Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

NMI has allowed me to Re-openning this Thread, as Long as I appologize fer destroying the last one...
It's seems I and Herald of Shadows have buried the hatchet, And I appologize fer my part.
This is one of the Funner Threads we've had here and everyone seem to be enjoying the discussion. Please feel free to move your posts/ideas over here. Now would also be a good time to edit them as you'd have originally liked to have seen them.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Rimmer wrote:We all know of certain powers that compliment each other, and amplify the effects of the other, for example SNPS and Gravity Manipulation. One of my PC's just made up a character with APS: electricity and Magnetism, which is making for some interesting combos, what others have you come accross.

►Absorb/redirect Energy + Convert Energy
<This combo allows you to convert Background energys into something damaging (like Fire)and shoot it back out at double damage. This combo thus allows you to Always have energy on hand to throw at others. This power Also allows you to "Convert" the energy you expel back out (after absorbtion) as whatever you want. Something most people tend to forget about A&RE (Absorb & Recahnnel Energy) is that the energy is described as being "Bio-energy"<whatever that is> regardless of the type of energy you may have initially absorbed! This comb GREATLY increases your powers effects>

►Energy Conversion (again) + Bend Light
<This combo allows you to "Convert"<alter> one type of incoming energy into Light, which with bend light, you can redirect/direct it at Any chosen Target>

►APS: Water + Hyper Dencity (AKA: "The Nekira Sudacne Manuver")
<By turning into water, then surrounding your prey and Turn Super dence (whatever that means), you become a DEATH TRAP! This ability combo has a million and one utilliy purposes like; holding up or forming a bridge (orholding one together), becoming an obstical, protecting people from harm and debirs...etc>

►Anitomical Independance + Body Weapon/Alter Limbs:
<Now you can create little "probes"<to rip CyberPunks 'Cybergen scouts' for a term>. You can motor off body parts or hand friends/allies weapons to use in a pinch. You can finaly create and chuck your own home made KRULL glave at your enemys. Call it Giving them a "Five Finger Death-Count">

►Same as Above + Prodigious Limbs
<By and far one of the BEST combos out there for usage with Body Weapon powers, you can greatly increase the range of your attacks by 100's of feet. Your finger can shoot out to Ten times its length and thinkness... Flatten that 3inch finger out into a flat blade thats x2 the range and it jumps to 500feet!
Your hand can become a HUGE 3ft in size (Not counting fingers), 1ft thick sheild-Before transeformation into one. Once it's transformed with your Body/alterlimbs power, it will cover much of your body. You can also have these giant Monster hands go off and grab peeps (kinda like the statues in Beetlejuice did), or even creat MEGA sized BFG's, gattling guns and missle launcher racks>

►Elongation + Bodyweapon or Quills -"Bed Of Nails"
,By flattening yourself and laying out in a road, you can 'Flex' your blades into a living road spike>

►Invulnerable Essence (by by Chris Gileppa> found on this page) OR, if you only go by the book, M.D.C. (Massive Damage Cap)... Both give you aLotta HP to work with.
Combo with Swarm Self and throw in Growth.

So Growth+Swarm Self + MDC.
<This combo will allow you to "Break Down" into alotta minis of yourself (PE+10Per Level+2D6X10 HP minimum/averages out to about 100by level 3 [divided by 5=20] mini clones... Than Grow em up big an nice...
Using "Invulnerable Essence" will net you about 230 HP average at level one, for 46 mini-clones+Growth.... 47 You's>

►Polymorph + Alter Limbs
<Now you CAN create an opening door for that fridge you just morphed into... And now you not only Look like a motercycle, you ride like one as well.>

►TechnoForm + Growth + EXPE
<Become a Real sized Jet or private plane, one capable of 46+ft + Size to the prior jet size equals many of the F-line of american jets... F-18's about 56ft, F-16-49ft (easy).

More from My Mind...........................................

►Body Weapon + Anitomical Ind + Self Expolsion (Major)
<Turn your fingers into detatchable throwing blades, apon stricking their target they also detonate. Arms can be CHUCKED as throwing Irons for More damaging effects. This Also prevents (to an extent) others from trying to destroy a lib, as you can detonate it a moment befor Said opponent does so.>

►Transmutation + Reserve (by Iczer)
<Transmutation allows you the option of making a change permanent but at a huge perm cost of -1PE & 2D6 SDC. "Reserve" has a pool equal to his ME sccore, plus 5 per level which can be used for any number of uses, one of which is function
4) If a power has a deletrious side effect to use, then 5 reserve points cancels the side effect when it happens (IE-disintegration).
This would allow a super a limited number of 'Permanent' transmutations per day before the damage be can permanent!>

►Bend Light + EE: Light
<Control, Bank, twist and warp your beams all around. You can break your beam up into it's individual color to create awsome Rave effects. Used in tandem you can create an aura of light effect as a visual destraction to cover the actual EE: Lights expulsions and Further confuse opponents.
You can Bend a laser/light blast around a corner or through a pipes angles to hit hard to reach targets. Create a constant open beam effect and have it encircle an opponent as a makeshift "Laser bar" like cage>
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Fun with HaPPy Squirels and Shaw Shank shark redemptions!

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Fun with HaPPy Squirrels and Shaw Shank shark redemptions!
By Steeler49er <Hey! That ME >

"Now we're going to add a Happy little tree and... Whoops! Hows about some little forrest critters? Yeah, lets and a HAPPY squirrel to the painting! Yeah, he's a happy fella, your a Happy fellow, arin't you...Yes you Are!... Till he grows FanGs And HiS EyEs glow ReD likE BLOOD and trys to eat choo>>>>!... No, Wait... Noooooo!", splug, crunch "Gurgel"....

-Bob Norman Ross(October 29, 1942 – July 4, 1995)... Last words

►Animal Meta + Alter Limbs
<Giants Elephants with Nasty serrated Quad-Tusks and Articulated Trunk Cannons-Just think Rifter 37's Visual description & Splicers art fer House Shiva! Chainsaw toothed Crocodiles, Spiked Anacondas (impossable to get out of that grip Now!), and ULTRA load ear peircing Bats sonar! And since sharks skin is amde up of Teeth <in effect>, just imagine how much nastier they can get!>

►Animal Meta + Shape Shifting
<Not ultra useful for combat, but makes for Perfecting immitaions of a paticular persons pet! Also it's great fer just having fun by creating Odd Ball animal mutations! PINK bunny rabbits, Yellow flamingos, and making some partely Bipedal animals (like Bears) into Fully Bi-pedal ones <as well as making some quadropeds into part bi peds> All great fer creatingCool seemingly mutant looking animal! By messing around enough you can get that quasi-lycnthroian look you've always wanted. You can make Monkey have reptilian scales, Giraffes have shrot necks and Purple spots over Black fur/skin. Your Tiger can freak people out by shifting it's colors in front of people at the zoo so as to match the background (they'll think its' the Freakest super preditor-can getcha Anywhere now... OR you can finally make that tailored Monster you've always wanted by finding the animal that clostes resemble it, and morphing its features.

You can alter their sizes alittle as well>

►Animal Meta + Growth
<Create GIANT monster sized versions of any animal you wish. This is great for if your trying to pass yourself of as an animal god to some tribes of creatures/humans. Plus, there's nothing like a 60ft long; Python, Great White Shark, or Bengaled Tiger to Really scare people to DEATH (Defanantly a High HF... Even a Nightspawn or seasoned Warrior/soldier would freak at the site of this!).
Hooper(Dreyfuss): "That's a twenty footer. "
Quint (Shaw): "Twenty-five. Three tons of him."
....<growth, 25+40ft from PE20x's2>
Hooper & Quint... "WOE!!!!"
Hooper: "That's a 60 footer!"
Quint: "Sixty-Five. Thirty tones of him!"
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

APS: Multiple Beings!... Wahuh? ಠ_ಠ

►Mimic + Multiple Beings...
<Since Mimic is listed as being able to be combined with Shape Shifting in that annoyingly Stupid "No Two+ APS powers may be combined" rule... It should then be assumed that, since Both of these powers we're listed separatly from the example group, than it MUST ( :wink: ) imply that One of them was Not considered by Kevi-poo to be considered an APS power... And as such, since we don't know which one was the APS power and which one wasn't, Tiz stands to reason that we can use them Both as though Neither one is an APS power... See, Follow the crazy logic trail of my Rallen teapot?

Back on track... Putting APS: Multiple Beings ( ) and Mimic together has an awsome and very well know trick to it of (Legally?... Well, it Was anyhow) allowing your Duplication sterilized Clones to... welll... Copy YOUR mains abilitys in Full, complete with the Crazy ability to create Copies of themselves!
And it is, and isn't (due to that grey area up there) book legal.

In just a few miniutes you could (before the duration runs out on Mimicry for being out of range) over populate the planet Earth!
☻level 3 (6AtPM's thanks to BOXING???)
☺Creation of 2 clones=1 AtPM
Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺2 clones Create 2 clone each=4 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
4 clones Create 2 clone each=8 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
4 clones Create 2 clone each=8 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
8 clones Create 2 clone each=16 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
16 clones Create 2 clone each=32 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

32... 64... 128... 256... 512... 1000... 2000... 4000... 8000... 16,000... 32,000... 64,000... 128,000... 256K... 512K... 1mill... 2mill, 4mill, 8mill, 16mill, 32mill, 64mill, 128mill, 256mill, 512mill, 1bill, 2bill, 4bill, 8Bill, 16Billion

32-Billion=70Attacks or 3min with good pacing...
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

When Animals ATTACK!
"Here Lassy <whistel>... Here boy... Aww, there you are... Wait, your not Lassy... AHHHH!"

►Animal Meta + Flesh Works (AKA Flesh Sculpting for supers)
<With this every Halloween is the Best-Est Halloween! You can Meta into cute neiborhood animals and then Mess your self all up... Timmy dog (you) will coma runnin when called, but we he sees you he's gonna freak cuz, you eyes gonna be dangeling out of your head, half your headl be missing as well as ALL the skin on your right hand side...
To throw a lil more Umpff on it, you can start talkink in gurgled human and sayjin stuff like;
"Help me timmy... I though you wer my friend, why'd you leave me outside? WHY?"
And "His name was Shou Tucker!, he did this! He said he'd make me human".

Combine with "APS: Vine" or Multiple Beings (fused together) to make people think that it's THE THING>

Fuse your self with other Clones of yourself while all in WolfyDog form...
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Iczer wrote:Was it wise to unleash effects inside a TK force field that could damage the force field itself? Kinda like helping your enemies to escape your death trap (and leaving aside, again, that the TK ff was never intended to trap someone)
That said, it sounds like a cool manoevre, but it's drawbacks are immense. 50 ISP to take down one guy. and that only works if he's not in some way fire resistant, or able to leave the dome on his own (superstrength comes to mind, but teleport and tunnelling also could work, and if you have an air hole for the fire, then you have left an avenue for escape. That said, the description of an 'air tight force bubble sort of implies that there is no leeway for adding an air hole) and you remain mostly at the mercy of your target's teamates. if you pass out, then the force field drops. that and you have to 50 or less feet away for this stunt to work (depending on level) means that as soon as it goes up, you could be facing every team mate the target has. psychics aren't known for their damage absorbancy.

All good points that, 'I', knowing you to be the well known super genius everyone knows you to be, knew you'd asked these questions...and I knowing that was just waiting fer you to make the comment so I could reply...
Like, yah know, like okay?, Okay?

Just being nutty
Anywho... Yes, all your comments wer/are realistic concerns, I warned him about doing this but, as I (the GM) found out, the player had already contemplated allthem tactical variables long before he'd even telling me what he'd had planned... He's the quite and scary smart type!

He messured his ISP loss, attacks, damage to the sheild, friends and allies on His enemys side vs, the players own (who'd get his back), and reaction times of said enemys +plus their most likely moves like a psycho with WayHa Hay too much time on his hands to come up with such a plan!
The opponents <1 well armed but not fully armored juicer + one Full conversion Borg>
Eric (the player) didn't even hesitate in his actions (Psi power of Resist Fear) and Dual actioned the Pyroattack. He reasoned (and later they burnt to death) that the juicer could Not be beat in either Mental nor Melee combat and, the juicer would most likely close the distance betwixed the two of them in a second flat, thus killing any Good Ranged defenses like TK ACC.
He wanted to kill two birds with one stone as well, and since the Juicer and the borg wer feet apart, he got them both in one FF simo stylin. He figured that the Juicer would be dead in at Least 3 seconds, and that the borg would get blinded and take minor damage to it's entire body (every section at the same time), thus weakening it. He used Total recall to get info on the borg models most likely stats, and realized that it was a medium borg wearing Med borg armor and couldn't too much Punch damage. He also realized that the forearm coil gattling guns damage was minimal + it would take heavy damage in second to both, the barrels And the ammo feed the belt.

The borg would also take extra damage thanx to the fires containment... And, since it is both psionically generated AND fueled, he realized that only Minimal amounts of air needed to likely get in (TK ACC hole dug in the dirt, and under the feild...took one second). Any Missels the borg may fire would A) Blow up when they hit the sheild and, thus the blow back would hit the borg Or B) Any missels/explossive the borg may try and attack with would likely get immediantly Fragged by the fire and blow up while ON said borg.
Eric was Level 3 (75MDC for the FF) and the Borg had a (correction-THE) Borg Heavy forearm P-Beam which I gave him <read-cheated> on the spot so as to be a D!ck and not let Eric derail yet another games story arc by beating the bad guys in 1 second flat...

15seconds flat... Erics gone through 3 sheilds, done 110+ points of DC to Every part of the borgs anatomy (incidentally destorying the SRM and Rail/Coil-Gattling Gun...) hitting the Head up fer that amount as it wasn't covered up by to much Borg armor, Over heated the PBeam, And
By the time the borg gets free, he is blinded due to heat/carbon scorching that his eye sheilds (The big borg eyebrows that many borgs in PB are shown to have) failed to fully protect him from... That left the borg open to a barrage of Long ranged attacks from him (PC Eric/Jarred the Really Tall white with Nuclear green tiger-striped Cat man) and the rest of the crew that and taken out the Other NPC baddies thanx to Erics Telepathic relaying of instructions.

Eric TK lifted the borg up in the air and turned him to face away from his PC and let the other players finish off the guy!

Then Eric/Jarred continued to walk ( Or "Egress!", as he put it) down the street and out of the town like a cool fish actin like nothn had happened...
You know the type "I do this all the time while going out to get an expresso' at Seattle s Best" kind of cool!

BTW-He's the reason I haven't GM'd in over a year.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

The Baron of chaos wrote:I know that Palladium said you can get experience from Multiple selves, but that's why I thought combining with heightened sense of recall(is something more than just eidetic memory ya know). But i want to truly refinemultiple selves power and combos at same time. Now lets start.

First off - Fast task+Multiple Beings: Using more clones means you can do the same task faster, simply becasue you do multiple roll for success at same times(ok guys lets search for this note in NEW york library). Combine this with Speed Tasking and you can in theory cover an entire building in matter of minutes(why is always me that have to clean the headquarter? Because you got multiple self power)
Second - shared skills: Is better to clear that while is true that clones do ahve extra experience is also true that unless they go on themselves and live an indipended life(more than a moth separated form the original) this is part of the expereince the orginal do(as palladium say). more than this and the clone could do some experience on his own and learn some skills. Of cours ethis also means he develope an indipendent personality as well. This means that if re-absorbed using the heigtened sense of recall you could recall that skill, but you risk(45%) to recall your clone persnality as well, plus that skill will never improve and you could use it only with the recall power(this means it took more action to use it, one to recall it and one to use it). And this is for Multiple Selves and Heightened sense of recall
(as for skill improvement Multiple Selves could be used to make fast improvement in skills, much as noted about, reducing the time from 4-6 weeks by the number of copies used on this. So if you can make two copies the time is reduced to 2-4 weeks...even in comics and manga characters had to devote themselves into honing skills ya know)

Third-One man Army: Multiple Self combined with Absorb Bio-Mass, sure you cannot absorb supers, but you coudl absorb your clones and getting pumped up, sort of power absorpotion, a flesh version of water behemoth I suppose. Simply insted of shutting down that extra-biomass, as you would normally absorbing back your clones, you make good use of it. If GM think is too much of a combo, you could limit it to absorb only your clones, no one else.

Multiple Self+Gateway: The original act as living gateway for the clones. This means a clone could always "port" back to his orginal wherever he is on planet, good way to re-call a clone who is in danger of life. Note that the clones could make different gateways, sharing it with original, provinded they were absorbed or are together. Gateway of absorbed clones can be use donly once , sadly.

Multiples Self and psionic: Yay the best combo here. Simply some psionic powers are Cheaper to use between clones and original, for the simple reason they are the same being, each of them costing only 1 point of ISP cost: telepathy(well they are the same person), Mind Bond( without side effect, come quite natural to them), Psychic Diagnosis( they know their collective status), Sensory link( between each other), Wound Transfer(special, when all together they could split their wounds, reducing the damagin effects). ISP of duplicates are the same as original, but less the extr point due to level experience.

Multiple Selves+Transferal/possession: Very special, the original could split consciouness with his clones at twice the normal range and if he wish the change couldbe permanent with the clone becoming the original and vice-versa, useful to avoid a painful death(muahahahahah fool, you just killed one of my duplicates, I switched mind just before the building collapsed onto me).

Multiple Beings + Istant Wardrobe/Istant Weapon/Dimensional pocket/Dimensonal Room: The Orginal and duplicate actually share these, is not that each of them had a personal dimensional stash, no they have a common dimensional stash, largern than normal that they could all access. Generally increase these dimensional pockets by one level per clones. So if i can cread 3 copy of myself my istant wardrobe would store 4 set of clothing, my istant weapon would store 80lbs ad my dimensional room would be 22x10x10 feet, and all of them could access it(note that if a dimensional room is opened and used by a clone in hong kong, the orignal cannot use it in europe, being already busy.), Otherwise you can make all of them having their own small little dimension. Small, empty dimension(when reabsorbed the stuff inside these dimensional pockets is expelled instantly).

MultipleSelves+Life Sense: The Duplicate and original can track each other at 60%+5% per level.

Multiple Selves+ Anatomical indipendence: Creepy and definitaly gross, the original and dupes can exchanged pieces! plus if within range of anatomical indipendence power they could use the detached anatomical part as it was their own.

Multiple Selves+Multi-tasking: Now multi-tasking is essentially a comb power , allowing any possible combo in games, is the power , do two things at same times(in HTH combat allow any possible combo, from grab/strike to parry/ shot energy beam)
In this case allo to ACTIVATE the consciouness of the duplicate before actually creating it!. This means that the dupplicate ready for action, no more than ready, he is acting, kicking the same very moment is created(is considered a surpirse attack for the opponent).

Multiple Selves+Polymorph/Technoform: the dupes can become equipment for the original, quite useful indeed. On Technoform note, Multiple Selves duplicates and ONLY multiple selves character could, in theory, turn into power armor for the original, or if absorb bio-mass(or absorb matter), they could combin into a gestal mecha(anime style!!)

Multiple Selves+ Bio-Aura: double the equipment(in the limit of bio-aura power)

I liked that Dim Room one, although, since the book doesn't say that they all share the same "Closet", they'd all techincally get their own OR, barring that, if they Did have to share, as long as one doesn't have a door open but is Just standing inside the room, another could open (from outside and from another location) still use it as well.

This would be a FREAKY cool way travel from anywher to anywhere else that a clone (or the original) happens to be!
Main is in France, one clone is Botswana, and another is in Brazil. The one in Brazil is in trouble and JUMPS into the closet. The main also jumps in to meet him and absorb to damaged clone, and the details! Then the clone in Botswana opens up the Dim Room on a lark, he sees the Main and invites him to Africa for tea!

It's no where near as good as Gateway, but it makes up fer the limitation of them all having to use the same room. Just a thought.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Leon Kennedy wrote:Thought of some more:

APS:Metal + Elasticity
"If we only had a 100ft bridge..."

Stretch yourself out as far as you can, and then turn yourself into metal. Think about the applications here! You could turn yourself into that really long bridge to cross the ravine, and your buddies, their vehicles, and even that 35 foot tall Rifts-conversion Destroid could all walk across safely. Or do you need the proper key to open up the foot locker? Simply stick a finger in the keyhole, elasticize it until it fits properly, turn to metal and voila! Open! Or how about needing a really large hammer? See the possibilities here?

Wow, good uses.
If you add in Growth, or Prodidious Limbs you can get some seriously great range! 700ft with P-Limbs, or 2000ft with growth. FYI-I like the key trick.

The Baron of chaos wrote:Thank for the compliments mr point .

Mr Dot (Mr. •) works to...
Also, my original handel fer 10 years hear was "Steeler49er"/Steeler... due a glitch on the boards it got turned into a period one day, by the time I came back to the boards I'd found I couldn't change it back.
Monstrous Form+Shapechange
This'd be great fer makin you scary'r or (so as to cut down on the freak factor for kids and grannys) make you prettyr.

Shapechange+Animal Metamorphosis I covered one end, and you got the other! A regular Chimera

The Baron of chaos wrote:Shapechange+Bio-Ghost/Life Leech - Every life force point drained add 5% to impersonate the drained victim, including the most insignificant details.

Woh, nice combo again.

Shapechange+ Flesh works -
This, when used on yourself, is great fer making up some Real creepy forms. You can move your limbs anywhere on your body, plus, one can argue that you no longer need to use your hands (or whatever you use to mold your body with) to, with a though do this.
But you can also di this with Anitomical Rearrangement (which will letchu messaround with yer internals as well (not that Flesh Works doesn't).

Leon Kennedy wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:Shapechange+ APS Liquid/Blood/Wax/Putty/Oil/Tar/Mercury and generally all that allow some form of fluid form. The PAs power natural fluid, shapechanging nature offset many of natural limits of shapechange power. In APS form they can assume forms forms, imcluded non humanoid forms or shapes that exist only in the deepest bowel of a nightmare(imagine a blood river with mouths and eyes and fingers....)

I'm not sure that this is a good combination. Turning into a liquid form already gives you the ability to assume any form you wish, just in liquid form. So you could turn yourself into a flowing river with a bunch of eyes without needing shapechange.

Technically you can't. APS: Liquid lets you turn into water (or whatever liquid you Do turn into) and Yes, it does lets you assume other very general shapes and forms, but the shapes are Very much without detail (Read as "VERY simple shapes" and endomorphic), plus, you can't create new organs or even the apperance of them as, you can't change your color. By combining APS: Liquid with Shape Shift you can.

Shapechange alows for Much greater control and would (if you/your GM allows such a combo) to change color and texture... Thus allowing you to make the appearance of an EyeBall River!
Which Kenny, is about the KEWLEST IDEA EVER!!

Glistam wrote: wrote:
Anatomical Independance, Body Weapons and Tentacles: Become a walking arsenal of melee weapons. Create Daggers you're able to throw, swords you're able to give to another person, etcetera.

That sick combo ALSO allows to to tie up people in your tenticals and then separate them, thus allowing you to Tie up allot of people over a greater range without "Getting tied down" to them as well... That can free you up you movement ability quite a bit. I used this all the time with APS: Vine and the Original version of the Tentical sp from Rifter.

LostOne wrote:
Metal Manipulation and Mater Expulsion: Metal.
Increase the AR of your armor, the damage of your projectiles, repair your armor instantly, and be bulletproof.

FORGET just that AR increase... Don't cha forget about the fact that since your invulnerable to metal AND coated in it, whenever someone punches your armor, the force of the blow would send your Metal armor into your skin, which being impervious to said metal exoarmor, would greatly reduce overall damage by quite a bit!!!!
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

In The Mouth of Metallic Metal Madness!

►Animate Object + And ME: Powers.
<Create your Metal (Bone Stone...etc) shanks of death and throw em... Now you can give them better Guidance to it's target. Once in, it becomes an animated cuisenart of Death, slowly digging in deeper. If you add in articulations and spines to its design, these give it better tearing and digging in potential... and the spines make it difficult to remove.

Add some flair to your metal exoskeleton by throwing spines and tenticals which can be animated as well...

Flying lessons. You can create Huge Metal, Plastic, Crystal, or Bone wings which can be animated to give you LIMITED flight...

Now, before you jump on the impossability of that last one by saying "Metal wings won't fly!", I'd first contest that you should bring that Up with Boeing and McDonald Dougles, than I'd remind you just how many crazy forms of animation "Animate Objects" can pull off!
NEXT, if your thinking that this combo infringes on Mega-Wings, Animating ME created matter likely makes for Slow in speed & reaction flight! The best this combo could get chu in speed is your Level x3-x10... It's therefor in No Way compitition for Mega-Wings which is a Highspeed (mach) form of flight which also Confers many other flight bonuses!

This combo has soooo many uses it's amazing...
I won't even cover the Evils of animated spooles of Mono wire... (Warp Spiders anyone).
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

►Multiple Limbs + Anitomical Rearrangement:
<The super can take Both pairs (or singularly) of arms and move them around to any place or possition on the body! Used for emergencys one could even conceivably place/stack an arm (limb) one on top another to extend ones reach (help pull timmy from the well), or any number of tricks, (putting limbs on head or knees...etc...).

Disclaimer: Now, this is a hard one fer one reason, the Fluff text told you that this was one of the powers abilitys, but unfortunatly when it can time to add a rules write up fer how long this took, this one never got in, so I have No clue howmany attacks this takes to pull off>
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by NMI »

. wrote:APS: Multiple Beings!... Wahuh? ಠ_ಠ

►Mimic + Multiple Beings...
<Since Mimic is listed as being able to be combined with Shape Shifting in that annoyingly Stupid "No Two+ APS powers may be combined" rule... It should then be assumed that, since Both of these powers we're listed separatly from the example group, than it MUST ( :wink: ) imply that One of them was Not considered by Kevi-poo to be considered an APS power... And as such, since we don't know which one was the APS power and which one wasn't, Tiz stands to reason that we can use them Both as though Neither one is an APS power... See, Follow the crazy logic trail of my Rallen teapot?

Back on track... Putting APS: Multiple Beings ( ) and Mimic together has an awsome and very well know trick to it of (Legally?... Well, it Was anyhow) allowing your Duplication sterilized Clones to... welll... Copy YOUR mains abilitys in Full, complete with the Crazy ability to create Copies of themselves!
And it is, and isn't (due to that grey area up there) book legal.

In just a few miniutes you could (before the duration runs out on Mimicry for being out of range) over populate the planet Earth!
☻level 3 (6AtPM's thanks to BOXING???)
☺Creation of 2 clones=1 AtPM
Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺2 clones Create 2 clone each=4 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
4 clones Create 2 clone each=8 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
4 clones Create 2 clone each=8 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
8 clones Create 2 clone each=16 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

☺Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!
16 clones Create 2 clone each=32 New Clones total
=1 AtPM
New Clones Mimic creators powers at full=1 AtPM!

32... 64... 128... 256... 512... 1000... 2000... 4000... 8000... 16,000... 32,000... 64,000... 128,000... 256K... 512K... 1mill... 2mill, 4mill, 8mill, 16mill, 32mill, 64mill, 128mill, 256mill, 512mill, 1bill, 2bill, 4bill, 8Bill, 16Billion

32-Billion=70Attacks or 3min with good pacing...
Sorry, but I have just never allowed a "clone" to mimic its creator or other "related clones". I like the idea and I am sure the munchkin in all of us have thought of it, I just would never allow it. :D Carry on though.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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How about Flesh works boost by life leech to make a changed permanent.

How much of a changed will depent on how much life force is taked.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Two days...I missed only two days and the threads (with all my posting I don't saved on my comp) wiped out!
What the sings swinging funking shaft is gone! Awwww
Oh well I'll re-type some
Multiple Selves+Transferal/Possession One can switch, permanently, conscience with one of their doppelganger, defacto becoming the original

Multiple Selves+Gateway The original act as permanent Gateway frot he doppelganges. Plus all of them can share their gateways. Note that the gateways of absorbed clones can be used just once then are gone.

Swarm selves+Anatomical indipendance You can detach up to two swarmlings to act independently or attack enemies, but regenerate it as for swarm selves power if destroyed or damaged

Shapechange+Monstrous Form - Perhaps could sound munchking, but think about it, the shapechange power already allow many monstrous form traits, so Is safe to assume it could choose what trait the monstrous form will get, or make it smaller or less frightening. As limite, just to mkae munchkin yeller happy, I could say that only 50% of monstrous form attiribute (unless already covered by shapechange power, like prehensile feet and tail, claws and fangs, etc)can be changed and canno be changed again for PE minutes(is kinda more physical taxing than simply shapechanging)

Shapechange+Mimic: Ok when you use mimic you can't use your other powers, but in these combo Shpaechange is integral part of mimic power, adding only the abuility to turn exactly into the object of mimic. Wiht just mimic power you gett he attirbutes, powers and eventua mutant traits, but you still look, well, you. Example use mimic on member of opposite gender with PB of 28 and you get PB of 28 and you end up as male version of her. With Mimic and Shapechange you turn into her, adding further confusion and shock

And now APS FIRE, combo tool
I think that the APS Powers do not mix is not so wrong, after all or you are gasseous or you're solid, cannot be both.
But APS Fire is the power that most often cause some logical problem. What if i'm made of charcoal? APS Ston and APS fire won't be such weird combo, or if i'm living napalm (APS Goo/Gel+APS Fire). I think the problem here is that the power is mispelled. After all APS Fire does not turn you into a living flame(unless you combine with intangibility, but then wno't have being easier to take APS Plasma directly?), but more properly into a source of fire, a fire version of Matter Expulsion power. APS Crucible/Fire-Heat Source would sound better indeed, make much more sense. APS Fire as it is written present no problem to be combined with most of theother APS, with the exception of completely opposite APS(Liquid, Ice) and thopse that make no sense at all(blood as example)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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My previous posts in the old thread:

There's the wave-riding power in PU1 that I like mixing with CEF: Earth and re-defining to be a wave of rolling earth instead of water.

Anatomical Independance, Body Weapons and Tentacles: Become a walking arsenal of melee weapons. Create Daggers you're able to throw, swords you're able to give to another person, etcetera.

Matter Expulsion: [ANY] plus Gun Limb or the Major Power to turn your limbs into Guns. Now you don't need to sacrifice hit points in order to create your bullets, your matter expulsion power can do it for you.

Rechannel and Expel Energy plus Copy Energy Pattern not only makes you immune to the energy being thrown at you, but after you throw back the return blast you have another 15 minutes/level of being able to keep throwing out your own versions of that energy.

Some combos that I think thematically work together:
-Alter Physical Structure: Void plus Sub Zero
-Sliding plus Friction Control
-Energy Fists plus Power Stomp plus Energy Expulsion: Energy Aura
-Force Strike plus Directed Force plus Force Manipulation
-Create Force Field plus Flying Force Disc
-Distort Space plus Stretch Time
-Alter Physical Structure: Plasma and Control Radiation
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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other combo

Animate Object+Transferral/Possession. Allow to transfer ones own consciouness into an animated object provided that a) is big enough, no less 50 lbs and b) and has at least some electrical or organic(organic not flesh) parts. The experience allow a perfect control of animated object , allowing the animator to use his own APM and combat bonuse. Sadly is a quite alien experience requiring to roll vs. Insanity when the effect end

Animal abilities+Beast Master the amount of animlas that can be summone is doubled(provided are those falling under animal abilities description)

Techno-Form+ Anatomical Indipendence Each seprated part could, in theory, be turned into samll machines, like a remote controlled model car, videocameras on tiny threads, small model jets(but with full working sensors) and so on. Always in the limit of Techno-form power
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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I think Multi-tasking deserve a special place of honor in this thread. Is essentially Combo power number one.
Think about it, essentially allow you any possible combo action in game, from Parry/strike to cast spell/acrobatic jumping to shot and run, to crack into governemtne computer in few minutes while a girl is giving you a....Code Swordfish style action :eek: :mrgreen: ooorr use two powers at same times(apart multi-tasking)

here some examples
Multi-Tasking+ Trasnferal/possession: You can possess other and still being in your body at same time. Buth there are some drawbacks. firstoff the attack per melee are divided between your base body and possessed body, second the effort of essentially keeeping your mind stretched over two body reduce all combat bonus by half and drop all skill rolls by 20%, and third the original body must be within range of trasferral power. On plus side you can really play some nasty dirty tricks

Multi-tasking+ Tractor/Repulsion beam: you could attract wiht one hand a big vehicle and with the other an enemy. Or attract from one side and repel with the other(use it for tripping, Tractor beam is great for tripping legs!!)

Multi-Tasking+Tentacles/Tentacles of Hair: Now this is great, two tentacles engage in fight pinning enemies down, while you take care of opening the safe, and two other tentacles take care of saving a kid

Multi-Tasking+Radar+Targeting: Guuuun-M***erFu****g-KATA!! 'nuff said!! :twisted: ;)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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I'm not 100% on this, and really don't want to be a thread-killer here, but as far as I know, any power that alters your physical structure (not just the APS: energy/object powers) was considered uncombineable.

That would mean that all the "Multiple Limbs + Limb Weapons/growth/stretch" etc... cannot combine.

Unless you guys are ignoring this part of the various books.

Anyways, one of my own.

Energy Expulsion: Explosive, Anatomical anonymity, Wingless Flight.
Taking the suicide out of suicide bomber.

Each limb gets their own actions, and since they are apart of the whole, they can fly and explode. This was apart of a larger pile of powers I had thrown together for a super villian.

To finish off this thought, add in mental stun (non psionic, and utterly devistating in that your foot can keep an opponent stunned while your explosive body destroys them), Horror Factor, and Energy Claws.

This creates...
Dr. Morbid
The villain himself also has an item of power (a book of evil magic), but that's besides the point...

Additionally, I've always thought of how to weaponize the "useless" powers, and got this guy...

Mr. Black
The powers are Colour Manipulation,
Cloth Manipulation,
Clock Manipulation,
Warp Sound,
Shadow Manipulation (the one where you can animate shadows, and even have them do like 1d6),
Shadow Walking (or whatever the power is that lets you move as a shadow. This isn't a useless one, but was inserted for effect).

With colour, cloth, and clock manipulation, you disorient your opponents to the point of blindness, and with warp sound, you eminate a tune that renders them deaf too.

*Abit of background on this guy*
-He uses an MP3 player/with speakers in a backpack to emenate the song "Paint it Black", with sound-warping to ensure that it's the only thing audible without having to shout at your teammates. This covers up foot steps, breathing, etc... Making him audibly invisible (and super-hearing doesn't help either!). Next step is to blind the opponent(s). People with masks were done before the battle even began, as with colour manipulation, you can turn the material over their face (say safety glass from a helmet, or the lenses of the cameras for a PA vid-screen) opaque, and black. People with regular cloth masks get those pulled over their eyes with cloth manipulation, or if need be, he carries what amount to little more than tea-towel sized cloth that he'll throw out to wrap up opponents' eyes.

-Indoors will see lights, windows, etc... turned opaque and black, removing all light. Meanwhile he has shadows pop about striking at random to confuse those to where the damage is coming from, in an attempt to have hero-teams fight themselves. The guy is a thief, so he's not really interested in killing. Clock manipulation is for time-locks and such - including any vigilante that carries explosives in an attempt to "deal" with him. They generally get a nasty suprise when they find out timers don't go off, or go off too soon.
That and vehicular pursuit of him tends to end rather quickly as the timing belt tends to get out of whack.

Energy Obsorbtion and the side-effect energy as nourishment. No longer are you required to subsist on the sun, but instead feel full from a car battery, a direct current shock, or an overheated cup of coffee. Hot gun-barrels and friction burns are snacks! It does get annoying though; always feeling full but never taking a dump.

Wingless flight, APS: stone, Gravity Control. They call you.....
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:I've had problewms in the past with people's use of color manipulation & causing blindness in their opponents, but this has several layers of awsome

Generally I only let it affect inanimate objects - so unless you happened to be wearing contacts I'd never let the guy turn your eyeball opaque and black.

And yes, layers and layers.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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uh dog of war I think we should make some clarification here.
APS power not combining?
I'm ok with it. YOu canno be a gas, a liquid and bar of stee at the same time...Even RPG can't beat such rule
We shoudl amke some difference between SHAPECHANGING powers and ALTER PHYSICAL STRUCTURE powers
Shapechanging powers are about morphing your body, there is not , usually, enormous change in your biological structure, who reamin mostly carbon based and similar to all animal life fomr of planet. APS on other hand is about deep change on ATOMIC, structure, becoming something not quite natural.Often elemental in nature(no pun meants).
Exception is APS FIRE as I hinted above, mostly because is not a true APS powers, but more an energy power, the body do not change, is still flesha dn bones, solid, except it now generate fire from every pores. Why should this cannot be combined with APS stone for a charcoal being is beyond any logic, included game balance(urrgh how i hate this word...).
Also shapechanging powers should and must combine, unless redundant(like Shapechange and Mask/No Face..Shapechange already allow that) . Multiple Limbs + Limb Weapons/growth/stretch CAN combine, since Multiple Limbs are NOT an APS POWER, Funk, is not even a shapechanging power, as it is ALWAYS on like SH PS or Flight:winged.
I think you were referring to Tentacles/tentacles of hair powers Or the major power Prodigious Multiple arms. But even then I see not problem combining them. In some case you oculd rule to limit the Body Weapon/Alter Limb only to the extra limbs/tentacles if you feel the combination being too powerfull(It also add some peculiarity to the combo, nice flavor :D )
NOte not combining Alter Limbs and Tecno-form is an offence to whatever holy and logical exist in fictional universes, be it RPG univers, comic , movie or book universes!!
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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The Baron of chaos wrote:uh dog of war I think we should make some clarification here.
APS power not combining?
I'm ok with it. YOu canno be a gas, a liquid and bar of stee at the same time...Even RPG can't beat such rule
We shoudl amke some difference between SHAPECHANGING powers and ALTER PHYSICAL STRUCTURE powers
Shapechanging powers are about morphing your body, there is not , usually, enormous change in your biological structure, who reamin mostly carbon based and similar to all animal life fomr of planet. APS on other hand is about deep change on ATOMIC, structure, becoming something not quite natural.Often elemental in nature(no pun meants).

Means nothing. Shapechange and say, APS: Metal sees that every advantage gained via shapechange is negated. That said, you are still altering your physical structure.

And that's the difference - they never say that a difference had to be on the atomic level, it just has to be a physical change.
I'm saying that you can't stretch and then become metal (or vise versa), as both change your physical structure. I'd give exception to powers restricted to a limb like APS: arm to fire and then just stretching your other non-APSed arm.

If the powers were called "alter atomic structure" or something, then I wouldn't say anything.

The Baron of chaos wrote:Exception is APS FIRE as I hinted above, mostly because is not a true APS powers, but more an energy power, the body do not change, is still flesha dn bones, solid, except it now generate fire from every pores. Why should this cannot be combined with APS stone for a charcoal being is beyond any logic, included game balance(urrgh how i hate this word...).

Your physical body does change; you become a renewable resource, as human flesh that is immune to heat doesn't burn, and if it did - that would be the shortest lived power ever.
Basically you're a matter that is consumed so ultra-slowly that you never lose mass or any significant amount of matter.

The Baron of chaos wrote:Also shapechanging powers should and must combine, unless redundant(like Shapechange and Mask/No Face..Shapechange already allow that) . Multiple Limbs + Limb Weapons/growth/stretch CAN combine, since Multiple Limbs are NOT an APS POWER, Funk, is not even a shapechanging power, as it is ALWAYS on like SH PS or Flight:winged.

Flight: Winged means you have wings at a base level - they don't retract.

Multiple limbs though allows you to "grow" additional limbs - this sounds line your physical structure is altering to me. That said, this is an odd one as it can also get a pass for having your base structure altered permanently.

The Baron of chaos wrote:I think you were referring to Tentacles/tentacles of hair powers Or the major power Prodigious Multiple arms.

Yes, that is the one.

The Baron of chaos wrote:But even then I see not problem combining them. In some case you oculd rule to limit the Body Weapon/Alter Limb only to the extra limbs/tentacles if you feel the combination being too powerfull(It also add some peculiarity to the combo, nice flavor :D )
NOte not combining Alter Limbs and Tecno-form is an offence to whatever holy and logical exist in fictional universes, be it RPG univers, comic , movie or book universes!!

I'm just mentioning it so as that someone comes here and takes some of these powers as written above, that by the book I don't think they're totally legal or legitimate uses.

Personally, I never lived by that restriction, and would only slap down a different, minor restriction if I felt some major abuse was going on.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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hmm you made some point dogofwar
But lemme add some points.
The rule you so carefully remind us, simply does not make so much sense(and this is why is rarely used by gamers, if ever used, perosnally if combination make sense like tentacles and body weapons, I don't feel nothing wrong in allowing it),
Again if you think about it you comment about APS power, make em think
And Energy powers? Or impervious powers
think about it, In PU1 there are some energy powers who could easily reply most of APS:fire power, making one puzzle
and ther eis no rule against combining energy powers and APS powers.

But i realized our discussion could be based on wrong basis. I think we all misread the note. It only said you cannot activate them simultenously. Nothing is said, openly to use them in series. Example of my tentacles+bodyweapon combo
Let's assume that Goldi Lokcs - mutant Powers: Tentacles, body weapons(tentacles ONLY), Heightened Sense of Touch(tentacles only) Mutant trait: metallic gold hair is fighting an average scret agent. First move is to manifest the tentacles from hair.Of course. And this si one action then, turnthe tip two tentacles into sword like shapes is another action, and start attacking the scret agent.
Now is possible because the tnetacles were first manifested and then body wepaosn are morphed. And this is possible also for the oh sobeloved :roll: :wink: rules , unless you say that the powers negate each other, requiring to deactivate one to use the other, and this is by all means and logic and human decency, purely non-sense, sir.
As for APS power, your definition does not deny my theory, rathe rmake it stornger. APS power is structures such that could be easily overlapped to other APS power, provided they are not opposites. As i said APS stone+ APS fire make for a perfect human combustible. And APS Gel/Goo is essentially born to combine (or this or APS:Gel/Goo EE: flame ring and EE: energy aura
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:if you want to have a napalm-esque character, just go with APS: MAgma. if you want a character
to be a cross between water & metal, get APS: Mercury

hmm magma is not sticky(but i suppose adhesion could fix the stuff), so APS LAVA(not magma i know is the same but whatever), could in theory become APS napalm withtou much problem. But you arise a factor i wnat to point out, earlier but i did not foudn the proper words to do: Latest OFFICIAL stuff simply negate, override or ignore the "APS powers do not combine"
From NPC(who can use stretching and body weapons at same time) to new powers thise rule is becoming like those silly laws no one really follow and everybody forgot to remove.
Example are Matter Expulsion powers. They are not APS powers by definition...and yet...APS Fire+ ME:stone is the same as APS Fire+APS stone or APS Stone+CEF: Fire+EE: Flame Ring. IN my eyes. For me is not really a gaming problem(at worst one woudl create a power ad hoc for the concept, that's how many new powers are born), is just an aestetic desire. A mental vision of it.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:as to the magma, it doesn't say that it's sticky, but it says it contunues to burn for an extra 1d4 rounds.

as to the asthetics, having something make sense in your mind for a power is all well & good, but posting a power combo that in a very specific section says 'these aren't allowed', & expecting everyone who accepts this rule (accept, but not neccessarily like. I still don't like that bio armor can't be used with body weapons. oh well, I guess I'll go with ME: Metal + body weapons) to be quiet is like leaving a sign that says 'take one' on a bowl of candy left outside for trick or treaters & getting mad when they hork the whole thing. of course they'll be cursed with :puke: in the morning....

Eh, you just pointed one of things that made that rule crumble in my mind . IN Century Station OFFICIAL sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited(very good sourcebook, one of the best sourcebook produced by palladiumbooks) there this OFFICIAL NPC character, Avatar, who happen to have Bio-Armor and Body Weapons...Of course you can say that NPC not always follow the rules and this make no context. BUT(put dramatic pause here please)if the very author of palladium, the people that we expect know the game inside and outside, do not feel the need to follow a rule, perhaps because is too limiting, (due a too wide definition of Alter Physical Structure in my humble opinion) why we players should feel the need to follow it. I think that that all consdiered one could just put a big red X on page 74 of HU main book for all that is worth. Author do not follwo it, mopst player do not like it and evne gam master are not over fond of that rule, heck MDC system is more beloved that combining superpowers rules. So(dramatic pause, again) My lord and my ladies I've finished
(BoC make a bow with wide hand gestures and go behin the scene curtain)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:they also have characters in Gramercy Island who has Sonic Speed twice, even though the same power can't normally (book legal) stack upon itself. if you, as ref, want your characters to have that extra oomph of, say, SN: PS twice or massive damage capacity...twice, go for it. if you post it here, expect some stick in the mud like me to come along & say :badbad: 'that's not book legal', or some such. I personally find it more fun to make what I can using the material printed, at the most changing the visual effects of any particular power to fit a theme.

for example: Earth Posession + Siesmic power + Flying Force Disk to simulate a character with power over the earth. the first 2 make sense. but, what about the third? if you keep all of the game mechanics (size, SDC, speed, etc...) the same & just change the visual effect to a big rock that he levitates & flies around on, it makes sense.

Point taken, but you've to admit that considering that what I said about NPC is quite valid. If the author themselves do not mind bedning, if not breaking onpenly, a rule, why should player and GM not doing the same? Anyway I say one things abuot combos. Talk with your GM master first and see if fit in the campaign. APS Bones and APS Fire combind quite smoothly (albeit you can get the same comibning other powers and tailoring graphical effects) still would be better talk wiht the GM master and if you think you need three minors and not one major to get what you wnat by the rules ask the GM to permit a change(I personally find that the random rolls should not be considered like an obligation but rather an help, a guideline.). Said this I put here some of my suggestion and personal modification to the rules.
First off APS do not combine hmm ok, as i said make sense. But we have to make some differnce between shapechange powers and APS powers. There are not more more more morphing powers and lot lot and lot of different APS powers. And more will come(PU4 will come, one day). Not allowing combos , in some istance, will make for a ridiculous and preposterous limit, like making someone with APS metal and ME: Metal vulnerable to metal and with a phobia for metallic object.
The random tables of kittenstomp(fella if you hear me your a saviour of the randon rolls) rightfully divide the two things.
Now i admit that some powers simply do not mesh at all, so my thumb rule, that you agree or not, is to not allow combination of a SOLID and HARD(read lot of SDC and AR) APS with a morphing powers. For the simple reason that shapechange need a certain softness of the body to work with. Morphing powers(see Kittenstomp tables for those I consider morphing powers) can and should be combined with APS powers who allow to shapechange at first, like APS Liquid or APS Mercury, as truly complementary, you simply are very good at naturally morphing. This fit also the comics reference(now conversion apart if we can't use comic book as reference for a character's idea then as superheor RPG HU is complete failure and i don't want to let Mutant and Mastermind win...even if it truly allow every possible no must not think such things...Stay focuse baron stay focused) where most of character with soft APS powers do possess some level of morphing powers. At this general rule we should list some exceptions and notes.
Techno-form - while kittenstopm do not list it as APS is pretty obviously the infamous and glorious APS Robot of internet memory. Is it possible to combine with morphiog powers because it allow sort of shapechanging, albeitn all shape will look mechanical in outlook, unless human fomr is assumed(even then when shapechangins the character split apart in lot mechanical modules HF of 12 when actually morphing, with th-kk whiir tk ahn tk ahn trasnformer like sound). Other powers could be combined include Body Weapons, Alter Limbs, Gun Limb
APS Plant - according to PU2, under gestal plant powers show that this peculiar APS can be combined with others. APS Rubber in particular. It make sense as APS Plant is one of those power that can be combined with others, in limit of logic, and it is said right in HU main book too, when it say that an PLant aline could get it for free. Allowing all possible combos(included with APS fire!! Who said alien humaniod plant can get it, nowhere!!). MOrphing powers fit good, as well as Superhuman limbs(tentacles are just born for this APS), and other vegetal APS( wood expecially..essentially a Trent like being)..Side note IMHO APS Plant and Alter Facial Feature & Physical stature combined allow to assume specific plant appearence and not human looks, so you coudl look like any vegetation alien or a normal plant(ideal for disguise, provided you don't move) but not a human.
Growth and Shrink - They are not APS powers . I know, but i want to add some notes. Kittenstomp place them in morphing powers, and he could be righ in part. But I think they are more akine to mass/density control or Matte Expulsion powers. Because they do not change shape, but rather add and remove mass. In comic they say from extra dimensional source. Now this mass could be organic, bone and muscle, but nothing say it could be metal, ston or vegetation or else. Note that aPS liquid already had it built in. (For the chornicle rather than allow growth in some case i think would be better or combine APS liquid or granting its behemot power to other fluid APS like..BLOOD :twisted: :lol: (a blood behemot...hmm need a blood bank or lot of vampires...or simple a slaughterhouse...HF 20)
Bio-Armor - In Hu main book is classified as an APS power....But this was before even the concept of Matter Expulsion was ever considered. Plus i don't think it was what originally thought by its author (nothign in orignal description on Rifter 1 ever suggest that is an APS power) Even its own name, Bio-ARMOR make you think something that can be ripped from your body, that is only on surface, not actually part of your body. By the way all this arguments had become redundant since the new ME powers come out(included subzero, coolest named superpower ever!!) , all of them allow the things you cna come up combining bio-armor, infact the poor bio-armor lost a lot of its charm nowadays .
Mimic - problem with mimic is that comlpetely replace you body attributes, included PB. This means also replacing your other powers. I understand it. But I personally think it make Mimic like a power class by itself at this point. I mean is pointless having other powers if you dont get many chance to use them, being mimic the most often used power; expecially if your teammates are Mega heroes, facing mega villains on daily basis...hickory smoked donkeys! even against a villain with a gun is almost pointless having anything else, as are pointless physical skills(why waste time doing gym if i could just mimic good physically fit persons). The only power you could ever need would be heightened sense of recall, provided it can recall past mimicked powers. Is really problematic power, not just for the complementig factor. Personally I don't like it that much, I prefer Shapechange or Borrow powers.
Ah what was said for major shapechangin powers, like tentacles, is true for minor ones , means that APS powers who can morph, could took them as it was already part of their package somehow.
Exception are:
Multiple Limbs(minor one HU main book) - Is permanent, not a shapechanging powers at all and remaing both in human and APS form, same history for flight: winged, but keep in mind APS form could be slightly heavier slowing the max flight speed
Body Weapons - when i've read the page 74 of HU - revised second edition, after having played HU revised + villains unlimited and AU for sometimes, I yelled "huh???! Body weapons canno be combined with APS Metal!!! :x " Sincerely it made no sense to me then and does not make sense to me now. Body weapons is just BORN to me combined with APS powers and Shapechanging power alike, is non sense(unless you want me to switch back and forth just to morph hands into axes)
(on side not one of my earlier character was called steel angel, quite an unoriginal name, who has APS metal, Flight Winged, Body weapons and EX PB.) Also Body Weapons and Stretching(or APs rubber), are a staple of latest ten years of comics!!
Is all for now...This is just my view...
On last note...
Is OFFICIAL NPC do not make text as reference and can't be used as implicit rule suggestion/correction why should the Official Book rules count. They are written and edited from same persons after all... :lol:
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Actually the NPC's from Gramercy Island and Century Station were not written by Wayne Breaux or Kevin Siembieda, the two main people that wrote Heroes Unlimited and its accompanying rules.

Gramercy Island and Century Station were written by Bill Coffin. I am not trying to say that is a bad thing, just pointing it out.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Well I accept any critic. After all I said is just my view of the thing. Is not even semi-official(rifter stuff)
Said that , I noticed that reading carefully the HU book you noticed many point that contradict the now infamous "anti-combo" rule. APS plant i've already pointed out. I add also Bio-Armor that is specifically states that it does not alter the user body. But as I figure tha ti'm gorwing boring, wiht this discussion this will be my last note on this point. By the way consider also that Bio-Armor is one of those powers who suffered lot from PU books, I've already said but is btter to repeat, because there are now like a dozen or so powers that allow forming an armor of sort.
(as long as you agree that Tentacles and Body Weapons can work together...).

Returning to the combo
hmmm well....most of my combo included APS combos, Shapechange combos...if i cannot do that i've not much to say. I'm not saying i've nothign to say, just very little else.
Ectoplasmic Armor and/or Ectoplasmic Webbing + Ectoplasm psionic power considering that the stuff in question is the same in both case, is not illogic to think that you can use the psionic power to increase the SDC by 40 (in Astral plane the SDC avaiable is doubled)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Add targeting and charge object with explosive power and you've some nifty badazz superhuman here :D
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:should the players be able to make the characters as NPCs listed in official material? it's possible to make most, but all? sure, go for it. if you want to make a character that has the power of ME: Event Horizon? go for it. honestly I don't care if you have APS: Supreme Being, it's up to you. if you put your combos on here, that's when they get commented on. if you don't want official rules quoted or paraphrased, don't post them. the only comments I will post have a grounding in the rules as presented in printed material (i.e., not off the net). if you want honest critisism, I know I will give it to you, or anyone else who posted. I will try not to come across as condescending, but I will give commentary.

tHANK GOODNESS fer the library...
I can post again... Fer 10 seconds.
On THIS thread, the "No combining APS:Powers" rules is null and void "Within Reason". This means, please try and keep such combos to a reasonablely creative But limited old school rules system (Yes to APS+Body Weapon, No to the Bill Coffin Half-½ Fire Half Ice trick) Please try and stay within the spirit of the Thread.

Herald Of Shadows is right about limiting such creations (IE-The BillC-Combo) to JUST personal play.

As to the usage of powers from the Black Vault or "Dans Heroes Unlimited Page", please keep those to a minimum, and Please quote thecreators name and that it is [NO] as in Not Official should you choose to bring up such combos.
Addiction by Iczer-[NO]

Sorry, gotta go... See yawl in a week or two!
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Hmm just thought one.
Spin at High Velocity+ Sonic Flight+Body Weapons = Flying human drill or even better replace sonic flight with rocket fist, turn your leg in giant drills and the let the party begin.(on side note spinning and lfying a tvery high speed would count as two action)
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Just came up with this one.

Alter Limbs + Weapons Merging
☺This combo has quite a few suprises to it. First off, you spend the HP and can get More ammo fer yer buck than through Alter limbs direct, All yah have to do is make sure you slap in a clip. Next you get great bonuses and +6 levels of WP skill to add to you own creations/weapon extentions.
Next, this combo may arguably allow one to create Energy Weapons, as long as you know how to build one, and you got a clip (empty or full). This power lets you convert HP into the relivent E-Clpi energy to power said class of weapon, so it stands to reason you may now also create (At GM's discretion) such weapons aslong as you've got the skills to/in build said Weapon.☺
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Can Darkness control and Nightstalking wokr?
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Herald of Shadow wrote:
. wrote:Just came up with this one.

Alter Limbs + Weapons Merging
☺This combo has quite a few suprises to it. First off, you spend the HP and can get More ammo fer yer buck than through Alter limbs direct, All yah have to do is make sure you slap in a clip. Next you get great bonuses and +6 levels of WP skill to add to you own creations/weapon extentions.
this would be like absorbing your own energy blast to boost it's power using multiple selves + re-chanel & expel energy
Next, this combo may arguably allow one to create Energy Weapons, as long as you know how to build one, and you got a clip (empty or full). This power lets you convert HP into the relivent E-Clpi energy to power said class of weapon, so it stands to reason you may now also create (At GM's discretion) such weapons aslong as you've got the skills to/in build said Weapon.☺

Alter limbs only says that you can do energy blasts if you have the relevant energy expulsion

Yup... But that's why I listed this option as "GM's Okay only/discretion", and intended it fer people like Eleg.. (some such name of a poster I forgot) who play it that way...

Otherwise, that last lil blurp is ment as Not Game Legal.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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gaby wrote:Can Darkness control and Nightstalking wokr?

AIR-(As I Recall) Yes.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Awww, just remembered his name, Its "elecgraystone" who likes to play Alter Limbs that way... See his/our post Alter Limbs Limb-itations.
Fer that separate discussion. And remember, that is Just how he plays the power(as he repeatedly remindes peeps), not the way the rest of us do.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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My bad, I forgot you already knew about That thread HoS.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Not sure if anyone has posted this yet

Energy Conversion + Solar Power - Convert any source of energy into the solar energy you need.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Mimic and the Total Recall superpower were posted in the last thread with much the same idea/benefit as for your idea with Natural Combat Ability. I thought it deserved a repost.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Now some other ideas, albeit not over original
Quills make good companion to chemical secretion or Venomous Attack
Focused Touch and Anatomical Indipendence are vicious together.
Scan Powers and Mimic: Now these are the sort of powers who are born to work together. Scan powers allow Mimic character to mimic EXACTLY the power to the experiece level, can choose to mimic only some powers, and can mimic also powers he had not seen, but just scanned.
Immovability & Tractor Beam...Ideal to anchor stuff up
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Sorry I've been gone fer the last week, just got back on the computer (It was stored away fer the holiday).

As to the power Mimicry, It automatically copies ALL aspects of the target and Automatically supresses All your powers. Play it as you wish as, I'm just giving you the 411 on it. As is, I never play Mimicry the same way twice.

Quills make good companion to chemical secretion or Venomous Attack
Awsome combo. BTW...

Sasqaricious wrote:Not sure if anyone has posted this yet
Energy Conversion + Solar Power - Convert any source of energy into the solar energy you need.

Good call Sas, I've been using this combo fer a guy on my super team fer the last year, It's awsome. He's also got Energy Absorbtion/Redirection, meaning that, he never runs out of Energy... He just converts ambiant invisable energys (Neutrinos, Beta & Alpha particals, etc...) and then absorbs it and throws it back.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Control Elemental Force:AIR and Spin at High Velocity and Growth: You are a giant city destroying Tornado!
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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Rocket Fist + Ex Limbs
•Speed for this power is 750 Mph (+250PLEX) per hand/fist used... Now throw in one or two more... This can effectively Double your speed!!

Of course... You'll Also look like a Freak! :twisted:

Mega-Wings + Prodidious Limbs
•Prodidious limbs lets you increase the size of your limbs (Tail, Arms+hands, Feet+Legs...etc) by X10's their Width, Length, Height/thinkness, with the limbs tappering near the main body, while gaining SN PS when at maximum size.

When used with Winged Flight, this can be used to nearly Kill a fall by increasing the surface area to rediculous proportions, and thanx to the SN PS you can Now add more lift power as well.
But when used with Mega-Wings this combo can Really shine. First off, your wings that are normaly meassuring in at an impressive 16-20ft (8-10ft) wing span, Now grow to a size of 80-100 ft per wing (160-200ft total wingspan). With this power combo you can strike out at a target with SN PS hard Metal wings at FREAKISHLY great distance, but most importantly is your ability to save others lives by sheilding Large Groups of people from attacks, of injury.

Since the Whole wings size is increased the coverage can get to be as much as a 100X50ft wall of 30"inch think steel...
Pretty impressive (Adds HF/Awe).


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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

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APS: Acid + Chemical Secretion
This combo can allow for a few useful stunts:
•First, you can sectrete a chemical that Nullifies the acids produced by the APS forms body. This will stop the super from burning things He/she touches
•Two, you can Now create acids that (God Forbid) actually Burns People/organic matter.
•Three, you can double up on your acid attacks from both powers so as to simulate a truly acidic attack.
All Game Legal, not overpowering, and All in line with the spirit of Both powers.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Dog_O_War »

Steeler49er wrote:APS: Acid + Chemical Secretion
This combo can allow for a few useful stunts:
•First, you can sectrete a chemical that Nullifies the acids produced by the APS forms body. This will stop the super from burning things He/she touches
•Two, you can Now create acids that (God Forbid) actually Burns People/organic matter.
•Three, you can double up on your acid attacks from both powers so as to simulate a truly acidic attack.
All Game Legal, not overpowering, and All in line with the spirit of Both powers.

This won't work. There are only two things that neutralize acid; dillution and a base.

Mixing an acid and a base will cause an extreme chemical reaction, as the stronger the acid (likely extreme due to the fact that you can burn through metal easily) will result in explosion.

As well, secreting a chemical that is your natural opposite is also deadly to yourself.
Thread Bandit
I didn't say "rooster"
My masters were full of cheesecake
The answer to all your "not realistic!" questions. FIREBALL!
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

I'd agree about the Base, but I Am taking into consideration that Heroes Unlimited takes place in a Very futuristic world where, thanks to the Massive number of Super Beings & prevelant Alien tech, they are perhaps as much as close to 50-80 years More advanced in Material science, chemistry, and energy sciences (For the understandings of Ionnic give off during acidic catalysm) than Our world is.

For This I have concluded that it is Very reasonably realistic that such Neutralizing agents/chemicals have a probability of existing as well in such a world where Hyper Smart people exist.

As to the possable adverse reactions of such a person possessing APS:Acid using such powers on themselves and getting harmed by from it, your ONLY using it on the outside of the Membrane, and Not internally. That acid is more like sweat on ones skin, it is Very mild but noticeble and Neutralizing it would have little to No effect on the super. Conversily, using it Internally Might have an effect BUT, given that when a person that uses "Chemical Secretion" uses their powers, they are Clearly uneffected adversily from it (How many peeps do you know that can extude acid from their pours or shoot Fire balls without getting burned from it, or shooting Ice without Freezing off their cajones?)
It is widely known in PB that you are Immune to your powers Own detrimental effects. So, it's reasonable that Chem Sec would not even harm you internally either...

However, that last part is ALWAYS upto your respective GM's and for that reason was why Id did not include this aswell in my combo as an option. I was Just bringing up your ability to affect run off from your membrane (The membrane is detailed in the powers description)...

Sorry fer the bad english, but this key board is a Nightmare to use...

Thank you Dog of War for your insightfully accurate response on acid, but I hope after reading this that you can see why I considered this power combo possible after all...
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Hummm, Just putting this one out there (as It seems I'd forgotten to).

Iczer's Bio-Muscle (minorNCP) + Chris Gileppa 's Invulnerable Essence(MajorNCP)
Not that Inv Ess isn't a bad stand alone power, but with it you can gain between 100-400 starting HP, and siince Bio-Muscle (by Iczer) Converts your HP into Super human PS, you could have a starting PS of as much as 400!(200 average) for short moments of time AND that HP loss recovers faster then normal.

Fun consept character & Combo!

Chris Gileppa 's Invulnerable Essence(MajorNCP) is also a great to combo with the following powers;
Alter Limbs (adding to the HP you have to burn)
Grant Super Powers (finally makes this power use full, unless you had Regeneration which is better)

N.C.P. (Non-Canon Powers)
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Nice Combo :ok:
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Dumb Dwarf wrote:Hmm, interesting read. I will throw out a few that I don't think have been mentioned, and also ask about the legality of some.

Haven't got to use this one yet, but APS Metal, with metal manipulation.
IIRC self healing, can boost your Natural AR, access to projectiles, can set objects on fire by heating yourself up. Very fun combination.
Yes to All... as I as well have already considered this one and feel it is a Great idea. Great call.
And to add,
You are "Invulnerable to Metal based attacks.
You can ADD/BOND bits and chunks of metal to your body.
You can 'Sculpt' weapons, blades, and odd shapes out of your metal form-a very limited substitute of body weapon or alter limbs.
You can Also do the opposet of heating yourself up, you can Cool your self down-which has MANY apps for saving and taking life.
But, you Must be careful so as to not do harm to yourself in pulling these stunts.
Heat up to much and you'll melt and take damage, Plus AS you heat-up your gonna loose AR/PV-hardness.
Cool down and get harder/AR, but you slow down And if damage beats your AR you may take more damage (X2 or more) and shatter.
Increase you AR and you'd reduce your speed and PP reflexis untill you undo it!!!
Any part of your body you reshape to much will likely no longer be able to be moved, bend, or be flexed.

APS Water with underwater powers (not sure if this one is legit)
Actually not sure if this one is really worth it looking at the bonuses
It's a good one and Does add a few small bonuses, but your right, CEF Water would see the benifet more.

In a similar line of logic, APS Light with Solar Powered
Guess it would depend upon the GM interpretation of what type of light you were. If you can sneak this one by, go for the mega option of solar powered as well.

Flight Space with Gravity Control
Antigravity flight would mean that you are always in a low gravity environment, and it makes more sense to me then Weightlessness.
Since as you said, the book used Weightlessness, this one is a great combo to use.

Anatomical Independence with wingless flight, and any EE
Just imagine how your little flying fingers can flank opponents and then blast them.
This is actually a Great combo, and one I Never saw :oops: With this combo you can "Take off" and hide your wings", thanx fer the cool idea :ok:
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Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by AaronCE »

My little contribution:

Multitasking & Speed Tasking: First of all, with Speed Tasking, you get it done in half the time. Now with Multitasking, you get twice as much stuff done in half the time.

And to really accelerate the production: Multitasking, Speed Tasking, & Multiple Beings/Selves: Look Ma, I can build whatever in a quarter of the time, with all kinds of help.

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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA

Re: Complimenting powers (REOPENNED fer business)

Unread post by Steeler49er »

Nope, not that much ISP left (some 60+/-) Buuuuuuuuuttttt, that's why he had his friend (impressed into a stupper by the whole event as they often wer by He and his antics) who acted suprisingly fast and took out the other baddys.

I'da fudged the rolls some more if he wasn't still glaring at me fer adding a Borg Forearm PB from outta nowhere... Since Everyone already knew how I felt about his "crazy antics", it woulda been too obvious if I'd thrown anymore crazyness into the mix... I'd also thrown in 8 "friends" of the Borg and Juicer, anymore would have made me a shmuck! And believe it or not, my players expected more outta me.

Asto "Not allowing him to pull it off", I'm absolutely NOT one of those kinda GM's! If a player comes up with a creative, Intelligent, and REALLISTICALLY plossible use of a power (Which, in this case all he was doing was using the powers in a totally game legal and simple way) I will Not prevent it, Nor take revenge over the issue.This is why I was voted "Best GM" by them 5 years running.

Mostly I think they just wanted me GMing cuz all of them GM'd everyone elses games here in Washington, so it's more like I got stuck with the gig :lol:
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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