[LS.org] dym's demise

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[LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by sasha »

dym's made his last public post ever, fortunately.

And his demise has been set into motion. I'm in the middle of moving again but I'm trying to stay focused on making it a good one. Really need Bert to come out of his bunker though.

Either road, just a head's up to anybody who'd like to get in on the love.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Jefffar »

Ron's going to need to be kept close to DC this summer/fall ( lots of balls in the air right now) otherwise he'd be happy to be in. Hannh is also stuck, though she'd be happy to help, if she could only find out how.

Get that smokey twerp off our screens :D

Hope the move goes well.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Jefffar wrote:Get that smokey twerp off our screens :D
Yip. Definitely.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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*sends Bert a poke*
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Yea he REALLY needs to be in on it.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Can I play too?

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Cybermancer wrote:Can I play too?


PM dym or sasha about it. :)
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Natasha wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:Can I play too?


PM dym or sasha about it. :)

I've already talked to dym as Nemesis a bit about it. :D

And I've been thinking up a couple of ideas about how dym could find himself set up, maybe.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Oh Michael is definitely in on smoking Dym, after all he won't stay still for Michel to get those magic lessons :roll:
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I don't know what the main plot is for dym's demise at the moment, but I had a thought on how he could be brought out into the open using Nemesis.

Nemesis engineers the setup by accepting dym's current job proposal. Instead of killing the mark, Nemesis engineers the mark's faked death. The mark and his body guards are put into 'protective custody' (unusual work for the mob) but the family isn't told to keep their reactions authentic. When dym makes his move on the widow, he will be exposed, his location and face now known to Nemesis. Information that can be covertly shared by PM on the boards. The best part of all this is that dym will have bankrolled the operation.

If you wanna catch an evil bastard, sick an evil bastard on them.

I figure that Nemesis doesn't see this as pro-bono work but rather payback for trying to make them look a fool. Besides, dym is picking up the tab.

From here, those who've been waiting for a chance to crack this nut will be able to. Nemesis can provide overwatch via sniper scope (and provide fire support, taking out goons and what not). Nemesis could also provide communications via disposable cell phone (although the voice will be distorted).

Other plot thoughts. Nemesis will likely be hated when it becomes known a job was accepted (I can't imagine dym keeping it to himself). A patsy may also be set up so that Nemesis can fake their own death at dym's hands. Prolly just some expendable mafia goon paid to impersonate Nemesis at a meeting where dym wants to give Nemesis a 'bonus' for a job well done.

Just some thoughts. I have no idea how they might fit in with what others have planned.

One thing I would like to maintain is that no one from the boards will see Nemesis. The only contact will be through txt, voice distorted calls and shots that seem to come out from nowhere (the shot will be hit and then be heard).
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

dym is not human. dym has never posted, just the thugs it hires and then murders. dym will have to be exposed....somehow. Something really has to go south for it to show its giant, ugly face long enough to get a shot off. Only LazloSasha and Kolya have managed to do that thus far and couldn't kill it.

It'll definitely be a BtS-style death; just not real sure of the details yet. Cybermancer, I like the way in to the adventure you have suggested. I'll ask Sasha to provide some updates and details of what he's been kicking around in his tiny little brain.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Natasha wrote:It'll definitely be a BtS-style death; just not real sure of the details yet. Cybermancer, I like the way in to the adventure you have suggested. I'll ask Sasha to provide some updates and details of what he's been kicking around in his . . . (you didn't hear it from me! [grins]) brain.

Yay! :D

Hmmm . . . what about having all his contacts killed, so he comes out in human form, and Nemesis fires on him with a bullet that should have by rights, left Dym headless from the waist down, but barely fazes him?
By the book dym can sustain thousands of points of damage so barely fazing would be an accurate way of putting it. :)

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Actually, Nemesis could fire their entire load of DUC rounds into the thing (five magazines of five rounds each) and barely phase the thing. THAT would certainly scare the boards resident assassin spitless.

I suspect that after the first two rounds had virtually no effect (perhaps aside from scaring the bejebus out of everyone who sees it), Nemesis would focus on minions or vulnerable spots like eyes. There will be a significant pause after the first two shots and the renewal of fire support while Nemesis gets a grip on what's going on... perhaps a brief mental struggle against dim? Can he reach a mind a mile away? Maybe distance is all that saves Nemesis.

For dramatic affect, dim could have assured those fighting him that the assassin was out of commission (again) but when a minion has a drop on one of the Heroes, a shot rings out...?
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Ok. Nemesis accepts the contract, but fakes the mark's death. dym will know that the mark has not been killed and will send some minions after Nemesis, but dym's minion pool is running thin thanks to the vigilance of Kolya's team and some of Katja's contract work. When dym sent minions after Caliburn they struck when he was vulnerable but he was still able to kick their teeth in. The Society will know that the minions, if they can't get Nemesis and it sounds like they can't, then they'll get the mark's family instead. Capturing the minions has never revealed too much information about old dym, but times have changed. The Society gets some good information out of the minions and if we can figure out a way to bring the hammer down on something as S.D.C.ful as dym is, then great; otherwise, we're back to just chasing him off and reducing his resources that much more. Eventually he's not going to want to play ball with the Society. Hopefully we can kill dym off though.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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If dym is sending minions after Nemesis, then Nemesis can still set up patsy to take the fall. And if the family is being targetted, that could be reason enough to get the Society involved. The Society should be informed before Nemesis fakes out dym.

As for the big bad hammer, who're the powerhouses of the Society? (Without calling in nuclear strikes or fuel air bombs?) There must be an obscure ritual or something equally plot-hammery?
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I'm shooting for 1 AUGUST to have the confrontation and probably some days leading up to it since there's a celestial event to jack up P.P.E. levels - unfortunately they jack up dym's, too. So we're looking at a nice cat-and-mouse game through some dark alleys, storm sewers, and whatnot trying to get through the remains of his minions and pin him down or something like that.

Michael T is probably the hardest hitting. Natasha's got a lot of magic potency as well. The rest of us just have some really big guns, and some physical psychic powers.

I'll leave the details to you then Cybermancer about the minions. The Society is going to want to nab one or two for interrogation, however, that's the only requirement.

Now we get to think about what information we get and what we do with it... back to the drawing board.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I could leave the minions tied up someplace... with a note attached.

"Courtesy your friendly, neighborhood hitman."

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Cybermancer wrote:Hmmm.

I could leave the minions tied up someplace... with a note attached.

"Courtesy your friendly, neighborhood hitman."

That doesn't work for hitmen, just spidermen.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

So I guess the webshooter is right out? :wink:
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Cybermancer wrote:So I guess the webshooter is right out? :wink:
Gr :badbad:
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Okay, fine. :)

But I hope no one minds if they get roughed up a bit (lot) first.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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It may add to some folks' disdain for Nemesis but with their eyes on the prize it's a small price to pay.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I think that after Nemesis' next comeback to whatever Skeptic says next, folks disdain for Nemesis won't be able to go any lower (higher?).

The bait is about to be put on the hook.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I would like to thank Skeptic, whomever they may be, for the beautiful setup. :-D
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Hm. Yes. Well...that's certainly turned ugly! :) Nicely done.

I had an idea for what's next after dym realised he's been duped. And I've passed it on to Sasha.

The minions rat out their handler with whom the Society catches up just as he's hitting the bricks hearing his own death rattle. A dark and spooky fight ensues. Whatever happens to the handler, dym's gonna act on his own. Nemesis as bait, dym comes out to take a bite. Hammer down.

All this and Nemesis still doesn't have to be seen, and the deed will speak for itself. LazNat for one will no longer think Nemesis a money-loving whore at least. :)

So here's the chronology.

1. Contract accepted.
2. Target's death faked.
3. dym sends minions after Nemesis.
4. Nemesis delivers minions.
5. Minions rat out handler.
6. Fight with handler.
7. dym goes solo after Nemesis.
8. dym gets severely beaten maybe even dead.

We'll need to organise everybody that's participating and start some creative writing.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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But Nemesis IS a money loving whore!

Anyway, looks good to me.

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Cybermancer wrote:But Nemesis IS a money loving whore!

Anyway, looks good to me.

That's true. Maybe she won't change her mind hehe.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Natasha wrote:1. Contract accepted.
2. Target's death faked.
3. dym sends minions after Nemesis.
4. Nemesis delivers minions.
5. Minions rat out handler.
6. Fight with handler.
7. dym goes solo after Nemesis.
8. dym gets severely beaten maybe even dead.
Ok. We'll let Nemesis handle items 1-4; handle in any way you like.

Where is the handler? The US, Russia, Mozambique? We'll have to get on creative writing for that encounter as soon as possible since Item #1 has just happened. :)

Nemesis can decide how dym comes out to play and we'll need to do the writing for that as well.

I'd like to get the groundwork finished as soon as possible. I'll try to remember my Messenger password. :-)

We'll need to organise everybody that's participating and start some creative writing.
So far we've got Cybermancer, Technocrat, Nemesis, and Michael T. I'll contact Bert and I'll use Scotty, perhaps, too. If any of this takes place in Russia we got Kolya's team: Kolya, me, and Natasha.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I'm still working out #2 and #3 but for #4 I'd like to mail the minions to someone, frieght. :-o

Hey Jeffar, how would Ron handle a couple of COD's? :lol: Actually, if you're busy, anyone will do. It's just that he's convienent because he has that gunstore and Nemesis has already contacted him about special ammo.

I've got an idea for the post that Nemesis will use to draw out dim, when the time comes.

Before I do too much on the actual set up, I'm going to need a bit (and by a bit, I mean a lot) of information about dym.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Depends on the client and timeline and what's in the order.

Better hurry though, Ron may be having a going out of buisness sale this summer, without the sale.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Invoice: Goons, hired goons X2
Sent: Dym's Nemesis
Recieved: Ron Caliburn

Would the middle of July be too late? Say the 14th or so?
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Sending Ron the Goons won't cause much of an issue at least until early August.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Cybermancer wrote:Before I do too much on the actual set up, I'm going to need a bit (and by a bit, I mean a lot) of information about dym.
Ok. I'll think where to start.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I learned in your PM that dym is a Gaqua. I nearly bust a gut laughing when I read that, because it was just so perfect. You see, Nemesis was definitely manipulated onto the boards by a Gaqua and why just crystalized so very nicely.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Damn those Goqua
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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I'm just having too much fun, thinking up taunts for dym.

For example:

Nemesis sings the hits:

One, Two,
Buckle my shoe.
Three, Four,
Shut the door.
Five, Six,
Pick up sticks.
Seven, Eight,
Lay them straight.
Nine, ten,
Do it again!

Gee dym, that was fun. Wanna send me some more of your goons for me to count with?

Nemesis plays learns numbers:


Today’s slaughter has been brought to you by the numbers ten and by the letters d, m and the vowel, y.

Nemesis plays cowboys and Indians:

One little, two little, three little thugs! Four little, five little, six little thugs! Seven little, eight little, nine little thugs! Ten little thugy boys!

Nemesis is worried that playtime may soon be over:

What’s the matter dym, getting tired of the number ten? You only sent six of your henchmen after me that time! Oh! You’re not running out, are you? I hope not! They’re, oh so much fun!

The number ten is apparently a recurring theme in childrens songs and shows. I think I'll have to scale it back some or only use one of the rhymes when the time comes. Still, the brainstorming is fun.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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How does everyone feel about staging the final battle in the Canadian Rockies?
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Cybermancer wrote:Sasha,

I learned in your PM that dym is a Gaqua. I nearly bust a gut laughing when I read that, because it was just so perfect. You see, Nemesis was definitely manipulated onto the boards by a Gaqua and why just crystalized so very nicely.
I love it when a plan comes together.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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As do I. ^^
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Cybermancer wrote:How does everyone feel about staging the final battle in the Canadian Rockies?
Is that different from US Rockies?
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Depends how far south you go. In any case, I'm more familar with the Canadian ones than the American ones and can drive to them if I want to take a look for some nifty scenery.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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And pictures. :)
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Actually, my room mate just went for a camping trip in the mountains, so he should be bringing back some pics.

Last time I was up there, there was a really nice, thick, creepy fog.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Last summer we camped out in a cemetery in autumn.

Squirrels in dry leaves is spooky at 2AM.

To be honest it's a bit unnerving at 2PM. :lol:
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

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Haven't been to the Canadian Rockies in years, likewise the American ones.

Preferred the Canadian ones.

I remember driving through Roger's Pass, we drove up into the clouds, then came out and drove on top of them.
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I thought they could be both remote and creepy enough to have a decent BtS style show down.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Cybermancer »

The more, the merrier, I say. And we could use the extra help when the time comes.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Garm »

Well Sasha already knows what Michael has planned for Dym in this round. I figure it will be a good shock for most every one, including Dym that it happens again. Of course it will be the last time Michael can use this trick, but he would gladly do it just because Dym pi**ed him off.

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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

sasha wrote:Last summer we camped out in a cemetery in autumn.

Squirrels in dry leaves is spooky at 2AM.

To be honest it's a bit unnerving at 2PM. :lol:
It was Hit Squirrel. :P
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Re: [LS.org] dym's demise

Unread post by Natasha »

Garm wrote:Well Sasha already knows what Michael has planned for Dym in this round. I figure it will be a good shock for most every one, including Dym that it happens again. Of course it will be the last time Michael can use this trick, but he would gladly do it just because Dym pi**ed him off.

Ain't angry mages a peach?
Oh should be a whale of a time. Sorta. ;-)

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