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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

love the shadow powers. you're able to formulate what i need for those. thanks. now get out! lol
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

wolfsgrin wrote:love the shadow powers. you're able to formulate what i need for those. thanks. now get out! lol

Glad you liked them. I will see myself out... :lol:
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I know you do. I have just been stressed between the whole power index issue and trying to keep everyone entertained while Iczer is gone. I hope he gets to posting some powers soon. :D

The good news is that the line is now connected, or so I am informed by body corporate, so I will be posting tonight if I'm lucky

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I know you do. I have just been stressed between the whole power index issue and trying to keep everyone entertained while Iczer is gone. I hope he gets to posting some powers soon. :D

The good news is that the line is now connected, or so I am informed by body corporate, so I will be posting tonight if I'm lucky


Cool Beans. Glad you will soon be able to "Bring It", so to speak. :-P
I have been organizing the powers I have into three binders instead of two, so the majors and minors are no longer seperate volumes. Instead, I have the powers I have written in one binder, yours(Iczer's) in another binder, and everyone else's in a third binder, so I now have room for more powers as soon as people can get them up and posted, as well as more printing out of old material here in the thread I may have missed. It will be good once NMI gets the wiki up so then I will be able to see what I have and have not printed out, as well as find out if I have missed posting any of my own stuff. I really need to start adding notations on the margins denoting which ones I have posted to the forum.

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So body corporate was half right. The phone line now works, but it has not been assigned to my service provider. so we have a dail tone but no service. On the plus side, my flat mate rang me about an hour ago to inform me that he has connected this morning, so...all good for tonight

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Perfection [Major] by Iczer

'I'm not Mr Right, I'm Mr Right Now!'
The character has the ability to temporarilly iron out the imperfections in a living being, molding and adjusting them to correct inborn and unnatural errors.
When used on a living being they recieve the following
* +2 PE
* +5 PB
* +5 Spd
* +10 HP
* +2 PS
* +2 to all saving throws
* All attributes below 14, rise to 14.
* Target feels upbeat, gaining +5% to all skills.

In addition, all diseaes are cured (although the really long lived, terminal ones merely go dormant for the duration) Fatigue is also abated for the duration.
The target becomes an idealised self, thin hair fills out, weight drops and msucled become more defined, chronic pains vanish. eyesight improves etcetera. In some cases, the target may become a new man (even an elderly target will be restored to a more healthy, vital appearance for the duration).

Duration: 20 minutes per level.
Range: touch: and must maintain touch for a full melee round.
Saving throw: 14+ PE bonus applies. It's hard to imagine why someone would want to.

Variable effects: The down side is that not all targets are affected alike. Most are GM decision, but some notable examples include:
* Bionics: cybernetic and bionic systems are not affected
* Experiments: Deletrious side effects become lifted for the duration, while the positive benefits remain. there is a 30% chance that by perfecting the target, it tries to erase all superpowers (reduced by half duration, and effect) roll once the first time this power is used on a target
* Mutants: The character evens out and becomes more human, with half his unnusual physical characteristics dissapearing. there is a 30% chance that by perfecting the target, it tries to erase all superpowers (reduced by half duration, and effect) roll once the first time this power is used on a target
* Mutant animals: there is a flat 50% chance that the animal will lose all human features, but all his natural animal powers, or become completely human, but lose his animal powers (psionics are unnafected)
* Mega heroes: This power has no actual effect on Mega heroes.
* Psionics: If the target had any control issues with his psionic powers, they vanish for the duration. otherwise they are unchanged.
* Robotics: No effect on any type of robot.
* empowered: Reverted to healthy human form, BUT loses all powers and special abilities for the duration
* Eugenics: Cancels any otherworldly appearances. BUT it also neuters those powers that rely on them (claws no longer extract body armour no longer protects etc)
* Imbued Hero: there is a flat Powers are reduced by half effectiveness, and the duration of the current 'dose' is reduced to 10%.
* Symbiote: The symbiote always attempts to save vs this effect, even if the character would like otherwise. While 'perfected' the symbiote may be removed safely, without surgery. The symbiote may wander free (much like anatomical separation) but will follow the target around. The character loses all powers in the separation, but keeps his other special abilities. at durations end, the target has 1d4 minutes to reattach to the symbiote or he suffers the normal effects of symbiote removal.

Other abilities: The character ages at 1/4 normal rate. when he uses perfection upon himself, he gains all the above abilities, plus the power of physical perfection.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Innovate power [Minor]

'You know, I never thought of doing this before....'

The character has the ability to modify and adjust the paramaters of an existing power, which makes him just a little more flexible that others.
Uses: 3 times a day, plus 2 more times per day per level.
Chance of success: the character has a percentage score equal to the sum of his PE and IQ. Plus 5% per level Succeed or fail, the character takes 1d4 HP damage from the strain.

Effect: each use of this power allows another power be modified by one of the following effects.
+2 to dodge
+2 to strike
+1d6 Damage
+20% extra range
+50% extra duration
+5 to a single attribute
+20% extra speed
Mimics the effect of a minor power (within reason) at first level (does not change attribute scores)
+20% to the use of a particular skill (when assited by said power)

Example: Grav Train, on his last legs uses garvity manipulation to add +5 PS in order to smash down Hard rock. Matilda Dear uses her chemical secretion power to simulate extraordinary MA through Pheremones. Blasterman calls upon his inner will to add +1d6 to his torso bolts, firing narrower, more focused blasts. Cactus Kid Fires a single large spike with his spit spikes power to accurately strike the rope around his fiance's neck (+2 to strike).

Duration: The enhancement lasts for a single melee round in the case of combat style powers. Out of combat, the effects last one minute per level.

Every level, the character may select one particular stunt he has performed in the past. each of these stunts enjoy a +15% bonus to activate and cost no HP to use.

Metamimic: [Major]

'Oh yeah...part of the mutant elite...'

The character can alter in response to others, gaining the advantages of their unique structure. While he does not gain any new actual powers, he does become more like those he emulates.
The character merely selects a target within 60 feet and makes the change as a single melee action. He gains all the targets unnusual characteristics, physiological modifications due to unearthly environment, side effects, Mega Hero special abilities, and so forth. and he can keep them for up to a week before requiring re-exposure (can dump the benefits earlier if he desires.)

Touch of Balor / Touch of eros [Major]

'Of course I'm beautiful...You are what you eat'

The character has a vampiric style attack that stuns and withers victims while nourishing himself.
By touching a target (Can be performed in melee but not with an attack) the target must make a saving throw against this power (16+ PE assists) or take 2D6 damage (+2 per level). The character gains half as many HP as he drains, building his HP by up to 20, plus 20 per level, over and above his normal HP total.
These extra HP fade at a rate of 1 per melee round, but healed HP remains. at any point, the character may expend 20excess HP to become either an adonis (touch of eros) or a beast (touch of Balor) the character selects one when the power is chosen.
The beast gains the character 2 random mutations, plus the minor power: Feral
The Adonis gains the character +10 PB +4 MA and the power of physical perfection.
at any rate, the transformation lasts for 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes per level, though may be discarded to recover 20 HP.

Parallel: Minor
'wanna step outside and see my etchings?'

The character can create a small pocket universe. this universe is roughly 100 feet on a side per point of ME, and expands 200 feet in all directions every level.
The realm has a basic terrain chosen by the character upon creation, but the specifics are up to the GM. it is not typically hostile, but may be odd.
The character has no exceptional power while within his realm, though realm usually has some positive benefits over and above being a place of solitude and rest.
It takes 5 minutes of concentration to flip into this pocket universe, and he may take only 100lbs with him on any trip (+20lbs per level).

Attacks without form: Minor

'pay attention now...I wouldn't want you to miss your own ass kicking'

The character can generate illusionary blurs around his own limb giving the impression that his attacks are coming from other directions, are coming at different speeds or even are of a different type. A snap kick might resemble a flaming foot, a round house kick, or three snap kicks, while a laser beam may resemble fire, a swarm of locusts or an extending fist.
At any rate, the illusions cover the character's attacks, and are -2 to parry or dodge against.
The illusions also cloak his body and make him seem to be veering and tilting to the left or right, ducking instead of weaving, even facing the wrong way. he is -2 to be struck by incoming attacks due to this.
Other abilities: the character recognises illusions for what they are. The illusionary shellalso absorbs damage from laser and light based attacks (3/4 damage).
The illusions are inneffective against those who can see through illusions, including those who don't need to see to fight. The illusions can be used as a primitive disguise (+15% to disguise skill) and can be used to create light over a 30 foot radius.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Well, Iczer, welcome back. Better late than never, eh?

Consuming Limbo(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Well, I could just eat you alive!"

This is a far more lethal version of Swallowing Limbo inspired by the other shadow powers I have written recently.
The superbeing generates a dark interdimensional limbo within the silhouette of his own body which he cannot enter, nor would he want to. The body forms a portal into a realm of supernatural shadow. Anything pulled into the limbo is held there and fed upon for a short duration or until released by the superbeing. Only one person can be pulled in at a time. There is no light to see by, nor atmosphere to carry sound, but the victim will not suffocate, as no time passes for him.
To those outside the limbo, it appears as if sharp teeth suddenly appear in the silhouette of the character of the character and a large tongue/tentacle pulls the victinim in(on a successful grab with it). For an instant, observers will see the inky blackness form and teeth appear to open, as well as a tongue lashing out to pull the victim in, looking almost like the victim is snapped in half(merely an illusion). A similar sight is seen when the victim is expelled.
Because it's the superbeing's silhouette that is the doorway to the dark dimension, not his actual body, the superbeing may use a cape or cloak to enlarge his silhouette.
The use is simple. The superbeing feeds on victims in this manner. For the victim captured, as well as those observing it, this is terrifying (has a Horror Factor of 16).
PS of Tongue: Half the superbeing's PS
SDC of Tongue: 50, so it could be cut through as the victim attempts to escape.
Tongue Width: 6 inches in diameter
Range/Reach of Tongue:6 feet, +1 foot per level
Duration: Swallowing an individual uses two melee actions. The individual is held and fed on for 1 melee round per level of experience.
Damage: 2d6X10 per melee round held. note that if the victrim dies while within the limbo, the body is fully consumed and nothing will be expelled.
Attacks: Counts as tweo melee attacks/actions to swallow the victim.Strike Bonus: Uses the superbeing's ME bonus as a strike bonus to grab with the tongue. No other bonuses apply.

I am currently contemplating an APS Fabric(Major) power and Matter: Expulsion Ribbons(minor).
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Touch of Balor/Touch of Eros is awesome!
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Unread post by Iczer »

Thanks man, I live to please

Supervocalisation [minor]
'Hah!...i've worked out your's....cabbage!?'

The character can speak on wavelengths too subtle and detached from normal sound to be heard, but enough so that a target can register.
In all cases, only one target may be affected at any time, and that target mst be able to hear the speaker, and be within 80 feet
1) Directed speech. the character can speak to an individual, targetted so that only he hears it, and others around him remain ignorant. the character can deliver taunts, threats or instructions without anyone else being the wiser.
2) Subtle hint: the character can modulate his voice so that it barely registers as speech to the target. the words bypass the ears and travel straight to his understanding. This is much like #1, except the target will believe they are his own thougts an ideas. how he acts on them will depend on exacty what is said, and what the target knows is real. using this to tell a target that he's on fire will be refuted by his own common sense. using it to tell him there might be money inside a safe is much more effective. this is not mind control.
3) Pain: the equivilent of directed screeching in the ultra low frequencies. by using all actions, the character may pummell a target with this brain shakingly painfull barrage of subsonic sound. the target must save vs Pain (16+) or be somewhat nauseated (-2 to all combat actions -1 attack per melee and take 1HP damage) the character may not perform any actions himself while he does this, (has no other attacks that melee round) and may do no more than a slow walk.
4) detecting: the character is speaking silently through all applications of the power. characters with a superhuman sense of hearing have a chance to detect it (perception check of 16+) those that can hear subsonics automatically detect the power in use.

Reserve vitality [Major]
', how long was i out?'

The character has a backup reserve of health and vitality, whic act as HP and SDC, but take some time to take effect.
1) Reserves: The character posesses a number of reserve HP equal to his normal HP total. His reserve SDC is equal to 10 times his PE score, Plus 25 per level.
2) recovery: after 15 minutes of rest (even unconsciousness, and even death in some cases counts as rest) the character starts recovering 1 HP and 1 SDC per minute, bleeding them from reserve to normal, until His HP and SDC are full, or untill his 'reservoir' runs dry.
3) enhanced recovery: by directing his recovery, he may use 25 SDC to repair a broken limb, or 60 to regrow it. an eye or small organ requires 30 SDC and major organs require 90 (and the character may expire in the meantime). in all instances it takes the usual 1 minute per point transferred, but no HP or SDC are restored in this process. only basic repairs and replacements.
4) Surviving death.Once a character is dead this power may stop functioning, but until then it is tenacious. when the character is below his PE in HP he is usually deceased. after the 15 minutes of rest, if the body is still mostly intact, it recovers it's first HP. The character must make a saving throw VS Coma (Base chance of 15% plus any PE or superpower bonus). if he is successfull, he has passed rom the realm of dead to the very nearly dead. the healing rate slows, every 5 minutes he recovers another HP from his reserves until he is at 1 HP or more. at this point he is alive (but not conscious for 6d6 minutes) if he runs out of reserve HP at any point, he reverts to his dying status until soemthing revives him, or he passes away. If it is necessary to grow a new organ, he must regrow that first, before climbing his way through the negative HP.
5) increasing the reservoir: The reserve HP and SDC recover at one half the normal rate as the character, but recover at the same time (so a day of medical treatment heals 6 SDC AND 3 reserve SDC). healing factors and regenerative powers work at 1/10th normal rate on reserves.

Serpentail: Minor
'ha ha! feel my cobra sting...err bite..err whatever.'

The character can grow an 8 foot limb of segmentet joints topped with a snake like head. this appendage offers the following benefits
1) one extra attack per melee: but only from the snake tail. The snake tail has +2 to strike plus any PP or power based bonuses (HTH skills do not help) the snake's bite inflicts 1d4+1 damage (no PS bonus) but inflicts venom once per melee (Save vs lethal Poison or take 2d6 damage) the tail has it's own Auto dodge of +4 (plus any PP bonuses)
2) extra alertness: the snake limb can be used to see around corners or over tall obstacles. it expands the character's point of view (cannot be taken by suprise, can see effectively all the way around) and it's mouth has a combined heightened sense of taste/smell (by tongue only)
3) SDC: the tail has SDC equal to the character's PE plus 5 per level. it has an AR of 9 and functions as a crude hand.

Biocopy: Minor
'anything you can do....aww come on..sing along...'

The character can copy the physical actions of others by just observing.
when a visible target within 60 feet perfroms a physical action, the character may duplicate it exactly, effectively gaining the same level of competence. the character must be able to duplicate the action with his own body (he cannot mimic the flight of a bird, or the superleaping of a villain). the character expends an action after watching th event and stores the result.
The character may store one such result for every 5 points of IQ and PE he posesses.
at a later time the character may simply release the copied action and perform it, exactly as the original target did, along with any special training he has.
[EG: Billy the kidder is fighting Diablo jones, a far superior HTH combatant, and the only reason the fight is still even is Billy's super reflexes. Diablo Lands rolls a natural 19 with a power punch and inflcts a triple damage whammy with a total of 25 to hit. Billy rocks with the punch, and then expends an action to copy it on his next available turn billy returns the favour as if he had rolled off a 25 as a critical (just like Diablo's last blow) By necessity, it is also a power punch..requiring 2 actions]
The character duplicate dodges, physical skill rolls or any physical action, using his target's bonuses, not his own.

Flaming head: [Minor]
'Now who's the hothead?'

The character's head is on fire. This may be a corona of flame, a flaming head, a flaming skulllike head, or flaming face (and for that matter he may choose an energy source other than fire)
It has the following effects:
* Resistant to heat and fire: half damage (or resistant to the energy type of choice)
* Head but: the character can add 2d6 damage to headbut style attacks from the energy
* acts as an effective disguise, and acts as a source of light to 30 feet
* spit fire (or energy) +2 to strike 2d4 damage out to 15 feet.

It takes an action to snuff out the flames, but can be ignited with but a thought (may be ignited out of turn)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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what do you think I was doing on my 'break' 8)

Unicorn: [Minor]

'Ok the next person to make a joke about my 'horn' gets a thumping'

The character can generate a spike of crystaline like matter from his body. despite the power's name, not posessors grow one from the fortehead. wrist spikes, elbow shards and even foot spurs have also manifested.

The character has the ability to energise this crystal growth, causing it to glow and hum. among other things it grants the following:
* sheds a warm, coloured light over a 45 foot radius. Illusions in the radius become semitransperant, and invisible characters are rendered visible (the light reacts to living beings causing them to flouresse)
* can be used as a weapon. the shard does 2D6 plus any PS bonuses and can parry normal weapons without harm if targetted with a called shot, the Horn/spike has an AR equal to 10 + the characters level and an SDC equal to the 3times the character's ME. the typically awkward placement means that normal HTH bonuses to strike do not apply when using the spike.

Mindsplitter [Major]
'oh oh....I think you may have drain bamage!'

The character can tear a person's psyche with his presence if he so chooses, his physical blows tearing a target's mind rather than his body.
1) hand to hand conversion: the characters blows with his body (not with melee weapons) may target the mind of his opponent. he rolls damage as normal. the target reduces the damage by his total save vs Psionics. The damage bypasses normal invulnerabilities and resistences, as the target's own mind begins to fracture and causes psychosomatic injuries.
2) Powerblow: whenever the character performs a power punch attack, istead of doubling the damage, the target must save Vs Insanity (16+) or be stricken with a psychotic episode. The target drops 1 ME and 1 IQ point and rolls for a random neurosis or affective disorder. the character can perform this powerblow only once per round, but may perform normal damage strikes.
3) psychotic strike: By touching a foe (many not be combined with a hand to hand strike) he can give the subject the convistion that he has suffered a grevious injury. the target must save vs psionics or be stunned for 1d4 melee rounds.
4) other bonuses: +1D4 ME. Plus may enhance his ME for 1 minute per level per day by +6 +2 to save vs psionics.

Rush: [Minor]
' did you hit me from back there'

Once per melle round, the character may act with such explosive speed that he seems to rocket from place to place, allowing the following combat actions.
1) Rush punch: the character may dash to any target within range (see below) and sock him one. The added speed inflicts an extra 2d4+2 damage, and it's blurred speed makes it hard to deflect (it is -2 to parry and dodge)
2) Swerve: the character can use this power as part of a dodge, granting +6 to a single dodge attempt. the attempt will at least move the character 15 feet.
3) Gravity is no obstacle: gravity barely has time to take hold while rushing. he may cross gaps of open space or even run on water for his normal distance (see below) but only once per melee. he may also rush 2/3rd that distance up a solid wall
4) Interrupt: The character can choose to take an action out of turn by rushing, interupting someone elses action. he may take a single action at +8 initiative before dropping to his regular initiative count. this action is subtracted from his total for the round, and as such may be almost immeadiately by his regular action.
5) distances: maximum rush distance is equal to his PP plus his Spd in feet. when travelling, he may add 15% to his speed by simply rushing 4 times a minute.

Build force: [Minor]
'here's the wind up...and the pitch!'

The character can, much like felines, spend time building force for a single act of adroitness that surpasses his regular talents
1) wind up punch: winding up for an action the character may perform a power punch manoevre. powerpunches made in this manner recieve a damage bonus equal to the characters PP score in addition to the power punch damage.
2) kinetic leaps: by winding up, the character may leap incredible distances. The character may leap his own body height plus his PP in feet, up or across. if he already posesses a leaping power, a wind up adds his PP in feet to horizontal and vertical leaps.
3) Snap: by winding up, the character can also hurl a projectile further and harder. he adds 50% more range and 50% more damage by winding up for a single action beforehand. if pinpoint accuracy is not an issue, then objects may be hurled 4 times normal distance.
4) other bonuses: +2 to PP +1D4+2 to Spd. +4 to roll with punch. the character enjoys some of the cat like reflexes and flexibility

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Visual Distortion(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You can't see me."

The superbeing is able to distort light so as to make himself appear his ME number in feet away from his actual location, +1 foot per level. This will fool natural eyesight, bionic and robotic eyes, and cameras so long as they do not possess infared, ultraviolet sight or thermal imaging sensors.
This makes opponents trying to hit him -1 to strike for every foot he is away from his apparent visual location. Those with See the Invisible only suffer half penalties, but suffer no penalties when aiming at the "invisible" character. Radar powers will not be fooled as much but the opponent using them will still suffer a -2 penalty to strike.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to activate and deactivate; reduced to half attacks due to concentration needed to maintain the illusion.

Range: Can project the image his ME number in feet, +1 foot per level.

Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 round per level. He can stop it any time prior to the expiration of the duration, however.

Drawbacks: As no one can see him, the character might suffer damage from friendly fire by those seeing the area he is actually in as clear. The power is of no benefit against area effects and explosions if he is in range of them, or in darkness where no light is available. In areas of dim lighting, distance and penalties are halved. Does not fool infared, ultraviolet or thermal sensors, or any psionic locating him mentally.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resiliant to light and laser attacks (half damage)

Levelling(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Put simply, when facing a character of a higher experience level, the hero performs in combat and uses powers as if one level higher. This becomes two levels at level 6. The drawback, however, is that facing those of less than half his experience, he performs as if one level lower.
This does not affect Hit Points, PPE or ISP, but does increase skill performance.
Increases range, duration, damage and other effects of powers. New Hand to Hand moves are not learned, only bonus increases are applied and attacks increased when applicable.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 initiative
Gains one additional attack per melee round
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Matter Expulsion: Ribbons(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can produce streams of fabric from the palms of his hands or wrist, appearing to most to be a magic trick. The superbeing produces 30 feet per level of textile material. Appearance is determined by the character upon creation (can appear to be long lengths of ribbons/scarves tied together, handkerchiefs tied together, or one long ribbon. The fabric will be animated as if a part of the character so long as it is still attached to the character.
Range: 30 feet per level, controlled by touch.
Duration: Instant. Ribbon created is permanent; can animate it as long as necessary while it is attached.
Damage: Varies, but usually minimal (see below)
Attacks per melee: Creating a full length of ribbon uses all melee attacks for the round. Attacking with the ribbon uses 1 melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 to attack with ribbon on an aimed strike, +4 to entangle. Note that the character can only benefit from there bonuses while the ribbon is still attached to him, and only with ribbons he creates.

1.Rope Trick: The ribbon can be made to snake up walls and along surfaces at half the superbein'g maximum speed. They can move to their maximum distance but become inert once seperated from the superbeing. By making them tie themselves to something, the character can create lightweight ropes to climb up on. Such ropes have a maximum weight allowance of twice the character's weight. Provides a 10% rappelling bonus when using the ribbons to rappel.

2.Entangle Arms: Snares and entangles arms to impair movement and skill performance (-3 to strike and parry, -15% to perform a skill, which takes twice as long to do).

3.Entangle Legs: The character can animate the ribbon to cause targets to have their legs encircled, causing them to stumble, trip and fall. This causes the victim to lose initiative, 2 melee attacks/actions and take 1d4 damage from the fall.

4.Tie-Up Attack: The ribbons can be used to tie a victim up. Unconscious charactrers cannot resist, but others can try to dodge or attack the fabric, or the one controlling it. Cutting the material will cause the character to lose control of the length of ribbon cut away.

5.Whip Attack: Using the ribbon to strike targets does 1d4 damage per ribbon (as a whipping attack).

Note that only one ribbon may be created from each hand. Ribbons can also be used for more mundane purposes, as for decoration and clothing items, as needed.

Alter Physical Structure: Fabric and Alter Physical Structure Automobile still to come...
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Illusionary horde [Major]
'Ok..lets swarm him guys'

The character can create dozens of duplicates of himself and send them on simple tasks where their numbers work against their foes.
each duplicate created has the following statistics
IQ 5 ME (not applicable) MA 5 PS 12 PP 12 PE (not applicable) PB equal to the character Spd equal to the character
HP: none not alive
SDC: 1d4 each.
Attacks per melee 2
Combat bonuses: HTH basic. level 1. though the character will appear to be using moves pulled straight from the character's repetoire, even appearing to weild weapons. in any event, the character inflicts a mere 1d6 damage in combat. Each member looks exactly like the character when created, including equipment and apparent wounds.
Traits: the duplicates are mindless, but carry the character's aura, so they can be sensed by their lack of mind, but see aura does not differentiate them. They are immune to effects that require any ME based saving throw. As beings made up of force of will and light, they are immune to poison and do not need to breathe. they smell like dust, and have no heartbeat, and their heat signiature is uniform and low and these are means by which they may be detected.

Number of duplicates: the character can make 1d4 duplicates a level, with a maximum of his ME, +10 duplicates per level in any given day.

Tactics: while considerably weaker than the character, and far more fragile, the mob can perform a number of uses. A mob can be directed to only one chore at a time. they cannot split up to perform seperate tasks
* Many hands make light work: The mob can perform menial chores, as long as they require no real complex thinking. digging ditches, posting letters etc. they are enthusistic, but as dumb as a crate of hammers (no skill use beyond physical skills)
* Mob: between 1 to 8 duplicates can swarm an individual at a time. they attach, grab, bite and tackle the target to the ground. A mob makes a strike roll with a bonus of +1 for every member in the mob. a mob is -2 to be parried. If the mob strikes, then the target is tackled and pushed to the floor inflicting 1d4 damage plus one per member of the mob, costing the target 2 actions and dropping his initiative to 0. The target may break free as usual, each attempt, success or fail, shatters one of the duplicates.
* split up: by dashing in all directions at once, the character provides cover for himself. targets unable to sense duplicate from original will be unable to determine exactly who it is they should follow
* gang up: rather than roll dozens of attack rolls every round, the character can split mobs into groups of 4 which enjoy +1 to strike parry, dodge initiative and damage per extra member.
* Interfere: when attacking with up to four duplicates, the duplicates can interfere with an opponent's fighting, reducing their parry dodge roll and initiative by one per duplicate aiding the character. they cannot make other actions in any melee round they perform this task, but may leap in front of attacks to save the original (which automatically destroys them, BUT reduces incoming damage by 2d4 per dupliacte that performs this. Roll1D20 and add +6. if this is higher than the strike roll thenit leaps in the way.

Duration: copies last indefinately as long as the character remains within 30 feet of them. out of this the copies llast one melee round per level before they start to falter (they take 1 SDC damage every melee round after this.)

Scan: [minor]
'i only saw him for half a second officer. 5 foot 8, dark hair, brown coat, suspicious gun bulge in pocket, blue jeans, faded and old, white sneakers with a bloodstain on the left instep. sorry but i only saw him for half a second.'

The character's brain sorts and collects data that passes infront of it, analysing and recalibrating it as necessary. a half second is equivilant to a minute's observation. even better, his brain collates this information for easy retreival. this is not photographic memory per se, more like a functional catalogung system.
[Rodney enters a bar. a simple sweep of the room finds his ex girlfriend and three armed men, as well as a guy at a pool table with a prison tattoo, all int he time it takes for the door to shut behind him.]
The scan works pretty much constantly, adding the following bonuses.
* oponents are -50% to prowl checks around him.
* +2 to aimed and called shots.
* limited eidetic memory: the character has a memory just as good as anyone else. this power does point out things and makes them obvious though. the scan reveals a lot of data in a short amount of time, but the character forgets it at his normal rate. this allows him to read twice as fast as any other person, and makes him a snap at visual puzzles (his brain automatically finds Wally)

Power swap: [Minor]
' this is what invulnerable feels like.....Niiiice'

The character can swap powers with a target. this is automatic with a willing an knowing target. an unwilling or unknowing target may make a Saving throw base don the following:
Swapping a minor power for another minor power: 18
Swaping a minor power for a major: 12
swapping a major for a major: 14
Swapping a major for a minor: 16

The PE attribute adds it's bonus as usual. also if the target is a higher level, he adds +2.

each act of power swapping counts as four actions. powers remain swapped for 5 minutes per level or until relinquished.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Alter Physical Structure: Automobile(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing with this power is able to change himself into an artificial organism composed of fiberglass(replaces skin), metal frame and chassis(replaces bones), oil(replaces saliva), gasoline(replaces blood), engine parts(replacing internl organs) and wiring(replaces nerves). He transforms himself into a car complete with tires(replacing his hands and feet) and upholstery(created from his clothing). If he carries containers of blood with him, these become extra fuel. The number of gallons of gas caried is 8, equal to the number os pints of blood in the human body. As it burns up, it can be replaced by normal gasoline, which will convert to blood when transferred back to human form. As a vehicle, he will feel anything touching him, see through the headlights as ees, and breathe through air vents, still requiring oxygen but breathing out carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide.

Natural AR: 10, including the tires; 14 for the chasis, hub caps and other metal parts. Impervious to gases, poisons and toxins, as well as drugs and disease.
Weight Increase: Weight becomes forty times normal
SDC: +250, with an additional 75 for the ram-prow. Heals 4d6 per minute in vehicle form.
Horror Factor: 14, but only applies if seen transforming
Speed: 60mph, +10mph per level

Note that the superbeing cannot take a humanoid appearance or mobility as a vehicle; he is either a car or normal human, not a hybrid or combination of both.

Appearance: The type and make of the vehicle must be selected at level one, and is limited to standard types of cars(cannot be unique design). Gains an additional appearance choice at levels 4,8 and 12. A specific color and design is selected for each appearance, and the upholstery will constantly change based on what the character is wearing.

Features: The superbeing's brain becomes an onboard computer that can pick up nearby sounds and see through the headlights for a distance of 500 feet, interpreting images into a radar display on the instrument panel. It includes an engine readout (+5% to automechanics). The character can speak using the stero system, which also picks up AM/FM signals and shortwave.
Tires heal as normal body parts, appearing to be self-sealing and self-inflating.
A Ram-Prow(formed from the character's jaw) allows the superbeing to avoid damage from head-on collisions. It can take up to 200 SDC in damage and does 6d6 in ramming damage, though takes 1/3 of the damage himself.
An oil slick can be released as a body function as long as the oil is replaced later, as he cannot transform back unless all fluids are replaced. The superbeing is fuel efficient, consuming gasoline at half the normal rate. Note that the gasoline tank must also be full in order to transform back.

Passenger Seating: Can carry 2 people at level 1, gaining 2 extra seats at level 6.
Cargo: PS is considered Superhuman for estimating the maximum weight allowance. The character appears to have a runk, engine hood and gas tank which function normally but which can be opened and closed by the character.

Roleplaying Tips: It is recommended the superbeing with this power travel with a partner who can pose as the owner and driver of the vehicle. This prevents anyone from trying to "fix" the vehicle by removing injured parts and replacing them with ones that cannot be transformed to human parts. Ther vehicle can drive itself, but this will appear strange to onlookers.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+20% to Pilot: Automobile and Racecar, +5% to other vehicle piloting skills; +10% to Mechanical skills
+1d4 PE
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Alter Physical Structure: Fabric(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am a man of the cloth."

The superbeing can transform into a human shaped mass of fabric which has beent bent, twisted, floded and stuffed into itself. This is simlar to APS Rag Doll, except that it is all one piece of material. It has no apparent features unless drawn on or part of the pattern. The pattern and color are selected by the player when the character is created and do not change.

1.Reduced Weight and Increased Strength: Reduce weight by half, but general size and shape remain the same unless unraveled. Increase physical strength by 2d6 (roll when character is created for strength when transformed) and is considered Extraordinary when transformed (can carry 100 times PS in pounds and lift 200 times). Fatigues at one-tenth normal rate of normal humans.

2.Armor Rating and SDC: The character has a Natural AR of 8, so most attcks will hit and do some measure of damage, exceept as noted below. 210 SDC in fabric form, and when SDC is gone, damage is done to the character's Hit Points.
Impervious to sound and shadow attacks, gases, poisons, toxins, drugs and disease. No damage from cold, though ice attacks will cause the fabric to stiffen (-4 to combat moves) and become heavy (Speed is halved). Impervious to most energy attacks. Projectiles like bullets and arrows do a single point of SDC damage but pass straight through, as do lasers. Clubs and blunt attacks do no damage, as the fabric simply shifts when hit. Water and wind attacks also do no damage. Knives, swords and cutting weapons do twice damage, as does fire. Plasma does triple damage. If wrapped around an explosive, the fabric will be shredded (instant death), but if merely nearby, the cloth will be unaffected.
The character still needs to breathe by air passing through it. Floats on water but gets waterlogged and will sink after 1d4+2 hours.

3.Horror Factor 11: The fabric man might appear to be a man wrapped in cloth, though when unravelling can appear terrifying. +2 of the cloth is a menacing color such as black or blood red.

4.Blinding Attack: The fabric can wrap itself around an opponent, covering and blinding them (-10 to to combat moves) until pulled off(use PS to determine strngth of fabric's grapple/hold). Suffocation is also possible.

5.Snaring and Entangling Opponent: The fabric being can wrap around an opponent to restrict movement (use PS to determine strength of hold), effectively tying them up. This is dangerous, however, as the opponent might tear the fabric.
It van also attempt to trip an opponent (loses 2 melee attacks/actions and initiative, and does 1d4 damage from the fall). Entangling the arms impairs movement and skill performance (-3 to strike and parry, -15% to skill performance, and skill takes twice as long to do).
Bonuses: +4 to Entangle and Disarm

6.Blend With Enviroment: The cloth can unravel to become a 10'X10' square of cloth which can pose as a dropcloth, a tent, a carpet or a tapestry. It can also fold itself and appear to be bedding or laundry. When flat, it can pass under doors, but not completely unless there is a large gap; however, this can be enough to spy or eavesdrop on a conversation.
Bonuses: +20% to Prowl. Moves at half normal speed when unraveled.

7.Filight: Glide: The cloth, when unraveled, can float to the ground. Heavy winds will blow the fabric bveing to allow a flight speed of 120mph in a strong wing (Can also possibly be rigged up to serve as a parachute for an ally).
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Fabric(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

Very cool. :-D But would this make a character vulnerable to that Animate/Control Fabric power from P.U. 1? :shock:
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Kiss (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Pucker up! It’s slobberin’ time!”

The hero has learned to transfer bio-energy from himself to another living being, for a variety of effects. However, the range of this power is severely limited; the super being can only transmit his power via direct contact between the thinnest areas of skin on his and his target’s body - the lips.

Note: if the super being attempts to use any aspect of this power during combat, do not include strike bonuses from hand-to-hand combat skills (as far as I know, no martial art teaches battlefield kissing). The character’s P.P. bonuses (if any) are the only ones that apply. Obviously, it is better to use the kiss in a social situation, or at least use a distraction to get close enough to strike.

1. Kiss of Life. By bolstering another person’s cellular structure with his own life energy, the character can heal wounds or cure illness. One kiss instantly restores 4D6 Hit Points or S.D.C. Alternatively, a kiss can be used to reduce the symptoms, penalties and duration of disease or poison by half.
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant and permanent.
Attacks per Melee: Each kiss counts as one melee attack/action.
Limitations: Each Kiss of Life temporarily drains the character of 2D6 of his own S.D.C. or Hit Points if S.D.C. is not available. The super being cannot heal himself in this way.

2. Kiss of Death. The super being can transfer a flood of toxins into the victim’s body.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 4D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points.
Attacks per Melee: Each kiss counts as one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: Victims must roll 14 or higher to save (P.E. bonuses applicable). A successful save means the victim only suffers 1D4 damage to S.D.C.

3. Kiss of Seduction. Through a combination of concentrated pheromones and tantric energy, the super being can instantly charm his target. Those affected act as if successfully seduced (see page 58 of the HU2 rule book for the associated penalties).
Range: Touch.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks per Melee: Each kiss counts as one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: Victims must save vs. non-lethal poison (16 or higher; P.E. bonuses applicable). A successful save means the kiss has absolutely no effect.
Limitations: The kiss is only effective when used on people who could conceivably be seduced by the super being the old-fashioned way: this means members of the opposite sex or gay members of the super being’s own gender.

4. Kiss of Reversion. The super being can reverse the unnatural transformation of another living being with a kiss, effectively ’re-booting’ their body with a sudden jolt of bio-energy.
If a person has been transformed against their will, e.g. a magical curse that transforms a person into a beast, the Kiss of Reversion allows them to re-roll their save vs. transformation, but with a bonus equal to the experience level of the super being (+1 to save at level one, +3 at level three and so on). A successful roll instantly returns the person to normal; a failed roll indicates that the transformation is simply beyond the character’s current ability to reverse.
If a person has transformed themselves, whether through magic, psionics, technology or superpowers, he or she must save vs. transformation (see below), or instantly change back to their natural form. The shock of forced reversion will stun the target for one melee round: if forced to fight during this time, victims lose one attack, have no initiative and are -2 to strike, parry and dodge, -4 to roll with punch, fall or impact and skill performance and speed are reduced by 20%. The target may not transform again for 1D4 melee rounds.
Imbued and Mystically Bestowed characters are horribly vulnerable to the kiss: if they fail to save against it, they are stripped of all of their powers until they can change back!
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each kiss counts as one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: Victims must save vs. transformation (15 or higher; P.E. bonuses applicable). Success indicates that the kiss has had no effect.
Limitations: The kiss is only effective against powers/spells/technologies that allow their users to physically change into another, organic form: Shapechanger, Growth, Shrink, Metamorphosis: Human, Monstrous Form and the like. It will not work on inorganic or energy-based targets, so super beings with an active Alter Physical Structure power are immune. For this reason, it cannot reverse the effects of Petrification.
The kiss is ineffective against purely illusionary changes and cannot reveal an invisible character.
The kiss cannot transform mutants, mutant animals or eugenics characters into humans: for them, a super powered body is their natural form.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character is immune to the Kiss power of other super beings.
The character is a naturally good kisser.
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Animal Abilities: Tortoise (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Slow and steady wins the race. Being mostly bullet-proof helps, though.”

This power gives the super being the traits and abilities of a tortoise.

Abilities and Bonuses

1. Partial Armour: same as the sub-ability of Bio-Armour on page 254 of the HU2 rule book, except that this partial armour can only cover the upper body (chest, stomach and back).
2. Longevity: same as the Longevity power on page 34 of Powers Unlimited 1.
3. Hibernation: same as the power of Super Hibernation & Stasis Field on page 44 of Powers Unlimited 1, except that the hero may only create one stasis field, purely for his own personal use.
4. Add 1D4 P.E.
5. Add 1D4 M.E.
6. Can control up to 2D6 tortoises per level of experience.
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Fabric(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

Very cool. :-D But would this make a character vulnerable to that Animate/Control Fabric power from P.U. 1? :shock:

No, because the character has a control of himself that makes control by others impossible. If you want to play it that way, then make it a battle of wills, high roll on d20 wins.
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This first power is written using subabilities of Mr. Twist's Fabric Animation and manipulation, but includes materials not available with the other power, specifically the use of food fibers to create the costume and repair it.

Putting On The Ritz(minor) by Twisted Gargoyle
"I'll be dressed in a minute. Can you hand me that box of Corn Flakes?"
A minor form of Fabric Manpulation and Control by Mr. Twist.
The hero can assemble clothing from fibers, whether from other clothing, plants, or even food containing fibers.

1.Summon Costume: The character can cause fibers he is touching to crawl against his skin and meld and weave itself into clothing. The fiber can be loose thread, lint, rags and cloth, but can also be wheat and grain fiber, even coming from such things as cereal and snack crackers.
Range: Touch. As each item is touched, it crawls, flattens and curves against the skin.
Costume SDC: 20, +5 per level
Attacks: Must maintain touch on an item for 2 full melees for it to unravel and come to life. Costume is created within 2d4 melee rounds, or one melee round per foot(GM'sdiscretion).

2.Mend Fabric: By touching an existing costume, the hero can repair tears and even add foreign fibers to merge and match perfectly with the garment.
Mending Skill: BaseSkill: 50%, +4% per level

3.Improve Garment: The character can also make slight changes to garments he is wearing, reshaping them so as to be more in fashion and of a more popular style. By thickening the fabric, he can increase the durability as well.
Costume Armor Rating: Becomes 9, and goes up 1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Additional SDC: Adds 20, +5 per level
Attack per melee: The effort reduces the character's attacks per melee by 1 due to the concentration required.

Photographic Memory(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is capable of remembering an event visually and producing a hard copy of any image she has ever seen.

1.Total Recall: The character remembers everything she has ever seen, remembering specific blocks of information at will. She requires one full melee round to loocate the exact memory needed and cannot perform any other actions. This only applies to images, and names and context the pictures appeared in relation to may be lost and forgotten. But if someone mentions a location and time, she will recall everything as it was in detail, as far as she saw, anyways. This detail will be down to the fly on the counter and words written on a note on the counter, even if normally too far to read clearly, as long as she saw them, even if she did not read the note.

2.Hard Copy: In a process similar to Automatic Writing, the character can enter a trance and begin creating the image on paper, based on any specified image she remembers. The process takes 2 full melee rounds and is done as a type of pointilism, tapping out the image in a way similar to a laser printer. Requires paper and pencils (colored pencils if a color image is desired).

3.Immune to Illusions: The character is totally impervious to visual forms of illusion where a saving throw is allowed, both psionic and magical.
Note that the character cannot see the invisible, nor see through camoflage, or other superpowers that put in place disguises or concealment. Cannot see through ectoplasmic disguises, metamorphosis or other forms of transformation or shapechanging abilities.
Range: Self
Duration: Constant and automatic
Bonus: +1 save vs. Horror Factor

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 save vs. mind control and possession
+1d6 ME

Tripwire Reflexes(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is hard wired to respond to noises and sensory stimulation. As such, he can anticipate attacks and respond quickly.

1.Presence Sense: The character knows when others approach within close range, even when asleep, and will immediately awaken, though suffers -2 to combat actions directly after waking in such a manner.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Instant and constant
Bounuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +4 initiative
Drawbacks: The character senses ALL entities around him and this power cannot differentiate friend from foe. In order to simply continue his sleep, the character must make self-control rolls when anyone comes into range(14 or better, ME bonus applies). This can get quite annoying when living in a home where others are constantly moving around nearby.

2.Group Approach Panic: The character can sense those further than the smaller area of sensitivity if there are more than 5 moving at a constant pace.
Range: 100 feet, +10 feet per level, if there are five or more in a group moving in close proximity to one another.
Duration: Instant and Constant
Bonuses: +4 to strike with a ranged attack, +6 initiative
Drawbacks: Same as for Presence Sense
Since their distance will not let him know exactly where they are, the character has certain skills to help with that, though not as complete or informative as Radar.
Estimating Distance of Approach: Base Skill: 40%, +2% per level
Estimating Speed of Approach: Base Skill: 20%, +4% per level

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 Autododge against ranged attacks
+1 Autoparry

Note that going beyond normal endurance limits due to lack of sleep will cause penalties to apply due to fatigue (-2 initiative, -3 strike, parry and dodge). These powers are meant primarily to apply when the character would otherwise be taken by surprise.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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What a Tangled Web(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"'Come into my parlor,' said the spider to the fly..."
The character can shoot webbing, similar to a spider, which hardens like fiberglass.

Range: Can shoot web for a distance of 50 feet per level
SDC per Line: 20
Weight Tolerance: 200 pounds per level of experience
Duration: The line remains loose enough to act as a swing line for 10 minutes, after which it begins to harden, becoming totally stiff and solid after another 10 minutes. The web will remain hard for 4d6 months and will have to be cut away in order to be removed once hard.
Payload: The character can shoot their PE number of shots/attacks per hour, +2 times per level of experience.

1.Spinnerets: The character can spin and shoot webs, similar to that of a spider, from her forearms.
2.Hardened Form:Once hardened, the substance has a Natural AR of 10. It can be woven into shapes, such as armor or casts to splint broken bones, and even used to create such objects as pottery. To create an item with any real accuracy requires a skill roll to Weave Web- Base Skill: 45%, +5% per level
3.Swing Line: While still soft, within the first ten minutes, the web can be used as a swing line, the sticky glob on the end working as a grappling hook. It can be used to rappel across openings between buildings and chasms, as well as tie up adversaries, though once hardened will cave to be cut off, as it does not naturally degrade.
Bonuses For Using Swingline: Aimed Shot: +1 on initiative(to strike first) and +3 to strike with the line, in addition to any PP attribute and skill bonuses. Reduce the bonus to strike by half if shooting without aiming, and a straight, unmodified roll if shooting wild.
4.Web Attack: Shooting the webbing at an opponent will entangle them. Getting caught in a single strand of the stuff reduces the victim's movements and inflincts the following penalties: -1 melee attack, -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry and dodge, and reduces speed by 10%. Each additional webline inflicts the same accumulative penalties, with each line entangiling and tying up the victim more and more until he can barely move at all. Five lines typically completely entangle and pin/incapacitate the victim (01-70% chance, with each line adding +10% to the likely result).
5.Web Net: If taking the time, a net can be woven from the web within 3 melee rounds, one large enough to block a doorway or entrance to an alley, or to catch someone who is falling. Care must be taken to ensure a good connection to solid surfaces on order to properly anchor said web.
6.Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 PE
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Re: Wow

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The Foss wrote:Lots of neat stuff!

Well, there are fewer people posting than when the thread first started up, but I have worked to keep it going since first arriving in the forum and finding the thread almost dead. Iczer, who has been around since the beginning, is one of the few original posters. It is a real treasure trove if you take the time to sift through it. :D
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:oops: * is so embarrased* :oops:

aw shucks

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Iczer wrote::oops: * is so embarrased* :oops:

aw shucks

stop being embarrassed and post more powers :x (Joking) :lol:
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gyah... I lost my cheat sheet, now I'm down a bout 20 powers (Grrrr)

That said, posting will have to wait for me to return from work. (the boss doesn't like me browsing in work hours)

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Coming soon: APS Leaves and Dark Sustenance (both majors!)
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Welcome RM.
There is one similar to it in the books, namely APS Rubber, but yours seems different enough that it should be a good inclusion to the APS category.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Welcome RM.
There is one similar to it in the books, namely APS Rubber, but yours seems different enough that it should be a good inclusion to the APS category.

Agreed. Excellent contribution! Post more! :-D

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coming soon: APS Leaves and Dark Sustenance (both majors!)

I love these little 'trailers'! Builds the anticipation! :)

Here's one of my own (if only to encourage me to finish 'em):

Coming soon...Super Steed, Energy Expulsion: Razor and (if I can work out the bugs) Internal Shapeshifter!
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coming soon: APS Leaves and Dark Sustenance (both majors!)

I love these little 'trailers'! Builds the anticipation! :)

I do those so people don't think I am asleep at the wheel when it takes me a while between postings. I have others to post, but I usually advertise the ones I think are the coolest of the lot. :lol:

Now, without further a-doodoo:

Alter Physical Structure: Leaves(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
Because you can never have too many plant based powers. :-P

This major ability allows the superbeing to change his physical form to resemble a pile of leaves. Typically, the hero retains a generally human shape, but he can shift shape at will.

1.Physical Attacks Do No Damage: The character gains +1d6X10 SDC in leaf form and possesses a Natural AR of 8. All physical attacks such as punches and kicks do no damage. Blade strikes and bullets do a single point of SDC damage as they pass through the character. Explosions do half damage and scatter the character, taking him 1d4+1 melee rounds to gather himself up and reform his body. Takes twice damage from fire attacks if over the AR and half damage if under the AR. Cold does double damage; psionics and magic do full damage.

2.Increased Strength: Weight is doubled. Add I1d6 to PS when transformed, considered extraordinary when a solid mass(cannot lift things when scattered about as leaves). The character also fatigues at one quarter rate in this form.

3.Alter Shape in Leaf Form: As a walking mound of leaves, the character can puch himself through the narrow crack under a door or squeeze through pipes. He can easily slip out of any entanglement using 2 melee attacks/actions to slide out and reform.

4.Swirling Leaves: The hero can cause his body to spread out and catch on wind currents, creating a whirlwind of leaves covering a 10 foot radius per level of experience for 2 melee rounds per level of experience. Victims are -4 to strike, parry and dodge for the duration of the storm. The character cannot perform any other actions while creating the whirlwind, because it is his body that makes up the blowing leaves. May add damage to the attack using the Razor Leaves ability below, but at only half the damage.

5.Laying Down Leaves: When spreading out on the ground as a thick layer of leaves, anyone passing through must reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping and falling(01-20% chance. Those who fail lose initiative, 2 melee attacks, and slip 2d6 feet. Vehicles and heavier character need not worry, however.
Using this ability, he can do a doge/grapple on a target passing over him, provided he has the initiative, as a surprise attack. This requires he dodge the step and shift to humanoid shape in mid-grapple. The character must roll a successful dodge and then a strike with no combat bonuses.

6.Razor Leaves: The character can use his leaves to attack opponents.
Range: 25 feetr, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 2d4+1 per 15 seconds
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Duration: 1 full melee round
If used in conjunction with Swirling leaves, use the range listed for that ability and cut damage to half.

7.Difficult to Smother and Doesn't Breathe Oxygen: While in leaf form, the character breahtes through his entire body and is nearly impossible to smother. On the other hand, the character is more susceptible to gases and chemicals that kill plant, though not as seriously damaging as if he were a full plant, as injured leaves can easily be shed. Breathes carbon dioxide, creating oxygen.

7.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Recovers SDC at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes
Moves at half normal rate when taking humanoid shape
+30% to prowl in wooded areas
Immune to plant toxins
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Dark Sustenance(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
Because you can never have too many shadow based powers. :D

The hero feeds on shadow and darkness for survival. Moreover, he gains advantages when in darkness.

1.Shadow Sustenance: The hero can heal 2 SDC and/or 1 Hit Point per hour while in darkness or shadow. Furthermore, he does not need to eat or drink and does not fatigue at night or when in darkness. Shadow bolts and attacks will heal their equivalent damage when striking him. hwever, he will take one point of damage direct to Hit Points each hour he spends in direct sunlight and takes double damage from light and laser attacks, as well as fatiguing at twice norml rate in daylight.

2.Shadow Vision: The hero suffers no penalties to see in darkness, as it is darkness which allows him to see, with the equivalent of 360 degree vision at night. During the day, in well lit places, the hero can see out from shadows as if they were windows, within a radius of 100 feet per level. The hero can Prowl in shadow and darkness with a bonus of =20%, plus he gains +2 to all combat maneuvers when fighting in darkness. The drawack is that the character is totally blind when in an area with no shadows (loses initiative, reduced to half attacks, -10% to all combat moves). As a result, the hero suffers -2 to PB due to having pitch black sightless eyes, which also gives his a Horror Factor of 10.

3.Dark Deception: The hero enjoys a +10% to Disguise and Impersonation while in shadow, as well as +5% to Interrogation and Tracking in darkness.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 to PS and PE in darkness only
+1d4X10 SDC
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Super Steed (Major)

By Senator cybus

“Hi ho, Silver, awaaaaaaay!”

A stylish if unusual form of personal transportation, this is the ability to summon up a super-powered riding animal. The term “steed” is misleading: it will typically be a horse, but other more exotic beasts can be chosen. The only limitation is that the chosen Steed must be a real creature that is large enough to support the weight of a rider; so bears, bulls or tigers are possible choices, but griffins, manticores or giant hamsters are not.

To calculate the attributes and abilities of the Steed, consult the Creating Mutant Animals section of the HU2 rule book (page 162). The player creates the animal of his choice, just as if he were making a player character, but with the following modifications:

Do not roll for the eight attributes: P.S. is automatically set at 25 and is considered Extraordinary. M.E., P.E. and P.P. are set at 20. P.B. and M.A. are set at 16. I.Q. is set at 8. Speed is twice that listed for the animal type on page 254 of the HU2 rule book, under Animal Metamorphosis, and top speed can be maintained for twice as long, e.g. a Super Steed horse could run at 80 m.p.h. for up to two hours.

Determine Hit Points as normal. Each time the super being attains a new experience level, roll 1D6 and add the result to the Steed’s existing Hit Points.

S.D.C. is twice that listed for the animal’s Size Level under the Physical Size Chart on page 166 of the HU2 rule book, e.g. a Buffalo, at size level 19, would have an S.D.C. of 150.

Do not select a Cause of Mutation or Education. The Steed has no BIO-E points, cannot select human features or animal psionics and has no equipment.

Select animal type, as per the limitations listed above. Add in any Attribute Bonuses granted by the selection.

The Steed automatically gains all Natural Weapons and Powers listed for its type. If there is a choice of similar weapons, the Steed always has the most damaging, e.g. a bear would have the Predator Bite (2D6 damage) rather than the Scavenger Bite (1D6 damage).

Finally, choose one of the following minor superpowers for the Steed and adjust attributes accordingly:
Adrenaline Surge
Awe or Horror Factor
Danger Sense
Enhanced Leaping
Extraordinary Speed
Healing Factor
Knock Back Attack

Summoning or dismissing the Steed takes one full melee round. The Steed can only be dismissed/dissolved if it is within 100 feet (30.5 m) of the character who summoned it. Other super beings with this power cannot summon or dismiss it.

The super being has a natural Horsemanship skill of 98% when riding the Super Steed, as well as a lesser ability to handle any riding animal: base Horsemanship skill of 35% +2% per level of experience. If he already possesses this skill, add a one-time bonus of 15%. See page 57 of the HU2 rule book for combat bonuses when charging.

Psychic Bond. The super being and his Steed have a rudimentary telepathic link that allows them to sense each others location, regardless of distance. Additionally, each can sense if the other is injured, their emotional state and whether or not they are engaged in combat. If separated, the super being can telepathically order his animal to stay where it is, come to him or meet him at any familiar location.

Passengers and Cargo. The Steed may carry one additional person. However, it will only accept riders that are accompanied by the super being who summoned it: any attempt to ride the Steed without the presence and permission of its master will be violently resisted. It will quite happily carry any cargo the super being wishes, up to the limits of its strength.

Combat. While primarily meant to serve as transport, the Steed will fight to the best of its ability to protect itself or its master. The Steed has four attacks/actions per melee round, plus any gained through super powers. It is limited to striking with its natural weapons or dodging: parrying, entangling and other advanced combat moves are beyond its simple intellect. Equally, the Steed cannot use man-made weapons of any kind. Combat bonuses are determined by attribute scores and choice of super power.
If injured, the Steed will recover 6 S.D.C./Hit Points per hour. Alternatively, the super being can dismiss it: if not called upon for 24 hours, the Steed will return fully healed.

Death. If the Steed is killed, the super being immediately loses 3D6 Hit Points, because of the psychic connection they share. It cannot be called upon again for 24 hours, at which time it will be fully healed.

Duration: Indefinite. The super being can keep his animal around for as long as he likes, but as it is a flesh and blood creature, it will eventually require suitable food and shelter.
Range: Self. The summoned animal appears next to the hero.
Damage: As per the Steed’s natural weapons.
Bonuses: The super being is +2 to initiative and has a bonus of 10% to Detect Ambush, but only when riding his Steed.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Senator Cybus wrote: I.Q. is set at 5.

I think an IQ of is a bit low, even for an animal.
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Super Poly-Grip(minor) by Stoned Gargoyle
The hero has a second thumb on each hand. While the drawback is that he has to have custom gloves, the benefits are mediocre. Opponents facing the hero are -2 to disarm him. Even more pointless, he is +2% to palming, pick pockets and Climbing, as well as Computer Operation due to the slightly improved typing. He is, however, +1 to strike and parry with melee weapons (+2 with two-handed weapons) as well. +1 to puching damage and open handed strikes. Suffers a -5% to Escape artist for the purpose of slipping out of handcuffs and ropes.

Just a silly idea I had to get out of my system. :-P
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RMThompson wrote:WOW! I love the Steed power. Great great great stuff!

Thanks! :-D For some reason, transport powers are my favourite. Have you seen Stone Gargoyle's FLYING FORCE SPHERE? Preeeeeetty sweet...

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think an IQ of is a bit low, even for an animal.

The way I saw it, an I.Q. of 100 is supposed to be the real world average for human beings, which would translate to an IQ score of 10: if a score of 10 allows you to speak a language, learn to operate cars and computers and power tools, crack jokes, plan ahead, think in abstract terms and hold down a job, then a score of 5 should do for a beast of burden.

Hell, I read a few years ago that in an attempt to boost recruitment, the Spanish military dropped the I.Q. entry requirement for soldiers down to 80: if a score of 8 is good enough to let you put on a uniform, pick up a gun and go fight for your country (assuming your country is Spain), then 5 is more than enough for what is basically a glorified taxi! :-D
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Inability to speak does not denote lack of intelligence in animals. A 6 or 7 would be somewhat better, but an intelligent magical streed could believably have an IQ of between 8 and 10. I would not go any higher than that, however. Possibly give it a range of 1d6+4.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Inability to speak does not denote lack of intelligence in animals. A 6 or 7 would be somewhat better, but an intelligent magical streed could believably have an IQ of between 8 and 10. I would not go any higher than that, however. Possibly give it a range of 1d6+4.

and add the 5-10 IQ (high animal intelligence)
several predadtor types have a 7 or so listed through out pb megaverse but they always note it with the high animal intelligence.
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Fair enough, if you both think it should be higher, I'll bump it up to 8 (I figure that's an uncomplicated compromise). Smart for a beasty, but still not quite 'Lassie' smart. :-D
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Toxic Waltz (major) by wolfsgrin
"You wanna dance? Well lets dance then."

Once this character engages in melee combat with an opponent or opponents in a 10ft radius, opponents start to feel woozy and sickly. At the beginning of the round all opponents make a save vs non lethal toxins. If failed, opponents are -1 attack, -2 initiative, and -2 to all other actions against character for the first round. By the second round attackers must make another save vs non lethal toxins at a -2. If failed, opponents are at half their attacks and everything else combat related is at half as well. Also at this point the attacker(s) may actually start emptying the contents of their stomachs (which accounts for the loss of attacks). By the third round its -3 to save and if failed, attacks are reduced to one and no bonuses. At this point opponents are too dizzy getting sick to be combat effective.
Note: even if saves are made, a cummuliative -1 to attacks and all other combat rolls applies
Range: 10ft
Duration: 3 melee rounds (45 seconds) for those who failed it lasts 1 minute per level from the last save failed.
Attacks: Costs 2 attacks that come off the end of the users attacks then 1 attack for the following rounds.
Bonuses: Character has a rudimentry understanding of melee combat. +1attack +1parry and dodge/ +15 sdc and a +3 vs any dizzying effects whehter it be toxins, magic, powers, or psychic. And opponents save vs non lethal toxins goes up by one at levels 2,5,9, and 13
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wolfsgrin wrote:Toxic Waltz (major) by wolfsgrin
"You wanna dance? Well lets dance then."

Nice one!

Here are a couple new ones of mine, the first in this post, followed by the second in the next post:

Flame Buoyant(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can move through lava like a professional swimmer, ignoring the effects of heat and fire.

1.Impervious to Heat and Fire, Plasma and Lava: The superbeing's body radiates an enerfgy field that reflects heat and fire of any intensity, so he could theoretically walk on the sun were it solid enough and he could breathe. This applies only to his body, however, so his clothing might still burn up. He takes half damage from explosions, ignoring the heat and fire of the blast but still taking shrapnel damage. Also takes only half damage from lasers.

2.Fiery Depths: The superbeing can swim through fire and lava as if possessing the swiming skill at 90% and hold his breath twice as long as normal. This skill level does not apply when in water. In fact, the hero sudffers a penalty of -20% to swimming in water. The hero swims twice his normal speed through fire and lava.

3.Impervious to Gases: The superbeing suffers no ill effects from breating in smoke and toxic fumes produced by flames. +4 to save vs. other kinds of toxins and suffocation.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC
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Flight Suit(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a form of Fabric/Cloth Material Animation.

The hero has the strange but useful ability to control fabric as long as it is close to his skin. It can be maniopulated for a variety of effects, the most noteable being flight.

Range: Touch, or within one foot, maximum
Duration: Constant; winged flight limited to the hero's ME number in melee rounds (can be extended as desired by GMS if they feel this time is too short).

1.Protective Layer: Clothing in contact with the character's skin adheres to it like an extra fleshy layer. This gives him a Natural AR of 8, +1 at level 4,8, and 12.

2.By wearing flowing robes, a long trenchcoat, or split cape, the hero can manipulate the fabric to adhere to his back and act as wings.
a)Flight: Winged: The hero can use loose, flowing clothing to build himself useable wings.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to construct the wings
Speed: 160mph, +10mph per level
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, +6 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of flying speed
Limitations: Blowing holes in the fabric will make it useless for flying.

b)Flight:Glide: There will be times and instances when the hero will be unable to form the wings in time to do such things as jump from a plane or building. Not to worry; in these cases the hero can use the fabric tfor gglider flaps.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action and can be done in mid-leap
This allows the character to ride air currents and fly using any baggy clothing. Maximum gliding speed is 40-50mph, half indoors. Diving from an airplane or great height(skyscraper's rooftop) is 120mph.
Bonuses when Gliding:
+1 initiative
+1 to strike and parry
+2 to dodge

3.Whip Attack: The loose cape can be used to strike an opponent, doing 1d4 damage, with a +1 to strike(other bonuses do not apply).

4.Mending: The fabric can be made to fix itself during battle. 1d4 SDC can be repaired per melee round while concentrating(loses one attack, -2 to combat moves, -1 initiative).

5.Entangle/Disarm: The hero can make the fabric entangle an opponent's arm(+4 to strike/grab) and disarm(+2 bonus).

6.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to climbing fabric tapestries and chord ropes
+20% to sewing skills(considered professional quality)
The character has a good fashion sense
+2 to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact(uses clothing to cushion himself
+1d4 ME
His clothing cannot be affected by the Fabric Manipulation powers of others while he is wearing it
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:Toxic Waltz (major) by wolfsgrin
"You wanna dance? Well lets dance then."

Nice one!

Here are a couple new ones of mine, the first in this post, followed by the second in the next post:

Flame Buoyant(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can move through lava like a professional swimmer, ignoring the effects of heat and fire.

1.Impervious to Heat and Fire, Plasma and Lava: The superbeing's body radiates an enerfgy field that reflects heat and fire of any intensity, so he could theoretically walk on the sun were it solid enough and he could breathe. This applies only to his body, however, so his clothing might still burn up. He takes half damage from explosions, ignoring the heat and fire of the blast but still taking shrapnel damage. Also takes only half damage from lasers.

2.Fiery Depths: The superbeing can swim through fire and lava as if possessing the swiming skill at 90% and hold his breath twice as long as normal. This skill level does not apply when in water. In fact, the hero sudffers a penalty of -20% to swimming in water. The hero swims twice his normal speed through fire and lava.

3.Impervious to Gases: The superbeing suffers no ill effects from breating in smoke and toxic fumes produced by flames. +4 to save vs. other kinds of toxins and suffocation.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC

thanks SG. everybody's powers are coming out great here lately. good synergy. me likes. :ok:
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I have more flame powers in the works, some of which may be added to this thread eventually. The most interesting powers are the ones just not rehashing existing material and giving it new variations, so I am debating on which ones are worth adding, as some are just combinations of minor abilities in the books and tweaking them. I will give brief synopses and see what you guys think.
For Example, one I created called Afterburner just mixes Flight: Energy and an energy expulsion subability of CEF: Fire and allows the use of the flight power for half flight speed running, but much is just combining stuff from other powers and remixing it, so to speak..
I have a new teleport variant called Fiery or Flaming Teleport (I would have to check) which changes the effects of the teleport to the surrounding area, based on my Demonic Teleport ability. I just hope it adds something to the powers people use rather than just adding another one that is interesting but which they might never use.
One I created called Flaming Go is interesting because it makes flight using the same energy expulsion point as one would use for an attack but limits one to either/or as a result. It is a power based on the concept of energy expulsion due to opening a dimensional fissure rather than concentrating heat into a flame attack.
Another is a regeneration power based on flames consuming surrounding materials to recreate the character. It has no other healing abilities and occurs only upon death of the character.
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Nope. I actually thought of using that as a name but have no power to fit the name.
I am just cranking out lots of powers right now and am pretty lazy about posting them. I just did one called APS Living Doll this morning that I will definitely post.
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Explosive Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'll go out with a 'Bang"!

This teleportation is very violent in appearance and effect, making it look as if the character has exploded. The explosion effect takes place on both sides of the teleport, departure point and destination.

Range: 100 feet per level
Duration: Instant
Weight Limit: Self and up to 50 lbs per level
Number per melee round: Twice per melee round, uses one melee attack/action
Limitations: Must be within line of sight.

2.Explosion: The character creates a concussive blast when teleporting at both the departure point and the destination point.
Range: 5 foot radius per level
Damage: 2d6, +1d6 per level of experience, which cannot be reduced; it always does full damage. Area effect, so everyone in the blast radius takes damage.

3.Resistant to Explosions and Heavy Impacts: Takes half damage that can be reduced again by a successful roll with punch, fall or impact (+2 to do so, in addition to any bonus he maye get from Hand to Hand skills and other powers).

4.Limitations: Can only create explosions by teleporting. This will affect friends and foes alike, so the hero will always be warning his allies to stand aside, though he may be forced to use it knowing his buddies will get injured. Overlapping parts of the departure point and destination blast radius areas do not increase damage, doing damage as if affected by only one explosion.

Fiery Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
When the hero teleports, he appears to be surrounded in a ball of flame and passes through the plane of elemental fire.

Range: 100 feet per level
Duration: Instant
Weight Limit: Self and up to 50 lbs per level, though anything not impervious to flame will ignite, taking 5d6 damage.
Number per melee round: Twice per melee round, uses two melee attacks/actions
Chances of Successful Teleport: As per Teleport power (p. 295 HU2 rule book)
Results of Unsuccessful Teleport: Lingers a moment in the realm of elemental fire before returning to the deperture point upon the next melee round.

2.Lingering: Due to the nature of this type of teleport, the character spends 3 seconds (1 melee attack/action) in the realm of elemental fire. All equipment and clothing of a combustible nature will suffer 5d6 damage from fire, as will any passengers. The hero is himself impervious to the effects of fire and heat,

3.Flame Sphere: A sphere of flame surrounds the hero during teleport, beginning the action before the teleport occurs and remaining one action after (total of 3 actions) at both the departure point and destination point.
Size of Sphere: 10 foot diameter, +2 feet per level
Damage: 3d6 +1d6 per level of experience to anything struck by the sphere when it forms, with a 30% chance of igniting combustible materials, doing an additional 1d6 fire damage for 1d4 melee rounds or until extinguished.

Note that the hero can perform no other actions after engaging the sphere. If attempting a dodge once the sphere has engages, any materials inside the sphere will teleport but the character will not, the teleport being centered in the core of the sphere.
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Flaming Go(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can open an interdimensional fissure to channel flame from the realm of elemental fire.

1.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The hero suffers no damage from fire or heat, nor is he hurt by plasma or even lava. Takes half damage from electrical attacks and lasers.

2.Energy Expulsion: Fire: The characdter can open a fissure into the realm of elemental fire. Due to the need to hold the fissure closed, the attack gets no bonuses and canot be split between targets. He can, however, control the damage in increments of 1d6 even at level one.
Range: 100 feet, plus 50 feet per level
Damage: 3d6, +1d6 per level, +1d6 per action left open.
Duration: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to openn the fissure, and can keep open for one additional action at levels 4,8, and 12

3.Flight: Energy: The hero can also use conrolled bursts of energy to simulate flight. Since the flight is achieved through the expelling or fire, use of the EE: Fire subability is notrecommended in flight. The process of flying leaves a 12 foot tril of fire, which does 2d6 damage to whatever it hits in the process. As this is a smaller fissure, it can be maintained for as long as the hero needs it without ill effect.
Flight Speed: 160 mph, +20mph per level
As the energy is not easily controlled, the hero cannot open up the fissure wider to allow an energy expulsion attack without comromising the flight. If doing so, the fissure will have to be completely closed afterwards and a new fissure opened, taking 2 melee attacks/actions, during which time the hero will fall until regaining flight. Creating this small fissure for flight otherwise uses one melee attack/action
+2 to dodge under 80mph, +4 if over 80mph
+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed

Flaming Resurrection:(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's body is capable of regenerating similar to the phoenix of legend.

1.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The hero is completely impervious to the effects of fire and heat, including magical fire and extreme heat.
Range: Self
Duration: Constant

2.Fiery Rebirth: when the hero dies (completely dead, not just in a coma or near death), the character rolls a second save vs. coma/death. If successful, the hero's aura ignites in flames, beginning to consume nearby matter to rebuild the hero and return him to life.
Range: a 20 foot radius around the hero fills with flame. Objects and people in range take 4d6 initial damage and then 4d6 damage every five seconds after that.
Restoring SDC and HP: SDc points are restored at a rate of 1 SDC for every point of damage done by the flames. Following that, the Hit Points restore at a rate of one HP for every two points of damage done by the flames. The hero does not return to life until all SDC and HP are restored.

Drawbacks and Limitations: If the fire is extinguished at any point in during the resurrection process, the hero will remain dead, unable to be resurrected. The character returns to life one level lower than when he died.
This power only works with the existing mass, and so will not regenerate limbs previously lost. Only works after the hero completely dies, so it does not heal wounds unless the character dies.

Total Regeneration: Twice in his life, the character can reform after being completely vaporized.
Penalty for Total Regeneration: The hero returns to life two levels lower following this type of regeneration and will appear in a burst of flames (as above).
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Afterburner(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Ooh, I'm on fire!"
The hero propels himself using bursts of fire.

1.Fire Flight: Essentially the same as the minor super ability of Flight: Energy. The hero flies by expelling fire from his feet, creating a tail of fire for 12 feet behind him. This makes him easier to trail, but does 2d6 to anything hit by the flames.
Bonuses In Flight:
Speed: 160mph, +20mph per level
+1 attack per melee round
+1 to strike and parry
+2 dodge under 80mph, +4 over
+4 to damage for every 20mph of speed

2,Fire Ball: The character can generate a fiery blast out of thin air to hurl at a target.
Range: 100 feet per level
Damage: 4d6, +2 points per level
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action
Duration: Instant
Bonus: +2 to strike

3.Flame Run: The hero can use his flight power (above) to speed him in running on the ground.
Land Speed: Half that of flying: 80mph, +10mph per level
Bonuses: +2 to dodge under 80mph, +4 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of speed
Drawbacks: The fire produced is small usually sputtering out in 2d6 seconds, but can ignite grass, trees and other combustible substances, doing 2d6 damage per melee round for 2d4 melees until extinguished.

4.Resistant to Fire and Heat: While immune to the flames he himself produces, the hero still takes half damage and effects from flame and fire attacks from other sources.

Mechano-Wings(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can call upon nearby machines and reconfigures them to provide him with rocket wings. He cannot build or repair anything else using this power; any sort of machine and repair knowledge would have to be gained through education. The wings only remain useful while he is in flight and fall apart shortly after he lands.
Range: 20 feet, +2 feet per level. The wings appear to assemble themselves and wrap partly around the hero as a harness.
Duration: The wings remain intact so long as the hero uses them. Once he stops flying, the machine partsa drop off as just so much metal scrap.
Attacks per melee: Forming the wings uses up all the hero's attacks for one round.
Wingspan: 25 feet

Bonuses in Flight:
Flight Speed: 360 mph, +40mph per level
Maximum Altitude: 10,000 feet
+1 attack per melee round
+2 initiative
+2 to parry (though cannot use wings to do so)
+2 dodge under 90moh, +4 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed
Natural AR of wings: 14
Wing SDC: 330 each (do not regenerate)
No special abilities with regard to G-forces or atmosphere, so special equipment may be required.

Special Features: Missile launchers and guns can be incorporated in the wings where available (cannot be made, must be pre-existing weapons)
Piloting: As for Jet Pack, with a +30% to the piloting of such
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Alter Physical Structure: Living Doll(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
This power turns the character into an eerie doll version of him/herself.

1.Adjust Weight and Mass: The character becomes one quarter normal height and weight when transformed.
2.Armor Rating and SDC: The character will appear to be made out of wopod, ceramics, plastic, or some other artificial substance. Regardless of what the character appears to be made of, the body is still flesh and blood, just coated by another substance. The character has the same number of SDC and gains a Natural AR of 12, Any damage under the AR bounces harmlesslt off the body; rolls 13 or higher inflict full damage. When all SDC is gone, damage is done to Hit Points.
Energy attacks do normal damage if over 13 and half damage if under.
The character is resistant to heat and cold based attacks. fire, plasma and magical fire do double damage if over 13, normal damage idf under.
Impervious to Pain: The character no longer possesses a sense of touch when in this form. Suffers a -10% to all skills requiring a delicate lgight touch, including forgery, demolitions, pick locks, pick pockets, palming and cardsharp, among others. Suffera a -12 penalty to combat moves when blinded. Does not sense temperature changes.
4.Increased Strength: +2d6 in doll form to PS, and so considered Extraordinary.
5.Artificial Skin: The skin itself has SDc equal to 25% of the hero's total SDC. All damage affects the skin first and then the body's SDC. Only skin SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 every ten minutes; the rest of the body heals at a rate of 1d4 per hour. This is because the skin is essentially A FORM OF BIO-ARMOR.
6.Penalties: Speed is only 1/4 normal. The Living Doll still needs to breathe but can hold breath for five times the normal duration.
7.Horror Factor: 13 normally, 16 if bleeding or having any open wounds
8.Other Abilities and Bonuses(In doll form):
+1d4 PE
Fatigues at one quarter rate
+2 vs. possession and mind control
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Cloud Constructs(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is able to use the electrostatic energy within clouds to form force fields within them, shaping them into useful forms.

1.Control Clouds: This is basically the same as Atmospheric Manipulation from CEF: Air, enabling the character to alter atmospheric conditions.
Range: 500 feet, +100 feet per level
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Attacks per melee: Each act of manipulation counts as two melee attacks/actions.

Altered Atmospheric Conditions: The superbeing can create any one effect per melee round, and maintain it to combine effects, adding one to the other. Effects such as fog or darken sky will last 15 minutes per level, and once created, stay in force without any effort on his part, thus enabling the superbeing to go about other activities.
Note that the character can also dispel his atmospheric changes at will. Skies return to normal within 30 seconds.
1)Darken Sky: Heavy overcast; creates a dark, ominous sky.
2).Cause a loud, eerie thunderclap that will frighten (01-80% chance of panicking) animals, making them want to run away, as well as scare people (roll vs. Horror Factor).
3).Increase or Decrease Wind Speed: by mph per melee round, up to a maximum of 60mph.
4.)Increase or Decrease Precipitation: 10% per melee round, up to 90%-creates extremely humid conditions with a 01-45% possibility of light fog and a 01-25% chance of light rain.
5.[)u]Dispel a Fog:[/u] at a rate of 10 square feet per melee round.
6.)Create a Fog: at a rate of 10 square feet per melee round.
7.)Create Cloud Cover: within 2 melee rounds (30 seconds), the sky (under his control) fills with clouds, making seeing above the clouds impossible.

2.Walking On Air: The hero can create an area of dense compression within a cloud and shape it so as to make it act as a solid floor. Ideal for crossing between airplanes or staggering one's fall.
Range: 500 feet, +100 feet per level, plane of force
duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Weight Limit: Can support the hero's weight, plus 100 ponds per level
Attacks: Condensing a cloud uses 2 melee attacks/actions

3.Cloud Cage: The hero can also compress clouds to create a hollow space where a prisoner might be confined.
SDC of Cage: Hero's ME X100 SDC. Breaching the cage to escape requires depletion of 10% of the SDC, though if it is in midair, this may prove troublesome for the escaping individual.
Range: Cloud must be within 100 feet, +100 feet per level. Creates a cage 10X10X10 feet in size
Duration: One hour per level
Weight Limit: 500 lbs, +50 lbs per level
Attacks: Creating the cage uses all attacks/actions for one full melee round
Number: Can only create one cage per level per day

4.Cloud Car: The hero can create a vehicle using clouds.
Flight Speed: 120mph, +20mph per level
Maximum Altitude: 80,000 feet. Can fly as low as 2 feet off the ground.
Range: Cloud car can be created within 100 feet of the character.
Duration: One hour per level
Weight Limit: 500 lbs, +50 lbs per level
Attacks: Creating the car uses 4 melee attacks/actions
SDC of Car: ME X10 SDC
Number: Can create his ME number in cars per day.
Piloting: The hero can pilot the car with a skill level of 50%, +4% per level

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+5% to piloting skills
The character has no problems with extreme heights and will not panic even when suspended thousands of feet off the ground.
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Okay, in the wrong hands, this next power could get real Munchy real quick, but I figured it needed writing up: partly because I've seen it depicted a few times in comics and movies and think the option of having it should be available, but mostly because I loathe the power of Invulnerability. :D

Energy Expulsion: Razor (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Stand back, citizens! My steel-hard skin will shield you from the attacks of this foul villain, and then I shall - "


“Ah. Ow. Erm, would you be so good as to pick up my ear for me, citizen?”

This power grants the ability to shoot bolts of force at an opponent, much like those of super beings with Energy Expulsion: Force, but in a far deadlier form. Unlike those simple force bolts, the projectiles created by this power are entirely two-dimensional! They have length and width but no depth; these infinitely, impossibly thin “razors” of force can actually cleave between the molecules of solid objects, allowing them to cut straight through virtually anything, including armour! As a result, to hit an opponent with the razor, the player only needs to roll above a four on his strike roll.
If the target has a natural A.R., the razor passes through without hindrance, causing full damage. It does not matter how high the A.R. is; even characters with Invulnerability are vulnerable to this attack! If the target is wearing some kind of man-made armour, the razor still passes through, but does full damage to both the armour and the wearer! Equally, the razor cuts straight through walls, doors, shields and any other potential cover that opponents might hide behind.

Range: 200 feet (61 m) maximum. Note that the razor will travel this full distance before dissipating, cutting through anything in its path.
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level of experience.
Special: Same as Energy Expulsion: Energy.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per melee: Each use of a razor counts as one melee attack/action; dual, simultaneous divided blasts also count as one melee attack.
Bonuses: +2 to strike. Because they are barely visible, opponents are -4 to parry and dodge the razors.
Limitations: Powers that provide partial or complete resistance against projectiles or kinetic-based attacks are fully effective against the razors. The force fields generated by the Create Force Field power are made of the same solidified energy and therefore can block the razors, but will take the full damage from the impact. The same is true of any similar powers, e.g. Force Aura (HU2 rule book, pg. 273), Energy Shield (Powers Unlimited 1, pg. 24) , Psi-Shield, (HU2 rule book, pg. 313) or Telekinetic Force Field (HU2 rule book, pg. 314). Enchanted Weapons cannot be damaged by a razor.
As mentioned above, the razor will travel fully 200 feet (61 m) before disappearing; this means that the super being must be very careful not to hit allies/innocent bystanders who are behind his chosen target. While the razors can slice through almost any cover opponents might hide behind, unless the super being has a way of targeting through solid matter (such as X-Ray Vision), he’s firing blind and the best he can do is to pepper the area with razors and hope he connects. While the razors are technically solid objects, the super being cannot create one for use as a melee weapon: they last only moments, dissolving completely the instant they hit the 200 feet (61 m) mark. Any attempt to handle one will most likely cost the super being a couple of fingers.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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