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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

I don't know stone gargoyle maybe you should watch a little less Hentai

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Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, I may as well make my token contribution...

Dunno if this should qualify as a Minor or a Major power, but given the low point gain, I'll tentatively say Minor and take any hits...

Material Reinforcement(Minor)
“I’ve invested blood, sweat, and tears into this old car...She’s practically my own flesh and blood.”

This is the ability to repair and shore up inanimate structures with one’s own lifeforce, as well as to heal oneself from inanimate material. The superbeing can, by spending down his SDC and Hit Points to repair, for example, a wall’s SDC, at a one to one point ratio. By touching a part of the structure, the character channels his lifeforce into it, usually feeling dizzy or weaker immediately afterwards, while the structure is instantly repaired.
The lost SDC or HP is healed/regained normally, or conversely, the character can HEAL himself by drawing upon an inanimate structure’s SDC, weakening it while replacing his own lost physical resilience. However, if a structure has an Armor Rating applied to it, the superbeing must roll to strike versus its A.R.. If he succeeds, he can draw upon its SDC. A failed roll means the character cannot heal himself from the structure’s reserves, though he can try again the next melee round. The character CANNOT remove any more SDC/HP than he already has lost...(i.e., Trapmaster suffers a gunshot that does him 15 points of damage, so he decides to draw upon the steel-reinforced door he’s leaning against. The door has 48 SDC; if Trapmaster is successful, he can only take 15 SDC from it to replace the blood and flesh he’s already lost...On the other hand, if he elects to use the hotel bedside table, with only 12 SDC, he feels a lot better, though still bleeding...the table on the other hand, collapses into pieces with the next touch...).
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Limitations: Does not work on living materials like live trees, forcefields, or radioactive substances.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

dragon_blaze_99 wrote:I don't know stone gargoyle maybe you should watch a little less Hentai

Blame my roommate.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Termite (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing has the ability to reduce wood to sawdust, as well as reduce the wood to pulp which can be sculpted.

1.Termite Bite: The superbeing can bite into wood as if it were 2 AR points less at level 1, 3 points less at level 7 and 4 points less at level 15.
Damage: While his bite only does 1d6 against most targets, the superbeing can rend wood more easily, doing 3d6 damage, plus 1d6 per level, to wood, reducing it to sawdust as he does so. He may add his PS bonus to attacks against wooden structures as well.
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to bite targets, but the character is also able effectively burrow through wood at a rate of one foot per melee round if uninterrupted.
Bonus: +3 to aimed attack, +1 wild.

2.Reconstitute Wood: The superbeing can salivate to moisten sawdust into pulp which can be made into objects of less or equal mass to the wood destroyed or broken down. Such objects have only one thrid the regular AR and SDC of the item they are made to simulate, and if a weapon does -1d4 the normal damage for the same type of weapon.
Duration: Once molded, the wood takes 2d4 melee rounds to harden into a solid mass. Once created, objects are permanent until destroyed.
Skill: The items are scupted with an equivalent skill level of 30%, +5% per level.
Attacks: Sculpting the object takes one full melee round. Attacking with ituses the normal amount of attacks forthe type of weapon or object.
Bonus: the superbeing is +1 to hit with objects he creates, plus any PP bonus and appropriate weapon skill bonuses.
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Unread post by Iczer »

taalismn wrote:Okay, I may as well make my token contribution...

Dunno if this should qualify as a Minor or a Major power, but given the low point gain, I'll tentatively say Minor and take any hits...

Material Reinforcement(Minor)
“I’ve invested blood, sweat, and tears into this old car...She’s practically my own flesh and blood.”

Major power.

it has three basic abilities.

The ability to repair objects (minor ability, no limit, major inconvenience)
The ability to heal one self (major ability, no limit, minor inconvenience)
The ability to destroy objects (moderate ability, limited by current health, no inconvenience)

Take fred, the superhero. When out and about, he can repair any broken objects, with the caveat that the damage comes from him, which considereing he can heal himself a round or two leter it's pretty trivial.

The self healing requires a strike roll over the object's AR. While this is somewhat inconvenient, it does mean that when he does roll well, he completely regenerates.

The destruction of objects is a cute addition, effectively a form of disintegration that occurs concurrently with damage.

Consider Bob the mutant, facing off some armoured SWAT guys. after the opening barrage, Bob doesn't feel so good. He stops fighting his opponent's and starts attacking their body armour. one good hit later and bob has completely recovered AND robbed his opponent of some (or all) of his body armour.

All in all, I'd make this a major. the ability to heal objects with his own flesh and blood alone would be a minor (though it could have a 2:1 heal or 3:1 heal without harming it's status). I'd add an SDC bonus to the power (10-40) just to be sure.

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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Couldn't remember if I had posted this before, but since I've had it sittin garound for like a year, thought it should go up.

Tactile Tasting [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"OOOH! Uranium, yummy!"

This is essentially an expanded and altered version of Super-Consumption, only the character can injest anything through his skin rather than his mouth.

Damage: Add 2d6 to physical attacks that involve the users bare skin (do not include PS bonuses), or 1d6x10 per melee round the character has a hold on a person/object. If the target has an A.R., the attacker must make a succesful to strike roll to 'feed' on the object.

Those who take this power would do well to get most of their feeding done early in the day, as their power will take small 'bites' out of things during the day in an attempt to satiate their hunger, which could lead to ackward questions and moments. "Did, did you just cut the outline of your hand into my table?"

Also their digestion isn't quite as advanced as S.C., so they will take damage from things. Trying to 'eat' molten lead or liquid nitrogen will cause damage,as will radioactives and other gross trauma-causing agents (unless you have immunities granted by other pwoers or abilities), so be warned before trying to do somthing stupid.

All other odds and ends are identical to S.C., refer to it for reference.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Unread post by taalismn »

Here's an unrepentent Major Power:

Animal Powers: Bivalve(Major)
“Come on, Mussel-Man! Don’t clam up on us now...Great! Now that we actually need him he won’t come out of his shell!”

The superbeing’s skin takes on a cold, damp, pale look and feel, and he or she grows two massive concave carapace-like shell-halves from the back, that can close up around the person.
*Armored Shell---Grows a two-part shell that can envelope the character and snap shut(counts as a Parry in melee combat).
Note: The character CAN clamp the shell down airtight, but unless the superbeing has some sort of life support(superpower or air tank) they’ll only have about 5 minutes worth of air inside the shell. Shell has an A.R. of 15 and 250 SDC+10 per level of experience
*Snap-Clap Attack---The character can snap the shell shut on a person’s limb. Does 2d4 +P.S. bonus damage.
*Breath Underwater
*Survive depths of down to 2 miles
*Water Jet---The Bivalve can expel a jet of high pressure water from his mouth(or other orifice) with enough force to knock down people(does 1d6 SDC and has a 60% chance of knocking human-sized targets over---victims lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up). Range of 50 ft+5 ft per level of experience(DOUBLE range if Extraordinary Physical Strength is taken, TRIPLE if Superhuman Strength is taken). On land, the character can fire off as many jets as he has P.E. points before needing to tank up on water again(needs to down at least a gallon of water; subsists mostly on a liquid diet, and can safely imbibe massive amounts of water or similar fluids without suffering ill effect or water-drunkenness); effectively unlimited if he’s immersed in water already. Underwater, the waterjet can be used as propulsion: 4d6 +P.S. in speed.
*Bonuses: +4d6 to P.S. for purposes of closing the shell and sealing it.
*Penalties: Add 40% to weight, reduce speed by HALF, -1d4 to P.P.
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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

That, my good Taalismn, would make 1 interesting power. Now, if only there was a way to combine that with Alter Physical Structure: Water or Metal, then it would make for 1 heck of an interesting Character.

Rathorc Lemenger.
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Elf Ears(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has long pointed ears (12-18 inches) which he can use for defensive purposes. The ears give an additional penalty to called shots to the face of -2 and can be used to parry hand to hand strikes to the head. The ears give the head an effective Natural AR of 8.
Slapping opponents within range using the ears can be done with a bonus to strike of +3, but the hero does not add PP or HtoH skill bonuses to these strikes. The ears can strike for 2d4 damage but take one point of damage per AR point of the object struck over their own (so striking an AR of 10 would do 2 points of damage to the hero's ear when hitting the object).
The hero can use the ears to parry blade strikes but will take half damage from the strike when doing so. Cannot parry bullets or projectiles.
The ears have an SDC of 5 each and add +5 to the hero's total SDC. The ear SDC regenerates at a rate of 1d6 per hour.

Wealth(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Your money is no good here."

Unlimited Credit: The superbeing has influence over financial managers and cash machines with an unexplainable effect. He is able to gain access to cash when needed even if not having any money of his own. This allows him to get money to buy equipment quickly and with little fuss.

Limitation: Money borrowed must eventually be paid back, so authorities may be notified and collection agencies alerted if the money is paid back. The hero's name is attached to the debt, he just has an easier time brrowing money initially.

Earnings Bonus: The character will generally be paid 10% more than the standard going rate for his line of work or when selling their property.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 ME
+2 PB
+5% to Seduction skill

Waypoint(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can infuse natural rock with psionic pulse energyy so as to cause it to emit a signal he is able to sense while he is within his ME number of miles away, plus 1 mile per level, for a durationj of the hero's ME number in hours, plus 1 hour per level. This informs the hero of the following:
*Exact distance between the hero and the pulse
*Direction of the pulse in relation to the hero
*Elevation of terrain and significant features of the land such as volcanic activity or bodies of water

This also gives the hero a bonus of +20% to Land Navigation and +5% to Wilderness Survival.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:Stone Gargoyle I could use that Wealth (minor) power...

You and me both...:P
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Unread post by Iczer »

. wrote:Considering all the ability to heal, repair, destroy, or enhance, that the power of "Power Touch", I'd say that this power may still constitute as a minor.

If you consider how this power draws on ones own (often low amount of)very nessisary life force, and does very little, and MUST bypass an objects AR inorder to effect it, And it can NOT harm the living, than one should consider this a much weaker version of Power Touch.

Remember that Power Touch has it's own Much larger Power Pool in which to draw on, that doesn't hurt the super. And it recovers quicker than HP, or SDC.
True, this power can be used to heal ones self, but Power Touch can Heal Others as well, and can be used to Augment oneself and others.

True but it has an infinite supply of healing power, something power touch doesn't have (limited to PEx50 PP). It is hardly a drain on oneself when one recovers so rapidly (action 1 give car 100 sdc, round 2 take 100 SDC from the earth, round 3 wash rinse repeat). the necessity to overcome the AR of the target is negligible, considering the statistical ease involved in striking over many AR ratings. and the self healing options for power touch are 6 PP per 1 hp or 2 sdc. You can get at least 2-4 SDC out of a glass bottle (at least) and the AR of glass isn't that hot. plus as long as the characer has access to inaimate objects, he can pretty much heal all day long.

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Unread post by taalismn »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:That, my good Taalismn, would make 1 interesting power. Now, if only there was a way to combine that with Alter Physical Structure: Water or Metal, then it would make for 1 heck of an interesting Character.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Combine it with Extraordinary beauty or Divine Aura and you can do your own version of Venus Emerging from the Seashell... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Iczer »

Jolt: [Minor]
'feel that planetsmasher! That's your heart, and it dances for me!'

The character can fire specially modulated bursts of electricity. Unlike the more run of the mill Energy expulsion, it has a lesser kick, but a greater effect on the living body.
Range: 200 feet +25 feet per level.
Damage: 1D6, plus another D6 at every even level. Plus special (see below)
Attacks: each use of the jolt power counts as a single attack.
Bonus to strike: +4 for aimed attacks. no bnus for wild.
Special effects: the electrical charge stimulates the heart muscles causing undue pain and discomfort. Every time the target is struck, he must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) or he takes a single HP extra damage (HP only) and is stunned for 1 melee round (cannot act, can defend himself but at -4)
Additional note: any undefended natural 20 inflicts normal damage instead, straight to HP (much like a death blow). this power, when combined with medical skills adds +10% to a target's chance to recover from coma.

Everywhere: [Major]
'Your guys? your guys are about to take a nap.'

The character has a limited form of teleport, combined with a type of superspeed. when this power is activated he can blitz around in an area with a radius equal to his PP score (+1 per level). The character can cross appropriate space, but cannot move through barriers he could not fit through (but note, he can cross Over any barrier that is less than half his normal radius high).
To others, the character appears to be flickering in and out, appearing randomly in open spaces only to flit away again. When using this power, he may perform the following manoevres.
1) fists everywhere: the character can, by expending a single action, make a single melee attack on one target within range per level of experience. becuase the character makes these attacks coming from odd angles, the target has -2 to any regular defence (though danger sense and radar/sonar type pwers will allow the character to defend as usual) at the end of the character's action he may stop at any point within his range.
2) Defensive Auto dodge. the character can blow 3 actions for the round to concentrate on defence. for the rest of melee rund he must stay within his area of effect, but during this round opponents are -4 to strike him, and he may make an auto dodge (at +2) against any and all attacks.
3) Pummell foe: the character may simply blink in and out around a single foe, slamming him with as many attacks and attack combinations as he can muster. while concentrating on a single foe, the character enjoys +2 attacks per melee and can launch them (in part or in full) as a single action.
4) Many hands make light work: the sheer speed and mobility posessed by the character allows him to perform normal, routine tasks, within his area of effect in about 3 times normal rate. time required to consider or plan his actions (such as a jigsaw puzzle) is not enhanced in this manner)
5) Other bonuses: +10+2D4 to Spd. +2 PP. +2 initiative. +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
6) drawbacks: while the character's reflexes are geared towards hitting and aiming melee attacks, any attack out to range suffers grevoius penaltis. any ranged attacks made while using this power is at -8 to
strike and is considered wild.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Chibi(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

By expending an action, the hero can transform into an exaggerated childlike being known as a chibi. The chibi will look like a simplified, exaggerated version of the character. It will have enlarged eyes, a large head, and will reduce the hero's size to only one third their normal height, making them appear chunky. This includes clothing and weapons, as well as any electronic devices, which will appear more simplistic but still function normally.

While in chibi form, the hero gains the following bonuses:
*Strength goes up one category (Normal PS becomes Extraordinary, Extraordinary PS becomes Superhuman, and Superhuman PS becomes Supernatural). Lifting, carrying and damage should be adjusted accordingly.
* Gains +2d4 PB while in chibi form.
* Damage from melee weapons is doubled, as the weapon becomes enlarged and exaggerated.
* Power range and damage is doubled for Energy Expulsion attacks possessed by the hero.
* Gains +10% to Prowl

Range: Self

Duration: Only lasts for one melee round.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to activate the power.

Uses Per Day The power can only be activated the hero's ME number of times per day, plus one more time per level. Must wait at least 10 minutes between uses.

Drawbacks: Limited number of uses and extremely limited duration. Also, while the hero is in chibi form, all of the hero's motivations and feelings are exaggerated, obvious and easily readable.

Special: The chibi can access certain magical effects through emotion, allowing the hero to cast spells by expending an action when in an emotional state even if not normally possessing magical training. These spells include Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Globe of Daylight, Energy Bolt, Float In Air, Ignite fire, Energy Field and Fire Bolt, though can include any spell from levels 1-4. The chibi cannot simulate any magical effect bveyond level four and spells reduce PPE when used at normal cost. They can use this to exaggerate other effects, however, such as crying tears and flooding a room, for the cost of 10 PPE (at GM's discretion). The magical spell ability is only useable in chibi form unless the hero also possesses magical training.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chibi(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"AAAIIIUUUGHHH!!!Not the big eyes! Anything but the big eyes!!!I give up!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chibi(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"AAAIIIUUUGHHH!!!Not the big eyes! Anything but the big eyes!!!I give up!!!"

:lol: I can just imagine a hero with this power doing that in battle, like Puss in Boots from Shrek 2.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This one seems so popular, I will add to it to give it the option of being a major as follows:

Chibi(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

By expending an action, the hero can transform into an exaggerated childlike being known as a chibi. The chibi will look like a simplified, exaggerated version of the character. It will have enlarged eyes, a large head, and will reduce the hero's size to only one third their normal height, making them appear chunky. This includes clothing and weapons, as well as any electronic devices, which will appear more simplistic but still function normally.

While in chibi form, the hero gains the following bonuses:
*Strength goes up one category (Normal PS becomes Extraordinary, Extraordinary PS becomes Superhuman, and Superhuman PS becomes Supernatural). Lifting, carrying and damage should be adjusted accordingly.
* Gains +2d4 PB while in chibi form.
* +2d4 PP
* +3d4 PE
* Damage from melee weapons is doubled, as the weapon becomes enlarged and exaggerated.
* Gains +10% to Prowl
* Gains +1d4X10 SDC, plus 20 per level, while in chibi form
* Gains +2 to save vs. magic
* Gains + 2d6 PPE

Range: Self

Duration: As long as the hero desires.

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to activate the power.

Drawbacks: While the hero is in chibi form, all of the hero's motivations and feelings are exaggerated, obvious and easily readable.

Special: The chibi can access certain magical effects through emotion, allowing the hero to cast spells by expending an action when in an emotional state even if not normally possessing magical training. These spells include Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Globe of Daylight, Energy Bolt, Float In Air, Ignite fire, Energy Field and Fire Bolt, though can include any spell from levels 1-4. The chibi cannot simulate any magical effect bveyond level four and spells reduce PPE when used at normal cost. They can use this to exaggerate other effects, however, such as crying tears and flooding a room, for the cost of 10 PPE (at GM's discretion). The magical spell ability is only useable in chibi form unless the hero also possesses magical training.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Mephisto wrote:Chibi-Usa is still evil...

Coming from a Lord of the Underworld, that's damning praise...
But I agree wholeheartedly.. we have any 'Uglifier' powers or powers that burn off physical looks to power other effects?
"Yeah, beauty's only skin-deep and fleeting, so I might as well get it over with...ABLATIVE BLAST!!!..Oh well...I figured it would cost me my tan..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Chibi-Usa is still evil...

Coming from a Lord of the Underworld, that's damning praise...
But I agree wholeheartedly.. we have any 'Uglifier' powers or powers that burn off physical looks to power other effects?
"Yeah, beauty's only skin-deep and fleeting, so I might as well get it over with...ABLATIVE BLAST!!!..Oh well...I figured it would cost me my tan..."

I don't know of any off the top of my head. If there are, Iczer would be the one who did them. He is really good at making powers that sacrifice attribute points for other things. Maybe we can get him to make something along those lines if he has not already.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Chibi-Usa is still evil...

Coming from a Lord of the Underworld, that's damning praise...
But I agree wholeheartedly.. we have any 'Uglifier' powers or powers that burn off physical looks to power other effects?
"Yeah, beauty's only skin-deep and fleeting, so I might as well get it over with...ABLATIVE BLAST!!!..Oh well...I figured it would cost me my tan..."

I don't know of any off the top of my head. If there are, Iczer would be the one who did them. He is really good at making powers that sacrifice attribute points for other things. Maybe we can get him to make something along those lines if he has not already.

Your wish is my command

Gargoyle [Minor]
'Ugly....why I oughta....'

The character can sacrafice his appearance to give him an edge in combat. In a single melee action, the character can drop his PB by 2 points per level, gaining an equal amount of AR (to AR 16) and a bonus to SDC (no limit, 1 PB = 10 SDC).
The character's appearance warps and develops growths than can appear as calcified, patchwork leather or even a growth of inorganic material.
Once the charactre has halved his PB score, he rolls once on the random mutation table (rerolling ambidexterous, double jointed or 'no result' results) this mutation remains constatnt every time he dips below half his AR.
In addition, the character can drop 4 points of PB to gain +1 to the effective level of all other powers for 1 melee round. PB burnt in this manner recovers after 15 minutes.

Skin deep: [Minor] By Iczer
'I hate the ablative blast (wink wink taalisman)'

The character can add extra oomph to his natural abilities by dropping his PB attribute.
a single point of PB attribute loss can add any one of the following.
* +1d6 to damage from any inbourne attack
* Ignore up to 4 point's of a target's AR with an inbourne atack
* Gain +2 to strike with any single designated attack.
* Generate a blast of energy inflicting 2D4 damage +1 per level of experience with +4 to strike out to 50 feet
* add +5 to PS OR turn PS score into extraordinary.

The character can spend multiple PB points in an action to double up on multiple effects (he could spend 6 PB points in one shot to create the energy blast, add 3D6 to it add another +2 to the attack and making it ignore 4 points of a target's AR.

PB expended in this manner returns at a rate of 1 per minute. no action is required to expend PB points, but the effect lasts for the action that it accompanies only. (The character could blow 4 PB points to smash down a door by adding 20 PS, but the strength fades after the one hit.)

Other bonuses: +1D4+1 PB

Trans-ugly [Minor]
'you wanna see me angry boy? doya!!'

The character gains a +10 to his PB score and gains an additional +10% to charm and impress (and a +10% bonus to the seduction skill). He may give these additional bonuses away, dropping his PB score to an abysmal 1D4+1. when he does so, he gains a HF of 12 (+1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15). those who witness the graphic transformation (takes no actions) have a -2 to their Saving throw.

Stealing Beauty [Major]
'I love what you have done with your hair darling.....'

The character can rob a target of their glamour, reducing them to shadows of their former selves, and stripping away their veneer of humanity.
Simply by touching a target, (cannot be combined with an attack) he can attempt to steal away a target's features and beauty. The target makes a saving throw (16+, PE bonuses apply). if the target fails, then his PB drops to 8 and he gains the side effect of No facial features (without the upsides that accompany that side effect. refer to HU Pg 116)

The character gains +2 PB every time he does this to a target (up to a limit of +2 per level) with alle xtra PB points stolen in this manner being socked away into a pool to be used later. To a maximum of 10 per level)

The character can expend this pool of points to perform extraordinary feats.
* Can spend points on a 1:1 basis to gian extra PP
* Can spend a point to gain 3 points of PS
* Can spend a Point to gain +5 to spd
* Can expend a point to heal 10HP or 5 SDC
* Can sacrafice a point to subsist without water and food for a single day.
* Can expend 4 points to treat another power as one level higher
* Can expend a point to generate a forcefield with AR 8 and 20 SDC per point spent.
* Can expend 4 points to generate a bolt of bio-energy that inflicts 6D6 damage out to 200 feet with +4 to strike.
* can expend 4 points to gain an additional attack per melee round
* can expend 2 points to gain +1 to MA and PB.

Points spent in this manner are gone from the pool until the character steals more he may expend PB from his own total, but they are half as effective. Enhancements gained in this fashion last for 1 melee round per level of experience.

Targets of this power are affected for 1 day per level. after this time the side effect vanishes and PB returns at a rate of 1 per hour. anyone targeted by this power must make a saving throw Vs Insanity or acquire one of the following affective disorders.

Loss of Identity: the character will feel a crushing despair taht inhibits his actions and performance, and finds his own reflection hard to bear. -1 attack per melee, -10% to all skills and -1 to all combat manoevres.

Empowered: the lack of face is much like donning a mask. the character feels empowered by his new anonymity. +5% to all skills, and +1 to all combat manovers.

The character chooses which effect befalls a target when he fails the saving throw vs insanity.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Those all look great, Iczer. I am impressed. :D
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Redundency Hound (Major) by Roscoe Del'Tane (tip of my hat to Taalisman for the name)
"Cheeses, I hate duplicators! Guess it's time I evened the playing field a bit..."

Summon Infernal Hound: The character can conjure a beast from another dimension to obey his whims. This animal, refered to as the Houd from now on, is never smaller than a greyhound, and never bigger than a great dane; it can be any size inbetween, as well as any color, the only things that will distinguishe it from a normal dog is it exudes an aura of eeevil (sensitives must save vs Horror Factor of 13, non-sensitives are exempt, but still feel uneasy around it). The Hound has a high animal slash low human intelligence, and can go in unusual directions to achive its orders. The Hound has 2d4 +10 SNPS, 20 +3d4 speed, all other stats are 3d6. The Hound has 2d4 H.P. per level, and 25 S.D.C. The Hound will have as many attacks per melee as the summoner, +1 every third level after one.

The Hound can be summoned after one melee round of concentration and will last ten minutes per level of the summoner. While the Hound is a living creature, and must obey the summoners demands, it will NOT sacrifice itself, and will flee a battle that is suicide (or attempt to merely delay the oppont rather than kill them). After the Hound returns to its natural plane, it cannot be summoned again for at least two hours, minus five minutes per odd level of the summoning character. One additional Hound can be summoned at levels 5, 10 , and 15, these extra Hounds add one melee to the sumoning time (but the summoner can choose how many he wants).

The Hound can be sent up to 500 feet away from the summoner per level, any farther and it can sever the chains binding it to the summoner (save vs insanity at -3). If it succeeds, the Hound is free from the sommoners commands, and can do as it likes until the time perood elapses. If the Hound is slain during his time on this plane of existence, that Hound cannot be summoned back for two weeks plus one per additional level of experience; the shock of loosing his minion causes psychic damage to the summoner to the tune of 2d4 direct to H.P. that will not heal until the Hound is available again.

The Hound has one extra function, other than bodyguard and scout, which is the extra-dimensional removal of enemies. If the summoner is facing an opponent with any of the duplication powers (multiple beings, energy clone, etc), the Hound can attempt to take the dupes back with them to their home dimension. The Hound must first make a succesful grab (bite attack at -3) which costs two attacks per melee, and then make a jump back Home (the dupe must make a save vs lethal poison with no bonuses at -2). If they fail, the dupe is removed from play for the standard two hours -5 minutes per summoners level.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Iczer..Great job!
Roscoe...Thanks...funny how little things like that puppy grow up into Major Powers. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Fodder (Major)

“I am legion!"

Similar to the power of Multiple Beings, this is the ability to produce living copies of oneself, albeit flawed and short-lived ones; with this power, the super being sacrifices quality for quantity.

The duplicates created through use of this ability have half the capabilities of their creator: skill proficiencies, speed and physical and mental attributes are halved, as are the values of any superpowers (range, damage, duration, bonuses, A.R. ratings and the saving throw required to resist the power).

However, unlike duplicates created through use of Multiple Beings, these copies can create their own copies! These second generation clones follow the same rules as the first wave of duplicates; all of their capabilities are half those of the originating being. And second generation clones can also create copies, which have half the ability and power of their creator, and so on...The character can very quickly produce a small army of servitors.

The character may create one clone plus another one per each level of experience, and so can all of the duplicates that originate from him. For example, at level one, the hero can create two duplicates, who can both create two clones, and those clones can create two duplicates each: within seconds, the character would have fourteen loyal followers!

As few as one or as many as all of the duplicates can be created in a single melee action. This applies to those created both by the super being and his clones.

Unlike the duplicates created by Multiple Beings, the super being cannot sense the feelings, health or location of his copies or their copies, nor can he reabsorb them; they are entirely separate beings, though they are all 100% loyal to him and will obey any order without question (assuming that they can understand it; see Limitations below). The character is not affected in any way by the death of a duplicate.

Duration: Each clone lasts for only four minutes per level of experience, before dissolving into a puddle of protoplasm.
Range: Self. The duplicates appear next to the original.
Attacks Per Melee: The creation of one to the maximum number of copies counts as one melee action. Each duplicate possesses one less attack/action per melee round than its originator.
Limitations: As mentioned above, each copy has half the capabilities of the being that produced it; round fractions down when determining attributes. A duplicate cannot produce a clone of its own if the halving of its capabilities would leave the copy with an attribute of zero; e.g. a fourth generation clone with an I.Q. of 1 could not create a duplicate with an I.Q. of zero.

The super being may only use this ability a number of times per day equal to his experience level; once at level one, twice at level two and so on.

While the super being can command his duplicates, each new wave of clones has less intelligence than those that came before them and they may not be able to handle complicated instructions. At less than 5 I.Q., the copy has no more intelligence than a well-trained dog, and an I.Q. of 1 indicates that the duplicate is almost mindless, responding only to very basic stimulus (if attacked, it will fight back).

The duplicates cannot impersonate the super being, as due to the halving of the P.B. attribute they are clearly not identical. In fact, further generations of the clones will be downright hideous monsters!
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Senator Cybus wrote:Fodder (Major)

“I am legion!"!

"Uh-oh...It's Mister Xerox...."

Good job...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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I am trying to work on some candy based powers due to a thread discussing them a little while back. This is one of the results:

Glucose Control (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Remember, you can never have too much sugar."

The hero has the ability to control his body's sugar processing and can manipulate the sugar in his body for a number of effects.

1.Sugar Layer: By causing the sugar in his body to go through his pores and coat him, the hero gains a form of armor.
Duration: The sugar will remain held onto the skin for the hero's PE number in melee rounds, plus 1 melee round per level.
AR: The hero can create a thick layer providing a Natural AR of 6 at level 1, plus 1 AR at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 14. Each added AR level adds 5 points to the hero's total SDC while in place (so he would be able to add +30 SDC at level 1 for the 6 points of chakra gained).
Drawbacks: Speed is reduced to half while the sugar layer is in place. Not effective against liquid attacks.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to create sugar layer

2.Energy Boost: When not using the Sugar Layer, the hero can absorb high levels of sugar into his body.
* +1 PP per level. Adjust bonuses accordingly.
* +1 Speed per level.
* Strength becomes Extraordinary.
* Fatigues at half normal rate.
Duration: The sugar rush bonuses last for the hero's PE number in melee rounds.
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to create an energy boost.

3.Sugar Smack: The hero can shoot a blast of sugar at an opponent.
Range: 30 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: 2d4 +1 point per level
Bonuses: None
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Sharpsight [Major]
'I see you.'

The charactre's vision is very very sharp. Without focussing, the character can make out faces and road signs out to a half mile, and make out the individual hairs on a man's beard from 5 feet. Whewn focussing, he can see faces out to 2 miles per level, and magnify objects 1000 times per level, but such focussing takes an action to perform, and the character has no normal vision while he is focused to such extremes.

The character's vision is acute enough to pick out subtle details with greater clarity. The use of camoflague, prowl, surveilance systems (tailing) and the like are reduced by 20% against this character. Likewise, the character can see fine details in a person, (pupil dilation, sweat beading, even the pulse at the temples) and thusly they have -10% to lie, decieve or fool this character (penalties apply to disguise, impersonate etc). His fine vision allows him to read lips as long as he can see the person's face, and gives him a better understanding of art (+10% to the art skill, +10% to detect forgeries)

In combat the character enjoys +2 to all aimed shots and ccan shoot or fire accurately for an extra 50% distance. When in melee with a single foe, the character can guage a target's twitch reactions, to gain +2 to all defensive manoevres. when fighting 2-3 people these bonuses drop to +1. more than 4 targets are too hard to keep track of.

The character enjoys a bonus of +4 to all perception checks (when used) and +2 to initiative.

Psychoreactive: [minor]
'Yearch..that felt like mind control'

The character's body reacts to psychic energy, causing pain and discomfort, but otherwise sheilding him from intrusion.

If the character fails a saving throw vs psionics, or another mind affecting ability, he instead takes damage equal to the saving throw number, and is otherwise unnafected. The character can make a perception check (14+) to determine the source of the psionic intrusion.

Psychic energy, such as derived from mind bolt or the psi sword, inflicts half damage only. (though psychicly derived energy such as pyrokinesis inflicts normal damage)

Psychic healing is especially effective on this character. any use of healing psionics used on the character restores an amount of HP or SDC equal to the amount of ISP expended, in addition to any other effect.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

WE need more psychic defense mechanisms...that was a good addition... :-D
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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taalismn wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:Fodder (Major)

“I am legion!"!

"Uh-oh...It's Mister Xerox...."

Good job...

It is actually quite superb. Excellent work, senator.
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Many thanks guys :-D

Coming soon (ish) Planar hop, Force field Phage, Force field overcharge, maggots, and psychic redoubt.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Against The Grain (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Somehow wood just rubs me the wrong way."

The hero gives off a bio-feedback energy that has unusual effects on wood and plant fibers.

1.Going Against the Grain: When striking wooden armor and surfaces or Natural AR of a plant variety, the hero does 1d4, plus 1 point per level, additional damage, and reduces the armor's effective AR by 1 per odd level (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 (So at level 1 this reduces an AR of 18 to 17, but by level 15 it leaves the AR of 18 with an effective AR of only 10 against the character).
The drawback of this is that damage is inflicted to all wooden surfaces the hero touches, as when he is walking. Every time the hero takes a step on a wooden floor or on grass, the ground takes 1da4 damage, plus 1 point per level. This includes surfaces like lacquered or varnished wood and petrified logs. A table or weapon touched by the character also takes such damage.
Wooden weapons hitting him have their damage reduced by this 1da4, plus 1 point per level, damage, and have an equal amount inflicted upon the weapon.

2.Limitations: This power is always on and cannot be turned off. This prevents him from sneaking on wooden floors, which creak from damage (-20% to Prowl) or maintain a dwelling with wooden structures. Cannot weald wooden weapons (see above).

3.Other Bonuses: +2 to save fs. plant based poisons and toxins.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:Fodder (Major)

“I am legion!"!

"Uh-oh...It's Mister Xerox...."

Good job...

It is actually quite superb. Excellent work, senator.

Thanks, guys! :-D

Has anything like this next one been done before? I've checked the wiki and can't find a power exactly like it, but it seems like an obvious idea, being basically a reversal of a power from the HU main book...

Enhance Super Abilities/Powers

“Why be a Mega Hero, when you can be a Giga Hero!”

The character with this ability can augment the super powers of others, potentially turning even weak and inexperienced super beings into unstoppable powerhouses!

This strange form of bio-manipulation only affects super powers; it cannot be used to enhance psionic powers, magic, machines, cybernetic implants or skills. The character can choose to either blanket an entire area with Enhance Super Abilities, augmenting the powers of everyone present, or target a single individual at a greater range and for greater effect.

If the ability is used to affect an area, the super powers of any beings within range will function as if they were one experience level higher than normal. For example, a first level mutant with Extraordinary Speed and Energy Expulsion: Fire would operate as a second level character and be able to run 20 mph (32 kph) faster and produce fire blasts that cause an extra 1D6 damage.

If focused on just one being, the character can push that individual’s powers even further. The character may grant the target an effective increase in experience levels equal to half of his own experience level (round fractions up). For example, if the character was at the tenth level of experience, he could effectively bestow five levels upon his target; if the target was a first level mutant, his/her powers would then function as if he/she were a sixth level character.

There is a danger in amplifying another being’s power to this degree; if the character boosts someone’s powers by more than one level, the strain on their system will cause physical harm. For every minute (or fraction thereof) that the target’s powers are so enhanced, he or she loses 1D6 Hit Points per granted level of experience, e.g. if their powers are raised five levels, they lose 5D6 Hit Points per minute.

Note: It is possible, if both the hero and his target are of a high enough level, that powers could be boosted beyond level fifteen. If this is done, the target will lose 3D6 Hit Points per granted level of experience every minute. In this case, that penalty would apply even if the target had only been granted one extra level, i.e. a level fifteen character raised to level sixteen. Such is the price of power…

Range: A blanket area enhancement affects a radius of 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. When targeting a specific individual, range is 100 feet (30.5 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.

Damage: None, if only raising peoples’ powers by one experience level. Beyond that, the target loses 1D6 Hit Points per granted level of experience every minute, or 3D6 if raised above level fifteen. The character can control exactly how many levels are granted, up to the maximum allowed.

Duration: Indefinite. As long as the super being remains focused on his target(s).

Attacks Per Melee: The character must concentrate to sustain the enhancement: this means that he can only perform two other actions/attacks per melee (defensive moves not included), and skill performance suffers a penalty of -25%.

Saving Throw: 12 or higher (P.E. bonuses applicable) if an unwilling recipient of the power. If the target successfully saves, the super being must wait for 1D4 minutes before attempting another enhancement. The target may attempt to reject the enhancement either before or after it takes effect, but only once; if they fail, it continues for as long as the super being maintains concentration.

Bonuses: The super being is immune to the power of Negate Super Abilities/Powers. If focused on an area or individual affected by that power, Enhance Super Abilities/Powers instantly cancels it out.

Limitations: If the character is knocked unconscious or killed, all enhancements will immediately cease to be.

If used as an area effect, the super being cannot pick and choose who is enhanced; everybody within range gets a power boost.

While the hero may use this power to neutralise the effects of Negate Super Abilities, that power can be used to neutralise the effects of Enhance Super Abilities, creating a stalemate as each power cancels out the other one.

The character is immune to Enhance Super Abilities, and so cannot boost his own powers or be augmented by others.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:20 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Candyman (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"The candy man can!"

The superbeing can alter the molecular strands within objects to alter them into their candy equivalents.

1.Sugar Crystalization: The superbeing breaks down molecular structures and replaces chemical interractions and compounds with ones that are more edible and tasty. This requires a Chemistry roll, but gains +20% to accomplish if the chemistry skill is possessed, or can make the roll at the base skill if not possessed. A failed roll means the structure is still broken down but is not really edible and tastes awful.

* Reduces Object AR by 2, plus 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
* Object SDC reduced to 30% of normal
* Object will take double damage from fluids
* Object will shatter on a successful Critical Strike of 17-20
Amount Affected: Can affect 50 lbs per level per touch.
Range: Touch
Attacks: Each touch uses one melee attack action, though he can hold an object and affect its total weight, just subtracting from attacks/actions at the end of the round, taking half the time involved if waiting for normal turn rotation.
Limitations: Can only affect solid matter of an inorganic variety.

2.Mixed Drink: The hero can touch water and other liquids and change it to chocolate milk, fruit punch, etc., using a Chemistry roll as above. A failed roll means the liquid becomes poisonous and will require anyone ingesting it to make a saving throw vs. Non-Lethal poison (16 or better, PE bonus applies) or suffer nausea, fever, severe stomache cramps and vomiting. The superbeing can choose to fail Chemistry roll on purpose.
Amount Affected: 50 gallons per touch.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions per touch.
Penalties: -2 melee attacks/actions, no initiative, -2 to strike, parry and dodge, -25% to skill performance, and reduce speed by 30%. Duration is only 2d4 melee rounds.

3.Candy Constructs: The superbeing gains a bonus of +20% to carpentry and construction skills when making structures from candy or objects created using the Sugar Crystalization ability (above). The her can cause the candy structures to fuse on a moleculat level. This is done wthout using the normal methods of welding, rivets, nails, etc., and causes the objects to be merged. Items of less than six inches can be fused on a single action. Larger objects can be fused together up to a length of his ME number in feet, plus 1 foot per level. The pieces must be side by side or joined closely for this to work. The pieces will heat up and merge with a skill level of 30%, plus 5% per level. The pieces merge at a rate of one foot per melee round and requires one melee attack/action per round to maintain due to the concentration involved. If the skill roll is unsuccessful, the structure will only remain solid for the hero's ME number in hours before crumbling. If successful, the structure will last the hero's ME number in days or until destroyed. Note that this ability only works on candy or materials converted to candy.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Can eat twice his weight in candy per day without getting sick.
+5% to Cooking skill when making candy and confections using sugar.
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Force Field Phage [Major]
'I love think you're safe'

The character can absorb and redirect the energy of force fields, chanelling their energies into themselves while diminishing the protection of their foes.

1) Damage fields: The character can damage force fields at touch (may be combined with normal HTH attacks) At a touch, the character can inflict 6D6 damage to any force field he encounters (+2 per level).
The force field can be of any type, magic psionic, super powered or technological. Furthermore, every time the character does damage to a force field of any sort the creator must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or see it shut down for 1d4 melee's (Artificial force fields have a flat 35% chance of shutdown)

2) absorption: half of any damage inflicted against a force field, goes toward a force field of the character's own. the resulting force field lasts for 1 melee round per level. The character may canabalise this field instead, transferring its SDC into HP and SDC of his own.

3) force resistance: the character disperses fields of force upon any sort of contact, even hostile. force field attacks (from force created weapons, animals and bolts of force) inflict no damage. in addition, kinetic energy attacks without any real mass (sonic and vibratory attacks, but also TK punch, anda few other 'force' attacks) inflict half normal damage.

4) other bonuses: The character can see force fields, even invisible ones, and knows their relative strengths and weaknesses (can determine their SDC to within 10%) If the character can inflict 30 SDC in a single blow, he may simply pass though a force field. When the character has a force field of his own, he adds +4 to PS, +10 to Spd and +4 to PP.

Force Overcharge:
'Your shields will not protect you for long'

The character energises force fields upon touch, causing them to flare briefly (may be combined with a HTH attack)
When the characte touches a force field of any nature, he causes 2D4 damage per level to the field. anyone touching or generating the field also takes the same damage (with the exception of the character) In essence the character whittles down a force field's wearer with every punch he lands, as well as chipping away at the field.

Maggots [minor]
'Villains like you make me sick!'

The Character can generate hundreds of tiny worm like creatures, as well as a copious amount of noxious slime that he may projectile hurl as a weapon.
Range: 30 feet
Bonus to strike +4
Effects: The effects are many.
1) noxious smell: the fluid egnerated smells of bile and stomach acid. it hurts the eyes and smells awfull. any one directly sprayed suffers -2 to all combat manoevres for one melee as the acrid fumes fill his eyes and nose.
2) Damage: the maggts produced are one half to two inches long, and are essentially a mouth, hundreds of teeth and a digestive system. Unless fed, the maggots live a mere 3-6 seconds. Anybody spat upon takes 3D6 damage (+1 per level) and must make a saving throw (14+, PE bonuses apply). Those failing the saving throw also take 1D4 damage AND prolong the maggots life span (roll damage and save again every round until the saving throw is made). the damage bypasses most normal armour, and ignores most organic armour altogether. A full body covering with an AR of 8 or better saves the target, as will transformation into any inorganic substance.

attacks: It takes one action to create the bile and worms, and another to spit. the character can create the maggots once per melee, but is not obliged to spit them out on the spot (can 'save' them for 20 minutes per level...any longer and they start eating their way out)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Psychic redoubt [Minor]
' Don't worry Miss Clarke, His encephalo beams can only make me stronger'

The character gains strength when exposed to psychic energy.
when the character has to make a savingthrow Vs psionics, for any reason, the character gains +20 SDC and +2 PS. these bonus SDC and strength are a buffer, and vanish within 5 minutes, but stack upon themselves.
If the character makes his saving throw, all is otherwise well. if he should fail, he gains an additional 20 SDC, +1 to save vs psi, and 2 PS and, in the case of long term effects, may resave every minute to 'shake off' the effect (with the dual benefit of becoming stronger the longer it takes.)

Other bonuses: May lower or raise his saving throw bonus Vs psionics at will. Takes half damage from pure psionic attacks (but not psionically created attacks such as TK and pyrokinesis)

Planar hop [major]
'Damn it's cold in there'

The character can open a rift in time and space and drift through an alternate plane before settling down in our world. This power creates a portal, through which the character can tarvel. The character steps through his portal, wrapping himself in a bubble of our reality as he does so in order to protect himself (and his passengers) from the rigours of the other world.
It takes 2 actions to open a planned portal, one with a clear exit vector. the character steps through, and then drifts at a rate of 1 mile per level per melee, before 'popping' into real existence. Theoretically, the character has no limit to distance travelled, but the travel is not instantaneous. (though travel under 100 feet per level is fast enough to be considered instantaneous)

Travel has a few notes and limitations:
1) The character can be interupted while he spends two actions creating the portal. any damage taken, or in fact anything more thhan a hard shove pretty much stops the portal creation.
2) The character can be followed, as long as the follower wastes no time (1-2 seconds behind him) In addition, someone may step ahead of the character travelling ahead of him)
3) No chance of disaster: the character cannot appear in a solid object, though otherwise has the normal chance of success when teleporting 'blind'
4) the character must be able to trvel through his portals. if restrained, he can create a portal, but cannot move to pass through it.

The character can create a fast portal. this is fast enough to be combined with a dodge (character adds +4 to dodge) but the character drifts for one melee and must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) to return every melee round (drifting further and further in a random direction). He must save again upon returning (16+ ME bonuses apply) or be unable to create a portal for 15 minutes.

The world the character enters is composed of a fluid energy, of a type chosen upon gaining this power. when he returns, he carries some of it with him, creating a charcteristic energy shockwave. He can offensively open a portal that funnells some of this energy outwards, inflicting 2d6 damage +1D6 per level of experience, out to 60 feet with +3 to strike.

Other bonuses: The protective field around the character created when he portals has an SDC of 25+5 per level and halves the damage of any energy attack (except the energy in his chosen plane to which the field completely protects). the protective field lasts for 5 minutes per level, but is renewed instantly when he travels again.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Here's a challenge for all who wish to take it. I challenge you all to do up the most terrifing of powers: Alter Physical Structure: Mime, combined with: Energy Expulsion: Force Fields. :D :shock: :eek: :demon:

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Here's a challenge for all who wish to take it. I challenge you all to do up the most terrifing of powers: Alter Physical Structure: Mime, combined with: Energy Expulsion: Force Fields. :D :shock: :eek: :demon:

Rathorc Lemenger

There was a Mime power done by Drunken Werebear way back in the early pages of this thread. It was psionic in nature. That said, becoming a mime is a career choice, not an APS. You certainly could simulate mime abilities by controlling force fields, though, but I think the powers currently written have it pretty well covered.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Candyman (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"The candy man can!"

The superbeing can alter the molecular strands within objects to alter them into their candy equivalents.

1.Sugar Crystalization: The superbeing breaks down molecular structures and replaces chemical interractions and compounds with ones that are more edible and tasty. This requires a Chemistry roll, but gains +20% to accomplish if the chemistry skill is possessed, or can make the roll at the base skill if not possessed. A failed roll means the structure is still broken down but is not really edible and tastes awful..

I'd add a conditional power based on candy: The ability to Rot teeth/dentation-based powers...subsequent attacks within 1d4 melees, using bites, result in an increasing chance of the teeth shattering (say on a fumbled strike roll, graduating from under a roll of five by a factor of +1 per melee that the power is in effect, so the next melee, on a successful strike roll, if it's a 6, the victim's teeth shatter, doing half the normally rolled bite damage to the attacker, ...and so the alternative, diminishment of bite power damage, ultimately resulting in loss of that particular power/ability, and/or Toothache(distracting pain...loses initiative and -1 to strike because the pain is SOOO distracting)..
Perfect for the Cavity Creep... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Chakras [Major]
'That glowing spot? That's the thing that's going to kick your arse'

The character can energise his chakra points (really just clusters of nerves in the body) to produce varying effects. When so energised, the character's chakras's glow producing light and in some cases heat.

Crown: When lit, the character enjoys a mental boost, adding +10 to IQ and adds the minor power of Iron will.

Third eye: When lit, the character enjoys a heightened perception and wisdom. The character gains the minor power of sixth sense. when lit, other people have -20% to seduce, manipulate or decieve the character (who can see through all forms of illusion)

Throat: when lit, the character gains +10 MA and develops the minor power of awe factor (requiring the character to speak for it to function of course)

Heart: When lit the character enjoys +10 to PE and enjoys a force field like effect with 50 SDC (regenerates 1 point per minute)

Solar plexus: When lit, the character enjoys the power of extraordinary PS and his ability to deliver measured fury adds +2 to strike in melee combat.

Sacral: When lit, the character enoys unbounded flexibility and mobility, enjoying +10% to any dance skills aacrobatcs and gymnastics skills, +4 to PP and an extra attack per melee

Root (base of spine): when lit, the character becomes anchoured and stable. He regenerates HP at a rate of 1 per minute, and SDC at a rate of 2 per minute. In addition, he enjoys +20% to save vs coma/death and has +4 to all PE based saving throws.

Bioenergy burst: The character can, after igniting a chakra, release it as a burst of bio-electrical energy. The blast inflicts 6D6 damage out to 80 feet with +2 to strike, with an additional bonus depending on the chakra it originated from.
Crown: +2 to strike with the blast
Third eye: Ignore 4 points of AR on the target
Throat: The blast is around 4-6 feet wide and can snag multiple close targets.
Heart: +8 damage
Solar plexus: Bolt is instead pure heat rather than electricity. damage is considered doubled when calculating knockback or knock down.
Sacral: damage is 2D6 but is treated as a short burst (double damage and -4 to be dodged, or dmage may be spread over up to 4 targets.)
Root: The blast inflicts double damage to inanimate objects (and characters transformed into non-living objects) but half damage to living/organic targets.

Drawbacks: the character, while resistant to electricity, (half damage) must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonus applies) whenever struck by electricity. On a failed save one of the unused chakras on the body ignites.

In addition, it takes one action to ignite a chakra, only one may be ignited at any time and firing a bio-energy blast extinguishes the current chakra.

Environmental attunement: [Major]
'ISn't this much nicer than the city?'

The character has a limited ability to alter his physical structure. Much like copy physical structure, the character attunes to the environment, rather than a specific touched object. By concentrating on attuning himself to his local surroundings, (Two actions) the character can alter his form based on his environment.

Wilderness: Including any natural forested. The character develops a body made of wood. He gains 60 SDC and an AR of 12 as well as +4 pS and PE (both extraordinary). He gains a +20% bonus to prowl in these environments due to natural colouration. animals will consider the character to be odd and unnatural, but not out of place.

Desert: the charactre develops a silicate type body with the texture and appearance of the local sand. He gains 20 SDC, and his silicate body has an AR of 14. In addition the charactre is immune to all natural levels of heat and cold, and takes half damage from fire. the character is, in addition, immune to blight glare. his weight increases by 60% while in this form, and his PS jumps by 6.

Rocky/mountainous: The charactre develops slate like skin and bones. AR 16 SDC +120 and half damage from blunt impacts from wooden objects or fists. He loses 4 PP and ahlves his Spd in this form but gains a +20% to climb (and has a grip like a mountain goat). +12 PS

Airborne: The character halves his current SDC and lowers PS by 10, while his PP rises by 10. he gains the ability of flight: glide while so transformed. his body slims down and flattens out in response to more than 5 or so seconds of falling (triggered by fear or trauma)

Aquatic: the character becomes amorphous but retains a humanoid shape, while his body's liquid count rises. in this form he takes half damage form all kinetic sources, he gains 30 SDC and a swim speed equal to 3 times his PS score. he can withstand depths down to 2 miles before pressure threatens to burst him and is immune to the bends.

Ice: the character becomes a creature of ice and snow. He becomes impervious to cold and gains +4 PS +60 SDC with an AR of 12

Other bonuses: the character exact appearance changes with each transformation, to resemble the local environment. he blends in well with any environment he has attuned to, gaining +20% to prowl in the selected environment.
The charactre has no affinity for cities or urban environments. the presenec of any freestanding concrete, masonry, manufactured or processed metals in quantities greater than the character's own body weight within 120 feet prevents this ability from functioning. However, onec attuned the character is free to simply walk into the new area. duration is near indefinate (ends if the character passes out or falls asleep)

The character automatically adjusts to alien environments though, imeadiately adjusting to pressure, temperature and toxicity of environment in any place not exposed to the void of space (So can be comfortable on venus, but not the moon)

Strength Negation: [Minor]
'Hey you like me now"

The character's body emits a kind of bio-weakness field that saps the strength of others. Anyone in contact with the character while he consciously has this power 'on' finds their PS reduced by 10 +1 per level. even moreso, PS becomes scaled back to normal human levels when this occurs. Even physical attacks see their damage reduced (barehanded attacks only, melee weapon attacks are OK) seeing strength diminish at the point of impact, and then return as soon as the hand has been removed.

While there is no saving throw per se, there are some limits. It functions only with living beings. supernatural creatures (though not mysticall bestowed or mega heroes) and machines ignore the PS drain. extraordinary beasts are still affected but creatures made of magic are not.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Love the Chakras power Iczer really cool
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Agreed..a bit of Far East mysticism gone super-powered...
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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here are a few super powers i created a few years ago. I hope i haven´t duplicated already existing powers.


Minor Superability

Allergy Attack
("Wait, you have to sneeze, ha.. ha.. ha...")
This strange power has quite a few useful applications. Especially as there seem to be more and more allergies in our time. This is also a very strong power against superbeings with an Achilles Heel. Typical allergies include: grass pollen,
strawberries, shellfish, peanuts, bee venom, nickel, different kinds of animals, dust and much more. And these are only very common allergies. There is probably no material on earth against which not at least some people are allergic.
1. Sense Allergy
Can sense if a person has any allergy at all, what kind of allergy and what his reaction is (mild, severe, deadly). This works even if the person does not know he has an allergy.
Range: 100 feet, line of sight
Duration: concentrate for 1 round
2. Allergy Attack
This will bring the allergy into effect, even if the allergic material is not on hand. At first level the character can only provoke mild reactions (like sneezing, a rash, coughing,..). At fourth level he can trigger the more severe allergies (e.g. problems with breathing, extreme skin problems).... At eight level its possible to activate a deadly reaction (heart problems, throat is closing,..). To use this attack one has to know the exact allergy (either through general knowledge or through Sense Allergy).
Range: 10 feet/level
Damage: depends on the allergy
Duration: 10 minutes/level for mild allergies: -1 to all combat rolls
5 minutes/level for severe allergies: - 4 to all combat rolls
1 melee round/level for deadly allergies: can not attack at all, -8 to all defensive rolls, has to roll vs. Coma/Death every 10 melee rounds of falls into a coma
Attacks: This uses up all melee attacks for that round.
3. Stop Allergies
This will stop an ongoing allergy
Range: 10 feet/level for mild and severe allergies, touch for deadly ones
Duration: 10 minutes/level for mild and severe allergies or as long as he touches the person.
Attacks: 1 melee attack for mild and severe allergies, all for deadly ones
4. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Has no allergies at all (only exception is the Mega-Hero).
+ 5% to all medical skills
Note: In the developed countries (North America, Europe, Japan,...) about one third of the population suffer from some kind of allergy. This number is much smaller in the rest of the world (Africa, South and Middle America, most of Asia). The exact reason for this is unknown, but seems to lie in too much hygiene (ironic, isn´t it?).

Flower Power
("I hate hippies!")
A few not so insignificant powers in handling flowers and people:
1. Flower Control
Can make a flower bloom any time he wants, regardless of the time of the day or the season
Range: touch
Duration: as long as nature permits
2. Recognize Flowers
Recognize a flower by sight: 70% + 5%/level
Recognize a flower by smell: 50% + 5%/level
3. Influence other people
Can produce a kind of flowery perfume, which influences the opposite sex: + 20% to trust, charm, impress and seduction
4. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Always knows which flowers are liked best, so he will always bring the perfect bouquet. Also knows, if a person does not like flowers at all.
Cut flowers will stay beautiful twice as long if cut by the character himself, thrice as long if cared for by the character himself.
+ 10% to the skills Botany, Identify Fruits & Plants and Gardening.
The skill ikebana at 98%. This is the Japanese skill of arranging flowers.
Add 2 to PB

Heart Control
("Oh, oh, heart!")
This power controls diverse biological aspects of the heart (not the romantic ones!).
1 Sense Heartbeat
Can sense the heartbeat of another person. This means he knows if someone is anxious, exited or exerted himself, even if it does not show on the outside. He recognizes when a heart is artificial or when there is no heart at all. Can also feel if a heartattack is imminent or ongoing. Can "hear" the heartbeat even through walls. Also detects if a person is really dead or just pretending (like hibernation, playing dead, and so on)
Range: 100 feet line of sight, 10 feet through walls
Duration: as long as he concentrates
2. Heart Attack
Range: 10 feet/level, line of sight
Damage: 2d6 directly to HP and the pain makes the character -3 on all combat rolls for the next melee round
Attacks: Takes the place of all melee attacks
Saving Throw: 12 (+ PE Bonus), if the character saves, there are no damage and no penalties
3. Heart Control (self)
The character can control his own heartbeat.
Fool a lie detectors: 70% + 3%/level
Play dead: 70% + 3%/level Can wake up any time he wants.
Hide strenuous activities: 70% + 3%/level
Stop poison: 70% + 3%/level By slowing his heartbeat to nearly zero he also stops poison in the body. But a soon a the heart is normal again, the poison starts to spread, so somebody should call a doctor in the meantime.
Duration for all: 30 minutes/level
4. Heart Control (others)
The character can control other peoples heartbeat.
Fool a lie detectors: 50% + 5%/level
Play dead: 60% + 5%/level can wake up any time he wants.
Hide strenuous activities: 60% + 5%/level
Calm an anxious person: 50% + 5%/level
Stop poison: 60% + 5%/level By slowing his heartbeat to nearly zero he also stops poison in the body. But a soon a the heart is normal again, the poison starts to spread, so somebody should call a doctor in the meantime.
Stop an imminent or ongoing heart attack: 50% +5%/level
Range: touch
Duration: 5 minutes/level
Attacks: 1 melee attack
Saving throw: 12 (+ PE Bonus), but only, if the character resists.
5. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Impervious to heart diseases. Will never suffer from a heart attack.
Fatigues at 1/2 than other people
Add 2d4 HP
+10% to all medical skills
Note: This power only works on beings who have a natural heart. It does not work on robots, humans or cyborgs with an artificial heart, supernatural creatures or beings in APC-Form.

Key Ability
("Open sesame")
This guy is the ultimate pick lock.
1. Lock Picks
Can transform his fingers into a lock pick. Never needs any additional tools.
2. Imprint Keys
Has the ability to imprint a blank or his fingers with any key he has touched. The character can store the imprint of 1 key/level in his memory.
3. Other Abilities and Bonuses
+ 30% to pick lock and locksmith or a base of 60% + 5%/level for both skills if unknown.
Is five times faster to pick a lock than other people.
Never leaves any signs that the lock was picked (e. g. scratches,..).

Soldier Boy
("OK, so I am a girl and I have the superability soldier boy. Got a problem with it?")
The perfect ability for soldiers, agents and military aficionados.
1. Camaraderie
Soldiers will always assume he is a fellow soldier (maybe retired) and treat him the best way possible. This does not mean they will disobey orders, but they will give him non-classified information, invite him for a drink, give him a ride on a military vehicle, tell him about officers,....
2. Career Soldier
If he is a professional soldier, he will always get the assignment he asks for (within reason!). If considered for a promotion he will get them before his equally recommended comrades.
3. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Military Etiquette: 98 %
Recognize active soldiers when not in uniform: 60% + 5%/level
Recognize retired soldiers: 40% + 5%/level
Recognize important or famous military personnel: 60% + 5%/level. This includes generals, admirals, captains, flight aces, war heroes and so on; -10% for foreign armies.
+ 20% to all military and military related skills
+ 20% to impersonate a soldier
+ 1 to strike with all modern weapons

The Wanderer
("Where do we come from? Where are we going to?")
Hiking is more than a hobby for this girl, it´s a life style.
1. Wandering
No fatigue when walking and wandering. She can walk the whole day without feeling tired.
2. Weathersense
Can sense weather changes in the next 12 hours: 70% + 5%/level.
3. Sense of Direction
Always knows the magnetic north.
4. Nightvision
Can see perfect in the night, when there is at least some light: stars, the moon, a candle, a flashlight. If there is no light at all, she is as blind as anybody.
5. Elemental Protection
No problems with arctic weather, desert heat, sandstorms, and so for 1 day/level, even without adequate clothing. This is just a protection against the weather, it does not include elemental attacks (like energy expulsion).
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Add 1d4 to PE
Add 1d6 to SP
+10% to all wilderness skills, navigation and climbing
Note: Loves the wilderness, does not like the city.

Major Superability

("When I´m not a superhero, I work as a window cleaner.")
The character can manipulate glass structures in a variety of ways. This includes windows, glasses made of glass (no pun intended), mirrors, car windows, bottles, drinking glasses, light bulbs, and so on. The power does not alter transparent surfaces or things made of other materials than glass (like plastic, crystal, ice,....).
1. Shatter Glass
Can shatter glass without touching it
Range: 100 feet/level
Damage: 2d6 to unprotected people in a 10 feet radius, 5 feet radius for small objects
Attacks: each shatter attack counts as one melee attack
Area: one object of glass or one window
2. Change Surface and Colour
The character can change the surface of any glass object to milky (nobody can see through it) or reflective: (like a
mirror). In both cases the character can choose to make the condition one-way (meaning it is possible from one side to look through it) or two-ways. Or he can make a one-way mirror into a two-way window. He can also change the general colour to white, blue, green, brown, red or yellow.
Range: 10 feet/level
Duration: as long, as the character concentrates
Attacks: this cost one action per melee round
Area: one object of glass or one windows
3. Repair Glass
The character can repair cracks in glass objects just by touching. He can also repair shattered glass objects, if he has all pieces at hand. The window or bottle (or any other thing made of glass) appears as new. Glass which was made untransparent by polishing it with sand can be made transparent again.
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
4. Mould Glass
Just by touching it, the character can mould glass like clay with his hands. To achieve something useful or beautiful, the character needs an artistic ability like sculpting, whittling, glassblowing, +30% to any such skill if working with glass. If he has no such ability he can just change the general form ( e.g. make a lump of glass, put a whole in a window without shattering it, permanently sealing a bottle,..)
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
5. Indestructible Glass
He can make glass totally indestructible for a short period of time. This is useful for making a window bulletproof, using a bottle for parrying weapons, saving a falling wine glass, and much more.
Range: 10 feet/level
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Area: one object of glass or one windows
6. "Impervious" to Glass
Immune to any damage made by glass. This means falling through a window, a bottle on the head or a shard of broken glass does no damage at all. Can eat glass shards (no nourishment, but no bad effects either).
7. Clean Windows
Makes any glass surface perfectly clean
Range: 10 feet/level
Duration: permanent (till it gets dirty again)
Area: one object of glass or one window
8. Play Glassharp
Play musical instrument: glassharp: 70% + 5%/level, professional quality.
The glassharp is a rare instrument containing glasses filled with different amounts of water. You get sounds out of them by touching them in circles with a wet finger. Believe it or not, there is a lot of music written for or adapted to this instrument.

("The paperless office is a modern myth.")
The character can manipulate paper (e. g. sheets of paper, books, newspapers, posters, cards , paper tissues, toilet paper, and so on) in a variety of ways. This includes papyrus, but not vellum.
1. Destroy Paper
Can destroy paper without touching it.
Range: 100 feet/level
Duration: permanent
Area: one sheet of paper, one book, one newspaper, one large poster
Magical papers, like magical scrolls and spells books, are not affected by this power.
2. Erase Writing, Painting and Printing on paper
Erase mundane writing, painting or printing temporarily
Range: 50 feet/level
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Area: one sheet of paper, one book, one newspaper, one large poster
Erase mundane writing, painting or printing permanently
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Area: one sheet of paper, one book, one newspaper, one large poster
Erase magical paper, like magical scrolls and spells books temporarily
Range: touch
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: 12 for general magic, 15 for real artifacts
Magical writing can not be erased permanently. And remember, very often it is written not on paper but on vellum.
3. Animate Paper
One can animate folded paper (like animals, paper planes,..). This is mainly used for entertainment or as a distraction.
It can be directly controlled by the animator or just move around for a given time.
Range: 20 feet/level
Duration: as long as he concentrates or 5 minutes/level
4. Indestructible Paper
He can make paper totally indestructible for a short period of time. This means it can not be burned, shredded, crumbled or destroyed in any way. A rolled newspaper could be used to parry weapons.
Range: 10 feet/level
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Area: one sheet of paper, one book, one newspaper, one large poster
5. Restore Paper
The character can restore cuts, crumbling, dog-ears and more on any piece of paper to make it look like new. He can also restore shredded papers, if he has all pieces at hand.
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Area: one sheet of paper, one book, one newspaper, one large poster
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Impervious to "paper attacks" (granted, this does not happen very often). This means he never cuts himself on a piece of paper and thrown books will not to damage to him.
The skill origami with 98%. This is a Japanese skill of folding paper for flowers, animals and much more.
Can tell how old a piece of paper is (the written content is a different thing!), exactly to the year.

(" I know the truth, every time. And I hate it!")
The character is so rooted in reality that he notices any lies, deceptions and falsehoods and things which are not true.
1. Detect Lies
The ultimate lie detector. Recognizes any lie he hears. Knows, when someone is bluffing or cheating at a game. This only works, if someone is actually lying. Telling something which is not true but believed to be true does not trigger this ability.
2. See through illusions
The character can see through any illusion, be it a magical, psionic or optical one.
3. Recognize shapechangers
Always knows, if someone's (or somethings) form in not true, but does not see the real form. He also recognizes shapechangers only if they are actually shapechanging, not when they are in their true form.
The skills disguise, impersonation and imitate voice are useless against this character.
Note: This works on superabilites like Shapechange, Animal Metamorphosis, Metamorph, Alter Physical Body, Alter Physical Body, Alter Facial Features & Physical Stature, on Metamorphosis Spells, on Ectoplasmic Disguise, Changelings, metamorphed Dragons, metamorphed Vampires, and so on.
4. Spot the hidden
See the invisible, no matter if the invisibility comes through Superabilities, Magic, Psionics, Martial Arts Abilities, natural abilities or Technology.
Chameleon Abilities of any kind also do not work with this character.
Secret compartments and secret doors are found by this character in a matter of seconds.
The skills camouflage, concealment and prowl are useless against this character.
5. Recognize Forgeries
Any forgery, be it a passport, a piece of art, a signature, a special label or a document is recognized at once for what it is. The skill forgery is useless against this character.
6. Tell the Truth
50% + 5%/level + his MA. The character has the ability to tell the truth in such a way, that he is not believed. ("Yeah, I killed this man with my own hands. Do you really believe a puny guy like me could have done this?")
7. Other Abilities and Bonuses
Add 1d6 to ME
Add 1d6 to PE
Can not be changed by magic, magical potions, vampires bite and similar things.
8. Penalties
The character cannot tell a lie, no matter what. He can only tell nothing or use his "Tell the Truth" ability. This can be awkward in social encounters.
Can never learn deceiving skills like cardsharp, impersonation, disguise, forgery, camouflage, concealment, prowl and so on. If he had known these skill before acquiring this superability, he can no longer use them.
Is the worst poker player ever.
Subtract 2d6 from MA, but MA is never less than 6. The lies and deceptions he sees every day have made him a bit of misanthrope (Just try to remember how many "harmless" lies you tell every day: I am tired now; I have no time; I made my homework, but have forgotten it at home; you have a nice apartment; you look nice today; .... And this guy knows, you do not really mean it, every time!).
The character can not have any of the superabilites which are mentioned above (or, in the alternative he can only use the non-deceiving parts of a superability; e. g. Chameleon: can use Adhesion, Hold Breath and the bonuses to wilderness skills, but not Chameleon itself, Feign Death and the Prowl skill)
Note: Most characters with this power have a selfish alignment. It is difficult to maintain a good alignment, if you know that everybody lies so often. Being evil without being able to lie is equally difficult.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Being a librarian, I appreciate any "Paper" ability. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:Love the Chakras power Iczer really cool

I was actually trying to do more powers based on chakras at one point. Aside from the main chakras in the body, there are also what are known as mini-chakras in the hands and feet and even at external locations. Chakras by their nature can be considered lines of energy intersecting the body at the glandular location and linked into elemental planes, with their harmonics tuned to different triggers, such as vowel sounds and colors. Potential uses of chakra include such things as healing, channeling more energy and strength, and increasing awareness. I would love to write up powers based on chakra control that could do these things, but have had difficulty wording them. Peerhaps Iczer would like to try more powers based on chakras. :)
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taalismn wrote:

I'd add a conditional power based on candy: The ability to Rot teeth/dentation-based powers...subsequent attacks within 1d4 melees, using bites, result in an increasing chance of the teeth shattering (say on a fumbled strike roll, graduating from under a roll of five by a factor of +1 per melee that the power is in effect, so the next melee, on a successful strike roll, if it's a 6, the victim's teeth shatter, doing half the normally rolled bite damage to the attacker, ...and so the alternative, diminishment of bite power damage, ultimately resulting in loss of that particular power/ability, and/or Toothache(distracting pain...loses initiative and -1 to strike because the pain is SOOO distracting)..
Perfect for the Cavity Creep... :D

I could write that into another power based on candy, but that is not really in line with what I was going for with the Candyman power. I am sorry if I have been very long in responding but I was at an anime convention with my roommate for the past few days.
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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Hmmm, these new powers are all fine and good *pulls a Gendo Ikari* but I still wouldn't mind seeing the Alter Physical Structure: Mime. :D That'd be VERY terrifying to see a villian pull off. Maybe with a beam that turns people into mimes (I seen that on a Totally Spies episode that my sister watched once :frazz: ).

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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:

I'd add a conditional power based on candy: The ability to Rot teeth/dentation-based powers...subsequent attacks within 1d4 melees, using bites, result in an increasing chance of the teeth shattering (say on a fumbled strike roll, graduating from under a roll of five by a factor of +1 per melee that the power is in effect, so the next melee, on a successful strike roll, if it's a 6, the victim's teeth shatter, doing half the normally rolled bite damage to the attacker, ...and so the alternative, diminishment of bite power damage, ultimately resulting in loss of that particular power/ability, and/or Toothache(distracting pain...loses initiative and -1 to strike because the pain is SOOO distracting)..
Perfect for the Cavity Creep... :D

I could write that into another power based on candy, but that is not really in line with what I was going for with the Candyman power. I am sorry if I have been very long in responding but I was at an anime convention with my roommate for the past few days.

No problem...time spent having fun is not time wasted. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Not sure if this will work or if it's self-fulfilling...

Thread Killer(Minor)
"If you want to know my opinion..."(sudden silence)"....hello?....Anybody here? It was so busy a minute ago..."

This power is the ability to effectively kill any line of conversation, discourse, or action continuity through one's mere presence. Everybody in the area of effect must roll versus their M.E. or lose their train of thought, discontinue what they're doing, and drop any conversation they were engaged in(also lose initiative in any combat actions they're engaged in)...A successful save means they can continue what they were doing uninterrupted. It's not awe, horror factor, or disgust that causes the interruption; it's just as if the person sucks the life out of the words being spoken, and derails the chain of thought.
On a failure, a second roll is required before affected persons can conduct another action, such as attempt to recover their chain of thought, resume the conversation, attack, or get out of the way. Until they can, they are -1d6 to all initiative, and -10% to perform skills, since their thoughts are muddled. Teamwork is particularly badly affected, as those in the area of effect cannot properly communicate and coordinate their actions.
Area of Effect:20 ft radius +5 ft per level of experience
Duration: As long as the victims remain within the area of effect
*MindBlocks work against this power
*There's a 30% chance that for possessors of this power, it is ALWAYS on...The person thus cannot join in conversations with more than one person at a time, feels increasingly snubbed in company, and may develop feelings of isolation, persecution, and paranoia, leading to full-blown insanity in time...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Sense Order [Minor]
'Wait aminute..something's right ....'

The characte has senses that detect rder and patterns even amidst chaos and dissaray.
The character's barian records and analyses patterns an highlights them when they reoccur. Accordingly, the character can sense order within chaos, as well as chaos within order. Examples include

* Can see 'hidden' messages inside other words, even if they are unintentional (hey..the third letter in each line of this article says 'ambiguous'!)
* Can tell a faked emotion (can feel the deliberate and ordered nature in a fake)
* Can spot unnuusal subjects (notices a person as being distinct from a crowd of law abiders)
* Can perform a 'spot the differences' style puzzle with a glance, and can, at the same time, notice flaws in illusions, and disguises (That isn't Bob! Bob is a Quarter inch Taller and has a callous on his thumb)
* Can sense agents of order when he see's them (honest people, Judges (but not always lawyers) some journalists etc) as well as primal forces of law. Cannot sense chaos except as an absence of order.
* Notices patterns in everything (presuming a pattern exists)

In combat, the character can sense when a person is executing artfully practised moves. after the first round of combat, a selected, studied opponent has -1 to strike parry and dodge the character. every round after this, the target takes another -1 until his penalty equals the amount of combat skills the opponent has (and are relevant).
[Hu-Long is facing T.K.O in a mortal combat in the viperpits under old China town. TKO has HTH expert (2 skill selections) and boxing (1 skill selection). the maximum penalty TKO will suffer is -3 and not until after 3 rounds of combat. TKO also has WP rifle and Chain, but until he starts using one or the other, his penalties remain until he can break from combat for 4 minutes (Hu-Long's level)]

Zen Rush [Minor]
'Wanna se what a little introspection can net you?'

The character can enter a state of contradictory extremes. Like berserker warriors, he can psyche himself up, but he channels his fury inwards, focussing internally rather than outwardly.

After one action spent focussing, the character gains the following.
* All powers, and combat skills rise by 1 level.
* He gains +5 ME IQ and MA.
* halve all attacks per melee
* gain autododge.
* reconfigure combat bonuses. Strike parry dodge (and auto dodge) are enhanced by the character's IQ. Initiative by MA, and Damage by ME (optional..can retain his PS damage bonus)
* +10% to all skills

Duration: 1 round per level. at the ed of this the character reverts to his normal bonuses, and feels drained from the rush The fatigue reduces combat bonuses by 2, and the character is at -10% to all skills and is -1 attack per melee. this lasts for 4D4 minutes (half this if the character actively rests)

Xenomorphology [Major]
'Oh what have I just turned into?'

The character can transform into creatures of inhuman origin. His transformations are random expressions of genetic alteration. It takes two actions to transform, and when the character does, randomly roll for the following.

IQ, ME, MA HP and SDC: remain the same.
PS, PP and PE: roll 4D6.
Spd: 6D6
Roll on the alien species chart, and then roll twice on the mutations chart. apply all bonuses to the new form except SDC.
Size level: in the Mutant animal section, roll 2D10 to determine the new species size level. apply attribute modifiers (include SDC this time) Creatures over SL 13 have extraordinary PS. Over 18 is superhuman.

The new creature has a 30% chance of having partial biped, and 30% chance of having partial hands. there is a 60% chance of having partial speech (otherwsie the character is able only to make animal sounds)

HTH forms are impossible while in an alien shape. the character has +1D4 to Strike, parry and dodge (roll for each) and +1D6 to Initiative. these bonuses do not include any possinble PP bonus or bonuses for other powers (aside from attrbute and SDC bonuses) Number of attacks remain unchanged.

The character can memorise one form per level. Once he has rolled up something that appeals, he may spend a week in that shape. He may use that form at any time rather than roll a random one (he may continue to adopt random forms if he chooses)

(Special: at the character's option, he may lower his number of powers by 1 at charactre creation. if he does this he may select one biological minor power of choice when he mutates. this selection may be performed after the new form has been generated (though the power of any memorised forms remains constant) The GM has final veto. He may allow EE: fire (flame breath) but not EE: electricity. He may allow healing factor but not ex: spd.)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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[oops double post]

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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