Devari wrote:There's really no question that the CS would eventually be defeated in a conventional war with an enemy that has superior technology and numbers. But as I mentioned earlier, this is where the CS nuclear arsenal comes in. As of 103 P.A. the CS had the manufacturing capability to produce up to 50 nuclear warheads each of 1 mt yield per year, which means they can produce a 1 mt warhead each week. They also have a readily accessible supply of nuclear material for building warheads from the power plants of all their nuclear-powered vehicles. Best of all, since the CS warhead designs have minimal fallout they can be used tactically even if enemy forces have reached and entered CS territory. So the relevant question here is what does an invading force do when the CS detonates a 1 mt warhead upon the arrival of any sizeable force at their borders? It certainly costs much less to produce that 1 mt warhead than it does to replace the thousands of enemy troops and vehicles that it can destroy, so it will end up costing an enemy an enormous number of troops to make any progress while costing the CS relatively little. And the CS could also scale up their nuclear weapons program substantially, dramatically increasing warhead production and producing much larger yield warheads. In this type of situation I could easily see the CS reaching a stalemate with an invading force where the enemy can keep sending in reinforcements and the CS can keep destroying them with nuclear warheads. Now, even though the CS warheads produce minimal fallout there will still be some gradual environmental damage and eventually the CS will be uninhabitable. But by the time that happens an invading enemy force will have sent literally millions of troops and vehicles only to have them nuked each time they enter CS territory.
What does an invading force and where talking about Splynncryth do when the CS detonates a 1 mt warhead. Hits the C.S. ten times hard then the C.S. hit it and send more troops to mop up whats left.