What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

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Jason Richards
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What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

Unread post by Jason Richards »

Well, I spent a few minutes last night jotting down some notes on my website about exactly what has been going on with my writing, why the slow production, why the delays, etc. (check that out if you're interested at www.jasonrichards.net), but I thought I would jump over here and mention some specifics on what's coming up in Chaos Earth.

I love this setting and am stoked to write for it. As I have often said, I think that the stories to come out of this "era" and this game have the potential to be the best that Palladium has ever put out. That's not to even mention the great role-playing possibilities. It's living through the end of the world. It doesn't get much sweeter than that.

I have an extensive basic outline for a finite number of books that I want to write that I feel would more or less completely fill out the setting. Obviously you can write an infinite number of books about places, but I only really plan to do a couple of those. Mostly I feel that it's important to flesh out the world as it stands over the first few years after the Coming of the Rifts and just leave it at that, letting players and Game Masters live it all out on their own.

In an effort to make Chaos Earth as real as possible, and to capture the elements of the world at the time of the 12-22, my first book is called First Responders. Here is the blurb as it has appeared in the releases:

Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook:
First Responders – Coming Soon
The Great Cataclysm has devastated civilization, but humanity fights for survival. The struggles of civilian law enforcement, fire and rescue, and everyday men and women are some of the most epic tales to be told in a world gone to hell. They fight monsters, aliens, the paranormal, the elements, and each other, all with the hope of reclaiming their lives from the Chaos.

New D-Bees and monsters from the Rifts.
New "average citizen" Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
New equipment for NEMA "Roscoes" and other emergency personnel.
Source information and stats for common Golden Age technology (weapons, vehicles, medical tech, etc.).
Apocalypse Plagues brought from other worlds to Chaos Earth.
Adventure ideas and more.
Written by Jason Richards.
Final size not yet determined; 64-96 pages – $11.95 or 14.95 retail.
Coming Summer or Fall 2007.

See that "coming soon" date? Ouch. Again, that's on me, but I am rectifying it. The manuscript will be turned in by Gen Con (and I'm hoping significantly sooner than that).

That blurb does sum it up nicely, however. The final size for the book should be the same size as the first two sourcebooks; I'm planning on sticking to that size for all of these books if I can. I think it's a good size for the sizes of the "chunks" of subject matter I will tackle at a time.

First Responders is going to be different than what you are perhaps accustomed to. Be ready to go (relatively) low-tech with your characters while not facing any sort of handicap from the world. For First Responders characters, the search for clean water and shelter in which to hide from wandering monsters is pretty likely to be more important than crewing a Super Mastiff. There will be plenty in it to flesh out the world for gun-toting NEMA recon squads and such as well, so don't sweat that; it will just have a different feel, but one that will make the world very real.

I won't get into exactly what is next on the list or try to put a timeline on it. I've mentioned Brothers in Arms, which is my book about the Golden Age military (not NEMA) of the NAA. People have also asked me about Psychic Storm. The next book could be either of those. However, I intend for Chaos Earth to get good support in the Rifter and hopefully online as well. This is the only game line that I plan to write for, at least for the time being. In the end I'm hoping to be able to knock out one Chaos Earth book a year, hopefully squeezing in an extra one here and there, plus other support material as I have mentioned. This is all assuming, of course, that y'all like my stuff and Kevin continues to want to print it. :)

I'm looking forward into finishing up the book and diving back into writing. Y'all can all help by beaming me your thoughts and prayers as I take this exam on April 11, because I sure don't want to take it again in October (effectively derailing all of my plans except I would probably still get First Responders out).

I'll take questions if y'all want to ask them here or by PM or by email. I'll be slow to respond for the next week, but don't let that stop you. If anyone is interested I could probably schedule a time to chat as well, sometime in the future. I want to drum up more support for this incredible game that I know has a ton of fans that are itching for more material.

One thing I ask, though, is that you not make specific suggestions about putting in this or that. That sort of thing just can cause legal troubles because the last thing I want is a big legal or personal fight over whose idea came up first, etc.

Wow this has run long. Fire away if you care to and I'll be thrilled to chat about it.


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Well first, good luck with your exam.

Regarding the books, personally I'd like to have had the Brothers in Arms book ahead of First Responders. That's just me though and I'd love to see what you've done with the civilian and local side of things.

Just one suggestion for you and Palladium that might make for a good Rifter or online article - bring CE up to "Ultimate" standards. I don't think there's really much to do in that regard myself, but it might help out others. Somewhere down the road perhaps we can get a "Ultimate Chaos Earth" book.

One last thing - man I miss the old TAG pbem with you, John and other others.
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Dustin Fireblade wrote:Well first, good luck with your exam.

Thanks. Unfortunately, luck plays a substantial role.

Regarding the books, personally I'd like to have had the Brothers in Arms book ahead of First Responders. That's just me though and I'd love to see what you've done with the civilian and local side of things.

Well First Responders is up first, if for no other reason than it's fairly close to being completed. I wanted to tackle the bulk of the population up front. Besides, I figure that even if you're not going to play civilian types, you're certainly going to run into them, and information on common civilian vehicles and products and that sort of thing will be very useful. Plus you'll have the Apocalypse Plagues and various monsters and such as well.

Just one suggestion for you and Palladium that might make for a good Rifter or online article - bring CE up to "Ultimate" standards. I don't think there's really much to do in that regard myself, but it might help out others. Somewhere down the road perhaps we can get a "Ultimate Chaos Earth" book.

I meant to mention that. All of the new classes will be written such that they can use Ultimate character gen rules or those as printed in the CE RPG. I'll make sure of that. An Ultimate Chaos Earth is pretty high on my list for projects that I would love to do, but I think that from a practical standpoint Chaos Earth sourcebooks will have to make a good showing at the register to justify it.

One last thing - man I miss the old TAG pbem with you, John and other others.

You and me both, man. It was some of the best gaming I ever had. :ok:
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Unread post by akito »

Thank you for the great work so far. My group loves the Chaos Earth series. If i ever get my GMing where it needs to be i would LOVE to rund Chaos Earth. Whe are already incorporating CE in our current game. One thing I would like to see a book on the transistion from NEMA to CS. I really do understand why their actions would transform into CS, but i would like to know why they chose to exlude select technology that they had and had proven effective?

Unread post by Lenwen »

I 100% agree with you C.E. has the potential to simply ..

EXPLODE like Rifts had . :P

Personally this is a new fav of mine as it stands .

I actually ran a game where my PC's actually tried to Rift to Wormwood an ended up two hours prior to the Ley Line's erupted an were stranded there for a few weeks .

Ofcourse they eventually made it back home but they had to hope an pray the next jump would be the jump back home ....
/que the song ..
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Sounds very interesting Jason. I can't wait to see it reach out hands! Thank you for sharing the information you can.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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akito wrote:Thank you for the great work so far. My group loves the Chaos Earth series. If i ever get my GMing where it needs to be i would LOVE to rund Chaos Earth. Whe are already incorporating CE in our current game. One thing I would like to see a book on the transistion from NEMA to CS. I really do understand why their actions would transform into CS, but i would like to know why they chose to exlude select technology that they had and had proven effective?

One thing I think I can say for sure is that I won't show any direct translation from NEMA to CS, because that's not really how it happens. Remember there are hundreds of years between the onset of the Dark Age and the establishment of the CS. You will, however, get a feeling for the roots of some anti-alien, anti-psychic, and anti-magical feelings exhibited by so many humans.
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Lenwen wrote:I 100% agree with you C.E. has the potential to simply ..

EXPLODE like Rifts had . :P

I love that thought, but honestly I don't find that likely to happen. Chaos Earth is growing up in a different time for the hobby and it won't run through the printings like Rifts did. I do hope that it can come close to matching up with the full, complete, awesome game that Rifts is. CE will never have 30 World Books, but if it can have a library of 9 or 10 sourcebooks that really fleshed out North America and the struggles faced by people fighting in the onset of the Dark Age, it can be a real classic game.
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Capt. Amundson wrote:First, good luck on your exam. And you should have gone into traffic engineering; that's where all the real action is. :wink:
Don't I know it! The exam was rough, so we'll wait and see. Only 10-12 weeks of patiently waiting... waiting... waiting...

Will the books have any cultural context? I know there has been some background given in the books about how people reacted to the golden age and its gradual decline, but any juicy/creative tidbits you add give me more to work with. I'd make it up myself, but I'm just not the creative type.

This first book will have some insight on life in the Golden Age from the position that it examines average people of that age. An essay on Golden Age life might make for a good Rifter article or web content, though. Good idea. I'll throw it on my list of stuff to tackle. :ok:
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Aramanthus wrote:Sounds very interesting Jason. I can't wait to see it reach out hands! Thank you for sharing the information you can.

Hopefully soon. After I finish this post I'm going to open the manuscript and try to tackle something tonight in an effort to get it to you ASAP.
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Re: What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'm just happy to hear that progress has been made in the Chaos Earth Line! It's needed new official material for quite awhile. I'll take it in whatever format we get it! I mean thick or thin books is what I mean.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

Jason Richards
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Re: What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

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Injundon wrote:Please no more really thin books. I can't even find them between my stack of 50+ palladium books. The core is great, I found the sourcebooks really lacking in content. Rifts exploded beause there was so much content and storyline in the source ad worldbooks. As well as being more specific in each book as opposed to what I find a really broad scope in the chaos earth books.

Well, sorry in advance. :) I think that at least for the time being, the books will remain small. I think you have to avoid making the comparison to Rifts; Chaos Earth will never be that massive a game. It's almost a series of snapshots of the coming of the Dark Age taken in rapid succession over a very short period of time. In Rifts you have 50+ books that cover ten years of overarching storyline, totaling well over 7,000 pages of material (a quick estimate... maybe much more than that). In Chaos Earth you'll end up, I suspect, with about a dozen books (plus official Rifter and online content) totaling just shy of 1,000 pages of material. That's more than enough to cover the origin of what will one day be Rifts.

Consider the merits of the smaller books, though. A 68 page book is very easy on the wallet, so picking it up should be no problem. They can also be written much faster, so they should be easy to fit into the schedule. Where an Arzno-sized book would take me two years to write (plus extended editing time), I'm hoping to be able to produce three of these smaller books every two years. They will also cover fairly limited scopes of material, so you can pick and choose what exactly you want/need for your campaign and you don't get into that situation where you're buying a 160 page World Book just because you want the information covered in only a portion of it.

As to the shelf problem, I have a solution! Grab a whole dedicated shelf just for your Chaos Earth books. You'll need it. :D
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Re: What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

Unread post by Jason Richards »

Aramanthus wrote:I'm just happy to hear that progress has been made in the Chaos Earth Line! It's needed new official material for quite awhile. I'll take it in whatever format we get it! I mean thick or thin books is what I mean.

I plan for you to also get some online (for free, pay, or both... still working that out) and as official extra bonus material in the Rifter. :ok:
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Re: What's new in Chaos Earth, from the author

Unread post by Aramanthus »

What you are saying Jason is probably cheering up all of us who are familiar with Chaos Earth. Thank you for the quick response!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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