Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by csbioborg »

Have you seen that history channel epidosde on japns and germany's experimetnal weapons. THey built a microwave beam weapon BUt never got it its range up to being feasible beyond defense. Towards the end of the war there were plans to line the coast of Japan with large microwaves disks to cook the incoming GIs but the bomb took care of that

I'd wonder what a rifts scientist could do with that.
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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Actually, I would say a Willygun would be similar to the Megaversal Legion's I-beams... the I-Beam basically creates a field where the round is able to accelerate to huge velocities, similar to the vacuum creator of the Willygun.

And when I was in NJROTC, my chief told us about working on the Ariskani in the engine room and cutting boards with steam as an example to new folks.
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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

'willyguns' sound like EIPP weapons from RIFTs:Austrialia loaded with WI explosive rounds.

there are a few more concepts to look at.

mention was made of microwave weaponry. well, where the japanese failed in the 1940's, the US Marines didn't. the Active Denial System uses a microwave beam to generate pain on any living thing it sweeps across. the army is using it as a 'less than lethal' crowd control option.

a similar application of microwave technology can be found in the ASEA Radar arrays on the F-22 and F-35, as well as many other modern and recently refitted aircraft. these phased radar arrays can be focused into a very narrow beam, which can generate an EMP effect on technological devices it hits. think of it as a very hard to aim EMP gun.

speaking of EMP, the E-bomb is a technology i could see many post-rifts groups taking interest in, especially freedom fighters vs. the CS. while computers and stuff can be hardened against EMP, they cannot be made immune. (just very hard to effect)

in regards to less than lethals, Sticky Foam is a wonderful anti-infantry and especially, anti-robot option. generally this would require a material that rapidly set into a hard substance once exposed ot air. you could gum up the joints of body armor, robots, or the treads and bogies of tanks. plus you could cover sensors and view slits, rendering the occupants blind.

or how about the Leyden ball, electrically charged bullets fired from airguns. good for incapacitating targets.

note, most of these work best against SDC targets, or against unshielded electronics...
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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Arcanus wrote:
Deacon wrote:3. 'Water lasers'

And of course, there's the question of what this would do to, say, a Vampire...

I love the water laser idea! That would rock when fighting vampires. However, I don't think the speed/pressure/force of the water affects how much damage it would do to a vamp, I think the volume of water they are exposed to affects how much damage is done to them. I'm too lazy to check the vamp book... I could be wrong, it's been years since I read it. Even so, fighting a vampire with a water laser would be fun! :)

I don't think he was meaning it so much as a weapon but as a tool. If you watch American Chopper, they use one fairly often.
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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by GhostKnight »

Wili gun won't work like a rail gun. There is a limit as to how fast the gas expands - something that makes current rifles so hard to increase velocity any faster. A rail gun or gauss rifle is only limited by the speed of electricity instead of expanding gases, so can have a velocity several times or better than gas propelled bullets.

It might be used to propel grenades though.
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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

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No Conversions & Why wrote:No Conversions & Why
To those of you who post conversions of other fictional characters (or game rules) to Palladium’s rules and settings, please stop.

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Yes, that sucks, but it’s the way it has to be.

Over the years, I’ve used my share of literary characters in my own gaming sessions. Doctor Who, Doctor Doom, Darth Vader, Freddy Krueger, and the entire cast of characters from the old, Marvel Comics War of the Worlds (Martians included), have ALL made appearances in my adventures at one time or another. HOWEVER, I did so in the privacy of my own home with my select gaming group, not posted online for the entire world to see. The former is okay, posting or offering them online is NOT.

Believe me, I know how you feel, too. Why only just recently, a magazine got the rights to have several companies (Palladium Books among them) stat out and “publish” the game stats for the Aliens and Predators. We spent an entire day, not only doing the stats for an Alien, but the typesetting and color page layout for the magazine. It was fun and cool. Alien, Aliens and Predator are three of my favorite films, and these beings make great RPG villains. It was awesome to have the chance to do something “official” with these characters. Everything was done and ready to go when the film company who owns the Trademark and Copyrights changed its mind and killed the deal. We felt cheated and disappointed. All that effort for nothing. A day’s work and a week’s worth of excitement down the drain. We knew fans would have loved seeing these stats, it was a bummer! But that’s the way the cookie crumbles. I can’t just post the Alien’s stats online because I happen to have them done or because I know others would love to see those stats. I don’t own the Aliens, and to post them would be unfair to the true owner – not to mention copyright infringement.

Without going into all the particulars and interpretations of the copyright law, suffice it to say that we’d be taking someone else’s intellectual “property” and using it for our own purpose without permission, which is against the law. Moreover, we’d be posting it online where thousands and thousands of people could see, download and use the material, which is “distribution,” and also illegal according to copyright law. It doesn’t matter that we aren’t charging a penny for it, or that our intentions are good or playful, the Aliens are NOT ours to use. It’s pretty much as simple as that. And it’s not “personal use” since potentially thousands of people are being exposed to the material.

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Maybe it would help if you try to think of these fictional characters, equipment, places and game rules as actual, “physical properties” rather than as “words and ideas.” You wouldn’t like it if your online buddy just “took” and “used” your car without asking, even if he brought it back in perfect condition with a tank full of gas. It’s not his to “take and use” any time he pleases. It’s basically the same with fictional characters and other companies game rules.

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THE BOTTOM LINE: Please don’t convert and post Palladium characters and/or rules to other games. Don’t convert the fictional characters, space ships, monsters, gear and copyrighted images or text created by other companies and individuals to Palladium’s game rules, either. Don’t post them online or share them with others through invitations online via e-mail and downloads. If you have such “conversions” online right now – please remove them. Thank you.

I hope this clarifies the situation about conversions (just don’t do ‘em). Thanks for listening.

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Re: Future Weapons, a Discussion for Rifts

Unread post by NMI »

Locked due to discussion of willygun and how it would work in Palladium.
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