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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Absorb Mental Energy(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero absorbs the mental energy from those nearby for his personal use.

Range: 10 foot radius per level
Duration: Constant, cannot be turned off. Bonuses in effect only when targets are in range.
Attacks: None, occurs automatically.
Saving Throw: A successful save vs. psionics will block this power.

*IQ Boost: The hero gains 1 IQ point for each person in range with an IQ over 15, the target's IQ dropping a point. The hero's IQ can go over 30 by means of this bonus, up to a maximum bonus equal to the hero's ME score.
*Skill Boost: Additionally, the hero gains +1% to skill performance for each person in range with an IQ over 15, up to a maximum percentage bonus equal to the hero's current IQ, including any points gained from the IQ boost. Skill bonuses stack on top of any bonuses given by IQ (including added percentage due to IQ boost), other super powers and education. The hero is able to gain skill percentages over 100% to offset penalties to skill rolls.
*ISP Boost: If the hero uses ISP, he can boost his ISP points to a maximum excess of a number equal to his ME score over and above his ISP amount. He gains 1 point of ISP for each non-psionic in range and 1d6 points from psionic individuals. Note that if a psionic character does not save against this attack, they may be prone to retaliate. If the hero does not have ISP, ISP is still lost from those who have it on a failed save.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to save vs. psionic attack
+1d4 ME
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Unread post by taalismn »

...I've known people who drain IQ from their surroundings like that....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Valenthalas wrote:There's some pretty nice stuff on this list.. sucks sorting through it all though.. *twitches*

Fortunately, various board members have started to organise the powers into a more user-friendly format:
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Yeah, I've been working overtime to get many powers posted in there. But it sure would help if more of the older posters to this thread came forward to post their stuff to it to make it a more complete listing. It would be so cool to see the full spectrum of powers possible.

taalism wrote:...I've known people who drain IQ from their surroundings like that....

Yeah, hunh? :D
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Coming Soon: Stone Skin(Major), Matter Expulsion: Coins(Major) and Money Shot(Minor). I have been busy with appointments for physical therapy and the dentist and so have not been online as much for the past few days, but will make up for it after tomorrow.
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Sands of Time(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can affect time and temporal relationships by influencing shifting sands.

1.Temporal Distortion Field: When standing on sand, the hero can generate a temporal distortion field.
Range: 10 foot radius around character, +5 feet per level
Duration: This can be maintained indefinitely when the hero is standing upon sand, but will last only 2d4 melee rounds if the character is marely carrying sand or has it in his shoes.
Attacks: Takes 1 attack to initiate the field, plus 1 attack per melee round to maintain.
Saving Throw: Opponents entering the field can save vs. temporal distortion (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or suffer -4 to initiative and -2 to combat moves while in the field.
Other Effects: Projectiles entering the field are slowed down and can be dodged by the hero at +2. Attacking from within the field, the hero gains a +4 to initiative but must maintain the distortion field around himself to benefit from this bonus. The hero is also +4 to dodge and parry all opponents entering the field. The hero also does not age or suffer fatigue while within the field.

2.Age-Shifting: The hero can throw sand at opponents up to 20 feet away, +2 feet per level, which will cause the target to become younger temporarily, often losing strength and endurance as a result.
Age Shift: 1d4X10 years, +1 year per level, though the target will never become younger than a newborn baby.
Duration: 1d4 hours, +1 hour per level
Saving Throw: 14 or better, PE bonus applies
If age shifted sufficiently, the target will become hard to believe as who they say they are. The effect is also disorienting (lose initiative, one attack and -1 to combat moves).

3.Time Shift: When standing on a beach or other extremely sandy area, the hero can shift himself forward in time as long as he is not disturbed (works best if alone) at a rate of one hour per minute for a maximum number of hours equal to half the hero's ME attribute (so a character with an ME of 14 could move forward up to a limit of 7 hours and it will only seem to him to be 7 minutes). Being interacted with interrupts the process, the hero appearing for all outside purposes to be standing immobile for hours, and the hero will resume normal linear awareness from the point he comes out of his shift. The ero can only shift his ME number in hours maximum per day.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2d6 PE
Immune to Temporal Conversion and Erasure, and cannot be made to time travel against his will.
+1d4X10 SDC
+1d6 Hit Points
+1 attack per melee round
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Stone Skin(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin becomes dense and solid until it resembles stone.

1.Strength Boost: +1d6 to PS, which becomes Extraordinary. Adjust lifting, carrying and damage accordingly. The stone surface of the skin also adds +1d6 damage to strikes using all parts of the body.

2.Impervious to Pain and Shock: The character is totally immune to the effects of called shots and will not go into shock as a result of SDC damage. The nerve sensors in the skin are sealed in, so the character has no sense of touch.

3.Resistant to Heat and Impervious to Cold: No damage is taken from freezing cold and no damage will be taken from heat under 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Half damage is taken from heat between 201 and 299 degrees Fahrenheit, with full damage being taken from heat over 300 degrees Fhrenheit. Magic fire always does full damage, however.

4.Natural AR: 14. Any physical attack equal to 14 or under does no damage. Normal punches and kicks, knives, swords and clubs do half damage when the strike is 15 or higher. Superhuman and Supernatural PS opponents inflict full damage if the strike roll is over 15.
Fire, plasmaburst, electricity, laser and energy bolts do full damage when the strike is 15 or higher, half damage if 14 or below.
SC is +120. SDC recovers at a rate of 4d6 every 10 minutes.
The hero can use his hands and arms to parry blades.
Weight is doubled and speed is reduced by 1/4 when having Stone Skin.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d6 PE
+4 Pull Punch
+2 to Roll with punch, fall or impact.
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Matter Expulsion: Coins(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
Similar to energy expulsion, only this power allows its user to generate a substance which appears to be coins and can be utilized for various effects:

1.Coin Armor: Nickel Plating: The character can cover himself in round discs which appear to be coins but adhere to his body, functioning as scale mail with an AR of 15. Any attack equal to or below 15 does no damage. Creating the armor uses 2 melee attacks/action.
Bonuses: The coins interlock, providing +5 to PS, +2 to PE, +10 to Hit Points, +PE attribute number X10 to SDC (1 SDC is the equivalent of 10 coins), +1d6 to damage, and can parry blades and other weapons with coin coated hands and arms. Coins resemble actual money.
Other: Coins flying off as strikes do damage to the armor are distracting to other opponents than the one doing the damage (-2 penalty to parry and dodge), and there is a 01-30% chance a coin will shoot off at high velocity, doing 1d6 damage to a random target.

2.Loose Coins Tactic: The character can shake his body, shedding coins to cover the ground. This can provide paving to solidify ground to eliminate penalties from mud and slush, or provide a sliding mass of coins creating movement penalties.
Area of Effect: 10 foot diameter, + 5 feet per level of experience
Damage: None, but shifting mounds of coins cause anyone passing through the area to reduce speed or slide 1d6 feet (01-50% chance) and make a Maintain Balance roll. If the coins are spread over mud or other slippery surfaces, however, they will settle and eliminate penalties from walking over said surface. Vehicles, characters and creatures over 300 lbs or over 15 feet tall are too large to be affected by this tactic.
Attacks per melee: Creating coins to fill the area uses all the character's attacks for one round.
Duration: Coins created are peremanent.

3.Matter Expulsion: Chump Change: Basically the same as the minor superability.
Coin Expulsion: The character shoots coins from his palms, firing if shot from an automatic weapon.
Attacks: One attack to fire, with coins produced resembilng authentic money (can be spent as real money if collected or found). Must wait one attack between uses of the power, with a maximum of twice per melee.
Damage: 3d6 damage, X2 for short bursts, X5 for long bursts.
Range: 150 feet, +10 feet per level
Bonus to strike: +3 aimed, +1 burst, +1 at every 3 levels beond level one.
Payload: Shoots PE number in coins on a burst (total magazine). Can use PE number X10 in coins per hour.
Spray: The character can shoot a burst at several targets at once, but the level of accuracy is like shooting wild (must use a long burst, or total PE in coins, in order to spray).
Stunts: Jackpot Attack: If having used this power not at all in a 6 hour period, the hero can elect to use up all of his attacks for a round doing a continuous burst, using his PE number in coins every action, for a total of his PE X attacks in coins fire for the round (damage 3d6X5 for each attack in round). The character is unable to perform any other actions or dodge attacks, and he will lose the ability to use the power again for one hour.
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Money Shot(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a minor form of Matter Expulsion: Coins which is only triggered upon impact.

1.Nickel Defense: The hero's skin produces coins in response to impacts. This allows the hero to take bladed damage as blunt, as the coins WILL block a blade (piercing damage only on a 17-20 strike by an opponent). Blunt damage taken will only do half damage. Excess damage points bleed off as coins, which make noise and distract other opponents (-2 to parry and dodge). The coins appear real, so may be spent as money if gathered up and collected or found in battle. There is also a 01-30% chance that a coin so created will shoot off at high velocity, doing 1d6 damage to a random target. Explosions, however, will do full damage, producing coins equivalent to the damage.

2. Brass Nickels: Punches and barefoot strikes by the hero produce coin shrapnel, adding 3d6 to damage. Added damage ignores body armor. This attack causes trauma (save vs. trauma/shock of 18, PE bonus applies) and knocks the opponent on his butt for the duration of the melee round and through the next. A successful save means the opponent will be able to attack during the next melee round, but at -4 to initiative and is reduced to half attacks. There is the same 01-30% chance of a stray coin (or 1d6 coins if over 10 points of damage) will shoot off at high velocity, doing 1d6 damage (each) to a random target(s). Clapping close to a target will do the 3d6 damage but not the added punch and PS damage.

3.Drops: Falls from great heights will do full damage but produce the damage from the fall X the number of feet dropped in coins, which shoot off in all directions (01-80% chance of anyone within range taking damage). Range in a radius in feet equal to the number of feet dropped. Anyone hit will take 1d6 damage from high velocity coin shrapnel.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4+4 PE
+1d6+12 SDC
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact
+2 pull punch
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Mephisto wrote:To Stone Gargoyle: (simply because I hate quoting posts that are really long for only a sentence or two of commentary)

Is Stone Skin meant to be simply different than APS Stone? What is your reasoning on that power?

It is a type of Bio-Armor and trades off AR for mobility as compared to APS: Stone. I know it is really similar to APS: Stone, but it kind of wound up that way, even though it was not really not intended to be a watered down version. The main difference seems to be the lesser Natural AR and SDC in exchange for less weight and speed penalties.
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:To Stone Gargoyle: (simply because I hate quoting posts that are really long for only a sentence or two of commentary)

Is Stone Skin meant to be simply different than APS Stone? What is your reasoning on that power?

It is a type of Bio-Armor and trades off AR for mobility as compared to APS: Stone. I know it is really similar to APS: Stone, but it kind of wound up that way, even though it was not really not intended to be a watered down version. The main difference seems to be the lesser Natural AR and SDC in exchange for less weight and speed penalties.

I think it's a decent power especially if one wants someone to not appear as a huge rocky mass (he could probably still go through town although he'd need a trenchcoat and hat). I personally like Stone Skin, and the name Money Shot continues to amuse me. I guess Diamond Skin, Metal Skin, Wood Skin, and Ecto Skin are in the works?

Well, no, but now that you mention it... :D
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Reflex dampening [Major] By iczer
'That prickling sensation is a sign that you are slowing down in your old age...I'd surrender now'

The character projects a field of energy, similiar to bio-manipulation, that dampens nerve function and mind/body co-ordination.
1) area drain: The character generates a field around himself that shorts out the synapses of living things, slowly eroding their ability to function.
Every melee round that any target is within the 20 foot radius, they must make a Saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 1 PP point. The field is uncomfortable and slightly visible as a sphere of shimmering air. It radiates a mild electrical current detectable by sensitive instruments.
Maintaining the field draws one attack per melee from the character while it is up. The field reduces damage from electrical and ion attacks by half.
Lost PP points return at a rate of one per minute of rest. any one who loses more PP point's than their level will suffer extreme discomfort (of the pins and needles variety -10% to all skills, -1 to all combat attributes)
2) touch: combined with any unarmed attack, the character can add a little extra drain with his attacks. any target struck in melee must make a Saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). Failure means they lose access to some of their basic fighting abilities. Physical skills drop by 5% each across the board per failed save, and HTH combat skill drops by one level, as this power cuts the target off from his reflexes and training.
Characters at 1st level HTH skill or worse (?!?) instead lose 1 attack per melee
Characters with one attack per melee will see their Spd and PP attrubutes drop by 2 until down to half.
characters dropped lower than this are pretty much already stuffed.
3) other abilities: The character is resistant to bio-manipulation style attacks such as life leach, disruptive touch and soem psionic powers (+4 to save)
while not innately resistant to electricity, has +4 to save vs stunning and disorientation caused by electrical and stunning weapons (and suffers half effect)
+4D4 HP +2 PE +2PP

Personal Orbit: [Minor] By Iczer
'let's go for a spin'

The character generates a field of simulated gravity or telekenisis, that picks up stray, unnatended objects and sets them on a casual spin around his body, gaining or losing speed as he chooses. while the field is up he gains the following.
+4 to disarm. -2 to be hit with ranged attacks. ranged projectile attacks have a 25% chance of simply being scooped into the orbiting field. In addition, the character may, as an action, attempt to parry incoming ranged attacks with his field (for projectiles) or with objects set in motion around his field (for energy attacks). he may parry ranged attacks with a +0, with an additional +1 at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. (and another +2 vs projectiles).
Attack options: the character may pummel a character within 6 feet of him with the objects in his orbital path. this attack uses a +4 to strike (not other bonuses apply) and inflicts 1D4 + 1D4 damage per level (GM discretion. if he has 5 lbs of feathers in the orbit, he should be doing less. More if he has 5 pounds of barbed wire though.) if he has a weapon in his orbit, he may strike with that instead.
He may also toss stray matter in his orbit at a target, inflicting 2D4 damage per pound of matter (or if already a weapon, it inflicts that weapons damage +2 per level.
Lastly, anyone in melee combat with this character must make a dodge once per melee round, or be struck by the hurling, swirling matter (for normal attack damage)
Maximum Mass: the character can have 30lbs of matter orbitting him at any one time +5 lbs per level, although no individual piece may weaigh more than 5lbs (+1 per level)
attacks per melee: the character needs to concentrate to use the field, but it does not cost any actions to do so. he also gains +1 attack per melee with the orbit itself.

Caveat Strength [Minor] By Iczer
'You cannot know how much this hurts...'

The character has a hidden resevoir of strength in his body that can be tapped at a cost.
The character enjoys +20 PS +3 at every other level, but for every 2 point's he uses, he takes 1 point of damage himself.
The character can also use his strength for the following effects:
extra leaping: The character can add 4 feet to his jumping distance across or upwards for every point of damage he chooses to take (no more than 10 damage per level)
Rip/rend/tear: the character can take a point of damage to basically 'power through' an opponent's AR, reducing it by 1 for every point of damage he is willing to take.
Change categories: By taking 10 points of damage, the character may simply jump from normal to extraordinary strength for one melee. by expending a further 20 he may jump to superhuman.
Other bonuses: used to self inflicted pain, the character has +4 to save vs pain, +2 to PE and 2D4x10+50 SDC

Many hands [Minor] By Iczer
'brute force is so overrated'

The character can animate and levitate matter with a foot or so of his body, and has a grip on it all with limited strength but immense dexterity. these 'thousand little hands' perform extra actiond st the characters direction.
1) Extra actions: The character has double his normal actiions in any given round, these extra actions coming from his own discrete but dauntless manipulations. these actions are also fast, allowing him to pefform them concurrent with other actions (he could, for instance load a shot gun with his power and fire with his normal action, pick the lock on his handcuffs while kicking the crap out of nazi-space monkeys)
2) Lift self: by sacraficing his extra actions, he may rise up to his ME in height and levitate forward and backward at half his normal speed.
3) limited strength: this power can lift no object greater than 2 lbs, and cannot inflict any damage on it's own (can inflict 1 point of damage with an edged weapon, but it would have to be very light and the target must be very close.
4) great dexterity: in addition to the speed in which these extra actions can be taken, the character can perform a number of unique stunts. The power is insanely fast. the character can draw to hand any weapon on his body (and reload it) within the blink of an eye (+2 to initiative if this is the case) if a skill requires no heavy lifting then it can benefit from a +10% bonus (forget brushes, this power can press paint directly into a canvas up to a foot away) the character can scrub himself, and his clothes, free of dirt muck and grime and any number of other applications that 'a thousand tiny hands' could be put to'

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Many hands is amazing, a supportive power for all the force and mental manipulator around :)
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Just to let everyone know, I have not been working on powers, as I have had other projects I have been working on and have not felt the desire to create any new super powers lately. If anyone has power requests, please feel free to message me, but I am otherwise not really feeling like writing anything at the moment.
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as a counter to that, if anyone has anything they want written up drop me a line.

(that said...if yu have an dea then you should probably post it yourself and get the credit for it - Ed)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I have one that may get posted called Flumage, but it does nothing to really add to the existing powers, merely presents an alternative to existing flame generation powers. This is a good deal of the problem: finding ideas for new and different powers which have not been done to death.
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coldflame ghost wrote:pressure armorby coldfire ghost

1.this armor is frictionless and is environmental,and is skin tight provides oxygen so long that it is sealed around the being,and when worn no matter how deep in the ocean ,the oxygen is not poisionous.

3.every 200ft you go down in the ocean or 200 ft deep on land it adds 100 m.d.c. to the armor so if you ar 2000 ft deep it adds 1,000 m.d.c. to the armor

4.the armor also adds a few minor sub attributes also emits light from the head and hands of the beings forcefield cools inside the forcefield in the earth at a ratio so that you are comfortable no matter how hot you are down in the earth heats inside the forcefield again at a ratio so you are comfortable no matter how deep you are in the ocean also leaches 2 m.d.c. 3 times a day to provide surstance as long as you are in the armor will not turn off as a precaution to prove safety as a mental protection

Is this a major or a minor?
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Identity Theft (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Anything you can do, I can do…erm, exactly as well.”

A highly specialised form of shape shifting that allows a super being to not just approximate the appearance of someone else, but to actually replicate every aspect of another person’s physical being.

In order to use this ability, the character must first touch his intended target; the slightest contact with that person’s bare skin will suffice. After that, the super being may transform into an exact copy of his target: he does not have to change immediately, but he must do so within 1 minute per level of experience after touching the target, otherwise the stolen genetic template will be lost. The new identity can be discarded at any time, or maintained for the full duration of the power (see below).

Once transformed, the super being is absolutely identical to the target, down to every last spot, tattoo, birthmark and mole. Additionally, the character’s physical and mental attributes are all replaced by those of the target, though the super being will retain his normal personality and memories. Finally, if the target has innate superpowers or psionic abilities, these too are copied, supplanting the character’s own extraordinary abilities for the duration of the change. Note that the replication is so perfect that the hero can use these copied powers just as well as their true owner, with all attendant bonuses.

It is effectively impossible to see through the disguise by conventional means: while transformed, the character’s fingerprints, retinal patterns, dental structure and even DNA will exactly match that of the duplicated individual.

Range: Self.
Duration: 24 hours per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Changing form uses up all attacks/actions for the round.
Limitations: The character must touch the bare skin of his target to copy him or her; even a thin shirt sleeve will block the attempt.
Once the super being reverts to his normal form, the copied genetic template is erased from his physical memory: he cannot assume another identity until he has touched another target.
While reflexes can be copied, knowledge, skills and memories cannot be; the super being may reveal himself through a lack of personal information regarding his target.
The character cannot use any of his normal superpowers while transformed, retaining only the ability to revert to his usual self (the player should reduce any bonuses gained from powers accordingly). This means that he cannot use his Identity Theft power to swap from one stolen form to another; he must change back first.
Robots and supernatural monsters cannot be copied (Mega Heroes, while considered supernatural beings, can be replicated) and attempting to copy a cyborg will result in the character transforming into a version of the target prior to cybernetic conversion.
Once transformed, the super being will be vulnerable to any specific weaknesses possessed by his target, e.g. a Mega Hero's Achilles Heel or an alien's environmental requirements.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I really can't think of a name for this one. Most of the time, I come up with a name first and then the power falls into place. Sometimes I come up with the meat of the power but a decent name never pops out. This one was difficult because of what I wanted it to do. I was thinking of calling it Ban Transformation, but I liked the idea of having it ban teleportation at higher levels so the name didn't quite fit.

I'm going to make it a minor power because while it is rather powerful, it's uses are rather limited. Also, I'm not sure whether or not I should keep the ban on teleportation gained at higher levels or make it a different power(or maybe I already made one of those???). Anyways, here;

"So you're that guy who turns into metal, right? Well, not anymore."

This ability creates a zone around the character that prohibits anything in the area to transform. This ban on transformation usually comes as quite a surprise to various beings who normally can shift at will. As the character progresses in experience levels, the transformation ban gets even stronger.

Range: 50ft radius centered on the user. At every level add another 10ft to the range. After third level the character can modify the radius from as small as 10ft to as large as they can make it.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating the zone uses up one attack, but removing it can be done instantaneously. Altering the size of the zone uses up one attack.

At first level: Nothing based on technology or super powers can transform without rolling a save at 15, M.E. bonuses included.

At third level: Tech or power based transformations lose the ability to roll to save and instead can't transform no matter what.

At fourth level: Psionic abilities that cause transformations have to save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses, or they fail and waste the I.S.P. used to power them.

At fifth level: Supernatural abilities that cause transformations must save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses.

At sixth level: Supernatural abilities and psionics no longer get a save to transform. Magic spells that cause transformations have to save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses, or fail and waste the P.P.E. used to power them.

At seventh level: No transformations, no matter the origin, can occur within the zone.

At eighth level(optional): Nothing can teleport into or out of the zone, including dimensional teleporting abilities or things materializing from another plane(like the Astral) of existence. Time travel into or out of the zone is also prohibited.

The character with this ability can't be transformed, by any means, against their will. Anything attempting to transform them while unconcious automatically fails.

Transformation might be a vague term. The final say on what is considered a transformation is up to GM's discretion. Examples that were meant to be included are things like invisibility, intangibility, lycanthropy, vampiric shape changing, any kind of shape changing, the various Alter Physical Structure powers, powers/spells/abilities that transmute object or reshape them, size alterations, robots/machines radically altering their forms, and spirits materializing. Purely science/tech based transformations might be allowed if the GM doesn't think they should fit within the scope of this power.

Powers/abilities/whatever that originate outside of the zone still work, but not if they are attempting to affect something within the zone. Powes/abilities/whatever that originate within the zone can still be used on targets outside of the zone.
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coldflame ghost wrote:i put 20 ar and 800 sdc because i wanted the halite mineral to be super concentrated,after all it is a soft a shotgun blast wouldnt just take him out.

immune to cold and ice was a typo i admit.
heat and fire.injected poisions and lasers,and electrical attacks are a definite advantage giving that he can die permantly in a rain storm,or minor snowstorm .he might have tons of powers,but pretty much can't go outside
1 heck of a have to admit

i put that he can fire rock salt blasts,so he can fight alien intellegences,undead vulnerable to salt ,gods vulnerable to salt,ice elementals ect...4d6 them is almost nothing.
not even APS metal has an AR of 20. I think for scalibility issues, you need to compare powers you create to similar powers in existance.
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Valenthalas wrote:
coldflame ghost wrote:alter physical structure:rock salt (major): by coldflame ghost

turns all atoms,cells,and molecules of self into living rock salt

1.) natural armor rating and increased s.d.c.
ar of 20 and sdc of 800.he recovers sdc at the rate of 1d6 per 10 minutes.he can go to a supermarket or department store and patch himself up with salt,instantly healing damage and even restoring damaged or lost organs.he can add mass and bulk ata salt mine or salt dump adding 100 sdc per 20lbs of salt
AR 20? I would say 13 or 14 at best, and sdc 800? 250-300 is more like it.

2.)he is immune to cold and ice.injected poisions as well as ingested poisions,heat and fire,lasers,electrical attacks are an immunity as well.
That is a LOT of immunities for a mineral such as halite. A ridiculous amount.

3.)energy attacks do 1/2 damage .

4.)hand to hand does no damage unless extraordinary,superhuman,or supernatural do full damage but even them would probably still get cut up by the blows doing 1d6 damage per blow.

5.)non armor piercing bullets do no damage unless ar 20 or higher
Again... 20??!?!

6.)winds & heavy impacts do 5x damage

7.)psionics and magic does full damage

8.)the biggest drawback is that immersion in enough water or ice is fatal

9.)as long as 1 atom of his isn't disolved in water or ice he can be restored

10.)he can lift/press:20x his non converted weight.

11.)can fire rock salt blasts doing 2d6 damage
range 25ftx10ft per level (+10 I'm sure)

12.)can form self into razor sharp rock salt shards that do 1d6 damage to other beings per blow .

13.)can make rock salt traps over holes (a target might think its solid-like a car)

14.)he can use self to stop ice and cold based attacks

15.)this being is especially deadly to alien intelligences,undead,gods,the supernatural,ice elementals ,ect.doing 2x damage to them
... why?
16.)and finally he can use self to melt surfaces which were covered by ice.

OK this started with just a few complaints.. now I have about 40 more so I'm not even going to bother critiquing the rest of this... Way WAY WAY to powerful when compared to other APS powers.. like.. a ridiculous amount overpowered.. this power is like a carrot, munch munch anyone?

Agreed. The power needs much in the way of revision and powering down to make it useable.
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MrTwist wrote:I really can't think of a name for this one. Most of the time, I come up with a name first and then the power falls into place. Sometimes I come up with the meat of the power but a decent name never pops out. This one was difficult because of what I wanted it to do. I was thinking of calling it Ban Transformation, but I liked the idea of having it ban teleportation at higher levels so the name didn't quite fit.

I'm going to make it a minor power because while it is rather powerful, it's uses are rather limited. Also, I'm not sure whether or not I should keep the ban on teleportation gained at higher levels or make it a different power(or maybe I already made one of those???). Anyways, here;

"So you're that guy who turns into metal, right? Well, not anymore."

This ability creates a zone around the character that prohibits anything in the area to transform. This ban on transformation usually comes as quite a surprise to various beings who normally can shift at will. As the character progresses in experience levels, the transformation ban gets even stronger.

Range: 50ft radius centered on the user. At every level add another 10ft to the range. After third level the character can modify the radius from as small as 10ft to as large as they can make it.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating the zone uses up one attack, but removing it can be done instantaneously. Altering the size of the zone uses up one attack.

At first level: Nothing based on technology or super powers can transform without rolling a save at 15, M.E. bonuses included.

At third level: Tech or power based transformations lose the ability to roll to save and instead can't transform no matter what.

At fourth level: Psionic abilities that cause transformations have to save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses, or they fail and waste the I.S.P. used to power them.

At fifth level: Supernatural abilities that cause transformations must save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses.

At sixth level: Supernatural abilities and psionics no longer get a save to transform. Magic spells that cause transformations have to save at 15, with applicable M.E. bonuses, or fail and waste the P.P.E. used to power them.

At seventh level: No transformations, no matter the origin, can occur within the zone.

At eighth level(optional): Nothing can teleport into or out of the zone, including dimensional teleporting abilities or things materializing from another plane(like the Astral) of existence. Time travel into or out of the zone is also prohibited.

The character with this ability can't be transformed, by any means, against their will. Anything attempting to transform them while unconcious automatically fails.

Transformation might be a vague term. The final say on what is considered a transformation is up to GM's discretion. Examples that were meant to be included are things like invisibility, intangibility, lycanthropy, vampiric shape changing, any kind of shape changing, the various Alter Physical Structure powers, powers/spells/abilities that transmute object or reshape them, size alterations, robots/machines radically altering their forms, and spirits materializing. Purely science/tech based transformations might be allowed if the GM doesn't think they should fit within the scope of this power.

Powers/abilities/whatever that originate outside of the zone still work, but not if they are attempting to affect something within the zone. Powes/abilities/whatever that originate within the zone can still be used on targets outside of the zone.

Alteration Limitation maybe?
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Flumage(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has feathers which are coated with a natural chemical which ignites in contact with oxygen, generating flames.

1.Fire Feathers: The character's "hair" is actually a combination of feathers and downy material which ignites in contact with oxygen. The hero is naturally impervious to heat and flame, and the fire does 2d6 damage to opponents punching and kicking the hero, with a 01-30% chance of igniting their clothing. Being on fire gives the hero a Horror Factor of 8+2d4.

2.Drawbacks: The hero must wear fireproof clothing or risk having it burst into flames. The hero must have their body exposed to gain the benefit of the flames doing damage to opponents.

3.Fire Flight: This is similar to Flight: Energy. The hero intensifies the flames to propel himself forward. This leaves an 8 foot fire tail which can be seen and registers as a high amount of heat.

Bonuses in Flight:
Speed: PEX10mph, plus 20mph per level
+1 attack per melee
+1 strike and parry
+2 to dodge when under 80mph, +4 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed (01-30% chance of igniting targets struck).
+20 SDC
Those hit by the tail will take 1d6 damage.

4.Energy Expulsion: Fire: Similar to the minor superability. The hero can cause fire to shoot for a distance to do damage.
Range: 20 feet, plus 2 feet per level
Damage: 2d6, +1d6 per level, with a 30% chance of igniting materials hit.
Special: Can shoot two simultaneous blasts at once, both doing FULL DAMAGE.
Duration: Instant; ignited materials burn for 2d4 melee rounds unless extinguished.
Attacks: Each use of this power counts as one melee attack/action, but the hero must wait at least one action between uses.
Bonus: +3 aimed, +1 wild
Feathers can also be shot up to 300 feet, doing 1d6 damage to anything struck, and will continue to burn for 2d4 hours if ingniting materials unless extinguished. Items struck have a 01-30% chance of igniting, though dry grass and kindling has a 01-80% chance. Highly combustible materials, such as gasoline, will instantly ignite.

5.Molting/removing Feathers: The hero can lose up to his PE number in feathers and still be able to fly and expel fire. Lost feathers are regained after 24 hours. Feathers removed or lost continue to burn for 2d4 hours, so they might be laft to light a trail or be used as flares (see above).

6.Limitations: Oxygen is required to ignite the feathers. Flight is reduced to Flight: Glide in the absence of oxygen but requires the hero to use special breathing apparatus (if breathing oxygen), though the hero is capable of holding his breath twice the normal duration.

7.Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 PE

More to come....
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No offense, Coldflame, but I do not understand the matteer/energy bomb creation powers, you have no damages listed, and frankly they are confusing.
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Unread post by NMI »

coldflame ghost wrote:i updated the minor, major to come soon.
molecular energy/matter bomb creation(minor)by coldflame ghost

1.)the ability to create energy matter molecule bombs which weight less then 1 ton ,but must be larger then a penny (2.5-3.1 grams),to be effective

2.)the being must absorb matter with the exact preportion.

3.)the super being converts the matter on a molecular scale altering it to create a energy detonating bomb which uses the matter as fuel.

4.)these detonate at 22,600fps the same as tnt and are self detonating(need no blasting cap)
damage is: 1d4x10
range: the area effect of blast is 1ft per 1lb

5.)these are basically matter with an energy bomb encoded into the matter,the energy is the timer,fuse and detonator,the material is the explosive it is undetectable

6.)examples could be ,books,watches,houseplants,animals ,fish,bird,even people,shark,ex ....anything under 1 ton.

7.)takes 1 melee per lb to create

8.)the being must have detailed information on how the creation must work,ex must know alot about the houseplant,shark,fish ect

So matter the weight, the damage is always the same? 1D4x10? With that being the case, 1 ton (2,000 lbs) of matterial does only 1D4x10?
And at 1 melee per lb (I assume per 1 lb) to create, a 1 ton (2,000lbs) "bomb" would take 2,000 melees or 500 minutes or 8 1/2 hours to create?

*goes back to scratching head and acting confused*
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Ahem... One melee action per 10 pounds makes more sense, with a limit of his PE number in pounds. Damage could then be 1d4X10 per pound. 10 feet per pound for the range would be more realistic, also. It would also have to have a maximum detonation delay of his ME number in minutes. It would be highly unstable.
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Valenthalas wrote:
coldflame ghost wrote:i figured 1lb would cause 1d4x10 at 1ft the same as tnt listed in hu unlimited

a few pounds is all a hero would need ,and theoretically since the mass would never deteriorate ,the super being could work on the 500 melees in pieces a few hrs per day,for a week, or do it all 1 night he could make a ton,if he had the matter to do create it.

i mean if he were to create a fish(bomb) 10lb needed to swim into a sub to wreck it it would only take him 10 melees,and since he has to know all about the fish to do it,he programs it to swim next to it till it gets say 12 miles out,and boom its gone.

So wait, not only is he able to make these bombs, but he can basically "remote control" them as well? I'm a bit confused.. he has to know all about the fish to.. make a fish looking bomb?.. or he's actually making a real fish that he's giving commands to that has a kamikaze mindset?..

And garg.. are you suggesting that in a single melee round he could make a 10lb bomb doing 10d4x10 with a 100ft range? sheesh.. think what he could do in a day. But yes.. this power needs some sort of limitations period.. I mean.. I could make a mini-planet sized bomb?.. how in the world would you accomplish that.. not to mention how easily it would kill the planet without even needing to explode..
just imagine a mega villain who didnt need to eat,sleep, etc... with this power. he sits around for 1 week straight focusing on this power.... creating multiple 1 ton bombs... hehe
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Valenthalas wrote:And garg.. are you suggesting that in a single melee round he could make a 10lb bomb doing 10d4x10 with a 100ft range? sheesh.. think what he could do in a day. But yes.. this power needs some sort of limitations period.. I mean.. I could make a mini-planet sized bomb?.. how in the world would you accomplish that.. not to mention how easily it would kill the planet without even needing to explode..

The power is ridiculously powerful, I was merely suggesting ways to make it more limited. Without totally rewriting it myself, I made some suggestions, but I would have to give it serious effort to make the power work for gaming purposes.
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coldflame ghost wrote:the idea was that if you spent 10 melees you would create a bomb doing
10d4x10 sdc with a 10 ft range

if you knew how the fishes brain worked could make a fish doppleganger (not a real fish)which would follow out a ship or sub and then blow it apart,although you could have a bird,boat,dog,jellyfish,book well anything under 1 ton ,but to create a say fish you would actually have to have a fish to create one.
that way it would pass for a fish.

i though about lowing the power,and making it unstable(maybe a new power in the works)

can you image a 1/2 ton bear bomb or a pack of dog bombs would do to a super villian or hero timed to kill him point blank!! :-D

The remote control thing is illogical. An animal would have a saving throw to prevent being converted into a bomb, but that is the only way you would be able to get a bomb trained to pounce someone unless you combined this with mind control or an animal control power. Turning a pound of matter nto something resembling an animal would require a seperate matter shaping and control minor power. You seem to be wanting a power that does a great deal for next to nothing by making it a minor.
If you had said something along the lines of affecting one pound per melee round with each pound doing 1d4X10 damage, that would make sense, but the TNT damage you quoted is for maximum damage at the blast center, there are more things affected than the center of the blast, the blast doing less damage the further out you get. typically damage would be reduced by 10% for each foot out on a 1 foot blast radius core blast, I think. Moving this to affecting matter in tons would make it a major, not a minor, due to the damage involved.
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coldflame ghost wrote:i would welcome a rewrite,the more powers out there the better

I will see what I can do, though you should really edit and correct these things before posting them.

stone gargoyle makes perfect sense ,shaping the energy/matter bomb (minor or major) would probably require matter manipulation and to animate it would require animate object (major) by iczer

Having written over 330 powers so far, it is a matter of experience. You could combine powers shaping and controlling the matter as described, but at far less distance than you cite. Create force Objects would do what you want also, you would just need to modify the energy to explode.
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coldflame ghost wrote:well heres the next power...

explosive tatoo (minor)by coldflame ghost

1.)when creating the tatoo it gets charged to detonate at a certain time,,or when set to detonate with certain conditions,it is super stable and has the following effects.

Right off the bat this seems to be more like a spell than a power.

2.)the tatoo only does 1d6 damage done to the specific part of the body which could be the arm,chest,back leg could blow an arm or leg clean off.or even kill if over lungs,heart ect..

Again,this should be modified with size,as a full body tat should logically do more damage.

duration..can last for up to 1 week from the date it was made
timed to is programed by 1 melee concentration by the super being.

Again, more typical of a spell than a power.

3.)the side of the tatoo mush be of at least 20 square inches other then that it will just be an ordinary tatoo.


4.)this power grants technical:art at 98%

I see no justification for this being so high. The tattoo willexplodeif it is good artor bad, so what is the point?
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coldflame ghost wrote:i meant 5 sq inches,on the tatoo or it won't explode

Edit the post to reflect the changes, as it will save anyone wishing to copy it headaches later.
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Step back [Major] By Iczer
'I'll be back'

The character sets up a spatiial anchor point where he stands that he returns to after a set amount of time.
The character can set any point in which he stands as thier anchour and decides how long until he shunts back. He may shunt back after one action, One melee, One minute, or any multiple of one minute. As it takes no effort to create this anchor, it is possible for a character to set an anchor for one action, and then Body block/tackle a foe 20 feet away, only to be shunted back to his starting position at the end of his action.
Shunt dodge: By timing this correctly, the character can set anchor, lurch toward an opponent, and be shunted out of the way of a counter attack. treat this as an auto dodge at +6 (no PP or dodge bonuses apply). a successful auto dodge emans his timing was perfect enough that the next blow misses. a failure means that he did not time it correctly. Note that this auto dodge only works against the next attack coming his way that he knows about. subsequent attacks can be levelled at his new location.
Shunt dodges can be used as an escape from some traumatic escapades. The character can (when being deliberate) can use this to avoid other disasters (such as hurling oneself off a cliff. Roll the auto dodge vs a 14 for instance to snap back to the top of the cliff before impacting with the ground)

Other bonuses: the character is accustomed to teleporting, and can negotiate even blind jumps with ease. His weight is considered to be only 10% normal when being teleported by any other means, and can simply choose to avoid unwanted teleportations. He can sense when others are teleporting near or around him (senses their displacement within 60 feet +10 feet per level).
If this power would snap him back into a place occupied by solid matter, he shifts position upon his arrival to accommodate the new obstacle, able to shift up to 2 feet per level safely. He can choose to leave things behind when he does shunt (handcuffs, bullets etc) If he is holding onto an object when he teleports it may come with him(and thus can be used to remove weapons and armour from a foe.. roll a disarm at +4 if able. otherwise he must physically grapple the object) The character can shunt his own mass, plus 25lbs (+5 lbs per level)

Infuse artefact [Minor]
'Of course my suit is fireproof'

The character can bestow any touched object with a portion of his own superpowers, granting them the same abilities he posesses within certain limits.
The touched item automatically gains all immunities posessed by the character, and the item mimics any power usage the character makes (so, a character with APS metal will transform his Bicycle as well if he wishes...fully functional in the same way that the character remains fully functional)
Likewise, the object can use any of the character's powers as directed by the character (while the object has the power, it must be used by the character). Energy expulsions may emit from a held cane rather than an outstretched hand. Likewise a flying hero may direct a held object to fly with him, thus negating its weight for carrying purposes.
Living beings, even plants, am also be infused, though they have no conrol over the powers.
Once contact is lost, the object or creature loses these abilities.
The character can infuse 100lbs +20 lbs per level.

Forge Nemesis [Major] By Iczer
'I know your darkest fear...let me show you'

The character can create a construct of force and light, not out of his own energy, but out of others.
The character expends three actions and directs his energies towards a target within 60 feet. The target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply but see below). If he fails, his own own bioenergies forge a force construct.
The resulting creature has the following attributes.
IQ and MA 7
ME: equal to the target
PS: equal to the target's ME, plus 2 per level. it posesses the same strength category that the donor has.
PP: equal to the target's MA
PE: not applcable: is an arificial construct made of light and force
PB: 1-3
Spd: equal to the target's
SDC: equal to the Target's PE, Plus 10 per level of the target.

Ugly as sin: roll for 2 random mutations posessed by the creature.

Combat bonuses: 3 attacks per melee +2 to strike parry and dodge. natural weapons that inflict 2d6 damage plus PS bonus.
AR: natural AR of 10 +2D4. also, immune to critical hits, poisons diseases and drugs. No real mind to speak of making it resistant to psionics.
The creature is immune to all the target's super abilities (aside from raw, brute strength)
Behaviour: the created monstrosity is usually hostile to the target that created him. can be considered to be anarchist in alignment except that it has no survival instinct or sense of self preservation. It can be forced to perform another action by the creator (not the target though) if the character can spend an action every melee round to keep directing it (otherwise it attacks the target and then wanders off)
Duration: The nemesis lasts for 3D6 minutes plus 1D6 minutes per level.
Other drawbacks: when the creature forms, it tries to use as much of the target's energy as possible. The target makes an additional saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or become fatigued by the creature's creation. (-2 to all combat abilities -5% to skills, -1 attack per melee until he can grab 10-15 minutes rest) If used, a successful saving throw Drains 5% of the target's PPE (a failed save drains 50%).
If the saving throw fails, the construct enjoys 50% more SDC and +2 to all attributes as well as double duration. But such a fatiged individual can generate no additional nemesises.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer, I liked Caveat Strength from your last batch and like Step Back from this current group. :-D

I stick by my statement that the Explosive Tattoo powers would work better as spells, Coldflame. As for your APS powers, I have yet to be impressed.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alteration Limitation maybe?

Might work. Think I should drop the teleportation ban and instead make it a different power?
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MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alteration Limitation maybe?

Might work. Think I should drop the teleportation ban and instead make it a different power?

I dunno. I am all in favor of a different power along similar lines, however. :D Glad to have you back.
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Valenthalas wrote:Are you kidding?? I'm rolling up a new superhero called Tearjerker with APS Saline! mwahaha.. ok not really.. :(

Somewhere there is a character named Slug Man trembling in fear. :-D
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Iczer, I liked Caveat Strength from your last batch and like Step Back from this current group. :-D .

Yaaaay!! Props

That said. I do agree with Stone Gargoyle. the powers are less than stellar coldflame ghost. Take a step back and do some rewrites.

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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alteration Limitation maybe?

Might work. Think I should drop the teleportation ban and instead make it a different power?

I dunno. I am all in favor of a different power along similar lines, however. :D Glad to have you back.

I'm not exactly back. I might pop in now and again but I doubt I'll post like I used to.

Maybe I'll edit the power and drop the teleportation thing. Put it into a new power that stops teleportation and other instant travel powers in an area or by a target.
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Trunk(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has an extra limb extending from his face in the form of a prehensile trunk.

Lifting and Carrying: The hero can use the trunk to lift and carry things with his full strength.

Damage: Hitting with the limb does normal punch damage, including PS bonus.

Entangling: The hero is +2 to Entangle limbs and weapons with the trunk.

In addition, the hero's skin is thick and leathery, granting a Natural AR of 10. The trunk can be used to grab blades and other sharp weapons with an entangling strike/grab.

Other Bonuses: +1d6 PS, +10 SDC

Tusks(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has natural weapons in the form of oversized teeth/tusks. They protrude out from the face and are capable of parrying blades, as well as doing other damage.

Damage: 5d6, +1 point per level, and can be added to body block/tackle damage.

Parry Bonus: +3 using tusks, though no other bonuses apply.

Natural AR: The tusks provide a Natural AR of 12 against strikes to the face and neck from the front and side; no protection given against strikes from behind. The tusks have an SDc of 10 each and add +10 to total SDC.

Lifting and Carrying: The hero can use the tusks to scoop up items and lift and carry them with his full PS. Combat bonuses are halved while the hero is carrying objects in this manner.

Other Bonuses: +1d6 PS and PE
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Wooden Exterior(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has skin resembling carved wood which grants him a form of Nartural AR.

Natural AR: 12. The hero also enjoys +2d4X10 SDC. In most cases, the attacker must roll 13 or better to strike and inflict damage. Any strikes over 13 inflict damage to the bonus SDC first. Electricity, lasers and energy bolts do normal damage when the roll to strike is over 13 and half damage if under. The hero is resistant to cold based attacks. Fire, plasma and magical fire all do double damage, however.

Increased Strength: +1d6 PS, considered Extraordinary, plus the wooden skin adds 1d6 to Hand to Hand damage over and above when using unarmed strikes.

Coming Soon: Sand Skin(minor) and Mega-Trunk(Major)
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Sand Skin(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

1.Physical Attack Resistance: The hero possesses a Natural AR of 12 and her SDC is doubled when her flesh becomes sand. Physical attacks such as punches, kicks, sword strikes and bullets do half damage when the strike is 13 or better, though no damage is sustained by the first 20 points of physical damage in the melee round. Explosions do full damage, but in most cases SDC can be regained by absorbing more sand, healing one point of SDC damage per melee round. If all SDC in an area of the body is expended, damage goes directly to Hit Points, though the hero will revert to her human skinned form if reduced to less than 30% total SDC. Each 10% of the hero's SDC lost also reduces her Natural AR by one point.

2.Bleeding and First Aid: Any cut, stab wound or bullet wound actually doing damage will cause the hero to bleed off sand. losing 1 SDC point per minute, as this type of wound will not heal until the bleeding off of sand is stopped. Stopping the bleeding is accomplished by getting the sand wet and repacking it.

3.Increased Mass and Strength: The hero's weight is increased by 30% when the flesh becomes sand, with the strength increaing by 1d4+4, considered Extraordinary. The hero will also fatigue at half normal rate.

4.Increased Damage Ability: The sand skin is naturally scraping and chaffing. As a result, physical strikes do an added +1d4 damage and strike as if the target is -2 to their AR (meaning she would only need to roll a 13 to hit an AR of 14). The extra 1d4 damage will be inflicted on Natural AR regardless of the roll to strike, though no other damage will be inflicted other than the 1d4 if striking under the AR. Stone and metal will only take a single point of damage regardless, though wooden armor will take double the added damage (+1d8).

5.Sand Blast: At the cost of 1 SDC point, the hero can shoot off a portion of the sand in her skin as an attack.
Range: 20 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 1d6, +1 point per level of experience
Attacks: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonuses: PP attribute and skill combat bonuses are applicable.

6.Sand Blind: With a Called Shot (-3 to strike), the character can use the sand blast to blind an opponent. Blinded individuals are -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melee rounds after the attack, and -3 to strike, parry and dodge for an additional 2d4 melee rounds unless the eyes are rinsed to get the irritating grit out of them.

7.Other Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d6 Hit Points
Speed is doubled when transformed to Sand Skin
Resistant to Poisons and Toxins (+4 to save, with effects having half penalties and duration)
Resistant to Fire and Heat (half damage)
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sand Skin(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

You see, this is much better. Good stuff man, thoygh seems a little powerful for a minor.

Can it gain a bonus or two and make major status?

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Unread post by NMI »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sand Skin(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

You see, this is much better. Good stuff man, thoygh seems a little powerful for a minor.

Can it gain a bonus or two and make major status?

I agree. This seems more like a major then a minor.
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Streaming Energy [minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Aha! I gotcha! Oops, and my car, and the tree, and that nun...."

The character can fire a thick stream of energy from either his hands or eyes, a stream that while a bit weak, can strike a large number of targets at once.

Range: 200 feet, plus 10 per additional level. Beam is 5 feet across max. at level one, and widens by six inches max. every odd level. The smallest the beam can be made is one foot across.

Damage: 2d4 to all targets struck. Increases by 1d4 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. The energy is not entirely tied to this plane of existance, so it will pass through an organic opponet to strike those behind him (inorganic beings like any of the APS Elemental beings, mineral aliens and the like stop the beam cold). The charcter can only fire off one beam at a time, and must be stationary to do this; it cannot be fired while the character is moving under their own power (if their being carried, or riding in a car or truck that's fine, but not while their trying to run somebody down).
Due to the massive width of the beam, the character is at a natural +3 to strike (+1 for every additional foot the beam grows). Everybody within the blast radius will take the same amount of damage (unless they have a resistance or immunity to that particular energy type). Dodging is done without any bonuses, and unless it is 3 higher than the strike roll, they take half damage from being caught on the fringe of the blast.

Energy Type: When this power is chosen, ANY of the normal energy types (those that are cannon powers) can be chosen to be used by this power, and it can be taken more than once. So someone could have a Fire-Stream, a Sonic-Stream, and an Energy-Stream if they really wanted to.

This power costs two APM to activate, and can be continued after that at the cost of one APM.
Every melee round that this power is used, the character suffers 1 H.P. of damage due to the strain of producing such a massive attack. This damage heals at 3x the normal rate (not including those of regenerative abilites). If the 'use up' half of their H.P. this way, their power switches off, and cannot use it untill their H.P. has been restored to normal.

Kinda got the idea for this one after watching Ghostbusters, but changed it enough that I don't think that it will be conversion (boo! Hiss! evil evil!). Just thought that I should share it. Possibly a bit powerfull, so if you guys think so, I';; bump it up to a major power, or tweak the damage or something. Enjoy!
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sand Skin(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

You see, this is much better. Good stuff man, thoygh seems a little powerful for a minor.

Can it gain a bonus or two and make major status?


I actually debated what to make it, major or minor, so yeah, it is probably going to be modified into a mjaor.
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Sand Skin-Revised(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's skin transforms to be made up of thousands of loose pieces of sand which stays fairly solid unless struck or caused to shift.

1.Physical Attack Resistance: The hero possesses a Natural AR of 12 and her SDC is doubled when her flesh becomes sand. Physical attacks such as punches, kicks, sword strikes and bullets do half damage when the strike is 13 or better, though no damage is sustained by the first 20 points of physical damage in the melee round. Explosions do full damage, but in most cases SDC can be regained by absorbing more sand, healing one point of SDC damage per melee round. If all SDC in an area of the body is expended, damage goes directly to Hit Points, though the hero will revert to her human skinned form if reduced to less than 30% total SDC. Each 10% of the hero's SDC lost also reduces her Natural AR by one point.

2.Bleeding and First Aid: Any cut, stab wound or bullet wound actually doing damage will cause the hero to bleed off sand. losing 1 SDC point per minute, as this type of wound will not heal until the bleeding off of sand is stopped. Stopping the bleeding is accomplished by getting the sand wet and repacking it.

3.Increased Mass and Strength: The hero's weight is increased by 30% when the flesh becomes sand, with the strength increaing by 1d4+4, considered Extraordinary. The hero will also fatigue at half normal rate.

4.Increased Damage Ability: The sand skin is naturally scraping and chaffing. As a result, physical strikes do an added +1d4 damage and strike as if the target is -2 to their AR (meaning she would only need to roll a 13 to hit an AR of 14). The extra 1d4 damage will be inflicted on Natural AR regardless of the roll to strike, though no other damage will be inflicted other than the 1d4 if striking under the AR. Stone and metal will only take a single point of damage regardless, though wooden armor will take double the added damage (+1d8).

5.Shifting Sands: The hero can shift the sands to change his appearance, giving her an effective Disguise ability of 80%, though the illusion is blown if the skin is damaged and bleeding off sand.

6.Sand Blast: At the cost of 1 SDC point, the hero can shoot off a portion of the sand in her skin as an attack.
Range: 20 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 1d6, +1 point per level of experience
Attacks: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action
Bonuses: PP attribute and skill combat bonuses are applicable.

7.Sand Blind: With a Called Shot (-3 to strike), the character can use the sand blast to blind an opponent. Blinded individuals are -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melee rounds after the attack, and -3 to strike, parry and dodge for an additional 2d4 melee rounds unless the eyes are rinsed to get the irritating grit out of them.

8.Other Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+2d6 Hit Points
Speed is doubled when transformed to Sand Skin
Resistant to Poisons and Toxins (+4 to save, with effects having half penalties and duration)
Resistant to Fire and Heat (half damage)

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Mega-Trunk(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero possesses a huge prehensile limb 1d4+2 feet in length which etends from the middle of his face.

1.Enormous Trunk:
SDC and AR: The trunk has 1d4X100 SDC which extends protection to the face and head. Natural Armor Rating: 15. The trunk regenerates lost SDc at a rate of 1d4X10 SDC per hour and can regenerate completely in 24 hours if it is dismembered or otherwise destroyed.
Strength and Damage: The trunk's strength is that of the hero but is considered Supernatural for the purposes of lifting and carrying and can be used to strike for Supernatural PS damage (see HU2 p. 294, or use Kittenstomp's), adding PS damage bonus. The trunk can also be used to Crush/Squeeze using the following damage table:
PS 15 or less: 2d6 +PS damage bonus
PS 16 to 20: 3d6 +PS damage bonus
PS 21 to 25: 4d6 +PS damage bonus
PS 26 to 30: 5d6 +PS damage bonus
PS 31 to 35: 6d6 +PS damage bonus
PS 36 to 40: 1d4X10 +PS damage bonus
PS 41 to 50: 1d6X10 +PS damage bonus
PS 51 to 70: 2d4X10 +PS damage bonus
PS 71or more: 2d6X10 +PS damage bonus
Bonuses: +4 to Strike or Disarm, +2 to Entangle using the trunk, plus any bonuses from skills and attributes.
Attacks: Each use of the Mega-Trunk counts as one melee attack/action. The trunk provides one additional melee attack/action for the round, provided the trunk is used for at least one of those attacks.
Penalties: -10% to Prowl/Hide and is incapable of using Disguise and Impersonation unless possessing a shape-changing ability that can get rid of the trunk.

2.Water Bolt: By drinking water and storing it in the trunk, the hero can fire a jet/stream of water at an opponent. The impact is about twice as hard as a normal punch.
Range: 30 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 2d4, plus 1 point per level
Bonus: +2 to strike with the water bolt (no other bonuses apply to this attack).
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Loading the trunk uses 2 melee attacks/action; shooting the water counts as one melee attack/action

3.Trumpeting Blast: The trunk can be made to produce a sound blast also.
Range: 300 feet, but can be heard up to 2 miles away.
Damage: 1d6 at first level, plus 1d6 damage at levels 4, 8 and 12. There is also a 01-30% chance of deafening an opponent unless the victim has some form of hearing protection. Characters with Advanced or Heightened Sense of Hearing are made temporarily deaf (1d4+2 melee rounds) by this attack unless they use protection for their ears to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual is -2 to initiative, -4 to strike, parry and dodge, has difficulty communicating and runs off balance and may trip and fall.
Attacks: Trumpeting uses one melee attack/action. It cannot be done while the trunk is full of water.
Duration: Instant, but deafness may remain for 1d4+2 melee rounds.

4.Other Notes: The trunk doubles the hero's total weight. The trunk can be used to swing from trees and girders and pick up and carry items. Control of the trunk is not great and it can only be used to drive a vehicle with a penalty of -20%. It cannot be used to fire weapons or operate machinery with any sort of skill or accuracy.
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Unread post by Iczer »

It is a sad, sad day when this thread starts to wear thin (dare I say...thread bare?) and starts to slip down the page.

*ceremonial 21 Bump salute*


Oh....and to keep this post relevant....I have a few powers coming soon. sorry for the delay.
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Iczer wrote:It is a sad, sad day when this thread starts to wear thin (dare I say...thread bare?) and starts to slip down the page.

*ceremonial 21 Bump salute*


Oh....and to keep this post relevant....I have a few powers coming soon. sorry for the delay.
I added some glue.
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