Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Unread post by Holister »


I will admit that I am a fan of the old 1950's monster movies like THEM!, Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Godzilla, Mothra, It Came From Beneath The Sea, and other beastly baddies that were given birth by the dawn of The Atomic Age.

In 1954....I remember when Godzilla first rose up out of the depths and terroized thousands of movie goers. The same could be said for the dozens of other giant atomic age monsters that followed.

My question come such monsters and their stories don't ever turn up in RPGs. BtS is a game system based on the horror genre...but it is too restrictive I think. Monster movies are an intrical part of the horror/sci-fi genre and are complete overlooked for their entertainment value and worth as great RPG material.

I would love to see a campaign or game system entirly based on those monster movies of yesteryear. How cool would it be to run a character; be it a scientist, soldier, or some average Joe Smoe putting their wits and weapons against some giant monster taking a stroll through your city, and its up to you and your buddies to try and stop it. :D

What do ya'll think. I'ld really like to know.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

There is a thread talking about giant monsters and they are stating up a bunch of them.

Giant monsters in Palladium

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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Unread post by Natasha »

I think you can do this with BtS. I also think you could do this with Rifts, Systems Failure, TMNT, RECON, Heroes Unlimited, and perhaps a few other games.

I think it's not in BtS because the theme is both contemporary (as indicated on the BtS-1 cover) and fairly subtle, although there was some less than subtle material in Boxed Nightmares. The theme is such that people aren't supposed to see a giant gorilla swatting down airplanes from the Empire State Building; most people aren't going to see anything at all, ever, throughout their entire lifes.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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My point is that those other games would have solutions and characters that would be unsuitable by the standards set forth by that particular genre.

The characters should be portrayed as NORMAL ordinary folks with no gimicks, high tech gear, magic, or superpowers. So I believe that a game setting based similar to BtS 1st edition but without the magic and supernatural material would be best suited for such a game.

It is just a desire of mine to create such a game setting. How cool would it be to shlep around a .50 Browning machinegun protecting the scientist and your woman while shouting out ; "Evacuate the city...the monster has entered the bay!"
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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They all have "ordinary people" as characters - some more than others. I guess I just don't see why I'd need a whole new game just to kick Godzilla's ass or die trying.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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Because it is an untouched genre that though "possible" or "plausible" by the use of other games, it is not entirely playable by such games. It would need ts own campaign setting based solely on traditions not found in those other games.

Powerhouse characters would ruin the setting's mood. Their would need to be a sense of suspence, action, and fictional "modern" horror that just doesn't exist in and of itself.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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I'd shlep that Browning around for about 2 hours before I got so slow the creep ate me. :)

Anyway, I see what you're driving at.

Consider this. Create the setting, agree to roll up ordinary people using BtS rules but with restricted equipment lists, and hit the streets....

The last time I played Rifts we had three PCs. We were all Vagabonds with deer skin "clothes" and two S.D.C. hunting rifles among us with 100 rounds, and that rounded out our collective equipment lists. When the giant machine man came through our area, we didn't know what to think.

I think what you're looking for is all there ready to go.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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I would have given you at least 3 hours with that gun Sasha... :lol:
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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Next time re-roll 1's and 2's and go for a better P.S. via skills, too. :P
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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I am just wondering why this genre has been overlooked for so long. It would awesome to play a game like that. Wait....I already do.... :P *snicker*snicker*

The greatest feeling in gaming is flying an Huey SeaCobra Assault Helicopter through the ruined skyline of Sydney Autralia as two gargantuan beasts are slagging it out. Thats a campaign.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

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Maybe we should start a thread having to do with such a concept. I would love to RP this out though. Any thoughts?
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Unread post by Jefffar »

Systems Failure is a surprisingly good "normal person" game that still allows fun playability.
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Re: Beyond Beyond The Supernatural - 50+ years of Monster Flicks

Unread post by Holister »

I've played Systems Failure when it first came out. It was "squiffy" at best. It was Rifts meets Nightbane with alien cyber bugs to me. I don't like the whole alien invaison sthick unless its done right. The whole "global catastrophe" thing is what keeps me away from games like Nightbane and Rifts.

I like the classic one shot deal; GM.....Players....heres the situation.....survive it....solve it.....end of story...move on to the next campaign.

That is what I like best about those old 50's monster movies. They were the same way. The monster threatened one city and the heroes always figured out how to defeat the monster and save the day.

I do my best to run those types of campaigns, and they usually work out for the best....but you know gamers....there is always ONE in almost every group. This is why I have forbid the se of magic, psionics (though on rare occasions I still allow its limited use), and super powers. Plus I only abide by 1st edition rules because I believe Pally killed BTS with 2nd edition. (Personal opinion and where are those source book hum?). My players repsect my directness even though the occaisonal power gamer trys to still slip "one" past me.

They get eaten by the monster first... :D
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