Interesting or not?

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Interesting or not?

Unread post by ZorValachan »

I've been thinking about putting something together for the Rifter for BTS. Especially since we have no clue when the Magic book will come out.

More mundane 'modern' things to spice things up. I feel slaying a 'nasty monster' every adventure or every other kinda lowers the 'horror'.
There's a lot of fakery in the real world, and I was thinking maybe people (GM especially) would like information about:

1) Modern forensic techniques. DNA, Drug Chemistry, Trace Elements, Firearms and Toolmark Examinations, Crime Scene Investigation stuff could all play into both mundane and supernatural BTS adventures

2) Magicians (not 'real' magic, but entertainment types) These guys can either a) use their skills to simulate powers, gain money, crime, etc. or b) use their knowledge of trickery to see through shams and fakery

3) Fake psychics, mediums, astrologers. Who as NPCs may lead PCs astray with false information simply because they are con artists, or be the actual villians

4) A bunch of red herrings for the GM to toss out at the group

5) Skeptics, who don't disbelieve in the supernatural, but demand postive proof before they jump onto 'crazy' theories, using Occam's Razor and Locard's Exchange Principle to solve crimes.

Just thoughts to add diversity to BTS, so it doesn't become a 'monster kill-fest' and makes the rare monster-supernatural person/creature that much more horrifying.
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Re: Interesting or not?

Unread post by mrloucifer »

To make this easier to follow I'll answer my opinions on these items with the questions tagged on.

1) Modern forensic techniques. DNA, Drug Chemistry, Trace Elements, Firearms and Toolmark Examinations, Crime Scene Investigation stuff could all play into both mundane and supernatural BTS adventures
-I would say this could (should?) be a rifter submission all on its own... this would be a blessing to have in "acting out" the forensic roles during investigations. My concern would be that this is a HUGE subject and could probrably be a sourcebook in and of itself.

2) Magicians (not 'real' magic, but entertainment types) These guys can either a) use their skills to simulate powers, gain money, crime, etc. or b) use their knowledge of trickery to see through shams and fakery.
-There is a "Stage Magician" occupation in the book, but I can definitily see the value in the GM having access to specific knowledge of what and how they do things and whatnot.

3) Fake psychics, mediums, astrologers. Who as NPCs may lead PCs astray with false information simply because they are con artists, or be the actual villians
-I like it!

4) A bunch of red herrings for the GM to toss out at the group
-I LOVE IT! Do this occasionally myself with my gang :)

5) Skeptics, who don't disbelieve in the supernatural, but demand postive proof before they jump onto 'crazy' theories, using Occam's Razor and Locard's Exchange Principle to solve crimes.
-Another one where I can see the value of having additional info handy for the GM.

Its seems I'm all for these ideas amigo... I say do it! :)
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

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Re: Interesting or not?

Unread post by ronekiln »

Yes, it all sounds interesting.

I love the show "Supernatural," and one of my favorite episodes is the one in Season 1 in which the brothers discover the "monster" is really a messed up family of psychopaths that enjoy hunting people. Wack job serial killers might be something the players run into also.

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