currently in power is not the one he is used to, etc.
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Temporal outlaw could be vary hard on the GM but still great SG
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:Temporal outlaw could be vary hard on the GM but still great SG

With the temporal powers I have created, it always becomes risky, so I commonly will do a "what if" session and then let the players decide if the temporal changes occurred to their characters or a in a parrallel divergence timeline. Makes them never abuse time travel, I tell you what! :lol:
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94. Achilles Heel: child like
The character has the IQ of a 6 year old child, and will tend to be cheerful, nosy, eternally curious, but well-meaning child how finds the world fascinating and new. Above all else the character is naive and does not learn from experiences vary easily. Re roll IQ 4+2D4
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Achilles Heel: Safety Word

Note: this Achilles Heel is best suited for a super-soldier, cyborg, robot or other 'constructed' hero.

The agency responsible for empowering or manufacturing the super being is also responsible for devising a powerful method of controlling him. Specifically, the character is programmed to respond to a command phrase that over-rides his conscious mind and forces him to react in a certain way.

This phrase will be a single sentence, typically something that sounds like nonsense to the average listener, e.g. "The red squid flies at dawn" or "Welcome to the White House, Mr Gore". Certainly it will be something that would be virtually impossible to guess.

If the super being hears this phrase, he will automatically react in the pre-programmed manner: there is no save against it, regardless of how strong-willed the character may normally be.

To determine the response, roll 1D4 and consult the following list: once selected, the response is always the same. In all cases, the effect will last for 1D4+1 melee rounds.

1. Shut Down. The character instantly slumps to the floor in a deep sleep/stand-by mode. In this state, he is oblivious to pain or sensory stimulus.

2. Beserker Rage. The super being flies into a murderous fury and will immediately attack the nearest living beings. In this state, he will not pull his punches: all attacks cause maximum possible damage. Unless restrained or killed, he will continue to fight for as long as his programming dictates.

3. Power Down. All of the character's extraordinary abilities switch themselves off! For super beings, this means all powers shut down, including 'passive' powers like Healing Factor or Invulnerability.
For cyborgs or robots, this means that all weapon systems power down, no sensory systems other than basic vision and hearing are accessible and speed and strength are reduced to 25% of normal.
If a Mystically Bestowed character has this flaw (in this case, the command phrase could be a quick incantation or perhaps the full, true name of the entity that empowers him), he will be forced to change back to his regular, human form.

4. Retreat. The super being will drop everything and attempt to flee to the location that he considers to be the safest. This could be his own home, his super-teams' headquarters or some out of the way patch of wilderness. In this state, he receives a bonus of 10% to his Spd. attribute. He will only fight to clear people out of his path, but will readily destroy property if it is in his way.

1D4+1 NPCs will know the secret command phrase: the player and G.M. should work together to determine exactly who these individuals are. At least one must be the individual most directly responsible for the character's empowerment/manufacture. One other should be a trusted ally of the super being; a team mate, relative or close friend.
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Achilles Heel: Astrologically Reliant: Basically, the hero's powers do not work unles it is in the stars for them to do so. The character has to look up her horoscope each morning to decide whether it is safe to adventure that day and may even have a hired astrological consultant on hand. Otherwise, they will have to possess the skill of Astrology at 30%, +5 % per level. At best, their powers will only work 75% of the time(GM should roll the percentage before starting the adventure for that day in game time).
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nice Stone Gargoyle & Senator Cybus
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Achilles Heel: Timeshare: The hero has to schedule use of the powers with several other people, each having the powers for set times, whether it be set hours of the day, certain days of the week, or a set number of months during the year. This is established through a powers broker. If a mistake is made in scheduling (25% chance), the hero will share the powers with another hero at the same time, using them at half power (range, duration, damage, etc.). In return for the powers, the hero must give 10% of his income to the powers broker. Typically, the powers will be shared with 1d4+1 other people and scheduled accordingly. The GM can determine whether the powers broker is a corporation, mage, demon, deity or alien presence/entity.
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At long last........

88. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Dog
The character suffers from a lack of human social behavior; instead they share canine characteristics. They are sensitive to tonal inflections (indicative of emotional states), territorial and highly protective of “their” people and/or possessions, feels the need to mark their territory and constantly checks new areas for other territorial marks (not necessarily in the same way a dog would….*sigh*), very bouncy and high energy, not afraid of new people that seem friendly and so on. They are fully “human” in all other regards, however, to them these behaviors are PERFECTLY NORMAL although they may be altered due to human logic (marking one’s territory by “tagging”). Individual breeds may be chosen provided the individual provides authentic breed characteristics and has the permission of the G.M. (see A.H: A.B.C: Cat for more info.)

89. Achilles Heel: Animal behavioral characteristics: Cat
The character suffers from a lack of human social behavior; instead, they share feline characteristics. When offended or after making an error they have the natural compulsion to bathe, seeks high places to rest and “hunt” from, marks their territory, has the urge to hunch and vocalize their fear when frightened or threatened and if they deem the situation too hazardous will flee heedless of hazards. Tends to make physical contact with individuals they like (eg: rubbing against them) and will feel comforted by items they know belong to these individuals (eg: their best friends sweater…or rail gun…etc.). They are fully “human” in all other regards, however, to them these behaviors are PERFECTLY NORMAL although they may be altered due to human logic (eg: needing to wash their hands with sanitizer after failing their driving test). The severity and feral aspects of this flaw should be relative to the character’s intelligence ( a character with an I.Q. of 6 would have no issue with marking their territory the same way a feral cat would). Equalize the feral severity to the character’s intelligence; ask the G.M. for more assistance.
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Achilles Heel: Nosey Rosey:
The hero has a tendency to ask a lot of nosey questions which are not even related to whatever case he/she is working on. Performing skills takes twice as long as the hero has to annoyingly investigate every little detail. "I know we just need to fix the radio, but what does this wire lead to? Hey, did you bake muffins? What kind of muffin mix did you use?... No, I am getting it repaired..." Suffice it to say, using the research skill takes four times as long, also. The hero takes twice as long to learn any given skill and is -4 to initiative, -2 to combat moves due to being distracted, and -2 combat attacks/actions, which must be devoted to checking out the opponent's shoes or some such.
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Just a bit of a goofy one, but something that could work in the right campaign...

Severe Exzema: The character has intensly dry, itchy skin that will flake off at the slightest touch. Worse, it glows once it has lef this body, starting off at bright red, fading to pink after half an hour, and then to white after another half an hour. Getting hit will release an explosion of skin fragments, covering everybody within ten feet.
Those tracking the character are +35%, and it will be all but impossible to hide your secret identity with this Heel. In addition, the character is -5% to all skills and -2 to all combat manuvers do to the intense itching.
If the character spends half an hour scrathcing like crazy, they will peel off the top layer of dead skin, and give themself roughly a four hour window of relief, as well as certain creams and lotions, but nothing will be able to stop this Heel for good.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Mortal Wraith: The character might be strong enough to throw mountains around, but is unable to physically interact with beings not also Mega-Class. He is unable to touch (they pass through him like he was intangible), smell, talk to, or hear them, and vice versa. This will, of course, lead to lots of problems, as msot crooks, authorities, etc. will not be able to communicate with the Mega (hope you took sign language).
The only exception to this rule are blood relatives, and those he had a close friendship with before becomming a Mega.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Mortal Wraith: The character might be strong enough to throw mountains around, but is unable to physically interact with beings not also Mega-Class. He is unable to touch (they pass through him like he was intangible), smell, talk to, or hear them, and vice versa. This will, of course, lead to lots of problems, as msot crooks, authorities, etc. will not be able to communicate with the Mega (hope you took sign language).
The only exception to this rule are blood relatives, and those he had a close friendship with before becomming a Mega.

Hmmm. It seems he would be totally ineffective in most combat situations.
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Not quite true, he may be intangible, but his powers would work just fine, provided he has someting like EE: Fire or whatnot. And they would still be able to see him, just not speak to him, just seeing some 600 lb. guy, with enough muscles to bench press an ocean liner and glowing green eyes would probably stop most crooks in their tracks, no? And he could pick up a chair or bench and smack the guys around, or collapse a wall on top of them, etc ect.

It just needs carefull handling to avoid being rediculous (of course, if thats the point of the sessin, go hog wild!), but no more than some of the others posted here.

:-? Maybe give the guy two Mega bonuses if he gets this. Not sure.
But if you can think of another way to due this, more power to ya man, knock yourself out. You have my blessing, work thy magic upon this unworthy ones offering, Prince of Posting!
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Legion of Admirerers (sp?): The character has an astronomical amount of loyal-to-death fans. Those who are long on love, but lean on wits. Ones who will jump into a life-and-death slobber knocker to ask for an autograph. And they follow this character around everywhere. If he stops for a burger, he gets swarmed. Best to stay on the move, and wrap up any crimes quickly.

At the fastest, within 1d6 minutes of staying roughly in the same spot, his battalion of followers will arrive and begin to make trouble. Within 15 minutes at the latest (9+ 1d6). Some of them are in love with the character (many of these will be underage), others just want an autograph, or to say they shook his hand, some who commit minor to major crimes just to be near this guy. But there will be hundred to thousands of them, all wanting their piece of this guy.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Imposing Friends: The hero is so popular, he is always wanted to attend parties and visit with people, only his heroing is forced to take a backseat. Worse, he is always getting calls on his cel phone and/or pager. If part of a super group, the hero will always have scheduling conflicts when the scheduled meeting times are, making him -20% to Trust/Intimidate those who know him. Plus the distracting schedule leaves him -4 to combat moves on holidays (only -2 penalty other days).
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Bloody Powers: Two versions of this Heel

One) The character only has control when he is covered in blood or gore. At least half of their body must be so covered or none of his activated powers (EE, APS, etc) will work. While so covered the character will have a Horrof Factor of 12. Better hope you have a few contacts at the local bloodbank...

Two) The use of the powers causes the character to bleed from his pores. Each time an activated power is used, blood will ooze from his ears, nose, mouth, and major joints. Every five minutes of power useage will inflict 1d4 damage direct to Hit Points. Powers that are effectivily instantaneus (any EE power or similar) will deal the same damage after only 2d6 uses within ten minutes.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Senator Cybus wrote:Achilles Heel: Safety Word


"This is one River you don't want to cross." said the T-shirt.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Achilles Heel: Night Scares: The hero has dreams which attack him. During any sleep period, there is a 30% chance he will be attacked by beings in the dreamstream (save vs. psionics, 14 or better, ME bonus applies). If not saving, the hero will awaken in a cold sweat after the attack and will suffer -15% to skill performance for the next 2d4 days and have to save vs. Horror Factor 16 any time he wishes to go to sleep during that period. If making the save, the hero wakes immediately but will fatigue at twice normal rate for the next 24 hours, plus have to save vs. Horror Factor 12 when he tries to sleep next. If unable to sleep due to failing saves vs. Horror Factor, the hero will suffer -1 to PP, PE and Speed and -2 to all combat moves and -5% to skill performance cumulative for each day of missed sleep.
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

Nice Stone Gargoyle vary neat
welcome Archangel23

will post some flaw in the next 2 or 3 weeks

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Hey, Dragon_blaze! Welcome back!
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ok 2 more weeks
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Super Mortal: While this charcter is very powerful by mortal standards, they aren't quite up scratch as a Mega-Being. Reduce SNPS by half, savings throws by 1, range is normal for whatever abilities they have. Finally, when in M.D.C. settings, they still use S.D.C.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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95. Achilles Heel: Threshold
The Mega cannot enter into a room or privately owned home without permission. To do so requires a save vs HF of 16, even if the hero saves he is still ½ on all combat rolls and powers well inside the room.

96. Achilles Heel: Pleasure from pain
The character enjoys pain to the point of sexual arousal. Although this does not seam like a flaw it is first the character is distracted during combat after taking damage – 1 strike, parry and dodge for any SDC damage and -5 strike, parry and dodge for any HP damage. Secondly the character does not like to dodge or parry attacks both action require a save vs 14 (ME bonus) if the save is made the character parries with above penalties for damage if the save is failed the character takes the hit. Third the character will not roll with punch (was lessen a good thing). One small bonus is the characters mega healing get +2 (range of 4-7 times faster)
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grendelhall wrote:Bah...I like alot of the Mega weaknesses, but is anyone going to take on the task of compiling them and posting or sending them on request? Or does someone have alot of these ideas posted already...

I will see if Nimmy will add a category to the wiki to include an area to post these, but right now they are not listed there. Then it will be up to the contributors to add them or arrange for them to be posted there.
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Nimmy approved it so we will be adding some of these to the wiki. I believe I already have permission by Dragon blaze to post his materials and Roscoe and Senator Cybus already contribute to the wiki, so hopefully they will add their AH stuff.
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Unread post by NMI »

I added a section to the wiki to support new achille's heel.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nimmy approved it so we will be adding some of these to the wiki. I believe I already have permission by Dragon blaze to post his materials and Roscoe and Senator Cybus already contribute to the wiki, so hopefully they will add their AH stuff.

go for it! and well your there

97. Achilles Heel: Harpies Curse
Your skin flakes of in large clumps and your hair falls out. This happens for ½ of each month reducing the characters PB by ½ and gives a horror factor bonus of +2 or a 8 HF, all trust rolls automatically fail.

98. Achilles Heel: Absent minded:
People always say you would lose your head if it were not attached. You do not forget skill but things like names, address and when you last ate are hard to recall. To recall any information the player rolls on the 1-80% no idea cannot recall anything 81-95% only about ½ the information 96%+ recalled perfectly.

99. Achilles Heel: Ancestral enemy
Through out your family history one foe continually popped up to cause your family hardship this could be one immortal person or a small but powerful group of people, the will do anything to stop or destroy you and yours, why the do this is unknown to the character but should be worked out between the player and GM.

100. Achilles Heel: Corruption
The character give of the feeling of evil (or good if evil) people feel uneasy around them and magic, psionics and powers to detect the characters true nature reveal the total opposite of what the Mega truly is. For selfish alignments the character will read a principled half the tome and diabolic the other half.

101. Achilles Heel: Builder
Your sense of purpose goes beyond yourself to building something that will last through the ages, whatever you are trying to build takes up a lot of time and any setback will cause the character grief and hardship to the point that all combat bonuses are reduced by half due to the distraction of working on or rebuilding the project in question but only when the character has suffered a setback of some type.
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Unread post by gaby »

I got idea,Achilles'Heel:Alignment of the Enemies.

The level of the Heroes or Villains Powers are dependence on the Alignment of the person they face.

Like A Hero faces a villain of Diabolic alignment will be At ther Maxium power!
But face with some one with a Unprincipled alignment the hero,s powers are much weaker.

Sorry if I can't Explain it better.
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gaby wrote:I got idea,Achilles'Heel:Alignment of the Enemies.

The level of the Heroes or Villains Powers are dependence on the Alignment of the person they face.

Like A Hero faces a villain of Diabolic alignment will be At ther Maxium power!
But face with some one with a Unprincipled alignment the hero,s powers are much weaker.

Sorry if I can't Explain it better.

ill work with that!

102. Achilles Heel: Alignment of the Enemies By Dragon_blaze_99 Idea by Gaby
The Mega’s powers are greatly affected by the Alignment of the opponent he is facing.
When facing a diabolic enemy his powers are at full strength and work perfectly. When facing a Miscreant opponent the powers are slightly weaker at only 80% the norm, when facing an Aberrant character the powers are cut to 70% and only 60% vs. Anarchist people, when facing both scrupulous and unprincipled “heroes” the powers are half and final only 25% vs. principled heroes. This flaw is not so bad for your normal up standing hero but for vigilantes (how can end up fighting heroes) and villains this could be most troublesome. For villains alter to the reverse end of alignment spectrum.
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103. Achilles Heel: Third eye
The character has an extra eye in the middle of their forehead. This eye is the sole source of the characters powers and must be visible if the eye is covered in anyway the powers are lost and the mega must clean/uncover his to regain them. In addition, the eye is very vulnerable to damage, taken double from any and all attacks that hit’s the eye, striking the eye is done on a called shot of -5. The eye does not effect his vision unless supervision powers.

104. Achilles Heel: Ballooning
Every time the character activates his power, he gains 1D4X10 lbs. so if he fires off an energy attack times in a round he would gain 30-120 lbs, this weight is not affected by powers that are always on. The huge amount of weight is lost at a rate of 1 lb per 15 minutes until he returns to his normal weight. For every 100 lbs, the character gains his horror factor would go up by one (start with a 8 or a Horror factor the character has).
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