Monstrous Creations

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Back again with something to think about if you invade a goblin, hobgoblin, trog, or possible
rattling underground dwelling ( :twisted: he he).

BLACK MOLD (or Metallic Mold)

Black Mold is completely unrelated to alchemy created Green Mold. Elves and dwarves have
been aware of its existence since the Age of Elves; however, it has only been in the last
millennium that scholars and alchemist have discovered its origins. For whatever reason the
more “primitive” underground races (troglodytes, goblins, hobgoblins, and most recently the
Baalizad) appear to be the source of the mold. It is not known how these races come in
contact with the mold spores, but for whatever reason all underground dwellings of dwarves,
gnomes, rattlings, and kobolds remains black mold free. The spores remain in the underground
dwellings of those mentioned indefinitely and are able to survive extreme temperatures and
pressure. The spores are not detectable to the naked eye nor can they be identified by smell
or taste. In fact, it’s only when a mold colony begins to grow can the mold be seen. However,
three factors must be present in order for the spores to begin to grow; warmth, blood, and
metal. The spores live harmlessly on the outer layer skin of the carrier. They cannot invade
living tissue nor do they go into subcutaneous tissue. Once a person becomes a carrier of the
spores, he or she will remain as one unless they bathe themselves with an acidic solvent. The
spores can remain dormant indefinitely, yet the moment blood (human, humanoid, or animal)
encounters the spores, they temporarily awaken looking for the nearest metal to bond with
(usually the weapon that caused the bleeding wound). The spores remain awake in the blood
for the next 15 minute. If a person touches the blood, he or she can transfer the spores to
any immediate location within the 15-minute window. Once the spores meet any type or kind
of metal (gold, silver, copper, iron, steel, bronze, nickel, tin, etc), the immediately bond to it
on a molecular level. The metal is now infected. Unless an acidic solvent is used to wipe the
metal clean within 10 minutes, the binding is permanent, only metals imbued with magical
properties or possess an almost indestructible nature (adamant or kisentite for example) are
immune to the spores. After the binding takes place, within 24 hours the mold colony begins
to grow, appear as a black fuzzy coat (similar to some molds found on fruit). The structural
integrity of the metal begins to deteriorate by 33% twenty-four hours after the initial binding.
The damage accumulates until the metal simply crumbles into dust. Only a powerful organic
cleanser (acid) can kill the Black Mold. Anyone foolish enough to expose black mold to flame
risks not only his or her life, but that of anyone within twenty feet (6 m) of the infected
metal. Black Mold produces a flammable gaseous compound that in large enough quantities
can function as a chemical explosive. Many dwarf and kobold blacksmith has unknowing put a
black mold covered item into their furnace and blown his or her shop (and the neighbors) into
bits and pieces.

Black Mold is not dangerous to humanoids but its destructive nature to metal is a major
concern. It can infect and ruin a gold and/or silver inventory like a fungi infection in a
vegetable garden. It will destroy an entire armory leaving a castle defenseless. An adventure
can find himself without a weapon, armor, or buckles to hold up his pants if happens to kill an
infected goblin and wipes the blood from his hand using his glove then proceeds to touch his
meal supply. Black Mold is a major nuisance for elves, humans, dwarves, wolfen, and kobolds,
but is slowly becoming a bio-weapon for underground dwelling goblins and hobgoblins who
seek any advantage to use against surface dwellers. There are a number of Rattlings in the
Western Empire seeking out the source of the black mold spores hoping they can produce it
on their own and use it to bring the Empire to its knees.

Type.: Unknown, possibly a supernatural fungi
Alignments: Not applicable
The Eight Attributes: Not applicable
Natural A.R.: 6
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 1D4 per 3 lbs (.91 kg) of metal
Horror Factor/Awe: 8 or 14 when come across a huge colony.
P.P.E.: None
Natural Abilities: Metal parasite. 24 hours after binding, the S.D.C. of any metal is
reduced by 33% and A.R. is reduce by 3. The damage is accumulative (doubles every 24
hours), until it’s destroyed within 72 hours. Exposing Black Mold to fire causes a firy explosion
(3D6 points of damage per 3 lbs (1.35 kg) of metal to a 20 foot (6 m) blast radius. The mold is
impervious to conventional damage, cold, and organic toxins. It cannot be scrapped off
because it is molecular bonded to the metal, removing it only destroys the metal, unless an
organic cleanser (acid) is used. One cup full will destroy the mold covering a 12 lbs (5.4 kg)
small to medium size metal object. Magic metal items are impervious to Black Mold.
Magic Spells: Not applicable
Psionics: Not applicable
Value: None, no one wants to be near the stuff except for some societies of goblin,
hobgoblin, and rattlings who want to use it as a bio-weapon.
Average Life Span: As spores indefinitely, as mold (3 days) but can continue to spread as long as there is metal present.
Habitat: The spores need someplace warm in order to function. Black Mold can exist anywhere.
Physical Appearance: A fuzzy, jet-black mold.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The Araimb is a neat creature. I like the concept, but what do you mean its "eating the soul?"
Are you wanting it to do soul drink like a rune weapon and/or mind wipe (that doesn't cost
I.S.P.). If so, I'd say go for it. That would really make these things nasty. Oh wait I just got
this image in my mind from the movie Hostel and Hostel 2. Oh yeah these things could
definately be cool. I suppose you could make them immune to normal weapons accept when
its attempting to devour the soul. I also make it take double damage from silver. Love to see
it filled out some more, a few more details.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

BLUE MILDEW (or Mage Mold)

Practitioners of magic have for centuries sought to build impressive strongholds on or near ley
lines so they can enjoy the ample supply of P.P.E. in the immediate vicinity. Those who do
however have often encountered an annoying parasite that seems to have taking a liking to
men of magic and their need to have such dwellings. Blue Mildew or Mage Mold is a type of
blue fungus that grows on any organic matter, including clothing, leather, paper, and the
ceilings, walls and floors of dwellings rich with ambient P.P.E., coming from ley lines,
permanent rifts, and rips of magic in places where moisture problems occur. In unaired places,
such as dungeons, cellars, crypts, etc the humidity in the air can be the source of moisture.
However, the ambient P.P.E. levels must remain constant in order for the mold to grow. The
mold can endure harsh temperatures, as long as there is some moisture present. The mold
spores are undetectable to the naked eye and cannot be detected by smell or touch. Once
the spore land on a moist surface that is suitable for life, they begin to form a visible colony
within 32 hours which appears as a blue, powdery mildew. There is nothing apparently
dangerous about it. In fact, it can be touched and disturbed without any noticeable effect.
However, the mildew produces a gaseous mycotoxin that requires every living thing that
needs to breathe to make a saving throw vs. drugs (15) or they suffer the same effect as
snorting Kargalin (see PFRPG, page 265). As time goes on, as long as there is ambient P.P.E.,
moisture, and material to grow upon the fungus will remain harmless. However, the moment
anyone uses individual P.P.E. for the use of magic, talents, or supernatural abilities, within 10
feet (3 m), the mildew does something strange. Dozens of large blue fruiting bodies begin to
grow in the mold colony to about 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter within six seconds of the
activation of the individual P.P.E (half a melee round). At this point, the fruiting bodies burst
releasing a cloud of dark blue dust-like spores. If only one mushroom exploded, the effects
would be unnoticeable, but what happens instead is all the mushrooms explode at the same
time resulting in a cloud that usually 20x20x10 feet (6x6x3 m) in size, and that of course is if
the mold colony is six feet (1.82 m) in diameter. The size of the cloud increases by 5 feet for
every 3 feet of the colony, enough to fill a corridor or perhaps the entire dungeon. Every
living thing that breaths air must make a lethal poison saving throw or suffer from the
immediate effects of the mold’s deadly mycotoxins. Mages (and anyone with higher then
normal P.P.E. levels) suffer even worst as their bodies become breeding grounds for mold
spores. In time if these individuals are not treated, the spores destroy their lung tissue and
they suffocate and die, and within 48 hours of death, their bodies become overgrown with
Blue Mildew. The mold can be destroyed using organic cleansers (acids) or intense heat
(drying it out), but all of this is only temporarily unless the moisture levels can be controlled
to ensure the areas stays dry, otherwise within a week or so the mold will return. It’s this
reason why practitioners keep lackeys around who continue to sweep, mop, dust, dry, and
clean their strongholds because the Blue Mildew must be controlled or the mage risks his

Type.: Unknown, possibly a supernatural fungi
Alignments: Not applicable
The Eight Attributes: Not applicable
Natural A.R.: None
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 1D6 per 3 feet (1 m) of diameter in size.
Horror Factor/Awe: 8 or 16 when a practitioner of magic sees it.
P.P.E.: None
Natural Abilities: Produced hallucinogenic vapors when touched or walked upon
(harmless), however if anyone uses individual P.P.E. to cast spells, talents, or supernatural
abilities in or near the mildew, each person who breathes air must make a saving throw vs.
lethal poison (14) or suffer 3D6+2 points of damage for the next four melees. Those who have
higher then normal amount of P.P.E, will need supernatural healing that does not come about
via individual P.P.E., either I.S.P., priestly prayers, circle magic (the circle has been activate
prior to the infected person’s arrival and not by anyone infected with mold spores in the last
72 hours), deific magic, or magic items. These means are the only way to cure someone of
the mold spores growing in their lung tissue (unless you get a lung transplant). P.P.E magic,
talents, or super abilities are useless and only accelerates the growth by 15% (same thing
happens if the victim cast spells, talents, or P.P.E. abilities. Those suffering from mold growth
after 24 hours have no initiative, -4 to all combat bonuses, -4 to P.E. attribute and reduce
P.E. duration (vs. fatigue) by half, and reduce Spd attribute by 65%. Irritated throat and
having difficulty breathing, feel weak and dizzy. These penalties will remain as each day the
victim lose 1D6+4 hit points until he or she dies or is somehow cured. Note: There is rumor
that drinking Faerie coffee will cure the person as will sleeping in a Faerie Ring for 7 days.
Magic Spells: Not applicable
Psionics: Not applicable
Value: None, no one wants to be near the stuff.
Average Life Span: The mildew lasts about 1D4x100 years. The spores can last
indefinitely in a living thing until it dies then it will germinate into more Blue Mildew.
Habitat: The Blue Mildew need someplace with moisture and full of ambient P.P.E. in
order to exist. Blue Mildew can exist anywhere.
Physical Appearance: A blue, powdery film covering objects
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by kirksmithicus »

The Araimb is a neat creature. I like the concept, but what do you mean its "eating the soul?" Are you wanting it to do soul drink like a rune weapon and/or mind wipe (that doesn't cost I.S.P.). If so, I'd say go for it. That would really make these things nasty.

Thank you, and yeah something like that, they devour your soul so that you can not be reincarnated or resurrected.

Oh yeah these things could definitely be cool. I suppose you could make them immune to normal weapons except when its attempting to devour the soul. I also make it take double damage from silver. Love to see it filled out some more, a few more details.

Well I was thinking that they would be vulnerable while devouring the soul because they are in some sort of mental state verging on ecstasy and are not really capable of paying attention to anything else. So they lose all defensive bonuses for being zoned out of their gourds. :D But the immunity to normal weapons and double damage from silver is good idea, for all normal attacks. or maybe just double damage from silver weapons.

Monster creation is not really my forte, but I'll try to flesh it out a little more.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

All you need to be a "creator of Palladium monsters" is an imagination, the basic understanding
of Palladium rules, and pen-paper and/or a word processor. From what I've seen so far, you
fit the bill :ok: .
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Yes that helps too.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice monsters! Sorry for the delay. I should have posted earlier. I hope these continue to come out. They are very cool!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The well is running a tad bit dry as I try to come up with some "original" monsters to post
here. I've come to realize some are conversions or way to similar to something else. And I
want to save some of my favorites. So I got a few more that I'll be putting up soon. Look for
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

It was a good run. I'm sure eventually you'll come up with some new ones soon enough.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Great new monster! I like it! And I agree about using it in other settings of Palladium Books!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Nice... very nice. *Snickers and copies to his notebook for later use during campaign.*
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

This htread has some awesome creatures. Perfect to use in any of PBs settings. Hopefully we'll get some new ones soon.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Like the Crouches these are also long time favorites and a few friends have felt their
awesome wrath (especially with giant size kobold polearms).

SIYIM (Dog Men)

The Wolfen are the greatest threat to the human empire, however they have their own
troublesome race to deal with. Siyim are a race of dog-headed (Pharaoh Hounds)
humanoids that have developed into a minor military power. Normally they are a
plundering band of scavengers who attack any village, town, or caravan they come
across. They take what they want then return to their camp. Essentially, they are
nothing but raiders who strike out against anything that gets in there way. Siyim live in
nomadic tribes scattered across the Northern Hinterlands and some parts of the
Northern Wilderness, however do to their amazing ability to adapt to any physical
environment, they can choose to live anywhere they want. Although they claim the
Hinterlands as their home, rumor has it they may actually be natives to the Land of the
Damned. Unlike the Wolfen, the Siyim are not united, nor is their any possibility of it
ever happening. Each tribe believes itself to be the strongest group of Siyim kind. To
ensure their race will one day be the future masters of the world, only the strongest
tribe can be allowed to survive, thus ensuring all future Siyim will be spawn from them.
As a result of this belief system, Siyim are waging a bloody civil war against one
another. The only time they will declare a truce or work together is to destroy their
common enemy, the Wolfen. The war between the two races has been going on for five
hundred years. It is a firm belief in Siyim culture that if they can gain control over the
Northern Wilderness, nothing will prevent them from becoming the future rulers of the
world. For the past thirty years. Siyim have been slowly moving east, raiding deep into
Wolfen territory, slaying any canine race they come across. Currently they are
engaging the Oak People Tribe as they try to push beyond the Taber River. That being
said, since they are no major settlements anywhere in the Western Frontier, the Wolfen
Empire is not terribly concerned about Siyim encroachment. In their mind, the Siyim will
either destroy themselves or end up becoming a major threat to humankind who will
take the fight to them. The biggest sites along Dragon Claw belong to clandestine
Bizantium smugglers, and the Siyim have been trying to avoid human encounters as
much as possible. They are not ready yet to take on the Shadow Coast Colonies,
knowing the island kingdom of Bizantium will retaliate in force. Siyim believe when there
is only one supreme tribe, their race will be strong enough to challenge the human
empires and kingdoms, but until that time, humans and their allies for the most part will
be left alone.

Siyim love war and combat. They setup gladiatorial areas in their camp to fight not only
each other, but their slaves as well. Some slaves earn the right to live among Siyim as
an equal if he or she has proven his strength in several combat bouts. Usually this
individual will end up as a bodyguard for the war chief. This will never happen to a
Canine or Kobold because they will always be viewed as inferiors. Siyim are extremely
lazy when it comes to do anything that does not involve physical combat. To
compensate, they make slaves out of anyone and/or thing they capture, particularly
Kobolds. Every tribe uses a slave force of Kobolds to manufacture their giant-size
weapons and armor. Siyim are also well skilled in organizing orcs, goblins, and
hobgoblins into scouting parties or small armies. These two factors makes the Siyim one
of the most skilled Barbarian Hordes on the battlefield, some rival Mercenary Armies in
quality, skill, and daring. Fortunately, their genocidal war has kept them rather busy
and uninvolved with world affairs, especially with humans, elves, and dwarves. So much
so, Siyim are unaware that Dwarf craftsmanship is superior to Kobold. This also
suggests Siyim have been isolated from the rest of the world for a dozen millenniums or
they are not native inhabitants of the Palladium world, perhaps beings who came out of
the Great Rift.

A Siyim tribe typically ranges from 20-200 strong. Each tribe is lead by the war chief,
the strongest and smartest Siyim in the tribe. His status reflects the strength and
morale of the tribe. Any Siyim who believes the chief is too weak may freely leave the
tribe and go live with another tribe; however, the moment he leaves, his family and
friends will forget whom he is and no one will recognize him as a fiend. He will be
slaughtered just like any other Siyim. Any individual or small group who approaches
another tribe naked with tail between their legs is indicating they recognize this tribe as
being the Siyim tribe that is destined to become the sole survivors of the great war and
future rulers of the world, and they want to be come apart of it.

Every tribe of Siyim has a small guild of warlocks number from three to seven. Siyim
warlocks are among the most feared in the world for they believe in only commanding
the most destructive forces of nature and using their full potential against their
enemies. They are ruthless magic wielders who won’t think twice about sending a River
of Lava or a Tornado through a small town just to watch the massacre. Siyim are
guided by wandering shamans who preach the gospel of Set, who they refer to as “He
who Declared the War”. The dark god has employed hundreds of them to serve as
shock troops. He has been known to teleport an entire tribe into the heart of a town
that has defied his will or as force of punishment. Siyim shamans serve all the tribes
and how no particularly loyalty to any of them. After conflicts between the tribes,
shaman will bury the dead. Each shaman has four to ten followers/acolytes who assist
him. It is a firm belief in Siyim society that they will serve Set in the afterlife if they can
die bravely in battle, or he will resurrect the bravest to fight again. This belief only
adds to their lack of fear of death. If a Siyim should be slain or injured by an act of
cowardice (retreating or surrendering), it is believed Set will have Ammit the Beast
feast upon their bodies, yet their souls will remains intact, and they will expend the rest
of eternity as piles of his excrement.

Males are the only ones active in the tribe. Females are considered weak and feeble,
even forbidden to touch armor and weapons. Their only purpose is to cook, tend to the
injured (make them well for the next battle), satisfy males with sex, and to bare more
male Siyim. Males are taken away from their mothers at the age of three to be raised
by their fathers, brothers, and uncles until they are warriors. Daughters stay with their
mothers until they are married. It is said male Siyim threat slaves better then they do
female Siyim. Consequently, female Siyim have developed into a kinder and gentle
species. In fact, some try to escape the life of being dominated and tried to start their
own tribes. All of these attempts have failed. Males eradicate these tribes immediately
upon discovering one. They will also hunt down and slaughter any females who they
find not living within the confines of a tribe. Wolfen have reported that some female
Siyim will do anything to evade males, even lead their tribe into a trap, killing everyone
including their own children.

Siyim are cautiously being introduced to the human race. Sages and scholars of the
Western Empire and Bizantium ensure the noble leaders that the Siyim are not to be
concerned about for they will soon be extinct within a century or less. However, if for
some reason, they could be convinced to stop their senseless civil war and unite
together as the Wolfen did, they could not only posse a serious threat to the Wolfen
Empire, but to the Bizantium and Ophid Grassland colonies.

Alignment: Males are selfish and evil (never good). Females can be any
alignment although they tend toward good and selfish.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 2D6, M.A.: 2D4, P.S.: 4D6, P.P.: 3D6,
P.E.: 4D6+6, P.B.: 2D6+6, Spd.: 5D6.
Hit Points: P.E. Attribute number plus 1D6 per level of experience starting with level one.
S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from physical skills.
Average P.P.E.: 2D4 for males and 2D6+2 for females.
O.C.Cs.: Males can become any men of arms (except knight and paladin),
warlock, or shaman. Females are peasant laborers or simple peasants.
O.C.C. Skill notes: Siyim are masters of the wilderness and guerilla warfare. Add
a bonus of +10% to any wilderness and espionage skill. They also gain a +5% to all
physical skills because of their enjoyment of physical competition.
Horror Factor: 10
Physical Appearance: Their bodies are perfectly human accept their head is that
of a Pharaoh Hound. The dog head is reddish orange with occasional white markings on
the center of forehead or the bridge of the muzzle. They have amber color eyes
(although as newborns to age three they have blue eyes). Their nose, whiskers, and
eye-rims are always the same color as the coat. Siyim “blush” when excited or happy,
with their ears and nose becoming bright pink. All Siyim have large hands with six
fingers and large humanoid feet with seven toes. They also have long canine tails.
Size: 6-9 feet (1.82 to 2.74 m) tall, 5 feet/1.52 m +1D4 feet (.3 to 1.21 m).
Weight: 175 to 250 lbs (78.75-112.5 kg).
Average Lifespan: 50 years, no Siyim has ever lived passed 60, though the war
kills of most before they reach the age of 30.
Natural Abilities: In addition to their physical strength and endurance, Siyim also
have Nightvision (50 feet/15.24 m), superior day vision, and a keen sense of smell and
hearing. They can leap 8 feet 2.43 m) high and 12 feet (3.65 m)long without a running
Track Blood Scent: A Siyim can follow the scent of blood up to 300
feet (91.44 m) away. Base Skill: 20% +4% per level of experience.
Recognize the Scent of Others: A Siyim can recognize and follow a
familiar scent up to 50 feet (15.24 m) away. Base Skill: 16%+4% per level of
experience. +10% to recognize and follow the scent of a fellow tribe member. Roll once
for every 100 feet (30.48 m) when following a scent trail. A failed roll means the trail is
Extraordinary Vision: Can see approximately 3 times better than a
normal human. They can spot and notice things out of the ordinary or when they
attempt to conceal or camouflage themselves (-15% when attempt to use these skills
against them or it gives them a +10% bonus when attempting to use such skills to
locate concealed/hidden objects out in the open wilderness (not indoors).
Adapt to Physical Environment: Siyim have the amazing ability to adapt
their physiology to the dominant environment around them. These metabolic
adaptations take time to occur (2D6 hours), but once they do the Siyim can maintain
them broad changes indefinitely for as long as they remain in the region. Living arboreal
regions they gain the skills of acrobatics and climbing at skills levels 89% or receive a
+15% if they already posses the skill and they increase their leaping ability by 50%.
They will suffer no ill effects from artic/freezing environment. Sub-zero temperatures
inflict only 10% of the normal damage and penalties. The can also be done for
desert/extreme heat and dry conditions. Even exposure to temperatures up to 200
degree F (93 C) inflicts only 20% of the normal damage and penalties. They can survive
three to five days without water. They can enter disease and plague conditions (+5 to
save vs. disease) and even if they did catch something, the disease will not be fatal
and the effects, penalties, damage, and duration is half. They can live nocturnal or
underground. If they do so, their Nightvision increases to 300 feet/91.4 m (daylight will
become blinding), their range 0f hearing becomes greater, and they gain an excellent
sense of direction and depth/height. In darkness and underground, they would have a
+1 bonus to initiative and to dodge. Do to their incredible resistance, they always takes
half damage against fire and cold.
Wilderness Survival: Experts in surviving in the wilderness regions,
regardless if it’s a forest, desert, mountains, etc. They need so little in order to
survive: Base Skill: 45% +5% per level of experience.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to damage, +3 to Perception, +3 to poison, and
+3 to save vs. Horror Factor. A bite does 1D6 points of damage and no P.S. bonus is
Magic: Only if they become a Warlock or a Shaman.
Psionics: None
Enemies: All Canine races, Kobolds, and Gnomes. Indifferent toward humans, elves,
dwarves, troglodytes, giants, trolls, changelings, and faerie folk. They are hated by all
the Dying Races of the Land of the Damned, Ramen, and Phoenxi.
Allies: Goblins, hobogoblins, orcs, and ogres. Were-beasts and Tautons are
among their strongest allies.
Habitat: The Northern Hinterlands and the western parts of the Northern Wilderness.
Favorite Weapons: Giant size Kobold weapons. Polearms (their true favorites),
spears, large swords, battle axes, and ball & chain. They are unfamiliar with rune and
magic items, but they will take any weapon that gives them an additional advantage.
Other Notes:
1. Worship only Set.
2. Wear light, chain, and double mail armors.
3. Poor craftsmen and builders
4. Adaptive
5. Their language is a rough & guttural version of Dragonese. Those who
speak Elf/Dragonese will have a -20% penalty in understanding them (unless spend time
learning their version of the language.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Great new RCC! I think it is one that has a great deal of potential. Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Been slightly distracted by non-Palladium writing :D but not to worry I got two
more humanoid races coming soon. Maybe if we all ask really nice the great NMI will
posts this as a sticky so its doesn't get lost on the board :hug: .
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Two? Sounds great! Please take your time! I know we are looking forward to seeing them when you are finished.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Human scholars have two possible theories to explain the existence of Lurchins. One is
they are a sub-species of dwarf that appeared during the Age of Light or they’re
inhabitants of Hades and came to the Palladium World via a dimensional rift around the
same time. Dwarves tell of a different story. They speak of a group of powerful
psychics who during the Age of a Thousand Magicks believed the fledgling dwarves
empire should avoid the surface and stay hidden in the earth, hording all of its riches
and sharing none of it. They tried to persuade others into this line of thinking, but in
the end, the decision was made to live in both worlds. Angered the group of psychic
departed the Old Kingdom Mountains and journeyed south. They took up residence
deep beneath the surface of the Silver Mountains and never ventured to the surface
again. Yet beneath these mountains grew a deadly yellow mold and its poisonous
vapors slowly changed them over time. It took away their sight, their ability to speak,
and turned them a sickly yellow. Now they must forever stay beneath the surface or
risk certain death.

The truth most likely is somewhere in between the two ideas of the human scholars.
Lurchin look identical to dwarves only all the intolerances dwarves exhibit are magnified.
Lurchin want nothing to do with the surface world, namely because they fear sunlight
and open skies (40% of urchin suffer from agoraphobia/fear of open spaces). They live
in a realm of eternal darkness. They have no eyes to speak of, yet their other senses
are greatly enhances and inherit psychic abilities allow them to compensate. Despite
being blind, lurchin are still amazing craftsmen and masons, just like standard dwarves,
but their skill in metal working is about the same as humans. Lurchin like dealing with
rock and stone more than metal. It is also quite difficult to deal with molten liquids
when you can’t see. Some claim the underground architecture of lurchins is the most
elaborate in the world, and the envy of dwarf and kobold. Lurchins are known to be the
biggest hoarders of precious stones, but they don’t use them as a form of currency or
trade, instead they are used as a form of braille writing. Gems can be found throughout
their underground villages (about the same size as troglodytes) on tablets or imbedded
in walls to serve as signs or as written forms of communication. Each gem corresponds
as a letter of the alphabet. Because of their heighten sense of touch, lurchin can
identify each gem merely by touching it. Surface dwellers for the most part are
completely unaware of the importance gems have in lurchin society, they merely see a
gem covered walls and start plucking them out. Elves were notorious thieves, having
need of gems to power their various forms of magic during the Age of a Thousand
Magicks, entire villages where plundered. This also happened when dwarves started
practicing magic as well. As a result, lurchin grew to detest all surface dwellers, all of
them are considered thieves and to be made examples of. The psychic abilities of
Lurchin are normally used to compensate for their lack of vision and voice, but their
ability to install insanity in the minds of others is their secret weapon. They know the
surface dwellers fear the dark and confined spaces, so they make them afraid of ever
returning to such places.

Lurchin are known for making cleverly disguided pit traps. They dig shafts up to the
surface then costruct them in a way so the ground doesn't collapse until something
walks over them. The poor victim may fall twenty to sixty feet. Besides eating what
ever game animals stumble into the pits, Lurchin cultivate mushrooms and fungi. They
are also worm eaters, in fact they raise worms like surface dwellers raise pigs.

Those lurchins who choose to leave the confines of the underground village and make a
life on the surface are treated even worst than surface dwellers. The moment they
acquire the stink of a surface dweller, no lurchin will welcome or speak to them ever
again. Life on the surface can be difficult for the blind yellow dwarf, but some have
managed to make the best of it, putting their skills to use in cities in Timiro and the
Eastern Territory. A number have chosen the city of Adriana “the Marble City” within
the White Rock Mountains as their home. The man in charge of the Adriana Minding
Agency is in fact a 110 year old lurchin.

Rumor has it lurchin live in the vast underground network of tunnels and caverns in the
Hades’ Sulfur Pits. If this true or not remains to be seen, but the Demon Lord Belphegor
is the only deity worshipped in lurchin villages. Lurchins are impervious to the effects of
the variety of deadly Hades molds (Green, Red, Yellow, and Blue). And they bow down
before any Magot (which on occasions results in getting eaten or turned to stone, in
either case it means the Demon Lord found favor in the person).

Alignment: Selfish and evil
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 5D6 (16 minimum), M.A.: 1D6, P.S.:
4D6+8, P.P.: 3D6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.:1D6+6, Spd: 2D6 (3D6 digging). In order to navigate
safely, they must reduce Spd by half and must feel, tap and rely on heighten senses
and psionics.
Hit Points: P.E. Attribute number plus 1D6 per level of experience starting with level one.
S.D.C.: 15 plus those gained from physical skills.
Average P.P.E.: 4D6.
O.C.C.: Limited to miner, merchant, mercenary, soldier, priest of darkness,
peasant laborer, or vagabond.
O.C.C. Skill notes: Add a bonus of +5% to the following skills (in addition to
O.C.C. bonuses): General Repair, Geomancy, Stone Sculpting, and Masonry.
Horror Factor: 8
Physical Appearance: They have standard dwarf features and characteristics,
accept they are completely hairless and their skin is a dull yellow. Their skulls do not
have eye-sockets and their noses are large and misshapen.
Size: 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) tall.
Weight: 90 to 180 lbs (40.5 to 81 kg)
Average Lifespan: 200+ years, very few have lived beyond 300.
Natural Abilities: In addition to their high physical attributes:
Psionic Sight: They can make out blurred, vague shapes, distance and
depths, but Lurchin actually “feels” or senses who or what he is seeing. Cannot see
facial features, read signs, the printed word or see flat illustrations or paintings. Psionic
sight can be maintained and used continuously for one hour per each P.P.E point at no
I.S.P. cost. This ability allows them to see in total darkness. Range: 90 feet (27.4 m).
Telepathic Transmission: This functions as simple, mind-to-mind,
speech substitute. Range is roughly that of human speech (300 feet/91.5 m), except it
is not affected by background noise. There is no saving throw because it is not an
attack nonetheless the receiver can choose to ignore the message. The psionic can
focus the Telepathic Transmission so that only one specific person will receive it, or the
Transmission can “speak” to several people at a single time, so long as everyone is
within the range limit. Non-psionics will assume that the Telepathic Transmission is
normal speech. This cannot be used as a form telepathy or pick up empathic
impression. It can only be used to communicate with words. This power cost no I.S.P.
and can be maintained indefinitely.
Extraordinary Hearing: They can hear very faint sounds (light footsteps
and animal breathing). They can even hear a whisper conversation. Estimate distance
of a sound (30% +6% per level of experience. Estimate the speed and direction of
approach at 25% +6% per level of experience. Recognize a voice or sound through
intense concentration at 20% +6% per level of experience. Receive a +10% bonus if
the sound is underground.
Extraordinary Smell: They can detect very faint scent traces. Track by
smell at 72% (+10% to follow a surface dweller). Recognize the distinct scent of a
specific individual at 55% (+10% if the person is a surface dweller). Receive a +10%
bonus if the odor is underground.
Extraordinary Sense of Touch: They can recognize the very slightest
difference in textures by touch alone, 35%+6% per level of experience. They notice
minute changes in temperature by touch or slowly moving their hand over an item, 30%
+6% per level of experience. Identify fabric and material by touch, 30% +6 % per level
of experience. Note: Instead of suffering the typical penalty for being blind at -9,
Lurchin are at a -3 on all combat moves (strike, parry, dodge, etc).
Underground Abilities: Same as standard dwarf accept increase base
skills by 10% and increase at +6% per level of experience.
Recognize Precious Metal and Stones: Same as the gemology skill with
a +15% bonus.
Natural Psionics: See below.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to save vs. magic, +7 to save vs.
possession, +5 to save vs. Horror Factor, and +6 to save vs. mind control (any form).
As natural psionics, they need a 10 or better to save vs. psionic attacks.
Magic: Only if they become Priest of Darkness.
Psionics: All Lurchin possess the following psionic abilities, Presence Sense,
Object Read, Psychic Diagnosis, See Aura, Sixth Sense, See the Invisible, Total Recall,
Sense Evil, Astral Projection (they can see normally), and Cause Insanity
(claustrophobia-fear of confined space or noctiphobia-fear of darkness are their
favorites). I.S.P.: 3D6x10+M.E. attribute number in I.S.P. +10 additional I.S.P. per level
of experience.
Enemies: Surface dwellers, they are suspicious and untrusting of any one from
the surface. Those who stumble into their domain will be taken prison and interrogated
until they reveal their intension. Those who are let go usually leave with one or two
insanities. They are indifferent toward kobolds, gnomes, and dwarves. Lurchins know
these races venture to the surface so they must be thoroughly questioned. Those who
turn out not to be subterranean will be turned away or taken prisoner. They absolutely
detest goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and elves. Giant races and dragons are heavily feared.
Allies: Troglodytes are their closest allies. They will trade among them for food,
raw materials, and water. They are honored to be in the presence of a Magot.
Language: Their mental speech is the same as Dwarven. They do practice the
written language using gems as letters of the alphabet. They make tablets out of clay,
rock, etc. Note: The hatred of elves is so great, no Lurchin would ever choose to learn
to read or speak Elf/Dragonese.
Habitat: Beneath the Silver Mountains of Timiro and the White Rock Mountains of the Eastern Territory.
Favorite Weapons: Mining tools, especially pick axe/mattlocks and shovels.
Other Notes:
1. Many worship Belphegor of the Sulfur Pits
2. Wear light armor
3. Superior miners and masons, but average metalworkers.
4. Immune the effects of Green Mold (and its other colored variations).
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice little RCC! Are they canabals?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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No, there are plenty of things in the ground for them to eat. I suppose I should have
included that. Oh wait, got an idea.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Glad to help. Always glad to help.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Yeah back to a 1000 posts again. New monster race coming up.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool! Can't wait to see new creatures! :ok:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Danger »

I'm curious as to whether any of these creations will find their way into a Rifter or other publication.
"Can you kill me?! With those feeble arms?!" - Ogami Itto
"Bodycount's in the house!" - Ice T
"The Great Destroyer is back again!" - Duo Maxwell
"It's mine you hear? Mine ALL MINE Get back in there. Down Down Down! Go Go Go! MINE MINE MINE!!!" --Daffy Duck
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sorry, the Anime genre and the Furry genre don't usually mix, except where Catgirls are concerned :D
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

At this time, I have no intension of doing anything with these monsters other than posting
them here on the board for others to enjoy in your own games. I do however have a bunch
of them that might one day be sent to the Rifter or manuscript bound. I'm donig this for the
sheer joy of making monsters :demon:.

Speaking of which----


According to the legend, the Whaxsp arrive during the last years of the Elf/Dwarf War. An
elf mage was leading his party through a dimensional portal of his own creation thinking it
would take them to Hades. Instead, it took them to an unknown alien dimension. The world
was barren of all organic animal life, just rock and dirt. Finally, they came across a strange
insect humanoid (a wasp man). Using the spell Tongues they communicated with the
creature. It led them to it home in a deep underground lair. Most of its race appeared to be
dead. They met the dying queen who wanted to know where they’d come from. The elf
mage explained their reason for being there and of the great war. The queen offered to
provide them a weapon to use against the dwarves if they would take five of her best
warriors with them back to their world. A large oval like rock was the item they were to
take. The party returned to the Palladium Fantasy world with the five Waxsps. They took
the “rock” to a small, underground dwarf city on the western side of the Old Kingdom
mountains. The waxsps took the rock into the city and promised to ensure its activation.
The elf party return to Baalgor believing their new allies might have brought them the keys
to victory. Several months later the elves sent scouts to learn whatever became of the
city. Its inhabitants were all dead. The Waxsps had taken over. The weapon they took
inside was an egg of a new queen. After she was born, she mated with her hunters and
started producing troops. The moment their numbers reached one hundred, they started
conducting raids into the city and onto the surface, taking anything human or animal back
to their colony for food. Only one elf (a mind mage) out of the party managed to escape to
report what had happened.

Since that day the insect humanoid race have been a plague to all beings in the world,
both human and non-humanoid. The Whaxsp are not picky about what type of organic prey
they wish to feed on. They live in underground dwellings covered in their resign, an organic
substance that becomes as hard as rock in a matter of minutes. Each Waxsps has a
specific task it does for the colony and it only does that task (nothing else). Those who are
laborers do nothing but manual labor. Rangers got out onto the surface to seek out new
supplies of food (living or dead) to bring back to the colony. Soldiers defend the colony or
go out on raids. They are also the ones who mate with the Queen. Miners always dig out
new passageways, sometimes beneath a town or village of humanoids and/or non-
humanoids. The colony is control by the lone female, the queen. Each week she lays 2D6
eggs. After 5-8 days, they hatch, and in the next two weeks, the larvas undergo a slow
metamorphosis. The laborers feed them a rich diet of animal or humanoid flesh. Then each
larva spins a silk cap over its cell’s opening, and during the next two weeks transforms into
an adult. The queen has already assigned which task it will do the moment it emerges. As
the colony size grows, new corridors and cells are made until the colony covers a vast
undeground region. At the peak of its population the colony can reach a size of 700 or
more, depending upon the food source. The more food, the bigger the colony. If food
supplies dwindle, the queen will not lay any eggs and adding on to the colony will cease.

All Whaxsp have only one concern, to live and serve for the good of the colony and the
survival of the queen. They work, eat, fight, and sleep for the colony not for the benefit of
their own surival. Killing or attack one means you’ve attack the colony itself, resulting in a
full on assault against whoever is responsible (a party could end up taking on hundreds of
Whaxsps, accept for the Queen and a minimum of 30-50 laborers and/or soldiers.

If it becomes necessary because of food shortage or the Queen is in the twilight of her
years, she lays half a dozen eggs and has 3-5 rangers/soldiers taken them at hundreds of
miles in different direction in search of a new home, thus ensuring her colony after her
death and those of her brood. The Queen is also intelligent enough to know how best to
ensure the colonies survial by making alliances with certain individuals and supernatural
beings, who could posse a threat to the colony. In return for not destroying the colony,
she and her colony might serve as sentries and protectors. However, this depends on how
strong she thinks the indiviudal might be, should he or she show signs of weakness, she will
send her troops in for the kill.

Whaxsp resign weapons are the same size as gnome weapons, but their crafttmanship and
technology is similar to that of kobolds. So their tiny weapons may look small, but they
inflict just as lethal wounds as standard size ones. They also conduct their electrical
discharges as well. At the moment a weapon strikes flesh, a whaxsp can simultaneously
release an electrical discharge to add additional damage to the attack. Killing a whaxsp
automatically causes these creatures to literally explode with electric fury. Attacking these
creatures can be a suicical endevor. Their one main weakness however is they are
suceptible to psionic powers. Alone they are easily frightened and will run away in order to
protect themselves for the good of the colony.

If there is one thing Giants of Mt. Nimiro will agree with the humans of the Western Empire
and Timiro Kingdom is to keep these insects predators from becoming a threat to the entire
world. Presently they are contained in the Balgoor Wastelands and the remote wilderness of
the Old Kingdom. Here they feed on non-human tribes and animals, their colony reporting to
grow to huge numbers (near or over 700). Whenever possible the Giants seek to destroy
their colonies. They realize how great of a threat they are. The danger has yet to reach
the ears of either human region. The Timiro Kingdom is bit safer because of the mountains,
but not by much. The one thing that does help is the Forest of Enchantment. The Whaxsp
hate all types of faerie folk, and they hate them in return. Each tries to kill the other on
sight. One of the largest colonies (rumored to be around 900) is just outside the forest.
Their Queen would love to be able to feed on the village of Tamaran and the town of
Windthrope. Until then they will have to conduct raids on the non-human tribes, although
they are thinking about crossing the Old Kingdom River and seeing what’s along the
opposite shore line.

Alignment: Aberrant evil only
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+3 (Queen 2D6+6), M.E.: 1D6+2 (Queen 3D6), M.A.:
1D6 (Queen 1D6+6), P.S.: 3D6+10 (Queens 4D6+12), P.P.: 2D6+12 (Queens 2D6+6), P.E.:
3D6+6 (Queens 5D6), P.B.:1D6, Spd: 2D6+12 (running or digging), 3D6x10+20 (flying).
Hit Points: P.E. x2 plus 1D6 per level of experience starting with level one. Queens
P.E. x3 plus 1D6 per level of experience starting with level one. Most never advance beyond
level four.
S.D.C.: 50 (200 for the Queen)
Armor Rating: A.R.: 16
Average P.P.E.: 4D6.
O.C.C.: Limited to miner, peasant laborer, soldier, ranger (no longbow), and noble
(Queen only). Each O.C.C. represent a function a Whaxsp contributes to the hive.
O.C.C. Skill notes: Add a bonus of +5% to the following skills (in addition to O.C.C.
bonuses): Track Humanoids, Track and Trap Animals, Interrogation Techniques, and
Masonry. In a Rifts setting give them a +10% to Excavation and Mining. They are not to be
used a P.C. because they live only for the benefit of the colony and/or queen.
Horror Factor: 10 or 16 if encounter more than five.
Physical Appearance: A humanoid wasp head with small antennae. Has a blue biped
insect body with four legs, a pair of forearms and partial hands (two fingers and a thumb).
They have wings which can fold against their body.
Size: 2 feet (.6 m) tall.
Weight: 80 lbs (36 kg)
Average Lifespan: 10 years, the Queen lives for 30.
Vulnerability: -2 to save vs. psionics, mind control, and possession (the queen does
not have these penalties). A single Whaxsp (accept for the Queen) has a -4 to save vs.
Horror Factor. Three or more has only a -2 penalty. Five or more fear nothing as does the
Natural Abilities: Can climb, walk and run (at half normal speed) up, down, sideways,
and upside down on even smooth like surfaces as long as there is some tooth, like brick,
stone, and wood (90%). Can fight, work, run, or fly. Can carry and lift 100 times their P.S.,
Superior sense of taste (recognize food, fellow insects, and other substances by nibbling on
the object of curiosity. The nibble may pinch or scratch but does no damage (80%
Compound Eye: 360 degree area of sight (cannot be surprised by attack
from behind), ultraviolet vision, polarized sight (cannot be blinded by bright light), can see
twice the range of humans (eye has 25 S.D.C.), and Nightvision (can see in total darkness)
300 feet (91 m).
Antennae Smell: Track and maneuver by smell 75%, roll once every 2000
feet (610 m), Double the range of their chemical secretions and four miles (6.4 km) for
smelling the chemical alarm. A failed roll means the scent trail is temporarily lost; two
successful roll out of three means the scent has been recovered. Identify common, known
smells, and insect chemical smells 90%, Smell the coming of rain and large fires 60%; two
miles (3.2 km).
Antennae Hearing/vibration/motion sensing: Track by sound alone 60%,
Can locate prey by following the vibrations of a wagon wheel, voices, or noises from
movement. Motion detection and track by motion detection alone 50%. Can follow and
locate prey by following the air vibrations cause by movement (not sound per se, but air
movement). Range: 500 feet (152 m). Feel the Vibration of an approaching horse, wagon or
carriage, giant size characters over 9 feet (2.74 m), herd of mammals, or giant animals up
to 6 miles away (9.6 m) away. Running or walking humanoid under 9 feet (2.74 m,) 2000
feet (365 m) away, flying humanoid or animal 4000 feet (122 m). Hear ultrasonic sounds
2000 feet (365 m), Communicate with other Whaxsp with ultrasonic sound 2000 feet (365
m). They can produce and communicate using sounds audible to humans.
Underground Abilities: Same as Gnome accept increase base skill by +10%.
Chemical Alarms: The moment a Whaxsp is attack, its body natural
secretes a variety of chemicals that send a warning scent to other Whaxsp of its colony
The warning scent include danger, attack, and death (of the sender). The scent can be
smelled a distance of about four miles (6.4 km). The scent can only be smelled by other
insects. When the Whaxsp loses 80%fo its S.D.C., it releases a strong chemical that reeks
of death.
Leg Sacks: Each rear leg of a Whaxsp hs a natural cavity intended for
storing, concealing, and carry objects weighting up to 5 lbs (2.3 kg).
Resign Glands: These glands on their abdomen produce a resign which
solidifies within 3D6 minutes. It can be used as a kind of putty to hold things together or to
sealing up a room for example. The resign turns as hard as stone. Five pounds (2.3 kg) of
resign can be produced every hour. The queen can produce 20 lbs (9 kg) of resin every
hour. The resign has 10 S.D.C. per 5 pounds, A.R. 10).
Electrical Discharge: Whaxsp can emit electrical discharge once a minute.
This discharge can be a little jolt (one point of damage) or inflict up to 2D6 damage. The
discharge has a range of 20 feet (6 m) The moment a Whasxp hit points are reduced to
zero, all the electrical energy in their body is released in a 10-foot (3 m) radius, even if the
Whaxsp has already used his or her discharge within a one-minute time frame. The
electrical burst does 4D6 damage and if anyone who is clad in metal (half or full armor for
example) happens to be in the area effect, there is a 01-30% chance of being stunned for
1D6+2 melees. All Whaxsp are impervious to all electrical and magical lightning attacks.
Bonuses: +1 to strike. Note: Whaxsp can conduct their electrical discharge through their
resin weapons to inflict an additional one point or 2D6 extra points of damage. Additional
Note: Double the range, damage, and area effect of the electrical discharge for the Queen.
She can release hers every other melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Four melee attacks plus the option of doing an electrical
discharge once a minute.
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to dodge in
flight, and +4 to save vs. poison and chemicals.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Enemies: Surface dwellers, they are suspicious and untrusting of any one from the
surface. Those who stumble into their domain will be attacked or taken prisoner. Whaxsp
seal prisoners into resign cells (300 S.D.C.) then mandatory wait 48 hours. If no other
surface dwellers appear, the prisoner will be dismembered and given to the queen to eat.
Whaxsp hate faerie folk. They are to be killed on sight.
Allies: None. Anything on the surface is an enemy and/or food. However, the Queen
respects the territory of supernatural beings, dragons, demons/deevils, and powerful
practitioners of magic. Everything else is food including an entire tribe of orcs, ogres, trolls,
even giants.
Language: They have their own spoken language of ultrasonic sounds (impossible for
humanoids to hear, including wolfen). Some have learned the language of surface dwellers.
But if a Whaxsp is talking to surface dweller, it’s to lure them into the underground cavern.
Habitat: Remote locations in the Old Kingdom and Baalgoor Wastelands.
Favorite Weapons: Resin weapons. All of their weapons are gnome size but their
craftsmanship is the same as kobold technology and regardless of the type of weapon, all
are designed to disarm (+1 bonus).
Other Notes:
1. They are fearful of priests (light and dark) not of people with crosses or
wearing holy symbols. If you start acting like a priest, they grow fearful (HF 10), and this
includes the queen (perhaps it something to do with the gods?)
2. If it walks on land or flies in the air, its potential food.
3. Superior miners and masons, but poor metalworkers. They work only
with their resign or stone.
4. What can’t be eaten will be killed.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice new monster. Can't wait to try it on the players in my game.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Must be a sign of age or the fact that PFRPG has been inert for a long time (until
Mysteries of Magic comes out). The brain is fresh out of ideas. I'm not going to draw from
my secret stash (I'm greedy) so I'm looking for ideas. Remember the no conversion policy
(although I wish some monsters from D&D where Palladium originals or properties).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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How about some variants on giant squids or octopuses. What do you think of that?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Octopi, squids, and different ghouls. Hmm, let's see what I can come up with. Thanks for
the input.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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With this time of year Ghouls and other horror based creatures does make sense!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein.

Since the time of the Battle of the Gods, men have told tales of meeting beautiful maidens
in the wilderness who are in need of rescuing or assistance, but these fair damsels are not
necessarily benign. They might be something completely different, and the dreaded Two
Faced Devourer is one such creature that has lead many male astray to his doom. The
creature has two different forms, the avatar (male or female, the female is used for hunting
more or less) and its true form. Its true form is a giant land squid buried within the earth.
Its mantle points downward and is as hard as granite. The creature has eight arms and two
longer tentacles. The arms and tentacles account for much of the squid’s great length. The
inside surfaces of the arms and tentacles are lined with hundreds suction cups and sharp
hooks, each mounted on a stalk. The circumference of the suckers are lined with sharp,
finely serrated rings of chitin. The perforation of these rings and hooks and the suction of
the cups serve to attach the squid to its prey. The bases of all the arms and tentacles are
arranged in a circle surrounding the animal’s enormous parrot-like beak which is big enough
to swallow a small ogre or wolfen. These creature normally are stationary, they almost
never move from their choosen spot, but if they do, they are capable of traveling trough
earth and stone effortlessly (equal to an earth elemental). They don’t appear to breath air
nor do they have any sort of vision. Like the Rock Shark, it “senses” motion and detect
vibrations on the surface. But this creature doesn’t go out hunting per say, that is the job
of the avatar. These squids create essentially an essence fragment, similar to those
created by alien intelligences (a possible distant cousin?) that can appear in any humanoid
form, usually that of a female. The avatar is used a bait to catch the attention of an
unsuspeting male and convince him to wander close enough for the squid to snatch him. To
ensure the squid remains undetected, the vicinity in which the squid inhabits is equal to a
circle of concealment, which means even those capable of seeing the invisible will not be
able to detect the squid’s presence. The squid lies in wait, its tentacles hidden beneath the
ground and its mouth open wide like a pit waiting for the “man” to get within its reach.
Once a humanoid is ensnared in its grip, breaking free in almost next to impossible.

When not luring unsuspecting men to their doom, the Two Faced Devourer will prey upon
unsuspecting animals as well. It will even feed on large herd of grazing animals or
pride/pack of predators, nearly anything that is flesh and bone the creature considers food.
Unlike its aquatic ancestors, the squid relies on its ability to move through earth and stone
as it main defense, but if it needs too, the creature possesses an arsenal of earth
elemental magic for attack and defense.

The main part of this creature that is vulnerable to attack is the avatar. The squid can only
generate two (a male and female). Each possesses a small portion of the squid’s attributes
and abilities, but the avatar is made out of flesh and bone, and cannot move through earth
and stone like the squid. So the squid only creates the avatar when it needs to set up an
ambush or to reproduce! Yes, the squid uses male avatars to lure unsuspecting female into
copultation. Nine months later the woman has her mind completely taken over by the
unborn squid in her womb. She then ventures out to a remote location and gives birth to
the creature which immediatley buries itself into the earth. Once the infant squid is expelled
from the woman’s body, she regains her free will but more than likely will lose her sanity.

It is not known how many of these monsters there are in the world. During the Elf/Dwarf
War, both sides reported platoons stumbling into these monsters. They were a far great
menace to the dwarves, for the squid would enter into their underground kingdoms and
make a meal out of four or five dozen dwarves before disappearing into the earth. All
underground races fear these monsters accept some troglodyte communities worship them
as gods, and like a malevolent deity, it demands its followers send it sacrifices to feast

Alignment: Miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6+6, M.E.: 3D6+2, M.A.: 2D6+6 (mainly used by the
avatar), P.S.: 1D4+22 for the eight tentacles, and 30+2D6 for the two big tentacles, P.P.:
3D6+6, P.E.: 5D6 (minimum of 18), P.B.:1D6/3D6+6 for the avatar, Spd: 20+3D6 through
the earth.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x 5
S.D.C.: 4D6x10.
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 18 for its mantle, but 10 for its tentacles and mouth
Average P.P.E.: P.E. attribute x3 plus 20.
Horror Factor: 15
Physical Appearance: Looks like a giant squid but doesn’t have any eyes. Has a large
parrot like beak in the middle of the circle of tentacles. It rocklike mantle cannot be seen, it
stays beneath the ground. The avatar looks like a beautiful, athletic humanoid. Given time
to prepare, the avatar will be dressed in clothes that suit its function (like a lost lovely
peasant girl or a dashing, heroic elf noble).
Size: 60-80 feet (18.2-24.3 m) with tentacles, the eight tentacles measure between
18-24 feet (5.4-7.3 m) while the two long tentacles are 30-40 feet (9.1-12.1 m) in length.
Weight: 2200-3400 lbs (990-1530 kg)
Average Lifespan: Some estimate they live between 500-1000 years.
Vulnerability: They cannot swim (they drown in water). While moving through earth
and stone, it cannot move through wood (large tree roots), metal barriers, or through a
liquid medium.
Natural Abilities: Superior strength and prowess, Travel through earth and stone at
will (cost nothing); same as spell, but without limit, effectively swim through earth
and rock (beneath the surface it has a 98% prowl), feel vibrations in and above the ground
like a living seismic sensor, cannot be snuck upon or surprise by nearby opponents
approaching by ground, can track and locate prey by following the ground vibrations
caused by movement (running or walking) 1000 feet (304 m) away (90%), feel the
vibrations of an approaching ground vehicle, large humanoid taller then 9 feet (2.74 m),
herd of mammals, giant animals, or an army on the march, up to three miles (4.8 km) away,
does not need to breath air, since it has no eyes, it cannot suffer penalties for being blind,
however since it only has motion/vibration detecting, anything that doesn’t move it can’t
Circle of Concealment: Same as the spell, equal to 8th level. Cost nothing.
Only the squid can perform this ability, not the avatar.
Create Avatar(s): All the mental and physical attributes of the squid but at
half strength. They do not have a Natural Armor Rating. Hit Points and S.D.C. is one-third
of the squid. P.P.E. is 30% of what the squid possesses. Its skills are the same as the
squid. It possesses all the earth elemental magic that the squid does, making them almost
perfect copies of earth warlocks. It has four attacks per melee or two by magic. Bonuses:
+1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +6 to save vs. psionics, +8 to save vs. horror factor, and +2
on all other saving throws. The avatar is impervious to mind control and possession. Killing
the avatar causes the squid too permanently loose the avatar’s hit points and P.P.E. from
its base. Each squid can only create two avatars in its entire lifetime.
Attacks per Melee: Six
Damages: A hit from a tentacle arm does 4D6 damage (don’t forget P.S. attribute),
power punch (counts as two melee attacks) does 1D4x10 damage, crush/squeeze does 3D6
points of damage per melee attack, and a bite does 6D6.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to parry, +10 to save vs. horror factor, +4 to save vs.
psionics, impervious to mind control and possession, and +2 to all saving throws.
Magic: All earth elemental magic spells from level 1-6.
Psionics: None
Value: None
Habitat: They seek out locations that allow them to be close to large populations of
humanoids, but far enough away that their presence remains undetected. Presently they
can be found in Land of the South Winds, Old Kingdom, Yin Sloth Jungle, and parts of the
Timiro Kingdom and Western Empire.
Languages: The avatar can speak any language. The squid can understand any
language but is incapable of speaking.
Enemies: Underground inhabitants, it likes to make a meal out of them but they are
also the individuals able to locate it the easiest. Rock Sharks love to make a meal out of
Allies: None. They only care about their own survival.
Favorite Weapons: None, relies on its natural abilities.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice addition! I especially like the one for Halloween!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Even during the time of the Age of Light, it was once thought these monsters were
accidentally summoned or emerged thought rifts or fluctuating dimensional portals. The
truth is these creatures live within ley lines and nexus, anticipating for the arrival of
unsuspecting mages and creatures of magic that seek to use the abundant P.P.E. Where
they originate remains a mystery. Some speculate they are distant cousin to Alien
Intelligences, others believe they are Beasts of Chaos that were never bound to the Land
of the Damned. Regardless of their origin, these creatures are feared by all because of their
appetite to feed on two legged mortals.

Terrorpus or as its called in elf/dragonese (the Eight Armed Nexus Horror) look like giant
octopi, the only difference is they don’t live in water, have four eyes instead of two, and
their creatures of magic. Like their aquatic relations, terrorpi have eight arms bearing
suction cups. Their body is completely soft with no internal skeleton with a parrot like beak
being the only hard part of the body. These creatures are highly intelligent and cunning
ambush predators. Although they primarily consume mammalian and avian animals, their
favorite prey is humanoids, specifically those who utilize ley lines and nexus points.

Terrorpi live exclusively on ley lines in their own dimensional envelope (same as a dragon’s).
Unlike mortals and dragons, terrorpi require very little oxygen so they can remain in theirs
for over 72 hours before having to emerge for air and/or to feed. From their dimensional
cave, the terrorpi observes the ley line/nexus from the unseen and undetectable doorway.
Typically, they choose a ley line/nexus they feel will be visited by magic practitioners,
supernatural creatures, and/or creatures of magic. They will even make the area
recognizable and inviting by decorating it with dirt and shaping in to a mound or marking it
with large stones (megaliths) or fallen trees. Some even flatten and polish stones to create
a sacrificial table or make false circles to trick summoners and diabolist to spend time trying
to decipher the false/or real magical symbols. Once the prey comes close enough, the
terrorpi will explode out of its dimensional cave, wrap up its prey, and drag him or her back
into its home, where there is no escape. Only those with knowledge of dimensional magic
(dragons and beings who can cast the sense and see dimensional anomaly spell or psionic
ability) can see the dimensional cave and step inside. Fighting a terrorpi is extremely
dangerous, not only do they possess amazing strength and fighting prowess, they can use
some ley line and dimensional magic that has been lost to magical practitioners on the
Palladium Fantasy world since the Elf/Dwarf wars. One must also remember these creatures
live on ley lines and nexuses, so their power is already heightened.

Terrorpi want their lairs to attract attention, so if their defeated prey has any magical
items or weapon on them, after they’ve consumed their flesh, terrorpi will liter the area
around their cave entrance with such items, hoping others will try to such magical
treasures. On the downside, this plan might backfire if someone possesses Lore: Geomancy
they will identify this is as a common ambush tactic used by these predators.

Terrorpi have only two concerns, dragons and ley line storms. They fear the storms far
worst then the dragons who consider the terrorpi a delicacy. In fact, anyone who
consumes at least 1 lb of terrorpi flesh will receive a boast of 1D6x10 P.P.E. for one-hour.
Their P.P.E. enrich flesh can provide this temporarily enhancement for at least 72 hours
after the creatures’ death then it decays very rapidly (and smell very bad). Any attempt
too further preserve the meat fails automatically. The flesh will only stay enriched for 72
hours and if one attempts to eat more then 1 lb, no additional P.P.E. is gained. However,
one merely has to wait 24 hours and they can consume the flesh again to receive the
enhancement bonus. Of course, this is only possible if one is able to kill or cut off a pound
of flesh from the creature before it kills and consumes the hunter.

Terrorpi only venture away from the safety of their lairs and/or ley lines when their forced
to seek out food. Mammals like horses, canines, and felines are capable of sensing these
creatures so they are easily able to avoid them. Terrorpi love the highly enriched P.P.E.
flesh of humanoids, creatures of magic, and supernatural beings but any mammalian and
avian flesh will do. They are confident in their magical capabilities if they feel they have the
upper hand, but they are not brazen enough to attack even a small village if theirs a
chance one person might be able to do them harm.

Alignment: Miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6+6 (minimum of 10), M.E.: 2D6+4, M.A.: 2D6+2, P.S.:
26+2D4, P.P.: 3D6+6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.:1D6, Spd: 1D6 on crawling on land or 33 (23.1
mph/37.1 km) hovering.
Hit Points: 2D6x10
S.D.C.: 3D4x10+40. Each arm has 20 S.D.C. It can lose 3 arms without it affecting
its main body S.D.C. or hit points. Note: In a Rifts setting simply turns S.D.C into M.D.C.
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 7
Average P.P.E.: 2D4x100. They also recover P.P.E at an astounding 25 points every
15 minutes and can draw upon 50 points once per melee round. They can hold an additional
surplus of P.P.E equal to 5x their normal P.P.E. amount (meaning one capable of holding 600
P.P.E. can absorb up to 3000 P.P.E.. They are capable of retaining any additional surplus of
P.P.E for 1 hour per P.E. attribute score.
O.C.C.s. All Terrorpi are the equivalent of 7th level wizards in the PFRPG setting. In a
Rifts setting they are the equivalent of a 7th level Ley Line Walker or Temporal Raider.
O.C.C. Skill Notes: In addition to the abilities, O.C.C skills and related skills, terrorpi
automatically get the following skills: Lore: Geomancy 98%, Recognize Magic 70%, Lore:
Demon & Monster 80%, and a +5% bonus to all lore and anthropology skills.
Horror Factor: 15 or 17 the moment they explode out of their dimensional envelope.
Physical Appearance: Looks like a giant black octopus with four yellow slit-shaped
eyes and eight arms. It has a large parrot like beak in the middle of the circle of tentacles.
Size: 30-60 feet (9.1-18.2 m) arm span.
Weight: 500-700 lbs (225-315 kg).
Average Lifespan: Unknown but there are some estimates they live between 400-600 years.
Vulnerability: They can only hover as long as they are at/on a ley line or a half-mile
from a nexus point (all ley lines in PFRPG about a quarter of a mile wide). This gives them a
limited range. Beyond this range they will need spell magic in order to fly, otherwise they
must crawl on the ground. Furthermore, once away from a ley line they cannot replenish
their P.P.E. supply. They can only draw P.P.E. from a ley lines/nexus point. They cannot
get it from any other source.
Natural Abilities: Superior strength and prowess, hover and float near ley lines and
nexus points, superior eyesight (equal to a bird of prey) and circular vision (can see 360
degrees around its body)-no surprise attack from behind or by most close-ranged ground
attacks (they do not possess color vision, but can distinguish the polarization of light),
nightvision 1000 feet (304 m), excellent sense of touch, prowl 70%/90% at night (move
silently through the air), climb 85%, sense dimensional anomaly (same as psychic ability,
cost no I.S.P.), see the invisible, understand all languages (but speaks in only its own),
perform arm autotomy (detach an arm from its body, can do this with at least three arms
without any loss of S.D.C. from its main body), bio-regenerate at a rate of 2D6 hit
points/S.D.C. every hour, can grow one new arm within 36 hours, and create a Dimensional
Envelope (cost half the normal amount of P.P.E., and is the equivalent of those created by
Rift and Ley Line Magic: In addition to the ley line abilities of a wizard (ley
line walker or temporal raider in a Rifts setting), all terrorpi possesses the following ley line
Ley Line Phantom: Duration: 35 minutes, P.P.E. 20. This ability turns the
terrorpi into a faint, blue transparent ghost image. Physical attacks and the elements
cannot hurt the creature in this form, but it’s free to move about, but only within the ley
line (width and length). Any magic that it cast is limited to the normal range but cannot go
beyond the length and width of the line; those outside the direct area of the ley line
cannot be touched even if they are within the normal range of the spell.
The creature can only use magical attacks, and can only be hurt or influenced by
spell magic, magic weapons, and psionics. It can hover at double its normal speed without
fatigue. If it is caught in this form during a ley line storm, it is forced to return to normal
and loses half of its hit points (M.D.C. in a Rifts like setting).
Ley Line Tendril Bolts: Range: 70 feet (21.3 m), Duration: One melee round.
Each four-tier blast counts as one melee attack. Damage: 5D6, the level of damage can be
regulated but the terrorpi never does it. Each blast counts as one melee attack. The
casting of the spell to create this attack uses one melee attack/action to begin with.
Saving Throw: -2 penalty; a successful save means the victim only suffers half damage.
This spell can only be cast while on a line (the width and length). P.P.E. 13 or by spending
26 can inflict an additional 20 points of damage. This spell creates a sphere of energy that
encircles around the tip of the arm. Four bolts of mystic energy (they shoot out like
miniature arcs of lightning) emit from the energy sphere simultaneously to strike four
different targets, each suffering the same amount of damage. Each energy bolt strikes the
four nearest enemies/opponents. When used against one opponent, only 2 energy tendrils
strike, each doing damage. The other two don’t even appear. If there are 2 opponents,
each will be struck twice. If there are three opponents, 2 energy tendrils will strike the
nearest opponent, and one will strike each of the other and one will strike each of the
other two opponents.
Cloud of Smoke: Same as the 1st level spell at 7th level, used as a means
of escape or evading enemies).
Attacks per Melee: Six physical or three by magic.
Damages: A hit from a tentacle arm does 3D6 damage (don’t forget P.S. attribute
damage), being crushed by a tentacle does 3D6 per melee round, bite 4D6. It can also pick
up boulders and tree branches as clubs (add 4D6 damage to a tentacle arm attack) or
throw rocks and trees (6D6 damage). Its grip is almost unbreakable. Each tentacle
possesses the same P.S. attribute strength. The more tentacles ensnare an object, the
accumulative effect of strength will occur. For example, a P.S. of 30 means two arms will
have a P.S. of 60 together. This is why a single opponent almost has no chance against
this monster.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative (+6 for its first attack out of its dimensional envelope), +4
to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to save vs. all magic, and +8 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: Equal to a 7th level wizard (ley line walker or temporal raider in Rifts). All
terrorpi know the following spells: decipher magic, see aura, mystic alarm, energy field,
eyes of thoth, tongues, impervious to energy, teleport (lesser), time slip, wink out, time
capsule, protection circle: simple, banishment, dimensional pocket, mystic portal, amulet,
time hole, protection circle: superior, talisman, close rift, dimensional portal, dimensional
teleport, teleport (self) and teleport: superior. In a Rifts setting, in addition to the spells
mentioned above, they would also possess 7th level equivalent Rift and Ley Line and/or
Temporal Magic spells. The following spells would also be possessed; instill knowledge,
energize spell, plane skip, re-open gateway (rift), rift teleportation, world bizarre, d-step,
realm of chaos, reality flux, warped space, astral hole, bottomless pit, circle of travel, and
void. Furthermore, regardless of the setting, these creatures know an additional 10 spells
from levels 1-15. These spells can be just about anything. It takes a 14 or better to save
vs. a terropi’s magic.
Psionics: None
Value: Their flesh is heavily sought after by alchemists and men of magic however
since it can only last 3 days (72 hours) before rotting into putrid flesh, the value decreases
by 50% after 24 hours and 85% after 48. Base value: 20,000 gold for one pound of flesh.
Additional pounds of flesh will not be purchased from the same creature because it all rots
at the same time. Nothing will keep the flesh from rotting unless kept in something that
delays the passages of time (time capsule for example).
Habitat: They live on ley lines and nexus points. They also prefer to live where the
lines will be frequented by men of magic, supernatural creatures, and creatures of magic.
Range: They can be found anywhere in the world, but they don’t want to be found
to easy and end up having to defend themselves from a massive attack.
Languages: They understand all known languages, but they speak in their own
tongue. The only way to communicate with them is to use a tongue spell. Speaking with
one is the only way to delay the inevitable confrontation (remember, they want to eat
mortals, especially mages).
Enemies: Dragons. They seek out terrorpi to feast on. They are so fearful of dragons
they won’t harm anyone wearing the medallion shaped gateway symbol worn my followers
and priests of the Dragonwright. Those who are exceptionally cunning might be able
to “convince” a terrorpus that they are followers of the religion but the creature is going to
need more then words alone, like physical evidence or knowledge of the religion.
Allies: None. However, they “might” be convinced by a magic wielder who offers to
teach them a spell they have no knowledge of, but its going to have to be a very unique
Favorite Weapons: None, relies on its natural and magic abilities.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice monster! I'm glad to help out. How about a marten for a new creature.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Let me guess, someone got eaten up by a Rock Shark :lol: .
A Marten hunh, well that's different. Let me think on that one for
a moment.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Yeah, a marten. They are very cool mammals. And what about some water fowl. You know maybe some new species of birds for the hunters in the game.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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A marten and some kind of water fowl . Let me access my head and see what I can come
up with :rolleyes: :wink:
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay you wanted a marten well here it is:


These unique species of the marten have been around for a long time, but their uniquness
was only discovered in the last 60 years, although some argue they may have been around
long before the Elf/Dwarf Wars. Like the typical marten, they are long, slender, and agile
mustelids adapted to living in the dense, coniferous forests of the Great Northern
Wilderness. They have bushy tails and large paws with partially retractile claws. They are
carnivorous animals with a diet that consist of squirrels, mice, rabbits, fish, insects and
eggs, although they will eat fruit and nuts when prey is scarce. They are solitary animals,
meeting only to breed. They mate in the late summer and their liters of 2-4 are born the
following spring. They are known to creep into humanoid farms where they eat not only
eggs but also poultry and rabbits. Their fur is polished silver in color all year long. For
centuries, they have been valued by fur trappers because their pelts can be made into
beautiful silver fur clothing (typically increase standard price by 170%).

Sixty years ago when a Wizard from Bizantium was out in the Northern Wilderness and came
across one. Wanting the animals as his familiar, he cast the well-known spell on the animal.
Instead of establishing a two-way telepathic/empathic communication, a strange P.P.E.
absorption and channeling occurred. The wizard reported this phenomenon to a Bizantium
wizard guild and word spread about these creatures like wildfire across the PF world.
However, the practical guidelines and warnings of how to use this animal is traveling slowly,
thus many mage has blow up his/her companions and regardless if the mage survived put
him or herself into a coma. Some speculate that during the Elf/Dwarf Wars these animals
where probably widely used, but as a result of too many accidents or discontinued use,
they were taken to the Great Northern Wilderness during the Millennium of Purification
perhaps in the hope of being killed off by natural predators. Instead, the Silver Martens
endured. The question now is will more daring mages risk life and limb to get one, only to
get themselves killed trying to use their talents.

Alignments: Considered selfish
Hit Points: 2D6+2. It gains an additional six once the Familiar Link spell is used.
S.D.C.: 2D6
P.P.E.: 1D4 as a base. See below
Natural Abilities: Climb 90%, acrobatics 80%, prowl 60% (75% in snowy background),
Leap up 15 feet (4.6 m) long, Nightvision 60 feet (18.3 m), P.P.E. Absorption and
Channeling (special).
P.P.E. Absorption and Channeling: This unique ability among these
particular martens can only come about if someone cast the spell Familiar Link on the
animal. Once the spell is cast, the animal will indeed become the mage’s (or witch) familiar,
however there is no two-way telepathic/empathic communication between the two.
Instead the marten gains the ability to absorb P.P.E. from spell casting or any of the other
options of acquiring P.P.E. Gaining P.P.E from spell casting and ley lines is an automatic
ability, drawing and absorbing it from magic objects or living beings has to be initiated by
the mage. The marten will automatically absorb any P.P.E. used by a spell, talent or power
equal to its hit points and the mage’s total. For example, the marten has 9 hit points and
the 3rd level mage has 28 hit points for 37 P.P.E. (do not include the 6 hit points gained
from the magical enchantment). Any P.P.E. spell, talent, or ability that is directed at the
mage and/or in his/her vicinity, and the martin is within 30 feet (9.1 m) of him/her, the
P.P.E. is absorbed by the marten, thus negating and canceling out the effect. For example,
someone cast a Carpet of Adhesion spell at the mage, the 10 P.P.E. used to cast the spell
gets absorbed by the marten. If the marten and mage come to a Wall of Stone (3rd level
earth warlock spell), the 15 P.P.E. used to make the spell is absorbed by the marten and
the wall ceases to exist. After the P.P.E. is absorbed, the mage owner can drawn upon it if
the animal where a P.P.E. battery (must be within 30 feet/9.1 m of its owner). There is no
limit to how often this can be done except for the specific limit to how much the marten
can hold. The marten cannot hold any more P.P.E. than the total hit points between itself
and its mage owner. If the marten should absorb 1 P.P.E. more that it’s total possible, the
marten will explode doing 1 point of damage per P.P.E. point, meaning if the marten
mentioned above absorbed 38 P.P.E. it will explode doing 38 points of damage. The blast
radius is 40 feet (12.1 m). As in the normal familiar link, the mage will take the same
amount of damage even if miles apart, lose an additional 10 hit points, and has a 50% of
going into a coma. To make matters worst, if the marten is at /or near a nexus (PFRPG
book page 181), it will continue to absorb P.P.E. until its body detonates. There is nothing
the mage can do except take the animal beyond the absorption range. The marten can hold
absorbed P.P.E. equal to the P.E. attribute of its owner in minutes (P.E. of 15 means 15
minutes) before it instantly fades away. Except for the lack of a telepathic/empathic
report, all other aspects of the familiar link are established between the marten and its
mage owner. It’s important to remember the absorption and channeling will only occur if the
marten is within 30 feet (9.1 m) of its mage owner.
Speed: 18 (12.6 mph/20 km).
Attacks Per Melee: Two (three if it becomes a familiar)
Damage: Bite does 1D4+1 point of damage and claws do one point of damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, and +6 to dodge.
Magic: None, accept when the Familiar Link spell is used on it.
Psionics: None
Value: Their fur is worth 50gp. A Silver Marten fur coat or cloak can cost 500-1000
gold depending on the quality.
Average Life Span: 4-8 years.
Habitat: Forest and woodlands.
Range: Found any where in the Great Northern Wilderness and the forested regions
of the Northern Hinterlands.
Language: None, although with the familiar link they will understand and obey their
mage owner, but cannot speak to him/her.
Enemies: They are preyed upon by large birds of prey and large predators like wolves
or lynxes. Humanoids however are their worst enemies (they not only make coats out of
them, they could end up blowing up).
Allies: They can make playful pets when they are raised as young. However, like all
members of the weasel family, they have bad smelling musk.
Size: 1 1/3 to 1 ½ feet (30-40 cm).
Weight: 4 ½ to 5 lbs (2 to 2.25 kg).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Here's the first of two water fowls.


No one is quite sure how these gold ducks came to the PF world. Perhaps these waterfowl
arrived here by accident (dimensional portal) or the god Locknar did it as one of his cruel
pranks. One story says a sailor traveled to Odguard and stole a nest of eggs from a pond
outside the home of Angerboda, the giantess wife of Locknar. He brought them to his wife
to cook and feed to his neighbors. The magical curse fell upon them and all current ducks
are descendants of those tragically befallen victims. Golden Fouls are in essence no
different then typical ducks. The breeding male is golden all over it body. Females are more
yellowish then gold and have white spots on their stomachs. During the non-breeding
season, drakes become the same color as the females but lacks white spots. The males
have a nasal call while the females “quake” which is associated with ducks. The ducks
inhabit wetlands, ponds, lakes, or rivers that have a strong influence or connection to the
Northern Relgion. That does not necessrily mean they are in cities, they can be found in
the countryside if there is a temple or church several miles away. With the Northern relgion
popularity on the decline so are the numbers of these ducks. Which would explain why
many people have only recently discovered their unnusual nature. The ducks feed on
plants, with its nest near the water bank, but not always. It is a highly social creature
outside the breeding season and will form large flocks of about 10-30 members. The ducks
form pairs only until the female lays eggs, then the males leaves. In a single clutch there
are 4-8 eggs, which are incubated for 30 days to hatching within 50-60 days to fledging.
The ducklings are mostly mature and mobile at birth, and can swim and feed themselves on
insects as soon as they hatch, but they stay near their mother for protection.

The uniqueness of these ducks does not come apparent until they become injured. These
ducks bio-regenerate at 1D6 hit points/S.D.C. every other melee. Although they have a
lifespand of 30 years, the ducks are pretty much indestructible. They can recover from
grevious bodily injury and even the loss of body parts without actually dying. Even if blown
to bits, the duck will come back to life in a matter of minutes. The only surefire way to kill
the duck for good is to atomize/vaporize it, incinerate the head and body seperately, or
decapitation (this prevents the duck from regenerating for 24 hours). Any humanoid who
eats the duck’s meat will obtain some of its magical regeneration abilities, namely the ability
to bio-regenerate 1D6 hit points and/or S.D.C. every other melee for 24 hours. Lost limbs
(accept the head) can be regenerated in an hour (fingers/toes in about 2-3 minutes and
hand/feet in about 10). Organs (including the heart) come back in about 2-3 hours. The
person can regenerate as long as they don’t endure beyond -40 hit points of damage. But
here’s the catch. After 24 hours, the person must make a save vs. deific magic (18 or
better). If he or she makes the save, they experience a painful bowel movement, requiring
them to releave themselves, in which they will be shocked to find they have deficated
(laid) a duck egg. This egg will hatch in about a minute and the duck he or she ate will be
reborn and grow into full maturity in a matter of seconds. If the deific magic is failed, the
person will metamorphosis into an exact copy of the consumed duck. There is truly only one
way to permanently remove this deific curse and that is to go to a Temple of Locknar or to
any Northern Religion church and ask a northern deity to remove it (non followers have a
21% chance, while a true follower of a northern deity has a 21% +7% chance per level of
experience, Northern Priest has an extra 10% bonus if they ask or are inflicted). Of course,
there is no guarantee the curse will be lifted right away, one might have to earn it off or
repent in some fashion. Locknar has been known to amuse himself by having the poor bird
(err person) go on some kind of quest to “prove” himself worthy. Hel will never remove the
curse unless something is done for her on a personal level. Algor is said to be in grand
humor whenever requested. No other deities can undo the transformation. Certainly, this
has to be a Locknar prank for only the god of mischief would find such amusement.
Presently there are reports that the Wolfen are sending these ducks to parts of the Eastern
Territory in the hopes that certain nobles or person(s) of importance decides to have a
golden duck dinner. Note: If anyone eats a duck egg, the save vs. deific magic (18 or
better) has to be done.

Alignments: Considered anarchist
Hit Points/S.D.C.: 4D6+4
P.P.E.: 2D6+4
Natural Abilities: Fly, swim 95%, dive and swim up to four feet (1.2 m) underwater,
has insulated, water repellent feathers, Bio-regenerate 1D6 hit points/S.D.C. every other
melee, and indestructibility (can only die by natural causes, which includes being eaten by
prey animals, but not humanoids).
Locknar’s Curse: Any humanoid that eats the flesh of a golden fowl gains
its bio-regenerative capabilities for 24 hours. After the 24 hours has expired, the person
must make a saving throw vs. deific magic (18 or better). Making the save requires the
victim to “lay an egg” which restores the bird. Failure causes the victim to metamorphosis
into the duck he or she consumed. The person cannot pick up, grab, hold, or use tools,
weapons, or objects. Most skills are impossible (-90%). Skills that require the use of human
feet are also gone. Reduce all physical attributes and combat bonuses by 70%. Hit points
and S.D.C. will remain the same. Spell casting is possible but the victim can only utilize the
P.P.E. possessed by the duck (2D6+4). No more, no less. I.S.P. and psionic abilities remain
unchanged. The person can speak normally and mental attributes remain unchanged.
Priestly abilities also remain unchanged. Removing the curse is only possible by a 10th level
priest or alchemist (see Removing the curse of the Gods in PRFRPG, page 262), but it’s likely
not to last. Only a Northern Deity can permanently remove the curse.
Vulnerability: Rune weapons cause double damage and wounds the ducks cannot
heal. Anyone who eats duck flesh also takes double damage from rune weapons as well. If
a humanoid is killed by a rune weapon, he or she will not regenerate back to life.
Speed: 50 (35 mph/56.3 km) flying or 5 running.
Attacks Per Melee: Two
Damage: None.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to dodge, and +12 to Horror Factor.
Magic: None
Psionics: None, but they can naturally sense dimensional anomalies.
Value: Their meat is worth 2000 gold. Eggs fetch about 6000 gold.
Average Life Span: 30 years. Can only die by natural causes.
Habitat: Almost anywhere near Water
Range: Wherever the Northern Religion can be found.
Language: None.
Enemies: They are preyed upon by all sorts of animals, who are impervious to their
Allies: None, but Locknar and his wife regard them as pets.
Size: 1 ¾ to 2 ¼ feet (56-65 cm), wingspan of 2 ½ to 3 ¼ feet (81-98 cm).
Weight: 2 to 2 ½ lbs (0.9 to 1.12 kg)
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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This large waterfowl once lived exclusively in the Baalgor Rain Forests. They were the
pride and joy of many Elf nobles, merchants, scholars, and mages. They swam in the moats
of elf stronghold, serving as warning alarms and front line defenders. Then the Rainforest
was destroyed and the swans were all eradicated. However, on the island of Lopan, seven
swans survived (three males and four females). For the longest time, the swans lived
exclusively on Lopan then moved on to the island of Phi. During the last five hundred years,
the swans have slowly been spreading out to the southern half of the western frontier of
the Great Northern Wilderness and southward to the Old Kingdom and Eastern Territory. If
they ever become as plentiful as they once were remains to be seen.

The birds have a metallic bronze colored plumage with a long neck, a brown bill subtly
marked with red along the mouthline, and short brown-orange legs. The cygnets (babies)
are dark brown in appearance, becoming metallic bronze after the first year. They live in
large shallow ponds and wide slowly rivers, but at one time they pretty much lived
indigenously with elves for reason that where never understood. That of course has
changed after the destruction of the rainforest. Whenever the swans are seen not in the
water, they are seen fling in a V-shaped flock. Though they have taken up residence in the
Great Northern Wilderness, during the winter months they fly back to Lopan and Phi.

The birds choose a mate for life. The females lay 2-6 eggs on average in a mound of plant
material on a small home built island or floating platform. They also like abandoned beaver
or muskrat lodges. They will use the same location for several years. The eggs incubate for
30-34 days. Both parents raise and protect the cygnets, only the female will incubate the
eggs. The young after they hatch can swim within two days and can feed themselves in
about two weeks. They reach the fledging state in about 3-4 months. The birds feed while
swimming, sometimes un-ending to reach submerged food. Their diet is almost entirley
aquatic plants. In winter, they may also eat grasses and grains in fields. The young feed on
insects and small crustaceans along with plants at first, changing to a vegetation-based
diet over the fist few months.

The meat of these birds is a delicacy, in fact dwarves used to celebrate great feast with
these large birds (namely just to annoy the elves). But these birds are anything but
defenseless. They have exceptional hearing, capable of hearing a pixie sneeze 150 feet
(45.7 m) away. These noisy birds have a trumpet like honk which can be channeled into a
conscentraded blast of sound that can smash a hole in a wall of stone or shatter the bones
of a troll. Once one starts “honking” to attack, others will join in, causing a massive sound
wave that will destroy anything that gets in the way. Males and females protect their
cygnes with their lives, doing whatever they can to kill or drive the intruder away. At one
time, they use to have this same protective nature for elves. In some regard it still there
but no where near what it use to be.

Alignments: Considered anarchist, but scrupulous around elves.
Hit Points/S.D.C.: 6D6
P.P.E.: 2D6
Natural Abilities: Fly, swim 95%, dive and swim up to six feet (1.82 m) underwater,
has insulated, water repellent feathers, superior hearing (can hear normal conversation at
360 feet (109 m) away, nearly impossible to sneak up upon or surprise attack, and sonic
blast. Note: The birds are impervious to sonic blasts/attacks. They are also resistant to the
effects of loud, damaging, or otherwise dangerous levels of sound; halving the penalties
and damage.
Sonic Blast: Can be done twice in single melee round. Range: 100 feet
(30.4 m), Damage: 2D6 point of damage and a 01-39% chance of temporarily deafening an
opponent. Those with heighten sense of hearing (wolfen for example) are made temporarily
deaf (1D4+2 melee rounds) automatically by this attack unless use protection for their ears
to block or muffle the sound. A deafened individual is -2 on initiative and -4 to strike, parry,
dodge, and have difficulty communicating and runs off balance (may trip and fall). If more
then three swans uses their sonic blast simultaneously (fledging can use their sonic blast
once a melee), this will produce a sonic wave. This sonic wave does 1D4x10 points of
damage and everything within 100 feet (30.45 m) that is smaller then a 14 foot (4.26m)
troll has 01-50% chance of being knocked off its feet and blasted backwards 2D6 feet (0.6
to 3.6 m). Getting knocked off ones feet causes the victim to lose initiative and one melee
attack. Unless protective means are taken, all in the blast range will be rendered
temporarily dead. The sonic blast has a +3 to strike, while the sonic wave has a +6 to
Speed: 33 (23 mph/37.1 km) flying or 5 running.
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Bite does 1 point of damage, they charge at opponents hoping to frighten them
off (HF 5). However, if they perform a sonic blast first, this becomes a HF of 12 or 16 if
more than 3 come charging.
Bonuses: +7 on initiative, +1 to strike, +6 to dodge, and +8 to save vs. Horror
Magic: None
Psionics: None.
Value: Their meat is worth 100 gold. Eggs fetch about 600 gold.
Average Life Span: 15-20 years.
Habitat: Almost anywhere near Water
Range: The islands of Lopan and Phi, the southern parts of the Great Northern
Wilderness and the northern part of Old Kingdom (up to the mountains) and the Eastern
Territory (only 10-15 miles away from the Inland Sea).
Language: None.
Enemies: They are preyed upon by all sorts of animals, must of which are driven
away or killed. They absolutely detest dwarves (they attack them on site). They are very
territorial about their nest and anyone coming near their young.
Allies: Elves and the only creatures who can approach their nest without being
attacked. If they touch the young, they will be attacked. Adult swans are comfortable
enough to let elves come near them, unless the elf looks as if he or she might do something
Size: 4 ¾ to 5 ¼ feet (57-64 cm) for males, with a wingspan of 7 feet (2.13 feet).
Females are 4 ½ to 5 feet (139-150 cm) with a wingspan of nearly 6 feet (1.82 m).
Weight: 26 lbs (11.8 kg) for males and 22 lbs (10 kg for females).
Note: During the days of the Baalogor Rainforest the males used to get six feet (183 cm) in
length, with 10 foot (3 m) wingspans, and weigh 38 lbs (17.4 kg).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I think they are very cool. How about coming up with a version of a sperm whale. Something like what we use to have on earth here. They use to get up to 80 to 86 feet long and maybe up too 120 to 130 tons in weight.

Maybe you could add some version of pheasants, grouses and turkeys.

As a joke when I was running Hack master I introduced swarming mini carnivorous turkeys. They were never official.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

A Moby Dick and some kind of game birds. Actually in Rifter #8 they have Black Grouses which
a pretty cool. But with Thanksgiving come soon, I'm sure I can come up something to feast
upon :D .
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Sounds good. My mouth is watering over the thought of a nice an juicy game bird to kill and eat.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay Herman Melville and Pinocchio fans hope you enjoy this one.


It is one of the largest animals on the Palladium world. Some fear it others worships it as a
god. The Gargantua is an enormous sperm whale. Unlike the common sperm whale, these
huge creatures are more than capable of swallowing small ships, lifeboats, and rafts. Tales
abroad speak of sailors swallowed whole who spend a day or two trapped in the whale until
it opens it mouth to yawn and they makes their escape. Most of these are tall tales.
However, a select few’ve been eaten by the whale then escaped to speak of their
harrowing adventure.

Gargantua is a solitary whale with no natural enemies other than sea serpents. The only
time more than two are ever seen is when a cow (female) is swimming with a calf (very
rare). They are found in most marine water that is over 4000 feet deep (1219 m) and they
stay far enough away from shore (beyond 20 miles/ 32 km). These creatures have one of
the largest brains around and they are extremely intelligent (I.Q. of 2D6+6). They are well
familiar with shipping lanes and trade routes. They recall particular fishing vessels as well as
the faces and appearance of their crew. For the most part, the Gargantua is content to
eat squid of all sizes (giants especially), octopi (including giants), sharks, and rays. Aquatic
mammals are not their prey of choice, and neither are humanoids. However, if any humanoid
threatens them, the whale will not hesitate to kill to defend itself. They can also use their
telepathic communications abilities to signal for help, and true sperm whales, killer whales,
and dolphins have responded to their distress calls. These creatures also possess an
awesome display of water elemental magic which can be used to influence the ocean. Yet
their biggest display of power comes from rising up out the depths and ramming the ship or
leaping up and out of the water and letting their immense size crush it like kindling.

The Western Empire, the Isle of the Cyclops, and the Bizantium Kingdoms possess the
whaling ships and experienced crews to hunt these creatures. Only the most fearless and
sea savvy will risk their lives to hunt these majestic animals. Some speculate they are less
then 300 left in the world for spotting one is becoming a rare sight indeed. Some speculate
the rise in population of sea serpents in the Sea of Dread is in direct proportion to the killing
of these giants. According to a priestess of Lista, the day the last Gargantua is killed will be
the day when the sea demons and devilfish rise out of the depths and claim the world’s
oceans as their own.

Alignment: 20% Unprincipled, 25% anarchist, 35% aberrant, 10% miscreant, 5% diabolic.
Hit Points: 4D6x10+60. One-half for females. One-quarter for calves.
S.D.C.: 1D6x100+200. One-half for females. One quarter for calves.
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 12
Average P.P.E.: 4D4x10+50.
I.S.P.: 3D6x10
Natural Abilities: Swim 100%, dive 2.2 miles (3.52 km), mid-air leap 15-20 feet (4.5-
6.0 m), breach swimming (reduce maximum Spd by 20%), backward flip (leaps ¾ out of the
water and land flat with its body (usually to splash someone-4D6x100 gallons of water
splashes a 60 foot/18.2 m radius), hold breath 2D6x10 minutes, sense magnetic north 90%,
sonic echo-location 70% (range 2000 feet (609 m) for maximum accuracy. Up to 6000 feet
(1828 m) but at a skill penalty of -20%, impervious to cold, quick turn & stop (on a roll of
16 or higher this auto parry or dodge can be used to abruptly stop or turn away from
(failure means shoots by or slams into, does 1D4x10 damage to self).
Swallowed Prey: Everything swallowed whole by the whale (smaller than 18
feet/ 5.4 m) will take 3D6 points of damage from the swallowing process. Once it enters the
creature’s stomach, organic material (leather, wood, and flesh) immediately starts to break
down from the creature’s supernatural strength digestive fluids. Organic material takes 4D6
points of damage each melee until it dissolves into an organic stew and is absorbed into the
creature’s blood stream and moved into the small intestine. Stones and shells take a little
longer suffering 1D6 points of damage every hour and metal takes even longer with 1D4
points of damage every other hour. It is possible to swim around in the creature’s stomach
and intact watercraft continue to float, but eventually the digestive fluids will destroy it.
There is no breathable air in the creature’s stomach and its pitch black. The stomach lining
has no A.R., but its can endure 80 points of damage before the creature feels discomfort
and forces it to regurgitate all of the stomach’s contents. Living things will suffer 3D6+6
points of damage from this forced expulsion as well as 1D6+4 points of acid damage to
everything organic.
Speed: 18-25 mph (28.9-40.25 km); but is 5x faster during a dive into the deep. The
animals can maintain a speed of around 12-15 mph (19.32-24.1 km) for hours. They rarely
travel their maximum speed for more than 3 hours before becoming exhausted and needing
to reduce Spd by 2/3 for an entire day of rest. Note: It can double it speed for three
minutes and it can do this 10x in an hour.
Attacks Per Melee: Four or two by magic.
Damage: Nip does 2D6 points of damage, 6D6 damage from a restrained bite, a full
strength bite does 3D6x10 damage, on a roll of 18-20 prey smaller then 18 feet (5.4 m) is
swallowed whole (See swallowed prey), Head jab (similar to a punch) 1D6x10 damage, Head
strike/ram 2D6x10 damage from a restrained or 3D6x10+40 at full strength, Power Strike (a
high-speed underwater attack) 1D4x100. Humanoids smaller then 18 feet (5.4 m) are likely
(80%) to lose initiative and two melee attacks, plus are likely (80%) to be knocked out of a
boat and sent flying 1D6x10 yards/meters (half the distance underwater) and may have
dropped whatever they were holding in their hand (roll a parry vs. strike to hold on). Any
small sea vessel that is not destroyed by the attack has 50% of capsizing (+3 to strike
large target 30 feet (9.1 m) or larger. Counts as two melee attacks/actions, Tail Slap
1D4x10 damage (+2 to strike), Tail Strike 2D6x10 (+2 to strike).
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 to strike (+5 durng a speed burst), +1 to dodge (+1
during a speed burst), +3 to pull punch, +6 to roll with punch/impact, +2 to save vs. magic
(+4 to save vs. water elemental magic), +5 to save vs. poison and disease, +3 to save vs.
mind control, and +12 to save vs. horror factor.
Magic: All water elemental magic from levels 1-6. The equivalent of a 7th level water
warlock. Calves cannot perform magic until they’re 20 years or older.
Psionics: Needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics. See aura, see the invisible, sense
magic, mind block, and 1D4+2 psionics from either healing, physical, or sensitive categories. All
psionics are equal to 4th level. Calves: 1D4x10+10.
Value: Teeth: 10gp each (has 30 teeth of each side of its jaw), meat/oil (whole
animal 2000 gold, Spermaceti 500 gold.
Average Life Span: It’s believed they live for 400-500 years.
Habitat: Temperate and tropical waters.
Range: Any ocean (will not be found in the Scarlet Sea or Inland Sea).
Language: Telepathic transmission between self and other whale species, range: 5
miles (8 km). Can also communicate with a series of clicking patterns (indecipherable,
unless use tongues. Range: 50 miles (80 km).
Enemies: There primary enemy are humanoids who hunt them for meat, spermaceti
(its used to make candles, soap, cosmetics, other specialized lubricants, lamp oil, pencils,
leather waterproofing, and rust-proofing materials), and ambergris, a solid, waxy, flammable
substance produced in the digestive system is sought as a fixative in perfumery. An adult
Gargantua will attack a sea serpent on sight.
Allies: Other whales and dolphins.
Size: Males 80-90 feet (24.3-27.4 m), Females 60-70 feet (18.2 -21.3 m). Calves
with their mothers are typically 20 feet (6 m).
Weight: 125,000 lbs (56,669 kg) for males. This is 62.5 tons!!! Females 41,887 lbs
(19,000 kg). This is about 20 tons. Calves usually weight about 4400 lbs (1980 kg).
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

And for all you PF players who plan on gaming on the holidays, here's a turkey you can
sink your teeth into.


For the last four years, the Sect of Rurga has been making greats strides in the Domain of
Man. As a show of appreciation, the gods of Mhedibab have reward the region with a game
bird from their own native dimension. The Wild Turkey of Mhedibab is just like a typical wild
turkey found in woodland countries of the east and north, only these birds come from an
epic deific realm, meaning they are gigantic in size. They also are keen survivalist, as if
being hunted by the gods has made them naturally paranoid. They will defend themselves
against one or two humanoids. These birds look sluggish but they can fly or run at the first
sign of danger. They fly close to the ground for no more than a half a male. The birds are
omnivorous, foraging on the ground or climbing shrubs and small trees to feed. They eat
acorns, hazelnuts, chestnut, hickory, and pinyon pine as well as various seeds, berries such
as juniper and bearberry, roots and insects. They will on occasion consume small
vertebrates like snakes, frogs or salamanders. However, the bulk of their diet is made up of

These birds only appear on the Palladium World from the Autumnal Equinox to the Winter
Solstice. No more than 100 birds arrive via dimensional teleport and in random remote
locations throughout the northern half of the Eastern Territory and southern half of the
Great Northern Wilderness. After the Winter Solstice, any bird not killed and/or eaten
returns to Mhedibab. The birds have magical properties that can only be realized if the bird
is killed and properly prepared (cooked) and it must be preserved right away if it’s going to
be eaten within the 48 hour time frame. It is said Cirga the Bowman takes great pride
watching his worshipers try to hunt these birds. Rurga prefers hunters be honest when they
describe the size of the bird that got away.

Hit Points: 2D6+4
S.D.C.: 3D6+6
Average P.P.E.: 6D6.
Natural Abilities: Fly, good sense of direction/land navigation 80%, superior eyesight,
and camouflage 65%.
Speed: 70 (49 mph/78.8 km) flying, 15 running.
Attacks Per Melee: Two
Damage: Kick does 2D6 points of damage, a bite does 1D4, a headbutt or peck 2D4.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, and +2 to dodge in flight or running.
Magic: The birds has no natural magical powers, however its body retains a great
deal of P.P.E. that is not released when the bird is killed as in normal living things. The P.P.E
is obtained by eating the dead bird if it has been properly cooked (-20% to skill). The P.P.E.
will then be doubled and shared among those who consumed the bird (divided equally). If
the bird has been properly prepared, all will enjoy the effects of a Might of Palladium potion
for 24 hours. If the bird has not be prepared well (failure of the cooking skill), then those
who eat the bird will suffer the effects of a deep sleep for 3D4 hours of which there is no
awakening from until the duration expires. Only a save vs. deific magic (18 or better) can
ward off the sleep. After the bird is killed, it must be cooked and served within 48 hours or
the P.P.E. and mystical effects are lost. Preserving the bird after it has been killed must
also be done correctly (-15% to skill) or the magic will be lost. Freezing the bird
automatically destroys the magic within it. After the bird is properly cooked, it must be
eaten within 2 hours or the magic fades.
Psionics: These birds possess a natural sixth sense (same as psionic power).
Value: Alive 500-700 gold, A prepare bird can fetch 1500-3000 gold.
Average Life Span: The birds if they are left alone usually live for 10 years.
Habitat: Temperate forests and low-level mountains.
Range: Eastern Territory and Great Northern Wilderness
Language: Gobbles, clucks, putts, purrs, yelps, cutts, whines, cackles, and kee-kees.
Enemies: Every humanaoid and wolfen alive. They are also preyed upon by numerous
predator animals (wolves, lynx, mountain lions, etc).
Allies: None
Size: Males 6 ½ to 8 feet (1.98 m to 2.4 m) long, Females 5 to 6 feet (1.52-1.82 m)
long. The wings span ranges from 8 feet to 9.5 feet (2.4 to 2.89 m).
Weight: Males 26 to 57 lbs (11.7 to 25.65 kg). Females 14 to 29 lbs (6.3 to 13 kg).
Duke Githeon VasPsseon the 12th and his family feed on the largest bird caught so far. A
male bird that weight 91 lbs (40.95 kg).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey these monster requests are fun and remind of an old creative writing class exercise I use
to do. If anyone has any more let me know :D . Just make sure its not something that would be a conversion.
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Northern Ranger
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Here's one of mine. It's a little rough, as I haven't fleshed it out much yet, but they've been a lot of fun over the years in my campaigns.

Jesting Demons

Jesting Demons, known by legend and lore as the Gremlin, are a secretive and quite sadistic lot. For many years their exact history was unknown and, until fairly recently, no one had been able to prove that they even existed. But not long ago a mage was able to enslave one of these vile little creatures and coerced the tale of their arrival on the Palladium World out of them.
They used to operate on Hades as spies and assassins for the Demon Lord Modeus, giving him an incredible information network that stretched from one coast of the demon home dimension to the other. But as it happened, the loophole Modeus had stuck them with, the vial of their own blood they all wore as medallions, came back to haunt him. Mania discovered the Gremlins that Modeus had sent to spy on her and, using its own vial against it, turned the little Jesting Demon against its creator. The acts of betrayal and sabotage conducted by this one Gremlin enraged the demon lord so much that Modeus banished the entire race from Hades all together!
Since their arrival on the Palladium World, the gremlins have become creatures that were, until recently, believed to be nothing but myth and legend. Acts of sabotage and wanton destruction came to be blamed upon Gremlins when no other blame could be leveled. Imagine every one’s surprise when they discovered that the little cretins actually existed!
Among the Jesting Demons’ favorite “pranks” are such things as taking a shipment of high quality weapons and swapping them for weapons that will likely shatter or fall apart as soon as they are used. Note that gremlins have no desire to keep or horde valuables and the high quality weapons taken would likely just be discarded out in the wilderness somewhere. Another of their favorite tricks, since these creatures are driven largely by their own insatiable lust, is to cast a love charm upon an unsuspecting woman and cause her to fall in love, all be it temporarily, with the man she most despises. The gremlin will then sit back and watch the mayhem ensue, deriving great pleasure from the antics that were to follow.

Alignment: Usually evil, but some (20%) have been Anarchist.
Attributes: The number of six sided dice rolled is designated, note that the attributes of the Gremlin are all supernatural! IQ- 4d6, ME- 3d6, MA-1d6, PS- 4d6, PP- 5d6,
PE- 3d6, PB- 1d6, SPD- 5d6 X 10.
Hit Points: Special (See Below)
S.D.C.: Special (See Below)
Natural AR: Special (See Below)
Horror Factor: 10 for a single individual, 16 for a group of five or more!
P.P.E.: 3d6 X100
O.C.C.’s Available to Gremlins: Thief, Spy or Vagabond, but most don’t take the time to learn any actual occupations. They are natural thieves, however.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision (same night and day), keen hearing, teleport at will within a five mile radius, track by sent- 80%, Magically speaks all languages, Knows all Espionage and Rogue skills at 98% proficiency, completely indestructible (immune to all forms of damage, including magic and psionics.) The only known way to destroy a Gremlin is to destroy the vial of their own blood they wear around their necks. Not an easy task, as first you must relieve the little demon of it, then destroy it. (Vial: AR- 25, SDC- 2000!) However, any person who manages to get hold of one of these vials is then in complete control of the Gremlin Demon (not a commonly known fact). The demon must follow any order given it by the holder of the vial, but may use their own judgment in how that order is carried out. Be sure to word any commands very carefully.
Attacks Per Melee: Six, regardless of experience level or any hand to hand skill.
Bonuses: Not including any achieved through Attribute bonuses, Strike +10, Parry & Dodge +8, Roll with punch fall or impact +5, Initiative +5, Damage +10, and +6 to all saving throws.
Magic: Befuddle, Charismatic Aura, Charm, Compulsion, Curse: Phobia, Domination, Escape, Fear, Fool’s Gold, Globe of Silence, Heavy Breathing, Increase Weight, Invisibility: Simple & Superior, Love Charm, Mute, Paralysis: Lesser, Sense Magic, Sense Evil, Shadow Meld, Sleep, Speed of the Snail, Summon & Control Rodents, Swords to Snakes, X-Ray Vision, The following are from the Ludicrous Mage: Blissful Confusion, Moron IQ, Pies, Keel Over, Laughter of Weakness, Slip ‘n Slide, Animate Clothing, Tied with Rope, Curse: Forget About it, Obsess Much?, Tied with Chain, Think Out loud, Theme Song.
Psionics: ISP- 1d8 X 100 and knows all of the following; Bio-Regeneration (Self), Detect Psionics, Induce Sleep, Mind Block, Telekinesis, Teleport Object, Empathy, Presence Sense (Always Active), See Aura, See the Invisible, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense, Cause Insanity, Hypnotic Suggestion (A favorite), Mentally Possess Others, Mind Wipe.
Average Life Span: Immortal!
Value: An arena might pay handsomely for one, or its vial.
Language: As mentioned above, they magically know all languages.
Habitat: They are found world wide, but are so rarely encountered face to face, (always active in the background, but rarely seen) that any person unlucky enough to meet one will be at -30% to recognize it as a demon, much less a Gremlin.
Enemies: They have an unbridled hatred for other demons, probably due to their banishment from their home realm. They will go out of their way to cause trouble for another demon.
Allies: None, but they have been known to ally with Muckers, the disgusting demons from the Northern Hinterlands. Such team-ups are rare, however.
Size: Generally 2 to 3 feet tall, but on very rare occasions (about 1 in 10,000) a Gremlin will grow to the whopping height of six or seven feet tall! (Keep in mind that there are only about fifty thousand gremlins populating the Palladium World at any given time.)
Weight: Usually less than a hundred pounds, though those rare human sized ones can weigh over two hundred!
1) Never wear armor or use weapons, except for the occasional knife, which is more of a tool.
2) Have given up the worship of any kind of deities, most likely as a way of showing their defiance toward Modeus, the Demon Lord who banished them.
3) Gremlins are creatures of emotion, and respond instinctively to it. They are driven by greed, hunger, lust and an unquenchable need to cause chaos in the world.
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

300 Geek Points (So Far)
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I like these Ranger. Gremlins are suppose to be miscevious but there not much tech for
Gremlins to play havoc with in . These guys are great.
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Northern Ranger
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Thanks Reagren! I figured this is what they would have been like before technology came about. I've had a lot of fun with these guys.
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

300 Geek Points (So Far)
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