Nightbane FAQ

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Nightbane FAQ

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#1: Nightbane FAQ Author: Guest, Posted: 18 Feb 2005 13:30

Question: Okay, another odd question: Nightbane in their Morphus form get innate combat skills equal to HTH: Martial Arts. If you were to bring a Dark Day setting to say... Rifts Japan, would the HTH: Martial Arts from Morphus override any specialized Martial Arts form your character might have? Or can you chose to go with your training? This is of course referring to being in Morphus Form, in the Facade I know you'd just have your normal Combat skills.
I ask this because the description of the Morphus Combat bonuses makes a point of mentioning that the HTH: MA is superior (which it usually would be on Nightbane Earth)... but most Rifts Japan Martial Arts forms are superior to the standard HTH: MA. Also, regardless of setting, can you use HTH: Assassin instead of HTH: MA if you have it in Facade form?
To make it short and sweet: Can you choose not to use HTH: MA in favour of your Facade HTH combat skills while in Morphus?
Answer: The Morphus' innate combat abilities are instinctive and supersede any training possessed by the character's Facade form. No substitutions.

Question: In Through the Glass Darkly, the Mirror mages description says, due to their use of the Mirror Wall, their spells cost half the normal PPE.
Does this mean that all the mirror magic spells listed in the book are at half price for the mirror mage? That'd be kind of pointless, as I see it. Mirror Mages are the only ones with access to those spells. They do have limited access to other, more general spells, too, so I guess those would be at half cost, but what of the mirror spells?
Answer: agree that the mirror mage pays the list PPE cost for the special mirror mage spells listed in the book (since all other "normal" mages pay double that is half normal cost). Note however they also get access to certain other non-mirror mage spells with more ease (listed as mirror mage spells in their spell list IIRC), those would be at half normal cost. All other spells not listed under the mirror mage as spells are IIRC at double cost (if they can be cast).
#2: Author: Guest, Posted: 29 Mar 2005 05:35

Question: 1: Point #4 of the Nightbane description in the basic book states that Nightbane have supernatural attributes and regenerate 10 SDC/HP per melee round. Unlike most of the other points in the description, it makes no distinction between Façade and Morphus forms. Does this mean that the Façade also has these powers? Later in the descriptions, the immunities to mind control and transformation also do not distinguish between forms. What about them in Façade?
2: Regardless of a Façade form's ability to regenerate, in Rifts, since the Façade is an SDC structure and Morphus is MDC, if a Nightbane is injured in Façade form and transforms to Morphus, how does the damage transfer? Will the Morphus be down one or two MDC (the direct equivalent of any damage the Façade could survive)? Will it be down an equal number of MDC points to the SDC damage suffered (harsh but easy to remember)? Will the Morphus be at full health but the Façade still be injured when the Nightbane changes back (non-transferring damage)? Speaking of which, if the character's Morphus is hurt and they have to go back to Façade before they're fully healed, will they keel over dead of the hideous injuries?
Answer: 1) That's 10 SDC/HP in Facade and 2D6+2 MD in Morphus.
2) Converts on a 1 for 1 basis for MDC.
#3: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Sep 2005 20:11

Question: I'm thinking of running a Fantasy campaign with Nightbane in it, my question is this; Are facades limited to humans, or could they be of any race I wish, like Wolfen or Elf, or anything else for that matter?
Answer: Acording to Between the Shadows (page 142-143) races such as Elves, Dwarves and other Human looking races can be Nightbane. They just can't be supernatural (including just strength) have high S.D.C. (100+) or be mega-damage. HOWEVER, Dark Conversions (page 162) limits their race to Humans only.

Last edited by Guest on 1 Aug 2007 15:41; edited 1 time in total
#4: Author: Guest, Posted: 30 Sep 2005 20:07

Question: In the Nightbane book, Hounds and several of the Nightlords servants are said to have this power, but none of the Denizens of the Nightlands, not the Hounds, Hunters, Dopples, Ashmedai, etc, have the stats for this ability. We have pictures of Dopples coming through mirrors, but no info on how they are able to do this. So if they are said to possess this ability, how should it be done, just like the Nightbane?
Answer: Yes.
#5: Author: Guest, Posted: 2 Nov 2005 11:49

Question: I asked this question a while ago. It deals with in the Nightbane Base Book saying many of the Denziens of the Nightlands have the ability to Mirror Walk just like the Nightbane do. There pictures throughout the book of this happening (Doppleganger pulls man through a mirror). However, when you read their stats, nothing is mentioned about it. I noticed a response was made saying that such Deniens would have the Mirror Walking using the same stats that Nightbane do.
Okay...the problem is the following
Doppleganger PPE 1D4
Hounds/Hhunters PPE 1D6x10
Hound Masters PPE 2D4x10
Ashmedai PPE 2D4
Namatar PPE 4D6+10
According to the Mirror Walk power of the Nightbane. They can travel through a mirror to the Nightlands (and vice versa) at the cost of 2 PPE and take up to 100 lbs. Anything more cost 1 PPE per 2 lbs. So 160 lbs cost 80 PPE.
Now let's look at the PPE availability of the various Denizens I listed. Its impossible for a Doppleganger to pull anyone through a mirror (as shown in the Book) or for a Hound or Hunter to even take prisoners back into the Nightlands. Furthermore, a Nightbane carrying a 102 lbs object would have to spend 51 PPE to take it through Question
As a G.M. I'd like nail this annoying thing down. I want something that makes sense. So far I haven't found a "house rule" that works for me, so I'm asking the powers that be for help
Answer: I've looked and looked, but I can't find this anywhere. The only reference I can find to anything other than Nightbane and Reshapers being able to Mirror Walk is on page 12 of Nightlands, where Mirror Walk is defined as "the ability that Nightbanes, Hounds, and a few other creatures have to cross to and from Earth by using a mirror."
Hounds are again implied to use Mirror Walk on page 55, in the writeup for the Wampyr, Countess Velara: "As the last Hound tried to flee to the Nightlands through a mirror, Velara grappled with it."
Nonetheless, I can find no reference to Dopplegangers having the same ability, illustrations to that effect notwithstanding. Indeed, while it is mentioned that Awakened Dopplegangers are compelled to go to Earth, it doesn't say they can do so at will. When it talks about good-aligned Dopplegangers it only mentions them coming to Earth when they are "accidentally swept to Earth or sent there by the Nightlords." It also seems like the ability would have been listed in Parkus and Xavier Flint's descriptions if they had it.
In any event, if you were going to allow other beings to Mirror Walk, then it should only cost one or two PPE, just like Nightbane and Reshapers. Those creatures with fairly low PPE would simply be incapable of taking extra weight with them.
It should be noted that the artwork also does not conform to the descriptions of the Mirror Walk power. Nightbane and Reshapers who use Mirror Walk appear to become liquid, and literrally pour or ooze themselves into the mirror. The pictures of Dopplegangers (and something else entirely on page 66 of the main book) appear instead to show a mirror being used as a dimensional portal, which sounds more like the work of a Nightlord or spellcaster.
#6: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Jan 2006 12:16

Question: 1) As it applies to OCCs that are human only (such as Dreammaker, which I am primarily interested in), just how human is human?
I assume a species that is originally human or descended from them, but I'd expect at a certain point, they'd cease to be human enough to learn a human-only class, power or ability.
2) Also, if one learns a power while human, and is then altered into something nonhuman, would he keep the abilities?
3) Would he get them back if he ever reverted back to human?
Human, a basic human, is in. Now, here are some things that I believe are still somewhat considered human, despite having different stats and often different powers:
4) Human psychics, PCCs (duh) and possibly RCCs (can a psi-stalker/slayer still breed with humans?)
5) Humans with alterations (ala Lone Star special traits)
6) Humans with slight mutations but not d-bees from elsewhere (ala Rifts main book)
7) Humans undergoing extensive physical and mental mutation/experimentation ala Psi-X aliens
8) Human Mutants/Experiments (including those with the Seeron plague)
9) Seerman and Talus
10) Bio-Freaks (including Seerman and Talus Bio-Freaks)
11) Human Mutants ala Transdimensional TMNT
12) Human-born demigods
13) Bio-borgs, those altered extensively with bio-wizardry or parasite/symbiote fusion
14) MDC humans such as Wormwoodians and Amazons
15) MDC humans that are supernatural, like Sea Titans
16) Magic-mutated humans like True Atlanteans
17) Human-origin Wampyres, Guardians
18) Did I miss any?
19) Anyway, if only humans can be Dream makers, do you think that implies that only humans can have this kind of connection to the dream stream? It's interesting.
Answer: 1) Very human.
2) Possibly, that would be up to the GM
3) Again, that would be up to the GM
4) Psychics, yes. Psi-stalkers, Psi-slayers and Mind Bleeders no.
5) If they are not rolled as mutants, then yes.
6) Mutations = not "human" in the sense that the OCC is looking for. I don't recall any human mutants in the RMB though other than the Psi-stalker.
7) No
8) Experiments, yes. Mutants, no.
9) No
10) No
11) No
12) No
13) No
14) Wormwood humans yes, Amazons no.
15) No
16) No
17) No
18) Probably
#7: Author: Guest, Posted: 4 Feb 2006 19:00

Question: Reference: P. 94, Between the Shadows (Easily the best Palladium Book, IMO)
Does the Dream Maker's power to create dream objects allow him to create them in the real world?
I tend to think so since otherwise it would just be repeating the dream manipulation and dream attack powers and doesn't specify a limit to the dreamstream.
Opinions, Clarifications?
Answer: Dream only.

Question: decided to make a character a Templer Dark Slayer from the Nightbane World Book 4: Shadows of Light.
The problem was after my character had enough experience to make me wonder when she'd go up a level and then I couldn't find any reference to what table to use let alone whether it was in the book. Unless I am not seeing it, I am positive the table isn't in the book...
Any suggestions?
Answer: They use the Wampyr table, Nightbane, page 233.

Question: In the Nightbane book, Through the Glass Darkly, the Fleshsculptor O.C.C. has the requirement "must be at least a minor psychic"
However, in Nightbane, psychic ability is determined solely by O.C.C. (or P.C.C.) and not randomly rolled.
So, how can anyone become a Fleshsculptor?
Was the rule meant simply to keep Nightbane from becoming Fleshsculptors, since they have no psychic potential?
Answer: It seems to be a bizarre misprint. There's nothing remotely psychic about the Fleshsculptor, and no reason for psionic ability to be a prerequisite. You can safely ignore it.
#8: Author: Guest, Posted: 4 Mar 2006 16:14

Question: Q. In regards to the Reshaper R.C.C. p. 57 Nightlands. Power 7. of the new rewritten R.C.C. is not understandable. I've asked every GM and player I know and this can not be interpreted. It's vague original write up made the Reshaper the most powerful being in the Palladium universe since the Mulka of Rifts: Manhunter book. It stated that the Reshaper had access to all Nightsbane talents. Since Nightspawn can pretty much have any ability in the universe that was just too powerful. But the new write up is even more incomparable. It's written; 7. Talents (same as Nightsbane): then lists a bunch of talents from the book.
Question 1) Are these talents just listed as example talents or ? Are these starting base talents (as they appear to be powers related to the Reshapers nature.)
Second question is in regards to their talent total gain per level. It's write up is; A Reshaper get to select one new talent per each level of experience. Normal (weaker) Nightspawn may purchase up to two talents per level and gains a free talent at levels 1, 4, 7, & 12.
Question 2) What does this mean? Is this to mean; Option #1. They get a free talent every level and that they must purchase additional talents as per Nightspawn/Bane at two max. (This would acceptable as a slightly more powerful Version of a Bane and thus playable as a rare GM approveable PC class).
Option #2. Or does this mean they get a free talent per level and that they must purchase additional talents but have no limit to how many they may purchase per level (other than their lower than Nightsbane average PPE).
This second option would make them just slightly to powerful for players and moves to being a plot element NPC as was apparent as per the class write up.
Option #3. This is the most unrealistic & ridicules version and absolutely unacceptable one of the three. The Reshaper Only ever gets the ONE talent per level, period, and must purchase it. They can never purchase more. This would be putting them as by and far weaker than Nightsbane.
Considering the Reshaper is said to be a true Formless One as per the origanal write up, this option would be ok for those who use the word ''Fair'' to swear. I would find it so unacceptable that I will not buy the book after all, as I am sick of such power castrations of material for ''Game Balance'. That's the job of a GM to decide what's too powerful.
Answer: 1) I don't see any such statement, but access to all Talents only implies that they have a wide selection to choose from. Hard to say. Both The Unknown and the Eliminator have the exact same Talents listed, but while The Unknown is 15th level (and there are 15 Talents listed), The Eliminator is only 6th level. Based on the statement that they get one per level of experience, I would say that the listed Talents are the ones possessed by The Unknown (and the only ones possessed by The Unknown), and they were erroneously copied and pasted to The Eliminator's description.
2) It means they get one free Talent per level, period. Reshapers cannot purchase talents by burning off PPE.
#9: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Apr 2006 12:30

Question: In the book Through the Glass Darkly, it describes sorcerous proficiencies, and says that they can be purchased at character generation in exchange for secondary skills. Then, under sorcerous limitations, it says that you should have one limitation for every proficiency.
Is this correct? If you want a sorcerous proficiency, you spend a skill AND receive a limitation? Or is it one or the other? Or is it basically GMs decision?
Answer: Each sorcerous proficiency replaces one secondary skill and incurs one sorcerous limitation, if the GM is enforcing that option. A sorcerous limitation is not a cost, it is a consequence.
#10: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 May 2006 21:55

Question: I know that Nightbane can't be "transformed" in either their Morpheous or Facade forms. But if their Facade form was subjected to Bio-Wizard Manipulation, would they be elegable for any of the enhancements, such as higher attributes, or becoming an MDC creature? Would they be immune to the physical deformation penalities?
Answer: As stated on page 143 of Between the Shadows, Bio-Wizardry does not work on Nightbane.

Question: Can a Nightbane be the recipient of magic tattoos (and utilize them as they were intended)? Why or why not?
Answer: It says plainly in the Atlantis book which races can use Tattoo Magic. Nightbane are not on that list, nor do they bear any characteristics which would qualify them for addition to it.

Question: Say you are playing a 'Bane that takes 15 damage in Facade form. You then shift to Morphus.
Does this damage transition over, or is it like a "hard reset" where you have your max damage capacity totally intact?
If it transitions over, does it transition over straight point-for-point (meaning that the Morphus would now be 15 less than max), or would it convert to a % or the max (like, if the Facade had 50 SDC total and took 15, would this translate to 60 damage to a Morphus with 200 SDC)?
Or does the Facade heal as normal, meaning that any wounds received in Facade would heal as per the Facade healing rate despite the fact that the Morphus might be the form of choice? Obviously this is more likely with a "hard reset" option of damage taking.
Since Nightbane can regerate limbs (in Morphus, albeit slowly), if they are forced to shift back to Facade prior to regeneratine that limb in question, does that limb then get lost forever?
Answer: NIGHTBANE, page 6. Second Paragraph, under SHAPES AND MASKS.
"Our facades retain most human frailties They heal faster than a normal human and are highly resistant to disease, poisons, and the elements, but by and large, they are not invulnerable ..."
Later in the text ... in Morphus:
"We heal from injury almost as fast as it is inflicted and impervious to most disease"
The text goes on to detail how even a leg can be regenerated after time.
Now, looking at the character creation section on NIGHTBANE page 87 under SUPERNATURAL ATTRIBUTES, it states, "Nightbane have supernatural strength and endurance. In addition to their great amount of SDC and hit points, they can regenerate damage at a rate of 10 SDC/ HP at the end of each melee round."
However, in the next column, under ATTRIBUTES (FACADE) is mentions, "The Facade's attributes are NOT supernatural."
What I take from that is that in Morphus they can heal and have supernatural attributes, but in Facade they don't.
That's my take, since there is no clarification game mechanic-wise. Plus, I'm mean to my players. (Yes, in the flavor text it says they heal faster, it also says Ban regrow limbs, but there are no real rules on that either)
#11: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Jun 2006 19:44

Question: The Swordbearer OCC is in the Night Lands book, but I can not find the experiance table in any of the Nightbane books. Was one ever printed?
If not, what should I use instead?
Answer: Here are the missing Exp charts from Nightlands.
For the O.C.C./R.C.C.s in Nightlands, use the following tables:
Flint People R.C.C. = Ashmedai, Psychic, & Sorcerer table
Geo-Immortal O.C.C. = Ashmedai, Psychic, & Sorcerer table
Doppelganger Warlord = Nightbane & Guardians table
Shadow Warlock O.C.C. = Nightbane & Guardians table
Sword Bearer O.C.C. = Hound Master table
Hell Rider O.C.C. (depends upon race, see below)
Human, Doppelganger = Nemtar/Hollow Men table

Question: The night prince abililty of Ilussion, can it be seen thru by cyborgs/powerarmor/enviormental armor that sensor systems or does it affect them as well?
Answer: Based on the text I'd have to say it affects them as well. It seems to me that it's more magically-created ilussions of light that actually affect the senses, any source, rather than a mind trick (which wouldn't register on sensors)

Question: using RUE what definition would a Nightbane fit ?
Supernatural Creature? or Creature of Magic ?
I'm trying to figure out what the best match would be for one.
I want to see if it's too outrageous to have a Shifter summon one.
Answer: Supernatural Creature.
#12: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 Jul 2006 11:42

Question: After reading over the astral lord description in "Between the Shadows"(P.49) , I have not seen where it mentions the type of psychic that the Astral Lord PCC is.
Should it be Master or Major?
Answer: Just to make it legal, the pertinent rule is on page 67 of the Nightbane RPG, where it says that all P.C.C.s in Nightbane are considered Master Psychics.
#13: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Sep 2006 06:20

Question: I was just recently reading through the Nightbane F.A.Q. in the other forum, and I realized that two of the answers contradict each other. Ack ... brain ... exploding ...
Here's one:
Question: 1: Point #4 of the Nightbane description in the basic book states that Nightbane have supernatural attributes and regenerate 10 SDC/HP per melee round. Unlike most of the other points in the description, it makes no distinction between Façade and Morphus forms. Does this mean that the Façade also has these powers? Later in the descriptions, the immunities to mind control and transformation also do not distinguish between forms. What about them in Façade?
2: Regardless of a Façade form's ability to regenerate, in Rifts, since the Façade is an SDC structure and Morphus is MDC, if a Nightbane is injured in Façade form and transforms to Morphus, how does the damage transfer? Will the Morphus be down one or two MDC (the direct equivalent of any damage the Façade could survive)? Will it be down an equal number of MDC points to the SDC damage suffered (harsh but easy to remember)? Will the Morphus be at full health but the Façade still be injured when the Nightbane changes back (non-transferring damage)? Speaking of which, if the character's Morphus is hurt and they have to go back to Façade before they're fully healed, will they keel over dead of the hideous injuries?
Answer: 1) That's 10 SDC/HP in Facade and 2D6+2 MD in Morphus.
2) Converts on a 1 for 1 basis for MDC.

And here's the other:
Question: Say you are playing a 'Bane that takes 15 damage in Facade form. You then shift to Morphus.
Does this damage transition over, or is it like a "hard reset" where you have your max damage capacity totally intact?
If it transitions over, does it transition over straight point-for-point (meaning that the Morphus would now be 15 less than max), or would it convert to a % or the max (like, if the Facade had 50 SDC total and took 15, would this translate to 60 damage to a Morphus with 200 SDC)?
Or does the Facade heal as normal, meaning that any wounds received in Facade would heal as per the Facade healing rate despite the fact that the Morphus might be the form of choice? Obviously this is more likely with a "hard reset" option of damage taking.
Since Nightbane can regerate limbs (in Morphus, albeit slowly), if they are forced to shift back to Facade prior to regeneratine that limb in question, does that limb then get lost forever?
Answer: NIGHTBANE, page 6. Second Paragraph, under SHAPES AND MASKS.
"Our facades retain most human frailties They heal faster than a normal human and are highly resistant to disease, poisons, and the elements, but by and large, they are not invulnerable ..."
Later in the text ... in Morphus:
"We heal from injury almost as fast as it is inflicted and impervious to most disease"
The text goes on to detail how even a leg can be regenerated after time.
Now, looking at the character creation section on NIGHTBANE page 87 under SUPERNATURAL ATTRIBUTES, it states, "Nightbane have supernatural strength and endurance. In addition to their great amount of SDC and hit points, they can regenerate damage at a rate of 10 SDC/ HP at the end of each melee round."
However, in the next column, under ATTRIBUTES (FACADE) is mentions, "The Facade's attributes are NOT supernatural."
What I take from that is that in Morphus they can heal and have supernatural attributes, but in Facade they don't.
That's my take, since there is no clarification game mechanic-wise. Plus, I'm mean to my players. (Yes, in the flavor text it says they heal faster, it also says Ban regrow limbs, but there are no real rules on that either)

I added the bold in the second example to show how it completely invalidates the first one. Are the F.A.Q. archive answers supposed to be official? Or just opinions? I can deal with dissenting opinions, but if they're supposed to be official then only one of the above can be true. Unless, heaven forbid, Nightbane heal in facade only in the RIFTS world ...
Please help! My players and I go back and forth on this very question all the time - I would love an official ruling!
Answer: They heal at the accelerated rate for facade in Rifts only.
#14: Author: Guest, Posted: 2 Dec 2006 09:37

Question: i just got a back issue of rifter 20 in my x-mas grab bag and was looking at the morphus tables and noticed that some of them give a bonus to a natural AR example:one says the banes natural AR is improved by +2 but i can't find anything anywhere about what their natural AR base is? does it say it somewhere in a book and i just don't own it or am i being blind and not seeing it? or do they not have a base AR and it is just +2? i am confused here please give references (book or rifter and page number) anything will help please
Answer: Unless a morphus trait gives a base natural AR, use 4.
#15: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 Jan 2007 20:02

Question: can a nightbane get sick, poisoned or pregnant ?
Answer: Yes to all three.

Question: So there it goes another question for you how many spells per round can be cast on the nightbane RPG?, it doesn'ts say in the text book so i'm using a house rule but i like some clariffication on the topic.
Answer: One spell for each attack/action per melee.
#16: Author: Guest, Posted: 2 Jun 2007 10:10

Question: 1) Okay, Darkwhip's Range is 60 feet, which I take to mean that a Nightbane can create a Darkwhip up to 60 feet away. But whats the length of the darkwhip? Am I wrong about the range and it's length is actually 60 feet?
2) In the description is says that they inflict supernatual damage with a P.S. equal to the amount of P.P.E. spent on creating them. I'm assuming then that they start out with a P.S. of 4 since thats the activation/creation cost. Am I correct?
3) Also, it doesn't state how many can be be created, I'm assuming only one per activation. I.E. for 2 darkwhips you need to spend 8 P.P.E. and they will both have a P.S. of 4. Correct?
4) One last thing, it says that the darkwhip can be used to strike and also to disarm or entangle as long as you know those skills. So does that mean that you need WP Whip?
5) If so, then can you make it instead of a whip a sword or polearm or axe and if you have the right WP gain the bonuses confferred by them? It does say that the tendrils can have any shape, not limited to whips and tentacles. Does that also mean that you could use them to create a snowboard to ride for a short amount of time? I'm assuming that they can't have moving parts.
6) One last thing, it doesnt say how many attacks you get with them. Is it equal to your normal APM? And it doesnt say that your concentration must be used on them, so you could in effect attack with a sword AND a darkwhip at the same time.
I do know that these are all kinda moot when one realizes that all talents are just manifistations of one's will and desire. So, person A could use this talent compleatly different than person B.
Answer: 1) Presumably, darkwhips extend from the character's body, as depicted in the illustration, making the listed range the maximum length the whips can extend.
2) Looks that way. In the P.P.E. cost entry, it says that additional P.P.E. beyond the activation cost increases the damage, so it must logically start at a base P.S. of 4 (or 1D6 damage).
3) It doesn't say how many you can create, but it does seem to refer to the whips in the plural an awful lot. As near as I can tell, a single manifestation of the talent can generate multiple tendrils, but they attack as one. If one wishes to attack with multiple darkwhips, one must pay the cost for each.
4) Nope. Just the ability to use those combat maneuvers.
5) First, W.P. bonuses don't apply to darkwhip. Second, while the book says the tendrils can have any shape, they still have to be tendrils, i.e. long and flexible objects, whether they be whips, chains, tentacles, pseudopods, streams of black lightning, masses of hair, giant tongues, or the like.
6) Yes, though it requires one melee attack to activate the power, and you couldn't strike with a melee weapon and a darkwhip in the same attack (unless perhaps you have Paired Weapons).

Question: 1) During creation for a Nightbane, the Bonuses are listed as facade or morphus. Now if you have a +1 to save vs horror factor in your facade and turn into your morphus, the book says that you have a +3 to save vs horror factor. Does the +1 from the facade add on to the morphus to total +4 or is each form compleatly different and bonuses listed are independent to whichever form you are in at the moment?
I as because some things carry over, such as HP and SDC, so I'm assuming that the other bonuses carry over to the morphus form.
2) Also, Morphus form gives HtH: MA which gives a +3 to pull/roll and in the Bonuses: Morphus is says they are +3 to pull/roll. Is this correct? at lvl 1, in morphus form they are +6 to pull/roll?
Answer: 1) Most Morphus stats which derive from the Facade are clearly indicated as such. The separation of the Facade's and Morphus' bonuses without any reference to the Facade as a baseline suggest to me that they are not added together. However, bonuses from skills, O.C.C., etc., apply in both forms.
2) Yes.
#17: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Aug 2007 15:40

Question: And certain classes are lack their respective amount of PPE, namely Mind Master P.C.C ( Between the Shadows page 118-119), where is the errata for this?
Answer: They undoubtedly have the base psychic P.P.E. (that is, 1D6, according to NB, page 69).

Question: How would work the psionics powers against the Nightlords, meaning they are energy beings so "Bio-Manipulation" seems useless and all the "biological" attack types. Which powers are ineffective against them?
Answer: Night Princes are known to be immune to all forms of mind control, though the Night Lords themselves are not listed with this immunity. Both evidently only suffer half-damage from psionic attacks which cause damage, unless using the Matter-Energy Meld, which makes them effectively invulnerable to those types of attacks. They can NOT disperse psionic energies (as per the Disperse Energy power). They also have access to Telekinesis, and, in the case of Astral Avatars, the ability to travel the Astral Plane and/or Dreamstream. Night Princes would also be immune to psionic illusions (ala the PF Illusionist found in Old Ones). Other than that, they would be affected by psionics normally.

Question: I asked a time ago if Nightbane can become pregnant, the answer was affirmative, but how crossbreeding is handle, meaning
1) what results from a Nightbane parent and a human parent?
2) both parents nightbane?
3) Can nightbane breed with guardians?
Answer: 1) As awakened Nightbane, it is given that they cannot crossbreed, however, un-awakened Nightbane are essentially human and would be able to breed with other humans.
2) You get a human, who could eventually be awakened into a Nightbane.
3) No.

Question: In the Nightbane rules book that I have it says that all Nightbane are orphans, no one know who/what their parents are. In later Nightbane books and Rifter (such as Megan/Megearea in Rifter#39), it talks about Nightbane "being born to parents who were....." Those two things are mutually exclusive. Which is correct, are they all orphans, or can the be born to normal parents?
Answer: First off, most material in the Rifter is unofficial, fan-created writing, and doesn't always conform to official rules.
Second, Nightbanes' lack of parentage is not exactly set in stone. It is clear that the author (C.J. Carella) intended that they be orphans (and in fact, reincarnated spirits of a dead race), but he also states that Nightbane are "born and raised as ordinary humans" (Dark Conversions, page 161).

Question: In "Between the Shadows" pages 57 under Special Defenses, the six option: Portal traps states that certain number of enemies are teleported away at once ( based on the number or creation points expended) so:
1) what if more than this number of intruders arrive? are they teleported a time later?
2) Can the owner of the domain use this ability at will( to expel an unwanted guest later on)?
3) there are more books/Rifter issues dealing with the Astral Plane and its inhabitants?
4) the characters with the Immortal Mega Power does have an unlimited life span?
5) How does this power deal with disease, poison and radiation, starvation( you can die of those, and they can impair or damage severally your stats)?
Answer: 1) Nope. Once the portals teleport their six targets, they become inactive until a new group of intruders enters the domain. If the raiminder of the group exits and reenters the domain, the traps will activate again, teleporting another six targets, but otherwise, the traps are of little use against against large groups (unless you pay extra).
2) Nope. Other than designating certain individuals to be unaffected, the creator of the domain cannot control its automatic defenses.
3) Rifter #9 expands on the material in Between the Shadows, but I'm not aware of any other books that address the Astral Plane to any great extent. While the land of Psyscape in Rifts is supposed to be some sort of Astral Kingdom, the actual Psyscape book has precious little information about the place.
4) Effectively. The character may have a finite lifespan of thousands, even millions of years, but the character generally won't die of old age in the course of the game.
5) It doesn't, apparently. The character is still vulnerable to all of these things (unless negated by other powers), though it's possible that the Mega-Immortal takes a lot longer to succumb. Of course, any damage suffered will heal in time, and if the character drops to zero or negative H.P., he'll eventually come back to life.
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Tinker Dragoon
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Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

Question: Could someone please point me towards the book and page that indicates how quickly P.P.E. is regenerated? Specifically, I'm needing the information for the Nightbane RPG.

Answer: Between the Shadows, p. 126.
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