taalismn wrote:Safe drivers are offered a new incentive/bonus with their auto insurance...karma points that can be cashed in for magically disciplining jackarse drivers who break the law and/or common sense...Working like PPE and spells, 'empowered' drivers can spend a little of their accumulated 'road rage points' to simply give the idiot in question a purple nurple or itching rash to let them know they've been tagged by somebody who is less than satisfied with their driving, or blow a lot to have their car instantly rust away or teleported off the road into a holding area they have to pay a fine to get their car out of...
Beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye to consider that last one, sheer poetry . We need to get somebody on this right away!
All those old historical tales about dragons are actually true. As it turns out, there was an accident involving a Rift, and all the children from every species of dragon was dropped onto our world sometime in the past. It may have taken several thousand years, but the adult dragons have finally tracked down the dimension their children were sent too. Imagine the devastation when they find out their spawn were all slain ages ago...
Ben Franklin takes the whole 'flying-a-kite-with-a-key-on-it' thing to the next level. His town is criss-crossed with a series of iron cables above the roofs, acting as a bunch of lightning rods. The cables lead to batteries which store the electrical power, granting his town free power for very little cost.
Aliens 'land' on Earth, sorta. They send a series of unmanned landing craft down to the surface, and remote controlled robots are sent out to interact with the populace. All is going well until a group of dumb kids sneak onto one of the ships and accidentally activate the auto-security features, which turns the peaceful robots into berserk killing machines. The world governments have to band together to fend off this inhumane menace from the stars.