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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I know it's a great place! I've placed a few things in various threads too! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Disembodied Minions

Unread post by Jimbo »

Here is a little somthing I whipped up for a Necromancer NPC my group was up against. According to them, these things are vile even all they ran inot were the Lesser minions. Thought I would put them here and see what you think.

I made up the spells so I could have the creatures.

Create Disembodied Minion: Lesser
Level: 8
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until destroyed.
Saving throw: None
P.P.E.: 50
This spell was developed to give mid-level necromancers a taste of the power that they are working towards. By means of this spell, the necromancer can give unlife to portions of a corpse, usually the hands or feet. This creates an animalistic horror that’s main purpose is to spread fear.
Much like the Create Zombie spell, this one must also be performed in a graveyard, burial ground, or battlefield littered with bodies. It need not be done under the full moon, but there must be at least a quarter moon. To create the Disembodied Minion, the necromancer places the severed extremity on a piece of black sack cloth. The extremity need not be fresh, but there must still be flesh on it. It must also have come from a non-supernatural living being. The extremity of a vampire, mummy or other being previously undead will not work. The necromancer must place four red candles on the cloth, one at each corner, oriented with the points of the compass.
On the palm of the hand or sole of the foot, he must draw the symbol for “Demon”. This must be done in the blood of a demon, minor or otherwise, it doesn’t matter. The blood of a Ghoul will work as well as that of a Bal-Rog. If the spell is chanted correctly, at the end of the third recitation the hand will spring to life, the mindless slave to the necromancer.
The spell transforms whatever type of appendage was used into a gray-green, five fingered hand ending in razor-sharp claws. The skin is toughened to a leatherlike consistency, resulting in a higher armor rating than would be expected. The tendons, muscles and veins on the severed end becoming a small, flailing mass of tendrils capable of locomotion, but not attack.
Unlike its larger cousins, the zombie and mummy, the hand is an unintelligent creature good for destruction and terror, and not much else. The only person safe from attack by a Disembodied Minion is the creator. It cannot be sent to retrieve items or people, as it is not intelligent enough to follow directions. It has a few abilities in common with a zombie. It is fearless, feels no pain, does not need to sleep, and has no personal goals. It is impervious to non-magical weapons, charm, illusion, sleep, paralysis and any mind control. Turn Dead does not effect them as they are undead. Banishment does work, as a side effect of the demon blood. It will fight until destroyed.
Magic weapons do full damage to it, as do most magic spells. Silver or silvered weapons do full damage. Fire based spells do double damage. Oddly enough, exposure to direct sunlight will cause it to burst into flames within 1D4 melee rounds. It will then burn until it is destroyed, unless put out. This inherent weakness has led Necromancers hired for sieges to develop a tactic which exploits this. They prepare numerous Disembodied Minions, place them in a crate, sealed from the light, and launch them into the besieged city by catapult. Upon impact, the crate shatters scattering its contents about the place. As they begin scuttling about, they burst into flame and keep crawling around setting combustibles alight (40% chance) and attacking anything that lives. Coincidentally, burning is the only true way to destroy the wretched thing. Smashing or burying it will only slow it down. If not burned, it will regenerate within 24 hours to continue it’s path of dread and destruction.
Disembodied Minion: Lesser
Attributes of Note: P.S.: 16 (supernatural), P.P.: 12, P.E.: 16, Spd.: 14
Horror Factor: 10 alone, 13 if more than five are present.
Armor Rating: 7
Hit Points/S.D.C.: 50 S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee round: 2
Damage: Springing punch: 1D6+1, Gouging attack: 2D6+1, Choking: 2D6+1 per melee straight to HP., Tripping: No damage other than to get the victim on the ground.
Bonuses: +1 to Strike, +3 to Dodge (autododge). Fearless: Impervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear magic and most psionics,(bio-manipulation, telepathy, etc.) Will fight until destroyed.
Vulnerabilities: Mindless Aggression: Will charge towards its prey regardless of what is in the way. Will even charge through a blazing fire to get to its victim. Fire based attacks do double damage.
Special Abilities: Regenerate completely in 24 hours if not destroyed by fire. Presence Sense and See Aura. These cost no I.S.P., but rather are innate abilities used for finding prey. Climb 95%, Swim 65%, Prowl 75%. Impervious to Normal weapons, poisons, drugs, disease, heat and cold. Can climb any rough surface, even horizontal.
Create Disembodied Minion: Greater
Level: 10
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until destroyed.
Saving throw: None
P.P.E.: 70
This spell was a natural progression from Create Disembodied Minion: Lesser. By means of this spell, the necromancer can give unlife to portions of a corpse, usually the hands or feet, but it must be a demon. This results in a much more powerful creation, at the expense of some extra risk and P.P.E.
Just like the Create Disembodied Minion: Lesser, this must also be performed in a graveyard, burial ground, or battlefield littered with bodies. It need not be done under the full moon, but there must be at least a half moon, waxing or waning, it does not matter. To create the Disembodied Minion, the necromancer places the severed extremity of any demon, lesser or greater, on a piece of black sack cloth. This one differs from the one used in the Create Disembodied Minion: Lesser spell in that there must be particular symbols embroidered with silver thread at each corner. They are the symbols of Evil Mystic Knowledge ( North corner), Demon (South Corner), Undead (East Corner), and the Half Moon of Hate (West). The extremity need not be fresh, but there must still be flesh on it. The necromancer must place four red candles on the cloth, one at each corner, on the symbols and they must be aligned as mentioned.
On the palm of the hand or sole of the foot, he must draw the symbol for “Undead”. This must be done in the blood of a demon, minor or otherwise, it doesn’t matter. The blood of a Ghoul will work as well as that of a Bal-Rog. The frugal Necromancer can get the blood, the limbs and the P.P.E. from a single demon. If the spell is chanted correctly, at the end of the third recitation the hand will spring to life, the willing slave to the necromancer.
The spell transforms whatever type of appendage was used into a gray-green, five fingered hand ending in razor-sharp claws. The skin is toughened to a leatherlike consistency, resulting in a higher armor rating than would be expected, but not as tough as it was in life. The tendons, muscles and veins on the severed end becoming a small, flailing mass of tendrils capable of locomotion, but not attack.
Unlike its lesser cousin, the Disembodied Minion: Greater has a moderate measure of intelligence. Just enough to follow simple commands such as “Attack that person”, “Let no one but me pass”, etc. The only person safe from attack by a Disembodied Minion is the creator. It can be sent to retrieve items, but not people. When carrying an item, the flailing tendrils at the severed end act as the source of locomotion. It also has a few abilities in common with a zombie. It is fearless, feels no pain, does not need to sleep, and has no personal goals. It is impervious to non-magical weapons, charm, illusion, sleep, paralysis and any mind control. Turn Dead does not effect it as it is undead. Banishment will work, but Exorcism will not.
Magic weapons do full damage to it, as do most magic spells. Silver or silvered weapons do full damage. Fire based spells do double damage. Oddly enough, exposure to direct sunlight will cause it to burst into flames within 1D4 melee rounds. It will then burn until it is destroyed, unless put out. Being that the main component for this spell is a demon limb, the necromancers tend not to use them so sacrificially as the Lesser minions. Burning is the only true way to destroy the wretched thing. Smashing or burying it will only slow it down. If not burned, it will regenerate within 24 hours to continue it’s path of dread and destruction.
Disembodied Minion: Greater
Attributes of Note: I.Q.: 5(supernatural predator), P.S.: 19 (supernatural), P.P.: 13, P.E.: 17, Spd.: 16
Horror Factor: 11 alone, 15 if more than five are present.
Armor Rating: 9
Hit Points/S.D.C.: 75 S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee round: 3
Damage: Springing punch: 1D6+3, Gouging attack: 2D6+3, Choking: 2D6+3 per melee straight to HP., Tripping: No damage other than to get the victim on the ground.
Bonuses: +2 to Strike, +4 to Dodge (autododge). Fearless: Impervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear magic and most psionics,(bio-manipulation, telepathy, etc.) Will fight until destroyed. Impervious to normal weapons.
Vulnerabilities: Fire based attacks do double damage.
Special Abilities: Regenerate completely in 24 hours if not destroyed by fire. Presence Sense and See Aura. These cost no I.S.P., but are rather innate abilities used for finding prey. Climb 95%, Swim 65%, Prowl 75%. Impervious to Normal weapons, poisons, drugs, disease, heat and cold. Can climb on any rough surface, even horizontal.

Create Disembodied Horde
Level: 13
Range: 3 Corpses per level
Duration: Permanent until destroyed.
Saving throw: None
P.P.E.: 500
The casting of this spell has a very broad effect. It will summon forth a number of Disembodied Minions: Lesser equal to six times the level of the necromancer. It is limited in its effect that it can only take the hands of the corpse and not the feet. This spell differs from the others in several ways. First, it must be cast under either a full moon or under the dark of the moon, meaning the one night in the middle of the lunar cycle between waxing and waning when the moon is at its darkest. Second, the sack cloth is not necessary, but eight special candles are. These candles are made from beeswax mixed with powdered demon bone and tinctured with the blood of a demon. These are to be placed at the four points of the compass and the four in between. The necromancer must stand in the middle of the area surrounded by the candles and recite the spell. The chant must be repeated eight times, once facing each of the candles in order.(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) Upon the completion of the eighth recitation, the power of the spell will sever the hands and forearms from all affected bodies and transform them into Disembodied Minions: Lesser.
They will then scramble and claw their way out of the ground to do the bidding of the necromancer. Anyone witnessing this has to roll a Save versus Horror factor of 18 or flee, screaming into the night. These are slightly different from the one created by the spell Create Disembodied Minion: Lesser. These ones have the ability to follow one simple command given by the necromancer. They can be told to attack specific people, such as “That group”, not an individual, or they can be given a general target, like “Kill all in that town”. They cannot be made to retrieve an object or person. The spell will not allow the necromancer to raise a horde of Greater Disembodied Minions. The number of minions created is limited by the number of available corpses. If there are only ten bodies, then only 20 minions will be created.
Disembodied Horde
Attributes of Note: P.S.: 16 (supernatural), P.P.: 12, P.E.: 16, Spd.: 14
Horror Factor: 18 when viewed erupting from the ground, 16 thereafter until there are less than five.
Armor Rating: 7
Hit Points/S.D.C.: 50 S.D.C. per minion
Attacks per Melee round: 2 per minion
Damage: Springing punch: 1D6+1, Gouging attack: 2D6+1, Choking: 2D6+1 per melee straight to HP., Tripping: No damage other than to get the victim on the ground.
Bonuses: +1 to Strike, +3 to Dodge (autododge). Fearless: Impervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear magic and most psionics,(bio-manipulation, telepathy, etc.) Will fight until destroyed.
Vulnerabilities: Mindless Aggression: Will charge towards its prey regardless of what is in the way. Will even charge through a blazing fire to get to its victim. Fire based attacks do double damage.
Special Abilities: Regenerate completely in 24 hours if not destroyed by fire. Presence Sense and See Aura. These cost no I.S.P., but rather are innate abilities used for finding prey. Climb 95%, Swim 65%, Prowl 75%. Impervious to Normal weapons, poisons, drugs, disease, heat and cold. Can climb any rough surface, even horizontal.
Note: A common attack for all Disembodied Minions is to spring upwards and instead of punching, the thing will try to grab hold of its victim and scramble upwards towards either the abdomen or throat so as to either gouge the belly or get a stranglehold. Once it has gotten hold of a throat, it requires a strength of 20 to pry the fingers loose with out damaging the victim. If it is yanked off violently, the victim will suffer damage equivalent to a Gouging attack directly to Hit Points. With the proximity to the throat, there is a 70% chance of damaging either the windpipe or the corraded or jugular causing massive blood loss and requiring immediate medical attention. (See Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms page 36 for the effects of blood loss)
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Okay Reagren, this one I like! I think it just got added to the Rangers spellbook. With proper credit given to the author, of course!
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Unread post by Jimbo »

Northern Ranger, if you are talking about the Disembodied Minions, those aren't Reagrens creation. They are mine. If you meant something else and I am the victim of some horrible misunderstanding, forgive me.
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Reagren Wright
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Location: LaPorte, In USA

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey Jimbo that was cool. Its one of those spells I've always felt necros
should have spells like it.

Okay folks its not Halloween but its going to feel like it. I'm only going to
put up two because my twisted evil mind wanst to keep most in storage so
enjoy these two monsters.

PEBARLONG (The Soul Wraith)

According to legend, the Pebarlongs were a tribe of dark skin humanoids
who lived in a great city in what is today the Yin Sloth Jungle. Unlike most of
the Kawan culture that existed alongside them, the Pebarlongs did not
pursue science, technology, or art. Instead they lived like monks wanting
little to do with any man, monster, or god. They dedicated their life to the
sole purpose of betting themselves and seeking out truth and
enlightenment. While the Pebarlongs had no formal alliances with anyone,
they quite deliberately made an enemy in Styphon the Black. As the
dragon assumed dominion over the kingdom of Kawan, its people declared
him a god and began worshipping him as sush. Those who opposed him
(namely the followers of Kym-nark-mar and Kormath) had already left the
kingdom, yet the Pebarlongs remained and defied the dragon god.
Numerous threats were made against them, demanding they show their
devotion. The Pebarlongs expressed their defiance but entering an
advance trance like state, where they vowed to stay until the dragon left
them alone. Enraged the dragon issued forth a deific curse upon the entire
city, trapping the Pebarlongs in their trance like state permanently.
According to the legend, it was this act that got Styphon named “the

Under normal circumstances the Pebarlongs would have eventually died as
their bodies slowly wither and deteriorate from lack of food and water. Yet
the Pebarlongs possessed an astounding fortitude and survival instinct.
They released their “spirit body” out into the world to seek a means of
releasing themselves from this curse. After three weeks and half of their
people dead, they found an answer but it required a ghastly sacrifice, to
feed on the life force energy of the living. Once this was done, the highly
charged spirit body could return to the physical body and give it life and
vitality. Some Pebarlongs considered the price to high and chose to
surrender to death, but a large number where willing to do whatever was
necessary in order to co-exist in the physical world. Thus the Pebarlongs
became vampire ghosts, seeking out the living to drain them of their life in
order for them to awaken their physical bodies so they might walk in the
land of the living. The process of being life force vampires corrupted the
mindset of the Pebarlongs, causing them view themselves as undead

Today the Pebarlongs seek out permanent shelters to hide their physical
bodies, while their spirit body seeks out living beings to prey upon. While
the spirit body is away, their physical body looks as if their merely
sleeping and there is nothing about them to indicate they possess a
malevolent nature. Destroying the physical body will instantly kill the
Pebarlong, but destroying the spirit body is as difficult as harming or
defending against an astral foe. It’s impervious to physical harm (including
energy attacks), pass through solid objects, and can fly (mach one/670
mph maximum). Pebarlongs take great pains in making sure their physical
bodies are protected, sometimes hiring bodyguards or using supernatural

In dealing with these vampire ghosts, one must not allow themselves to
fall under the mistake of feeling pity for their plight (their favorite ploy).
The Pebarlongs have been around since the Battle of the Gods (90,000
years ago) and since then they been killing all humanoids to further their
unnatural existence. While the deaths they cause do not create more of
their kind, nevertheless they possess a great threat to all because only by
taking extreme measures can one protect oneself from these soul stealing

Alignments: Nearly all are some sort of evil alignment; it’s very
rare to encounter one who is selfish (anarchist only). Their vampire like
existence doesn’t allow them to be a good alignment.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+4, M.E. 5D6 (minimum of 16), M.A.
3D6+4, P.S. 2D6+1, P.P. 2D6+2, P.E. 2D6+3, P.B. 2D6+4, Spd 2D6+2.
Note: Their physical attributes do not apply in their spirit form unless one
engages them as an astral being.
Physical Body: Hit Points: P.E. attribute x3. S.D.C.: 2D6
Spirit Body S.D.C.: Physical body hit points + S.D.C. x2. Note:
Unlike a true astral body, they don’t have an astral cord.
Horror Factor/Awe: 10 for those who see the spirit or know its in the room.
P.P.E.: 50 +2D6.
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute x6
O.C.C. Skills: The equivalent of a 6th level Mind Mage, but all have
land navigation, astronomy/navigation, history (all), anthropology (all),
and lore: custom and culture (all) at 98%. Remember, they’ve been
around for over 90,000 years.
Natural Abilities: Physical body can only function for 8 hours after
receiving 50 stolen hit points from the spirit body (up to 24 hours worth
can be received, no additional hours can be added until the time duration
has expired). The physical body is vulnerable to any kind of physical,
mental, and supernatural attack. However, when the spirit body is absent,
the physical body is impervious to psychic attacks that affect the conscious
mind. The spirit body is impervious to all physical and energy attacks,
including some magical weapons and spells. Psionic energy and mental
attacks inflict full damage against the spirit body. The spirit body can float,
fly (mach one/670 mph), see the invisible, pass through solid objects, and
drain the life energy from the living. The mere touch of the spirit body
requires a saving throw of 16 or better (use M.E. attribute bonus only) or it
draws 3D6 hit points from the victim. This life draining attack causes the
victim to lose initiative, reduce Spd by one half, attacks per melee and
combat bonuses are reduced by one, and all skills are -10%. However, the
penalties are accumulative each time the spirit successful touches the
victim. Because it’s an astral creature, armor and barriers (including most
magical ones) provide no protection against its life draining touch.
Penalties disappear at the rate of 1 point every four hours (Spd attribute
takes 12) however, lost hit points require the standard duration to be
restored or can be replenished by magical means.
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical and one psionic attack per melee
round or four psionic attacks per melee!
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +6 to auto dodge, +6 to save vs. mind
controlling drugs, potions, and magic charms, impervious to possession,
and +6 to save vs. Horror Factor. The creature is considered a master
psionic so it needs a 10 or better to save vs. psionics (plus any M.E.
attribute bonus).
Vulnerabilities: It may seem like these astral killers are invincible
but they are vulnerable in the following manners.
1. The physical body can be harmed by just about
anything. Kill the physical body and the spirit body dies instantly. Because
they have no true duration in which the spirit body must return, the
physical body can endure a week without water, two to three weeks
without food, 10 minutes without breathable air and the effects/damage
of poison, toxins, and drugs take two days to take effect (or instantly the
moment the spirit body returns). However, even if the spirit body is
hundreds of miles away, a sixth sense warns it instantly whenever its
physical body is in immediate danger or extreme changes occur around it.
And because of the speed it can travel, it won’t take long for it to return.
2. Circle of Protections (ritual spells), protection circles
(circle magic), and various magical spells (exorcism), magical items and
enchantments that work against entities will work against the spirit body,
but will have no effect on the physical body.
3. Both the spirit and physical body are vulnerable to
psychic attack, yet mental attacks (telepathy, empathy, hypnotic
suggestion, etc) will do nothing to the physical body if the spirit body is not
there (no mind is present), nor will Bio-Manipulation blind, deaf, mute,
paralysis, or stun. However, pain and tissue manipulation will send an
alarm to the spirit body that the physical body is suffering damage and
under attack.
4. Holy symbols, the Pebarlong fear the wrath of gods if
they attack their minions so they will not harm those who wear holy
symbols and follow its faith. In order to make sure, they will usually
attempt a psychic probe or observe closely to discover the truth.
Furthermore, Pebarlong will not attack anyone standing on holy ground or
within a church/sanctuary. The Pebarlong are quite fearful of the holy
symbols of Styphon the Black.
Magic Spells: None.
Psionics: All sensitive and physical psionics powers, plus detect
psionics, bio-regeneration (for physical body), bio-manipulation, hypnotic
suggestion, mind bolt, mentally possess others, and four other super
Value: They are a great resource of information having been
around for over 90,000 years and because of total recall, they can speak
about any of it.
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere, but the physical body will be kept someplace
dry and safe while the spirit body is out hunting.
Range: Anywhere
Language: Having been around so long, they have learned to read,
write, and speak and all humanoid languages at 90%.
Enemies: Religious figures (both good and evil) and undead
hunters. Both have been taught to be on the look out for these vampire
ghosts. The Dragonwright (both good and evil) have dedicated themselves
to destroying them.
Allies: Evil supernatural forces, particularly fond of powerful mages
and knights (they have stronghold that will keep them safe.
Size: 5 to 5.5 feet (1.21 m to 1.67 m)
Weight: 120-140 lbs (54 to 63 kg). Spirit body is weightless.
Note: While out and about among the living, the Pebarlong attempt to
blend in with everyone else. They might even set up a shop in an attempt
to find the most appetizing prey. They still consider themselves indifferent
to the world around them, and care little about the affairs of others. All
they care about is having a sanctuary to operate from. They’ve seen
empires rise and fall, in the end everyone and anyone can fall victim to
their desires and whims.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Since the beginning of history, women have call upon fertility and
childbirth deities to help them while pregnant and survive the ordeal of
labor. On those occasions where women have forsaken this practice, some
have experienced unnatural complications that result in the mother dying
during the delivery. According to various religious doctrines, the dead
mother must be buried before nightfall facedown or her grave must be
filled with stones or thorns. The body can be cremated but the ashes must
be poured into a container full of holy water and the child (if it has
survived) must bathe in it. If this practice is not followed exactly, in thirty-
six hours, the mother returned to the world of the living as an undead
horror called a Churel. These monsters are vicious and vengeful. They are
horrible in appearance, possessing sagging breasts, sharp long teeth, thick
ugly lips, unkempt hair, and a black tongue. Their skin is pale white in the
front, and black as night in the back. They hate life and all things of
beauty, having been denied the greatest joy in life. They take their
vengeances out on their families first with the sole purpose of finding their
surviving child and then raising it on their own. The other family members
will be slaughtered. Their blood and flesh will be feasted upon both by
mother who in return will allow her infant to suckle from her, thus turning
the child into an abomination like herself. Together mother and child will
continue to bring terror and fear to the land of the living, as they punish
those with life and happiness, a pleasure they are forever denied.

Should the infant die as well, the mother will still be as savage as ever,
but she will seek out an infant, kill and devour the true parents, and raise
the infant as her own. Hiding the mother’s child only causes her to seek it
out. Nothing will stop her from reuniting with her child, only death will keep
her at bay permanently.

Like most undead, Churel avoid sunlight, coming out only at night. During
daylight hours, they bury themselves in the dirt and revert to their corpse
like state. Once the sun sets, they unearth themselves and seek out fresh
meat and/or search for their lost infant. Destroying them is only possible
by decapitating the monster and driving iron nails through the palms of
her hands and burying the monster. If the iron nails are not used, the
undead mother will return to life the following night fall. If the body is
incinerated and not buried, once again the undead nightmare returns.
Sunlight permanently destroys her. Killing the infant whether alive or
undead will not stop her. She will merely seek out another. The Churel
seek to have only one child at any given time, but if the Churel gave birth
to twins, they she must have both or she will seek out two infants.

Race.: Undead
Alignments: Miscreant and Diabolic only.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+6, M.E. 1D6+8, M.A. 1D4,
P.S. 2D6+13 (supernatural), P.P. 2D6+10, P.E. 2D6+10, P.B. 1D6,
Spd 2D6+8 (+10 when digging).
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number x3.
S.D.C.: P.E. attribute number +30
Natural A.R.: 10
Horror Factor/Awe: 14 for former family member 16.
P.P.E.: 2D4.
Skills: Climbing 80%/70%, Land Navigation 80%, Swimming 60%, Detect Concealment 65%, Cook 50%, and Sew 50%.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1000 feet (305 m) and bio-regenerate
at the rage of 2D6 hit points/S.D.C. per melee round, magically
understands and speaks all languages at 92%, the sickness bite (see
below), sense and locate the exact position of own infant up to 300 miles
(480 km) away, smell infants and children under the age of three up to
three miles (4.8 km) away, and track infants and children under age three
by smell 70%.
Attacks Per Melee: Four.
Damage: P.S. under 21: Restrained Punch 1D4, Full Strength Punch
2D6, Claw Strike 3D6+2, Power Punch (counts as two attacks), 4D6, Bite
1D6 plus saving throw vs. disease (15 or better). Failure means within 3
hours suffer the same effect as a 5th level sickness spell except one can
die from it losing 1D6 hit points a day!!!
P.S. over 21: Restrained Punch 1D6, Full Strength Punch 3D6,
Claw Strike 4D6+4, Power Punch (counts as two attacks), 6D6, Bite
2D4+1 plus saving throw vs. disease (15 or better). Failure means within 3
hours suffer the same effect as a 5th level sickness spell except one can
die from it losing 1D6+2 hit points a day!!!
Or by weapon, but most prefer to rely on their claws and teeth.
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +1 to dodge, +2
to disarm, +9 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Standard, wood, silver, magic, holy symbols, and
holy water. Special: For reason unknown, Churel and its infants are
fascinated with balls of thread. Tossing one in its presence and it will be
compelled to untangle it. Should this be done and then while the creatures
is engaging in combat. It has only one attack per melee round, has no
initiative, and no bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge (straight, unmodified
dice rolls only).
Magic Spells: None.
Psionics: None
Value: Only to a necromancer
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain, decapitated and iron nails
driven through the hands or destroyed by sunlight.
Habitat: Anywhere, but a large elf looking number are rumored to
be wandering the Baalgor Wastelands.
Range: Anywhere
Language: Magiacally understands and speaks all languages at 92%.
Enemies: All living things and anything of beauty. Former family members
will be specifically targeted first.
Allies: First and foremost their infant child or adopted one. May
associate with other undead and powerful evil beings, particularly
necromancers, in fact it may choose one male necromancer as its husband!
Size: Various humanoid forms.
Weight: Various humanoid forms.


The infant/toddler son or daughter of Churel is more frightening then its
abominable mother (HF of 11 or 16 for former family members). The child
is transformed into an undead replica of its mother after it has suckled
from its mother’s breast and spent one night in her arm beneath the
ground. If the child has suckled the transformation can be prevent by
using a remove curse or by bathing the child in holy water filled with
mustard seeds (the later only has a 01-49% of being effective). Once the
child becomes an undead horror, death is the only way to release it. One
must not allow him or herself to believe that this tiny undead creature is
defenseless, it possess the same attributes as its mother at one half her
amount (if mother has P.S. of 18, it has a P.S. of 9), although if it’s not old
enough to walk, it will crawl at that speed. Its hit points and S.D.C. are
one-third of hers. It also possesses the same skills, natural abilities, and
so on as its mother, but its sickness bite is even worst. The bite from the
child requires a save vs. disease (15) with a -3 penalty and sickness cause
the lost of 1D4+6 hit points a day!!! These undead children cling to their
mother’s body until she tells them it time to eat, then they charge
whatever living things gets in their way. They never stray more than 20
feet (6 m) from their mother. Should they be separated, the infant or child
let out a banshee wail that will not stop until she comes for it. An even
more abysmal note, the child continues to age like normal until it reaches
the same age as its mother, however once its reaches the age of 16 (32
for elf or dwarf) it will possess her exact attributes, hit points, S.D.C., etc
and its sickness bite will be the same as hers. The favorite pray for these
unearthly children are other children, especially older brothers and sisters.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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No Jimbo, forgive me. Guess I just wasn't paying attention. Reagren had been putting his stuff on here and I just automatically associated it with him. My bad, sorry.
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool! Thank you for sharing the new monsters with us! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Jimbo »

Northern ranger, No problem. I understand how it happens. May you torture your players with them as much as I have. A word of advice when employing them, I found that two per player character is sufficient and bone up on your grappling rules.

Reagren, thanks for the vote of confidence. I also thought that necros should have some type of precursor spell to raise the undead before 11th level. Am also working on a couple of others that may get posted. I liked the last two you put up and they may wind up in my book, with proper credit of course.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Sprite: Sun

Every so often travelers through woods and fields come across strange
geometric shapes in the ground. Some usually avoid them thinking they
are perhaps some type of circle magic or arcane design made by some
faerie folk. The later would be true, but these circles are nothing to be
fearful of, in fact they might save a life. Sun Sprites make geometric
shapes that are actually ritual protection circles. Safe areas were
humanoids can seek shelter from a supernatural evil. More often then not,
these patterns will be found near such ills. Sun Sprites also make magical
amulets and freely hand them out when travelers are approaching such
dangers. They ask for nothing in return (although they enjoy sweets, shiny
things, and buttons) and seem to do this out of the kindness of their heart.
They are also great defender against such threats, particular the undead
which they will attack on sight. Many vampires have fallen victim to a sun
sprite ambush. These little creatures will stop at nothing to destroy them,
or drive out necromancers who dare enter an area they inhabit. Though
these blond hair, orange butterfly winged beings maybe small, but they
will turn a vampire into a pin cushion with their magical wooden weapons.
They are also quite creative when it comes to killing such abominations.
Like the moon sprites, they are among the most friendly and helpful of all
faerie folk, but on occasion they do like playing a harmless prank on
humanoids, especially on their distant cousins (goblins, hob-goblins,
kobolds, and orcs).

Race:.: Faerie Folk
Alignments: Any good alignment
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+2, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 1D6,
P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 2D6+2, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd 3D6 running and 3D6x10+60 flying.
Natural A.R.: 6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x2.
S.D.C.: 3D6
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1D6x100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around
them from ley lines and nexus points.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie 98%, player characters can learn two
additional languages at the base skill +10% skill bonus, identify plants &
fruits 70%, dowsing 80%, sculpting & whittling 85%, wilderness survival
80%, land navigation 90%, astronomy & navigation 75%, prowl 80%,
track humanoids 50%, sing 65%, and dance 70%.
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet (18.2 m), hawk
like day vision (see a rabbit on a hill side two miles (3.2 km) away,
naturally invisible from sunrise to sunset, become visible at night and
radiate light equal to a 2nd level globe of daylight, cannot be blinded by
light, resist fire and cold (half damage), and sense evil 300 feet (91.44 m).
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical hand to hand attacks or three using magic.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to auto dodge in flight,
+3 to roll with punch, +6 to save vs. Horror Factor, and +2 to save on all
saving throws.
Vulnerabilities: Same means used to protect oneself from all faerie folk.
Magic Spells: Blinding flash, fireball, fiery touch, turn dead,
exorcism, banishment, create heat, flame of life, amulet, and protection
circles: simple and superior (can be any geometric shape-square, star,
triangle, etc). Like all faerie magic requires a saving throw vs. magic of 16
or higher and has the spell strength, duration, range, and damage equal to
a 10th level wizard/warlock.
Psionics: None.
Value: Their wings are worth 20,000-40,000 gold per pair.
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere, as long as there is plenty of sunlight during the day.
Range: Anywhere
Language: See above.
Enemies: The undead (especially vampires) and supernatural evil.
The presence of a necromancer will drive them into a killing frenzy.
Allies: The good and innocent. They enjoy helping out those in need.
Size: 4 inches (10.16 cm) tall.
Weight: 4 ounces (.11 kg).
Note: They never wear clothes or armor. They make readily use of faerie
size weapons. They live in groups of 4D6 and associate with all type of
faerie folk.

Note: Penalties for dealing with tiny people. Penalties are accumulative.

-6 to ht with projectile or missile/thrown
-3 to hit with melee weapon or punch
-4 to hit with a kick
-3 to hit while moving or hovering
-6 to hit if moving more than 30 mph (48.4 km)
-3 to hit if more than 30 feet (9.1 m) away
-6 to hit if more than 50 feet (15. 24 m) away.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice new creature! Thank you for sharing them with us! :ok:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Believe it or not its partially base on actual vampires that lived in India.
Real life is always weirder then fantasy.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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The incus valley is the birthplace of the vampire legend in the 3rd
millennium B.C. so it shouldn't be surprising that they have nastier
vampires then the european/hollywood creations we're use too. The liver
eaters are even nastier and so are various southeast asia vampire
varities. Oh vampires such a love/hate relationship I have for them :)
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very interesting! I've never heard of this Indian Liver eating variety of Vampires before. Cool, I guess I'll have to read more about them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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They're called Jigarkhwar or jigarkhor.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool! Thank you for that info Reagren! I appreciate it!!!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by DiceCollector »

Mephisto wrote:Those Churel are truly nasty...what kind of twisted mind would come up with a monster like that?
That IS the GM that runs the games I PLAY IN!! :?
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was NO match fo me at kick boxing" -Emo Philips
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Mephisto wrote:
DiceCollector wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Those Churel are truly nasty...what kind of twisted mind would come up with a monster like that?
That IS the GM that runs the games I PLAY IN!! :?

I hope you get your perception as high as possible...I think he likes very disturbing villains and horrific monsters.

Sweet, where do I sign up?
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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I guess it would depend upon how long it would take you to drive from
Washington to Indiana, LaPorte and when my other half allows me the free
time to play as often as I would like. More monsters coming soon.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Hmm, I was just about to post a new creation here on the boad when I
realized Palladium Fantasy has now become Kreelock Fantasy. Something
tells me the great NMI is behinds this :lol: .

Anyway, the next batch I'm sharing are from my early RPG days (back in
the early 80s). Our adventures took place in some town whose name I
forget and nearby was this huge wooden area called Fantasy Forest. It
was stock full of all kinds of monsters and creature some which I made up
in my head. Back then these monsters were made for a specific
RPG now 25 years later ( :eek: has it been that long), I now give life to
them for a new game. Enjoy.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Awesome new monster! Could be fun to drop this one into other settings too! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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These strange beings arrived in the Palladium world during the Age of
Light. It is not known if their home world was destroyed or they fled from
a malevolent force. The latter is quite possible because no Eyeliers have
yet met someone they’ve not insulted. Eyeliers look like elves accept
instead of having one face on one side of their head they have two. The
two identical separate faces are side by side. They have three azure eyes.
The third eye is in the center of their head while the other two are off to
the side. They have two noses and two mouths. When they speak both
mouths talk, although when they eat one side can talk while the others
chews. Their platinum blond hair is always kept long, usually down to their
knees. They are obsessed with keeping their hair clean and shinny (wash
it everyday). When elves encounter eyeliers, they understand what it is
that other races hate about them. Every eyeliers believes him or her to be
faster, smarter, and better looking than any other race in the world, and
they will go out of their way to prove it. They refuse to follow any religious
faith because that would be submitting to a higher power (“No one tells me
what to do, in fact the gods should be worshiping me) and the only way to
get them to do anything for king or country is to pay them or give them a
position that allows them to flaunt how fabulous they are.

One thing is for sure, no one is more deadly with a longbow then an
eyelier. These master archers make using a longbow look easy. Those
who choose to become true longbow men are some of the most deadly
killers in the world, able to strike a foe dead center in his or her heart a
1000+ feet away. They never buy arrows unless they really have to, and
even then they modify them to fit their standard. Using arrows or throwing
weapon against them is almost absurd. They possess such a height sense
of reaction, they can catch a thrown knife and whip it back at their
attacker or fire the arrow back their foe with even more lethal force.

Although Eyeliers are the biggest snobs in the world, they believe in
friendship. To earn their respect and amity is to gain a lifelong friend.
Some eyelier will give up their lives just to save their best friend’s pet,
just to demonstrate their loyalty and show off their superior skills. Most
humanoids are disturbed by their strange appearance so most of the time
they conceal themselves with hooded cloaks, that is until it’s required of
them to show off just how much better they are then everyone else. Nine
times out of ten they will try to prove it doing the one thing they are
extremely good at. And no one can deny it.

Race.: Dimensional Beings
Alignments: Any, but they tend to be anarchist or aberrant.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+2, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 1D6+6, P.S.
2D6+6, P.P. 4D6+3, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 3D6+6.
Natural A.R.: None, have to wear armor.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 1D6 per level of experience.
Occupational Character Classes: Any men of arms, but ranger is
the most common.
S.D.C.: 15 plus those gained from O.C.C.s and/or physical skills.
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 4D6, young eyeliers until their teens have 2D4x10.
R.C.C. Skills: All Eyeliers have W.P. Longbow, W.P. Archery, W.P.
Targeting, Basic Metalworking (same as Fletcher), Sculpting and Whittling
(+20%), Land Navigation (+15%), and Wilderness Survival (+10%).
Natural Abilities: They have Nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m), they
have a 200 degree arc of vision, so it is very difficult for them to be
surprise or snuck up from behind, they can see six times greater than a
normal human (an 18 inch/0.4 m) object in perfect detail one mile/1.6 km
away), keen sense of smell (two noses) and hearing (one ear on each side
of the face).
Increase Kinetic Force: Eyeliers can cause one of two
things to happen with his ability-1). Increase the velocity of a projectile or
throw item to inflict greater damage (double normal damage), or 2)
increase the velocity of a projectile or throw object for greater range
(double the normal range, but is -2 to strike).
Redirection: Any object held in an Eyelier’s hand that is
thrown or launched via a projectile device (crossbow or bow not firearms)
can be mentally directed to return after it strikes or made to curve left or
right to hit a target not in its direct path. Only one of these redirections
can be done per attack (per thrown/fired weapon) and uses up one melee
attack (e.g. in addition to the initial charging and throwing attack)
Dodge & Parry Projectiles: Eyeliers can dodge any
projectile or thrown object (including bullets) without penalty because they
see them moving toward them at what appears to be a reduced speed.
This effectively gives them an automatic dodge (P.P. bonus included)
against projectiles (it does not work against melee or energy attacks).
They can also use this ability to catch arrows or thrown objects (not
bullets). This works just like a normal automatic parry (the usual bonuses
from P.P. and skills are included). Note: Only two objects can be parried
or caught at a single time, a hail of projectiles cannot be caught or
parried, nor can the object weigh more than 20 lbs (9 kg).
Bonuses: +1 to strike with any ranged weapon (not
firearms), +1 attack per melee round or +2 to rate of fire when using a
bow or throwing weapon. +1 to strike at levels 3, 7, and 11 for Aimed or
Called Shots when using a bow, crossbow, or throw weapon.
Attacks Per Melee: Per hand to hand combat training (usually two or more).
Magic Spells: None, Eyeliers avoid magic o.c.c.
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 300-400 years on average (very few have lived
to be 500 years old).
Habitat: They have no preference.
Range: Land of the Damned, the Hinterlands, and the Old Kingdom.
However, they will travel or visit just about anywhere they wish
Language: Their language is very similar to Dragonese/Elf (there is
a -10% penalty to communicate with them with Dragon/Elf. Eyeliers are
very resistant to learning different languages (receive no additional bonus
to experience level if select different languages as elective or secondary
Enemies: If you thought elves were snobs, these guys take it one step further.
Allies: If they choose a non-Eyelier to befriend, they will be that
person’s friend until the day they die.
Size: 6 to 7 feet (1.82 m to 2.13 m)
Weight: 120 to 180 lbs (54 to 81 kg).
Favorite Weapons: Bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.

Other Notes:
1. Worship no deities.
2. Wear only light armor.
3. Intelligent and love to explore their world, just to prove to themselves
to show much better they are to all others races.
4. Take all the annoying traits of elves and magnify them. Remove the
traits of being noble, valiant, and spirited.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ANother nice creation. I can see a lot of uses for this one. Especially to bveset the party of PCs!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

These are old favorites that come from my worst nightmares growing up.
Oh so many PCs died from the jaws of these. Please enjoy.


The Rock Shark is one of the most feared monstrosities known in the
Palladium world. Where these land sharks originated from is unknown.
Some believe they are creations of the Old Ones or are the results of
experimental magic from the Elf/Dwarf Wars. However, in the Bletherad
Carbunculum, it mentions a popular book called Demon Beneath my
, an autobiographical tale of an elf named Leamshi Baha who
found a small valley in the Old Kingdom Mountains inhabited by hundreds
of these sharks. Leamshi believed the canyon was a constant open
dimension portal to the Elemental plane of Earth, and these sharks were
the guardians keeping the elementals from escaping. After he left the
valley, one shark chased him all over the Old Kingdom Mountains and
Lowlands, until he drove the shark into the Scarlet Sea and drowned it.

Rock Sharks are exceptionally large brown sharks capable of swimming
through earth and stone as if it where water. Reaching lengths of nearly
30 feet (9.1 m) and weighting almost 10,000 lbs (4500 kg), rock sharks
will attack just about anything that walks on the surface, including Wooly
Dragons. They have been known to simply rise up out of
the ground and swallow a person whole or tear the leg off a troll. If there
is a way to escape these monsters, so far no one has been able to come
up with it, accept for flight. Leamshi's tale is accurate in its account of these
relentless predators. Once they’ve set their mind on a particular prey,
they will hunt it down until it’s eaten or escapes in such away that the
shark cannot get it, and even then the shark will wait a few hours patiently
to see if the prey returns. However, all it takes is for something more
tempting to come along and the shark will change its mind. Because these
giant fish can move limitless through earth and stone, they only place of
safety from them are thick woodlands or water. Unlike aquatic fish, rock
sharks cannot swim in fact they sink like a stone. Because they live
beneath the ground, its almost impossible to know when one of these
monsters is about to strike. They simply rise up underneath the prey,
swallowing it whole or biting a huge chunk of flesh out of it. Because they
can’t see their prey on the surface, rock sharks have been known to
attack wagons, carriages, or any large heavy object traveling over land.
During the Elf/Dwarf Wars both sides reported their armies being attacked
by dozens of these sharks as they marched across what became the Old
Kingdom. For those who lived in the range of these beasts, nothing
strikes fear more then seeing a four foot (1.21 m) dorsal fin cutting through the ground heading toward them.

Type.: Supernatural Creature
Alignments: Predators, considered diabolic
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal), P.S. 36+2D6, P.P. 2D6+6, P.E. 3D6+18.
Speed: Can reach speeds of 25 mph (40.25 km) when in pursuit of
prey and can leap out of the ground.
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit Point & S.D.C. Combined: 1D6x100
Horror Factor/Awe: 16
P.P.E.: 1D6x10.
Natural Abilities: Travel through earth and stone at will (cost
nothing); same as spell, but without limit, effectively swim through earth
and rock (beneath the surface it has a 98% prowl, at the surface if one
does not see the dorsal fin it’s an 80% prowl), Nightvision 3000 feet (914
m), feel vibrations in and above the ground like a living seismic sensor,
cannot be snuck upon or surprise by nearby opponents approaching by
ground, can track and locate prey by following the ground vibrations
caused by movement (running or walking) 3000 feet (914 m) away (90%),
feel the vibrations of an approaching ground vehicle, large humanoid taller
then 9 feet (2.74 m), herd of mammals, giant animals, or an army on the
march, up to six miles (9.6 m) away, does not need to breath air, its eyes
are very sensitive to sunlight or any bright light, so it rolls them back
when it reaches the surface, but because of its motion detection sense, it
suffers no penalties for being blinded.
Attacks Per Melee: Special. The shark will do a single surprise
attack by rising beneath it prey or come up to the surface (dorsal fin
emerges) and circling its prey doing 3 attacks/actions per melee. If the
surprise attack fails, the shark will descend and then come bak around for
its regular 3 attacks per melee.
Damages: A nipping bite does 3D6 damage. A full strength bite
does 1D4x10+8 points of damage. If the shark rolls an unmodified 18-20
on its surprise attack and the prey is smaller then eight feet (2.43 m), it
will be swallowed whole. After swallowed, the shark descend back into the
earth (so even if one where to kill the shark by cutting out of its stomach,
the victim is buried alive in a shark coffin from anywhere from 20 feet to
unknown) beneath the surface. The slashing tail does 4D6 damage, a head
ram 2D6 damage, and body ram does 4D6 damage. Note: Once prey is
bitten and held in its jaws, the shark cannot drag it beneath the surface,
unless it’s swallowed first. It must rip out a chunk of flesh swallow it than
descend back into the ground.
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +6 to strike on surprise attack, +3 to
strike on normal attack, +5 to save vs. poison, drugs, and disease, and
+12 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Unlike aquatic sharks, rocks sharks do not have a
superior sense of smell or hearing. Their motion/vibration sensory system
is how they find and locate prey. They also cannot “swim” through wood
(large tree roots), metal barriers, or through a liquid medium.
Magic Spells: None
Psionics: None.
Value: Skin 80 gold, meat (whole animal): 60 gold, teeth: 1 gold for 10.
Average Life Span: 400-500 years.
Habitat: Lives underground beneath plains, mountains, deserts, any
place where there are few trees. It avoids wetlands and swamps. It
particular likes to patrol along roads or ruins.
Range: Old Kingdom Lowlands and Mountains, Baalgor-Wastelands,
the Giant Kingdom, and parts of the Timiro Kingdom bordering the Old
Kingdom Mountains.
Language: None
Enemies: None, they are apex predators. Everything and anything
can be food.
Allies: See above.
Size: Juveniles range from 10 to 20 feet (3 m to 6 m), full ground
adults are 20 to 30 feet (6 m to 9.1 m).
Weight: Juveniles: Weight 2 to 3 tons, Full ground adults weight between 3-5 tons.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

More annoying monsters for GMs to throw at their party. Here are some favorites my
players really hate, especially the mages and the ones with magic weapons. Enjoy.


Even before the Elf/Dwarf Wars, yellow bats plagued the Palladium World. No one is sure of
their origin, although some scholars believe they emerged from the Great Rift (which would
explain their huge numbers in the Land of the Damned). These bright, lemon yellow bats live in
dark and gloomy places, preferable underground or in ruins. A yellow bat can be found alone
or living gregariously in flocks numbering between four and twenty-four (4D6). For the longest
time the average humanoid thought them harmless (unless provoked), for they never seem to
bother anyone, that is until a wizard or someone who was psychic came along, then the bat
or the entire flock swarmed all around them. Yellow bats have a lot in common with faerie
folk. They are creatures of magic, but in truth they are psychic vampire who feed on P.P.E
and I.S.P., but only from magical or psychic beings. They will not harm normal beings, even if
they possess a high amount of P.P.E. (elf children for example). As long as the individual is
not psychic or a magic practitioner (priests are ignored until they reach spell casting level), a
yellow bat will ignore this individual unless he or she has a magic object or weapon on their
person. A yellow bat has the ability to drain P.P.E. and I.S.P. from either touching the
being/object or from ten feet (3 m) away. Practitioners of Magic must make a saving throw of
15 or better (M.E. attribute bonus can be used) or the bat will absorb 30 P.P.E. If the person
casts a spell and the P.P.E. necessary to make the spell work is less then 30, then the entire
spell will be absorbed by the bat, resulting in no effect or result whatsoever. If the bat is hit
with a spell that cost more than 30 P.P.E., a limited effect and amount of damage will occur.
However, if a spell was cast more then a minute earlier (Armor of Ithan for example), the bat
cannot absorb the magic. The bat will have to make a saving throw, and if it’s not saved will
suffer the normal magical effect, duration, penalty, and damage.

Psychics are also prey for these bats. All psychics must make a saving throw of 15 or better
(M.E. attribute bonus can be used) or they will lose 30 I.S.P. per attack. Even more
annoying, yellow bats are impervious to psionics, as any I.S.P. used against them will be
absorbed. However, one could use telekinesis to toss an object at the bat, but to use
telekinesis on the bat will only result in the bat draining the I.S.P. Note: Recovery of
lost I.S.P. and P.P.E. is the same as the standard amount.

Yellow bats also go after magic weapons and items. They can either touch or drain its magic
from 10 feet (3 m) away. If this occurs the weapon will be made temporarily normal, losing all
its magical properties and abilities for three hours (rune and millennium weapons are only
affected for one minute). Note: Striking the bat with a magic weapon might kill it, but the
weapon will still become powerless. The same things will happen if they touch or drain a
magic/enchanted object (armor, ring, talisman, carpet, potion, etc). All its properties and
abilities vanish for 3 hours. Of course yellow bats favorite prey are supernatural beings and
creatures of magic, they will feast upon them until they are full (600 P.P.E.) then leave for 24
hours then come back and feast again. So powerful are these bats they could effectively
keep an ancient dragon or major elemental powerless and unable to use its P.P.E. or I.S.P.
The more bats encountered the worst it will be for the creature or being. Using Mind Block,
P.P.E. Shield, and Mask I.S.P. & Psionics are about the only ways of shielding oneself from
these psychic vampire bats. They are vulnerable by some of the protections used against
faerie folk. Of course normal folk as long as they do nothing to the bat will remain untouched.

Alignment: Considered anarchist, they cannot be domesticated or trained.
Hit Points: 2D4
S.D.C.: 2D6
Horror Factor: For Practitioners of Magic and Psychic Character Classes (P.C.C) seeing
one is a 10, if more than four are encountered, it’s an 18. For supernatural beings and
creatures of magic its 8 for one and 16 for more than four.
P.P.E.: 1D6x10 but can siphon and store up to 600, they cannot draw on the P.P.E.
around them from ley lines and nexus points, they can only siphon P.P.E from living beings,
supernatural and creatures of magic, magic weapons/items, and spells, talents, and abilities
that utilize P.P.E. Going over 600 P.P.E. will not harm the bat, however each 10 points over
600 reduces their flight speed and range by 10%. If they eat too much, they become immobile
for 2D6 hours or they will have to burn the excess of using their psychic abilities.
I.S.P.: 60 but can convert their P.P.E into I.S.P. (1 P.P.E. equals 4 I.S.P.)
Natural Abilities: Fly, Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), keen hearing and sense of smell,
echo-location, see the invisible, sense psychic and magic energy 80% (same as 10th level
psychic sensitive), sense supernatural beings 80% (same as 10th level psychic sensitive),
special psychic vampire (impervious to spell magic, talents, and abilities that cost 30 P.P.E.,
those that cost more then 30 P.P.E. inflict only 1/3 normal damage, duration, effect, and
penalty), their touch will drain magic weapons/objects of all magical properties and abilities for
3 hours, and their impervious to psionics.
Saving Throws: +5 to save vs. spell magic (not wards or circles), +12 to save vs.
Horror Factor, +6 to save vs. mind controlling drugs and potions, and +7 to save vs.
Vulnerabilities: Same as faerie folk, however turning clothes inside out, tying red
ribbons, and using horseshoes has no effect on them. They cannot absorb magic from wards
or circles because the ambient P.P.E. has already been used up in their creation.
Attacks Per Melee: Two attacks per melee
Damage: Bite does 1 point of damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, and +3 to automatic dodge.
Magic: See natural abilities.
Psionics: Bio-Manipulation, See Aura, Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Sixth Sense, Sense
Magic, and Sense Dimensional Anomaly. Equal to a 10th level Master Psychic.
Speed: 4 crawling, 25 flying (17.5 mph/28.1 km).
Value: 1000 gold alive (for alchemical and summoner purposes) and 25 gold dead (for
alchemical purposes). However, a high level mage, master psychic, or dragon might pay a
fortune to have a flock of these pests remove from his or her home.
Average Life Span: 50 years
Habitat: Dark and gloomy locations, underground dwellings, and dungeons. They will go
anywhere there is a strong source of magic or psychic energy
Range: Anywhere in the Palladium World, however they are heavily concentrated in the Land of the Damned.
Language: None
Enemies: Supernatural creatures and creatures of magic considered them the ultimate
pest, the equivalent of leaches. They are destroyed on sight. Users of magic, major and
master psychics fear these annoying creatures that can leave them drained and powerless.
Allies: None.
Size: Body: 5-6 inches (12.7-15.24 cm), wingspan 12-14 inches (30.48-38.1 cm), tail
1-1½ inch (2.54-3.81 cm).
Weight: 8-10 oz (.22-.28 grams).
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I like them. Hopefully we'll get some more soon! I have a question.... Do you use a chart to create your new creations? Just curious.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Hey Reagren, don't know how, but apparently the Churel escaped my notice. I only just read that post! Awesome. I like this Undead a lot. (I believe I've mentioned a few... hundred... times how much I love undead.) This will make a good addition to my monstrous compendium. Thanks for sharing!
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Thanks for the love guys. No I don't use a chart. I do however have a permanent
or saved version of how I do the info. It of courses changes from critter to critter.
I've been doing this long enough that I have a pretty good idea what the stats
should be. The hard part is deciding what to share here on the board and what to
save for ... other use. I would love if Monsters and Magic came out so I could have
an idea what to use and what to post here on the board.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Theses black rattle snake creatures are very tamable by a psychic being. It preys exclusively on creatures of magic usually in mated pairs. Once tamed the snake with serve it's master loyally for the rest of it's life time unless it's abused or no given a chance to hunt supernatural prey. A pair of theses snakes can greatly even the odds against most supernatural threat so theses beasts are in high demand in most civilized areas. They will often telepathic ask for chicken eggs soaked in the blood of supernatural creatures which acts like catnip on them. No more than two snakes may bond with one individual and only with a mated pair. If it's mate is slain it will devour the corpse of it's mate if able and regurgate eight hour later with a 35% of reviving him to life.

Alignment: Anarchist, some have very strong leaning towards unprincipled.
AR: 8 (10 in water)
Hit Points: 3D8+4
S.D.C.: 2D8+6
Horror Factor: 13 for practitioners of magic and creatures of magic familiar with the Psi-Rattler
P.P.E.: 1D8
I.S.P: 3D8+10
Natural Abilities: Keen sense of hearing, smell & taste, climb at 70%, swim at 90% and prowl at 65% +15% in water. The snake's bite drains 2 P.P.E. per successful strike. While two mated snakes are in contact with each other and their master he gains enhanced I.S.P. recovery of 15 per hour of rest and 20 per hour of meditation.
Psychic Venom: (This attack costs 2 I.S.P.) By striking at the air in the direction of the target up to 20 feet away, the victim then needs to make a save vs psionic attack and a save vs lethal poison or be inflicted by Psychic Venom and his vision will be slightly blurred (-2 to strike/parry/dodge) for 2D6 minutes. While inflicted by the venom each time the creature expends P.P.E. he take one hit point damage for each P.P.E. spent.

Saving Throws: +4 to save vs. magic (Spell duration is reduced by half), +5 to save vs. Horror Factor and +2 to save vs. mind controlling.
Vulnerabilities: A small splash salt water will cause the snake to fleet the area and a victim drinking salt water will remove any Psychic Venom from a person system within two minutes.
Attacks Per Melee: Two attacks per melee or One Psychic Venom attack.
Damage: Bite does 2 point of damage Plus drains 2 P.P.E.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to automatic dodge and +3 to roll with impact.

Psionics: Sense Magic, Bio-Regeneration, Healing Touch, Telepathy and Empathy. Equal to a 3rd level Major Psychic.
Speed: 18 crawling and 26 swimming.
Value: 80,000 gold alive, a psychic with telepathy and empathy can tame theses beasts with in a week or two.
Average Life Span: Usually eight years in the wild or up to eleven in captivity.
Habitat: Jungles and warm marshes.
Range: Anywhere in the Palladium World where creatures of magic are plentiful except places with extremely cold climates or salt water.
Language: None
Enemies: Supernatural creatures and creatures of magic hate them, but they usually leaves them alone unless attacked.
Allies: Psychic beings.
Size: 7 to 11 feet long
Weight: 12 to 20 lbs
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Hey Runebeo those psi-snakes are cool! Thanks for sharing. Glad to see someone else besides
me throw some stuff on the board. Got any more?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree about those snakes being very nice for a GM to use against his players. I have to find my 1st edition copy of Monsters & Animals from Palladium fantasy.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Xy’s Blessed

Theses power trolls were one of Xy’s personal minions during ancient times. Often in charge of guarding treasure troves of the Old Ones and ancient dragons. Many of theses creatures were imprisoned in the Land of the Damned, but a few tribes still survive in some isolated parts of world. Many still keep guard over fowl secrets of the Old Ones. A few become adventurers and mercenaries, but most become dark priests to the Old Ones, with a strong code of honor. Theses trolls have vines growing out of their bodies, with squash like growths that can release a mist like fog on command.

Alignment: Anarchist and evil only.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 6D6 (+4 while standing in water), P.P. 2D6 P.E. 5D6, P.B. 1D6, Spd 2D6

AR: 13
Hit Points: P.E. time three plus 1D8 per level
S.D.C.: 60 plus O.C.C. bonuses and skills.
Horror Factor: 12, but 15 for ancient races like the Titans & Minotaurs.
P.P.E.: 2D6

Natural Abilities: Nightvision for 90 feet, Can see threw fog patches up to 60 feet, bio-regeneration 1D6 per hour or 1D8 per minute while standing in water, and Immune to poison.

Create Fog Patch: The fog patch is released threw the squash like growths on their body and covers a 300-foot radius. This heavy fog reduces visibility to a mere six feet (-4 to strike/parry/dodge while in the fog area) and the patch lasts for 2D6+8 melees, add 12 melees if actively standing in water. Can only use this ability twice per nine hours, or needs to consume five gallons of water to replenish this ability for one more fog patch.

Arcane Defense: When Xy’s Blessed fails a saving throw vs. magic, the caster of the spell or effect then must make a save vs. ritual magic of 16 or be affected by identical copy of the spell or effect.

Saving Throws: +2 to save vs. magic, and +8 to save vs. Horror Factor.

Vulnerabilities: Fire deals double damage to the Xy‘s Blessed and also reduces his fog patch duration by 1 melee.

Psionics: none
Magic: Only as a priest of darkness.
Average Life Span: Up to 300 years.

Habitat: Swamps, rivers, lakes and oceans.
Language: Demongogian
Enemies: Creature of Light
Allies: On friendly terms with Fairy Folk.
Size: 9 to 12 feet tall
Weight: 600 to 900 lbs add another 200 lbs when wet.
Last edited by runebeo on Fri May 02, 2008 11:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nasty creatures. It'd be fun to terrorize the players with these! Especially if you could get the drop on them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by runebeo »

I wouldn't try to use a soul drinker weapon on them could really back fire.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Thorn Treefolk
This ancient race stood with the Titans against the Old Ones in the Age of Chaos. They are a race of husky Treefolk covered in long thorns, heart shaped leaves and many berry vines hanging down. The clans protect many of world’s forests were fairy folk live. Most live in small clans of 1D4+2 members. Most clans take control over a 30-mile area, but don’t mind respectful trespassers or ever settlers that behave themselves. They are storytellers and gamblers, who are highly respected by hunters, lumber jacks and forest people. They will allow some trees to be cut down or allow some animal poaching on his land if people can proof themselves not to wasteful or can best them in a game of riddles, or a game chess. Settlers are expected to hold seasonal celebrations in the Treefolk’s honor. The clans often play chess with themselves as the pieces. To angering a Thorn with shameless destruction of nature or an unprovoked attack on a fairy or one of his animal companions, will bring down a force of nature upon the perpetrator. NPC characters are 1D6+2 level of experience in Ranger O.C.C. with a -15% penalty to skills and no horsemanship or combat skill can be taken.

Alignment: Any, but 70% are Unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. 6D6 (P.S. becomes Supernatural after reaching 40 feet tall), P.P. 2D6+2, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 1D6, Spd 2D6

AR: 11
Hit Points: its height time two plus 1D8 per level.
S.D.C.: 120 plus its height.
On Rifts Earth, they are M.D.C. creatures with 2D4x100+200 M.D.C.
Horror Factor: 9, 14 when angered by destroyers of nature.
P.P.E.: 3D6

Natural Abilities: Nightvision for 120 feet, prowl in a forest area is 80%, they are immune to magic cast by fairies, resistant to cold, can produce 20 lbs of berries per month, can sense the death of a tree within a 5-mile radius and heals his height worth of S.D.C. per day.

Thorn Volley: By shaking it’s branches or swatting its arms it can hurl a volley of thorns doing 6D6 damage (+1D6 if over 40 feet tall), +5 to strike anyone in a 20 foot area, the range of the volley is the Thorn Treefolk’s height times four. They can only use theses volleys once per melee round, with maxium of nine volleys per day.

Thorn Defense: Any hand-to-hand strike of unmodified 12 or less the attacker takes 2D4 damage from the thorns (companions are immune).

Nature’s Companions: Each level of experience the Treefolk gains either a wolf, bear, owl, hawk, fox, deer, badger, skunk or squirrel companion (each companion gains 1D4 extra hit points and increased lifespan of 20%).

Saving Throws: +1 to save vs. magic, and +4 to save vs. Horror Factor.

Vulnerabilities: Fire deals double damage, but adds 2D4 fire damage to thorn volley and thorn defense for 3 melee rounds. If knocked down takes 6D6 melees to get up. During the winter all skills are reduced by 10%.

Psionics: 30% are minor and 40% are major.
Magic: none
Average Life Span: Up to 1,000 years.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Combat Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and +3 to entangle.
Combat damage: Branch strike 2D4 Plus punch damage and kick or stomp is not possible.
Habitat: Forrest, low mountains and plains.
Language: Dragonese and Dwarven.
Enemies: Destroyers of nature
Allies: Fairy Folk, Titans and wilderness folk.
Size: 6D6+16 feet tall, 50% of is height is just branches, grows additional two feet ever century (some ancient ones are 70 to 90 feet tall)
Weight usually 1 to 3 tons.
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

These guys are an RCC group. Very interesting. Not sure if they qualify as monsters though.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Neat monsters, but I'm not sure if they would make very good playable characters. I mean
its not likely the city of Llorn is going to let a 50 feet tall thorn giant in the front gate.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Maybe they could create a paddock at the edge of the city to accomidate those beings of unusual size.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Our GM mainly uses theses Tree Folk to protect small forest settlements from the Orc hordes in our game. They are wilderness folk who like to keep to themselves and wouldn't care to go to towns, they like people to visit them. You could try one as a playing character, but it be a lot of I'll wait out here guys and they usually have skunks with them so combat could get rather stinky.
I will be 125 living in Rio de Janeiro when the Great Cataclysm comes, I will not survive long but I will be cloned threw the Achilles project and my clones will be Achilles Neo-Humans that will start a new Jedi order in Psyscape. So You May Strike Me Down & I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. Let the Clone Wars begin!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Time for another rodent. Here is one from my old rpgs days that some of my
old players always dreaded :demon: . Had to change its name though.


Eighteen hundred years ago, a nameless alchemist of the Western Empire
began to study the mystic art of necromancy. After mastering the dark
practice he began creating necro magical weapons and objects. His sinister
creations caught the attention of a death cult who worshipped Kirgi the Rat
God. During this time the god didn’t enjoy the popularity he does know in the
Empire. His followers at the time wanted to do something to attract huge
attention to him. The plan was to release a menace into the cities of the
Empire that would be such a great threat, that people would seek out the Rat
God in an attempt to remove the plague, thus he’d gain thousands of followers.
After years of experimenting with various rodents, the alchemist created the
ultimate pest, the rat bat. This magical creature is a more or less a large rat
with bat wings. It is an omnivore that will eat anything organic, be it animal or
vegetable, living or dead, wood or leather. If anything living receives multiple
bites from these rats, it will be stricken down with a horrific sickness. Killing
these creatures only makes things worse. Any rat bat within 20 feet (6 m) of
one that is killed by any means other than natural causes, will instantly absorb
the dead rat bat’s P.P.E , which increased its S.D.C., and gives it a natural
armor rating. The more rat bats that are killed, the tougher and more invincible
the critters become. Before long there where generations of rat bats that
neither normal nor magical weapon could kill. Just as many within the Empire
where preparing to turn to the followers of the Rat God for help, a mysterious
minstrel played a “magical flute” that attracted the attention of thousands of
rats bats. He played the flute until he led the entire plague of rodents into the
Sea of Scarlet Waters where the entire population drowned (death by natural
causes). Since that day, the rat bat has never been seen again in the Empire,
but that doesn’t mean the critters are extinct. It is believe the species might
be living in large underground caverns scatter throughout the Empire. Others
believe the Rat God has several hundred thousand living in his deific realm
waiting to be released into the Palladium World to consume the world’s food
supply and destroy all things so the Children of Kirgi can inherit the world. So
far there is no proof of any of these rumors, yet no scholar or monk has ever
claimed the species will never been seen again.

Alignment: Considered diabolic
Hit Points: 2D4
S.D.C.: 1D6
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Fly, Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), keen hearing, superior
sense of smell, echo-location, Rat Bats can eat 5x their body weight in a single
day, Rat Bats can eat anything organic, including wood and leather, Climb
70%, Prowl 80%, Acrobatics 45%, Plague Bite (anyone who receives four or
more bites from a Rat Bat within twenty-four hours must make a saving throw
vs. disease [15] or suffer the same effects as a 6th level Sickness spell, only
they lose 1D4 hit points each day that cannot be healed until the disease runs
its full duration of 3 days), and the Death Charge. Killing a Rat Bat by any
means other than natural causes, cause it to release all of its P.P.E., which
can only be absorbed by other Rat Bats within a 20 foot (6 m) radius. Once
this P.P.E. is released (4D6), it will increase the S.D.C. of all Rat Bats within
the radius by the same amount and provide them a natural armor rating of six.
If another Rat Bat is killed, the process repeats itself. There is no limit to how
many S.D.C. a Rat Bat can possess, however the natural armor rating stops at
19!!! The effect of the Death Charge is permanent. The only effective way to
prevent this is to kill large numbers in a way that covers a large area or make
they die via natural cause (drowning or suffocation). Casting a spell to create
a vacuum or quicksand won’t directly kill the critter however death by
asphyxiation is a natural event. However, the spell river of lava would directly
kill the critters and any rat bat(s) nearby would absorbed all the P.P.E. of each
rat bat that died!!!
Speed: 11 on the ground or 22 by flight.
Attacks Per Melee: Two .
Damage: Bite does 1D4 points of damage (see Plague Bite)
Magic: None
Psionics: None,
Value: None, accept the Priest of Kirgi might pay up to 50,000 gold for a single critter.
Average Life Span: 3-5 years
Habitat: Underground, dungeons, crypts, etc.
Range: The Western Empire, although some might be living in the Yin Sloth Jungles.
Language: None,
Enemies: They are a rodent so they are prey animal for other creatures.
Allies: None,
Size: 8-12 inches (roughly .3 m), has an 8-12 inch tail, and 8-12 inch wingspan.
Weight: Up to 3 lbs (1.35 kg).
Note: Rat Bats are gregarious and live in flocks numbering up to twenty.
They reproduce every 8 weeks bearing 4-12 young. Once the young mature,
they leave to find their own flock.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay I've got a few more favorites from the good old days of my 1980s youth,
but I might not use them. They're slimes, jellys, and amoebas, which don't
really exist in Palladium accept for the Black Jelly. I always loved these things,
especially Green Slime which I've noticed doesn't appear in any of the D&D
monster books anymore :?: . Mine of course are not conversions but originals
but I'm curious as to what is the general opinon everyone has of these things.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice new monsters! Just one question? Can you use rat traps to get rid of them?

I'd love to see new original monsters here!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Well I didn't see anyone complain about hating slimes, jellies, and oozes so I'll post
a few of my original favorites.


Nobody knows or wants to claim responsible for being the inventor of Purple Goo. It was
perhaps invented by accident or by an alchemist under the influence because no mage in his
or her right mind would want this stuff around. Purple Goo comes from a small unicellular
supernatural mass of cytoplasm without a definite shape. Purple Goo is not a naturally existing
creature and can only be found living in magic potions or in empty glass vials or jars that use
to contain such liquids. How Purple Goo ends up in a magic potion goes back to its origin.
Whoever created the amoeboid must have kept samples of it in an unknown number of jars.
At some point, the jars containing the creature were emptied and washed, but microscopic
bits of the creature remained. Later these jars were reused, filled with other fluids, most
notable magic potions. The amoeboid only 700-800 micrometers (.027-031 inches) in length is
invisible to the naked eye and undetectable via mystical or psychic means. It can survive up
to 150-200 years in a non-magical liquid or empty jar, and for most part is nearly impervious
to all harm. However, once a mystical liquid is poured into the contaminated jar, the creature
immediately starts to grow and changes the liquid’s magical properties. After 24 hours have
passed, it reaches its maximum size of 3 mm (.11 inches) and become visible to the naked
eye. The surrounding liquid in the jar/vial turns purple and takes on the consistency of warm
syrup. At this point, the magical properties of the potion are negated, but the contents are
still magical. The amoeboid within the jar will now double its normal life span and for the most
part will remain indestructible. The liquid in the jar cannot be boiled or frozen (the glass has
its normal temperature limits), nor can it be magical transformed. Negate poison/toxin and
magic is useless.

Anyone who opens the jar/vial will smell a strong, sweet fragrance, like those of mixed tropical
fruit. If the glass contained Purple Goo is left open, the amoeboid will ooze out of it within 3-4
minutes. Any living organism within 50 feet (15.24 m) that has more than 50 P.P.E. starts to
attract the amoeboid as it begins to grow. Each 50 P.P.E. points within 50 foot (15.24 m)
radius cause the amoeboid to grow 1 inch per melee. Each additional inch (2.54 cm) in size
allows the amoeboid to move 1 foot (.3048 m) per minute. At this point, the amoeboid is
imperious to all physical harm, even by magic weapons. They harmlessly pass right through.
The amoeboid is impervious to heat, cold, fire, and energy (even magical). It will surround
living things with its pseudopodia, but the only harm it can cause is by suffocation. However,
if it touches anything magical, it will be drained as if it where within the effects of an anti-
magic cloud. The only difference the effect is permanent (rune and millennium weapons
become inactive for 1 hour). Magic users and those with high amounts of P.P.E. will have
theirs drained away and will take 1/3 the normal duration to recover. Using any form of magic
against the creature is useless. So what stops this amoeboid from simply grow indefinitely,
the presence of magic. It will start to reduce it size 1 foot per melee if nothing magical
appears within a 50 foot (15.24 m) radius for one hour after its initial growth spurt. It will
eventually return to its normal size, and if it cannot return to the Purple Goo vial/glass before
then it will die in the open air. Furthermore, salt or salt water destroys it, as will any form of

The Purple Goo in the vial/glass remains a magical liquid. Anyone who drinks it will receive 25
additional P.P.E. permanently to their normal total and an additional 4D6 S.D.C., regardless if
they are wounded or not for 48 hours. However, one must not be fooled into thinking this is a
good thing. Twenty-four hours later, the person will become horribly ill (same as the Sickness
spell). This sickness remains incurable until the victim drinks any magical liquid. At this point, a
new amoeboid will slip from the victim’s mouth and into the vial/jar undetected. Cleaning the
vial/glass with salt water or acid is the only way to purify the vial/jar and kill the amoeboid. If
a magical potion is not given to the person within a one week time, the victim will suffer 4D6
points of damage direct to their hit points every 24 hours until the victim dies. No form of
magical/psychic healing can restore the victim (until he or she dies), however drinking a magic
potion will immediately cure the person and all lost hit points will be restored.

For the longest time during the Elf/Dwarf War, potions of Purple Goo where handed out to
warriors and mages just before battle (a maximum of 4 can be drank in a single lifetime,
drinking a 5th causes instant death and the victim melts into a purple puddle of slime with no
possibility of being resurrected). Those who survived got sick, drank magic potions, and made
more Purple Goo. The problem was making sure people where responsible enough to keep the
vials sealed. Most sensible alchemists don’t sell it or even want it on their shelves; the risk of
something bad happening is too great. Although ones with strong evil alignment in the
Western Empire and Land of the South Winds have been known to sell it as a Potion of Valor,
but they never tell the consumer what he or she is actually getting. Afterward, the person
comes back needing a healing potion, which of course restocks their supply of Purple Goo.

Type.: Supernatural Creature
Alignment: None,
Hit Points/S.D.C.: Combine: 1 in its natural microscopic form. Once it starts to grow in
the presence of magic its 1D6 per foot of length.
P.P.E.: 1D4x10 within vial/jar. Outside of the jar/vial 2D6.
Natural Abilities: In microscopic form, impervious to natural and magical heat, cold, fire,
energy, poison, toxins, drugs, and psychic/mental attacks and influences (it doesn’t have a
brain, nervous system, or even a true consciousness). In growth form, it retains its immunities
and becomes impervious to all physical harm (even by magic weapons). It also begins to feeds
on magic, draining away all supernatural and mystical properties of magic items, weapons,
circles, wards, etc. Magic practitioners, priests (3rd level and higher), supernatural beings,
creatures of magic, and any living being with an unusually high P.P.E. will see all of their
P.P.E. drained away completely by the slightest touch of the organism. Recovery time takes
1/3 the normal duration. Rune and Millennium Weapons are only drained of magical properties
for 1 hour. Note: The creature cannot draw P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, etc. It can
only draw from living things and magical inorganic objects.
Vulnerability: In microscopic form it is instantly killed by 1 tablespoon of salt, salt
water, or acid. In growth form, 1 vial of salt water or acid causes 1D4 points of damage, 1
cup full (8 fl oz) does 6D6 points of damage, while 1 pint does 1D6x10 points of damage.
Speed: 0 in vial/jar. Each additional foot of growth allows it to travel 1 foot per minute.
Attacks Per Melee: One or two non-combat actions.
Damage: The amoeboid cannot inflict physical harm on living things, except by suffocation if it
covers a victim (person/animal will be rendered unconscious in two minutes and dies within
Magic: None
Psionics: None,
Value: Western and Southern Alchemists who sell Potions of Valor do so for 2500-3000 gold per vial.
Average Life Span: 300-400 years in magic potions, half when in empty or normal
Habitat: Vials and glass jars only.
Range: The entire Palladium world. It might possibly find itself in other dimensions (Rifts Earth is a possibility)
Language: None,
Enemies: None
Allies: None,
Size: Naturally microscopic, grows 1 inch per melee when per 50 P.P.E. points within a
50 foot (15.24 m) range.
Weight: Almost none in microscopic form, 5 lbs per 1 foot in size in growth form.
Note: Eating or consuming any part of the amoeboid will have the same results as
drinking the purple liquid only there is no benefit of P.P.E. or S.D.C.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice monster with some uses! I like where it's found too!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by jade von delioch »

very nice, i like the Pebarlong the best. any thing with a sad heart felt background story to it works the best, cause the players will second guess themselves when they find out.
The churel are kool too. Very oriental styled.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Thank you very much. A now for G.M. pleasure I give you something to really scare your
party to death.


The Brain Jelly is a strange creature to encounter. It looks like a large floating humanoid brain
from which hundreds of tentacles dangled from beneath. This creature of magic is related to
aquatic jellyfish only it lives entirely on land and actively hunts out prey. The creature lacks
basic sensory organs, but it is an intelligent predator (I.Q.1D4+5), capable of making
calculating decisions. It is known to position itself in an ideal location or settings then lie in
wait for food. It preys upon birds, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals (weighing less
then 20 lbs/9 kg). Yet it has been known to lead humanoids into traps where they are killed
and fed upon over time (using primitive tools like a chimpanzee). One of its favorite ploys is
to use its psychic powers (mental illusion) to appear as a lost child or an injured humanoid
calling for help. It may use its invisible haze to remain hidden until the last moment then
launch an all out attack. The creature has been known to appear in astral communicating
with psychics or practitioners of magic claiming to be a benevolent creature with the power
to heal the sick and injured (which it can). Anyone coming within range of the Brain Jelly’s
highly venomous tentacles risks almost certain death. Each Brain Jelly has 30-50 tentacles
which all have the ability to string opponents on multiple times within microseconds after
initial contact. Because the Brain Jelly can launch up half a dozen tentacles against a single
or multiple opponents, these creatures have been known to kill a Whooly Dragon or wipe out
a patrol of giants from Mt. Nimro.

Brain Jelly’s body is made up of 92-96% water. It sense movement (vibrations) with special
sensory cells located in its epidermis. It also has light-sensitive organs that do not form
images but are used to determine up from down, responding to sunlight shining on its skin
surface. It doesn’t have any internal organs or systems. It digest food using the
gastrodermal lining of its huge gastrovascular cavity (big enough to hold up to 20 lbs (9 kg).
It does not need a respiratory system since its skin is thin enough that its body is
oxygenated by diffusion. It has limited control over movement and mostly free-floats in the
air (perpetual psionic power), but it can use strong gust of wind or lasso-like tentacles to
wrap around then pulls itself in that direction to accomplish vertical movement. The outer
side of a Brain Jelly is lined with ectoplasm and contains other organic compounds. This of
course means the creature is extrmely sensitive to high and low temperatures. Its body
must have plenty of moisture in order to survive.

Brain Jellies normally live alone well enough away from humanoid civilizations. Though they
enjoy hunting humanoids, the Jellies are “smart” enough to know being close to humanoid
villages, towns, and cities could be dangerous for them. However, in some cases where large
battles have taken place, and there are hundreds of unburied corpses on the ground, Brain
Jellies will congregating into large swarms or “blooms” numbering up to 6D6 individuals. This
also might be the opportunity where these creature being to mate. Brain Jellies are valued for
their poisoness tentacles, but only the desperate for gold seek them out, for even if one
cuts of a tentacle, it can still envenom anything that touches it for the next hour after
beinging seperated from the body.

Alignment: Considered diabolic
Hit Points: 2D6+4
S.D.C.: 5D6 for body (bell), 1D6+4 per tentacle.
P.P.E.: 6D6
I.S.P.: 120 (is doubled to 240 on Rifts Earth).
Natural Abilities: Motion detection and track by motion detection 90%, can follow and
locate prey by following the vibrations caused by movement (not sound per sec, but air
movement)-Range: 100 feet (30.48 m), feel the vibrations caused by ground movement
(running or walking) 300 feet (91.4 m) away (90%), feel the vibrations of an approaching
ground vehicle, large humanoid taller then 9 feet (2.74 m), herd of mammals, giant animals,
or an army on the march, up to 1 mile (1.6 km) away, identify temperature (within 1D6
degree) 75%, identify wind direction 65%, identify common, known objects/substances 50%
(uncommon 25%), float in the air (same as psionic-cost no I.S.P.), sixth sense (same as
psionics-cost no I.S.P.), and stinging tentacles (epidermic nematocysts). Note: Each
tentacle has a P.S. of 4 however working together they can carry, drag and lift weights up
to 400 lbs (180 kg). Any heavier and the Brain Jelly cannot float and will only draw itself
toward the heavy object.
Speed: 3
Attacks Per Melee: Special. The Brain Jelly has two attacks per melee. Each attack
consists of launching a volley of tentacles (1D6+1) per target of opportunity. This means
multiple targets can be attacked at the same time with varying number of tentacles. The
moment a tentacle successful strikes (touches) a target (causing 1 point of damage), a
microsecond later, it discharges dozens of tiny barbed-shaped capsules containing a coiled
hollow thread-like structures. These hollow threads must penetrate the skin of the victim in
order for the venom to be injected. After a tentacle successful strikes (touches) a target, a
twenty side dice is rolled and a +3 bonus is added. If the strike total is greater then the
Armor Rating (A.R.), then the hollow threads have penetrated the victim’s skin and the victim
will have to make a save vs. poison. If the capsules fail to penetrate on the first attack,
additional ones from the attached tentacle will attempt to do so, but this does not count as
a second attack (it’s a continuation of the first). Only if the Brain Jelly launches additional
tentacles does it count as it second attack. Each tentacle can release capsules
three times
per succesful attack (touch). Remember these capsules are fired in
microseconds after each tentacle has successful attached to a target.
Damage: The poison injected must be saved against (14) each time or the victim will
take 1D6 points of damage and suffers searing pain for 1D4 hours (Lose initiative, -2 to all
combat bonuses, lose 1 attack per melee round, and Speed and skill performances are
reduced by 15%). The penalties, duration, and damage are accumulative per each successful
penetration of the barbs and failure of rolling a saving throw.
Note: Following a sting, vinegar should be applied to the wound for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Acetic acid, found in vinegar, disables the Brain Jelly’s nematocysts that have not yet
discharged into the bloodstream (though it will not alleviate the pain). Vinegar may also be
applied to attached tentacles, which should be removed immediately; this should be done
using a cloth or glove to avoid bringing the tentacles into further contact with the skin. The
tentacles will still sting if separate from the body, or if the creature is dead for at least an
hour. Removing the tentacles without first applying vinegar may cause unfired nematocysts
to come into contact with the skin and fire, resulting in a greater degree of envenomation.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike, +8 to automatic parry, +3 to save vs. psionics
(needs a 10 or better to save), +2 to save vs. magic, +7 to save vs. any form mind control,
+8 to save vs. Horror Factor, and impervious to possession, poison, toxins, and drugs.
Vulnerability: Fire and cold attacks inflict double damage.
Magic: None
Psionics: All sensitive and healing psionics, plus alter aura, telekinesis, invisible haze,
mental illusion, mind wipe, mind bolt, and P.P.E. Shield. All psionics are equal to a 4th level
Mind Mage.
Value: Alchemists, herbalist/apothecary, and assassin guilds are interested in the
tentacles of the beasts in order to collect samples of the poison; maximum of 400 gold per
Average Life Span: 100 years
Habitat: Damp, warm humid places, often near swamps. However, they have been
known to appear in warm underground dwellings as well.
Range: Land of the South Winds, Yin-Sloth Jungles, and Floenry Isles.
Language: None, although they seem to have some sort of telepathic transmission
language they shared only with their own kind.
Enemies: Worms of Taut (especially the Serpent Beasts) enjoy feeding on them.
Allies: None, everything smaller then it is potentially food.
Size: Body (bell) is 5-7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 m) in diameter with 8 clusters containing 30-
50 tentacles each. The tentacles vary in size from 3 to 30 feet (.91 to 9.14 m) in length.
Weight: Up to 30 lbs (13.5 kg).
Note: It is not known how these creatures reproduce, but it is likely very similar to normal jellyfish.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I can see that these would be something fun to throw at the party in various games. I could see them even over in Rifts. I hope we get some more of these very cool monsters!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kirksmithicus »

Thought of somethings yesterday and thought I would post up a brief description to see if there is already something like this and maybe get some feedback if there isn't.

I was thinking of an evil creature or demon that was the size of small child. This creature looks like a child from a distance but up close it is gotesque and has small horns and sharp teeth and perhaps an ashy color. It has the ability to change its voice to sound like that of a small child, male or female. It uses looks and voice to lure in its victims by pretending to be a child lost in the woods, down a well, etc.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Sounds good. Write it up and post it!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kirksmithicus »


This creature is said to be created from the souls of lost and abandoned children who have died
in the wilderness (or on city streets). These demons kill to seek revenge for being abandoned and to steal the souls and memories of those they kill in order to experience the life they did not have the chance to live.

From a distance they appear to be small, disheveled children dressed in raggedy clothing who are crying for their mothers. Up close and in the light of a torch or lantern one may notice that they have small horn on their foreheads and sharp teeth and claws and have an ashy undead color and lifeless eyes. The creatures ability to change its voice to sound like that of a small child, male or female as a means of attracting prey. It uses its looks and voice to lure in its victims by pretending to be a child lost in the woods, down a well, etc. If encountered in more populated areas it will often flee to more secluded or deserted areas, hopefully getting kind hearted people who are attempting to help them alone and vulnerable.

Alignment: Diabolic
Hit Points: 20 +3d6
S.D.C.: 5d6
Natural Abilities:
Speed: 15
Attacks Per Melee: 3-4
Damage: Claws: 2d6 Bite: 1d6 , almost never use weapons.
Vulnerability: Magic, sunlight, fire and Holy Symbols
Value: None
Average Life Span: Unknown
Habitat: Any, but they prefer swamps, dark forests and jungles but they may also be found wandering the streets in the poor areas of larger cities at night.
Range: World wide
Language: Any, they have the ability to sense what language a person speaks and use it to communicate with her/him. This may be the characters first clue that something is not right, given that a child in a foreign land speaks her/his native language.
Enemies: All intelligent beings.
Allies: Usually none, but may sometimes work/hunt in pairs.
Size: 3-4 ft.
Weight: 50 - 100 lbs.
Note: Once an Araimb has killed its victim it must spend 1d6+4 actions devouring
its soul. During this time the it is unable to attack or defend and is extremely vulnerable.

I thought I would add some psionic or magic abilities but can't think of what would work good. So if you have any suggestions I would be happy to have them.
"Wealth is hard to come by, but poverty is always at hand"
    -- Proverb from Ki-en-gir (Sumer), c. 2000 BCE

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