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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Aerodynamic (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Some of us are just built for speed."

The hero's body is naturally wind resistant and aligned for speed.

* Speed is doubled whether running, swimming or possessing flight powers.
* +4 to Roll with P/F/I
* +1 attack per melee round
* +10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills, +5% to Dance skill
* +2 PB, due to more pleasing shape
* Heals at twice normal rate

Shoulder Blades (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero possesses sharp bone limbs extending from his back which serve as weapons.

Range: Like malformed wings, the sharp limbs can be extended 8-12 feet.

Damage: 2d6 slashing damage plus PS bonus or 3d6 piercing damage plus PS bonus. They can be used to parry incoming strikes, including those by weapons, but will take half damage when parrying weapons (Cannot parry ranged attacks or bullets).

Penalties when blades are restrained: The bony "wings" make a secret identity a bit of a problem, and passage through normal openings difficult. However, they can be carefully folded, tucked and restrained with minimal discomfort, impairing the hero's mobility as follows: -1 initiative, -1 S/P/D, -1 APM, and speed is reduced by 10%.

SDC: Shoulder blades have an SDC of 10 each and add 15 to the hero's overall SDC. Blades regenerate at a rate of 1d4 SDC per day.

Limitations: Since shoulder blades can be considered a type of malformed wings, they cannot be used for flight.
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Delay Damage (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Oh boy, I’m gonna feel that in the morning…”

This is the astonishing ability to postpone injury, so as to function unimpeded in the here and now.

The source of this power is a skin-tight field of unstable tachyons that the super being can generate at will: when this field is struck by an attack or effect that should inflict at least one S.D.C. of damage, it automatically shunts the destructive phenomenon forward through time to the near future. The field is effective against energy blasts, solid projectiles, extreme heat, acids and the kinetic force imparted by hand-to-hand and weapon strikes, falls, collisions, and explosions.

The downside of this power is that when the duration expires (see below), the character suffers the full damage and effects of any delayed attacks. If he was hit by a fireball in the past, it suddenly reappears and gives him third degree burns. Solid projectiles from the past will hit him, and may need to be removed surgically. Postponed kinetic force crashes into him, accompanied by a split-second afterimage of the original strike.

It is important to note that all attacks deferred by a use of this power will hit the super being simultaneously when the tachyon field powers down, as time suddenly (and painfully) catches up with him. It is not possible to dodge these delayed attacks, as effectively they’ve already happened. Despite this, the power can still be a life-saver, allowing a character to fight on despite what should be life-threatening injuries and then get to a hospital or healer before time runs out.

The character can move, fight and handle objects normally while the field is active; only damaging physical contact is transmitted through time.

Range: Self.
Duration: The tachyon field can be maintained for a maximum of one hour per level of experience, though the character can choose to deactivate it at any time.
Attacks Per Melee: Activating/deactivating the field requires one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: While the tachyon field is active, the character is immune to the effects of any power or spell that alters the flow of time (Pause Temporal Flow, Slow Motion Control, etc).
Limitations: Gases, disease, ambient radiation and ingested drugs and poisons will affect the super being normally, as will exposure to extreme cold and vacuum.

Powers that can directly affect the character’s biology without breaching the tachyon field (Bio-Ghost, Life Leech, Bio-Manipulation, etc) are fully effective. Illusions, mind control and sensory assaults will affect the character normally.

The character can still be thrown, tripped and restrained. If caught beneath a large amount of falling debris, he will not be immediately injured, but may be pinned by the sheer weight of matter.

Super powers or magic spells that transform the character’s physical body are fully effective, but will not deactivate the tachyon field, which will simply remain in place until its duration expires.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Sharkbite (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"They call me 'Jaws'."

The hero possesses multiple rows of teeth which are sharp and jagged. this allows for easy replacement of damaged teeth when the front ones fall out, back teeth moving forward to fill in gaps. Loss of a tooth will result in one from behind replacing it within 1d4 melee rounds, although any given space in the front row can only be filled up to 8 times.
The hero's bite does 8d6 damage, but this amount will go down each time a full row of teeth is lost, bing reduced by 1d6 with each loss of 30 teeth.

Dental Drill (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"This won't hurt a bit."

All of the hero's canine teeth are capable of spinning at high velocity once clamped onto a target's arm, leg, etc., and do 8d6 damage (2d6 per tooth) per action as long as the character remains clamped on with 4 teeth. If holding on long enough, this will drill through bone and sever the limb held in addition to causing severe trauma and bleeding (see side effects of severe damage, HU2 p.19).
In addition, the hero's teeth are virtually indestructible and will not be knocked out by mere melee damage, though bullets will chip them and explosions targeting the head will knock them out (if not destroying the hero's head in the process).

Residual Deception (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's body's cells will begin to alter their genetics once removed from the body. These include strands of hair, saliva, dead skin and other fluid samples traceable by geneticists, making DNA identification more difficult.
The cells will begin to deviate at a rate of 1% per minute, up to a limit of the hero's PE attribute in minutes, making the total deviation percentage equal to the hero's PE attribute number, thus gving false results after an extended amount of time.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Imitation Immortality (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero is widely known and typically attracts groupies who like to dress up and imitate him. The benefit of this is that should he become incapacitated or killed, his powers and part of his memories will transfer to a new body to pick up where he left off. This happens only in the case of the hero's paralysis or death. The powers can only transfer a number of times equal to the original hero's ME attribute and reduce range, duration and damage by 2% each each time a transfer is made.

Range: The hero's MEX100 feet, plus 100 feet per level

Duration: Permanent. Once powers and memories leave the original hero, and each subsequent inheritor, he becomes a vegetable (if not already dead).

Saving Throw: Targets in range can save vs. mind control and possession (16 of better, ME bonuses apply) . This attacks multiple targets simultaneously to increase the odds of sucessful transferral, so if more than one fails their save, it is the one who rolled the lowest who is inflicted with the memories and powers.

Memories Gained: This transfers 80% of the original hero's memories, -2% for each subsequent transfer.

Skills: The target's skills are replaced by those of the hero (without bonuses from the skills to PS, PP, PE or speed), transferred at base proficiency, with all of the targets skills being lost (though they will retain any bonuses from physical skills to PS, PP, PE and speed).

Powers: The powers transfer at level one strength minus percentage of degradation and go up as the new host gains levels.

Assuming the part: The target does his best to take on the appearance of the hero, doing so as if possessing Imitation/Impersonation and Disguise skills at 80%, +1% per level, though such factors as different race, skin color and eye color will impose appropriate penalties.

Cult Following (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero attracts followers, beginning with a number equal to his MA attribute, and gaining one more per level starting at level 2. These followers will try to aid the hero in any way possible, ging him a bonus of +20% to Trust/Intimidate and Charm/Impress them, though he really does not command them as a leader. The group will generally be made up of normal individuals, with 30% having actual powers of their own (create as extremely low budget Bionics, Super Invention or Hardware characters, or as Minor Hero or Super Zero characters).

Bonuses: The hero gains +1% to save vs. coma/death, trust/intimidate and charm/impress accumulative for each follower gained. He also gains +2 to save vs. horror Factor and +2 to initiative while they are present.

Sidekick Symbiosis (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero gains benefits from adventuring with a partner.

* +1d4 IQ
* +2 MA and ME
* +10% save vs. coma/death
* +2 save vs. Horror Factor (to both the hero and sidekick), +1% to other saving throws, when the sidekick is present.
* +5% to all skill performance whether the sidekick actually helps or not
* +2 tp Perception

Special: The sidekick gains the ability to learn any of the hero's skills as Secondary skills.

Limitations: While the hero may be of any category, the sidekick must be created using the Minor Hero category or the Super Zero category by Senator Cybus.
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And now for the one I promised:

Partial Resurrection (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'm back, only slightly worse for the wear."

The hero has a limited form of immortality that allows him to come back from the dead a number of times equal to the hero's PE attribute. Each time the hero returns, he loses a point of IQ, MA, ME and PB PERMANENTLY, loses any bonuses from physical skills to PS, PP, PE and Speed until he can select them again as secondaries (meaning any bonuses from such skills as Wrestling, Boxing, Acrobatics and Gymnastics are PERMANENTLY lost unless the hero regains them through further education), and he suffers -1 to all combat moves for 2d4 weeks as he regains his coordination.

Coming Back From the Dead: The hero can recover from grievous bodily injury without dying, although he will appear to be dead. When the hero's Hit Points are reduced from a range of zero to 130 points, he is racked with searing pain and collapses into a coma for 1d4 months. When this time elapses, he returns with 4d6 HP and 3d6 SDC. He cannot survive being decapitated, incinerated or atomized, however, nor will this power regenrate limbs. He must heal back any other damage, though he does so at twice normal rate.

Other Bonuses:
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+1d4 PE
+20% to save vs. Coma/Death
Heals at twice normal rate
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Energy Expulsion: Tractor Beam (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can shoot a beam of energy from his eyes or hands which will lock onto a target and pull it toward him. The beam has a PS equivalent of the hero's ME number and will drag a target at a speed equivalent to the hero's ME number X 10mph. If pulling a terget and letting go, the momentum will continue to pull it/him/her in the direction of the hero but allow the hero to move to avoid collision (and allow the target to stop him/herself if possible).

Range: The hero's MEX100 feet, plus 100 feet per level

Duration: Concentration. Can be maintained the hero's ME number in minutes. Strikes instantly.

Attacks: Uses one attack/action to shoot and hit with the tractor beam and then one attack per melee to maintain.

Bonus to Strike: Equal to the hero's ME bonus

Limitations: Can only drag people or objcts under the beam's Ps carry limit, but can lock onto larger objects to pull himself forward towards them. The beam can be dodged also.

Other Notes: If the hero has initiative and holds his attack, the beam can be used simultaneously with another character's teleport so as to prevent it from working. They can, however, save against this (14 or better, ME bonus applies).
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By Senator Cybus

"Now y u see m , n w you d n't!"

This power allows the super being to continually shift between the real world and a contiguous sub-dimension; to an outside observer he seems to be blinking in and out of existence, vanishing and reappearing randomly, making him a very difficult target to hit.

In practice, this gives the super being a chance to avoid almost any attack or harmful effect. Whenever the character should be struck, due to failing a dodge/parry roll or saving throw, the player should roll 1D20. If the result is 10 or less, the attack hits and damage is calculated normally. If the result is 11 or higher, the character takes no damage, having shifted to the sub-dimension a split second before the strike could connect. This protection even applies to sneak attacks or attacks from behind. The super being’s own ability to fight is unaffected by use of the power, as he can instinctively predict the precise moment of his dimensional crossing and time his strikes accordingly.

If exposed to ongoing environmental hazards, such as extreme heat or cold, poison gas or high ambient radiation, Flicker offers partial protection; the super being takes only half damage, as effectively he’s only exposed for half of the time.

Note: the sub-dimension that the character accesses is similar to that provided by the major power of Dimensional Room (PU 1, page 70); it has breathable air, a constant temperature and normal gravity. Where it differs is that the character can still see the real world all around him, it cannot be used for storage and he cannot remain there for more than a moment, as the Flicker power will keep dragging him back to the real world (unless he actually has the Dimensional Room ability, in which case he may stay for as long as he likes).

Range: Self, plus clothing and 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of equipment per level of experience.

Duration: Indefinite. Lasts as long as the super being maintains concentration. If rendered unconscious or killed, the character instantly reappears in the real world.

Attacks Per Melee: Activating Flicker requires one melee attack/action. Only minimal concentration is required to sustain it, allowing the super being to engage in combat and perform other actions with little impairment: reduce attacks/actions per melee by one while this ability is in use.

Limitations: While the character can strike unimpeded in combat while the power is active, he cannot grapple with an opponent. Equally, most physical tasks are difficult if not impossible; the character can’t drive, repair machinery or even hold open a door, as he keeps vanishing every few moments.

Communication is nearly impossible: sound won’t carry between the dimensions, making conversation impractical, and neither will telepathy.

Some opponents have an increased chance to hit the super being, their powers or training enabling them to time their strikes more effectively. When rolling the 1D20 to determine whether or not their strikes connect, the super being suffers a penalty to the roll, as detailed below (these penalties are cumulative; e.g. if fighting against a mutant with Extraordinary Intelligence and Heightened Sense of Awareness, the character would incur a penalty of -5, meaning that he would need to roll 16 or higher to avoid being struck):

The Ancient Master = -3
Anyone with the super power of Danger Sense = -1
Anyone with the super power of Extraordinary Intelligence = -2
Anyone with the super power of Heightened Sense of Awareness = -3
Anyone with the super power of Karmic Power = -1
The Natural Genius = -3
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Quantum Teleport (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

Through a miracle of teleportation and quantum physics, the hero is actually able to teleport to multiple locations at once to perform complicated attacks and confuse opponents.

Weight Limit: Self, plus 50 lbs of gear per level

Range: 50 feet per level, line of sight

Duration: Teleportation is instant. Quantum duplicates remain for the hero's ME number in minutes, after which duration the hero can decide which self remains, with all others shifting out of his reality as their alternate timelines stabilize. If killed, their bodies remain in the hero's reality until the duration expires, after which they fade.

Number of Quantum Duplicates: The hero creates his ME number of quantum "clones" at level one, plus one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.

Attributes: All duplicates will have the same HP, SDC, attributes, powers and skills as the hero, being simply temporally divergent doubles. Injury of these duplicates will not in any way affect the hero. The ero also has to use conventional means of communication wwith them unless he possesses the psionic ability of Telepathy, having to typically shout to them instructions after battle engages, even though the melee round following the teleport requires no communication on his part, as he comes out of the teleport with a battle plan in mind, giving him and all duplicates a +3 to combat moves for that melee round.

Limitations: The power can only be used the hero's ME number of times per day, plus an additional time per level, and cannot be used to make the duplicates create more duplicates, as the power cannot be used again while the quantum duplicates still exist in the hero's reality. The power will also not function if the hero is trying to teleport carrying someone else, as it will only duplicate the hero and inorganic matter worn or carried.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 HP
+4d6 SDC
+1d4 ME
Impervious to the effects of time travel and temporal distortion
+1 to all combat moves while the quantum duplicates are active
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Psychospheric Amplification (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can alter and strengthen the underlying psionic energy of an area.

Range: The hero can affect an area radius equal to his ME number in miles, plus one mile per level.
Duration: The power remains in effect a number of hours equal to the her's ME number, plus one hour per level.
Attacks: The power requires one full round to activate. No other actions may be performed, leaving the hero prone to attack in a kind of trance.
Damage: Sudden activation of the psychospheric amplification field can cause brain hemmorrage. Everyone in range must save vs. psionic attack (unless they have a Mind Block in effect; 14 of better for non-psionics, 12 or better for latent psionics, 10 or better for master psionics, ME bonus applies) or suffer 1d4 damage to Hit Points.

* Psionics can be used by psionics in range at half their normal ISP cost.
* Psionics gain +1d6 to their ISP
* Efftects for psionics are doubled, including range, duration and damage. This includes effects of powers which are psychic in nature.
* While the field is up, the hero can easily identify people and animals with psionic powers. He can also See the Invisible.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+4 to save vs. psionic attack
+2d6 to ISP if applicable
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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This is posted in response to a thread that mentions the lack of planet killer type powers. The damages here are probably way too high, but I will post it and hopefully you can tell me what you all think.

Planetary Devastation (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can create seismic pulses which can trigger earthquakes and other effects.

1.Open Fissures: The hero can create seismic pulses which cause existing cracks and fissures to pull apart. This allows him to ignore body armor and structural resistance factors when inflicting damage if there is already an existing crack in the surface of what he is attacking and do double damage if rolling over the AR.

2.Creating Quakes: Sending a seismic pulse into the ground in an area of potential seismic activity, such as a mountain range formed by tectonic plates, will trigger an earthquake. The hero can cause seismic activity that causes 2d4X100 points of damage, plus 1d4X100 damage per level, for a radius of one mile per level at the center of the quake, with each mile extending outward from the quake outside the center taking 1d4X100 less damage (so at level 15, the damage at the center of the quake radius will be 16X100 damage to structures within a radius of 15 miles, with the next mile radius outside that area taking 15d6X100 to structures, decreasing gradually until structures 19 miles from the center only suffer 1d4X100 damage).
Limitations: The power only affects surfaces of an inorganic nature by touch and those organic beings, animals and plants buried, submerged or otherwise encased in them. The damage to the structures will cause objects to fall and do damage to targets on or below them.

3.Creating Explosions: By directing the power toward a combustible or unstable substance, like an explosive or other chemical compund, the superbeing will cause it to explode. This includes vehicles and mechanical constructs like robots and power armor.

4.Cracking Planetary Cores: If directing the seismic pulse into the ground of a planetoid or asteroid which has a core in range of the hero's power in miles, the planetary core can be affected. The planetoid can be caused to break apart, wiping out life as the planet is caused to shift orbit and its tides become erratic as earthquakes and volcanoes ravage its surface.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Apocalyptic (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"This is the end of the world as you know it."

The superbeing can manipulate reality to make a target's world come crashing down around him in a way simlar to a curse.

1.Devastating Blow: The superbeing alters the target's reality the moment he touches him, whether by striking him in combat or shaking his hand.
Saving Throw: These effects can be saved against by dodging or by the target or anyone affected making their respective saves vs. reality manipulation (14 or better, PE bonus applies, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12).
*Death of Loved Ones: Regardless of their health, family members who do not save against the effect become marked for death. How they die can be decided by the GM, but typically those driving will fall asleep and crash, those at home will die in a fire, those swimming will drown, and those on a plane or boat will die as the vehicle crashes (taking numerous innocent people with them). Even if failing their save, there is always a 30% these family members will survive. This power will affect pets as well as people.
*Financial Loss: The target will lose their job due to downsizing or some other bogus reason. In addition, their bank account(s) will be frozen and credit cards canceled as they come under federal investigation. Their property will also be seized by the bank. Alternatively, if they do not use banks, the target's money will be destroyed and their house burned down, often with their loved ones inside (see above).

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to save vs. magic, with an immunity to death spells
Impervious to powers which influence the death of others, such as Death Aura
+20% to save vs, coma/death
+2 to save vs. karma manipulation powers
+3d6 PPE
Critical strike on 17-20
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Mephisto wrote:Planetary Devastation is pretty powerful...dang that kind of character would need to be locked away by S.C.R.E.T. for her own good...

Definitely. Especially if it was that time of the month... :-P
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Bullet catcher [Minor]
'Whoa...that was easier than it looked'

The character has a kind of reactive reflexes, that recieves a temporary kick of speed in response to high speed attacks. the upshot of this is that he can deflect thrown knives, arrows and even bullets out of the air, his reflexes matching the speed of the incoming attack.
The character may autoparry any ranged attack that he can a) see and B) lift (no fair parrying thrown automobiles now junior). this auto parry is without penalty. high speed projectiles, even laser blasts can have their spd matched.
The attack is usually deflected by the bare hands. The character can aprry with any hand held item or worn hand or arm protection. The item parried with (even the hand) takes 1/10th the normal inflicted damage (though if using an object, then this damage is reduced further by an amount equal to half its AR)
The character gains the following:
+2 to parry +2 to initiative
+2D6 Spd
+1 attack per melee

Fluctuate bonuses [minor]
'Let us see what I get this time'

The character, when he activates this power gains a random bonus, which alternates every ne melee round, until he wills it to stop, or is made uncounscious or worse.
01-10 +30 SDC*
11-20 +8 PS
21-30 +4 PP
31-40 +6 PE
41-50 +20 Spd
51-60 +1 attack per melee
61-70 +2 to parry and dodge
71-80 +1 level of HTH skill
81-90 +10 to initiative
91-100 +2 to strike
*bonus SDC disappears at the end of the melee, and returns IN FULL the next time it is rolled up.

Every level, the character can add plus or minus 2%, giving him more flexibility as he advances in levels.

Assist others: [Minor]
Don't worry guys. I'm here to help.

The character can give aid to others within 30 feet +10 feet per level, affecting one extra person per level.
every affected person in the area gains one of the following bonuses (chosen by the hero)
* +2% per level in all skills (with an extra +10% if the hero shares the skill with the target)
* +30 SDC and +30 HP (once these are gone, they are gone for 24 hours
* +1 level of HTH skill or weapons skill
* heal at 5 times normal rate
* +1 to strike parry and dodge, +4 damage.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Power recall [Major]
You know, last week we fought the pasi you didn't want to know that huh.'

The character can record powers in use and store them for later.
To perform this trick he must be within 60 feet of a target using a power. as an action, he may, essentially, photocopy the power in use. If used as a defensive measure, the character must make a parry roll (with a using his ME score as his PP to determine any bonus) at +2. if successful, the power is negated (though you cannot negate a target's innate abilities and attributes, you can negate attacks that have no bonus to strike. the parry roll must beat 12 for minor powers or 14 for major powers. this number rises by 1 for every 3 levels of the target.)
The character gains a bonus 10 SDC for every power 'in store'
the character can store a maximum of 1 power per point of ME (major powers require 2 slots). the character gains 2 extra slot per level.
Any power he recalls, either is a 1 use ability, or works for 1 melee.

The character does not have to be the target of a power to attempt to parry it. the character can copy a power without negating its effect. the character can take an action to copy during another character's turn. attacks per melee are docked from the end of the round. The copied power works at either the character's level+1, or the target's level, whichever is greater.

Other abilities: 1D4x10 SDC +4 to saving throws against other powers.

Mech suit [Major]
'I like your bike pal....'

The character can convert machinery in his vicinity into a form fitting suit that enhances his basic abilities.
When he activates this power, he targets a machine within 30 feet. if that machine is piloted, held or worn by another, they may dodge (14+). Otherwise, the machine takes 4D4x10 (+20 per level).

The pieces tear off and form a powersuit around the character, held together by this very power, it augments the character in a number of ways.
SDC: exactly the same as the rolled damage.
AR: exactly the same as the original item.
PS: +8 Superhuman
Spd +10
PP +4
The character can leap 1 foot per PS point up or across. +50% long with a run up.
Armoured fists and feet do 2D6 damage.
Armour is environmentally sealed.
Armour has all the logical abilities of the original object.

Duration: the armour lasts 30 minutes per level. at the end of that time, the armour removes itself and attempts to reform into the original object. If it is part of an existing machine, and the remainder is within 60 feet when the power ends or is relinquished, then the pieces fly back and repair the original machine. when reassembling itself, the character can make an appropriate mechanical check (auto mechanics or engineer most likely) this restores 5% of the destroyed SDC , and an extra 5% forevery 10% the check is made by. repairs in this manner only repair the device up to 8-% of its normal capacity
(Hall turns his bike into a suit to battle Echelon. the fight is hard and echalon flees, leaving Hall with 20 SDC left on his suit (from the 120 SDC Bike) he dispels the suit, and makes an auto mechanics check. he makes it by 27, thus he heals an extra 15% SDC. his bike reforms itself from the suit with 20SDC (the remainder) plus another 15% of the original (18SDC). he is going to need some serious repairs to his bike.)
The character may donate his own SDC into the machines he repairs in this fashion. doing so drains 2SDC for every 1 restored.

The character cannot affect any item with SDC more than twice the damage rolled. It takes 1 action to form a suit of 25 SDC or part therof. The target must mass at least half as much as the character for this pwoer to work (though see below) objects secured in place (such as an ATM on a wall) take twice as long to create and require one additional action per point of AR of whatever it is attached to.

When dealing with smaller machines (Bicycle, calculator personal computer) the character can instead form a Powered gauntlet (+4PS to the elbow and hand, does 1D6 as a weapon) a or a light suit of non powered armour (AR 12 (not natural AR), SDC equal to the item in question)

Last edited by Iczer on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kinetic ricochette [Minor]
'Ow ow ow ow ow..boing!!'

The character can safely absorb kinetic energy by chanelling it into uncontrolled motion.
Whenever the character is struck by any kinetic based attack, the character may convert damage into speed. every point of damage he converts, moves him 1 foot away from the attack (half as far in the case of peircing or cutting attacks). the character can arc up to 30 degrees with this hit.

The character can control his bounce path with a limited degree of success. Objects in his path take 2D4 damage, plus half the Knockback distance. (Note: if an attack already includes an element of knock back, then the character is knocked back even further. Hitting targets in this fashion is pretty much a hit or miss afair. If a target is in the general 'bounce' direction, there is a 30% chance of striking it. If the character wants to strike an object, he may make a strke roll to do so. Targets may dodge if the character takes a strike roll, then he loses one action (though may take it out of turn). The character may be able to strike multiple targets as he bounces, each one subtracting from his attacks that round. Anyone struck by the character must also check for balance or be knocked down as well.
The character takes full damage from any of his own impacts, but may absorb as per normal (thus continuing and extending the bounce time.

The character may expend an action simply cancelling movement. in this case, by expending an action, he negates 2 feet of distance per point of PS.
(Collider is struck by a car for 24 damage. collider has 14 PS and so put's his shoulder into the car. Collider is unharmed and unmoved and the car has come to a halt.)

Hooks: {minor]
'Oh this is going to screw you up big time'

The character can form razor sharp hooks on his person, manifesting as small barbs on his back and arms, with large meathook like projections on his elbows, shoulders and hands.
The character may parry melee weapons with this power, and inflicts 2d6 damage with any bare hand hook attack.
Hooks are +1 to strike and parry as well as +3 to entangle.
Hooks add +15% to climb rolls and +3 to make or maintain a grapple or hold.
anyone grapplng with this character takes 2D4 damage in the process as the hooks dig into flesh.

Last edited by Iczer on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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How about Speedball's kinetic bouncing power? from the New Warrior's.
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Re: Powers

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Nursahburen wrote:How about Speedball's kinetic bouncing power? from the New Warrior's.

We are not allowed to post powers converted from specific sources like that, as it violates the No Conversion policy.
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Re: Powers

Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Nursahburen wrote:How about Speedball's kinetic bouncing power? from the New Warrior's.

We are not allowed to post powers converted from specific sources like that, as it violates the No Conversion policy.


Indestructible bones. Charge objects with explosive force. not to mention one of the rifters that had nothing but episode full of the who's who of Marvel superpowers.

I think we can copy freely, any signiature powers as long as actual trademarks are not used.


(I, for one, wouldn't touch the power. It's a nightmarish mess)
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Re: Powers

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Nursahburen wrote:How about Speedball's kinetic bouncing power? from the New Warrior's.

We are not allowed to post powers converted from specific sources like that, as it violates the No Conversion policy.


Indestructible bones. Charge objects with explosive force. not to mention one of the rifters that had nothing but episode full of the who's who of Marvel superpowers.

I think we can copy freely, any signiature powers as long as actual trademarks are not used.


(I, for one, wouldn't touch the power. It's a nightmarish mess)

Yes, but only so long as the sources are not blatant and the descrriptions generic. I could not create a power and directly name the source as being Marvel's Speedball and call it KSpeedball's Kinetic Ricochette, for instance, but a power based on kinetic energy and rebounding and ricochetting would be acceptable according to the Palladium rules. I model powers after comics all the time, I just don't point to specific sources or site examples taken from comic books. I guess that is the distinction. They want to avoid any copyright infringement issues with regard to the big name companies liie Marvel and DC and any lawsuits which might result, which is kind of interesting considering their own practices regarding publishing others' submissions. But enough said about that.
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Flight: Quad winged
'Not nearly as fast, but twice as lithe'

The character has four wings jutting from his back, that allows him to fly with, if not great speed, then with great manoevrebility.
The wings are shorter than Flight:winged and can be hidden, folded up with no great difficulty (no penalties).
Each wing has 20 SDC but is as hard to strike as a human arm due to its size (-2 to aimed shots)
The character can fly at 60 miles per hour, plus 5 miles per hour per level of experience.
While in flight, the character enjoys;
+1 attack per melee
+4 to dodge
+4 to initiative
+2 to strke and parry
Auto dodge of +2

The character can manoever, hover and fly in any place where he could conceivably have enough room to extend his arms in all directions.

The character enjoys 40 extra SDC from this power.

Arena: [Major]
'Let's just leave this fight between you and I majestros!'

The character can create a soft force dome, that isolates those inside from those outside. The dome has the following characteristics
Radius: 50 feet, + 10 feet per level. The soft nature of the field allows it to conform to natural boundaries, and the character may shape the field upon creation to exclude others. The field is always created over himself, though he may leave after he. The field is roughly half as high as it's radius, but diametre can be sacraficed for additional height.
SDC: The field itself is very resistant to damage, and has an SDC of 100 times the character's ME attribute, plus 100 per level. It takes only a PS of 8 or 8 point's of damage to create a temporary opening (closes in 4-6 seconds.)
The field stops rain, dust, high winds (but not dangerous projectiles it may carry) radiation and toxic gasses (it will filter them). It will hold back water but only for a number of minutes equal to the character's ME.
It's top will support one ton per point of the character's ME, as long as it is evenly distributed. otherwise it can only hold around 100lbs per point of ME (can safely support people, but not an automobile impact)

Any damage effect that crosses the field see's its damage halved. In the case of ranged attacks, striking someone through the field wall is done at -4. if striking through both walls, the effect is compounded further, -8 to strike and 1/4 damage. anyone moving through the wall must stop for an action to puncture through and then step through. anyone attempting to barrell through the wall must do the requisite 8 damage, and even then will see their spd halved. Power effects are blocked by the field. Teleportation will not cross it, and psionic powers do not cros it (as well as psionic like powers. Likewise many spell efects will not cross the field (directed magical attacks work as outlined. spell effects cannot be materialised across the field, and manifesting effects on the outside stop at the field's edge.)

The character can harden the field in places to block or parry an incoming attack. By making a parry roll (counts as an action) at +4 (high ME counts as if it were high PP) the character can make the wall impenetrable at a single location. (target must exceed the field's entire SDC to break through.) if done as a target is trying to pass through, he is held as if grappled with a supernatural PS equal to the Character's ME (though he cannot harm, merely hold) The character can part the field at will to allow others passage (including himself)

While the field is up, the character has extra abilities. He is aware of ever item within the field, even if blinded, or unable to sense. treat this as a limited form of sonar (however it is not sound related). The character also enjoys +1 attack while the field is up. While the field is up, he may shunt excess damage into the field from himself. half any damage taken may be shunted into the field itself. The character may also substitute his ME for his PP or PS while inside the field.

The character can also create a skintight field around himself. The skintight version does not grant any supersensory abilities, but does protect him with an AR of 10. It offers no extra SDC protection, but does half all damage that crosses it and offering limited protection vs the elements.

The character also enjoys a +1D4+1 to ME.
The field lasts for 1 hour per point of ME. and exists even while unconscious.
The field's SDC regenerates 10 SDC per minute while down, or 1 per minute while active.

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Emotionless (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“You’re going to torture me to death, you say? Hmm. Interesting…”

The character has a mind devoid of feelings, freeing him from fear, hatred, misery and all other unimportant emotional distractions. He approaches every situation with the pure, objective logic of a robot.

1. Emotional Immunity. The super being possesses the power of Impervious to Fear and Terror (PU 1, page 32). Furthermore, he cannot be made to feel any other emotion, even through use of magic, psionics or superpowers, and any attack designed to manipulate his feelings automatically fails.

2. Uncanny Focus. The character can devote his full concentration to any task, without being distracted by panic, boredom or frustration. This gives him a one-time bonus of 10% to all of his skills, including secondary skills. In addition, he can complete any given task 20% faster than it would normally take.

Note: there are a handful of skills to which this bonus does not apply; see Penalties below.

3. Poker Face. The character’s body language is difficult to interpret, as he has absolutely no reaction to emotional stimulus: anyone trying to use the skills of Interrogation or Seduction against the super being suffers a penalty of -40% and M.A./P.B. bonuses do not apply (the character simply doesn’t care how charismatic or beautiful you are).

Additionally, polygraph “lie detectors” will not work on the character, as they measure involuntary emotional responses: the super being can lie right to somebody’s face and not feel a thing.

4. Inured to Pain. While he will be aware of any physical damage inflicted upon him, the character does not react to injury. He can resist any torture indefinitely and cannot be even momentarily distracted by pain; he could continue to hold a perfectly normal conversation while someone was shooting him in the leg! If using the optional Minor Injury Table and Side Effects from Serious (Hit Points) Damage table (HU main book, page 19), all penalties are halved.

The hero’s eerie calm can be seriously intimidating in combat, as he can take strike after strike without even appearing to notice: after the second round of combat, any opponent still fighting against him must save vs. a Horror Factor of 10.

5. Bonuses.
+2 to resist any attack that causes confusion; Vertigo Field, the Befuddle magic spell, etc. Even if the hero fails to save, the duration and penalties of the effect are halved.
+2 to save vs. illusions.

6. Penalties.
Reduce M.A. by 2D4.

Due to his almost mechanical demeanour and inability to emotionally connect, the character suffers a penalty of 15% when using any of the following skills:


This power does not give the character a license to ignore his alignment; he still has a sense of what's right and what's wrong (or, more accurately, what is "correct" and "incorrect").

Note: there are two different forms of the Emotionless power. The player may choose one or roll 1D4 to select randomly:

1-2: The power is always active, the character is permanently emotionless and the above bonuses apply at all times.
3-4: The power can be switched on or off as desired, but doing either requires one full minute of uninterrupted meditation. The above bonuses only apply while the power is active.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I like both Quad winged and Arena, Iczer. Great job on these.
I also want to ask your help in creating a space travel power based on the concept of a gravity slingshot effect. I am curious to see what you can come up with based on that idea. I am not sure how I would even approach such a power.
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Crop Control (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has an affinity toward crops such as wheat and grain, exerting a type of telekinetic control over them.

1.Crop Circles: The hero can cause crops to bend and flatten in an area radius equal to his ME number in feet, plus one foot per level. He can create patterns in the crops as desired, having the unique skill of Design Crop Circles at a kill level of 40%, +4% per level (+5% if Advanced Math is also possessed). He can also walk through grain without bending the stalks or leave any trace he was there.

2.Riding Crops: The hero can travel by allowing himself to be carried along the tops of grain stalks at a speed equal to his ME number in miles per hour.

3.Arrow Wheat: The hero can cause grain to stiffen and strengthen and then shoot out at targets.
Range: Can affect grain within an area radius equal to his ME number in feet, plus one foot per level. wheat stalks can be shot for a range of the hero's ME number X10 in feet.
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to fire wheat stalks
Bonuses: +3 to strike one target; no bonus to hit multiple targets.
Number Fired: The hero can cause a number of stalks to fire simultaneously. This number is equal to the hero's ME number, plus one at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Damage: Wheat arrows do 1d6 damage each.

4.Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like both Quad winged and Arena, Iczer. Great job on these.
I also want to ask your help in creating a space travel power based on the concept of a gravity slingshot effect. I am curious to see what you can come up with based on that idea. I am not sure how I would even approach such a power.

What are you after? Is this an upgrade of FTL travel?

IIRC, gravity based slingshots are basically racing into a planets gravtational orbit, and then riding that for extra speed on the way out.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like both Quad winged and Arena, Iczer. Great job on these.
I also want to ask your help in creating a space travel power based on the concept of a gravity slingshot effect. I am curious to see what you can come up with based on that idea. I am not sure how I would even approach such a power.

What are you after? Is this an upgrade of FTL travel?

IIRC, gravity based slingshots are basically racing into a planets gravtational orbit, and then riding that for extra speed on the way out.


I am thinking of something of something that allows one to survive entry into the atmosphere without burning up and would allow one to gain limited flight capability as a result, possibly to survive being dropped out of a spaceship and to fly back by bouncing off the atmosphere and gravity. It would not necessarily upgrade FTL travel as much as provide a means of survival and countering.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like both Quad winged and Arena, Iczer. Great job on these.
I also want to ask your help in creating a space travel power based on the concept of a gravity slingshot effect. I am curious to see what you can come up with based on that idea. I am not sure how I would even approach such a power.

What are you after? Is this an upgrade of FTL travel?

IIRC, gravity based slingshots are basically racing into a planets gravtational orbit, and then riding that for extra speed on the way out.


I am thinking of something of something that allows one to survive entry into the atmosphere without burning up and would allow one to gain limited flight capability as a result, possibly to survive being dropped out of a spaceship and to fly back by bouncing off the atmosphere and gravity. It would not necessarily upgrade FTL travel as much as provide a means of survival and countering.

I think space flight already covers this. Limited protection from space and varying degree's of flight (depending on gravity and atmosphere)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Key Tool (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character has an intangible armband which acts as an onboard computer.

1.Intangibility: The key tool is out of phase with normal reality and bonded to the character on a molecular level, preventing its removal. It cannot be harmed by physical attacks and is resistant to energy attacks (half damage). It is almost invisible, requiring a Perception check of 16 or better for others to see, and can only be touched by the wearer or someone phased to the same frequency of reality.

2.Bio-Scan and Medical Repair Unit: The key tool monitors the character's vital signs and administers drugs and repair nanobots with a medcal skill equivalent to Paramedic at 60%, +3% per level. The nanobots can work to treat and close open wounds, removing shrapnel, etc., healing 3 times the normal rate. Six times per day, the character can recover 2d4 HP or SDC damage.

3.Other Features: The key tool possesses sensors which will alert the character to when dimensional rifts open up and when the residue from rifts are present. Range of this is 60 feet.
In addition, the key tool can be upgraded each level, gaining new systems.
*Radiation Detector: Detects radioactivity within 60 feet
*Force Field: Natural AR 14, SDC 120. Regenerates lost SDC at a rate of 10 points per hour. May be taken up to 4 times. Adding this more than once adds +1 to AR and 60 to SDc each additional time selected
*Power Scanning: As per the Scan Powers minor ability (PU3 p. 19)
*Projectile Weapon: Does 1d6 damage per shot and fires as single shot weapon. Can be taken up to 6 times for a maximum of 6d6 damage. Effective shot range is 165 feet. Projectiles are regenrated automatically.
*Laser Weapon: Does 1d6 damage per shot and fires as a beam weapon. Can be taken up to 6 times for a maximum of 6d6 damage. Laser will fire for an effective range of 300 feet, though taking this additional times will increase the distance by 100 feet each additional time taken.

4.Appearance and Themes: The key tool responds to inquiries with an onboard A.I which is determined by the character and can be changed any time. The key tool morphs to appear however the character desires and grows as modifications are added.

5.Removal and Repairs: The key tool can be made to repair itself if it in damaged at the same healing rate as for the medical repair unit and the same mechanical skill level as the Paramedic skill level above (60%, +3% per level). If trying to repair manually, the key tool is classified as alien robotics and has the appropriate penalties to fix. It will come out of phase if damaged, if the character dies, or at the will of the character.
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Jaws of Fenrir (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is able to cause an eclipse, blocking solar energy and creating the illusion that the sun is being eaten.

1.Blocking Out the Sun: The superbeing can initiate an eclipse by slightly altering the course of the moon, but doing so in such a way that damage from the actual movement from the moon itself is minimal. This will create some tidal waves and flooding, and everyone on the planet must save vs. psionic attack to fight the effects of the onslaught of lunar energy (14 or better, ME bonus applies) or suffer mood swings for the duration of the power, suffering -2 to all combat moves and -15% to skill performance.
Those within range of the character's power suffer additional effects. If looking directly at the sun when the eclipse occurs, victims will take 1d4 points of damage to Hit Points and be permanently blinded (loss of initiative, reduced to half attacks, -10 to all combat moves). The onset of the eclipse takes one full minute, during which time there is still enough natural light to see. If looking in the direction of the sun but not directly at it, it will appear to onlookers as if the sun is being swallowed by an enormous wolf, though onlookers may save vs. illusion to disbelieve it (14 or better, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12, ME bonus applies). If ailing their save, the onlookers must then save vs. Horror Factor (16 or better, ME bonus applies) or react in terror. The temperature in the effective range will also drop by 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Range: The illusion and blnding and darkness effects only affect those within a radius of his ME number in miles around the superbeing.
Duration: The eclipse will last the superbeing's ME number in minutes. The onset of the eclipse is one minute during which the illusion part takes place, with the rest of the duration suffering darkness.
Penalties: The unnatural darkness causes blindness (-8 to all combat moves, loss of initiative and reduced to half attacks). Note that artificial light will still work and offset penalties for blindness due to the darkness.
Attacks: Initiating this power uses 2 melee attacks/actions to initiate and one attack/action per melee round to maintain.
Note that the superbeing will be unaffected by the effects of this power, able to see normally during the eclipse.

2.Deity Negation: All godlike beings (Immortals of the Godling, Avatar, Demigod and Fallen Demigod and Godling subcategories) lose their attribute bonuses, superabilities and other bonuses if in the effective radius of this power for the duration of the eclipse, during which time they are no longer immortal and can be killed as easily as any human.

3.Limitations: The power can only be used within 3 days of an actual eclipase (which typically take place in the lunar cycle on the date of the New Moon and Full Moon) and only twice per lunar cycle (once on the New Moon and once on the Full Moon).

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+4 vs. Horror Factor
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Aiming a bit high aren't we SG?

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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

:shock: wow. well at least now i know how to work it. lol. I lke uber powers. woot. good for ultimo npc destroy the world bad guy. you'd have to keep that off the random table. lol
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Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:Aiming a bit high aren't we SG?


His last four or five powers have all shall I say it? Uber Supers.

I'm all in favour of that. I like the idea of Mega Powers for Mega Heroes/Villains. Currently, I think such characters aren't quite, well, mega enough. :)
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Iczer wrote:I think space flight already covers this. Limited protection from space and varying degree's of flight (depending on gravity and atmosphere)

Very limited sight of you, Iczer. The power I proposed can be accolmplished through entry to the ionosphere and absorbing ions rather than being set fire by them when hitting the atmosphere, creating a form of ionic flight which would increase the longer the hero is in the atmosphere and create the gravity slingshot I am trying to create. I guess I should have just researched this myself initially than try to get help from you, as it is clear you do not like the powers I do and are unwilling to cooperate and coconspire with me as you have done with others on these boards.

Iczer wrote:Aiming a bit high aren't we SG?


When have I not? I am always trying to create godlike powers for superbeings. I have since the first posts I made in this forum.
Given the fact that many of the effects of Jaws of Fenrir are either low penalty or easily countered, I would say not. I am going for doomsday powers but trying to temper them enough for use in games. The effective range for most of the effects are only the superbeing/s ME number in miles. It can also only be used twice a month maximum.

Coming Soon: Surfing the Ionosphere(Major) and Space Elevator(Major)
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote: I guess I should have just researched this myself initially than try to get help from you, as it is clear you do not like the powers I do and are unwilling to cooperate and conspire with me as you have done with others on these boards.

Coming Soon: Surfing the Ionosphere(Major) and Space Elevator(Major)

I don't think personal attacks on Iczer will illicit an amicable relationship either, and will only irritate the Mods, so I'd refrain from that. Besides not all of us want the Uber-Super Powers, we like having worlds where not one person dictates everything. That is not to say we don't like your powers, the vast majority do, but belittling someone that has been on these Boards much longer than you well...I'm sure you can understand why some of us would get a little annoyed.

But enough thread hijacking, back to the powers!

I was not trying to belittle, merely express my frustration. As it is, the frustration factor continues to build, what with doing so much on the wiki and trying to come up with original powers, the latter of which I may stop doing, at least the posting of such, due to my own annoyance. I find little satisfaction in it anymore. It might be that I wind up posting only to the wiki here soon and not to these boards.
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Play nice people.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Very limited sight of you, Iczer. The power I proposed can be accolmplished through entry to the ionosphere and absorbing ions rather than being set fire by them when hitting the atmosphere, creating a form of ionic flight which would increase the longer the hero is in the atmosphere and create the gravity slingshot I am trying to create. I guess I should have just researched this myself initially than try to get help from you, as it is clear you do not like the powers I do and are unwilling to cooperate and coconspire with me as you have done with others on these boards.

Ouch man. I wouldn't have called it Limited sight per se. You did call it gravity slingshot effect at first, and I asked for some clarification. Had you asked for some sort of power based on 'absorbing ionisation radiation and using it to power for temporary flight' I could have been a little more helpful

That said, i am more than willing to help and give feedback, otherwise I wouldn't have asked for clarification.

I do not like Palladium's power creep (in general) and The addition of even more mega abilities, including earth shattering powers just doesn't interest me. i have made no secret on that.
So in summary:

If I don't like a power, it doesn't mean it's no good, It's just my opinion.
If I'm quiet, it's not a condemnation.
If I ask question's I'm actually interested, and probably am trying to co-operate.

Back to making powers.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Very limited sight of you, Iczer. The power I proposed can be accolmplished through entry to the ionosphere and absorbing ions rather than being set fire by them when hitting the atmosphere, creating a form of ionic flight which would increase the longer the hero is in the atmosphere and create the gravity slingshot I am trying to create. I guess I should have just researched this myself initially than try to get help from you, as it is clear you do not like the powers I do and are unwilling to cooperate and coconspire with me as you have done with others on these boards.

Ouch man. I wouldn't have called it Limited sight per se. You did call it gravity slingshot effect at first, and I asked for some clarification. Had you asked for some sort of power based on 'absorbing ionisation radiation and using it to power for temporary flight' I could have been a little more helpful

That said, i am more than willing to help and give feedback, otherwise I wouldn't have asked for clarification.

I do not like Palladium's power creep (in general) and The addition of even more mega abilities, including earth shattering powers just doesn't interest me. i have made no secret on that.
So in summary:

If I don't like a power, it doesn't mean it's no good, It's just my opinion.
If I'm quiet, it's not a condemnation.
If I ask question's I'm actually interested, and probably am trying to co-operate.

Back to making powers.


Yeah, sorry for getting mad, but it seems you dismiss things like I don't know what I'm talking about sometimes. I have actually studied a great deal. Part of the problem was I did not realize at first the ion thing would accomplish it. I had thought that saying the bouncing off the gravity and atmosphere implied the use of that energy to create the thrust, but I admit I was unclear on this, mainly due to lack of knowledge, which I was hoping you could help with. That was the reason for asking for help. I don't know a lot about how the atmosphere works and was hoping for your insights because your powers are very well thought out. I went online to many different sites before figuring out the ion thing. I did not mean to come across in as insulting a way as I did and I do apologize.
I do admit to overreacting to the criticism of the recent batch, but it seems like people were calling these powers intentionally game breaking, which I felt they were not. I was trying to do something powerful but with set limits as a response to a thread regarding planet killer powers, not to create ridiculously overpowerful abilities. I am a BIG fan of Norse mythology and have based powers around it before. If you think these are too powerful, suggestions on how to tone them down are better than outright dismissal.
I also apologize to anyone who felt I was trying to put you down, but I also feel that comments directed towards an individual are best responded to by them and not a bunch of people coming to their defense. This has really upset me more than it perhaps should have.
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Play nice people.

I apologize to everyone for yesterday. I suffer from anxiety, anger and depression and perhaps said things in a way that came across more hostile than intended.
I would still like feedback on powers if it is productive and still would appreciate any help on the ionized flight power.
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Ubervision (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing has the ability to alter his sight at will, limiting its range of focus to see through objects at an almost subatomic level.

1.Supervision: Atomic Sight: When focusing his vision, the superbeing can see through objects, even to the point of seeing through himself. The superbeing has an eye almost completely composed of the pupil which is normally covered by a second eyelid. When this eyelid is opened, the hero gains 360 degree vision, with his retinas becoming blind spots, allowing the hero to see through his own skull and between atoms.

Range: Eyes so focused become limited to seeing up to a radius of only 60 feet, plus 5 feet per level.

Duration: The superbeing can only maintain this for his ME number in minutes per hour.

HP Cost: Each use of this power drains 1 Hit Point from the character.

Effects: The hero becomes able to see bodies as their energy structures, almost as if they are transparent. This allows him to see through disguises and see concealed weapons, and adds +2 to strike to HtoH moves, plus 1 at lavels 3,6,9,12 and 15. This also adds +10% to medical skills and allows him to See the Invisible.

Drawbacks: While using this ability, the hero suffers from twice normal penalties from bright light, as his eyes are photosensitive while the power is in use.

2. Other Abilities and Bonuses: When the power is not in use, the hero enjoys immunity to being blinded due to the secondary eyelid which regulates the vision of the eye and activiation of the power.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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There are others on these boards which work for that, or you can find them indexed in the Black Vault wiki, intended as a resource and created by those of us posting on this threadi:
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Surfing the Ionosphere (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero is able to absorb ionn gases for a variety of effects.

1.Ionisation: The hero generates an ionisation field which generates electron energy> When exposed to ionisation energies in the upper atmosphere, this field amplifies dramatically, unleashing electrostatic energy.
This makes the hero impervious to ion blasts and electrostatic energy and electricity, as well as protected against burning up upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere from outer space. The hero is also resistant to other forms of energy, including heat and cold (half damage) even when not in the upper atmosphere. While actually in the upper atmosphere, the hero gains additional abilities.

2.Electrostatic Shield: While within the ionosphere (between 43 and 50 miles above the Earth), the hero's body convertts ionized gases into electron energy whic protects against cold and radiation and filters oxygen to a level which the hero can breathe. It also protects aginst flying debris and does 1d4 damage to objects and animals that touch it, including opponents. Living creatures will be temporarily stunned for one full melee round and lose initiative. This forms as an aura effect six inches from the hero's body. It does not provide much protection but remains in effect while the hero is in the ionosphere, plus two minutes after he leaves it.

3.Electrostatic Flight: While within the ionosphere, the hero can cruise up to speeds of 200 mph, plus 20mph per level, enjoying +4 to dodge when hovering, +6 to dodge when flying faster than 90mph, and +4 to damage for every 20mph of flight speed. He must be over 43 miles up to do this, however, and cannot go any lower and expect to continue flying. Without a parachute, he would die.
By sacrificing 1 Hit Point and all of his ion energy reserves, the hero can create a pulse of energy to rocket himself into space. This pushes the hero upwards at a speed of Mach 2 for the hero's PE number in minutes. He will, of course, require breathing equipment once in space. This should never be done if there is nothing to itercept him, as the hero could potentially drift into space once escaping Earth's gravity. Note that this pulse cannot be created merely by absorbing ions from an ion blaster or power source.

4.Other Bonuses:
+2d6 PS
+2d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC
+1d6 Hit Points
Can hold his breath twice the normal length of time
+10% to Military: Parachuting skill
+2 to Roll with P/F/I
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Space Elevator (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Going Up?"
The superbeing is capable of generating a cylindrical tube of force capable of carrying him into the outer atmospere.

1.Force Elevator: The hero creates a 10 foot diameter force cylinder which extends upwards 300 miles into the outer atmosphere of the planet. The force cylinder has an SDc of the character's ME number X 1000. This can be useful for the space traveller needeing to get to and from his ship.
Weight: Self and up to 50 lbs of gear
Duration: 24 hours or until destroyed
Attacks: Creating the elevator uses one full melee round
Limitations: The elevator can only be created once every 30 days.
Maximum Speed: Travel in the force cylinder is accomplished by creating a force disc below the hero and moving it upwards. The hero can move through the tube at a speed of 300mph, + 30mph per level.
Breathing: Air is filtered into the cylinder from below and provides air to the hero while he is in the cylinder.

2.Air Locks: Alternatively, the hero can produce force field tunnels as needed to provide airlocks between spaceships.
Range: The tunnel can be extended the hero's ME number in feet and is one foot wider and taller than he is.
Weight: Self and 50 lbs of gear.
Duration: The hero's ME number in minutes. Can only use the hero's ME number of times per day.
Attacks: Creation of this type of tunnel uses 2 melee attacks/action.
Movement: The hero can move at his normal speed through the force tunnel.
Breathing: The force field will contain any oxygen filtered into it between ships while it is in place.
SDC: Each airlock created will have an SDC of 1000.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses: +1d4 ME

Note that this power is designed for the space traveller with his own ship to allow access to it and moving between it and a planet or other ships.
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Chi Ma (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a natural ability to dislocate bones simply by touching them.
By touching an opponent on the arm, wrist. leg or other location and holding in for 2 melee attacks/actions, the hero can cause a nearby joint to become dislocated or can repair an existing dislocated joint.
In addition, on a successful called shot or critical strike, the hero causes an opponent's joint nearest the strike location to become dislocated (this is in addition to any other damage). This is done as a normal strike and uses only one melee attack/action.
The hero himself can dislocate his joints at will, gaining +15% to the Escape Artist skill.
See the Optional Minvor Injury Table in the HU2 main book page 19 to determine the effects of joint dislocation. Fixing a dislocated joint heals 1d4 SDC damage and 1 Hit Point of damage, as well as eliminating penalties due to the joint being dislocated.

Ceasefire (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Explosive? I don't think so."

The superbeing generates an energy field in which the process of combustion fails to take place.
Range: 40 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level
Duration: Constant; cannot be turned off. Note that as a result, he cannot fire guns, drive vehicles or even cook food using an open flame.
Attacks: Always on; requires no actions to activate it.
Limitations: Does not work against magical fire fully, reducing effects to half damage and range from magical fire attacks.

*Effect On Weapons: Weapons utilizing an explosion or combustion effect to fire, such as handguns, rifles, grenades, bombs, cannons and mines, will not fire or work properly if in the radius of effect. Energy beams such as lasers will be reduced to half range and damage when fired from inside the field and simply stop short when hitting the field.
*Effect On Vehicles: If inside a vehicle, the vehicle will fail to start if utilizing an internal combustion engine and fuel system. Vehicles likewise nearby him within range will fail to start and vehicles passing by will stall out (but continue cruising with the motor off unless a brake is applied). This will cause automobiles and motorized boats and cycles to lose speed and cause planes to lose speed and altituse.
*Effect On Natural Fires: Natural fires, including campfires and forest fires, as well as pilot lights in stoves, will be extinguished. Hot lava and heated air will cool rapidly at a rate of 25 degrees per melee round. Microwave ovens and electric heating devices will be reduced to half temperature.
*Effect On Super Powers: Powers such as CEF: Fire will have no element to lock onto, and fire blasts and similar effects will be extinguished or fail to function. Those with APS Firewill be forced into normal form and must save to avoid being hurt in the proces (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or suffer 1d4 damage to Hit Points and be unable to use their power again for 1d4 hours. This prevents all forms of Pyrokinesis as well.

Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs. magic involving fire
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ceasefire (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Explosive? I don't think so."

You see...this is spectacular.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Steam blast: [Minor]
'Hot under the collar? You will be'

The character has the ability to gather ambient moisture, superheat it and then propell it under pressure.
Range: 60 feet +10 feet per level. Moisture is gathered from a 30 foot radius.
Duration: instant
Attacks: each steam blast counts as one attack
Damage: 3D4+1D4 per level of experience.
Special: The blast strikes with the force of a human punch as well as searing heat. this PS is 14 when used to calculate its 'shoving power' +1 at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12,and 14
Bonus to strike: +4 to strike with aimed shots, +1 wild. +1 to both at levels 3, 6, 9 12 and 15.
Notes: The character needs a source of free standing moisture for this to work. without it, the character relies on ambient moisture from the air. as such, his first blast depletes the moisture from within his 30 foot radius. the character must either move or wait 1 melee round for normal air currents to sweep air moisture towards him.
Other abilities: the character can simply boil or warm free standing moisture.

Focus energy [minor]
'Can't penetrate his armour? let me help'

The character can focus on a source of energy, concentrating it over a smaller area, with the same output.
The character expends and action and targets a source of energy within 80 feet. that covers an area no more than 20 feet across.
The energy source shrinks to half it's affective volume with the same output.
Fires burn twice as hot over half the area (and burn up available fuel in twice the time) natural light forms an intense sphere of light around a corona of shade. Electrical sparking electricity is relatively unnafected. Exposed batteries deliver twice normal power but burn out twice as quick and so on. The character must expend onre action per melee to maintain this effect.
More importantly, the charactre can use this to concentrate the effects of energy beams. An affected bolt targetted within 80 feet becomes more intense over a smaller area. energy attacks, weather from a flamethrower, laser pistol, or any one of the energy expulsions, will see their damage increase by 20% and any one of the following extra affects.
* a further +30% extra damage.
* Armour piercing: ignore 4 points of natural or worn AR
* Impact: target suffers double normal impact, possibly causing a knockdown
* Acuracy: +3 to strike.

The character can use this on his own attacks, but doing so counts as two attacks (one to fire the attack, another to focus it)


(just adding a little power or two to keep me fresh)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Negative Plane [Major]
'Let's see what popus up'

The character can invert himself, entering a hollow world beneath his very feet. Solid objects, such as the earth itself become hollow spaces, while empty air becomes solid.
If the character were to invert himself while in a nightclub, he would sink into the earth, a process taking one melee, only to stand in an inverted world. He may feel the beats of the nightclub through his feet but will appear to be in a lightless, quiet world. The parking garage, once 20 feet below the surface of the club, now appears as a giant oblong box some 20 feet above his head. the elevator shaft, appears as a column of black stone rising upwards and merging with the ground.
The character treats this worls as he would his own, moving invisibly and silently. sadly the inverted landscape makes for poor navigation. The terrain is lightless (the character sees by some sort of sonar) and colourless, and sound is muted (soundwaves travel poorly through solid objects) solid objects in the real world, appear as pits and gaps in the ground. people appear particularilly weird, their feet impacting with the ground appear as foot shaped gaps in the ground, tiny foot long pits rapidly opening and closing.

The character can use this parallel world to mve about stealthily, popping back into the real world to get his bearings, but he can only invert once per minute. The character can take up to 50Lbs with him when he does so. The character cannot invert himself if tied or lashed to a solid object. The character can also perform a number of other stunts.

* can climb objects by using them as 'pit's in the inverted world. A building in the inverted world appears as a pit (with chunks of solid air suspended in it, the empty space between floors.)

* Walk through real world walls, by inverting into a solid object, turning around once inside, and then inverting abck out (the wall has to be thick enough to support this)

Other notes: water is, oddly enough, still water when inverted, though it behaves in revers ( it will appear as a hill of liquid. if people are swimming in it they will appear as human shaped hollows in the liquid
The character can breathe while in this medium.

Other bonuses: The character can remain here indefinately, but there is no food (save for that which he brings himself).
An impish GM may 'populate' this inverted world, with whatever fauna and flora he chooses.
The character has limited ability to affect the real world. Solid 'air' objects have AR 18 and a 10 x 10 foot 'block' enjoys 250 SDC, which regenrates at 10 SDC per melee (as airflow restores it in the real world). damage manifests as short lived chucks of Carbon, which dissolve as the damage heals.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Chain attacks [Minor]
'Over and over again heh'

The character has a kind of feedback, that rewards exceptional ability with extra speed.
1) If the character scores a critical hit (whether it connects or not) he gains one extra attack for that melee round.
2) The character can fire multiple attacks at once, essentially launching extra attacks in the same action. the character may chain extra attacks together. the target may dodge (the one dodge is compared against all attacks, but the charactre can only parry one attack with an auto parry)
3) Burst fire: the character can isntead blow 3 attacks, and fire his normal attack as a 'burst'. this attack is -2 to be parried or dodged and inflicts double normal damage.

Other bonuses: +1 attack per melee
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer also sent me the following in response to my request after I apologized for my bad behavior. Thanks again, Iczer.

Iczer wrote:How about...

Ionic Absorbtion [Major]
'Excuse me while I bouce off that small moon...wait that's no moon'

The character's body absorbs and channells ionic energy into himself for future use.

On the ground, the character enjoys imperviousness to ionic and electrical attacks, simply absorbing the energy and storing it for later.
The character can absorb no more than his PE x10 in electrical or ion damage before suffeing overflow. when his battery is full, he takes half damage from ionic and electrical damage.

The character may also expend the stored energy.
By expending 20 points, he surrounds himself with crackling ionising energy, for one melee per level of experience. any one touching the character during this time takes 2D4 damage and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or become stunned, losing one action.
By expending 20 Points, the character can simply inflict 4D6 (+1 per level) electrical damage to everyone within 20 feet as an explosion of energy.
If the character is under open sky, he may create a link between himself and it by expending 30 points of absorbed damage. Flashing like a bolt of lightning straight upwards into the upper atmosphere.

Upper atmosphere: in the upper atmosphere, the character enjoys the crackling sensation of the upper ionosphere. as long as he has 20 points of ionic or electrical damage stored in him, he may survive this area unharmed, and gains the power of flight: glide while air borne. the ionosphere charges him with one point of ionic damage every minute he remains in the ionosphere. there is little to see in the ionosphere, being 200 miles above the earth. the character also heals 1 point of damage every minute he is up there. Getting back down is a simple matter of expending another 20 points and rocketing down. the character should be very cautious at this point. as a bolt of lightning he inflicts 6D6 damage to everything within 5 feet of his point of impact, and the vast distances he travels does make aiming a little off. the % chance of reaching the intende landing point is equal to the character's IQ score. a failure, means the character is 6D6x10 miles off course. even success means the character is off target by 2D4x100 feet. if the character decides he wants to miss his point of landing, he may make a dodge (16+) to avoid.

Going upwards: the character can, from the upper ionosphere, soar into space, by expending 20 points of charge. as long as he has any stored energy, he can remain in space safely, but he discharges stored ions very rapidly. every 15 minutes he loses 1D4. stored charges. in space he may move as if he posessed flight: wingless, or may expend 5 charges to jump 1 AU in any given (takes 15 minutes but drains no additional charges) direction. rocketing into a planet's atmosphere causes the character to slam into it's ionosphere where he may treat it like he was on earth's ionosphere.

Other bonuses: +1D4x10 SDC +1D6+1 PE. takes half damage from the rigours of space. can hold his breath for 1D4 minutes plus one second per PE point.

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Zeroing: [Minor]
'Just give me a minute....'

The character gets better at task when perseveres, learning and keeping track of mistakes.
Whenever the character performs a task and fails, his next attempt, at exactly the same task recives a bonus of +1 (or +5%).
The action must be identical (or near enogh to it). attempting to kick a foe in combat counts only if the character continues to land the same style of kick. Throwing a punch would eliminate these bonuses. Likewise, picking a lock allows the accumulation of bonuses for each failed attempt.
The bonuses last, and continue to accumlate until the character succeeds or he quits for more than a few seconds (takes any other action)

The character keeps a track of things that fail, and tactics that succeed, storing the memory in the short term. A true person, who 'learns from hs mistakes' he has a chance of dragging old information back up. he has a base chance of recalling basic assitance on any given task by concenttrating for a melee round, and then rolling underneath his IQ score on percentile dice. this chance rises by 4% every level. (he cannot zero this). success means that, for a specific task, he gains a +1 to +4 to the task (+1D4) OR +(1D4x5%).

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Does someone have this list compiled as a word document? I started to cut and paste, but stopped after I was on page 3 and had 80 pages. Please PM me if there is even a partial list.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Thatt was why the wiki was created. There should have been a recent link posted the last time someone asked this question.

Coming Soon: Roots of Communication and some others that I am working on that are still in the concept stage.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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