bigbobsr6000 wrote:Two or more enemies have combined to fight a greater enemy to them both/all.
Indeed as scene threw out history ... wether its on a local level or a cross hemispheres .. it happens ... the only reason it has yet to happen against the CS is simple ...Either it is building up to it as we speak .. or they are protected with thier Script Immunities ...
Vrykolas2k wrote:endless hordes of CS troops , equipment , skelebots, ad nauseum. None of the previous books supported much of what the CS ended up with .
Exactly .. another source talking about thier mighty script immunity ..
Not even Coalition War Campaign suppored thier wartime military numbers after thier build up ..
And it was WRITTEN to build up thier military ....
Alejandro wrote:And you're on this crusade to say that FQ and the Lazlos would ally despite everything that FQ has done and all that the Lazlos stand for. You're not giving anyone any reason to believe you beyond saying "Times they are a'changin' ".
Actually I've said time and again that the only reason all of the CS enemies do NOT ally with each other is due to thier script imunities ... Come now ... Chi-Town is 100% completly surrounded by Dunscon , Psyscape , Kingsdale (juicer army) , Tolkeen , Dweomer , Lazlo , New Lazlo . And yet the CS can be the agressor ... An not a single city state /entity will ever consider a possible alliance with each other ?
Of of Seven Cities I mentioned above three have populations built strickly for war and balance out thier overall populations with over a million each .. ( on average )
Alejandro wrote: Lazlo and New Lazlo have absolutely no incentive to ever ally with Free Quebec.
Its called Self Preservation .. With the CS going all out as it seems to destroy all life it deems not suitable (read not human) ...
I'd say that is more incentive then anything else in the world... Wouldent you ?
Alejandro wrote:And I've already said it's in CWC. Read Erin Tarn's reaction to Prosek's speech, she talks about them in that. The FQ book talks about their human supremacist policies and history as well.
I have read it .. It says simply they are not sinless .. then goes on to they have thier share of atrocities .. thats the worst of it .. Clearly the Free Quebec book itself paints themselves in such a light as to equate them as being on the same lvl of cruelness as the Coalition then ..
Yes or no ? I am at present waiting for my FQ book to arrive so I at this time am unable to read it for myself ..
I am not on some as you called it crusade to prove FQ an the Lazlo cities WILL ally against the CS .. I mearly said its one of many possibilities ... as well as saying that it was my personal estimation that they could temporarily ally with each other .. Course I very well could be wrong .. therein lies the whole debate ..