Rathorc's New Mutants

Ninja mutant creatures unite. Here's the place to do it.

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Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

This is actually my 1st mutant post (meaning that this is the 1st mutant that I created & posted) Can everyone tell me what they think??? I'd like to know what everyone thinks.

Jersey Devil (Chimera)
Description: The Jersey Devil is said to be the undying, demonic offspring of a cursed woman by the name of Mrs. Leeds. Either way, sightings of the fearsome, New Jersey resident go back hundreds of years, though descriptions of the beast vary wildly from that of a dragon, to a winged stag to a Bigfoot-like creature. By some reports it is known to prey on livestock, terrorize naughty children, and pepper snowy rooftops with it's hoof-prints. In actual fact, the Jersey Devil is a mutant that Mrs. Leeds discovered & took pity upon. As the mutant grew, Mrs. Leeds found out that she was sorely mistaken in the identity of the creature. It’s true origin was that it was a Grey experiment that had escaped captivity. Once it had reached adulthood, it then killed Mrs Leeds and escaped into the Pine Barrens. As a unexpected side-effect of it’s origin, it is able to mate with humans to produce offspring that look like itself, which explains the source of the legends that it could live for so long.
Size Level: 12.
Height: to 7-8 feet tall.
Weight: to 150 pounds.
Build: Long.

Total BIO-E: 10
Attribute Bonuses: +5 P.S., Beastly Strength, -3 P.B.,

Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically None.
Looks: Automatically None & Weird: Looks like an bipedal deer with glowing red eyes, bat-like wings, sharp teeth and short, blunt snout, and a long tail that has an arrow-like point at the end. It also has talon-like nails at the end of the fingers.

Natural Weapons:
Automatically has 2D6 damage Canine Teeth.
Automatically 1D6 Talons.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Hooves.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Antlers.
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Canine Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Advanced Hearing.
Automatically has Leaping: Rodent.
Automatically has Extra Limbs: Wings.
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
5 Bio-E for Glide
5 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
5 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Taste.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically has Nocturnal.
Automatically has Diet: Carnivore.
-10 BIO-E for Reptilian Brain: Predator.
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness.
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.

Please tell me what you all think. Be as harsh as possible.
(Authors Note: Fixed).

Rathorc Lemenger.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Mutant

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Probably better if used as an NPC Monster
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

It IS my 1st one, so I'm bound to make some mistakes. But then again, doesn't everyone??

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

I'm so sure, Duck-Foot-Sama. :lol: :D :lol: :lol: I'm pretty sure that even YOU made some mistakes.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Another 1 for all of you:
Ufiti (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The ufiti is an animal that looks like something between a chimp and a gorilla, but closer to a chimp. It is reported in native folklore from Malawi, an area where chimps are not supposed to live. Similar creatures that seem halfway between chimp and gorilla have been reported from elsewhere in Africa, where they are given local names, such as the Koolokamba, the Choga, the Bondo ape, the Dodieka, and the Bili ape (of the Bili Forest in the Congo).
This creature was scoffed at until a single example was captured alive near the Limpasa River. A female, this animal proved to be a chimp, but one so different that it might count as a new subspecies. She was huge, black in color, and had a "silverback" like a silverback gorilla, a gray saddle-shaped marking that is only found in male gorillas, not in chimps, let alone female chimps. She certainly fit the Ufiti described in folklore.
Unfortunately, she died in an English zoo in 1964 and there has not been much interest in discovering whether there are more Ufitis in Malawi. In best circumstances, the Ufiti might even be a new species, just as the Bonobo was eventually declared a separate species after being thought a mere subspecies of chimp for a long time.
Other evidence for this animal includes skins and skulls collected near the border between Gabon and the Republic of Congo. These remains exhibit characteristics of both chimps and gorillas, so that experts remain divided over whether they represent anomalous, oversized mutant chimps or undersized, weird gorillas. So far, the physical remains and the single captive Ufiti have not prompted any movement within the mainstream scientific establishment to declare the Ufiti a new subspecies or species. The evidence has sometimes been explained by saying that such individuals represent chimp/gorilla hybrids, but such hybrids are not thought to be possible.
When The Africans managed to get some of the Gene-Tech, some of the governments decided that it’d be a good idea to try to recreate the species. But unfortunately a lot of the genetic examples (namely the skulls & skins) were too warped to be of any use. So they ended up splicing the DNA of Chimpanzee’s and Gorillas in order to recreate the species.
Size Level: 11.
Height: to 6 feet (1.5 kg).
Weight: 80-175 lbs (36-79 kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 15
Attribute Bonuses: +1D6 P.S., +1 M.E., +2 M.A., & +1D8 P.S.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Partial. 5 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 for full.
Looks: Partial: Leathery face, legs are short, arms are large & long, & the character will have a lot of body hair with a silvery patch of fur on the back.

Natural Weapons: None.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Prehensile Feet.
5 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
5 Bio-E for Brute Strength.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Touch.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And another Mythos:

Mothman (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The first Mothman reports seem to date from the mid 1960s. Mothman has been sighted many places in Virginia and West Virginia, but the largest number of sightings happened in or near a place known as "the TNT Area," an abandoned ammunitions dump dating from World War II that is near Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The TNT Area is mostly forest, dotted with numerous grassy clearings and concrete domes. It is also riddled with abandoned tunnels, most of which have collapsed, been sealed off, or became flooded with water. A wildlife sanctuary adjoins the TNT Area, and the whole region in and near the TNT Area is sparsely populated, with a great deal of nearly impenetrable wilderness. The system of dirt roads in the TNT Area form a popular hang out for hunters, lovers and naughty teenagers.
Mothman is described as being gray (or possibly brown) in color. He does not wear clothing, or if he does, it is tight-fitting, exactly the same color as the rest of his body, and blends in perfectly with his skin. He looks like his body is generally human in shape, with two notable exceptions. He has huge wings instead of arms, and he has gigantic red eyes that glow. The details of his face and his feet have never been adequately described. Only one witness ever saw the face clearly, and she could only say that the details were horrible and monstrous. She had terrible nightmares and nearly suffered a nervous breakdown. Anyone who gets a close look at Mothman seems to suffer from extreme fear and psychological distress, sometimes lasting for months or years afterwards, all out of proportion to how scared they ought to be. In particular, people say that a sense of pure evil overcomes them when they see Mothman's eyes.
Mothman is perhaps four or five feet tall when standing. He can fold his wings and walk with a weird shuffle that many witnesses compare to a penguin. When he flies, he unfolds his wings and shoots straight up with great speed, then levels out to go wherever he wants to go. He has never been observed flapping his wings, not even on take-off. He just holds then straight and stiff. He can fly much faster than any bird should be able to fly, as measured by those victims who suffered from what seems to be Mothman's favourite activity: chasing cars.
Mothman sightings have been associated with at least two other cryptids. Gigantic thunderbirds with gray bodies and red heads were sighted in the same area at the same time by a few witnesses. There was also a bizarre hairy humanoid of the type that researchers call "big hairy monsters" or "hairy bipeds." This big hairy monster was quite weird because it was headless. The only footprints that have ever been associated with Mothman sightings are very bizarre, consisting of footprints that are unmistakably those of a dog mixed with a few classic Bigfoot footprints. However, these dog footprints have two abnormal characteristics. They are far too big for any known dog, and are pressed into the soil so deeply that they suggest the animal must have weighed several thousand pounds. So far, nobody has claimed to see the giant dog that is suggested by these footprints.
Since there only seems to be one Mothman instead of a bunch of his kind, and since he seems rather paranormal, these sightings are not of much interest to cryptozoologists. Cryptozoologists want to discover new kinds of creature, not hunt for ghosts and spooks. Those who have looked into the problem have suggested Sandhill Cranes, thunderbirds, or some variety of unknown bird or giant bat.
In actual truth, Mothman is an escaped Gray genetic abomination that was created by combining bat, falcon, gorilla and bear.

Size Level: 14.
Height: To 10 feet.
Weight: To 1,000 lbs.
Build: Medium/Short (in the sense that the character is of medium general height but the main trunk is short).

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0.
Attribute Bonuses: -1D4 I.Q., +1D10 (flight) Spd., +2D8 P.S., Brute Strength.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial. 5 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically None.
Looks: None: In daylight, the character looks like a bulky avian with large bat-like ears, no neck, large muscled body with thick arms and legs, barrel chest, large feathered bat-like wings and large, thick fingers with thick nails at the end of them, & large canines. It’s fur is brown to brownish-grey in color.

Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 1D6 damage Claws on hands.
Automatically gets 1D4 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Nightvision, Advanced Vision.
Automatically gets Basic Flight.
15 Bio-E for Advanced Flight (is basically Telekenetic Flight).
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-15 Bio-E for Vestigial Glowing Eyes: The eyes are only able to glow at night or in a shadowed environment.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial: Large Eyes.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-15 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's my version of a classic Mythos:

Gryphon (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: Gryphons in the AtB2 universe were created in Greece before the Crash as a guard animal to high profile buildings, by combining Lion & Eagle DNA.
Size Level: 15.
Height: 48-60 inches (1.2-1.5 m) tall at the shoulders.
Weight: 200-500 lbs (90-210 kg);
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +2 M.A., Brute Strength, +7 P.S., +2 P.P., +3 (air) Spd., +6 (land) Spd.

Human Features:
Wings: You don’t have to worry about purchasing Extra Limbs: Arms & hands due to the fact that the front legs/limbs would be considered the arms.
Hands: Automatically Partial. 5 Bio-E for full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for partial. 10 Bio-E for full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for full.
Looks: None: Looks like a Bipedal (if Full Biped is chosen) cross between a Eagle and a Lion. It has a Lions hindquarters with a long tail, it’s forequarters of a Eagle with large, feathered wings that would be able to keep it aloft with ease. It’s forelegs are the legs of a Eagle that are heavily muscled, with large talons on the ends, and feather-covered ears.
5 BIO-E for partial: Looks a little more humanoid in appearance. Looks like a large humanoid with a feather covered upper body (from Mid-Torso up) & a golden furred lower body (from mid-Torso down), has an eagle-like head with prominent feather-covered (albeit shorter feathers) ears, The beak is smaller and more blunt looking, muscular arms and legs, wide feet, Short tan or yellow fur, and a long tail.
10 Bio-E for Full: Looks like a normal person, has poutty lips, may or may not have wings, has feathers for hair, has hairy legs.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Retractable Claws.
5 Bio-E for 3D4 damage Beak.
10 Bio-E for 3D6+2 damage Retractable Claws.
10 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Beak.
10 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Razor Fingernails.
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Talons (on hands only).
15 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Talons (on hands only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
5 Bio-E for Extra Mental Affinity.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent (is not known as a great leaper).
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty.
5 Bio-E for Physical Endurance.
5 Bio-E for Physical Prowess.
5 Bio-E for Glide.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
15 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
20 Bio-E for Raptor Flight.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Diet Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 for Vestigial Wings; wings that do not work.
-15 Bio-E if no wings but a vestigial tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still look like what’s described, but without the wings.

Rathorc Lemenger.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Diet Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 for Vestigial Wings; wings that do not work.
-25 Bio-E if no wings but a vestigial tail is kept. Characters with None or Partial Looks will still look like what’s described, but without the wings.

1) Why would a griffin have nearsightedness as a possible flaw?
2) Why would not having wings be a big hindrance to a griffin, given that they automatically have extra limbs?

(Truthfully, I don't understand the bit about vestigial wings with birds in the first place, but it seems even less applicable to a griffin).
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Sorry, I'm still learning how to create mutants.
1) Why not??
2) I've fixed the Bio-E.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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1) Because I would assume that a creature with the head of a bird of prey, that has never been, to my knowledge, noted as having unusually poor eyesight, would not randomly have the option of poor eyesight.
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Re: New Mutant

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Nearsightedness is a weakness ANY animal might have(with the exception of moles), so I wouldn't claim it as a species-specific weakness...
Hmmm...what else do Felines and Raptors potentially suffer from that could be added to the list of Griffon-specific weaknesses?
Hairballs? Nah...that just doesn't make sense...
Otherwise, it looks good...
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Thanx, Taalsmn. Although I don't quite know about the hairball bit (except for maybe for felines). Right now I'm going to try to put the following up Mytho's onto the board as mutants: 1) Howler Monkey Snake, 2) Emela-Ntouka, 3) Buru, 4) Nandi Bear, 5) Mongolian Death Worm, 6) Lindorm, 7) Tatzelwurm, and others. It'll take some time for me but I'll try to put them up.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Yahudi(urban legend)---The little critter inside the refrigerator that turns the light on and off...I'm thinking a small polar bear-like mouse... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: New Mutant

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Domo-Arigato, Duck-Foot-Sama.

Rathorc Lemenger
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Exactly. I figured that I'd use those instead of going california on everyone.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Well, you have to understand Duck-Foot-Sama, that when I said the California comment I was talking about doing th ol' surfer accent deal. I was NOT trying to offend any1.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Yeah, Duck-Foot-sama. That's right. What, prey tell, are you talking about RGG??

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Here's a wierd 1 for all of you Chimaera fans out there:
Howler Monkey Snake (Chimera)
Description: The Howler Monkey Snake is a creature that was originally from legends in Northeastern Brazil. That was before what had remained of the Brazilian government had decided to create a intelligent guard creature for the last remaining military bases. The Howler Monkey Snake is a creature that is quite unique in appearance. It has a long, serpentine body that’s covered in a thin coat of fur that covers its scaly skin, a large head that resembles a monkey or sloth. The scientists that created had used both snake (namely that of a Boa Constrictor & the Sidewinder).
Size Level: 6-12.
Height/Length: 10-24 feet (commonly only 18 feet).
Weight: Up to 300 lbs.
Build: Long.

Total BIO-E: 30.
Attribute Bonuses: +4 P.S., Brute Strength, +2 I.Q., +4 P.P.

Hands: Automatically None (has no Arms, period).
Biped: Automatically None (has no legs, Period).
Speech: Automatically None.
Looks: Automatically None & Weird: Looks to be a giant, fur covered snake with a squashed canine/monkey head. It has large sharp fangs inside a jaw that can disconnect, large ears, and eyes that are on the front of the face.

Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 1D8 damage Fangs.
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Fangs.
10 BIO-E for Constrictive Body Muscle. All squeezing, whether from wrapping a flexible body around a victim, or from wrapping around arms or legs in a wrestling-style lock/hold, is stronger and quicker because of the special design of the character's muscles. The character can use these muscles with either a Body Hold, Arm Hold, Leg Hold, or Crush/Squeeze. The Holds and Crush/Squeeze attacks require a successful roll to Strike. If successful and not parried or dodged then the attacker has grabbed into the victim. Once a Hold is applied it can be held as long as the snake likes. The Crush/Squeeze requires that the victim make a save vs. blackout (14 or better, with either P.S. or P.E. bonuses added in). Failure means victim goes unconscious. The P.S. Bonus is used when the victim is struggling to escape, the P.E. Bonus is used when the victim is just struggling to breathe and stay awake. While the Crush/Squeeze continues, the victim is helpless, and the attacker can continue indefinitely, doing damage (1D6 for Normal Strength and Brute Strength, 2D6 for Beastly Strength, and 4D6 for Crushing Strength) per melee round attack. The victim cannot reduce the damage with a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
Escape from a Constrictive Hold: Victims held by constrictive body muscles can only get out with brute strength, or if released by the attacker. Several people struggling to free the victim, including the victim and any helpful friends, can try to break the hold by rolling a pure strength strike (20 sided and P.S. Bonus only). The character doing the hold then rolls to Parry (20 sided, plus P.S. Bonuses, plus bonus to Parry). Note that Brute Strength adds +5 to the attackers roll, Beastly Strength adds +10 to the roll, and Crushing Strength is so strong that it can only be beaten by another Crushing Strength involved.
15 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (must also get fangs). A hollow track in the two front fangs can inject a special poison into an opponent. This poison causes damage and possible paralysis. Victims must make a save vs. non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. Any successful attack where the poison is injected also does 1D6 damage directly to the victim's hit points with no saving throw. Injecting the poison requires a successful bite attack. The damage from the poison venom is in addition to the damage inflicted by the bite. Note: Injecting an opponent more than once increases the length of the paralysis by another 1D6 melee rounds, and does another 1D4 damage direct to hit points.
25 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom (must also get fangs). This poison causes damage and possibly a fatal coma. Victims must save vs. lethal poison to avoid falling into a coma. The roll to save must be made every melee round, until the wound is cleaned and flushed, anti-venom administered or until ten full minutes have elapsed. A failed roll, at any point means the victim has fallen into a coma. After falling into a coma, the character must then make a save vs. lethal point every fifteen minutes to avoid fatal convulsions from this poison. Victims in a coma will be in danger of dying for six hours, or until an anti-venom solution is administered. Injecting the poison requires a successful bite attack. The damage from the bit is in addition to the poison damage. Note: Injecting an opponent more than once in a single combat does an additional 1D6 damage direct to hit points plus the damage from the bite itself, but does not increase the risk from coma or death.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail (as Partial Hand). Boa Constrictor only! Not available for Emerald Tree Boa.
15 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A.R.: 8 and S.D.C.: +20.
25 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor; A.R.: 11 and S.D.C.: +30.
10 BIO-E for Advanced Tongue Touch, this ability requires the character to touch things with the tongue. Also includes Advanced Smell (again, with the tongue).
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance.
5 BIO-E for Beastly Strength.
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed.
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tongue (As Partial Hand).
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst.
10 BIO-E for Camouflage Scale Pattern (due to fur & scales).

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet Restriction: Carnivore.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal.
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's a Personal Favorite of mine:

Description: The Buru is a large reptile, similar to the Komodo Dragon, these giants are reported from remote waterways situated in valleys of the Himalaya mountains in northeast India.
Size Level: 12.
Height/Length: 20 feet (6 m).
Weight: Up to 650 lbs.
Build: Medium.

Total BIO-E: 30.
Attribute Bonuses: +2 Spd., +2 P.S., +2 P.P., +2 P.E.

Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None: The Buru looks much like a Komodo dragon, except that it is dark blue with white spots and a white belly. It has three lines of spines on the back, changing to a double row of looser fringe that runs down the top of the tail. It prefers an aquatic habitat. Thus, it can also be classified as a lake monster, if you want to get picky.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Definite snout, no external ears, scales, and a wide, powerful body. Short tail that has a fringe of skin running down it.
10 BIO-E for Full. Dark skinned and bald, with large jaw and wide features. Heavy, muscled body and limbs.

Natural Weapons:
5 BIO for 1D8 Claws: Heavy.
5 BIO-E for 1D10 Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Aquatic Swimming: 70%.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Taste.
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength.
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
5 BIO-E for Speed.
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst.
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armour; A.R.: 6 and S.D.C.: +20.
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armour; A.R.: 8 and S.D.C.: +30.
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Body Armour; A.R.: 10 and S.D.C.: +40.
15 BIO-E for Bacterial Bite. The Teeth Natural Weapons must be taken before this can be selected. On a successful bite attack, the Komodo Dragon has a 1-60% chance of injecting in the victim a deadly bacteria. This bacteria attacks the P.E. of the victim, and the victim must make a save vs. lethal poison each four hours to avoid further damage. On a successful save, the victim remains shaken and sick, but does not suffer any penalties. On a failed save, the victim loses one point of P.E. and gains a -1 to save on the next roll. When the P.E. reaches zero, the character dies, with no hope of recovery. Only a hospital, magic, or psionic healing can destroy the bacteria present in the characters body.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 BIO-E for Color Blindness.
-10 BIO-E for Poor Hearing.
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 BIO-E for Diet Restriction: Carnivore (fish).

Rathorc Lemenger.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Sorry, Duck-Foot-Sama, it was late at night, I was pretty tired.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Mongolian Death Worm (or Olgoi-Khorkhoi)
Description: This reddish creature is about two feet long and as thick as a person's arm, with no discernable limbs, head end, or tail end. It is reported from the Gobi desert on the border of China and Mongolia, one of the least explored areas in the world. It resembles a worm, or a living piece of intestine. It is also called the "intestine worm" because of how it looks, but this nickname causes it to be easily confused with intestinal worms, internal parasites such as the tapeworm that really exist and are not of interest to cryptozoology. The Mongolian death worm is not an internal parasite.
The Mongolian death worm has a reputation for being incredibly venomous and deadly. It supposedly kills camels and horses easily. It may be able to spray its venom, an ability that is found in some snakes native to environments other than Asia. It only comes above ground when it is rainy, which is only two months per year in the Gobi desert. Normally, the Mongolian death worm stays underground, out of sight.
Size Level: 2.
Height/Length: to 24 inches.
Weight: to 3 lbs.
Build: Long.

Total BIO-E: 90.
Attribute Bonuses:

Hands: None. In this case, the character has no arms whatsoever. Any objects will have to be manipulated by mouth (treat as Partial Hand), or, if available, by Prehensile Tail. The hands are basically useless and can be treated as Vestigial Hands.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The Mongolian Death Worm develops a pair of stubby (Partial) hands and short arms along the upper part of the body.
15 BIO-E for Full. Gives the mutant Mongolian Death Worm a full pair of hands, arms, and narrow shoulders.
Biped: None. Character has no legs, and moves along the ground by slithering. This is not necessarily slow; indeed, the character can maintain a rapid pace, equal to half the character's maximum Spd. attribute. The character can rear up the upper part of the body while continuing to slither (or climb) with the lower section. Climbing, provided that the character has the skill, can also be as quick as half the character's maximum Spd. (10 times Spd. equals yard/meters per minute). Full Human Looks is impossible to combine with Biped – None.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Character has two short stubby legs and feet that enable the character to move like a human. Reduce the characters Spd. attribute by 20%.
15 BIO-E for Full. Character has mutated a full set of legs and feet.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None: The Creature is a strange looking organism. It appears to be a large worm or snake, its appearance is that of an intestine with a scaly skin, thick body (as thick as a humans arm). Skin is thick & semi-hard (due to living under the sands of the Mongolian desert). Does not appear to have a face of any sort.
10 BIO-E for Partial: Develops a human-like face on 1 end of the body, which is more humanoid in appearance, which is still thick (albeit not as thick as before).
Full Human Looks are NOT possible.

Natural Weapons:
10 Bio-E for Poison Spray (same as Poison Bite).

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Worm Skin.
5 Bio-E for Digging.
10 Bio-E for Tunnelling.
20 Bio-E for Regeneration: The character heals at a rate of 1 Hit Point/S.D.C. per melee round. Any limb cut off will heal in a matter of hours. Cannot survive being decapitated though.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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I figured that I'd do something a little different. So everyone has to remember that I'm NOT trying to offend anyone with it. So here it is:

Human: Homo-Avian (A.K.A. Angel (Purebred))
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The angels of cryptozoology and the angels of theology were two very different things. Cryptozoologists were only interested in angels if they turn out to be a separate race or species of humans. When cryptozoologists were interested in angels, they based their ideas mainly on the descriptions of the "sons of God" and Nephilim that are found in the early part of the chapter of Genesis in the Bible. These angels sounded like humans, or at least they sounded humanoid. Like the yeti, they were supposed to be able to interbreed with humans, and they were by far the most carnal of all angels mentioned in the Bible.
These ideas are usually linked up with other theories about advanced civilizations existing in prehistoric times. These theories cast angels as a separate race or species of humans, perhaps homo-erectus, that jump-started the civilizations of homo-sapiens and served as our rulers, until their downfall. In other words, these theories are just like the "ancient astronaut" theories about aliens, except that they replace aliens with an earthly race or species of humans.
That was generally true until someone had found some skeletal remains buried in an ancient crypt that was thousands (if not MILLIONS) of years old. After studying the remains, both through genetic sciences & other, more traditional sciences, scientists had proven that the “Angels” really did exist at one point in prehistory. Unfortunately, some one had broken into the labs that the remains were stored in & stole them. A few months later, a group came onto the air and claimed responsibility of the theft, saying that they wanted to bring about “Heaven on Earth”. They then revealed that they had made clones of the “Angel” and sent the clones throughout the Americas. That was about 3 years before the cataclysm that had created the AtB2 universe happened.
Size Level: 12.
Height: 7 feet.
Weight: 210 lbs.
Build: Medium/Tall.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 30.
Attribute Bonuses: +2 Spd., +10 P.B., +7 Spd. (Flight).

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically Full (actually sounds like an Angel).
Looks: Automatically Perfect: Looks like a gorgeous male or female with long, (dirty or light) blond hair, small, pouty, full lips, round face, well honed body with very little or no body fat. The being also has long legs, long delicate fingers and walks with a well defined grace.

Natural Weapons: None.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Extra Limbs: Wings.
Automatically gets Advanced Vision, Advanced Touch, Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty (can be taken up to 4 times).
10 Bio-E for Glide.
15 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
20 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Color Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wings; Wings that do not work.

Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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I would really appreciate knowing if someone was planning on using these mutants that I'm posting. Also, I'd like to know how they'd work out in the seperate games that people are running.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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More items are yet to come, my friends. I'm, hopefully, sure that you MAY like them.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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As a little bit of a spoiler (if you can call it that) I'm going to post something for South America. I'll do my best to make my mutants as interesting as possible.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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And here we go for the new mutant predator for South America:

Tapire-Iauara (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Tapire-Iauara is a creature of South American myth said to be part Tapir and part Jaguar. Legends say that it was the size of a cow (whether they meant a cow or a bull is unknown); the creature has the body shape of a Tapir with a head of a Jaguar (or feline-like) but lacks the spots of a Jaguar. The fur is red, red-gold or black in color. Large, drooping ears are cow-shaped, the legs are shaped like those of a donkey, and some members of this animal may have hooves like that of a donkey on a 4 limbs, while other members of this species have paws like a jaguar's on its front feet and hooves on its hind feet.
The Tapire-Iauara is reported from remote areas of the Amazon Rainforest. It has characteristics that remind witnesses of both a tapir and a jaguar. Since the Amazon Rainforest is an area where mainstream scientists might expect to discover a new species of large mammal, the Tapire-Iauara is an exciting prospect. This creature is called several different names by natives to the area, including Tai-Acu-Iara and Onca D'agua. These names translate into various references to jaguars and tapirs, including "water jaguar" and "tapir nymph." The Tapire-Iauara is reported to live over large areas of the Amazon basin in South America, including the Orinoco River in Venezuela, the Negro River and the Madeira River in Brazil, and the Amazon River itself from Codajas to Santarem.
Like the tapir, the Tapire-Iauara leads a semi-aquatic existence. It tends to flee into the water when threatened, is an excellent swimmer, and seems to feed mostly on fish, caimans and other aquatic prey.
The Tapire-Iauara is found in the most remote swamps, sometimes also living along sluggish, swampy creeks and in floodplain lakes. The Tapire-Iauara likes to shelter in aninga groves, stands of a primitive-looking swamp shrub with heart-shaped leaves. Single animals are often sighted, but, if one is threatened, more often appear to defend their comrade. It is very rare to see more than four at once, though.
Size Level: 16.
Height: 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 m).
Weight: 1,000-2,000 lbs (450-900 kg).
Build: Short.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0.
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +12 P.S., +4 P.P., +3 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 10 BIO-E for Partial.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 for full.
Looks: None: Wide head, massive jaws, broad nose, wide set eyes & long, rounded ears on top. Thick body, thin rear limbs with hooves, fore-limbs are thick and sinuous with paws that have retractable claws.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Retractable Claws.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 2D6+3 damage Teeth.
15 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Retractable Claws.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Hooves.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.

Rathorc Lemenger.

P.S. I hope you all like it.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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I like it... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: New Mutant

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:I figured that I'd do something a little different. So everyone has to remember that I'm NOT trying to offend anyone with it. So here it is:

Human: Homo-Avian (A.K.A. Angel (Purebred))Signed,
Rathorc Lemenger.

Used a similar idea for a Three Galaxies Fan Race, the Ajemnin....humans creating a number of human variants...some as functional types(brute labor, combat) and others as aesthetically-pleasing slaves/eye candy....One of them was a sept of (non-functional) winged humans...except the wings turned out to be quite effective antennae for a psychic comm system...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: New Mutant

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Here's my version of a decent Mytho's:

Fairy (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: Fairies are creature stuff of legend & magic, originating in the 9th century A.D. They went through various incarnations ranging from small, hairy creatures to small creatures with beautiful, multi-coloured butterfly wings. One day, after reading a story involving fairies to his daughter, he decided to create a small playmate for her. He and a few other scientists started to run tests, until they figured out that they would need to splice some human DNA into the creation. They then proceeded to gene splice the Human genome with various breeds of butterfly (including the Monarch Butterfly for the wings size & shape) and some song birds.
Size Level: 2 (or 3).
Height: 1-1.5 ft (12-18 inches).
Weight: Up to 4 ounces.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 10 (for Animal Psionics & Powers).
Attribute Bonuses: +5 (Flight) Spd., +10 P.B., -5 P.S., +5 I.Q.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically Full: Has a sort of sing-song voice that‘s high pitched.
Looks: Automatically Perfect & Weird: Small, physically perfect human with large, brightly coloured butterfly wings that are as tall as them. They have large, round eyes, pointy ears, pouty, fleshy lips, long, thin sinuous arms & legs that are muscular at the same time.

Natural Weapons: None.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Basic Flight & Soaring Flight.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Touch.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Taste.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-5 Bio-E for Diurnal.
-5 Bio-E for Hyperactive (is always active & moving).
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore (eats only pollen & nectar, nothing else).

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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And another one:

Mermaid/Mermen (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The legends of Mermaids and Mermen were quite wide spread throughout the age of sail for man. Many legends associate the Mermaids & Mermen with various “lost continents” in prehistory. At one point, some marine biologists decided to create a sapient being that could probe the ocean bottoms for long periods of time without the need to come up for air repeatedly, so they combined human DNA with fish & various sea mammals to create the Merfolk.
Size Level: 13.
Height: 8 ft in length.
Weight: 800-1,400 lbs.
Build: Medium/Long.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20 (for Psionics only & Powers).
Attribute Bonuses: +20 Swim Spd., +5 P.B.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically None.
Speech: Automatically Partial.
Looks: Automatically Full & Weird: Has looks like an attractive human from the waist up, with long wavy hair. But there is a fish-like tail where the legs start with multi-coloured scales covering it.

Natural Weapons: None.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets the Swim Skill at 80%.
10 Bio-E for Dual Breathing.
5 Bio-E for Extra Swim Speed (use the same as Extra Speed).

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Gills.
-5 Bio-E for Fins on Forearms.
-5 Bio-E for Webbed Fingers.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

I'm debating about putting up is a new classification of creatures called the "Ridiculous" based off of stories of creatures told by loggers of creatures of the same genre. Such as: The Jackalope, The Inflatable Hedgehog & others that'll tickle my fancy.

Rathorc Lemenger
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's a decent mutant:

Hominid: Skunk-Ape (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: Skunk-apes are hairy humanoids sighted in many areas of North America, but especially in swamps. They were at one point part of many legends until someone decided to create a hybrid between an Ape, a Skunk, and a Grizzly Bear. They did it in such a way that they used the Bear DNA for the creature’s size.
Size Level: 13.
Height: Up to 10 ft tall but the average height seems to be about six feet.
Weight: 700 lbs.
Build: Tall.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20 (for Psionics).
Attribute Bonuses: +1D4 I.Q., +1 M.E., +2 M.A., +1D8 P.S., Brute Strength

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically None.
Looks: Automatically Partial: Leathery face, long legs & arms that reach the knees. The fur color of skunk-apes is usually dark, with many individuals who are black or deep brown, and there may be a tail, with a white streak down the back, from head to ankle with only the hands, face and feet bare. When it exists, this tail is often bushy like the tail of a wolf or fox.

Natural Weapons:
10 Bio-E for Stink Spray of Butylmercaptan (Special) (Pg. 134, AtB 2nd).

Mutant Animal Powers:
10 Bio-E for Extra Limb: Fluffy Spray Tail (Special) (Pg. 134, AtB 2nd).
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Color Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-5 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (Cannot take Spray).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by taalismn »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:I'm debating about putting up is a new classification of creatures called the "Ridiculous" based off of stories of creatures told by loggers of creatures of the same genre. Such as: The Jackalope, The Inflatable Hedgehog & others that'll tickle my fancy.

Rathorc Lemenger

Of COURSE you gotta do them!
Bored kids in the Canadian forests with genetic engineering kits going wild!

As I recall some of my old Paul Bunyan legends...besides the Side-Hill Goats, I think I recall a critter called the Walloping Wumpus, which was a bear-like creature with a weak jaw and no teeth...because it couldn't eat solid meat, it used its incredibly long, whip-like arms and mace-like paws to whip about so fast that anything it hit was shattered to jelly by either the initial shock, or by the subsequent centrifuging of the arms(they moved FAST) and the resulting pulp scooped up in the paws and slurped down by the Wumpus...

Also Javelin Snakes, that would throw themselves into the air, and then go completely rigid...they'd pierce through their victim, then drink the blood(Palladium did a variant with Arrow-Worms from the Mechanoid Invasion...they could also be confused with Giant Mosquitoes common in lumbering lore...in either case, the suggested cure is the same; advance into the woods with a wooden or metal shield. goading the critters to attack, then, as their heads protrude through the shield, slice them off, beat them with a hammer, or crimp their stingers with a pair of pliers...then sink the shield in a nearby river)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: New Mutant

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duck-foot wrote:
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:I'm debating about putting up is a new classification of creatures called the "Ridiculous" based off of stories of creatures told by loggers of creatures of the same genre. Such as: The Jackalope, The Inflatable Hedgehog & others that'll tickle my fancy.

Rathorc Lemenger

uhm.... maybe, but i wouldnt go to hog-wild with it.

Sure, there are some absurd folklores that if made flesh would expire in short-order; the Axehandle Hound, for instance, said to exist on a diet of axe handles...Sure, you could graft beaver and termite DNA into a dog, modify its gut to play host to wood-eating bacteria...but unless you splice in a dependency on varnish, creosote, or other wood-treatment chemicals(whereupon your mutant starves when civilization collapses and such products are in short supply) you end up with the equivalent of a more aggressive beaver that barks or a Doberman that can eat wooden fences...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: New Mutant

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Here's one of the "Ridiculous" creatures, as promised:

Cactus Cat (Chimera/Ridiculous)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Cactus Cat is a feline creature, from lumberjack legend, said to inhabit the United States during the 19th & early 20th centuries. After the Gene-tech was discovered & widely distributed to the general population, someone, who had an affinity for old style legends from North America, decided to have some fun by creating some of his favourite creatures. One of which was the Cactus Cat. When he created it, he combined some Bobcat DNA with some Porcupine DNA.
Size Level: 4.
Height: 32-42 inches (0.78-1 m).
Weight: 20-35 lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 70.
Attribute Bonuses: +1 M.A., +1 M.E., +3 P.P., +4 P.S., Brute Strength.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically None.
Speech: Automatically Full.
Looks: None: Looks like a Bobcat but with spines growing from the body. Has 2 tails instead of the 1, both of which has long spines along them. The spines range in length from short at the top of the head to long 3 foot spines at the tails.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Retractable Climbing Claws.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision.
Automatically gets Leaping: Feline.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
15 Bio-E for Quill Defence (Special (AtB2, pg 125)).
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Brute Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tails.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Quills: Harmless, but they rattle continuously, and shed all over the place; -30% to Prowl, +20% to Tracking rolls to follow the character.

Rathorc Lemenger.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
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Re: New Mutant

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Bravo :lol:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: New Mutant

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Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Now if it follows the usual domestic feline habit of rubbing itself up against your legs in affection, you've got problems...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: New Mutant

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Just to let everyone know, I'm presently in the process of creating the Hodag. I admit that it's going to be a somewhat hard one to create for me.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Just to let everyone know, I'm presently in the process of creating the Hodag. I admit that it's going to be a somewhat hard one to create for me.

Rathorc Lemenger.

have fun with it...folklore and mythology, especially of the modern kind, is pretty loose on specifics, so you can play around a lot with it...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: New Mutant

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Have you considered ever doing anything from the Burgess Shale biota?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: New Mutant

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Answer to Duck-Foot-Sama: Look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hodag .
Answer to taalismn: Burgess Shale biota??? I'd have to look it up before considering it.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Answer to Duck-Foot-Sama: Look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hodag .
Answer to taalismn: Burgess Shale biota??? I'd have to look it up before considering it.

Rathorc Lemenger.

here's a scale diagram with the names of some of the wilder-looking critters...

They're generally small critters, but scaled up they'd look like something out of a Godzilla flick...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: New Mutant

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As promised, here's the Hodag:

Hodag (Ridiculous)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Hodag is a creature that was said to have been found in 1893 by Mr. Eugene Shepard
from the Rhinelander, Wisconsin region of North America. But when it was admitted that the Hodag was a fake, the town eventually decided to use the creature as its mascot. When the technology of Genetic engineering was made available to the public, the town decided that they’d bring their mascot to life. They used the genetic material of a frog, an elephant, lion and some DNA from various lizards (for the spines, skin and tail) to create the Hodag.
Size Level: 8.
Length: 6-7 ft long; does not include the tail, which adds another 3.5 ft.
Weight: 120-130 lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 30 (can only be used for Size Level & Animal Powers).
Attribute Bonuses: -2 I.Q., -2 M.E., -1 M.A., Beastly Strength, +5 P.S., +3 P.P.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial.
Biped: Automatically None.
Speech: Automatically None.
Looks: None & Weird: Has a frog-like head, short limbs, scaly, reptile-like body, spines running down the back, and a long, lizard-like tail.

Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 2D4 damage Claws.
Automatically gets 1D6 damage Teeth.
Automatically gets Limited Quill Defence (Has quills running down just the spine).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Light Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 9, +20 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Medium Natural Armour: A.R.: 11, +30 S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Diurnal.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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And another one, this one for you Feline lovers:
Wampus Cat (Ridiculous)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Wampus cat is a legendary creature. This is a monster of the Fearsome Critters variety, coined by the lumberjack community of the United States. According to the tale, a Native American woman disguised herself in the skin of a Mountain Lion to spy on the men of the tribe as they sat around the campfire and told sacred stories on a hunting trip. When the woman was discovered, the tribe's Medicine Man punished her by transforming her into a half-woman, half-cat, who supposedly still haunts the forests of East Tennessee.
Another legend of the Wampus Cat comes from the Eastern part of Alabama. Supposedly, a secret program was carried out by the government in the 1940's to create an agile, fierce message carrier to be utilized on the European front during World War II, much like passenger pigeons were used in WWI. This program was based near Cheaha Mountain in the Talladega Forest, an area that was and remains very sparsely settled. The creature was part Mountain Lion and part Grey Wolf. However, several male and female specimens of the newly created species escaped and were never captured. Sightings of these hybrid creatures have been reported in the area ever since, with (supposed) sightings occurring as far south as the Everglades and as far north as the Great Smoky Mountains. They have also been blamed for breaking into chicken coops, mauling livestock, and even stalking humans. Several instances have been recorded of actual attacks, but most are believed to have been mountain lion attacks.
As it turns out, both versions actually existed (the first version though is a natural occurring mutation) before the Crash happened. But once the Crash took place, The 2 versions started to spread into other regions that were effectively lost to it when civilization abounded.
Size Level (Version 1): 11.
Size Level (version 2): 10.
Height (Version 1): 5-7 feet.
Height (Version 2): 5-7 feet long.
Weight (Version 1): 85-250 lbs average.
Weight (Version 2): 100-200 lbs.
Build (Version 1): Medium.
Build (Version 2): Long.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E (Version 1): 20.
Total BIO-E (Version 2): 45.
Attribute Bonuses: Version 1: +1 I.Q., Brute Strength. Version 2: +3 I.Q., +2 M.A., +2 M.E., Brute Strength, +5 P.S., +3 P.P., +6 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full (for the Native American version). Automatically None (for the 1940’s genetic experiment).
Biped (Version 1): Automatically Partial.
Biped (Version 2): Automatically None.
Speech: Automatically Full (For both versions).
Looks (Version 1): Automatically Partial: Looks like a woman with fur all over body, with the head of a large Mountain Lion, a tail that is as long as the legs.
Looks (Version 2): Automatically None & Weird: Looks like cross between a Mountain Lion & a Grey Wolf. Has the general body appearance of the Mountain Lion, but has a thick coat of fur in the colouration of the Grey Wolf, a Wolf-like snout & tail.

Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 1D4 damage Retractable Claws.
Automatically gets 1D6+2 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1d8+2 Damage Teeth (for Version 2 only).
10 Bio-E for 2D6+4 damage Teeth (for Version 2 only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision.
Automatically gets Advanced Smell.
Automatically gets Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Strength.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Beauty.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Diurnal.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-5 Bio-E for Color Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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duck-foot wrote:i tried doing some Vendian lifeforms, however i cannot get enough information for them. you do know taalismn that i did some Cambrian lifeforms

Yep, and I was duly impressed by them...

Oh well, I may have to do some digging for you, and pass on what I find(or try my hand at critter creation myself)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: New Mutant

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Go right ahead, my friend, no one's stopping you. In fact, I insist that everyone should/could give it a try. I'm going to TRY to add more mythic creatures myself. The only thing that I ask is that everyone should have all the information in the stat blocks (including the info for the Looks).

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Maybe we should find out more info for doing up more various Mythos mutants.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Here's one for OZ:

Drop Bear (Ridiculous)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Drop Bear is a creature from Australian Myth & legend. It was said to look like a normal Koala Bear in all looks except until it opened it’s mouth to reveal sharp teeth and large Canine teeth. The truth behind the creature is that it is of alien origin, and was created by combining Koala DNA with DNA from a predatory cat.
Size Level: 5.
Height: to 3 ft.
Weight: to 30 lbs.
Build: Short.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 30.
Attribute Bonuses: +2 P.S., +1 P.P., +2 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has 2 thumbs & 3 fingers on each hand.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has 2 thumbs & 3 fingers on each hand.
Biped: Automatic Partial. 5 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial. 10 for full.
Looks: Automatically None: Round head with large, soft nose, and huge rounded ears on top. Body is round and somewhat flabby, with thick arms and legs. Completely covered with thick, insulating fur. Has sharp, pointy teeth & retractable claws in the fingers & toes.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Climbing Claws.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Retractable Claws.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Retractable Climbing Claws.
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty.
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed.
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Feet. Use as Partial Hands.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal.
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-5 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: New Mutant

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Here's my take on the European Dragon:

European Dragon (Chimera)
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The European Dragon from legend was a large, majestic creature that was said to roam throughout Europe & Russia. It was also said to be quite intelligent, but primitive at the same time. But the Dragon from the After the Bomb was created based to have a more animal mindset. That was before the Crash happened. After the Crash, as the various normal animals were gaining sentience and more humanoid forms, the Dragon gained intelligence that was quite high, but at the same time more selfish than a creature normally would/should be. It was created by combining various mammals with some reptile species, in effect making it a warm-blooded creature. It was created using Crocodilian, Bat, Giraffe and Snake DNA.
Size Level: 25.
Length/Height: 65-80 ft long, 15 ft tall at hips (24.38m, 4.75m).
Weight: Up to 75,000 lbs (33,750 kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0.
Attribute Bonuses: Beastly Strength, +12 P.S., + 5 I.Q.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically None.
Speech: Automatically Full.
Looks: None: Looks like your basic European Dragon. A large reptile with a long neck, large jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth and forward facing eyes on a large, long head, bat-like wings, large scaly body ending in a long tail. Its large, powerful legs end in large, clawed feet.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 4D6+3 damage Serrated Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on hind feet).
10 Bio-E for 4D6 damage Scythe Claws (on front feet/hands).
10 BIO-E for 4D6 damage Whipsaw Tail: Counts as one extra attack per melee round, the top of the tail is covered with razor-sharp serrations, like the blade of a steak knife, and inflicts 4D6 damage per strike, plus P.S. Bonus.
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom: A hollow track in the two front canines/fangs can inject a special poison into an opponent. This poison causes damage and possible paralysis. Victims must make a save vs. non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. Any successful attack where the poison is injected also does 1D6 damage directly to the victim's hit points with no saving throw. Injecting the poison requires a successful bite attack. The damage from the poison venom is in addition to the damage inflicted by the bite. Note: Injecting an opponent more than once increases the length of the paralysis by another 1D6 melee rounds, and does another 1D4 damage direct to hit points.
35 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom Mist: This poison causes damage and possibly a fatal coma. Victims must save vs. lethal poison to avoid falling into a coma. The roll to save must be made every melee round, until the lungs are flushed, anti-venom administered or until ten full minutes have elapsed. A failed roll, at any point means the victim has fallen into a coma. After falling into a coma, the character must then make a save vs. lethal point every fifteen minutes to avoid fatal convulsions from this poison. Victims in a coma will be in danger of dying for six hours, or until an anti-venom solution is administered. Injecting the poison requires a successful bite attack. The damage from the bit is in addition to the poison damage. Note: Injecting an opponent more than once in a single combat does an additional 1D6 damage direct to hit points plus the damage from the bite itself, but does not increase the risk from coma or death.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Hearing & Advanced Vision.
Automatically gets Extra Limbs: Wings & Glide.
5 Bio-E for Basic Flight.
5 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
10 Bio-E for Soaring Flight.
10 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed.
10 Bio-E for Extra Flying Speed.
15 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A.R. 9, S.D.C.: +25.
15 Bio-E for Raptor Flight.
30 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor: A.R. 12, S.D.C.: +40.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail (can not be combined with Whipsaw Tail, above).
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal.
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Wings.
-15 BIO-E for No Tail and Wings at all -or- -20 BIO-E if no Wings but a Vestigial Tail is kept.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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