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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Sorry if I am lax in keeping things going, but I have had lots of stuff going on. I will work harder to get some more powers posted soon.
Coming Soon: Fire Flight(Major), which so far looks to have some pretty potent subabilities, including generating smoke in addition to fire when flying to choke those in the area he is flying!
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Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:It is a sad, sad day when this thread starts to wear thin (dare I say...thread bare?) and starts to slip down the page.

*ceremonial 21 Bump salute*


Oh....and to keep this post relevant....I have a few powers coming soon. sorry for the delay.

I'll someday post a power, when I'm sober 8-)

I find the best ones come when you aren't sober.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Fire Flight(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero flies by generating intense heat which consumes materials to generate thrust.

1.Flight: The hero flies by producing heat which consumes oxygen and nearby materials.
Flight Speed: MEX20mph, plus 20mph per level. Speed can be doubled for short bursts (2d4 melee rounds) if using existing flames to fuel the thrust.
Bonuses in flight:
+2 initiative
+4 to dodge under 80mph, +6 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed, plus 5d6 fire damage to anything coming into direct contact with the character's body. Objects within 5 feet of the character's body have a 30% chance of igniting (80% if highly combustible).

2.Smoke Generation: The material combustion creates smoke, obscuring vision along the flight path of the hero for 2d4 melee rounds and five feet on each side, making bystanders -3 to strike and -2 to parry and dodge anything within the area of the smoke, and -5 to strike and -4 to parry and dodge the hero. Those caught within the smoky trail are -2 to initiative, -5 to strike, -4 to parry and dodge, -30% to skill performance and will be -10% to speed and lose 2 attacks per melee round unless being engulfed in smoke.

3.Immunities: While flying, the hero is impervious to gases and airborne toxins, and Impervious to Fire and Heat. When not flying, the hero is resistant to fire and heat (half damage).

4.Other Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2d6 PE
Fatigues at half normal rate
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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MrTwist wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:It is a sad, sad day when this thread starts to wear thin (dare I say...thread bare?) and starts to slip down the page.

*ceremonial 21 Bump salute*


Oh....and to keep this post relevant....I have a few powers coming soon. sorry for the delay.

I'll someday post a power, when I'm sober 8-)

I find the best ones come when you aren't sober.

I find that they flow more freely when I am really tired, which is annoying when I want to go to sleep and there are powers brewing. :-D
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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work in progeress....

Create Force Construct: Disguise (minor)--
range: self
SDC of disguise=PE per Level
Duration: Indefinant if not KOed
Limitations: Can affect an outward apperance of just about anything larger then the hero.

This power creates a shell around the hero that create the apperance chosen by the hero. The accuatcy of the disguise increases with level: 55+5/L . When paired up with Create Force Construct, the disguise's PS can be raised to the hero's ps to SNPS, same limits as the gient limbs sub power. Flight can be simulated with ether the the force wings from Create Force Construct or Flying force disc powers.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Kind of a weak one, but with lots of uses, just popped into my head while working on another power, and was too good to pass up. Not sure if it's balanced/powerful enough to be a major, but it wouldn't go away untill posted.

Anti-Gravity Flight [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Why is the world upside down?"

The charcater can generate an anti-gravity field around himself, allowing not only flight, but carrying power.

1)Flight: When their antir-gravity field is up, the character can float/fly at a speed equal to roughly 10 times their running speed per level. They have a max altitude limit of roughly 2,000 feet, but at level 10 they can actually leave the atmosphere of an Earth standard gravity planet (not recommended, as they will be exposed to a hard vaccum and will most likely die). In regards to the character, their gravity will be 'normal' while in flight, so they can hang upside down, at an angle, etc. and not suffer any penalties from blood rushing to their head and whatnot. This form of locomotion is so natural to them, they sometimes float in their sleep, or unconcisously.

2) Negation field: Instead of flight, the character can lift roughly ten times their normal weight limit by negating the weight of their target. The target must fit entirely within a 15 foot sphere to be able to be effected. While the weight is effectively negated, the mass and momemtem are not, so care will have to be taken when moving things like boulders or cars so you don't damage them (or other things); the damage inflicted upon both objects is still the same as if the field was not in place.
Using the N-Field usess all of the characters actions while it is in effect, and it has to be the first action of the melee round; if the character wants to stop using it, they have to announce it at the end of their turn, or it continues. If they are attacked, it has a 45% chance of negating the field, and if they have to make saves vs. anything, the field fails, and if the are rendered unconcious the field fails. They can move, but only at one quarter their normal speed, and if they are carried/pulled along any faster than that, and they will drop their load

3) Lifting Flight: A combination of the above two powers, the character can fly, and take up to 600 pounds of matter with him (+100 pounds per additional level). Flight is limited to a maximum altitude of 200 feet per level, and a veolcity of 5 times running speed per level. The luggage (including the living kind) must stay within 10 feet of the character of risk being lost (10% chance every inch beyond ten feet, roll every melee round) and dropping to the ground, so tying yourself off to the character or holding hands/sleeves would be a good idea.
Living beings that are transported this way will be subject to airsickness if they are prone to that, as well as spacial nausuea if they are airborn for more than 15 minutes (they feel sick, blurry vision, and their head seems to spin. -3 to strike, -2 on all other combat rolls). Spending 10-15 (9+1d6) minutes on the ground will cure the character and clear their head.

4) Odds and Ends: Character has an affinity for AG fields, can sense them up to 200 feet away per level, with an 85% proficiency (+2% per level).
Character is never air-sick, nor car-sick.
If taken into a low/Zero G environment, they will fight as if they had the Basic Zero-G Combat training.
Also, if in a low/zero gravity area, instead of the N-Field, they can impose one gravity on the same 15 foot area, with the penalties that are described above. In high gravity areas they can impose normal gravity thorugh the same process.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Elemantal Aura [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane
sizzzzzzle "Awwww, what's the matter fang-boy? Sunlight got ya down?" Piffs into dust. "GOD I hate vampires."

The character is surrounded by an invisible aura that allows him to damage supernatural beings and those with specific vulnerabilities just by being near or touching them. The aura is filled with the essence of specific elements, allowing for a large variety of butt-kickery.

1) Aura Range: At first level, the characters aura is only 5 feet across, every level after that if gains six inches. The aura extends half its width above and below the character (if in the air, otherwise it stops at ground level) in kind of an egg-shaped oval. The aura is constantly active, even in sleep, and cannot be shut off without the Negate Super Powers Ability or death.

2) Aura's Element: At level one, the character can choose three of the following elements. Water, fire, light (includes real sunlight), electricity, energy (generic), or wood (generic). At levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 they can choose one more from those left, or from this list. Energy (specific, choose one, must have energy general first), metal (specific, choose one), wood (specific, choose one, must have wood general first), radiation(generic), ice/cold, magic (general), Magic (Specific, pick one [fire, ice, etc], must pick magic general first), and other (specific, choose one).

3) Damage: If the opponent is vulnerable to the specific element, they will take 2d6 in damage for every melee round that they are in the aura. In addition the aura will inhibit whatever healing factor they may posess while they are within the area of effect.
Hand to hand attacks performed by this character will inflict an additonal 2d6 worth of damage that corrosponds to the aura's element (punches and kicks can inflict fire, water, electricity, etc.) if, and only if, their opponent is vulnerable to that element (takes extra damage or it ignores their defences).

4) Odds and Ends: It takes only one melee action to switch elements, but only once per minute.
While the element is active, the character takes half damage from attacks with the identical element.
If they face an opponent with this power, they can tell what his aura is, and vice-versa at 75% +3% per level.
They can feel if somebody vulnerable to their element enters their field, giving them +2 to strike and dodge, as well as alerting them to the direction of the person (will wake them if they are asleep).
If striking an enemy that is using an APS power, the damage dealt by their inhuman form (fire, plasma, etc.) is deflected by the aura, allowing the character to strike with relative impunity (provided that the aura's element is one that will harm the enemy).

I've had this one in the back of my head for months, but could just never verbalize it properly before (well, not verbalize, you know what I mean).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Hot-Ice [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Behold, Citizens! Fire-Frost is here to save you!"

This character has a wide range of powers, that while not as powerful as the APS or CEF powers, is still respectable. The character can generate a skin-tight covering of flames or ice to protect himself, as well as throw fire and ice.

1) Hot/Cold Armor: The character can generate armor with a thought, armor that covers their clothing/equipment without harming it. At level 3, the character has such control over this ability, that they can cover a part of their body, like an arm or their head, and leave the rest of their body unaltered.
Fire A.R.: 12, hand to hand attacks that hit this armor inflicts 2d4 damage to the attacker. The user of this power will find that this amount is added to his hand to hand attacks while this armor is up.
Ice A.R.: 13/15. Attacks 13 or less do only one point of damage per die (i.e., minimum). Any impact type damage that hits over the second number only does half damage. Character can block/parry non-magical physical attacks with his bare hands/arms.
Character can only have one type of armor up at any given time. Takes one melee action to raise/change their armor type.

2) Frost/Firebolt: Fire bolt: 2d6 damage (increase 1d6 every odd level) with a range of 250 feet (+25 feet per even level). Takes one melee action to create and throw/fire. With two actions used, you can throw a ball of a napalm type substance, that will burn for an additional 1d4 melee rounds, inflicting normal damage at the beggining of each round (only one can be used on each opponent at a time).
Frostbolt: 2d4 damage (increases 1d4 every even level) with a range of 200 feet (+20 feet per odd level). Takes one melee action to create and throw/fire. With two actions used, you can throw a ball of a super cooled substance, that will freeze for an additional 1d4 melee rounds, inflicting normal damage at the beggining of each round (only one can be used on each opponent at a time).

3) Burning-Ice wave: Essentially the same as the Powerstomp (though no actaul stomp is not neccisary, just a look or a wave) ability, only using fire/ice instead of generaic energy. 20 foot range per level, wave is roughly five feet tall and five feet wide.
Firewave will die down within one melee round, anybody passing through before it does will take normal damage (4d6) with a high chance (75%) of flammable objects igniting.
Icewave: Will do normal damage (4d6) to those caught in the blast wave, and will coat the ground in ice for one minute per level. Those crossing the icey patch must reduce their speed by 70% or risk sliding around. They can try reducing speed by half, but the risk rises to 50% per movement of falling.

4) Odds and Ends: The character can elminate his fire/ice at will, using only one melee action to elminate as many as in creation.
Resistant to heat and ice, half damage when their armor is not up. Immune to fire/heat when fire armored, immune to ice/cold when ice armored.
Instead of igniting, the character can make one arm/hand glow equal to a 45 watt bulb.
After 5th level, the character can choose to inflict fire damage from their fire armor or not (making resuing people a lot easier).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

"Artillery is the King of the Battlefield, Infantry is the Queen; and everybody knows what the King does to the Queen."- Stuart, from
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Mega Neck (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“The human periscope, that‘s me.”

The character is gifted with a neck both unnaturally strong and flexible.

1. Telescopic Neck: The super being can will his neck to stretch to an impossible length: up to 10 feet (3 m) long, plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience. He can extend it directly upwards for a better vantage point, or snake it around obstacles and corners as needed. His neck is strong enough that the character can pull his full weight along or upwards by wrapping part of his neck around a solid handhold (or biting onto it if he has strong teeth) and simply willing it to retract.

Range: 10 feet (3 m) plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: The neck can remain extended indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Fully extending or retracting it uses up one melee attack/action.
Limitations: The neck automatically retracts if the character passes out or is knocked unconscious.

2. Long-range Head Butt: The character can use his Mega Neck to launch a fast and powerful head butt at an opponent.

Range: 10 feet (3 m) plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience.
Damage: 2D4 + P.S. bonus.
Attacks Per Melee: Each head butt uses up one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike; only the character’s P.P. bonus (if any) may be added to this.

3. Neck Hold: Instead of striking, the character can choose to immobilise opponents by wrapping his neck around them! The hero can pin his target’s arms to their sides, entangle their legs or wrap his neck around the target’s own (the player must declare his choice of hold before attacking). If the super being then successfully strikes the opponent, they are held in place until he chooses to release them or they can break free (see the rules regarding holds on page 68 of the Heroes Unlimited main book).

Range: 5 feet (1.5 m) plus 6 inches (15 cm) per level of experience.
Damage: None if the character is simply holding an opponent in place. If he chooses, he can constrict, causing automatic damage equal to his P.S. (e.g. a P.S. of 20 allows him to inflict 20 damage) over the course of a melee round. If he is wrapped around the victim’s neck, constricting will cut off their air supply: dizziness will occur within one minute, unconsciousness in two and suffocation within 4D4x10 seconds thereafter.
Attacks Per Melee: Wrapping around an opponent uses up two attacks/actions.
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +3 to hold. P.P. bonuses (if any) are applicable.
Limitations: The super being cannot constrict an opponent whose strength category is higher than his own, e.g. a character with Extraordinary Physical Strength cannot crush an opponent with Superhuman Strength.

4. Bonuses:
Kinetic attacks (punches, kicks, knife strikes, etc) directed at the super being’s neck cause half normal damage.
Even if taken by surprise, the character’s neck cannot be broken.
The character cannot be strangled.
The super being’s neck is so flexible that he can turn his head a full 360 degrees! In fact, if he chooses, he can make his head spin round and round! Anyone witnessing this extraordinary display must save vs. a Horror Factor of 9.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Safety Skin (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“Nah, I didn’t mind that guy waving a gun in my face. But then, I am pretty thick-skinned…”

The character can grow himself a Safety Skin, an ablative veneer that provides protection against almost any form of physical attack - but only once.

The Skin has the bizarre ability to redistribute force directed against one part of it throughout its entire structure, rather than puncturing or tearing: this rips it apart on a molecular level, but no damage is transferred to the super being underneath. This means that the Skin can block any single direct attack, (one punch, one fireball, one sniper’s bullet, etc.) without the hero suffering any harm at all! The actual amount of damage inflicted by the attack is irrelevant: the Skin will absorb it all before dissolving. The Safety Skin is an ideal defence against surprise attacks, essentially giving the character a do-over against assassins and ambushers.

Note: The Safety Skin looks and feels exactly like the super being’s normal flesh and does not affect his flexibility or sense of touch.

Range: Self.
Duration: Unless destroyed, the Skin will last for 24 hours before being automatically shed.
Attacks Per Melee: Growing a Safety Skin uses up all attacks/actions for the round.
Limitations: The character can only grow a Safety Skin once every 24 hours.
Unfortunately, due to its unique property of force redistribution, any amount of damage will destroy the Skin! If targeted by an attack that causes even 1 point of damage, it will dissolve, leaving the hero exposed and vulnerable.
The Safety Skin provides no protection against disease, poison, background radiation, temperature extremes, non-physical psionic attack or sensory assault. The character’s eyes and the inside of his mouth are not protected by the Skin.
Any impact powerful enough to knock the hero down or send him flying will still do that, he just won't take any damage from it (though he may be injured by the landing).
Truly massive amounts of force may be enough to overwhelm the Safety Skin. Players and G.M.s should exercise common sense: realistically, this power will not allow a character to survive being at ground zero of a nuclear explosion, or crashing a space ship into the surface of a planet at three times the speed of light.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Hee. I'm so pleased that I could actually think up two new minor powers! :-D Is it just me, or are they a lot harder to come up with than majors?

RE: Mega Neck; I know that Enlarge Body Parts already lets you stretch your neck, but I thought I had enough ideas to spin it off as a separate power, so that it could simulate the feats of characters I've seen in fiction. Admittedly, I've only ever seen two fictional characters with entirely neck-based powers, and they were both from He-Man & The Masters of the Universe, but still...

Oh, and I'm re-submitting Internal Shapeshifter for public scrutiny, after having made some suggested amendments...

Internal Shapeshifter (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“I think I might have internal injuries, doctor - specifically, a three millimetre vertical nick in my pancreas, two micrograms of brick dust in my right lung and a microscopic fracture of the right femur, caused when Doctor Digital inserted a nano-probe while I slept.”

Unlike more conventional shape changers who alter their external body, the super being with this ability can consciously alter his internal body, to heal injuries, boost vitality and more.

1. Directed Healing Factor. By focusing inwards, the hero can will his body to heal; broken bones, torn muscles and ruptured organs can be forced back into their original, functional state, while the character’s anti-bodies can be targeted exactly where needed to fight disease, which can be isolated inside the body away from vulnerable systems. As long as the character is conscious and focused on the act of healing, he will receive the following bonuses:

Recovers 3 S.D.C. every 10 minutes.
Recovers one Hit Point every 15 minutes.
Resistant to heat, fire and cold; does half damage.
The character’s wounds cease bleeding within seconds, preventing harmful blood loss.
+3 to save vs. disease and toxins. If the character fails to save, the effects of such contaminants (duration, damage, penalties and symptoms) are only one third of normal.
No internal scarring when healed.
Broken bones heal completely, without any sign of having ever been broken, at a rate 10 times faster than normal.

Range: Self.
Duration: Lasts as long as the super being maintains concentration.
Attacks Per Melee: Activating the Directed Healing Factor uses up one attack/action. Only minimal concentration is required to sustain it, allowing the super being to engage in combat and perform other actions with little impairment: reduce attacks/actions per melee by one while this ability is in use and reduce skill performance by 5%.
Limitations: As this power requires a degree of concentration, it will not function while the character is asleep or unconscious.
Special: If badly injured or infected with a particularly virulent sickness, the character can devote all of his attention inwards, to heal at an even faster rate. He cannot perform any other actions during this time; even walking or talking would break his concentration. He must simply sit and heal. However, he receives the following bonuses:

Recovers 1 S.D.C. every minute.
Recovers 3 Hit Points every 15 minutes.
Heat, fire and cold cause one tenth normal damage.
The character’s wounds cease bleeding immediately, preventing harmful blood loss.
+9 to save vs. disease and poison. If the character fails to save, the effects of such contaminants (duration, damage, penalties and symptoms) are only one tenth of normal.
No internal scarring when healed.
Broken bones heal 30 times as fast (a leg fractured in several places will be completely healed in about 2 or 3 days).

2. Create Extra Organ. By cannibalising spare scraps of flesh, fat cells and recently metabolised protein, the super being can manufacture rudimentary back up organs, for a variety of effects. The character can only sustain one organ at a time; choose from the list below:

Brain: +2 to I.Q., +1 to initiative, +3% to all skills (including secondary skills) and +1 to save vs. mind control.

Heart: +2D6 Hit Points, +2D6 S.D.C. and the character fatigues at one third the normal rate.

Kidney: +1 to P.E., +1 to save vs. poison and drugs, +3 to save vs. disease and does not fatigue as quickly (about 10% greater endurance).

Liver: +4 to save vs. poison. Character suffers half the penalties from blood loss and can drink twice as much alcohol without ill effect.

Lungs: Increase P.E., P.S. and Spd by +1, the character tires half as quickly and he can hold his breath for twice as long as normal (about one melee round per P.E. point).

Stomach: Reduce fatigue rate by 25%, +1 to save vs. most poisons, but + 6 to save vs. food poisoning. Also enjoys +1 to initiative and 1D6+1 to Spd. attribute for two hours after eating.

Range: Self
Duration: Indefinite. Once manufactured, the organ operates independently without need for concentration.
Attacks Per Melee: Manufacturing or re-absorbing an organ takes one minute. An organ must be re-absorbed in order to provide the material for a new selection.
Limitations: An organ cannot be constructed while the hero is devoting all concentration towards the accelerated version of the Directed Healing Factor, though one already in place will continue to function.

3. Chemical Spray. The super being can temporarily re-align his internal structure, allowing him to expel various fluids from his mouth at high pressure. The possible choices are listed below:

Water: Simple H20. Mostly useful as a distraction, but can be used to extinguish flames (anything up to the size of a modest camp fire). Targeting an opponent’s eyes requires a called shot, but a successful strike will cause him or her to lose one melee attack/action and the initiative for the round.

Blood: Causes no damage, but is highly alarming: targets must save vs. a Horror Factor of 12. Targeting an opponent’s eyes requires a called shot, but a successful strike will cause him or her to lose two melee attacks/actions and the initiative for the round.

Urine/Faeces: No direct damage, but victims must save vs. a Horror Factor of 9 or be unable to do anything but retch and splutter for the remainder of the melee round. Even if opponents successfully save against this, they are -2 on all combat rolls and -10% on all skills until they can clean themselves up.
Also, any target failing to save vs. disease will develop an illness within approximately one hour. Victims start burning up, feel nauseous and weak, vomit frequently and find it difficult to concentrate: reduce Speed and initiative by half, lose two melee attacks/actions per round, combat bonuses are halved and skill performance is reduced by 30%.

Stomach Acid: 5D6 immediate damage, and 3D6 damage per each subsequent melee round for 2D4 rounds unless the acid is washed off.

Range: 15 feet (4.5 m).
Damage: As above.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: It takes one full melee round for the character to re-configure his throat into a chemical weapon (or revert to normal). After that, each blast uses up one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +2 to strike if an aimed shot.
Limitations: As this weapon is fuelled by the super being’s own bodily fluids, he can only safely use each type of blast once per hour (one water blast per hour, plus one blood blast per hour, etc). Every use beyond that will cause him 1D6 damage direct to Hit Points.
The character cannot talk, drink or eat while the chemical spray is operational.

4. Internal Storage. The hero can store small objects internally, by swallowing them and then coughing them back up as needed. Any item small enough to fit down his throat can be concealed in this way. The character can store up to 10 lbs. (4.5 kg), plus 1 lb. (0.4 kg) per level of experience. Even sharp or jagged items can be safely carried in this manner: the super being can hold objects firmly in place by partially assimilating them into his bone and flesh, preventing them from moving about and causing internal damage.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite; the hero can prevent his immune system from breaking down foreign objects.
Attacks Per Melee: Generally, only one attack/action is needed to swallow an item, unless it is particularly long or difficult to gulp down: G.M.s should use common sense in determining the exact time needed. Regurgitating a specific item takes one full melee round: the character has enough control to always select the desired object on the first try.
Limitations: The character has no automatic protection against toxic, corrosive or radioactive items: take care when deciding what to swallow!

5. Bonuses.
+15% to Medical skills.
+1D4 M.E.
Instantly aware of anything entering or exiting his body, even if microscopic. The hero will have a general idea of what it is, e.g., germ, electronic device or inanimate contaminant. An appropriate skill roll would be needed for a more definite identification, e.g. Medical Doctor to recognise a specific disease or Robot Electronics to identify a nano-bot.

I've got a few more powers to submit, hopefully over the next couple of days. This thread shall never die!!! :D
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Nice ones, Senator Cybus, just make sure you get these posted to the wiki as well.

Undermine(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

By standing in one position for one full melee round, the superbeing can charge an area of ground one foot in diameter, plus one foot at levels 4, 8 and 12, to explode when more than 30 pounds of pressure is placed upon it, similar to a pressure mine. The hero can perform no other actions or the process must begin again. The explosion will inflict 3d6 +1d6 damage per level, to all targets stepping onto the area of ground, and bystanders nearby for 1d6 damage less for each additional foot away from the pressure explosion area (so at first level, the target actually stepping on the mine would take 4d6 damage, with those one foot away taking 3d6, two feet away taking 2d6, etc.; at level 15, targets in the blast center will take 18d6 damage, with damage lessening per foot until people 18 feet away take only 1d6 damage), though the hero will not trigger his own pressure explosion in the area charged while exiting it. In addition, the hero will also not trigger explosions of pressure mines if stepping on them or trigger other traps based around pressure plates, which do not register his presence or weight upon them.

Limitations: The hero can only use this power to charge an area his ME number of times per hour, and must wait 10 minutes between uses of the power, though his immunity to setting off pressure plates is constant and continuous.

Overdrive(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me...zzzzzz...I can still drive."

The hero's brain is compartmented such that the part required for piloting is always unimpaired. This allows him to ignore any penalties to piloting skills due to being intoxicated, and gives him a +10% to piloting skills while he is sober. Furthermore, the character can be nodding in and out of sleep and still drive, suffering only -20% to piloting skills under those conditions.

Other Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+4 to save vs. poisons and toxins
+2 to save vs. psionics and mind control
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Create Explosive Objects: Kidney Bean Bombs(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's body is such that produces growths around the midsection on the same level as the kidneys which appear to be podlike. The hero can produce up to his PE number of these at a time, reforming them within 4d6 minutes after one is destroyed or removed. Each pod only regenerates the character's PE number of times per hour.

SDC per pod: Each pod generated adds 5 SDc to the hero's total for defense. These points are sacrificed if the pod is removed and thrown.

Weight: Once removed, the pods can be thrown as one pound objects. When attached, each pod adds a pound and a half to the hero's total weight.

Damage: If struck or thrown as a ranged weapon, the pods do 3d6 damage. If striking the ground (not actually hitting a target), the damage is only 1d6 per target but is inflicted to all targets in a 2 foot radius around the point of impact. The hero is not affected by the explosion of his own pods.

Bonuses: +2 to strike(aimed) with the pods, +1d4 PE

Special Stunts: If the character wishes to sacrifice all attacks with the pods for one full hour, the character can elect to trigger all of the pods at once through force of will, doing his PE number X1d6 to all targets in a radius of one foot per pod around the character, plus one foot per level.

To Catch A Thief(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has a natural ability to think like a criminal. This gives him a +2 initiative against bank robbers and in situations where crimes are being committed. He gains a +4 to Perception to notice crimes in progress, with a +2 to strike using ranged wepons in the apprehension of a criminal. His speed is doubled for the purpose of chasing down a fleeing criminal or known fugitive. He also gains a +20% to tracking, climbing, rappeling and interrogation of known criminals and those he has seen commit a crime, plus +10% to Crimnal Science and Fornsics, plus any skills in the Investigative and Police programs if taking them as part of Educational skill programs (no bonus to skills in those programs if they are taken as Secondaries).
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Stuntman [Minor] By Iczer
'Relax maam. I'm a professional'

The character's body is suited and adapted for high pressure and otherwise painfull lands, falls, impacts and twists. Modifications involve mildly flexible bones, highly elsatic tendons and spongiform muscles to absorb shock.
1) physical alterations: +2 PP, +2D4 Spd Auto roll (automatically attempts to roll with punch/fall/impact even from suprise) +8 to roll with punch/fall impact. +5D6 SDC +6 to save Vs pain
2) Other bonuses: Can leap 50% further than normal folk with equivilent strength. character enjoys a tight, lean build with compact musculature, but will weigh 20% less than a person of equivilent build. When expose dto large body trauma, from falls, vehicle impacts and explosions he takes half damage (before rolling with punch/fall/impact). heals at 2 times normal rate and takes half damage from any crushes or squeezes (under heavy weight, joint locks etc..)

Soulstealing [Major] By Iczer
'I'll take that thanks'

The character can absorb a person's bio-energies, permanently reducing a target's power and vitality, while he enjoys a boost from the experience. Despite the power's name, the character's 'soul' is left intact, merely vital bio-energies.
To rob a target, the character needs to find a suitaby weakened target. The target needs to have been reduced to zero SDC and have suffered at least 5 HP of damage. The character inately senses these 'leaking' vessels within 60 feet. At the GM's discretion, a healthy but otherwise vulnerable target (such as someone undergoing heart surgery) may also apply.
Once a target is located, the character can attempt to steal his energies. It takes 4 actions to attempt a soulsteal and the target must be (and remain) within 60 feet. The target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) If successful, the target takes 4D6 damage. If unsuccessful, then the character is worse off.
The target loses 2 points from each physical attribute, and 10% from his SDC and HP maximums.
The target loses 1 attack per melee.
Once the saving throw is failed, the character is stunned for 1 melee round.
In addition, the character experiences a dullness and listlessness, which will be noticed by others.

The character gains the attribute, HP and SDC lost by the target as permanent additions to his own, as well as other bonuses depending on how many 'souls' he has drunken from.

The character can drain a maximum of 2 souls per level.
when he has stored 5 souls, he gains a +10% bonus to all skills and enjoys double his normal healing.
When he has stored 8 souls, he enjoys an extra attack per melee (and one more at 16 souls
At 10 souls he enjoys +2 to strike, Parry and dodge.
At 6,12,18 and 24 souls he enjoys +1d4 damage to melee (as well as his natural attacks. not with weapons)

There are a few caveats with this power.
* The character keeps this energy more or less permanently, and the target's lose it more or less permanently.
* If the character dies, all the energy returns to the targets wherevever they are.
* If the character becomes vulnerable( down to zero SDC and has lost at least 5 HP) he must Save vs his own power (16+ PE bonuses apply) with every subsequent hit or lose one of his acquired souls.
* Additionally, any single hit that exceeds his PE and ME combined in damage also prompts a save, else he lose a portion of his collected souls.
* the character may discard old soul energies in order to 'make room' for new ones. In addition, he may release this as a damaging blast of bio-energy, inflicting 2D6 damage +1D6 per level of the donor with +2 to strike and a range of 300 feet. (The donor is immune to this damage if targetted, and the energy filters back to the donor)

Other Bonuses: The character is resistent to bio-energy style attacks. Electricity and 'generic energy' inflicts half damage. The character is immune to disruptive touch and all forms of bio-manipulation.
+6D6 HP +1D4 PE

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Okay, this one's a bit on the powerful side, but see what you think...

Subsume Powers (Major)

And snip!

I'm having a re-think of this one... :-?
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Sandblast [Major] By Iczer
'This stinging pain brought to you by your TV set!'

The character can whip up and molecularly agitate fine particles, imparting kinetic energy upon them in a variety of forms.
1) Sandblast: The character directs local particles in a directed blast.
Range: 120 feet. (note that that when shooting at targets beyond 30 feet he removes these particles from his area of effect)
Damage 5D6 +1D6 per level.
Bonus to strike +4, +6 if 2 hands used to direct
Attacks: each directed sandblast counts as 2 actions.
Note that targets with natural AR's of 14 or better take half damage.

2) Sand Bash:the character gathers a fist sized lump of dirt, earth, dust and sand particles and tosses it like a softball.
Range: 60 feet. (note that that when shooting at targets beyond 30 feet he removes these particles from his area of effect)
Damage 3D6 +1 per level.
Bonus to strike +3 aimed +1 wild.
Attacks: each directed sandblast counts as 1 action
Note that targets with natural AR's of 14 or better take half damage

3) Sandstorm: the character whips up the particles in the local area, causing them to saturate an area with whirling sands.
a tight area (4 feet across +1 foot per level) causes all affected to take 2D4 damage (+1 per level) per melee round and effectively blinds them, and robs them of thier next attack (they may simply step away in that time). Targets in the area are blinded and cannot breathe. when exiting the area, the target must make a saving throw (14+) or be stunned for the remained of the round (spitting out sand clearing eyes)
A tight area sandstorm lasts for 1 melee, and can be renewed at the cost of one melee action per round. as long as the storm remains within 30 feet of the character, he may cause the storm to race 10 feet in any direction to strike a target by expending an action. (The target may dodge with a 14 or better)
a wide area affects a 30 foot radius, centred on the character. it's damage is 2 points per melee round. visibility is severely disrupted (-4 to target foes inside or through the area) and -2 to parry or dodge within the storm. targets must save with a 10+ every round or suffer the penalties as above, but there is no automatic loss of actions for the target.) The wide area sandstorm lasts indefinately as long as the character continues to devote one action per melee round to maintain it. While the storm is actively maintained, the character moves at 1/4 normal speed (any more and he literally walks too fast for his storm to follow)

5) Sand shield: By whipping up the local sand particles, he creates whirring rings of sand and dust. any one attempting to attack the chracater suffers a -2 to hit in melee combat, -4 for ranged combat and -6 for ranged, thrown or projectile attacks. it takes no actions to maintain this pwer, but no other aspect of this power is available while active.

6) collect/disperse debris. the character can simply collect and direct tiny particles, collecting up to a half gallon of sand or stray matter in a single action (+ 1/2 gallon per level). this can be used to clear a room of dust (cause it to coalese in the rubbish bin, or atop a source of flame). it can be used to inflict 4D6 damage to targets composed of particulate matter (such as APS sand).

7) create sand. The character can use his abilt to force solid objects to break apart to form sand. undirected, each item within 15 feet of the character loses 5% of it's SDC per melee, pocking and crumbling to provide matter for the character. (stops breaking apart at 50% SDC) Individual items may be targeted, inflicting 1D4x10 SDC damage (+1D4 per level) against solid, inanimate targets within 60 feet. this directed attack costs 2 actions to perform. directed attacks can completely disintegrate a target over time.

8) other particles. the character is not limited to sand, despite the powers name. any fine particle less than a MM across will suffice. skin flakes, salt, dust, metal shavings, all can be manipulated

Upchuck: [Minor] By Iczer
'Enjoy the view'

The character generates a brief kinetic shove by flexing a gravity field, hurling a target upwards and skywards.
Range: 40 feet +10 feet per level.
Duration instant. each use counts as 2 melee actions.
Damage: none, but targets may take sepearte damage from the fall.
Weight affected: objects under 5 lbs will be sent 2D4x10 feet ito the air. anything in it's way will treat it as a falling object.
Characters can affect a maximum mass/weight of 100lbs plus 50lbs per level. Targets within this range are thrown 3D6 feet skywards +1 foot per level. Targets of half this weight will shoot 50% further, and targets less than a quarter of this mass will shoot twice as far.
After landing, the target takes normal damage for such a misadventure will be knocked down (lose one action and initiative)
Avoiding: opponent's familiar with this attack, may make a perception check when targetted (14+) to notice the tell tale pulling sensation prior to being hurled. If noticed, he may make a standard dodge (14+ +1 at levels 3,6,9 and 12) or autododge.
Characters may roll with punch/fall/impact as usual when falling.
Characters exposed to this deliberately may treat this like a ride. (must notice its effect and not dodge) may make a check vs balance. if successful, they ignore 10 feet of falling and take half damage from the rest. no knockdown.
Flyers of any sort will not fall, after this power is used on them, but may be forced to slam into objects for normal damage.
Characters with gravity manipulation (of any variety) gravitational plane or levitations (psionic or otherwise) ignore this power altogether. weightless characters (either through weight manipulation, gravity control or the weightless power, will be hurled upwards, as if they posess their reduced mass, but will tumble lightly downwards.
At 5th level, the character can cause this power to arc, by folding the degree of gravity by a few degree's. targets fly off in an arc (at the character's option) being moved 2 feet outwards for every three feet upwards.

The character can use this power on himself, treating his weight as half normal, and automatically making the required sense of balance checks.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Freezeframe [major] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"PAUSE!" BlooP! "Crap. How am I going to get out of this mess?"

This odd but useful power allows the character to manipulate their personal time, granting them some strange powers, but ones that can be very effective.

1) Pull Actions: The character can borrow actions from his future self, to allow him to accomplish more things now, at a cost of things later.
Character can use this ability to gain up to two'extra' attacks/actions per level. At the end of the melee round, the character feels a wave of weakness, and will be -1 on all combat actions for one hour (-5 minutes per level). Furthermore, they are at -1 action for every level they borrowed from for one hour (borrowed three actions, you are minus two); if you borrowed more actions than you could afford, the time is extended by hourly incriments untill the 'debt' is paid, but will never drop below 1 action/attack per round.

2) Condense actions: Character can condense their actions into a split second, allowing them to do a variety of things. This can only be done if they have the intiative, otherwise they are unable to properly act. They are essentailly frozen, with whatever equipment they have brought with them. So if they needed to shoot down a missle volley, disarm a bomb on a bouncing truck, etc., everything else would seem to be frozen in time. This power can also be used to 'teleport' in a way; stop time, run to your destination, start time again, right next to your opponent/friend/target.
Any penalties incured due to being jostled, erratic movement, target speed, etc are all negated, as the character can take their time to due things RIGHT, without the pressure of doing things quickly. They can aslo dodge any attack that they know is coming by simply stepping out of the way
This condensing field allows them to 'pause time' for one melee round at every odd level. Once this power has been used, it cannot be safely used again for twice the time they spent 'paused' without terrible risks (each additional attempt has a cumulative 10% chance of failure, resulting in the character being catapulted to the begining of time, The Big Bang, aka instant death) for the character, whatever equipment they are carrying, and everything within a 10 foot sphere of him/her.
Note that everything other thatn yourself seems to be frozen in time, immovable and immobile, so no picking up somebody and dropping them over a cliff. They are frozen in time, and immune to being physically moved/manipulated, though attacks will harm them, just not move them.

3) Loan Actions: The character can give a friend or ally extra attacks. The loaner can give as many as they want, but no more than twice the recipients normal amount. Both parties must be within 50 feet (+5 feet per level), and the loaner must have the initiative over the recipient. The loaner goes into a trance, focusing on the recipient to the exclusion of all else (note, they must be able to see their target for this to work). This can be maintained for as long as neccisary, but at the cost of 1 H.P. per melee round from the loaner (takes FIVE times as long to heal), and the total inability to defend themself or take any action at all (other than the loan). Once they are done loaning their attacks, they snap back to themselves as if nothing had happened.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Them Bones(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can alter the calcium and carbons in items to make them resemble bones. Using this, he could take a plastic or rubber skeleton, or one made from any other substance, and make it resemble a corpse or fossilized remnant of the past. There is a 01-80% chance the fake will be mistaken for real bones. This take one full melee round to execute.

The hero can also alter the structure of his own bones, gaining his PE number in Hit Points. His speed is slowed by one point for each additional HP gained in this manner. This aedditional HP can only be added once per day and cannot be used to heal existing HP damage (must be at full HP to use this power). This additional HP last for 1d4 hours before bleeding off at a rate of 1 Hit Point per hour.

Bonuses: +1d4 PE

Retro-Action(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can expend actions to alter the minor details of his day passed to work in his favor.

1.View The Past: The hero can expend one action per melee round to check on details of his day passed (did he leave the iron on?) but is prone to attack and cannot perform any other actions while doing so. He can only go back a maximum of his ME number in hours, +1 hour at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.

2.Taking Action: By expending two actions, the hero can elect to go back to his earlier frame of reference and alter one past action. This cannot be an attack or used to harm someone directly. Uses include, but are not limited to, putting on a BP vest, grabbing an extra weapon, ammo, or pack of cigarettes, pulling a different wire while diffusing a bomb (though the hero must have survived the original encounter, as the power will not work if he is dead), turning off an oven or other electrical appliance, writing a quick note to someone warning them of an event, and putting on different clothing (maybe the pink spandex costume was a bad idea). The hero can only go back his ME number in hours, plus one hour at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. He is prone to attack and cannot perform any other tasks in the here and now while doing so.

3.Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs. mind control, temporal effects and time travel.

Reinforce Armor(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can touch types of worn body armor to increase its molecular density.

1.Armor Reinforcement: At level one, the hero is able to raise an armor's AR by 1d6 (roll each time the power is used to see how well he modifies it), +1 at levels 4,8, and 12. Each AR increase reduces the wearer's speed attribute by -1 while the wearing the armor. Armor cannot be raised above an AR of 18. This requires 1 action per melee point to perform and lasts the hero's ME number in hours, after which the armor loses density at a rate of 1 AR per hour until back to normal.

2.Limitations: If used on robotic armor, it will destroy the armor's circuitry and wiring, causing it to fuse (though this might be used as an attack if the hero can hold the armor the necessary number of actions).
This power does not affect Natural AR, not does it affect the armor's SDC tha it is used on.

3.Other Bonuses:
The hero suffers no movement penalties of any kind while wearing armor and does not fatigue faster from wearing heavier armors.
+10% to Field Armorer skill for the purpose of maintaining, fixing and repairing body armor.
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When I did Cognize Weapon Quality, someone asked if I would do a major version. While not exactly that, this came from that suggestion.

Cognize Weapons(Major)

Through force of will, the superbeing can cause weapons he is familiar with to appear (he must have the Weapon Proficiency and have used the weapon numerous times to recreate it).

Duration: Weapons last the superbeing's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level, or until willed gone.

Number of weapons created: The superbeing can produce his ME number in guns, plus one per level, at one time. All weapons created at one time will be identical.

Who can use the weapons?: Anyone can pick up and use the weapons, though the superbeing can cause the weapons to cease functioning, jam, or cease to exist if they are seized by the enemy.

Damage: Weapons will do damage as per the normal weapon of the same type. Weapons must be loaded, as ammunition is not created with the guns.

Attacks: Uses one full melee round to crerate the weapons. The weapons require the normal number of attacks to fire as a real weapon of the same type and manufacture.

This power applies only to firearms and light automatic weapons, though the superbeing could learn to create a hevy artilliary weapon as a stunt. If creating a heavy weapon, only one such weapon can be created per hour, with the character losing 1 HP as cost for its creation. The heavier weapon will have only half the duration.
Items such as grenades and bombs cannot be created, nor can weapons using variable ammo or explosive rounds.

The superbeing gains +1 to fire with the weapons he creates
+1d4 ME
+20% to Recognize Weapon Quality and Armorer (Field); +5% to mechanical skills
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Senator Cybus wrote:This thread shall never die!!!

Well, of course not. I am detained, not absent.

Coming Soon: Spacewalk(minor) and Go Walkabout(Major)
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:This thread shall never die!!!

Well, of course not. I am detained, not absent.

Coming Soon: Spacewalk(minor) and Go Walkabout(Major)

That's the spirit! :D

Coming Soon: Flicker, Kinetic Amplifier and APS: Graffiti...
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Uber-Tracker Extraodinair [major] by Roscoe Del’Tane
‘Dagnabbit, Bloodhound! How in tarnation do you keep finding me?” “Clean living, and positive thoughts Plague-Master.”

The character has the uncanny ability to track just about anybody down, no matter where they are respectively, across vast distances. This is a pseudo-psionic power, granting the character a finely tuned, detail obsessed individual, but only in terms of tracking (so s/he could conceivably back-track Jack the Rippers path and discover his identity, but forget to put on pants before leaving to do so). It also allows the charcter a bit of a profiler mindset when it comes to tracking (Hmmm, if I was Mudrash the Foul...I would head down the nearest sewer access point...and then I would change back into my homeless man counterpart!).

1) Focused mind: When the character is focused on the hunt s/he instinctively has Prowl, Tailing, Detect Concealment, Tracking, and Criminal Science and Forensics at three levels higher than his current level. Note that unless he takes them normally, he has no idea how he gets this information, he just has ‘hunches’ and ‘gut instincts’ that tend to pan out correctly. Those skills only apply when he is tracking somebody, and they will vanish the instant he diverts his attention to something else (being attacked, tripping, etc). -1 to APM, and to all combat rolls, -5 to initiative.

2) Identify Groups: The character can, at levels 1/5/10/15, positively identify one specific group of people at 98% proficiency. This is all done subconsciously, s/he will observe the way people walk, carry themselves, the cloths they wear, etc (“Honestly officer! That little old lady is a member of the Satanic Arsonists Guild! You have to lock her up!), and might be hard to prove without corroborating evidence. A ‘group’ is identified as an organization/gathering that has specific hierarchies of command, members, clothing, and associates. So ‘criminals’ would be far too broad an interpretation, but the Spitting Cobras Gang, or the Hell’s Angels would be fine. At any time the charcter can swap out one Group for another, provided they have access to the group, and time to make observations, it takes 1d4 months of evalutation to be able to positively identify Group Members (only half that in weeks if returning to an old Group).

3) Foe Tracking: If the character clashes with a specific individual several time (1d4+2), s/he gains an awareness of that individual if s/he concentrates on them (costs half melee actions, no bonuses to combat skills). Initially (levels 1-3) this is just a vague ‘their that way’ and limited to ‘near/far’. At levels 4-7 this becomes finer tuned, being able to narrow the field to a ninety degree arc, and accurate to within 2 miles or so. Levels 8-12 narrows the field even farther, to a mere 30 degree arc, and can tell if their within 100 miles. When they hit levels 13-15, they can point to the exact spot their target is at, and at a range of 1,000 miles (must be within planetary reach to do this, none of the Foe Tracking abilities will work if the target is off planet/dimension).

The downside to this power is that it permanently saps 1 H.P. from the user, this can be avoided by not acknowledging the activation of this power, simply saying that they don’t want to have FT will keep their health intact. If their target dies or is removed from this dimension/planet for more than three months per PC level, this power will be removed from the target, and the PC will regain their lost H.P.

All I got on this at the moment, might not be the finished version. Drop me line if you think I should change anything.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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I might have written it differently, but overall I like Uber-Tracker, Roscoe. Good job!
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I feel that the power Space Native is too powerful to be a minor and would have players select it as a major. Instead of allowing it as a minor, I wrote the following variant optional minor:

Spacewalk(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows one to survive in space for a limited amount of time without protection and suffer no ill effects from it.

Duration: The hero can spend one hour in space per level. He must wait 10 minutes for the power to renew itself between uses. Maximum number of uses per day is equal to the hero's ME number.

Activation: The power takes one melee action to activate and may be used in an emergency, such as being knocked unconscious and then thrown out of an airlock or in a situation involving the sudden decompression of the character's spaceship, at the cost of 1 Hit Point.

+1d4 PE
Receives Zero Gravity Combat automatically on top of other skills
+10 SDC
+5% to climbing skills in anti-gravity environments

Go Walkabout(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing has the ability to walk on any surface without slipping and in defiance of the laws of physics.

1.Adhesion: The hero can walk on any solid surface at his full movement rate, going up walls and even walking on ceilings.

2.Density Walking: The hero can on water and cross clouds as if they were solid and is able to to walk and down billows of smoke as if stairs.

3.Walking On Air: The hero can between surfaces, able to move his ME number in yards (3 times his ME in feet) through the air without falling.

4.Temporary Immunities: The character can make himself temporarily immune to environmental factors so as to travel to remote areas without harm. He can survive for his PE number in hours per day without air. He can withstand the pressure of space and oceanic depths, as well as extreme heat and cold, for up to his PE number in hours per day, and is at other times resistant to these affects, suffering only half effects and damage.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+2d6 Speed
+1d4X10 SDC
+20% to Navigation skill; +10% to Wilderness Survival, Mountaineering and Deserrt Survival
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Targeting Lock(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can create a force trajectory extending from the barrel of a firearm. This can be used for a few effects. Range for all effects is the hero's ME number X10 feet, plus one foot per level.

1.Firing Trajectory: The hero can create an invisible energy which forces a bullet along a path to a target. This is done by aiming the weapon and locking on using a normal strike roll to aim. Once locked on, the trajectory remains stable as long as certain conditions are met.
* The target must not move beyond the original firing range. If it does, the hero must roll a saving throw (14 or better, ME bonus applies) to keep the invisible pathway stable. If making a successful save, the range may be extended up to the hero's ME number in feet, plus one foot per level.
* The target must not turn over 360 degrees in any one direction, as in a spin. Moving over 360 degrees in one direction, clockwise or counterclockwise, will break the trajectory.
* The gun cannot be fired at a seperate target. If fired using another roll to strike, it is assumed the original pathway is broken due to lack of concentration on it.
* The maximum number of shots cannot be exceeded. The trajectory will only remain stable for the character's ME number of shots, plus one shot per level. The character automatically strikes with each of these shots and does not roll to strike once the aiming roll sets the trajectory.
* The time limit is not exceeded. The trajectory only remains stable for the character's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level, maximum.
* Other targets are not blocking the trajectory. The character can make the trajectory arc dodge one obstacle/person at level 3, plus one additional at levels 6, 9, 12 and 15.
* The character remains within his ME number of feet of the location where he first aimed the shot and set up the trajectory.

2.Jamming Weapons: The hero can also place force barriers over the barrels of opponent's weapons to cause them to jam (01-30% chance of the weapon backfirng). He can affect up to his ME number in weapons at level one, gaining the ability to block one additional weapon at levels 4, 8 and 12. The barriers remain in place for one full melee round. Must be within line of sight.

3.Disarming Opponents: The force energy can be used to disarm opponents on a successful strike, similar to a telekinetic punch which pushes the weapon out of an opponent's hand. Use the hero's ME bonus as the strike bonus in this instance. The hero is +4 to save vs. being disarmed himself.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
Takes halfd damage from force bolts
Immune to the effects of force fields, passing through them as if they are nonexistent.
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Springboard: [Minor] By Iczer

The character can generate a field of force, a few feet across, that flexes and then snaps back, not unlike rubber. This can be used ina variety of ways:

1) Leaping: The character can leap 12 feet by jumping on the platform. If the character posesses some form of leaping ablity already, then the springboard can add 40% extra distance. Alternatively the spring board can return up to 90% of the delivered force into momentum, so a target dropping 50 feet onto a springboard can expect to bounce between 0 and 45 feet (and the character may add his normal leaping distance to that)
2) movement: the charactre is able to move quite speedilly in all directions using a series of created springboards, quickly acquiring a lateral speed of 4D6 plus his PS attribute (+5 per level). this speed is awkward and ungainly (and the character may need an acrobatics roll to accomplish some manoevres.
3) Defensive: the character can create these springboards to intercept physical ranged attacks. He rolls a parry at +4. If successfull, a physical object has struck a springboard and bounces away (20% chance of striking the attacker). This can be used on foes attempting a leap or charge attack as well, hurling them in a random direction as they bounce off (Target may dodge your parry to duck or weave out of the way or stop in time). Vehicles can also be intercepted (but are massive enough that they are rebounded at only 10% normal speed). In the same manner, falling rocks, and falling people may also be intercepted. The angle of return is usually the same as the angle of attack, plus or minus 10 to 15 degrees. The character can combaine a defensive parry, with an offensive attack, attacking an opponent within 45 degrees of the angle of attack. doing so requires a new strike roll at +2.
4) characteristics: A spring board is 3 feet across +1 foot per level and is constructed from a reactive field of force. It lasts barely 2 seconds and so posessors of this power will need to exercise pinpoint timing.
Creating a springboard requires an atack to perform, and so characters will have to exercise caution when deploying them (being stunned in mid jump can be disasterous.

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APS: Graffiti

By Senator Cybus

This is the bizarre ability to transform into a living work of street art! In order to use this power, a super being must be in physical contact with a surface composed of worked stone, concrete, brick, asphalt, plaster or similar urban material. After a few moments of concentration (one full melee round), the character is drawn onto the surface, appearing as a stylised, life-sized cartoon of himself. In this state, the super being may use any of the following abilities at will:

1. Partial Invulnerability. As a two-dimensional layer of paint, the character is immune or resistant to many dangers. Ambient radiation, poison, drugs and disease have no effect. The character has no need to breathe, eat or drink. He can withstand temperatures as low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit or as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit without harm.

Physical attacks (punches, kicks, strikes with weapons) from opponents without enhanced strength cause no damage. Equally, most common projectiles (thrown weapons, arrows, bullets) will not injure the character. Only physical attacks powerful enough to punch right through the section of wall/floor/ceiling that the super being is covering will harm him: even then, the attack will inflict only half damage. The character cannot be grabbed or grappled and cannot be pulled or knocked off a surface.

Lasers, blasts of fire and plasma cause double their normal damage: other energy-based attacks cause normal damage. Acids inflict normal damage and paint-stripping solvent will cause 2D6 damage for 1D4 melee rounds if it comes into contact with the super being. Magic and psionics do full damage.

Explosions that weaken the surface the super being is occupying will injure him; he takes half the damage of the blast. If the explosion is powerful enough to completely demolish the surface, the character takes the full damage from the blast and is forcibly ejected into the three-dimensional world, which stuns him for 1D4 rounds: attacks per melee and combat bonuses are reduced by half during this time and skill performance is at -40%.

Note: In graffiti form, the character cannot pick up, carry or handle anything in the three-dimensional world, nor can he make any kind of physically damaging melee attack (but see Paint Spray below). He cannot speak while transformed or make any other kind of sound. He retains his normal sight and hearing, but loses his senses of smell, taste and touch.

2. Wall Crawling. The character can slide over surfaces in any direction, at a rate equal to twice his speed in the three-dimensional world. The hero can travel along walls, floors, roofs and ceilings as if he possessed the power of Adhesion, so long as those surfaces are made of the kind of urban materials listed above. Additionally, the super being can slip through the thinnest of cracks; a gap wide enough to accommodate a sheet of paper is large enough for the character to sneak through.
The character gains a bonus of +2 to dodge, and +15% to the Prowl skill, but only when climbing on the ceiling or other high place.

Limitations: The super being cannot travel across bare earth or sand, wood, glass, paper (including wallpaper) or water. He can only move across the kind of urban building materials that graffiti is typically found on; that is the ‘natural’ habitat of his altered form.

3. Paint Spray. By sacrificing a small portion of his cartoonish body, the hero can spit a high-pressure spray of paint into the three-dimensional world, to surprise and incapacitate his enemies.

Range: 10 feet (3 m) plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience. The character can target just one enemy or make the blast wider (maximum width of 5 feet (1.5 m) plus 1 foot (0.3 m) per level of experience) to hit several opponents simultaneously.
Damage: None, but victims are blinded for one full melee round. They’re also covered in paint (player’s choice of colour) that will stain their clothes and skin for 1D4 days (half that time with repeated scrubbing/showering)!
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: Each spray counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, or +5 if using the wider blast.
Penalties: The spray is fuelled by the character’s own paint-based body: a standard, narrow blast will cost the super being 5 S.D.C., whereas the wider blast will cost him 15 S.D.C.

4. Disguise. The character can alter the appearance of his graffiti form at will. He can change his general shape or colours, shrink down as small as one third of his normal size or grow up to twice as large. He can also cause writing to appear on his 2-D body; in fact, this is his only way of communicating with the three-dimensional world. Altering form takes only a moment (roughly one melee action).

Limitations: The hero cannot appear as a photo-realistic copy of a person or thing; he is still quite clearly graffiti, a piece of cartoon artwork complete with a thick black outline. He cannot gain a Horror Factor by changing into the form of some hideous monster or demon, because he’s so obviously not real.
It is a weird limitation of the power that, as a work of art, the super being must be seen. Therefore, he cannot change his colours to match his background in the manner of a chameleon, or shrink small enough to avoid detection: he may make himself a little less conspicious, but he can never go completely unnoticed.

5. Animate Graffiti. The super being can animate any urban art that he comes into contact with. He can cause a piece of graffiti to jump about as a distraction, follow him wherever he goes or move around a surface in a complicated, programmed pattern; the exact effect is up to the player.

Range: Touch.
Damage: None. Animated graffiti cannot deliver a Paint Spray attack.
Duration: Graffiti remains animated for 5 minutes per level of experience. However, the super being can re-animate it at any time with just a touch.
Attacks Per Melee: Animating and programming a specific piece of graffiti uses up one attack/action.
Limitations: Animated graffiti can only move across the same types of surfaces as the super being. The artworks are not alive or intelligent and will simply carry out their programmed orders until the duration of the power expires or the character makes them stop.

6. Create Graffiti. The character can create graffiti from scratch. He can paint basic cartoon figures, complicated murals or copies of other artists' work, or simply write messages or leave markers: if the super being can imagine it, he can create it. Once made, this graffiti can be animated as easily as any other, as per the guidelines above.

Range: Touch.
Duration: Once created, the graffiti is as durable as that made by conventional means and can last indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating a single piece of graffiti no bigger than himself costs the super being one attack/action. Larger works will take longer; GMs should use common sense when determining the exact time needed.
Penalties: As with Paint Spray, the character must sacrifice a portion of his own 2-D body to use this ability; for a cost of 5 S.D.C. the super being can create a single artwork roughly the same size as himself. GMs should use common sense when deciding the cost of smaller or larger paintings. If writing a message, its size as a whole determines its cost, not the number of individual words.

7. Bonuses.
+15% to Art. If the skill is not already known, the super being has a base skill of 20% plus 2% per level of experience.
+10% to Streetwise.

Inspired by THIS video. :-)
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:50 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Good work, Senator. I was afraid it would be similar to my APS Ink power, but it appears to hold its own. The animate grafitti subability is interesting. Not something I would have added.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Good work, Senator. I was afraid it would be similar to my APS Ink power, but it appears to hold its own.

I'm glad you think that; to be completely honest, I hadn't actually read APS: Ink before I posted it! I should probably check the Wiki before I post new powers, huh? :oops:
While there's certainly similarities, I'd agree that APS: Graffiti is just different enough to justify being a separate power, and hopefully different enough that you won't sue me for accidental plagiarism! :oops: :)

Stone Gargoyle wrote: The animate grafitti subability is interesting. Not something I would have added.

Thanks! Like I posted, it was inspired by THIS video, and the way in which the graffiti characters interact. Just seemed like a fun little addition to the power set. :-)

BTW, if you have an opportunity to check-out the new power category I posted yesterday, I'd like to know what you make of it. :-)
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:33 am, edited 7 times in total.
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By Senator Cybus

“Speed of the Puma!”

This is the strange ability to change from a bipedal, humanoid shape to that of a quadruped. The super being can alter his basic structure, contorting the bones and muscles of his body until it resembles the form of a wolf or big cat.

Range: Self.
Duration: The transformation can be maintained indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Changing from biped to quadruped (or back) initially requires one full melee round, but by the third level of experience the super being is practised enough to transform almost instantly, using up only one attack/action!
Bonuses: Speed is tripled, the character can jump twice as far/high in quadruped form, +20% to maintain balance, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +15% to Prowl and +2 to dodge ranged attacks only due to the lower profile.
The super being also gains a bonus of +15 S.D.C. and +1D4+1 P.E. that applies in either form.
Limitations: As a quadruped, the character’s hands are transformed into simple paws, meaning that his manual dexterity is severely reduced: weapon usage is impossible and performance of any skill requiring a delicate sense of touch is out of the question. Equally, most combat moves are impossible; the character can only bite or ram an opponent.
While the super being may have the general shape of a four-legged animal, he is still obviously human, albeit a very strangely deformed human. He does not grow claws or fangs, unless he has other superpowers that would allow this.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ya know I like the concept of this one, but I'm not sure I'd enforce the 'paws' penalty. Most great apes are partialy Quadrapedal, us being the only ones that are truely bipedal and they get along just fine with their hands on the front.

More over it's a super power in and of itself. Not an addition onto one of the 'animal powers' lists, so it doesn't 'NEED" a negitive. It's taking up a "minor power" slot, so penalizing along with benifiting isn't really needed.

I get why you did it, but I think I would let my people use the power but keep their hands. We've seen TONS of this sort of thing in comics. The Xmen alone had Beast, Wolfsbane, Feral...

But I DO like your power man, very much so. Good job!

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Well, the reason for the paws penalty is this: after the whole, "Oops, APS: Graffiti is really quite similar to the earlier APS: Ink, isn't it?" thing detailed above, I decided to always check around before posting any new powers, to make sure I wasn't treading on another writer's toes.

So, I'm checking the good ol' HU2 main book, and find the Multiple Limbs power, which gives you the option of selecting an extra pair of legs. Now this gives you the same basic abilities as my Quadruped power (run fast, jump far), just not in the same way (minor shape-shifting trick vs. being freaky centaur guy for the rest of your life).

There were already a couple of differences: Multiple Limbs gives you a better dodge bonus and a kick attack, Quadruped gives you better stealth and a P.E. bonus. But just to differentiate them further, I added the paws penalty.

So now you can either have Multiple Limbs and the full use of your hands at all times, or be a Quadruped with limited use of your hands, but the ability to change forms and thus not be stuck as freaky centaur guy for the rest of your life.

Plus, personally I don't visualise someone with this power knuckling along like an ape; instead I picture them gracefully galloping along like a wolf or tiger or some other fully quadrupedal beasty. I see what you're saying though, and if you'd prefer to nix the penalty, go for it. I'd be interested to get other peoples' feedback on this point, see what the prevailing opinion is... :? :-D
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Well you don't even have to be ape like. It was just an example.

Beast (( we find out later)) evolves more into a feline type.

Feral was a cat type

Wolfsbane was lupine.

I see what you're aiming for, with the graceful quickness and what not. I guess I"m just cool with them using their hands for that. lol

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Have you seen An American Werewolf in London? The bit where the protagonist is down on all fours, his limbs in the form of wolf legs, but before he grows the full fur and fangs? That is what I was picturing when writing up the power. But without all the prolonged and horrific agony, obviously. :-)
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Just be advised Iczer did a Quadramorph power not too long ago. There really are no totally unique ideas anymore.
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Some people don't check literaly over 100 pages worth of powers when they think stuff up.

We all read the same comics or watch the same movies and as gamers we have a lot of similar likes and insperations.

Similar Ideas are going to happen. It's when powers repeat almost word for word or stat for stat that get funky.

There was an APS power in PU 3 that was very nearly 'reproduced' word for word from one on here. But the writer claims that he strictly staid off this board to avoid just such a thing.

It happens. Just post a link for "An Alturnitate power of similar design"

It's all good.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Just be advised Iczer did a Quadramorph power not too long ago.

Couldn't find that on the Wiki...
I'm going to post my power there soon; if Iczer puts his up, I'll link to it, and note that his came first.

Stone Gargoyle wrote: There really are no totally unique ideas anymore.

Oh, that sounds like a challenge to me! :-D Time to post the really wacky stuff...
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Just be advised Iczer did a Quadramorph power not too long ago.

Couldn't find that on the Wiki...
I'm going to post my power there soon; if Iczer puts his up, I'll link to it, and note that his came first.

Stone Gargoyle wrote: There really are no totally unique ideas anymore.

Oh, that sounds like a challenge to me! :-D Time to post the really wacky stuff...

Much of Iczer's stuff has yet to make it into the wiki, which is why it is not listed in there yet. First there was RM Thompson who volunteered to post it and then bailed due to butting heads with me over how to go about posting to the wiki. Then Nimmy was going to do it but found his schedule too busy to accomoodate allowing him to post them. i was too stressed out from doing so much on the wiki myself there for a while to post them, but I have resolved to get them poted as time permits.
I do indeed challenge everyone who posts on this board to come up with as different material as you can conceive of. :D
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Pepsi Jedi wrote:There was an APS power in PU 3 that was very nearly 'reproduced' word for word from one on here. But the writer claims that he strictly staid off this board to avoid just such a thing.


if he was not looking on the forum, why did he post to it.?

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Unread post by ZEN »

Suicide (minor)
'You can not kill that which does not live!'
The character has the ability to die at will, the body ceases to function and is, really, completely dead. While dead, the character is totally unaware of anything going on around the body, although there is, somehow, an accurate sense of timing (perhaps programmed into the body before the suicide is activated). After any length of time the character desires, the body comes back to life, instantly. During the revivification process, the body is healed of 2D6 Hit Points and 1D6x10 S.D.C but it can not regrow detached limbs or removed internal organs.
While dead, the character does not age, although a body which has decayed to such an extent that the internal organs are destroyed can not be revived (the power will automatically revive the body before it gets to that stage, which is at a time determined by the GM)
Last edited by ZEN on Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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No no no.

There was a power, posted here by a fourm member.

That with a changed name and a few changed words, appeared duplicated in PU3.

The writer of PU3 said that he did NOT look on this board, while making PU3 because he didn't want to rip anyone off.

But the power was so similar and the stats for it were so similar that "Divergent evolution" sort of thing was hard to believe. (( not impossible, but the write ups even used the same phrases and what not))

The creator of the power her on the boards pointed it out. There was a big hub ub and he pulled the post from the forum.

I saw the two before the post was pulled. (( infact I loved the power I read here and got PU 3 later. I love it in PU3 too))

I'm not accusing the author of PU3 of plagerisim. I'm not. But SOME did. And feelings were hurt.

That's why I say if somone posts a power like the one YOU posted 3 months ago. Don't freak out. They might have been inspired by the same thing that inspired you. But if the power is.

"APS: Snot" and you made "APS: Boogers" and the stats are the same for APS: Snot" as you wrote out for "APS: Boogers" with the word "booger" changed to "Snot" here and there and the power list changed about but basicly cut and pasted, just in different order. THEN you can get upset.

But if you made APS: Spit and somone else made "APS: loogie" and the powers are written different, have different numbers and different uses. THey probably didn't copy you. Just had a similar cool thought.

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ZEN wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:There was an APS power in PU 3 that was very nearly 'reproduced' word for word from one on here. But the writer claims that he strictly staid off this board to avoid just such a thing.


if he was not looking on the forum, why did he post to it.?


This is Palladium's board, you are creating derivative material with their intellectual property, on their message board.

Have you read their policy on the subject?

Even before you wrote it, you've already agreed that Palladium owns it.

If you don't like it, remove your material and stop creating derivative work.

Like you did...*sigh*...thus taking away others' ability to enjoy your work and contributions. I am not saying you did not have a right to get upset. You did. I just felt like a lot was lost when you pulled your stuff from the boards.
That said, did you not all send stuff to the Rifter? Under their "Hold Hamless" policy, they could publish your work without paying you, which is why I have not submitted anything to that magazine. I would rather donate my work than feel ripped off.
But enough on that before we irritate the mods.
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which has started.
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and now back to our program.......

Disrupt (major or minor?) by wolfsgrin

Character can produce an invisible feild that makes it virtually impossible for victims to concentrate on any task at hand. This could be while peforming a skill, combat, use of any ability needing concentration like magic and/or psionics, even relaying information and talking. Victims feel anxious and like they have to go somewhere but have no idea where that is. Sort of like ADHD. With concentration the character can effect one person within line of sight and range.
Radius: 25ft+5 per level
Line of Sight Range: 100ft+10 per level
Save: Victims save vs 12 with ME bonuses. Character get a +1 to the save base at levels 3,5,9,11,15
Damage: none. Victims who fail to save will see all skills/combat/powers/psionics/magic at 1/4 their strength for the duration.
Attacks: 2 for line of sight and all for the feild.
Duration: 1 melee per level

been awhile since i flexed my power muscle. let me know what you guys think. I rushed it out to get back on topic. :P
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Relife [Major] By Iczer
'OMG!! Is that Simon's Head?!?!'

The character can cause living but otherwise doomed cells to make one quick burst of evolutionary pressure to sustain themselves, causing wicked growth, and unstable mutation.

The character expends three melee actions and targets living matter within 40 feet. The living matter attepts to rescucitate, even if cut off from their source. A cut flower will send out roots if able, a dead animal will flex and bend, and a severed limb will become truly weird.

On plant matter: Plant matter attempts to send out roots when targetted with this power, and will create spontaneous growth out to 1 foot per level. (or 1 inch per level if it must burrow through rock or concrete) If more than this distance from the ground, then it will develop lighter than air sacs, and dangling roots to capture moisture and nutrients. Plants not animate before being targetted will not suddenly become so.

On flesh and blood: as long as the body part is on its own and is seperate from its main body (severed limb, excised organ etc) it gains a digestive system, a rudimentary brain, a system of mobility and of sensing the world around it. The new creature gaisn the following attributes.
IQ 1d4+2 ME 2D6 MA 2D6 PS 8 PP 12 PE 8 PB N/A Spd 10
HP: 1D4+PE
SDC: 0
These scores are modified by it size level (refer to mutant animals section: a human arm might be SL 3-4, while a finger may be SL1)

On organic, but long dead organisms. (Such as leather goods, unprocessed wood etc..) The item grows rudimentary lfe support systems, but is effectivey motile and unintelligent. A leather coat will grow a pulse, respiratory system and method on feeding (probably on human sweat) but will be pretty much nothing more than an odd looking jacket. Likewise a wooden club will grow shoots and leaves (or even moss and fungus) but will otherwise be no different.

On corpses: this power will revive a corpse, but the being will be a new creation, untrained and unskilled, and with an IQ of 2D4+2. Really old corpses will not revive per se, but will spring to life (albeit sessile and obdurate)

On the dying: Targets with less than 1 HP will stabalise instantly, sealing any bleeding. 3D6 minutes later, they awaken with 3D6 HP, none the worse for wear. Targets dying from poisonous substances still have worries (the poison may still affect them). Those that dies from disease, have now incorporated the disease into their system (they have the symptoms halved, and can neither cure it nor transmit it now) In compensation they recieve +1 PE and 4D6 SDC from the experience.

Duration: a relife organism is a fully functional organism, and remains alive until killed off.

Other abilities:
Can control 3D4 newly animated creatures (as if using an equivilent animal abilities power) +1D4 per level.
Can reattach his own severed limbs. blood loss seals instantly.
Can absorb bacteria and virusses before they become a problem. become a problem. effectively immune to disease.
+1D4 PE +5D6 SDC +10% to save vs com/death.
Heals at 2 times normal rate.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Iczer wrote:Feh

Relife [Major] By Iczer
'OMG!! Is that Simon's Head?!?!'

The character can cause living but otherwise doomed cells to make one quick burst of evolutionary pressure to sustain themselves, causing wicked growth, and unstable mutation.

The character expends three melee actions and targets living matter within 40 feet. The living matter attepts to rescucitate, even if cut off from their source. A cut flower will send out roots if able, a dead animal will flex and bend, and a severed limb will become truly weird.

On plant matter: Plant matter attempts to send out roots when targetted with this power, and will create spontaneous growth out to 1 foot per level. (or 1 inch per level if it must burrow through rock or concrete) If more than this distance from the ground, then it will develop lighter than air sacs, and dangling roots to capture moisture and nutrients. Plants not animate before being targetted will not suddenly become so.

On flesh and blood: as long as the body part is on its own and is seperate from its main body (severed limb, excised organ etc) it gains a digestive system, a rudimentary brain, a system of mobility and of sensing the world around it. The new creature gaisn the following attributes.
IQ 1d4+2 ME 2D6 MA 2D6 PS 8 PP 12 PE 8 PB N/A Spd 10
HP: 1D4+PE
SDC: 0
These scores are modified by it size level (refer to mutant animals section: a human arm might be SL 3-4, while a finger may be SL1)

On organic, but long dead organisms. (Such as leather goods, unprocessed wood etc..) The item grows rudimentary lfe support systems, but is effectivey motile and unintelligent. A leather coat will grow a pulse, respiratory system and method on feeding (probably on human sweat) but will be pretty much nothing more than an odd looking jacket. Likewise a wooden club will grow shoots and leaves (or even moss and fungus) but will otherwise be no different.

On corpses: this power will revive a corpse, but the being will be a new creation, untrained and unskilled, and with an IQ of 2D4+2. Really old corpses will not revive per se, but will spring to life (albeit sessile and obdurate)

On the dying: Targets with less than 1 HP will stabalise instantly, sealing any bleeding. 3D6 minutes later, they awaken with 3D6 HP, none the worse for wear. Targets dying from poisonous substances still have worries (the poison may still affect them). Those that dies from disease, have now incorporated the disease into their system (they have the symptoms halved, and can neither cure it nor transmit it now) In compensation they recieve +1 PE and 4D6 SDC from the experience.

Duration: a relife organism is a fully functional organism, and remains alive until killed off.

Other abilities:
Can control 3D4 newly animated creatures (as if using an equivilent animal abilities power) +1D4 per level.
Can reattach his own severed limbs. blood loss seals instantly.
Can absorb bacteria and virusses before they become a problem. become a problem. effectively immune to disease.
+1D4 PE +5D6 SDC +10% to save vs com/death.
Heals at 2 times normal rate.


Nice and twisted man. Me likey. Can't wait to use it. lol

Holy crap!!! Hi Zen!! Easily excited. :oops:
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Unread post by ZEN »

Hi wolfsgrin.
Sorry to disrupt the thread, so to make up for it..

'For two days I was a poster at Palladium... no, no, a real poster!'
The character has the ability to change the physical form of a humanoid being into that of an inanimate object, reducing the size and mass of the target. The same process can also be applied to the character's own body, at will.

Range: Self or up to 120ft away (plus 10ft per level).
Duration: Concentration on self or target, but the effect will sustain itself for one minute if the character breaks concentration without first reversing the effect on the target. Also, if rendered unable to concentrate, the effect will remain active on the super being for one minute after they are disabled.
Effect: The target is transformed, within a few seconds, into an inanimate object at least half of their original size and mass. They can be reduced to any size, up to a limit of an object roughly the size of a sheet of paper, zippo lighter or similar, with mass reducing proportionately.
While transformed, the structural damage capacity of the target increases dramatically. Take the target's original S.D.C. score, add the target's Hit Point total and multiply the combined total by five.
While transformed, the target remains awake and alert, but can not interact with it's surroundings in any way. They can not see, hear, smell, feel or taste anything at all.
However, this restriction does not apply to the super being, who can still see, hear and feel their surroundings (but not smell or touch).
The type of object the character transforms into is limited to ordinary, inanimate objects, no battery or mains (electricity) powered devices are possible, but they can have moving parts (such as clockwork).
Saving throw: 15 (plus M.E. bonus).
Notes: The character can only concentrate on one target at a time, but can transform any number of different targets, restricted to one target per attack.
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*high fives Zen*

LTNS man

Shredder [Major]
'Claws are for little babies. Take a look at these things'

The character posesses a set of powerful natural weapons, weapons that shred and tear to great efficiency. while commnly depicted as claws, they could be fingerblades, Horns, foot tlons or any sharp, cutting or peircing natural weapon.

1) Damage: Shredders inflict 4D6 damage +1 per level, plus any PS damage bonus posessed by the player.

2) armour piercing: Shredders ignore 4 points of natural armour. against artificial or worn armour, any hit below the AR inflicts half damage to the wearer and half damage to the worn armour, while strikes above the AR inflict full damage to the wearer and half damage again to the worn armour. The character can harm invulnerable characters, including those immune to low speed impacts (inflicts half damage)

3) Shredding defence: The character may use an action in combat to shred an incoming attack rather than use an automatic defence. This defence uses his normal strike bonus, and if it beast his opponents strike roll, then he strikes the attack, inflicting half normal damage, plus deflects the incoming attack. This can be used agasints any physical projectile (-2 to strike thrown or projectile weapons, -4 for bullets) but not bursts, explosions, vehicular impacts, body blocks and tackles etc.

4) Catch and hold: The shredders are capable of latching on to objects. This adds +15% to climb rolls, +3 to grab or hold onto a target and allows the character to use the shredders to even slow a fall (using the shredder's drag to slow a fall reduces fall distances by 20 feet per level)

5) Other bonuses: +1 attack per melee with shredders. +2 to strike, and parry with shredders. The character takes half damage from sharp or cutting attacks (arrows, yes. Bullets no. Flechette rounds...Maybe)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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wolfsgrin wrote:and now back to our program.......

Disrupt (major or minor?) by wolfsgrin

Character can produce an invisible feild that makes it virtually impossible for victims to concentrate on any task at hand. This could be while peforming a skill, combat, use of any ability needing concentration like magic and/or psionics, even relaying information and talking. Victims feel anxious and like they have to go somewhere but have no idea where that is. Sort of like ADHD. With concentration the character can effect one person within line of sight and range.
Radius: 25ft+5 per level
Line of Sight Range: 100ft+10 per level
Save: Victims save vs 12 with ME bonuses. Character get a +1 to the save base at levels 3,5,9,11,15
Damage: none. Victims who fail to save will see all skills/combat/powers/psionics/magic at 1/4 their strength for the duration.
Attacks: 2 for line of sight and all for the feild.
Duration: 1 melee per level

been awhile since i flexed my power muscle. let me know what you guys think. I rushed it out to get back on topic. :P

Nice work. Were you planning on adding this and your others to the wiki? :?:
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Unread post by Iczer »

Powerbubble: [Major]
'I hope this holds guys...'

The character can generate a sphere or dome of force field that both shields and injures others.

The basic shield creates a dome 8 feet high and 16 feet across of swirling energy with the following traits.
SDC: 10xME plus ME in extra points per level.
AR 8, but resists any PF of less than 6
Regenerates: The shield regenerates a number of SDC per round equal to his ME score, plus an equal amount for every action spent 'shoring it up'

The shield is also dangerous to touch. anyone in contact with the field takes 4D6 damage (+2 per level) of a type selected when this power is first chosen. Thse inside are unharmed, but are blocked by the shield itself. The shield forms around the character, with him in the centre. he cannot move outside of the shield, and the shield does not move while active.

It takes 3 actions per melee round to keep the shield maintained. remaining actions can be used to shore up the shield's SDC.

As an alternative, the character can, if he has another relavent power, can transmit that power's effects through the shield. This could be an attack power (EE: electricity) a touch type attack (Disruptive touch) or even another affecting power (Mental stun, control others etc). the character can swap which power is triggered by contact with the shield on a round by round basis. By default, it will do the damage selected.

Other abilities: The character can hurl tiny balls of force that radiate this energy. a ball may be tossed up to 80 feet (further with the relevant skills or powers) and inflicts 3D6 damage +1 per level. Thencharacter uses his normal bonus to strike with thrown weapons, but recieves a +1 to strike on top of that.

At 4th level, the character can choose to create a half dome instead of a full dome. If falling, the charactre can create a sphere. this halves the damage of falling.

Time Hop: [Major]
'Hmm neighbours... I think I'll move in'

The character can tear a hole in timespace and hurtle into an anchoured point in the past.
This poorly controlled breach, when first used, sends the character 1D100x100 years into the past (and back a further D100 years). The character arrives in the same physical location (can be shifted up to a mile in order to arrive 'safe'). That location becomes his new landing point in time and space. The character can choose to lock that time and space in, or wander around to lock in a new spatial location, or return to his home time and shoot again for a new time period.

In the past, the character always returns to his 'locked point' in space, but time passes in both timezones at the same rate. The character returns to his home time in the location he last left, unless he can make a saving throw (16+ ME bonuses apply). success or failure costs the character 25% of his HP and SDC and fatigues him for the next hour. If he succeeds he arrives in his home time, in the same location that he left.

A normal jump through time requires 5 minutes of concentration. The character can take up to 50lbs +10 lbs per level. Jumping is mildly fatiguing, the character can manage no more than 1 jump per hour per level.

This power comes with a number of side effects.
The character's body equalises for any time stream he is in. This makes him immune to common forms of diseases endemic to the time period, and wipes any 'future germs' from his body. He gains +4 to Save vs disease (no matter the time period) and any jump through time has a 10% +1% per level chance of simply erasing any disease already in his body (cancer, hepatitis, athletes foot)
(Clarification: Bob arrives in 2104 BC. Hs body adjusts to give him the normal immunities to disease that he would have had he been born to that time period...he won't be suddenly stricken by A proto-influenza strain extinct in his own era. after some cold nights, he runs the risk of exposure to this same protoflu, and enjoys a +4 bonus to save..his future immunities coming in to back up his adjuted immune system. Lastly, unbeknownst to him, a nasty STD he caught before he jumped has been no longer can interact with his time adjusted immune system)
The character is resistant to time and temporal powers. If such rules are used, he is impervious to TE degredation (as is anything he carried through with him is) He may htch a ride with any time travellers that exit his time period within 60 feet of him (he chooses to hitch along or not..his mass does not count aginst their limits) and the character can sense the opening and closing of time travellers or time portals within 300 feet.
The character gains 2 language skills at 68% +3% per level.

At 4th, 8th and 12th level, the character can set a new time and place, locking in an alternate spot to jaunt to in time.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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