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The Galactus Kid
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Awesome. I'll try to dig that up. Keep 'em coming SG. I may be a silent observer, but that doesn't mean I don't like your stuff.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Power Drag (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can disrupt the aim of another's energy beam, whether fired from an energy weapon or as an energy expulsion attack, pulling the energy off target. The target firing the beam must be in range of the hero's power to be affected.

Range: 100 feet per level
Duration: Affects a targeted individual for up to 2d4 melee rounds while the hero is concentrating, or until dropped. Maximumlength of power use determined each time it is activated.
Attacks: One melee attack/action to activate and then one attack/action per melee round to maintain.

Penalties to Target: The target suffers a penalty to strike using an energy weapon or energy expulsion power equal to the hero's ME bonus. Note that if the weapon is aimed at the hero himself, the ME bonus will act as a bonus to the target's strike roll to hit the hero, unless the hero drops the effect prior to the target's strike roll being made. This power is electromagnetic in nature, so those shooting bullets and other metal objects at the hero will also benefit from this ME strike bonus if the power is active and they are within 100 feet of the hero.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
Resistant to energy beams and energy expulsion powers (half damage)

Animal Abilities: Squid/Octopus (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

Physical Traits: Lumpy Skin and bulbous facial features (-1d4 PB)

Abilities and Bonuses:
1) Tentacle Arms which strike for 1d6 damage + PS bonus and do 1d4 + PS bonus on a crush/squeeze when entangling or grapping. +2 to Entangle (in addition to any other PP bonuses).
2) Add 2d6 to PS (considered Extraordinary)
3) Blinding Attack: Spits ink for a distance of 10 feet. A shot to the face will impose a blindness penalty of -4 to all attack moves; a shot in the face (requiring a called shot) will impose a penalty of -8 and the target loses initiative and is reduced to half attacks for 2d4 melee rounds.
4) Breathe Underwater (and on land) indefinitely
5) Depth Tolerance: 2 miles
6) Swimming skill at 80%
7) Can control one giant squid or up to 2d6 octopi or squid, +2 per level of experience
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Petrifying Weapons (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Feel the wrath of my mighty fern."

The hero can cause plant matter to stiffen and petrify by touch, causing it to serve as amor and weapons.

1.Plant Armor: The hero can petrify shirts and thicker garments and armor if it is made of plant matter, such as cotton or wood, raising its AR by as much as 8 points. A cotton shirt having no AR can be made to have up to 8 AR and existing armor can be increased to up to an AR of 18 maximum. The AR is increased by one point for every melee round it is worn. The increased AR lasts for 2d4 melee rounds before beginning to crumble, losing 1 SDC point per melee round after the duration expires. SDc of the item remains the same even when its AR is increased.

2.Plant Weapons: Weapons can be made from leaves and grass. Petrified leaves can be made into throwing stars doing 1d4 damage each. Grass can be made into blowgun darts doing a single point of damage. Palm leaves can be made into blades doing 2d4 damage. As with the armor, the items only last 2d4 melee rounds before crumbling, losing 1 point of SDC per melee round. Leaves have an effective SDC of 1 point each, whilea palm leaf has 10 SDC for the purposes of this power. The hero gains +2 to strike when using Plant Weapons.

Bioweave Wings (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero is able to control grass fibers, weaving them around his body for several effects, including flight. This is done by touch and all woven objects stay intact only while in contact with him.

1.Weave Armor: The hero is able to weave vines of plant matter arond himself to give protection against attacks.
Natural AR: 8, +1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
SDC: 20, +5 points per level
Special: Can unravel the armor partially to use the vines as whips (see below)

2.Weave Wings: The plant fibers can also be made to extend out from his body while attached to it to serve as rudimentary wings which the hero can use for flight.
Length: Up to 3 feet each
SDC: Wings have SDC of 20 each and add 20 SDC to armor.
Flight Speed: 50mph, plus 5mph per level
Bonuses in Flight:
+4 damage for every 20mph of speed
+2 dodge when hovering; +4 if flying over 60mph; +8 if flying over 80mph
Special: Can partially unravel wings when not in use to use as whips (see below)

3.Weave Whips: The hero can form weapons from loose plant material or unravel the armor or wings to use them to strike.
Length: Whips can be made up to 3 feet long, plus one foot at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Bonus to Strike and/or Entangle: +2 aimed, no bonus wild (in addition to other bonuses

4.Other Bonuses: Automatically gets WP Whip
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Garden Variety (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's body is covered in a layer of soil which he can use to grow vegatables for use as food and weapons.

1.Organic Armor: The hero's layer of dirt and vegetables provide a natural AR of 8 and has an SDC of 1d6X10, plus 10 SDc per level.

2.Feed Off Layer: The hero never needs to stop and eat, his skin absorbing nutrients from the vegetables covering his body. He also fatigues at half normal rate and heals damage at twice normal rate.

3.Hurl Vegetables: The character can dislodge vegetables at will, using them as weapons.
Range: Vegetables can be hurled up to 60 feet
Damage: 2d6 damage maximum (varies based on type of vegetable hurled).
Attacks Per Melee: Each hurled vegetable, regardless of size, counts as one melee attack.
Bonuses: As per the character's normal bonuses.

4.Power Devices: The hero can use the vegetables to power minor electrical devices, such a watch or a flashlight. It is possible to get 1.2 volts from a single vegetable and even up to 9 volts by linking vegetables together. GMs should use their discretion and judgement in determining what they will allow to be powered in this fashion.

5.Feed Others: The hero can pick the vegetables to provide food for his allies as necessary provided there are not too many of them.

6.Other Abilities:
+2 to save vs. airborne toxins, +4 vs. plant toxins
+10% to Preserve Food skill as it pertains to vegetables
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Roots of Communication (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Do you mind? I am talking on the, um, turnip."

The hero has the ability to alter plants so that they conduct radio signals. They must be of an appropriate shape to do so but can be used for a variety of effects.

1.Bugs in the Grass: Grass and weeds, as well as flowers, can be used to listen to the conversations of those standing on or near them within 3 feet. The sound can be carried through the connected roots for a distance up to the hero's ME number in miles, though he must touch the area of grass or the plant to sensitize it to be receptive to the sounds. To receive the sounds, he must touch a flower or knot in a tree, causing it to become an echo chamber to interpret the sound vibrations. The root system must be continuous for this to work, as in a forest, so the power becomes severely limited in urban environments. Using flowers rather than just grass increases the sound clarity and range by a foot.

2.Plant Cels: The hero can also use vegetable type plants having a long root, such as an onion, turnip, beet or carrot, as phone which he can use to tap into existing phone lines. This cannot be used to dial a specific number but can act as a way of phoning for help in the case of an emergency. Range is the hero's ME in miles, plus one mile per level.

3.Branch Reception: The hero can also use trees as antennas to intercept radio transmissions, able to tune in police bands and emergenc channels as well as commercial bandwidths, for a range of his ME number in miles. As with Bugs in the Grass, a knot in the tree used will act as an echo chamber for the sound received. This only works while the hero is touching the tree and will not work in adverse weather or high wind, as these conditions hamper reception.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+10% to Preserve Food skill as it pertains to vegetables
+5% to other Wilderness skills
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Potato Minions (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by my roommate Robert
"Rise my Tater Tots!"

The hero can cause potatoes in range to rise up out of the ground and take on humanoid shape to serve as scouts.

The hero can affect potatoes growing in the ground (cannot be potatoes already picked) within a 10 foot radius, plus one foot per level. When rising out of the ground, the potatoes will sprout tiny eyes and take on a generally humanoid form.

Number Created: The hero can create his ME number in minions, plus one per level. This can be done up to his ME number in times per day.

Duration: The potatoes have a lifespan of 2d4 melee rounds, plus one round per level, or until destroyed or eaten.

Attacks: Creating a batch of potato minions uses 2 melee attacks/actions. Requires one melee attack/action per melee round to control them.

Range: Minions must be created from potatoes within a radius of 10 feet of the hero, plus one foot per level. The hero can control the minions for a distance of up to 100 feet per level (line of sight unless "seeing" through minion (see below).

Special: The hero can see using the eyes formed in the potatoes, but only through one at a time, and he can preform no other actions while doing so.

IQ/MA/ME: Not applicable. They are basically puppets.
PS: 2, allowing a potato minion to lift up to 20 lbs.
PP: 10
PE: 12
Speed: Equal to the hero's ME score
SDC: 5
HP: 1
Attacks: The hero can attack with them, but this subtracts from his other attacks.
Damage: A potato can be slammed into a target for 2d6 damage.
Resistances: Potato minions take half damage from all forms of energy attacks and half damage from blunt strikes whether from a weapon or HtoH strikes. Potatoes also do not breathe and can be sent underwater or into airless environments with no ill effect.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2 to strike using a potato as a thrown weapon, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12.
+15% to cooking skill when preparing recipes using potatoes
+10% to Preserve Food as it pertains to vegetables
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The Galactus Kid wrote:Awesome. I'll try to dig that up. Keep 'em coming SG. I may be a silent observer, but that doesn't mean I don't like your stuff.
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Dragon Wings (Major)

By Senator Cybus

The super being possesses a pair of wings, and not those of some lowly bird or insect, but rather a mighty dragon! Furthermore, by adopting the physical traits of a creature of myth, the super being also gains some of its mystical power.

The Dragon Wings have an average wingspan of 16-20 feet (4.9 - 6.1m). This can make a secret identity a problem, and passage through narrow spaces is difficult, even though the wings can be tucked back to about half of their normal width to glide through such small openings. When not flying, the wings can be carefully folded and restrained with minimal discomfort. When they’re pulled back and strapped in place, the character suffers the following penalties: -1 attack per melee round, -2 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry or dodge, and reduce normal running speed by 20%.

The wings have a natural A.R. of 15 and S.D.C. of 250 each. Attacking a wing requires a called shot. Wings reduced to 10 or less S.D.C. each will reduce speed by half, and if one wing is crippled (reduced to zero S.D.C. or less) the super being cannot fly at all. The wings can regenerate damage at a rate of 1D6x10 per hour.

Bonuses in Flight: Applicable only if there is room for the wings to be fully unfolded: the character can hover several inches above the ground during combat in order to use his full bonuses.

Flight Speed is 200 mph (320 km) plus 20 mph (32 km) per level of experience. Maximum Altitude: 20,000
feet (6096 km).

+1D4 to M.A. attribute.
+1 attack per melee round.
+2 to initiative.
+2 to parry.
+2 to dodge when hovering or flying under 90 mph (144 km), but +6 to dodge when flying faster.
+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed.

Unaffected by thin air, high altitudes or G-forces less than 5. The super being can hold his breath for up to 8 minutes.

Can go from zero to his maximum flight speed in roughly two melee rounds (thirty seconds). The acts of taking off and stopping or landing each count as one melee action.

Dragon Wings Special Powers:

1. Creature of Magic. The character is able to call upon innate mystical power, intuitively casting spells with the ease of an experienced wizard.

Initially, the hero may select 1D4+2 level one spells (Heroes Unlimited main book, page 320). At each new level of experience, the character may learn two more spells from levels 1 to 8, so long as the selections are not of a level higher than his own, e.g. a level four character could not choose level five spells, but could pick from levels one, two, three or four. Spell strength, range, duration and damage are determined by the character’s experience level, as if he were a genuine wizard.

The super being has a permanent P.P.E. base of 1D4x10+20+P.E. attribute bonus (if any). In addition, he gains an extra 1D6 P.P.E. per level of experience. He can augment this by drawing upon the P.P.E. available at ley lines and nexus points, but unlike true mages he cannot extract P.P.E. from living beings or talismans and artefacts.

As the character’s spell casting ability is entirely instinctive, he cannot learn new spells from mages or magic scrolls/books; he simply doesn’t have the formal training to make sense of such information. The character cannot meditate to recover P.P.E. more quickly; the energy naturally replenishes itself at the rate of five points per hour of rest or sleep. The super being cannot cast ritual magic, wards or circle magic.

2. Breath Weapon. The hero can emit a blast of elemental power from his mouth, like a true dragon. The type of element depends upon the player’s choice of colour for his Dragon Wings, as indicated below:

Black: Shadow. The same as Energy Expulsion: Shadow Bolt.
Blue: Electricity. The same as Energy Expulsion: Electricity.
Gold: Super-heated flame. The same as Energy Expulsion: Plasma.
Green: Acid. The same as the Acid Spray sub-ability of Alter Physical Structure: Acid.
Red: Fire. The same as Energy Expulsion: Fire.
Silver: Ice blast. The same as Energy Expulsion: Cold.

Limitations: Unlike the super power that it simulates, a Breath Weapon cannot be used continually. At level one, the character may only use the Breath Weapon once per hour. At level three, this increases to twice per hour, at level six he may use it three times per hour, at level ten he can use it four times per hour and at level fifteen the super being can use the Breath Weapon five times per hour.

3. Elemental Immunity. The character has a resistance to the element that he is able to use as a Breath Weapon, e.g. if the super being has blue Dragon Wings, he is resistant to electricity. Red or gold wings both provide resistance to heat/fire. The character's wings are completely impervious to the chosen element; if any other part of the character’s body is struck, he takes half damage. This protection applies even to magically created forms of the element.

4. Bonuses:
+70 S.D.C.
+1D4+2 P.S.
+1D4+2 P.E.
+2 to save vs. magic.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Dragon Wings is a bit powerful, but nicely done nonetheless, Senator.

Zoom (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Me fall down go Zooooooooom!"

The hero is capable of absorbing kinetic attacks and channeling them into speed. This includes energy from explosions, falls and physical strikes.

1.Attack Resistance: The hero is resistant to falls, explosions, punches, kicks, and all other Hand to Hand and melee weapon strikes, taking only half normal SDC damage and channeling the rest into speed reserves.

2.Damage Conversion: The excess damage can be channeled by the hero into a burst of speed. This burst of speed can be used only once afdter damage is taken (nothing can be held back for a second burst) and must be performed within his PE number in minutes after the damage is absorbed. Each point of damage converted adds one point of speed to the burst when it is generated. All points must be used or they are lost, so the hero must run at full speed to fully utilize this power's benefits.

3.Speed Burst: The hero adds converted points to his speed which act like a ramjet, pushing him to full velocity within one melee action and allows him to continue at the increased speed for his PE number in melee rounds.

4.Other Bonuses: +2d4 PE

Zap (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is able to generate a stream of electrons which shoot for great distances but inflict little damage, intended more to stun and disable opponents than to hurt them.

Range: 1000 feet per level
Damage: 1d4, plus 1 point per level, plus there is a 01-70% chance of the victim being stunned. If stunned, a victim may make a saving throw to shrug off the effect (14 of better, PE bonus applies). If failing the save, the victim will be stunned for 2d4 melee rounds, unable to attack. This will cause flying characters hit to be knocked out of the sky and potentially take damage from the fall.
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Zapping an opponent counts as 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonus to Strike: Equal to the hero's ME bonus.

High Jump (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Simply put, the further the hero is from the ground, the further he can jump. Each foot he is away from the ground adds one inch to his horizontal leaping distance, so if the is 12 feet off the ground, he gains one foot to his leaping distance. This only becomes impressive once he is high up in the air and attempting to leap between planes and such.
In addition, the hero has no fear of heights and is resistant to cold (half damage).
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Mosh Flight (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't move! I'm overhead!"

The hero can achieve flight only by using a telekinetic effect when having people under him. This makes use of the potential psychic energy of those below him, allowing him to fly over them at amazing speed.

Flight Speed: Minimum flight speed is 20mph, with maximum speed equal to the hero's MEX20mph, plus 20mph per level
Bonuses in Flight:
*+6 to dodge when under 60mph, +8 over
*+1 attack
*+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed
Minimum Altitude: 6 feet or 1 foot over crowd
Maximum Altitude: Minimum plus ME number in feet, plus 1 foot per level

PPE Cost: None if flying directly over a crowd with the people no further than his ME number in inches apart and forming a group 10 feet wide, but the character can draw PPE from targets in range to extend his flight distance. The hero can draw 2 PPE points from all individuals within a 10 feet radius by expending an action to do so. The targets may save vs. magic (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to resist having this PPE drained.

Flight Points: Draining PPE from targets causes the PPE to gather as a reserve of Flight Points which can be spent to allow the hero to fly longer distances. The hero cannot convert his own PPE, however. Each target drained gives the hero 2 PPE/Flight Points which he can use to fly for a distance of his ME number in feet per Flight point.
The hero can only hold up to his ME number X20 in Flight Points at any one time.

Drawbacks: If losing energy for flight or crowd disperse unexpectedly, the hero will be unable to stop himself, potentially slamming into the pavement, buildings or traffic.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Mudskipper (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let's get down and dirty!"

In moist areas where there is wet dirt and mud, the hero is in his element. He suffers no penalties to movement due to the slick mud on the ground and is actually able to move at twice normal speed. He can also leap 30% further than his normal leaping distance when in mud and gains +4 to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact when in the mud.
Unfortunately, the hero suffers penalties when on pavement, wood and tiled floors, and even dry earth and rock, having his speed reduced by 30% and his initiative penalized by -4.

Riding Crops (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a kind of oneness with nature, a gestalt allowing him to live in harmony with it. This allows the hero to do amazing things in cooperation with it, the most notable being a kind of flight.

The hero is able to rida across tall grass and grains, shooting across the top of it like a hydroplane shooting across the water. This presses the grass flat as he does so, leaving a clear trail behind the hero.

Flight Speed: The hero's MEX20mph, plus 20mph per level
Bonuses in Flight:
*+4 dodge if hovering or flying under 60mph, +6 over
*+1 attack per melee round
*+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed
Altitude: The hero's ME number in feet, plus one foot per level
Limitations: The flight ability is only possible over grasslands and wheat and grain crops and fields.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
*The hero can leap twice his normal distance if jumping from tree to tree.
*+2 or +5% to balance checks when standing or walking on tree branches
*The character can walk on tree branches and atop hedges as if half his normal weight.
*The hero only takes half damage from wooden weapons and arrows, as well as any weapons fashioned from plants or inflicted by opponents in an APS: Plant type form.
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"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:[

Hmmm....Glad I took Energy Projection: Fire and Superhuman Digestion...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[

Hmmm....Glad I took Energy Projection: Fire and Superhuman Digestion...

I take it this is in response to Potato Minions?
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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I am actually trying to work up a power involving peanuts. :P
Until then, munch on this:

Tandem Flight (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can fly alone, but he can also grant the ability to companions in range.

1.Flight: Wingless: The character is capable of flight, flying at a speed equal to his ME attribute X10mph, plus 20mph per level
Bonuses In Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 strike and parry
+4 dodge when flying under 80mph, +6 over
+4 damage for every 20mph of speed
+1d4X10 SDC

2.Wingmen: The hero can allow companions to fly alongside him at the same speed and bonuses as long as they stay within a certain distance from him.
Number of Companions: Equal to the character's ME number, plus one at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Maximum Flight Distance: Companions must remain within a distance equal to the hero's ME attribute number in feet, plus one foot per level.
Duration: Concentration. The hero loses an attack per melee round to keep the energy field allowing his friends to travel with him in place.
Bonuses:The hero gains 20mph to his maximum flight speed for each additional person travelling with him by use of this power.

3.Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME
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Supervision: predator sight [Minor]
'I see you one hides from the Jaguar!'

The character can transform his eyes, adjusting not only what his eyes can see, but how his brain interperates what he sees.
By shifting his eyes, he drops to simple black and white vision, but he gains the following
* Nightvision out to 80 feet
* an acute awareness of shape, speed, size, and shadow.
* Opponents have -15% to prowl
* +4 to perception checks that refer to vision.
* +4 to initiative.
* +10% to track and +10% to surveilance systems to trail another.
* +2 to strike OR Dodge (chosen on a round by round basis)

The character changes the aprt of the brain that processes details when he does this, so while his vision is enhanced, he suffers from
Illiteracy: no longer understands the written word, and many basic diagrams while his eyes are changed.
Technical aptitude: while the character can operate doorknobs, he has difficulty with complex machinery. -10% to all mechanical and electrical skills, plus -20% to pilot skills.

Limb manipulation [Minor]
'Let me just wiggle out of these cuffs and I'll fly up there and check.'

The character can alter the shape and structure of his limbs, one at a time to serve varying functions.
Each limb change is an action, so if apair of limbs need changing, it takes additional time. The character can perform the following stunts.
* Add +20% to escape artist to free his hands or feet by making the limb, thinner and more pliable.
* Form natural weapons inflicting 2D4 to 2D6 damage.
* Form armoured plates to parry weapon attacks 'bare handed'
* Form longer, more dexterous digits to add +10% to skills requiring a fine touch
* Form wings and (if capable of lifting his own weight) fly at a Spd equal to his PS score.
* Turn a right arm into a left.
* Turn legs into functional arms

Changes are indefinite in length, until willed back by the charactre.

Grevious bodilly harm [Minor]
'This is gonna hurt you more than...well it aint gonna hurt me none anyway'

The character projects a field of force aroud his body that diffuses Kinetic energy through a target, rather than simply across a target's surface area.
When striking a target, wasted kinetic energy is channelled back into the target, causing harder and deeper impacts.
Target's struck by the character (bare body blows only) inflict 1D6 extra damage with each strike. Further more this damage is doubled when calculating serious or incapacitating wounds.
The field also protects the character, reducing kinetic damage by 1/4, and shielding against cuts and bruises (bullets and blades are more likely to simply spread their energy over the body rather than dig deep.) There is a flat 50% chance that dart or needle based attacks do not penetrate his skin.

Animal Synch: [Minor]
'You take the lion dude, The rhino is mine'

The character can synch up with a nearby animal (60 feet).
When the character has synched up with it, he gains that animal's PS and Spd scores as well as its extraordinary senses. If he already posesses superior senses or attributes, then he keeps them. t takes one action to synch with an animal. The synch lasts for one melee round per level, or until the target leaves the 60 foot radius (or dies)

Pearlescant armour [Minor]
'Ohhhhh...shiny...oh wait..that's me'

The character's bdy is coated in hundreds of tiny pieces of rounded pearl like baubles, giving the character a silvery pink, blue or white sheen.
This skin grants the following abilities.
* +4 to PS and PE +30 SDC.
* Natural AR of 13
* energy tolerant: takes half damage from lasers and from raw energy attacks.
* Smooth skin makes him hard to grapple with -4. the character's hands and feet are not as smooth, and so he does not suffer the same penalty.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Natural warrior: [Minor]
'Seems like You never miss an opportunity for me to beat your punk arse'

The character's own fighting abilities increase when he experiences a kind of feedback fro a living opponent.
After one round after facing an opponent, the character's effective level for his HTH skill, rises to match the highest level of any foe he is facing. If a 3rd level mutant with HTH basic faced an 8th evel soldier with HTH expert, the mutant's HTH basic rises to 8th level after the first round.
Further more, the following conditions also trigger an effective level rise.
* facing more than 3 opponents (+1 level)
* Target has an exotic HTH form (anything outside the HU2 books)
* Target has boxing or wrestling (+1 each)
* Target is an ancient master or other pure martial artist OCC (+1 level)

In addition, the character enjoys +2 to strike/parry/ dodge/roll or initiative (select which one on a level by level basis)
and for every level rise, he enjoys +1 damage.

The character's weapons skills do not rise.

Return Pain [major]
'Strike me down and you will only malke yourself weaker'

The character reflects his pain on others.
1) Pain biofield: When the character takes any damage, he sends it rippling into those he touches. anyone holding the character when he takes any damage, or anyone actually striking him with their bare body, must make a save (16+) Vs pain or take 1D4 damage for every 5 points inflicted (half if save is made..none if immune to pain) likewise, if the character is amde to save vs pain, then all those he touches must instead.
2) pain ray: alternatively, after taking any damage, the character can use it to generate a bolt of sizzling bio-energy that inflicts 1D6 damage for every 5 inflicted out to 80 feet with +4 to strike. this damage is halved if a save vs pain is made (16+) any time the character is made to save vs pain, he may trigger a 4D6 bolt. always use the highest damage inflicted to determine how much pain was inflicted.
3) resilient: by shedding his pain, the character is immune to it. this garners him a +1D4+1 PE increase plus a bonus 1D4x10+20 SDC in addition to being immune to pain. his sense of touch is undiminished, and he halves any penalties due to incapacitating wounds.
4) self inflicted pain: by a number of methods, (pins in the arms, electric shocks etc) the character can generate a more or less constant pain field above and beyond the above abilities. This drains one action per melee, but allows the character to add +2D4 to all HTH attacks involving contact. all painbiofeild and pain ray damage is increased by 10.

Heart expansion: [minor]
'I got a big heart..what can I say'

The character can nearly double the size of his Heart, granting a massive boost in personal power and strength.
while doubled (doubling is an actio) the charactre recieves the following boost.
* +10 PE
* +50 SDC
* fatigues at half rate
* double spd attribute

The character's heart remains doubled for 5 minutes per level before shrinking again. there is a half hour rest period required between uses. The SDC boost returns every time it is put to use.
Extra HP gained from the PE Jump, first heals lost HP. thhis healing is permanent (and thus the character could heal 10 HP every 30 minutes)

Slow trance [minor]
'let's take this very carefully'

The character can slow his metabolism, even slowing the rate at which energy impacts upon him, as if time itself was slowed within the confines of his body.
The character halves his attacks per melee and Spd scores (all of them) and suffers a -2 to strike, parry and dodge.
In return he gains the following:
* half damage from all kinetic impacts, and halve again from falls.
* Poisons and toxins slow down to half normal rate
* The character has +6 to avoid/resist any trip/fall (or +20%)
* uses food an air at half normal rate
* Effectively has twice as much inertia as normal. treat his mass as being twice normal when determining whether he can be shifted or moved. in addition, while his attacks are slower, they are harder to deflect. Parry attempts are made at -6 though rolls with punch are increased by 2

Healing trance [minor]
'Let me rest for a moment'

The character can enter a deliberate meditative state in which he may not be roused. during this time, he is oblivious to all but the roughest motions and loudest noises.
while tranced, the character heals 1 HP and 1 SDC every 5 minutes (12 per hour).
Every hour, the character may make a save vs disease or poison to flush out an existing disease or toxin.
After three hours, the character can regrow a small limb or organ. after 6 hours and an entire limb may be regrown.
Daily meditation also slows growth. the character heals at 1/2 normal rate.
The character uses 5% normal air and water while meditating.

Other bonuses: The character heals without scarring, and ejects foreign objects in the process of healing.
+1D4 PE +1D4 ME. +2 PB +2 MA.
heals at 2 times normal rate when not meditating.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Ungodly Strength (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Good god, you ARE strong."

The hero has the ability to sap strength from godlike beings (Immortal category Godlings, Avatars, Demi-Gods and Fallen Demi-Gods and Godlings).

Effect: The hero draws on the raw power of the godlike being, reducing it to normal strength leve4ls and raising his own strength category (beomes Extraordinary in the presence of an Avatar or Fallen Godling or Demi-God and Supernatural in the presence of a Godling or Demi-God).

Range: The godlike being must be within a radius of the hero's ME nmumber in feet to be affected, plus 1 foot per level.

Duration: Energies may be drawn for the hero's ME number in melee rounds, plus one melee round at levels 4, 8 and 12.

Attacks: Locking onto the energy stuns the hero while he absorbs it, costing him two melee attacks actions and his initiative for that melee round.

Saving Throw: The god affected may make a saving throw to resist the effect (16 or better for those with Extraordinary strength, 14 or better for those with Supernatural strength, plus 1 at levels 4, 8 and 12. ME bonus applies). A successful saving throw means the god is unaffected.

Other Benefits: While the strength bonus is in effect, the hero will heal at twice normal rate.

Penalties following end of duration of strength bonuses: Once the enhancement duration ends, the her suffers from withdrawal penalties due to its loss, his strenght returning reduced to half normal attribute points for PS. These lost points are regained at a rate of 1 point per melee round. During this recovery period, the hero will be -2 to all combat moves and -5% to skill performance. He will be unable to use the power again until the lost PS points are recovered and cannot drain strength from the same individual for 24 hours for Extraordinary strength targets and 48 hours for Supernatural strength targets.

Sensing Targets: The hero can sense the presence of godlike beings and other Immortals for a radius of his ME numberX10 feet, plus 10 feet per level.

Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME
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Rafter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero possesses the ability to cause wood to weave itself together forming items, or simply to unravel itself causing damage.

1.Weave Wood: By expending an action, the hero can unravel wood fiber and cause it to weave itself into nearby tood. Wood to be joined together must be set side by side and be close to its natural state. Stripped and sanded wood will work, but with a skill penalty of -20%. The hero can affect his ME number in feet of wood, plus one foot per level. The wood will weave itself together with an equivalent skill level of 30%, plus 5% per level. The wood will weave itself together at a rate of one foot per melee round and require one melee attack/action per melee round to maintain due to the hero needing to concentrate on it. If the skill roll is unsuccessful, the woven wood will only remain joined for the hero's ME attribute number in hours. If successful, the wood will be joined permanently. Oce one pair of beams is joined, the hero can then place another log or wood segment beside the existing structure, using the powert again to add to it. The hero can use this to build houses and boats if possessing the appropriate skills, though no skills are necessary if only building simple rafts and such. This power gives no significant telekinetic ability regarding wood other than what has already been mentioned, so machinery may be needed to move heavier logs and wooden structures and hold them in place during the construction process.
Adds +5 to Carpentry and Boat Building skills.
Will not work on laquered or preserved wood.

2.Damage Wood: The hero can unravel wood without causing it wo weave itself, doing 2d4 damage to wooden structures, armor and weapons, plus 1 point per level.

Speed of the Gods (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, based on the power by Tigerhouse

The character moves so fast that he can move to hit, lift or catch a thrown ball many times, building up momentum before it is actually moved, increasing the strength of a strike, parry or jump. Each additional hit or block adds 10% to the force of the throw. For each PP number over 15, he gets an additional microstrike (so a person with a PS of 20 and a PP of 16 would hit as if having a PS of 24, adding +9 to the damage rather than just +5). For simplicity, the parry bonus would be doubled or the hero could do a combination parry/strike.
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Petrolfication (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Life is a gas."

The hero is able to control the rate of fossilization in objects and organic matter. The matter must be dead in order to convert it nto fuel. This is done by touch and is a slow and tedious process. It requires the superbeing to use a containment vessel, like a barrel to store the oil and gasolie produced. The power can be used to refine existing fossil fuel as well as break down solid matter.

1.Biogenic Breakdown: By touching an object in his hands, the hero is able to apply intense heat and pressure, filtering out chemicals and gases. Normal matter can be compressed in this manner, reducing it to 10% of its former mass and converting it into coal. The hero can compress his PS number in ponds in this manner, converting it to coal. This expends an action to perform. By expending an additional action, the hero can crush the coal into an equal amount of natural oil. This can also be used to petrify and fossilize matter.

2.Petroleum Purification: By Touching Natural Oil, the hero can refine it into gasoline. He can also alter it into high octane fuel if making a successful Chemistry skill roll to do so. The hero can affect one gallon of natural gas and/or oil in this manner per level (so at level 15 he could alter up to 15 gallons by expending a single action. Oil conversion products are listed on a chart below.

3.Unbreakable Grip: The hero has Supernatural PS for the purpose of crushing items in his hand or grabbing hold of things (a Supernatural PS greater than his own is necessary to break his grip) and hanging on to prevent being thrown off of rampaging animals or moving vehicles.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 PS
+2d4 PE
+10% to Chemistry skills
Immune to Toxins and Poisins

Breakdown of Natural Oil into Product from one barrel (55 gallons):
Gasoline = 19.4 gallons = 35% converted; Distillate Fuel Oil = 9.7 gallons = 18% converted; Kerosene Type Jet Fuels = 4.3 gallons = 8% converted; Coke = 2.0 gallons = 4% converted; Liquified Refinery Gases = 1.9 gallons = 3.5% converted; Still Gas = 1.8 = 3.3% converted; Asphalt and Road Oil = 2.2 gallons = 2% converted; Petrochemical Feedstocks = 1.1 gallons = 2% converted; Lubricants = .5 gallons = 1% converted; Kerosene = .2 gallons = .4% converted; Other = .4 gallons = .7% converted
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Peanut Power (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"You no like my nuts? Chew on this!"

The hero can influence the chemicals and mass in peanuts for a variety of effects.

1.Peanut Projectiles: The hero can alter handguns to fire peanuts, equal to an Armorer(Field) skill of 30%, plus 5% per level (or adds 10% to the skill if already possessed). Alternatively, the hero can pinch the peanut to crack the shell and shoot its contents for 60 feet, plus 5 feet per level.

Range: Created weapon fires 30% less distance than a normal weapon of the same type. Peanuts can be pinched and shot for 60 feet, plus 5 feet per level.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to fire off a peanut.
Damage: Peanuts are a legume and thus have multiple parts, hitting with 2-3 slugs (30% chance of any peanut fired being a tripleshot; 10% chance of being a single shot). A peanut with a single slug does 1 point of damage, 2 slugs do 1d4 damage, and 3 slugs do 1d6 damage.
Peanut Penetration: Penetration value of a peanut is poor and if firing at armored opponents will hit as if their AR were 2 points higher.
Bonus the Strike: +1 aimed; -2 shot penalty if shot wild. No bonus when pinching peanuts to fire.
Note that this power is messy, leaving peanut shells on the ground under the hero firing them off.

2.Create Explosive Objects: Peanut Bombs: The hero can alter the chemicals in peanuts to cause them to explode. The hero can use this to create exploding thrown weapons similar to grenades.

Range: A peanut can be thrown fro 5 feet by someone with normal strength having average PS between 3-19, up to 200 fet by someone with average Extraordinary or Superhuiman PS between 20 and 30, and up to 300 feet by someone with average Supernatural PS of 18 and over. One foot may also be added for each point of PS above the average, so a normal human with a PS of 24 could throw it for 55 feet (50 feet plus 5 feet additional for the 5 points of PS above 19).
Duration: Peanut explosion can only be delayed for the hero's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to charge and throw Peanut Bombs. The may also be charged in one melee raction and left as traps.
Damage: Peanuts are legumes having multiple segments, typically hitting with 2-3 slugs, but sometimes only one. Each slug adds 1d6 damage to the explosive damage, so a peanut with 2 slugs will do 2d6 and one with 3 slugs will do 3d6.
Bonuses to Strike: +2 to throw to strike using a Peanut Bomb (plus any bonuses from Pp and HtoH skills).

3.Peanut Fuel: The hero can modify vehicles vehicles to run on peanut oil with a skill level in Automotive Mechanics equal to 15%, plus 5 % per level (or adds +10% to Automotive Mechanics skill). A successful roll means the hero can alter the fuel system to make it run on peanut oil, though such a vehicle will only get half its normal mileage per gallon.

4.Peanut Construction: The hero can alter the consistency of peanut butter to change it into a caulking agent to repair holes in walls, or to make it into a form of cement. The hero can affect one gallon of peanut butter by touch provided he makes a successful skill roll in Chemistry of 20%, plus 5% per level (or adds +10 5 to the Chemistry skill. This also adds +5% to the Carpentry and Boat Building skills). A failed roll means the peanut butter is changed, just not to anything useful.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Adds +15% to the Cooking skill when making food with peanuts and +15% to Botany for the purpose of peanut farming.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Peanut Power (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"You no like my nuts? Chew on this!".

"And today in Super News, Presidential Candidate Jimmy Carter demonstrated his mutant abilities by singlehandedly thwarting an assassination attempt using what he described as 'homegrown peanut power'..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Has anybody indexed ALL of the powers on this forum?
I'm wondering if anybody's down Prehensile Tongue or Tongue-related powers(reptile superbeing WIP)....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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taalismn wrote:Has anybody indexed ALL of the powers on this forum?
I'm wondering if anybody's down Prehensile Tongue or Tongue-related powers(reptile superbeing WIP)....

Everyone who has posted their own powers or given permission for powers to be posted have their powers listed in the wiki. We are not wanting to post materials of others without permission,
So far as I know, there are no tongue powers listed in there. Is there something you might like designed or are thinking of posting yourself?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Has anybody indexed ALL of the powers on this forum?
I'm wondering if anybody's down Prehensile Tongue or Tongue-related powers(reptile superbeing WIP)....

Everyone who has posted their own powers or given permission for powers to be posted have their powers listed in the wiki. We are not wanting to post materials of others without permission,
So far as I know, there are no tongue powers listed in there. Is there something you might like designed or are thinking of posting yourself?

Had an odd project...public library wanted me to do illos for a summer reading program themed around superheroes, so I had to come up with some kid-friendly superheroes, loosely based around the idea of a superhero group operating out of the small New England town the library was in...sort of a 'C-list' local mutants and do-gooders society that couldn't individually muster up the bus fare to go to a REAL Hartford, Connecticut....all of three miles away...
After drawing up a few, I started mentally statting them out for fun...

Gecko-Guy's a budget SpiderMan, only he's so hardluck he actually HAS to eat flies...He's sort a mishmash of reptile traits, including Animal Characteristics: Reptile, Chameleon, and Clinging...and he's got a Minor power(all I got left as a power slot) for a prehensile tongue...

Hence my quest for Tongue powers...

Fortunately, GeckoGuy's first big score was taking out the bankrobber GreenBottle(minor flying mutant in a fly-suit)...

Just for kicks, here's the rest of the as yet unnamed hero group, with added backstories(not like the Children's Department will tack them on; they really needed just names and snazzy costumes)...

Mister BrainO--small, bigheaded, blue-skinned, mutant Natural Genuis and resident robot builder..

KniteLite---Glowing energy-thrower(Alter Physical Styructure: Laser, and GlowBug)

Zirconium---Hulking crystalline being...teams with KniteLIte because his body actually amplifies her light-based energy attacks...

Handy-Anne--Young college-girl mechanic with the ability to produce a small swarm of a dozen glowing oversized hands around her to assist in her work...

The Swiveller---Phsyically impaired superhero who's supersonic in a wheeled office swivel chair...Supersonic Speed plus Vortice/Spiral generation...The little guy's a lot more powerful than everybody might think to look at him, although he's pretty limited to level, hard surfaces like paved roads and walkways...

ManCatcher(also 'BadCatcher')---Mutant dog-faced bounty hunter who styles himself as 'vermin-control', ie, criminals and trap constructor and tracker, and has the ability to communicate with animals...

The Hairball----looks like something ManCatcher coughed up...or a bad clone of Captain Caveman...Infinite good cheer, more bounce than flubber, and Tentacles of Hair...also regenerates really fast, as was proven after his apparent death at the hands of the Impish Barber of DinghyRow...

Legatus the Peacemaker---former atatche to his planet's delegation to the United Nations in New York...he got sent to New England to cool his heels after expressing an honest opinion about an Asian dictator...he's the mentalist of the group, and prefers to negotiate and find peaceful means to resolve disputes...

RedBird---Flying winged mutant in a cardinal(bird) suit..little is known about him..

Kilimanjara---A woman African Samuari? Hails from an alternate dimension that saw fleeing Japanese establishing a new homeland in Africa and making a new stand against an every expanding Han Empire...Calm, cool, dangerous, and honorable...Fights with a giant folding fan

LAW-1---Prototype police robot...real Law and Order type...

ShadBoy---local boy-hero; mutant with certain shared characteristics with the local favorite fish...

Elbows---A superstrong brick with disporportionate arms each the size of an SUV...He didn't use steroids, honest!

Northstar---African-American 'old school' supersoldier-type who styles himself after the North Star of the pre-Civil War Underground Railroad...a beacon of Freedom, Liberty, and JUstice...Like I said, real old school ideallism...

The Gonz---Crazy hero, actually a Crazy from Rifts doing a cameo run-through...plays much the same mentor role to these misfits as the Sphinx does for the Mystery Men...He's left the guns at home for the kid-friendly theme..

Their and bits and pieces of cast-off aircraft from local Bradley Airport, including the forward fuselage of a Consolidated Constellation, and parts from a Legatus's suborbital hovercar(that got t-boned in a bad intersection soon after the alien's arrival in town)...

Rather fun doing them up, and they were well-recieved...May have to come up with additional 'C-listers' if the reaction was any indication... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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I have a couple ideas for tongue powers that I will try to get fleshed out and up for you.

Next up: Coffeemaker and Stutterbug, both minors...
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Lasertag [Minor]
'...>sizzling sound followed by a pop<...'

The character can fire out a beam of ionised energy that arcs outwards at close range targets.
Range: 60 feet.
duration: Instant
Damage: 3D6 (ionising energy/electrical)
Bonus to strike +5. aimed shots only.
Actions: each ray counts as a single action.

Instead of damage, the character can choose to use the beam as a transport system. by expending two actions, instead of doing ionising damage, the character instead turns into ionising energy and rockets to the end of his own beam. The target takes 4D6 damage (plus PS damage bonus) with an additional +2 damage per level of experience. The character arrives with a cuncussive burst out to a 5 foot radius, and may disturb or damage items, even the ground upon his arrival.

To transport in this manner, the charactre needs to have a target. while he can transport himself latterally (using the ground as a target) he cannot travel into open space (he cannot 'tag' air).

When he transports himself, he may take 10lbs of loose equipment as he does so, but there is a 40% chance that the experience shorts out any carried electrical devices.

Subdual Touch [Minor]
'heh...this will put him to sleep'

The character emits a bio-energy field that saps strength and endurance.
This weaker form of disruptive touch causes a target to make a savingthrow (14+, PE bonuses apply) or become fatigued (half speed, -20% to skills, -2 to all combat bonuses) This can be combined with normal HTH attacks.
A fatigued target, who fails a Saving throw becomes even tireder still. each successive failed save reduces the target's PE and PS by 1 each until they drop to half their normal score. any target reduced to half PE or PS loses one attack per melee.

all penalties or lost attributes dissapear if the target can get 20 minutes of rest.
Targets immune to fatigue are still suceptible to this power, though they recover the instant the can get a melee round to rest.

Hammerhead [Minor]
'Look at that..I stick my neck out for you and you fall over'

The character can extend his neck out to 3 feet, rapidly extending and immeadiately retracting it. Combined with a hardened skull, the character can perfrom a piledriver like headbut inflicting 4D6 damage (no PS bonus) + 1 damage per level. The sudden nature of the attack grants +2 to strike the first tie it is used as well as +2 to initiative.

any target struck by this power may (30% chance) be knocked over (check for sense of balance)
The charactre gains one extra (headbut) attack per melee, as well as +30 SDC.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Bio staff [minor]
'I have a place for you on my staff'

The character can generate a shaft of Bio-energy between 3 to 8 feet long. this solid shaft can be swung as a weapon (inflicts 1d6 as a 3 foot club, or 2d6 2 handed as a staff. + PS damage bonus) and is considered an exceptional weapon (+1 to strike and parry).

The staff also allows the use of the following abilities.
* Pole vault the staff adds it's length to any high jump attempts, +1 foot per level.
* balance. by holding the beam to both sides, the character gains a +30% to sense of balance checks.
*pole vault Kick: The caracter can perform leap attacks and jump kicks by vaulting feet first into an opponent.
* Rapid expansion: The character can expand his staff from club to staff size as part of an attack. this strikes an opponent an extra few feet away. as a suprise manoevre it adds +2 to initiative, and inflicts 4D6 damage (but no PS bonus) with +2 to strike. opponents who have fallen victim to this before have +4 to parry and dodge this attack.

The character also has an instinctive knowledge with the staff, using it as if he posessed WP staff and WP blunt equal to his own level of experience.

Fluid world: [Major]
'see you on the other side'

The character can enter a state where his body does not interact with other molecules properly. In this state he treats the world around him as if it were liquid rather than solid. In this way he may move through objects, just by swimming.

Objects that he 'swims' through are only momentarilly disturbed. Living objects must save Vs this effect (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be momentarily stunned (lose one action).

The character may harm any object or foe he can pass through, inflicting normal damage, disregarding The subject's AR or other defensive qualities.

The character can, initially, only pass through objects (and characters) with an AR of 12 or less. at second level, and every even level thereafter, he may add another +1 to the AR he may pass through. The character cannot pass through any force field with this power.

If a weapon is used against this character that falls within his affected AR, it splashes aginst his body and inflicts half damage. Weapons bounce back into shape when this happens.

The character also gains the following:
* Swimming and advanced swimming (not SCUBA)
* +2 PE +4 PS. Double His PS when calculating swimming speed.
* +40 SDC
* fatigues at 1/4 rate when swimming

Homogeny [Major]
'Let me just pull myself together'

The characte may transform hismelf into a single substance. he is still technically 'flesh and blood' while in this state, but no single cell s speciallised to perform any particular task. he still maintans the need to eat, breathe and sleep in normal measure however.

The character's body parts and flows together when injured. he takes half damage from any blunt kinetic damage, as well as from cutting or slashing weapons. Piercing attacks inflict a single point of damage only.
In addition the character heals 1D4 SDC and HP every minute.

The character cannot take critical wounds, nor can he suffer from any organ specific attack. The worst he can suffer would be the removal of a limb or head, which is mechanically awkward, but not critical in nature. He cannot suffer broken bones, nor damaged organs. he cannot be suffocated, except by completely blocking off all air.

The character enjoys great flexibility, gaining +6 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +30% to escape artist. he is, while in this state, ambidexterous. conventional crushes and squeezes do not harm him.

The characters near amorphous nature is apparent. while transformed, the character has half his normal PB score and -4 to MA. Identifying features are blurred and smoothed out.

Other bonuses +30 SDC

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Altered Brain [Minor]
'A Mind is a terrible thing. No...that's all.'

The character's brain and extended nervous system is not made of conventional matter. Instead, it is made of an inorganic but otherwise functionally identical matter.

The character gains the following bonuses:
+4 IQ
+1D4 ME
+1D4 MA
Is immune to psionics and other mind affecting abilities.

Bounty [Major]
'This wine is a great vintage. The grapes were grown in the same vat they were crushed and aged in'

The character can cause any surface, to produce plant matter, sprouting grasses, weeds and other, non woody flora.
Within minutes, an object sprouts harmless, but thick and lush grasses, rooted into the surface, to an area of 20 feet across. The grasses try their best to surfive, but if they cannot grow where they are, then they will eventually wither and die. They can live in any organic object though (living beings recieve a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses) to resist)
Living beings take 1D4+1 damage as the growth occurs.
Characters covered ingrass and weeds enjoy +20% to prowl in appropriate surroundings. Clipping or weeding a human being to remove grass takes 1D4 hours to perform, and inflicts 3D6 damage over this time,a s roots are ripped free from flesh.

The character can also cause fruits to spring forth from a body (even his own). these fruits can provide various benefits when eating. a fruit of this nature takes 12 minutes to form, and chews 1D4 HP from the victim (who may save). (Note: this power can be used over and over on any target within 60 feet, effectively whittling away at his HP.)
* Normal fruit. the fruit is normal, though exotic.
* wholesome: a wholesome fruit heals the target 2D4 HP +2 per level (or twice that in SDC) a character cannot benefit from his own fruit.
* Anti toxin: this fruit grants a +4 to save vs poisons in the body.
* hallucinogen: the eater of this fruit suffers from visions and hallucinations, effectively halving his attacks per melee and combat bonuses and reducing skill use by 30%. (save 16+ to avoid)
* Poison: Inflicts 6D6 when eaten (save 14+) or inflicts 1D6 every hour for the next 3D6 Hours (save 14+)
* Acidic: Inflicts 3D6 acid damage once per round for 1D4 rounds.
* Volitile: A grown fruit explodes on contact fr 4D6 damage, out to 3 feet.
* Fruit replication: if the character has ingested any exotic fruit or plant matter, he may generate a fruit with the same properties at a later date.

The growth of any fruit can be done from any object, but only living beings can infuse the fruit act as the above (with the exception of Fruit replication and normal fruit).

Other bonuses:
The character heals10 HP or SDC per hour of rest if he is both covered in grasses (using this power on himself) and resting in sunlight. (others affected by this power do not heal at this rate)
The character has +10% to all wilderness and survival skills when in forested or wilderness environments. this includes prowl and climb.
+50 SDC
+10 HP.
The character can defoliate any growth he has created at will, safely healing others of any damage he has caused.

Note: The character can also create fungus growth, as well as moss and algae.

Bio-weakness field: [major]
'Feel the pain'

The characte can generate a field of energ that weakens living creatures, sapping their strength and making others frail and weak.
Duration: as long as the character wishes. minimal concentration required (while concentrating, the character cannot use any other power that requires a round by round use of an action, or is described as requiring concentration itself)
Radius: 20 feet, plus 4 feet pe rlevel. can regulate down to a few inches if necessary.
Effect: any living object within the field takes 2d6 twice per melee (invulnerable or energy resistant beings take half damage). when a target takes damage, he must make a svaing throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer debilitation, losing 1 PS point. In addition, the constant buzzing and scratching this power causes makes concentration difficult (Saving throw 14+ ME bonuses apply). failure means that concentration is nt possible in this action (no spell casting), but the target may try again on his next action.

Special: this is a hungry power, and it feeds on more powerful life forms with more vigour. For every level a target has in excess of this character, he suffers a -1 to the save, and takes an additional 4 damage

The character also harms with his touches, adding +1 damage per level to his hand to hand attacks (double this bonus damage against targets of higher level than the character).

While this field is up and active, the air crackles with black energy arcs. in addition the field neuters electrical energy, halving the damage of any electrical attacks to targets inside or on the other side of the field. in addition, the field disrupts ISP and PPE. psionic and magic powers require 10% more ISP/PPE to activate per level of the character.

Other bonuses:
+20 SDC


"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Hmmm, I am going to have to step thiongs up to keep up with Iczer.

Coffeemaker (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I got a whoopin brewing for ya. One lump or two?"

The hero's body is capable of processing water and coffee beans to produce hot coffee. By drinking a half gallon of water and eating coffee beans, the hero can produce a half gallon of coffee. Unless the GM wants to be overly realistic and graphic, the character can shoot the coffee from his fingers or palms rather than belching it or producing it as waste fluid. The process is dehydrating, requiring him to drink more water once pushing the coffee out of his system.

Range: Can fill up continers benath his hands, included but not limited to coffee pots, thermoses and coffee mugs. He can also shoot the coffee as an attack.

Duration: The coffee can be held in the hero's systyem for his PE number in minutes. Strikes instantly when fired as an attack.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to shoot coffee at a target.

Damage: Scalding hot coffee does 3d4 damage, plus 1d4 per level of experience.

Number of Attacks: The hero can regulate the amount released so as to be able to pull off a number of attacks equal to half his PE score in number before having to make more coffee. Alternatively, this makes 10-12 cups of coffee. This number is based on drinking a half gallon of water and eating 30 coffee beans, so eating and drinking less will produce less coffee.

Other Notes: By altering his diet to include exotic items such as hazelnuts or chocolate, the hero can produce flavored coffee.
Due to his high caffeine intake, the hero needs only half the normal amount of sleep (can get by with less than 4 hours a night) and fatigues at half normal rate. Gains +2 to Perception and all combat moves.
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Compactor: [Minor]
'Let me squeeze this a little'

The character can cause an object to compress in on itself, inflicting crushing pain and reducing it's size in one fell swoop.
This attack affects any target within 60 feet. The character expends 2 actions, and the target takes 5D6 Damage (+2 per level) Living creatures may make a saving throw to reduce this damage by half. (16+ PE bonuses apply)

Any time an object takes more damage than it's AR, or a living creature takes more damage than its PEs core, the object or person loses 5 % of its size in all directions. Every 5% reduction in size reduces the target's PE by 1 and PS by 2. Living targets stop shrinking at 50% size. non living targets can be shrunk to 1% size at which point they are the size of a marble. a target either killed or target destroyed by this power is automatically compressed to a sphere 1 inch across.

The character cannot target objects with this power larger than 15 feet on a side (so no compressing skyscrapers, though small cars and buses). In addition, the object retains its mass through this (usually minus 10 to 15% less due to pieces tearing off).

Living creatures heal 5% size decrease every half hour, but PS and PE loss takes a day to recover from per point.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, I am going to have to step thiongs up to keep up with Iczer.

That's Whack man. I'm stepping up to keep up with You.

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Stutterbug (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero emits a type of psionic energy which affects the speech centers of the brain.

Stutter Induction: The hero sends out a psionic energy attack which barrages the speech center of the brain.

Range: 40 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level. Affects all targets in range.

Duration: The effect lasts for the hero's ME number in minutes.

Attacks: None; occurs automatically and is always on. Can use one attacks to turn it off and then must concentrate to keep it shut off, using one attack per melee round to do so.

Saving Throw: 16 or better for non-psionics, 14 or better for latent psionics, and 12 or better for master psionics (ME bonus applies). A successful save allows the victim to communicate but with difficulty, having a penalty to language skills equal to the hero's ME attribute number, thus preventing him from using complex words unless making a successful skill roll, his mind fighting to retrieve the lost words from his memory. A failed save means everything the target says is unintelligible due to stuttering. This will also prevent the use of sonic powers with a vocal element and use of magic with a spoken verbal element.

Penalties: The target is so distracted by the lack of concentration when speaking that he suffers -2 to all combat moves for the duration of the effect.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: +1d4 ME
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Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, I am going to have to step thiongs up to keep up with Iczer.

That's Whack man. I'm stepping up to keep up with You.


Ok, well, I guess the powers will flow like wine then... :lol:
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Okay, I came up with six tongue powers which I will have up later in the day:

Prehensile Tongue(minor), based in the Eugenics option
Biting The Hand That Feeds You(minor)
Barbed Tongue(minor)
Whip Tongue(minor)
Lashing Tongue(Major)

I will also be posting a minor called Create Projectiles. :-D
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Iczer wrote:snip....

Metafeedback [Major]
'Ohhh I love megaheroes'


May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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Mephisto wrote:What about Toxic Tongue? I'm sure that's a power many villainesses share :lol:

I will have to try and come up with that variant just for you. :D
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have a couple ideas for tongue powers that I will try to get fleshed out and up for you.

Next up: Coffeemaker and Stutterbug, both minors...

Appreciate it...
Gecko-Guy thanks you... :D
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, I am going to have to step thiongs up to keep up with Iczer.

Coffeemaker (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I got a whoopin brewing for ya. One lump or two?".

You've been reading 'Too Much Coffee Guy', haven't you? :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Iczer wrote:snip....

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'Ohhh I love megaheroes'



hmm as long a s a relevent target remains within the area of affect (60 feet)

well spotted....I should have added that.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Toxic Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a split tongue like that of a snake, capable of injecting neural toxins into the bloodstrem of victims.

Range: Touch. The tongue can be extended up to 2 feet to inject the poison into the victim. The best locations for injection are surface veins such as those in the arms or neck, but the character can also inject the tongue while kissing.

Attacks: Uses 1 attack/action

Bonuses: +2 to strike

Damage: None, but has the following effects:
If not making a saving throw against the paralyzing effects of the toxin, the victim is paralyzed in seconds (the action following the hero's attack), with the parayzation lasting 2d4 melee rounds.
After this initial paralyzation wears off, the victim will be sluggish and sick, suffering -4 to intitiative and all combat moves and reduced to half attacks for the next 2d4 melee rounds.
After the second duration expires, the victim recovers more movement and clarity of thought, reducing the peanalties to only -2 to combat moves for another 2d4 melee rounds after which the victim returns to normal.

Saving Throw: If making a successful saving throw vs. toxins (14 or better, PE bonus applies), the victim does not experience the initial paralysis and goes straight to the second phase penalties.

Other Abillities and Bonuses:
The hero is immune to their own toxin and resistant to poisons and toxins in general (half damage and effects).
Adds +15% to Seduction skill
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Prehensile Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This is based on the Eugenics optional ability listed on page 28 of PU2.

The hero's tongue can stretch from its normal size to half the hero's PE attribute number in feet.

The hero's tongue can stretch from its normal size to half the hero's PE attribute number if feet. The ned has a large ball of muscle that can grip surfaces and objectsto pull them towards him. The tongue shoots out with amazing speed.
The tongue does not impede the hero's speech and looks surprisingly normal.
The tongue is strong enough to support the character's full weight and can be used to snatch objects from opponents' hands, steal items, climb and swing, turn knobs, press buttons, and similar snatch and grab or quick strike actions.

Bonuses: +2 initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to disarm, +20% to climb, +10% to palming, concealment, pick pockets and acrobatics when the tongue is used (do not stack with bonuses from other powers, as they apply only to the tongue).

Limitations: Can grab a gun but cannot fire one nor use handheld weapons like knives or swords, nor throw an object.

Biting The Hand That Feeds You (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can stretch his tongue from its normal size to a length equal to half his PE attribute number in feet. He can shape it into a hand which he can use to grip surfaces and to pull them towards him. Unlike Prehensile Tongue, however, this is not quick.
The tongue basically looks like a pink hand coming out of the hero's mouth, giving him a Horror Factor of 8.
The hand is somewhat weak, unable to support the hero's full weight, only having an effective PS of 5, plus 1 per level.
This hand can come in handy when having to escape being tied up or in other situations where the hero's hands are occupied.

Bonuses: The hero can strike with the hand (+2 to do so) or disarm (+1), and gains +5% to climb. Striking with the hand does 1d4 damage (does not add the hero's norml PS damage but may add any from the limited PS of the tongue). The hand can also be used to fire guns, use handheld weapons like knives and swords, though gains no bonuses from Pp or skills to do so.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Glamour (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

"My preciousssss..."

This is the ability to enhance the allure of another person or thing. The super being can apply a coating of glittering, golden dust to a chosen object or being; this fades within moments, but for some time after the target remains more attractive, more desirable and just way more cool than usual.

If applied to a person, that individual gains a bonus to their M.A. equal to the super being’s experience level, e.g. +1 M.A. at level one, +2 at level two and so on.

If applied to an object, that item immediately becomes more eye-catching and (apparently) valuable. If attempting to sell the object, the seller will be able to charge an extra percentage of the usual price, equal to the super being’s experience level x 10 (an extra 10% at level one, 20% at level two, etc).

Range: Touch.
Duration: One hour per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Applying the Glamour to an adult human (or object of equivalent size) requires one full melee round. G.M.s should use common sense when determining the time needed to use the power on larger or smaller items.
Saving Throw: As the effect of this power is subtle and not directly targeted at an observer, most people have no chance to save against it. Only psychics will detect the effect, and they may resist it by successfully saving vs. psionic attack, with a bonus of +1 to the roll.
In the unlikely event that a living recipient of the Glamour does not want their allure enhanced, a successful save vs. psionic attack will instantly neutralise the effect. Inanimate objects cannot reject a Glamour.
Limitations: Perhaps due to his immunity to the effects of the power (see Bonuses), the super being cannot use Glamour on himself.
Glamour is not the same as mind control; you can’t use it to make someone do something that runs contrary to their alignment or personality. You couldn’t persuade a vegan to eat a steak just by throwing a Glamour onto it, or convince a man to waste his rent money on buying a charmed tin can.

Immune to his own and other peoples’ Glamour.
+2 to save vs. illusion.
+2 to save vs. mind control.
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Barbed Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has a long tongue which ends in a large bulbous shape with razor sharp barbs protruding from it.

Range: 3 feet, plus 1 foot per level. Tongue retracts and reduces in size when not in use. Swinging tongue strikes all in range.

Damage: The hero can spit the tongue at targets or swing it for 2d4 damage with the blades, +1d4 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. The hero only takes half damage when hitting himself with the barbs. The tongue can be spit for the full distance at targets or swung in an arc around the character or upwards to bring it down in a slam attack. The hro can add his PS bonus to the slam attack only.

Bonus: +3 to strike aimed, no bonus if shot wild

Attacks: Uses one attack/action to spit and strike targets but it takes 2 attacks/actions when swinging the tongue around.

SDC: The tongue has an SDC of 20 and adds +10 to the hero's total SDC.

Whip Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a sharp tongue he can use to whip opponents.

Range: The length of the tongue is 2 feet, plus 1 foot at levels 4, 8 and 12.

Damage: The tongue does 1d4 damage but can also be used to entangle an opponent or to disarm.

Bonuses: +3 to strike, entangle an opponent or disarm with the tongue. +3 to initiative when striking with the tongue.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to strike with the tongue and gets an extra attack to do so.

SDC: Tongue has an SDC of 10 and adds +5 to the hero's total SDC. If cut, the tongue can regenerate at a rate of 1d6 every 10 minutes.

PS: The tongue has a PS equal to one fourth of the hero's normal PS for the purpose of gripping an opponent or hanging onto objects.

Create Projectiles (minoir) by Stone Gargoyle
By sucking on an object, the hero can coat it in enamel, hardening it. The object gains +1 to its AR per minute (becomes Natural AR) up to a limit of 18. Objects must be small enough to fit in the character's mouth for him to do this. By haredening things in his mouth in this fashion, the hero can create round pearl-like objects to spit at targets.

SDC Gain: Objects gain 1 SDC per minute while in his mouth

Range: The hero can spit objects for 60 feet, plus 5 feet per level

Duration: Enamel, once applied, is permanent. Strikes instantly as an attack.

Damage: Weapons gain +1d6 to their damage when coated in enamel, though lose any cutting and piercing abilities. Pebbles spit after coated coate with enamel will do 2d4 damage, plus one point per level.

Bonus to Strike: +3 aimed, no bonus wild.

Creative uses of this power might be to coat armor of shrunken companions or coat object to protect and conceal them.
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Lashing Tongue (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has incredible abilities in combat when using his togue as a weapon.

1.Combat Abilities: The hero can use his tongue as an additional limb at half strength. His tongue is as long as an additional arm.

Range: The hero can reach 3 feet, plus one foot at levels 4, 8 amd 12, entangling and lifting items with his tongue at half normal PS.

Damage: Striking with his tongue punches for 1d4 damage, plus PS bonus of tongue, getting no bonuses to strike from HtoH skills, though he can add his PP bonus. Instead of striking for damage, he can also elect to entangle or disarm an opponent with a bonus to do so of +3. He can also use his tongue to strangle an opponent (called shot) for 1d4 damage, pls PS damage bonus.

Attacks: Attacking with his tongue uses one melee attack/action, and he gains one additional attack per melee round which can only be used to attack with his tongue.

Special: The character can attempt to snatch bullets and projectiles from midair but receives no bonuses to do so.

Duration: Instant.

2.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The hero's tongue and digestive tract are impervious to fire and heat, including friction, allowing him to snatch flaming coals and bullets from the air or swallow flaming objects. The tongue also allows the hero to take half damage from energy attacks to the tongue, allowing him to take only half damage and effects when doing such things as licking exposed wires or sticking his tongue in a light socket. The hero can also spit flaming objects back at a target as an attack or use his tongue as a sling to throw objects for up to 60 feet, plus 5 feet per level.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The hero is resistant to poisons and toxins, taking only half damage and effects.
The tongue has a Natural AR 0f 8. plus 1 at levels 4, 8 and 12.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Deathtongue (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has an extremely long tongue ending in pincers which can bite targets, injecting poison, and is capable of dragging objects and acting as a towline.

1.Pincers: The hero's tongue has poisoned barbs which can clamp onto targets and inject poison.

Range: The tongue can be extended up to the hero's PE attribute number in feet, plus one foot per level.

Damage: Pincers inflict 1d4 bite damage and can grip onto objects with a PS equal to the hero's PE attribute. The tongue contains poison which is excreted by the pincers, doing lethal damage (1d4X10+8 direct to Hit Points) unless a successful saving throw is made vs. poison. A successful save manes only the bite damage is inflicted.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to attack with the pincers.

2.Swing Line: Once clamping onto an object such as a ledge, the hero can use hiw tongue to rappel down or to pull himself up. He can also use the tongue to drag objects and people.

Range: As above

Duration: Can remain clamped on for the hero's PE number in minutes, plus 1 minute per level.

Strength/Weight Tolerance: The tongue has a strength level equal to the hero's PE attribute number which is considered Extraordinary for the purpose of draggng objects and targets, as well as swinging from ledges (can carry the hero's PE X100 lbs).

Bonuses for using the tongue as a swingline: Gains +1 initiative to aim the shot, +3 to strike (applies to striking with pincers and can add PP and skill bonuses) and entangle. Reduce bonus by half if shooting wild. +10% to climbing and rappeling skills. Gains 1 attack per melee round for the purpose of using the tongue.

3.Other Notes:
The tongue has a Natural AR of 8, plus 1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. SDc of tongue is twice the hero's PE attribute number, plus one point per level.
The character himself is impervious to poisons and toxins.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Prehensile Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle.

Thank you!!! :-D
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Prehensile Tongue (minor) by Stone Gargoyle.

Thank you!!! :-D

No problem. It gave me a chance to flex my creative muscles doing the variants. You have any other requests, let me know.

Mephisto wrote:Lashing Tongue is a very cool power!

Yeah, I was going for something a circus performer might use.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Yeah, I was going for something a circus performer might use.

I might make the tongue a bit longer for a possible frog mutant character that would be acrobatic and strong, but overall I am quite impressed. :ok:

I tried to vary the tongue lengths for the purpose of making the powers different, but you could easily make the tongue the equivalent to the hero's PE number in feet and not really alter the power to drastically. Glad you liked it. :D
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Unread post by taalismn »

Hmmm...Of course, combining the extendable tongue with powers like Adhesion or Acidic Secretion(besides what's been already done with Toxic Tongue) makes for some interesting possibilities...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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