Rescuing Rebbecca

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Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

Thought I'd open this one up for all the folks up in VT trying to help Rebbecca to co-ordinate.

Ron got there the day we were suppsoed to meet Rebecca in the hotel. He has his RV in a concealed location outside of town and rode into town on his motorcycle. He won't have his heavy arms and armour visable, but it's a safe bet they are near enough for him to gear up in a hurry if need be.

He also has Mr. Fluffers with him.

He would likely have made contact with Rose and her team before hand and even if he hadn't made contact with Rebecca that day, he would have been staking out that hotel well in advance of the meeting time.

Ron also checked out the local movie theater looking for Rebecca but was told that she hasn't shown up for work since Saturday the 17th.

For those of you workign with Ron for the first time, he's an averaged sized, yet muscular looking man. Caucasian skin towns, very close cropped dark hair. He's in his early-mid 30's (and those who have known him for a while be releived to see that he's actually looking his own age again). Even with the heat there will be boots, jeans and a jacket. His movements are simple and efficient. His face always seems purposeful.

He's accompanied by Mr. Fluffers, a four legged vaguely feline creature with many bald patches, scars and a kinked tail. Mr. Fluffers is very friendly, especially towards any of a good alignment.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

I think I discussed this with Rosecrest (who is female btw) that Ron would be staking out the meeting spot for a while in advance. Unless this guy can make folks invisable for quite a while, Ron may have located them in advance.

Deep Spawn may be something else to notice though.

Ron will stay in his concealed stake out position for an hour or three before the meeting was scheduled. He'd probably have suggested to Rosecrest that she make contact first while he watches - Rebecca's posts are pretty traumatized sounding and Rose is a much less intimidating pressence. Of course if Rebecca appears to be in imminent danger, he might break cover and get into action.

Ron probably didn't get to her apartment - he figures that Rebecca's smart enough to have disappeared from the concession stand, she's smart enough not to stay at home. So someone else can do that detail.

Ron's weapons are mostly conventional, but unless Heather Dawes is around, they are psionically charged for use agaisnt the supernatural - I don't know how that may affect the Deep Spawn though. See the Ghost Hunter in BTS2 for details on the relevant abilities.

Ron will mostly use less than lethal attacks on the cultists until they prooved to have real weapons or magic - Ron isn't keen on killing humans, especially the mindless dupes that these cults tend to attract. So think collapsable batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets and tasers here.

The magic user would be something else though. Ron isn't particularly well sited to **** magic, though he is fairly resistant agaisnt threats he gets to save against.

Of course if we get Heather close enough to Mr. Wizard we might not have to be worried about him.

Edit - now n-less.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

Other thing we need to discuss - since this all happened in one day - Why have our characters been tied up in VT for almost a week now? What else was happened? When will they go home?
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by sasha »

Too bad LazloSasha is in Russia; sounds like fun.
Lowes was one of my favourite stores when I lived there. :lol:
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

Foxx wrote:Well one, Heather dosen't know where everyone is at the current time. I don't think anything is posted about where Rebecca is or what motel she went too. Since all this time has gone down since then, she's been investigating the case that Rebecca brought up about the cult and her missing/dead friends.

She isn't going to know anything about a Deep Spawn unless its first reported to the police about a monster tearing up a motel parking lot..

Rebecca posted a meeting time/place in the thread. Would Heather have been in town for that?
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

I like the idea of us driving off the deepspawn rather than defeating it, then in annother encounter we barely defeat the one, then a subsequent encounter has several of these thigns for the "Oh Sh-" effect.

Ron wil be aiming to incapacitate and capture oen or more of the cultists - how much we get before the cultist's brains suddenly spew from his nose and mouth is another factor.

I don't think we should have the Magus post, Not Ron and Khavik have never posted and they are some of the board's more effective longterm villains

I think we can safely say Becky is at an undisclosed location away from town, perhaps in Shadow's quickly growing home for wayword girls (sly dog, scooping them all up like that).

So the Lazlo folks have been quite for a while on this for reasons of Operational Security (or OPSEC) as Ron prefers - since it is obvious the boards are being monitored, they want to give away as little information as possible for the time being.

However, with their investigation stonewalled for now, they may return to their other lives for a while to come up with plan B and to not give a concentrated target for the cult to track.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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So how long did it take to smuggle Becky out of town, conclude our investigation was going nowhere, and leave a good false trail so the cultists don't follow us back to where we've got Becky cloistered?

That gives Becky the chance for a return adventure in the long term and brings her into the Lazlo mainstream for the short term for more adventure ideas if she wants to participate.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Rebecca wrote:However, since Ron was probably the first one to come to Becky's aid, she may want to go with him. She has a "knight in shining armor" syndrome....besides, I hear he's cute...and owns a gun store. :-P

Yip . . . Wie knows it. :wink:
Unless he's been horribly disfigured in the past year or so. :P
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by lather »

sasha wrote:
Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Rebecca wrote:However, since Ron was probably the first one to come to Becky's aid, she may want to go with him. She has a "knight in shining armor" syndrome....besides, I hear he's cute...and owns a gun store. :-P

Yip . . . Wie knows it. :wink:
Unless he's been horribly disfigured in the past year or so. :P
So long as he feels normal.

God forbid Rebecca and LazloSasha meet.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by lather »

sasha wrote:Too bad LazloSasha is in Russia; sounds like fun.
Lowes was one of my favourite stores when I lived there. :lol:
You could spend all afternoon in Lowes......

.....looking for lumber that's actually level.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

Ron isn't bad looking, but he isn't going to win any beauty competitions that don't involve marksmanship and resistance to pain.

Ron has enough women and girls in his home right now, so he would probably diplomatically suggest she go with Rose and her team as they are better suited to helping her learn about this strange new world. He would let her know that he won't be too far away if he's needed.

So, shall we say that everyone is on their way home for this weekend?

BTW Shady feller, you seem to watch too many investigation shows.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

So who would have actually reached Rebecca first? Ron was nearby, Shady's team was nearby - Ron would have preffered to let Rose make first contact, but it all depends on the situation.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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:lol: Ron is quite the lady's man. How many do you need man? :D
Ask yourself this;
"Say what now?"
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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All off them. :twisted:
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

It looks liek events in another thread are placing Ron home again really soon - now I don't know if that means he left the party early or we've withdrawn from the town at this point.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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Rebecca wrote:...the Deep Spawn is a different matter. Conventional weapon have no effect and magic has limited effect. Attempting any psychic probe or mental connection will drive the attempting psychic mad. Energy attacks like fire or lightning will work great. Holy or magic weapons will also work.

Shame my guy's not there, I'da loved to choreograph him handing the thing its lunchbox and putting it on the bus to take it to school.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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Ron's there, that's plenty good enough.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

I think we need to have the Deep Spawn Escape, so most of the extra week was spent trying to track it down and locate the cult - both of which hit dead ends.

Ron would back the idea of Rebecca staying with Rosecrest (too many names starting with R, I feel like a pirate) because she and her group are best suited to getting Rebecca settled after such a traumatic exerience and they have a nice undisclosed location.

Ron would be heading back home to Eilonwy and Hannah.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Natasha »

I'd like to see more Heather reports. She's got a cool style, I think so and so do my friends. Good work :ok:
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

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Breathe in.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Jefffar »

I was thinking it's been too long without us retelling that.

'sides, Rebecca must be getting kinda stir crazy in her new protected place of residence, would be wanting to speak up soon
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Natasha »

Real life bomb.
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Re: Rescuing Rebbecca

Unread post by Natasha »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:Really?

That's my guess.

Or loss of interest.

I prefer the first. Though I've suffered from both.

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