Arcanist from BTS1

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Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by barna10 »

Under "Practiced Use of Magic" it states that "..,the character has the knowledge, training and energy to use any type of Magic."

Would you take this to mean any type of spell magic or circles and wards as well?
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Spell magics. He'd be able to figure out some basic principles of other magics, but he's not going to be able to use them (beyond spell magic adaptations and what anyone can do).
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Jefffar »

In BTS magic is much more ritualized than in other Palladium games. Further, some protection circles and wards do actually appear in the spell list.

So I'd say that, yes, witht he proper research, he might be able to - but learning them would take the place of spells that are learned.

Alternatively, adapt the diabolist and summoner.
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

barna10 wrote:Under "Practiced Use of Magic" it states that "..,the character has the knowledge, training and energy to use any type of Magic."

Would you take this to mean any type of spell magic or circles and wards as well?

IMHO, it means that the arcanist can use both invocations and rituals, and is not restricted to a particular subset of either (e.g. curses, healing, illusions, summoning, etc.). However, it is reasonable to allow the arcanist to use other forms of magic if such are allowed in the campaign. Afterall, the BTS1 arcanist is the only true magician in the entire world, and it stands to reason that different magical traditions would produce different kinds of magic. Magic with a regional flavor is most appropriate, such as Necromancy & Bone Magic, Russian Fire Magic, and Chi Magic, but Elemental Magic, Circle Magic, Wards, and so forth are not entirely inappropriate, although I would discard the Palladium runes, mystic symbols, and power words in favor of real-world equivalents (the circles themselves have some similarities to icelandic galdramyndir and germanic hexcraft, so they probably don't need much modification).
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Natasha »

Jefffar wrote:Alternatively, adapt the diabolist and summoner.
I'd say this is the way to go.
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Jefffar »

Incidently, was leafing through Conversion Book 1 and according to it, the Arcanist can learn Protection Circles and how to read/recognize runes.
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Natasha »

Learn as in build and use or just recognise?

I can buy recognisation pretty easily anywhere. On BtS-earth I wouldn't let them build or use them. On other words, I wouldn't either.
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Jefffar »

It seems to indicate use Protection Circles and at least read and recognize runes.
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by runebeo »

Has the Arcanist O.C.C. been updated in any of the Rifters yet?
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Library Ogre »

I'll point out that the Arcanist in BTS-1 predated PFRPG2, which cut a lot of the cross-class magic out of PFRPG1
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Re: Arcanist from BTS1

Unread post by Natasha »

Mark Hall keepin it real, yo.

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