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By Senator Cybus

"It is the mark...of Xorro!"

The super being can mark his opponents with a Brand, scarring them with his symbol.

The character chooses a Brand at first level; it can be a letter, shape or any kind of emblem, as long as it is no larger than 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. With a touch, the super being can imprint it onto the flesh of an opponent, where it will pulse with an unearthly light (character’s choice of colour).

Not only does a Brand stain the skin of the target, it also broadcasts a subtle psionic signal that creates a feeling of unease and distrust in observers (See Damage below). It makes the opponent a marked man, unable to hide in a crowd and immediately disliked by everyone who encounters him.

As the Brand is not a natural part of the target’s body, it remains visible even if he/she uses shape changing powers or Invisibility (though powers that confuse an observer‘s mind can ‘hide’ it). Attempting to conceal it with clothing is pointless: the Brand can actually dissolve normal fabric, eating through it like a powerful acid. Any clothes used to cover it will last no more than 1D4 minutes before liquefying and revealing the Brand. Armour will last longer, but even that will lose 1 point of A.R. for every hour of contact.

While being branded feels very much like being burnt, the Brand is actually an infusion of bio-energy; treatment for burns will not remove it, nor will any conventional form of medicine.

Range: Touch.

Damage: Only 1D4+1. However, for every Brand on an opponent’s body, he/she is -1 P.B. and - M.A.

Duration: 24 hours, plus 24 hours per level of experience. If the target has a Healing Factor or similar minor super power, the Brand lasts for half of that time. If he/she has a Major regenerative super power, a Brand lasts for only one hour, plus one hour per experience level of the super being.

Magical/psionic/super powered healing by others can help: every use of such a paranormal ability will halve the duration of a Brand (only one Brand at a time can be affected in this way, making the treatment of multiple marks costly and time-consuming).

Attacks Per Melee: Using the Brand costs one melee attack/action.
Limitations: The Brand can only be used on living, organic opponents - dead/inorganic targets are immune. Opponents with the power of Impervious to Disease & Illness are also unaffected by this ability.

Psychics and characters with the power of Immune to Psionics are shielded against the antipathy causing effect of a Brand, though they themselves can still be branded.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Love Adrenal Vampire, Iczer. I am surprised neither of us came up with that one sooner. Great work.
Cybus: I like Brand, though this power seems to have been covered by so many others in the past it almost seems redundant. Good work, though.

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cybus: I like Brand, though this power seems to have been covered by so many others in the past it almost seems redundant. Good work, though.

Yeah? Oh, poo! :(

I couldn't find anything like it on the Wiki - what would that type of power be under?

Anyway, I've got a couple of other ideas coming up that should be a bit more original...
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cybus: I like Brand, though this power seems to have been covered by so many others in the past it almost seems redundant. Good work, though.

Yeah? Oh, poo! :(

I couldn't find anything like it on the Wiki - what would that type of power be under?

Anyway, I've got a couple of other ideas coming up that should be a bit more original...

I typically post ones like this under energy manipulation, enhanced or altrered senses and/or metaphysical, but any of the Tag type powers do the tracking by placing an energy sig thing, this being a creative variant of those yet still basically for the same purpose.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I typically post ones like this under energy manipulation, enhanced or altrered senses and/or metaphysical,

Ah. Right.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:but any of the Tag type powers do the tracking by placing an energy sig thing, this being a creative variant of those yet still basically for the same purpose.

Yeah, it did occur to me that it served basically the same purpose as my own E.E.: Tag, but I figured it had enough of a different flavour to justify writing it up. Same destination, different route. Or, "Why do we need Extraordinary M.E. and Iron Will?" :D
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I typically post ones like this under energy manipulation, enhanced or altrered senses and/or metaphysical,

Ah. Right.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:but any of the Tag type powers do the tracking by placing an energy sig thing, this being a creative variant of those yet still basically for the same purpose.

Yeah, it did occur to me that it served basically the same purpose as my own E.E.: Tag, but I figured it had enough of a different flavour to justify writing it up. Same destination, different route. Or, "Why do we need Extraordinary M.E. and Iron Will?" :D

Yeah, I agree it helps to vary expression, but sometimes that can be done player to GM rather than having to write up a new power. As I said, it may be redundant but I still liked it, just not aas much as something more orignal.
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Matter expulsion: Blood [Major]

The character has the ability to massivly multiply his own blood content, and excrete the excess.

1) blood armour: By generating a sheath of his own, renewing and recirculating blood, the character can provide himself with a a small but renewable protective coating. It takes one action to coat oneself in a blood sheath, approximately a half inch thick. While coated, the character enjoys an SDC boost of 10, plus 5 per level, which instantly renews each combat round. While coated in blood, the character leaves footprints and stains on everything he touches.
2) Excrete blood: By massively cloning his blood, the character can generate bolts, tendrils whips and gushes of his own blood.
A Blood bolt, is a high speed gallon of blood, striking with the force of a solid kick. The blood bolt has +3 to strike and a range of 20 feet per level, inflicting 2D6 damage.
A Blood Tendril is a weak but dexterous 'finger' (PP 16 PS 2) that can manipulate objects out to 30 feet. The blood whip is a simple variation of the tendril, inflicting 2D4 damage (No PS bonus) but with a +3 to strike (includes PP bonuses)
A Blood Gush is a wide spray of blood, that can knock down a foe. Any one struck by a blood gush (+4 to strike 1D4 damage) must make a save vs balance or be knocked over by the mass of Blood. Opponents on the ground at the time make their balance check at -2 (or -10%) as the blood makes the ground slippery.
3) Generate blood: The character can generate quite a lot of blood, that takes its time to evaporate. He can create stable blood (that will not evaporate after a few minutes) at a rate of one half gallon per minute. this can be from any pore on his body, or any wound. This blood is identical to the character's (cannot generate foreign blood types).
4) purge: The character can renew his blood supply once per melee round with an action. All his blood gushes out of him, and new blood replaces it. Any poison, or blood borne disease in his body ceases to be in his body after that point (though diseases that affect other parts of his body remain so)
5) Control blood: The character has a limited amount of control over his blood. When using the blood lash, the character can attempt to pierce a target. this requires an additional action (but is not necessary until he has struck a target) the target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply, -2 if the target has an open wound). If the saving throw is failed, then the character can simply cause his own blood in a target to revolt, inflicting 1D4 damage directly to HP as an action. The character has control over his implanted blood for one melee round, plus an additional round at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. Any method of getting his blood into a victim will suffice for this (making them drink it works as well). Vampires, who rely on the blood of others (and any other 'vampiric' style creature) take double that damage.
6) other bonuses:
The character is unable to bleed to death while conscious. he simply renews any lost blood. even if unconcious, the character suffers blood loss at one quarter rate.
The character's constantly fresh blood supply means that he enjoys +2 to PE and may roll a D10 for HP every level (Rather than a D6). He has a +4 to save vs blood borne disease and poison.
The character heals at twice normal rate.


(cross posted from )
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Altered locomotion: [minor]
'I'll get him..he cannot avoid me for long'

The character can alter the form and functions of his limbs to enable extra mobility. Each chance takes one melee action.
1) 4 legged form: by morphing his forelimbs into legs, the character can double his Spd score. he gains +10% or +2 to balance checks
2) Climber: The character gains a whopping +40% to climb and can climb at half his normal Spd score. he forms claws and edged hands and feet as he does so, granting him claws that do 2D4 in Melee combat
3) Flyer: By forming his arms into wings he gains the ability to fly at his normal Spd score.
4) Swimmer: By forming webbed hands and feet he gains a +50% to swim score and can swim at half his normal Spd score.
5) Slider: The character can move normally while lying prone on the ground, moving his normal Spd score. this adds a +15% bonus to Prowl
6) Skater: The characater forms finned feet that allow him to double his Spd on ice. likewise by forming pontoons he can walk normally on snow or mud, or at half spd over flat water
7) Brachiator: By lenghtening his arms, the character gains a +10% to climb and can swing by his arms at his normal Spd score.
Other bonuses: Posesses the skills of climb and swim.

Canabalise Power: [Major]
'I Don't need my X-ray vision to defeat you Mammon!'

The character can dissolve his own powers for a temporary boost.
By effectively switching a minor power off, the character gains
+20 HP
+50 SDC
+10 PS
+1 attack per melee
+2 to initiative.
These bonuses last for 10 minutes, plus 2 minutes per level. All bonuses (including duration) are doubled if a major power is 'switched off'

A power sacraficed in this manner is not accessable for 3 hours (6 hours for a major, and this power in itself cannot be canabalised)
Any attribute bonus or SDC gain provided by a power is not lost, only that power's capabilities.

Reverse gestalt: Major
'Let's get the gang together'

The character can split into one or more ordinary individuals.
The character can split into a maximum of one indivdual for every 6 HP he has.
Each individual has the character's skills, personality and memories, but their attributes are as follows.
SDC: 2D10
IQ, ME, MA, PB Equal to the character.
HP equal their PE plus 2 per level.
PS, PP, PE, Spd. 10, plus the bonus of any physical skills.
No superpowers, or mutations or other superhuman features

Individuals formed are at full health, regardless of the Character's health (Though a wounded individual will make less duplicates).
Individuals can recombine with another individual of choice within 1 mile, plus one half mile per level, either whisking away to form with another, or the other whisking towards them in a kind of teleport fashion. Furthermore, the character can recombine as long as all his copies are within his normal range of at least one other, and can form at a location of choice.

When 2 or more copies combine, their HP are averaged between them, Likewise if all copies combine then the character reforms with the SDC and HP he had when he split, or the average of all combining copies, whichever is more.

Other abilities: While split, the character healing rate multiplies by the number of duplicates he has out and about. a character with 8 duplicates heals at 8 times normal rate while split.

Carnivourous healing factor [Major]
'Ohhh..I always feel bad the next day after I've eaten Mexican'

The character's body has an accellerated metabolism that slowly eats him up from the inside.
1) healing factor: just as the minor power of the same name. (but see below)
2) Degeneration: rapid healing has a toll on the vody. eachday the character loses 1 PE point as his body canabalises itself for nutrients. In addition, each 'superheal' used from healing factor also drains one PE point.
3) Drain Others: The character can turn his healing factor on others as a weapon. By grasping a target (must grapple, imobilise or otherwise suprise a target) the character may allow his body to start feeding on them. The target makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose one PE. If the character has a bite attack of any sort, he may bite while grappling a target, lowering their saving throw by 2 in the process.
PE taken in this fashion can restore the character's lost PE, or can be held for one day per level. The target is not limited to human targets though. animals will also suffice, though mammals provide half as much nutrition, and reptiles and fish provide one quarter.
The character can drain a target through any form of natural body armour, even if transformed into inorganic substances (though the gain is halved) He cannot drain through artificial armour (though the necessity to grapple a target means that it may be a moot point)
4) Medical options: a person with biology, chemisty and paramedic (or better medical skills) can cook up regular meats and proteins to offset the characters PE loss, but the process requires time and money to set up, and does not offset any already lost PE.
5) High metabolism: the character's healing factor grants heightened physical capabilities. as long as he has more than half his PE remaining, the character gains;
+2 PS +4 PP +1 attack per melee +8 Spd +2 initiative +2 damage and +2 to save vs poisons.
6) Other bonuses: The character is typically more durable. He gains +25 SDC and +10 HP from this power, in addiitio to those bonuses gained by healing factor.

Variable power [Major]
'I have just what you need'

The character can alter his form to gain any one minor power of choice.
The character drops 2 PE and 1D6 HP and gains one minor power. He keeps this power indefinately, or until he swaps it out.
He can continue to accrue minor powers, up to one extra minor power per level, by dropping 2 PE and 1D6 HP, with the following caveats.
1) he gains no attribute or SDC bonus. Just the raw power.
2) The PE and HP loss cannot heal until he has dropped those powers. Lost HP recover at normal rate. Lost PE recovers at a rate of 1 per day.
3) Powers gained are at half the character's level, and do not advance.

The character can forge a new major power, but the cost is 6 PE and 3D6 HP and the level is pretty much fixed at level 1.

Power packaging: [Major]
'Owie...I needed that...'

The character subtly mimics powers from others, storing them as necessary. The character can store one power per level, but has limited access to them, and can even be sickened by them.
Upon meeting any superhuman, (coming within 20 feet of one) the character makes a copy of any one of their abilities, typically the strongest (major over minor for instance). He can make use of that power at a later date by making a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply). If successful, he gains access to that power for one melee, or for one use. By gaining a power he gains only the power's raw ability, and not any extra attribute bonuses or SDC boosts.
When his 'bank' of powers is full, he runs the risk of overdosing. when meeting any 'new' superhumans, this power attempts to swap out the weakest power for a stronger one (higher level or major over minor) If the character has no 'slots' left, he makes a saving throw ( 14+ PE bonuses apply) if he succeeds, he chooses whether which powers get swapped out for which one belonging to a target. If he fails, his weakest ability, gets swapped with the target's strongest, and the character becomes sickened (-2 PE for 24 hours, -2 to combat rolls and -10% to skill rolls for 1D4 minutes)
Once per week, the character may attempt to 'burn off' his power slots. He spends one melee round concentrating, and then makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies, but at -1 for every power he wants to drop) If he succeeds, he empties as many slots as he wants to. if he fails, all slots empty themselves.
If the character is ever dropped below zero HP, he empties all slots.
Other abilities: For each power slot filled, the character gains +10 SDC, +2 PS and +5 HP and +1 ME.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Matter Expulsion: Blood...gahk!
I can see that power having a profound effect on characters with a phobia or squeam factor about blood.... :shock:
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Cartoon Save/Komic Reprieve(Minor)
“You okay, Captain Elegance?!”
“’right...I just got Charlie Browned by a tactical nuclear missile...Can you find my pants?”

This power allows the superbeing to survive critical damage below zero H.P. by jettisoning all dignity and electing to survive in dramatic, and humiliating, fashion. If the superbeing can anticipate that an incoming attack(like an incoming missile, fall from a hundred-story building, or closing car crusher, for examples) is going to a) wipe out all his SDC and start eating into his hit points, or b) push his hit points below zero, putting him at serious risk of dying, he can activate this power....
The character subsequently takes NO damage from the attack, but must contend with one of the following effects(if using this power multiple times in a 24 hour period, re-roll to avoid getting the same effect twice...can’t go bald twice, for instance...unless the GM rules otherwise; for instance, a denuded hero might be able to get a spare set of clothes or a charcoaled villian might get to hose-off his carbon-coating):
(Roll 1d8)
1)Sooted---The traditional ‘burnt black as charcoal except for the eyes’ schtick...Feels like a really bad case of sunburn and smells like overdone barbecue. Reduce P.B. by HALF and you set off smoke detectors wherever you go. On the plus side, your charcoal covering protects you from thermal damage(HALF damage) for about 3d6 minutes. You also might be +10% to prowl under conditions of darkness.
2)Flattened Like a Pancake----You LOOK trampled, you FEEL trampled...and did somebody get the license plate of that giant rolling pin? Reduce Speed and P.S. by HALF for 1d4 minutes, but take NO damage from subsequent pummeling(you’re already been thoroughly pummeled) and +2 to dodge ranged attacks(on account that you’re a harder target, being rolled thin as you are).
3)Stripped Completely Naked(except for a mask or helmet)----Maybe the clothes dispersed away the damage when they vaporized, but it’s ALL hanging out now....No penalties ex cept for sheer embarassment and the chance of being arrested for indecent exposure. You also, if you have a P.B. of 14 or better, get an Ogle Factor equal to your P.B., as onlookers must roll to save versus the distraction or lose Initiative and 1 APM while they goggle at your brazen show of skin. Roll again if you’re shameless and/or already wearing nothing as your regular costume.
4)Cry Like a Baby----Doesn’t appear to be harmed, aside from some swelling and bruising, but the superbeing is compelled to wail and cry like a baby for 1d4 minutes. This is loud, soul-felt blubbering, with maybe a few appeals for Momm or Dahdah, that can be heard for blocks. Reduce M.A. to 2 and your reputation for being a tough guy just tanked.
5) Slimed---Covered with a noxious, unpleasant, goo that could be anything from one thousand pounds of creamed spinach to raw city sewage....But it saved your life...Reduce P.B. and M.A. by HALF for 5d6 minutes or until thoroughly hosed down.
6) Human Bruise---You push Inflation to new limits with a full body black-and-blue-and-green bruising, and you might get misdiagnozed for elephantiasis the way you’ve swollen up. Reduce speed and hand to hand bonuses by HALF, and you’re -2 to resist torture/pain(all somebody has to do is touch you) for 2d4 hours until the swelling goes down.
7)Completely Hairless---The character is now completely bald, their hair now little more than a drifting cloud around them. Reduce P.B. by 1/3(don’t worry, the hair grows back by the next day). Roll again if already naturally bald.
8)Stench---Ewww...who cut the cheese...Maybe the save took the form of a rocket-touchdown, something suffocating the flames, or a wave of repulsion that sent the bad guys packing, but the superbeing is safe...and smelling like they lost bowel control...Anybody with a sense of smell, within 20 ft of you, reacts to you with the equivalent of a Horror Factor of 10, and the stink lingers for a good 4d6 minutes. You might have to walk back to Cave of Secrets, because no way are you getting back on the Ultra-Jet or on public transportation.

This power serves more as a momentary save than anything else, buying the superbeing a second chance or some extra time to escape or strike back before any subsequent attacks finish him off for good.

Waters of Lethe(Major)
“Our love isn’t to be, Baron Vicious...You’ll just have to forget about me....”
The superbeing produces a watery secretion that affects the mechanisms of memory. The secretion can be dripped from the eyes like tears or flicked from the fingers(range of 10 ft).
Spraying it on a victim can cause temporary short-term memory loss, breaking the target’s concentration and train of thought momentarily. Dripping or rubbing the substance into an open wound, eyes, or other body openning can cause longer-term memory loss
Bathing a victim in the Waters of Lethe for a full minute or more(head or more must be completely doused/covered) can be used to permanently erase entire blocks of memory.
The superbeing can produce up to an ounce of Lethe Water per level of experience every 24 hours. It remains stable(under proper storage conditions, such as a sealed container) for about 14 days before breaking down and simply becoming a saline solution.
Duration: (Skin Contact) 1d6 minutes
(Inhalation/blood contact/muscus membrane absorption)2d6 hours
(Ingestion) 1d6 days
Effects: (Skin Contact) Short term memory loss for 1d6 minutes. Victims/targets can make a save versus non-lethal poison(14 or better) to void this effect
(Inhalation/blood contact/muscus membrane absorption) Loses 1d4 hours of memory for the duration. Victims/targets can make a save versus non-lethal poison(14 or better) to void this effect
(Ingestion) Loses 2d6 hours of memory for the duration. Victims/targets can make a save versus non-lethal poison(14 or better) to void this effect
(Bathing) Immersion in the Waters for a full minute or more can permanently erase specific memories or 10 minutes of memory per half-hour of immersion. Victims/targets can make a save versus non-lethal poison(14 or better) to fight the erasure.
Other Bonuses:
*The superbeing has the equivalent of Perfect Recall and is IMMUNE to memory-disruption powers, magic, and psionics, such as Mind Wipe.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Primus »

Holy crap.

First time on this thread and my eyes hurt now. Only managed to read a couple pages before everything started to blurr forgive me if any of these powers I'm posting are copies/very close to others. This is also the first time I've posted any of these anywhere so input is appreciated. I'll drop a couple at a time. Some are alternate takes on existing powers and some are straight out of left field.

The comlete list is

Neural Combat
Alternate Super Healing Factor
Create Rain and Snow
Item Growth
Create Substances
Control Elemental Force: Time
Induce Fear
Read Recorded Data
Speed Bump
Innate Navigation
Natural Pilot
Intuitive Analysis
Discharge Smoke/Fog
Holographic Echo
Laughing Gas

Neural Combat (Major)
This impressive set of powers allows the hero to attack the nervous systems of his targets, inducing a number of conditions or situations. Unlike psionics, this power requires no ISP. Most of these attacks have saving throws and, in most cases, psionic bonuses will apply. The biggest problem targets have with this power is that psionic levels (minor, major, master) WILL NOT have an effect on the saving throws. The save for most powers is always 15 or higher.
1. Mental Stun- same as the minor super power.
2. Induce confusion- This power can convert one enemy target to the hero’s side temporarily. This is different from the Control Others power in that it is of short duration, but can be a huge help to the hero. The target, upon failing a save, has a malfunction in his cognitive thinking, causing him to identify his allies as enemies for a brief time. He will attack them with all the fervor that he would normally an enemy, using whatever powers and abilities he deems necessary. If he saves, there is no effect.
Range: Line of sight within 60 feet (18.2 m)
Duration: 1D4 melees +1 per level of experience
Save: 15 or higher; psionic bonuses apply.
Rate of attack: Once per melee
Aftereffects: After being affected the target will be -1 attack and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and initiative for 2D4 melees while he clears his head.
3. Seizure- This devastating attack causes its target to have a full “stereotypical” seizure, falling to the ground and convulsing for a period of time. The target loses all actions during the seizure, has no awareness or memory of what is happening around him, and thrashes about uncontrollably. Anyone in hand to hand range with the victim must make a dodge (bonuses apply) to determine whether or not they are hit by the seizing person. If hit, they will take normal punch damage, including PS bonuses (seizure victims cannot control their strength). The victim also suffers physical damage from the convulsing of the body and is dazed for a significant amount of time afterwards.
Range: Line of sight within 60 feet (18.2 m)
Duration: 2D4 melees+1 per level of experience
Save: 12 or higher; psionic bonuses apply
Damage: Victim takes 1D6+ THEIR PS bonus per melee; the damage from a seizure is done by the victim to themselves. Anyone who tries to hold the victim down will also take punch damage from the victim. It is possible to hold them down, but the victim will take an additional 50% damage as the muscles contract against themselves and rupture. To hold the victim, a strike roll must be made. The holder MUST have a PS at least 15 points higher than the victim and must also have a similar strength class, or if higher, an equal PS number is needed.
Rate of attack: Once per melee
4. Induce Stinger- A stinger is a very unpleasant injury, resembling hitting your “funny bone” on a larger scale. It temporarily renders a body part completely useless. The hero has the ability to trip the nerves in various body parts to induce stingers, thereby incapacitating the target. In the case of arms, it causes the target to drop anything he was holding- weapons, hostages, even items as small as a CD or computer disk. For a leg, the target will fall over and be unable to maintain any balance. They will be unable to walk or run for the duration of the stinger’s effect.
Range: Line of sight within 60 feet (18.2 m)
Duration: 2D4 melees+2 per level of experience
Save: 15 or higher; NO psionic bonuses- it’s not an attack on the mind, but on a specific nerve.
Damage: No damage to speak of; any affected arms are completely useless for the duration; if a leg is affected, the victim will fall over unless able to catch themselves (GM discretion). If running, the victim will take 1D6 SDC fall damage; if moving at superspeed, add appropriate damage (4 points for every 20 mph (32 km)). Only limbs can be affected.
Rate of attack: Twice per melee round
5. Paralysis- This attack is the most devastating of the Neural Combat abilities. This attack disrupts the nerve signals from the motor center of the brain, temporarily short circuiting all movement and muscle contraction. The victim collapses and is completely helpless for the duration of the effects.
Range: Line of sight within 60 feet (18.2 m)
Duration: 1D4 melees+1 per level of experience
Save: 15 or higher; psionic bonuses apply
Rate of Attack: Once per melee
6. Bonuses: Add 1D4+1 to M.E
Saves as a Master Psionic
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Additional +2 to save vs. psionics and possession
All Psionic attacks do half damage and have half effects and duration; this includes healing powers as well

Induce Fear (Minor)
This handy power allows the hero to stimulate the fear center of the brain, causing an uncontrollable panic in the target. The target is completely unable to handle the situation and will either collapse and cower in complete fear (01-50) or run away as fast as they can (51-00). The target is completely helpless, loses all attacks and initiative, may even wet them self, or knock over allies in their haste to run away.
Range: 30 feet (9 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience
Duration: 1D4 minutes plus 1 per level of experience
Save: 15 or higher; psionic bonuses apply
Rate of attack: Equal to half of the character’s hand to hand attacks
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Interrogate (Minor)
The character has an inherent ability to get whatever information they need out of a target, no matter how hardened or conditioned they may be. It truly does not matter how the hero does it: he may be mean, polite, threatening, or simply ask questions and look on expectantly. Most believe this is an innate form of hypnotic suggestion, but it does not require ISP. The method of interrogation used is up to the hero or villain- it will not alter the outcome.
Range: Line of sight within 20 feet (6 m)
Duration: Per question
Save: A 15 to save must be made; no psionic bonuses are applicable
Rate of attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks

Alternate Super Healing Factor (Major)
This power takes healing factor to almost ridiculous proportions. The character is able to almost instantaneously heal significant amounts of damage, is not affected by adverse weather conditions, poisons, toxins, diseases, and gases, and can regrow lost limbs and damaged organs. He can even completely resurrect himself from extreme injury a limited number of times.
1. Bonuses: 2D4+2 to P.E. attribute
Add 1D6x10 to hit points
Add 2D6x10 to SDC
+ 30% to coma/death
+3 to save vs. magic
+1 to save vs. psionics
2. Accelerated Healing: The character heals at a highly accelerated rate. SDC is healed at a rate of 3 per every five minutes (36 per hour). Hit points heal at the rate of 1 per 5 minutes (12 per hour). The character does not fatigue, is impervious to poisons and toxins, cold, heat, fire, and drugs. Injured organs and broken bones heal completely within 24 hours and lost limbs can regenerate within 72 hours. All healing occurs without scarring.
3. Instant healing- The character’s wounds heal so quickly that one can actually SEE them closing after landing a damaging blow. Every time the character is hit for damage, they will INSTANTLY heal 1D6 points of damage plus 1 per level of experience. For example, a 4th level hero is hit by a sword strike from a thug. The hero takes 14 points of damage. Thanks to his instant healing he is able to heal 1D6+4 points of damage immediately. Therefore the damage from the sword strike is instantly reduced by 5-10 points! This does not require any action on the part of the hero. The character is able to remain active until their hit points are equal to P.E. attribute times 4 below zero. Also, the character is able to instantly heal 4D6 hit points up to three times a day.
4. Self-restoration- Perhaps the most impressive ability of this power is the complete self-restoration from apparent death. Once the hero’s hit points reach the point of death, he collapses into a coma-like state. He remains in this state for a number of hours equal to their level times 3. After the time is up, the character returns to consciousness, completely restored to full hit points and SDC. He suffers no ill effects at all. Limitations: The character’s body must be relatively intact; if the head has at all been separated from the body, the character CANNOT restore himself. Also, if the body is destroyed during restoration or from an explosion, restoration cannot occur, or if the character’s hit points are reduced to the P.E. attribute times 10 below zero, they are unable to restore.
5. Instant restoration- This ability is virtually identical to self-restoration except that it occurs much faster. Once the hero reaches his collapse point (if he is not completely destroyed as mentioned above), they fall into a death-like trance. Rather than waiting the hours to restore themselves, the hero can choose to expend 4 P.E. attribute points and regenerate themselves within 1D4 melees! The penalties for this restoration: bonuses from P.E. attribute are temporarily lost and all other bonuses are reduced by half. This lasts 2D6 minutes after restoration. Two of the P.E. points expended during the process are permanently lost; the others are restored after the 2D6 minute recovery period.
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Looks good Primus.
Would you mind if these got added to my Wiki - "The Vault"?
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Immobilization (Major)
This devastating power allows the character to completely immobilize objects, vehicles, and even other living creatures. The power works like a restraining field. The target is encased in a shimmering, near-transparent sheath of energy and becomes nearly impossible to move. The energy field anchors to the ground via molecular bonds that require a combined P.S. of 200 to pull free. The power also allows the hero to halt the decent of falling objects in midair or even stop his own fall before hitting the ground. This power does not have the total control of a telekinetic power or a flight power and requires concentration on the part of the hero to maintain the field. In the case of falling objects or people, some damage may occur from whiplash effects (GM’s discretion).
In order to immobilize a target, the hero must be in range or touching the target. If touching the target, the hero can automatically activate the field. Otherwise a strike roll needs to be made. For living targets, a dodge roll can be made. Hand to hand bonuses apply in both cases. Maintaining the field requires significant concentration on the part of the hero and will reduce them to 2 attacks per melee. If concentration is broken, the field is released. The restraining field can be destroyed, but doing so may injure or destroy the target. The field has 400 SDC and an armor rating of 16. It does not completely enclose the target, but only encloses enough to eliminate any movement. The field could conceivably be used as an emergency shield, but will not prevent all damage (reduce damage by only 10%). Also, remember, if using it as a shield, you WILL NOT be able to dodge! You will be immobilized. At levels 5, 10, and 15, the hero can activate an additional immobilization field.
In the case of falling, if the hero is attempting to catch someone or them self whiplash damage may occur from deceleration. Damage is 1D4 SDC for every 15 feet the target has fallen; if a successful roll vs. impact is made, no damage occurs.
In the case of vehicles, immobilizing a certain part can completely stop a vehicle. For example, by immobilizing the back axel of a car you can prevent it from moving rather than immobilizing the entire vehicle. Likewise, by immobilizing a part in a machine you can prevent its function. In the latter of these cases, line of sight is not good enough; the character must be able to touch the target part in order to immobilize it. In general, items smaller than the size of a small television or lighter than 50 lbs require the hero to contact them in order to immobilize them. The exception to this rule is falling objects, such as debris, rocks, etc.
Range: Touch or 100 feet (30 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience
Duration: Indefinite as long as the hero maintains concentration
Weight Limit: 500 lbs (227 kg) plus 200 lbs (91 kg) per level of experience
Save: As a dodge
Rate of Attack: Attempts can be made on each melee action

Read Recorded Data (minor)
The hero has the unique ability to read information from a computer disk, SANDisk, CD-ROM, DVD, floppy disk, or hard drive without needing a computer. The character is also able to read microfilms, ZIP disks, audio tapes, and VCR tapes. The power works as if the character has these devices built into their brains. The character simply needs to hold the recorded item and concentrate for a moment (3 seconds). The information is displayed in their minds and the hero can relay the information to his comrades or record it in written form. They may not have access to all the information on the device. The hero operates the device as if it was being displayed to them on a computer and may not be able to get into hidden or encrypted files without certain skills such as Computer Hacking or Cryptology. The hero may also be able to tell whether the object being read has been tampered with. The character will always be able to read the object, but may not always be able to get the information needed.
Success in getting information from VHS/ Audio tapes: 55%+7 per level of experience
Success is getting information from naked hard drive: 45%+7 per level of experience
Success in getting information from CD/CDROM/DVD/other removeable disks: 53%+7 per level of experience
Success in getting information from microfilm/ZIP: 48%+7 per level of experience
Identifying tampering on devices: 60%+6 per level of experience
Penalties for encoded/ protected data: -10% if hidden, -20% if encrypted
Penalty for damaged items: -12% if physically damaged; -30% if damaged by EMP
NOTE: If combined with the Holographic Memory Projection power, the character may get assistance in beating encryption from other members of his party who may be more skilled than himself; everything functions and responds as it would on a normal computer.

Aphasia (minor)
The character temporarily causes a malfunction in the brain of the target, causing them to speak in words that make absolutely no sense to anyone. Aphasia causes frustration and annoyance to the victim. This power comes in very handy when a target is trying to state something important. The effects of aphasia extend to writing as well, causing the victim to write in nonsense as well. For example, the target may be meaning to say “The hero’s base is in the warehouse”, but what will come out is “Just hairy weened babies fry echo cars”. There is absolutely no correspondence to the words that come out and the words they intend to say or write. Everything makes perfect sense to the victim, but makes none whatsoever to whomever he is trying to communicate with.
Range: Touch or line of sight to 50 feet (15 m)
Damage: None, just very annoying
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience; can be dispelled at will by the hero.
Save: 15 or higher; psionic bonuses can apply
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Looks good Primus.
Would you mind if these got added to my Wiki - "The Vault"?

Wow...must be reading as I'm posting...please feel free to add them. :-D

Create Rain and Snow (Major)
This impressive power gives the character broad powers over the weather and temperature, allowing them to create significant weather changes and create rain, sleet, and snow. Though similar to the magic spell Atmospheric Manipulation, this power gives the user a much broader base of powers including temperature control, power over lightning, control of wind and rain, and limited resistance to temperatures. The power is one of the most impressive and feared powers in existence.
1. Manipulate Clouds- The hero is able to create, darken, or thin cloud cover within a significant range. This also includes the creation of low level clouds- or fog- for use as cover. The character can also cause the clouds to roll or spin slowly, creating very threatening-looking conditions similar to hurricanes or tornadoes. If combined with other abilities in this super power, it can cause the creation of storms. The clouds dissipate at the same rate as they were created once concentration ceases. It takes very minimal effort to maintain the clouds unless combined with other abilities from this power, but requires concentration to alter the clouds; reduce actions per melee by 2 while using this ability.
Range: 1,500 foot (457 m) diameter plus 500 feet (152 m) per level of experience; at level three the amount can be regulated in 100 foot (30 m) increments to as little as a 50 foot (15 m) radius
Effects: Can create or clear cloud cover over entire range in 1 melee
Can lighten or darken clouds by 50% per melee up to total darkness
Can create fog over entire range in 2 melees (30 seconds); anyone fighting in the fog is -3 to strike, parry, dodge, and initiative; skill performance is -15% EXCEPT skills involving stealth which are increased 15%
Rate of Usage: Cloud creation or alteration takes 1 melee (per 50% lightening or darkening). Maintenance doesn’t require any attacks unless combined with other powers.
2. Manipulate Temperature- The hero is able to increase and decrease temperature within a certain radius. The temperature can be used to affect precipitation, creating snow or melting it, freezing rain and creating ice, or inducing shivering or heat exhaustion or sickness. Like the Manipulate Clouds power, this power requires minimal concentration to maintain unless combined with other powers. However during the process of altering temperature few other actions can be taken- it requires concentration to alter temperature; reduce actions per melee by 2 while using this power.
Range: 150 foot (45 m) radius from character plus 25 feet (8 m) per level of experience
Effects: Can raise or lower temperature by 10 degrees F (6.4 degrees C) plus 5 degrees (2.6 degrees C) per level per melee
Rate of Usage: Maintenance of the altered temperature doesn’t require any attacks; temperature alteration can be used once per melee and reduces attacks by 2 while change occurs.
3. Manipulate Precipitation- The hero can create rain and snowfall (depending on the temperature) or increase and decrease the rate of precipitation. Depending on the temperature, the character can create conditions as severe as a hurricane or blizzard, induce flash flooding in an area, or bury a vehicle in thick heavy snow. Both rain and snow can cause problems with vision during combat as well. Penalties for fighting in rain greater than ½ inch per hour (equivalent to a steady light shower) or in snow greater than 1 inch per hour (steady light snowfall): -1 to strike, parry, and dodge from snow or rain getting in the eyes; eliminated if character has adequately shielded their eyes. This increases for every ½ inch (1.25 cm) per hour of rain or 1 inch (2.5 cm) per hour of snow by -1. If dodging a ranged attack, the penalty is increased for snowfall by to -3. For example, a hero has created a rainstorm at a rate of 2 inches (5 cm) per hour (heavy downpour). The penalty from the rainfall is -4 to strike, parry, and dodge. The hero decides to lower the temp and turns it into a snowfall equivalent (4 inches (10 cm) per hour- near blizzard conditions). Snowfall impedes vision more than rain; the hand to hand penalty is still -4 to strike, parry, and dodge. However, to dodge a ranged attack in that snowfall, the penalty is -7; the snowfall obscures the angle of the weapon or attack. Remember though that the shooter will also be penalized at -4 in those conditions. Note that clouds must be present or created before precipitation can be created.
Range: 150 foot (457 m) radius plus 25 feet (7.5 m) per level of experience
Effects: Can increase and decrease rainfall by ¼ inch (0.6 cm) an hour plus ¼ inch (0.6 cm) per level each melee round. The maximum rainfall per hour is equivalent to the character’s level of experience times 2. Snowfall can be increased or decreased by ½ inch (1.25 cm) an hour plus ½ inch (1.25 cm) per level each melee round. The maximum snowfall per hour is equivalent to the character’s level of experience times 3. Rain can be regulated in ¼ inch (0.6 cm) intervals and snow can be regulated in ½ inch (1.25 cm) increments, in much the same way as the energy expulsion powers can regulate their damages.
Rate of Usage: Like the temp and cloud manipulation powers, concentration is needed to perform the power. While altering the precipitation, two attacks are lost per melee. Once the desired level is reached, no attacks are required to maintain. HOWEVER, if the temperature and/ or the cloud cover are also being altered from normal, maintenance requires the loss of an attack each melee round until halted. If the wind is also being altered, 2 attacks are required each melee to maintain.
Rain comparisons
Zero to ¼ inches (0.6 cm) per hour- light mist; virtually no visual obstruction.
¼ to 1 inch (0.6 -2.5 cm) per hour- steady rain; mild obstruction of vision from drops getting into eyes or running into eyes from forehead; dirt turns to mud, making footing difficult.
1-3 inches (2.5-7.5 cm) per hour- strong storm; can cause mild flash flooding in low lying areas; rain consistently gets into eyes and runs down the face, causing vision problems; goggles, glasses, and shield become obstructed without wiping or removal (uses an attack to keep vision clear); -10% to skills performed in the rain.
3-8 inches (7.5-20 cm) per hour- severe storm; rainfall causes flash flooding in low lying areas; city sewers become quickly over loaded and streets flood, increasing risk of hydroplaning; rain pounds into eyes- half of melee attacks must be used to wipe water out of eyes or keep shield/glasses clear enough for action; -25% to skills performed in the rain.
9+ inches (23 cm) per hour- hurricane-level rainfall; flooding prevalent in all areas; mudslides possible in hilly areas; fighting is virtually impossible- all actions except one are used shielding vision or removing rain from shield/glasses; within 1D6 minutes, water on the ground is 1-4 inches (2.5-10 cm) deep; -60% to skill performance
Hail/ Sleet comparisons
The hero cannot control the rate at which hail/sleet falls; there are just too many variables involved. However, the character IS able to control the size of the hail. See the notes below on damage and effects from icy downpours.
Small hail- Up to 1/8th inch (0.3 cm) diameter- does 1 SDC point of damage per melee in the downpour; the ground quickly becomes slippery; all in the downpour lose an attack to maintain balance and keep from falling; vehicles become very difficult to maneuver- penalty of 15% to skill rolls for ground vehicles.
Moderate hail- 1/8th inch-1 inch (0.3-2.5 cm) diameter- does 1D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; the hail is like stepping on marbles- a balance roll must be made every melee of movement to avoid falling; can dent cars, siding, and other non-sturdy construction.
Heavy hail- 1-2 inch (2.5-5 cm) diameter- does 2D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; windows can be cracked, cars are severely dented; the hail also piles up quickly and can eventually begin to weigh on roofs, tents, or other structures, potentially causing them to collapse after 1D6x10 minutes of the hail; skill performance is -35%; one attack is lost protecting the head and face from the downpour.
Severe hail- up to softball sized in diameter (6 inches (15 cm))- does 3D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; windows break, metals are severely dented, and characters must cover their faces and heads to prevent being hit (lose three attacks doing so); hail this large is also not affected by winds less than 140 mph (224 kph)- it is simply too large; however, damage is doubled when winds are that high; skill performance is at -75%- the hail hits the hands to throw off fine motor movement; after 3D6 minutes, the hail has built up enough to slow movement by 50% and collapse the roofs of homes and some buildings.
Snow comparisons
Zero to one inch (2.5 cm) per hour- flurries to light snow; minimal visual obstructions.
1-3 inches (2.5-7.5 cm) per hour- steady snow; roads and ground become slippery; snowflakes tend to stick to eyelashes or get into the eyes; ground becomes covered within 30 minutes of snow starting; range of sight is reduced by 10%
4-9 inches (10-23 cm) per hour- heavy snow; ground becomes covered within 3D4 minutes; flakes consistently get into the eyes or eyelashes; 1 attack per melee is lost to wiping snow buildup off the eyes; face shields generally are not affected; -10% to skill performance except tracking (-15%); roads become very slippery within 1D4 minutes, resulting in -30% to piloting of ground vehicles; range of sight is reduced by 50% and aircraft piloting performance reduced by 25%.
9+ inches (25 cm) per hour- white out/blizzard conditions; vehicles become stuck within 30 minutes and roads are extremely slippery (piloting of all ground vehicles reduced by 70%); range of sight reduced to a mere 1D6x10 feet and eyes must be wiped constantly (lose half melee actions) and even face shields must be wiped twice per melee; physical speed is reduced by 10% for every 4 inches (10 cm) of snow accumulation; flying vehicles are grounded (-70% piloting skill penalty for planes/ helicopters); skill performance in the snow is penalized -20% (tracking is penalized 30%)
4. Manipulate Wind- The character has the wind at his command and can control velocity up to a significant and potentially destructive level. Like previous powers, this power requires concentration to alter (uses two attacks) but requires virtually no effort to maintain unless compounded with other powers (1 melee attack lost per melee).
Range: 150 foot (45 m) radius plus 25 feet (7.5 m) per level of experience
Effects: Wind can be increased or decreased by 5 mph (8 kph) plus 5 mph (8 kph) per level each melee round; the velocity can be regulated in increments of 5 mph (8 kph). Maximum sustained wind speed is character’s level times 20. Therefore, a 6th level character can increase or decrease wind speed by 35 mph (56 mph) per melee (15 seconds) up to a maximum of 120 mph (192 kph). When combined with rain or snow, wind can compound penalties.
Wind speed 0-25 mph (40 kph): No increase in penalties.
Wind speed 25-60 mph (40-96 kph): Increase penalties from rain by 25%; increase penalties from snow by 50%.
Wind speed 60-120 mph (96-192 kph): Increase penalties from rain by 50%; increase penalties from snow by 100%.
Wind speed 120+ (192 kph): Double penalties from rain; triple penalties from snow.
NOTE: The hero is NOT affected by the wind; essentially they are in the heart of the storm and it is calm in their immediate vicinity. However, maintenance of the wind does require an attack per melee. Add this attack to any other maintenance attacks being used for cloud, precipitation, or temperature alteration.
Damage: Past 60 mph (96 kph), those in the wind will take 1D6 SDC damage from debris per melee in the wind; add 1D6 to this for every 20 mph over 60 (32 kph over 96 kph). Also, wind can alter damage from cold by lowering wind chill to dangerous levels. Once wind speeds hit 70 mph (112 kph), there is a 01-40% chance of a normal strength person being knocked over by the wind. This increases by 10 percent for every 15 mph above 70 (24 kph over 112 kph). Reduce by 15% for extraordinary PS, 30% for superhuman PS, and 50% for supernatural strength. If knocked over, the victim takes 1D6 fall damage and are pushed 3D6 feet for every 45 mph (72 kph) of wind speed.
5. Create Thunder and Lightning- The hero is able to create impressive thunder and lightning storms even if clouds are not present. This is done by manipulating the static electricity in the atmosphere to create electrical charges.
Range: 1,500 foot (457 m) diameter plus 250 (76 m) per level of experience
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Damage: None per se; just for effect
6. Limited Flight- By riding wind currents, the hero can fly without aid of rocket pack or wings. This power is virtually identical to the Flight: Glide minor power. The only difference is that maximum speed is equal to the maximum wind speed from the “manipulate wind” power above. Bonuses when flying: +1 to initiative, strike, and parry, and +2 to dodge; bonuses are doubled once maximum speed reaches 100 mph (160 kph).
7. Limited Power over Electricity- By manipulating the moisture currents in the air, the hero is given limited powers over electricity and lightning. The character can use this power in one of two ways; first, the hero can call down a bolt of lightning from the skies to strike targets on the ground. Second, the hero can charge his hand to hand attacks with electrical energy.
Range: Lightning strike- 300 feet (91 m); Hand to hand charge- hand to hand range only
Duration: Instant
Damage: Lightning strike- 2D6, +3 per level of experience; Hand to hand charge- add 1D6 to damage and an additional 1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Rate of Attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks
8. Limitations- Upper level clouds cannot be created indoors, but fog can.
Lightning bolts cannot be used indoors. Likewise, thunder and lightning cannot be created indoors. All other non-cloud related weather powers can work indoors.

Speed Bump (Minor)
This strange power gives the hero the power to create an invisible gravity field that can be placed in the path of an oncoming vehicle, or a running target, so as to cause them to trip, fall, or lose control of their vehicles. This is a very handy power to capture escaping villains or victims. The gravity bump is generally about a foot (30 cm) in width and 4 feet (120 cm) long and is rectangle shaped. At levels 4, 8, and 12, the hero can create additional gravity bumps up to 5 feet (1.5 m) away from the first. The bumps run parallel to each other, just like on roads. Though not physically there, vehicles and targets will feel the bumps as if they were 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) tall. The gravity bump has a gravity level of about 4 G’s, or four times Earth’s gravity. The bumps themselves do not cause damage, but a running character will take fall damage relative to how fast they are moving. Vehicles will take limited damage, again relative to speed, but it’s more likely the driver will lose control of the vehicle. These bumps can only be created on the ground and can be called into existence instantly.
Range: 120 feet (36.5 m) plus 20 feet (6 m) per level of experience
Damage: None per se; the target, if running, can try to dodge, but at a penalty of -10. If he fails the dodge, he will trip and fall, losing all attacks/actions and initiative for 1D4 melees while he tries to get up and will take 1D6 SDC damage plus 1D6 for every 10 mph above 20 (16 kph above 32 kph) if target has superspeed. For vehicles, the pilot can also attempt to dodge at -10. If he fails, then he must make a piloting skill roll at -50% plus 3% per level of the hero who used the power. If a dodge of natural 4 or lower is made, the stress on the vehicle causes the axel to fracture or hoverfan to be damaged- essentially the vehicle is useless as an escape vehicle. The driver and any passengers will take 1D6 damage per 20 mph (32 mph) the vehicle was going when it hit the bump. This power is not effective against helicopters, planes, or other high-flying craft- it affects items only up to 4 feet (1.2 m) off the ground
NOTE: With two or more speed bumps, the target must dodge each one individually (same penalties apply).
Duration: 1 melee per level of experience
Rate of attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks per melee
Bonuses: +2 to strike with the Speed Bump power only
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Shockwave (Major)
This power gives the character the impressive ability to create various forms of shockwaves, from ground waves to audio blasts, and allows the character to control and concentrate those waves at specific targets or at an area. The hero is able to use molecules of air, dirt, stone, mud, water, and even concrete and metal to convey the shockwave at their target. In most cases, in order for the shockwave to affect the target they must be in direct contact with the plane or surface that the shockwave is traveling through. The shockwave power’s most impressive and helpful ability is in its ability to knock down, knock back, or buffet a target with repeated waves of energy.
1. Ground Pound- This power is activated by the character slamming a single fist into whatever surface he wants the shockwave to travel through. The target surface will bubble and wave in a ripple effect around where the fist contacted it, looking very much like water rippling away from a spot in a pond where a rock was thrown into it. This power has very little control to it, but is very effective as an area attack. Anyone caught in the shockwave must make a save vs. their physical prowess (roll d20; they must roll under their PP attribute) at -4 or else they are knocked to the ground, losing initiative and two attacks, and take 1D6 SDC fall damage. If the Ground Pound is used on a fragile surface like glass, thin rock, or crystal, the surface shatters in an expanding circular pattern from the point of hand contact. The Ground Pound can be used on any flat surface whether it is the ground, a wall, door, or ceiling. The ground pound does 1D6x10 SDC damage to the surface impacted. The power can be used to fracture doors, walls, or windows- even bulletproof glass. The power will not work if used directly on a living being.
Range: 25 foot (7.5 m) diameter plus 5 feet (1.6 m) per level of experience
Duration: Shockwave generally lasts about 3 seconds (1 melee action)
Rate of attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks
2. Hand Clap- In this ability, the hero reaches out and claps both hands together at a high rate of speed creating a powerful sonic shockwave. This area affect power extends in a sphere around the character for a limited radius. Anyone caught in the radius will experience a loud boom, causing pain and ringing in their ears. All affected are penalized -3 to strike, parry, and, dodge and lose 1 attack per melee and 1D6 points of damage +1 per level of experience. Effects are not cumulative. The hand clap will also do 1D4x10 SDC to objects in the room; small items (10 lbs (4.5 kg)or smaller) may be knocked backwards.
Range: 10 foot (3 m) radius
Duration: Effects last 1D4 minutes (4D4 melee rounds)
Damage: Objects in the radius take 1D4x10 SDC; living beings take damage as mentioned above.
Save: Must roll a 16 or better to save; no other bonuses apply. Those in full environmental armor or with audio controls are immune. Any targets with extraordinary hearing, ultra-hearing, or animal-hearing take double the effects, damage, and penalties.
Rate of attack: Once per melee round
3. Overhead Smash- Unlike the previous powers, the overhead smash is a directed attack. The hero brings both fists down hard on the ground or smooth, unbroken surface. The surface ripples and fractures in a straight line towards the target, knocking them back and inflicting damage. The surface fracture is not significant and it corrects itself immediately after the wave has passed. Targets that are smaller than 500 lbs + 50 lbs (227 m+23 m) per level are knocked backwards and lose two attacks. Stationary objects take double damage from the overhead smash. The power will not work if used directly on a living being.
Range: 100 feet+25 feet (30 m+7.5 m) per level of experience
Damage: 3D6+1D6 per level of experience; after level three, damage can be regulated in increments of 1D6.
Duration: Instant
Rate of attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks
Bonuses: +3 to strike
4. Knockback Blast- Same as the minor super ability Explosive Power.
5. Shockwave Punches- Shockwave force is added to hand to hand attacks, increasing the likelihood of the target being knocked over as well as increasing damage.
Range: Hand to Hand range only
Damage: Add 2D6 to punches and kicks; targets must make a save vs. physical prowess (roll under PP) to maintain footing. Otherwise they are knocked back 2D6 feet, lose an attack, and lose initiative in addition to the damage. PS bonuses apply.
Rate of Attack: Equal to hand to hand attacks
6. Atomic Blast- This power is a last resort power, similar to the Supernova power from Alter Physical Structure: Fire. The power is not a true thermonuclear explosion but has a huge punch to it. The character concentrates for a full melee then releases an enormous amount of energy in an expanding radius around him doing massive damage to EVERYTHING within the blast radius. This is not a fiery blast- it is only the shock wave. Anything caught in the area is knocked backwards 1D4x10 feet for every 100 pounds (45 kg) under 1,000 (450 kg), rounded down; anything over 1,000 pounds (450 kg) is not affected but takes double damage from both the debris and contact of the wave. For example, a 280 lb (127 kg) person would be knocked backwards 8D4x10 feet- up to 320 feet (97 m)- the length of a football field! Damage within the blast radius comes in three waves. First, the contact of the blast causes D6x100 SDC to everything! Second, debris buffets the victims for an additional 3D6 points of damage. Lastly, if necessary, fall and knockback damage; this depends on how far the object or character was knocked back. Knockback damage breaks down to 1D6 for every 10 feet (3 m) traveled. Note that there is no way to dodge or avoid this power if within the blast radius: it hits absolutely everything. However, one can attempt to roll with punch/fall/impact and take half damage. As always, truly good characters and even most selfish and Aberrant player characters will not use this power in a populated area, due to the likelihood of injuries and deaths to innocent people and property damage. Remember your character when considering using this power.
Penalties of Atomic blast: This blast does a significant amount of damage to the hero as well. First, the blast reduces any SDC by 75%; these points heal back at half the normal rate, even for magic and psionic healing. Second, the hero loses half his hit points; these also heal back at half the normal rate. In addition, the character PERMANENTLY loses 1D6+1 hit points and one PE point. After the blast, the character is extremely weak- all bonuses are reduced to zero and attacks are reduced to 2 for 3d4 hours. Meditation, rest, or trance can cut this penalty duration by one fourth.
Range: 120 foot (98 m) radius
Damage: As above
Duration: Instant after one melee of concentration
Rate of attack: Limited; can perform it once, then must heal completely before doing it again.
7. Bonuses: Add 1D6+1 to PS; PS is considered superhuman, unless higher.
Add 1D4 to PE attribute
Add 2D6+6 hit points
Add +4 to roll with punch
Impact damage is reduced by 25%
Bonus of +40% to balance
+25 SDC

Deadshot (minor)
This handy power gives the hero unbelievable ability with thrown or ranged weapons. The character is able to use virtually any small object as a thrown weapon and will usually hit the target dead on. The character is also able to maximize his potential with guns, archery weapons, throwing knives, and shuriken. Beyond this, the character will be able to perform special ranged attacks such as using paired ranged weapons, attacking two targets at once, or throwing two knives with one hand and hitting two targets. Trick shooting is also included in this power including the ricochet, behind the back, the “scare shot”, and the quick toss.
Powers and Abilities
Character automatically gains the following skills:
W.P. Knife
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Bolt-action Rifle
W.P. Submachinegun
W.P. Semi- and Automatic Rifle
W.P. Archery and Targeting
The to-hit number for aimed shots is changed from 12 to 8, effectively giving a +4 bonus to aimed shots. This is in addition to other bonuses. Any penalties for small targets are cut by ½.
Below are abilities as gained at each advance in level.
Level 1: +1 to strike with ranged weapons (wild OR aimed) and +1 with thrown weapons
Level 2: +1 to strike with thrown weapons and Paired Weapons (special): The hero is able to fire two handguns at once. If they are being fired at the same target, normal strike bonuses apply. If firing at different targets (wild), no bonuses apply; however, if time permits aimed shots may be made at different targets (requires double the normal attacks and no other actions are possible) at only a -1 penalty.
Level 3: An additional +2 to strike when firing wild; 1 additional attack with ranged weapons; Quick toss- the hero is able to pick up and throw an object or weapon in one action rather than requiring two- this is done with all normal bonuses; no penalties. This does not apply to projectile weapons, just throwing knives, shuriken, sai, etc.
Level 4: An additional +1 to aimed shots and increase range on thrown weapons by 25%; Additional +1 to strike with thrown weapons; additional attack per melee with bows only; +1 to strike with archery weapons.
Level 5: Critical strike with thrown weapons on natural rolls of 17-20; additional attack per melee with thrown weapons. The Scare Shot- the character is able to perform an attack on the target that is so close to the skin of the victim that they may actually turn and run away. This shot does no damage, but can intentionally slice through clothing, clip a tie, pop a button, or even disarm the target without harming them. This shot has a horror factor of 17; if failed, the target will run away in fear. This also allows the hero to use a thrown weapon to pin the target to a wall, door, or other flat surface by their clothing or other worn items. It usually will take the victim 1D6 melee actions to pull free, but triple that if the victim fails their horror factor roll.
Level 6: To-hit number for aimed shots reduced to 7; One-handed double-knife throw- this ability allows the hero to throw two throwing knives, shuriken, or other small throwing weapons at once using only one hand; these can either be thrown at the same target (normal bonuses) or at two different targets (1/4 bonuses); takes one melee attack.
Level 7: Additional +1 to wild shot; additional attack with archery weapons and additional +1 to strike with archery weapons; +2 to strike with paired weapons; penalties for firing at separate targets with paired handguns eliminated- wild strike bonuses apply now.
Level 8: A natural roll of four or less is no longer an automatic miss- apply bonuses as normal; add one throwing weapon to the one-handed throw for a total of three- this also means an additional target can be hit if desired. If attacking two targets, two weapons will attack the primary target with normal bonuses and one will attack a secondary target (half bonuses. If attacking three targets, all bonuses are halved)- for example, the hero throws three shuriken; two can hit one target with the third hitting a second target, or all three can hit one target or even three separate targets.
Level 9: Hero can fire or throw from moving vehicles/horses with no penalty; additional +1 to strike with aimed shot; additional +1 to strike with thrown weapons and additional attack with thrown weapons
Level 10: Behind the Back- the hero is able to shoot or throw with amazing accuracy at a target behind his back without aiming. The character can perform a wild shot behind his back with zero penalties- quite the opposite, the character actually loses only half his wild shot bonuses. Character also receives a +2 to initiative bonus.
Level 11: additional attack per melee with ranged weapons; Ricochet shot- the character is able to bounce projectile weapons off surfaces to hit a target. The ricochet shot is a very precise aimed shot that can bounce under cars, around corners, and even off body armor if desired. The shot is fired with normal bonuses to aim at first; however, for each additional bounce the projectile has to make in order to hit the target, a -3 penalty is assessed. For example, an attack that requires two bounces to hit the target would be rolled as a normal aimed shot (including all applicable bonuses) with a -6 penalty. Due to the skill of the hero, damage is not affected at all by the bounces. Requires two attacks to perform.
Level 12: To-hit number for aimed shots reduced to 6; additional attack with archery weapons; additional +1 to strike with paired weapons
Level 13: Hero is able to perform the one-handed multiple weapon throw as a paired weapon attack- meaning the hero can potentially attack up to six targets at once!
Level 14: Critical hit on 16-20 with ranged weapons; additional +1 to strike with aimed and wild shots
Level 15: Triple damage on critical strikes; add one weapon to single-handed weapon throw for a total of 4.
NOTE: Some bonuses will apply to more than one weapon. For example, bonuses that apply to ranged weapons will include ranged weapons, thrown weapons, and archery weapons. If firing paired handguns, bonuses would include those to ranged weapons, paired weapons, and wild or aimed bonuses (as applicable). The same applies for attacks per melee.
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Item Growth (Major)
In a way similar to the Item Reduction power, the hero is able to increase the size any non-intelligent items to- in some cases- ridiculous proportions. The hero is also able to control the density of these objects, meaning they can increase the weight of enlarged objects to proportion or they can keep the weight of the large object the same as it was when it was normal sized. To achieve this, the hero actually either increases the amount of space between subatomic particles (to increase size without density) or to actually increase the size of the subatomic particles themselves (to increase size and density). The hero is able to increase the size of larger and larger objects as he advances in power. If a target to be expanded does not have enough room to grow to full size, one of two things will happen. One, the item grows enough to destroy whatever is holding it back from maximum size. Two, the character is unable to grow the item to full size and it reverts back to normal size. To determine which of these occur, the hero must make a roll against his M.E. (roll under his M.E.). If he succeeds, the item grows to maximum desired size and literally rips apart whatever is restraining it. Penalties may be applied depending on what structures are restraining the item. Less dense structures might include glass, plastic, cloth, or thin aluminum. These would only afford a restrain penalty of -1 or -2. Stronger structures may include wood, light metal framework, or ice; these would incur a penalty of -3 to -4. Sturdy structures would include steel frames, concrete, iron, and military structures; penalties would be -6 to -10. (GM should use good judgment in the cases of restraining structures) One should also note the type of item being enlarged: can it take the strain or will it collapse or be damaged? The increased size does make a difference as to how much damage it will incur. SDC increases in direct proportion to the increased size. For example, the hero increased an item’s size by 400%, or four times. The original SDC of the item was 40. It is then multiplied by four; the SDC of the enlarged item is 160 now. However, SDC increase ONLY OCCURS if density increases with the enlargement. Otherwise, the SDC of the item does not increase. With the density increase also comes a weight increase; the weight increase is identical to the size increase. A 100 lb (45 kg) object increased to four times its size will weigh 400 lbs (180 kg) when enlarged. However, if the density is NOT increased the weight remains the same! An object increased to four times its normal size will still weigh the same as if it were normal sized. When the enlargement occurs, it simply gets in the way or becomes more awkward to carry. It will NOT tear apart an enclosed space if the density is not increased.
Range: Touch or within 20 feet (6 m); line of sight required if touch is not possible
Rate of Size Increase: The targeted item can increase in size by a factor of 2 per melee action; for example, to increase an item to 6 times its normal size would take 3 melee actions, eight times its size takes 4 melees actions, etc. The character is able to affect up to 200 lbs +100 lbs (91 kg+45kg) per level of experience. The size can be altered by a factor of 2 at first level, plus an additional factor of 2 per level of experience; so a level 1 hero can double the size of an item, a level two can quadruple it, etc. Remember, this power only affects NON-LIVING, NON-SENTIENT items. It will not affect AI robots and cyborgs, animals, or other heroes.
Duration: The hero can maintain the size alteration for 5 minutes plus 2 minutes per level of experience. It can be dispelled at will and shrinks back to normal size at the same rate as it enlarged.

Anticipation (Minor)
This handy power is similar to the psionic Sixth Sense power. In the cases where the hero is about to fall under ambush or is entering into a dangerous situation (i.e. booby trap ahead, someone hiding behind a door to attack, etc.), a sort of buzzing or whistling begins in their mind about 10 seconds before the event occurs. It may not provide the exact cause of the potential danger but it heightens the senses of hero and puts them on guard. Where this power differs from the Sixth Sense is that the hero can, in some instances, determine more precisely where the danger is coming from. The hero must make a D20 roll against his M.E. (roll under the M.E. number). If the roll is successful, the player character has the following information at his disposal: direction from which the danger is coming, approximate distance of danger (close range or long range attack), and general sense of what the danger is (“I think there’s a trap ahead” or “I have a feeling that we may be attacked here by a villain”). This sense provides a +25% bonus to detect trap, concealment, and detect ambush skills as well as a +15% skill bonus to demolitions and demolitions disposal. The character also receives a +1 to initiative and +1 to parry and dodge. This power activates automatically. There is no real range to the power, as long as danger is IMMEDIATELY (within 10 seconds) imminent.

Decompose (Major)
The player character has the devastating ability to rust metals, break down compunds, or rot non-stable materials. This power is extremely effective against certain metals and organic materials such as iron, steel, copper, wood, and food. This power is not necessarily the actual oxidation of these materials but actually the chemical breakdown- by whatever means- of natural materials. The power allows the character to decrease the molecular stability of these items decreasing their tensile strength, spoiling them, or otherwise making the item useless. The effects of this power result in a discoloration of the surface, crumbling or flaking of pieces or the substance, collapse of the structure, or general instability of the substance. In the case of food or other organic substances they become useless, foul-smelling, and potentially harmful if ingested. Beyond this, the character is actually able to affect living tissue as well, making him or her into a living weapon. The character’s power over-oxidizes tissues causing cells to burst and create seeping, bloody wounds that heal very slowly- very similar to bedsores on bedridden patients. Fortunately this power does have its limitations- items made out of long-lived materials such as stone, plastic, ceramic, glass, and rubber; not only that but heroes of principled or scrupulous alignment are extremely hesitant to use this power on other living beings as it inflicts very serious and painful damage.
Powers and Abilities
1. Rot- This power allows the hero to rot natural structures at an extremely accelerated rate. This power is effective against natural items such as wood and plants. The power causes the individual cells that make up the structure to break down causing a fast-spreading weakness, splintering, and eventually collapse of the structure. The power is able to eat through a 6 inch thick tree in a matter of minutes. This power is effective against beings made of plants or wood or those with related APS powers.
Range: Touch during combat or line of sight within 15 feet (4.5 m)
Damage: 2D6 per melee+1D6 per level of experience; damage starts at point of contact and spreads out and down into the target.
Duration: 1D6 melees or as long as physical contact is maintained; damage remains afterwards.
Save: Dodge only
2. Rust- This power is very effective against metals, especially those that rust easily such as iron and copper. Over the course of years, rust can weaken the structure of a metal as oxygen molecules attach to the metal molecule. The oxygen displaces a metal atom resulting in a weaker molecule. This power greatly accelerates the process, allowing the hero to break down the physical structure of metallic objects in a matter of minutes rather than decades. Certain metals are more susceptible to rust than others; alloys such as stainless steel, aluminum, and brass do rust, but at a reduced rate of speed and will take half normal damage. Other metals like iron, copper, normal steel, bronze, and nickel take normal damage. This power is effective against metallic beings as well such as those with APS: Metal, robots, and cyborgs.
Range: Touch during combat or line of sight within 15 feet (4.5 m).
Damage: 3D6 per melee+1D6 per level of experience; damage starts at point of contact and spreads out and deep.
Duration: 1D6 melees or as long as physical contact is maintained; damage remains afterwards.
Save: Dodge only
3. Spoil- This touch allows the character to spoil food and water stores and sources with a touch. If consumed, the spoiled nutrients will cause all the common symptoms of food poisoning: nausea, weakness, vomiting, and stomach cramps (all bonuses reduced by 50% for 24 hours). Water can be contaminated as well but only stationary sources such as reservoirs, plastic bottles, or canteens. Contamination of water requires physical contact while spoilage of food requires either touch or line of site.
Range: As stated above; food spoilage requires touch or line of sight to 15 feet (4.5 m). Water contamination requires physical contact
Damage: The character is able to spoil 5 lbs (2.2 kg) of food or 10 gallons (38.4 L) of water per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent
4. Wound- The character’s physical touch induces a nasty, weeping wound on a living target. The being is able to essentially rot the skin and tissue of the target. The touch essentially opens a “hole” in the skin by causing the cells of the target to rupture. The wound is very difficult to treat or heal by conventional means and heals at half the normal rate. In addition the wound is very likely (01-45%) to become infected leading to a fever, nausea, weakness, and inflammation. The wound could potentially require surgical removal or repair and might lead to an amputation. This power is nullified by APS powers, but IS EFFECTIVE against those with Invulnerability. Also, this power negates healing factor powers for the duration of the wound. The most effective treatment of these wounds is either by psionic, holistic, external super powers (not the target’s powers), or magical means; all have full effectiveness.
Range: Touch; must contact skin as armor nullifies the effect.
Damage: 2D6+1D6 per level of experience; an additional 1D6 SDC per hour for 4D6 hours after the initial damage as the surrounding tissues are affected by the wound.
Duration: Instantaneous; the wound literally explodes on physical contact, weeps and bleeds for 1d4 days unless healed externally.
Save: Dodge only
5. Fracture: By grabbing a target and concentrating the character is able decay the cells of a bone, causing it to become brittle and break! The affected bone will radiate severe pain and be effectively useless. This power is really only effective against limbs and fingers as the character must physically encircle the target with one hand or both hands. With a broken bone, the target will either be unable to walk (speed reduced by 75%; balance penalty -75%; dodge bonus reduced to zero and parry and strike cut by half) or unable to use the arm to lift, throw, carry, or fight (strike and parry bonuses reduced to zero; PS of affected arm reduced to 3 until healed). .
Range: Touch only; character must physically encircle the target extremity and hold on for one melee. A strike roll is not made for the power itself but strike and grapple rolls will be needed to perform the power.
Damage: The affected limb is fractured with the above penalties; also the target takes 1D6 hit points plus 1 per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent
Save: Dodge only
6. Other bonuses: +20% to chemistry and analytical chemistry skills or receives a base chemistry skill of 30%
Recognize Substance Skill- The skill allows the character to identify the basic components of most common substances such as plastic, plexiglass, steel, bronze, brass, etc. The skill provides a very basic knowledge of the substance. In relation to this power, the hero is able to recognize which of his powers will affect the substance (if any) and choose which to use. Skill Base: 58%+6% per level of experience
Automatically gets Recognize Precious Metals skill

(Can you tell I've been collecting these for a while? heh heh)
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Unread post by taalismn »

Good additions, Primus...

I'd add a few conditions to the Interrogation power...maybe something like the superbeing has to spend 1-6 melees or minutes of preparation/observing the subject to be's a combination of innate psychology and natural observation skills...
Give the superbeing a bonus(or reduce the subject's save roll) if the superbeing is in direct physical, flesh-to-flesh contact with the interrogatee...
The downside is that if the subject being grilled IS able to make a save versus this power, the superbeing has no bonuses to detect any lies the victim may decide to tell him...So a wise user might want to apply this power several times and ask the same question again and again(or rephrase it) to detect any successful resistance and obfuscation...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Innate Navigation (Minor)
The hero becomes a living compass able to navigate safely and effectively even under the worst conditions and in places he’s never been before. The hero receives the following abilities:
Innate knowledge of direction- can tell which direction is north even without a compass- 84%+3% per level
Map Reading- can read any map, even those written in unfamiliar languages- 84%+3% per level
Shortcut- can innately discover the quickest and easiest routes between points- 76%+4% per level
Innate knowledge of roads- has an automatic and internal knowledge of roads and routes- 76%+4% per level
Self-location- has a GPS-like knowledge of his location at all times- 98%
Able to navigate in total darkness and outer space- 76%+4% per level
Able to navigate underground- 74%+3% per level
Always knows which way is up underwater
If the hero studies a map for 1d4 minutes, he will memorize it and have total recall of every detail.
+1 to I.Q. attribute
+10% bonus to all piloting skills

Create Natural Substances (Major)
This unique power allows the hero to create small quantities of natural substances out of thin air. Basic elements and simple compounds can be summoned at will. More complex elements (further down the periodic table of elements) and compounds may no be able to be created, but compounds could be created by summoning the simpler elements needed and manually mixing them. The character is not able to create living things such as plants or food. They are simply far to complex. However, the hero can summon basic vitamins and minerals in their raw forms; as a result, though the hero may not actually eat for weeks, he can summon the necessary elements needed for him to survive. One should note that water CAN be created by the hero due to the extremely simple chemical formula. The following is a list of the elements and compounds that the character can create:
Elements: Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, and krypton. NOTE: The character is able to summon these elements in whatever state he wishes; so if he wants to create solid carbon he can do so. However, the substance may not remain in that state long and will be the correct temperature for that form- so if he summons iron in liquid form, it will be very hot.
Compounds: Oxygen (breathable oxygen O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), glucose (simple sugar, C6H12O6; this is the most complicated substance that can be created), sodium chloride (salt, NaCl), nitrous oxide (N2O, laughing gas), chlorine gas (Cl2, poisonous); any of the above elements can also be combined, but no more than two elements can be used per compound with the exception of the previously mentioned glucose. Remember, they can be mixed after creation.
The hero is able to create up to an amount of substance equal to his ME in ounces every two melees. Add one ounce for each level of experience. Remember to keep in mind atomic weights, but there is no need to be exact. Also remember that the lighter elements such as hydrogen and helium will weigh less- you’ll get a lot more of these than you will almost any other substance. Another thing to keep in mind is chemical properties. Some substances will be poisonous or toxic. Saves should be made in these cases, if the substance isn’t being summoned into a safe container. Physical effects will differ for some gases such as chlorine and nitrous oxide. Metals can be used to patch armor if desired. If a substance that is normally one state at room temperature is summoned in a non-room temperature form (such as creating liquid oxygen), remember damage may occur from the extreme heat or cold needed for the element to appear in that form. GM’s should decide from these guidelines what substances can or cannot be created. Once a substance is created, it does not disappear; it is permanent. Summoned gases can dissipate as normal. The amount of gas that comprises even 16 ounces (480 mL or 0.45 kg, depending on the state) is significant and should be more than enough to cover a 10’x10x10’ (3 m by 3 m by 3 m) room.
Other abilities
Can instantly recognize simple chemicals, elements, gems, and stones.
+5 to save vs. poisons
+1 to ME
Instinctively knows Chemistry at 98%
+15% to any science skills

Amnesia (minor)
This handy power allows the player character to temporarily induce sever amnesia in the target, causing either short term or long term memory loss. This is important in cases where the villain may have learned something that they shouldn’t have and the hero needs them to lose that memory. The hero does not have COMPLETE control over whether or not the target remembers the item eventually. Every person’s brain is wired a little bit different so there is a chance that the target may remember eventually or forget it altogether. Essentially, the hero mentally invades the target’s mind, searches for the memory being targeted, and buries it deep in the subconscious mind. From there, if the character has a strong mind (high M.E.) he may remember it eventually; however the target WILL initially forget the item. The hero also target a specific skill if desired; however since skills are more deeply ingrained in the mind, the effect is only temporary. If the skill is forgotten, any non-physical bonuses acquired from that skill are lost for the duration of the power. Hand to hand skills CANNOT be targeted, but weapon proficiencies can.
Range: 30 feet (9 m)
Duration: 30 minutes plus 10 minutes per level OR permanent.
Save: The initial save against the Amnesia power is 15; psionic bonuses apply. To determine whether or not the target remembers the non-skill item targeted, a roll must be made against their M.E. attribute without bonuses; if the save is made then the item is remembered after the above duration expires. If the save fails, the information is lost permanently to the victim.

Natural Pilot (minor)
The hero is a natural pilot, able to pilot virtually any vehicle with or without training. The character instinctively knows basic operations of literally any vehicle including maneuvering, start-up, even basic evasive maneuvering. This ability does not extend to any weapon systems that may be mounted on the vehicle, but DOES extend to weapons BUILT IN to the vehicle. The character is also able to hot wire virtually any vehicle instinctively with great skill and speed. Penalties will apply to vehicles that require voice coding, fingerprint or handprint ID, or coded input of any type. However, a basic automobile can usually be hot-wired in 1D4 melees! The following skills are for evasive maneuvers and control rolls and should be used the same as any other skills. These skills are NOT to be used to determine whether or not the hero can actually use a vehicle- he can; the skill percentages merely help determine how well he can pilot them.
Piloting- Basic Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 78%+6% per level of experience
Piloting- Advanced Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 65%+6% per level of experience
Piloting- Alien Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 48%+4% per level of experience
Hotwiring- Basic Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 60%+4% per level of experience
Hotwiring- Advanced Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 40%+4% per level of experience
Hotwiring- Alien Vehicles: Skill Percentage- 20%+4% per level of experience
Integrated Weapon Systems: Provides a +1 bonus with any integrated weapons on the vehicle.

Intuitive Anaylsis (minor)
This unique ability is a mental gift of unique proportions. The hero has the ability to connect what may seem like useless, obscure facts and draw incredibly accurate conclusions from them. This ability is similar to those mental powers displayed in fictional characters such as Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. This is the ability to follow a seemingly meaningless clue and leap to a seemingly unrelated but logical and correct conclusion. This can be very helpful in finding leads when very few exist. The character’s brain is wired in total balance with both left and right brain making equal contributions to allow remarkable feats of creative logic, allowing the hero to see a creative interpretation of a clue and then make unbelievable leaps of logic to a possibility that will potentially stupefy other heroes. This power is treated like a skill for game purposes. Skill Percentage: 54%+6% per level of experience.
Other bonuses: add 2D4 to I.Q.
Subtract 1D4 from M.A.; character has a tendency to be insufferably confident
All science skills receive a +20% bonus; if character has no science skills, then he is a jack of all trades, having a base of 30% for ALL science skills
Any skills involving problem solving are +30%
Research skill at 30% (or +30% to skill)
Pathology skill at 30% (or +30% to skill)

Discharge Fog (minor)
The hero is able to surround himself and others in a super-thick fog. This is not a natural fog made of moisture but an unnatural mist made of a chemical secreted from the body of the hero. It clings to the ground and builds up. This fog is dense enough to block out most light and obscure vision almost completely. Visibility is reduced to 2 feet (0.6 m) within the cloud. Those with claustrophobia will begin to experience the symptoms of the fear as well as the fog makes it seem like the world is closing in on them. The fog is so thick that even those with superhuman senses such as radar and extraordinary hearing find themselves handicapped. Any bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge are at -7, initiative bonus is reduced to zero, and darkness from the fog makes safe movement difficult reducing speed by ½. The fog also sticks to those inside the cloud for 2D6 seconds once they move out of it.
Range: 5 foot (1.5 m) radius from character; add 1 foot (30 cm) per level. Fog is 10 feet (3 m) high.
Duration: 1D4 minutes; uses one attack to excrete the fog.

Holographic Echo (minor)
This unique ability allows the character to create a holographic copy of himself away from his actual location. From a distance this copy looks completely real. However, the copy does not make any noise, perform any powers, and cannot talk. The echo performs the exact same actions at the same moment as the original hero, like a mirror. The echo looks so real that even at close range (as close as 4 feet (1.2 m)) it can fool the target. Once you move closer than 4 feet, they are able to “see through” the deception.
Range: Can be projected up to 100 feet (30 m) away, but must be a clear line of sight; add 20 feet (6 m) per level
Duration: Indefinite; can be summoned instantaneously and dispelled at will.
Save: At closer ranges (within 15 feet(4.5 m)), victims will need to save vs. illusion or be fooled.

Laughing Gas (minor)
The hero has the unusual ability to emit nitrous oxide- aka laughing gas- from his fingertips or mouth. The gas causes the target to become giddy, carefree, and euphoric for a period of time. The target will begin to laugh hysterically, often doubling over with stomach cramps. Tears stream from the eyes and the eyes are often shut from. The laughing fit costs all affected parties three attacks per melee, and all bonuses are reduced to zero for the duration of the effects. The targets will be unable to focus enough to perform any skills and may lose control if piloting vehicles. A save can be made versus non-lethal poisons; a successful save will reduce duration and penalties by ¾.
Duration: Effects of gas last 4D4 minutes plus 1 per level of experience; cloud lasts 1D4 melees
Save: Standard vs. non-lethal poison; everyone in the cloud will be affected
Range: Can cover a 10’x10’x10’ area (3 cubic meters); close range only
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taalismn wrote:Good additions, Primus...

I'd add a few conditions to the Interrogation power...maybe something like the superbeing has to spend 1-6 melees or minutes of preparation/observing the subject to be's a combination of innate psychology and natural observation skills...
Give the superbeing a bonus(or reduce the subject's save roll) if the superbeing is in direct physical, flesh-to-flesh contact with the interrogatee...
The downside is that if the subject being grilled IS able to make a save versus this power, the superbeing has no bonuses to detect any lies the victim may decide to tell him...So a wise user might want to apply this power several times and ask the same question again and again(or rephrase it) to detect any successful resistance and obfuscation...

Agreed. The idea I had is along the lines of the "backdrop" of interrogation. It would mean that the target is a captive and would be subject to repeated questioning by the interrogator. Appreciate the input....I'm almost done uploading these..LOL :roll:
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Primus wrote:Item Growth (Major)

"Here, hit him with these..."
"HOLY===! What are these?! Ninja claws?"
"My car keys."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Control Elemental Force: Time (major)
This powerful ability allows the hero to manipulate time itself. This grants a number of truly staggering abilities- from the ability to speed and slow himself to the extremely potent ability to rewind time itself.
1. Super Automatic Dodge- The hero is able to see into the future about 1 second, allowing him to get a jump on dodging incoming attacks. The ability amounts to an automatic dodge on ALL attacks. What makes this significant is that ALL normal dodge bonuses apply, including those provided by other powers. This ability also provides a +2 bonus to initiative. This power is always in effect.
2. Slow time- The hero is able to slow time in his immediate area while not actually slowing down himself. The slowing effect has a radius of 50 feet (15 m). Outside the radius, time passes as normal. To anyone outside it looks like watching a slow motion video; however, anything entering the radius while the power is in effect is immediately slowed to half speed. This gives the hero a +5 to parry while the power is in effect. Also any damage taken by the character is halved, except energy attacks. The character, however, may NOT perform any attacks. Concentration is needed to maintain the effect. However, the hero CAN use any skills he may possess. For example, he needs to hack a computer but guards are about to grab him. He can slow their approach and finish his job in before he’s hauled away. This power can be sustained for 1 melee per level of experience.
3. Freeze Time- The character is able to temporarily freeze temporal flow for an extremely limited amount of time stopping ALL objects and people within the effects range. The character is not affected at all by the freeze and he can also unfreeze another person for every other level of experience by touching them. Those who are frozen will not notice anything different at all. Just like the Slow Time power, time passes as normally outside the radius of effect; however, anything entering the field while it is in effect will also freeze. The character and whoever he touches can move around as normal. However, attacking is impossible and touching more persons than his limit will instantly negate the power. He CAN touch non-living items such as weapons, bullets, missiles, etc., as long as they are not in the grasp of another person. For example, he can alter the path of a missile or remove the ammo cartridge from a weapon but cannot grab a gun from someone’s hand without freeing them from the time freeze. He also is not able to alter their action. He can move something out of the way of a punch but he can’t prevent someone from punching. This attack counts as a parry if used to avoid an attack. If the hero is hit, the freeze fails. Use standard parry bonuses. This power can be sustained for 1 melee per level of experience. The power’s radius is 30 feet (9 m) from the hero and it can be used in conjunction with the Rewind Time power below.
4. Rewind Time- This potent ability allows the hero to rewind time within an area. The hero is able to turn back the clock and alter an object or event that may have just happened. Once rewound, the hero can then freeze time and alter the outcome (with the same limitations as in the Freeze Time ability above. The hero is the only person in the radius that knows that time has been altered. He is able to rewind up to 1 melee per every other (level 2, 4, 6, etc.; cannot be done at level one) level of experience. The radius of effect is 30 feet (9 m) from the hero. However, this power is only able to be used once per day at level 1 with an additional use at every other level after one (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15).
5. Manipulate clocks- The hero can mentally manipulate any independent timepiece (i.e. not connected to a computer or internet) to do whatever he wants. He can make a bomb timer stop or run backwards. A clock on a wall may suddenly start spinning around quickly or go forward then backwards. This power can be used any time and for any duration.
6. Speed self- The hero is able to speed himself up for a brief period of time, up to a speed that is four times everyone else. The character’s speed is such that he looks and sounds like he is moving in fast forward. For the duration of the power, the character’s speed and dodge bonuses are tripled and all dodges are automatic. To the hero it is as if the rest of the world is moving in slow motion whereas, in reality, it is he who is moving faster than everyone else. The hero as a result is able to perform 1 minute’s worth of tasks in only 1 melee. Once again, the character cannot perform any attacks of any kind while sped up. Anyone attempting telepathy with him will hear high pitched squealing like a tape on fast-forward. The character can maintain this power for 1 melee per level of experience.
7. Slowed aging- The character is so attuned with time that his aging has all but stopped. His life span is 10 times that of a normal human. Add 1D6 to PB attribute and character ages at 1/10th the normal rate once he hits age 18.
8. Time stepping- The hero is able to take himself a microsecond out of the timestream. By doing this, he temporarily turns himself intangible and mostly invisible. He is unable to be physically attacked or make physical attacks himself, does not make any sounds, and has a natural prowl of 80%. The character can maintain the time-step for 3 minutes plus three per level of experience.
9. Other abilities- Able to identify the exact time of sunrise and sunset
Can identify the exact time of day in any time zone
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Volcanic Power (major)
This power allows the character to control many elements of lava and even create a small volcano. The power is very similar to an earth elemental type power, but limited only to magma and volcanic forces. The powers of the hero include the creation of volcanic gases, control over rivers of lava, the creation of magma armor, and creation of a full-blown volcano.
1. Gas Cloud- The hero is able to summon a cloud of noxious volcanic gases from the earth. The cloud is a greenish-yellow in color and consists mainly of sulfur and ash. Anyone not protected from the cloud will choke, cough, and vomit for as long as they are in the cloud. Their eyes will also burn and water from the chemicals in the air. After 1d4 melee rounds in the cloud, the victims may pass out from lack of oxygen as the sulfur binds to free oxygen. The cloud also produces an extremely disgusting odor similar to extremely rotten eggs that radiates from the cloud, potentially causing those around the cloud to gag and choke.
Range: Up to 60 feet (18 m) away; the cloud can cover a 5’ by 5’ by 5’ (1.6 cubic m) area at level 1- add 1 foot (0.3 m) in all directions per level of experience
Duration: 1D4 melees per level of experience
Damage: 2D6 SDC of damage initially and an additional 1D6 per melee in the cloud; after 1D4 melees, the victims must roll vs. non-lethal poison to avoid passing out; all in the cloud are at -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose half their attacks from coughing;
2. Lava bolt- The hero can call forth a burst of lava from the ground and direct it at a target. This is a brief spurt of lava and not a sustained stream like a hose. The lava bolt can be directed at any target in range.
Range: Up to 75 feet (23 m) away
Rate: Equal to hand to hand attacks; +3 to strike
Damage: 3D6 SDC+1D6 per level of experience; the lava will also burn for another 1D6 melees igniting flammable items, melting plastics and glass, and doing an additional 1D6 SDC per melee round for that duration.
3. Magma Armor- The hero can cover himself in lava to create a “suit” of armor, protecting him from harm. The lava seeps up from the ground and completely covers him/her within a single melee action. The armor allows the hero to see out and breathe as needed. The armor provides a number of benefits: add 2D6 fire damage to hand to hand attacks; anyone attacking the character will take 1d6 fire damage unless protected; the armor provides the hero an additional +6 to P.S. (superhuman if not higher), an AR of 16, and 250 SDC. The armor takes no damage from fire and heat, half damage from impacts (punches, kicks, bullets), and- since it is in a fairly malleable state- regenerates 6D6 SDC damage per minute (4 melees). HOWEVER, the armor takes double damage from water-based or cold-based attacks. All other damage is normal. Armor duration is 5 minutes per level of experience.
4. Lava Flow- The hero can summon a veritable river or lava. The “river” is 30 feet (9 m) long, 10 feet (3 m) wide, and 4 feet (1.3 m) deep at first level. At 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th levels, 5 feet (1.5 m) of length is gained; at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15, 3 feet (0.9 m) of width is gained. This is not a river so to speak- it doesn’t sink into the ground like a creek. The flow is very thick and slow moving. The lava will ignite anything it touches and moves at a rate of about 150 feet (45 m) per melee (just under 7 mph (11.2 kph)). The hero is able to steer the river in the direction he wishes. The force of the lava flow can crush cars and potentially knock over walls and buildings. Anything overtaken by lava will take 2D4x10 SDC of damage for every 5 seconds it remains in contact. After removal from the flow the victim will continue to take 4D6 SDC damage per melee for another 2D6 minutes from lava still clinging to him/her/it (submerging in water will instantly cool the lava and halt damage). After the duration of this power, the lava seems to just seep back into the ground leaving the earth charred and smoking. However this power can also be used to steer existing lava flows by diverting a portion of the flow to feed the new river. In these cases, the size of the flow and duration of the power are both doubled. However, this must be an exposed flow- not an underground flow- and the flow must be large enough to sustain the diversion of flow for the duration of the power. The duration of the power is 3 minutes plus 2 per level of experience.
5. Create a volcano (cannot be used until level 3)- One of the most devastating powers on earth, a volcano is a weapon capable of leveling entire cities and killing thousands. In addition to lava flows, extreme heat, ash, and noxious gases, the creation of a volcano can completely reshape the landscape of a region and throw the ecological system off kilter. This power is very similar to the Supernova power of APS: Fire in that it is a last ditch power and will likely end up killing the character. Once begun, the power cannot be stopped. The hero provides the impetus for the volcano and Nature does the rest. Most heroes will NEVER use this power anywhere close to civilians or towns. The power creates a new mountain- literally- that can tower up to 15,000 feet (4.5 km) high! In addition to the height the base of the new volcano will measure three times its height (up to 45,000 feet (13.5 km) wide). That’s right- the mountain could potentially cover everything in within a radius of up to 4.5 miles (7.2 km), or a total area of almost 57 square miles (162 sq. km)! The understanding of this power can either humble the hero, making them very cautious with all of their volcanic powers, or it can thrill him- which would inevitably lead down the path of death and evil.
The creation of the volcano occurs in four stages and is a long and violent process. It can be interrupted during certain stages, but once begun it will destroy virtually everything.
Stage 1- The character must concentrate UNINTERRUPTED for 5 minutes (20 melees). During this time if he is attacked the entire process is disrupted. The character will begin channeling the power of the Earth itself and will grow progressively stronger. His body will begin to glow red-hot after 2 minutes and anything within 5 feet (1.5 m) of him may ignite. Anyone who touches him will take 1D6 damage. At this point even water doesn’t touch him- it evaporates before it gets to his skin. Despite this buildup of power, the character cannot attack or defend himself by ANY means (including other super powers such as Create Force Field) or the power is lost. The character is mentally finding the resources to create his volcano at this point. It is very similar to an out of body experience. The mind travels into the earth to the molten levels below the earth’s crust. His mind then begins to shape the earth, creating the passageways for magma and volcanic gases to blast to the surface. The ground also beings to shake in a small localized earthquake of about 3.0-4.0 on the Richter scale beginning in the third minute and growing at a rate of 1-1.5 Richter points per minute.
Stage 2- The character finally stands up and raises his hands into the air. With this gesture, volcanic gases break through the ground and begin to shoot into the air. The gases quickly spread to the ground causing the same effects as the Gas Cloud power over a 100 foot (30 m) radius that increases by 100 feet (30 m) per melee and up into the sky at a rate of 500 feet (150 m) per melee. The ground directly beneath the character also starts to bulge over the same 100 foot (30 mph) radius. However, rather than expanding outwards, it expands upwards forming a hill that grows at about 25 feet (7.5 m) per melee round. This stage lasts 2D4 melees. At this point, the eruption can still be disrupted by distracting or attacking the character. Anything that breaks his concentration will INSTANTLY stop the eruption; the ground sinks quickly back to normal and the gases dissipate within 1D4 melees. The character’s body is now glowing bright orange and starts to take on a “rocky” appearance; at this point the character has an additional 200 SDC and has acquired an AR of 12.
Stage 3- This is the final stage that can be disrupted. However it is VERY short- only 1 melee in length. The character’s body turns into a lava-like form. Finally both fists are brought crashing down on the ground on the last action of the melee. Once the fists hit the ground, the process is complete and that’s all she wrote- a volcano WILL be born on that spot. The ground cracks open with an ear-splitting roar louder than standing right next to a jet engine, forming an opening (a volcanic vent) that is 3D6x10 feet long (up to 54 m) per level and 1D6x10 feet (up to 18 m) wide per level. Immediately smoke, gas, and ash blasts into the sky up to an altitude of 6D6x1,000 feet (up to 22 km). The blast itself will knock back ANYTHING not attached to the ground 1D6x100 yards per level of experience and the heat does an additional 2D6x100 SDC to everything in a 500 foot (150 m) per level radius. (NOTE: The character’s body is blasted apart completely at this point. See table below for results.) Glass will shatter and buildings may be leveled. Within one melee, ash will completely cover the ground in a 2D4 mile (up to 12.8 km) radius. The ash and gas eruption will last 1D4 hours. The ash will accumulate at a rate of 2D6 inches (5-30 cm) every 5 minutes in the immediate blast radius and 4D4 inches (10-40 cm) per hour in the fallout radius. Note that the gases are extremely hot, doing 1D6x10 SDC every 5 seconds to anything thrown into the tower of ash. Also, the ash fall will stall cars and aircraft by plugging up air vents, contaminate lakes and rivers, and melt snow creating mudslides.
Stage 4- The final stage of the volcano is the deadliest. The ash and gases continue to pour from the vent. After the ash and gas eruption begins to calm down (to about half of previous levels), a strong localized earthquake occurs knocking over anyone standing in the initial blast radius. At this point a fountain of lava and rock spouts from the earth up to 1D4x100 feet (up to 120 m) high and begins to spread around the vent. Some lava does start to cool immediately and build up around the vent. Anything close to the vent will be buried under the lava, and eventually, under the mountain. The lava will flow in all directions up to the maximum width of the volcano. The volcano will grow at a speed of 1,000 feet (300 m) per day in height; the maximum height of the volcano is 1,000 feet (300 m) per level of experience. Remember that the average width of the volcano is three times the height, so a level 3 volcano will be 9,000 feet (2,700 m) wide and 3,000 feet (900 m) tall. Nothing will be able to stop the volcano at this point- nature has taken over. Lava flows, gas, ash, rock, and heat will completely destroy ANYTHING in within the resulting measurement of the base. After the eruption ends, the volcano will behave as a normal one would in that region. For example, a volcano created in Illinois would likely simply go extinct- it’s not a volcanically active area. However, a volcano created in California, Oregon, or Washington may remain active for thousands of years; the area is definitely active geologically. If this is the case, then roll on the following table.
01-15- Extinct; may erupt once every 2D6 millenia
16-55- Active; erupts once every 1D6x100 years
56-75- Active; erupts once every 2D6x10 years
76-95- Active; erupts once every 3D6 years
96-00- Extremely active; erupts every 2D6 months
Volcanic eruptions are very fickle things; one never knows when it will happen or how long the eruption will be. However, the eruption style is always the same. As a result, the volcanoes subsequent eruptions after creation will be virtually identical to the first one in most respects. However, for every 100 years since the last eruption the damage, effects, and blast radius double due to geological pressure building up. Once the mountain reaches its maximum height, it usually does not get much taller. Add 1D4x100 feet (up to 120 m) up to for each subsequent eruption.
The results of the character’s use of the power: The use of this power is fatal most of the time. However, there is a slim chance of surviving the eruption and resulting cataclysm. Roll on the table below.
01-95- Fatal, character was completely destroyed by the use of the earth’s energies.
96-97- Character’s body was blasted apart, but was able to reform after 1D4 days; however, the Volcano power is lost permanently without replacement.
98- Character’s body reforms after 1D4 days but is now stuck in lava form. Replace Volcano power with Alter Physical Structure: Lava at 1st level.
99- Character’s body reforms after 1D4 days; the Volcano power remains intact.
00- Character’s body reforms after 1D4 days; however the trauma of the incident has altered all his superpowers! Roll all powers over again and start from 1st level!
6. Other powers and abilities:
Impervious to fire and heat
Add +5 to save vs. poisons/toxins
Effects of damaging odors is reduced by ½
Can walk on top of lava flows without sinking.
Add 1d4x10 S.D.C.
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Tornado (major)
This impressive and dangerous power grants the character limited control over some aspects of the weather, the foremost being the creation and control of a full blown tornado. As the character grows in experience, the tornado also increases in power. The power also grants the ability to create sudden bursts of wind, control lightning, and detect the weather accurately several days ahead of time.
1. Detect weather accurately: The hero is able to detect the temperature, humidity, and wind speed in his surroundings with amazing accuracy. Not only that but the character’s innate sense allows him to predict the weather in his immediate area (roughly 10 mile (16 km) radius) for the next 72 hours as well, including the times of precipitation, what kind of precipitation will occur, exact moment of sunrise and sunset, temperatures, humidity, even heat indices and wind chills.
2. Wind Blast: Same as the minor super ability Super Wind Blast.
3. Lightning Strike: The character is able to summon bolts of lightning either indoors or outdoors by manipulating the charged particles above and below his target. This power is different than other energy expulsion powers in that the energy is generated externally rather than by the hero’s body. It also means that the character is able to control just how powerful the strike will be by manipulating larger numbers of particles. When opposing charges are lined up, nature takes over and lightning forms- naturally accompanied by thunder. The hero is able to perform three types of strikes. All attacks form by the character mentally gathering oppositely charged particles in the atmosphere- negative particles collect directly above the target, positive directly below or on the target. The lightning forms naturally and instantaneously. The target will feel as if static electricity is forming around him a millisecond before the strike. All three levels of attacks can be done outdoors but only one can be done indoors. The lower power attacks are for smaller targets such as villains, animals, etc. The high power attack can be used on these but is more for larger targets such as cars, tanks, trucks, and buildings. Range: 70 feet (21 m) for indoor strike, 250 feet (75 m) for low power outdoor attack, 1,000 feet (300 m) for high power attack. Damage: Indoor attack- 1D6+1D6 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15; Low power outdoor attack- 3D6+1D6 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14; High power outdoor attack- 1D6x10 plus 10 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Rate of attack: Both low power attacks- equal to hand to hand attacks; high power attack- each use is three attacks, note that this attack can be interrupted as it requires two attacks to concentrate and one for the attack itself. No other actions can be used while concentrating. Also, there is a 01-70% chance of the target (if man-sized) being knocked back 4d6 feet. The attack will ignite flammable materials at the site of the strike.
4. Summon and control tornado: Very few things exist on Earth with the destructive power of a tornado. This is easily the most impressive ability of this power. With concentration the hero is able to alter the airflow within his area to his whims. To begin the attack, the hero must concentrate- NO OTHER ACTIONS CAN BE TAKEN at any point during creation or control of the twister. Within 15 seconds of beginning, temperature ranges alter in the hero’s immediate area and humidity levels increase drastically, forming blackish-green low hanging clouds (altitude of about 1,500 feet (450 m)). The humidity increases the temperature differential, speeding the updraft and causing the clouds to begin to rotate. After 30 seconds of concentration, nature reacts and hail starts to fall within a half-mile (0.8 km) mile radius of the storm. Within a minute of beginning, the clouds begin to produce a white cone of swirling winds and moisture. The hero begins to levitate up into the descending finger of wind and is completely enveloped by touchdown. Up until that point, the character can be attacked as normal. The entire creation process takes roughly 2 minutes (8 melees) from beginning until touchdown. The hero must maintain concentration for the entire duration of the event in order to control the tornado. Once the tornado forms, the character hovers in the middle of the funnel at an altitude of about 500 feet (150 m). He is able to see outside as if the funnel wasn’t there and is unhurt by the wind or flying debris. He is even able to look out through whirling debris. The funnel cloud is comparable to a normal, nature-spawned storm in every way from size to effects, being roughly 100 feet (30 m) wide + 100 feet (30 m) per level of experience. The tornado can be steered by the hero in whichever direction he desires. If anything breaks his concentration the tornado will cease to exist and the skies will clear completely within 2D6 seconds. While inside the funnel cloud he can be shot, but ALL (including energy expulsion powers) ranged strikes are performed at -14; the debris and strong winds make it nearly impossible to hit the character with conventional means.
As most people may know, tornadoes are intense updrafts that result from certain weather conditions. Science has yet to measure successfully the upper ranges of winds at the core of a funnel cloud. As a result, Dr. Ted Fujita developed the Fujita scale in 1971. The purpose of this scale was to classify tornadoes by the amount of damage they do on the ground. This scale rates the storms on a scale of 0-5 (F0-F5), with 5 being the most severe. In January of 2006, the Fujita scale was enhanced and is now based on 28 damage indicators; the new Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale is more precise, but is still based on the amount of damage done. As it is, a tornado causes damage in three ways: hail damage, wind damage, and high-speed debris. Hail is caused by moisture getting caught in the tornado’s updraft, being carried to extremely high altitudes, and freezing. This hail is generally between ¼-4 inches (1/4 inch per level of experience)(0.8-10 cm) in diameter and occurs within 500 feet (150 m) of the wind rotation, stopping within at about 100 feet (30 m) from the funnel. Damage is as follows:
1/8th inch-1 inch diameter(0.3-2.5 cm)- does 1D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; the hail is like stepping on marbles- a balance roll must be made every melee to avoid falling; can dent cars, siding, and other non-sturdy construction.
1-2 inch diameter(2.5-5 cm)- does 3D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; windows can be cracked, cars are severely dented; the hail also piles up quickly and can eventually begin to weigh on roofs, tents, or other structures, potentially causing them to collapse after 1D6x10 minutes of the hail; skill performance is -35%; one attack is lost protecting the head and face from the downpour.
Severe hail- up to softball sized in diameter (6 inches(15 cm))- does 5D6 SDC of damage per melee in the downpour; windows break, metals are severely dented, and characters must cover their faces and heads to prevent being hit (lose all but one attack); hail this large is also NOT affected by winds less than 140 mph (224 kph)- it is simply too large; however, damage is doubled when winds are that high; skill performance is at -75%- the hail hits the hands to throw off fine motor movement; after 3D6 minutes, the hail has built up enough to slow movement by 25% and collapse the roofs of homes and some buildings.
Wind damage is dependent on two things: wind speed and strength of structures. As mentioned before, scientists judge damage to structures to estimate wind speed. Below are a few examples of these damage indicators and wind speeds needed to produce the listed results.
Damage Indicator: Damage First Appears (F0)/Moderate Damage (F1-F3)/Completely Leveled (F4+)
Normal Family Residence 65 MPH (104 KPH)/121 MPH (194 KPH) /170 MPH (272 KPH)
Manufactured Homes 61 MPH (98 KPH)/105 MPH (168 KPH)/137 MPH (219 KPH)
Barns 62 MPH (99 KPH)/90 MPH (144 KPH)/112 MPH (179 KPH)
Apts/Condos/Townhouses 76 MPH (122 KPH)/130 MPH (208 KPH)/180 MPH (288 KPH)
Motels 66 MPH (106 KPH)/123 MPH (196 KPH) /190 MPH (304 KPH)
Strip Malls 65 MPH (104 KPH)/103 MPH (165 KPH) /191 MPH (306 KPH)
Large Mall 86 MPH (138 KPH)/131 MPH (210 KPH)/247 MPH (395 KPH)
Big Box Store 83 MPH (133 KPH)/144 MPH (230 KPH) /201 MPH (322 KPH)
Small Schools 65 MPH (104 KPH)/108 MPH (173 KPH) /176 MPH (282 KPH)
Junior or High School 68 MPH (109 KPH)/108 MPH (173 KPH) /192 MPH (307 KPH)
Middle and High Rises 61 MPH (98 KPH)/126 MPH (199 KPH)/263 MPH (421 KPH)
Government/Institutional Buildings 93 MPH (149 KPH)/162 MPH (259 KPH)/290 MPH (464 KPH)
Electrical Poles/Trees/Streetlamps 86 MPH (138 KPH)/120 MPH (192 KPH) /155 MPH (248 KPH)
All figures are estimates (+/- 15 MPH (24 KPH)). Numbers taken from the “Proposal for Enhanced Fujita Scale, First Revision” published by the Wind Science and Engineering Center at Texas Tech University, January 2006.
The hero is able to create a tornado with a wind speed of 95+1D6x10 mph (up to 248 kph) at first level. Add 15 mph (24 kph) per level of experience. The storm can be sustained for 4 minutes plus 1 per level of experience. Wind damage is very different for a tornado than a normal wind. The tornado rotates with such force that a normal man could be ripped apart completely by centrifugal forces in even the weakest funnel cloud. Damage from being caught in the funnel is 1D6x10 S.D.C. plus an additional 10 for every 20 mph (32 kph) of wind strength past 80 mph (128 kph; this is for ANYTHING in the funnel including buildings, persons, and vehicles). In addition, after about one melee the person has enough speed built up to pull out of the twister, and will be tossed 1D4x50 yards (or meters) for every 50 mph (80 kph) of wind speed, inflicting enormous fall damage (fall damage for distance plus 4 SDC for every 20 mph (32 kph) the victim was traveling when he hit the ground); roll with impact can be made but at -12. Those with a flying ability will lose all control within 150 feet (46 m) of the funnel and be sucked in; however, by making a save vs. their physical prowess they can attempt to right themselves in mid-air when they are tossed free and thus avoid fall damage. In order to remain rooted to the ground in a funnel cloud, an object must weigh 1,000 lbs plus 500 lbs (454 kg + 227 kg) for every additional 10 mph (16 kph) past 100 mph (160 kph) OR have a supernatural P.S. of at least 70. The tornado can move at a speed equal to the character’s MEx2+10 miles per hour; so if a hero has an ME of 16, then it will move at 42 mph (67 kph). The hero can force it to stay in one spot as well. If this occurs, then all damage listed above is per melee round until the tornado is moved or dissipates. Wind is present outside the funnel as well, but is treated as normal wind (See the Weather Control ability); the wind speed is ¼ the speed of the funnel wind 500 feet (152 m) or more away from the funnel (radius of storm is 1D4 miles (up to 6.4 km)). Within 500 feet (152 m) up to 50 feet (15 m) away the wind speed is ¾ of the funnel speed. NOTE: In order to hit a moving target, the controller of the storm must make a strike roll with no bonuses.
As the tornado progresses, it tears up the earth and twists trees, branches, glass, girders, and sometimes even cars and trucks in its massive funnel turning the white finger of wind into a black color. The debris picked up is generally small, but is traveling at such a rate of speed that it hits with the force of a bullet. Debris damage is 4D6 S.D.C. plus an additional D6 for every 20 MPH of funnel wind speed past 100 (32 kph past 160). The damage begins 100 feet (30 m) from the outer border of the funnel and continues as long as the victim is stuck in the twister’s path. The debris damage also applies to any structures or objects in the path.
5. Other bonuses: Can not be knocked down by the wind under any circumstances
Add 1D4 to M.E. attribute
Reduce heat and cold based damage by ¼
Character never has static buildup or static cling
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Meteorites (major)
This unique and destructive power grants the hero limited control over meteorite-like conditions and grants the ability to turn himself into a meteorite for travel. This power creates a link between the character and the rocky debris orbiting the earth allowing him to call upon it at whim via a very specific teleport power. This teleport pulls the target meteor through a dimension whose laws of physics are different from ours, resulting in the meteor speeding up to supersonic speeds before it reentering our dimension near the desired target. This power can be used to create small meteorite showers over a limited area or summon a single meteor aimed at a specific target. The meteors always come from above the target and are always falling towards the earth- it is not possible to summon a meteor below a target and aim it upwards; it is always going to appear moving towards the earth. Remember that these rocks are traveling at tremendous speeds, but they are not hot as they have not traveled through the atmosphere.
1. Summon a meteorite: This summons a single small meteor above a target. The meteor strikes the target from above so it may not be expected, and as such is -2 to dodge. The meteor itself is no more than 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter but hits with the force of a car.
Range: 500 feet (150 m)
Rate: Up to 3 times per melee; takes up one action
Damage: 6D6 SDC per stone
2. Summon a meteor shower: This devastating area attack summons multiple small (2-3 inches/5-7 cm) meteors to attack an entire area as opposed to a single target. Because of the multiple summonings, the size of the meteors is considerably smaller than the single meteor attack. However, this attack still packs a punch. This requires no concentration as this is simply like an artillery strike as opposed to a sustained barrage and is a large, sudden strike. The only way to avoid this attack is to dodge to sufficient cover, but due to the area affect and type of attack the target is at -5 to dodge (if there is no sufficient cover, there is no dodge possible).
Range: 350 feet (105 m)
Rate: Up to 3 times per melee; takes up one action
Damage: 3D6 to a 25 foot (7.5 m) radius; add 1d6 at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
3. Barrage: This is sustained meteor shower attack over an area. This attack requires concentration on the part of the hero and can be disrupted by external attack. This is like a carpet bombing attack and can do tremendous damage to the affected area over a very short time. The only way to avoid this attack is to dodge to sufficient cover, but due to the area affect and type of attack the target is at -5 to dodge (if there is no sufficient cover, there is no dodge possible).
Range: 300 feet (90 m)
Rate: Once per melee; the attack can be sustained for 1 melee plus one per level of experience
Damage: All people and structures in the 25 foot (7.5 m) radius take 5D6 SDC damage per melee in the rock shower. Add 1D6 at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14.
4. Meteoric Travel: The character has an unusual form of flight. They become ensconced in a ball of rock and iron ore and suddenly take off at ridiculous speeds, leaving behind a sonic boom. This form is very limited in that the hero has terrible control over the flight form. No other actions can be taken in flight. This is strictly a point A to point B type of movement like a teleport. The ball of rock travels at Mach 5 (approx. 3,350 mph/5,360 kph) over limited distances. There is no speed variance at all- it’s all or nothing. The meteor form can be shot at, but with a -9 penalty due to the blinding speed of the object. One control that the hero DOES have is how he lands. He may perform a soft touch-down, with his speed being constant until the rock form is about three feet off the ground at his destination then suddenly decelerating to land softly. The other option is a crashdown, much like a normal meteorite would. The impact site can be chosen by the character before landing. The landing may be aimed, but not at small targets (smaller than 10 feet tall or long). If this is the case, the landing can cause significant damage to that target. A strike roll must be made with a -4 penalty. If the target is mobile, they may dodge with all bonuses. If they do not dodge, the damage that occurs is remarkable- 3d4x10 SDC and if their weight is less than 1,000 lbs (455 kg) they are knocked down. In addition, those in the shockwave radius of 50 feet (15 m) may be knocked off their feet (01-70%), losing all attacks and initiative. The rock shell has an AR of 17 and 500 SDC and takes damage as normal except during a crashdown, which has no effect. Within three seconds after landing, the rock breaks apart and the character emerges. The maximum distance the meteor form can travel is 500 miles (800 km) per jump, which takes about 9 minutes. The character must rest and replenish for 5 minutes after a flight, then may resume. Despite the stops, this is still an extremely rapid transport power, adding up to about 2,000 mph (3,200 kph).
5. The Big One: Once a day per every third level starting at level 3 (so once at level 3, twice at level 6, 3 at level 9, etc), the character may summon a large meteor that does massive damage to a large area. The impact is huge, destroying almost anything in its radius and causing widespread collateral damage. The power works in the same way as the Summon Meteorite power does, with a special teleportation occurring that brings a large space rock into the atmosphere above the target. The meteor strike creates a smoking crater measuring 50 feet (15 m) in diameter plus 25 feet (7.5 M) per level and 15 feet (4.5 m) deep plus 5 feet (1.5 m) per level. Anything at ground zero (point of impact and 5 foot/1.6 m radius from center) takes 1D4x100 SDC in damage from the meteor itself as it strikes the ground. The impact causes the ground to collapse in the crater radius, causing fall damage to any structures. The impact also causes a shockwave within a 100 foot (30 m) radius plus 50 feet (15 m) per level of ground zero, knocking back anything weighing less than 750 lbs (340 kg) 1D4x10 feet and buffeting them with 3D4x10 SDC damage from the wave and associated debris. The wave will shatter windows, crack concrete and plaster, knock down trees, and shake the ground itself. The attack takes 1 minute (4 melees) of concentration where the character cannot perform any actions. Any attack that hits the character will disrupt the concentration and terminate the attack. After the fourth melee, the character may roll to strike the target. If the target is moving or small, a twelve or better must be rolled to hit; note that by “hit” it means that the target is directly on the impact site. The target may dodge the impact itself with full bonuses, however the odds are very good that the target, if not directly hit, will be in caught in the blast radius so a miss is not necessarily a “complete” miss. For large objects (10 feet/3 m tall or long) or stationary objects, a roll of 6 must be made. If the target is missed, it MUST be determined where the meteor came down. The meteor will be off target by 1D6x100 yards/meters if it is a true miss, and this is DOUBLED if the strike roll is a 1. So the character, if terribly unlucky, can actually be off target by as much as a half mile (0.8 km)! The character himself is not affected at all by the shockwave, debris, and damage done by the impact. The range on this power is 500 feet plus 100 (150 m plus 30 m) per level; the target must be in line of site.
A few things to consider with this power… This is an extremely dangerous power, capable of causing tremendous damage if used in populated areas. This is not a power that a truly good character will use in any kind of populated area as it can easily harm innocents and do unnecessary property damage. Characters with codes of honor may also be hesitant to use this power with others around. It is considered a power of last resort by most, even those of selfish alignment, simply due to the eventual ramifications of causing a meteor impact in a populated setting.
6. Other powers: Character takes ½ damage from falls
Able to sense iron and nickel deposits
Internal sense of major meteor showers accurate to 92%
Able to identify meteorites by sight
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The End.... :bandit:
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taalismn wrote:
Primus wrote:Item Growth (Major)

"Here, hit him with these..."
"HOLY===! What are these?! Ninja claws?"
"My car keys."

Eek...Hmmm...time for a new WP skill. WP Car Starters (remote and normal)...
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Wow, those a lot, Primus. Since you gave permission, I can add them to the wiki but it will take time. :D
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Appreciate it...I actually didn't know about the wiki until a scrolled past a couple pages. Glad to have the additional resource though now. Curious to hear what comments people have as this is my first little submission...criticism is welcome.

Insults are duly noted and filed away for later...ummm...consideration....MUAAAHAAAAAHAAHAHAAAAAA!!! :eek:
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Meditative Art(minor)

Must choose a certain type of Writing,sculpting,etc.The character imagines the rough outline of what he wants to create,and then enters a deep meditative state.During this time he creates a flawless(up to his skill lvl roll)creation.No need for spell check(for only words the character knows).This also decreases the amount of time it takes to create the work by half and 4/5ths by lvl 15.

Sorry im not very good at this,so if anything that need changed feel free.
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Barrier [Minor]
'You dare to lay a hand upon me?'

The character has an armoured layer around himself that deflects and insulates against outside contact. This barrier is skin level, and may or may not be apparent upon examination.
The character gains the following bonuses:
AR 12
SDC 40 Plus 5 per level. SDC regenerates at a rate of 10 per hour.
Resistant to fire, heat, electricity and cold.

Furthermore, the barrier insulates the character from outside intrusion. any power that requires a person to touch this character simply fails (I'm looking at you disruptive touch) the same also applies to contact poisons, Mace, itching or other contact agents.
The insulation, and the AR remains even if the extra barrier SDC has been removed. should the character be reduced to HP, then the AR and barrier effect become voided until the character recovers SDC or his barrier recovers SDC.

Agility: [Minor]
'You can't touch this'

The character's natural body is configured to move with grace and agility, granting the following bonuses.
+2 PP
+6 Spd
+2 dodge
+4 to roll with punch/fall/impact
Autododge +2.
+10% to climb, acrobatics, gymnastics and prowl

More importantly, the character's constant and reflexive twisting and dodging in combat, results in a penalty to strike this character. the penalty starts at -2, but lowers by one at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. this applies to all strike rolls against this character, but not to suprise or unexpected strikes (where the character does not know enough to dodge in time)

Parkour [Minor]
'I'll be back'

The character generates a low level anti-gravity field when he moves, one that enhances his mobility while running.
While the character is moving at 60% of his running speed or faster, he has the following bonuses.
Leap 1 foot for every 2 points of Spd horizontally, or 1 foot for every 3 point's of spd vertically. this is in addition to regular jumping distances.
Can scale 10 feet of flat surface upwards per level, 5 feet of inverted surface per level (upside down) or 15 feet of horizontal (but at right angles to the ground, like a wall).
sense of balance, while running, of 65% +5% per level
dodge at +4
gains a +15% bonus to climb. notably after one climb check, the character is no longer running, and so subsequent climb checks are not awarded this bonus.

In combat, if the character spends half his melee actions, ducking, dodging and diving and otherwise moving (needs around 1 foot radius per point of spd) he gains a bonus of
+2 strike,
+2 to damage
+2 autododge

(so Nike, 3rd level with a spd of 25, can move about 25 feet per second at full tilt. she can run 30 feet up a wall, leap horizontally 15 more feet to a dangling rope and then shoot up 20 feet of rope with the bonus of +15% to climb. when fighting goons, she prefers an open area, like a park or an uncrowded street (she needs between 30 and 50 foot of open area))

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Heightened martial awareness: [Minor]
'Bricks do not hit back!'

The character's body adapats well to the fighting arts. the character enjoys enhanced reflexes and a kind of martial aggressiveness that makes him better in melee combat.
The character gains the following benefits:
1) +1 to strike, parry, dodge and roll.
2) +2 PS +2 PP +15 SDC
3) +4 to initiative. +1 attack per melee
4) Counterstrike: The character's reflexes are such that, once per melee round, if he succesfully parries an attack, he may make a strike roll with no bonuses. if it strikes, then he may inflict half his normal punching damage. The opponent may expend an action to parry or dodge this attack, but it is otherwise a suprise strike.
5) breaking Blow: when striking innanimate objects in melee combat, the character can call a breaking blow, once per melee. a breaking blow ignores the AR of the object and inflicts +5 damage per level to it. this will harm targets that are transformed into non-organic sources.
6) Martial expertise. Once per melee, the character may combine two offensive manoevres into one blow. He uses two attacks for this feat. He may combine normal strikes, disarms, entangles, grapples and trips into his repetoire. his strike roll is at -2 but both effects take place if he succeeds.

Power Absorbtion [Major]
'I am what you are'

The character can generate a pulse that drains and absorbs the powers of others.
1) Actions: each pulse requires a whole melee round worth of actions to perform.
2) radius: each pulse has a radius of 60 feet plus 10 feet per level. It's a physical thing, so hiding behind physical barriers can protect a person.
3) effect: Each superpowered being in the radius of effect, including psychics, aliens and supernatural creatures, must make a saving throw of 16+ or see all their powers reduced.
* Supernatural PS drops to extraordinary. superhuman or extraordinary PS drops to normal.
* Attributes in excess of 30, are halved.
* SDC of all superhuman targets are reduced by 30%
* all powers are reduced by 2 levels of effect, or are halved if not dependant on levels.
* all superhuman target's are fatigued (-10% on skills, -1 to all combat rolls, reduce spd by 30% and attacks per melee by 1. affects targets otherwise immune to fatigue are still subject to this)
* all immunities instead become resistances (full immunity now results in half effect instead)

The character gains:
an SDC bonus equal to the amount lost due to a pulse, in the form of a force field.
+2 PS, +1 PP and +5 Spd for every affected target
+1 attack per melee
One minor power of choice (no attribute bonuses, only the raw power. must be one posessed by a drained target)
The ability to hurl bolts of raw energy. these bolts can be hurled twice per round, out to 90 feet and inflict 2D6 damage, plus 1D6 for every affected target. +3 to strike with aimed shots.

4) Duration. The stolen power remains stolen for 5 minutes per level. at the end of this time, all targets regain their lost abilities and SDC, and the fatigue dissapears. The character can relenquish power at any time, and can attempt a new pulse in conjunction with relinquishing said power (though targets get a new saving throw) If the character is knocked out or killed the effect ends immeadiately. if the character is stunned, he must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) every round or relinquish the held power. A target cannot be affected by this multiple times at once, but a character can make a new pulse if new targets come into range.

Vibe: [Major]
'Let's rumble'

The character can unleashe vibrations through himself and the environment
1) vibrate self: Fundamentally identical to the power of blur (PU1) with the addition that his vibrating body inflicts and extra 1D6 damage.
2) Pulse: By expending 2 actions, the character can cause a shockwave to bounce outward from himself, inflicting 4D6 damage +1 per level to all targets in a 20 foot radius. More to the point, each target is shoved with the equivilent of a PS of 10 (+1 per level) away from the character. Living targets with a lower PS score will be knocked down by this (lose one action and lose initiative)
3) Giant pulse. By expending all available actios, the character can create a much broader reaching pulse. All targets within 500 feet take 2D6 damage. targets within 100 feet take 4D6 damage, and targets within 20 feet take 6D6 damage. in addition all affected targets are shoved aside as if affected as if by the minor power of knockback attack.
4) Jackhammer: By touching a target for a full melee round, the character can inflict 2D6 damage to it. this affects an area about 6 feet across, plus 2 feet per level. every subsequent melee round of touching doubles the base damage, 4D6 on the next round, 8 D6 on the round after that, to a maximum of 16D6 every round. the object simply shakes apart, crumbling as if disintegrating. at third level, the character can exercise some control, affecting only a part of an object. such a character could disintegrate the hinges on a door, or gouge his initials into a steel vault door.
5) other bonuses: resistant to explosive force, as well as sonic and vibration attacks (half damage) +25 SDC

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Mephisto wrote:damn Iczer you **** me off sometimes...I dunno how it is that every power you come up with is so damn cool.

Aw shucks. Thanks man.

sorry it has been a while. I've been out of a job and so I have been getting by on some dock work. long hours and short notice means that I've been kept on my toes.

Man I need a real Job.

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Primus wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Primus wrote:Item Growth (Major)

"Here, hit him with these..."
"HOLY===! What are these?! Ninja claws?"
"My car keys."

Eek...Hmmm...time for a new WP skill. WP Car Starters (remote and normal)...

Or a new power...Universal Remote(Major): allows you to turn a standard TV remote or garage door openner into a Power Item....Allows you to Copy and Save a power you encounter and lock it in...
(starts thinking)...maybe you can store 1 Minor power per every 2 levels of experience you have, and 1 Major power for every 4 levels...Reprogramming the Remote takes a major act of meditation and will(roll under your ME) to unlock and discard a power and add a new one in its place...If the Remote is lost, so are the powers locked into have to get a new device and start over again...the character cannot have more than the maximum number of powers on a remote, but he can split the maximum number among several handheld devices(so he doesn't lose all his cached and locked powers if he loses the device behind under the bed at home)...
Range, duration, and damage for powers so locked in is HALF what they originally if CouchPotato copies the power of Tornado from Stormchaser who is 8th level, CP can now punch up a Tornado at 4th level...

now to formally write this up...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Mephisto wrote:damn Iczer you **** me off sometimes...I dunno how it is that every power you come up with is so damn cool.

Aw shucks. Thanks man.

sorry it has been a while. I've been out of a job and so I have been getting by on some dock work. long hours and short notice means that I've been kept on my toes.

Man I need a real Job.


I know what you mean. I got laid off nearly a month ago and haven't had anything decent come my way yet.

Even megawriters get hit by the's hoping to a quick turnaround for the job market...
"Aw know the economy's on the skids...that's Superman up ahead there!"
"Sure ncie of him to help out in the soup kitchen!"
"You don't understand, man! He's not HELPING here! He's in the LINE, dude!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Looks good Primus.
Would you mind if these got added to my Wiki - "The Vault"?

I've been meaning to ask if you could add my powers to Vault-Wiki as well, but only after taking a look at them to see if they are quality (nto to powerful or redundant) and edited correctly (spelling, phrasing and not to much unnessisary amounts of "Word Mulch")?

I'd do it myself but, I don't want something in there that others may consider "too over the top".

Aphasia (minor)
The character temporarily causes a malfunction in the brain of the target, causing them to speak in words that make absolutely no sense to anyone. Aphasia causes frustration and annoyance to the victim. This power comes in very handy when a target is trying to state something important. The effects of aphasia extend to writing as well, causing the victim to write in nonsense as well. For example, the target may be meaning to say “The hero’s base is in the warehouse”, but what will come out is “Just hairy weened babies fry echo cars”. There is absolutely no correspondence to the words that come out and the words they intend to say or write. Everything makes perfect sense to the victim, but makes none whatsoever to whomever he is trying to communicate with.
Range: Touch or line of sight to 50 feet (15 m)
Damage: None, just very annoying
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience; can be dispelled at will by the hero.
Save: 15 or higher; psionic bonuses can apply

Nice, I've often considered making Aphasia into a power but, never figured out how to do it nice enough.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Question in general:

Are ALL the powers listed here in the Vault? If so, I think I'm throwing them into my games en masse to torture...err...allow my players to experience a little variety...
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they should be.
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taalismn wrote:
Primus wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Primus wrote:Item Growth (Major)

"Here, hit him with these..."
"HOLY===! What are these?! Ninja claws?"
"My car keys."

Eek...Hmmm...time for a new WP skill. WP Car Starters (remote and normal)...

Or a new power...Universal Remote(Major): allows you to turn a standard TV remote or garage door openner into a Power Item....

Hmmm...that would inevitably lead to the minor power Find Remote Controls/Super Couch Cushion Sense...
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Universal Remote(Major)

“*CLICK!*We control the horizontal!*CLICK!*We control the vertical!*CLICK!* We can make you writhe in agony!*CLICK!*Or we can heal all your wounds!...Wait a second..didn’t mean to do that last one...lemme hit ‘Flashback’*CLICK!*”

This power allows the superbeing to turn any handheld remote control device, such as a garage door openner or TV remote, into a Power Item. By pointing it at a superpower in use, he can lock the power into the memory of his handheld device, then later call upon that power . The superbeing can aso elect, at any time, to delete a power locked into his handheld, and open replace it with another power. This power works equally well for powers that act internally and externally(so Captain Video can store Energy Expulsion for a attack and Wingless Flight for use on himself in his handheld TV remote).
If the superbeing loses the remote(or it is taken from him), he loses the powers locked into it...unless he can recover the device, he’ll have to start anew with a different remote. Note that the remote will work ONLY for the creating superbeing; in the hands of another person, the remote is just an ordinary electronic device. The superbeing can max out the number of powers he can copy on one device, but cannot then start a new device and max out the available superpower slots on that one....The superbeing can also split his copied superpowers among several different devices, so he doesn’t lose everything in the event one device is destroyed or misplaced.
Range: 30 ft+10 ft per level of experience to Copy powers. Range of activated copied powers is HALF what they were originally were at the time of locking in.
Damage: Varies; damage of activated copied powers is HALF what they were originally were at the time of locking in.
Duration: Superpowers are permanently locked into the device until destroyed or deleted
Payload: The superbeing can copy 1 Minor superpower for every 2 levels of experience, and 1 Major for every 3 levels of experience
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Primus wrote:Question in general:

Are ALL the powers listed here in the Vault? If so, I think I'm throwing them into my games en masse to torture...err...allow my players to experience a little variety...

Yeah...I like shopping the Vault for something different...and to find powers that more closely match a character concept...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Primus wrote:Question in general:

Are ALL the powers listed here in the Vault? If so, I think I'm throwing them into my games en masse to torture...err...allow my players to experience a little variety...

For the most part, but some authors have not posted all their powers, and then there are some which I am not sure the authors would want to based on past history. The majority of them are and they number in the thousands.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Hi Iczer, just curious about the power "Extreme Power" found in Wiki-Vault, Does the super ever gain back the lost ME & PE? Or is it a permanent loss?

Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er wrote:Hi Iczer, just curious about the power "Extreme Power" found in Wiki-Vault, Does the super ever gain back the lost ME & PE? Or is it a permanent loss?


It does come back. Typically I should have written 'lost ME and PE return at a rate of 1 (each) per day' into the description. Consider it errata.


(more powers tomorrow, I promise. I have a list of 22. we can see what makes the cut)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Aww.. Oky Doky :P
I thought so but, given that you like to create Truly Freaky monster powers I thought that this was one of them, except that instead of you getting 'physically deformed' like others, you went slowly INSaNE in the MEMBRAIN!!!! :twisted: Mu Ha Ha

But it also good this way to..
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Iczer wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:Hi Iczer, just curious about the power "Extreme Power" found in Wiki-Vault, Does the super ever gain back the lost ME & PE? Or is it a permanent loss?


It does come back. Typically I should have written 'lost ME and PE return at a rate of 1 (each) per day' into the description. Consider it errata.


(more powers tomorrow, I promise. I have a list of 22. we can see what makes the cut)

Added to the file.
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Throwing Arm(Minor)
"Betcha I can hit that guy over in Calais from here in Dover!"

This power optimizes one or both arms for the express purpose of throwing...the musculature and bone structure offer superior leverage, acceleration, and release for pitching, like an organic catapult or crossbow. This superbeing can throw an arrow barehanded, and have it hit like he fired it from a bow.
Range: DOUBLES the range of a throw(after PS has been factored in), TRIPLE range for aerodynamic projectiles specifically designed for throwing(like discuses, arrows, or darts).
Damage: Increase the damage of a thrown projectile by 50% at HALF maximum range of throw(this does NOT apply to explosive projectiles or other objects that do damage other than straight-out kinetic impact damage)
Bonuses: +2 to strike with thrown objects, plus an additional +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Create space [Major]
'I just need a little room to grow'

The character can physically create extra space in an area, forcing the surroundings to swell to accommodate.
1) create space: by expending 2 actions, the character createsan extra amount of space at a point within 30 feet (plus 10 feet per level), and forcing the surrounding space to bend around it. The character can create space equal to 20 feet across, plus 5 feet per level. Objects and matter in this space are harmlessly pushed aside to make way. Objects that attempt to pass through the created space must pass through it normally. The space remains for as long as the character expends one action per round to maintain it, and for 1D4 melee rounds afterwards. The creation of space has a number of applications:
2) seperate: a mini expansion, a few feet across can be performed to cause two close targets to seperate from each other. this can be used to shrug off a grappling foe or push away a hazardous object. this use uses only one attack, and if a strike roll is necessary, it is at +4
3) expand opening: By creating more space in a narrow opening, the character can pass through normal barriers with ease. the one inch clearance inder a door becomes 10 feet, a narrow alley widens to allow a truck to pass etc.
4) protective expansion: By expending an action, the character can rapidly create and then negate space, throwing off the aim of opponents. done as a parrying action (no roll required) all incoming attacks have a -6 penalty.
5) pit trap: By opening space infront of a target, but funelling that new space downward, the character can force a pit to open up. Target's must dodge this type of attack to avoid it (+4 to strike as an attack, -2 to be dodged for rapidly moving targets. when the duration expires or the characteter let's it lapse, space compresses again, bringing the contents of the pit to the surface.
6) Move objects: by opening up space next to an object, the character can cause that object to slide in a direction of his choice. This is useless as an attack (any potential targets will also move aside as space expands) but can be used to cause cover to slide in front of a target (including himself Parry +4) or move cover away from a target. likewise, he can use this to slide objects into the path of moving targets (+4 to strike)

Fire column [Minor]
'The name's Geyser...but I don't control water'

The character can create a column of fire to spring from the ground.
Range: 50 feet +5 feet per level
Duration: each column lasts 1 round plus one melee round per level.
Attacks: the creation of a column of fire counts as two actions.
Damage: 2D6 +1d6 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15
Bonus to strike: No bonus to strike, but targets are -2 to dodge the attack that springs up from nowhere.
Dimensions: a column of fire is 2 feet across and four feet high. it grows 2 inches wider and 1 foot higher per level. anyone passing through the column takes full normal damage. objects within 3 feet above the flame will take half damage. objects underneath take 1 point of damage. Objects stuck inside the column take damage twice per round. the column can be created on any flat, stable surface, including on top of calm water

Oasis [Major]
'I love what you have done with the place'

The character can transform a section of land into a beautiful, verdant garden.
1) Oasis. 1 Hectare (roughly 100 yards by 100 yards)per level of experience transformed into fertile soil. Desert or arctic environments produce oasis's of one quarter size. On water it is half sized, but takes the form of a low, flat island (not possible in water more than 800 feet deep.)
The oasis is populated by local flora wherevere possible, or by any flora of the character's choice if none surrounds the oasis. The land affected conforms to the contours of the local terrain, but attempts to smooth it out wherever possible. it takes 2 melee rounds to create an oasis, which lasts indefinately while the character resides there, but halves it's area every 15 minutes while he is gone (every 5 minutes in an arctic, desert or urban landscape) Plants grown in the area wither and die when the power ends
Note: the oasis does not displace standing objects.
2) Abilities while in Oasis: while the oasis stands, and the character is in the area of affect he enjoys the following abilities:
* rapid regeneration: heals at 5 times normal rate.
* Improved health and fitness. +4 PE +25 HP and +25 SDC
* Heightened awarenes: Knows the presence of all objects and people in his oasis. (even if absent) cannot be suprised or ambushed in his own oasis.
* Plant manipulation: can animate and control plants as per ability #1 of plant control (HU2)
* immune to exposure: can siphon water and grow abundant vegetable matter to eat and drink.
3) Urban jungles: In an urban or city environment, the character's abilities are diminished. It takes twice as long to create his oasis (4 melee rounds) and it suffers a reduced duration (halves in size every 5 minutes he is gone). On top of this, it is a mere 30 feet wide, plus 5 feet per level when created. despite thios, it has it's uses. It can block a street, or can grow a tree large enough to reach low window ledges.
4) Other abilities: Innate botany skill of 40% +5% per level, and identify plants and fruits at 65% +5% per level. +10% to prowl while in his own oasis.

Planetary defence [Major]
'No one's leaving just yet.'

The character can envelop the whole world with a shield of invisible but tangible energy in order to protect the planet from unwanted intrusion.
The shield has an SDC equal to one million per level, and sits around the Karman Line (roughly 100 kilometres, 62 miles or 328,000 feet and is the area considered to be the end of our upper atmosphere). It has no noticable effect on the weather or earth's climate conditions, and is generally undetectable except to radar or sonar imagery (or other effects that can dteect physical but invisible barriers)
It takes 5 minutes to create the shield, which can be placed over as little as 10% of the earth's surface, or as much as 100%. The shield can also allow one way permeability (will let the space shuttle out, but not incoming meteors).
The shield lasts for as long as it is maintained, plus 10 minutes per level. Maintaining the shield is distracting and fatiguing. The character is at -1 attack, -20% spd, -10% to skill use and -1 to all combat rolls while maintaining the shield. after the character's PE in minutes, he begins fighting exhaustion, and his penalties double (they do not vanish until he rests). every multiple of his PE in minutes after that he must make a saving throw vs Fatigue (14+, plus one for every extra check he has already made) failure means that he must stop maintaining the shield or pass out for 2D6 minutes.
The character can feel every object that interacts with his shield, and he can make educated guesses as to what each object is.
At 4th level, the character can block unnusual energies from passing through the shield. though he cannot affect normal background levels of sunlight, he can dampen solar flare energy by 80% and scramble sattelite communications.
The protective field has another unnusual effect. while it is active, it blocks dimensional travel on or off the planet. normal teleportation is scrambled as well, dropping ranges by 60%. the character can choose not to affect these things if he knows to.
the SDC of the shield recovers at a rate of 1,000 per minute.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Battlebrain [minor]
'For sooth, you truly desire to engage in fisticuffs? have at thee vile Churl!'

The character can fight smart, using his brain to compensate for any physical weakness.
In combat, on a round by round basis the character ay do any of the following:
* Use his IQ in place of an initiative roll, and add one attack per melee
* Use his IQ in place of his PP for determining strike/parry/dodge scroes
* Use his IQ instead of his PS to calculate damage bonus.

Other bonuses: +1d4+2 to IQ +2 ME

Infra Red Emmision [Major]
'Fire it up'

The character can generate and manipulate infra red energy
1) EE: heat ray. as the minor power
2) Infra red vision/thermal vision.
3) Heat resistance: half damage from fire, electricity and lasers. no damage from heat (is immune to the effects of high temperatures)
4) I/R control: the character can bend away Infra red beams. this can be used as a prank, or can disrupt the shot of an opponent relying on infrared laser sights. he can also generate low level IR beams to control appliances that have remote controls based on infra red beams
5) Mask IR signiature: the character can be made invisible to Infra red and thermal scanning devices.
6) Heat objects: by indicating an object, the character can accellerate it's heating. Living targets take 2D4 damage and must make a saving thow (14+ PE bonuses apply) or start suffering from heatstroke (half combat bonuses, -1 attack per melee and quarter spd and -20% off skill use. recovers in 20 minutes, twice that for normal people, or oin five minutes of rest and rehydration) Objects just become hot after one melee round of heating, the an object (or area 10 feet across) rises in temperature by 50 degrees F. each use of this effect counts as 2 actions.
7) other abilities. +20 SDC

Blaster [Major]
'Bang're dead'

The character can generate a pulse or blast of energy that fries targets. this energy is of a type chosen by the character upon creation.
1) Range: 500 feet +50 feet per level.
2) damage 3D6 +1d6 per level.
3) attacks each blast attack counts as one action
4) bonus to strike +3 with aimed shots, +1 wild.
5) Punch: Being struck by the blast power is the equivilent of being struck by the knockback attack power at half damage.
6) Bite: The blast power ignores 2 points of natural AR and 4 point's on solid objects. if it strikes artificial/worn armour, half damage punches through while half affects the armour.
7) Fast: +1 blast attack per melee. in addition, the blast power is -4 to dodge and -8 to parry due to it's speed
8) Multiple targets: the character can split his blast to affect up to one additional target per level. the character makes a strike roll against each target with a -1 penalty per extra target. he divides the dice damage evenly, but adds +1 damage per extra target, plus one damage per level( so a third level character shooting three targets, strikes each at -2 and inflicts 2D6 damage each, plus 5 extra)

Face adjustment: [minor]
'I got the look baby'

The character can modify his facial features. this is not sufficient for mimicing another person, but is usefull in creating a disguise (+20% to disguise and impersonation skills)
He may also adopt, as an action, any one of the following 'looks'
* Ethnicity: may appear as part of a different ethnic type. skin colour does not darken or lighten by more than 30% though
* Everyman: the character appears joe average. reset PB to 1D4+8 for the duration.
* Enticing: add up to 10 points of PB

Brain tap [/i][major]
[i]'Come on..fight smart I tell you'

The character can sap a person's intellect when he strikes them. any hand to hand attack, even a slap can trigger this.
In addition to regular damage, the target must make a saving throw of 16+ (ME bonuses apply). if he fails he loses 2D6 points of attributes, stripped as he chooses from IQ, ME and MA. In addition he loses initiative and one attack from the brain drain.
The character, in return gains a type of force field of temporary SDC equalling 5 points per point stolen. the force field augment's the character's PS by 5 points and has an AR of 9.
A target with an IQ of 4 or less is basically non functional. if any mental attribute drops to 0, the target falls into a coma for 4D4 minutes.
Lost mental attributes return at a rate of 1 (each) every 5 minutes. The force field lasts for 5 minutes per level. longer if continually 'topped up' or until depleted through wear and tear.
Other abilities: +4 to save vs psionic attack +2 to IQ, ME and MA

Brain freeze: [Minor]
'Chill out friend'

The character can feeze the moisture in a living body. by expending 2 actions the character can cause a target within 45 feet to suffer severe pain as ice crystals form in his flesh and organs. The target takes 1 HP damage and must make a saving throw Vs pain (16+) or suffer loss of initiative, loss of one action, and -2 from all combat and -10% from all skill use for 2D4 minutes, as well as an additional 1d4 HP damage.
The character can create frost and ice out of water for ammusement or refreshment, but not enough to affect combat.

Make friends: [Major]
'Let's party'

The character can transform a held or helpless target into a copy of themselves. After the character has grabbed a held or helpless person, he expends three actions, and the target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply.superhumans/player characters recieve a +2). if it fails the target spends all of his next round transforming into a duplicate of the character.
The duplicate has all of the character's abilities and skills, but none of his powers, and a flat SDC of 35 and HP equal to the character's PE
If the duplicate is killed, the target reverts back to normal, but takes 35 damage plus any HP damage inflicted on the duplicate. if the duplicate is knocked out, the target reverts to normal but takes any of the damage already inflicted.
The character can make 2 duplicates per level, each with a duration of one hour per level before the original fades. a particularilly evil character may cause his duplicates to commit suicide before they fade thus killing the host.
Information is not shared amongst duplicates unless they talk together in real time. the duplicate will be wearing the clothes of the target unless he posesses bio-aura.

Chemical messenger [minor]
'I smell David..he wants us to pick up milk on the way home'

The character can leave short messages in smells that unravel when they reach the target's brain.
The scent can be left in a place, on an object or in the wind and lasts around4-6 hours before fading (about 20 minutes on the wind)
The scent can be targetted for anyone, or just a number (1 per level) or select individuals.
An item must be manipulated or smelled directly for the message to come through. a person with enhanced senses of smell or taste can pick up the scent from further away, and can interperate it regardless of whether he was an intended recipient or not.
In addition, by pumping out pheremones laced with subtle messages ('meet me at my place', 'You think I'm hot', 'I am really peeved right now') the character can enhance his MA by 6 points for anyone who can smell him.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Planetary Defense(Major)???!!!

Eyagggghhhhh!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

"Yeah, Dolza...come on, I DARE yah..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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