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Unread post by Iczer »

Action figures [Major]
'Lets go my diminutive army!!!'

The character can grow small copies of himself from his own flesh.( 5-7 inches tall)
The character can grow one little duplicate per PE point, Plus 2 per level. Each duplicate has the following powers and abilities.
* IQ, ME and MA: Equal to the characters
* PS 1 (normal) though if they gang up on a task, they may add their scores together to move something. does no damage in HTH combat
* PE 6
* HP 1
* PP equal to the character's.
* SDC 5 +1 per level.
* Spd: equal to the character +2 per level.
* HTH skills: equal to the character Tiny size means that they are -4 to be struck in hand to hand combat and -6 with ranged combat. The swift little guys also have an auto dodge (+4)
Skills: Posess a passing (-30%) knowledge of the characer's skills, but have an innate climb (77% +1% per level) and prowl (88% +2% per level)
* No Powers: the duplicates do not have any special powers aside those listed.

Communication: All miniatures are in direct communication with the character over a distance of 50 miles per level, acting as spies and instantaneous communication systems
Mini assist: miniatures add +15% to skills where it is feasable for them to assist. mostly this is working on delicate electronics where their altered viewpoint can assist, but can even be used in surgery.
Co-Ordination: a liberal sprinkling of mini selves on a battle field can assist greatly. If the character has 6 or more duplicates deployed in combat, their combined points of view allow the character to posess an auto dodge, +2 to dodge, +3 to strike in ranged combat and can alert for suprise attacks.
Thrown weapon: as a thrown weapon, a duplicate inflicts 1d4 damage plus PS damage bonus. a duplicate can be 'shot' out instead, out to 50 feet inflicting 3D6 damage. shot duplicates take 2 points of damage, thrown ones take 1. a duplicate can be used as ammunition (gun limb, alter limbs add +1 damage per level) or with other object manipulation powers (charge objects with explosive energy)

Dead duplicates: a deceased duplicate can be regrown in 1 hour. the character does not suffer for the loss of a duplicate.
Other benefits: +2 PE +15 SDC.

Dehydrate [Major]
'You are looking bit Parched action Guy. You want to perform more derring do now or would you like a rest?'

The character can suck the water from a target, causing discomfort, misery and death. The character need only target a living ( actions)ased creature within 60 feet to make this work. The selected target must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply). if he fails, water leaks from his body and shoots out to the character (who can absorb it if he likes or let it rain like mist) The target loses 3D6 SDC (+2 per level) and becomes fatigued (-1 action, half speed, -2 to all combat penalties).
A target already fatigued by this power, and who fails a saving throw, loses 3D6 SDC (+2 per level) and 1D6 HP (+1 per level) as well as losing an attack from the shock

Characters suceptible to dehydration take an extra 20% damage and are -2 to save. Characters who are composed of water cannot save, and take 1D4x10 SDC damage (+5 per level).

Toad skin: [minor]
'Yeah boy..let's wrestle'

The character's skin is porous and lumpy, with rigid texture. (this can be permanent at the character's option, or something that can be turned on and off) The skin provides the following benefits.
+10% to swimming skill (Or natural swim of 60%)
+20 SDC
AR 9
+1 PE
In addition, the character is mildly toxic. any one biting the character, or anyone grappling with the character will start absorbing toxins through the skin (or mouth in the case of bite) The target must make a saving throw Vs Toxins (lethal) or become nauseous (-1 attack, -5% off all skills and -1 from all combat skills for the characters PE minutes)
Continued contact ( a second bite or a grapple held for more than one melee) forces a saving throw vs lethal poison or take 1D4 SDC damage (+2 per level).
Tragets with heightened senses of smell will be aware of the consequences of touching this character.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Public Thoughts(Minor)

This power causes the stream of thought of the target to become audible AS IF THEY WERE BEING ANNOUNCED OVER A PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM for all to hear. Their thoughts are broadcast in the language they are thinking in, at 80 decibels, even if the target is mute or otherwise unable to speak. This power can prove enlightening, revealing the target’s thoughts and immediate plans, or embarassing, as their unvoiced thoughts suddenly find themselves blared out for everybody to hear.
Mind Block psionics and magic can prevent this power from taking hold to begin with. Once activated, people can attempt to make a save vs their ME to try to control their stream of thought and pinch off the power if it is maintained on them, though this takes up an APM on their part, and -1 to initiative as they concentrate on controling their thoughts.
Range: 60 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: Costs 1 action/attack per melee to maintain
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:Action figures [Major]
'Lets go my diminutive army!!!'

The character can grow small copies of himself from his own flesh.( 5-7 inches tall)
The character can grow one little duplicate per PE point, Plus 2 per level. Each duplicate has the following powers and abilities.
* IQ, ME and MA: Equal to the characters
* PS 1 (normal) though if they gang up on a task, they may add their scores together to move something. does no damage in HTH combat
* PE 6
* HP 1
* PP equal to the character's.
* SDC 5 +1 per level.
* Spd: equal to the character +2 per level.
* HTH skills: equal to the character Tiny size means that they are -4 to be struck in hand to hand combat and -6 with ranged combat. The swift little guys also have an auto dodge (+4)
Skills: Posess a passing (-30%) knowledge of the characer's skills, but have an innate climb (77% +1% per level) and prowl (88% +2% per level)
* No Powers: the duplicates do not have any special powers aside those listed.

Communication: All miniatures are in direct communication with the character over a distance of 50 miles per level, acting as spies and instantaneous communication systems
Mini assist: miniatures add +15% to skills where it is feasable for them to assist. mostly this is working on delicate electronics where their altered viewpoint can assist, but can even be used in surgery.
Co-Ordination: a liberal sprinkling of mini selves on a battle field can assist greatly. If the character has 6 or more duplicates deployed in combat, their combined points of view allow the character to posess an auto dodge, +2 to dodge, +3 to strike in ranged combat and can alert for suprise attacks.
Thrown weapon: as a thrown weapon, a duplicate inflicts 1d4 damage plus PS damage bonus. a duplicate can be 'shot' out instead, out to 50 feet inflicting 3D6 damage. shot duplicates take 2 points of damage, thrown ones take 1. a duplicate can be used as ammunition (gun limb, alter limbs add +1 damage per level) or with other object manipulation powers (charge objects with explosive energy)

Dead duplicates: a deceased duplicate can be regrown in 1 hour. the character does not suffer for the loss of a duplicate.
Other benefits: +2 PE +15 SDC.


I see G.I. Joe and the Army Guys from 'Toy Story'... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

Ouch...yeah, I can see this power as part of some truly nasty villians..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

So nasty I think it may qualify as a major, not a minor, but that is just my OP.
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“The Wall-Crawler? I’ve left him a little surprise on the ledge...”
This is the ability to produce invisible pockets of semi-stable energy inside material, just under the surface, that explode with grenade-like force when touched/disturbed. The mines can be placed in horizontal or vertical surfaces, but cannot be placed inside living materials(including live trees, animals, and other beings). The material must also be relatively solid and stable (no exploding curtains or streams, for example, but mining the windowsill or creek bed is all right). The power-mines can be detonated by touching the patch of altered material, or remotely by the creator.
Power-mines produced in this manner are normally invisible, but CAN be seen by energy-sensitive powers like Supervision and Danger Sense. Beings normally sensitive to PPE can also sense the presence of power-mines.
Range: Touch or 10 ft per level of experience
Damage: 4d6, +1d6 per level of experience, blast radius of 3 ft, + 1 ft per level of experience.
Duration: Power-Mines last 3 minutes + 1 minute per level of experience, or until detonated. The super-being can also explode them remotely, or disipate them harmlessly at will.
Payload: The super-being can generate as many Power-mines as he has P.E. points HALVED, rounding down(so a P.E. of 14 means the being can generate 7 mines), +1 per level of experience, at a time.
Note: Power-Mines CANNOT be stacked one on top of the other; they must beat least their blast radii apart in distance.
Note 2: If the super-being has any other energy ability or Alter Form ability with energy projection capabilities, they may opt to have the Power-Mines take an aspect f that energy ability; i.e., if the superbing has a fire projection power or electrical shock attack, the power-mines may take the form of a pillar of fire or an arc of electrical energy.
Other Bonuses: The super-being will also be able to see the power-mines produced by other beings with this power.

Auto-Immune Vulnerability(Minor)
“ can dish it out but you can’t take it? Too bad.”
This power turns the target’s own powers against themselves. Conditions that the superbeing would normally be immune to as part of their power(s) now have effect on them and do HALF damage to the wielder when the power is used. For example: Zero-K winds up for his dreaded Frostbite attack when the Humbler hits him with this power....Zero-K gets off his attack all right, but his normal immunity to cold is neutralized, and Zero-K suddenly feels his arms go numb with cold, and his fingers blacken with frostbite.
Beings making melee attacks with enhanced strength or superpowered limbs will take HALF the inflicted damage to that particular body part as they briefly become vulnerable to their own strength. Example: Elbows balloons his arms to Prodigous Limb size and clocks Chi Master. Chi Master takes damage as normal from the attack, but Elbows stumbles back, sucking his unexpectedly bruised and bloodied knuckles.
This power does NOT work on powers that do NO damage. Defensor is perfectly safe inside his forcefield, but The Salamander will find that her Barrier of Fire is unexpectedly baking her inside its circle of fire. Nor does it work on handheld weapons like handguns or blades, so the superbeing is still vulnerable to snipers and baseball bats.
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: Costs 1 action/attack per melee to maintain
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Iczer »

Radiation emission: [Major]
'Things are about to get very hot in here'

The character can emit radiation across numerous bands, ranging from heat, to light to even mild electromagnetic pulses.
1) radiation blast: the character can shoot out bands of radiation out to 500 feet with +3 to strike, inflicting 3D6 damage plus 1D6 per level of experience. Damage can alternate between light (laser) or heat as the character desires. each blast counts as one melee action.
2) radiation pulse: the character can instead, pulse radiation. as a flash of light, all targets within 30 feet must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be blinded by the flare of light (-6 to strike/parry and dodge for 1D4 melee rounds). As an electromagnetic pulse, all electrical, and unshielded targets within 50 feet are subjected to 3D6 damage, and have a 30% chance of simply shutting down. A heat pulse inflicts 5D6 damage from pure heat to a bitterly small 2 foot radius. Each pulse requires 2 actions to perform.
3) other benefits. The character is immune to radiation, taking half damage from light and laser based attacks, and none from radiation or heat. The character also enjoys a bonus of +30 to SDC.
4) radiation emmission: The character can emit harmfull radiation at will (unlike control radiation, this is not automatic). any target of the above powers, has a percentage chance of acquiring radiation sickness. this chance is equal to the character's PE score, plus 2% per level. the character can reduce this to nothing if he so desires. (details regarding radiation sickness can be found on page 268 of Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition)

Power piracy [Major]
'Let's just round up you super hooligans for a little breakfast'

The character can rob a target of their superhuman energies, tuning them into norishment and energy.
The character must touch a target, who takes 2D4 damage from this (+1 per level. cannot be combined with a melee attack) and who must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) if failed, the target loses a random minor power. If the target lacks any minor powers, then a major one is reduced to the power and effectiveness of a minor power, or in the case of psionics, the target loses 4D6 ISP.
The character can use these superhuman energies to feed himself. one touch can provide any one of the following benefits.
* +10 PS
* +30 Spd
* +5 to PP or PE
* Heal 20 SDC or HP damage (this effect is permanent)
* Grant one extra attack per melee
* Create a force field with 15 SDC around the character
* Grant an extra +1 to strike, parry, dodge and initiative
* remove one disease, remove one poison, cancel a failed saving throw vs magic, or reverse one detrimental psionic or superhuman power (disruptive touch for instance)(permenent)
* remove the effect of sleep deprivation, starvation, thirst or fatigue (permanent: can be used as a substitute for food, and sleep)
Duration: A stolen power remains lost for 1D4 melee rounds, plus 1 per level. at the end of this duration, the power returns and the character loses the benefits it gained him (unless that benefit has been marked as 'permanent')
Limitation: can only really be used on super powered beings. targets without superhuman abilities are immune to this power (including the base damage)
Other abilities: the character can sense when a target, within 10 feet, has any powers or not (can smell potential food)

Power aid [Minor]
'Don't mess with us. United we are strong'

The character can sync with another person by touch. while the character and his target are touching, the character's other powers increase in effective level by either:
* rising to the targets level OR
* Rising by 1/2 the target's level.

All of the character's other powers take the enhancement for the duration of contact, and drop 2 levels when contact is broken, and another 2 levels at the beginning of each new round until contact is reestablished or until the powers drop to their normal levels.

If a target is willing, he may sacrafice all but one attack per melee to boost the character, lending as many virtual levels to the character's powers as his own level of experience.

Fomorian [Minor]
'Let's see what freak I am today'

The character transforms with each cycle of REM sleep, sgifting and mutating as he sleeps. At the end of a full nights sleep, or for every 12 hours of forced coma or unconsciousness, the character heals 50 SDC and 5 HP, and rolls for 2 random mutations, dropping his PB score by 2D4 as he does so. Therse are new mutations. The previous day's mutations and PB Loss recover as he acquires new ones.
The character can attempt to shed all mutations when he sleeps, but to do so he must prepare to do so before going to sleep, and then make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) success or failure is revealed the next morning. At fourth level of experience, a more difficult saving throw (16+) can be made to dictate the results of the mutations roll.

Mute: [minor]

The character can create a shell around himself that negates all sound. this shell extends for a 3 foot radius from the character. any noise generated in that area is silenced completely. likewise, soundwaves do not travel through the field. The end reuslt being the character becomes soundless and deaf. the character and anyone he shields becomes immune to sonic attacks, and his footfalls can make no sound.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

Some good ones, there, Iczer... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Unread post by Iczer »

Many thanks

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

Mephisto wrote:Fomorian is a really weird power...what is the inspiration for that one?

a few things.

I hadn't posted for a while, so I free associated a few words until I came up with the above.

A long time ago, I was reading wild cards, and one of the aces struck me as unique. Constantly mutating in his sleep, he had different abilities and varying horrific appearances, and I wanted something to that effect. That, and as a fan of white wolfs original world of darkness, I was always intrigued by Werewolf: the apocolypse's antagonists by the same name (truncated to fomor or formori)

so I combined the two ideas in a sort of duct tape and spot weld sort of manner. The healing's really a pot-sweetener. On my little point's-to-powers chart, it comes in a little low though, so If i ever rewrite, then there may be another bonus or two.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

PLus the Fomorians are the twisted mutant supernatural beings in Rifts England... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Fomorian is a really weird power...what is the inspiration for that one?

a few things.

I hadn't posted for a while, so I free associated a few words until I came up with the above.

A long time ago, I was reading wild cards, and one of the aces struck me as unique. Constantly mutating in his sleep, he had different abilities and varying horrific appearances, and I wanted something to that effect. That, and as a fan of white wolfs original world of darkness, I was always intrigued by Werewolf: the apocolypse's antagonists by the same name (truncated to fomor or formori)


Jubal, aka the 'Sleeper'...something of the ultimate man-of-many faces...I don't think he came to a good end, though...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

darknova wrote:what abut . time slip? like the one in palladium fantasy. i think its a magic speel dont recall btu its kool

Check teh Black Vault Wiki under Temporal Powers...there might already be something similar...if not, well, there's your power project! :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Iczer wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Fomorian is a really weird power...what is the inspiration for that one?

a few things.

I hadn't posted for a while, so I free associated a few words until I came up with the above.

A long time ago, I was reading wild cards, and one of the aces struck me as unique. Constantly mutating in his sleep, he had different abilities and varying horrific appearances, and I wanted something to that effect. That, and as a fan of white wolfs original world of darkness, I was always intrigued by Werewolf: the apocolypse's antagonists by the same name (truncated to fomor or formori)

so I combined the two ideas in a sort of duct tape and spot weld sort of manner. The healing's really a pot-sweetener. On my little point's-to-powers chart, it comes in a little low though, so If i ever rewrite, then there may be another bonus or two.


Croyd. Nice.

And, honestly, I wish I had something to submit but I just don't have the focus I used to have. I've been working on a power for awhile but I just can't take even close to the time I used to on posting powers. All I can do now is lurk and read the imaginations of others.
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By Senator Cybus

"Just let me change into someone more comfortable..."

A truly freakish ability that allows the super being to safely remove his head and replace it with others of his own creation! Over time, the character can amass a selection of spare heads, each with it’s own personality, attributes and skills: he can swap between them whenever he likes, selecting the one most suitable for a particular situation.

Exchanging heads requires one melee round: the super being simply pulls off his current cranium, and then his body (acting on a sort of biological auto-pilot) picks up the selected replacement and places it onto the exposed neck, where it locks into place almost immediately. Once attached, the character can wear the new head for as long as he likes. The super being suffers no damage from forced decapitation, even if taken by surprise, and can easily re-attach his severed head.

While connected to the body, spare heads gain the benefit of any ‘passive’ powers that the super being possesses, e.g. Healing Factor, Solar Powered or Impervious to Disease & Illness, but cannot access any abilities that require concentration; only the original, true head has the neural network required for that.

If interrupted or attacked while swapping heads, the super being’s body will try to complete the process, unless it is physically separated from the head. If this happens, it will lash out against it’s tormentor: it has the super being’s normal combat skills ingrained into it‘s physical memory, but due to the lack of sensory organs and a guiding intelligence, it suffers a penalty of -10 to initiative, -8 to strike, parry or dodge and cannot use any super powers that require concentration (‘passive’ powers function normally). The body can instinctively sense the position of the desired head and will try to return to it as soon as possible; if this cannot be done, it will attempt to acquire the nearest alternative.

When not in use, the heads (including the character’s original head) require very little care. They enter into a state of suspended animation upon removal and require no food, drink or air to survive. They will not decompose or degrade regardless of how long they are separated from the body.

The super being starts off with two spare heads, chosen from the list below. He can create another at levels two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen and fifteen. The character does this by removing his current head and allowing a new one to grow out of his neck: it takes 1D4 hours until it is fully formed, during which time the hero must sit and wait for the process to complete itself.

Spare Heads: Each head has its own I.Q., M.A. and M.E. attributes, which replace the super being’s normal scores when attached to the body: P.B., P.E., P.P., P.S. and Speed remain the same, unless the description of a head specifically states otherwise. Equally, the skills provided by a head replace those that the character normally has; this includes combat skills.

The skills and powers of the heads increase with experience. Upon creation, a head is at the same level of experience as it’s creator; when he gains a new level, so does the head.

The Brute


Savage and monstrous in appearance, the Brute is a single-minded force of destruction.

I.Q.: 6
M.A.: 6
M.E.: 6

Hand to Hand: Assassin
W.P.: Blunt

Battle Rage
Horror Factor
Impervious to Fear & Terror

+2 to strike and +1 attack per melee round (this is in addition to bonuses provided by combat skills and Battle Rage).
Bite attack: 2D6+10 damage.

Reduce P.B. by half.
Alignment is one level ‘lower’ than the super being’s, e.g. if the character is normally Principled, the Brute would be Scrupulous.

The Charmer

“Well hello, ladies...”

Confident, charismatic and cool; the Charmer is the perfect diplomat, negotiator and seducer.

I.Q. 15
M.A.: See Powers.
M.E.: 18

Dance: 80% +2% per level
Literacy: 98%
Play Musical Instrument (any three of choice): 80% +2% per level
Seduction: 90% +2% per level
Sing: 80% +2% per level
Writing: 80% +2% per level

Awe Factor
Extraordinary Mental Affinity

+ 8 P.B.
The Charmer gains +1 M.A. at each new level of experience, up to a maximum score of 30.
Anyone attempting to use the skills of Interrogation or Seduction against the Charmer suffers a penalty of -40%.

The Charmer has no combat skills - he’s a lover, not a fighter.

The Detective

“Well, it looks like an open and shut case - until you take into consideration that this window was actually broken from the inside, that the weight distribution of the footprints you found clearly indicates someone walking backwards from the house, and that there’s a secret panel in the wall of the guest bedroom…”

Blending instinct with intellect, the Detective sees the patterns in the chaos men call crime!

I.Q.: 20
M.A.: 14
M.E.: 16

Basic Mathematics: 98%
Computer Operation: 80% +2% per level
Criminal Science & Forensics: 80% +2% per level
Detect Concealment: 80% +2% per level
Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons: 80% +2% per level
Interrogation: 80% +2% per level
Law (General): 80% +2% per level
Literacy: 98%
Research: 80% +2% per level
Streetwise: 80% +2% per level
Surveillance Systems: 80% +2% per level

Note: Normally, selecting the Criminal Science skill requires the character to also have the skills of Biology, Chemistry, Chemistry Analytical and Advanced Mathematics. The Detective is a unique case; he has only the components of those skills necessary to aid him in his detection, and cannot apply the knowledge outside of his area of expertise.

Criminal Intuition
Heightened Sense of Recall
Living Anatomy (only abilities 1-7; the Detective does not gain the Bonuses associated with the power)

The Detective has no combat skills - he’s a thinker, not a fighter.

The Guardian

“Halt! Who goes there?!”

Watchman and bodyguard; ever vigilant and always prepared.

I.Q.: 15
M.A.: 10
M.E.: 20

Detect Ambush: 80% +2% per level
Detect Concealment: 80% +2% per level
Hand to Hand: Expert
Intelligence: 80% +2% per level
Literacy: 98%
Paramedic: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Automobile: 80% +2% per level
Radio: Basic: 80% +2% per level
Read Sensory Equipment: 80% +2% per level
Surveillance Systems: 80% +2% per level

Heightened Sense of Awareness
Heightened Sense of Hearing

+3 to disarm, entangle and hold: the Guardian can use holds at level one.

The Mad Scientist

“I merely need to reverse the polarity of the flux capacitor’s neutron flow…”

The eccentric master of super science!

I.Q.: 28
M.A.: 14
M.E.: 8

Astrophysics: 80% +2% per level
Basic Electronics: 80% +2% per level
Electrical Engineer: 80% +2% per level
Literacy: 98%
Robot Electronics: 80% +2% per level
Mechanical Engineer: 80% +2% per level
Robot Mechanics: 80% +2% per level
Weapons Engineer: 80% +2% per level
Chemistry: 80% +2% per level
Analytical Chemistry: 80% +2% per level
Basic Mathematics: 80% +2% per level
Advanced Mathematics: 80% +2% per level
Computer Operation: 80% +2% per level
Computer Repair: 80% +2% per level

Speed Reading (as the psionic power of the same name, but does not require the expenditure of I.S.P.)
Speed Tasking

The Mad Scientist suffers no penalty when trying to understand or operate alien or super-advanced technology. However, he suffers a penalty of -40% when attempting to repair, modify or replicate mundane technology (television sets, house-hold computers, automobile engines; basically, any machine that exists in the real world). The Mad Scientist considers such primitive technologies to be beneath him: if it doesn’t have an A.I. or a death ray attachment, he’s just not interested.

The Mad Scientist suffers from Obsession: High Technology (loves it).

The Mad Scientist has no combat skills - he’s a thinker, not a fighter.

The Marksman


Cool as ice and twice as cold: put a gun in his hands and he’s the deadliest man in the world.

I.Q.: 11
M.A.: 11
M.E. 18

Armourer (Field): 80% +2% per level. Only applies to firearms, not body armour or bionics/robotics
Weapon Systems: 80% +2% per level
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Semi-Automatic Pistol
W.P. Bolt -Action Rifle
W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifles
W.P. Sub-Machinegun
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

Targeting (only applies to guns)
Supervision: Advanced Sight

Can reload and repair modern weapons in half of the usual time.

Has no Hand to Hand combat skill or proficiency with ancient weapons; deadly with a gun, vulnerable without one.

The Sneak


Just a face in the crowd, this master of stealth is gone before you even know he’s there. If he was even there at all…

I.Q.: 14
M.A.: 10
M.E.: 16

Camouflage: 80% +2% per level
Concealment: 80% +2% per level
Climb: 80% +2% per level
Disguise: 80% +2% per level
Escape Artist: 80% +2% per level
Imitate Voices & Impersonation: 80% +2% per level
Locksmith: 80% +2% per level
Palming: 80% +2% per level
Pick Locks: 80% +2% per level
Pick Pockets: 80% +2% per level
Prowl: 80% +2% per level
Safecracking: 80% 2% per level
Trap/Mine Detection: 80% +2% per level

Alter Facial Features & Physical Structure (only sub abilities 1, 3 and 4; the Sneak does not receive the bonuses associated with the power)

+5 to dodge.
Counter-tracking: opponents attempting to track the Sneak suffer a penalty of -40%.

The Sneak has no combat skills.

The Super Fan

“Well, actually, Doctor Dominator, you won’t fry us with your hex-vision at all, because, as you’ll recall, that power was stolen from you twelve months ago by Professor Mooch, during the so-called ‘Civil Crisis’ event…”

Fan boy, obsessive, geek - call him whatever you want, he’s the absolute authority on superhumans and their weird world.

I.Q.: 17
M.A.: 10
M.E.: 14

Art: 80% +2% per level
Computer Operation: 80% +2% per level
Demons and Monsters: 80% +2% per level. This is the same as the special Wizard skill of the same name (HU main book, page 153)
Geomancy/Lines of Power: 80% +2% per level of experience. This is the same as the special Wizard skill of the same name (HU main book, page 153)
Literacy: 98%

Lore: Psychic: 80% +2% per level. This skill grants knowledge of the way in which psychic abilities are believed to work, and what types of psionic abilities exist. This knowledge includes a good idea of the limitations of most psychics and psychic abilities, famous psychics and similar data.

Lore: Superhuman: 80% +2% per level. This skill grants knowledge of well-known super beings (in this context, any character with an Heroes Unlimited power category counts as ‘super‘); their powers, their appearance, typical modus operandi, standard equipment, their group affiliations and their weaknesses.
This does not confer knowledge of how super abilities function, just which powers a being has and how they have been countered in the past: the Super Fan has no scientific background, merely a wealth of trivia regarding the careers of his beloved super people.
The G.M. should apply penalties to the skill roll when attempting to recall facts about obscure or particularly secretive characters (everyone knows that Apex is the leader of The Centurions, but trying to remember what phobias the Schwa suffers from is a lot more difficult). Equally, some rare facts are so carefully guarded that even the Super Fan doesn’t know them, e.g. the secret identities of the more cautious super beings.

Research: 80% +2% per level. If researching anything other than super humans or the paranormal, the Super-Fan suffers a penalty of -50%.

Abnormal Energy Sense
Scan Powers

+2 to dodge any paranormal projectile (Energy Expulsion powers, magical fireballs, telekinetically hurled missiles, etc).
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor.

-2 to save vs. psionic, magical or super-powered mind control (all too willing to obey his idols).
The Super Fan has no combat skills.

The Transporter

“If you ain’t first - you’re last!”

If you want to get from A to B as fast as possible, call for the Transporter. If it can be driven, this speed freak can drive it.

I.Q.: 12
M.A. :12
M.E.: 17

Basic Mathematics: 45% +5% per level
Literacy: 30% +5% per level
Navigation: 80% +2% per level
Parachuting: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Airplane: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Automobile: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Boat: Sail Type: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Boat: Motor and Hydrofoils: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Boat: Ships: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Motorcycle: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Race Car: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Truck: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Water Scooters: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Helicopter: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Hovercraft: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Jet Aircraft: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Jet Fighters: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Jet Packs: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Submersibles: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Tanks and APCs: 80% +2% per level
Pilot: Warships/Patrol Boats
Read Sensory Equipment

Impervious to Fear & Terror
Lightning Reflexes

If forced to roll on the Loss of Control Table (HU main book, page 83) or the Air Vehicle Random Damage Table (HU main book, page 90), all penalties are halved.

The Transporter has no combat skills.

The Wild Man

“Nature will provide.”

A born survivor, the beasts call him brother - drop him in the deepest, darkest wilderness and he’s right at home.

I.Q.: 12
M.A.: 16
M.E.: 18

Boat Building: 80% +2% per level
Carpentry: 80% +2% per level
Climb: 80% +2% per level
Cook: 80% +2% per level
Fishing: 80% +2% per level
Hand to Hand: Basic
Holistic Medicine: 80% +2% per level
Horsemanship: 80% +2% per level
Hunting: 80% +2% per level
Identify Plants & Fruits: 80% +2% per level
Land Navigation: 80% +2% per level
Preserve Food: 80% +2% per level
Prowl: 80% +2% per level
Skin and Prepare Animal Hides: 80% +2% per level
Swimming: 80% +2% per level
Track: 80% +2% per level
Wilderness Survival: 80% +2% per level

Animal Brother (the Wild Man does not have the ability to attract an animal familiar)
Extraordinary Sense of Smell
Heightened Sense of Taste
Supervision: Nightvision

+2 to initiative.
+2 to dodge.

Limitations: While separated from the body, the heads are completely defenceless. Each one only has Hit Points equal to the super being’s own: if a head is destroyed, it can only be replaced by growing it again at the next appropriate level of experience.

If the hero’s original head is destroyed, whatever spare he’s currently using becomes the ‘main’ head. It will gradually change into a copy of the original, shedding it‘s own skills and powers in favour of the super being‘s. It’s I.Q., M.A. and M.E. scores will go up/down by one point per day until they match the original’s attributes. Similarly, the character’s skills will return at a rate of one per day, starting with scholastic skills; the head will simultaneously lose one of it’s own skills. Powers requiring concentration all return within 1D4 days, replacing the head’s own extraordinary abilities. The head’s appearance will slowly change over the course of 3D4 days, until the hero finally looks like his old self again. This ‘rebooting’ has a price - the super being permanently loses 1D4 secondary skills (or scholastic skills, if all secondary skills have already been lost) and 1D6+2 Hit Points.

If attacked while growing a new head, the hero is horribly vulnerable. His body will attempt to flee to a place of safety in order to complete the process; it will fight to get away if forced to, but, as detailed above, it will be at a severe disadvantage.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Mephisto wrote:Wow Cybus that is a lot of work...

Gah! Tell me about it! :? :D

Glad you like it!
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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

That was an interesting take on the everyman concenpt (badum-tish! bad pun, I know), and looks like a great major power. When I first read the Detective blurb though, I though he had said widow instead of window. Boy, does that change the meaning of the quote! All in all, excellent power, nice bonuses, but a balance with the penalties, 10/10 in my book!
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Unread post by Iczer »

I too am impressed. well done. 9 1/2 /10 (could be rendered a little less wordy)

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Unread post by taalismn »

wow...lot of work there...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Rapidfire(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can shoot bursts of fire, up to his ME number, per melee round, or 1 per second, whichever is less.

Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level
Damage: 1d6+1 per shot
Duration: Instant
Bonuses: +2 to strike bonus on the first target, -1 cumulative for each additional target (so at target 8 he would be -5 to hit). This allows him to fire at multiple targets but with less accuracy to hit all targets the more he fires at.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to fire a volley, but can only be used to attack every other action.
Limitations: Cannot be performed when under attack at close range.

Necropath(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Dead men tell no tales, but sometimes I can get information out of them."

The superbing can mentally probe minds at no ISP cost a limited number of times per day, as well as glean information from the minds of the dead.

1.Mental Probe: The superbeing can psionically assault minds of targets in range without using ISP, for the purpose of extracting information. The information sought must be specific, and even if the target does not make their saving throw the percentage of accuracy is only 50%, +3% per level.
Number of Uses: The superbeing can only use this ability his ME number of times per day, plus one additional time per day per level.
Saving Throw: Save vs, psionics (16 or better for non-psionics, 14 or better for Latent Psionics, 12 or better for Master Psionics, ME bonus applies). A successful Saving Throw reduces the superbeing's accuracy by -40%. Mind Block will prevent the target's mind from being read completely.
Range: Superbeing's MEX10 feet, plus 10 feet per level.

2.Necro-Probe: The superbeing can also absorb the mental images last seen by the dead. In this case, the superbeing may peruse thoughts up to his ME number in minutes prior to the dead person's demise. This is 90% accurate.
Number of Uses: This ability can be used the hero's ME number of times per day, plus 2 times per level.
Saving Throw: None (unless undead or the like, in which case they save as above for Mental Probe).
Range: Touch at level one, plus one foot per level starting at level 2.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to Save vs. Nausea and Horror Factor related to examining corpses
+2 to Save vs. Psionics
+1d4 ME
+2d6 to ISP (if applicable)
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Sideliner(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can connect his body to plastic substances.

1.Adhesion to Plastic: The hero can stick to plastic surfaces, climbing them as if possessing the climbing skill at 90% (adds 10% to normal climbing skill also). He can move along such surfaces at half his speed attribute, carrying half his PS carry amount (provided the plastic structure does not collapse under the weight).
Those trying to Disarm him when he is using a plastic weapon do so at a -4 penalty.

2.Moulding: When motionless against a plastic surface, the hero can merge into it, having it wrap around and absorb him. Doing so gives him a +60% to prowl motionlessly. It also protects him from attack (AR 0f 12 and has 10% of the SDC of the plastic wall or object protecting his body.
He can also use plastic objects to form hard plastic armor, doing so as an action (Armor formed has a Natural AR of 13 and gains SDC of the objects used to create it, up to an SDC of 90, +10 additional per level of experience).

3.Reshape Plastic: The hero can reform plastic, shaping it into new forms.
Range: Touch
Damage: Same damage as usual for the type of weapon (typically 1d6 to 2d6 damage), plus any applicable damage bonus from PS attribute and WP Blunt.
Duration: Plastic objects are permanently altered.
Attacks: The hero can convert up to 50 lbs of plastic, taking a full round to create new objects. He does this at a skill level of 50%, plus 5% per level (this also adds +10% to other Art: Sculpture skills possessed).

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Takes half damage from plastic weapons
+4 to roll w/ punch, fall or impact when hitting plastic surfaces

Coming Soon: Death Wish and Firefight (both Majors)!
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<b>Code Breaker (Minor)</b> by Incriptus
The Hero has a natural abilty to find combinations and codes

1. <u>Jigsaw Puzzles</u> The hero is capable of solving Jigsaw puzzles with extraordinary accuracy and speed. It takes the character 1 second per puzzle peice to put together the puzzle.

2. <u> Mechanical Combinations </u> When the character is confronted by a mechanical combination or puzzle such as a safe or puzzle box the character can discover the correct combination or series of movements. The proccess takes one melle action (approximently 3 seconds) per number in the combination or moveable piece.

3. <u> Electronic Codes </u> The character with this power is capable of guessing electronic passwords and passcodes. Simple passcodes such as words or number combinations take one melle action to break. Moderate passcodes including a combination of letters numbers and symbols require one melle round to break. High security passcodes can take one minute.

4. <u> Other Abilities and Bonuses </u>
+20% to cryptology skill (if the character has it)
+20% to Safecracking skill (if the character has it)
+20% to picklocks skill (if the character has it)
The character tends to like puzzles and word games.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[
Necropath(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Dead men tell no tales, but sometimes I can get information out of them.")

Great forensics power for a detective- or devil-hunter-oriented character to have...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pliable: [Minor]
'Frankly, I never thought being limp would be an advantage'

The character can render his body more pliable and flexible. The character is able to 'loosen up' as it were, and will be able to slide through any opening that could accommodate his hand or fist. Movement is reduced while sliding, dependant on the width of any barrier he must pass. jail cell bars will reduce his spd by 3 whereas traversing the inside of a pipe no larger than the character's fist would drop his spd to an appalling 1.
In addition, the ability to become pliable at will has the following advantages.
+2 to dodge
+6 to roll with punch/fall/impact
Half damage from any large scale collision or explosion.

Reserves: [Minor]
'You know...I didn't think I had it in me'

The character has a pool of resources inside him that compliment other powers and grants him access to greater feats of endurance.
The character has a pool of reserves equal to his ME sccore, plus 5 per level of experience.
* If the character posesses another power that chews HP, 1 reserve point acts as 5 HP. (Alter limbs)
* If the character has a power that gives him a pool of points based on an attribute, then 5 reserve points provide as much power as an extra point in that attribute (create force field)
* If a power has a number of uses per day, he may expend 4 reserve points to add another use. (healing factor)
* If a power has a deletrious side effect to use, then 5 reserve points cancels the side effect when it happens (disintegration)
* If the character has become fatigued or exhausted, he may cancel it by expending 5 reserve points.
* The character can expend 3 reserve points for a single feat of strength. Every 3 points spent increases the characters PS by 1 for one task. (holding one heavy item up, moving one boulder, making one punch)
* The character can use reserve points to bulwark his HP. when the character drops to zero HP, he may take any further HP damage to his reserves first.
Reserve points recover at a rate of 1 every 15 minutes.

Wool: [Minor]
'You know..I may be a famous mutant, but deep inside I still feel sheepish'

The character is covered in coiled wool of varying thickness and texture. The woll assists with the following.
* Half damage from cold.
* Blade resistant: cutting attacks are absorbed and blunted by the wool. Half damage.
* Cushioned: +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact
* body buffer: the wool provides 20 SDC worth of protection. In addition, while this buffer is up the character cannot be touched (powers that rely on touch have a 50% chance of simply not working) The buffer SDC returns at a rate of 2 every 15 minutes.
* retractable: the character can reduce his overall wooliness, or negate it at will, allowing himself to appear normal (or more normal) when necessary). it takes an action to retract or grow out a full coat of wool.

Energy Mutant: [major]
'Ahhh...dammit! the coffee burnt me and now I'm a freaking reptile again'

The character's response to exposure to energy is to rapidly metabolise the energy into biological mutation.
On the plus side, the character takes half damage from all forms of energy. Every time the character has absorbed 15 points of energy damage, he rolls on the following chart.

1-20% Heal 6D6 SDC/HP but lose 2D4 PB
21-75% Roll for random mutation
76-85% Gain the Minor power Giant (1st level)
86-90% Roll on alien physiological modifiers chart for new body type (no SDC gain)
91-100% Gain one random, purely physical, minor power (wings, claws, quills etc)

Changes typically last 5 minutes per level, at which point one change drops, with another one every 5 minutes after that. The player can choose which order changes dissapear. Healing remains permanent but the PB loss will recover.

Other benefits: +1d4x10 SDC +2 PE. The character is +4 to saving throws against unwanted body changes. Heals at 1HP or SDC every 20 minutes when exposed to radiant energy (high E/M fields, desert level heat or ultra bright lights)
(a nasty GM may choose for energy types to produce predictable results..say fire/heat usually makes the character reptilian, while electricity makes him yeti-like)

Composite [Major]
' face used to be sandstone, but now it's Iron.'

The character may transform into an inorganic shape, resembling a mix of different materials, mostly stones, earths. metals and liquids. More to the point, the exact composition of his body differs on a minute by minute basis , with matter visually changing on a round by round basis, and small swarms of matter swirling around his body, granting the following benefits:
* Increased mass and strength. The character gains +2D4 to PS which is considered superhuman. He also triples his normal weight and halves his normal Spd. also -20% to prowl acrobatics and gymnastics. swimming is impossible.
* Increased endurance and resistance. The character gains an AR of 14 in his composite form. In addition, physical impacts from normal strength unarmed attacks is negligible, while attacks from kinetic weapons inflict half damage even if over the AR. Supernatural PS inflicts full damage if over the AR, and half if under. The composite body has an SDC of 4d6x10+100.
* Fully loaded: the composite body is composed of hundreds of materials. when striking foes in combat with vulnerabilities to special materials there is a 1 in 4 chance that the character strikes with said materials. at 5th level the chance becomes a flat 50%. At 8th level, if the character knows what material he needs, then he can take a -2 to strike and be assured (100%) of having the material 'on hand'
* changes every round: Every melee round, the character rolls on the following chart to determine any other changes to his makeup that may be significant.

01-10% +2 PS
11-20% +4 PS
21-30% +8 PS
31-40% Spd is normal this round
41-50% 40 extra SDC this round
51-60% +2 AR
61-70% Heal 3d6 SDC (when not tracking round by round changes, heal 1 SDC per round)
71-80% Increase mass by 50%
81-90% Increase mass by 100% and halve spd again
91-100% AR 10 but all kinetic damage is halved regardless or source.

Other abilities: as an action the character can mimic The power of alter physical structure of limb (any). this change lasts one round and cannot be used on the same limb twice in a row.

APS: reactive metal [Major]
'Nononono! Don't dip me in that'

The character can transform his body into a highly reactive metal or mettaloid giving him dubious if not varied protection.
* Enhanced mass and strength. When transformed the character's mas increases by 25% and his PS increases by 4 (becomes extraordinary in scale)
* Enhanced flexibility and protection: breaking and bending easilly, the character enjoys a bonus of +4 to PP as well as having an SDC of 150.
* Fragile: The reactive meatloid form is not as sturdy as some other substances. whenever the character takes 50 or more points of kinetic damage, he shatters, typically losing an arm or leg (reforms in 1d4 melee rounds, or 1D4 actions if pulling himself together). if completely destroyed by this, (0 SDC) reformation takes 5 times as long, and he reovers with 1SDC remaining. In combat he may shatter with punch/fall/impact. such a shatter is rolled at +4 in response to damage. if successfull, he takes only 1/5th damage. otherwise he takes 1/2 damage. In any case, he must reform as if completely shattered (but reforms with his remaining SDC)
* naturally toxic: the reactive character is typically toxic. any time he touches a target (more than a hand to hand strike) the target must save vs toxins (14+) or take 2D4 damage. The character is +6 to resist toxins and poisons (even in human form) and is immune to metal or mettaloid poisoning.
* reactive: The character reacts to certain damage in certain ways. roll or select One type of Trigger, and roll or select one effect. each exposure causes the same effect.

01-15% Fire/heat damage
16-30% Heavy Impact (anything that causes a shatter)
31-45% Electrical damage
46-60% Acid damage
61-75% Light kinetic damage (any kinetic damage inflicted to the character)
76-90% Water immersion. (water splashes do 1d6 damage, partial immersion 4d6/round, full immersion 1d4x10+10 per round)
91-100% rare or exotic (Psionic powers, High EM fields, sonic attack damage etc)

01-20% Explosive: Upon hitting the trigger, the character explodes, inflicting 4d6 damage to everyting in a 20 foot radius and 4 damage to himself. ifhe is vulnerable to light kinetic damage, this may cause a second explosion (20% chance)
21-40% Ignition: The trigger causes the character to ignite. He takes 1 point of SDC per round when this happens, but his flaming body inflicts 3d6 to everything he touches. character continues to burn until extinguished, or until he expends an action and makes a saving throw (16+ ME bonuses apply) to do so
41-60% Melting:Upon hitting the trigger, the character starts to liquify. Spd and PS halves while the character rolls around. halve attacks and combat bonuses(except roll with punch and dodge). Pulls himself together in 1D4 melee rounds. (but takes half damage from all kinetic attacks during this time and has + 6 to dodge and roll)
61-80% Acid cloud: the character reacts to the trigger by emiting a cloud of mild acid for 15 feet around himself. the cloud inflicts 2d4 damage to targets within the cloud every melee round. the acid cloud is also choking and burning. targets are -2 to combat bonuses while within the cloud.
81-100% Toxic cloud: as an acid cloud, but targets must make a saving throw each round they are within the toxic cloud or suffer 2d6 damage. more to the point, the cloud is foul smelling (no penalties) but hard to see through. anyone within the cloud (or trying to strike opponent's within the cloud) are -2 to strike (this includes the character)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:
Wool: [Minor]
'You know..I may be a famous mutant, but deep inside I still feel sheepish'

The character is covered in coiled wool of varying thickness and texture. The woll assists with the following.
* Half damage from cold.
* Blade resistant: cutting attacks are absorbed and blunted by the wool. Half damage.
* Cushioned: +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact
* body buffer: the wool provides 20 SDC worth of protection. In addition, while this buffer is up the character cannot be touched (powers that rely on touch have a 50% chance of simply not working) The buffer SDC returns at a rate of 2 every 15 minutes.
* retractable: the character can reduce his overall wooliness, or negate it at will, allowing himself to appear normal (or more normal) when necessary). it takes an action to retract or grow out a full coat of wool.


Wow...Batts roars back....

"Oh no, it's the Demon Barber and The Shearer!"
"Aye! We decided to team up, Wooly Mammoth! And all that thick hair! IT'S TIME FOR A BUZZCUT!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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taalismn wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Wool: [Minor]
'You know..I may be a famous mutant, but deep inside I still feel sheepish'


Wow...Batts roars back....

"Oh no, it's the Demon Barber and The Shearer!"
"Aye! We decided to team up, Wooly Mammoth! And all that thick hair! IT'S TIME FOR A BUZZCUT!!!"

Okay. Not my finest hour, but a worthy addition even if a little silly?

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:Wool: [Minor]
'You know..I may be a famous mutant, but deep inside I still feel sheepish'

The character is covered in coiled wool of varying thickness and texture. The woll assists with the following.
* Half damage from cold.
* Blade resistant: cutting attacks are absorbed and blunted by the wool. Half damage.
* Cushioned: +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact
* body buffer: the wool provides 20 SDC worth of protection. In addition, while this buffer is up the character cannot be touched (powers that rely on touch have a 50% chance of simply not working) The buffer SDC returns at a rate of 2 every 15 minutes.
* retractable: the character can reduce his overall wooliness, or negate it at will, allowing himself to appear normal (or more normal) when necessary). it takes an action to retract or grow out a full coat of wool.

Am I the only one picturing somebody with Multiple Beings and Wool, making sweater after sweater with this?

Heh, somebody with this, Animal Abilities: Hoofed (specifically sheep, for more critter control) and a set of curly horns would have a great basis for a character called the Ram, who's catch phrase is "Ewe you in trouble now!", that would be the basis for a fairly decent 'gag' character. Toss in something like Ex:Speed or healing factor so they wouldn't be quite such a pushover, and I wouldn't be ashamed to play this as a one-night campaine or non-serious sessions. Give him webbing powers, and say that it shoots from his wool and is made out of it, or EE: Directed Sound (BAAAAAAAH!).
Okay, I'm officially having waaaay too much fun with this gag, better let somebody else run with it.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Mephisto wrote:
I think it's a good silly power, unless you give it to a New Zealander character. Then that is just being mean.

I had a family friend who was doing a working-tourism tour of Australia and New Zealand...she worked for a stint on a pasture in NZ...until during a demonstration of high-speed shearing...let's say she ruined the stud-value of a ram and was practically run off the island-nation, and leave it at that... :mrgreen:
I couldn't keep that story out of my mind when I was reading the power, so my apologies....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Mephisto wrote:[

winces...ouch that poor Ram might have had dreams of having his own family...

Yep...evidentally electric sheepshears are real power tools... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[
Necropath(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Dead men tell no tales, but sometimes I can get information out of them.")

Great forensics power for a detective- or devil-hunter-oriented character to have...

It was something I thought of to thwart villains who like to kill all the witnesses to a crime.:)
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Perfect Weapon (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“Invulnerable, eh? We’ll see about that…”

This is the power to create the ideal tool of assassination, tailored to cause devastating damage to a specific individual.

In order to use this ability, the super being must first choose one specific type of weapon - it can be any ancient or modern weapon with which he is proficient. Once selected, this becomes the only kind of weapon that the character can use in conjunction with the power; if he picks swords, then he can’t use knives or spears. If the character chooses a modern weapon (pistol, rifle, etc), then it’s actually the projectile that channels the power, not the launcher: the super being would choose a specific calibre of bullet or shell to be his Perfect Weapon.

Once selected, the character may use the weapon to channel a strange form of energy that can be perfectly synchronized with the physiology of an opponent, allowing the super being to breach their defences and strike with terrible force. To do this, the super being must first study his target, with the sub-ability of See Aura:

1. See Aura. Similar to the psionic power of the same name (HU main book, page 307), this ability allows the super being to study an opponent‘s physiology for signs of weakness. In addition to the usual information provided by an aura reading (approximate level of experience, the presence of magic, etc), the super being also gains the knowledge he needs to tailor an Adaptive Sheath (see below).

Once the hero has scanned a target, he can retain the information indefinitely. At the first level of experience, the character can only commit one aura pattern to memory; at every new level of experience, the super being gains the ability to add another to his collection. If the character has already memorised the maximum number for his level, he can only add a new aura to his ‘library’ by discarding one previous scan of his choice, but he would then need to analyse the corresponding target again if he ever wishes to create a Perfect Weapon for use against them.

Range: 50 feet (15 m) plus 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
Duration: The super being must observe his target for at least 2 melee rounds (thirty seconds) to gain the information needed to create the Adaptive Sheath.
Attacks Per Melee: Activating this ability uses up two attacks/actions, though it can be cancelled instantly. It requires no expenditure of I.S.P. and can be maintained indefinitely, though the super being must sacrifice two attacks/actions per melee round for as long as he wishes to use it, due to the concentration involved.
Saving Throw: None, but any ability that hides or changes the target’s aura (such as Mind Block or Alter Aura) will prevent use of this aspect of the power.

2. Adaptive Sheath. Once the super being has analysed his target, he can then create an Adaptive Sheath: this manifests as a nimbus of coloured light, surrounding his weapon. By precisely tuning the frequency of this energy to match a target‘s aura, the character can make the weapon utterly deadly to that opponent.

In addition to causing a far greater amount of damage than normal (see below), the Adaptive Sheath allows the weapon to pass straight through any innate defences that the opponent may have, such as a natural A.R. or super powers like Invulnerability, Bio-Armour or Personal Force Field. Even if the opponent would normally be immune to weapon strikes, because of powers such as Intangibility or Alter Physical Structure: Liquid, the Perfect Weapon can still hit them!

The Adaptive Sheath also makes the weapon impervious to the super powers of the target, preventing attempts at molecular manipulation and making it capable of parrying their energy blasts. The opponent can attempt to damage or break the weapon with raw physical strength, but even touching it will harm them (see Damage below).

Range: As per weapon/projectile.
Damage: A strike from the Perfect Weapon causes three times the weapon’s normal damage (including P.S. bonus, if a melee weapon), direct to Hit Points! For example, if a strike from the super being’s short sword should cause 12 S.D.C. damage, it would inflict 36 Hit Point damage if the aura was active.
Even touching the weapon will cause the opponent to lose 2D4 Hit Points per melee round of contact or part thereof.
Duration: The Adaptive Sheath can be maintained indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Activating an Adaptive Sheath uses up one attack/action, and the hero must be touching his chosen weapon to do so.
De-activating it also uses up one melee action, but can be done at any distance; the hero simply cuts off the flow of energy emanating from his body. This means that an ally can take the weapon and use it against the target, or, more cruelly, that the super being can imbed the weapon into the body of his opponent and leave it there to slowly kill them.
Altering the Adaptive Sheath to affect a different target uses up two attacks/actions.

Limitations: The price of specialisation is that a Perfect Weapon is only truly effective against one specific individual; if anyone else is struck by it, it is no more harmful than an ordinary version of the weapon. Even at level fifteen, the super being can only memorise fifteen separate auras, limiting the number of opponents that he can use the power against without adequate preparation time. As it takes the super being two melee actions just to activate the See Aura sub-ability, and then a further two melee rounds to actually scan the target, he should try to analyse his opponent well before a fight begins.

While the Perfect Weapon can bypass natural armour and defensive super powers, man-made armour, force-fields generated by technological means and magically created barriers all provide an effective defence.

Only one weapon can be empowered at a time, and the hero must touch it to do so. Therefore, if the super being has chosen a bullet as his weapon, he cannot load his gun with a full clip of Perfect Weapons: the character would have to energise a bullet, load it, fire it and then repeat the process for the next shot.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Seems a bit much. By pass all defences, Bypass all SDC and then triple damage.

The limitations to the power seem too few considering the raw power of it.

Eg: Walter examines a target passivly through a press conference. A day later his rifle fires a single shot from a window.a 6D6 rifle inflicts around 60 HP damage.

Not to mention, the abuses this has when combined with any level of ridiculous strength.

I would recommend either hobbling its usage a little more, or reducing the damage by a chunk.

Just my 2 cents (not that we have 2 cents here.... Just my 5 cents?)

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Iczer wrote:
I would recommend either hobbling its usage a little more, or reducing the damage by a chunk.

Just my 2 cents (not that we have 2 cents here.... Just my 5 cents?)


I see your point, it is undeniably powerful, but that's kind of what I was aiming for: the whole 'ultimate assassin' thing. Plus, Walter might be deadly at a distance, but if you close on him before he can re-load, he's screwed - and if he'd gone with a melee weapon instead of a gun, opponents could just stand back and unload area-effect super powers on him until he's paste.

Still, it's all about game balance, ain't it? Hmm...anyone else got an opinion?
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Kinetic Booster (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“I can’t take the guy down from here! Get him to move back a bit…”

The super being can surround a projectile with a bubble of kinetic energy that will grow in power every second that the weapon is in flight, gradually gaining more and more force, until finally striking a target with devastating impact. Basically, the further it goes, the harder it hits.

Range: As per the weapon.
Damage: As per the weapon, +1 damage for every foot (0.3m) that the projectile has travelled to reach the target. For example, the super being hurls a throwing knife (which would normally cause 1D6+2 damage) at an opponent twenty feet (6 m) away; the knife will now cause 1D6 +22 damage when it hits.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: Charging and throwing an object uses up one melee attack/action.

Limitations: The super being must be touching the projectile at the instant it is thrown, launched or dropped in order for the power to take effect. Therefore, he cannot apply it to crossbow bolts, sling shots or bullets, though arrows can be empowered.

There is a limit to the maximum amount of damage that can be added to a projectile strike in this way: +100 damage per level of experience, regardless of the distance the weapon has travelled. So at first level, that throwing knife can inflict a maximum of 1D6 +102 damage, while at fifteenth level, the same attack could cause a whopping 1D6 +1502 damage!

The character has no bonus to strike with his missiles; Kinetic Booster improves hitting power, not accuracy. Given the amount of damage that this ability can cause, missing a target could have disastrous results…

EDIT: Okay, it's just occurred to me what kind of damage you could do by combining this with Perfect Weapon. :shock: :oops:

So this is how Baron Frankenstein felt...
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Just face it, Senator, as Perfect Weapon is written, it is too powerful for what it should be for this game.

But on to other business...

Death Wish (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Hey, do I really have to do this?"

The hero does not generally have the ability to talk to the dead, but under very specific circumstances can hear them asking for favors.

1.Sense Doom: The character can sense death lingering around a person, usually near the elderly or those in dangerous professions. This is not visual but more a sense of unease due to the fact that the person may soon die.
Range: 400 foot radius
Duration: Constant (cannot be turned off)

2.Last Request: The hero has the ability to grant the last request of the dead, which they can make of him any time. The request can be anything the dead person might require, from avenging or preventing (see below) their murder, finding their real killer if the wrong person is being blamed for the person's death, or doing anything else for someone left behind, including retrieving objectrs and whatnot. Any given dead person can make only one request, but it can be done at any time following their death, though it must be limited to a short sentence. Typical requests are "Save me" (see below), "Save them", "Kill them for me", etc. Often the hero will have to do some investigation and research to figure out exactly what is being requested.
Range: The corpse or grave must be within 40 feet of the hero
Duration: Instant.

3.Saving the Dead From Death: If a dead person says something like "Save me", this instantly triggers a temporal teleport/erasure, rewinding the hero's reality back to the beginning of their day or up to their PE number in hours back, whichever is less. Those people immune to temporal distortion and erasure will also shift but retain memory of the hours lost to everyone else, a situation which might cause them to seek out the hero creating the shift to prevent any alteration of the established timeline. Such a shift can be created only in response to such a request. It is involuntary and cannot be refused. Any refusal to save the person has a 30% chance of permanently negating the hero's power if the time of the initial request recurs and the person has not been saved, so as a result the hero cannot choose not to honor a request from, say, a serial killer. All events move forward exactly as before and only events and people the hero directly interferes with,or alters the events of will have the previous pattern disrupted (except for the aforementioned people immune to the temporal erasure). The hero can choose to save people who have not requested it but this will reduce the time he has to save the person who has actually requested saving. If unsuccessful, there is not a second chance, unless someone else requests being saved or the dead person requests help again (since technically the other timeline was erased, mking this "last request" their first). This temporal/reality shift only happens if the dead person actually requests to be saved from death.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+20% Save vs. Coma/Death
+4 to save vs. Temporal Distortion/Disruption/Erasure
+10% to Criminal Science/Forensics and Research skills
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Firefight (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let me turn up the heat."

The hero can manipulate fire with a focus on combat applications.

1.Hold Breath: This is similar but not exactly the same as the minor superability in PU page 31.
The character has an extra large lung capacity, highly oxygenated blood and can hold his breath for one minute per PE point. He also fatigues at half normal rate and is +2 to save vs. gas-based attacks, smoke and fumes even when not holding his breath.

2.Impervious to Fire and Heat: The hero takes no damage from fire and heat, and only half damage from light and laser attacks. He also suffers no penalties when travelling through burning buildings or forests when they are on fire.

3.Fire Volley: The character can generate fireballs at his fingertips to hit multiple targets.
Range: 200 feet, +20 feet per level
Damage: Each fireball does 2d6, +1 per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Attacks: A volley of up to 8 fireballs only uses one melee attack
Bonuses: This volley attack gets no bonuses to strike. The hero does not suffer any penalties while firing through clouds of smoke and visual distortions from heat, however.

4.Fire Dome: The hero can surround himself in a dome of flame, completely surrounding himself.
Range: 60 foot radius
Damage: Anyone and anything hitting the dome will take 4d6 points of damage, plus highly combustible materials will ignite.
Duration: The hero's ME number in minutes.
Bonuses: Lasers, light beams, heat and radiation attacks do no damage, all other types of energy do half damage. The hero can fire his own fireballs through the dome and suffer no strike penalties when doing so.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PE and ME
+1d4X10 SDC
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OK...too long since my last post.

I promise something soon.

Random idea's floating around:

* Archery power..expressed as a major
* 2 new forms of power mimicry (bio-aura style and inorganic style)
* something gruesome
* a kind of psychic gestalt
* Something Massive!
* some feasable, mutation style minors (i have 2..looking for a third that hasn't been done before..curse you stone gargoyle! (JK))

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I have been coming up dry lately when going to the powers well, but hopefully something will inspire me soon to do another batch. :)
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well, I've had 14 hours to dwell on the above.......

Ballistics. [Major]
'Don't move buddy.... I've got a pencil and i'm not afraid to use it!'

The character has an innate sense of ballistics, his mind automatically assesses mass, velocity and other ballistic factors (wind resistance, gravitational curve etc) in such a way that makes him a master of such.
Defensively, the character is hard to hit with ranged attacks. every 10 feet of distance between the character an a ranged attacker subtracts 1 from the roll to strike (assuming the character can sense his attacker). In addition, if the attack comes from a kinetic projectile (bullet, throw item, harpoon etc. Not energy attacks, but does include EE force, TK attacks and force bolts) then the character also enjoys an auto dodge vs those attacks with a +8 bonus, and may dodge without penalty for such high speed projectiles.

Other abilities:
Enhance ranged attacks: +2 to strike with any ranged attack, from guns to thrown items to energy attacks. Furthermore, ranged attacks made by this character enjoy a bonus of +1D6, and score a critical hit on an 18+. (even small objects, such as pens, ball bearings etc ay be thrown for 1D4 damage)
Extra attacks: The character may make 2 extra attacks in any given melee round, which must be ranged attacks.
Catch projectile attacks. Any projectile or ballistic attack may be caught by the character. As an action the character can attempt to make a strike roll with his hand on any missed ranged attack. thrown weapons require a strike roll of 12. slung weapons or projectiles need a 14. Bullets need a 16 while short bursts need an 18. a failed roll means the character is struck in the hand and/or arm and takes half damage. On a success the character may throw the weapon back at his opponent with -4 to strike without expending an action.
Roll with ranged attack: The character may roll with punch/fall/impact with any non energy ranged attack, even bullets, essentially exposing less vital organs
Other bonuses:
enhanced hand/eye co-ordination and reflexes adds +2 to initiative, +2D6 to Spd and +4 to PP

Putrid arsenal [Major]
'You should have seen him boss.. he choked Vinnie with his entrails...'

The character can kill off his own flesh, instantly putrefying himself in order to supply himself with a variety of biological weaponry.

1) Corrode Body. The character can transmuite 1d4x10 of his own SDC/HP (+5 per level) causing that amount of flesh to rot and die. The character takes this as actual damage but enjoys some limited bon uses. Once partailly corroded, the character loses his sense of touch, feeling littl if any any pain. Putrid flesh takes half damage from any kinetic source (though normal damage from energy attacks except cold) The character can peutrify his own flesh once per round. but it takes no attacks to do so. The character cannot destroy his last 10 HP (that would kill him) Causing any amount of flesh to rot drops his PB to 2D4. he can expend 1 action to turn 20 putrid sdc back into normal SDC.
2) Chemical weapons. The peutrid flesh is more malleable than normal, and has a variety of functions at the cost of his own SDC.
* By expending 2 of his putrid SDC, he may project a stream of corrosive stomach acid (either from a hole in his stomach or from the throat). 4d6 damage from the acid bile (+1 per level) +4 to strike out to 30 feet.
* By expending 2 putrid SDC he may make a bite attack on a target. the bite does 2d4 damage (unless already equipped with a bite) but the putrid flesh is unnaturally decayed. the target must save vs disease (14+) or take 1D4 HP every round until he makes a saving throw. Multiple bites do not increase the damage, but do increase the difficulty of the saving throw.
* By expending 5 putrid SDC the character can use a strip of flesh (or intestine!) as a rope or impromptu whip inflicting 2D4 damage plus any PS damage bonus. the strip of flesh has a range of 6 feet +2 feet per level for every 5 putrid SDC used. Unlike the above abilities, the putrid flesh whip remains until the character heals.
* By expending 10 putrid SDC, the character can exude a death cloud, composed of decaying flesh spores and rotted, malignant flesh. The cloud either surrounds the c haracter out to 15 feet, or can be shot outwards 30 feet whenre it clusters as a 5 foot across cloud. anyone in the cloud starts to choke (-2 to combat abilities) and must Save vs disease (14+) or take 2d6 damage. clouds last for one melee round.
* For 4 putrid SDC, the character can spit shards of bone and teeth fragments out to 50 feet inflicting 2d4 damage +2 per level and with a +3 to strike
* For 8 putrid SDC the character can create a simple object out of bone rotting flesh and tendon. simple lockpicks, clubs even bows can be formed. typically these made objects last 1 minute per level unless one putrid SDC is spent to maintain them per minute.
3) Flesh absorption. after converting his flesh to rotting, undead flesh, he may take living flesh from others. this requires that the character touch his opponent, and then spend 2 actions in contact with him. The target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) or take 6D6 damage (+2 per level). The character heals the equivilent damage to himself, first restoring putrid flesh to normal, healthy flesh, and then any putrid SDC lost due to either expending it on chemical weapons or losing it to combat. the target loses1 point of PB for every 6 points of damage inflicted in this way (to a minimum of 1) as he himself starts to putrefy.
4) Other abilities. +1d4x10 SDC. registers as the undead to any senses or powers that can detect such. His normal flesh cannot be made to decompose
5) drawbacks: when the character has any amount of putrid flesh, the healthy flesh is a little more vulnerable. attacks that specifically target healthy flesh (death touch, poisons etc) by pass the putrid flesh and attack the healthy flesh directly (if the character has converted all but 10 HP into putrid flesh then this could be prematurely fatal).
Attacks that specifically hurt or target the undead are equally effective against the character when he has any putrid flesh (but he has no extra vulnerabilities)
Putrid flesh smells bad. anyone tracking the character by smell enjoys +20% to do so, and the character suffers a -10% to prowl agaisnt anyone who has a sense of smell at all.
Putrid flesh does not heal, regardless of a character's regenerative abilities. worse, every hour the character has any putrid flesh active, he loses 2D6 SDC worth of it from general wear, tear and decomposition.

Multiply internal organs [Minor]

The character can expend his own HP to manufacture needed internal organs, either as replacements or as augments to his own abilities.
By expending 5 of his own HP, the character may produce any one of the following.
* Kidneys. Generates multiple kidneys. the character enjoys 1/2 effect from poisons and drugs, and a bonus of +4 to saving throws against them. the adrenal gland is also copied, adding 5 to spd 2 to initiative and 2 to PP
* Heart: an extra heart reduces fatigue by 1/2 and adds +15% to save vs coma/death
* Lungs: larger and redundant lungs allow the character to hold his breath for 3 times normal duration, and allows the character a +4 to save vs inhaled poisons. they also add +10% to the swimming skills
* Liver: Expanded liver allows it greater metabolic functioning. the character can remain awake an alert for 3 days with an expanded liver, during which time he has a heightened appetite (eats 2-3 times as much) but he also enjoys an extra attack per melee.
* digestive system: an expanded disgestive system allows the character to get 20% extra value out of food eaten. swallowed poisons and toxins are +4 to save against.

The creation of any additional organs adds 10 temporary SDC to the character for each new set of organs. having redundant organs allows the character to resist critical strikes (which inflict only 50% extra damage). redundant organs can be eliminated in order to reclaim the spent HP. The act of converting HP to new organs takes 15 minutes. reversing the process takes one melee action.
Other bonuses: +4D6 HP +4 PE +15 SDC

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unsurpassable Energy Expulsion: [Major] By Steeler49er
"I Am the ONSLAUGHTER! No power on Earth can stop Me! No One 'ZAPHOOM'... Oh snaahhps!" This is Dead Cannon, Target Onslaughter Destroyed... Invulnerable... my rump"

The super possesses a superior form of the common , minor, Energy Expulsion powers. This power is differant from other Super Energy Expusion powers in that it does not possess any additional effects such as an explosive aura, energy absorbtion and redirection, nor riccochet attacks. It also starts out much weaker and requires a personal expendature of energy to do much damage, However it can be, unlike the other afforementioned powers, pushed to Much greater extreams.
All other aspects of this power will be based on the specific type of energy choosen. Microwaves, for instance, will pass through most materials, but has minimal effect on metals/armors (1/20th damage.) and Heat is mostly invisable, thus reducing the opponets doge bonuse, but also reduing damage by half.

Range: 100ft per level.
Damage: 1D6 plus an number of D6 per level equal to the New level. (IE: 1D6 at level 1, +2D6 at level to, for a total of +3D6. Plus 3D6 at level 3, for a total of 6D6...etc.).
Boost: By making a PE save at Difficulty of 18, the super can increase the effective level of the expulsion for a single blast by one, for every point the save is made by. This blast drains the super of their energy reserves.This reserve is drawn from Bio-Energy, but PPE, Chi, ISP, PTP (Power Touch & Generate force Feild-Points) can be easily substitute in it's place, but once chosen this will remain the reserve permanentaly. For every point of success, one point of Bio-E is lost. The super may choose to not pay for some of the level increases. The Maximum Bio-E spendable (For a save bonuse only) in one attack is equal to the supers PE, plus ¼ PE per level.

Save Bonuse: the super gains +1 EoL (Every Other Level) as well as being able to spend BIO-E on a 1 to 1 bases to gain +1 to save. This Bio-E is lost regardless of the success of the roll. If a Natural 20 is rolled, the super may rerolled at -1 adding the results.

BIO-E: is equal to PEx50 +3D6 per level. Bio-E regenerates at a rate of 1 point per melee. When (and everytime) the supers base Bio-E reserve drops by 20%, the recovery rate increases by one step (IE: increasing from Melees to Miniutes, Miniutes to 10's of Miniutes, Then to one point per Hour, one per 6hrs., and finaly 1 point per Day). The recovery time decreases by one for every 20% of Bio-E recovered.
In Addition, for every 20% Loss in Bio-E the super suffers, it's combat & Save bonuses drop by 1/8th, and returns as Bio-E returns.
Failure: Conversly reduces BIO-E by 1 for every point the roll failed by. Natural 1's are rerolled (at +1) moving into the negative.

Strobe (Major) By Steeler49er
"Fighting The Nova is Never a Bright Idea Criminal scum!"

The super can create explosions in space points that release ambiant energys as High intensity Bursts of light. These Strobes are limited at level 1 in range, number, and brightness leading to the assumtion that this is a very weak power, however, as this power grows the super becomes increadably powerful. And even at low levels the super can push this powers level to go further for an instance. The burst is initially in the visable spectrum only, but also leads into the UV and Infer-red ends as well at Higher levels.

Range: 1ft at level one and doubles every level there after to a maximum of 1000ft. After this the range jumps by 1000ft per level.
Duration: Instant
ATPM's: Two attacks at level one. One attack at level two. And one action at level 3. Every other level thereafter the super gain an additional "Action" (not attack) in which they can strobe with. These are Extra action and Must be spaced out in between attacks..
Number Of Strobes: 1 Strobe per attack/action at level one. This doubles per every level after.
Damage: None at level one as the light is very efficient, generating only 2% heat with the burst of light which is equal to a low 100 Watts at level one. This doubles at level two and above, and can reach permanently blinding levels in time. At level 4 the super can extend the light into the infered end of the spectrum. At level 6 the super can push this into the UV end as well. When the infered end is reached, the super does 1D4 point of damage per 500 watts of pure infer-heat. The Light can be converted to UV, infer or visable in any quantity.

Striking: Any attempt to cause a strobe to Burst in someones face requires a strike roll. Base strike bonuse is +1 At level one, and increases by +1 per level. The super with this power has an Uncanny ability judge distances and target location when trying to stike with it. Base difficluty is 4 at short range (50ft), 6 at Mid Range (51-100), 8 at Extended Mid range (101-200), 10 at Low-End Long range (201-400), 12 at Mid-End Long Range (401-800), 14 at Long Range (801-1600), 16 at Extended-Long Range (1601-3200), 18 at Ultra Long Range (3201-4800), and 20 for Extream Range (4801-6400ft). Add +2 to the difficulty for every 20% past this range.

Ubiquitous Efficacy [Major] By Steeler49er
"You have that power? Hey I have that power to! I learned it just This week!"

Supers with this power are Very very rare, dispite this some do in fact exist. The super can Manifest Any power they can imagine almost at will, at first level proficiency by making a power skill roll. True that the duration is incredably low in the earily levels and it has a very long down time but once higher levels are reached that duration is equal to other powers. Initially a given power may be maintained for about 15 seconds and then requires a about one hours down time, which decreaces by 5 miniutes per level starting at first level. In addition to this the only powers that can be manifested in the beginning are minors but as their level increase, so does the number of minors that can be manifested at the same time. The super must learn a power inorder to use it on demand but they can attempt any given power at anytime with varing potentials for success.

It is assumed that the super starts out with three powers in which they can draw on and later learn other powers as time goes on. In the beginning this power is very very weak but they may have access to multiple powers for a short time daily and thus make up for this minor weakness untill they reach higher levels. <GM's are fully within their rights to restrict or flat out denie such a power as, at higher levels, this power becomes better than most anyother).

Range: Self (or other via power in use)
Duration: 1 melee round (doubled per level after first)
Down Time: One Hour minius 5 miniutes per level starting at first. Once a down time of Zero is reached at about level 12 the Down time drops by 1 miniute per level there after. IE Four miniutes at level 12, Three at 13th lvl ect. At level 16 <the highest level the charts give> the duration drops to a 1 melees.

Number of powers: One minor power at first level plus one more 2 levels later at 3rd, another '3 levels later' at 7th. Finally at level 10 all three minors may be merged together to form one major power. In order to form a major power the super Must have three differant minor powers that have aspects of major in question.

Pushing: The super may at any time they desire, choose to either reduce the down time by increasing the powers level for that reason, increase the duration by a multiple of 1, or increase a power in use by one level (Upto the supers Own level), all by "Pushing their power". This is done by expending 1 point of Temporary ME and making a succesful PE save vs. a difficulty of 18. For every level or multiple the super wishes to increase the power by the difficulty increases by one. If the roll fails the super takes 1D6 HP damage and looses one temporary point of PE.
If a Natural critical failure roll of 1 causes the super to loose a number of temporary PE equal to however many points the roll is failed by. If this dips below their Permanent PE score than the super will take 1D6 HP and passes out for 1D4 miniutes doubled per point under -1 PE. The super must make a successful Coma save or else the super stays passed out in a deadly state untill PE is returned to +1.
Both PE and ME recover at a rate of 1 Per Hour.
Save: Every other level the super gains +1 to to make this roll. A Push roll may only be attempted once every 10 miniutes.

Learning powers: At any time the super may attempt to manifest a power by making a
successful Power Skill roll at base of 1% <plus +1% per level>. If the super has seen the power attempted before, but was not present at the time, they add +1% to that roll. If the super was present to witness to power than add +2% to the roll.

►If the super has learned a power in the same Genre then add +2% to the roll. An example of two powers in the same genre: Attempting to manifest EE: Fire when you already possess EE: Electricity Feild.
►Attempting a power from the same Family adds +3%. An example of family is having EE: Heat and attempting EE: Fire, or Attempting manifest EX PS from ordenary PS.
►Having Two or more powers from the same genre adds +1% more per power (max 3 powers)
►Same Genus +6% to rolls. Examples; EE:Fire to EE:Flame Aura, or EX PS to Superhuman PS.
►Having Two or more powers from the same genus adds +3% more per power (max 3 powers toltal).
Attempts to mimic a power may be made as often as once every melee and every time (after the first) that an individual power is successfully remimicked ,the total percent to mimick it again is doubled, continuing untill 100% or more is reached.

Limitations:All powers mimicked start out at level one and may only be raised by gaining exp from an individuel powers use. The super requires 200 EXP to reach level two in a power with that requirement doubling for every level there after. Every repeated use of a specific power gives it a variable number of exp equal to what is given on the Palladium General EP chart, to a minimum of 1EP. Pushing a specific power adds 10 EP for every point the roll succeded by.

Foudroyant Chromatophores [Major] By Steelere49er
"Now you see me... But only because I wish it!"

Similar to the Major power "Chameleon" but strictly biological in nature, the super has the incredible abilitys akin to cuttlefish but far more reaching having Super color changing cells in every portion of their bodys including; Eyes, Hair, Blood and Bone. When the power is in use the super becomes as transparent as a jellyfish in water. The texture of the supers skin also changes and allows for a much more complete environmental blend. Unlike Chamelion the super has total control their color and can can recreate realistic and animated 3-D images equal to a full color TV with images being from memmory or completely fabricated. This power grants limited full color bioluminescence at about 40 watts (plus 2 per level), iridescence and the ability to produce Neon fluorescent colors (well beyond what animals in nature can produce). This control gives the super a natural art skill bonuse/base of +38% when dealing with their own flesh shifting abilitys.

The super chromatophores Adds +4 (+1per level of the super) to the difficulty of Visual Perception rolls made by other to see the super. Eventually the super becomes imperceivable to the background. This ability is Not limited to just the visable light end of the spectrum and at level 3 the super can produce either a flat absorbant color or biolumical glow (radiance equal to 10 watts plus 2 per level) that mimicks one of those invisable color groups. Groups include Microwave, Infered, UV, Radio waves etc. Each level after 3rd another color or light emission may be taken. It should be noted that the super will need to be aware of a given energy inorder to mimick it.

1) Hypnotic pattern. Similar to how a cuttlefish uses it's color shifting abilitys to mesmerize animals before attacking them, the super may do similar. The nature of the human mind is such that it comes to expect symmetry and familiarity from the things it sees, when that is disrupted the mind needs time to cope and fully realize just what it is viewing, even if the person is able to comprehended it.
Anyone not hardened to this attack is at risk from it. At low levels the super is just a rooky at this technique' and the Difficulty for others to resist it equally low. The victim makes an ME Saves at Diff 8 (plus +1 every other level of the super) with failed rolls yeilding -1 per point the roll failed by to all combat rolls for as long as the victim continues staring plus 1 attack.

2) Epileptic Strobe : a small percentage of the human population about (1 in 6000 adults and 5-6 times as many children under 7) suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, at level 3 and beyond the super may a attempt to produce this effect. Victims may make an ME save to resist the seizures at difficulty 14 (+1 per three levels of the super) at range of 20 ft. Unless a person is vulnerable to this attack <again 1-6000> it has no effect.

3) Skin wear: Any clothes worn by the super which cover a location will prevent said location from being effective so the use of this power to compensate for this by altering skin color and it's texture so as to look just like Real clothing. Unlike the real thing these clothes offer no protection for skin from the elements.

4) Awe/Horror factor: with the kind of colors, patterns, textures, and glows that the super can produce they can, in effect, increase their PB dramatically as well as add a little umpff to their ability to impress others. By making a successful MA roll at Diff 8 + [intended PB bonuse] they may be able to gain an awe factor using their PB Bonuse at +4. Both ME and PB use the ME/PE D20 Save bonuse to pull this off. This roll may be attempted once per round.

For ever point a person fails an Awe factor roll by they loose that many points from their combat bonuses as well as they're next save attempt Vs. another awe factor roll. This lasts for one attack per point their roll failed by (maximum of 5) or untill the super makes another change to their appearance. Taking hostial actions reduces time by half <rounded down>. The person must roll every round untill they succeed. The same is all true for horror factor.
Those who succeed the roll are immune to that forms appearance and are resistant to futher appearances equal to +1 per every point the initial roll was saved by. This power can be used to alter the persons general appearance as well as ethnicity.

5) Blood Ink: The blood of the super also possesses the ability to alter color and may be used to paint pictures or write and leave notes to others. The super must cut themselves inorder to do this taking 1 point of damage. One Ounce will allow for about enuff to cover a single sheet of 11'x8' paper or a space on a wall equal to about 12'x6'.

6) Living Tattoos: The artistic tattoos possable are endless.
7) Close wounds and Clott blood: The supers ability to control their skins texture, do to micro-muscules that part of chromatophores nature and that are running through out the supers body, also allows them hold wounds shut for as long as their aware. The blood is made up of these same chromatophores and have the ability to clott easily.

8) Blood pressure: By constricting and increasing blood flow to certain locations of the body, the super can decrease damage done from kinetic blows and light falls. By making a PE save [plus +1 every three levels] at difficulty 16. For every point the super saved the roll by it may reduce damage by 1 point and add +1 to PP RWP/F rolls. This require 2 free actions to perform and is best used when prior knowldge of an attack is coming. Can be maintained for one attack [per level] or one round and requires concrentration to perform [-3 to combat across the board while prepping]. Needs one melee down time between uses.

Unlike The Chameleon power chromatophores are skin based and do Not extend to the clothes worn by the super and thus covering the skin in a given location destroys use of the power there. More so is that despite this power being biological it can still be shut off via the Negate Super powers ability.

RATTS <..>
Last edited by Steeler49er on Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:31 am, edited 5 times in total.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Alter physical structure: Psionic energy
'You know what you can do with that psi sword buddy...'

The character can tarnsform himself into semisolid psionic force, not unlike a psi sword or shield. Neither purely solid, nor purely psionic the character gains the following abilities.
1) Increased SDC and resistance to injury. as a solid humanoid entity, the character has 250 SDC. energy attacks inflict half damage, and psionic attacks inflict no damage. Kinetic force is still effective, but needs to beat a natural AR of 14. while transformed, he is not flesh and blood, and need not eat or drink, and feels no weaknesses of flesh. he does need sleep in the normal doses, but cannot physically fatigue.
2) mentally enhanced strength. the character uses his ME in place of his PS score while transformed, and considers his PS extraordinary. His fists and natural attacks work like a psi sword and are considered both solid and psionic in nature.
3) Psionic powers. The character can use SDC to power a handfull of psionic powers. He knows 2 powers from each of the lesser categories, selected when he chooses this power. considered to be a major psionic, he makes all saving throws as such (needs a 10+ to save vs psionics)
4) SDC recovery. 4 per hour. this is doubled when not in his transformed state, and doubled again if meditating. on a ley line, or other source of power, it increases again by 50%. If times are hard, he can convert HP to psionic body SDC at a rate of 1:5 (one HP heals 5 SDC)
5) psionic senses: while transformed, the character see'speople by their own auras as well as a type of limited clairvoyance. He is not subjected to blinding or deafening attacks, and can see his normal distance through any amount of cover or darkness (though any solid object over an inch thick blocks this. he can see a target's ME and IQ scores, and knows a supernatural or psionic character when he see's one. His vision is also 360 in nature, and as such cannot be snuck up upon. +2 to autododge.

Bio cannon: [Minor]
'Oh yeah... this lump. It spews corrosive goo. Not exactly a good impression on a first date'

The character has a spare limb, segmented and jointed like a spare arm, but grows from the shoulder, back, hip or even the baack of the head. The limb converts HP to deadly attacks.
One HP generates a 4D6 corrosive blast (+1 damage per level) that can fire out to 80 feet with +3 to strike on an aimed shot. the limb can also bash inflicting 1D6 damage plus any PS bonus, but cannot weild weapons. The limb provides one extra attack per melee that can be used as part of the bio-cannon or as a bashing limb.

The bio-cannon has two other functions.
1) it can eject other ranged attacks posessed by the character, adding +1 to strike with aimed shots, adding +1 damage per level and adding 30% to the effective range.
2) it can extend the range of another power by 80 feet (even powers that work on touch). it grants a +2 to strike in this case.

Alternative: the character can choose not to have the extra limb, and instead have the bio-cannon as part of an existing limb. it is still obvious when looking at it, looking like a biological gun barrel, but is concealable by clothing. this robs the character of the extra attack and bludgeoning options.

Earth Plexus [Major]
'The human Bollard will save the day!!'

The character can join with the earth to become a solid lump of matter, rooted to the ground. He must be touching the ground (a freeway overpass is not acceptable, but a ground level street is). when he does so, he takes on the visual appearance of the matter he is bonding to but otherwise becomes a human sized lump with the following characteristics.
SDC: 1000, plus 150 per level. regenerates this at a rate of 100 per minute.
Rooted to the ground: a supernatural strength equal to the character's ME plus his PS (+5 per level) is required to uproothim from the ground. alternatively damage equal to 1/10th his SDC must be inflicted in a single blow to crack him free
AR: equal to the surrounding material. Typically 13-16 depending on the ground he is attached to.

While rooted to the ground he is immobile, but can exercise the use of powers normally, as long as they do not requires a strike roll, or rely on having body parts. he remains immobile. he is also unable to alter his physical structure while rooted. He cannot communicate unles he has other poers and abilities that allow him to (sound manipulation, illusions, telepathy etc)

land manipulation: While rooted to the ground, the character has a number of special abilities.
1) Destruction: every minute the character can reduce the surrounding ground's AR by 1 and it's SDC by 10% as he breaks the ground around him to dust, sand and rubble. he can reduce the SDC down to 30% of it's original and it's AR donwn to 0. when either occurs, it indicates that the solid earth around the character has become loose and fragile for a radius of 30 feet +5 feet per level. when it occurs, the character no longer has any soliod ground to root himself to and this power ends.
2) enhancement: the character can reverse the above process, fixing potholes, repairing cracks and turningsand and gravel into flat stone.
3) enrichment: the character can turn a square mile of open earth (or even sand) into richer land, increasing the yeild of that land by 10% per level (or -10% per level if reversing the process) this change takes an hour to perform.

Bio-copy: [Major]
'Yoink...Now *I* Have immunity'

The character can absorb energies from a target by touch and use them to synch up with him.
1) bio-copying: Once per melee round, the character can touch an opponent, sinking his hand or fingers into him to absorb some of his essence. this inflicts a trivial 2d4 SDC damage from the target, but also starts the syncing process. Used defensively, the character can expend an action and use this as a sort of dodge using a total bonus of +4. if this happens, the target phases through the character, and the absorbtion takes place. This ability can be used to escape a garpple or even just to dive through a target.
2) effects of synch. when synched up with a target the character shares a number of his properties.
* Resistant to the target's powers. damage, duration and effect are halved, and if a saving throw is needed, the character has +4
* shares some of the character's personal immunities: can see in the darkness created by a target with shadow control. can grapple a target if he has APS fire activated.
* Cannot be mimicked, copied or suppressed by the target. Natural combat ability, Mimic, negate superpowers and the like are useless against the character.
* Counts as zero mass if he feels like it. The target may consider the character to have zero mass /weight/size when factoring if the power can be used, IF the character consents. a target with intangibility can turn the character intangible with him. The character has control over this aspect, thus when fighting an intangible character he may simply copy his tangibility state. he may hitch a ride with a teleporter, or match mass with a weight manipulator.
3) sense synch: the character's synching means that the target telegraphs his moves. The character has a +2 to strike parry and dodge the target while within range (100 feet) duration is otherwise continuous until the target is beyond range, then it is 1 round per level.
4) other bonuses: Can only synch with one target at a time.
Knows the target's general powers and abilities after one synch, and can detect any of his weaknesses if the target fails a saving throw (16+ ME bonuses apply)
heals the same amount he steals from a target when synching.
+1d4x10 SDC

Gravity conversion [Major]
'Feel the might of Gravitar!'

The character can convert gravitational energy to another form (chosen when this power is selected) this power is especially effective in that it incapacitates (by reducing gravity) while injuring.
1) Zero G levitation and flight. While negating gravity, the character converts localised gravity waves to ambient energy. during this time he is weightless (as per the minor ability) He can use this ability to travel at a spd of his PE+10 in flight, add his normal weightless ness bonus to his ground spd, or perform gravity enhanced leaping up to his PS x20 feet. in all cases he irradiates an area of 20 feet around himself with ambient, but recognisable energy (it becomes hotter, brighter, more statically charged etc)
2) Energy burst. The character can acuase the gravity around a single target into a burst of energy. This affects a target within 80 feet and inflicts 1D6+2 damage per level of experience, with a +2 to strike (targets under 5th level are -4 to dodge. targets 5th level and higher will feel the split second loss of gravity and have only a -2 to dodge). In addition to the damage, the target will be robbed of gravity for a split second and will be flung 2d6 feet in the air. the target must check vs balance or be sent sprawling as well (lose one action and possible falling damage). This attack requires 2 actions to perform. Note that this attack manifests as a column rising from the ground. Intervening obstacles do not count as any sort of cover unless it completely conceals the target from sight. This attack can be performed as an area attack affecting a 20 foot across area. it inflicts only 1d6 damage per level to the targets. the character can choose to make the released energy ambient only, which flips the target as normal but inflicts no actual energy damage)
3) generate energy: the character can turn localised gravity into specified bolts that he can flung with accuracy. the bolts inflict 2d6 damage with +6 to strike. if the character is in an area of increased gravity (such as on a high gravity world, or under the effect of a chaarcter with gravity manipulation) he inflicts another 1D6 damage for every 2 G's of local gravity.
4) resistance to gravity attacks. The character can choose to ignore the effects of high gravity attacks, simply dispersing excess gravity reflexively into ambient energy. (low gravity effects affect him normally, as it robs him of his source of power) In addition, the energy source he uses with this power inflicts half damage to this character.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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Ooooooo...Bio cannon... Kewl!
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Devil inside [Major]
'Oh he still alive after that?!!?'

The character ahs a series of small redundant organs and tendril like limbs living inside his body, acting as heart, lungs and general internal organs. This critter is alive and can harmlessly slit the character's flesh open to reach out in times of need. Under nominal circumstances, the creature can exit the body, trailing an umbilical cord with a range of 15 feet per level. It has HP equal to the character and an SDC of 5 per level.
1) Medical expert. The 'devil inside' can emerge when the character is badly wounded or unconscious. if below zero HP, the devil inside can perform as the paramedic skill at 60% +3% per level, and can genrate a bandaging solution and even perform minor surgery in order to stabalise a dying character and halt bleeding. If the situation is dangerous, it can drag the body to safety at a spd of 4.
2) Escape artist: the critter can attempt to pierce the skin with its tendrils and can untie ropes and pick locks (escape artist 30% +2% per level, pick locks 45% +2% per level)
3) vigilance: The devil inside can extend a sensory pseudopod outside the body while the character sleeps. if it senses danger or another emergency it can send adrenaline into the body to wake him instantly.
4) damage reduction. The devil inside can absorb half the damage from ingested poison and can accept half the effects of disease. in addition it can absorb half the damage from bullets or other peircing attacks, and the extra damage from critical strikes. it has it's own sense of self preservation though, and stops doing this when it is down to 10 or so HP. It heals at twice the normal rate that the character does.
5) attributes: the critter has a PP of 16 a PS of 5 a spd of 15. it has a PE equal to the character. it has 2 attacks per melee, +1 to strike and +5 to dodge and an auto dodge of +1. it also has all the character's powers. It can only use these by exiting the body (HF 14)
6) enhance host: the creature can secrete and suppress hormones and adrenaline. The character can drift to sleep at an instant, and wake refreshed and alert when he has ahd sufficient sleep. He heals at twice the normal rate. If suprised or in great danger, he gains an extra attack and +4 initiative for up to one minute (plus one melee round per level) he can dole this out over the course of the day or in one dosage. he is calm in the face of danger (immune to fear, anxiety and HF)
7) exit strategy: If the host dies, The devil inside can leave by disconnecting the cord. If disconnected, the creature has a few options.
* Can slowly consume the corpse from the inside. this creates a new, immature human body with limited intelligence (IQ is half the character's) and animal instincts, but otherwise a human being with this power (and so the cycle continues).
* it can seperate entirely. it will develop a thick skin (gains 30 SDC over the next 6 months, AR 8) and a natural weapon (usually a bite or claws doing 1d4 damage). If it's cells are used to clone it, or a ressurection is performed on it (magical or otherwise) then the character can be reborn from it.
* it can ambush another host, and burrow inside it. the host gains this power, and has a mix of memories (some from the previous character). Over time, other pwoers will start to emerge (effectively the host starts to resemble the original character, gaining one of his minor powers every 2 months, and one major power every 4 months)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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Gross is His specialty... Any comments on my powers?
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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. wrote:Gross is His specialty... Any comments on my powers?

Pretty impressive bundles of mayhem you got there....Chromatic it...I can see some fashionistas taking that power....MOve aside Dazzler...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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You Liked it... You really liked it!
Sorry about the repost on the other powers, since they'd gotten deleted from the thread I just wanted to put them back up there. But The Chromatic Skin power is what I was hope'n might finaly fly for everyone.

All my other powers (other than that Skin growing power from a few years back) have been a little to "Over the Top" for anyones tastes <not that I'd disagree with that assessment >, but I wanted to create a power that peeps could like.

Danka "Taalismn". And it's good to be back here on the Boards.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have some minors to post soon called Mold Metal, 99 Red Balloons, Sugar Expulsion, Glitter and Crossbones. Hopefully I will have them done and posted tomorrow. :)
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


Unread post by Steeler49er »

Sugar Expulsion Glitter... LOL :lol: Awsome "Stone G-man" I can't wait!

And it's about time we got a Real Kewl Mold Metal power! I'm mean, what was with that power in PU3? It was a whole bucha minor powers +one bizzar sub-power that made you impervious to Metal!
Ida just rather had One power that let you bend metal<at range> and that was decent. Looking foreards to them...

99 Red Balloons....... LOL
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have some minors to post soon called Mold Metal, 99 Red Balloons, Sugar Expulsion, Glitter and Crossbones. Hopefully I will have them done and posted tomorrow. :)

Oh goody! I have another reason to live for tomorrow!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mold Metal (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can cause metal to reshape to a limited degree, molding it like clay.

1.Lock and Key: As long as the hero has a steel or metal lock and the key to it, he can retool both simply by touching them, with a skill level of 90%, +2% per level (also adds +10% to Locksmithing skill. This has the benefit of changing a lock having an additional key to make it inaccessible by the untouched key. Locks that are touched without also touching a key can be made to be fused shut, or made so the key to it will no longer open it. The key to the lock must then be held by the superbeing to restore the lock to functioning capacity.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions

2.Sculpting Metal: This ability can also be used to alter weapons and reshape metal utensils. This can be used to fuse a gun barrel closed, cause a gun to jam, or reshape a metal weapon or utensil, though SDc and damage of the weapon will remain the same unless more mteal is added. Reshaping metal in this fashion is done at a skill level of 60%, plus 5% per level, and the hero can do up to 3d6 damage to metal objects touched or held. The hero can affect 20 pounds of metal per level.
If using metal of another object to enhance a weapon, the hero can add to the length of a weapon batrrel (adds 15 feet of additional distance per inch added, orbadd weight to a melee weapon (adds 1 point of damage per pound of metal added).

3.Damage Resistance: Defensively, the hero only takes half damage from metal projectiles and shrapnel, as well as melee weapons used against him.

4.Other Bonuses: Adds +10% to Field Armorer and Blacksmith skills
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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